HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-18, Page 11 monmennamm • 5 TWE+'LVR AM) 1d4X PEAt,E AT TM 001 O• TUN roar. TEN 8IIILLING8 Itt anranCI. { VOLUME II. sa THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER." - GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W,) FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1849. NUMBS .i XV. bring sheet the improvement to which year e•mmittee have called the aeration of your the mumble iloame-" Thera is too much reaves to believe that the move Mos made was made with the ries of en- deavoring to attain pepuarity by the seggestio• that this commooiestina shnald be undertaken as • provincial work, ire se far from the ("bateau° r f the committee permuting the report. ,henslt being the theta Solicitor General, 'akine soy step tote•rde eaasiag the road to lis noieu.ken as a proviaclie work, he did as • m. caber of the board of the Torooto and Lake I1mon Itailmed Company, for reasons which 1 have been able to discover to be rational, retract his opi.- lndeed. it appears to me, that the application bee at • time wets 1 had, being them i• Eogkod. of the (mw■ Lands to the purposes seggeaed, almost succeeded in forming a company to would be but the fulftlie-ot of s pledge siren to the country by the adbotatesof'•Reoposible Go- vernment." is their earliest effects to unit into the pablie mind the importeace of, and ihs ne- cessity (or, the eatablishmeat of this pn•eipie i• eesa•ioss, ,•avowed the principle , f rhe meas. our Government, and 1 conceive that it wJh•ef. are whirls 1 mow advocate, and the preterit min - ford subject for deep regret, if. upon the pri•ci. teary has in me opinion, confirmed by its sppro- ple being established, a very imporat native teatime the prieeiple so .nnetioeed : for taalter the fur its establishment should be lost ought of. press of the Art through both Houses of Par - By refere•e-e to the Jeannie cf the Hoose of liasest, aathorisiag the company to hold the land Arembly, of Upper (Outride' in the year 1936, necessary foe for sccpmplinLmeot of its purpose, 'yes will find the fillewiagpaavges: reletiog to it was the present ministry that procured the thou point, in the opraios speech eftM Licata- royal sanction to the bill which had been remn- ant Goneraor to the tions', and is its reply ed by the former government (or the .ignifieatioo thereto :- of her Mews'!'" pleasure ; thereby, lambent', ap- " lit the H"me sod Midland District", and the pretties et the plan, mid with the view, 1 strewth District of Newcastle, works have bees ?injected hope, of lending such further assistsate as may for the improremeat of internal eoswmwiteatios, be accessary to aware its being carried unto (T- hy opening practical e!aessen to the Great Lakes, teethes - and Railroads hays bees seggrared, which we It eanoot be imagined that the advisers of the eanoot but hope, may cosier isnlcalable benefit Crown should recommend the sanction of this opou a per:iort of tau vast eseti.eat, in which bill;'alth•egh with other., poses(ng as it don, Upper Catlike occupies me fort"&au • po•itioa. each very distinctive restores from inc o'her, uo- Tbe results of a free mope hei.g thus o6.rded to tem they were prepared to gyre practical effect to . the spirit of enutrpnse. will moos be displayed in lei provisions- In bringing the advantage• of the rapid completion of solid improvement, tithe ,he measure ender the consideration of the prrs- ecuvity which is caw so prevalent be sestaised ent minute!, 1 hare, [ hope. reason to thiak. that the principle being admitted, the deteatimnly by which it ran 1.e tarried out. remain to be constd- erede and if I shall rucceed in showing that the mea re is, as I believe it to be, pregnant with results of great sod permanent benefit to the Province, 1 doubt ant but that it will receive from the Government, and thmogh the memos of the Government, from the Legislature, such aid as may be deemed necessary to easter its se - complete meet. The objects of the Company are •breefold lsl/y: Tu connect Lakes Iluroo an galeas. i)R. P. A. McDOUGALI., CAM be teaselled et all Mare at the British Nabi, (Lancaayrt'r ) Guderieb, Sept. 1IItb. I84L 83- E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND QLAZIER, PAPER HANGER. 4e• 4t• GOD6RICH. ALEXANER WILKINSON, Provincial Land Surveyor, OFFICE AT GOHERICH, HURON DISTRICT. Nov. 24.9. 43 J. K. G O O D I N G AUCTIONEER, `• 'LL attend SALES in anv part cf the ihanic', on reasonable Terme. Ap- ple ■ the Braid. HohL Goderich, Mareb 9th 1849. tr-5o I. LEV1►IS, L-4 f1 . CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING. Jame. 184e GODF.RICIL- ' JOHN J. 6. LiNTON, POT A n T P p 9 L I C i Mmifnlustoner - Queen t Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. • Stokte, ('HE.NIST and DRUGGIST W' EST -STREET, GODERICH. Bv-6n March 8, 1840. - - MH. FRASER, • t.T. PATRICK -ST. GODERICH. • Grliericb, March 98, 11139. 2v-n8tf ALEXANDER MITCHELL; • AUCTI$)NEER, BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH purr HOPE. March, 29, 1849. vit-o8 A. NAYSMIT11, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: moot-JY'.i23T, GODERICH- (ioaenrh, April19, 1440. J. R. PHILIP. e►7r W uu y j iso tar a s 9 s :'R.9T Fo R n. April 13, 1310, vl-r101 1 300 000, ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE iN CANADA WEST. erriE CANADA COMPANY Karo for 1 disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRE OF LAND di+permed throughout meet of the Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 800,- 000 Acres are situated in the Huron Trott, wo.l known as one of the most fertile puts et the Province -it has trebled its popula- tton in five years, pod, now contains up- ward,. of 90,000 inhabitants: The LANDS aro offered by way of 1. J .1 s E, for Ten Years, or Jot. Sale, C d1 8 H D O N' .1V -Ike plan ,;r orae JLf14 Cask, and At balance is Instal - meats icing done shay milk. The Rents payable let February each year, are about the interest at Six Per Cent .upen the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, when LEANED, NO JI ON El' iS REQUIRED i)OWN-whilst upon the others, according to locality, one, two, or three years Rent, must be paid in advance, -ant these payessts will free the Mettler from further calls until Sod, 8rd or 4th yea ()this term of Lease. The right to PURCiiASE the FREE- HOLD during the torr, is secured to the Lessee at a filed nom named in Lease, and an allowance is made according to antici- pated payment. - Lista of Lauds, and any further informa- tion ran be obtained, (b application, if by par letter poet -d) at the CoreAnr'sOrne a, Ter.wt. and Galerick ; of R. BIRosat.l., t:•q AaPiodeL Colborne District ; Dr. Awns, Oa.4RA, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., c'lrsfJ,Jk rd,Hares District. Goderleb, Iltst'ab i7,1$411. 7 MARBLR FACTORY, soUse'iI WATER BT., GALT. 11-1 H. Me^ULLOCH mistletoe, to •saw- s ufacture HEADSTONES, MONU- MENTS, O$CLISKS, TOMB TOPS, arc.. in Marble sad Freestone, as cheap as any is the Province, all work rearrested to order, or no eharga. will be made. Prices of Marble Headstone. from 10 to So dollars; of Freest*** frog to 10 dollar. ; Monw• meats kc., fres 80 dells., apwapda.-- Written cos*esrestiese addressed to the odse.igsd eeeteis1n/ tM isseripelothe, sad at what prise. is Marble or 'rwtsl, e win 1* pes.tsally attended to. D. H. McCULLb Galt, Nov 81h, 1848• • NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to inform his Cu.tou'ers, and the iel abitsnts of Stratford and vicinity, that he intends car- rying on buster as nn "A RE-'. 1)Y 4PAY SYSTEAI." And that .face the first day of January, 1849 be mill give no credit. 11e will pay tbe highest price for produce ofa11 kinds, tae k Salts kc. Ile begs to return bat sineere thanks to his Giatomets for their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to receive a Share. THOMAS Y. DALY. Stratford Nev. 19th 1848. 44tf FARM FOR SAL$. rr0 BE SOLD by private batiste, Lot No. 1 93. otY the 5th Conception of Goderich, committing tug scree 20 of which is ckered and wider cultiratiun: ten acres •re oewly ender- breshed end sandy for chopping. TlLe,land ie el etcelket quality and well watered. There is■ goad s•b.ta.tial to` Dweltiag Howse u it, and one eeteo( superior Trait trees in brarisg tomb - 004. Aod as the proprietor isdesirousof toter- iag 41,0 other (eeriness, be will dispose of it on mrder.'e seem.. One4balf of the priee will be R6ttLIRLD DOWN, and the other half in three equal I instalment". TP For further particulars, applyat thin Of5te, or to the Propnner on the premiere. G FORGE ELLIOTT, Jester. G.derietl, 1316 (kt.. head. 374 "NOTICE IS hereby -given, that all parties indebted to the HURON DISTRICT AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY, by Note or with erwi.e, that orleas the same is paid by the Fret day of May next,' proceedings will be instituted against them. Be Order, R. G. CUNNINGHAME, were• Godertcb, 21st Feb. 1849. PROSPEC-TUS 01' THE VICTORIA ' MAGAZINE. •MR• AND MRS. MOODIE. Fairmoa& - HL Editors of tbe Vc-y'etu Mos rsasrpwill • T devote all their talent• w predates • usef.1 entertaining, and cheap Penrdieal, for tbe Casa- devote People ; which may afford amusement to ; both old and young: Sketches ■rad Tales. in verse and prose,-Mora1 Essay, Statistics of the Colony. Scrap of Useful Information, Reviews of new Works, and well selected articles from be most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the Magazine. The Edeorsfeel confident that the independent and name eoeetry do aims. ttereiee- proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its support to encourage their arduous and honourable undertaking. The low prise •t! which the Periodical is plweed, rs N ..des Met every person witbis the Colooy wbo cis reed. I •.d t(ans.oua for moral and mental improvement . may become a sebserilier and patron of the week. The Vicrowu Maosarws will eestaia twenty.- four pages is each "umber printed es sew type, and upon good paper; and will form •t the end :he year a neat Volumne,' of 239 pages, to- gether with Tole Page and index. 1t will Le Owned Monthly, commencing on she feint of September, from the office of JOSEPH WILSON, Froat-street, Belleville -the I'ub- lisber and .ole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Mapaine. and liners to the Editors, most be addressed. (port -paid.) The tends of sb- ecription-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM-, i.rsri.Mv to lie paid as .desaee. Qodench, Mareb 3, 1848. - 5 TRAVELLER'S HOME, ST,RASBI'RG, Werintoo, • 28th February, 14-19. S 'FILE Snbseriber hereby intimates to hie friends and the Travelling Pebil gene- rally, that be has removed from New Aber- deeq to the Village ul Strieburgh, and will now be found in that well-known house for- merly r ccupicd by Mr. Jones,-whdre he will be ready ani able to conduce to the comfort of those who may honor him w tth their patronage. And while be returns thanks for pest (ivory, he hopes, by strict attention to the want• and washes of hie customers, hull to merit 1 continuance 01 their patronage. JOHN ALIEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. s2-n4tf TO MERCHANTS. WANTED. 10 00f1BUSHELS good clean Ti y mothy deed, for which tee Quilt,Subscribers will pay a higher price in Quilt, nay other buyers in the market. BUCHANAN i&GOLDiE. Commiuion Merchants. Victoria Rloek,King 8t. j 81(4 Hamilton 19th Dec. 1848. poetry. THE SEASONS IN PASS11110. The *aions is panning, one sweet moral bring Aod well -if be marked it -wooed mss do ! "Spread pleasure like .ss P is the language of fir, "Make all hearts as glad sr you can do ! What a world it would be, if less mindful ofpelf, You esteemed every raaararr a brother, Aad if each, while he did a bit good for himself, Did a little bit, too, tor another !" The Summer but varies the leega-" Mab glad Treat all rhea with lore and sffectioe ! My son shines alike on the good and the bad, And shall yew dare't° think of sefertiea What a world it would be, if less mindful ofpelf Too esteemed e'en a ,led man your brother ; And if each, w bile be did a hit for himself, Did a little bit, too, for &anther !" The Armies proelaime-" I.0 ! my stores artier • all: Bat shnald one is the scramble get favor, Let him "hare it with those to whom little say fall, And wbat's left will have the sure savor! What • world it would be, if, les mindful of pelf, You esteemed the ealarky a brother : And irately. while he did a bit good for himself, Did a little bit, too, for another ! ' Ard Reinter affirms it while shaking the door, And binding the stream with his fetter- " Keep the cold that 1 bring from the hearths .( the poor, And your own will Len brighter and better Whata world it would be, if. less mindful of pelf, Yon esteemed every poor man a brother ; And if each, while he did a bit good for himself, Did a little b.t, ion, fee another !" LETTER Front Joey W. Gwrvne, Esq , to the Hon. - H 'Worn H.Merritt, nn tie Toronto and Goderiek Railroad, as a medium of Colo- nization. To Ten Ito.. Vii.,ILAnt.To1 Msaatrr. TORONTO, Febrary 27t11, 1849- . My liar Sir, -Tate interest which, le the face of mach apathy upon the part of some, and of much oppnsitieo upon the part re. others, 1 have for some years past taken. to endearnriog to pro- mote the Colooiaatiuo 01 this Province. through the median" of tie co•str.ction of Railroads, entboldesa was t0 draw your atteeti0ta to ouch .suggestions as have occurred to my mind, calcu- lated to eatablt•h and confirm tete wisdom tad propriety of the op,nion which. i am aware, you true long entertained, that it to the dory of eve- ry man to endeavor toreaeoe what remains of the public domain from extravagant expenditure, and to apply it to propene. of gement public improve• meat and 'location : and 1 cannot but express the hope that the opinions opo' the subject, . which you have so loot held, will, by reason of pointed out the appropnatinn of that domain to you pesi'ioa in the Mintier!, be at length erow- pommies of general public improvement, as nese red with that surer," which Use well merited, of the great objects to be attained by the estab- not only by the importance of the 'object itself, lishmeet of the principle contended for. but by the application which you have devoted Agaie. a enmmittee of the Hous in the .es- u 'weeded scale : sad, of waking dais Provisos the channel for the transit of tbn exports of all abs grana growing Sates of the aeyhborug Unitas. It mut 1» elmuted, that any project cal- eu'a•eJ to attain there objects a worthy of th. gravest consideration of the Legislature. It is to be regretted that in this country the novelty of any proposition, however exeelten• in itself, has been sufficient to aware its deka' ;- bet the priocipie d the project to which I wish mode.* your *fusee°, lis at length. 1 shooed think, passed torougb its noviciate, and to ansa satiated to be received within, the walk of the Legislative Assembly, as a candidate for promo - cow.troet the seine identical road a a private en. termite : and rhos the proyect on the very ere of success was frustrated. Both melee of the Hoose have then, on dlffer.nt by Ow judicious and Medial co-operation of then Legislature. Sooof the proy-els to which 1 refer would have appeared a few yeses since t i- rionary, bat those which we have already me- eompliehed, and tb* uudertakiags of the Reale boring comer! megcocoon(e you to look (or - ward to designs on a more retentive seats, and to support to the ctmost of your power the effete' t of indiridodsend private asseeistioes " (o'reply to this epeeeb you will find the !louse expir s's('tsielf aha : - " Net solid improvementsjustifed by ear pop•' station sad resources, stall want the judicious and cordial co-operation et this Bosch of the Legislature. Some of the projects to which your 'Excellency has referred, would bare appeared a few years niece nsioaary, when, however, we look at the undertakingsnf the neighboring eoan e, w - coon - tee eminently nourishing and prosperous, we I ought to be able to derive from them encourage - meet for dolmas on • more extensive scale, and • called to glee a free scope to the ■tmout of oar pewee to the mint of seterpriae climb yes by in - dui -Ionia and private aesocia'io•a. In reeogni• wag this reference to the tepid and prosperous advances 01 the neighboring country, to which our -condition affords so striking a contrast we humbly represent that under a system of cheap and respoaoihle Government, all their public lands, and other sources of rational wealth Inc faithfully asd'ierupulously applied to great ob- jeete of general L this improvem.nt." is reply, it does appear to me, are to he fogad the view. of ^ the peblie rhes of that day who, in their endeavor to rescue the public do- main from wasteful extravagance. cod to estab- lish the principle of Responsible Government, to itsaccomphrhment, iso. 41344-5 upon the petition of the Toronto rn d The principle open whrh T sought for the In. and Lake Hoe Railroad. Company for an amen - I then ::en out tt in:ihe nblie gal ep veoretionoftheTorontoandGoderieb•Railroad mens° pe e p se • C.mp'ny, in 1847. is known to vote By the read importance of the commonieation now advo, rit ninth report of the Committee of Railroads std cited by e expresses itself in the following Telegraph., presented in that veer to the House terms:- of Aaaembly, by yourself, a Chairman of that "Io tie course of their enquiry it was wpges- Committee, it appear., that west of the Home retire year committee, sod they see every reason Every Shareholder in this Company afraid have a freehold entere►t to Iaod propnriinnat to the amount of hu truck. Landed Pro- prietors in tbe United Ktngdom, desirous e( dtaburthening their estates by Cn„grattntt, ttv taking Nock in this Comfort, would at - quire a trace nl 500,000 acre. of land, where they could employ labourers, to be reel out by then', to coostrue'tng the road, and upon which tract on the completion of the road they could plere as (rceholeers 'helaborere so employed, as well u ■ further large body a of their .upernuary tenants. To make these At 0.000 erred rompletelle available for immediate vettleu:en', I prep°. e *bat the CLmpaay aliened c• oseruct Plat k - roads at correeient Jesters Inter.rct. ng the Rail -road'. By a different d v oice cwt., blocks, from time bitbert ed••pteJ, a great uvirg in the extent, and ren•egeeotly in the coat o1 the road ah' t'd be effected. - The mode et division eh ch 1 .hnold rue- ge.t, would Te, to subtler de the new Iowa- sbips to be laid out on three waste Lade into blocks five miles in length, by one mile and a Oster in depth, sod to ritual the shorter sides of these b' oche. Upon these plat.k reads 1 wot IJ ley not the lots 20 chains in (root by 6r) chains is es depth, 100 acres, and the rtdne of tach block, I would subdivide into similar lots fronting, 20 chairs on the trmaniere* or side lints. At the diitance of 60 chains •o either R aide of the it road, and parallel with It, 1 would construct Plankroad. to Irk• moaner, upon tibial1 would lay. out similar tut,, butting in the rear on the Railroad. Be so doing, intercourse between Hu lots oat eitber side of the Railroad could be congaed to the public roads tctersecung the Rail- road, without injury to any one, and the ex- pense of constructing bridges across the Ra1Jr Ai, except at the Intersection of the public highways might be avoie:ed. The p'ao oftbe purvey of these blocks iv that which I rent to you moa tt ago by pri- vate hand, exhibiting a s ti of 13 miles along the Inciof the proposed slimed. d On The Road would pas. through 36 miles of larva bythe shortest direct line, and there- un erreyeg unappropriated Crown Londe. and through' about 16 miles in Peel and by to secure to Canada the thief part of the Marough, set apart as Clergy Reserve.. traffic between the Eastern and Western C ..t;ucting tits Railro d end laps, out the block of D00,000 acres upon tits plan I proposed, we should hate about 260 miles of Plank -rondo to construct, -for the States of the Arnerican Union. family : To facilitate a comprehensive scheme of Colonisation, and 3rd/y: To apply the Crowe Lends not construction of which, and opening the side one to this purpose, but also through the I roods, 1 pro:pose to make an allowance of "etb•s wor, to make them avails- £100.010 currency. We have then for rho hie towards the conotnnction of other work+ • coat t f the land, at the above rate - of a similar nature, and thereby to create a fund to be applied to purposes of general education. The advantages which are to be Derived from this communication by making it the direct route between the &were aril Wee- Amnnrtir.g in the whole in cur - terns of this Continent area() apparrn',that, rency £900,000 I think. I may be permitted to pars them Let us now consider what the effect of over here as acknowledged, and to apply tine outlay would be, and what are the ad - myself to the endeavor to paha out the .rantagrs the project ;musses to enable us . means by which we may secure these ad- I in the present condition of the Empire to vantages at Inc least possible lit. l raiee the money necessary to complete the The plan 1 propore, ts, indeed, the same i work, and herein I baro to point out the as that of the Q tehec and ii.lifax Rail.vay, merits of the project as regards Colonist - the only ddffereoce may be said to be, that tion, and when we conrtder the immense • the epplcauon of the principle is more easy, sums of money which have been of late and would be attended with more immediate years and still are found necessary to he beneficial teethe in one particular, namely. raised to relieve the destitution erevailint_r Colonisation, in the aeeiion of the country in the Empire, in the shape of poor rates, 1 which the Toronto and Goderich:roaJ would thinly that we shall find that the single out_ past. Regarding the peculiar position of lay of this .um of £900,000 in the manner I Canada: s short line of Railroad over the per pose, will at the expiration of four yenta, Pr ninsula formed' by Lakes Ontario, Erie, have gore further in relieving the desiitu- and Huron, would, in my jad¢ment, conifer tan allu'ed to, than three times that 4100.000 C'st cf the Railrnaa, 600,00(1 " of the Piankruade, lice. 200,000 Utstrie', there are about 1,8(4,200 acres of, m approve uI the saggestioo, that the eoatem- upon this country commercial advantages ; amount annually spent within the tissue 4Croat l ands. These lamb, I am convinced, plated road proposed to be constructed by the To-' no lass important than that projected under' period in the maietaioance of poor house., will, either soder any former mode „Allied ro.ro and Lake Waren Railroad Company, I the auspices of lbs British Government I or to providing employment out of door fur. Ifur their deposal, or by the present mode of gig- should have its termination at Goderich. •town • through the- Eastern portion of these Pray- able bodied peepers; in the con regate.1 ing SO acres to actual settlers, realise a sufficient and harbor established by the CanadaCompany, I ince., and we might not to lose sight Mate swamps of which class is to be found an rum to tracer the expenditure necessarily it d- end Mot it owed to 6s esd.rtaken sad eo"sp4iad fact, that the lege i prn10polose is wrth's nor ant upon these modes if din .ing of them; tu ed • portion of t4' Public (forks of As Pros - !cannot but think that *he ap-r:ies of Immigration .Mee oo extending it (the road) from Toronto, it- + Own resources, and therefore shooed not lir ' which the pretreat system encourages, will not be - would pan through the Township of York. Et- delayed by any merge -atone that it world of that cies' which it is Jeairab:e cbouk' be at -low as a consequence upon the eomple- obieoke, Erquering, Trafalgar. Naseagaweya fol ' tracted to Canada.reed Eramow, a distance of about 55 miler.tion of other lines of infihirele greaser The experience oftheist few years, it appears " The land in thew township is of the best length, of io6nit.ly I'ss immediate import - to me, conclusively establishes that. unless am- quality, and the lots are almost all occupied, and plc facilities for communication with good mar- :o • state of advanced improvement : from thence bets be afforded, Capilslis,s, both small and it would pas through the Towoship of Peel and great, soil Immigrants, w we11 of the agricahe• Naryberoueh, both of which are wet sport for the tal as of the taercar.ide tad mechanical twosome- support of the Clergy ; thesgh the former is yet Ruler, will pass over to the Western States, les- unaurveyed : thence its coarse would te through ring with us thus only whose poverty erecters the se.ppropriated and onsneyed lands of the them worthless ss settlers, and who, for some crows for the d.otanee of eboot 50 miles. tined it b y to make them not on,y .efficient fir its col. evil to ob'itte and remove which, all the sad un of Imperial Legislation seems to be powerless,. During the period of coa.tructing the rnsd.•whteh I have ascertained to be two year., the Railroad wou'd employ 20 labou- ance and altogether beyond ocr resources, rers per mile, or 2,100 able bodtedenen; the But as l do not propose to ask for any Plankloads daring the same period would charge to be created open a v Prove oriel employ 10 Iab'rere per mile, or 2.1100 .able, fund for the cno.trnetion of this work, but belted men. N"w it 19 estimated, l belies., on the contrary, to make its construction with sutheiret accuracy, that every laborer the means of mo enhancing the valise of employed n c. n.tr' cting Railroad• in this what remains to us of the t'rown Lards s. 1 country, world create em I ,ynient for, at lea,•', lour ether labor, re, the same may he fed of every ',borer employed in construe - ing-Plankroada provided they be coasteuct- ed on a Inge and comprehensive scale, as 1 p °p,.•e• We rbnuld thus hate employment fourd for 19,600 more able bodied men; or in the *hole ter 21 500 men. Up'•n the a rding'y average of 6.e to every male *dull 122,600 - men, woo en, •nal eh Wren, w. ul thus lie ptuvmom! tor during the cueNruction of the ,,a .e. 14111;1t is to be obverted. although a very al perer.t, w a very importer: fact to 1.. s b.•nte a mind'conal Tering the imperious of teal erode ID a new 111104 uteri bet •gr'eol- turalcuui.try, w`,.rh'ho. le, for et prevent mr 'he den d for labor to •o much great, r than as supply, as to . leer employment 111 the wdtnary pursuits of husbandry, at high wages for mere laborer" shah we hat.-- Emory Dole of Railroad renetruel'd seise thcn•ter.', very rnb,erutlr mere'rs the p0- ,elan a of the e, entry, and thereby it+ .t ea'i It natal capsbil.t•es Of proJuctsg the stettera eemwhtts of repents. (;sane the comp!, Ica" ' 1 ilia trai, car abooildi have • Tract of Sti0,000 acres of thud, toe remotest acre .•f which. w'a'd not be more than tau miles and as 1 5'f di-tant item a I'larkroid commonkatlIS web a Railroad, where terminus os like Ontario, could be reached within dye hours. time, at least, most a an sinning ene-g`e. of the Province of the Canada Company, through this past it ctruction, but for the coo.trtceon of other The manner to wbieb this domain woul i he woael ports shoot 14 miles 611 it n.ched the works of rimear nature. i shall proceed so hinted in value by the tonstrcetioe et T harbor of Goder rh• at once with my task of shewitg that thine rem° and Gnderich Railroad, you hire in that .,The rend edvanta•ree wiich .Li. route nhjr eb tan be attained. tract of land dermal extent to the western sec- creamed faeilities to trade, enmmerce and agr.eul- I would open to •ettl.•mnnl, amount, a •p. u(o inducemeneaettlemeat, n oda," is bet &atone that anv sloe' ass Dy' el b b Id M t'rristrecunn al its esJvertng to preserve or enhance t such a rad be draw• through the Promote ieeubas upon the wowed rcnch the •' Horoa Tnet," the proper' report also punted out : indeed, as e there is on emelt, tear epi nn the country, by a eling io- I The waste Crown Lands which thi• road tion of the Prorioee, offering equal facie,"e. or torewould be ineaen.. The foreign trade as pears shote to 1.814.100 serer, an I tnclu ese entre. ding what landau tested in er•v+'e proprio. VALUABLELOT 0 FLAND i ••• from tie rabbit domain, Dar atteauoe should week; of themselves repay a much greeter outlay. ! torr there w.0 be shout 3.1100.000 acre, al - FOR 8 A L E. I be most directly and immediately attracted 61'1 than would be required- Tae coarse of 'ra-1e, most wholly unseU ltd, presented as •field this favored Peninsula ; end whatever differences from Chicago reed the western shiner r•f lake for teemed ately commenetag a eche me of of npinin• recti mal intereats may create, inae- Horne is throeyh Lake Hera and Leak• St ('oionerut•n. it is peopomed that the writer LOT 8, Lake Shore, township of Ask vol bet e:pvew tke hope, as 1 mneerely entertain Clair late Lake Erie, thence to Bn1T.:'•, or theca lands of tete ( :res r 500 000 m neat field, containing the eoeviet,s., that the in"' 11. "Nett 'ie."' the Wellead Canal tote Lake Oonar,n: the the road should be moil to the Conpany at ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- .iderrd, rhe Wrote it will aconine apparent, that le.gt►dureerequir►d *0.teoap4ieb thiar.arsry • seasneoblo rale upon proper •lid yut res- TWO ACRF.B th. prejeet of the To10•to•nd Gnderich Railroad bas lis. nouns. great drawback n trade. AAer 1,1.11... s• t0.•tileiwZnt, an a. U• prevent Within (wolflike. of the thriving Village of Company is one deserving fh. nsest favored eon• t pasaiag ,h 0uah Lake tlur.0 ee 8.1015, of the the-pn.•ibtlity of the Cenipeny 'equineg Port Abert, le which there is a Grist Mail, sideralioe d Poth ir, at ; net ss an antsganum land rif tae Pt. Clatr, the d.stanee to Maser b tat e410c'N n( Imnd j •Ahern. a saw Inn, sed a. lost - tt. "411.1* N -Let to with any other psi net e(e tauter &atsn, bat as upwards e( 400, read waren tour.r- honmdedo■ else west by the Lake, and ria the tae sal o.e which, by tta t oestructios will err b geg slim- The s .x fors CAiewge b I .►tall aewss for t ica psrpsve n( my eats art a y e uw wealth wawa Parliament vas nark. and Bseaka isa►wt the deme a (moa ('►kegs res MlnliM the paean •[awed sena to he 4+. per east by • cwt reed. -read Is well watered. 7For particulars, apply -d by letter post paid -to DAViD CLARK, Esq. Cr.Aaaro/4T, 14th Dee. 1848. Qbtf TH14 FOR'I'HCOMIN(; $Y E. Y LYON, $8Q., and 4.- dieatel, by pertlls ten, to tap Right IlosevabIe laser Sreee, is intended to be pnbiabd by sebeetiptioo. The sstiserip- ties net sew hes at La8esster'b gar Ogee - tore. Parties at Messes weeherg 1iwb- seethe will please ntiwte the new to IL E. Mantae, Etats Gtadarieb, by letter post - thereby facie tots res eoastraotion d nmtlu t 'rich -the durance from Gedevfea m Tema. acre. Independently of the cone". ten t ion weeksre h•s altetady bees mated to be 177 mikes M- 1116111mm ald1m rood ahem enple IIsko "vele asireos lir •dsptrd 6".isetvsalng ki.g is firer of the proposed rat. over the pees- a eery e•,nsidrreble stemma. of valve to tin' itsslaae(tMpeMwderaaw.bypesmerattin- est,asavi■g in distaste .fapwaaied950rale& r►sadrteoithe pud•.domain, ttiesuttee 'o. p►neamwta, aiwdiag fneiltiea for iateressste- "Goods it is estimated, and year e+auaitase 'bac tilts ,thou„ I,1 he the maximum pries de .iesttas-.a 01oraaity kuiM beneficial ie- bens.. (erreedy, that esclafeely of the void ssasfa.l for these lan.t. ; rodeos. to mar is vMdw►al .f esprml-and eeeupsties ferns es- tswas►rpwt apart (w tM wppsrt of tat"' ef►r : Mid to he at present their maximum price teodad ptrpetatiee. N eat sewn.fr 10 .(pr'se.d thaw ts,.M be st karf0.f100 sena of teed er that anp aarplea wvesas eta Is derived hem 1►• prvtt $ tsser..yed —sad"' egvast.d, ajMoirrg tbo and it wall enntterit to b .n long an a I •rte Crown Leadn, as that aby will bosoms Nettled reed tba taeM d v►5iek. eeea A w ••die•rintd emeriti of lead scrip receivable only to pey. is any /MOW? pswpoa•ive who dim hitherto. waves rtreaaed Nb' tbedw. „mid w Macao OMet for Crews Lends. reentries o. redeem It weeld.ppwq thor_Gre, taxa helms say re- Asa is, pee naw, tat L I7,S4o, wosM es ware ed. win can be deri.sd hew u tie.ler'net of i et the least and T n y p•y d smiy **owed to 1.70.000 he Ivagta of the road ascertained by th. pablle dstaal., a great ..1,,(.1 sewm.aiA• depth, titre ebeeld be oeneweetd 14.5.00 It. W ties, end it seas' be dented. h le desi'e- bis seat the maldan d tM stank. deem* @W.0 p gid, g neat eb own, ra.l.0 some agree ass ods ba ass id fm Moon Faimmaae, sed if u Q sr(ch April,$i4g 111411. 111 -jet' sad R =id nonny goo la ea Re«5tg1 .d w Legi+ww w - : g•ne7- t.e;'x*.. . , ; .. - .-61110:04.te44a. ilio led xis miles ie se curer eke daunt a tend sespriw8 of 400►iM work woad three" is .ileo. sad Weever Iesseff rd, whose. it i. new a pplwt .Stals., 1 4 libey es remade se Ow mere the time ad y the wars sea.., teeearees . survey, is 110 Dolma. Its eetiasted eat, 11 pot it tore complete working ender, with all the neeem.ary en- gines and e'ernagee, i. £800,000 cumene', the east el tb ked at the above raw is L100,000. Every erre of We lead weals be availa- ble for agricultural purposes. sad epee this smell 'I'reel d 600,001 berm, as egtsewlb- r.l poplatios emir -West N Geta family of Ave seek for 58 sews uMbt he set- f fiwe'fudsd w r...0 Par • ) r