HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-18, Page 3CHIEF' JUSTICE ROBINSON'S OPINI-
The Civil earl Criminal Courts have been
bell at Ibe rarer time, bersauee our Jvey
laws cnntemp.•te that, is tins I)tourct a
well se mother., sed there would be sae.
rat 'scone...la -as atteadmg the separation
of the Courts ; but who. a se found oeeN-
eery, a. it has been of late years, 10 detain
Jurors to or eve weeks tugetber from
1I.eir home. lad their b.stees& the evil as
(, It to be ss Brest that the calf fur arse
change becomes ir,es stlble. 1 do really
hope and believe Ibat no time will pow be
lust lir putting the •lmirettrat.oa of Justice
in Ibis respect o0 a sop convenient fo..t-
ing ; and I have indeed reason to kovw that
the Executive Government have peeper d
and introduced into the Legislature a bill
guilty of. withal sed deliberate 4.lethad 1- tuuta'nieg some pruvieIuo s ioierded to
m•niruatio•, are nor satisfied w h tr•m
He seer had (fees, sad erre eprenee re rine sleet the difficulty • but be progress of
upon !be civil Abettor. of of for commas country,
d very high in Ids prefeesios ; bet all who knew rhes measure his been delayed. tla,.ugb 1
but they We also, with the moot
tY TEs cps. .ie frit
Ela.+ V U,R!twes sterns ~INC
Aid cossrga sole Mae not tlpt1S ,1 of
hsarlag therema.a•hts bums .1 sbgs.ase and
the sa.elimisse ai ehilsmlditgl arlltteeats, that
minae. mammas MesathllsMhg forth es .acb
.eeasdoo.. I *hall for year own omuesosrot
.04 the oeleier sew of teems waist.. w,.wbie yea
with o brief abstract a a few rweehes delivers'
to use eft eeswrslsaaprumnthleget ea • meat
ocesseios. The speakers were chiefly Lawyer'.
sad se poet Lawyers am ses.er.11y peed Watee-
mn,peeler the publication_.( the folks irig
ep.eehsm miry he the neer 4 fscresrag the
political tale: of our Legish're by cell".
roma of the speakers se dee Upper ilesa,. The
Fire Lawyer role anklet desks:as Ames of ap-
pies*, •.d
,• Pateesr Cwes.nass.-As the I.aw and the
Gori are es I.tim.trly co•.ectrd, I Inst 1
away be permitted to addrcn you on the tree,
prioe'ple* of at nohow! cl,ristiaaity. Yew are
aware'bat 'hewers' rebelho.s and inf .del Ad
AMj d loyalty. sad pained., sed eta -
nos. Qadseesal Mr. Gy1.p, year veaerable
a..ber Las gess to k.11aad te ore - -
Mstt�i t 1 f Be ye th.s of row pool Gee-
tkmee, every drop .( blood. hem the Mit 01 for
sees to the sail 1 my bit-fse, boils .p is nbet-
lir • who 1 extol' of the ketal sl the brave nes
who treuib:,d sells de ages dunes tie *marl
wringa is tits swamps el Port amtaN.-
AI«I•a ye, then, sod, l• debase', u( .11 Mwa,
P.rl u....is, •-d Cuunariooe. Leonel e
Cohcial, rally round yr ur Lepel asses, .ad at
the peril of our desert blood lei u Lave •
chance !
tib ! for the •words of former tiaras,
Ob ! foe the mea who bore them."
(Fierce bowhag. )
The third Lawyer the roes amid protegee •t-
keee, sod mid, that, as ►i. leased Brothers bad
diac•s•ed the wLjrcI se very ably, it rema.aed
herefore fue Lim to say bat little. He begird
leave merely to mere that the sosntry is in •
terrible state of eacitemroi ! He wo.dered, ta
feet. bow any men in hie sober sense. donated
the troth of this motion. ile would peers that
the country is in a terrible slaw of excite'nru
and the nu. rhe mead dors to cestradict him
fins% N 4.a SIIIIIIMO abittldea:i.A, .hat awing Y
Ilia gnat seats os whits throe are meseab.-treed
on the other side 1 the river, it wee mesh sari.
er te obtain ewe a Prtatlsg Lir..la Basals. thea
to ideals • wheefbsar.w is d.denea ! He these -
fon coned fns re. Tnh, nod--( Hoa, sons
W k .44.404 est '• Guewsa." rad die lf.Aiag
bolo try 1)
w•ntea as
aadeases proteste,' introduced mnwm to rob 14 n, "'Of" the.. l'w ors of his "did", had
bops Dote d tutted fur the session, by the
porous de.tructius of the P.riiatpent House
en.(oarJerwnsI rsGgseiv p,irilige.. It a use;
.einterruption had • more rate•aive practice at the Bee. le d the inttion which that has ace -
they beast of ant I rterferinl with our creeds sad sinned to the bueine:a of the Lceisleture.
stare bar ',now t u impossible los al' of this At ra
fact, hi said, be :bight be said to lire in 't, or .
4.w u, 01 by u. sad he maid a 1 Q pe g rat
oesesiosoms. mew r •men heir throws eat ss
d,c.ive and imps. apon yea. What, my fel• tlorone that the Car was to • terrible slaw of
low Cbn•tnae, is the iotriasie value of creeds
and com.cie•cee, U you are deprived of that tom-
prte•t p.tioo of areolar rapport that is abso-
lutely necessary to gree reepeciability and ener-
gy to the religion wbieb yea' rektor Religio.
my frieeds is jest like Law, in prnT eta and pros.
putty depend entirely epee IS dignity and re -
outrage except in terms of ungnahfied coo
eaeitemetevery Dight, and is his kgal epiaia, demon' inn ; and the effects o1 that outrage
joie the Library -burning League of Montreal.- pet rotors of1, w hp d?Saot in the first mo -
Aad no having protea that the country war is a 1Aent of calm reflection feel shame that they
terrible state of ezciteoent, he begged to mote bad in u red the gwh of so audacious a defy
'hot Col. Gugy's report on the prevalence olio- *face of the evil authority and s) ca:ami-
te,Lperance was • Lail on the Der! (Tremae- toes a destruction of valuable public proper -
diets cLeeti..g.) ty. The duty,tiowever, of vindicating the
rateability: im shote, spas the merest o(fsa4 laws rests upon the tribunals within whose
...lib which it is apprmed. tVhat piety or seal. A triae.(the dreg,' next roads hu .ppr•gnce, jun.Jiettun Ute offence was committee ; and
ear be i..pired by the preacLing of poor half-: sad was greeted with io.ligneut shouts of " The we must assume that 1l will be vigilantly
illiterate ■o.. who rpriug op from the :nom or Brod I To. Good !r' He said he was A Harem end justly dischargc1•
the boiler's frail. wd with a mere ,mattering of i (1.'ud shoots of "The BooBoost"') Ire .a.d he in connection w.th this subject, it is not
Eeseee, earn,,,,..earn,,,,..re preset, r4.. Gotple with- had been a tor'h-aod•rail armorer of Sir Csy- out o' place to mention that there appears
Ir t e had fund :: r fiielde. Mr. Ca 1 war to be a growing disposition in the portion
out uydi•e.eerdi..ueapc«nmustoaf Stich i y- p " y rte of l'anala whicL a wtlhi• t6epariedicttno art
poverty is es17 caieut.ted to bring ri8icule and ; • great man ! Look a las )degauss: --or r•'h• bvr mere Courts to mtetle.t dlap!easure at
er Lis Jfcasnri! Who wan it that Lad omnia and pebl.c meunre., by burning the promoters
published the important dlefuveiy *fetichist die of them to eery. As these exhibition- are
Tavern Licews Fuse w the Mauiage License IaJtcest ami insu!tmJ, sod have a ten -
Fund foe the pymet of the Rebel:lea Lome 1- deny le lead to *ennue temel's, it is pro
the b-ei y to prevent each excitement war to
are ro deeply to be rrgiettr•d that there
were probably few, seven among the per -
cation. I regard
auspicious cireurmt
great body of t
tants of Upper Ca
come forward at the
sill to express their ab
violence and animosity,
determination to' uphol
tutlunal Govertuneut in
rity. That legislative in
should be so framed as
unqualified satisfaction to
members of a large conlln
LY hard) t') be expected : e
thing that is reasonable 4.114
be done to achieve this res
but complete success in manife
ly uuattain tble, I'uliti(.tl txxi
ty must therefore pass through
series of convulsion to dissolutiot
unless minorities iv hen constitu-
tional means of Oppobition are
exausted be willing to acquiesce
in the determination of majori-
ties expressed through their ac-
credited organs Had you not
so pointedlyreferred to it, I
should not have alluded to the
fact, that petitions are in course ofpreparation soliciting my recall.
11 admit to the fullest extent the
right of petition, and all I can say
on that head is, that if such pe-
titions are transmitted through
me they shalt be forwarded with
the request that they be laid res-
pectfully at the foot of the
Throne. -1 am conscious of no
other motive in the conduct
which I have pursued during my
administration of the Govern-
ment, but a desire to do my duty
to my Sovereign and to the peo-
ple of the Province. I am con-
fident that ere long justice will
be done. not only to my intentions
but also to the wisdom of my
policy. for I have a profound con-
viction that situated as this Colo-
ny is, I best securie not only the
it as a moot
ante that lap
be •Inba
present cri-
rrence of
and their
d Consti-
its integ-
to give
all the
ul t,
comma( epos ewe elated releases. 1t istne,
that the Apostles wets poor are, but that was
at the introdeeriea of Cbner:e•iy when th.-
novelty e( the amines ensured a.00er Ras
even the . s:
polities hod fends and a trea.rer- 1 It was Mr. CayIey 4 Yes, Lrother Hareem Am per that it shoved be un iereto••d and tonal
is Mr. Ce Ir . dered that by the law of England, which in
Judos Iscariot kept the bag with the money, mei Y f' [rear meawrc, and it hu alrn-
d imrsertellred him as • &latesmail ! ! Brother Ik•e respect is areae the law of tfeper Canada,
u a certain clam of &alma are lineally deem -tid-
r the burning o► hanging any person in effigy
ed from the Aeestks, it is asides' that there
Loyalists o! Ifuron, he wed, 1 do not *stead a openly and publicly, teen without the .c
mast he a divine head to ordain preecben and ay • great deal, I would wish to be a public comp•ninrent of toy great tOmultuon tn-
par icslarly to take care d( the f,,,44-r,-eaker, but owing a some nt.l-formation of the •emblagc, is a misdemeaeour puni . abIJ
Away. thee, with, that iafrdel Government, salivary glands, Abe froth always came briar. the with fine or imprisonment, or both. li ei'- of thesubject but also LEGISLATIVE A
wheel weld dere. seenligieasly to rob oar Pr.- 10u). he would. however. any doer. • few teg. for it I* a species of libel; and as an of1'_oce 1toe•noseL, Satur
cs,lcsai Ch:i,tiaait of her brightest ornaments-- the !loner of himself and the glorious coose in
of that characlet has been frequently made the perrogalive of the Crown. by a:LL0 aR.\D A THIRD TI11R
T , the subject of crinitnal prosecut'one - co -o eratirlr cordially ivlih Par- juke Criminal Court of J
the Recoiling and the clergy reserves ! Arad which he had the honor of semi • leader. He Where the parses so toat.lted holds no
would, at .he same time, supplant, by • godless entirely .greed in th• senii.uro's of his learned 'lament in the work of Legisla- C.) Bill, the 8t. Jean Baptist
prominent public eituatlon, he may nether- Incorporation bill, the L mita
L'ni.eruI7, that slorioua 1.. iiwiioo of Smog's (nerd who had ire, addressed the Mw+iss.- thelees justly complatn of the art, .as tCDd- tion 'tui acting not blindly nor
Colkp, toe reverie*, of w1ieh have bees the ?restated C6risiioaity was the first thing they g g rt���� sea bill, the La Co
ngrega I
means of resit ,g up so much piety and talent for Arnold endeavor to protect. i1e said it war quite Y•
f h speak of Lsm elf he was
ems ...Inas have swami at nosh s slap is d wfr
gra ib that p
pestle opiates is these whoa*
tblwh w will W wast he the seerase pewee
to Amid, apes Isere alleeliag their awn 4.tets.4
ISI.,,... I J.4eea si 1• bs, woke preetleeble
nee essit.bkt tau any other ream shook! held. 1
h aw a island'. which thin .esslry ems have
la Vyieg ie twee es the ee4NMe My pe'da'l o
e yslew.(lowl sad immersed leesieties. But, es
the ether hood, lens presorted abet if the pow-
er e( the Crows be jedielealy mid is this
cowboy, if, dietiaetly reewe.isan8 their hooks --
if. clearly disee,.i.g how fit we may so, awl
hew ler we .way .,N a., Older powtr@ be earth•
clued widely and wwder•i 4v, the.a-'weo.viseed
that they slay be earreieed wile the /manor .4-
•atsse to the lemmata of the Bol.*Mu them-
elses. Thom apfei..•, mr Merle, wi:I be Mand
i• de•pstehes of sale moved for ie the ocher
House of Parliament. In dime deepaiches 1
have e.dea.nure.L as clearly as I c -.Ll, to elate
any view• to the governor. dMete North Ameri-
can returnee. 1 he.. informers them that they
aro not re .aweider themselves treed from re-
e pnssibrlisy; thee, a 'h. contrary, • grist and
be••r reidon.ihd'ry is laid apo• the. -that they
•re responsible for every measure to which they
woes'. But. on the other hand. I have alw.y•
elated that, .oder the fnem 04 go•eremeot which
prevails in these rnln.iee, we cannot ehri, k
from the eonelu,loa that to the en '; rublic opinion
mut decide import all points on which the authorl•
ties may be al tome."
an ext
the Col
that Ear
these int
The views enunciated in flint passage are
trite in accordance with the principle of
I1.government, and an amount of inde-
ndeneo that stops short only of Pepara-
n. The apptieation of the prrnetple to
colonies a Australia will very mate-
y reduce' the Imperial ezpendrtere, tee
the eomplarn!s that must nee ilv
from a system of centralisation and
t government, and de,e'ope, in
raordinery degree, the resources of
nnies. 1t is greatly to be desired
I \irey should lake more frequent
'ties of squaring hes praetice by
threat and liberal priocipla.-
rm Journal.
The Hous
engaged in d
which has bee
• of assembly to -day lass been
mewing the University Bill,
n read a second time. v
In the House
remaining ached
poreti,ros (U. C
the Bill ordered t
of Assembly yesterday, the
oleo of the Municipal Co,.) Bill. were agreed to, sad
o be engrossed.
Rt4A1ltlra Is the P.m Oies as Iltss(ed
up to 7th May, 1849.
Amok Lawseaee Hay Ld o.d
Allem James Johann William
Somme Hoary, Ii Jaahas William
Moa aware llisstsrt Peter
Bela Robe )revise, G.wp
Bell Keir W Lae Pt where
Carew Jam Mis. A.4vw
Creole, Miebs.l Redeem Elks
Caw.. ?few Masse Wilhelm
Campbell Mean 9440stes4 N'iriasa
Clarke Gaes. MedJes.isk /ohs
Carey N Moils' Mel hddee *.d..
Carrs Iter P1151 Metwea Deans
D.quon dohs Naimoli Prom
Diehl* Williams /Melee J.mee
Dm.trs..re Joseph Porker W H
Framer William' 1'hel.. P
Fishyr J.dts Baekie. Jones
Flutter Flatlets Rooth Ask.
Vessel 8•m R••bermen 'leery
Fk'ebel Theo Ry.o 3.•..
Gallagher Mrs Rurinli• Pear
GetFnon-John Fmiih 1. eery
Grady Michael 5te.en.oe K'illiam
Hill Themes P'rwut Joke
H.aght.. Jriaepb Ware J..h■
lleaaemy Richard Worms Janes
A. F. MICSLE, Postmaster.
Stratford. My 7.l', 1849.
at., Friday, May 1114..
The bill manse In th
District Courts of U. C.,
and Inventions ataendenem
time and passed.
Several bills passed tbrou
e practice of Law is the
and the law .1 Patents
bill wets read a third
HURON •DtSTRIC'r, I Nonce is
To WIT :
hereby given, that the Court ad Oyer and
Ter,ntner and General Gaol U Iry sad of
Aa-ize and Nt-i Preemie end for the 11ietriet
of lluron. will be hoiden at the Court-tionse
in it a Town of G aorto), on TUESDAY.
the 1 8th day of Ray neat at she herr of Ten
o'clock, A. M., of .tech time ad place all
Coroners. Magietratea, Gaolers, and utber
Peace Utbcere, see commanded to take 00-
u.e. JON Mclx)NAtLD,
$byritr, �hraa.
Sheriff'. Office, Goderich, tin'
49th April, 1749. S !colt
g6 a second reading.
day, May lith.
uriadictii a (L.
bill, Munlreel
turn of Acti-
de 8l. Roch
• billy, were
he amend-
o in L. C.
ed to be
m to degrade b:rn in poLlic eatena'tun, and
am being offensive to hie feelings.
When any one h eh ie authority is made
the subject of such an exhibition, the of -
ivel but frankly and n'SO- de Quebec bill, and some privet
utely, on the advice of those read c third tune and passed. T
the Pulpit, the Beach, sad some especially the unnecessary .f um .a menta made in Committee, on
Bar of Uppee Cana la . Fellow Christians ! well Lunen, and he auppmsed :last hisoew•eeriag who have Its confidence. 1. the Court■ of Civil Jariulicti,
fence is en that account rnore ,grave, and ELGIN do KI CARDINE. were agreed to, reed and Ibe bill order
rise op in your might, rod ddend+veo with yoor' attachment to the rem pillars of civil;satioo, where the object le to brink-odtu-n on the e••
blood, the ytspenduoo machicery of our Pro- same:). religion and adoration was-knowa to Governm'nt and its measurer, it becomes engrossed.
vi•cial Christ:Git, !" (Deep ----nage) The them dl. (Il.,. the ...... of " Th. Bead ! ta. seditious .n its character, and exposes those Reply s/ Bb JETedleety the (sensor Gr. lir. M eaarre brought in a bill to
Bead!" •. ,��rt 1 err of to the .9ldtcsr rout !'�a rakabi- the stock u1 the (:rand River Na
seaaad Lawyer thee raise midst yells of laugh. Bead . became alarming.) lie said he had a concerned'', et to lee punished ace r .i g y 1 C. stock, vvh:ch was read twice, co
t Terpeet for Mechanic'. as he was wet of ■ Whether the puttees so heelled hide public • Innis of the City of Kingston. rd to committee, and ordered to be e
The Cnnncils amendments to the Di
Courts tl;. C.) Amendment Bill, were
sidered and agreed to.
The Savings Bank Amendment 13411
reported.,and comrnit:et] for Monday.
Mr. Rost>.o. moved that 0.e h,r ort t
committee ..n ti c N-a^.,ra ar) 11 -:try
Rivers R.''road Bel be received thee day
three month+. Venn 25, nays 17.
The Alontretl and Misai,quo. Railroad
B II was committed for Monday next; also
the Si. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Durham. an
address woe vuted to His Excellency f.,r
crimes of any memorial to the Provincial
Government from the inhabitants cf PertHope, on the subject of a survey of the
Ilarborat•thatplace, lite. ",
increase FOR SALE.
nsrder- T OTS Numt(er. TWENTY-SEVEN and
gross- 1A TWENTY-EIGHT in the Eighteenth
Concession of the Township d Fallavtno, !loran
trirt I Diarict. The Laud ie well Timbered and tt'.-
eou- tared. For particulars apply to Messrs. Buchan-
an, Barrio de Co. Hamilton, •
or lo'he eshsbribets,
at their offices iSTRn God-tt:'erichIIAN and& SL1ZAR8tr.tfrrd.
Solicitor.. &c.
hr I , Goderich. 3rd' April, 1849. 2u -r 9-n.3
THE ,ub•eriber offer. for SALE one of
Hall's Patent Brick making Machines,
o leo to RENT a Brick Yard aojoming th'
Town of Stra'bird, for ouch term of years
u may be agreed on. Ats.r wanted imme-
diately upwards of 100,000 well buret
}ricks. For partieularsapply, (if by letter,
pest -paid) to Mr. McCULL,OCII, Suet fore.
Stratford, April 24th, 1849. 2v-812-31
LI. those indebted to the late FIR NI
1 of THOMAS GI I1OUR lie (O.,
either by Note or Book account. are bereby
called upon to come forward without delay
and settle the same with the Subscriber,
and by so doing they will ave the coots of
collection by an Attorne
Goderieh, Mareh'23, 1849. !r-7urf
FOR School Section No. 3 Tuekeremith,
i and as the school is in a p"pulems lo-
cality and well atteDued, the Teacher may
calculate on a fair remuneration. None
but such as are duly qualified, and p
ed of a good moral character, and sober
steady habits need apply.
By order of the Trustee,.
'ROBERT BELL, Chairman.
Goderich, April 19,18.49. t2 -n11
err, he sand,- g*'•
Mechanic himself, and had doom a good deal in: bireatil0•, or not, and however offline they I Gi.aTLRYE.-The manly and patriotic
" BaoTsra Lor Men 1 - ' flewewiler th. rte. p -esf oaring .1 p.1.. sad Diplomas ; bur bur may he to forbear taking notice of the in- sentiments expressed in your Address afford
glories of Bris oAa Beare.' 1 am a ' modenm Brest forte lay io literary labors! They were a!1 •OIs, 1 is dangerous that such pr•,ceeding. me the moat sincere gr.tification.
conservative.' I lore change. 1 dissent entire• should be ailuwed to pais eneheeked, for ' The love of order and the love of true
aware t6u: hr had wrurco numrrea: prase Essays they will mouser or later tae ('unit le recce. Iieerty are congeoiel affections. i cannot
ly from the epinioos of my leorned frietad-wed 11 in foe Eliobor h U.rvrnit on ool. etre each ea
g r. 1 .inn no's f.,tal to the security of poverty, t wonder that they should find a home in the
shall prole to tens, Grnllomen, before you leave .lietrnnon,y and HomanP"ys'.,o,;y, and Chet he and w'h ch hay be Weeded .with L 4.o of hart of the great body of the inhab;tan'e
that Pour -that i .m' • • moderate conservative.' -
had cr.re recently enlightened h s brother Loyal- li.e. And if they -should do. nu other irji- ref ('..nada.
i shall yrore you, Gentlemen, !'rat rano:, i.ir:s wa4 a numlwr of elegant essays or the chem. 1 rte they haw at toast an iravuab:o tendency Ag respects my=c.i, the path r f du'y is
to encourage n- lawl5se spirit, and a bold- I plainly marked nut before me ; and if it be
:fess to defy the coastituted authorities, by sometimes rn sed, 1 have no reason to
even greater violations of the public peace. cottiplain. I ar" constrained allies by a
There can be no real freedom 'where the', regard to the commands of my Queen, and
law is not supreme;.and to say nothiDg of I to the best int rests of the Colony, to .d•
the tie of allegernce, and the duties it ern- mini.ter its Governmert on conetitntional '
poses, or of those obi:gat:one-civil and re-' peieiples. By this rule my conduct has
ligiou•, which all are ready in their calmer hitherto been regulated. i am not collect.
momentsto acknowledge; It is a troth nus of btvisg in any single instance devia-
wbich no man -of good sense can (kith,. ted from it ; end to it 1 lin resolved con -
that as all puttee and all amen regaire in aistently to adhere.
their turn the protection and support of the ' (Signed) ELGIN 4i KINCARDINE.
civ lauthority, .o et is the interest' of all to
ephold at, for none can hope to gain to them. Reply of .(lis Excellency the Governor Ge -
selves any penuaoent advantage Sy acting leered in the. .?d4ress from the I.. .!., .
absolutely necessary to the working out of our
• Ica! @Ma vie* of boiled eaiPongel la conciseness
gloricus Quem 'and our Loyal Constitution' he aid be was n w.0 hwsww to every :pas be
.,d, Gatkmn, 1 aba11 prose, to your entire the ntee:ing. that'lo occupy their time is deseti
wsisfaetseo, t4004 the 014.10100. of my, le mtreed . bins bias.+(% was entirely superfluous, he would
fried about her Provincial Christi/mity, arc all merely naw that his inveterate oppoaillea a the
fudge! Yes, Grntlrm.n, and 1 .hall fucker preerni Government, arose from the ia'roduetio•
prole es 7,1, that Agate is accessory, .od that ore G.11 to pot down Qrarks! and with these re -
the Q of King's College should 'Le •" marks he would make way for his senior cpm•
disu.bsted as to give a' fair pr.port:on to the p•„ion \a the I,itrr•rymurprise. (Loud sad
Dare Prrebytrriau, whofrselyshed their dearest long cries of"The Bond! the flood!"
Wood is defence of religious liberty, against the _ _
intolerable tyranny d black Prelacy. Yes, Gr.. '(he Represeatatrve of the Antrth Estate the
tleenee, i chill prove to you that blood and fire came furw.rd .rad uiJ, "C44. chi, els. Geetk•
are 4.. grey few of Loyalty
■rad r -''}iso.- . moo, do tai i have the honor of beta/ one of the Mu.ntrat. May 14.-7 P., M.
Ws gentlemen who have for .earl earth -teen in defiance and contempt of law, witch Is
tants of llracl.willr, Floor -Salva lir' week at 991 •291 fid. for lo-
froth. ] Gentlemen, I de mot justify :he K y f the fuundatioo of free government. GEOTLRNNRO-1 sincerely thank you for cal eowwmption. 4000 bbls. (.rtdeli•ery in May.
burning of the Provincial Libraries, bet I regard �Muwtlu conducted with the mart oto 404.. It to part, geutlem^n, of your du'y, as the alaer:ry with which you have come for- a 21. lU;d; I U:0 bbls. earn uperkny, a: _2e
it as • accessary eel!. Gentlemen, I did say 1 ing .oeeen, • Political Journal ! They had n.. you arc well aware, nn every occa"ion Tike ward al thi: crisis to renew the ao.urance of 3d; 1100 hula aper'.ioe, at 29s. No Wheat of-
msntered the most dixosragipg diffteolu.a-end the present to enquire into the sufficiency . tour devotion to our Gracious Qneen, and tering. Ashes -Pots 28s 4.4. 29.. Pearls 29•
had been ander the invincible neermity of farcy- , of the Gaol, sod Jho treatment of the „to- protect a'ainet the outrages to which f 6e: so buyers for the leiter. Pro•iaione-Pork
tog their paper by stage, on horertb•ek, ea bey- prisoners co' fined in it. t believe the of5- 1 H •r M'je,ty'n Representative and the Ilon. I mess, GSs. 'Prime mew 46. 3-', Prime, 41s 3d •
back, and every way --they had tamed their • 001 in charge of the Gaol of this Distract I sen of Parliament have been exposed In the 4:.•: sales el Lard in Leggin le 1. Butter rnqu'•
red for bat mime to market 1'eeh.ngr Iknh
I b report from the n Jury; s - i
sheets, whole,heete, half sheet*, quarter sleets, hes humane attention to the prisoners has nets can be perpetrated with impunity. Cite Bask enquired four SSdemesne -�'.luwsst
and sometimes on no sheets at all. (If the reit' been frequently *ckeowled Whatever his my Arm belief that the real interests
wooed have int a &Apia' heed to my Brother
Etre:Mut to Wiretap the hrls.meet hoax. pro-
viding treed E1gia avid hie Ministry;had been in
't : bat, Gentlemen, l'love,gh.nge, and there-
fore, I think .sero, that the burning mu a ..-m.
sary.es7-certainly. Gentlemen -if your neigh-
bor oisads 10 (re.looa17, your buaiog of his
der will ima toe the uncouth monosyllable chief ; may be wanting in the accomm ation of Canada overtire that its Government
hoose is • ,esctsr.rrq red. and if you oRead him, g )' 1 Y g q
be bores per have a. soother wacosary era._ the Ccckatoo, to be pronounced three times at afforded be the building, or in the system shnuld be conducted on constitutional grin
Thi., G.•tlemes, is a violation of the Law : the beginning of nth sentence, he will have a of prison discipline, to place this distrct on eiplee.
but it there were no violations of Law, there better idea of the rleq.enee of this literary ora• 1 an rq.*1 footing with ocher count re., in In .rho path. therefore, which duty mark.
arm He said he era • Ch.rehm••, ■rad hi Id which the proper eare end treatment of nut 6'r me i shall continue, with God's help
wwlJ be no ase for Lawyers. And 1, Gentle. ) g 1 I prisoners, is a ruhject that ha fir some aten4ily to -walk undeterred, either by me-
meo, as • Lawyer who has, for some years, or. kpproved of the semimenta spoken by his I d 1 years 4)051 engaged • great degree of a!fen- naris or in•olt•
nemented the Bar with a eternity .1 talk. at. puttee about Provincial Chrieiiaoily,-he loved i lion. i should th'n4. this portion of the (Signed) ELGIN let KINCARDINE.
•ered f.egaeatly in defiance of both Judge and Christianity -especially those seatimnla that province is now .utfriently pop -linos an:t
Jute ! 1, Gtutlemes, u a Lawyer, give it as
ray aplltaea last Oka Law reeepian house-bara-
ing as • macessary oral, end u • •ubetaadat ..-
preasiea 04 lordly. Gather/en, i am a
moderate eoaservatier-1 love change, sod if yea
request it, i will now rehearse thiamin speech
with the odour sed foremast. 1 am regularly in
the habit of taming and 'weaning my speeches.
sad of repeating them forwards sod backwards.
sad sidaw.ys, and al! ways. And, 0e5tleme•.
they de net les@ess iota of the terse a inea.isg
by belie Mee tnssed sod tattered, while at the
wase time, Geetlswo, t►s practice psoas mris-
fsetsrily tksl i am a lever 1 pangs. 1 did,
faselMrus•. ftsa tate ettwsins of 1•1111M. eepasitiee
eve yam. Loyd G.MrvNive Mepcesemeti••, et
Inst 1Electioe, but i was iadsee1, Oetkeww, to
des merely by my bee 1 cheap. i am a
modenw aeserntive, ad, Geodes/es, arty a-
menities a year Loyal Cetereentoe Member Ass
east sae Wen mast is weight is the waters of
[ab Heves, ser edea esel.d't the Georgia*
1!y ! Teens, Oea'ktws. Is2*Member that it
worthy a1 :rampart ! Loot at tfiia satesmaeship
whelk that ttwa hes displayed, and the measurer
whieb he hes farad time" PwBament for the
Walt 1 ahs omen, f Ilmote. gapisg.)-
'tlfa, Gbattsm•a, M is erne at Ida paw ! tel. is
rowelling wafted worms the basad Attaeti; es
amiss* d .les mintiest Sometimes etim s 1 IN
redid Haight with the taw
te the Iden ,*Win of fhb greet wow? :
bar urual'y been found entitled to a favors discharge of their MTh dnttee Regular
journal on white sheets, brown sheet, yellow ►o h Gland and that ('nteroment tosser to be possible d such 6tt day"• 10, Yri•ate, 90 day,, 49 a 9 : S.. ck.,
said, " He that hath two COATS let him give
mete him that hal Rene :" and Owns. wan
swysti.g." He had a gent merino for &sh-
ops, in het, be mid, he was partially related to
the late harnessed Archbishop of Caeterbery,
mines to a p.ri,c.hr tatimacy akar had subsisted
betwee• • little dog belagis( to the lerelbieh-
op's pread.ether, rod • little dog bebaii.s to
his**. grandmother 1 He resealed the meow
ry of the bravo Gmenl Wolfe. Ho keew maw -
this; of what tallow emonmeder, for he kedges..
seer kr picture! Rah, he said. were his holiest
eestimeets es thereat eabjngts of Religioe and
War -est hie either bobby war Free Trade! Ile
was dtspthar •pp•sed m she"Mew Tariff 4611.
Hinek,e-it leterimed fsaperNvieady wine the pro-
se hssasee, er, se preowt.
WW1 ns.tspmeess .s base •
.be saves, se end':\ till
green of
• - should
Priebe/ Press
. eh rima as he Imola be rw.te ed to " asks a
all rlgM," it will be *raised for the Dory at
Tomato, salons hen. borrow assay to relieve
it -wherries. w teal thew Teo& principles, he
woad he relieved from the 4.t asnsNy 1 bene w illy
He waked to .ae.atsae lame aesseda ttrss se
mesh am ase mss aloe. pewees( It weld be
else ea jaalf, -t'
Meteorite. trod ke gncssilad
dray mise pews bol wad nue. 1x88 WNW
. k. a.yti\.M raasfeeme.... 1. M. 4st*se•
erfillMh of teis ikrrwe+, ter f.m ser. be 141
Me +M*III�118 they ibM ark!. 4.m pNM
time, bet he bttN.ii is his isteletissi. bad
wealthy to piece the art ninment of such ob-
Answer to the Prescott Address.
jscts within the reach of the proper autho-
rities. -Globe. (...'rue .erne, -1 receive with sincere gra•
.. tifieatiee year loyal and patriotic Addeo...
From -4U Fs•wiwcr Extra. I I+meet with vno the excesses which have
- 1 occurred in the City of Montreal, end their
To Tale
Erew;ner °Ice, Toronto,
Wainendry, half -past iiz p. is. Ney 9, 1749.
We hare just received by Tel-
egraph from Montreal the follow-
ing. Reply of His Excellency the
Governor-general to the Address
of the loyal inhabitants of this
City, presented to His Excellen-
cy by the Deputation which left
Toronto on Monday last '
The Toronto Deputation and
the Coburg Deputation dine with
the Minietr' and twenty Mem-
bers of Parliament to -night.
I received your trul .(oval
still .,nee dioa.trn.a connegaenre,-n he in-
terreption .1 Trade, and the shack given t
credit. Let ail gond men. whatever be
their mtaer'diffcrcncee, unite as yon have
,kane. to @import the- canoe of order and
Cnnstitntiewal Government, and then. evils
will speedily be r.-7•irsd-oeae5 and p.ne-
periet be •.ia►Iiehrad in Ceeada, •rad the in-
d'sn'tfes whish 1 have por•'really under.
eons, will be at ranee effaced fr,m my tweed -
in the Lorelei shoe the Colonivl policy of
Ministers has apk� been attacked: Laird
tet*nleLblieg the dent, the treatment
of Mr. irbaako, ted.onrer of Niova Scotis
who had been removed front his p.v.r, boenp
the apiary fee the assault Earl Gin took
op a very strong posit en in reel., inoatiner
that the dieminal w is eceordaece with
the w'ehte of the col iota, sad u th'• time
when the desire for lowing the colonies
to govern thiourea*, wee 00 "'rani' he
del not Walt it was .1.. to oerinet in me-
klee.tieg these wishes. We reeonase
*mend wisdom sal a liberal pnliey in the
y following seetitpeets. The views hinted
and patriotic address kith feel- •tts. b t�aiCoG�es7.� the.. held by 5.507
fiN..p.n y '
ings Of the most sincere gratifi- •' 1 ..rept. nota say, that ee'r North £a.' -
TEAS ! ! TEAS ! ! !
rT`IIE Snbscriber io reforming his most sioceie
1 dank• to his friends, and the public, for
their most liberal patronage bets leave to in-
form them that he has just IMPORTED a choice
Lot of TEAS, &c., which he offers for Sale for
SI:EU. WHEAT. of any whet, kind of Produce,
lower tba ever offered here before.
The 8,becr•ber would also intimate that on
.eroanl of the very large amount of Debt• he has
standing out, he has closed hi• Bo;okm against all
rein tiff 1851, and all those persona that have
an *cement will please cull and give then Notre.
therm., ermine mange". G rue BUTTER earl
WOOL lake. Inc old Uebta.
Avid FINE SALT for Sale, cheep for Cash.
• Goderich, May IOth 18-19. 90-o14
TIIE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
Inhabitants of the District of Iluros,
ad the neighboring District., that Le has
stablishcd himself in Stratford,
is prepard to girt Plops and Specifics-
s•nf Public cr Private Butldinge, Bndg-
Mill Dams, krc. fou. kc., and will take
uperiolendence of such Erections, aro
most 'tameable terms.
thorough knowledge of hie profession
practice as Builder, qualifies him for
waking in the line. Address post
'der, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W'.
rd. March 1636,.1849. lr-fa7tf
the s
and his
any uud
St rat Co
APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the
township of Colborne, Western 1)1*,
*Ion, Hnron Distrirt, containing TWO
15 acres cleared and is good order ; fence.
in r.pbjr, There 11 a good Frame House
[Cottage style]. upon the prem,..r, 33 hy
32 feet ; also, a Frame Barn 30 hy 35, and
Two Frame Shade, each 30 feet long, w ith
Leg Farm Howse in tolerable repo. -
There aro three rnnoisg streams of water
through the Lot ; two of which are in the
Hearing • a small oreh•rp about the Freese
Heiler, and a first rate Well i•tthe cellar.
The price of this desirable property is
1830 ear».c For particulars applyto
Solicitors, Weet-strw5t.
Gadench, March t2. foie. 7tt
To be Sold or Let for the Season.
LTALI.8 Patent Brick Moulding Machine.
and 'fetnpering 81111,-togetbas with
Adam* Revolving Brick Receiver. Thie
Machine with t horse nod eery few hands is
capable of making' from 10,000 to 12,089
Stock &ick, per day with eau, sopett ,' 7te ; -
these made hy the hand. For further.}►
titulars, apply to JOHN IIALDAt'1E; Jr.
Esq., Goderich, C. W. 2v-412
Goderieh, 30th M
TEAT at the Goderich
reh, 1849. 2v-c8lf
PHIS property concis
the bank of the river
the road side leading to
Grist Mill, neer android)
there is a BREWERY .il
Image, a M tit house and
complete. There is also an
for a Distill, ey on the lot,
has a nl;:u 10 the water en th
opposite side of the road which
at all seasons of Ilse year forthree sech
For airfield's.... awake( parehearte nay
apply (if by letter poarage parity to
IN return's( thanks to his frieods and
• meanie Ceetreners fee eh* Laws' P
roars which he has reeetaed during t
Mist VW, bee helmet* that he has ja
CHF TEO P/11.11111101111 70111041k1
wed le reedy tie Execute all Oakes Owe ir
Gatwick, Aprit, 111b, 1849. ft -• 101
es -