HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-11, Page 34*deal w • 01•41' Oi'w SNI ..d r WOG tom%, i ISM es ether, al- r j 71 hZaps yiaeh= 110/10,11111W eekekt- es o the en& of Mlle hwkiee by a preeserfes es se as leseeree• aI q asd swell, leeepl•. wise tea hit is IMI the " LeaganV sad the " Meetisge" ere gglemillp&finslersoweisse Peep heaves. wad s p.gr_tahe et usriakiag..--iises dopes. Leek it tib Acton -mid yea wIU u asd per - olive the peepjety of see aitetedieg rhes sew - nes. The learn and the keens may Indite ligmer and pleader ret of these mrt.ga-the &epee will make d-isws.e teed regret. Le: tbe pewee• ble sed lsdestrioss svoid them earefelly-asd ape sleek M4 deffsn s patinae Bear ie. the barb of their Amds& If they fellow them hieedly oeggte, tions, the, will, bxisn the leper oleos mach. have mac► rears is, cosgntilau t►em.elvrs se the wham d teen eosdsci KT Qs .et fast page wilt be hoed a ►fist pesseekilt from lb. Mos:resl Tr..acrpt, sad we raison lsffais fres espreseag or regret that mesh • respectable paper .bead give piblieid, to t stemeeu which we feel celled upon to desig- nate by the use.srteess epithet .f fsL..Iesid.- The Tripe meat hen takes his information either firm the British Naas or from the Spoo- kier. The eodaeton K tbee. Jeannie tors to 41410 ewers peculiar gratificatio from repr.uat- iegtbs armory as in a state of "tenible exeite- gsse" Whether te.y expect to advasen the jaterrsu of the Province by thea false alarms, we sone ley ; het, we en ay, that happily As excitement is eeafit:ed to their owe Mnes.- Aed we gladly inform the Transcript that sash tithe quiet, isdustrio.s dispositions of the Upper P4svtncy, tet lobe@ the few rapacious spirits of Toryism. whieb are to be found in every Town - eh ip, sesame a praiueieg excitemeat ane • vio- ldm, of the peed., ai: the cases', clap -trap Nese waspresentaties, istrigue, sad flaming whined& ler whish Toryism is proverbial, re- q uire to be put is epentin to collect eves •:ew individoaliashaloes spectates of the "foam and fon " eahmitioa. The troth is, test it O'er elects wan. ,tam e( eaten s,bieb coed be em- phatically sidled the very reverse d suited, it ii Ow state et society pwval6mg greempy is Uppse Canada at memet. W. asd.rsu.d that fishing, to slaves ex - Mat, is guise se et the Ave Seoble Bey. We lea's bees informed that tbe Sebooaer Asan Ass, gra het way up to Gederieb, o Headley W, bad dieeberped 100 barrels d Smit, sed from twat. three hundred berrei,e(Fleer, Pork, Gro - eerie, du. The ass bang chiefly to Port Samoa. GM we are glad to leen that they ere seeaiag wifee sece.ea, ens beyond 'bele elpee- taLLOat. ICT The weather still enemies eatd aid on - waist. Wehne W liille vegetation, Did seem link seed time. Tin Mbar of the seaao* i'Voir behind, sad As spirits of tbe fumes are coast - gee stir daoapisg. The (.Uewiag Addr.m . is ..urs of sign- ior, et the Sigeel Office. Eery mus wbo is sol sites tbet Canada sbatl at be regarded .111110114 Kea Coater, d Vandals mad Hew Inns. Bin, ebaald immediately stitch kis name to this pebble nbeewkdgesest e( or certitudes :- To Hie Excellency tie Rigid &bearabe Jaen, lar/ of Eagria aa! Kincardine, Governor General of British Nark America, enc., ¢a., 4e. # MAT IT ?LIAaa YOaa EICILLa'CV. We, Her Majesty's inyal subject., inhab- itants of the District of iluronbeg leave to express to your EZC.II.oey our utter abhor • fence of the outrageous' insult offered to the Sovereignty of our beloved Queen - in Your Eseellesey's perms, as her Represen- tative, and'to the Marty of tbe Lew, in the late attack on the Parliament in Session -the destruction of the Legislative Hall, end the Public Records of the Province. lo the passage throat?' the Legielatere of the Bill. year F.xcelleocy'r ascent to which, in Her Majesty's mime, has been made the pretext jor incendiarism, and out- rage little short of treason, every form heave to the Constitution was complied with, tad is inn, the Royal Assiut to that Bill, we recognize Your E;eelleoey's compliance with the principles of the Con- stitution guaranteed to us by the faith of the Imperial Parliament, upon the union of these Provinces. While we readily admit the right orevery man to vindicate his boseat opinions in a firm and co...titatioeal m , we rejoice that your Exeelle.ey has net suspended tha Cssetltetioe in defferesee to as agitation, the tone and character of which we emphat- ically pronounce to have been eowarnnted by anything wbieh transpired during the dteeusttioa of the measure either In or out of Parliament. Year Ezcellency's conduct in the Admin- istration of the Government from your arri- val is tins Province, has deservedly obtain- ed theeeebdenee of all the lovers of peace. wrier. ed Free Constitutional Government; whatever party has been in power, your Eradiate, bee ever held the ¢aL.ce of the Con.tituion with a firm and equal hand, giving an admirable example of jounce and impartiality in the exercise of your Fseel- lescy'e high office, under the system of Gorernmest rightly conceded to us by our Most Gracious Sovereign. We tinsel refrain from expressing our ndmirstne of the eels' ad dwindled de- portmest exhibited by year Ereelleney is tber midst of tee violent and outrageous at- tacks ape. yeas Etesfle.ey'a person ; wad while we trusttbtbM the well disposed eel p a•esable mead* o.'the eadinenity will pet m..lvee s the brash to prevent the eterios of Mood, we beg to a..e,o Tins► Ea:shinty that the late riotous pr„emdiege In Montreal tweet with the ungna1i8ed exe- cration of an overwhelming mappt' of the people it Upper Canada, We tab this opportunity of deelering out dMtrfedbe that to deprive us of the C,wtitetinnal System which ws sow se happlr twin', is els object of than wbo seek the recall of year Eteelkney, and the tlla.aletios 1 Parltadmat, asd having comb &anis the ddgs,s of year Excellence, Wile are nppaelod by a mo erity in the Ps,bsewt, ea lately maned by thtee- tks.rtbe of this Presets.., we bel seemed that year Recalkee W be tlgiesd by On West Greene,Roseatwveeelge. • ,ate .:..ai.Y: pi`,Mbiself she N etre toil gram of latest. In Dee rat we else o mastele as reeked .4 s peas\ 1 the Hes. Meeker ler Nene. obi ws lam will be of memo arrows tore flermi eases is this oeo.sy INQUESTS. Os the 17th ultimo, at inquest was held by James Willson..., gentleman, one of the Coroners foe tela District. se the body d John Goodberlot at his late residence es lot No. 8, to the 2nd concession of Fullarton. Oe the dsy previous. the deceased left home to fell somee trees for his settle ; wad aot sesweriag to the call at diener use, his wife west to leek for him. sled hese bis deed spa the canteen reed. ..to • tree be bed felled. It is eepposd his death was oc- eu..wd by tbe felling .f • breaches les heed. bets there was set enema" le prole it, the jury relented • verdict of --Found dead. During a thunder storm on Monday ibe 30th altime, the puss of Patrick Paton, ea N.. 11, is ib. IOtti ameesisa el the Gore of Downie was street by lightning. The electric fluid en- tered between tbe logs, and passed throgh the brickwork .f the chimney, killing John Heron., • boy .best 12 years of age, without sarkiag the body, also kooekiog down and severely weotebiag Mrs. Paton, the neither of the de- ceased. It war fortsaat. that 0o further mis- chief was dose, as there were abase twenty per - sees in the r.wm et the time taking shelter from the storm. An inquest was held on the deceas- ed by James Willson, gentleman, ow of the Coroner, for this District on the 2nd ins'., "rhea the jury refereed • verdict of -Died by the visi- tation of God. EXTRACT OF A PRIVATE LETTER FROM MONTREAL. It is vain -foolish -for the respectable portion of the Merchants and citizens of the City of Sion - treat. belonging to ihe.Tory pars, to ley that a " mob" caused all the darner. Its all in my eye and Betty Marts, to allege 'his. I have sees it -I know it, --rod now I ley it from my knowledge and observat.os, that very respectable mea in Mi ntreal were joined with the "mob." That ib. Hon. Mr. Moffat, end others, whose B arnes you have gree. basad the Legislative Halls,i do not say: but ■t the meetings before; the easing the horning happened, -and at the for- ming of the " British Americas Leagee."-asd the meetiess since -whoa armee do we ere? - With whom do the Hon. Mr. Moffat, Mr. Bedg- ley. Col. Gap, and Others Consort 1 I have see Aim dine with the rebid population of this City -familiarly @peak with them --end may their conscience 'emelt them of any aiding or abetting, or advising, in what has bappeoed.- Tbst the Seat of Govenmeet will be reranved, who car doubt P That the commerce 01 stseat• real is destroyed, a Merchant is England can best tell. That the Stock of the Atlantic wad Portlead Railroad (a good and favorite road) .from Montreal to Pained, will be depreciated - that so one will iseeat money in Montreal Bank Stock, will be apparent, std that a depression in business has already cecerred, /buns. If ever a Mercantile City wished to destroy itself, refer to Moat/sal and the leading Tory Merchants is it. Ae..pmtne ..p.smesti... M d•yissd --obey webs tl►8 armloads. 1 eismlw es sow. wed -•bot be W ale Moeived missies hem ileal wa.sedewbg a dim W .essn.d.- Lea.n win swear is tk.e, dswuapT phial, to what bed ieb.a pews., rod a oetsty his sow ,list the wbeis W been • w ...d WIN" seseNMd by ars who +weM Aep1, lemma and biota ease is Ames their bade w ess4vet the trek d d wee meatia.sl-+al www, he 'new .« geedemw•. whimsies W re - spread. who had, after the iof m'y sots as be meld pee, were be wi li•8 te blast abet g►eck- ee.'s eepststiss by dir.lgiag his .am. -.p - proved 'fen nu was d ,.e asd espresso! •hep, that the week woad be applied to evey p.bik battens i@ tbe .ivy. He sew sew belsw lite Bur, as iedivideal who s.swse d with • highs what asked it the epeeches mads es the Cbersp de Man were am pacific:-" Yes, as pestis s !e palet oat • pomp, .ad express • hepo the! the object of hatred woad sot be peeped spew " That geatkmea was oder of the .pmereau .f the mincer,, mod acted with, sad row of the par- ty. 11e farther said ON speaker Aad mid it war hes duty up impress se them t0 abuses hem say set of riefe.ee. He deprecated rieisete; bet it was also his defy to trailed rhes toe had to avenge the cases of these fief vtetiss tba laa- g eethisg in the dungeons of dispel. tie deprecated therefore believed, &ad nothing could obliterate the impression from his mind, that sot the dregs of society to Montreal, but the upper orders ware the instigators of all the infamous seesaw which ind the last few days disgraced the coun- try. The Rebellion Losses Bill was made the scapegoat of this disturbance, and the changes have been rung to that effect : and a vast deal of virtuous indignation had bas expressed against it -but the true cause and tree object had not yet been stated. - He was never consulted 'hoot the Reheat on Losses 8II-he neter'seen it, nor heard of it, till rets programme was laid on the table of that House --he was Deter aeked to support n ; but he considered the matter deeply -he remembered the misgovernment of the country had been acknowledged by Lord Aberdeen, and other noblemen at the bead of the Colonial Office -he remembered that Lord Sydeobam, and Lord Durham•be• (ere bim, had condemned in strong terms this injustice of the Provincial Go'aeremest, and he bad tried to understand the true po- same of the country. He knew cinch was to be expected from the present Adminis- tration - be knew _that measures of vital importance to the Commerce of the country -the edueaton of the people -their rights and theft laterite.. were to be brought for- ward by the Adminutrition. ata knowiag that these meanies depended upon the par ty with which be acted, he was determined to sepport the Bail. The Lill was made tb..tslisg horse of discontent; but the true reuse was the altered puttee of England. The departure of the imperial Government from protective to free trade principles. - The departure from protection had opeoed s gloomy view to commercial men in Cana- da. And waw their no eeupe from tt. Did people expect England would again impose a tax on bread, and again reduce her millions to starvation to pamper, or protect the in serest (donate few hundred people In Cana- da ! Nc ; God forbid -he would rather cut of his nght band than ask England to starve bee 28,000,000 for the purpose of benefit- tiog a few merchants in Canada. That was the true cause of the dissatisfaction in Montreal, long before the Rebellion Loss Hill pawed, annexation wast liked of froely, as the only cure for .all our ills. It was. openly avowed -ask gentleman now in pri- vate, and they would say so. It was to be brought about -it wag their only bope- it wee their favoerite wish. Some of the names of the speakers nn the Champ de Mars profess it -they talk of it here and Ind have talked of it elsewhere, ; but now for a purpose -loyalty waa the cry -it was too, a flimsy cloak, thrown over the object to deceive any one. But disgusting and hypocritical as the cry wee, It served the purpo.e of the moment. That the Parlia• meet building was to be assailed, was known before the feral moment that it WO. so arranged, he felt satisfied, and that all the disgraceful 'noes of yesterday wero countenanced by the Tory party, aiding and abetting 1' em, was too evident to any rational mind. to need condradicuoo or ad- mit of a doubt. SPEECH OF- MR. HOLMES iN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY -May 1. Mr. Hotwgs said the hon. member who bad jest taken hie seat had offered as a sug- genies to the Administration an adjourn - meat, in that euggs.tios he concurred,. but regretted the bon, member bad not gone one step further: had tbe hon, member re- commended the adjournment to Q'tebee, be for one, would have supported it -for Montreal was no longer, he regretted to acknowledge it, a fit or proper place for a deliberative assembly. The scenes which bed been enacted the last !kw days have stamped upon the city of Montreal as in- delible disgrace -a lawless and ;intone mob had possession of the city, and Vandalism was the order of the day. Poblic buildings bad been devoted to destruction and libra- ries burned after the fashion of ttie barbar- ism of bye -gone days, while private proper- ty and persons were no longer safe -moult and outrage were peremount. Montreal world IT ages remember its tkdgrace, and its citizens hang their heads for very shame. Nothing could relieve them from the damn• ing deep disgrace which had been cast upon them- Much had been said in relation to the rens-and while some gentlemen on the other side had condemned in strong language a resort to violence. be deeply re- gretted to say they had in disapproving also ad7anc.J excuse*. Whilst he readily ad- mitted that some had not participated in their palliatory excuses, there were some whom speeches tended more to iolsme than to allay the excitement; and the rallies who performed these acts of infamy out of doors were encouraged in their violence. - The ho. member (er Hamilton had more than ones enacted to him in • sarcastic style -yes - he was the party who had answered the gallant knight on the eeeereed evening of the 25th April, when he communicated his coviction from havug that instant returned from his hotel, passed through the mob -that a not was epee the eve of breaking eel. 1t war he who replied epee the aeggeatos of calling oat the troope- that thr pant pith which he acted were sot in the baba of ceiling 001 troops -that war the tactics of the other party. Sir A. ale 40a esplaieed that he did not Illy " he ke*w then wo ld be a riot." Mr. Bouts admitted the aeration: the hon. gest. see said he believed there wield be ea- sed that the riot took place sad it bad mentioned aiees. He believed hen. gentlemen loser a greet deal more .beet them ries thea they were willug to acknowledge. A few minutes ego, he hal bees called to the Bar e( this House by .se of the moot reaptabte citrons of Montreal, ad esteemed that the hes. Mr. Moffett, Mr. 'absorbs and seven) other gentlemen (the Cowell et 4n he prdesmed) joet had • aeaieg asd it wts Resolved that no more rioting sbeek nke plan. -that every e'dbrt woad be aid to amp ell farther dieterb•aes and dot it wee elan it wield -ler was [here a man is the City who did not see ■red fed the, the mob wee seteeted l■ is very so.emesta by higher uthwity tb•e doses who acted? Ween ant deer that if wow, et the eased' hese, that iiAee.ee eeeld allay the (canal asd restore quiet to the city the steno pewee might and cneid if willingly ed w e es y emend, hen preeeltted it i Bet the S hort twee the ether way: •ppeeeiwg smile* d e.- essragewient were eon the__,. asd waw rhe rof n he Mow *nee set d triskmei d l/eltge dime wbieh ass digitised ewe .reader, wee iasigmed by era who coil Hsmmlw@ strodstee_ t. bee desk I. the been b. bed • demo latae,, meet 1 thee eseeyma.a t wt' true, *Anse gin er gave. weak. Oak and all ef tae maw stillest .bu.i A- theirs esieg hip Ms. .id weni.g him dduwuwti.a, .( he vend fee the lleh.Btn Lose Cana.a.-Our i.h. hese K..resei are to the 1S4; from Qtr.bo, to abs nob. The Mel to wampase is lett.awt pekes had passed both Meashes of the logielatere. The epposies eoetlaaod vary elogaoar, grey Mew, sad sot $ little ab..ed.-. "Pon,-mx m.sgage ham held ip 'snobs para O( the Kowtow"' ay. the Meares/ Gaurte, "to express the dHMtap el setae lased by the ioksbttaMY of the Defime few todnosifyiog rebel.." A prepay of tha btU peasog the legislators council, the Mmepanal valorously eselaims: "The rebslhoo lotion tawny le sow ooasuuatated by the two breaches of the legislature. Will the third seamen it !- That is the question. Upon els decision bug the operate of half a anlhos o1 the people of Canada. Let it be wised, ase the sullen hatred of the Aoglo Yazoo will brood am' brood, unt.l abs Mme corms for ample restitution. Fur one thing he will thank Its French masters-tbst ib. day of redemption is twenty years of, He will look forward to those treaty yew as the longest-reekoaiag,y events -thee Cana- da, in all probability, will ever see. Of this, at least, we ate most firmly convinced -as certain, indeed, as that there are brave moa in the peottuce-jf the debentures are not paid before the twenty years, they will sot be paid at ail." • Now the truth of the matter stand. thus. There are two active o►gfnraed patters to the field ie Canada. The nunieterial u eotopteed principally of the 'taupe\ old liberals, with as •dditios of Dome cidevant tortes, who were bought by Lord Syd.abam. The* opposition is composed mainly of old tone., with Dose ['bend recuts, who were bought by Lord Metcalfe. These facts *efficiently iiaeate that the old party rela• - sone have been to a considerable extent be ken up and mew ones contracted. A cen.tderable number of staunch conserve. tires, represented by the Mueteeal Herald, stand aloof from both .parties, liberally abus:r.g both. The bulk of the French population is with the ministry. The bulk of the English population has a grudge egatost the ininistenal policy, but has a characteristic aversion to violent declaims - eon. rashoer, and exaggeration. This very important .lose of the community have no great liking to the bill, leu t neither are prepared to follow the tory Celt, Sir Allan McNab, into a coalition with frontier American "loafers," and "sympathiser.," and they have a holy fear of torch -light n.eettr.gs, recommended and patronised by the -Noatreal Ga:e1te. The absurdities of the oppovition leaden, and their mob., have given power to this claw, and they begin to recognise that the present minsters had no choice but to carry through this bill. which is a legacy left them by their cuaser- vaeve peedecewors in office. There r■ much sputtering excitement is Canada, asd it will continde fur some tend, but there will be no fightug, or if, contrary to all reasonable expectation, there be, the some fine, quiet, sagacious phalanx of En fish, mutters wbo pdt down the blackesste and French rebellloo., for which Gerstell Sir •.Allan McNab, by dint of vaporing and brag- ging, contrived to gain the credit, frill put down :hu rebellion too. -London Express. DOINGS IN MONTREAL. As far as the disturbance has proceeded, it bas very properly bees denominated a "Tory rebellion:' None need sneer at the term, for it is, in fact, nothing else. It is an opposition to Government and Law, and alike denounced by revelation and reason. - And what is such an opposition but rebel• lion 1 There SPO only two political parties in the province -though they may admit of a subdivision -namely, Tories, and Refor- mers. The mischievous proceedings at Montreal could not have been the work of Reformers, for in that case they would have been divided age,net themselves, and hostile to their owe measures, The Tories, therefore must be altogether to blame; and we ba,. been the more particular oo this point, because some affect to beltere, or aro so ignorant as to assert, that a "Tory re- bellios" is ridiculous, and a contradiction in terms. Whoever, by unconstitutional means, oppose* Government, Order, and Law, se a rebel, no matter by what other same he say be Balled. As we anticipated, the war bas been on • small scale, and of a roost disgraceful character. Abroad, it will be magnified tete • complete outbreak, if not swelled into a total revolution. Then appears to be a fatality connected with Tory proceedings: they cannot do anything but wbat has a baneful influence on the country at large, and the effects of this incendiary demonstra- tion will be felt by the whole Province for years to come. Now is the time for every loyal man to evince his attachment to the Queen's re presentative, and the members of the gov- ernment. Addresses of tweet ant confi dense ought to be got up in every Tenter. Janne* Moir Perri, editor of the Mon- treal Gaulle, E. H. Montgomery, John Mack, and Angest.s Howard, eephew e( Chief Justice Robi.eoa, have bees arrested as ringleaders of the mob, and coalmine,! to prison. The Parliamentary btsimns is going on is the Brae.eours Market Hall, sad a coin• mitten was appointed to eo•leavesr to re place the decoreeats connected with the affairs of the Hese. &t Alias McNnb ``+.e sotice that be world mov4 that the deetruea.ea oceeeiesed by the mob ahesW be the Arlt item to be paid of the war looms. Ho had grrnbled shout the amount of the Rebelling ClaIms, and now he would swell 1t primps LIne,000 more, the result of Mora n,lal(se, wed throw the payment os the cosset,; bol this is quite character •intie of tee party d whish he is the bead. .l 'b.q.r. •Vu.f. Ltxn$L TiVZ COUNal.. The hkorina aa, lliy 7. Bill . W. od . C . sweet a ' Ted • third reine asd peesee The Here. Mieleg Compeers Hill pee ew- sideaed is Cements., sad entered t. be ..pee - ed. Sews privets kills were reported, aid caseate- t.d. The Hai., west into eensuittee no Um Hommel Trait, House Bill, asd metal saeasdrs.ss tbse.bt, Mr. Watt. beireght is • Bill M sewed tt s Road Laws of Called*. Mr. Holmes tetroducsd • Bill to iecogw rate a company for the constrainers of • ship Casal, to aoaseet tbo waters of Lake Champlain asd the St. Laerenew. 011 motion of Mr. f4herweed, the order (or the second realist of the U. C. Division Courts 8.11 wasdscbargrd. The douse then went ioto Commit to on taw U. C. Muuapal Bill, end alter some time sprat therein roes and reported pro- gress. The Speakers of the i wo House* arrang- ed, os Saturday, with Muses Hay., for the letting of as rooms 1a Delboewlsquare, for the use of the Legislature, to be entered ispoo neat vett. The .4merica arrived al New York Satin day evening, at tj o'clock. Montreal, May 8th -8 P. 3J. The Legielatire CouucII utel yesterday in their new Fill ['bye' Building.) rhe Law of Election Amendment Bill was read a third time, and pawed. The Upper Coned* Mutual Insurance Bill and the Winter Roads Bill were read • 2nd time. - a Sum, other Hills were advanced a stare. The Hoose then adjourned. An address to the Governor General, os the subject of the recent &mirage in this city, was carried to the City Conseil yeller• day, by a vote of 11 to 6, after • warm die- , cession. f17 The addrecss of confidence tibia Ex- cellency Lord Elgin, has been signed by up- wardsaof 1,300 of the inhabitants of the city of Hamilton- .ibis is a clamber to Sir Allan McNab. Ile might to range .- Ile certainly will neves repreeeot the city again„ -G/oke. TEMPERATURE Of the vara of April at Gederiei, as esti- nue et' a self-rsguarteg Thsasessier-redo eMnreo.aa .f Mc anti end as.rO. Dog. L. Wind. Wes e. April 1 20 ' 48 S. W: . 2 34 47 •• •• _.. 7 41 54 ” " Cindy. 4 42 40 B. E. Bose. 5 32 41 V. W. /new. d 25 50 South Baia. 7 54 53 Fair. .1 38 45 .tq. W. Cloudy. 9 34 52 Sootb Fair. le 42 4:, N. W. Run. 11 33 36 " Fur. 12 29 , 61 Serve Raia. 13 31 34 N. W. Snow. 14 90 26 " The Toronto riot has been the memos of immortalising Alderman I)eenison. For had it not occurred he would. probably, sot have bad the apportunity of delivering him- self of the keroic and manly eenument that were it not for the lav-MacKenste would be a dead as., and that he would hays no .eaepunetion, no squeamishness, no testes of conscience in doing the deed. What depravity ! No wonder our neighbours should watch our political movements with more than ordinary interest, under such an excited state of things. Alderman Dentit- ion was cheered, by the rabble in the gal leryrof the City Council, for the !watery of his utterance, and the sentiment of his heart. It was atemuch as to say, " now boys, you have my liberty, to take his (Mackenzie s) life. Ile deserves to die, and that too, at your bands. Assassinate bim in the darkness of the night. What i, an Alderman of the City, • sworn Conservator of the Peace, would do -surely you would not scruple to do. You will here niy hear- ty approval to it. and I will absolve you from crime." This we conceive to be the only tree inference that can be drawn from his conduct. The ,Press writhe interest of that party of which Alderman Dennison is a warm ally.--belsce little better. They are endeavouring to stir up and amuse the very worst feelings of depraved nature -ex- citing to sedition and rebellion. Owing to the disturbance made by the Tory Press asd the violent threats used -all for effect in England -our neighbour., are actually led to believe that Canada is ripe for revolt. liow woefully are they mistaken. it is after all, only a war of words. The Tories of Canada, are powerless. Notwithstand- ing the noire and attempt at excitement, the affairs of the country so far • legislation is concerned. never were in a more proms log state. Never was there a Session of Parliarotnt, in which so many important measures were introduced. 'Never waft these a more facti.er opposition shown, in any previous Meeting of the legislature, tbas that displayed by the " aaliSenets" in the minority. Yet Hills for the regula- tes of Trade and Commerce. Municipal Commits, an Asseesmeat and Tariff on an equitable basin - Fdocation, Emigration, Railroad', King's College -(the stumbling Nock of preceding administrations) a bill for payment of Jurors -a Bankrupt Low - Courts of Justice, and oth-r Bills of impor- tance, have wended their way thr3ught ve- noms stages ie the legislature. The machinery of government would not ria than smoothly, if Canada was in the disorganized onto represented by the Aloon - min Pres.. We do not think. however, that our melghbnen wonld fur effrre, knnw- isgly pmt a (else colouring opo. the ante of affairs in thio country; unless they think emelt men as Alderman Donni.on wmild be a segaismne as well as an ornament to the Republic. -Bathurst Courier, - BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. Gooaareia, Fattier, May 11, 1849. MerTasay. May 7111. 1849. We as., as ewve..ttle treseeetonee to report. Retail peen -Whist. 4s 6d a 4. 9,1: Barley, 2s • ha 3d? Prase, 2. 6d a 2. he Aussie. 'Mow Bae. -The ship Cembria,lfrem Obepew, with a geeerel ears to J. R On, tbrieud is pert thee P. M. Capt- Parolees crampon, of Artillery arrived this Ming ham Llapto, se rests for tier est New Pate. -The H.r.l! .f As enemies epi. rat Oorev.seat ben it le eastemphtio t. —owahllek • Peltas fee., imam els eeau.l e( ths seisseal eetbmity, either to oddities re or Mowed of that sew .oder ssaieipet ewwel 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29 23 21 25 26 27 29 30 30 40 17 22 23 27 31 2S 3o 9d 31 27 31 35 35 43 98 35 46 43 35 35 39 44 4.1 34 56 42 69 a8 45 6s Beetle Rein. S. W. Bnow. N. W. Fair. e. W. Cloudy. " " Rana. N. W. Snow. Sheth N'.' W. ' South Rain. N. W. Fair. South Rain dr. Than. Mean of the Mouth 38. 1.36T 01 tams* R111141/1114 0 1. .w Rat Otis M 0nattrsed y to 7th Mat. 1816. Amax La wines MialrLawad kiln Jamas Jabaw Wallows Bersad Hes", f Jetta, WIMaar One Chain Xgtam Peres . Brei. Raba Keener George 8e11 Rev W Lame lashad Cause Job. Mips Aorkow Creaky Michael Madden Lea Cerise* Teams Masao Watters C'avpbell Mews M.Daresit'Whim Clarke George McCasri.k Mai Carey William Ideffeddse &edrew C.nagher Peter Merw.a Hoodoo Degas Job• Fetierae& Peter Dick's William t'belaa Jam•. Densmore Joseph Parker W H Freon William Phelan P Fisbyr John Raskin Jamie Fnoser Fl.11ee Rosch Jab. Fesael Sem Robertson livery Fletchel Thee Ryas Jetta Gallagher Mrs Steeds* Peter Ge&rsnn Jobe 8auth Jewry Grady Micheal Btsvess.e William Hill Thomas. Stewart John Boughton Joseph Watt.Jobe flReuea.y Richard Waive. James A. F. SICKLE, Postmaster. Stratford, May 7th, 1849. HURON DISTRICT, To WIT ; #Notice i8 hereby gine, that the Court of Oyer' end Terminer avid General Gaol delivery end of As -lie and Ni -i Pnue, is an4 for the lestnet of IIuron, will be bnljen at the Coen-Finnm ,n tl,e Town of Goderich on TUESDAY. the lath day of May seer at the bout of Ten o'clock, A. M ., of w leech time .ad place all Coroner., Magistrates, Gaolers, and other Peace Officers., are commanded to tab es- tice. JOHN McDONALD; Sheriff, Huron• Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t9tb April, lee9. Blank Deeds and Memorials, A ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Signal Office. Every description of; BOOK and JOB Printing executed with neatness and dispatch. • TEMPERANCE MEETING. ATEMPERANCE MEETING will be held ant Monday Freeing (14t1 inst.) in the Wesleyan Chinch. The Rees. JOHN WILL- IAMS std JAMES GRAY will eddrem the Meeting. A fall attend.nee i. reanested. T. P. DICKINSON, Secy. Godbrieh, May 11, 1849. , TEAS ! TEAS!! TEAS!! ! THE Subscriber is returning his roost sincere thank• to his friends, and the public, for their moat liberal parreear bees lease to in- form them that he has jets IMPORTED a choice Lit of TEAS. &e., wbieh he offers for Sale for CASH, BUTTER, W 0 0 L. TIMOTHY SEED, WHEAT, or any ether kind of Produce, hewer than ever offered here before. The Subscriber would also intimate that on account of ibe very large amount e( Debts he has standing out, he hes closed his Books against all Credit tilt 1850, and all tbm a persons that hen an scan int will please cell and give their Notes, there) y saving come. (tied BUTTER and WOOL taken for old Delis. r3 •• qq ryc a i,e: s..Y .0 t Asd FINE SALT for Side, eheep for Cash. CHRISTOPHER CRABB. Goderieb, May 10th 1819. 2v -o14 • to r':. w,'1 tee TO BRICK -MAKERS. THE subscriber offer* fur HALE one of Hall's Patent Back -making Machine., also to RENT a Bitch Yard adjoining Ilia Town of Stn. ford, for such term of year* se may he agreed on. Also wanted imme- diately sowarda of 100,000 well he►M brick.. For ppsartieulars apply, (If by lettere post-paid) to Mr. •McCULLOCH, Stratford. Stratford, April 24th, 1849. 2v -a11 -11t TO LET, THAT heakane tw.-story home, eJ1p the Steamboat Tame, beloogiss M_ 1 Wilmou 4th. nod poee.tly eee.pied by alt. Bbft: man. It is large lied wen adapted torSi•eeT • respeetable ka.ily-having a loge garden.ei orchard well stocked with eve -nest fruit torso of nanous de.eriptioaa Its proximity to the har- bour of Oodeneh eeasees the vales of the sin. - tion and es the ermines, isdeairo.. that is 'bead continue to be occupied, it will be let et r.y- wMa terms, eitber for oat or mos. years. ia may be agreed upon. For farther particulars apply se JACOB WILSON. Goderich, 2nd Febasary, 1849. • 59 TAKE NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the late FIRM of THOMAS GILMOUR k CO.. either by Note or Book account- ars her*hy called epee to come forward without delay. and settle the same with the Subscriber. and by so doing they will save the costs of collection by an Attorney. ROBERT MODERWELL. Goderich, Match 23, 1849. !v-Tatf FOR SALE, THE !MAITLAND BREWERY P R0P11RTY. "VMS property coneista of — acre.n o the bank of the river Maitland, and on the road side leading to Mr. McDonald's Gnat Mill, near Goderich. Upee wbieh there is a BREWERY woe,' eteelle.t eel - lenge, a Melt hoots and Malt Kala, all complete. There is also a3 excellent site for s Distillery ea the Lit, and the owner has a right to the war.' ow the bank on the omelette Skill of the road whieh is sufficient at all seasons of the year for then sash worke. For partienlars istendieg pnrcbaaere may apply (if by leiter poste,. Mid) to DA VID DON, Goderieb. Goderich, May 11e 1849. t 1.-n14 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. I AYSMITH 'V retorting l eke to his 'needs and nu- merone Customers fur the Liberal Pat• nonage which he ha. reereved Junin the past year, beg' to 'sunt. that he hair jars received .n pelmetivm Awnrlment 07 TWO aA$21Ole? 1• :11330%• weds rosily to Fsseute all Orden given to him with ears and ptinetoalisy ms f rmmerly. Gederteh, Aori t, 19th, I8 t9. 2s -ft lett A TEACHER WANTED VIOR School Section No. 3 Tueberamfth. and as the school is in • populace lo- cality and well attended, the Teacher may calculate on a fair remooerauoo. None but such a ere duly qualified, aod possess- ed of a good moral character, and sober steady habits need apply. By order of the Trustees. ROBERT BELL, Chairman. Goderich, April 19,1 849. ,2--ol 1 FOR SALE. LOTS Nub mer. l TWENTY-SEVEN tai TWENTY-EIGHT in the Eigbteeatit Cautions of the Township of Fellartea, Hans District The Lead% well Timbered and Wa- tered. For perticalars apply to Messrs. Beebse- an, Hattie & C.. Hamilton, ors the esbscribenr at their ufces is Goderich sad *Stretford STRAt'HAN & LIZARS. Solicitors. Le. Goderieb. 3rd April, 1849. 2v-e8-sas PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to informthe inhabitants of rho District of Huron. and the neighboring Districts, that he baa Established himself in Stratford, anti ie prep•rd to give Plane and Specifica- tions of Public er Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dams, leeire. kr., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, era the most reasonable terms. ilia thorough knowledge of hie profes.lee and his practice es Builder, qualifies him fur any undertaking in the line. Address poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, ke, kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford; Mareb Ietle 1849. 1t-n7tf To be Sola or Let for the Season. HALI.S Patent Brick Moulding Meddles. and 7'emperree Mill, -together with Adam. Revolving Brick Receiver. Theo Machine with a born wad very few heeds to capable of making from 10,000 to 19,000 Stock Bricks per day with ease, superroe to (hoes made by ober hand. For furtb.r par- -neuters apply to JOHN HALDANE. Jr. 1 Eeq, Guderich, C. W. ft -619 STRAY OX. STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. 18, 3rd Concession of Wawanesb, a Flack OX at.. years old, baud of the off eye with • Beeler hole ee tech ban. - Strayed froth the owner shoot the And 1 Apel last. A liberal reward will be greet to any person giving uforsatioe 1 said Os where he ca be fund. JOiiN GRATTAN. Ws *abash, Nov. 11thI84s. eltl HCt'SE TO LET. rt RONTING the Market Plan, (.ate', F` minimal as District Officer, asd imme- diate eoeseseien given. Pur (ureter per- iiculen apply to the sebseriber, ROOT. GIBBONS. OuMlch, April 13, 1114111. elf v11-11 (+Anit roa WHEAT et the Godsrae\ Mills. W. PYPER. Codertell, 37th March, 181,. lir-10111f