HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-18, Page 4Hod *Oboist a seemest'• delay, math the
•.manses d • °octets sad imiwediate Wo•
1V• ehouW thus be able to better epee
this block 10,000 f.siliee, it 500,000 soils
all of wbow would, in • few years. bosom*
producers of skims table commodities and
employers of labor.
Couttgwws to this block w• should lieu
1,003,00J inure teres of Cruet. Lairds, lb•
settlemeat of which, is like manoer, Tright
be Ia4Yhleted by the mere eiteneine el the
Pinetjns.le until the w..te, feeds of the
Crow in Nle favetirable locality blends! het
MMI settled le a similer.propuruon.
T. one Ito convenient with tkecoustry as
yourself, it would be timeless to enlarge
scion the v41ue ..f -such a c• amnunlc4twa
Ibro•igh thus P.•ntesals, possersp, ad 11
dims, vetch utexhs,a*!Ible. th..ugh a. tet on-
devoloss I prolective powers. Suffice it to
say that oe.i.le' the above montieusd Met
of 500,O0J acres, Ore field of Colowizta ion.
nningle;aly presented along the reoisinies
extent or the r ad, end widen the di.taoce
of 10 min uo either side, will oentainsn
sea of L,t90,240 more acres, all grain
growing land.
Whets we consi ler that 'or a great per -
tion of this extent, the country is parusitt
dbttled and capital a in some nmeaiure al-
ready embarked, and that a communication
web the menet is all that is req'tired to re
duce the w.Iderees• under ibe dominion n
t►e husbandman, we may reasonably motel
pate that within two years eneu.ng the eons
',lotion of the !teemed, there m ty be settled
with'* tbeee 1.230,440 scree, an additional
egricuteurel pop'Ilatlon of 15,000 heads of
Lonnie" or 74,000 soots; nor n it an agri-
cultural population oety that would thus be
. titled; milli wo'W have to be erected on
every strum-villagoe would spring up -
mechanics nod tradesmen world be required,
MJ every species of pro.luctiro industry
u ould be multiplied incenreivably.
Now this block of .500,000 acres aswell
(rule the fecihticr which the Railroad would
prevent fir communication with a good
market as from the increased value attach -
tug to land" at station., villager, favorable
Ini!I secs, fie'., up.n a very moderate
average, calculation would be well worth
30r per acre, and more worth that sum than
If the Crows Lands without such a com-
munication were, as they are, under the
present, systeo , pre.eated to settlers as a
gift. '
By £900,000 thus expended, we should
'nut only provide employ.nent dor 24,500
able bodied laborers and their families, and
also open • field 'fur the employment on
agricultural pursuits of about 14,000 more
heads of (amber, and of about 4000 mere as
a necessary cnnttngeet of mechanics and
• tradesmen:-io fine, wo should not only
have placed in comfort as labourers and em-
. ployers of labor, 63,000' heads of families or
eO5,000 soul.; but we should also have for
ouroutlsy a work which in itself would
give • fair return.upon the capital required
ler itd construction, and a property, upon
the vecnrity of which, a further emu might
Le 'raised to be emyloyed in a similar min•
The 600,000 acres so intersected_ by
roads, should be immediately sold to'actual
. ettlersoon a long credit if necessary -say
upon • credit of from 10 ate 40 years, 80 as
to enable them to apply themselves 'Igo-
. toasty to the cultivation of the soil.
Now, epos the security of the Railroad
and the block mf 500,000 acre% 1 propose
to raise a sum, say of £300,000, or two-
thirds of the estimated value of the' block
By the construction of another Railroad
from Guelph, through shies town the To-
ronto and Goderich Railroad would pass to
London to connect with the proposed
•Western braocfiea of the Great Western
Railroad• Company'r preject a further et -
tent of about 80 toiled through this rich
Peninsula might be added to the field of
Colonization. During the period of con-
structing this road, which i shall also take
to bo two year., for this period appears to
.be necessary for the effectual settlement of
newly formed earth constructure, employ-
ment would be immured to 1,600 able bodied
laborers; but I would allow that of the
number put out of employment upon the
completion of the Toronto and Goderich
Road, this number world not immediately
get employment in farming occupation. 1
Oral" therefore treat them to bet portion of
those already taken into calculati4.n. They
would, however, create employment for
about 6400 more le -meet -o'er 32,000 .oule.
Esumatin,7, as before, that about 12
miles ori either side of this. road would be
immediately aff cued by it, we should have
a further area of "hoot 1,200,00Racres added
to the field of .Colonisation, and in like
manner facilities would be presented for
the settlement of aBs•dditionel agricultural
r(.opl$latloa of about 21,000 head. of farm
twee, or 125.000 souls. Allowing also a
"einem tlonungent as before of meanies
and tradesmen of about 2.500 Beads of
families, or 11,600 sonic, we should then
have provided for Lie rettlement of 33,900
more heads of lime tee, or 169.500 souls.
By this senile oltlay of £900,000 we
"'meld be able to provide means for the
scttlesseet upon this Pemosu:a alone, with-
in the memos of lour vete from the cam•
mence:eeet of the proposed works, of about
434,500 suula, every one of whom in the
course of a few years would be employer.
of labour and producers of the exportable
commoll.ties of the country.
Now, taking into cen.iderattns the uni-
versal applicability of this Peninsula to
•gncultural purp••ies - the comparative
*bonniest of the route -the vest saving of
time, eapen.es of transit and distance,
which would be rffccted over the route by
lake E. ie, and the magnitude of the trade
growing up between the E.stern and
\V..tere States of the .American Union,
which obig erection of Canada separates as
it were by a wedge• 1 t'ink that i do sot I
mei at an Unfair coo- lesion sheQp 1 say.,
Huth leutely lotheir cost. of t'jinaroc 1
tios.t be roads 'i propose across Ho. V.iis• f
sula bre of no lege importance, with a view
le Coloeizetion and commercial tnteremsree,
than a road "cross the Eastern section of
the Provinces from Quebec to Hilda v, and
i .bould submit that the ower this Penin-
sula possesses through the medium of the
remarnmg Crows Laud., of fairing the ne-
canary capiiI, is • consideration net only
nut to b Ion sig! t of, but worthy of the-
greirmO cons fallen of stat smeo .s9 of
all persona desirous of infusing tato the
public mired a wish to see 410 Premise* eke-
• " vat.J to some degree of 8.ties.1 impor-
' As regards the present mels adopted of
disposing of the Crown Lads, namely:-
gldeg free grants .1 6e sores to any who
will go lete the weeds and settle, upon any
theme, however .met, of clearing • fixed
portion .1 their este before receiving their
grants; 1 m*iutain that this is not a (mrd
eyeles...4a the eeetaery, that it is creel
ta the eatremoe wbeiha lee ."..silt the
welfare o1 the .shiers tbsseive•, w the
true interests of t►s si..try.
Tee roily sere d eyehole o1 C deoleatb.
is tbI. euuairy canasta, I submit, i. reah-
isg suet lemma! Improvements,
out forest, sad faeidtatlag the tsar
of $fU PUJeauoe with the great waters
which homed our frostier pr.cediiug settle-
ment. It is an erroneous idea that the
offer of a sift of 50 acres of land, although
o foe simple, in the heart of a wildenume,
w,11 either •nisei • wholesome Imbriuial
.populatten, or piertase 1n any degree; wor-
shy of the consideration of statesmen, les
heel by couditiuo or productive powers of
'hie n..b.e Provin,c.
Such a ayetem attracts the poorest, least
iodus•nuur, and most worthless. Noma
bel !bore without the means otherwise of
obtaining a livelihood will accept ouch
the et. Lawr+ers aid Aeisds Red, to
fir s a eemplete Railroad sesimeskatloe
Herea to the Atistielio,wlbbeei
wafting for tbmcoaetructlosellh. i..ger
mite d 801 ode*, via Qwebes and HiO4x.
Upas the security of S10,00i acme, I
have eadsavodvd W 'Phew that 100 miles of
road can be eonetr.etd. Now the *pas-
tes e1 these 810,010 anise is the weer I
propos will, 1 conceive,lace u average
vibes epos the residue of the waste Crowe
Leads adjoining them at a moderate calcu-
tatins of 400. per acre.
Ws should than have 1,300,000 acres,
equal in value to £ 1,310,000 currency, upon
the collateral security of which a oldeamt
sum might be raised to complete the bee
from Toro• to to Montreal.
In the course of a shunt floe we
should then bate an annual sum
for lettuce& upue the 500,000
acres, sold at til reduced rate.
tonne of egnivocel advancement. Those of elual to
m £ 600 0 0
eans enough, though emstorkail to 'k their And fur interest up..n the
farms with affect, if provided with a good of the remaining 1,300,000acrer,78000 0 0
communication with • market, will press
o.warir to the vast ternaries on the Fgnd in value to £84,000 0 0
Western waters, leaving behind them only per annum, to apply to Education.
ibe. • whose necessities compel them to al and other purpose&
accept any terms, which by the indulgence Here then we have, i submit, a feasible
• hopes, however extravagant, hold forab scheme for raising the necessary capital fur
to ahem an assurance, though remote, of the construction of these great works, and
becoiniog indep.skoi. 1n the mean bane, at the game time of preserving the public
the country suffers, its progression le re- Jorneio es a permanent *ounce of revenue
Lorded, and mea who could be ns.tully em- for extefdieg education throughout the
plolel as laborer., are ha.t ly and vainly Province. It does appear to me to be
attempted l0 be concerted into employers
of Leber.
How different would be the condition of
this Provin m at the expiration of ten years,
if mosey sufficient for settling our remain-
ing Crown Lands was *speeded le the man-
ner i propose before off. r og another acre
for sale. Laborers could be employed in
'he avocations to which they have been ac- procure the introduction into this Province
contained until they should have.. learned of Railroads upon the gigantic scale upon
enough of the country and have acquired which some propose W commeoce opera -
means sufficient to enable them to settle eons.
theme Ives t. farmers. The better clam But some say that the plan i propose is
of farmers who now inverse our frontier objectionable upon the ground that it would
and go td the Western Suttee, men also of as they allege, result in the establishment of
independent means would be Induced to set- a land jobbing Company.
ale among u., for they would feel an ass. My desire bas been to prevent the pout
ranee that they would reap ample fruits bilily of such a result, and I think that the
from the emplojmegt of their labor and I•I provisions of ibe Act authorizing the Com
(heir cap:ial. pany to bold the lands upon conditioner du -
Although the country through which the II Poling of them within tet years, are auffr
lines 1 propose would par', is admitted by dent for that purpose ; but If Ibe prosi.ion,
all to possess peculiar capabilities for rail- of the Act should be deemed insuBeient for
ing the necessary capital to construct the this purpose, then let the Legislature enact
roads; yet there are some who object [with such further restrictions a. may prevent
what police or appearance of reason, I never the possibility of • result being brought
could discover) that the project eoght to be about which never was contemplated or de -
postponed as in antagonism with other sired by any person who has taken a part
ones projected, and as one which ought to in the advocacy of this project ; or if it be
be deferred until those other lines are cam- deemed more desirable let the 500,000 acre.
plated, and although the advocate. ofthose! be pledged as a security upon which to
other line. 'dolt that without Legislative raise the required Capital,'and let all the
asst.tence, they cannot raise the necessary I benefit to be derived from the ins d
capital,' they, nevertbetee+, Imre not been 1 value of the lands after payment of a name-
able to .uggest any mode by which the noble Interest to those embarking their Cap -
lines approved by them can be con.truatd, ital in the project, go tp form a public fund
except that of the Legislature pledging for the construction of the other lines.
the already exhausted Revenues of the I 1f this view .bould be adopted, it appear..
e"untiy to the payment of au interest o11 to me that the best mode of effecting the
£4 per cent. object would be to vest those land. in Com -
In such a state of thing., one would .op- misaionera, to be appointed under the aetho-
pose that a short direct route, connecting Fitly of an Act of Parliament opoo trusts to
Lake Ontario and Huron, and thereby mak- be specially limited by the Act.
ing a saying over the present route by Lake' Unlets this course should be punned, I
Erie, of nearly 300 miles, should be entitled ' apprehend that great difficulties will be
to some favorable consideration; but when presented to the Government through the
we find that tins abort route possesses an medium of the Crown Lands Department
sternal security peculiar to itself, not on- disposing of these lends at the legitimate
ly sufficient to rase the capital necessary j value we, ch would bo attached to them up -
fur its own construction, but fur that of ion the completion of the road.
others, it is difficult to comprehend why 111 A distinct rule applying specially to these
should be deferred for the sake of others, , land., and a different standard, would have
unless it be upon the principle that, as of -'to be Cut.bliplefforaecertatningthe helot/me
ten occurs in life, its inndeat menta are ex- value ef the land., according to their res-
cluded4rom t' -:e view of the public by the pcctivo distances from the Railroad. and
errogsni pertinacity of Its more ciamoroue the supe for opportunities which portion of
and importunate competiturs for public the tract m ghat possess over others for vil-
favour. lage site., &C., kc., for which purpose it
If other lines cannot be constructed un- appears to me that Commissioners, "lofted -
less £4 ped cent intertest shall be secured to ly appointed, would be meet competent.
the Stockholders out of the Provincial Re i1tile duty should be entrusted to the
venue, and if there be not, as there is not, Crown Lands Department. popular rgitato
any revenue at present applicable to this I on'condemoing the mode adopted, might
purpose, then i submit that the project ' cripple the Government, and lead to the
suggested by me .Mould not be regarded as introduction of constantly varying systems
an applicant for Legislative relief, but on i in the mode of a.certiioing the value rod
the contrary as a friendly banker,tendering a disposing of the lands, which might result
loan ori the most liberal terms, to enable the in featiog the object expected to be at -
Legislature to extend its aid to the most d.
deeervv"in; of the really indigent and other -1 , therefore, suggoet that to vest the
wise helpless claimant" apoo its sympa. land+ in Commissioners with powers simi-
thtrs. lar to those vested in the Commissioners
However desirable it may be that Lake ter Public Improvements io London and
Huron should,' be connected with the At- Westminster, would be the most advisable
Iautuc by a Railroad through the whole ex- coarse to adnp'.
tent of the Brit:.h Province., it does appear I I have this endeavoured to give my mite
to be the excess of folly to postpone the of ouggestiuns for attaining • purpore, the
construction of a work within our resources, importance 'of which the whole Province
because weare anxious to see constructed from ire eastern to ire western limits, see -
'mother work of such magnitude as to be ! eiblO feels.
infinitely beyond our resources. When so many different prnjects hare
1f the St. Lawrence. and Atlantic linebeen'sugge. ted, and when all admits that
were now to be projected, would any mon pecuniary Legislative aid is necessary in
in his senses be beard to say, this is not the order to accomplish any, T trust that the
line-si is premature -the true Provincial schemeI propo.e, and which appears iso
line i. from Montreal, through Quebec, to fusible, that I have always io conversation
Halifax ; and this hoe, from Montreal to I found its merits acknowledged, and have
Portland, may be constructed when weh•s.; never yet beard them disputed in public.,
got the other-acd such like 1 It .,doubt will, through your aid, receive the deliberate
arse, true, that if • I os from Halifax, tbro' consideration of the Government.
Q'sebec, to Montreal, a distance of 800 • i have long laboured in endeavouring. to
mite•, wore constructed and paid, tt would ' promote Hee project, and in this my last
he very apparent that the shorter line from attempt i have truly discharged a duty,
Montreal to Portland would pay infinitely which entertaining the t pinions I do enter -
better : but can we not see the importance ►anin of the merits of the scheme, I have
of constructing .bort lines without armee.- felt I owe to the Coentry•
ing experience at so much cost, and al es' To your bands i now confide 1t, earned -
cruelly injurious to the Interests of
the Province to suffer this source of
revenue to be wasted, while the Legislature
is asked, in the present state of the fina.ctal
emb ant of the country, to pledge its
general resources to secure an 'Merest of
£4 per cent upon acapital ofsomething l.ke
£9,000,000, ' which would be required to
t great a toes of time' : ly soliciting for it a favourable considers-
' New it appears to •me that the St. Tat#• tion.
rence and Atlantic Railroad, and the Toros. if i 'hoot() be deemed to be, what come
to and Godericb Railroad ire sister projects 'would have it. visionary is my Ideas, i most
' -that their objects are very similar, areal commie myself with the reflection that i
that our present water communicauoo coo- have done my utmost to advance the beet
netting them precludes the necessity for interests of the Country in the mode which
postponing their completion until we shall appeared to me. to he most effectual. olid
have constructed works iso infinitely beyod with the iadolgesce in the bops that 1 have
means as to be little short of being im- at bast, placed the project in a position to
have its faults retrieved, and to have preese-
,41 any merits which it may be found to
ie coneln.ioo L would add that i tenet
the day has arrived when we .ball cease to
be ashamed to profit by the example vet es
by our more enterprising neighbors, sly
that anch a spirit is abroad u will invite
our rulers to combine their energise V
abet the completion of works rrega..t
With go many and iso greet advantages, and
cateulited to elevate 80 very materially the
condition of *hie Province.
I have the honour
To subscribe myself,
Dear Sir,
Ynure ver trot ,
To the lion. We. H. Masser,
k.., be., lee.
VENT ASUCATte -Te so.. gest/swam pieb
op. Nies bo -s -t/ -e se the street, end heed
it to her et her own yore.
The St. fawreoce and Atlantic Railroad
present* a short direct communition be-
tween Montreal and the Ocean. The To-
ronto and G.derich the shortest and most
direct eolnmunication between the head of
i.eke Ontario and the Western States. -
The former will ted to attract the down-
ward trade to the St. i.awrenee. Tae latter
will seen@ to Canada the wbolelf the per
ganger traffic arising from emigration to the
Western States, and the chief pert of the
carrying trade of the exports and imports
of those States, if, as doobtlee will shortly
be the case, Americas goods shall be per-
mitted to pees through Cued& duty free.
Now if the Crop Leeds is this locality
should he preserved until an opportunity
"ball have bees given to tat the effect
which the eowstrection of this rod would
have open them, 1 anticipate epoch s■ Is-
ereses le their value as to make them the
seeps of raising capital to extend the lima
o Montreal, and skull by connection with
/MAT bsbsme twr•.aay bar, apposite
1 t►. sew- i T,scp. r Jeb0
W hiss 44, ad preeeslb by Mr. New.
mew It is hep Ltd turf sOpMl a the see sf
• repesaW family..--beeieg a hoe imam end
orchard w.Y *Locked with es.rlhnt loth use et
varies. dureiptiees. la presamity to the har-
bour efOsdumeh the valise of the sues•
tree out as the Me Mdamraes thesis r,.Id
aestiw as be swapisd, it refill be Int 00 r.es-
a.•No w... silt.► iir see er mere Pears. as may
b. agreed see. Yee hither partieehre Ripely is
0.deri.b, bed rebreep, 1849. 54
THE Subscriber having LEASED, fur
the term of Twenty years, the P'oper
ty o0 the North side of the Market Cq,ere,
at present occupied by Theodore Rot • ,
tribes to intimal* to thee. who sigh to
avail themselves of as ELIULH E [SIT-
UATION for litI81NEhtS, that be will
Limes BUILDING SITES for any Term
n ot exceeding Twenty Years, at a moderate
Rest per admen.
Godericb, March la, 1848. 9v-o8lf
Sheriff's Sale of Land
HURON DISTRICT, 2 BYtvirttre of a
To Wit : s writ of Fieri
Facia, 'mined out pf the District Court of
the lluroo District, against the Lands and
Tenements of Henry Darlington, Richard
' Darlington and Robert Darlington, at the
suit of the Bank of Upper Canada, 1 have
seized and takes is Execution as below ing
to the said Henry Uarliagton, Richard Da.t-
linglon, and Robert Deeiington, the follow-
ing property, vin.: Lots Dumber 2, 3, and 4,
on the wrestle Concession„ Eastern Divi-
sion, of the Township of Colborne, each
containing 100 teres of Land, '.:hicb I shall
offer for sale at the Court House, is the
Town of Goderlch, on Thursday the teith
day of June, 1849, at the hour of Twelve
o'clock, soon.
J. McDONALD, Sherif%;
Huron District.
Sheriff. Office, Godericb,
48th March, 1849. S v2-o8tf
Sheriff's Sale . of Land.
HURON DISTRICT, / BY virtue of a
To wit : Witt of Fieri
Fac;as, issued ont of the District Court of
the lluroo District, agaio.t the Lands and
Tenement. of Cyrus McMillan, at the suit
of Joseph Miller, 1 bare seized and taken in
Execution as belonging to ibe said Cyrus
McMillan, the following property, viz.: -
Town Lot number 6, North side of West
street, or running number 995, Town of
Guderieh, which 1 shall offer for sale at the
Court House in the Town of Goderich, on
Thursday the 21st day of June, 1849, at
Twelve o'clock, noon.
J. McDONAD, Sheriff,.
Huron District.
Sheriff". Office, Goderich,
21et Mardi, 1849. ( 2v-n8tf
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
HURON.DiSTRICT, j BY virtke of a
Te Wit: ( writ of Fieri
Faciaa, iraued out of Her Majesty's Huron
District Court, and to use directei against
the Lands and Tenements of Richard Dac-
lington, at the suit of Robert Park; I have
seized and taken in Execution, Lot number
four in the seventh Concession, E. D. in
• the Township of Colborne, containing 100
acres; which Lands I shall offer for sale;at
the Court (louse, in the torn of Goderich,
on .Saturday, the 25th day of November
lien, at the hour of 12 &clock noon.
J.- McDONALD, sheriff H. D.
Sesames Oman,
Goderich,14th Augs.t, 1848. S 3m29
RoaaoT Pease.
Ricsaw Daszn*r .
ICP The above sold of Leads is postponed
u ntil the iron of l 1849. .
Sheriff H. D.
Sau,vv's O,'rrcz, tansies, j
20t12 November, 1848. t 434
07•The above ole ori Lands IS postponed
until the fist day of April, 1849.
Sheriff 11. D.
Sansei • Omen, Gemmel],
January l9tb, 1849.
Rosser PARI,
e above Salo
es. is postponed til
RIC/AR DARLINGTON Friday, the First
day of June, 1849.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff, 11. D.
Sheriff's Office, Goderlcb,
March 24th, 1849.
Sheriff's Sale of Laid.
HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a
Ts Wit: S writ of Fieri
Facies, issued out o/ Her Majesty's Huron
District Court, and to me. directed ',Kermit
the Lands and Tenements of Gavin Hamil-
ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, i have
seized and taken to Execution, Park Lot
somber ooe, on the North side of Melbourne
street, and Lot number forty, on the East
side of Wellington street in the town ol
Albert, which Lands I (Mall offer for sale o0
Saturday, the 45th day of November next,
at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Court
House in the town of Godericb.
J. McDONALD, Sheri R. D.
Sweeter'( Orrice,
Goderieb, ibt► August, 1848. 3099
Java C•LI.owAT,
Ie. ))
041,.. HA.tlr...
OT The above able 1 Ludo is peeiposed
scall the lint day of February. 1849.
Sheriff H. D
Sanwv's O►nea, Geosaien,
Mk November, 1848. s 434
foams Caa.aoway,
07'11e above sale of i..d. is postpon-
ed esti) the first day of April, 1849.
Sheriff 11. D.
8.tsne. Orrice, Gos.aran,
lasary 4901, 1849. S 5914
J001110 CALLowAT, The above Sale of
es. Leads is peetpmtd
Gavvw Ramiro.. till Friday, the First
My of him 1849.
J. McDONALD, 1111eM
Herm District.
Sheriff Odes,
Oederkh, tilh March, 1849.1
}Actin's Solt at laky.
HU1lON DIIITRICT, BY sines of leer
Ts Wit t !E)br .ria of nestFeriae, hoed set d 181.' Msjsat)'e cow'
d Quses'e Bach, sad to .. divested
wallet the Lands sad Tssose.ts d Juba
.e hippo ad Ameba W. hippos at the
-'pe--Nis seised Rema Rohorloes, Retort
Modorvreil, Jess etreshas, gesil.m.s, se*.
rite. said 1..ns Cbwtisg ; and also by virtue
of two writs of Pier( Peeks' bestial out 431
Her Majesty's Hurtle District Court. and
to me directed evilest the Lends wad Ten
tousle of Julia Ass Kipper" and Aurelius
1 K ppen at the respeetise rolls of Robert
Parke sod Jee►ea Callaway. 1 hate seised
and takes is Execution the follows, pro-
perty as beleng,eg to Alachua W. Kippen,
one of the above Defendants • part or poor -
tion of Block 0. le the Township ol C.;1
borne, Western Division, Huron District,
containing two hundred acres of Land ;
which Lands 1 shall offer for sale at the
Court Houma, in the tows of Gu/ench on
Tuesday the 20.b day of March neat, at
the hour of 12 o'clock noon.
- J. McDONALD, Sherr If. D.
8sarv'r Orrice,
Goderich, 18th December, 184847tJ
The above See of -land is postponed
este Friday, the First day of June, 1849.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff,
Iluron Dtatrict.
Sheriff 'a Office, Codericb,
19th Marcb, 1849. S
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
HURON D18TRICT,BY virtue of• Writ
To W rr • e( Fieri Emus. is -
teed out o(tbwbistriet Covet of the Huron Dis-
trict, against the Land. and Teueme.0 of Rich-
ard Dar:,ugtoe, at the ecu of Rosa Robertson, 1
hate seised sad 'taken is Eaectµtoo as helorg,n'
to the said R,chard Darlags84. LOT Number
FOUR is the Seventh Coseeseion, Eastern Dt-
visio., Township of Colborse, containing 100
Aereso(I.and, which 1 shall offer (oriole at the
Court Hoot* ra the Tow. of God.r,eh, oo Sat-
u rday the 7th day of July, 1849, et the hour of
Twelve o'clock mown.
Huron District.
Sheriff's Office, Goderich.
71h April, 1849. ( 4v-a10-tf
ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the
patine, that be has taken the BRICK
TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr.
Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where
nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro-
mote the com(urt and convenience of bis
i. M. flatters himself that his selection of
Wine and Liquors is equal to any to the
country, and hats Ntibling department is of
the most complete description.
Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 131f
THE Srbseribere in retareing thanks to the
public for the liberal abate of paurosage
they hate enjoyed since commencing business,
Beg to intimate that they have now on hand aid
e re making to order • large assortment of Cook-
ing, parlour, mid box stoves plough casting.
ire grates, lensing mill eastisp,amut machines,
and every other article o.ndly connected with
the trade, w%irh they will be happy to sella the
most ressasabes terms for ea.h.
G. M. & Co., having made extensive alters-
tionsasd improvemeatt in the 'sighing depart-
ment of their establishment, by the ieerodoetlon
of self -among machinery, are now enabled to
ezeeute e!1 orders with which they may be
entrusted for the supply cf thrashing marbroes,
grist and raw mills geeing and every other die-
er"fpti.in of machinery, nn the most scientific and
economical pnneiples,and with the greatest facu-
lty and dispatch.
The subscribers would ■Iso inform the public
tbat as the lowest nigh price will in future be
charged for all goods manufactured it theirrstsh-
lisbmeat, their credit Main.e most necessarily
become extremely limited. They would also
request, that all those iudepted to them either by
sots or account, will come forward immediately
and settle their respective debts, or they will be
placed is the heeds las •nosey (or collection
without further notice.
G. MiLLER & Co.,
Goderich Dee. 15th, 1848.
THE Partnership heretofore existing at
G.dencb and Hirpurhey, in this Dis-
trict, under the name of Thomas Gilmour
Se Co., is this day dlrsulved by mutual con-
sent. All those indebted to the said, firm,
will pay their respective accounts nr notes
to Robert Moderwell, and ■11 these to
whom they are indebted will be paid by the
said Robert Moderwell, by whom the busi-
ness will hereafter be costinnd.
Goderich, Huron District j
February 20, 1849. S 2-3
ning No. 562, in the Town of Goderich,
formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil,
now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot-
tage is eery conveniently arranged, and well
suited for • small family, Me • spocioup
weed shed, stable, lee., good well of water;
the garden contains several choice frail
trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong
picket fence. Only a portion of the money
would be required dowc,-the remainder in
three annual rowtalments.
Apply to William Ratieubory of the Clin-
ton Arnie, or to
Godericb, Aeg.rt 94, 1849. 30tf
THE 8ubee►iber h•vieg RENTED the
tag to the Mums. Devenport, of this place,
has establisb.d bim.elr as a
roawARenR COD cONwirrot. ■lACna CT.
Amy orders or commission from til Moe -
chaste of Goderieb, will receive prompt
milit ted: JOHN McEWAN.
Windsor, March, 1849. il►-7otf.
is 11F.REBIt give. that E. 11. MARL -
TON of lbs bath by indents@ of
assigmeet, Mgr IMtd day of April. 1840,
aser Red estate .►stainer to
I. Ratteehetry el Gelerioh, epee tree% for
the equal hese& of himself and all ethare,
the creditors of the seed E. H. Marlte.,
who shall *smote the said isds t.te holy
'secreted by BIN mid L H. Mantes.
Dated this Kb day of April, 1849. vll`s0
iIt1/T !.j J_LJ.1I'
Tis Hob sad imbed esMrep silts herr +wM
airlbd iae. ag.se air reser lasssleile s V all
taw 4lrrre ONt14 they paras be war. bee NMwe4 tee
s(lasa. Thor sai hems by Wee nein I ssss T fee A wad toes Melee .,e ►r w Nab .r
the =w r►3111 - o.41111.l111111Ts ass
ApriscnomW Aairna.L 40VTt r.04* 7us.rasa
MIeeS 1p le r s0 if -
r Wear* erd MIL soar
be 5utl isrembl► ►Wta ri sr. wi i ea.s
me ems UdYY t.Isemem.nr*ssyherr.bwtbrer
JILIODe CHOLIC, .rd 4 pita
COIr:rv.x . COLDS to 00tifO* CNuL'C.
cortauaamom. dash .r Fret MOM r the dorm
coaster MUNO*& 010r$SSe.
ASIA. N. PONS .Mb la •a•lnr4 die
erk sb,rlr *by ring taw ambiens stonily;.
ERUPTIONS r w •bat. itI•I?&Lea. IL4TU
.AVsa 884 •WUs. tar 100 mom afar oar
lem seems. *me *WON*, .dl be aver • *h. wanly, .4
onion M.r.i. O,Ir onismo 6aw WI 117000 ateerw,. •
wets ef,►. dear -a ern N sea seam. r cues.... -
TRY 'MLR. Be SATO/lee. AC. le CORaD.
rue/Lxi4111 01 CUMPLSXJON.
&WUT. urDDI.ixa. ORIFICE. NRID'1r1%Mrw,
ROW txwa8D Paras. Lama ANATUOr ireura•
sm4CI•HOAL DI.AAel..-
14ae 411 le arrears emu* all ,r i.. 1 WarmrW, army Ob.s 114 ant mewed o ewr.Gr1
Nklmr .la - Vera". Nix i'uMJR DII rlAur. Morale.
CONPLAINTsr.4, 000481C 4 ]'5fiea
rILPIT4TIO V d ler air. P4Av7181 C10lJ4,
P I L 3g / . Tr wyrl P.e.14 1 rhos srimu
. sway 1 N new mrdiss ser We m.1 has.. Lia
P4101 se ire INA MC Beek Male. Mira wad ewes.
AUiUNIATI*A. rho. arum oma the
men dWaw. n•1 be rue 1 weer M the Lia alehow..
HU.0 .*BLOOD is tai. UBAD, coley.
•Ce O►a1LA. s. ZINC'/ I9VIL, ..w
www ar.r. U L 0114. d r.ore"raerye,..
W O s 10 /. 1.e 1418. aro .•we..a, **mita 1.r
lee 4.ra.Y... ti.rb ,.a d. ,.d. .i,us.rw '14.. an..
aim lir .mer 1mare.*. Re*( well be wow
ne LIPI 1161.E £» rllhNli NTrsls
Asa thus remove all disease from the system.
A .1 1. iri.1 .in yylr.re. t4 l IF E 11111 ad
1NO IX DITTERi4y.dten..al..ae.
Whoa se t4 .M..uee 1 e.ery ps1.ML
114. g...l.. of lb...edrla.e an m. per er i..►i.
web • t. ..ner
.a[ia', aofd •....I...,•• e..raekq i k..., a.,
..hicb 1.. *..4.g.1Ibv.dvny a.. W.R .roar ,. w
1110.., by .►lei euerre...baby r4 *WI Geo wry wry
a.e et. T4 warren led Bismertme w emsyrtibwd,
Me red,n teen w4 pneere Mem will .hales .se +n.tMr
►. eons art sacs punkas *a mail, .ride ..I
bay roof .ab r./s. wr.Ken; bel v yo i.. b. Wort
Irl Obey star dYrw Imo .r... do* tee it ohs.
la Fops t4 este by
DM. WILLIAM! M. 31•174111r.
ba lmed..y...r.er 1 L.18.sy .nsi4 eon Tele.
Ter UM by
Fats Agave:
Goderieh, Jan. Zai 1848.
THF, Suberiber having nearly completed
his im?rovsm ants or the HURON
HOTEL, and being desirous of Biting 0?
business in that line, gives nouce that
is willing to dispose of the entire premises
oo reasonable terms. As a Hotel, the pro-
perty is a most eligible Investment, Ming
surpassed, or perhaps, equaled by sou is
the D stnc!, either for extent of business
or accommndition. Btahliog, sheds, Hay-
lofts, b&e., lee., are all on an extensive
scale. The Hours is large, substantial,
cemmodieee, and well furnished, and will
be sold with all its furoiture sot appurte-
nances at a fair vabie. One•thed of the
purchase money will be required doyen, •od
liberal time will be given for the remainder-
in the meant
Tho pro, rieteeme.r begs leave to intimate to
his friends, costomera and the public gene-
rally that the late Improvement. and addi-
tions which he bas made have rendered the
Iluron Hotel capable of yielding very
superior accommodation, and of giving
h*neral satisfaction, and in returning hie
onest thanks for past favors, wishes to
mere the public, that while be remains
proprietor, no labor tar expense "ball be
wanting in conducing to the comfort and
entertainment of those who may be dis-
posed to patronise his house.
N. B. -An experienced and atieslte*
Hostler is always in attendance.
Goderlch, April 8, 1849. vt-o9-3m
Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
Receirer Generals Qjlee,
Montreal, 12th March, 1849.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gives!, that
Claiment. for Rebellion Lessee in
Canada West, who hive not applied to, and
received payment of their Clots" from the
rpspective Agents of ibe Bank of Montreal,
in the several districts as heretofore notified
will from and after the first day of June
next, be necessitated to apply for payment
of the same, either personally or by duly
appointed Attentive, to the Parent Bask is
this city.
(Signed,) 8,M. VLGER.
H. M. R. G.
. 1-12
AL.L. persona indebted to BREWSTER
k SMART, through the *gooey of
the Sob.criber, are requested to utile their
accounts immediatty either with him or
with Mr. George Frazer, Goderieb, sad
save costa.
• J. K. GOODiNG.
Godench, 8th Sept., 184a. 42t1
8it)e *won t ignat,
••• Beek and Job Pnuuag, executed with
astnrm sod dispatch.
TRIM a TSI Homer drolat--TtN IRIL-
LiNOB per Genera if paid eirletly is ndsas*s,
or Twaiv. Aso Biz Para with the expiation
d the year.
Ne paper di.eo.iisted yea "mere ars
paid tip. 'Paler the peblilher think' it his odes. -
tag to do se.
Any rsdividal is the eee.iry bottoming re-
sponsible for are subscriber', shall 'emirs s
sevesih espy gratis.
17 All Wiese addressed to the Futter must be
pest N or they will am be takes est el ib
SIR Bees rad rids'. fres fllOMPR r..... LI 9 a
Eaeh Ta tis •d sudsy. ieserti s,.... 0 0 • 4
em I Kish moies Nimeadis, p/31114 * 0 •
• MAW listmet.mais M Res tris•
ailveri s e by the Peer.
ply •