HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-25, Page 212
, 13
Jrslis dal Par lica d.'
Monraa.L. May 11, 1819.
hensaNTv DILL.
Mr. D1Lswaa. r movrog that the &II to
smarted the Cheeses of the O.Mrsety of
King's College. Tennote, he wed a second
time, wish. that the subject lese •
attention aged the atttiel the hMs{a N Up -
par Chan.J...•J had Mer se e etr dl.eun
swan tat lie did nut thtuk It we eeswry to
.alar rinse any details as to the early hr -tory
of the University, sad the questing w biro
b4 Mew agitated its eonaectwn w IN It ;
n...re ..pesially as it was tamest impassible
that any man whn Ind resided in the coua-
try, fee the last aloes year*, wile had paid
the ka•t.tteation to piney Oruro, could
r.-u.s,n ,ralgeainred with the matter to al!
•a "flint*. Merry rev sept. he 1 bee.
owl- 10 ..1114 the question which herd atta-
ined the Proue••c, to ref ren:,• to it. during
the few net years. rue three hose Ad-
v.:Metratur, b.a all of thews bid the Wteeet
.infer cygnet/icon. All of there had .d•
mond the seces.tay of L,-gie!.►ws on the
eubj.et,an.l he thaugt,t it voile Le absurd
fie tit else, at ibis penis!, te ray that there
was 0•t tiptoed for trgt.'at on. And the
17 pre/seat was • time, above ail other., as hen
110 th.,nght they woa1J Le .tele to legt.late
'Moate an a tali+hrtory manner, from the
21 cenceouation cf the p•.lalte uou4 epos the
e lestion. and from the 11, t, that while os
f firmer occa•iees tee heal. i,f th in.taw:en
teed tritely protc•ted ; r Neer any legi.la•
Nun, they now ►J•mned tie toyeevity uf it;
sed a greet many persons w ho were opposed
to the principle of the Bit, sot admiltrd
that any c'•ar.ge was preferable to allowing
thing. to remain in thecond.tt.0 thev now
were, fir Doi hieg cudI be nt• re ley 'nous
• to Moe best Interests of the 1a.htulwa than
cent:need a;itatem ; at in uta character an.1
constitution, it weakened tine Iurtitution,
- tied destroyed, public Loth in it. Thie no-
os.(stev for teeedatio, beteg obvious, it alp-
y'r:aced to hen that no time could be more
"' opportune fist settling the qi:cation in notch
.,,s wisnnes as- if .t would Lot please the
•- *diode jai• yle in the Nominee -it weeld at
lent plel.e a very large mtj.ray of them,
The people of U..per Canada were d'veled
Into a large number o' sects and denomiea-
trons, arJ anything which tended te, or
oven had tee appearance of giving ■nj one
denayinel3a a superiority over the o•hcrs,
•• *Doll be d ot,•tef.,h to lino majority of the
people ; and therefore, b iaever desires/
Ito might be that the Church to. which he
telengeJ should have• Chair of Divinity io
the L'nircreity, he felt that it would be both
injurious to that Church, and' to the tJoi-
tr.r.ity, and thercRire he was agates' any
chow, of Dive ty being e•tabLrshed in the
1'niver.ity. in declaring that there should
he ao Theological Chair e.tatdiihed, it did
• not necessarily fellow that the edecation
which wuu:d be recened at 1!',e Uoivors,ty
wnul I be an Weill/tout, one. If be thought
th:.t b:• measgr, 'retold hue the effect of
treponaq the tart•, of tree ',home, bet never
would bate introducnl il; tont he was aYta-
iled it wool.' not bare ouch an effect, and
he bc:icrec that the Church • to which he
belung.d would not al ai: be ;netted by the
1...a,0:e. Ht Inhered it d.1 eat treed
te be arra:.l of.taodtee la the carne p"nti0n pvlrc'p!e• : bol he now found that the hon. church. It was then no apotletion ; but a p•iblic measure* able, patriotic and praell- rtbipman, Yopge; R. Geddes, Brockville;
a• utter denomioati..na ; and he thought memaer de.:reil to :Wept instead of 11. the rest, ratios, to give back to the people their cal, such at many succevetve years of the I Jobe Denny, North Cosby: William Mat -
that by depriving it of any pr. Terence it principle of Thr. Draper's bill -the principle jest right.. Ila di I not desire to place the •'id eyetem of guversuient hate never ex- thie, Brockville; George Morton, 3n.: «'ar-
po•.e..rd-by rehetmr: it from the interim of giving a College to each denomination. Church of England in a peseion inferior to hibaed. ren Botsford, Jo.; Frederick Jones, Yonge.
eu• positron in • Melo It is now placed -ere (Mr, 11 tick.-M1r.Draper's bit pro%l ted fur other Churches ; hie de.'e hail always been . Nader.ihesecircumstances we have heard 3631 Signatures.
to put all churches on an equal footing ; with deep regret and thane, that • band ut R E
d Iawiless- melt et the Seet of Goternmente
wi•h the inteetion of toerawin_ the Legis- GLnLpin:a,
1 23
26 .
that hes. ge.tlewee, a leader of a political
porgy, tweed by ply Use. He ha a right
to believe that the ho.. ..mbar was 001
aetl.g according to hie priseiplas ; but oa.
ready at the aegairemeets of km political
Ineuals, to .acr.6ce Ws Church sad hu re -
4gtua to but party. [helical diens.) Ile
had the right to arsons. this, because It was
..t the Bret time that the hon. member had
approached this subj..t ; for is 1643 he bad
tetroduced • measure to ••settle the Ua-
versi11 geeeuoe," in which it was stated
rfNtlnetly-ie the ramble -that it was ex-
pedient 10 provide for the "religious educe•
w,u" of the people. Was that anything
like the presets bull ! Nu ; fur the preeeot
hill expressly excluded all religious educe -
ton. Ile ceriteeded that this bill could sot
b,'cotne law ; for the people of the entire
I'revntee-he might say of the whole Chris-
t an wo: id -were opposed to its pnacipie.
t:.eu in6tel France now found. the Deese -
fur the security of society, of drawing
close: to the bonds between education and
religion. Should we 1e Canada, then de-
grade this religions establedenent at To-
mato, into • mere infidel :;ullege 1 If the
bill passed this House, he wag sating •d it
could nil be u.cU,.ned at b dere : for the
Col ego had the right to hold its property
and its charter against all the world. H'hy
was the property of the Church of England,
.rely to be interfered with 1 Why would
nut Queee'e, Regi.•pulie, and Victoria Col-
lege be ielurf.-r.4 with In the same way? F.x-
cop t whom the Church ut En_Iand was coo -
reined cutl•-giete eetabll.huienlr were 10.
vat J, anJ es at was It tit., bill, to'o.we ialu
the plan, mew proposing (.t voice : -They
are reale eidoeenente.) Toe hem 'Lew -
her then read certain peruun.a of despatches
from Lord Goderieh relative to King's C.1
ledge IR New Brunswick ; a' tieing tin
opinions of these two nottlomen, that the
property r-.f'c*•luael Cuil._gee should not
es interfered with, w , mi.- to deertee
t!,eatof tke•E,•iscspaltla cbaraeter. This
:.d!, however, instead of Jamming the char
ter of K•ng's College, iia It prof:reed, way
intended to destroy rte K.ag sCol:ege alto
gcther, without leaving one vestige. of it
remeinine. It was no knee" to he Kung.
College ; but Toronto College, and ties,
wbtle, by urea ng Colleges of other d- nnmi-
estturs to give up their charter., and Alioia-
te". ceofesseil that they had nu tight for-
cibly to take there cb inters away. King's
College wa0 wow open to alt classes on pie-
ciaely eq•tal tenon : • Kaman Catholic
could go these on the same footing as any
other person. (A ♦o.ce-By a d,aponeauon. )
Hero the hon. member explait:ed that the
dispensation wee a perm4aton to students
not betongtng to the Church o(,}ngland, to
a'weat themselves from prayers at chapel.
The peo;ile or Upper Canada wero opposed
to th',s bill. litatiatice"w•oulJ ,bow this ;
for ant of 70,000 in Upper Canada, 101,-
000 belonging to the Church of Enslind ;
193,0110 were Methodists ; 9J,000 Roman
Catholic@ ; 67,000,uf the Church of Scot-
land : and'63,000 of the Free Kirk-blb,-
000 to all, were oppeecd to the principle
of separating Niterary education from 're -
liven instruction. (Jar. Macke :-The
hon. -menthe'. for Norfolk, the President of bill stowed this was the case, for tt was en -
the Council, the hon. member for Halimand, titled a bill to separate Ibj, eollegute from
.were members of the Church of England the university- powers -of Kele. College,
and all approved of .the bill,) -Wel!, the for many years past was thte-that an ere
bum member for Ner(olk said when the bill dow•ment intended for all; was, by the elar-
wasfirst mentioned. that he approved of its ter, mato ava'Lible only for the eves of one
Hi.ckaj however, tbetlgbt then wee a one
;why of the Reese, and of the seestiy
oppensd le the 4etaiee of the had. seder
any ctreuataases. Then wee meek tier
so. to fear, that the e.Jewme.t W hem
very much dtmi.'..4 ; but %ak►eg the mast
favourable view of I3. mail.,, 3. did .et
When there eewad be men than p.00gb
1 feeds to farad each as tamitutioe as
would put a .wad s.iv.reity edwatio
within the means of the 'meth of lhn Pew
visee. 11e would i.gattely peke the aid
chatter, mach as be disliked **curiae edu-
cation, to • plan which would fritter the
endowment away till there would tut be
eouugh for any one goud establisri*al. The
hon. gentlemen thought the measure satis-
factory, beceu-e the catalog college. would
not commune a the plea. 11e dal out thick
that was as alignment, against the bill ; for
he felt coovssced, that is soy case the [Jet-
versity of Kng'r College would be so .e
penur, that yuung moa wuu1J moon there
in preference to the .mall colleges. Of
course there wail be a cry uf godless cel -
loges here, as there hail been in Englast
sad Ireland ; but It was well known that
the amount of religion taught in the uni-
versities was in fret nothing at a11. thr
lance. Graham 19441 stated openly in the
(louse of Cummoae that he Icaroed no re-
ligion at college. The hon. member for
Toronto (Beeline) declared the whole peo-
ple of Upper Canada wore opposed to this
bill. Ile (31r. 1I.) need, porhape only air
ludo.io reply to the Church of England; of
whieb the gentlemen had constituted bim-
so:f the champion and of religion and mor-
ality. [Laughter.] The hen. member
hero went over the Ep:aeopaeas Members
in the house, and stated his belief that the
majority of thew were le favor of the bill;
so were large n',mbNa of the bfetbudisti,
and of the members of the FrecaChureb.-
Then It wan said that tits was an act of
epu.lation : the real spealatioo took p!ow
years ago, when the endowment, intended
for the *hole I.e•.ple of the `Province, was
se zed . n by the Church of Eagle.d, As
to the tbre:.t held out to Lower Canada, be
would say that the institutions or lids po-
tion of the I'rovince, were none of them in
the same position as King's Cull.ge, being
all endowed by private liberality, or else be-
fore the connee.t, and guaranteed by treaty.
As to the religious inetnlction of students,
he asked whether the learned clergy of the
several denominations in the province
would tot be sufSzicntly anxious for the re-
11gtous ioatarction of their youth to take
care that .t was not neglected, even altho'
this§ bull ehouli Maio -whether they would
not be, at least as anxious on this subject
as the hon. member fur Toronto who had
constituted himself the guardian cf religion
avid moral..•
Mr. ROBINSON made a few remarks sup -
pertly: what had been said by the bon.
members for Toronto.
81r. B.Luwra replied : The bill before
the House wouldnut place the Church of
England 10 any drtGereet position from tither
Churches. It differed from the bill in 1333.
only in the machinery by which the object
was to be brought about. The title of that
To Hie Excelleeey TM R eft Honorable
Java., E.a.. OF It Loin *00 Kt►caaesee.
Knight of the float Aects.t sad Meet
Noble Order uf tine Thistle, Governer
lis.evert of Bnttek Meath Assante, tad
Captain Gemmel end drys.... te (Chief
in see ever the Prostaeas of Meads,
Neve Seelb Now Brunswick, sed the
IsMsd of PITON Edward. end Vie* Adaai-
ral of the eve% Hatt. tlfa. ke-
.1fay it *ow year illissedieery:
garry aasmbled at a public mewling in the
heart of the County, sad convened by a
formal and mart numerously signed requiei-
lion, approach Yon, Excellency to taproom
the a.toni.hutent and indtgnat:oo with
which they have beard of recent proceed -
trio in the City of Montreal, and to assure
Yo Excellency of their cusunued devo-
tee to the Month Crewo, and their respect
ter, and attachment to the person of Your
'e'he Girngarry settletncnt was originally
formed of the Untied Emote Leyali,ts grin-
ipally of &ottani) birth, rocs who at the
bre.k:ng out of the American Revolution,
were re,ideoto in the then revolted celomce„
and wl„i, at the cell of their King, rallied
round the Royal Standard rathr preferring
to (.'rsakc, as they did, their children and
(heir homer Char be fooled wanting in their
allegiance to their lewfal Sovereign. That
stock has been largely increased by yearly
accor.toas Meetly from the -Iligblaeds of
Scotland; it becomes us out to speak of uur
pubic servicer, but thin much we may say,
'hat the men of Glengarry bare been ever
.among the foremost to rally round the
Sevcregn w hea the peace of the Province
her t.een 'him/sickle.] whether by termer' erg=
gre-.+aoa etInternal .heorder.
We hos to assure Toni Excel:r•nny, that
Te Ilea Excellency The Right Illwera►M
J.ms., ENL ss ELura eau Kracaast:ra,
Ratgbt of tis Moat Asas.t and Most
Neel* Order of abs Thrills, Weenier
' (M..val of British North Moorage, awl
. - Ca' piste (detest aad Oliveto., la Chief
la wail ever the P .viacas of Cesada,
Nen !cotta, Nov Drueswfek, wad the
l.lasd of Prime Edward, and Vice Admi-
ral of the same, tree ke. 1..e.
.Very it please'Yoer Eseelfeaey:
We, 'ler Majesty's dutiful and loyal nob•
jccts, u,habitantc el the County of Leeds,
In the 1).atytet of Je.etown, beg leave to
a,sure Your Excellency of nor meat hearty
disapprobation of the outrages lately per-
petrateda Muotreial, by • hard of men du -
effected to the maUlut uoa of the country,
sod it to our de -.ire to assure Your Excel-
lency if our first determination to vupport,
Piny every means in our power, Your Eecel-
lenee's endravnura to dta..harge y,ur duty
as Ito M •jesiy'• Representative iu Cicada.
We beg to &sruro Yuur Eacelleticy that
we feel the utmost confidence to the integri-
ty and ability of Your Excellency, and of
Y. ur Excellency'' present Advisers, and
we feel, elan, certain that • very large ma-
jority of the uthabitauls of the country view
with abhorrence the late disorder and retro-
luuunary attacks upon the constituted
aothoriuea of the land.
We Leg to sugge. , to the consideration
of Your }:xcellency, the propriety of reinter
ing the Government Trow a City where it
is evident that the public record* are no
longer in eafety-rbc Heart of the Govers
merit Is daily it,.utie,!-this perseCal sseutl-
ty ut war Repreeentauves is endangered,1
aoJ the freedom of opinlue and deliberation
That Your Exeellencv ntey lone con -
by all other srioweipower the mat.rl-
al fatere•ta of the bete, 1 haveperform-
eda doty most agreaabte 1. .)earl, teas -
much as 1 hare (owed in /hare ►teua the
only relief 1 hate sew awgki wInas the
more oppressive cares pf oy situation.
1 trust that the .ata outrages of which
the city o1 Montreal has beets reespil) the
theatre will not *Op 3. r awed end that
harmony will be agi.tstsed between the
cumin* e( all chimes sod parties ; and
it/bolsi deeply] lament, with you, that insults
should bels been ybred to the Representa-
tive of our Qneeo, i would fain discover
rums coasolatios in the belief that by
drawing on myself the Sturm of popular vi-
olenct, I bare prevented a yet &ore dreaded
calamity, the breaking oat astute between
tholes who ought to divest' together ea bre-
thren, -inhabitants of the same tand,--eub-
jects of the gains Seeercig.,-aad children
of the saute F,'her who is in Heaven-
FRIDAY. MAT 23, 1841,
TT Is the speech of the floe. W. Calmar
which we gave in last week's Signe', our read•
ere would perceive that tate "hungry pubcy"-
the great secret of the " iedigeatias meetiags,"
rood the battling of the Libraries, leaked at !-
Here it is -"hr eoderatcod-ahs Commis-
sioner of Crown Lands, distinctly the Govern.
meDt would ,read, by ilie decision' of the people
at the Hustings some i.reo yours hence -hut they
would not vol to tis count, one ,sm.arn
thane to reside amore w•ei by •f1 y r
what our tethers were in ,laws Noe b t' C us. ant, una
pr gent generation still are; that our loyalty faction, to adminulcr rhe Gmrrnment of stoner Mata du period prexthbcd by (rte ! !" 11'tIl
t:•w.'dr our beloved (Aileen and a,lmtrativa Canada with the. deciete's and uuputielar nobody give \1r. Cayky an office 1 1)o, Mr.
of her wisdom; and character, are as fervent which have hitherto characterized Your Meeks, do give him •e inspector Generalship,
is evt r; that our hearts still burn will. Excellency'. Admini.trattoa, le aur meet and rare the country from being beroid up
u. arm lose to the land of the Gael; and that
.huold danger ever again threaten the away
of the Bnttah Sovereign on thin Gnttincnt,
we aro ready to aimed the Pcbroch once
more veil gather the clans round the
Standard of the Empire. •
Our highestaspirations Ili r Canada' ire
that she may continue to flourish upder the
kindly protection of the British Flag, en-
j••ying the (•'1i privilege of that constitu-
tion under which the parent lend has risen
en to lofty an emteenco; with this, United
Canada, has nothing to covet to other
Janda, w.th less, than this no true Briton
would rest sate fird.
i)uring Yuan Excellency's administrating
of the affairs of this Provence, we have ob-
Peeved with high •atiufaetiun, and warm
gratau le, Cie undeviating a lhe-enee to
aha theory and practice of Brutish Repro-
•ertative Government, which has marked
'Your Excel!• nay's public cnndl.cl, and we
have rejoiced to reel that at last Canada is
'elect constitutionally; aloe with high grate-
ficauon we have seen,' that the Canute -
Ilona! Guverament for which ail true lovers
of their country harp lung souhr, has)c Y R
brongut with tt the bcrcfitr we ana:tpated; (to*n; J. J. McIntosh, 1 onge; S. Skinner,
doting the prca^tit Session of Parlament Broektele; William OIJo, Elizabethtown;
Your I xrellency's Almioistrotion have Bogie Matted, Kitley; J. P. Kenyan,
brought before e Country a eerie• of Vonore, James O'dc, Elizabethtown; N.
ardent prayer.
Coui.ty of treed., flay a, 1349.
Innis/els iscas cc nt:rwr.T.oY.
Joseph WeAs:e, of Venire; Patrick 3.11.14 -
with " indignation" fire ! We are Sorry to see
grown up wen whining and crying like a blub-
beringsc•hool boy fie some:bisg to tat! Poor
ltlr- Gayle, diesuoered that than would ba no
ray, Eiizahethlow0: !1, M. )toward, do.; Odyn far him, nay; 001 e,ea the ehaace of a
J„h, G. Booth, de ; 1Vyat Chamberlen• general election ! till the proper titre came, and
Kitley, Jesse Deloig, South Crosby; A. A.
Camlerl.w, Ilist.ee ; eerees Landon, he blubbered over the melancholy discovery, and
1 1msley, Stephen btelraihron, North Cror- imm.3iuely, all his loyalty, and patriotism, and
by; James Brooker, Dicer te; WI!lisa
Baell, Brockville; Edward Howatt, Ehza-
belh•own: • John Ketchum, do.; Jahn
Cowan, Broeks•il'e; Wellington. Landon,
Vungr; Waiter 11. Deviant, Bastard; Philo
Ilicock, do.; Palmer Lee, E'izahethlown;
Ira Jlallory, Vonge; William Riddle,. Elms -
ley ; Joho Kincaid, Yonge; A. R. Howard,
Landalown; John Booth, Elizabethtown;
Liberty Waters, do.; James Row, do.; F.
A. Cameron, North Crosby; Truluve Man-
hod; Elizabethtown• H Algeire Yonge•
ialigaation" evarponted t■ a visit to Au net.
• ,• a raanrg•T.
W. had advanced farioto the nineteenth wa-
tery The immortal mind had, long ago, bent
through the chaiaa of prejudice -had escaped
the -narrow binds of superstition and had assert-
ed, freely and lcarie..ly, her inherent right to
the eternal field of thought. The dark gloom of
II. S. Davidson, Bastard„ James Kennedy,' ignorant intoleraece was sees far, fir away
South Crosby; Grrahom Wing, do.; _p.
Mott, F.hxmheth,own: 1.. Houghton, Brock ' hovering ea;the remote verge of the pout, alidiair
title; W. 11. alta, T'onge; A. C. Broth, down gradually into the sombre chambers of
E'coltc; W. I1. \Nilson, Brockville; J.i•hua everlasting .orgttle!aen ; and the world gazed
Bates, enge; R. Coleman, Jun., Elizabeth- after it with mingled feelings of indignation and
joy. Science hal leapt up with Ler gigaotio
power, and had made fire and iron the 'nighty
producers of food and clothing, and the rapid
mediums of commerce by land and sea. Know-
ledge was born* over the milli on a current of
electricity, and halls and churches were lit up
with the• brilliancy a( heaven's lightning !-
Min had looked into the mirror of eternal teeth,
and foacd that, I) reality, he bore the immerse •
of his Maker, and enquired solemly why be
Wore and Government of the Country, It i$ truly gratifying to me that the loyal should Stoop to be trampled on by hie fellow
hate trampled the laws untie' foot, per -Man, intelligent iahab Nits n( the County of man, and Me asthma of the each had risen ap
s"n,lly'ms,!t,d.l-ser Excellency ant dried 1.ee,z., """Id "me forwent is such largeer.t!
r.uu.tere and with each generous ut. wi h one .odea and proclaimed :hat the loo.
to cornea/ t`.. ., t aaat:n nN.e ...I riot an.. •pm to rtpci u (Mir tanfiJunce ,a my lon•:epo-li of ot.krr.aion had for ever c 0,e to an
We ft'.1 treat at and: a moment it is ''tr!oilnistrat!u a of the (':overawe:et, their end :and the world ova, full of hope and promise
til of al: o PP and jay. flat fat away oa the ethernet verge of
eivifation lay • few smouldering remnants of
selheh sad oppressive barbarian], that gazed on
earth's hopefulness with deep chapioe ■ad en-
0tierable regret. The times were changed -
light hal come into the world, and the . days of
fattening tie the sweat and toil•of others were
apparently eat to return. it was a dark view of
futerity to those who lived by fraud, --and their
very goals yawned with Litter.eas as they looked
upon the perishing nine of urrgodly power !-
One last sad desperate effort should be ,node,
ant It wn• mete. They coned knowledge and
the age of hooks, and mustering up the sprit of
the (;cths app!ied the eerch, and ie one general
blur eonsnmed the volumes that had mads men
wise! And a the elamesroseon the lurid heavens
oneyell of fiendish, frantic jay bunt forth, ex-
pressive of the hope that with that flame the
light of knowledge would illumine no more. -
Rut darkness came not. Tax eternal nye of
intellect shine ore, and in their brilliascy reflect
in deeper shades the henioas darkness of the
barbarous Goths. The gloomy deed is o'er -the
deep delusion has paned away. Shame sad
B. 1I. Lemoine, C: S. Chanter, Q. C.- indeliable disgrace have cowed the actors;
Peltier, B. Workman, L. H. Holten, A. the glorious. cry of Liberty and pewee has drowo-
Ouimet and 1'. Bcaubien, Esgs.-preernted ! ed the wi!J yell of the phreazied destructionists, '
yesterd-.y the addre.e of the citizens - of ase X11 society in traequl as before, nee the an.
Montreal, Vaned 7686 persons, including
fifteen members of the Corporation eo hallowed .art of the Beeping itlr'rden, a tis red
which lire Excellency returned the subjoin -1g l.re of the Baa act of the Qotbs aasbe. a i.nor
ed. on her midoith' dream !
Gesflesern,-T thank you for coming for-
ward it this conjuncture to renew the assu-
rance of y"ur devoted Inyslty and attach-
ment to the person and Government of Her
Maje.te, and of y-lonr sincere desirn to main.
w•ae conferring upon it the best service in lbs other l.nllegee 1,0m lung r College
hie power, lie bei.eved that he was now fund ; Mr. B Hilton proporee to let them be
- performing Cie 'part of a geed 0.1lxen, and Wended for be private contrtbutione.)-
thatnf a good son of the Church, in bring- That was of little eo0scgnenee, for d the
j1,r forward the measure now,- before the
Hewn. The hon. gentiCman then went
on to spear of the veneer in which oeloca
tion bel been cot;Jucte1 .n the Cm ver+int.
to Esrop e. 'i -here were toy systems which
had been {generally adopted -tine Collegiate
and the Profeo;oeml-the .latter of which
he Ise:levei to he the beat, 'and had intro-
duced it into to. bill, and lbw con.leekd the
ma,o d,ffereeeo between the provcot bill eery to take sway the end'werent, lel that member was anxious to retain the tot
• id the b':il of 1'43. A most tnq,pr:ant act of ep .ilatigp and robbery•be commiit •d; veratty are it was without any reform at all
trader in such • reinsure as the present, was Jet the trade be taken a•sayr but lei. thea It might be nett this bill would not bring
iuslitui;9n remain ; let the Chuteb of Eng him popularity ; all be could say• was
that if he could not settle the question on a
satisfactory basis he wanted no popularity.
and was quite ready to retire . from public
life. '
Mr. Daho•,t-in, therefore, could Dot assent
to pestpnte the measure".
The division on the amendment was thea
taken -Ayes 11; Nays 30: majority 39.
rem -Meson,. Ifadgley, Boulton of To-
ronto, Crysler, !Macdonald 01 Kingston,
Sir Allan McNab, 1'apineau, Rob:n•on,
Seyinuur, Sherwood of Toronto, and Smith
of Frrntenac-I1.
gays. -Messrs. Armstrong, Attorney
General Baldwin, R^•,then, Bell, Solicitor
General Blake, Boulton of Norfolk. Bou -
tiller. Burrit, Cameron of Kent. Cartier,
chattel, Chauveau, Christie, Dav,Dgton,
IjeWit, F.rgu.on, Flint, Fortier, IFocr•
(loin, Galt, 1. uillet, Hall, Ilincks, Holmes.
Jobin, Johnson, Attorney General Lafon-
taine, Leone, Lemieux, Lyon, Malloch,
Maniple, McConnell, McFarland, Merritt,
Nation, Mungenate, Morrientr, Nelson,
Church of England were allowed to have s
T.:eulogrcel choir, it could noon prwiddeel ti mean dein the plan promoted 'by thio buil
tleitttt tie is f the per;r.ce. Bit othor•-•.vtthfrig .ra to u'-m:c of than, hu lenges.]
get.. Lr -rte+ th):e of the College were . rent on _'tis ti, nk tit y rt! 1 cam•: i t.-
tnterh•rc,I with: for many young men baa The honorable member for Toronto lied
been studying Theology for )ears, wile !represented the bill of 1813 as being a touch
could not. if this passed, obtain their de-! better 000.:han this ; brit the truth was
grres. (Mr. [flacks : That can easily be that tint bill was eppuced pet as et "(milli
provided far.) 1f it were thought neces- as this, and it was clear that the hon.
an when the China -or England .eked for
a charter like these of the other colleges
tie would be prepared to grant it. 11e be-
lieved the other colleges would not , refu.e
to give this Inset:.t:ea such • Charter ere
wuuld prevent the poeetbi.ity of in ever
becoming a kind of clots borough ;•and the
provisions of the bill, be thought, were
eo framed, that while it did nut deprive
thee, who were interested in tho .varum
of edeeation persuedy from having sufficient
power, it reveled for such an annnunt of ex-
, tenni indeence as wopld keep the system
pursue., in unison with the vpir,t of the age.
11, the bill. the power of manazrmein was
inverted In the Sew ee, wb:ch would be com-
posed of all the Professore, and of a certain
nnroher et members sent from other Fido
cattnnal teetihWnns in existence, nr whieb
might hereafter be cotabI .tied in the Pro-
vince ; and in order (hat there might be a
.et off again.! the persons Ilios sent, who
wenn prottably be of a clerical character,
there wnnlcI be an eq ill mimher cf persons
nominated by the frown. Ile thought
that by these proviwo.n•, the Etitcateonal
land retain the prow-; 1cittotion that it still
pesocered a Royal,Charter to educate its
youth, es ether.denotninaaons also posses.
sed Neo, Ile was in taror of preserving the
endowment in act ; but ho would acce.pt,one
half -one third -ono quarter, rather than
by establishing a mere infidel co!!cge, bring
duet' the anger and jndgmente of Gel on
the •Province. Wl.y hurryy. through tl:ia
measure 1 It would, be'tonressed, to be a
meat popular, measuro that would settle
this gncstton ; but he thought 'this bill
would not settle it. it was too hasty a
measure, and he used that word advisedly,
because the hon. mover bimetal( had apnlo.
gizod for the delay in introducing. the bill,
and said that he could cnly.draw it, in mo•
ntmntr saved from other pressing public du-
nes. • It seemed, however, that in this
Lcgirlature might was held to make right,
but it must ba remembered tint the gentle-
In.titunons o( the country, and ti . man men opposite were not likely to hold their
'-"1-t- 1y of the D^-ipl,', woul,l ire alt represent- seats nrich (anger. Tho time then might
.•d, end rho University prevented from suf. come. when, sa they were carrying this bill
(ening ('rim the want of knewhnl„ a in the in opposition to the people of Upper Canada
pore ,tie entrusted with- its reenactment, by moans of rilcmhere from Dever Canada,
a minority from Lower Canada might, by
Upper Canadian aid commit the seam speil-
ation of the Colleges of (.ower Canada.
in the United Stare•, it was wee known
that the charters of col!egre, and the enJnw
meets of the Church of England had been
menial affairs, and to preye-t the endow- ,neintained by the S,ip ream Coen. In
hnglan•I, too, no cha:ter had ever been
taken a.vaykelohout the consent of the party
led ling it. Again, people talked rola noble
endow.neut: now with regard to thee 'noble
endowment" he would mention this fact :
that Glt,sgow University had £!1000 a -year,
a:hl 1.700 students ; while Edinburgh with
Lt30i) per year had 2000 students. Now
which did aha most good -the college with
the "noble endowment,' or the one which
united religious with scientttic instruction'
in Aberdeen there were two celleges-
1farischal and King's, which it had long
been deform! to unite; yet it had been fmn.l
nnpoaslble to hit on any means by which
that could be dnno ; thin lin mentioned to -
*how that charters were not interfered with Btatrv.-Th editor of the Milwankie
wantonly In Great I:ritain. If it were Sentinet does not oast "of the sate of W's.
deers►le to put all rehgiois bodies on the center' 'babie."' but •a7, " tbay are en on -
..me footing, why was thio not done by eomrnoo suite crop."
gRivirg endowments to the Coll gee of other
denominatienc, instead ofd riving the
Church of England of that pro ray which
belonged to her ? the way ie which geese always travel.
Mr. Ibsen* could understand the desire
of the hos. nrmber far delay. The hon. C..cuiagD.r-Aa o14 lady, coslalne the
member was pledged to the principle of idea of the moon brig tshabrted, emeieeti
dtrdN the endowment, and he declared with emphaswv that line idea was incrednhle ;
3,meelfwilling in give tip that principle, if Tor,' she and, what hemming of the people
the oedowins et +vo to be dtmtniahed on as in the new emcee, when there a nothing lea
to make a not wRtb dividing. 11e (Mr. but a little streak T
ere t, the system of etucauna which should
he immune!, while the s_ystern would, on the
other hand, would he kept in accordance
with the public feeling ti nnugh int extra
rental member.. Provisions were erten
made in the bill for the regulation of its fi•
ntrnt irine toac'i.I, as there wag a provu-
'nflP trf111ibe,(nern.* .tiler%I t rwrir'rt,* the
mon isl income of the University. Toe
hon. gentleman. Veer commenting on (some
et ter provt.•nnt of the b.11, cenchided by
•,yiee te.t sever .1 amendments had been
-.ill, end (ream d It rent parte•, whieh he
hail lute cone:Jere !, an l that to many of
them he hal no objection., and world have
no JilSeultit in Weenie in ; an I that with
regard to the reetetweetahsee of the remoter
of ['peer C.naJo Cnledge he wo•tLl M
happy le moot their view• wit11 re'pert to
the eemp tontine of the C.,t,nnl. Ile .b•1
he!irt. (hat it would be an ,mpr,retwenl It
more of the Coshed( were takes from 'nth -
nut the well..
h1r. Boucrov nppe^.1 the motion ; the'
uh math JAB Morse, &seem.. he sow many
tlerwe•, as ninth interested in the Eye -
opt ("torch a• him .• l' who were in favor
ea ►►e B•4 se it *too '-he ► ew that the
hest, .ksrrr of V.c hill was leorsally ro-
with the &sghset res t, tis • arm•
bot of .sciety earl • eternise, el the Cherch
t t which k. [111r. R J .ls.w Missy" J. The
gteeuos, hoverer was, whoth., ,dueatiea
thi's1.1, 1st the toter,. ger hand is Med with
r.tigrma. rev be !treated from it 11. felt,
•1.0, that beemail spook mere nileprndently
than the b.. t.sver, for he was not, Itket
thed v good citizen', of every creed,
to rally retied Your Excellency and
strengthen the hanJc'of government for the
preser.atter, of are ail order. The pew-
. inad 'moult offered to Your Excellency,
has ineptred one feel ng of indignation, and
we dente to express the high esteem which
we entertain for Your Lecelleney'e charac-
ter and conduit.
We earnestly pray that Your Excellency
may fang enatume to rule thie noble Pro-
vince, on the 'same sound constitutional
disapprobation of the outrages lately cern-
nutted in rllontreal, and their Jeterm•na-
lion to. support by - means in then
power, my endeavours to Jaschargn my
duty at Her Majraty's Representative to
C nada.
It wero indeed much to he reg-etted if it
should be frond necessary to change the
teat of Governmeet'fur reasons much as you
have assigned.
So long as i am hnnored by the metft-
dcncc of Our Gracious (learn and permitted
pn-ciples, which have heretofore guided to administer the Government, with entire
your ',induct,' with the high confidence el fleece and impartiality, 1 .hall es eemlt a
Our Sovereign, and the lore and gratitude li'gh pnttle/a 10 bis the Governor of Cena-
of the Canae:tan people. da, but I feel that on any other con.litiono
tlE'1 alas or ItLPLTATIO•r. nay sojourn .many you would neither be
Daniel E. Mc[ntyre, 11'ardcn Eastcrr. creditatle to myself, nor profitable to you.
litalr:ct; John Carne:on, Esq., of Fairfield; (signed.)
Farquhar B. McLeocin, Esq.; Alexander ELGIN AND KINCARDINE.
McD.nel', Esq., of Alexandria; D. A.
Macdonald, Esq., do.; Dr. James Grant, of Tho following deputation of gentlemen-
Martentown; Jamas, Cumming., Esq.; viz, : 8. Holmes, Del., M. P. P. for the
Major Jamoe McDonald, of the Glen; Ac- city, John Young. W. Bristow, C. 8. Rny,
eompanied by the Hon. Mr. Cameron and J. L. Beadly, J. O. Lsrocgne, G. E. Car -
1. 8. bleedona!d. tier, 11. Judah, O. Leblanc, J. J. Day, R.
Glengarry, 7th May, 1439. McKay, 0. Berthelot, John Tully, 3: U.
REPLY. Beaudry, J. Bourret, W. Nelson. M. D.,
Mee or Gi.Rc *Rid*,
My heart warms within me, when I listen
to your manly aoa patriotic Adereee.
1 recegnizo to it evidence of that 'Igo -
Norman, Polette, Price, Richer:1e, Sanv rens understanding which enables men of
agean,Scott of Bytown, Smith of'yurha:ni the stork to which you belong to prize as
Smith of Wentworth, Tache, Thomps;.n they ought to be prized the blessings of well
and Wetdnhall.-50. ordered freedom; and of that keen Penes of
no----- - princi;al which prompts them to recoil (ruin
a terifice which duty enjoins.
The men of Glengarry new' not recapitu-
late their services. Ito mn t be ignorant
indeed of rho History of Canada
whn 1000
not know how meet) they have •dnno and
mu(fbn d for their Sovereign and then
Yo i inhabit here a goodly Land. A laud
full of promise, where stir children have
room eneogh to increa4e and to multiply,
end to heoemo with God'e bleasing greeter
I and bore (p roeperons than ynnrfelvee. Bit
(Lower Canada) Bill, the Trinity Hoene Qnebee 1 am eon dent that no quell less potent
Rill, the Trinity Howse (Montreal) ame,droe-,t that tho gentle Am, Benignant control of
bill. Administrations of Ju.10.1. i Ga, 't.) Dill, t!1' lbopo thenal In;Dilution., which it 1
bill to improve Tolls n. Vowel. and Psawngere
on the St. Lae rence, the reel )mato of tn'anto'
bill, and monde private bills were made third time
sod passed.
Mr. Rat.nwr• moved the third reading of the
Uoiversity Bi11.
Mr. MeD o, ten (Kingston) moved in amend•
meat, that the bill be re-cumm'ued for Toesd•;,
with certain int rucriona to the Comrnitlee.-
Tears 14, Nays 43.
The main motion was then agreed to. Teas
44. rays 14.
Mr. Bocr.ro• hevisg entered and voted wets
the Yeas, the Lill was then read a third u r
and passed open t divicine. Ties CO, Nay, le
The Court of Crimlee' and Civil tdietture
Britain's pride and privilege to bestow on
hilt ebil'!ren, will ensure the peaceful de-
velopment of its unrivalled reseurees, or
kpft te Tether into one hspry and united
finally 13n various races of which this com-
tpsotty scotnposte!.
On this conviction, 1 have acted in labor.
ing to secaro for you, darner the weele
course of my Administration, the full bene
t al of Con,t:tutinnal Government. It N
l The papers tell tie that adventurers irr tree(' gratifying to learn that you appre-
ing in och to California. ,,Thin ,a :hr
elate Ty exertion.. D'prid epee it, they
will net be relaxed. i claim to bate some
Shiite of your own spins. Devntinn to a
ear.. which 1 behete to he a jut rine--
engage to confront, if meed be, dangev sed
pets obloquy iw 'ts person -awe se array
tag Mab that Gnd protects Me Nett.
The Montreal Gaulle has tome boldly oat
with a most consolatory apology for the revolt-
ing ioeredii,iam of his compaaioas 1 the
"League." 1fe regards it vas Iseultmorwd•
lain, 'maniere, the connexion 'whitening be-
to the citizens of Montreal, to my that the
totem) the. Province sod the Empire of which " Library -humeri," were a mob of bMektes,b t
it forme a part. Tb golfed Sale titwiwr'isyr. He wishes It to be
On the dvy on which i 'simmer] the (h► endem load that the iatesdiarfee wen reopened'.
verotnent of the Provece, 1 received an ad. decent eifiasns, eating recklessly ender strong
dress from the Inhabitants of :Montreal, in proeocatioa 1 ! Bach are hi..piaiees of respee.
welch it ova+ staled the kaowtedgs acquired tablaty ad dose., ! We do est ceesider the
in pob'ir life by mo as a member of the (m Titter re the mammal Oa.., a tram who
penal Parliament, amt in other 'neatness of
high trust, pacified the confident and plea-
ting hope shit in the nacho rge of my im-
portant functions, as Governor of the Pro-
tiuce, 1 should he gui.led by those conatt-
colonel prtne:ples which aro lonelier to teensy we meet 1.11 h.aw that sill ..eh garages
Ilritieh stateeOaen : 1 observed in my has te, banieg of the hrfbawat Hesse, sad +e
reply, that 11 would belay study and anxious Librane• the anew sieo of
prints prepurtp. aad
enjeavrmr 10 "r16'thpleating "tie"- the desalts referred to tis Ooverser Gement -
loons by mantfeuteg a dee regard for the
wi'bes and feelings of the people. and trek- wb•ther then "traria pr.eeadad free' tin.
inT the advtre an I east lance of that, who l..wert Ceum sad 61tk of eseiety, sr from soap
enpay, their cent.'fence. To this pledge i owe es law lost Faso*. W. owe.. Mur
bare constantly adh
the Goternmeet, and 1 einset wonder 'bet
yore should approve of a einem of eondtret
*inch is but the R,illmeet of a define,
ere atmnarly tspreeesd on that entente oeea•
won.'by the e,thaw of Mena foal
in tneoeragtng to the utmost Meehanies'
Institute*, Agreeltonl Associations, ted
Edocatioaal Establishments, and promoting
know. anything of the real priw.iplse of boson
nature or the active gsdntie• amiss!, sad there-
fore, we bane no wish at datum the enemies
with his, hat taw tine hew ol oar asaim.il bet -
to adrainutering sad the pas. Osoe.a Worm- am nem had
ld.rkewerrl fa the Petrone. Aed S tireem-
eta sees -e0 pr.veea 1 . ells eyes the mature
M the *edeas, sew apslgjef fee tis gale *blab
in feet is eels .ggrawhd by the 3.mast ?I 5-
t♦hIlity of cm pespstsee.n Ad es imam(
time/ea w,po sway the etlgemeb1wig divosolai
what every geed rues mussiwee int die leads"
►y t
w hi
g ret
ti• l
i hr,
.j ie<
■ 0-
op i
O ot
it i
• be