HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-04, Page 3.
as iris► the telllioes of your clue are rooms,'
uevery smutty in the el refilled world, are direct
"Wm 1ma of Toryism. Yoe ass swan steel yore
Creator has seer you is the world with powers
empty .m.Lq a p,. rs e11 der ewigts and
ey luau etiolate life le cepahla of yii Wise, sad
rsorivi.g, end yet your funnier are tides te
eesparatiw wseedid.ss.. 1. caresser. 1
barer to supers tee sham nate, the usurped
digsity, and the 'ageism's amebas 1T.ryidn;
w le eoneegeeeee 1 the accented wan sod noes
n.4,oed nese try by the tmbitios, dieser.
ad -edea ey 1 Twryier. Tee my wetktog
friends bate to pay for sad Nippon this Toryism.
It is • mem belplsa.,(hs.kless yonder. drpead-
eat ea the greyest s.erubmest 1 your sweet
sed labor --but Pse anegaeoe sad iugntt tale, mese
tt to despise lee -loo may exalt is to powas.-
yos may feed it with defierie, sad cordata .1
all nations, and clothe it with the tiasstry 1 gold
sod diamod, ba atoll it will despise yes, trample,
. pit upon you, cal yes ugly carnet, and lo short,
de every thing s•MMted to debase you. ad
impress you with the ides of your i*feriae y.
Yoe ars ewers that "the irons( rabble," ••ebe
mar* stab," "the naso sited niUiou" and
the "swisieb moltitede" are the common
phrases wbieh Toryism emp'1s toward. yon.
Have we and oar fathers suffered this insahieg
audacity, 1 tote who have treed and attested
o• oar toil, and are we still willing to bow to
the is1iriy,tq be oberg.ior to the aristocratic
nod of the vampires, who bare sacked tin !.lord
from oar iod.atry, ad thee trampled epos es 1
You are aware of the trail of these Nineteen'
is regard to the Gtroci000 nature, sad •npatlisg
consequences of Toryism is grin) ; bet per -
Laos you ere not aware that Canada he bee.
in • special manner the ■rens 1 the most rebid
bell -bore pecies of this universal eerie -perhaps
you are not aware that is no portion of God's
footstool can tin aerirg, withering, blighting,
entree of Toryism be illustrated more fully than
in Canada ! It is G country particularly bJ..sad
Ly Providence, as an almost unlimited field for
human enterprise, calculated to yield abundantly
all the comforts and enjoyments that can possibly
desalt from tedo.try. It is separated only by a
river, and is some places merely by • he. from
the greatest, the mos( rational. the most -enter.
pnivag, sed the mast prosperous empire that the
world has ever witnessed. Aa Empire in feet
whose enemy eoterpriae and progress, are nus-.
kg the ci,ilioed world to gaze upon her in:otter
astonishment ad cooforom ; sad the it fireee
of -whose exempla is begloning to create an ener-
gy cud as emulation in coentries even the most
remote. On tire side of the river, Or the line, -
there is beetle, activity/ buiuee, trade, cou-
meree ; railroads, meals, towns, cities, univer-
sities, and halls 1 science, •;riogioe up almost
daily, and with a speed and • fecdi'y calculated
to produce the belief that they are ofpponiaoeous
growth. On. this tide 1 the river there is
the wildeates which God at Ent ,retied ; the
original clay roads; the slow, half-inoviog, half -
decaying progress; the finished towns. abs se-
cluded sectarian seminary -the avaricious (nee -
IDS at the ere wet -tide .f • dollar -the stend-
etill, eireerseribed business, end a toiling labo-
rious, strteCgli.g, hummed, law -ridden, charea-
riddes, penniless •population - sweating and
drudging for a seamy subsistence! " Why is
this? Are we lee i.telleetsat, lee skillful. r
less adestrions than -oar working brethren ea
the alter tide of the river? No ! We have all
the energy, the iodestty, and the intellect of the
Saxon ace. We are the same kindred -the
same dealt and blood, sad mind, with ourlJ.jid
States !'rethren ; ,.bet the secret of our eompori-
tiye poverty and "degradation is simply this: -
The inhabitants of the United States uuanimous-
ty come to for conclusion, .t the period 1 their
becoming a nation, that as national Churches
heti been the prolific generator of Toryism and
tike ,arae of the world, there should henceforth
aid for ever be no national Church, and conse-
quently no Toryism in the Uoited States. -
Hence, sloes that time, the entire wisdom and
energy o1 her Legislator lave bete devoted to
Phu t.nroal and commercial istereste of their
country -the whole otody of the whole people
hes been to become • great nation. Railroads,
Moak eommerce and manufactures, and above
all. r general, wbeleeome rod asaeetariu sys-
tem of edaatioe, have been the means employ-
ed --and these means have been successful.
.In Caasda, the chief subject of leglelaion, for
erwq-oirs yuan, has beets whether Dr. John
'Newham, 1 Tomato, .hould wear a surplice and
rnitm, at the expense of the whole people, m
whetter be should war them at the expense of
these maitely who believe is their utility and
efficacy. Every mean, that could possibly be
inverted er dewed, haat bees employed to es-
tablish tire ease ger ppeadage., os the whole
toilette, 1 the aveatry' . MiweprrsentatTos un-
qualitiedfiMsheed, strallagems and nefarious i• -
term Impiety, ••d downright blasphemy
have bees retorted to. i■ order to force apes the
hard -weighing peessetry of Upper Canada, the
e•ormoss 1171.0, of the usehristia• sitters -
roes and the tedeptttottaseas of the Eaglah State
Clauses. Scuba, ie (set, hes bees the seers( is-
trig•isg, sad the dark designing trilliamy em-
ployed, for the a eamplishsaeat of this diabolical
purpose, that the whole time Gad talent 1 the
few horst isa,wteal resebe,s 1 the Legisla-
tors Nombre required to preveat the ao0tem-
plated eerie free beeomis( permsaest. Hese,
tbe'abeeet1i•torul improvements, mom be
exeretsd w have received much titeatio• is a
emelt" when rely ekves year* ago, *pets es-
►•e!&,is we bend seeswry be impede tie ma -
Virile ase e•oteuknm of prelatic despotisms tad
miasmal. ' 1.peemes admisiatati. tame
into pewee threes♦ tie attire ...idanee 1 ret
dross dins herdic 1 the whole p.sp1-then
pledged ihemodese r iterate the Pardur iM
the ennbse that bees icy ebeektsd the sess-
giee 1 bet Legislator& And they mat p .
ass rapidly is miseries their plods& The
miesse es wtieh they had iaredeeed and rventsag
to many. w.Y bar sattlid (never, the gemeihie
1 De. Strrebss's seter1e and mitre, sed relieved
the realties& fns the anxiety tied tenor 1 every
heist e.up,Usd a boil fes the seaport ef as *-
delete p.eplwd peberbeee.
Seridna, t1. plus 1 Mr. Meeks for this coo -
e t meths Orderer. wed the varier seher ewe -
sem reies( *1 tllepesl ef ode pais Ledo.
the establishment 1. great preiseisl eyelets ef
papers ed.estfes, sed oder bad input a ser.
bed est tin Amiss proper abet de reed lo-
itered 1 the eewtry were to be emptied a --cud
W ss re bei.r abet if we were emir oe ew-
1s'e the peeper 1 tin Unwed awes, we were
u Neat wideg * Penne ad leers wieder sad
prwperssy hem Mats e•enrI& Pies tar paws-
pect. is sr fa et keae. M she reeireeties el
veer( seer a.esrtad. k 0110 en rep. We oma
seen ser 4 ve a mfhead airy ensue is Cor-
ds, tie it is bait by the tiered Sacra. What
=as 1 sorrow prober teemed give a ahlknee
el lee c iptul r invert ;a the peblie work, 1 a
cowry, 514.1 .Sews a depeettioo to linger
eternally oe the mere( barbarian ! Our Imre
el iapoveue.t here bee■ est off by one of the
meet setraseer arta of tort tresses a•J arson
rhes beam era tiegrred n eeestry ! Ad for
what riser! ler de payment of 90 thousand
pomade f,., the *.& i.. 1over.? No ! Fel•
lew•merkame, kt as ere ds0eie. yes. The
payment of the Reteflta. Leases fres nothing to
do with aha dries sewage of Toryism. It is
merely a "pretext 14 yet- wast to know the
real casae 1 the sang. act 1 rebel!io,, look is
the first plan to the elitists 1 Josta Mum
Flaws as the M✓atr.vf Goer:e, remembering
Mat that mat ser dismissed from • leerative
siivatise by the emeriti Government for violet-
nip -.a the dearueo,oe of the DDM 1 your fel-
low cremates, sad la the el:tut besniej 1 mac y,
meq tkuseW preside week .f property, fes
wb.ch yea will baso bo pry year pesperWS-e
therefore, every pee of you a Ise are elioiteue f'
the peace red prosperity of our common reentry,
ie chert, every geed moa should es ,fully ahaeet
bimelf feu such meetings ! Mod your work !
Pri•t d comes alas Address to His Exeelk►-
ey the Goreroor Gecetal, will be ready toe Sig -
astute at ebe Sigm./ Office. And it is hoped
tint on tae present seention then will he so se-
eewity uf,i o/.,.; for Sizemore', as the people
mut be aware that a simlde expression of their
faithful attachment to their Sovere,go and her
Rrryreseontire, is at least expedient. 11 is also
requested abet the friends 1 Osier end (-LaMar
timed Government, will give their willingaaie•
wee trees Magistrates ind efiliiii Olrieere as
are desiross of eheekieg the sp:nit of excitement
and rebellion, by boldly di.couotenaoei•e public
Meetings Martino', and Militia Officers are
tag the kw i• his seal to aapport High Cberch ender heaey reiponaibil.1.,. at preoral, and there"
Toryism. Resseneor tea: he esa use (ell ans. fore have edJitioeai claims epos our coefakac1
Acute meligaity with Jest a aeieest arrest of cad aappon•
telex to gip ,ag te rh_ et milipity. - -
1a the second place, if yon base an oppor. Sarrrrse -8T. Gaorax'a Dat --1e cel..
Lenity, read the Memorial or Feline's lately i'rstion of the ennivennry 1 E.glaad'e Palma
presented to the Legnalature by Dr. Joel 18•30. the me,nbeel ef the ! eetf,:J St. George's
l ra*es.N, of 1'urorto. And in the tb•rd !Society, ameeetine men fey oe si.t'y ii comfier,
place. look at the ultra Torre of your o500's , dnws to on .reel' -.t Dieser in rte senior
bhoad, se matter where, or in what Hotel. JJ'.,n C. W. Daly, Eso., p,,t:ded'wide
locality yew ,side, -look at yoe,r owe To- nisch cord:►: t oa: humor and propriety. sod 51r.
ries, ■sk yourselves what hare they ever
done for society, for the tmproi emeot of the
country. How do they lire? in some few
instances, i admit, they are decent, maw -
table mon,-but in lee great mat .r:ty of ca -
James t1•oo:• meted as Vice Chairman. The
seat totriotie and nitineti tow's were gamin
with • due amount 1 applause : and the heaitb
and properity of Mr. John J. E. Linton, as u
nes, they are 1.10 1!r. }',au. s, eling..g by (absent sad much esteemed (tired, and as the la-
the claw/ ler a• exiatenee derived ire rub• tdefetigsble advocate of S:ra:ford's interests, was
lie offices, for which your iodustry and hard desk with great nthltsiasu. The evening was
tabor most pay, and yet they wouldPeareely
treat you with u much respect or civility epee. is the moot pleasing and harmonious
as they would thew to a do -, Look at�
Wail, h:g i y creditable to the village, and the
these facto,-remcmberlll,at the supremacy meetingesepanted .3 the most friendly terms,
of 1)r. Joni STRAr.AN over the Caned:an with a vote of thanks to Mr. fete- Woods„their
Legislature has perished former, and that Secretary, sad Most Lr hit praiseworthy accom-
the loepetty of Femtly-Contact, thee.. modaion and attentioo.-Coo.
Church Office -bolding, is drawing, rap:.!ly _
to a close, and such rnee a. Mr. Feenes can Lord Elgin oceupiea the delegated rank
never .gaer pr.yecenn the fruits of your in- of first breech of the Legidature. Has he
dnstry. And then you w:ll hive a correct., no rights and no Iiierty ? I. ell centered
idea of the eauae cf the savage ferocity in the poor btir.J E. P. S^or prejedieed
winch has been di.playeJ inelontteal. 'And Montreal Tory T The high n1ce of tbo
above all, remember that this, is the same 1 Govertor Ceneral mast bo exercised with
ferocious mob tbat was recently kirseape,ied • perfect freedom. Or is Le the only sego in
and countenanced, and cheered on by i ;r• the Province who must have Lie conduct
ALLAN Mc\ as and the Ilon'ola, Grego', mark,J out fur time? .FIs d.d not choose
Moire/Le, in burni,,g in FeFry, Mr, LArON- ' to te;ect thq II 1, aaJ Le does not choose to
rare& Ir. ci nclnei't. ay L•. ow -workmen, I desolve.Fighttlnent. The coosestutien con-
do not be misled or alarmed Ly the appre fere on lade the right of judging in these
pension of acether Rebeliien in Canada.- 1 matter,, an! who has a right to ga'naay
veryiea ii too fereee to prod:ien anytbiegbine! For the pewee., rf Canada he exerci-
senun.. The Tories eaieuiate tee your as- I ars these rights, and L•e' is tieing theta in'
instance, in retinae ti,eta ta power, in that I •tees harmony with a great majority of the 1 lend
they may rte.' thm;ie on yeti, aiJ deopree: peoptec'o receescr-attvee. Tu C.0 C'rowo jPairof Fat Sheep
you. Leek c 'term with iie:ari.:y : scorn and (.overnnient of Great Britain he is rex- 2nd
their profeamoni--let Hier feel the;r reen4 ponsii,'e, and he hag their online confidence. Boar'
pntency, ....... , ;.i.: v'1. oo,-a.. y peer coon- , We�i posed a case of a chane, sed that 2c,;
ten.oce an; Pic; part, these wt.`. ,;.e r,f their , the Litoera1e might ret as the Tories now
own helrleesee.. s. The Ar,r:..k' C.loeirf ' do. Put they would do no finch t! ing.
recommrends you to hold meet.ngs acd Pe- • Ruled. for fottr tears against the Censtito-
tit:oe Her Majesty for the removal of the : Nen, or by a pecked majority in Parlia-
Governor General. 1 anent, we suttmitted in peace -neither burro,
Rememberthgt the British Cloniet has nor mobbed. nor rebelled. We trusted to
been the obdsest areas of every kind of ( the light of knowledt a matting it■ way
Government tots sae been to Canada, but among the people, and were not dieappolnt-
that having bees lately beaten by tfle lion. led. if we had, the should still have kept
Roemer Beare ee, is as election cnnteat, t within the line of the Conetitnricn. It is
and halloo still mere retest:y'oeu i err:vel l the empire of legal protec:ion not of force,
of the Si.eri,. Arite►tscmcets, he tole bit. 'which every good sutject should maintain.
F►.ac►s seem,. prepared. teego any length -Globe. -
in gratifying his revenge. Rot listen not to i
the advice tit Torres. no 000 even read M We see that Mer. Gnat has been returned
thc:r paperer: The o'•'-ct of every Tory. without opposition to fill,the vacancy in
and of ooery Tory pa,-ocr is to trammel anJ the rcprceertntioa of the County of SSe,-
oppress the energies of alt who labor with' hrooke, occasioned by the decease of Mr.
tpeir bands -for the purpose of perpetoet- Brooke. In the course of his speeech from
log High Chnrrh villainy, and of pampering the hunting,, Mr. Gait Fool :.-
and pleasing the indoteet and, arm,gent.- 'elf elected to patliament he wished !n, o
i w -'ab you to bear in mind,' that i a4Jrees enpledged to any party mea'nrca. Dig
you.as a:working than wbuse only interest opinions were well known. ile believed
to doing so, is the j ry w loich i would derive be entertained the hemi political sentiment•
G R I C Gr L 1' L' R E . a.. lake f t is aha .etao abacus°. ds° ee.,r
say ether yser; hat ray .blew .ed her*.
el.euog 1 ohm the Committee 1 the 'led re a Cerit6cste (roes the liseiety. s seek
ATYORD AGRICULTURAL SO- oilier beeper reward se teal M Jecided we ex -
Id a the Farmers' leo, Me fetlowlag ceps Bu0., Snllio.e. Seise, .aa Rause, w1ro1
S were awsrd.d, to be show. for a ,see anew sad carr- first pr•xee for Iwo yeses. t'
eiriith sheered Ealsubtties, a Sir*i-
IL That . tlab.ertbee be only entitled to one
y, tee tette dry 1 °etcher, Itt.10• pass fur Demser sad Cheese, oe for Grain 1 the
foe Agricultural parpo.
(mirde-1 11th April to 3 That Snllioes, B.111. Boon, mast Isar.
.tt,•n6nry Lo s 0 served within tb• i .C,ety'. Deities tin season
rel }`,,.1 1 10 1 perviw• to tb.:how, texeeparas 1..asr. "m97 -
Fool for by tetra Pr-mi.m.). or .ahibiturs .(
• 1 0 0 rocs re give u oWies itis that they will sane io
10 0 thei,
Ily U 13 0 1. That Bolts err bar a rl.s or mew in
. • • • • 0 10 0 their nose. with ■ rope or chain attached, to pre -
0 5 O vasa e,'eideaie.
, u 1'! 6 5. Thal rhe prix- for 'leiter. he not awaoled