HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-11, Page 2TUR FILISEVT CRl8I8. reshape there newer wee • pried se tie hinny of mer saint. oboe the Premien* was le a moo tickIslt pointed. thea at the present some.(. Iraq Ouse� tedtcates th.t we hag, hashed a gnaw. Ilese wart wed to i. =lair srregw.o, v* treed whatever rirlj•q lissr say `e.rwbvaceJ is the less--/sltlt)t the actnal tbtaj, how- ever, being a Mettler of sesemiery Impor• taageo.4 ewe air smilli tfe•b Power, mot pace, aaJ u,. vwy, beteg always the primary object: the ioniser avid present cos - duct of lie parry alfurds the genet unequl.u• esNvtdeoce of gbh. Whit 'matters wen so reneged that they Dot .lily retest het held the "ebbe pyre; elegy foug6l Irk • I hilias..e, for the G.rvereoaee', this crown, of the people beteg earned Tato effect. and dignity of the em?tru. That they were Canada Tortes pretend to be great admin inttu.ae.J principally by these selfish, mor- of the B:uwsb Constitution. We prime rosary m loves, appears already fully set- that It will scarcely be applied that dent: wow that matter* bare a asgeJ, anJ practice ender fast C..netttr'i .n is for that o11ere have bees demised mere worthy Crew■ to @seertt to all bolts passed by .t the petition ur•cupie I by the Tories, the two ilouees of P,rliascst. We b leiter light like drunken demons almost Owned it eeee.eat, to mak, tb,,, „fere that very crown sod dirtily, of pure attach- to British prairie. In eun.equesce of meat to which they professed their lista to outrageous envier pursued by the Oppss form a part. 1Vltnoss the late scenes in Urn toe/eels our n..ble Governor Gere Montreal. Is it the payment of 2.I0,0J0 w hose whole coedoct since he assumed prospectively, that annoys them! 'rimy Government has be.. character zed by burn down la an hour property to tbo value slrwte.t Impaitialtty, The Governor of O100,000, art if to add to ut r burdens: neral havreg assented to • comber of were they o.ult•-4 by the payment of thio bells passed by the two linens, entered money t , rem. T 1Vh► JIJ t:key pay carriage to return to Moniland. His ewer° rrbela an Upper Canada, an ergo o.11ency wet loudly cheered by the major nate the idea of In.ewn (ring those whose of the spectators, but a party was pr prriperty we•° destroyed in the Lower (cteruuned to insult him by every mean Province ? We one!' thee wuuli curie- their power. 'fhe names of the rnglead ocelot to answer these geealien•,'laised o: of this ooh are well known to tae Gore Iasbing theionclves and oilier" led•, (err, meet. and thee in jest,fi;atioa referring to certain Their .pp rvpiate or,in, the C.:ette, acts, for which they themselves have made ;kr,elannel in a t to .t triimph, i u an Ex the precedents. Bet these pretences are that the Represeatetve of the Crown e ll roa,eose; the Torino are out of power pelted with egg.. True it is that ha and place, and appearances did not gine any dozen blackguards were fount among su-e indication of a'peaty return to caber. citizens of Montreal who were capable Bit they say "bad laws hive forced them the disgraceful conduct described by RC*AJI. SHOT AND AIM /t r with deep regret that we hive to cord the �w feet that tiro sassroref Geode has bees dtgra cod by ewe eIa . most w les and scaadde.s rids that has ever to elate eit gay civilized country. H4 limey the Gement' Gemara! o(ib. Pte seeeetd y, yesterdato lbs seem of Her jwty, 1e . n.bet .Q 1 • wbld ►d t1. ewe Hew.esof PrirUtNevit cow sit Ahs 0f three bills, as our ttnedl•re ars aware, was sseediagly •Moxioue to misertty rte sad out of Parliament ; but good a►gwmeat has been, or could be add cod to warrant the 1Repres.iotive of Crown to interpose. tits prerogative to vent the coniUluttoaa Iy ripened we. Yin ere 71t the the the ave O N the ral, the the G e - the has Ex - meetny eet • in ere r*- has t ra was :f a the of the cod ow the cite en- wen 001 the rt. etSe aa ken ead- 1se. Ma - posed well the no u- the hes to commit thee, untoward acts. If so, Gi;eU,; but It a an infamets falseb why did they .at show the same abhor- that they were ie a majority, either bel mace at oppr.s•ion wh'a the Presby- the Bar of the Legislative Counetl or in terms and MathoJul ministers were ire- street in front of the Parliament House priaooeJ and banished the Province for A few blackguards can at any time ex celebrating tic marriage eeremney for their disturbance ; tad we admit flat last en own people -when they could not bury toga degree of audacity was displayed. e their dead, and at other grievances jest as en early as. at the time that the Gover piloablc, bait too maniere . to be mention• General left the Parliament (louse, that ed . Del they bare down parliament louses Government was wholly ed and public libraries then, to the height of unprepared r oa- theirinlagnation at the wrong 1 g It was expected that ao outburst of exhibited, , g similar to what has been already ezh�bited, But If bad end oppressive laws be the real would have been manifested ; but nothing cause of the present Vandal and Saracen- like what took place could bate been salt- like conduct, wby not do it then for ao cleated. actual grievance, as well as ;` on fur an ice- Tte editor of the Cu:elle is no longer in aginary or prospective one? Oh, the Fa position to be argued with. Ile hes for times are changed" -yes, and the tables some time been endeavoring to 'attune the turned, and that to the secret of the whole passions of his party ; but he has at last matter. If true loyalty be as they define it, gone entirely beyond the bounds of party "attachment to the Queen or Crown," why pelt her Repreeeotative-of royal blood like herself -with atones and rotten eggs, and chase him through tee streets like a horse thief? Come, gentlemen parliament ber- serk (the Yaukces have their 4. barn bur - eery the Tunes bene. far outdo them,) answer these questions. You have now brought upon your party the mark of Cain. No purifying protean can wash out thio stain; it will be cast in your teeth at the hustings and elsewhere till the grave of {•�our party is dug, and for the peace of the t'10T1000 we hope that may be soon. You have 'tow effectually struck at the root of our prosperity. What Canadian orforeiga- er will invest capital melte province In its present state ? Are not the arms of hides - try now poetized ? With your " L. P. 8." your " Swiss Guards; your secret cret. 'British League,' ready organized is every township to carrythe polls at the next elections by club aw, who knows wbat may be oo.the morrow: and who, with such uncertaipty hanging over him, will engage in any extensive ewterplize 1 What 1s the hope that it will pay 1 See, gentle• men, what you have biought upon your nds-Ycountry, to gain your own •elfish ends,- You ou talk of annexation and republicanism. OW neighbors to whom you offer your- selves, govern by the majority; but you can- not embalm the government of the majority now'io Canada. The Yaokces would not take you. First prove yourselves fit for free iostaturiona by submitting to the ma- jority, and then offer yourselves, but not sooner. You desire even still that the majority should submit to the minority; so you governed before '41. You call such "free isatitutiuns"-you want a return of these palmy days. The last Spectator says, "let us petition agate and again, until our fret constitution be restored." It was "free" to you, bat it required the majority to submit, sal that is precisely what you wont again. Canadians ! look at this. This is the freedom that awaits you %Meer the so Balled "British League." This is, or will be the true state of things. aaJ in view of it we ask every man who values the government by the majority -It eoosc once. that have followed. He u the goveromeat of Great Britain and the Another somewhat eccentric gentleman is q prosect government of Canada -to ,hew 11 r. P,nhey. ile diarist like to go so far as gave Che mem for London great credit himself boldly; this a the hour of need.- Mr. McKay,- but moved in amendment to tor the very proper feeling which he had Lord Elgin has acted an accordance with his motion, that the Legisfati.e C000cil expressed, and in a great many of he re - the letter and eaten ion of aur Constitution, trusted that the people o/ the Promisee marks he cordially concurred. But while sod because be has done so, lawless men. would mama quiet aid continue. firm in be talked of the outrage committer!, he must who hare, never submitted to loch rule, and their altegience to the Queen ! Mr. Pin- lata into consideration, that the feelings of wirer will while they can avoid it, call hey ,toed alone when the vote was take.. the people had been °traced. He did not apo her Melon,to recall ben. For what i Be4.rot Cosier. plead lbw in justification, but the Ministers For violating the Comtitueon ! Not at a must have known this in the beginning that all, bet fur obeying it. it is the duty of the feeling about the measure was apiary man who would be free to petition not confined to the few, but extended over now. l.,t her Majesty know your sense of meetlsg IJ rester - observed the whole country. Tit hon. gentleman Lord Elgin's rule. Ose of the 'speeches at to t th 'ted tb b Use late Toronto meeting was cheered for eayiag " we want Sir Fraise. Head in Canada now,'" anJ at the close of that meet- ' seg cheers wore given for Sir Francis. - You see thea. Retool -r•, what the "British League's' want; and whether Lord Elgin es recalled, depends sow on run. The following from a :Montreal eorres- posdsot of the :'Tpecfra err, corroborates our view., and "bows the aaiaesr of the party. " 1f I l.ward and iii. fee low prisoner" are set out this wising. the Geo( will be eterssd, and i doubt not, tak.'n. Govern- ment are doubtful of the 53.1 Regiment. - Pie matter what happens, the Ministry which have taken place is the sew OWN gs old Lord Elgin with them. 1 t capital of Canada, bet whet, se, iuwopt Arty the Rocca if h eewres to a brash, as f has been made lo deprive the repr'esenta- they will be great sufferers.--Prete aria/at. tiers of the enentry of that freedom whieb - - in indispensable to the working of all eon- Rosee.-Madsao regions that Sir Allan etatetIowal end geed government, by et - McNair, with the Hoe. G. Alollitt. taekieg the members of the Legislator* has left Jnr to present the Bion treat eta N v fit. the recall el 1,.4 Ul s, he. Well, Cased* will be relieved frees beteg "lashed into fury" ohne the jog ler M away, sed we, sincere- ly hope be will be able to establish • better rep.tetMu fee polities! boeeety lima for railroad steak sesty. We wonder of hostility. Ile as accused of being one the nng:waders of a mob witch has comm ted araua, a crime of the deepest dye. i' with sorrow and shame that we announ the fact that a moi was collected tact et me, and was addressed by Krum: He w kc., on the Champ de Mars. -Pilot. Mw oro other browbeat of t ; an set .f Ineemile ad justice whisk has exposed him t. outrages uswertby .f • Civilised potpie f ay lastly, Suit the Ciliates, etgiet think k right, its this orx.tws , to sir Has *Ce1lee.y their eopport fee the nimal.aseee of public eider, el the MOO les of the legalities, sad fere the protect el hi. penes. _gloved by Ibr. Hardy, .sco.ded by Sigh ensile Esquire, and Resolved, 3. -That a Committee be ap- pointed to prepare aid siva, is the ease, of tbn citizens of Quebec, as address to lits Esentiency N• Gevreos (ieeeret, (waled o. the two preemie g neolutions.-Qeeirc Gazette. provincial Parliament. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Mr. Wilson said that the dignity of Iter blejeety, in the person of her Reprcgnta- the, should be so outraged, aid ibe Parlta- umeet of the country assailed in the .10- 001 *0 which it had bees doer, meet treats puoful feelings n evert mind (hear, 1uar), tepee illy when done by a mob, amidst the shouts of those not of the lowest order. - There were occasions when to be anent was a crime, and he hoped that be should speak tike a loan what be thought of the occur- rence which had just takes place. He must have tmsuaderetond what the mean - ng of the term "loyalty" was, because he had always associated it with respect to the Severe,gn and reverence to the laws : and he therefore must look upon the men who had been guilty of the outrage as dis- loyal, notwithstanding their shouts of loy- alty (cheers). Whatever might have been the oppontton to the ball which had caured that every mac in the }louse would be pre - those ocurrents's, that measure was carried pared to lift ha hand and voice to redress through two branebes of the Legislature them. (Cheers.) Hon. gentlemen might with every formality known to the Cu"sti- deny that they bad justified what had oe- tution. Whatever he thought of the en - policy or tnj•�atrce of the bill, he did not wish that the Governor shculd have bee: obliged to ranctlon it, but at would have been unwise in the Repreaeatative of the prepared at this day to nay that having re - Sovereign to hare refused to have sanction. presentative institutions, an Act of Parlia- eJ the b111, and to have been tn&,enced b. meat, Wong been passed by a large majori- coercion. [Hear, hear.] a calamity -a public I ty of the Legislature, and the Repreeenta- loss-and a public disgrace. Our credit tire of the Sovereign, after cool dehbera- will be affected by at ; and in the midst of tion, bavng given .t his solemn assent, as our pretending civilization, we ,ball, be that they would stand up to excuse the pointed out as having been guilty of an act buroiog of their records and buitdloyw-to worn than barbarian. There was a (ibre- l excuse an attempt upon life and property, ry destroyed, winch never could be wipe- lest they should excite bad feeling or offend cod ; there were the records of the country the taste of some bun. members 1 [Cheers.] destroyed to the most wanton, ruthless and Look to the history of England. When disgraceful manner : *ad those wbo excited Lord Gee. Gordon led his 40,000 men in the mob to commit the attroc:oue sets' London to protect -as he said -the coosti- °i l at bad been guilty of, must be held respowi- j lotion and the church, and when he destroy - It' bit for them. [Ciera.] This city had ' ed the property of the orderly people of it , disgraced itself, and he must say that it Loodyn, was any man heard to get up in es i was unworthy to continue to be the Seat , the British Hogue of Commons and sa ase lightish 104 the wieldt reeelleet, is the ef the civilised weeW. (Cheers Aces miles.) The gessoes te be detentdNd sew ores, what crone they were to pvis,s. le their resew Montle, deMia'N es aid, W Mee by the set ere Mateo S. gal Hetes, their the beam, theis'ps/eeaa Ni ell the teeerde of M� the earliest settlement dews t. peseta time 1 They were seer lo, is 4, wt,, sed the ormattoa was. 0 they esdeovoar to restore the bills which were meads'', before lb. House, et *mild it be men sdvtoabb for Ike Howe to great the Ooveraseat all lite supplies they sight doom advisable, sad for the Gov- erner Geersl to come duwm and prorogue 'Ise House ? (No, no.) For himself, be should prefer a prorogation. They had been a tuog tune to nasion, sed if they bad another early autos, the Government would he better prepared to continue their measures, tad the }louse wield be better prepared to do there justice. (Ilear, bear.) Irl a. Bzae, ale tat tt,u was not the crisis In which be ebould bate expected to find such a course suggesting itself to the heart of any mos. Meer, hear.) It was due to the (louse and to the country to hear that so fir as the safety and order of the country was concerned, such measures had been taken as would ensure eta preser• ratios. (Cheers.) And if It pleased the taste of the bon. and gallant Knight to say that the Government which was not pre- pared with military force, at the doors of the house of Parliament, in the midst of profound peace in the civilized capital of this Province, -(cheers,) -i( it pleased the taste of the gallant Knight to denounce that mi a neglect of duty, -be fee one had no desire to shrink from his share of the blame. (Ilear.) Na man could have ex- pected the disgraceful scenes which they had witnessed last evening, aoJ be trusted curred; but was this the time for a voice to be raised in crease l (Loud ebeeri.g.)- Was excuse not justification 1 (Loud add continued cries or bear, hear.) Were the n- i of Government. [Great cheering.] Ile ! " these ecu are excusable, the church is n rd, 1 did not think there was a single right mind- danger T' [Cheer*.] Why, the petition i ed main wbo did not deplore what had taken presented by Lord Geo. G,rdon was ngneJ place ; and he most say that he could have by 40,003 -supported by a large part of the no sympathy with those who trampled or, English nation, and yet what man rose to law and order, for he had no sympathy for ' hie place in the British house of Commons common Tinian". [Cheers.] - Mr. Robinson said that the hon. gentle man appeared to bare foreotton that the feelings of the people of Canada had been outraged. The hon. gentleman said teat it was the duty of the Governor to risen: to tis Ball -but Lord Metcalfe had retuaed to give hie assent to another B.1l which had exceed the country, and he would ask bias if this was not a very extraordinary bill, ergo above all others which should have been reserved for the sanction oilier Majesty. Mr. W.Ison begged leave to make a re- mark : he was opposed to the bill, but how- ever much he disapprove) of the bill, he should have been sorry to have seen His Excellency obliged to withhold his assent to the bill from coercion. He was sorry to •0e the bill passed, but be would rather a hundred times over hare seen It pass than "that the Geverner should bold his assent from at through (ear. Mr. Robinson coatinuede-[t was the duty of the Governor to have withheld his assent to -such a measure when he was call- ed upon by every portion of the country to do so. Should the many petitions from every part of the Province been treated in the manner tbat they had. They had been answered in a way in which other petitio.s had never been answered, and if it was his v0t0 to the Government cot to prorogue Excellency's ntentt-n to pay the tosses of Parliament, but b arm the Government none but those which have ever been paid with every power which the Government in any civilized country, end that in appoint- could require to express the proceedings in Commissioners under the bill he should which had disgraced this cey. [Loud take care that those were appointed who cheering.] would not pay improper losses, there Ma. BADOLRT stroke in so low a tone of wou1J have been nothing of all this dcstruc- voice as to be almost mutable, although tion and excitement. But they now saw we only eat a few feet in the rear of the the consequence of not paying the least boa. gentleman. We understood lire to attention to the prayer. of the people. He say that such as an inhabitant of this city thought the Ministers were liable for all the he felt deeply degraded by the proceedings " of last evening. He felt degraded when be thought there leas an inhabitant in the city so lost and barearovs as to perpetrate such a� act -!loud cries of "Hear, hear.") -al - thought that if proper precautions had been taken, theme occurrences might have been prevented, He felt the painful position in which they were placed, and he should be ready to give all the aid ap his power to give strength and maintenance to the Govern- ment in preventing future excesses; and he trusted that -every member of the House would do the same. Any further outrage on person r property must be prevented. and he did not think that, under these cir- cumstances, they ought to adjourn. (Lord cheers.) The bon. Mr. McKay brought for", his resolution, to make the Legislati Council elective on the 12th 'patent. T bon. gentleman stood alo.,e, t' advocacy his favorite measure. He was welt 01 being treated with silent contempt un Mr. Viger, twitted theHouse on the ampr priety of such a course. The hos. Mr .M Gill'then got on his lege, and sand he wou oppose the motion, because .nco.stitutio d. He was asked by air. McKay, if thought the Mintier! bad acted right, creating new Legislative Committers. T hon. mgr. !McGill rephei that "the Mnist had a ronsetifetioaal rick( to ort as they done." The hon. Nir.:McKay.' ignore of the Constitution doe' not speak mu in favour of the wisdom of hie solection as Legislative -Councillor. Every ebaage administration, of late veers, has t.ro.g a new batch to the Upper House. T hon. Mr. Leslie explained that notwtt standing the 12 New Members, the Mini try would be n a Minority. were there full attendance. Ile stated that in 18 trlen'y-fnr were called to that Hour seventeen of whom were Conservatives, a seven "doubtful." in 1+347 eleven mo were created --ten of whom were Conserv eves. and one Liberal. None but th metier, voted for having the House "elcc tire." In the British Parliament, when the Re form Bill was ander eo.InJeration, it w found that it woulJ be isrked ,n the Lard ostlers an increase was made to that noose The Kn:g, at the suggestion of Lord Ore and his colleaguem,io the Ministry. at o created a new batch expressly for the o canon. No one considers* 11e act eerie' .etuttonal-nor was then i Mc1Cay in Pa liament of suffi^lent penetration to see th advantages of the elective system, u the u with us here i. Canada ! and ve be of gh e1 c - Id r- he ID be ry had Dee ch a of ht he h- s - a 11 red re a - e as e, 7 nee c• r - s re and said that such proceedings were to tolevetgd ? [(tear, hear.] And when th wee 'called together on an emergency 1; this, to apply such remedies as these J graceful occurrences called for, ought boo. member to rise n big place and as "let us prorogue until a more convents season 7' [Hear, hear.) Were not 1 peace, order and civilization of the coon at stake, and were they who were. there to legislate for the good of country to shrink from their duty mol Any man who would rise in his pia and propose euch a thing was unworthy a seat io the (louse. [Great cheering.] He (Mr. B) did net underrate the d.ticul in which they were placed. He knew enough of humor n*t'ure to know what might be expected from a mob such as that which assembled last night but knowing these difficulties be was prepared to meet them. [Hear, hear.] if life and property must go to sestalnu.g order and civiliza- tion, to the pante of God let them look it in the face. [Cheers.] They had their hearts, their wires, thetrchildren to defend; and while others endeavoured to find ex- cuses for men for destroying rho records of their country an a time of peace, be for one would be ready to Tend his hand and his party awn. Sys of the be. were direImme TN Nor tteell sett be got ups d the Wader. l.& the pkatfrm crest -relies said diMewMle. The City was quiet tbro.gb the sigh thanks to the arrrnge...et• of 9e.eesi.*swa., the visitant Cos emeder of 1)11*1(w, la whieb we hoot, h. wee ably r�s�psMrtta.,i� ► the IMMO of the H... Die- lriet.-Qloe, ereseeneggergagneeneeemee Tres the DMA Velesiet--Lana. ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA, Larsarooz, list April. Irraorarrctt ss TU. alansaa Ann= lima - MIMICS Or Fusco To Rarroas vas Pora.- Cu•vueu rscwu.r a Eeato.a. Hausa Btocaaae or vert Giasa■ Nara Far°u- sci O*aeTI • Tait 8T.iraan M Tea HALM Gaau Taaas. B4TtvaC7 *T News rasa Leu, &e. &e. &e. New Yoae, 411 M■y, 1849. The Steamer dietetics arrived al Halifax on thursday morning, with dates from Liv- erpool to the 21st April. Bread stuffs firm at a slight advance on quotations. Western Canal Flour clotted at 23s. ti.1. Indian Curo, 31.. 6d, for white, yellow, 32s. • 33s. per quarter. ileal, 13s. a 14s. per barrel. Perk declined 2s. Aln- ney continues abundant. It a stated that the dimeric. has 2200.000 specie no board. The Niagara arrived at Liverpool on tie 1411 ulumo, in 14e days from New Turk. HR9OLtrrioe or Tam Pnrvi.-The French Government has come to the Aperient rs- so:ution, of as armed lntervent'on to .retin- state the Pope at Rome. A force adequate to the emergency has already sailed for Ci- trate Vecchia. S r•en Or TUR �'.uilTl1RyT.-The par - like contest between the several stares of the Continent, continues with unabated fury, and most disastrous results to all parties engaged. The Danes are enforcing a strict bloc bade of all the German porta, and It is stated. 'that emigrant vessels, will not here- after be allowed to pass unmolested. STaTa or THR Meaarr..-Owing t0 the unfavorable accounts from the continent, Cotton has further receded is 84. The stoppage of breadstuff,* from the Baltic, a beginning to bare a favourable effect on atonements. The actual advance during the week. owing to other advisee idDueocea, has been dight. Money continue, abundant. Notwithstanding the heavy drain in spe- cie, Consols donee the past week, had fluctuated from 9I3 s 921, closing on the 20th. Ivan. - Accounts from India by the last overland marl, are regarded as very sut- istaetorr. Coa,pacrvt.-The accounts from the manufacturing districts are encouraging, althongb there has been no diminution of employment. Considerable sales of Phila. deipbia and Western Canal Flour were made at market on 17tb, at 24. 6d. The be article, however, bas become dull .gain, and has declined to 330 a e3a 6d, at which eY kc it was offered in quantity exceeding tbe de- mand. as- Wheat dull .t last quotations. Corn -we have aO had a steady demand at better prices : white Nil. 7. img at 31s a 31s 6d, and yellow, 32, • 33. Cor. nl Merl 14e • 14s 6d. No improvement in beef - he Imports felly exerted the deemed, and the reek try es bead is larger than .e..1. Hams dull-moo. potmoo qualities, 30s a 32s 6d.; sue entities 30. - ie I Very limited enquiry for Pork. The demand is *s confined solely to the bends. Prime Mew for rte stores, which varied w mach in quality that it is of offered at 43s a 606. Several arrival. of Lard 1y have ioflaeoeed the market. Bales. as 330. 33s 6d for average qualities in barred!. Demand for Cheese limited at 37s a 43a for'bet quality in boxes. It :a mot de6eitefy knows whet amount of specie the 'temper has. Eae►..p quiet. Good bills are 81. PUBLIC MEETING. At a verynumerous M day afternoon, in the St. Paul's Market a use who rri.a a mob, Square, for the purpose of taking into con. must he held responsible, but it was those federation the means of maintaining the oho called upon His Excellency to sanction freedom of the deliberations of the Legisla- the het. The people had been treated in ■ lure. manner in which they had never been t:eat- Ed. Glaekemever, Esq., hning' beep ed before. But notwithstanding the great called to the chair, and the undersigned excitement; if a little care had been taken neonates. to act as secretary, the followin resolutions were nnanimon.ty alopted :- Moved by Jos. Legere, Esq., seconded b T. C.Lem Eq..and Re'otved, 1 .-That the Citizens of Qne bee, duly convened by public notice., here present. have learned, not only with nate nation, bet with the realest grief, the ax by the advisers of his Excellency ho hail so doubt but that those things would never y have taken place. Mr. Wilson said that he thought the measure an unjust one. but that was 001 'the mammon; when petitions were ,cede, it • .night, no doubt, bare been expedient in flee - Excellency to reserve the bill, but the mo - tweet • stogie threat was uttered, he thought that he oulld dliliPtiliag glee tbu.naacuoe it, because be would have disgraced himself if he heal allowed bewail to be io(lueoced by threats. Ma. S.mawnrm (Tomato) eoweurred in the propeNt of the conduct of the lion. rn Attoey 1, in abstaining for the preterm front say athletes to the .nforte- nate eee.rene.e of last night. •.d he (Kir. tiherwoad) world is Irk* manner refrain ea - t11 another epeet.sity from making say remarks se the ewaduet of the Governor General, or our the preeeediegs of tbe G.v- .vwtseet ie deiaiwg. esti the Hoose is w- 7rag the memar are *1ie1 bad toes the eases of thews *yeses. He (Kr. Sherwood) de - pooled ibe aeerne which had bees takes, as much as any Nan in the Hours; it was and deetreyinr; together with the edifice when the legislative taemblies hsid their either, arches* of the greatest impor- tance avid . most .a1n101. library, the loom of which is temperable. Moved by). l'. Reesman,Erg., seconded by Kr. B. cKee, and Resolved, 11 -That this me.tiug empress - both Ogee gesllwi• will tames tw the es the erareet symtathyr mud its deepest Q tees hew sum 11n . W Knights 1d • grained* fee Ilk Rseell..ey the Beef ed !here fes the Mistral • Ge^Mdcr f l -,t.' Elgi., Oanr.r Oe.wr•I, who, notwtth•tan- r .d.deti.. Jing tbreireviing demoeetre!r.e., made otos Ma. Cawaeov (Kent) felt exceedingly gratRed at following the hon. member who bad Jost set down. The sentiments which had fallen from her hen. fined were such as he should have expected from all he bad known of bum, they were seettmeete which became a good Mao. a good eitieee and a good chitties, they were sentiments such as he should 1*.e expected from every son who had r.deettd ealmly on the pro - ceding. of last night. 1t was unneces- sary that they should reeks bomber reference to these prec.edieg...44 the Governemet eltetald be prepared to bring the subject be• geodes parliament. Sat y, le d.eeeee of ail Jaime? and regard ihr the peblie Mh.g, 1 same meeting was dleally bald in the Market Square, Termite. 1t was preset to be a great affair to set the ball le motion is the tipper Pre- view.. Neve was there such • feeler.. it wt, *Heeded by from three to live bunched people. W. have ecce • great nosey who were pr'etent, and isnot egis.te the suet - her bwyoed i.. bemired. .vi4 meet Peet Method *My. The Perrier Meedeeiesily Rumba edifies. htrdred, bet well he k.ewe 111. glaring u.trth, the mere efhpiag o1 euak4N reMds.ee el thea, obis ought r. (eery •d •Jew 10 W. Mee, Mitoses, r herribie se idles( Ts,. 1:17•711 e=e r .es well b eetse a es oa4 it wetai4 b eery di ,sdg a mg,ylaeg M that U toes sen a the sem ease . e at wditl, slid wiva . nes was Otis / pi ire prune. hue ViadeBsm, Der Mf I. 'Jeuet it, w would shrills* marl a j a f allies tossed, through seer le twee Veit he Tory **ambit ee ever ime lade .w rvea avow e.y pesiblo drrure■t■,...1014 die .e iedestwy err mid tb. deanmeme../ the MMe„f e(er pt,te5 pellti.04 ,a..y, 'Them may be seem spelap dined for i* asperity et MlIsg, ..4 fee the bandyleg of k(t-ba.d sempliea.ta betwees the benige.ub efoppe.1e political faction, (alt s.g4 eosa they are he (rem beteg r.atibekle,) het **apology tan be ac- cepted far the gm of toys... which themes. ratter' epee the beetles repeat, of our fellow. creatures la fes, tb. sus who is guilty dealt lang.agr. W hrkeed hie right to membership is a esculin d comss.ity. No geed mu sae possibly reed the speeches of tb• Try party, ad .opsetaJ 1,1 ..peoehee el Bir Allan N,N.b, e. eke atweitl...4 the hankers Mees, wettest aperindug eke meq pai.(ul (tel. imp. We do mot suppose that ever Ba Ails. has dips very deep into the philosophy sf harass ,.lore, or that his souses reg.sdiag the gigaliure sad capabilities of rni.d are eery redcoat err ems• remorse i bet he bas errtai.ly lived sd&it.rly long, ad ogee *sough to kern that .o rase ei- tber could, or dare perpetrate *swages sales" sasettoaed by awe who consider themselves eery seperior to the see/. Sir Alan does got esaeily Justify the burning of Ib• Liraric.. that weal display rather mach d the Genesee, bet lie spo;o. glees for the wickeder** by eappoeiag that the mob am t.aspera,ed-that the feelup of oar Wore were imodtad and outraged by the set of the Government ! New, Si, Alla McN•b knows that there to w kebag-oo poi eiple is oar nature that eras bey oeu.ged mer. Ind to he eomaisaioo of desperate .d roweling enure, b ll y simply beteg totat heach d os heist pay jrjure pace, 0r less tbas SW pens, a year for he 'text twenty yonm . arta eompeati.n for ebellioa Losses ! Galatia, that die impost - ion of thee/nay a year was this most most that mid be imagined. yet the sea who would as- terne - at that such as amenities we.N midden the one pmewo.s of oar "stere, and drive .e to deeds of v iolenee sede dletion, ought mo 1a pebliely censured for 116144111,o g ear cmae. hu- manity. All ,idlest outrages antco.,mftced aa• der the influence of exaepetated fe.11.pr bet ao olid man can ever, under any weemau.en• become so exasperated as to destroy public or 'irate prope:ry, sod no good seas will either pologize for,, r attempt to extenuate the erten- aliiy of ouch conduct. Bur. is the seemed M lace, Sir Alton cNab cannot shot his eyes .er 0 the accusations of his coesciesce o. the (act hu the exasperation of the public mind, or rather the woe meed, was prodeeed by h:mril, and W friends and their orgaas of the mese. We weWe shudder at . idea of Sir All.. eNab concocting r devising schemes for the ""trill/vows violation of the public peace, r 111. nee destruction of public sod private property. .t the fact tbat he .ed the Hoe. George Me- t did associate with, end eoena.nes the eio- t t proceedings of nub mem w W. Gorden e ek a.4 Amer Moir Ferree. sod did giv. their prveeseeeed their patronage tench sedap me • Vmisittart Dieser, will, is the eye of beseech red in the estisatioo e( all tki.kiag meg, go fir implicate them in the disgraceful proceeding. the Mood* mob. The co.dact of 8ir Alton see the destruction .(thePariiar.eet Beildinp, as been despicable beyond anything that could ve been expected, and mo m t be galling to eve- acotebms. who 1witnessed it. Aod should o be pre'kd spin to go to Britain's Sovereign ehh the prewmptuos. petition of a mere }cob deep •radon,, sad their patrons,. praying fore eeall of Lord Elgin; we 'would elect' that hey .testy would express her disapprobation of his tudieioes eoedect, by ":ripping him of his ' shtheod, mid retuning him to Cased". se kin Allan Ncbegrimings 1t is begriming to be pretty geseraa rey seder- ood tba�tbe al seaai.g of the atrocity vom- ited is Montreal, was a ort of round-chest *Maiohome of the Tory Merchants to *Maio 'Wane' wit," n ," and nn this flow floss dothe cry .f The last Governer of Canmmada " appear 1.1,11i - le. Bet we cannot 'appose for one otat, t Sir Allan McNab would go foe " - ro" heals there 'is a pre ability that" even Ae bees made the dope of a deoigei°g, angora - ass heti'. We are not ea -advocate fora ort with the United States, but if the Tories e deters' used on slice • maim, let them come boldly like menand advocate their views, bet heaves', sake. let pot valeta, Redwine, ad blee dawd be reeds ibe dastardly preteen ger an - aunties. R e w R p • a p le of h M w B fa le M th • to of 11 be 11 be of M in 6 p st mi oc at gib Wax" the Huaoiable rne.tber for (fare" intro• i6s 6. dpeed bis " i"dig.ation roeetiego, " ori regarded has pwl gni bas out M HURON SIGNAL`. FRIDAY. MAT 11. ISO. Til& SECOND ACT OF THE TORY DRAMA. the movement as the find Scene d a comical Fare, which we sappoaed wo.ld terry boats io a great "howl." We have, however, been di**p- pointed. We our always willing to imagist, To- ryism capable at every thug toil that comes within the probability of raises/ circumstances. But however taxman we may M to give toTo- ries their doe, we could not, for the life .( treatise that the •' Lr 1 Ort. and she Le "1Aer." of Mr. C , eras merely the first ac r e(a se- rious tragedy which was to evil is the conflagra- tion cf the Padameet Bedding. tied the Libra- ries and Arehie.e, of the Precise', together with a Gay Faux attempt te gin the Members of the Legislature a warteaod a speedy passage to the n ext world. Bach, however, has been the nevelt -Can.tr's Jerre leveed out a lregely, oyer which Some °ibis firmest ',pewter" ID Godeneb ■ re'Iaptevtieg-cot because it has been tragical, hat hereaosedt has root bees Woody/ Yee, it is a fact which we regret, and blas, to ovate, that in the remote village of G.devieh, sees, whim 'decision sed position is society, might to be a guarautes fey their evessseweese ad pradesee, have bees heard publicly Milling to (sed that the Ge.wae, General mad the ffimiotry 1d bees eie- sesdh tee damn of die Parliament Bendier! New. atthwgh we meld sea be pets.eded that there ewe were enemy is these savage espreo• sisu.-mei it mon be obvious a every well-rego- kted mead, that the mere ytwnsg.1 sees semi - meat" is poblk, ad by see pnlfiwise M be gas - demon, met Mee a pervw.ve egret ort the want melees A out Muco, sod aro cal - related to preveet si,irtsed was fns tMi.g lip their rmideece mien ea red Medsny mg (nit sash viae at, the chief oof what ore called the atitseithss d the Me►, Bee hes wheys begat lbisp .e expemed, a= 11h hid o(hep.m, Ivng.age, it env be by cep of tow ode -the esteemed 00.wd euppm tares ee be Nemo, ad are lime ie..ip seek le Ow M ea shaped • ts.gibi..141.7. set ghee ohil ieat{w sad ratlike ass imaged .d w•edrd therepb the a TO THE PEACEABLE AND INDUSTRI- OUS MEN OF HURON. It mast certainly to a mutter of deep regret to every right-minded mea, to keel. that animist iedividuak who ealortmuately pease= se ia- &reee from offices tied commissions, which they hood -from the Goveremeeet, have thought pelmet to call • Public Meeting to be held at the British Hotel, i• Goderich o. Saterd•y6nt, the 12th ism., for the porpoise of iad•niag yew to lees year valuable time, Med pay bsY • dslba snob fa, the macre elf .11is y.N=le a see • • League" wi►►, sad bias geY.d sled 1..tree- ted by the i.tfatuatsd sad e-Gnsease W. four• dna Meek, d Nwew*l, obi. 1, view sudor see thousand pees& bail le steed bis trial as see ed ibe wre,ebed .eaters who homed Me P.rlimna.t B•ildimit ! This deluded sea ie the shier eater is what is aweekingly iateuded to be m11 4 the .* British Asrina league !•• The deice is r n e.non tb• a.,.Iemutstianal G7ereaaet d the ...airy, ad re-establish the aid a F■sib' Cempst" d Tory ni mb ! There ism mesh Aeeiy lens..** i• the •u•=pt, that were it art fou the reel* d she 4,if-iYM., we would at ores eempeve it re Dor Qinzere'o Mule whit the wir/"si►-bet the 1.1/ sultan saddlers - Ay e* the whole matin. The pest, miss - 04(0, tkasy4,d 1.hebitees of behead, have MM * - .mA .% their misery by peplos MV eliwe f= the e.sa=viieg d Ge rte met- TMy love tees pa/M/ res• Is deer. V imseur diem se eie ePe lbee. bet per lathed le eat, .ppt.Ngd .ed peeempeeaiidiie bJar rhe. !he was terry gore eye. Them hell w -• .4 .....-... ---?