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Huron Signal, 1849-06-15, Page 1
l,,,,.,0,maa. Il a►..aani'1,' , • ate, o ..r. ar /. 'eii� f i{ esti ..�.....- �tnw rank It tr at: + »wt j'..t..L. ,,.,t '•7srreelt'a in es, .. es las' * • ki'!' 0 .. • . it e 1' .nti. 4: are ,rot r+e t✓,4e :PO .,�. , k. t Ata sit l r eyJ a• . M ,s.1 c'.), .1, , • Ivey • , o:, tigwr..1 1,1•••u1�a•G-i.•'l ., s,rl-1, WS tr.l,, . ,y+t� Yat1411n,f-a h,• TAN Bg ILLINGd is ••,awe'. • VOLUMR II. "T// GI ATiiTP POfIBIDLfi GOOD ?O TIM GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER." f TWKLVB AND SIXPCnt.E AT TUI ctrl. OI T.. 1.aa. (IODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1849. tarbe. Da. P. A. McDOUGALL, CAN be ee.sulted at all beam, at the British Hetet, (Insole/.Taa'a•) Gudench, Sept. lith, 1848. 13. B. O. WATSON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, PAPER RINGER, 4.• 4•• G O D E R I C 11. ALMA -NEE WILKINSON, F OVieteid! hmd S'arte1yOr, orr10E AT GODEIICH, HURON DISTRICT: Nov. $1.4. 43 Y. L. GOODING, AUCTIONEER. 'LL stinal SALES 1a may pert of the District, os resecteaMe Terms. Ap- ply a .the Bridal Beta. Coderteb, Karat fib 1145. t• -5e 1. LEWIS, LA Ir. CHINCRRr, AND CONVEY NCi R O. /a.., 1111. GODS IUCif... JOHN J. E. LINTON, ■ t e. T e is LIC, Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to tektitehis Customers, and the l.hebit•sts of Stratford end vicinity, that he 'Mende car- rying on business es "A READY PAY SYSTEM." And that after the first shay of January, 1849 be will give to credit. its will pa the highest price for produce of all kind's, �ark Salts ke. He begs to return hie emcees tbeahe to his Customers fee their liberal Fatrergs, and hopes still to receive a Share. THOMAS DALY. Stratford Nov. shite 1848. 440 Stokes, CREST and DRUGGIST, WEST -STREET, DCH. March 8, 1349. 2v -5n MR. FRASER, CORONER SZ. PATRUCA-ET. GODERJCR- Gedesisb, Maick.98, 11118. 4v -ilia ALEXAN DER MITCHELL, AUCTIDNEER, BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH CASTHO'S. Marob, 14, tin . vL-aS FARM FOR SALE. BE MLD by priests bargain, Lot No. the Sib Concession of Godericb, eestainisg 50 acres. 10 of which ie cleared and sties esltivstioe ; tea acres are Newly ender - brained sad ready fee sb.ppmsg. The land is of enwellest gealir, net well watered. There is a Nd sabaaaeriaf lag DweNtag Howes ea it, Nod nes sen of ,.para frau trees ie bearing coedi- ne.. Lod as the p.pri•tor is dewirosa of miter- ing into ether Mutinies, he will dispose of it os madame terms. Oa• -ball of the price will be REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half in item rgssl 1 iastalmeots. t7 For farther particulars, apply at this Once, K u aha PropO er OROE the ELLIOTT, Juuior• Qedericb, 11ik Oct., 1848. 37tf A NAYSMITH, RAaHION�eILOR: 0ODERiCH. Ooderieb, April 12, 1849. 9,-n lot( NOTICE IS hereby given, that all parties indebted to the HURON DISTRICT AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY, by Note or oth- erw* that unless the same is paid by the First day of May next, proceedings will be instituted against them. ByOrder, R. G. CUNNINGIIAME, 8ec'y• Godeneb, 91st Feb. 1849. J. R. PHILIP, S 1 3 ID N, BTRATFORD. April li♦. t$4?, ,L-010 MliolowTT IMPROVEMENT OF IDIOTS. ( Cesofudc)l niece the above reearks wine written, the first number of a new quarterly 'Jour nal of Psychological Medicine and Mortal Psiholoey,' lass been published,• under the able editorship of Dr. Forbes Winslow. - Among the excellent and very interstitial' articles to this number, are two more par- ticularly connected with the subject before us ; namely, "Notes on the Parisian Lana - tic A.vlume," by /leery Hoot Stubbs, M. D., of 8t. John's, Newfoundland ; and "The i Idiots of the &scare," by 1 r Smood.- g The author of the former paper corroborates all that hob been stated by Dr. Conniff sad others as to ,be wonderful effects of educa- tional training upon even the worst easel; et idietcy. He was present at • reunion of Nghty-four boys, idiots and epileptic's, is the Weenie, and describes them as going through "their various coercive. with considerable skill and great propriety ;" and give, the following affecting and appropriate son sung by the children. "Trsoaforuisia le monde on Dour somaas1, -Reveillons Dos was endorm,a. C'est 1e trs•ail qui fait les hommes. Transitions, lretulloom, amu. La Sear a IS besets premiere, -L'oesrew wad des moss differeay - La 1. luso Dies dans ss Ismter. 8oarit au petits comms ear maids. Chacea a son Int d'heri tate, Cbae•a a des doss deSeu, 8omtwev a.a exiles du parings t Edam ase Drnt a'a par brat Nee ! paists'ici Pee reeomsae.os, Tess see apses imparfaits. Et gs'oe kneads Is .carnes, Des biers nes le ,lel ewe a fait.!" Dr. 8tobb particularly alludes to two idi- ots, whom at firm eight he judged incapable of improvement, from their peculiarly re- puleive appearanee. "Nothing." be says, "could exceed the PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. 1111. AND MRS. MOODIE F•orvo.s. THC Editors of the Vic-oala Maeaxisa will devote all their talents to produce a useful ',itemising, and cheapmayeriodical, kr die afo01 smaaestoatato Collo- dion People 7 loth old and posse. Sketches ad Tales, Os veise and pine., Mont Essay, Stetasties of ileo Col.sy, Scrape of Useful biro:mation. Reviews of now rticles dye Walt pipette uthma of the day, well selected wl (orisa•e ma' the M•gaalas. Inas Editors cosset envie* th . at ntedeydeend m pseud se dedicate their talents, will choraf•1, lied its wesert t. •neseram theu aedeneo tad baeccsble ..iettlik sg. The Ion pries st witch the Periodical is pieced, is to order that every pontes within the Oslosy who as red, ad i1aaa.ea for moral tad mescal tepreeesteai Slay bonnie a .si.rriber ad titres M the work. The Viernssa M...same will contain twesty- fom pages is each .uafbet prated on ties type, and apes geed pp., ; end will term at the end d the year • seat Volume, of tare pages, to. 'mkt with Tide Pare tad Indra. 11 will be N...d M.N►ly, tessmeacine es the Tined Yspasmbw. hem t1..dlee .f JOSEPH WILSON. Fseat-stress, HeUr,ills-iia Pub- lisheiand sae Proprietor. to wham all orders for the Magazine, and letters t. the Editors, mast b. addts..rd. (pea -paid.) The terns of alb- .eripri..-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- limeridtke ts ke poi/ is .lassos. G•deneb, Morels 1, 1848. - 5 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR BALE 1N CANADA WEST. !THE CANADA COMPANY have for 1 di.peeal, pbost 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout most of the YewwolHpa h Qp}sr Casae --seedy 600, - ON Acmes.situs io the Herm Treat, welt News se treed the moat fertile parts of the i'rovi•en--sh bee Isehled its ieprda- ties is tees years. and now cattails ep- w of 10,000 iskabiWits• The LANDS ore sired by way of LEASE, for Tel! Twee, or Jor Dale, C .g 1 R D O II N -the pima of mee-j1011 ark egad the &01 .ce 1s Insta - Monite befog jwwiK. Tim Rents paid. let F. wry each liar. an Omit the Worwt at Six Per dab.tripe mien of 0MOmostY the whet LEANED O MONEY M REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the eases, .seeedl.g to locality, use, two, or RIM mime Root. meet be paid le donee, mobs& Merin ea mill Are the Settler baso h18tt. a 1. talWtil 8.d, feral es Mkt yes fli''hal,trriig!' t *5 PTJJ CHAR tb8 FRO- Coring RO- dia $O1,D rinr dm term, le sward to the jjn'aaesmies a a lied mem gamed 1. Leans, and sit allowance 6 mads seconding to utist• pied t Lime .1 IA.de, awe asp feelher intones - Seeman ler 'Miel d, (by appliestioi, if by Ike Censuses Osman ; of L 4s Diarist. Cs ri. Dlitrtet ; Dr. w iDarr, Fag., lien* *web re, 184e: devoted to their peculiar ease, instead of placing them under the same roof as the t..an., which would probably have been the case tied any active measures been taken for the improvement of the idiot, be- fore the n.o.e.ity of separating the two elegises of mental infirmity leu fully recog- nised. lied this brings us to the most agreeable part of our tack -that of announcing that t. England too the claim" of the poor inns - cent are at length admitted, and that public sympathy for the mentally deficient is nu logger to be eahaseted in berme and fruit - los pity for hie unprotected condition. - Atter years of` neglect, ndioule, and 111- treaieeet, with so attempt to ameliorate bre condition, a society has at length spruce up u the metrepolie, the proper ob- ject of whose core of declared to be " the idsol, without regard le mix or pines;" and its doeiga, " not merely to take the idiot wider its care, but especially, by the skilful sed eareert.applteataos of the best mesas is has education. to prepare him, as far a pmi.ible, for the duties sod enj,yiweuts of life." Thu Association originated in July last with a few benevolent individuals, who formed themselves into a provisional com- mittee with the view of carrying out the object they bad at heart. After various preliminary steps, including a visit to the cootmeutfor abs purpose of •aeertaining more precimily what had there been aceom- phehed to the way of education; a meeting was held at the London Tavern, on the 87th of October last, wi'h the Lord Mayor, Sir George Carroll. i■ the chair; when the first resolution permed to the•stlect that "it it most desirable that .n uylum be provided for the ears and education of the idiot; and that it be forthwith begus•"- At this meeting men of torment.* and wealth, of different shades of political opinion, and belonging to variant religious denominations, were assembled together in bermony; it was nae of those rare occasion on which so many discordant elements could mingle wilbont a eoneict, and which THE CANADIAN OUTBREAK IN EN- Gi.AND.--OIFICIAL DENPA•I CIL ©F LORD ELGIN.-TtiR LONDON TIMES. LORD ELGiNS'S OFFICIAL DESPATCH. Goy !gilt mono !loose, t Montreal, April 30, 1849. ` Mr Lana, -1 regret to stale that bating, attended with some cnosegl.encee much to be regretted, though happily with no Injury or, eaoept is use insttace, to person, has taken place to the city of Montreal du- nng the last fele days. I hasten to furnish year Lordship with an account of what has actually occurred, lest you should be m�.eled by eairgerated reports eooveyed through the United States. t. In consegsenee of the unexpected sr - rivet of vessels with merehandies at the port of Quebec, it become reasoner, for me to proceed, on a short notice, to Parliament, on Wednesday last, in order to give the royal assent to a Customs' Bill, which had tbat day passed the Legislative Couaeil : aid I considered that, ae this necessity had arisen, ,t would not be expedient to keep the public tined in suspense by omitting to die - pose, at the same time, of the other acts. in which the two branches of the local Palle - went had at an earlier period of the session concerted, and which still awaited my deci- sion. Among these, wax the act to provide for the i.demmficatio■ of parties in Lower Canada, whose property was destroyed du- ring the rebellion in 1837 and 1838; with respect to which, as your Lordship u aware, much excitement has unhappily bees stirred. 3. I herewith encloes. for your Lordship's Perusal, • printed copy of the act is ques- tion, and I shall not fail, by the first mail, to furnish you with full information respec- ting its character and objects, the circum- stances which led to its introduction, and the grounds on which I resolved, after much rebocttoo, to sanction it. No motley cin be p.id under it as indemnity for a consid- erable period, so that her Majesty's power of disallowance can be exercised with effect, should her Majesty be so advised, nolwith standing the course which I have taken. - As 1 am writing this despatch in haste,with a view to its taansrwisnon t.y way of New York, I shall confine myself for the present to a statement of the proceedings by which the poses of the city has been disturbed. 4. in order, however, to render this nar- rative intelligible I must vitamin), that for some time past the House of Assembly, as at protein eofatltuted, has been the object of bitter denunciation, and not un(requently of reckless menace, on the pirt of a certain portion of the press of the Pro^ince, and more especially of that of Montreal. Your Lordship will probably recollect that the from a et body ii question is the product of • general the local press, but they have received en - admission, might well have been deemed ,teficient mental organitatinn, as the first election which took place about x8 mottha couragemont from quarters, from which they hopeless. This poor fellow ha found in the recipients of those educational measures • •g,, under the auspices of the political par- had l.ttle r ght to look for it. Pa.raget workshops. which are, we trust, destined to result in a 1y tow in opposition, and after adissolution, such as the following, in which a London •'L'aing • jack plane with tolerable .teadi- rich harvest of the pretest pleasure to the to which 1 had recourse on their advice, for journal of influenee treats of the British po. the purpose of strengthening them in their pulation as affected by the treasure in ques- position as a government. Tho result of tion. " They are tolerably able to take this measure was in the lar degree onions- caro of themselves, and we very mesh mie- rable to those who had recommended it; not, con.ttrne the tone adopted b the English however, so winch so in Lower Canada, press and Englivh public in the province, If wheal the complexion of the representation they do not And some meas of resisting the was little affected by the dissolution, a in' heavy blow and grent discoungemenl which the Upper Province. where oevet.t comet- a aimed at them," are reed with avidity, and motet's, among which were tome of the construed to mean that sympathy will be. most popmluur, rejected conservative in fa- extended from influent:al quarters at home Tour of liberal candidate,.On a question NUMBER • XIX. more than • retch for a mane anal a oejori- 11" e. To persons accuatnmed he die work- ing of eoostitntknaal govertmeet, to call ordered commdnitiee, it may onset i•eredt- bie that such language should be employed by the organs of any respecuble party in reference to a body comprising the freely choose representatives of • ca.stlteeeey foisted on a moat popular bade ; but the cause of the aomaly le apparent enough to ail who are acquainted with the batovy of Canada. For a caries of yearn, the popoist reps ive body and the executive, sup- ported by the legislative council, were, in the lower province especially, in a condition of almost constant antagonism. To revile t be one was the surest test of patrioti'm ; to denounce the other, of loyalty. In a so- eiety singularly democratic in its structure. where d,verrities of race supplied epeetal elemeote of confusion, sod *here, conse- quently, it was most important that consti- tuted authority should be respected, the moral Influence of law and government wee enfeebled by the existence of perpetual strife between the power. that ought to have of forded to each other a mutual eopport. No Nate of affairs could be imagined lees favor able to the extinction of national anieest- ties, and to the firm establishment of the gentle and benignant control of those lite- ral institutions, which it is England's pride and privilege to bestow upon her children. 7. I am not without hope that a steady adherence to the principles of conetitutioe- al government, sed the contiatanee of har- mony between the co-ordinate branches of the legislature, may lead, in process of time, to the correction of these evils ; meanwhile, however, I most ascribe, mainly to the cause which 1 have assigned, the tone of ar- rogant defiance with which the resolution, not of the Snbernmeat only, but also of the parliomeet, are' treated by parties who happen for the moment to be unable to make their views prevail with either, and Ibe sets of violence to which this infiamatory lan- guage has, in the present instance, led. 8. That many persona coescientioualy disapprove of the measure respelling re- bellion losses in Lower Canada, which hale been introduced by the government, and which the leek[ -parliament has paned by large majorities, and that in the mind, of others it stirs national antipathies and rec- ollections of former conflicts, which design- ing politieiane seek to improve to their own selfish ends, cannot, i fear, be doubted. it it, therefore, emphatically, a measure which should have been approached with calmness and caution, by all at least who aro not di- rectly interested in the issue. Unfortunate- ly, however, this hos been by oo means the ease. Not only have appeals to paseinn of the moat reckless description proceeded from vacuity ot their countenances, with large when they do oeeur, ever raise a wish that protracting Ioetrelese eyes, rad tongues they were more frequent. The claims of the poor idiot were warmly and eloquently advocated by the varino% speakers; all the resolutions were unanimously adopted; a regular staff of officers was formed, a board of directors established, and all the usual aaehinery put in motion in order to carry out the objects of the Association: besides which. the sinews of war, in the shape of .ub.rrlptieas and donation., seem to have been supplied with • liberality equal to the need; and everything apparently promises a snceassfut career to this labour of love. indeed, eo promising are the prospect. of the Association, even at this early stage of their proceedings, that they have ■lreadv elected eleven or twolre children with Iellisg oat of thew mouths, nor the writehe appearance of their bodies, with parabolic arms and legs. I lees therefore not a little ',merited to see these two scarcely human objects brought m their chairs to a small table upee which doeiaoee were placed with witch they played a gams ; and it he - came evilest %bat all was not lest to the iniad even for them -they became interest, d, and a below joy was expressed by the wiener." He also mention. Charles Emile, an idiot cd the worst class, whose name is met with in every report On the educational proceed- ings •t the Bicetre, and whose ease jodging f th description recorded of him on his pees, "ruining sad smiling, quite please be dant something; it may be, to thought capable of dole: anything. • He had learned something correetl he knew it to be correct, and took please in having learned it -no mean dvancemee from the former idiotic 'tate, horrible contemplate, of this individual, who described as a voracione, cruel, filthy a mal, with the worst of brutal propen$itie Dr. Sigmood, in the second paper which we have alluded, gives • resume M. Brierre de Beanmont's de.criptioe of scene. witnessed by him when he pat visit to the school of idiots. This gent man's description of what be observed th fully confirms previa!' accounts, and n not detain is longer than to mention, t the doubts proviouely entertained by him to the tens Jide alters of the exhibitio were completely dispelled by the result his minute i.gniriert into the mode of tea Mg, and the progress made by the idiot pile under the superintendence of M Vallee and Mallon. 'After citing the above tonclmsive t mony, it will be quite unnecessary to dnee further evidence as to the casabili of the idiotic and imbecile portion of human family, but we will conclude part of the subjeet with another quota from Mr. Seminar's letter to kir. How which the evidence on this head is cone ly summed op. "The fact, i have said, is now cls established, that idiots may be duce that the reflective pews.- exists *idiot and may be amskensd by a proper .y of instruction; that they maybe steed the filth in which they grovel to the tudeof sten; that they may be taught ferent arta whieb will enable them to liyslihood; and that, altb TRAVELLER'S HOME, liTRASBURG, Wa*aacoo, 28th February, 1849. THE Subscriber hereby intimates to bis 1 Meads and the Travelling Pabli: gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village ot 8tra.burgh, and will .ow be food in that well-known boom for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where be will be ready sod able to conduce to the -comfort of those who may honor him with theft patronage. And white he returns thank, for past favor., be hopee, by strict attention to the wants and wishes of his customers, still to merit • continuance of thou patrooagc. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES sod. se4ti e Grooms. i[A-itBLII FACTORY, Nara l►rr1'le err., GALfL' R) 7igi Ms�i,117i Tental'....ti ems - TOMO, *rttretory es chomp .M *!stili'', .11 Werk warrented te M we''Megsewfll he made. Trim M free, is es be deilNs; of f... - b.. 4 to M debase 1 M. e1ReIm *Om •Agro IS thalami tapweds.'- w�4e,awtrr�� �""y�tto Um K to be 7, re to is .:" 'to of the da !s- ere end bet as ns, sof eh- ptt- M: ad - ties the this tion e, in Me - arty ted; thew, stem from atti- dtf- gain b promoters of the inetitntion, and of benefit to the objects of their bounty. Having now, am we hope, demonstrated the fact that the idiot is eapspsbte of pro- fiiting by education, a fact which world seem to have bene previously doubted: as well as shown the necessity for the adop- tion of some mea.m'e., if only as a matter of humanity, for the amelioration of the condition of thousands of oar fellows !sheering under mental deficiencies: we to those who seek to annul the obnoxious gladly adopt the laognage of i powerful ap- of confidence raised at the commencement decuitc of the local legielatnre, wbatover peal promulgated on behalf of the infant of the Session, immediately after the gene be the means to which they resort for the "Asylum for Idiots," the object of which l nal election, the administration was defeated attainment of that end. institution is "to educate the idiot, wipe-' by a majority of more than two to one, and 9. The scenes by which the City of Mon- treal has been lately disgraced, are the nat- ural fruits of an agitation of this charac- ter ; operating on a people of excitable tem- per, who have been taught to believe that a rice which' they d -spine, and over which they have been wont to exercise dominion, has obtained. through the operation of a constitutional system, en authority which it could not have otheiwise acquired. - !fence, mere especially, their vehement in- dignation 'latest me personally, and the conviction, in many canes i doubt wet per- feetly'pineere, that I have been guilty' 01 n' serious dereliction of duty, because I have . not as my predeees.ors have often dote be.; fore me, contented to place myself to ih ' front of ,n sgitatinn to counteract the polyor' ey of Parliament. The waters of the coati N itutio-tal doctrine, which practically ob.' tain in this section of the community, le- eurinusly exemplified by the fact, that H to n ot the passage of the bill by an overwhel- ming majority of the representatives of Ibis people, or the acquiesccnee of the enesoi4 hitt the consent of the Governor, which fur- nishes the pretext for an exhibition of pope - Oar violence. TO MERCHANTS. WANTED 10 000B118IIELS good clean Ti• methy Beed, for which the Subscribers will pay a higher price in Cash, than any other buyers in the market. BUCHANAN k GOLD! E. Commission Merchants. Victoria Block,King St. t 804 Hamilton Slitth Dec. 1848. S.W. rMy14w► Iles tN4. DISSOLUTION QF COPARTNERSH P. 'I J1E Copartnership heretofore 'rioting b1weee the undersigned (under the ball of Owens till Leeseeter, inokeep- en,) is this day diesolvd by mutual cos- iest. J. R. GOODING, 1. LANCASTER. 110111. The besieges will be *maimed, tad .11 aMdsding see hate des by .sal to the GeawrW be .cold by tthi esdienited. 3. LANCA T8U- Ge4eriek, INb Ys*t., Noe. lad A TEACHER WANTED >j�OR &Reel Netleir fen 1 eerb..wmitb. •a- S se tilt esbeel ie /t • p.p dee, ho- stility sod seen .tee.8.8, N. Teacher whey sereleas es a fare teetioseretlett. Nees bet each se ole &cal q.Mi8si, .4 peewee. feue- e4 tea ed sneiawster/ ed weber eMsaly babas seed 1. entel er Galeria, Aril 14,1048. OheMoNtr tr!•ett an honest their Intelligence may never, perhaps, be - veloped to oath a point as to render them the authors of thole generous ideas and great deeds which leave • stamp upon an with big fellows; that he may cease to be a age, yet, still, they may Altai• a minims- 1 b„rte is society, sad been.. a blessing; the proceedings of the local parliamest.- bte medloerity, sod mega.', to mental pow- ,hat ha, may M gttatit«I to knew. Me Tbe article treats of • staisure sff'eti•g the ciall in the earlier periods of life." "ht proposes to do ibis by the.trenneons application of the most skilful mean., ap- propriate to the object before ns, and worthy of the conntry in which we dwell. It proposes that the benefit of the first efforts shall supply relief chiefly to the mail. and poorer classes; and, at the same rias, temente a model and a active or km - prevenient in oor panper institutions. It will be, it the fullest sense, an effort of charity. It will help those who cannot help themselves, and it will proffer aestst- anee to those who would otherwise be cal- led to bear • burden that is intolerable. " Those who maks this appeal do it with cosbals.es-the confidence of those wbo have before challenged public benevolence, and eat in vain. tan it be in vain now I' - it is for the peter, poor idiot they plead; for the idiot, the lowest of all tho objects of Chastise sympathy; for the Idiot, most Delight( charity, and for whom charity has dam. bedtime. W. ask that he may be eletrmted from existence into life -from ani- mal befog into manhood -from vacancy and unc.s.elspsemis to reason and reflection. - We ark that his .onl may he disimp►isond: that he may look from the body with mean- ing and intelligence on a world full of ex- prnestee; that Ile may, as a fellow, discourse *change of Goyerument, as a matter of coarse, ensued. 6. This alteration in tho-political com- plexion of the Assembly, and the change of governmetlt consequent open it, were therefore clearly and distinctly traceable to a revulsion of sentiment in the British eon- stilueoeies of Upper Canada. in Lower 1 i Canada, nothing hid occurred to account for either. This circumstance has, howev- er, failed to secure for the decisions of the popular representative body, either forbear- ance or respect from a certain settles of those who protean to be emphatically the supporters of British interests. To debounee the Parliament as French is • its composi tion, and the government as subject to French Influences, has been their constant object, and the wildest doctrines have bees broached with respect to the right which belongs to a British minority, of redrees,eg by violence, any indignity to which it may be subjected from such a worts. 1 have now before me an eructs that appeared in one of the principal English newspaper, of Montreeltana very early period of the ten- sion, of which i transcribe the concluding paragraph, as tlMNratire of the tempt and language in wheels, eves at that time, and before the public mad had been excited by the discussion of the Rebellion Losses Bill, a portion of the preen ventured to criticise er, the comms' peanut of many Europeto Metter, sad look beyond oar present impar- townships, to wheels 1 in -beep, no greet sten states." feet modes of being to perfected life in a jection was raised in Parlament, 1t term. Thera is however one defect is t`.e French - system, which most be briefly sllpdd to. The echoed, foe the education of Minim are eo.duoted In the same building, as contain Patients sneering coder various degrees and stages of iosmsuy. This should sot be; snob of them climes of metaled malady etteoW hate to asplwo especially devoted to the rsespti.e oil, is 'abode( ander It: ad Ir snythiug p`r.cnne.ls us to the longeoatleend Mgt of the hapless int Weil.) it te tee Imola . Hill -tire ease of potent. a atwet v4sd by mental drfleien- eisa sot foto festitutione devoted to the tarn tied t,Mia si of the insane, beytbg at With ettt.Sy1 attention, active herb WOO takes to ..wore for t alta tames 01 as i*y*m elpt'aaly •iy await, Neese Street, Bette glories' sod everlasting future. Wp its keine of the subject'. bidding this leo soseefved leetitutlne "God .peed !" a with the eg„ reesi•m of a hope ,bat, ere loot similar establishments will.pring up in Ober parts of the kingdom, se as to meet t►. teees.,itlle of the sume►ne elves quali- fied by Omit peeslisr •-ebcisocies for ad- ehtalee tits Nam. L. G. A &ester rises returned a coat to his tail- or, baa.ee it did not exactly fit him. The fait" afierw.de seeing the doctor at a Naomi ef see of hie patients, said to bee.- " ier" Alt, dentes, yew area happy man." -.Why .sir the beteg. 'Beeattmi," amid the , r yes sever have say of year bad teteree4 types yeas bands." 10. When I left the Thome of Parliament, after fining the royal went to several bills, to which I have referred. I wee receiv- ed with mingled cheers and booting, by • crowd, by 0n means nnreerno., which snr- t unded the entrance to the betiding. A email knot of individuals, cseri.ting, it has since been a.eerlained, of persons of a res- pectable clue in aoeiety, pelted the earners with m.•ilce which they me -t hays brought with them for the limpet'. Witkfmanhoar after this' occurrence, • reties, of which I 'nrlo.. a copy. Ironed Item one of the newe- gaprt offices, ceiling • meeting is the open ' sir. At the reeetise. ,nfiematery speetbee were made. On a sodden -wheaten Doan the effect of momentary ereitemeet, tw ha pursuance of a phis pd beforehand - the mob proeeededJe tkti House o1 7.0114 -- orient. white the member,' were still waken, and, breaking the wtwdow% tet nee to the building end burned It to the rotted. By this wanton act, ppt•bhe prepot ef reaaiN- nble value,tsclndisg tern .*cert Im,.rier, hes been utterly deetroyed. navlsg.nM- eved their object, the crowd aligned. ap- Mirestly Pedalled with whet they had does. Tbe permitsee- ted r:tttte invitee, however, me these word. Ws are very glad ofJt-the.eener the 'loves foot is mode vusb'e the better :oke obviate intention of that majority, eonsp,wd .f Frenchmen, sided by !reiterant. Bntirk Cassdiaoe, is to fore. French rnst,tettom still further upon the British minority in Lower Canada. Tbe attention ie ebyi.es, as we saki, aed we are very glad that it le openly .bows. We emit that the party of the g'trerwmoat will seemed in ever one of their ob .. es sobu eseuree. When French tyranny becomwp moble, cap ,ball 4d our Cromwell. Sheflleld, is the olden uses, std ate be famous for its keen .oil well »le spstwd whets lee ; +ell, they melte beyemete there now loot as sharp and jest M *alt 4tempeled. R bee we sae deed t7- onmy •o Seeger, it will be twee whether g•e4 beyexr.o, m Saxon kande, will sot be