HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-25, Page 3le Mem Meech 1.e. TIM eheednewl womb gibe
weal eahar ay iatl l.mbls gse..r.tiee_ be guilty
d emit a women Mel iglgltb dslabes d wq
Mw of order sed .leMm4s.. vier Ear might lee
k•ow, be phoned te the pwp.rssise d mutt
mem apish lag deeds beem itis sroeseary Mat
he amid be weighed el.mrty..ad Medd with
i.famy, ma .mkt mamma his lad ware mil abridge
his power le 1051011 wie►edsess The C.Wte
cosssks as with the het that there. mss awry
hooks is the woad !-cher metaled hers not
suffered mach ma irreparable loss se was ..Breed
by the herafmg n( the Alexandrian Library ! le
Ikon, he elk us that the Tory work of detente --
nos is Meekest was merely • lom. 01 00017 !-
So was the payment of the Rebellion tomes
w bicb by him and b.. compeers Lu been made the
(`retest for as attempt i0 00:110,0 the Smelt's
l'uluuial Government .' The Gazette farther
tulle as, (whether with gladneee or regret we
cannot ray) that had the Government Hoose
mod the public offices 'bees burned, thea, the
es).sb)i records of the Province would dare
hues destroyed, and the people of Coos& would
have had soave jmal cease of complaint against
the reams mob ! Does James Mots Fsamo
suppress that the people of Upper Canada lie nae
greet mess of iporant pllsbihtyi Or can be
possibly behere that there is one iuteatgesi man,
beyond the limits of his an link hou.e-boreing
faction. who does mot leek with unqualified deem.
tattoo upon him, and the it 1amatory sedition*
trash with which he has, for months past bees
endeavoring to destroy the peace and prn.penty
oICaoad.l In feet, outy that we arm prepared
to believe everylhiog that ie evil of Tory ism, we
woad have doubted the ezutepce of such a in..
as the present Editor of the Stemma) Gazette.
Ten:.1JJr:ss of
Freedom, to Ilia Ex
rd, leo this Office
evening the 22d hosts
ail Nd$DntD ACD .IT
notched to it. As we 1
'Mooing .Gia Addres
throughout the Dimuict,
one, and without any
'ions our own letter 10
whom it was etttiu.led ;
tiger our warmest thauke
"1crus-colonists io lluron,
zeal ad prompiitwie ie4mo
fact, wiled under a triad of
and the only manner in which
discharge it i., to state that m
we entertained • very high op:ui
acne had loyally cf the men
from our first 00.11's residence
tint, now, that. we have seen thein
in thousands to the opeo avoial of
melt es peace and the Constitution
meat of Q:est Piiwio, at • time s
League.. see being formed by me■ is
•nf open violence is perpetrated Bader
tion of those sworn to preserve the pewe
purpose of revering os from the parent
and sneezing as to the United States, 0
opinion of the men of Heron is much hi
ibis moment "than it h. . ever been before.
Address we adopted, and which has bee
numerously signed. sou that get op at Toro
it was the get which came to bend -there i
•mbigaity nor chap -trap *boat it. 1t cope
honestly and boldly what It is meant a taper
And we feel coofideot that of the shole aerobe
who ig•d it io the Daviel d Heron, there are
not six men who do not andmrsend dteiiectly
C•at .0 ngn ng ii, they Were exert...n.1 thee dr -
t -.:s.. am of the Tory eating.. p.•rpeuaied v,
Montreal, sod their cuefideeev to -the Govern-
mnest of Lord ELGIN. It was signed by bend:ed..
1. this Ofce,msny d Whom bad travelled a nam- I a
bee d miles for the purpose, and we are willing len
to make oath that so man was allowed to sip qom
it in our prereenee, without first either reading it
or bearing it read ; sed we are persuaded that oche
had the usual disgraceful means employed in ob- with
t5ioing signatures to such A. dresses, !wen
adopted, • much greaer camber might have been
obtained. As it is, we eaderwesd that several
sheets containing .Ignmiares in certain localities
Jure mot yet bees returned, and that Joust Huron, th
Mci , Esq., of Fullartoo, had forwarded the Huron,
list obtained in that township, to Mecum ea- f"wfame d He
tains one hundred and fitty eight^names o that
• altogether ire may safely assert rivet area thou-
sand names bare been obtained to this Address
in the District of Hiroo, and that neither for-
gery, fan, flummery for secret organisation bat
been oece.sary to obtain 'them. The Address
and the object of it were merely presented to the
people, and we feel proud to we that s large
majority of the wino( Hiroo are prepared, calm-
ly and deliberately to avow and defend the great
principles deastitstional Freedom. and B " h
Connexion, add to sdvoeste peace, law and
order. A Petition to our Sovereign the Queen,
00110 recall lard Elgin, was biped by omit
•o equal number of the mea of this District and
is now on its way to Britain.
iAL 11L'iloN !
the Friends of Constitutional
celleney the Governor Gene.
lar Montreal on Tuesday
nt, having T,To Tilor.A.D
carr Two signatures at- John Beaart, Sen.,
ooh the reepnnelbility of Alentider(raot,
• and of c rculariug it James Rank'u,
without consulting any Alcoa, der 11►u..:too,
other recommendation Peter Crete r,
ie various Miends, to Andrew flelmn.
Jnho C. W IMIy,
we feel called aeon to Wm. F. McCIa!k,eh,
the multitude of oar John Steinman,
Mho have with mach
66 the mwilkltp .f...h ...demi It may de
well cams► fen derfsehres Mos .f Toryism te
sen mask liberties with the named des District
Weeds* ..d .. .thmiu s( that►idoy, bet it i.
mem mid .•mealy M empty mks •.a.s of re-
spects/de ton who weed 0..eii11 thornedreto
dishonored by mach aasciali....
List of Magi.ious appointed by Commission
dazed Mound 13th April, 1849.
Arthur Aclad,
George Brawn, Jr.,
Jells Holmes,
John Longworth, Do
Abraham Dormer Neftel, iso
William Piper, Do
Jame. Wanted,
Thomas Mercer Jose., Do
Robert Maderwell, Do
George Elliott, Do
l lamtitos (3. O'Connor, 1)o
Bei.jsmis Parona, iso
Robert Gibbon., Po
James McMahon, Do
J.bob Begg Miller, Do
Joseph Herr, Do
Theodore Reed, Do
Daniel Shoff. Biddalph.
Juts Sperling. Blan-hawl.
Thomas Christ le, Do St. Mary's
David Clark, Colborne.
Ilarvey Brace, Do
John Armand, Jr., Do
Georg* Wood, Dowse,
Thoma. Brown, Do
William Smith, Ito
John Thompeoo, De
Peter Kanner, Ellice.
Daniel M,Pheimoe, Do
John Sebring, Do
John McIntyre, Follartoo.
.George Tboptp.on, Hallett.
('on.tant L. Vail Egmoted, Do .
J■mes Murray, Hay,
Cuter W ill's,! 1)0
James Wilkie, Drs
Ludwig )layer, hickillnp.
!)arid &ydos, Do
Obert Scott, Sen., o
Deem. Dnwoie.
Thomas Gorenlock, Do
3+m:. Berber. ' McGillivray.
South -Eestbope.
Stratford. r
der i!te e, 10
personal oblistion,
, we can properly
ruts and verity.
on of the intent-
( this Distract
among them ;
come forward
their south -
al Govers-
hen eeeret
the manc-
e for the
Thomas Duty,
Alezarder F. Miekle, I)o
.. Abesaider 1Jitchelf, Do.
Andrew Monteith. 1)o
I).vid Hood Ritchie, Bolster.
Peter Grant, Dn
Jrshha C.11owsy, Do
Rnbert BeII. . Teckermmilh.
William Chalk,
Alexandre Braadfoot,
James Gordon,
John Mcleto.h, •
James Dickson,
James Scot►,
Thomas L.mb.
Thr leSesC . sad iopr.p.iety....a sods«.
am eaasee5W by the seppeeiMe trans the
worship oldie Mathsdiete L rtes aid iwae.m&L
This pan et t . measles bebop le dr 1111169m -
Maw lbemeelme-se tole eweMod
• fail -and f. -Med the eery sasunia pt.that y see
antis' falsely la mor satirdy bee .f laieksaase
1t may be solely wseed that every i... us-
tioo a Worshipper., of the Crystal/relieve Lee
sciestiuusly that Male peculiar creed gad !seal d
"melee are correct ; therm may be, said probably
are i0 every eagrepries, udivdeal hgpaeriles-
but It would be • libel en harem eaten to este
p'w that • sabot. •esembly, or religiosedesomi-
'atioo d ms.klad should be iasioeem in the
worship d God Asd J own world may noes•
aim the important fact, that the disgust which
the calm re&ctiag Presbyteries feels fee what
he topsiders the irnverest extrs0Ogaaces of
Methodism, is perhaps not greater than the hor-
ror which the Melbodist feels for what o bo-
lirrea to be the sotichristian principles of the
Roma Catholic, who is his turn looks spa
both the Preebyierian aid Methodist as genuine
heretics. We mord ren wccld oily cossidet
this fact, the ugly spirit d religiose iatoknaa
would at ooee appear coowmpub!. sad aboard.
and Ibe disgraceful conduct to "Match Mr. Gear
alludes would sons teem ; because it mem be
o bvious to every ma of eommoa owe, that if
the Presbyterian the Epiecopshao sad the
Roman Catholic are to 'sDoy sad dished the
worshiping assemblies of the Methodism, sad the
Methodists to interrmpt the worship of lie
Catholics, mid so font, there would sous be u
end of all public worship.
This interteresee. however well -meats, is
founded a a fallacy which has dose nisch mis-
chief in the world, amely, a belie( that iotole-
raace need eoop,leia can change a tan'. ma-
,rctiak and faith. Long teeniesee hu thews
Ihet the beet method of subduing relisiajm here-
sy i5Jest to let it alone. So long an worship-
ing a.trmblies mediae their modes of wee. hip lm
their own churches or chapels, so Imo hes say
right to toterrtpt them. and wMtever may be
their errors or ezeraeapoeea, they deet ems-
pt.! others tostteed or Moen, aad if all wen an
not desirous of propagating these errors sad es-
temsg•ncem, will carefully 'beset theaselems se
(ren the embliem ware here they propagated,
the evil will very moo come to as cad.
U: The Coati of Amite wee opened here a
Monday evening by Judge SULLIvAn : L HEY-
DEN, Erq., of Toronto, ss Clerk of Assize, end
RIcHaRD MArTIN, Esq., HAmiLTON.. as Queen's
Counsel. The civil eases occupied two Lys,
and we feel pleasure is statists that eves is theait
times of "terrible cseiter.ent," omr District is
not stained by a single case is the elimimal cake-
dar. Il our seat we .hall soy soiae:t.icg o, the
Legal talent of or* tows as diepltyed in Ceert-
soniething about his Lordship's Address. and is
James Merry Jr ,all probability a little more than so..tAing
Charles .Girt,ao, R awtwoeh. about the eatraordinery Grand Jury, and their
We would not, io all probate Ory hare pehlbh- met eiuzordinary Presentment.
eouotry, ed the New Commiwioo of the Peace at present,
had it not beet that we con.ider the credit of
lir gond the District demands it at oar beech The Gen-
TM tkmeo whore named form t!.r Consoles :est, haus
again and again been presented to the public an- under arena to meet theta.
der thedmlgatia d the "Forty th,evey'• Wildi rheas amusements that .rete iutreducrd, rod we 1tier report stats that the Romans did.
they have more recently been exhibited s..b•od were med much giwii6to perceive that sobriety, not wait for the arrival of the French troops
"(ignorant dr,rnJ rds; and we ask the 'Dhabi- mirth and good fee!mg eharuteriud, se tbiok to raise again«t the triumvirate. BLrsine
Memo( 'loran, are those men des ruins of Leh every ore of the promiscuous s.sembl.ge. Aad had, according to the statement Bed, sell
a character 1 W ask is the second place, are
the people of Moron willing to pay for having
their mem respectable neighbors them wantaly
insulted, and the creditor the District injured by
t',e false and wahinest repr...autiors of a mere
ore/Akre wore! Ieteliitonee. Mralth and
moral temerity are the remote te g051161attoos of
Magistrate, and we challenge the District to
educe other sine -aim met in whom these
hficstaous will be as fairly represented. A
herd, whatever may be bis .taadiag in
ty, is the last Otto that should be entrusted FOR Tit SDRO\ me*AL.
he administration of justice ; and on this Good news, and no hal good than tree.
t we admit that perhaps two. or three of The Judge has come, no canoes Awa To agTrzw;
sme" had been better exhibited elsewhere 'Tis pleasant this, in their marketed times,
• Commission of the Peace. But we O(oarling politics, ad !renis cremes.
rlemely that, in this respect, there is not
name added to the Commission for
.t is half o bad as some who were
Magistrates. And we ask, in the
avea,by what process d reckless pre -
d pervasion of all principle do the
e thing called the 'furor' Gazette,
the character of any man -even
paid be the lowest of the filth,
of society 1 We honestly think
y possible amoost of depravity,
their own level.
o .o
THE QUICK.'. Biarr-n.r.-Oar towgemea,
young mud old, *had a merry hollid•y on the
Market Sgeare yesterday. Old men and beye
seemed equally interested acid happy is the vs -
Naw Yogis, May 16-3 T. N.
The Meese r Casella arrived at Halifax lie
Monday evening and w rapeetd to reach
INete York os ?Mirada, Mwnwg.
lrvaarluos., May S.
Low and moiling quebthee cotton were
rather better.
Flour .red wheat were in limited demand
and former prices barely sustauted.
Indian corn had gained the lou pestate*
ly sustained.
Indian meal gold at 15s per bbl.
Beef was in rather better demand and
quotations' 'wady.
Pork both Eastern and Western, rukd
Holders r,f lard are firth.
Lond,.n money market cusunuer easy.-
Cunrol• for money and ercuuat, closed at
Elie Hermann arrived at Cows tie ibo
evening of the 114 instant.
Omtscl n. tires of the Intervention of Rae-
ais in Hungary had been received at Pari•.
The number of troops placed at the dispo-
sal of the Austrians in 80,000.
The war in llungary is assuming a seri-
ous a.pect. The Australis hate beim sig-
n ally defeated.
A rup'ure has taken place between the
President and Napoleon Bonaparte. The
latter denounced the former .s • bastard. -
The moult has occasioned a great deet of
recnm.nation .
Thera le no material deereale in the
stack of bullion held by the Bank of Eng -
head. The total amount of gold •hippe..l to
to the Muted State., t elusive of 1:25.900
on board the Canada, is stated it L411,900.
The ace•iunt. from New Y. rk by., the
Niagara of the e .ciliation of exch.,ngos bas
termed materially to check exportatoma of
1• 4e'
19tere to an irnp'roved J. mand in the Lon
don market for Amcor, ,t,,ck«, 111010 petit
part.cul.ily to Ponsylvanie five per cents,
the m.ly cluck mentioned In Leaden pa -
Pe" .
The sceoonte of the Bank of France
show an me•eao, to the eitent of 6,000,000
(ranter, and .he 31 inst.
French S per c.:rita realized 89 of 80e, 5d
of which is on advance tram the preced.ng
The disasters in Hungary tend to readily
the tone of Austria.
In P4m.nt Radet•L_ has reduced his de -
Nsw Teat, May 111.
Chaim mom la New Yab.
Naw Yong, May 19.
The Melon reported is this trey 1. eistiieg
mare thea Moslem met boo, wed the Liman vo
Committee de see 411,1 ,1 seemed to renals
soy .molal report. The perones attested were
ie • stet wretched sad filthy moasditiee. Steps
have bees mass to peewee ee its swouag a wore,
The !rates Pest says it lies the highest es -
thorny bre apses that IL Navigation biII will
pus toe Hems iJ !Leeds seH nee. Paredes
d repay ham mare
Md placed ►heart!at the orad d tM Meaias
lodes is the dime/mare. of Sou Louis Poled.
and bed cauwsoeed u enteral...alma war ea the
The cholera ma the Rio bad almost d.appear.J.
r -
M , May 1714.
t 'linear AT .31[5[1 AAD TURurTO.
Mr. t?iaaw000, Tomato, moved the odor,lioe
of an address to 114 Eao. llency ea the ezpedlen-
ey a ee.vening Parliament alternately at Quebec
and Toronto.
Ater same dise.oelon it was agreed to by a
row "(3•I to 99.
LIT OP Li ' rE*3
ILMAIN1310 la the Pimi (Mier at re(f d
op le 7th Kay, 1649.
Ar•old Liberties. Hely Edward
Alien James John.es IYiMao
B.rosid'leery, 2 J.ff:ay Wilu.m
Blue Chitties Kestse Peter
8.t. kobt Kestser Gemini -
Ikll Ree W Leer i4eb.rd
Goren Jobe III dieAedrrw
Co mkr Michael- Math * Files
Cmlh.s. Th • Moms William
Campbell Mooi• Mc Doormat W1Neal
Clarke George Mct'areek Joan
Carey William Mc1'.tde. Andrew
Carmelo, I',''rr Mel:eon Deur.0
Da+wn John Este -rem Peter
Dickie William Phelan J+nr.•
Deownere Ju.eph Parker W 11
Evince William Pbelao 1'
MSahyr Jean 1t.ki. J.mr.
Fortier Flatten Reach Jobe
Feoael Sant Robertson Henry
Fleiehrl Thea Ryon Jobe
Gsll■gher Aire Rutledge Peter
Grflereon Jobe Smith Jetted
Grady Mirhael Swimmers Will:an,
11,11 Thomas Stewart Joon
Houghs" Joseph Watts Jobs
llenuessy Richard Wats.. Janie.
.A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster.
Stratford, May 7th, 1849.
TLAl_ Minis
Bnrltoa.. May 5. TEAS le ! 'PEAS ! ! !
LArtn Miff CHAMOIS --- Rrre'a. nr
GOLD "Dlurtae"-Nu>•-AaaiVAL OF VHS
THE Subscriber is newsier his that singer*.NL. Mor CALIrORuIA-Iriatttsts ROMsar:° rI thank. iso hie frirods, and the probe, for
w,ITIOO TOR f.AR,PoMTATS.•R -The brit( their moa liberal pavnauxe. brae Iroise ie ia y
...mottled arrived at New Oilcans on the forth them th.t he has just IMPORTED a choice
Lot of TEAS. &c., which he.ntler. for S.1. for
SEED. WHEAT. or any other kind of Produce,
on account of the dlflcaity of obra:eing lower three ever orf -red here before.
pa.esge to the gull region. The Subscriber would also intimate Ileal on
The .teenahip California bad nnl arrival i account of the sett' large enema' of Debts he haw
at Panama, nor had any other ves-el, from ; standing bit, he has clewed his Boots against an
San Francisco, wbea the Fasiltod sated Credit till 1850, aad all chose perm..s that hove
ken) Chagrins. u 514000* wise nd sive cher Notre.
There were about three thousand per- thereby .mein, down. (1..d BUTTER and
Pr' WOOL. takes ll forpleaold 1)-Itt..ilse
sono on the isthmus, ar.xious'y awaiting'
the mete.; of transportation, among whom
there is a genets! wish that they well
back in the " whee aettlmtnents;" but pride
.educe* them to remain for a chance of
finally rearhte.g Ca!iforeia by that roue.
Tu.i Caurnt0ut Ewioaav rs via Inc
Rio GtA>tst, kc. - The New :Orleans
Delta contains a letter. from Roma, Mexi-
co, in, which the writer slates tbat..all the
alventerere be has met, including Col.
dish ult , from Chagrin., whence she sailed
in the-th. lite brought sixteen pas -en -
ger. (C.Mforata emigrant.) vho returned
And !INE SALT for Sale, cheep for Cash.
G.mInicb, Ma) loth 1849. 2. -alt
APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the
townahip.nf Colborne, Western Diet-
Webb's party, are heartily tired of their .100. Neon District, containing 'I
j)urney; but that they arc ashamed to. give HUNDRED ACRES 0F, LAND, with
It up so, and therefore press onward.- 95 acres cleared and in gond order; fetor.
Bulletin. to repair. There is a good Frame Hoose
[Cottage .tyro], tiro) the premises, 35 by
muds from (6,001000 t.> 8 000,txw which
TAwizo IT Co0LLY.-!laity years ago, a 32 feet : oleo, a Frame Bern 50 by 35,a and
it gceepttble to Sardine', and a treaty of T,mpkine e on(tpNew York rwee sentencing a awards Gc,vernor '..ng F atm lluo Frame ase i eItooler tolfeet erable rep with
pent • has accordingly been cooc;uded. man to be executed for murder, n Orange There are three running streams of water
The hP of Prussia has again quarrelled counts', and while he was .n pathetic terms through the Lot; taco of which are in Iso
with his Parliament, and be. positively re- •dmoaiehin hen to.repertencu and preps- rlemma' ; a cosh orelwrpaboul the Frame
fused to acea;t tl:c imperial crown of Ger- ration. the" criminal looking tip to the gar- liquor, ai.d a first rate %Veil hot! a cellar.
many. - Iery of the,cbureh 1n which the court was I The price of this desirable property is
Tori: gale great di.p'eaaure to the people held, exclaimed in a toed and c!aar voice, £1150 currency. For particulars apply to
of berth, and i was the Immediate cause of " keep order there, well you -i canna: Meters. 91'RACIIAN bis LIZARS,
the popular commotion, which was for it hear what the Judge says to we." -Bulletin. Solicitors, West -street.
time .uppreseed by the snldttrm, but alit till Golerich, March Cd, 13t8., 7tf
110010 blood had been shed. •
Tho war in Scbeltzwing continues, ami
the promised peace seems very far distant.
The news of the arrival of the French, New Volta, May lit.
has creat. d great sensation at Rome, where Assts. -Good demand for Pots at$5 266cnous-Low
it wa3 said a V. :.zona had cot 20,000 Diem Peaks
q IIS a $•5 56.
(rodeo, 3000 barrel., at $4 .25e. for mixed; for
better grades, $4 37Se a $ 53e, for pore Genesee.
WHOM quiet, 1500 Western at 86c.; Genesee
1.11at kct .
when the wheelbarrow -race was ,boot to tom. the papulation pronounced Piva 6th.
meace, oar own little Devil leeringly remarked The French commander proclaims mis
that he would roe down and borrow Mr. Giles' ,ton rather friendly than otherwise, and it
sew wheelbarrow if we would promise w I ts understood the Pope will be expelled or
compelled to grant not only an amnesty but
wheel it. di -arable reform!.
S,ni,lar condtUone pmb3Sc nn- ,Leat sold generally ata decline 01 10 to
ID" It will be seen, y advenisreteot, that 1bused un ilk Gtaad Dukewill of Tueean;y.be d3 per quarter. Foreign ala) meets with
tbe eleventh Loan Meeting. of the Iitltlieg -8r At parts on the 3d instant, It was report- very heeled demand. Also a similar de-
ciety will be held is the Hall of ILe Herbal ed at the Bourne mid generally credited, duction was accepted in both floor and lndi-
Hotel to -morrow evening at 7 e'eleck. • , that the govergment had received a tele- an corn. A slight cnnceesion was made on
egrsphic dispatch announcing the entry of the following day at Liverpool. A limited
the French into Rome,and the 8 ght of Re- demand for wheat and flour was experienced
publican government. Also that Tuscan and former prices barely- ;n.unt tined.
troops had entered Leghorn
The funds were favourably affcted by SHIPPING iNTLLLIGENCE.
those reports.
The Sicilians, beaten at all pontes have ARRtv►Ls. •
virtually submitted to the King of Naples. May ,19, Dolphin. --, Sarnia, Passengers.
and the French admiral has negotiated `,•- Agnes Ann, Black, Master-Saugeen,
.ueeessful'y•on favourable condo loam. ' Shingles and Stone.
Later adv,ces by the oveetand stall con- May 20, Fly, McGee nr Maser-Bluitoa,
firm to the fullest extent the previous ac Potatoes and Fish.
ccoonte from the 1'unj orb. Mary Ann, Crabb Master -Detroit,
Commercial reports contioue highly fa- VChtskry,
Ilighlaod Mary,Neil Blaster-Saruia,
May 23, Dolphin, Sarnia, Pesseniers.
Mary Ann, Crabb --Detroit, Ba'Iast
Fly, McGregor -Smola, Passengers
and Firh.
Agnes Atm, Black -Detroit.
Hishlasd Mary. Neil -Sardis, Bark.
Goderlch, May 24, 1849.
Annther 'ecling of depression ban come
over the grain trade. The weather became
very favourable to the grain crop, which
caused buyers to confine their purchases to
immediate wants.
At Morklane on Monday la.t, English
these o
than on
'siert fen
one new
May 21, 1849.
8IR, will you be kind enough to do my name
justice, by insertisg the following ie year paper.
Seeing my name tacked to a petty Leages Meet-
ing in the Hera Gazette d May 17th. i beg
to state that i was not at the meeting, nor have
i any commotion with it, as i totally disapprove
dell party animist tie.. 1 have every confidence
1. the mend and noble minded jogdment of oar
present Cheerier.
1 am, Bir,
Toms reopeetf,lly,
Taw Letter not only smelts for iraalf, bet it
speaks also for the " Leegae," ad did .them
whose same@ have best seed in IM same dastard-
ly and russet seaber, peewee the seam sow d
!seer sad sreral obligation that is here "'Weed
by Mr. M.ssvuuTLI, we would bt1ve a greet
wed sodsletters a publish. In t1 meanti we
we are authorised w state that Mr J Smite
whose earns is seed as ere ofthe Leans wan
never a coned se the esbjeet, sad has se with
to Inc cnaeeeted with melt n eenatiae. We
eoeld pant out *early ..e tined of the ',bole hen
efeeremittee toes who, like Mr.Builfe have mem
bee* esesulted ; bat the setcriety of the seder
ales,of the party readers each a exposers alt. -
rib's meeeeess 7, although it does set dimia-
mampuon, an
writers of th
dare to e.ticise
although ha eh
mum, or dlregs
he cannot, by an
be reduced soder
" It was thought adefia-ITe ei'liatd our
next meeting in the town of Goderich.-
The was a new thing among the people
here : for although Methodism bad been
establishe. in the town almost from its
first settlement, they had never had a pro-
tracted meeting. Novelty secured for us
• good attendance. Nearly all classes of
person., professions, end rank repaired to
the chapel in order to witness the strange
phenomenon of a Methodist Protracted
Meeting. It would have been as much to
the credit of "rime whocnnsider themselves
respectable, if they had either remained at
home or learned to conduct themselves
with propriety in the house of God. Some
mocked ; cohere proceeded to acts of vio-
lence outside ; others manifested their ig-
norance by threatening to have us taken op
for annoyance, became the prbibelot, made
too much nowt ; and the greater part were
ready to say, "we never saw it on this
fashion." But convinced that the work
was of God, nose of thew things named us ;
and we "rejoiced that we were counted
worthy to suffer abuts. for His name." -
Howbeit certain men, (abut 15 or 16,)
clave mite se. a the result of the meeting.
May God ineresm their member nod keep
tbem unto life etereal !" .
Ten paragraph we eat from ■ Letter d tie
Re.. /aura (111,•, Methodist Mildew►, Code-
rieb. Th. Letter appears is the Christian
Ossetia* ef the 16th int., sod 'per sole ebteet
is atieisg It, is to expemos ear aageatiied die
approval damndest, lidded' i...rlsssly ealenrted
w being ammo epos the lsiaMants of own
tows. The a.oy.see eared no the "pr..
trotted Meettag," a repressated by Mr. On T.
and jowly eotnplaised d, are altogether urom
*alibi* with the peognss d civilisation, sed
highly repnrbeseible se being at ,amen with
the great priseiplea ef love, amity ad Wear.
twee, os which Cbriatiu swelity is foitnded -
Ma. EDrroa,-Lord Elgin in gaining gol-
den opinions from all the t.'pper Canadians
who have visttad hitt sines the commence- viewable.
meet of the loyal Tory rebellion. Instead A reeent revere frost in the - Smith of
of 1,500 Glengarians being on their wap , Emote, calmed immense lnjnry to the Mul-
down to resist the Government, a single berry trees which utth othercaui'e has ere -
word would rouse the whole country to sled a ri.e of 24 per pound for mlik.
arms in support of Lord Elgin and hjs Ad- Continental defiturbances continue In act
minirtration. • prejpdicially to England upon moat of her
articles of produce and manufactures.
Accounts from Manchester are no better.
The Trade of France is rapidly tmprov-
pres•ion of opielon will doubtless be given ing, and it it thougut that should the bill of
as will astonish the Home Government, and the repeal of the navigation act be t:erseted
forever set .t rest the question of Responet- in the hnu•e of Lords, that it would carry
ble Government. down with it. all the the prominent measures
A party of the reppnrtcn of the Minis- of the minletry itself.
try, with someof their U. C. friends, who Canada .8.+tri have been on eeseral occa-
were dining together at Tetu's Hotel on
Monday evening last, were b►utally and vi-
olently attacked be • Coaserratire mob.-
Addreeses of empathy and support contin-
ue to be pouridg 1n upon His Excellency
from every part of Canada, and such an ex -
Mona tacidentally debated ie parliament, but
the ministers have carfully avoided giving
any information of the views or iteenuons
The party inside rtid not leave their "ease of the government in relaters to the invert -
till the windows were all smashed, and the ding quarrel.
inside blinds had began to give way, when
they thouebt it was time to defend then- 5p t., 51q 18.
tektite. They did so h empty bottles Qeebee pap„..of yestet'*ky annoamoe filly
and such other weapotl they eenld Isy more arrivals, among the Moran (rem Olssgow:
their hands upon, slightly wourdr.g a few B.rbao, Rory O'Nlore, Amy Anne, from lower -
of the ruffians outside. And wotibl you be- pooh sed Prince George, from Leith; with seom-
Ireve it, the leaders of the mob next day
complained most bitterly because, as they
timid, a pistol had been fired from a window
of the Hotel which might have k.11ed some
of them ! The mob to the most wanton
ral cargoes GROSSE. ISLAND.
Erred/rem •letsrfr»w Or. fl.miglas, dared to-
"• 1 so happy to say that then to little or *e
and unprovoked manner attack • party who .iekaam slag the Irish hemp -oats tbos kr.-
Ives it is called an "outragg" ise•ld this day. Two chew ea leaving Ire -
are quietly ining together and pst
because t v 1 did est and a ease r,f servos' teems out of 1800
defdbd the
for which
these very' entive g'setie.nea do not with
to get hurt, it would be well for them to
keep out of the way of Upper Canadians.
A Deputation of 50 gentlemen from
Brockville, carne down last week to preeeot
ey ought to be arrested If
Ian.! Met y Chslers, the Jowls 40, lid tom
Minna 16 pease. gees, hot it r -w day" after tory
catalpa latitude they gni clew ,f rhe disease,
end dm passengers en . arriving at Grosse island
were legal perfectly well "
Moerwa.t, May 1.8
The followieg mon ,.wets Mem arrived in
the Address from that place to Il a Exeel port Mese mr taut report: -the Untenaia. 2 d
Ieney. it worm enamored that they wnnld im► Ans. from Liverpool: Mary, from Cuba:
he snacked on tsar arrival here, but the "" ! Oris lra0 Bnedeawa. F.iigrast• cru er/wd•
rioters had got a !Moon at Tetu'e which was 11'6 .Pena• in large .stnbere. 3'25 •rriveJ ihi.
still fresh in their Inemoriee.I eaeniwg in the Lady Elgin fere Quebec, se•
counts Cholera at Grosse Island Ore w:, div
Ro Oherarsesm and riotous 114 the fire' ,e uhmt keedatim. F.w,ef *ay game d.e.er«
etionmeniee 1n this city became, that the a)- wetness. Ott .8700.eo ..tis.nem ea board the Jesse,
thorium' were obliged to disband them, and , end Jesse Meek. from tmisnd, them were bet two
organise a more orderly force fir this ser• s.rk m ssrrivwl, thoagh 15th ""eta led 1'n,
In lbe L.saelmeive tDe
it metal uncertain when Parliament will !many
ta-Ly ilea
s rhany immediately after 'moo, tbe 81......
' v1• I)e Nselere a withdrew hie metier. of wheel
be prorogued. h- hagime e boar.. foe u m sideeto the Qeee.
I E ! ,o ase rater tee espe4ie.ey of suppao.g the.
Mostreal, May 15, ism. , t'a ,a "(die Promisees
TIIE enbecriber offers for SALE- one of
Hall's Patent--'Inck-making Machine',
also to RENT a Brick Yard adjoining the
Town of Stra'ford, for such term oY year*
u may be agreed on. Also wanted imme-
diately -upwards of 100,000 well beret
Wicks. For particulars apply, Of by letter,
pgpt-pnldj to - Mr. McCULLOCH Stratford.
Stratford, April 241b, i$49. tis-il2-at
TOTS Numbers TWENTY-4EVElk amid
J 1'WF.NTY-EIGHT in the 'Eighteenth
('oocessiun et ti.e Township ofF,Barino, ilurnn
Uiatrict. The Lind is well Timbered end Wa-
tered. For particulars apply to M . Buchan -
•n, Harris K Co. Ilamilton, or to the subscribers,
at their offices in Goderlch and S.ratferd.
kiolidtora, &e.
Guderieb, 3rd April, 1649. 9v-f9-rS
To be Sold or Let for the Season.
HALI.8 Patent Brick Moulding Machine,
and Tempering M111, -together with
Adams' Revolving Brick R,eco.eer. Thio
Machine with a horse and very few hands is
capable of winking from 10,000 (0 12,000
Stock llnckr per day with rase, superior to
the«e made by the hand. For further par-
ticulars apply to JOIIN HALDANE, Jr.
Leer„ Goderi,.h, C. W. 2r -n12
CARR FOR WHEAT'tt the Goderich
Mille. W. PIPER.
Golerich, 30th March, 1849. 2v-to81f
► IIiS property consistinf = acres on
• the hank of the river Maitland, yid on
Cie rad side leading to Mr. McDoedd's
rr'lF. South half of Lot 10, on the 2n4 Con-
Grist Mill. near G,doricb. Upon which
ee. St u of ane half
1 will be sold ata there is a BREWERY with excellent Lel-
moderate price, one half of the dpthe a mn- eoniptlerag• ■ Malt house and Malt Kiln, all
ney willbe reignited in hind, and too perch"- complete. Tnere is also an excellent into
to will be allowed 10 retaro the other half for a Distillery on the lot, and the owner
fora number oft pore nn common Interest.
Thetar a neat to t water un the bank on that
land to ofexcellen0 entire and welt apt'ls.tu este of that read whifh ii sufficient
qat all scas'osm•of1 lite pais for three rocs
tered. An undrepeted title well be Riven. work..
For further pa.tic' ars sooty to John
For particulars intending pnrehasen mai
Stow Art Foe.. Barrister 6'4OTIcb, apply (.f by idler poet/toe pail) to
Goder.eh 611th May, 1819. r2 -n16 DAVID DON, Guderich.
Goderlch, May ll, 1ti19. ttt-nl4
Huron District building Society. er----- - -- -
OF the Snctety wtfl ink. phare at tlse E S TtA R L I S U M E N T.
British Hotel, on Saturday next, the
26th inst. at '7 o'clock, P. M.
B order, A. NAYSMITH
THOMAS Kviva, Sec'r. *N ret.umng thank". to hie frrond• and re-
Gudotieh, 95th April, 1842. !v -e•141' l ,nr.yr•no k'e.t"mar'► Inv Ake f.iheret Fes.
renege which he hi. arrived dente the
,,tet year, begs in intimate that be toss }*1
Pi. t'S AND SPFCiFiC1T10'83. received no totes. reA•rortment
THE 8nheerirrer her. leave to inform the
lahahiten's of the Detrici ret !Peron,
sed the neighboring District., That le Fa.
Established himself in Str: tford.
an 1 is preprrl to give Plana and Sp'.:6 e-
ters* of Prihl,c rr Primate Bill tinge, Bret,:
es, Milt Uvma, k•. k-. kc., and will take
the euperilet,derise of finch Erections, 01
the most rea.onable term..
Ili* thorough knowledge of hi., pof•welera
and tis preview la Dodder, g,tahies 14:e fa.
any undertaking is the Ifee. Address' post
Builder, Ina. knit. 81 ratlbrd, C. W.
Stratford, Much 16:h, 1319. 9r-a7tf
.01•02.•••0111020‘11110-4....0, e. --,,.mow+^ a .-, , .
0:7 t:32 2Jt37.:J.7J7C29,2419s
ant is rosily to Execute all Orders given to
hen a t:h . are and 1 uactualap sel•eraaerly.
G- clench, April, 11th, 1812. 9t-otay
LL Ceieo inletted to the late i119M
et, her by Note or 11" k account. are hereby
rolled .p•+n fn come forward wlibunt delay,
and petite the "Mme •rah the 8ehetriier,
Mend by .o dO l( ,soy will gave the cats er
mallo!tttamJeg as Attor'w
Golerich, Mirth 23, 1219. tt-Toil