HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-04, Page 4IMPORTA NT FROMMONTREAL.' streets. 1 M Bums bad ready e.rel.ped !het that they bad lilt the great (kw epee. Mites .f .1.001. Illse.es•d ea muerte" , .sd .11 precast tete the ROYAL Assent given to the Payment o[ (•Ix la Bill, and to THE NEW TARIFF BILL. MeeTa*AL, April lir lids 7 P. 11. Teas. day, as iv* es c.seh P. M . His Et- eollescy the Governer (frenal proceeded is seats to the CAam►er .f the l.egielalir. Conseil, is the Parliament Building-, a•id gave has assent to forst-two hills p..sed durteg the prettiest session, Including an act ye amend- the law relating to 11nl•ce of Customs, and an act for he Indcmnaicatiou of parties in Lower Canada, befit -tee property wee destroyed during the It' berion art 18.17 -3. - -- STIfeIa LAr1'ER. An additinn:l report by Telcgrspf, this morning, tTnioeda,, 26th Apnl,ninforms as that the exrileruent was most memos tan night aD Montreal. and that the Hours. of Parliament were set fire to, and burnt to the grooved, with all their cnniente, Bectu• ding the Libraries", and Pubhe Records. . THCaaDA T, 4 P. M., 26th .14el. Our Reporter, after waiting 'for about an hour at the Telegraph t)tfi••s for a Report from Montreal, was at length informed that there would he so Report tranenntted at present, the Government bovine taken pos. session of the Telegraph Office, and pre- vented the transmission of news over the wire.. A monster meeting was being held, and, until the business .8.11 be settled, the °persaors are prevented from 'sending for- ward news. Probably, the news when sent, will be under Government Censorship. - The Legislature met to -day, in the Boners - courts Market, but, we are toformed, that the members wbo oppose tho passing of the Rebel lodemaity Bill, did not go to the meeting. the whole of that ..d of the building which is situated in McGill street, sad • crowd was desire up on the foot path, ttewtag the eoe?arration, which 13 up the entire city to to the Unitarian church, at the top of the Ilay Markel. Hume urines were studio( ie the streets, draws up sense the road• way, St the end of tit. Paul street, but they were s'4 pleyiag. aid u was said that the crowd had toehold,* Mem to du so. Mr. Dlhrray, elite Montreal • tftce, had striven mr ffect.ial!y t n tet them to work. The wrnd was ttnwieg a smart breeze, and the wbu:o cl the eaten.ite bnildtng. in which there was • very large quanuty of wcud- work, war er.en to 6.ine. loom rod to end, so that it wee impoeoble to approach the front. 'rise the wind carried the he serer. the sit tree t, the opposite houses. - The hos-v oppo.ue the centre of abs hall occupied by Mr. McCrank, war, we believe, totally gutted, ail the lbbn:e nage helot** McGill and Se. !'o'er •greet was, fur some time, in deoger. The at vee occupied by Menrrr. F't•zpatnek, Howell, Holmes, Vetoer. Knapp, and usher penes, although at some distance from the betiding, were also for some time in ennsiderable danger. Eves the Inspector of Po' Aa'res estertaiced great fears Cur htr Storer, containing many thousand pounds worth of geed", in conse- quence n( the large q .aouty of burning paper which ea. Tuned by the w+nd to- wards that budding. From the same cause, some injury was done to the Grey Nunnery which however war of little conserpience. We understand that thelneureoce on the public prnpery destroyed amounted to 020,000 ; but a still worse loe.,wbecao.e irreparable, u that sustained by the destruc- tioo of the two houses, which contained books of which only a limited Dumber have been printed. and which of course no money can restore to the world. With them it is to be fared bath perished a large portion of the public records of the Provioce,aooth- er loss which will be felt throughout the country. The Pilot office was visited in LAST NIGHT'S REPORT. the course of the evening and the windows _ smashed, but no other mischief was done.- McNTaRAL, April 26-7 P. M. The Parliament building is completely gut - From the Montreal Herald of this morning. Notwithstanding the great excitement which had been manifested outside the Par- liament hoose, after the Governor Gwent's assent had been given to the Rebellion fos• sea Bill, the House continued in session, passing one or two measures through com- mittee with more than uenal qu etnees, and apparently in perfect confidence. It soon became known that a meeting had been called, and the passing of the carriage with bells accompanied by some persons who proclaimed the appointment, eausod a momentary rush to the windows. About half put 7 being told that the walla Isere chalked with announcements that ameeting was to take place at a o'clock st the Champ de Man, the writer left the house with a friend acid proceeded to that place. At the Champ de Mars a large number of persons were assembled. Tie bank and stone steps gang up to the guard -!rouse were crowded with persons, who wised. towards the front, and bore torches ; but below, the muster did not appear so groat u the ground i they occupied seemed to indicate. They were for the most part standing In groups, at some little distance apkrt, and it was rot marked that a great number of females ac- companied the men who were present. At. the moment the writer reached the groun), some persons appeared to be propoemg a list of names, for a committec,-but lhe'lighte were extinguished immediately. and anoth• r voice addressed the Assembly. There WAR then a cry of "to the Parliament 'louse." The writer mmedtatcly proceed- ed thither, and in consequence of the time necessary to enable the procaine': to form, reached the house some three minutes be- fore the crowd. The doors were at that time locked, but making use of the prisi.'egc the writer entered, and pa•eed Immediately up stairs, to the back of the Speakei a chair, meeting several clerks in the way, who anx- iously enquired ".1se they coming !" " Are they coming 1" Mr. Price was in the News- room, at the moment. The writer passed the stairs of the smokier -room, and there was only time to say-" Tbey aro coming," w -ben a shower of stones appeared to have ama.hed every window nt tho house. The passage was the ouiy place which afforded shelter from the stone:•, that were puertog in onlall sideo. The 'pertinent. on each side pretested that spot from the mi.. elm., and there a large number of person immediately con• ggregatod. We noticed the Speaker, Sir A. AtcNab, Col. Cagy. M . Badgley, Bell, (''rau,eau, Papeneau, Drummond, Madame St. Julian and her maid from the bar, and some other members and employees of the Assembly. All watt confusion. Some said, "they will fire the building other.,'"they are br.iking in and will attack us." Some deleted to go up the stairs to the smoking - room, but the majority appeared to await the event, and face any person who might pas through the Chamber to 150 place where they were. Some one now a -.ked. o Who would go and talk to the crowd 1" Sir A. MeNab immediately vnhinteered to do .0, and entered the Assembly Chamber for that purpose, but the vo,loys oilmen were coming through the wieder*, made it, evi- dent that be could not pass the length of the •partrsent without a cer'unty of being knocked down. Thera wag en immediate cry f••r him to rrt,trn. .\tit• t this time it appears, that some eery,- entered the hotter, and carried aw•Av tea-• ware, and.dn all probability, there wool t be no a iii "illy in peeving through as they en:,. . I , descending by the great stair root-, r • ,' frost do. -r, bat theme in• the passage n? , . continued in reponse the crowd, were wt h out, and would refuse to allow them to oi- Tkil eftfy-sBe Tidy e bees vex., tient the ry nwir weight the door to GA New.-rueen sad raved the cry that the building was oe fire. On look- ing threegh the glass door which opens he- tweme the passage and the refrs.bmeet lob- by. this wets found lo, he the ease. The whole aw.ieg was in dames, which were fast eomieg to the wood is the gallery. it wee sow tomo to make some effort to escape sad risk a broken hl rather than mew Ilath a dmsger of reAsisigq( lea Th. rdt writer secoeg'y deseeeded the k stain to the large lobby below, where several were assembled, and bad determined to maims nob et any odds. The troth was, however, that no difficulty existed. They bad tined the door which eeper.tes the lower lobby of Om Hume of .Assembly from the mem minutes hall sod "teat stair -ewe, and bed thug, tote the persona to the 'w- imp above, remained in ignorance of the tees ahs carried off the mace, sad of the tel, nothing but the walls standing. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' F 'RNISHING WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry so the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chsees, tooleye, Braes Roles, Steel. Column Rule., Composing Stick., Cases, and every article necessary fora Punting Office. • The Type, which are cast in new moulds, from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counters, and warranted to be unsur- passed by any, be sold at Once. to euit the times. All the type furnished by us is " hand cast." Pnnting.Pressee furnished, and and also, Sfeam Engines of the moat approved pat- terns. Composition Rollers cut for printers. Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times vas much type as their bill. amount to, may give the a -bore sex -months' insertion in their papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscriber.. COCKCROFT 1.. OVEREND No 78 Ana Street Neto Fork. Decombet 7th 1547. m15 DISSOLUTIOX OF COPARTNERSHIP. r EHE Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned (under the firm, of Gooding a8d Lancaster, Innkeep- ers,) is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. CASH FOR WHEAT at the Gedeeicli Sheriff's Sale of Sanas. Mats. w. PIPER, HURON DISTRICT, 2•B.. Y rutof lour To wit : HS write of Fieri Ferias, lestad eat e1 er Majwt)'s Court d QN•s'e !este►, sed to MO directed ageism the Laed. sad Teammate of Julia Asw Yippee sea Amelia W. Yippee et the respective sails of Ra.. Robs/tame, Robert Moderwell, Jelin Sumba., ',Dilemma, ore, etc. and Jame. Clouting ; and slew by virtue o f two writs of Fieri Feriae, issued out of Her Majesty's Huron Ihatrret Court. sod to me directed against the Lands and Ten- ements of Julia Ann Kippsn and Moselle, W. Kippcn at the respective setts of Robert Parke and Joshua Callaway. I have seised and takes is Eaecuuon the foll-wing pro- perty as 'shingles to Amelia' W. Kippeo, un. of the above Defendant• a part or por- tion of Block 0. to the Township of C.•l- borne, Western Thermos, Huron District, containuss two hundred acres of Land ; which Laid.I shall offer fur sale at the Court !louse, in the town of Goderich on Tuesday the 20.8 day of March neat, at the hour of 12 o'clock soon. J. McDONALD, Skeri al. D. Foam's omcs, Goderich, 1818 December, 1848. 471d The above Sale of Land is poetpoeed until Friday, the First day of June, 1849. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriff'. (ice, Godericb, 19th March, 1849. J. K. GOODiNG, J. LANCASTER. Gudeeteh, 3011 Mush, 1849. 9e-eStf BY AUTHORITY. Sheriff's Sale of Land. -f HURON DISTRICT,BY vine. Tu Wit : #' writ of Fioferi. Facies Issued out of the Dtsinct Court of the Maros District, symbol the Lands sad T.usmeets of Iteury 1)arl.ngtun, Richard Darls.gtoo and Robert Darlington, at the suit of the Bask of Upper ('auada, 1 hove .rued aid taken in Execution as belo.g`ing to the.aid Henry D.►ttogton, Richard 1).r• hngtoe. a.d Robert Darlington, the fellow. Iog property, via.: Lots Dumber 2, 3, ..d 4, OD the seventh Conceuion„ Easters Del- man, of the Tow.abip of Coltman*, a•eb cuotai.iag 100 acre. of Land. which I .hall offer for sale at the Court Hoose, in the Town of Godericb, 00 Thursday Eke 88th day of June, 1849, at the hour of'Pwel.. o'clock, noon. J. DIcDONALD, Sherif Huron District. Sheriffs Office, Goderich, tteth March, 1849. ,1-e81( Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of . To wit : t Writ of Fieri ratios, issued out of the District Court of the Huron District, against the Lands and Tenements of Joseph Williamson, at the suit of John Allen and Mary his wife, I have seized sod taken in Execution as belonging to the said Joseph Williamson, the follow- ing property, viz.: Town Lots number 430, 499, 428,4:7, 428, between Beittania Road , and Picton Street, also 'Porn Lots number I 330 and 378, fronting Elgin, Toronto sad i Picton streets, in the Town of Godericb. I which I shall offer for sale at the Court House in the Town of Godench, on Thurs- day, the 3818 day oflune, 1849, at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Sheriff, Huron District. Sheriff's Office, Godericb, 28th March, 1849. r .2-.8tf • Sheriff's Sale of Land. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRICT, tlY virtue da brit To W rr : S of Fiore Feces %s- peed se,aaseed out of the District Covert of the Huron Die- against iragainst rhe Lands sad Teneme.t. of Rich. sad Darlington. at the wit of Row Roberi.os, 1 have seized and takes ,a Execution as belenpwg to the said R.chard Arlington. LOT Number FOUR in the Sevesth Comeeseion, Entero DI- vs.00, Township of CoDerse, containing 100 Acre. of Land, which I shall offer (or sale at the Court Heave is the Taws of Goderich, o. Sal. order the 7th day of July, 1849, .t the hoar of Twelve o'clock noon. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, Hama District. Sheriff's Ofine., G.derieh, t 7th April, 1849. ( 2v -e10 -df HURON' I1ITRICP, BY virtue of a STRATFORD HOTEL. Facia', issued out of the Dietnet Court^ol the Huron.Distnct, against the Lands and Tenements of Cyrus McMiiltan, at the suit of Joseph Miller, 1 have seized and taken tD Execution .. belonging to the said Cyrus McMillan, the following property, via.:- Towo Lot number 6, North side of West street, or running number 995, Town of Goderich, which 1 shall otTer for sale at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Thursday the 31st day of June, 1849, at Twelve o'clock, noon. J. McDONAD,•Sheriff; Heron District. Sheriff's Office, Goderie►, islet Mtjrcb, 1849. S 2v-o8ti , Sheriff's Sale of Land .1 EJRON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a • Te li'if: S writ of Fieri Her ironed out of Majesty's Muter District Court, and to me directed against •the Lands and Tenements of Richard Dar- lington, at the suit of Robert Park; I have seized and taken. in Execution, Lot sutabsa four to tho seventh Concession, E. D. in the Township of Colborne, containing 100 acres; which Lands I shall offer for salejat the Court House, in tNe town of Goderich, on Saturday, the 25th day of November next, at the hour of 13 o'clock noon. J. McDONALD, Skeri H. D. Semen's Orrice, Cadence, 14th August, I833. 3m29 To wit: Writ of Mori The boeincas,will be continued, and all outstanding seeoants due by and to the 6rmwlU be settled by the undersigned. J. LANCASTER. Goderich, 5th Sept., 1848. 32t1 tiOTICE.--1 LLLpertan indebted. to BREIVSTER k SMART, through the agency o1 the Subscriber, aro requested to settle their accounts immeriatly either with him or with Mr. George Frazer, Goderich, apd save costs. J. K. GOODING. Godcrieh, 8th Sept., 1148. 32*1 GODERICH, C. W. 30th November, 1848. FOR SALE by the Subsenbcre, BARRELS OF LAKE HURON iff.RRiNfy8, For which Produce will be taken is payment. N. B. SEYMOUR fa CO. FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM iN COLBORNE. APART or portion of BLOCK G. in the township of Colborne, Western Divi- sion.- Huron District, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with 25 acres cleared and in good order ; fences In repair. There is a good Frame House (Cottage ,tyle), upon the prenu.ee, 35 by 32 feet ; Olen, a Frame Barn 50 by 36, and Two Frame Sheds, each 90 feet long, with a frog Farm House In tolerable repair. - There are three rdnning streams of water through the Lot; two of which are in the rlearing ; a small orcharp about the Frame house, and a Ent rate Well inthe cellar. The price of this desirable property is 0650 currency. For pettirnlars apply to Mean. STRACHAN k i.iZAfkS, elokett ors, Wet -street. G•,derich, March 89, 1848. 7tf PORTANT fey -tit -AN' 1 = $-g. THE Subscriber having leslsed that well- keown and commodious TAVERN STANiD, In the Townsbipof Hay, W mils from Gnellerich on the London Road, lately occupied by M. Jam.. Gordon, begs leave to intimate to his (needs and the traveling public in general, that he has opened an ise os the progress for the .ecomtwodetioe of travellers. And as he intends to eon - ilea it on the most roe table pnndiplee and to spare neither laboTh sor expellee in ministering to the comfort of thou who may patrosits him. be hopes to 'merit sad obtain a share of the public favor. DAVID GUNN. N. B. --There is good Stabling ea the promisee, fwd teamsters and other@ may on every necessary attesuos being to their horses. D. G. Godench, Jan. 24th, 18,8. 51 tf Rolan PAsaE, r'. R, vgiL DetirisGTof. i:Y The above said of Lands ei postponed .until the tirst of February, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, • Sheriff 11. D. Stzntrr's Orrice, Ge..aca, 214th November, 1848. k 43td• - e7•'Fhe abeeesafe of Leads is poetposd usul the first day of April, 18-19. JOHN DieDON ALD, Sheriff H. D. $marry'. Omea, GODte*ICv, January 99th, 1849. Rosner 1'Aaa, The above Salo rs. is postponed till RICHAan DARLINGTON Friday, the Fast day of June, 1849. J. MtDONALD, Sboria II. D. Sheriff's Office, Godericb, March 24th, 1849. s POSTPONEMENT. Sheriff's Sale of Land. HURON DISTRiCT',i BT virtue of a To Wit:S ant of fieri Facia', issued out of Her Majerrty's Huron District Court, and to me directed scathed the Lands and Tenements of Gavin 113nu1- ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, h have seized and taken in Execution, Park Lot Dumber one, on the North video( Melbourne street, and Lot number forty, on the -East .,de -of Wellington street in the tort n o1 Albert, which Lands I shall offer for ea:e on Saturday, the 25th day of November next, at the hour of 11 o'ciock noon, at the Court (louse in the town of Goderich. • •' J. McDONALD, Skerlf H. D. S.taurr's Orrice, Godericb, 15th August, 1148. 3m29 Jdrlva CALLOWAT, rs. SL 04v1; HA.LTae. !1T Tire above sale of Leeds M tssem ed ..til die tint day el February, 1849. JOHN M.DONALD, ._ Sheaf M. D. SMEers9 Therm G.eiltclt, ?- 110th Neuikher, 1848. w4314 Jo.Moa CaLLoway, G MOP HAMILTON. (17'Tbe above Bale of (weds is postpea- ed..ul the An day of Appenl, 1849. JOHN McDONALD, BberifH. D. Santo's OTnci, (ioeamrc. t Jasuery 19th, 1849. s 52141 Jame CaLlowar, j The above Sale of re. Leads is postponed OATH* HAMILTON. u11 Triday, the First day e4 hem 1849. J. McDONALD, .nf, Horn*RbDistrict. Sheriff (Mie,, Goderich, rite March, 1849 ISAAC MAY, informs his Meech and the 1 public, that he has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his guests. 1.:".L. Batters himself that his selection of Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the rountry,-and his Stabling department is of the moat complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1848. 131 GODERICH FOUNDRY. . THE Sabseriben in returning thanks to the pblae for the liberal share of patronage i they have enjoyed noes• commencing business, Beg to intimate that they have now on hand sed , are making to order • large assortment of Cook- . ing, parlour, and box stoves plough ceilings, bre grates, fanning mill castinga,smut machines, and every other article usually connected with `the trade, which they will be happy to sell en the mostreawok termor each. O. M. R Coab., haysinfg anode extensive alters - noes and improvements in the finishing depart- ment althea establishment, by rhe ictroductioo of self -eating machinery, are now enabled to execute a'l orders with which they may be 'entreated for the supply of thrashing machines, grist and raw mills gearing and every other dis- cription d machinery, on the most scientific and eeosemtcal princip:es,and with the greatest faci- ity and dispatch. The .ebecriben would also inform the public that.. the lowest cash price will in future be charged for ail goods maoofactured at theirntab- Iubment, their credit business mut necessarily become extremely limited. Tbey would also request, that ail those indepted to them either by rote or seeoant, will crone forward immediately and settle their rrspectiwedebts, or they wilt ee placed is the heads elan. attorney for collectioo without further notice. G. MILLER & Ca, Goderich, Des. 15th, 1948 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. TIIE Partnership heretofore existing at Goderich and Harpurhey, in this Dis- trict, under the name of Thomas G.Imour & Co., !s this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. All those indebted to the said firm, will pay their respective accounts or notes 10 Robert Moderwell, and all those to whom they are indebte4 will be paid by the said Robert Moderwell, by whom the busi- ng*. will hereafter be continued. THOMAS GILMOUR. ROBERT MODERWELL. Goderich, Huron District t February 20, 1849. I-3 FOR SALE. THE -BRICK COTTAGE and Lot run- ning No. 563, in the Town of Goderich, formerly in the possession of Henry O'Neil, now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- tage is very conveniently arranged, and well suited for a small family, hos a spacious wood shed, stable, loc., good well of water; the garden contains several choice fruit trees, and the wholee.eloeed with • strong picket fence. Only • portion of the money would be required down, -the remainder in three annual instalment.. Apply to William Rattenbury of the Clio - ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, Aogwt 94, 184.8. 3011 NOTICE. ▪ Aob.eriber bawler RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Mees. Davenport, of ibis pee., hes establi.beed bins4 f.. e- roawAarrSs AND COMMISSION Maar71ANT. Amy orders or commission from the Met - chute of Goderich, will reeave prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. tr-7af. NOTICE, fa HEREBY gives that E. H. MARL - TON of Godesieh, both by 'Meatus of lemigmwt, dated third day of April, *849, witrgwcdd all ►r Personal ..tate whatever to I. Rattesbery of declutch, apos trent, for the equal b..e61 of himself and all others, the creditors of the said E. II. Marlton, trim .8.11 execute Me said *denten, dear .,,..ted by tho mid E. H. Marilee. Dated this 5th day of April. *849. vi -n9 EXHIBITION OF FARM STOCK P R O D U C E. DOMESTIC MANUFAC- TURES, As. he. As. ly ate Mame Thint dg limit/ ei Aseiq. AN EXHIBITION d CATTLE. BENS, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, Aa. As ,will wham u OUDERICII. es Tusk, the lAt► of Saptamber west, wbea t►e fa0ewwt g PNEMIL71S WILL BE AWARDED. HORSES. Fee the Best Brood !due aid Foal.- LI 10 0 2.4 1 0 0 3rd .... U 15 0 For the best T..o yeas old F.U1y l 15 0 2.4 .. ...0 10 0 For the best Two year old Colt 1 0 1.•1 0 15 3id010 Fort the boot Span of Farce llorses1 10 Ind.... ............... 1 0 3rd ............ 0 15 CATTLE. For the ;beet Milch Cue (which shall have bed a calf is 1949) 1 0 9.d• • • ............ 15 3rd••••••.......... 0 10 Fee the best Two year old Heikr 0 15 gad 0 10 Sed 0 7 Foe the best vearliag Heiler ........... 0 10 Ind ............0 7 Sid 0 5 For the beet Bull ........ .......1 5 god 1 0 3rd.... ... ............... Q 15 For the beet Yoke of W ohms Oa1 0 3rd.....a ....... ... ...........0 10 For the best Three year oW S:eere.....0 15 2nd ..... ...... ...............0 10 3rd 0 7 For the best Two year old Steen. G0 10 god 0 7 3rd 0 5 For the best Fatted Os 1 0 2nd .... • ••• U 15 Ord 010 Foe the best Fatted Cow r Healer 1 0 2nd.... ... 0 15 3rd.... .. - 0 10 SITE, P AND 9008. For the bent Ram ........ 1 0 2nd .................... 0 15 3rd 0 10 For the best Ewes(pes d2) having reit led a Lamb each is 1849 .... I 0 2.4 ................• 0 15 3rd....•••• 010 For the best Ram Lamb ..0 10 2nd 0 7 3rd ..• . 0 5 For the best Ewe Lamb..0 10 2nd 0 7 3rd 0 5 For the best Fat Wetb.n.... 0 10 god 0 7 3rd 0 5 Beet Bou .... ..1 0 tad 0 15 3rd . 0 10 For the hest Sow (shall have had pip is 1849) 1 0 9sd 0 15 3rd 0 10 GRAINS, SEEDS AND DAIRY. For the Best 10 bushels Fall Wheat 3 0 2nd . . 2 5 3rd 1 10 For the best 4 bushels Sp• ring W hest 1 10 1 S 0 2nd . 3rd, ▪ 1 For the best 2 bu▪ shels Rye . 1 0 '2nd . . ▪ 0 15 3rd . 0 10 For the beat 2 bu• shels Ba• rley 1 0 2nd . . . 15 . 3rd . . . 10 For the best 2 bushels O.. • l5 2nd 10 3rd ' 7 For the beat 2 bushels Yeas 15 2nd . 10 3rd . 7 For the best bushel Timothy . 10 god . . . 7 3rd . . 5 For thbest 2 bushels of Corn ie cob,)' 10. 3rd . 5 For the best 50 lbs. Salt Batter 0 15 Zed . 0 10 3rd . . 0 7 For the best 40 lbs. Cheese 0 10 2nd o .• . 0 7 3rd '• 0 5 For the best 25 lbs. of Maple Sept 0 10 2nd 0 7 ' ROOTS. For best acre of Tornio, 0 15 2nd . 0 10 3rd 0 7 For the best sere of Potatoes 1 0 2nd . . 0 15 3rd . 0 10 For the best 1 acre of Carrots - a 10 god . 0 7 For the best 1 acre of Beets 0 10 2nd 0 7 MANUFACTURES. For the best 10,yards Domestic made Cloth 0 15 0 2nd . 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 For -the best Pair of do Shekels 0 15 0 god . . 0 10 0 3rd 0 7 6 For. the best 10 yards Domestic made Flsaoel . . 0 1S 0 :hid ., • 015 0 3111 . . 0 7 7 The above Manufactures to be from the Farm of the Competitor, and of the growth of 18e pro- tege year. Rules of the Exhibition. ''"1 Any Farmer within the District. sot'. Nemher of this Society. by paying a donation of One Posed, shall be entitled to compete for Ay Premium. 2 All S.bseriberu is sneer to the Society, who may weds to exhibit eaytkiag at the Show, are to pay the Tress.rrr the sum of Tea Mil- eage, on or before the 15th of Aimee : all when to be admitted os paying the easel sum d Five Shdliap. . 3. All Subscribers h.v.eg paid the Rubserip. Los, and ealy dash, to be entitled to compete. 4. All Steck Exhibited shall bate bees the M.. fids property of the Exhibitor a month be- fore tb. Show, sad all sure an'eke .saw. Ewart Mee been pr.laud es Overarm of the E•►ibisat S. All Bee rnptisss to hp pies se before the -'10th day d At.st seat. 1 All Cemp.trtoes lot prises meet give the 8eameary worse d the deseriptas of Sleek .ed Pewloes they Steed to .sew. ea or briefs e'.leek, p- se, the 944114 September. 7. All Swell dad Prod.'. to be ou the Show Or.sed by 9 o'elock of the day of the Show. E7"IUe Society's PLOU0H11110 MATCH will take pieee a meal in Gusher. R. 0. CUNiNGHAMI:.\See•y. Godench, 946 Moak, 1849. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTICE, THE Sebeeri ►avisg LEASED. f*r the term of T arty years, the Proper- ty O. the North n of the Market Square. at /beet oecapt by Theodora Reil, Seq. w,.bes to 'streets to those who wish to avail tbemeefvee of as EL11)IW.0 SIT- UATION for HtiSCN E34.S that he .111 Lamm BUILDING SITES for any Term not exceeding Twenty Years, at a medicate Rest per .esus. HORACE HORTON. Godericb, March 8*, 11.41., 9v -self 1111/1112 1111/. MO/FAT'S VEGETABLES LIFE FILLS PHONuc BITTERS Th. kl.a aa/ eased e.M.Sj srYA Oris �ss•esawsr 1•aasYs hw argaid OI WY heritable s1.i/ w.1 Oa Barr ~se rear paha w aces, awe s�iws 6a awed waMwa al pig .al sow_ 1. tat wr- thy ss They awe Mumt' aa4 ahoy . Emesail by no w� ▪ arahalosa ziar NLLAC. ..:a 1� tf (Y /r/i t4. icons sus CIRCOIC aXI/BATasi1 Arne- I0I a/ W 1LADOtt s.4 XIDNSTt. IUJO0s MMUS • LIVER 00.7QiJltl'la.- rOeam* maae/sm. vim lam Air+-.Ow.0 SI sur loss 11s Pisses tyrra. sad rkw..b ram an Sam MsOrra .S errs a8..wi r .rias taw SILIOCS CIOLIC. wed SMOGS Lessosse. 1lL- oOSTtrtlMRte. COLD. L OOOYwS, slow, cOiaUMrTmn. Yea .tl per sera Is Os fares. COM sir ruaoSa. D*OPaISS. alf1P/lR*. is. seam web Oi fewest Ale au* abrr- dear w Dna usetl.abu.`wr. azclT1p'M v its Orbs, an/Ptus, 114311 - LMC T. !BBB* .ee ABLIZ. rwibisr rum Ibis w Ina amain urs mama* all la wad • aa.. am;. W ammo moral s Odor s mammas few W res saibat a s ass 4 Da dies. -a ewe by Ora aailma i-erata44- T*Y THUS. DS a4Tlan*D, ADD Y CU&MD. IDOL/118S V COMPLS.ION. • alfa=AL aaazLzeT�} 0.4113. 0IDOINasS, o*A rah ILDACwstt yews" ISO INrA*D rt►tL soWtAMIATtair tts1au MM. IM111*t MLOWa, JAMOICL LOM 4 Arrs• yrs. LIVER 001111PLAIIIIV9. LIMON T. LOUJLa MRROUSIAL DIszasaf.- Itaa web w wear rifer all Oa USD 4 MSssr..1. Iasi vera ra.,be we s...84 Iasi Salim So saw.. IlmeT SWEATS. Nttr048 pptIILITy. Mia rues COMPLAINTS e/ mS SOIL 0/SANK AIPSUrtuM,t, PALPITATION 41Os MOM PAWTst's CMOLIC. PILES. ir.adsiiiiiausaerlthaw 8..r .ra. ami arPba d Spam wenen y nese 4 Sam tab .wd1Wr alma 74002.848.4,84.8.8. Ya. Waft r444444 IL 111 LIBATION. Tama eased was WO Mali arsaa. 8. be sin 4.848784 taw alrtisrsa Ruse fear BLOOD to tea MILD. acvarr. SALT&MLUM. SWELLING. scaoruLA. ea ZIN•'11 EVIL, was ..a ems. MOMS. V reser dawsetw W 0 It M Si ar.a sed.. M emmee r maw y rare Nsirra rams .ids .,5 mailmen atm .tear ever tam .wares a .uesas4. Reid .S as roar TOE LIlF PILLS to flINii IIT FIS PURIFY THE BL000, And teas remove all disease from the system. A saila trial will pM.ee is. LIFE P2113 and PlIO:NII BITTERfwrsathe nista .emum- Dar r sae estirua .1 ..Dry pswai. Tb. as..we at rfe.. medicines an wow pal A w .Lha wrappers ..i Weirs tepiber .a► a •r..•.let, welled '• Nogg" peed .....-u..," eruarsg .►e Areeda, tr. e. .►.e► i a *swam 4 3..sdway from Vial .awl to oar Mees, y .flea Aversion viiia de city ear very ly and a TgW S Tie weepers sasres.ere .apyriat veal. ossa..*dee s.. ee. wtle r powethea web while be AMOR..l sae V• AWWW. Mo, ad d. ..ra.. bey Awe will w'gpw; bee 11 yee de, be swilled d Qat Say taws hem M, es dem beveb tt.a gT Paryased d weld by al. WILLIAM B. MOVPA?, SU Mee/way, .otos at La►..y Hm.st, EN Te.k. ► .r Isle by BEND. PARSONS, Sole .d<nt. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1648. 1 MEW Nola. CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY. or Ina/OL A.! a•T..T17eelse t'Otel.aDea, Edited by Raul Cesoaas, author d Cycle. ppaedda d E•gh.► Literature : With Elegise Illustrative Esgrsviags. inc. 25 eats per No. GOULD, KINDALL A LiNCOLN me happy to issues, that they have ted aryugemesta with Messrs. Chambers, of Ediaborgb, for the re-pabliatioe, in semi- monthly number., of Cause.. M.c oeene• The design of the Muczitur is to nipple the leenes.lug demand for ~fel, iwttoetire sed entertaining trading, and to bring all the Ws of literature to bear ea the eultiwtion of 18.8.3. inp of the people --to Oakum correct view. ea important moral and social goestioos-espprese @very species of nnfe and savagery-ebeer the lagging and desponding, by the Telwos of taus does from dal imaginations of popular writer. -roses the rasey by descriptiou d totereeling foreign .ewes -gin@ • ant to A.ry-day oec.pa- teem by ballad and f)rical poetry -in short, to famishe.obtresive friend and guide, a lively fireside .oeusaios, as far u that object can be attuned through the i..uamentaiity of books. Tkr .niv.rselly eckouwldged menu of the CTfLOCIPIA Oe ENGLISH L,Tianyrae. by tb. same author, connected with its rapid sale, sad the .nboseded ~emendation beetewed by the press, give the pabl..ber. (uil confidence to the real value and entire •Occesa cf the present work. The publication h.. already .ommeneed, and will be columned semi-monthly. Each number will form • .ompku work, and every third sem- bet will be furnished with a tilts page and table of concerts, tbns forming • besetif.11y il'oatrr- sed volume of over 500 pages of useful sad entertaining reeding, adapted te seer, class d readers. The .Mile to be completed is relate asa,ea., formiag Ten elegem Volume.. NOTICES OF TI- IE PRESS. From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. We are glad toile, an Americas ,ane of thim pcblicanon. sod repecially is *o seat and coeve- ■.est a form it is an admirable compilation, disunpuhed by the good taste .biea beak!~ shows to all the publications of alae Messrs. Chamber,. It unites the useful and the ester - liaising. We hope its eireelauos here will be large no.gh to supplant, to a rood extral. ti. ..mby-psmby sad ~mond worka which fare ea Meg bam tee widely circulated. ETThis work'esn be seat by rail teeny pan of the emery. A direct n.dtaan ie the pbblubre of Six Driers will pay fee the enure work. Tues liberal diseosat ier admits, My will surly *over the coat ef posse on t8. work. Those wishing he see or mars sample. . embers can remit them .eeerdisgl . Bookseller. sad Aseate supplied se theme* liberal terms. GOULD, KE1NDALL at LINCOLN, Publishers, Boom. the #jnron Signal, te PRINTRD KIM Prat. tat*T WIMAT TBT ?11019A$ MA,CIEUZZN. - lmt1'M AO /*5111010.. OrnCI MAn&ET•SQoAaa, .4. 117. •,• Book sad Jeb Primas, exacted with mat.ors sad ~patch. Teem m tet Hours &OVAL -TEN BRIL- L1N08 per season if pd rtvietly ta sleuese, or Trues ASD 8.x Puce with the expismsen of the rear No paper di.eeetia.ed mita sora. • are paid op, eabees the pdblishea8iebeit hie ahem - tap m de se. Any individual is the Masai biomass te- eposa►le fit six r*bserib.,s, shell restive r seventh espy gratis. T An Muco rddr,wd to the Giese meet be pest pard, or they will met be oaken eat ef the past ales mum OT Airtaa TtM.e. 841 Iiaea sad seder, first Merriam, AOI 8 Each subsi ,eauwetuw, O 0 74 Ten lime sad elder, first insertion0 3 4 herb .sbmp.et keuttiw, 0 9 le Over we brew, fat Bosuns ., M bee, • 4 Loh • 0 IT A ham' *.e. atm_ nsd. te *me eke advwHsa by the rse.