HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-25, Page 4i6 r r l 1 4' PROSPECTUS TO PRINTERS.EXHIBITION TO LET, Or Tug @SOOND vowing or THC TYPE FI►UNURY AND PRINTERS' O F FARM STOCK THAT b"i""w w'i bees., opposite JOURNAL U! l:UC(3ATION !'RI�IYtIIN4 WARE HOUSE.the N Ble•eet Tau" Mt {ossi•t• Jobs HCIIOW D1virtueTRICT, Y virtue of four Sew - 144 TT. I 1)uhssribtre base ..seed •New PRODUCE. iDOt81'IC JrA(UPAC- Winter kb, s.ddppw■ Ill eaagisd ay Mr. Bra- Te w; S2 write of Feri UPPER OANADA• Foundry a the Crty of New TURES, Ake. A+. &a. euW (aG1i1f-A••r �e uad Dot of er iMart)'r Court wr� aHk, where they are reedy lo 'instal), orders Dp she N•vs• Downs* dgneuttr►e( Societywall ot.ckd with ear•teu Gai� as a! e! ((seet/s Bench, aad is me directed PHOENIX BITTERS EDITED BY to any extent, Mr ss hoed of Ju► Fancy A fl EXHIBITION d CATFLL. SEEDS, ••no«de•eryti••s its prosimhy tw tb her. against toe loisd. aed Teneoseete of Julia Trough a.a earl wart' Obese p. •.Lasa THE REV. EGER1 UN BYE BI ON, DD. Type, let. Pam, Cheers, (ialteye, Ileus tt DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, Ste. beer 0Osdencb ..ranee the wane of the sits.- Ana Ktppes and Moeolius W. Ki ee, n •t the :ll"U"* a r•• agdnr Ile. win w"wwW° s l.•.y 1. •U MHOS IUTaatnTSNU JT or at:n.QL the 4Yea•ae trW► they preps t• sass, Ors •sssw.1 r• R.t eo; Steel. Cistern Rule, Cumpes,ng *.., wiN k held at R(IDLRICJl... Ttwsdny tine W s. Met pseprteaw Imdsmiso•o that it Should Mande rive suite u( Huai Rohe stlee Rohm, the r. .d pttthey erret re,hoe, sip e.we ASSISTED BY DMR. J. GEO. 11Ot$ INS. 4ticks. Gee., ead.rery mud, emeesery the 2uth et 1spter►e' Reit. when' t M fell•wi•R aoutiDRe to,M eeerpied, it will be let ors rem- ' en•- Muderwell, John Mooches, ge4tleileo, one, 117.1"6161.-P.6"1"4"1"161111".1"4.1"" hy t(i it'• •w I•�•: �•i• ••4 YFQ1k Cerdtrews d tba Jwrwet 01.14"444.. (air • Prints•[ (Cite. PRLy/U>ya WILL ➢L AWARDED. oea►le vera, til►« Ise •w «nYer..pwre. u iway etc. and James ('lou4ny ; and alio by virtue «'�,' ewe "'"4".."'"'"1:11'1"7:"."."" est y ta' u� A 1 pervert to commas its yabhcatw• Ise the flee Type, whish animist is new monWs, IIORSl2t be agreed epee. Ter fanb.rp•niostar. t� to of leo writ• of E'irri FucWs, 11•uoJ out Ocal"s� _� v���� year 1li49. Its funs will be tonne iRe:.d •: JACOB wILBU.ef y' ty.*THMi. Acura. cxsu�fc sxttuv.rrsx from entirely new belt .f Matrass, with Pm the Best Brood Mare sod Io.l....�1 10 Her Ne' rt a Hefei Dietrtcl Court. aad Oct.,., is order ts seeera to di. ssbaedbrr. t. - Godeneh, 2wd February, 1040. 59 i, Ore ed•aniage d wosrp+r/ar i■ tM plica of I deep erw,tere, aid *arrested to be na•ur- !nd 1 0 - to me directed .gaisrt the Londa and Ten U'/EOTIO1Yga► t., luuDER rA tmNsya. pamphlet e. ps•red by any, 1e void at pricer to suit the 3rd •• • 0 11 . j emrnts of Julia Ann Kippes and Amchua 7lxlla0t 1►8Y1i110 t L[vgta OVaIPLalYT1- �•etw� F« she boot Two old yi i D 0 N O i C I ., Ia U• ..rt' rat ..r Www Woo i.•..r rw.a,1. inti .M In the Firm Velem* the (bwductnn heti he! timer. All the type furnished by us es 3'� ! W. K+ppr o •t the respective smteof Robert M pent yanry. plr,.r oH.,• .ba «s . I Sod....,....... 0 IS ri'llE Puhrerikr having LEAMf.D. for Parke and Joshua Callaway. I have.eised r.au�fa.a.w.wrl.w.rea•r.•srbsdtt'mtrr. eAirtly a foothold etyret i• view. 1. An reseed- '• AAwJ east." "" "" " 1 [ f doe of the pti.eiples, aed pre. .den• rid dTeu Yr'ri" Yrer yea lunisbed, and an' also, 3rd 0 10 "No ter o of Twenty )ears, the Pooper- and taken ta. Execution the follewint aro- altl(N/r exotic, ewe gstt/os L,.r••w, IIL . �C` F« tate beet Two year old (,.11 1 • eorrrraNtlas. Ouuaus a ouVYMw• c>rus•c. of the System of otwwwa Scbenl. a Upper Ciro- S•c•ti 11 gtoed °( the reset •pptu,e4 pt- ty on the North side of the Market Square, perry as belwgtng to Ameliva W. *ippon, Ltrwrrrtuu. tits sera aresw•eae rrba asses' lid .......................•-. 0 It oda. 2. '1'h• gvalitiosuoes, oW,ga,ow rid ,ria n•. Std 0 10 at prrrent occupied ►y Tbe.dors Rot, Erq. urs of the above De(snilantr • part or pot- CORRUPT HUMORS, 111101.X(11, moral relations ■oJ ditties of Trances. Pat... Com ,oettioa Rollers east for rioters. wishes lo intimate to Diner whn wish to tion of Block G. to the Towosbt of Col- ais>Pilrssa, N. ria.• segs ibis .twrrprr • and School Teachers. 3 Tee imp wuon o` I u P F« the beet Span of Farm Herself- 1 IOP ,a, u,,,�, `yr ,,,,,, ,,,,,e �• �,• • rwr N•nu.l School l structn•n for the 'Memo's d (f .eltturs n( Newepepets who will god .... .. 1 • ars,: tteembelos• of an ELIGIBLE MIT- bun. Woolern Dovi►ton, Huron District, Ia UPTIONO y w Skim UVIIPSLAa PLA 'w• Common Schou:. d the ,oart+ry. 4. Ti.. bra- boy hirer times os much type as their billy 3rd 0 1S. CATION for HUn•IN'Ensta, that b will committing two MtaJreJ acres of teed Lt>•c T. pnrursee rod treat adnaugrs .(• u.....gt', •••,>nnt tri, may Rive the abuse stx"months' CATTLE. Labra liliii•DING SITE$ for any Term which Londa 1 *hall offer (.,r lisle at the 1rsVstt •rd AGVZ. PM this r.aesofthe are Christian, Cornn..a &heel .dace,. to si.. ihseruos In their papers, • id seed then For lbs Prost (Dubh Cow (which 'ilia not czcerJm Treat i"rare, at • muJrnte Court Iluusb, in the turn of Go.!rrteb oh w,s w..hr t5.w ..arise. will t era .'.a' u""rr' or have had •self is 1849)1 0 [ fsew•. serer. OrMo s•..rr.w kaw the Wale. 551 t• • several dame* of ser i.J•sino.•.ryut•tis•..- raperscuntairm.g it to theyubecribero. Rent per so.um. Tue.4ar tAe/90.b day of March next, •t imam .4 UrdronseEarelo w•r..•a•r,.rew.,w.a- M R COCKCROFT k OVER END 2nd,• . 0 lITHY rete, ax saTtdflSD, ban .R CURED. While thew .cu which here .vew ea.emeter s HORACE HORTON. the hour of 19 o'clock noon. ,o the Flit Volume of this longue' rill set be 3rd ................ ...... 0 10 POULNISI of COMPLEXION. io78AsaStreetiYw'York. y Goderich, March 28 1848. 9r-o8tf J. YcIC1�lALD, Sheri H. D. lost nth! a, another tliist •.knee of 'h- Se- for the best Two year old Heifer 0 IS -' f`raielrr Orrice, ODIf as 1i.•.•► i)reeti her 7th 1817, rolb e°nd Volume will he SCHOtH. ARCl11ru.. ____ --- --_- Sod 0 10j Y AUTHORITY. GnJeucA, lblhnecember, 1448. 4Tld aewa, 1Vn'ARD PLYE..................................... . TUBE : br the els.idotiera u(•,d .mpreotr.rN The above Male of Laud is postpoord Ii.M. IMPOSE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. WASS of APP*• sit which tlwCvi ductsr* have already premised DISSOLUTION For the best yearling Herter..,0'10Po P 7rrt. "vets' i ngnvie;s, sad Mve lahea a.p• k.".- pre .. 2nd ....0 7 Sheriff.* Sale Of Land. until Fridge, lite Fret stay ..f ]nae, 1849. "LIS V 30 s 00 111 P L A I N T •, Or COPARTNERSHIP.3rd 0 4 3. McDONALD, Sheriff, LEPEUEY, LtnleENEnA. core others: red a Obs sober d the year, they Fur ire Sea Bull 1 4 f1C@ON DISTRICT, RY L'►rt•e of • et sc IRo l' n t A t. D 1 • R A t r, s.-- psrporrtogieleaemien of as �be M.e era 11 '011P. Copartn.•rrbtp bv.. 5fore e.ietisg 9nd 1 0 To Wit : writ s.f Fieri finis• tatrict. neer sir,*a.ean.e.'hry•uIberiots .rrewr►*i moat satiable PLANS OFSCHr,0 . 1N)U$L$. betwe.•w tr. r,wkraFn.J (under the 3rd .... ... ... .. ... 0 IS Ferias raved out of the Dia•ritt Court ail 8henff'y (llfice, Goolerieh, i 01,...elthan the ow•t,...e.wls.-wnu.o. •••••,••••••• (with accompany's. eaplsaatwas.) select hove_ ism. „f l;•rCaiw .awl low/ester, Innkbe g19th Meech, 1849. S MUIIT xll'tATN. \ERrtION DEBILITY Ntarr.ca 11... recommended by school ..,hru.n is the ! P' F« the best Yoke of Wurkn Clam 0 the Ilnros D,.trtd, •lest the Iasis •nj COMPLAIN -Tel a/ •u Anode. UIDANIL u'FI.. TOMS. ore,) is thus d.SishTenements hn, RN.A . 4 by mutual 000- 9nd........ 0 15 Tnts of ery Drrii.gtlrnichard PALPITATION . HC.1ST. P411\711E8 LHUL/U. neigbbobnag Rates: low dr, a p.«.+.iia, Es.yw , P I L>• a. Thr ...feed r+r. rA.e of tl.r•. •r.lrwra gratings of the aeries of plass et I'moms. Sel ua:- alit. 3rd 0 30 U,r!,n=too aad Robert Darlt:gtun, •t the Sheri 8 Sale lrf Lsh(l. ,e•, ew.d.14.. * iw.i ra.traiy tr ria w use• 1.4 houses whirr have beer ..{.•pied .cd recent. 3. K. fi(NIIr,Ne., Fur the best Three par old 8..ere0 15 set of the Bank Of tipper Cauada, I have aawuer.r aloft. mended by Oho F:dacatiessl l'..cusu,:e• of iter ]. LANCASTER. fid.... 0 N ..:aed nevi takes In Execution se belonging HURON DISTRICT, 2 �Y •intoe °fa Writ ylWr1MMl. 5*ts eek,h.lr,}4••d entree Majesty's Privy Cosset( in F:rriaid. The En- 3rd • 0 7 To WIT : S ..f Fisn ?ksias, ia- ri H E V eg pT 11 r at. rbw..Ips.l .n for r Foe ,he best To. year •W Sumo 0 to to 'ho mud Ilesry Darlington, Richard Der ..ed sire tithe Dianct Cu.vt d t"r llrroo Uta. wrraAr V.e•w, .Ylbwr.tsetWbr ria 4p ra...a Rnrlrp will exceed it astute? tw met:.• d • The Meine.. ♦ill be oe by confirmed, aid all 2nif • 7 linl-ton• aad Rohert Darlington, the follow- trier, against the Land. and Teaernenes of Rirh• riVfu ..r>•t ooD s. rto. la Ba tai i V*rY. the years, and will diearlvee be wood" the rub- out et•,:dtet ace,e.•Is the by arta t• the 2:d 0 S ing property, via_.: Lura aumher 2, 3, and 1, sd Drr:ibgtoe, at the mit of Ross Robertson, 1 14 LTt MEUR.+W1tti�at, scription puce of Oh• ,slut... tirmwtll be tooth b the u•wlereitntd• *r.aor-u LA, •. >tINO a nVlz, r w. Abetter object of tae Oceanid Voltam will M, yJ. LA VCASned. F« tM bra Fatted Da 1 0 rue Osie .e t..th Co.ce*ena„ tasters Dirt- Aave rued end akin in Ezecuuow a belonging ,ewe. Ut C1Rr. .✓.eery wcaryww to explain any modifications which rimy be aide G aJtr:th bell .r.ptIt:1. I]tf 9nd •' '• • • • • 0 IS mon, of the T„wt'rip of (.ulborre, each to the. said Richard Uarliagtne, LOT Number W O i3 3R ti..►.tt arse. we es.rr••u► rer•15A ee in the School law in connexion with to priers' +, i' , 3rd ... ............... 0 10 et•.matn,ag 100 acres of Land, which 1 *ball FOUR is the Seventh Co.ee.ion, Eastern UI. terse at.dev.e.. Pana', oat A. well ...t+..w,e. limn .ar yrovisiun,. For the Sea Fatted Caw « Heifa ... 1 0 offer for sale at the Court House, in the 'nines. Tww.ahip of CoP,orne, containing IOU eves u+r.oarwr. r...a a..l. r.:.i.du,.w,a.r A third and prnmtoamt oljret of the tsiee•nd t 2r�s•,. 0 1S Tuwa o4Crrrteneh, oa Thursday the nth-lere•o/Land, which 1 .hell offer for sale r1 the THE LIFE PILLS ASO MESH i1TiELi Velem* will be, the esposities s the messy t IIi' tyl ) U . 3'.fi' 0 10 day of June, 1819, at the hour of Twetve Court Ileum to the Town of Goderich, on 8a• PURIFY THE BLOOD, necessary for miring tote effect previsions -- SHE. P AND *1008. .relay ib. 7th day, e( July, 1b39, rt the hoer of which will doubtless Amitybe mark by the MP:401:W BI:RK' '.11: ('ia.i.ANY. 1 0 o deck, neo:. Twelve o'clock noon. And thus remove all disease from the system. t Pse tie best Rrm J. McI`tU1 ALD. $tenlf: 1.elislaon fot the establishment d COMMON or r+reit. •.0 ..sriRTaisIse xsuwt.5DGG Siebe.. 0 LS Uuroe Dsalnct. JOHN \1cDON,1l.D, Sheri R, A ei.�tl4 ,r1.1 will place lbw LIFE P11.11 and t8CIIOOL LIBRA R; LI; ■:.d oil .4..retie° o! E4 ,e. by :Doi., r C.rarte•a, wti« of Cys»- 3r4 ...0 10Huron District. P H N I % BIT 1 E R S wy.d WS ...t..fr.ys hooks five that prrp.we Jy *Lc Bo -rd of Edeca- rd.* .(t i .11 ).%terslefe t N'iib I;LGo1 Fee be best Ewew(p►m of Si h.deg red- Sheriffs (Mite, Gode•teh, Sheriff'. Office, G1, 184 eh, t tnfw io the .when.. cf every r.tie.t. Diu:, •11.., reviews sod ehencterieeie notices°( Illustrative I .lraricgp. Pyre. ` 3 ,.sola per ..d a Lomb melt ib Zt313 ....1 8 >r`Sth !Marsh. 3849. •�n8tf 7'a April, 1849. ` 9v-. 0-tf Ti. ew•ui.. of 'hew s.saki.,. ave •r. pat op I. were them will be given i• de dawned, togrlbrr with N•• `JwA ...0 1S _ -. so n . .►d.. wpth.r with a ML e. the best aid cheeping' modes •of precurisg them. t OULO, EIND A LI. It LINCOLN me 3.1 ..... • •' ..... ............0 to Sheriff's Sale of Lintel. STRATFORD15r ��► I . hewing re�sr .�I+ttr. i K wna� IIOTEL 1Si to •i ch Amager*,i.h 1...n ,to watt We hope also 10 find room it the R•eoed happy to •save ucttMt they baso ample- FM Oka beet Item Lamb .............0 10 IICROIi DISTRIIT, BY rirlue of a . a.• n•. rTbe wrapper..4 5aa...rwer ., eopy• nabt.d. Volume for tome accounts and soden of the td inns 'i!or with Mer.,., Cbambeis, of 2od 0 7 To wit : West o4 Fieri s(e..f.n ahwe eM *e. u.s *r► •L..* ,.e n... ve "ISAAC MAY, informs kis friends and. the It.* *e. of pablie instruction and educationalrs Edtrbargb• 'or the rr•p•bl:carina, in snuff• 7'd 0 5 Fac`rs, .•awd oil d the District Court of - bile. Obit he bis taken the BRICK be .`ere. that they ...'coulee. a. careful. art ie bet moTemena of othercoontrics, body Europeen muoihly eemben, .f ('n.ws.us p!rvzu.Ary. For the brat Ewe Irmo 0 10 the Iluron I)trtnci, If tit. Lands aad her ill' .87 sera 1...t tn.rpr.t ►et tri« •.. w.rii.e rad Americas, as well as f« snare articles of The .destg..4 the 11i oo. is to sepply 2nd. ........................ 0 7 TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. chat mq :tat: Iircct tr.>w u., .r anis sw.h tr... mis�ellaneous hiennn...eh a will k • i.11 the i its demand its, v.es1, iesir•etire.aat 3rd 0 5 t en•mente u( Cyrus* 31cMiliaa, at the sort grown, at the Emit end of Stratford, where ET Pres/owl a.• 'eta ay Kc y s f Joae,ih Miller, 1 have eerz.dand taken in DE. WILLIA>R,• MOPPAT, eatertahaiwg aid ioarselira to yoarg perorate.- suusr.a'uiag :e,Jiu' 'hod to Lrire all rid aids of Fu the hest Far W'etaen.... 0 IU notttint ehall he wanting on his part to pro- ori.ro•4w. .wwr s( Aatb••y s»et, New Y0011 ' Bot the educational wauts 'of Upper Canada will literature to bear ea the csliivauo• of tho les 2nd 0 T Exer,:anon a* telongu,g to the •aid Cyrus mole the Comfort and convenience of Air 1r SSM ► r fist command atuotin., sad determine the iegsef ibe people -to impress cured view. or 3rd 0 5 lc\Illan, the following property, tai.:- (ilea.. y character of the Joursal of E•loeetien. important moat and .io.•iel gnen.ous-•seppress Best. Bear ..1 0 Town Lot number 6, North side of West I N better. hinted( that hie selection of BEND, PARSONS. Tie Coeduetnn rgspmetfally sad sutsmmtly every •pert( of mote a d savagery -eters the 2nd.... 0 15 street, or runI09 number 995, Tows of Anne aid Liquors is equal to any in the $e/. Agent. solicit the sooting* and active ms-open'ioe of toggle( aid despo.di.g, by tbo relauoa of noes 3rd 0 10 Godench, which I sial! t.der fir baa at the Goderieh, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 District 8rperinte ots, Clergymen, and either -draws Nem the unsei•anear of popelar wenn.. For 'he hest how (stall have -had pigs u Court House i■ the Tows of Goderieh, he country, and Au Stabling department i• of• School officers est Irieods of Edueatioa in prof -raves lits fancy by dese.ipiions of interesting 1849) 1 0 •l turtday the 31st day of June, 1649, al the most complete description. esriag sod (orwudisg •obecriptioas. No part! termini sce.es-Sive a zest to everyday i'50 tips- 2nd 0 15Stratford, 28111 April, 1848. 18tf of the •ubecriptioos will be applied to remorse- t tin. (•7 ballad and tYrie•l poetry -ie 51,0,1. To 3rd 0 10 Twelve o'clock, noun. vale the labour of editing the Journal : bet the (Grout' an s'.•btnsiee Ir,ead .nd gu;d., a tivei, GRAINS, SEEDS AND DAIRJ. , J. noon. An, Sheriff, m1i 4 Slbarilier baring nearly completed whsle will be expendsd in denying espeorc. fireside en,npaniu., re lir as int object Ivan he 'Moran District. . (;O DERICII FOUNDRY. -` hie• Improvements on the HURON47 lectured io ion with its pobhca'ioa• mistimed tbrsweh the iaen.'or. iafity .f hon s. For the Bast 10 bushels Fall Wheat 3 0 0 Sheri}I's Office, Goderich, t HOTEL, and being desirous of giving ap Tian: -Five shilling's. per ancum, i• ad- '1 In onieetaNr scLnowlJ_ed wood's d' the 9nd 9 S U C 91ef Match, 1HA. S 2e-a8tf IrHF. anbecriSxn in returning thanks to the busin.ae tit that Him. ghee sotiee that be mince : and o"o subscription will he takes (w (•, ;Lep, r„+ or 4.'.,r.:.e l.rn Romeo. h the 3rd 1 10 0 - T public for the ;literal shire of paronsgr is wtIlea oto diopo.e of the entire pruuiats I.ss the° one yes'„ D,triet Connell. ordering wore ■atho,, connected with its rapid rale, amt For the hest 4bo.hel• Sprieg \Vbeat 1 10 0 r they have enjoyed •ices ct'rnmenc:seg business, on reasonable term.. Asa Elute:, the pro- Febendst 2od 1 5 0 Sheriff's Sale Of Laud. to intimate that they have now on hand aed one copy Iry the T Hees of "loch tachonl N•c- the uu bossdo-d cot itI by the 3rd 1 0 0 - I ; tion In their Diainct, « any number, not less rem, give the publi5',.i• foil tonliJence is the are making to order a lenge have assortment of Cook - the tea most eligible' iDynlmewt, tees than fifty, will be supplied si three atsJbag. aid red value. Dud satire succeN tf the preaaut Fur 2uJbeat 9 bushels It 0 150 0 HURON DLSTRICT, i BY virtue e( a sir, parlour• nod bo. .Owes r cngh easnnga, surpassed, or 11101111," a ^uafed by nuns- in nine penes per ropy for the year. work. 7'. Wil: . S L Smit of i'icri fire g-..., !analog mill eut!wgssmut machines, Oise Diatriet, sitter for extent of rur.nefs IT All communications to be addressed to f;u psl4i li.. has already commmnrrd, end 3rd 0 10 0- F .Sas, ieeeoed out of Ilex Majesty's Huron 1 end every other article or'ially connected with or accommodation'. Stal.Sinp, sheds, Hay- . Mr. Hodgins Education Office, Tomato: rod • will be co•tin.nt seal-ur,a,hty. Each nn.clrer Fot'he Sea 2 br•heis B•r:ey 1 0 0 I►t•tnet Court, and -to me dvbciel egad, .t the trade, which :hey will be happy do 'ellen the !uNw bis ., .lkr ., are •iI os a■ alteast10 all letters Dot containing' 'remittances, mu., be' will form • complete wn.k, sod every third nom - 3rd *0 t tkC lands and Tenements of Richard 1)+r- most naw uL1e terms .`ver cash. .este. The H hire is large, eul••Latnl, host :peed. !Ler frill be furnished vitt a title pati sed .able F« the beat 9 bushels Ora 1S • 0 Itngton,. •t Ire amt of Robert Park; I base I i o and improveateau is the 5nishi• mode a depart- ; epmmodl ith and well furn:.bed, end rte- . Complete sets of the Fist Vulnit, well be:.r eonlrwn, ours forming a besuitully Moors- 2nd yp 0', .entad and taken in Execution, Lot number 1 ri be raid with n.l ib furnttu» sod sppurte- • f.rnieted to panic, wi•hiegtaobtain its at Five `(ed vuho'•e of Derr S1N1 p•zms of v.rfnl .nd01 .. of tbeirestaDli.ioery, ,e . e icirndacuoo' , . 8hilling•'per copy. entertaining ►.,dine•; adapted to every elrar of 3rd 7 6 tout i0 the seventh Coneeesoon, E. D. io I of -seri-Seung machinery, are now catbird to names at s (sir value. One-third of t,.e EnvcAT10y Offal, Fer the brut 2 bua6d• Pru 15 0- the Township of Colborne, containing 100 I exsects s': orders wits filch they may be purchase money w el be required data, sod feeders. The Shot* to be completed I. Tutr,T Tomato, December, 1848. - •wurgta_a, furating'Try e4=ret Yulumt' 2nd 10 0 acreo: which Lends 1 shall offer fur sa:e,at ! requited for the *apply • teraahieg machetes, liberal time will be siren for the remainder - For hie best bushel Tilaothe . 1J p the Court House, in the town of G.,dench, grist sod raw rye il• gear.sg and every other Sir In the meantime. THE GENESEE FARMER. Nf/Tl('F.9 OF THE PRESS. on Saturday, the 9.5 h ds of November criptios of macl.ioery, on them sec ieotifie aad The proprietor begs lure to intimate to .4 .11oalAly J..rwol of .9R•ic.1lo, e, l/anti• }nom the N. Y. Comm. -it -int Adeenieer. 2nd ' 0 0 next, at the hour of 19 o'clock n:osn, economical principle•,•ad with the grease foci- his friends, customers and the ratite gene - .1 and Rural .4f.irs. • Fulsme lO We .re glad to see en Amerieso hove of Oh:`' For he best 2 bushels of Cen(u eeb,) 10 0 J. \Lcl)ONALD, Sherif H. D. ty sed di.pesc6. rally that the tale improvements and *ddl- -For 1849, prblicsuos, rod rrpeci;ille in an neat •nJVes.vr 1 2nd 7 6 Roou.t►r'i Orrrtr, Th. rib•enbers wool(' inform the public Icons which he baa made hays nwdered the ►TILE Publisher of the Farmer gratefully nears form. It is no nd,ninnle enmpilat oa. 3rd 5 0 Goderich, 14th .August, 184:. 3m29 hsta.'te lowest cuh ince will in fun,re be Iluron hotel capable of yielding very acknowledges the receipt of numerous dtstisgoiahed by the rood te.t, wlucit bas Arca Fer the best 50 lbs. Sall Butter 15 0 tinged for ..i good" manufsetured at theirerlaa- I Ott ,riot accommodation and of nisi lista of new subeeribcre, from ell parts of shown +n all the publicatio.ta of the Mows.2nd 16 0 Aoss•r TARSI', lishmmnt, their er11d:' bn.ieen most mecresnriiy P + [ [ Chambers. it on•trs ibe Io..I sod ibe.etre. brtome eatremriy limited They would alio general satisfaction, aid in retcro,eg his the country, daring 104 put month. The Jed 6 r,. taming. \Vm hop. to c:rcu:anoe here wdl he For the best 40 lbs. CheeN 10 0 jl rcxa ny U•at nero:r, nrgee et• drat all those :ndepted to chem either by • hesoonert thanks lair that ,while washes n. encouragement bestowed upon the enter- large enm . to,nppbn:, to a good ere wil,he bete or aecooar, w111 come iocward imnie:iue'y •reora the public, that while he remains rise, byits J.Afrons and the Press, 'thee 2od . . . 7 '6 ' IJ- The .above raid of Lases is postponed end nettle their respectived•brs, or they will fee proprietor, no labor nor expense shall be D nnmlr .pn.nhy and unmorsi work. wuicb h»e 3rd - 5 0 until4Le first. of February. 1849. the publication of lb. January number, it w long •her. too w:deIy eirca)aedph..d io the heads of as attorney for ciilection wanting :a conducing to t a comfort and moatgratifying-and th.t the worse For Ore best 25 lbs. of Maple Sega 10 0 JOHN 1•I Sher, without funher notice. entertainment of those who may be dia- prove.-- - Sheriff 11. D. 2nd 7 6G. MILLER A. Co., *ed to patronise his'huase. in considered the cheapest and beet Agricul- ICP This work can be emit by mea to sty part ROOTS t Surmttrr's Orrice, GnrrnicR, /' tural and Horticultural Magazine ever of- of,ihe sunny. A direct remittance to rte Gederich, Dec.Deelith, 1318• )A31E;Y GCNTLF,R. For testi sen of Turnips 15 0 20th November, lite. . i 43td fared to the American Public. Post -Mea. 'liebliehrn of Stu D'.ti.,n will pity for :he mire 2nd 10 0 N. B. -Aa ezperienced and attentive rets, Agent. Med otitis prominent .Fiend. work. This i,:rnl dirraoot ler .•trance pay 3rd 7 6 The •brave sale of Lando u t sed Hostler is •lwaye n attendance. will o••r:y rover mhe ear.' e/ ;nru7e nn the �' Pa Po DISSOLUTION of Improvement, are entitled to e.pecial , F« the best Reroof Potatoes 1 0 0 until the first day of April, 1949. Godericb, April*" 1849. , e3-49.316 r .rk. These seta. ,ng (o) one or mute temple 0 1.5 0 .]LAIN SirI/ONAM), OF thanks for the generous and noble exercise 2°d COPARTNERSHIP. , aamlxra nn emit .hmm accordingly. 3rd 0 10 0 / DHE Putwershi heretofore cvietin at Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. of their influence in behalf of the work - shonfl 11. D. , P A Boo •eell.o. and Agents supplied or the most F« the beat aero of Carton 0 10 0y if each of the .cora of new subocribera iibetsl nn.t=. } • 0 7 6 SHERIFF'S Ornc , (;ooauees, Goderich and Harpur, es, in Onto Ui�- that we are daily receiving will also lend GUtJLD, KENDALL gs LINCOLN, For the beet ]ben of Beets 0 10 0 January 29111, 1849. ( trier, under the name of Thomas Gilmour �laciesr'Ctdterrtr Ojjiew their kind offices to extend ire eireuotinn, P. rl:saen. Bat°°• 2nd• 0 7 6 RoseRT PAas, The above Salo Ile Cu., n this Jay dirao:red by mutual ion- Mo•Uetl, 12th Starch, 1619, " rte Farmer will bare Fifty Thousand Nab" M.\NCFACTURF.B. re. is postponed till sent. All those indebted to the said first, PUBLiCNO110E is htreby g;TCI, that scribers before the 1st u( May next-.vhich IMPORTANT For 'i:e Sea lU yards Domestic mrd. RICHARD DARLINGTON Friday, the Fleet will pay their reepeetise accounts Or nets! a Claimente for Rebeaion [settee in would .5.4)4. iso to make it, in every respect Cloth 0 1J day'of June, 1849. to Robert ltoderwell, and all those to Caned. West, who have not applied to, sad 1 the Patera Agricultural Jmirna/ of the T O T R A V E L L1 R 9 . 2nd . (. !'J J. McDONALD, 8beri4 II. D. whom they are indebted will be paid by the received payment of their 011111111 from the United States. q1J{[: 9uhseriber hiring leased Etat well• 3rd 0 Sheriff's Ullfee, Goderieb, 2 . id Robert Moderwell. by whom the heti- respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal, The January number in neive►uliy pyo- A. known :rd commodious TAVFIRN For the hest Pan of do Blankets 0 1 March 24th, 1849. S meg will hereafter be enntinned, in the several districts heretofore sottfied 0 lis THOMAS Gi{,MOITR. will from and after the first da of Jong nonnced the most 6enutiJrl Farmer'. Jeer-. STAND, in the Tnwnekip of Hay, 29 miler, 3rd 0 7 y nil yet issued in thus country -while its Dom Goderich on the London Road. lately For he brat 10 yards Domestic mads : POSTPU�'F:.IIEtVT. ROBERT MUI)E@WELL. nest, be neceweialed to apply for payHtnt contents, to any the least aro equal to those occupied bJ Nr. ).mew Gordon, begs leave Flannel 0 Li Go4erieh, Heron Diatom! t of the same, either personally or br dnly of any of its contemporaries. And Crc to intimate to his friends end the traveling 2.d 0 15 Sheriff's Sale of Land. February 20, 1849. ( 2-3 °appointed Attorniee, to the Parent Biok in February number. already pisb�shed, is public in general, that he has opened an 3rd 0 % this city. certainly cot inferior, and probably tante inn oa the meows for the acconuaadhtion The above M.raf.etarcs to be from the farm HURON DISTRICT, BY vicine of m F O iii SALE. (Signed,) S.M. VIGF.R, ioterreaung than the former. The two of travell•rei And- a he tnteads to coo- of the Competitor, and of the growth of the pre- II. M. R. G. numbers are Illustrated with about Fortf duct it on the most respectable rmct lee rat yam. To Wit: writ n( Fieri ►rI1E'BRiCK COTTAGE and Lot nm. Eogravin a including • Orel. sale Pur- P P Ficins, ieened out of Majesty's Iluron niog No. 562, in the Town of Goderich, t-19 Engravings, g y and to .pare neither labour nor expense i. trait. miniaenng to the comfort of those who d Rules O( the Exhibition District Const, and to me directed against formerly in the pnraeseina of Ileo O'Neil, Each namher of the Farmer will cnntain may parents.oimmoult hope. to aed the lands and Tenements of Gavin Bartel. now rented to Mr. ]amts Orr. The Cot - 21 Rnyvi OCIAr0 Pages, Title Pare and nhtii. a *bars wive►. public favor. 1 Any Farmer within the District. rot a too at the suit of Joshua Calloway, i here tags is very conveniently arranged, and well !mice at the .toss Of tae year --making a . - DA ViC) GUNN. Member of this Society. by paying • donation of vetoed and taken in Fa.eution, Park Lot suited for a email family, hex a •epaeious beautiful volume of several kundred pages, N. B. -Theft is gond R,'bhng on the O.. Pound, stall M euitled to compete for any bomber one, on the lurch ride of Melbourne wood shed, stable, kc., good well of water; Premium. street, and Lot number fort on the East complete fur the Library. premisew, and teamsters end others may 2 Alt Seb.eriben in arrear to the 9..e:ety, Sr the garden conta:ne reseal choice Inuit TERM'-(nvar•.•bly in .Advance -as depend on every Deceu.ry emotion hr,ng who may w.ah en.xhthtt anyibing.1 the sh.w, side of Wellington street 1n the town of trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong follows : Single Copy. 40 Conte. Fire paid to their horses. D. O. are to pay the Treasurer the main of Ten Shil- Albert, which Lands I shall offer tor sale no picket fence. Only . portion of the money Iings. on or the 15th cf Augjust. s'in,hen Saturday, the 25th day of November next, would be required dor L• -the remainder in Copies fur 112, and any Rrr,Ncr.number at G,ederteh, Jan.2118, lSpS. bit( the same rale, if directed to individuals.- to be admitted 05 pins( the usual sum of Fir. • at the hour of 12 o' lock noon, at the Court Ehret annual mnrtalmt,u1e )(directed to one person, eight copies fur- STBhillin house in Lite low t oJLriCh. Apply to William Ratteabury of theClin three Dullarr, awl any aJluosal number at '� RAY OR. 3. All8.bmcribeT. b.viwg paid the 8obserhp J. McUO ALD, Sheri H. D. toe Arms, or to the some rate. The entire volume seat to Iter, sod Dal, ouch, to be entitled to enm;,ete. Basalrr'r OFrICR, BENJ. PARSONS. all rubaenberr, �4TR.AYEn from the SuMrribe► Lot No. 4. All Stock Exhibited shall base bmf° the GodoncA, 15th August, 1848. 3m29 • Goderich, August 24, 1848. IOtf Tho work a .e cheap, and contains so 16, 3rd Conceosioa of Wewan.sh, a iia.. fda property of the Exhibitor month be - p' Black ()X nine years old, blind of the of fore the Show, avid all other snicks shown must • Jorn'rA Cat LowaT, meet' rateable matter on .II subject' cos. have Sema pro Iseed ee tM Farm of tM F:thtbisw rye with a gimblet hole is each horn.- tae I riveted with Agri..mItural ler, ni elter*, S. Ail Sebwnpfiosa ti re Did o° or before OAvte Hun.ron. ) Strived from the owner about tF T first of (iardmsilrg, it •., that every tomer, mechanic the 10th dry of Assiut seat. ET The above sale of Lands in postponed std professional lima who owns Qvcult 'rates April lest. A liberal reward will be given 6 All Competitors tot prises most gt.. Obs to say wee"#»N(is(ormatioo of said Ox seneatery gouge of that deatripii•e of Stock aed until the fist day ef Febrs.ry, 1349. a rod of ground Milt Medi .gent, to become viten be can M 7e*ed. pm**, del tweed to thew. ea-w►ecaat . JOHN McDON ALD, Meng R. a snbecriber• ' JOHN GRATTAN. .'.lock, p. we, the 24th of September. S. - The Jannary and February numbers have Waw•n•.h, Nov 111hIBJ3. 4Jif T. All Ateek and Produce to be es the Show8■Eattr s OlrQosEart•, t Oroand bl 9 o'clock of the Ola d the8h.. 40tH f(evembneEe►, Iti18. s 4314 been Stereotyped, so that we can supply chem to all new *u►.enhera. W there I.TTh• Society's PLOUGHING MATCH fon bops that all disposed to aid in ezlesd Ti All tr. 1 Il may Cbf(C)'11. will take place .s •sual it (rusher. JosHo• CALLOW AT, ing the woefulness of the Firmer will eel- ♦ L1, person. re hereby, „timid„timidspinet R. O. CUNINOHAblE• Bees. sae jS tioue to seeeive and forward w►be.nptiee onL� purchasing a Prnmiaoryi OTE given G.derieh, 94th March, 1849. Gavle IIAriLToe itt ng aeeoNieg to our flub terms illy-- to Hama Hamilton u i ean prove 07Th. above sale of Londe a postpon- ed until the first day of April, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff D. 8....,,. Orrice, Gnn:etcu, January 29th, 14149. 52td Jee■va CALLOW ar,) The oboes Sale of re. Lands is postponed Gavle HArrt.Tns. till Friday, the First day of Jove, 1849. J. McDONALD. Sheriff, Hunts District. Sheriff Otftee, Goderseh,tit h March, 1849. remitting Sgfriff j Salt of Lana,. 11111I ?1$ 1110111.MOFFAT'S VE$ETABLE LIFE PILLS HURON IIOTELFOR SALE. , Rebsenplio• 09•111. 11 properly .•.heti that 1 sever ret•itted an ,alas eines.for the eines. and mailed, rTy be bear (poet -paid or free) JOHN FERGUSON. A TEACHER WANTED of the Fish of the pnWi.her. Addresesd to Witasss-Jo•N Biers IRT. VOR School Section No. 3 T•ckersmitli, n. D. T. M(N)RE. Roehestsr, Y. N. Goderich, 15th April, 1849. 1v -e10-11 AL sad as the school is in • popalons lo- -b ank Deeds and Memorials,, eality and well fair r.4, the Teacher may GOI)8RIC I, C. W eaIeulats on a hie rmnneration. Now. Nn all kinds o! DIVISION COURT10A .V e.0. er, 11148. Mt Wel, .e an 4.1) vitiated, Dud peeress - FOR A BLANKS. end BI.ANIr PRUM18- OR SALE by the $ubeeribers, ail of a gond moral character, •ad mobile COIN NOTB>I, for rale at the Sagest I BARR81.81 OF LAKE HURON 0ts14 helm,' nerdsppl)). Ossa. Beery beeriptioo of BOO[ lad i1 B RR 1 N G B , By order of the Trustees- � tag egec•teJ with IISI SSat Oa:?'lid For whleh PrnBdl oea will be take* fa ROBERT BELL, C►airman: Trustees - =Wag parapet. M. . SEYMOUR CO. Goderich, April 19, 1849. v9 -a11 • wren .vett'.....e er:. li `•ote1 NOTICE. T1IE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- , reg to tbelles ra. Qltrasp0Tt, r:T lbw place, bas eetabtialbed himself as a ronwAanen Ann cOlrramON rpCHAIT. Any orders or commission from the Mer• chants of Goderich, will receive prompt artpDntton. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 2v-7ntf. NOTICE, IiERERY gives that E. 11. MARL- TON of Oodeneh, hath by indenture of usigmeot, dated third day of Apnl, 1849, assigned all his i'ersonal estate whatever to 1. R.uienbory of G.derieb, upon treat, for the eine) benefit of himeelf mod all other*, the creditor, of the said E. 11. Marltoe, who shall testate the raid isde.tere duly seeroled b the still E. H. M•rIte•. Dated this SOA day of April, 11149. v2-09 NOTICE. ALL 'persons indebted to BREWSTER k SMART, through the agency r t the Subscriber, aro requested to settle their accounts immediatly either with him or with Mr. George Frazer, Goderich, and save costs. J. K. GOODING. Goderich, 8th Sept., 1848. Siff 51 itt)e 14Uton l3isnaIy tt rater= IED Pawl -WW1, EVERT r.IDiy BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, EDITOR SED ►a0►a1ETO1R. orrict rA.R R'T-ntic ea R, aon5 5011. •,• Book and Job Priming, 'Refuted wish neatness soil dispatch. Tema. or vw■ How.. Rims..-TEJI 81411 LiNG9 per •nnotn i( paid ',Melly is ad- or dor Twel.vz AND 8,. Pence with the termites of the year. No paper dieconnneed esti) amen ere paid up, witless the publisher thinks it hie odesa- tare to do so. Any individual is the eo..try beamies re eponaiblc (or six r.b.eribere, shall receive • seventh copy gratis. IT All lettere sddieeeei to ,he Voter mint peat paid, or they will sot b. 'ahem eel of tb. p..tome. TERM or anvnragre. Ste bees sad ..der, fb4t iaserti.a,.... L0 2 Eaeh subsequent imonies 0 0 711 Te. teat. •:d ruder. first insertion' 0 3 4 Fath ..b.egeeet •.•ctrl.. ♦ 0 10 Over tee linea, irs sieved.., per Ilse, 0 0 4 FAeh ssbseq...t isserti.w, 0 0 1 QT A' hber.l diorama mode to these .8o advertise by the year. -