HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-25, Page 1TIN 41111LL1Nttitt AsvawCII• VOLUME II. "TRS dREATLST POSSIBLE OOOD TO THE GRRATE)IT POSSIBLE NUMIWI4.lr TWkLVE AND SIN Yk:\t k: AT TMX aID fee TU. TSAR. GODERICII, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1349. NUMBER XVI. LaT1bs. DR. 1'. A. McDOUGALL, CAN bo consulted at all hours, at the Braise Hotel, (I.ascasTaa's ) Goderieb. Sept. 13th, 1848. 83- E. C. WA'I'SON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, dee• ¢s. Cm10 D E R I C 11 . ALEXANER WILKINSON, Provincial Land Surrtyor, OFFICE AT GODERICII, HURON D18TRICT• Nov 24. 8. 43 J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, 'LL attend SALES in an part of the `v • District, on reasaoable Terni.. Ap- ply a the ptitisk Hold. Goderich, March 9th 1849. 4r -5a I. LEWIS, LA W, CHANCERY, NTD CONVEYANCING. Jose, 184.13. OODE-RICH. JOHN J. E. LINTON, woTaaT rUst•1c, Contritisairster Qucen's Bench, AND CO MVEYANCER. 13TRATFOR1). NOTICE• Nitta t3ubacriber wi.bee to inform Lis Costumers, aril the inhabitnuts tit Stratford end vicinity, that Ise. nW ends car trying an basin. •A on "A READY PAY SYSTEM." And tint after the first day of Jantary, 11I4-' be will rite no credo. Ile mill pay the highest price for rockets (4a11 kind", Btu Salts kc. 11e Leaf to return his suteere thanks to hio Cu-n•:lets for their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to receive a Sheri*. TiHOMAS M. DALY. Stratford Nov. 19th 1S4ti• 441" Stokes, CIIE'IIIST and DRUGGIST, WEMT•ok)T1UF.E'i', GODERICN. March 8, 11149. 1v -5n MR((. YYFRA SSER, W N j M iU Q O 1N N bT. PATRICA-8T. GODERICN. Goeeritb, March 98, 1839. 2v-u8tf FARM . FOR S.11.4. TO BE 801.1) !,v priute harrain, Prot No. 2f,. o. to Salt l'oncesrioa ut Godermh, containing bo scree. 20 of which is cleared and under coliltation: tee acres are newly under - brushed and rowdy for chop:ng. The land to of eacelleut quality.rhd well watered. There is good suMhaatial log Dwellog Home on it, and one acre of superior troll trees iu bearing condi- tion. And a the pruptiemr is desirous or enter - in( into other boe:new, LP will dirpoee of of ori moderate tents. (roe -half of the pt,ce w ill be RLI UIRF:D DOWN, end the ether ball to three ee?u.l 'naval instalments. For further particsfare, apply at this Of'te, or to the Proprietor oa flip prrn,i.ee. Ck'OI(GE ELLIOTT, Jue.nr. GoJerick. I34 Oct., 104et. 371f NOTICE IS hereby given, that alt parties indebted to the iIURON DISTRICT AGRI- ('U1,TCRAL '8oCIETY, by Note or oth- erwi.e, that urges. the same id paid by the First day of May next, proeeed.nga will be metauted against them. By Order, R. G. Cl:NNINGIiA JE, Secy• Godertcb, 91st Feb. 1849. PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE p o e t Y 1) . I A CHAPTER ON 11 OMEN. - -- Wo :ore to look upon s @taut healthy woman : she is a prodigy an the nineteenth century. Wherever ) vu g" you N,e .euros ainl hundreds of .pleenv, sickly, feeble glib wbo can hardly Muster courage to make their bode, wail& their face., or drive an m- trudti g cow (ruts the yard. Teti them shout early rasing, Iresh air and healthy e'clr hy ze,e, 'A DRE -1M OF bUMMF.R. ST JOlIN G. MUIrfIaa. Bland es the morning Wealth of Juns The south west breezes play: Arc!, abruozh'oilmen the Winter noon Seems warn as Summer's day. Ti. .now plunged Angel of the North ' 11.. cropped his icy spear : Again the rtoesy earth looks forth, Agaa the streams gosh evil.. The fox lir hat side cell forsakes- • 'fhe otosknt leave. Lis nook The L:ae-bird in the meadow brakes, 1. singing w''th the brook. •' Brar up, 0 Mother Nature !" cry Bird, breeze and atreamlet fres, „ Our winter voices prophecy Of Summer days to thee '•' So, is those weotere of the eon!, RMasts Ile bitter and drear •'O'er swept from Memory's fuzee pole, Will sunny days appear. Reviving Mope and Faith, they show The noel its Lying powers. And how beneath the Winter's scow; Lie gem. s( Hemmer flowers ! Tt.e N J Pub i. Mother of the day, Toewinter of the Spring, And et en upas Old Decay T:. grerenutmeg omes.Lug. Behind the cloud the starlight Tlarks, hrough shower. the.vt besina (a11; For God. elle luvettoedl 11'. works, 11as kft lila Hope with all ! TO TIIE WILD PIGEON. [1a Caeada, 13' eniesl d the will "1"1115 SIR. AND MRS. MOOD'S:. FoiToas - . ill Editors of the Victuals '.11Awu•a Will a taro t a & flewie al; their talents to producea owlet Now welcome, wskerne, gectie'Lirde, and 1 reroutes', Ior the Cans- Swift harbingers d Nptieg: din People ld e ; which may afford sm mod to Ah ! could 1 coin my heart to weeds, bock old and pang. Sketches ■sd Tales, T, Odic t uta .f the nota of Sprtag ) e¢letutet+g, resp in verse and prose, Mural Ee-,y, Statistics of the A loftier note I'd sing. Coleay, Scrape of Useful Info•msuoe, Review" a AUCTIONEER. the most popular sathoas oldie day, esti' form the r When to the ark he flew f the Magazine With titin u that the rtratc The Elitarsfeel :onudpnt Ilial the independent ALEXANDER MITCHELL ad .ew Works, and well selected .rt.cles from are no warmer we:eams elalrwd, BELL'S CORNERS, par. ° ` r, weed, T'" to I now e to you. r sad rising cottetiy to whom service they tie I 11 n • SOUTH EASTLOPE. Hank, 29' 11149- ay --w8 proud to dedocate ,Ler talents• will cheerfully I At peep of dawn, i',. molted fin thee, lend its rapport to encoring,' their arduous and What titres the elo.d. pat uta •hnnoonbk undertaking. The low prce at' A. NAYS,11ITIi , wbrdh the Periodical is placed, is is order that Their gorgeous eastern drapery, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: maditeeroueforinralandmyvliloesuresd,I To heraldlotththesac; sad dao" oto for moral c meatal improvement . W3w'S./$I>?7iR4, asey become a ouldrerber and patron of the work. Gamed on the clu0J•piled ev'•,sg sky, The tcyoau , actzlrr. will contain - y camas wing o haat !Ten ais esti' number printed o0 new type, *61°6 meteor Mgs vers wised M high, and a yet good paper ; and wdf form at the fwd ! Its obs' ; '. to grace. „f the year a nest t'o:um Jp, of V pears. to- 1 J. R. 1'1111.11', 1 .;ether with Title l'a:r and into:. "' Now firth to breathe the balmy • r, It will be issued Mon t:nly, commencing nn.the Fust of September, from the office of JOt(1:PtI : To bear the bright birds sings, WILSON, Front -street, Belleville -the Pub-, Reyiviagsatare'epytoshare, 8."RAT FOR D. licher and sok Proprietor, to whom ell cadets for• To wekesoe back the Spa■g. ye -010 the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must . . be addressed. (psot•;atd.l The terms of sob. wool on.,,, ,fie bawweod bosgh •gr" boat, NE In 1 1 AR PER ANNUM ,,.,) GUDEHICH. V N t twenty -I Tb t trace, Goderieb, April 19, 1849. 9v -plot( S kLJ IRO lad ® 13 April 13, 1849, 1,500 000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE 1N CANADA WEST. Q'HE CANADA COMPANY have for 1 disposal, about 1,600.000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout meet of the Towaebtps in Upper Canada• -nearly 600,- O00 Acres are situated in the Harow Truce. well known as one of the most fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in five years, and now contains up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere offered by way of LEASE, fee Ten Fetter, sr fee Ysle,C,,ySH DOWN-fke plow of ort fflk Cosh, sad aka balance in Iwst.l- meW being dose array 'with. Th. Rotate payable 1st February each year, are about - the interest at Six Per Cent.apen the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, when LEANED, NO MONEY 18 RP)QUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, one, two, or three years Rent, must be paid to advance, -but these payments will free the Settler from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea of his term of Iwaee. The right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD during the term, is secured to the Gramme at a Owed sem named is [.ease, sod as allowance to made aecordiog to antici- pated Myst. Lists of Lands, and any farther informa- tion can be obuissd (b application, if by letter post-paid) at the Cos,Ao a Orrice., Termite and Gederick ; of R. Btaoear•t., Colburse District ; Dr. Awtse, G pk, or J. C. W, DAL.y, Seq., na{fisi, Hire. District. Oedaetsh, Were\ 11, 1848. 7 and they (.cave a agh as lung a• the I ,oral lbw, and shout faint away. You export them to get up before day : to work to the 'tacit( n ; to breath the (rash air of the mor- oing' Preposterous acd absurd. They have raver seen ilio sun rue, and would hardly know but the sun cont:uucd to shote (ureter if it were not fur the alutaoacs and their grandmothers. No wonder that every year. sweeps to the grate so many young women, o Ito have Leto seen sickly and effeminate eyed- eince they were born Otto the world and death will centime to select them a, his victims, 111 they' learn their duty and pursue that coulee which insured health. strength, and long lire. - Our groat gtandparenta lived to a great age and never thought of enmpla:ntig ur ly- ing dean to cls till they had at lea.t rescb. ed the meridian of life. They were stout, strong, worked like beaver'', and never spent the midnight hours in dancing. •instead of beteg f, ightencd at ■ little mouse at their feet, a :.etln Oa their nick", or a fly's foot un their arms, in the an,rence of their bath- whole county of Ilasungs, and t,PU0 men els Sad hnsbancs, they would load their will march (rola there, WI Montreal, when requested. Fro¢tenat has l,tMl' men ready. I F:dttnr of the Goertle pat gives as much - lo Cornwall, J. 8. McDonald'., (M. P.) I credence as we do oureclves-perbap., Anne ha+ been burnt, and offers ut a,ei+t- inorcover, he could throw some light on the @nee to Montreal hove been made. Afoot i person weals (abncated the report, which hp - the bills of Glengarry, ale0. them are strap- ping on of kilts vol buckling on of clim- e I but of which neither we nor any one with mores." ° whom we have met ever heard. th ng for our grandmothers to Another idle story was propagated on or h f p 1 and to it hoe but not to @solea the house THE NEW YORK HERALD. . it hate seldom fallen to Nur lot, to read a treater number of t.i.ehond-. than aro to Ms found to the 11'c• kly Now York II,•rald of the 5th May, co,,:reo li c tho nut. m Muntre•I, arid the exutement in other places, on the same subj •cr; two whole Wires of the paper ro grl.«nun ate fit:rd with nue-RtAtenenue apt 1i:,trurhe from the Montreal Ge:eftewnJ Herold. • x clammy of the cutouts. buil of"tie" lurwarden from the Montreal Conefpurdeat of the Herald; the writer being either a penny s toter, • Tory Anrrxatluntst, ora pereow employed to caricature the truth ami there- by waft: J. G. Bonnet to Orli a few extra numbers of her Herald. 11 -e pronounce the 'natter in the Herald, fal►e from beg•inting to end, and that our readers mer be able to )tigde of OUf reasons for snaking WI asser- tion, we format' an extr•irt w•liteh may fairly be taken as a *ample of the whole: " Tidings Move reached us trout Quebec. that lin that .trong!.tId of the h'rrnch Canadian", Lord Elgin was Luria in effigy, although the 1,0011s wets out at the tune. Accounts from Cohourg state the light from that the burning ut the; Governor's effigy war Horn for thirty miles out on the Lotto. In Hamilton and Toronto, the greatest excitement also promo's. . A mes- sage has beeo sent from Kmgetus, offering aasulance. Mr. Murray bar moved the goes, .boot bears lad catamounts, and keep at bay a party of savages. How have their daughters degenerated ! What female rs there now -a days who wouldn't run from • gun, even if it had no lock 1 The ladies of olden tomes outlived their hu.beinds years and )e.ra. How. Is It now 1 Widows aro few and tar between.. it was so singular hatethree TUE, INYENTIO\8- The pressure of tither and the re- -ent thereto -0 u.ade un uur e.tablisbment, have prate led uo from paying thea attcu- ttnn which we ought to -oto, to the scanda- lous mtltepre.entationr end falsehoods With xbich the autumns o1 our Tory conternim- rariys are dad, loaded. Persons en tho *pot generally know the little weight to bo ,&tact .•d to their prue'o.i;un.; but fur friends it a dtatunce, it ittey be noceera►y to con- tradict them as they .prfng up. 'bur in- stance:- . The Gazette of yeeterrlay rhes circula- tion to a0 u1:0 *tory to the fallowing edret, -whr, h b.• states as "generally current:" That Marc.cPII.L w -in and Iltoke, alarmed at public feelini, had advised the reservation of the Rebellion Losses 1SII for the expres- sion of Iler M:rje.ty'r pleasure:but that Mr. LaFontaine toroth on theGotenter Gcou- ral'a faction being given to it: that warn debates in the Executive Connell ensued: that Ilia Ex:mileucy the Cnvernnr General wavered: that Colonel Bruce and Major Campbell to„It different sides; the latter r urging His hem-Broomcto sanction, toe fur- ' rater to reserve, 'he -boll. All thia, and 1 mach more twadtilo of the same sort, is Igiven in the Cit:Ali: and, to add to the ab- .urdity, he app -ala to us to explain if such be the fact". Our answer t• very supple: we can state, on oho most undoubted au- thority, that the whole is a tiaeue of false- hood from beginning to end: It is " a weak I in•rc0uon 01 the enemy,” to. which aha • "Frontenac hie a thou"and men res r, tour hcsbacds to the cootie u them hymn • SaturJny, that Colonel Bruce had left for tour it is the in Ito e. Men havo about burning Tones 939 persons earned the ad- En Ian,' --some had even eeen him embark as many wives ; di_eares have been so fatal dross to the Governor in the. city of Kings - to I un board the,Laprairie steamer, Of course, ton alone, and avowed their rcidlneeu to be wes dee'atchrd make representations of late among the feutale sex. Da you not support the Government and the cases of Admin - know the cause? It uta found i0 Imes«, '^ to the Hume Governmelot favourable to idleness, inactivity, late Louis, thio slices, Pease and older, alUo,uptu thein ae little) His Excellency and the l:rurinctal Admin- necesstt_y fur that, the kludern Tory Re I istratiun. Thio talc is alio without founda- mue'ia deeper, •horror of the fresh mor- hellion hawite been put down without firing] omg air, in that deteettble stuff stitched m g. tion. Colonel Druce is mill at .Monklands, peak ani yellow corer", wh.cb is fluodttlg a shat or ►heidlog a d,up u( „ir, and .Lia' nMrheve wo heard a syllable breathed that ourebuntry. If thyy will do nutung else, iO• H. McI)onala'rby a.lte:orto ,(i\I Y1') bourr(Lar1Lcon tea.. imply s y iatennnn uo fir part to young ladies will eat and read. front m„r , burnt arwl rdTen of a.ri.urca su Montreal . leave Canada. Ti. Tunes need not bo ring Lit night, that sickly, senumeotal, alarmed at any reretaatione which may impure, and we will ley licentious trash, have bora male: am.J the bilis of G1eooarry, be made -the mere recital of their acts will that is thrown in such abundance from the also there &re strapping on of Kitts and tarnish the beat commentary out their du - pre... Th:e in . el. ab mmd, twerps the 1 buckling on of ciayuluies;' ud io there' Cigna. ha, sol in support of thu l:o.erowcut w• , Another Tory rumour which was eireu- .lf ctions, chilli' the better feelings, and tor there 4s been •teas orienting held • to wakes tun ear. wretched beyond Jescripton. tostrawy, a deputation appo:tin • and an •laced on tin le y was, that (nether arrest. Let female” look into Otto . ib rel and • act had been made of parties supposed to be like reasonable and sccountabte beings, •od 1 a4jreas to the ('otercment adopted, ap- ; implicated in the disturbances. Great we should soon see • different state u. proving of nr course rod avowing aha read►- t blustenn ensued; threats were held out of nese ut the Glengarry men toput down 1 g thiegs. We should hear of no fainting S what the noble . Ang!o.Sason race would Tory riots if uta essary. J. 8. 3lc1onald•e I of the lungs- stray, no sickly elopements ndLe aoaffection I hove kis not Leen burned, our ha there 1 into their`aclluna; and,tiprofessing fnendo ld Ohre to inflow° sides. -.Imre. noeto Paper. j been any disturbance whatever to Cornwall. I of Government, kindly volunteered to ad- . Rut the reheat treat fur our :ceders is lc' V'50 that no arrests eh•tr.lo1 be toads soul _ -_- __-- ; ray foetid on the informationthat "klr. !Nur the prc.ent ezcoi merit had fudsitl, d. All PARLIAh1ENTARY• i ray has mooed the ,..1„,:e c nn,ty of Hae; we shall say on t hu matter is, that we have i Inge. ani 9,1/00 men "rill worth from there no doubt the Government is snaking proper. 1 ow .11oelreol ! Who Mr. llunay u, we 1 investigation into past occurrences, and The Parliamentary proceedings of the . ars unable to say, as we know of no gentle- I carefetlly providing fur future • even Is. \1'n past •week possess but litt!e interest. • The men of that came in this County of a oar- ' bciieye no rush' erre-te have yet Iran made, seription-O. 1 .. ANNUM- - Th. mune sfgrew aJ - acarian made by Sir Alla9 SlcNab for the. Ilke nature: it niav he that Mr. Murrey, ex 1 but there is plenty of tune for&bat,-Ptfut. iade ry to M paid a v ede.e. production of Roy correspondence between M. P. is meant, but we beieve that he, Goderieh, March 3, 3848. -S 1 Awsy-for some far washers shore, •Ithe Ilawe end Provincial Guverneata re- also, it of a very peaceable d:uenum and Thy reatlers wing we)spread. t lat.ug to the utetrtctlons given flu' Ex- ' would much rather slay at horse than march Ii:R eelicncy with retercoee to the Rebeliwn to a distance, and. least of all, at the head . FaNkvtaaTlon or TI&R ST. 'JAN./MANCE. Losses Bali, proves that tate Tories while of 4,000 "ren; but where the 2,00e turn are I The Engli,h papers contain' the reply of uur .fiercely condemning Lord Eigto, for assent- to eonie from is a mystery; there are be- government to that of Great Ifritant, on the ing to the bill, have Jona .o without know- iwecn three and four thousand adults in' ruMrhPd by Phtion of the Navi ation .ply 'Amesws. It is tog whether, to this chatter be was acorn( Vesting@, allowing for old men, absentee+, { upon tnetructtons from Home. They have Qoakeo., and others, there are probably that a pacific proposal hod been tnado'-y aha burnt Lord Elgin in etiigy, destroyed the 2,500 men capable, of bearing arum; of these ; d'res di nt ot the Untied SI;i ec, to the Parliament b•:tldiogu, appealed to the Queen ,one half at the least are admitted by the, Brill/di government, through • ir. Bancroft, to recall hi. Excellency, without knowing, furies W be Reformers; deduct one third i by a nolo addict -td to Lord Pelmerstoo• as they admit, Whither toe home Govern -1 more and we will have about the exact dated 3 November, ld47, to conclude a nod, or be 1Aen.1 ie men would may, eke 1 Dumber of those who hold ultra Tory 1 treaty. provided, " that British ships could Canadian •Hi•islry] Le responsible jot Mei opinions. And we believe the last election tradmfrnm any pert io the world to any port ad jar whirl 'Ary Aare eakilik/ Use most .hewed p►e:ty plainly flat Mr. Murney -:n the Coiter' `)isle", soil be received, ru- mmers ferocity too -Jr -de lord Elgin !-I is not exactly the man to tnuve the whore trdrd, anal, in respect to charges and wall in the annoy clime. This IS indeed hanging a mean, and thea in-' County of Ilastinge, or even a great part dogma, treated like American elope, it recip- quiring whether he be guilty of the alleged of it. The Ile. in thu Herald and in Cana- rucally, American ships could, to lake tOan- A Ya'**RR AT .t CHAIITr SXatsos.-The offence. if it should appear when the cur- I dian Tory papers are gut,up to serve the n crttrade rnderr m any ympart of the 1 world to Britannic New York ,Day Book tells a story of a respondence Is produced to the Muse o(1 01 jade of the defeated faction in the I'ro- pr young gentleman,.wbo, being mon fond 01 Commons, that Lord Ellen acted on in- vince, and ill the end will only 'ink the .Mrj^tty." Tine proposal was out iotu¢ded 1•dnet.society than good abrmons, ioyrk•d a structioi n from tbo llome Government, I Tories d'•eper in the 'flirt; of contempt aid to embrace the coasting trade. daughter of a millionaire to attend church • how will the Canadian Tories hasten to re- • 1 ngrace, from which it is impossible for 1 The West ham long hoped f'r the free with him, to hear a distinguished divine of • pair the ntjory theyLave nfl-clod on His Ex I thein ever to emerge ander rb poosiWe navigation of the No Lawrence. • The t14D. the orthodox taith. It se happened that the eellenco, and transfer all their malignity w Government -i ictoria (,'krpwide• Canadians have 'repeatedly telitr,neJ the BUNHF.L.9 gond cleanh Ti -I e!ogneot preacher preached that aftern•,on oho Queen ! On their own conte.eion, they , Home Government to hu'eolce the restrtc- been 10 00(1 y 8k I put g tn•n•. That once oIT, and a last amount of saby llpty Need, for wit Ca h woangagentleman,the t having come pre- knowing whether their blows were a met f these trephe',titis gnat tying to perce•t ie the • Western produce, wield be •hipped to Bus - than any other pay •higher prise Ill Cash, Swodcration u( their tone, notwithstanding ton and loreien countries d&ret) by water. than other bayer@ in the market, d h mrultr and ndig f p BUCHANAN le- GOLDiE. Commission Merchants. Victoria Block,King St. )l 81f4 Hamilton 49th Ike. 1848. j . TRAVELLER'S HOME, STR.ASBi•ItG, 1VATRCIOO, t 28th February, 184.d. rrHE 8ubaeriber hereby intimates to the ia friends and the Travelling Publi: gene - ally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the 1 taage'ol Sirasburgh, and will! now be found in that well-known house for -1 mercy occnpted by Mr. Jones, -where he will be ready and able to conduce to the comfort of these who may honor him with , their patronage. And while he returns 1 thanks (or past favors, he hopos, by strict 1 attention to the waits and wishes of his customers, still to merit a cootiouaoce of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. s2 -n 4 tf MARBLR FACTORY, SOUTH MATER BT., GALT. DH. M•CULLOCH ee$a.am to etas- ' *facture HEADSTONES, $ONU- MENTS, UEEL.18K8, TOMB TOPS, fee., 1* Marble sod rr.sstooe, as alma, as a$7 to tb Ptwlsoe, e11 work warraatwd to oriev, or vs .barye win be mode. Priers .f Marble Head.totsse from 10 to 50 dollars; of Freestone from 8 to 10 dollars ; Mona• meet' las., from bel dollars upward* — Whin.@ oewaicatione addressed to the aalfereigned containing the !ascriptions, tad at what pre... in Marble or Premtoae, will be pe.etually attired to. D. H. M.CULLOCH• Oat, Nee. 8t►, 1648. 4101 TO MERCHANTS. 1 And now returned, ye rest not hen, Still onward -to proclaim Te lonely lakes, and Gress dreier, •' The Spring is come again." Amid the boundless fields of epee. What pilot guides thy flight ' In what uotrodden wilderness Will ye at length a:'ght i Oti ! would the bonds around sae asst, Were lightlj bound se thine With thee I'd fly the wintry blast Tod VALUABLELOT OF LAND pared' for ouch, an occur -ranee. called upon at friend or fire: A strong proof of !mett- les lair companion to respond to the callo; sal meanity, the '•c"ntribuuon box." "Have 700 ail) The liniverrity Bel baa parsed the re - 1l O..y T' said h. to the tuts", "and d b', cond rendiog by a m -jority of ti:ty to eleven. will you land mo a trifle 1" ''i hove n 'foo !'ilul gives an aual)ais of tap vote: - bill," said the lady. offering him a bank note bot r'nct adheri nee to (doom:to-nein roil a arth000, 'without loading passing FUR B A I. E. the plate. The soot day he called upon in favour of the principle of the bill, but his fair creditor to pay up• "how large a • wished drlay. There were nine members' fixe,ne-s "f purpose in 1•u (cove nod by it• ihno,gh the bonds of half e J zea facto,.. ML' was that yon gave me yesterday rsA1 i ruvtewne. 'flits is pr, ei. sly w hit e•hnall evh „f woo,„ rt. ceitrn i profit before it Tof the Church of England from Upper f I OT 8, Lake Shore, township of Ash- a rel•;J of an houarlChwl 1 Constitution ..ta'r. reaches rte We"t. in ►.$)prnduro and grain a h . he drew a one -Anita! note from ht. Caerida in favour of the nostnonrment; and bo exI i'l' • L. shipped .t ioPnt for them.-- , „foor against it; thite it will bc item, Lord Elgin did nut woke tho field, containing ONE ItUNI)RF'Uwallet. "Fifty doll•ra," warn ihn rePlf 11* "The 11 were members of the Church of whish he suddenly took and dropped int., England;.except Mr. Toponym), %Ivo was the nitbee that have bees 'n, .••llere could make a trip and return heaped upon Lord Wool. As if r, hares@"' from Na'ton err this city In 24 days. A „( the recttlwle of hoe tour.,: and the li tri caw era noted be opened to the commerce support of a free, intei'1 cnt people. neither ( the whole Like cul try, t o should Itelorm Dor Tiff! Ili ann,f+ 1 .ttbun0 1 he then reedit' our salt, N eat Inaia good., Inm"elf I,o an I;ngii•4 Tors s'e mire, ofd. ,art. kerv, apd hundreds of other 1„reign t •A1•111 or' Lay a l' received. Mr. 11— a hands fell n an hu - TWO ACRES,p +hal tbero was a very large maj slay Within two miles of the thriving Village of lap, and for about throe minutes he looked favour of Ihn bill hum Upper (:@nada, anfnd Port Albert, in which there is a Gni Mill, steadily into the lady's face without utter- n • majority of the Leper Canada mem- o Saw Mill, and ao ()at Mill. The bot is mg a word. At length he gave a long low me of 13. Church of England.'-l:russiaer• boundedon the west by the Lake, and on the whistler rose slowly from his seat, bi 1 the east by a cut road, -and is well watered. lir For particulars apply -if by letter post paid-te DAVID CLARK, Fwd. C..aawwovri, ettb Dee. 1848. 461[ THB FORTHCOMING 7CIS M=ss BY K. H. MARLTON, ESQ., and de- dicated, by permission, to the Right Hos.reble Gloried Bruce, is ietesded to he published by .OMcriptioe. The subscrip- tion Mot sow lies at 1 a.caatei • for signa- ture. Pirates at • distaece wiebisg to.eb seril)* will please Mimeo the nesse to 1L. E. Marlton, Esq., Gwierklt, by letter post. Ma- Gederwk, April 3rd. 1849. v11 -*$d hely good eight, said he would call again, and left far home. Now, fifty dollars to Ids. II—was 110 very trilling Num, for he was "only a clerk” on a smell salary, but he "weratebed round," raised the money, and paid it over. That was the last cootr- bution he has ever made to any charity ser- mons, they are his abhorrence. Ile come - dere himself now a "life meinber" of every benevolent institution is the Country. a7 -Some idea of the immenbe 'moon' of travel now going over the Central Rail. road, maybe formed from the feet SW two trains lethe e11y ow Tltireday morning, *roweled with peesawgere. Emigrants ere arriving in greet av bee@. A large num- ber left is a spetsl hofs on Thuradty - Bolletia- The London District ASsizes common sed nn Thuridav Isat. Mr. Justice McLean presiding. There are but few criminal ca- ses on the calendar, and bot ono ot a grave character, the care mentioned in our last, of tbo four persons charged w-ith the murder of the Boy Robinson. Yesterday, the case of Mr. George Brown. ne indictment for libel at the Instance nt Col. Prince came off. The use occupieet lbs whole of tho day, and excited considers ble interest. About half -past nine to the N oaiwg the Jury towed, and returneol or, hoer afterwards with a verdict of aequattal Si the first count, and guilty on the second avid Wed mime of the tadtctmeal.-Free Now he found it made, end carie here merely to Urtroi, Ilallelia, admini'ter it, and fail •fully has he dheebar• gid kir duly. Ile found the Tours in pow- Pratte or ('uvwtnMwsT.-'fhe Tory se one ti tog them, ra a matte r of coarse, partyin Montreal having degenerated luta thehonestly repre.e0,ng the mm •nay te. (Arcot mob, Jertr, e d tho 1'arltaeaeut the prhem it WAS lits duty le co-operate. 11,nl,11e and reudere d life. tool p1oi•erty Canada em ; u i del rut neat u w ab-rwn of !tomeume, the toy t. not a proper place lot Canada drove ilia int.tl.•"+ un apab;ee front , "(Bee, and mporreded them by *Mom to 1 the Repre.entativea of that people to @veru- , wham they placed •-009lenee. With iters , ble. A Resolution introduced by 81r. it Car his duty to cu eir'rate, dries"e, as I8b a%0 bee Ie l,1 the orona,l inial tpshernathe c - e say" and a" many other govern:erN be. 4d In both the". calla Parliament already cxtst. 'I he .Menne W meet the VIP%of two InBuennal , forme Jou g signs; Meal rather than itiral ground", whi • 11 no IS 011111.1110 ore him have Reel, but f ergot as Noon se 1 the words dropped from their hpa--' h. wast .cot by his Sovereign 1u a lutist ter the g,+ remote nt in accnru4rec wtilt the well un• lerato,d wishes of the people, ae mate 1 t u luso fr. tri any q lira The earl known through then tSeptesenlative." Thi.pV Ne. hie done -the Tdncs Ili motives being 1.14. tis ino w he way t 1 rrwriing u4 lodges ; and this s•ng)s adman in condemn. V1an Y 8 URI their entire proc•eedinge, onle,s we are t i itc oditea every four years, Out 11 11M' nndenund &b.% they "gar.' thew., 1,P.- •ppairut uoan real. The public d„catttenta the minnnty-.41being'tbepeople.'-/'re• cook' be made 011110 d"plit+t••. ae,i Jepo+tt- efnlot•Ifal. eJ to Oath 441I1,:ee toles. -Examine,.