HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-11, Page 4O/ JOUR JOURNAL Of CATION UPPER CANADA- RD11I D BY TAE REV. EGERTON RYE AEON. D. AMSTED ST MR. J. GEO. HO ensinsCs isltMer or scaonl• 1 rtrwio- Arwood 41 !.'dater* of tb. se esalieue its publican/Hi for the year r Its 6wm will be quarts iwte.d 1 etc Nestler M stoma to the pit er(ben is I from euttrely new act* of Matrizes, web ip si „wimps, 4 the plsee vt I k°s doby ewe sal fold . r' w . it ar- th parsed by sae, be wld at memo la mit the la the slats" the Conductors have had . antes. All the type furnished by im ie "lisdy a fserbld.bjsct 1a view. 1. As •apse- i " band cast." titre *(the priasieles, sad prov.aoa1 and of j.eta Printl..R Presses furnished, .ad Sad also. Of 1MSystem eif semen B.hoel.tn Upper tees.- S' rem V..gr.ce of the most approved pat - .da. 1. ?he gwflIeatione s1Lgat.un• sed i tern.. mat.it Mations and dotty" of Trireme.. Piton 1 ( .,*pnsit.ne Rollers ere for rioters. and Salted Teuton. 3. Toe impnaeeeyal? up.Eutors of Newrpe ere who will Normal School lassreetios for ,he elevatieo of ;bey threw times se newt type w their bilk Comma Schools of the eoestry. 4. The est- sn,emst to, wlst Ne tltrl anon Na wear.' swam* and great advantage* of a tbonegli, Christie*. Common School edu:stirs to the 'weenie" m their paper., sod read their several claws of our 'admirloaf popil,tioe - Wh.le the •hjects which hart. gives eMroeter to the First Volume of this Journal will set he Inv seethe of, "nabs leading object of the Se- cond Volume will he SCHOOL ARCHITEC- TURE : for the elrcidatioa eland improvement of which the Conductors have already procured e mend Engravings., and hate taken repo to pro. owe tubers: sod is the course of the year. they peeps, to sive eni•s.iaw ..f all the best sad mod wiubkPLANS OF'SCHOOL- nor SES. ills (with accompanying eapbnauoe..) which have been rocommeaded by school sutborlt.e• is the i nei$i.beari•e Stairs: sad also, if partible. En- gravtap 1the,Pries of platy of Comtism School- hmw which have bora Memel. sed ree••m- e.ended H thisFdeestissd Coraeit'ee .d Hrr TO PSI NT2U. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' !'vRNIRHING WARS HOUSE, 7I'HE Subscribers ban opened • N.. Type ?ossify to the City of New York, spore they ars reedy to *apply orders is arty :teat, Mr way kind of Job Vasty Type, Ink, Paper, Climes, Galley', Brass Rale', Steel. Colones Rule., Coep.tu.g Stick*. Case', and every article Necessary for a Primo', Otbce. The Type.which &recast le new mould', papers contemn, it t.. the Nub.cnbere. COC'KCRO FT k OVOMEN D No 78 .11a• Mitred New York. December 7th 1ba7. 015 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r1Yi1. Copseterrelip heretofore existing between the uMer.a3ned finder the firm. id fleetbsg and Li.e.t'te►, lookeep- er..) to this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. J. 1:. Gt3ODING, J. LANCASTER. Mmj•+ry•s Prig Counted i. E.(Iw1. The E. The bnsiness will be tontiancd, yid all oitst.nding &cconul die by ..d' to the firm*:ll be settled by the uader.ign.d. J. IANCASTElt. Goderich, 6th Sept., 1el8. 321f (ravings will ezeeed ie umber the .onth 1 We yews, aed,wi!1 them.elne. be wool, the sub- senpuen prier of d.e 'oho'''. Another ol.t.et et the Second Voteme will be. to explode any moditteaiom which may b• Wide in the Behoof law is eosneaioo with its prra.at 'register& A third mid premioest elicit of the &esnd Volume will be, Me* etyosit.00 1 the meth necessary for carrying tote caret prwriw wbieh will doubtless shortly be .tads by the Legislature lot the est.hllebmest of COMMON SCHOOL LIBRARIES: end ea the mentos sl becks for that perpose by the Bard .1 Edam. - um, short reviews and chnraeteristic *Hemi. Mem will be given in the Joursrl, together *it► the best amd cheepest mutate of romans, them. We hope also to find room in the Seemed Volume for some accounts and .otic.' 1 'be Grimm' of public taatroctioe Sed ed.e.tio..l Movements of other countries, both Europese sad American, as well as for some articles of miscellaneous literature, each as will be specially •.tertadain$ sad instructive to young prss0a.- But the Moe-mioal wants of Upper Ca..da will Mat costumed attention. sad determine the character of the Journal of Education. The Co.dectnn respeetfolly and ear.enly solicit the coalition. and active co-opanum of District Srpennte•d.•u, Clergymen, and other School officers end (needs of Ed•caues is sail cerise and forwarding abscriptim s. Na pat of the abscriptims will be applied to remune- rate the labour of 'editing the Journal : but the whole will be expendeo in defnyiog eapeeses incurred is eomeesim with its acbliealien. Toa,. -Fitt ahilUmge pet Saran, in ad- vance ; .ted no sub•criptios wdll b. takes far hast than me year. District Councils ordering me copy lot the Trustees o( etch Scheel See - tics is their District, or any number, am lees dam fifty. will ibe Supplied at three 'hilltop sad aim per copy for the year. All communications to be addressed to Mr. Hodgia., Education Office, Toro.to; mad all letters wt coatainiog reouttan.e., mast: be post-paid. •• Complete sets of the First V olnme well be furnished **parties washing to oboos it, at Five Nellie. per espy. Eoccanor Onit, Tomato, December. 1848. 48 CAI%t > * :pest►? ea the (ie4..teb Wb w. PIPER. G.4sn. , 8061 Mas.ke 1849. 9t -sit/ NOTICE'. ALL persons indebted to BREWSTER k SMART. through the agency or the Sobeenber, ore requested to settle their accounts tmmediatly either with him or with Mr. George Frazer, Go/fetich, and Wee cost.. J. K. GOODING. Goderieh, 8th Sept., 1348. 3211 - THE GENESES FARMER. A .id.arily !minted of Agriculture, Herti• relines and Rival Admin. Volume 10 m'• 1849. THE Publisher of the Farmer gratefully acknowledges the receipt of surneroes Tats of new subscribers, from all parts of toe eonntry, during the past month. The encouragement bestowed upon the enter- prise, by it. Pearswi and the Prrs', since the publication of the January number, is most gratifying -and proves that the work 1s considered the cheapest and beet Agricul- tural and Iiorticultural Magazine ever of- fend to the Americart,Publie. Trost -Mar - tars. Agsate and other prominent Friends of Improvement, are .stetted to especial thanks for the generous and nubli exercise of their influence in behalf of the Work - If each of the /mores of new subscribers that we are daily receiving will also lend their &dad oice@ to extend its circnation, the Farmer will have F,R Thousand Sol- eerieers before the l.t of MIay next -which .would enable ns to make it. in every respect the Patera Agrie.lt.ra! Journal of tle United States. The January number is universally pro- nounced the most beautiful Farmers Jour- nal yet issued in this country-wl.ile its eonbnts, to say the least are equal to those of any of its co.temporerien. And the February number, already published, is certainly not infer.nr, and probably more intrresting than the former. The two numbers 'ars illustrated with about Forty Engravings, including a steel -plots Por' t r'rri1. Each number of the Farmer will contain 111 Royal Octare Pages, Title Page and Index at the close of the year -making • beautiful volume of several hundred pages, compfbte for the Library. TERMS -invariably in Advnee-as follows : Single Copy, 60 Cents. FIT* Cnpies for S2, and any greater .timber at the Same rate, if directed to indivuduals.- ifdirected to one pervert, eight copies (or three Dollen, .ted any sd.tinnal nombor at the same rate. The entire volume vent to all w►weribe'r•. The work is so chea;•u and centime so much valuable matter net ■II snhjects con- nected with Agri.:ultur.l horticulture, Gardening, les'•, that every farmer, mechanic and professional men who owns or cultivator' • rod of ``rotted can wetl "(ford, to became a sn►.eribev• The !enemy end February numbers have been Stereotyped, en that we can supply there to all new suburiMrs• We there fore bnpe that all rhymed to aid Is extend- ing the u4efrineel .1 the Farmer will eon tunes to receive and forward.,rbseriptioee- remitting according to our club terms. Subscription money, if properly enclned and melded, may be tent (pest -pail or free) at the risk of the pnhli0ser. Addrs.Nd to D. D. T. MOORE. Rochester, Y. N. - i DJ AU tolljOm lit may Cbnccrri. Lf. perms" are hereby warned spine 1 A reclaiming a Promissory NOTE given, by ow to Gavin Hamilton, as I car prove thaltI never received rte velum Inc themes.. yay JOHN FERGUSON. • \T Iii 1 t Broom Y. f/oderieh, 111t► Art, 1849- 1,-ct0-35 LIST' O/ THE SUCCESSFUL NUMB RR wbieh Drew tie Prnsspst. PM.*ZL m Thea Dark's Lottery, la May. 1849. 1. Sleigh, . 2. DooMe Hanes%:(t7 10".) / • 3. Harare, . 4. Bear, 5. W.teh, , 6 Sew, . . 7. Bitaeg.i. R N.c5 Vela, (5s) • 3. Carnage, 10 Whipple Twit, (10..1 11. Whipple Trete, (lye ) 12, Wages, + 13. Fangio; Mill, 14. Neck Yoke. (toe ) . 15. tr.ddk, Bridle, d%. I& Mare, . 17. Cs tier, . 19. Beim. • 19. Frnsiag Mill. - 90. Harare". (£5.) 21. Harsew. (13,) ?1 Ga. GO0ERICH, C. W. 30th November, 1848. POR SALE by the Subscribers, r BARRELS OF LAKE HURON HERRINGS, 37- For which Produce will be taken in peymoat. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. 1."3- PART or portio. of BLOCK G. is the township of Colborne, Writs. Divi. "ion, Huron District, enntai.ing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acne cleared and in good order ; fences iw repair. There ie a good Frame House [Cottage style)iupoo the premises, 35 by 32 feet; also, a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and I 21st March,•1849. ; 2r-tt8t( 854 49 297 773 544 504 435 974 214 433 573 592 1'9 069 889 954 NO 0!! SO4 435* 003 1316 4-.13 BY AUTHORITY. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, BY virt.e of a To Witt writ of FIM F.ef.. ,s.u.d est of the District Court of the Hero. D,atrict, &garnet tbe Lands and Tenen.ent. of I:eary Darlington, Richard Darlington end Robert Darlington, at the olio ot the Bank of Upper Cauada, l haws seized "ad taken i■ Execution as belonging to the said Henry Darlington, Richard Dar- lington, and Robert Darlington, the follow - leg pproperty, vex.: Lou .umber 2, 3, sad 4, oil the seyeertb Coccrrsioe„ Eastern D,,,. rion, of the Township of Culporn, (web containing 100 acres of Land. which P shall offer for sale at Gm Court House, Is iha Town of Goderieli, o. Thursday the nth 'day of June, 1849, at the hour of Twelve o'clock, moos. J. McDONALD, Sherif. Hurn. Deaner. Sheriff. Office, Godench, 78th March, 1849. S e'LttsOt( Sheriff's Sale of Land. 81)criff it Salt of (auk. HUMAN DISTRICT, /Bw Y girtag al leas To Nil t welts of Ebert Faris. lowed oat of Her Majs.ty's Court of Queries ' Bees►, owl to we directed arrest tie Loads sad Teammate of Jells Ass Kipped and AwNwaits W. Kippes et the r.epect onsets of Rose Robertso., Robert Moder well, Jobs Streeban, pans .aa. oils, ale. and Janes Clouting( ; and :testy virtue of two *lira of Fieri roci.s► Waled set d iter Majesty's Huron Lbsuset Ceost. and to rem detected &get ial the Leads sad Ten- emeets of Juba Ass Ripppeand A..Ius W. K itpee at the respective wits of Robert Parke and J••.hoa CsItawty. 1 bey, seised and take. es T.zceutios the folh.wiag pro - petty as belongtig to Amelia@ W. Kippen, tune of the above Defendants • put ur poor• tion of Block G. is the Tuwodip of Col- borne, Western Dtsiales, Hume District, costuming twit hu.6d arm of Lead ; w5et b lads 1 shall offer for sells at the Court House, le tie tows of Godericb on Tuesday the 101b day of March nest, at the hour of 1l o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sherif H. D. B.ires Omen, Goderich, 18th December, 1848. 4714 The above Sa'e of Land is postpoeed netd Friday, the First day of June, 1849. J. Mul)ONALD, Sheriff, • Huron District. Sheriff's Office, Goderieh, t 19th March, 18490 S HURON DISTRICT, tBY virtue 'of a To wit : Writ of Fieri Facuas, isetred oat of the District Comet of the Huron Dietrict, agaiset tie Lads ad Tenements of Cyrus McMiflae, at the suit of Joseph Mtiler, 1 have sexed Sed take. n Execution as belonging to the said Cyrus McMillan, the following property, ns.:- Town Lot number 8, North ride of West street,, or tanning nonaber 995, Town of Goderich, which I shall offer for Salo at ti. Court ilotse in the Tows of Goderich, on Thursday the 11st day of June, 1849, at Twelve u'clock, noon. J. McDONAD, Sherif!', Huron District. Sheriff's Office, Godericb, Two Frame Sheds, each 30 feet long, with a Log Farm House in tolerable repair. - There are three running streams of water through the Lot; two of which are in the clearing • a small orcharp about the Frame Herne, and a first rate Well inthe cellar. The price of this desirable property is £650 currency. For particulars apply to Messrs. STRACHAN k LIMAS. Solicitors, West -street. Gnderich, March t2, 1848. 7tf IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS. THE Subscriber having leased that well known and commodious TAVERN next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon. sty an.p•te STAND, in the Township ot Hay, 33 miler J. McDO\ALD, Sheri H. D. The d .udibeeribeh.n wouldrao inform the public Susaur m ()reeve, that •w the tows each pnie will in fu ere be from Gederich nn the London Road, lately occupied by Mr. James Gordon, begs leave Cadence, 14th August, 1843. 3m29 charged for all good. rn•mufaelured at their eetab- 10 ntimale to his friends and the traveling public in general, that he has opeoed an inn on the promses for the accommodation °J R of travellers. And a he•mtends to con I,D1RU Daeu.cro/r roun . S mete sct, will mime forward immed.ate!y Just it on the most respectable principles ; E a The bbove veld of Lands is postpid and rule their respective debt., or they will he and to spare *either labour nor ex(enes in sato the first of'ternary. 1849. I placed Is the hands of an •tarney for collection JOHN McDONALD, without further notice. G. MILLER Jr Co., Goderich, Dee. 15th, 1348. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, -BY virtue of a To Wit: 4 - writ of Fieri F.cias, jested out of Her Majesty's Huron District Court, and to me direetei against the Lands sod Tenements of Richard Dar- lington, at the suit of Robert Park; I have seized and taken in Lemmata", Lot number four in the seventh Concession, E. D. is the Township of Colborne, containing 100 .tees; wbteb Lands I *hall offer for aleiat the Court Houde, in the town of Goderich, on Saturday, the 95th day of November Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of• Writ To Wn : (Lof Mai Facia. is- n.d ont della District Const of the Hares Dis- trict. neatest the Land..nd Troee,.*n of Rich- ard Uar:,eet.e, at the Sia d ,Z Rom obertion, 1 have setud.*d takes i* Execution as belonging to shy std Richard Darlington, LOT Number FUM io the Seventh Coacesmoo, Eaten DI• riuoo, Towo.bip 0 oll,••roe, eontainiog 100 Acres of Lead, which *hall offer for sale •t the Court Hm.• in th own of Goderich, oil Sat- u rday the 7th d•y of July, 1849, at the pour of Twelve o'clock noon. JOHN McDONALD, Sher;ff, Huron District. Sber,tf's Office, Goderieh, 7th April, 1449. STRATFORD HOTF,L. IRAAC MAY, informs his friends end the pohlir, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, Istely in the oeeupation of M. Brow., at the Fast end of,Stratford, where nothing shall be wasting on his pert to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his guests. 1. V. fetters himself that his selection of Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the country, and his Stabling department is of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 131f GO DERICH FOUNDRY. EXM1BITION OF FARM S'ItOCK PRODUCE. Dolma IC MANUFAC- TURES. as. 4.. Ike. AF tit Mama &rat d AgrirOMwwi testi. AN EXHIBITION id CATTLE. SE8IIS, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, da. at., and be held at GODCIfICB, w Ttusday Me Mabel September mat, +bra the ftllseien PdE1IUMd WILL 11 dfr4SDLD. HORSES. Fee the Best Breed Mare sr. Teal .... £ l 10 0 fl.d I r 0 3rd ........0 li • sass.. For the ben Two year old Filly 1 u 0 1•d ................ .•0 15 0 3d 010 1 Fet the host Two year old Celt.......1 O 0 yid ....................... ....0 15 0 3rd„. .0 l0 0 For the beet apes of Fars Nota..... , .1 10 0 !sd sass sass. ......1 0 6 3rd ..... .,........... 0 15 el CATTLE. For the ;best ' Milch Cow (which shall hate had • calf is 1849) .........1 0 2.d............ 0 IS 3d ............ 0 10 For the best Two you old Heifer. 0 13 2nd ....0 10 THE Subscribers is retuning thanks to the public for the Iib.tal "here •of patronage they have enjoyed mimes eommescin( business, Beg to intimate that they have now oil hand Sad ere making to order a large assortment of Cook- ing, parlour, and box stoves plough castings, fire grates, fanning mill e.stings,smut maebi.es, and every other article o.oally connected with the trade, which they will be happy to sell on the most reasmahle terms for nth. • G. M. dt Co., having made extensive alters - time sad improvements in the finishes( depart- ment of Med establishment, by the ietrodaeti.. .f elf-acueg machinery, yrs now enabled to ezee•te all orders with which they may be entrusted for the supply of threshing machines, grin sad raw mills gearing and every other di.- criplion of machinery, oe the moot sejenufc a•d economical priociples,end with the greetest faci- RoarwT PAW. li.hment, their credit Moises, must aecessuily become extremely limited. Tbey would also request, that all chore iud.peed to them either by ministering to the comfort of %hoe° who •1 may patronize him, he hopes to tocrrit .04 obtain a share of the public favor. DAViD GUNN. N. B. -There is good Stabling on the premises, and teamsters and other!' may depend on every necessary attention being paid to their horse!. D. G. Cadent!), Jan. 941h, 18p8. 515f HURON HOTEL FOR SALE. TUE- Subsribcr having nearly completed Ids improvements o. •the IIURON HOTEL, and being desirons of giving up business in that line, gives notice that he id willing to dispose of the entire premises on reasonable term.. Ae a !Intel, the pro- perty i* a most eligible investment, be.0g surpassed, or perhaps, equaled by none in the Dietriet, either for extent of bue:n.',a or accommodation. Stabling, sheds, Hay. Infer', Lc.. fur., are all on as extensive Beale. The House is large, substantial, commodious, and well furnished, and will Facie's, issued Majesty's be sold with all its furniture and appurte- I District Court, end to me directed again.' winces at a fair value. One-thi•d of the ` the Lands and Tenements of Garin Hamd ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, i hive seized and taken in Execution, Park lint somber owe, on the North side of Melbourne street, and Lot number forty, on the karat side of Wellington street In the town of Albert, which Lands i shall offer tor sale on Saturday, the 93th day of November next. at the hoer of 12 o'clock Doom, at the Court [louse in the town of Goderich. J. McDONALD, Sherif/II. D. Sr*Rrrv's Owren, Goderieh, 15th A°gest, 1548. 3m29 JO/MMA Catto*aT, es. )) Oamr. HAanr.toe. I T The above rote of Lamle ie psstpird until the first day of F.bru.ry, 1449. JOHN MelIONALD, Sheriff i1. 1:). 9wrt.rr's O,neva G000staw, 9Wh N.Teebee, INS. 431,1 Jorwva CALLowar, Sbenff H. D. Sweetrr's O►rrcc, Carmates, 20th November, 1848. ) 43rd Q7'The above sale ot Lands is postponed until the first day of April, 18419. JOHN McDONALD. Sheriff H. D. Enemrrr's Orme*, Gnn*aicn, January 99th, 1849. Roacar PAS[, ) The above Saln • es. }) is postponed till RIC*Aa. DIMLNaroS Friday, the First day of June, 1849r J. McDONALD, Sherif, H. D. Sheriff's Office. Goderich, March 241h, 1849. POSTP0.1'E.VEXT. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT BY wirt.. of a To. Wit: !}tet of Firer i ase out of or Ma et '( Ilornn purcham mnner wail be required dawn, and liberal tame will be given for the remainder - In the meantime. The proprietor begs leave to intimate to hie friends, entomers and the public gene- rally that the late improvements and addt- unn. which he has made have rendered the Huron Hotel capable of yielding very superior accommodation, and of giving general satisfaction, and in rewriting his honest thanks for past favor*, wishes to emote the publie, that while he remains proprietor, no labor nor evpenee shall he wanting in condncin to the comfort and entertainment of thelt who may be dis- posed to patronise hie hose. J,\MF.S GENTLES. N. B. -An experienced and attester" iloetler in aowiys in attendance. Goderich, April 0. 1349. •t -n9 -3m Upper Canada Rebellion L4'sses. Rereircr General's 04fice. Mo.treal.I191b March, 1849. PUBLi(' NOTICE i5. hereby given, that Qai,sests Inc Rebe:lion lessee is Canada Wen, who have not applied tn. and received payment of to ' Clime from the respective Agents oftlr5Bank of kfnntreal, i0 the sevet+l dietriet.ssher*efbre notified wilt from amid alter the first day of June weak be set we.trted to apply for pay rent of TMs sews. Mary personally or by duly appointed Attorsiee, to the Permit Bask In this pity. (3.p.4,) .8.11. ViGBR. H.M. R. O. 0-11 leave'* lrAwlLrnO. The above sale of Lando d. postpon ed email the est der of April, 1849. JOHN McDON A i.D, Sheriff IL D. 80.nav,'. Orrice, Goo,otcw, t January 190.h, 1849. S 6214 Jousts Ca .tower,) Tbe.►est Salo of • es. )j Lands is Postponed °set. Ilssntrno. till Friday, the Firm day of Julie, 1849. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Herne Dtstnct. Sheriff oak., Goderiek, OSA Marek, 1849. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. 'I'IIE Psrtnenhip heretofore existing st l G -clench and Harpurhey,in this Dis- trict, under the name of Thomas Gilmour k Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. All those indebted to the said firm, will pay their respective aeeonnts or notes to Robert Moderwell,' and ail those to whom they are indebted will be ped by the paid Robert Moderwell, by whom the busi- ness will hereafter be eontinned. THOIiAS GiLMOUR. ROBERT MODERWELL. Golerieh, I Iuron District February 90, 1849. 4 2-3 FOR SALE. rrHE-BRICK COTTAGE and Lot 'r'ls- ning No. 562, in the Town of Goderich, formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Jlr. lame. Orr. The Cot- tage is veru conveniently arranged, and well rested for a *mall family, has a spacious wood shed, stable, Ste., good well of water: the garden. contains several choice fruit tame, and the whole enclosed with a strong pocket fence. Only • portion of the money would be required down, -the remaioder in three annual instalments. Apply to William Rattenbury of tbe Clin- ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, August 94, 1818. 30ef NOTICE. ►rl6E S.bseriber having RENTED the WARY:1101JSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Medan. Davenport, of am place, hes eetehlisbed kismet( ss a ►O.w*110►* *00 cow*rsevon UR*CWA 0T. Any ordere err eommesion from (ha Mee - emote of Goderteb, wall receive prompt alteration. JOHN McEWAN. Wisdom, March, 1849. tv-7etf. NOTICE. I8 HEREBY given that E. 1i. MARL - TON of Gedlch, lath by indieture of a*sigse.t, dated third day of April. 1849, ase nod all bit Perwoal "irate whatever to i, Eattonbwy of Goderich, epee trait, for the "goal benefit of himself mad all others, the erted,tors of the said E. 1'. Marlton, who shell eremite the see fade -!ms defy asserted by the said C H. Ma.ltee. Dated this 5th day of Apet1,1$49. v9-09 For the but maria( Heater...........0 10 tad 0 7 For the beet Bell ............ .......1 5 2.4............................1 0 3d..:. ... ...................0 15 Fee the heat Yoke et W orkug Oxes.... l 0 Fur F« For For the best Three year old Omen , .0 IS ltd .... ...............0 10 3rd asst sass... ..0 7 the beet Two year old Steen. ....0 10 god 0 7 3rd 0 5 the betel Fatted Os 1 0 3rd ... ............... ... ...0 10 the best Fatted Cow oe Heikr ... 1 0 SHE:1' A.ND HOGS. For the bort Ram ... 1 0 Zed .,......0 15 3rd ...0 10 For the beat Ewe.(►*. of I) Meta( mi- red • Lamb each is 1840..........1 0 2■d 0 IS 0'10 O 10 O 7 O S For the hem Rae 10.8 Far ,he bpm Ewe Lela. 0 10 0 3 For the bre Fat tlFeltlets.. • . • • ......0 10 3,4 ......................... 0 SS Best Zed 0 15 3rd 0 10 Foe the best Sew (.hall Moo had pigs is 1849) 1 0 2nd 0 15 3rd 0 GRAIN4*, SEEDS AND DAIRY.10 For the Beet 10 hash.L Fdl Wheat 3 0 tad ▪ 2 1 10 1 10 1 b 1 0 1 0 O 15 0 10 1 0 15 10 15 10 7 15 10 7 Sed For the best dbeski.i.Upr• ise Wheat Sed For the best 2 bu▪ shels Rye 2.4 . 3rd Poe the best 2 b..belie 30th/ 2nd • 3rd • For the best 1 bushels Oats • 3rd. Pse As best 1 b.shd. Pews • 2nd 3rd . E« the bet bele' Timothy' • 2nd . 3rd Fee the best 9 bushels of Eon( is rob.) 2nd . 3n1 Fee the hem Sal l►.. Salt Butter 3rd . For the best 40 le. Caine 2nd 3rd For the best 95 lbs. of Meek Steger 2nd . . ROOTS. For best acre of Turnip. . 0 15 2nd 0 10 y 0 7 For the best sere of Potatoes 1 0 9nd . . 15 3rd10 For the ben 4 acre of Carrots 10 2nd 7 For 01. beat 1 acre of Beets 10 god . 7 MANCFACTCRF.S. For the beat 10 yards Domestic made Cloth 0 15 2nd 0 10 3rd 0 7 For the best Pair of do Blaskees 0 15 2nd . 0 10 3rd 0 7 For the best 10 yard. Domestic mad. Flannel . 0 15 2nd 0 15 Sed . . 0 7 The above Masofactores to be from the Farm of the Competitor, Sad of the growth of the pre. Stet year. Rules of the Exhibition. "'-'1 Any Farnwr within the District. ant a Member of this Society. by paying a dosailors of Oee Pnend, .hall be •:titled 10 compete for any Premium. 2 All Subscribers in arrear to the Society, who may wish to exhibit anytbi.g at the Sbow, are to pay the Tres/wee: the rim of Te* 8hi1- IleeP, on or herr* the 1St1i of Merest ; all When to be adm.tted on payiag the meal sem of Fin Shilling.. 3. All Ssbomribera Mehl( paid the 8whecrip- d0n, and este meth. to be ratlike! to e.mpeu. 4. All Stock Exhibited shall Mn bees the Mae )44 property of she Exhibitor. moat., be- Inre the Show, and all ether muck" shows moms M•. been per laced op the Farm of the Exhibits: 5. All Sdi.rriptiess to be paid on or Woos the 10th day of August nest. 6 All Competitors, tie prism meat give the Secretary *tire 1 the deseripu. 1 Stork and Prods« they ietewd to .hew, on es before 4 restock. p. m., the 14dt .f September. 7. All Riseb tied Prado.. to be es the Show Cheesed by S &'Mek at the day 11M Show. IITTbm Society's PLOUGHING MATCH will take plea as amid is October. R. G. CUNiNGHAME, Bee'y. Odrich. 24th Mardi. 1840. 10 7 3 10 tl 5 n 15 0 10 O 7 O 10 0 7- O 5 0 10 O 7 NOTICE, PIM'Sob.criber baring LEASED. for the termTweety'sire, tha Proper- ty on the No side of the Market Spare. .t present ice pied by Theodore Reid. Esq. wish.s to i.taa 1. to Owe who wish to mall themselves of .. BLIGIBLB SIT- UATION for BUSiNEEl8 tbst be *41 LOU* BUILDING SITES flea► stay 'left: set exceeding Tweety Y.Otmi Ors isj M Rest per asses. 1 Rosed'R eoaTOlt. . Gederich, i us5* Si, 1815. fr+tltf tittr1f t!•iter., - uti'►ra11 VEEETAILEJIFE PT T PHOIIX a •slra . kaw aspr Ays/M 1►i Mrti1 tutu 1lsy01s' ►=, 'r r see *raw lir tb. Sad thou 95 to MrIMM =PIM LLML. tri A.TwI4 JOSS. 41111111/1110W 1111101rumw. 7acr xr a le tan mob •tutIna tam me tt.r *Med -' 1t.a/ eel be 14e twseae pb1m. r.... seed .Wes. els aster e n era Ideemese..1* rime .aaownw be wailer teem /MOM .$W01.'meas WI& ce.x41a, . CULD' da CUOOg.. 43µ'R cossetstf►,sft lead .ti ester mW+.b t>IY i w.a c.nawrT 10Mwmi.4 •aM'ar14 DZf r,0 PPM nabtatb ta.eer•se air .r, abs..* nine Maw mollm.a braseiedr glrrass .f sae arr. asVinresa 1 Fu7w- lsac•r. T*VMM.04 *SVM. Mt01mew ,M.w tmaediskel aoneiYrwD be Ore • MIA. weir. sod W Y* cerci- Ota* sates boo W .www said,si 1. • waw tie ram.-• m. to Owe anaawr b tart** - TST 711111111. did1111111117111116 :tan til 1At & pe.OLXa.1 I oo1MLgziON. OB1(B=AL PM>•ILZT =-1 eetar. 441x4xtm4 5Ursl. x4441311& 0199:*, sort Ammo 71►ac, IMVLWMITURr 140011• TTI11. 113011 BLOe10, J*VSDWo1, LOMB own'. rLIVI93t OO*PLAIAT/. L1I10* F. 40081xON. iasM4* LIAL DIOM,►OMO,. , Never Lab'. naiiwa. *rash aD merino. t Illimar i. . tad. ..r dine de rut e.weedd rsee•iddir t Sa...waat. 11801r &WWdr.. NglruvR ataUJ?Y. NEM WOW C01►u/Nus of del beds, 0104'nIC AITboTI05*0 PALp?/TION.4Ia. HEART. 34*711* 6801!0. ragas.. _mter* ra 7h. meow aor se mderne • milli or r. ere rs.. *taws be tbe me d dire Lide ::•ebur ebm.. 34111 le div ►.Mi Mts. beak rub.. Pols ad .eAm. lit ill SU•AT1SM. ri...,i.wl .ib dim Wear dr..., well be re t Sad be *eV* aledl ee.a MIS* tri BLOOD to ea,. MMAY, &GuarY. &*LreNLYY. SWILLIvrl•. aC ao,uiA. .. SI>KOrR BUIL, le De war team. U L o i s a, •r.trwr dr.r,µ5* 1111031113111, 4 a bads, am .a.na0Ys media be dime Mwae*. u Mew .41.1• .5..Arrn*. lam sew ewe mar ...1...* a ew.a.r0 . wad.5 w ratan c, ns tits nue in maw Innis PURIFY TIE x1009. And ties remove all diocese free the system. A sills Int .a tie L 1 E E P11,111 and P I NI I 81 T f l l t iewd ibertes. o eesp.- W&re a the estimative of every y.tkr. 71.. reeks* t abor .n.dkbe ea@ * pet op is t51W ris=e ...e YAW., "rdist ..b (.s.tOlet, ended ••• 3t.& . 0.d Ihm.riue." eemsi.5.r ILO&&maggi... b.. w ata.. • dn.mr r Lwd..,.m. Wall ere../ a ea@ Oar., by which arrq.n .101.1 w lily sea very wile W .us The warp....d Orr num w .wyriebeed. die•dre then .Y peewee Awn tub .50s else lo aminal sari 10: J .. remise 1e iwmfel .r bey arm pr.w ...ppsn: but Y yen r. he melded tut On cone dLlw... ism r.. se dew era dem. Er deepened sad DN. WILLIAM M. IIRO??AT, Lila 1nad..y. owner .r Mab••y ever. New T•d. Fee gar by• BENJ. PARSONS. fiefs 4ge.l. Goderich, Jas. 28, 18.48. 1 -N 7WD K. CfAMSERs. MISCELLANY. els 11111/WL AS. 1STa1Tarsrai 15OwTJne., Edited by R Ca..ata, arbor 1 Cyclo- pedia el Ea``Tisk Lammers : With Elegant IILNntive C.gravup. Pries 23 cans por Nes OULD, EINDAare LL •13 LINCOLN a O happy 1 •.wises that they bare sostple- td arraegemnW with Meows. Chambers, of Edabergk. fee the r.•pblicaties, is smuttily cambers, of C.a MtiiettaaaY. Tho dewgs et the M1scasomey is to @apply the iacressisg deemed frerf.l, ia.tr.eti•emad 'summates rending, and to bring all the aids of hortatory te bear es the calamities 1 the UM - lags et tM people -to impress correct views es tmpertaat moral and @irisl q,tiwme--mpperes every @peek..( strife and savagery -*beer the Mgrs. sad despeadi-g, by tie navies of tai.* Moore from tie sseginai..a.( popular writers -room die Emery b' derriptiese e( Lteroniag foreip @ersem-sive • zeta to e•.p-day seespe- t.one by ballad .•d lyrical poetry -ea dart, to firs.,► as .nobnusi•e mend and garde, • lively fireside companies, as fu as that &wet can be attained through the irWrsawstality at books. The asivere•ll •ekeewligd swiss of the Crm.o►enta .s Eames 1.rrs,ta,esa. by the same athor, ewseeetd with its rapid male, sod the ab•eaded cam ..daoimm lmuw.d by the pre'., give the publishers full cesidesee is the real valve and emirs ewers* of the pretest work. The publication has sheerly eo..m.•eed, and .(11 biee•u•ued @ami-mosthty. Eaeb ■saber will form a samplets work. ted every third sem- her will be furnished with a tole page and table of catest', thee forming a bea•tifally illestn- ted •olarne of over 500 pages of seal and eieriaisi. ` reading, adapted to every cleft of renders. -The whole to be completed is mourn @ ouzo, forsi•g Tea elepst Volume. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. We are glad to see a Amenia• lease of di. pcblicauon, tied especially is se sat sad ewve- • iest a form. It is an admirable eompilatiea, dos .g.tdted by the good tate which has been . bow• in all Om public -mime of the Messrs. Chambers. , It unites the useful •.d the ester- taimi.(. We hope its circulation here will be lute rewash to supplest, . • goad .:lest. the amby-p•mby and Immr.l works which Mn e s less bra ton widely eiresktd. IiT This week cam be eat by mail to any part 1 the eosstry. A direst rennases to the publishers of Sia Dollars will pay fee the satin work. This liberal di.eosat fee advisee pay will Dearly cover the cost of meter es toe work. Them wishing for Si. or nee sample members cao remit them accordingly. B trekeellere Dad Agents Mpptid es the moat liberal ter:.. GOULD, KENDALL dk LINCOLN. Pebli.iees, Restos. 414e ijuron Signal, 11 *MET= *SD anM1w1. ttMMST R.mAT RY THOMAS M•CQVIEN. 1Orta ►10 ►* esrsma. 07110* MAaa1T-e%UAa1, e00x*IC*. •; Bask sad Jeb Priebe.. eaieassd with swear and disp•teh. Trams se Two Hence Banat. -TEN SHIL- LINGS w. Tamura raoma x P acid tensely tly N « Twsav •as Sax lacca wit► the of the year. No paper diese.lis,d until a w paid up, alts the p►I.her :Sisk, it his adves- taga se do se. Amy i.divdal is the etwetry bowsaw se - spoilable for az .ehes*Yw-, etWressUve n mer0M ropy patio. ET All Mums addressed to tile Liter wee be pmt paid, Of they will met be Wiles mot di Ad pmt soba mem a Aam1.Tlals. its Gnu Sed .ted"►, int Iseertiee..... £0 1 e Leh .weensrni.senig.. 0 0 11 Tse Roes sed anis, fret iase tt•s, 0 1 Shell ssbmpwt i0@srtian. • 0 11 Omv M Nares that Wessels, pee See. • • A )Dash.ebsgw.s lesrWa, 0 0 1 E7 A Memel dieseent NON se •d•ertlse be the VMS.