Huron Signal, 1849-05-04, Page 21
to use the means prescribed for pro:sol-
tes u.
flow thn meetings of the Board o1
!tweeters shall be celled and cunsu:uted.
G0. One thuumed five buadred poueJ• is
bo appropreated alieu•lly for the support of
the Normal School.
e1. Osie th•tsseaod pounds to be paid ay
nually, os certain seeditions, to aid casa4-
dates dor the arm of Cosmos Sebald
Teachers is qualifying themselves at the
Norval School.
e9. The Board of 'Directors of the Nee -
nod Ychooi, end the Trustees or 11[seerere
of all 'Treats far let/poets of Education. to
reedit annually, to the t':orf'Ruper.ntete
deal, a detailed &ccueel of then sewage
meat alb* same.
1,3. Autbnrireu the granting• of twenty
five pounds snowily •et each 1'cuety for the
encouragement ..1 'fathers' to,ututes.
64. Authorises the G •earner, in C.,.raeil•
ro expend annually two Ihou•eed p.mnds for
the estatluhmout &ad support et Bernet
63. Provides for the trier in whit'
moneys authorized by thea Act shall be pay-
66. Anthnrisea Township, Tow•o and
City Carved., for certain rcasonp, 10 es-
tablish separate Schools for the children of
colored people.
117. E;',odes seri Scheele to receive
their Gell share of m•rn••ye (,r School purpo-
ses, a.•cerdmg to the rte., according to
which other Common ,Scheele receive their
63. Require. 'rownehip, Town and City
Superintendents to report respecting such
Schools, and respecting the state of Educa-
tion among col ,red people, and such people
w ere aborigine. n( (;anode. 1'•
69.. Rogmre. Coiility Councils to tender
an account, annoellr, in such;dorm as the
Chief Seperintr•n lent shall prescribe.
70. District Superintendents to continue
in offnce 1111 the first day of March, ISLO,
and then to render account, and deliver all
1 spore and moneys in their bands to the
Township, Town and City Superintendents,
whose right it shall be to receive them.
71. Provides that the Normal School now
in operation at Toronto shell continue to
be the Normal School for Unger Canada,
and the Teaches thereof Ire to bo con-
tinue/1 in office, anal they be .upereeded.
73. The •Board of Education for Upper
Canna are, when this Act comes into force,
to deliver ep their trust to the Chief Super-
73. Enacts That Tssehers shall be arnng.
ed in three classes, according to their at-
tainments andabiiity.
7-1. Enacts that from and after the lint
day of January, 1450, no Teacher shall be
deemed qualified, unless be have a terttu-
eate of _qualified,
as afuresai1,
75. Exploios what certain word. in this
Act shall meas
76. Provides for a School of Art and De-
signs for Upper Canada.
77.' Authorizes the Governor, in Coencil,
to make etre\ prot-ieioo forthwith for the
carrying out. of the provisions of this Act
as may be deemed expedient.
78. Provides fur diepetes arising wider
-the provisions of thio.. Act shall be finally
79. Determines when this Act &ball ease
into operation.
Till: F'i.TiTION OF
We have received (rem the 1,eeislature
the copy of • it Petition lately presented to
the ilouse'bv the Bsshnp of the Episcope-.
than'eoct in thia city, protesting against the
Ministerial Bill for the reformation of the
University: Our eye was arrested by the
lingular caption of .the document-" The
retitle* • of Jortx (,y Diniee.: Prorid.nce.
f!rnon• r Tee•. ' aa1 we nat•tr..:11-
turned to the (! ,rri; Nrtr.:ra,.r•r to ,`-co-
ver the. reason for thug claiming the peeo-
• liar intervention of Divine Providence in
elevating John to the Episcopal tbrone-in
raising Ilio from the bumble chair of a
Wettish Presbyterian 1)omine which be
once occupied, to a seat in nee of the high
places of the. daughter of Babylon the
Great. Wo found however no reason
given for this,. and that the caption of the
Petition as copied therein wag the same al
on a former occasion " The Petition of
John, by Diriae l'rriitissinn." We there-
fore infer that some wicked clerk -had merit
sacnicgtouely, been trying to improve the
holy phraseology of the superscription, or
that some short-sighted compoeItor had
read " Porideace" lor " Perstissio t."
We confess that we have a peculiar pen-
chant for scraps of antiquity especially if
they carry with them the indications of pro-
gress, -or aro calculated to illustrate the
phenomena -of matter or. of mind. Tho
caption of Dr. Straelsao • petition is of this
sort. it savours of the mausoleum and
reminds us of decaying walls covered with
ivy -of 'tottering Fanes-the age when
Monks, "ley Divine Permission," were
cowls and sandals, and Bishops, "Ay Divine
Permission," routed the Saints of the Most
High. believing that they did (led service.
We have no idea that John will assume
the habit of the Monk or Inquisitor -for
this reason, he has been " born tint of due
time." We have passed the are of Monk
tub habits and Inq.neitorial intolerance, but
the,.ymbol of these are seen in the weak
irritional, and most unscriptunl proton -
mimes of the man. "Tho spirit i. willing
but the flesh is weak." We cheek the ex-
pression that we have mister' the age of
intolerance. We have not yet passed it. -
At this very hour in England -in Chris-
tian (7) England a devoted Minister of the
Gospel (Mr. Store) recently a 'seeder
from- the National EstabI .h•nent, is liner
"by Dirtoe" in E'et •r J-nl at the
instance of !leery "by D,vin. 1'. eeireioe"
Lord Bishop of the Douce/se of Ere -ter, .nd
for no other crime than Ihaa of preach!ef
the Gospel of Christ ! Impelled by en
lightened eoovictioe this iod.ridtnl tad ab-
jareJ the corruption, of the Ninooal
Church and loft it, but his Diocesan the
Bishop, under an old canon passed in 1603.
has pursue.) him at law under the plea
"oaet a Priee always a Priest," and has
finally thrust him into pnson where, voles.
the law be repealed, he cap keep him " by
drone permission" to the day of his (loath !
Tins ease w. rel 'ice to say, has lighted a
fire in Entitled which Lathing eon .0u.-
guieh short of • dissolution of Church and
Stain. W. will gine our matins the do.
rails to a Noun ngmiwr. Bit to return to
*shop Strachan's pet:uon._its arrsgasee
and •.eurnption must excite •motione of
pity combined with indigutios is every in
tefligeot gad virtuosi. mind. 1t le bad
enough for a coenmneily to have had their
MgbM ieveded sad their peace destroyed by
• 1lelitN Mist alt eolawful pre-emioeece
■ ed pew* for more than ae age; but it is
oatregeolm Chet the prism mobile of that
A +
fatties abeld *faro teed agate trust Mae 1e mrmme M eseleeWtical
self epee the political ansa as nae astberee rets.) os4 Om charter
. eapeciatly by bermes u be the have leaded to unite all the
Derrepel... e►N e6s.etintal intermits ! I1*1 .-t denemisetions of chimeras to -
We aro q�eI' .preteen that the p.tiNms dal/ ( M (s • petty opposed to the there\ of
Mire bees rejected by Puha/met es hie mid 1 Geos that uphold its es-
grousde; first, that so such peewee set ill- Meet" Mlle& They hire not apposed
ty ,stat. a, •' The Bishop of Toreste{{" ,ed this ammo berme, la eat feel themselves
esseml. *at the n ..mpues of es anther le SAW eptielr d. if M *Skier or ream
laths jurisdiction within Ib.. Colo*, is s mote tracers Vn psm tnemete now.
groinsult to the repeesentatises of the Tie letter
frets the Sesevstsry of your
people. We bare in this City mare tea a Committee states that Doctor Strachan
doses is rlividsai._Pato,, aj chmrchem. bas reported is hie sdl•ts, that wary
ever est whom is in reality u much retitled ebwcbers were bolt, or likely to he built,
to that ,. let,! derigeat on as Doctor is plans where nose had bees tulle, or
sitrerhan, but whose .ens. of property were likely to be built. !lave you any
would seri, pent these ss to Iowa their terformatioe open that sebjeet
-we reputation as to be guil ty of the se- There rano "hatch to A.easter, but ose
-ur'ip'iui. Vette/fly and unammooely in- railed a fire church, built for the use of all
feed they deprecate the extol/wee of in e.- denominations of chn.uans, hut the Minis-"
rah:iahe,l Church in the Province so nee of ter of the church of Eoglasd dues not
the greatest ea!amtttet which could poen- preach, nor a there any reenter service by
Sly Lef,ll as. whether as re.pecta our social the (Episcopal 1 church in it. The Town-
er our yetieroes interests. Dr. Utrecht"), on whlp of Woolwich he mentions as haying a
the contrn•y,►hmgty decries puely church and occasional serwiee-that is a
sentiment upon ibie point, scorns the lace- sew township on the Grand River, and
rated foe lines "f • whole people, mock* there saver was a clergyman in it when 1
their respresentalive• to Parliament, and ap left the country, except a Metbodtat Mu-
peare wilting a'a n t•, flash into fury our . onary-be bed only vatted then once. -
whole pepu'aco in the fatietuui and uo!toly Therein ao (odtan village io the District of
attempt to b ilJ up chat ubaoxiou. insritu- London with a church as stated. Other in -
tem am••ngst us -white at the same time he accoracise I baro Teen mentioned in the
claims to be its Colonial bend "bydiaiae newspapers from different parte of tate Pro-
peretissii.w"-an,l the recipient if not thee due- vmce, but 1 am not sufficiently acquainted
boner of its epnth! We amen it therefore with the localities to point out the mistake.
an impotent duty to retire (1e painful roe It is stated in the same letter, that
mieiscences of past years, during whith Dr. StracLan has cone'der.iefte me -stated
the nonronferwivts of this country bare the case of the Methodist efergymen, re -
been fighting the great tattle of religious presewting them to be almost all natives of
liberty. It will he seen that a mere seen- the Untted States, whereas the far greater
rian faction lel on by Dr. Strachan and ins- portion of them are stated to be British sub-
tained by Imperil power, has managed to Jetts: have you any knowledge upon the
hold to abeyance the religious rights of the eub,4•et ?
people of this Province for more than 93 • 1 know them to be, all but four (three,
years. EI. Ex.) iI it:ah subjects. There are 46
The preceding article may give lame faint Itinerant Minute r+, who form the Confe-
coneeptton o: the desperate iniq'iny which recce, and 31 of the 46 are British subjects
has blackened the trail of the Church -and. by birth and education, 12 of them are
State party in their pursuit of emolument British subject. by natural:z ition, and 3 on -
and power, -and will stow the nature and tv are aliens, and those have lived several
extent of the claims of Dr. Straehen to be years is the country, and can now, under
considered as the divinely constituted over- the new A leo> Act, be natera!z.d.
seer of ahe^eeligi:ute and educational -tate- Are thorn Minister. who constitute the
rest. of Canada Wast. -Examiner. Metbodut Itinerancy of Upper Canada un-
der the orders of the Conference of tlya
United Suter of America, or do they as-
semble annua'ly to Upper Canada!
They assemble annually in Conference in
Upper Canada: they receive no Minister
29th June, 1823. from the Usited State., nor any other
Mr. CEoaos Rrsasoa. galled in mid ex- .Country, without a vote of a majority of
'mined. C .nfcreaeslss4is regular probation for two
Are you acquainted with the rrovinees years. -
of the Cenades ?-I-er. Whet prdpertion- do you eonenfrmlbe
Ir whet capacity have you beeooe ac- 'Member. of tie Chnrmh cf. Eng and belffito
quaintcd with them, ..the whoie population in Upper Canada ?
I lived there about VI years. it le impo a:Me fur me W say.
Of what en'mtry ere you a native'? Di jou think they are one-tenth of the
1 am a patire of Nova Scotia. population ? -
Did you come here as Agent for any peti- . i do cotthink they are...
tion 1 Have you a copy of the Resolution upon
I wait appointed Agent after 1 came sere: t , ..uSject passed Lr the House of Astern -
1 came oo private business. n biy of Upper Casada idel December 1826? -
What petition -ie that which you hare I have. -
been appointed to represent T ( o Ita..leed, That the member of the
A petition reletivo to the Conatitntini of Protestant Episcopal Clench In
theUtiivenity of Upper Canada. and the ( v:nee bean a very small r ropnrtion to the
appropnatioo of the Clergy Reserves. number of other Christian,, notw;thstand-
Dy "that number was lbaegetitioo,.igeedfing the peculiarity aid long and exclusively
By about eight thousand received from the benevolent society in
What were the prayer hod objects of that 1 npland by the members of that church,
Petition? and their prctetfsiou to a monopoly of the
clergy Reraeraee.
"Yeas 30; Nays S. -Majority 27."-
The object of that petition was to cor-
rect some erroneous stateaients in certain
Official Communications from the Rey.
Doctor Strachan, to Ilia Majesty's Govern-
ment -to vindicate the character of several, wham they assert,
had been misrepresented in tbom eommuni.
cations: to procure each an dlteratiod in
the charter of the proposed Ueirersity of
Upper Canada as would rend. r 'the Statile-
toe equally beneficial and accessible to all
denominations ofChrietians, and to solicit
the Government to sell the Clergy Re-
uben and to appropriate the proceeds for
the support of public schools free from re-
ligious tests, and for the purpose of internal
improvement in Upper Canada.
Yon have stated that Doctor Strachan
has made some mi.-statemente ? what
We lis dly know bow to relete th
erecta of last evening. They ate such
mark the -most terrible passion in the actor
and must be molt deplorable in tbe:r effec
on the country.
Immediately after the events we her
recorded above, em extra wag issued fro
the Gazette Offiee, couched to violent Ian
grease, convening a masa onetime. 10
held on the Plane d .Trines, at 8 o'clock
This meeting was attended by -two or thrc
grounds have you upon which to offer op- thousand retsina, and was adressed b
posite statements to those of Dr. Strachan ?-meceral I@s114ua!a. Resolutions, we be
Doctor Strachan 'aye that the majority
of the people belong to the church of Eng-
land, and I know that to be incorrect, and
that the church of England is amongst the
leant numerous of the different denomina-
tions; the congregations are generally
very email, except in the town of York,
where there are a number of government
officers. Dr. Strachan in his Chart omits
several denominations altogether, as the
Baptiste, thn Quakers, and the Menotti-eta;
and he mention+ the Methodists teachers
as bei" - disaffected and alienating the
minds of the people from the Government.
1 know that to be wholly incorrect; for a
large proportion of the Ministers are Old
Loyelmate, and eleven( of them have fought
in defence of the country. A very large
proportion of the Methodists Societies also.
are dewecndanls of Old American Loyaliets.
in the tato war no mon distinguished them-
selves more in defence of the country than
the Methodist Societies generally.
it has been stated that the tendency of e
large part of the popelatioo of Upper Cana-
da would be towards the Established church
if Ministers of the Establiebed cburch and
suitable places of Warship could be pro-
vided : Do you believe that to be the fact ?
No: -they bare greater mean. of provid-
ing places of Worship and of procortig
Ministers than any other desominatinn,-
they recieve • grant of £100 toward build-
ing* very small church, and their Ministers
are paid•iy this country, sod Karl several
pources n( emnlomeot and peculiar pnvi-
Icges Tete/Fed to Ministers of other denomi-
nation,; but they have Dot increased ta the
same proportino ea others have dose.
Ito yon know any I):etriet to which, there
being an Established church and a Minister
tionsprovided. the number of other delusions -
tions of Chnettans yet exceed the number
of the members of the church of Enema
in a large degree ?
Yes: -in the Town of York. where there
are severs! Clergymen oflktatrng Is the
church; ten is no place is Upper Casada
where the "what dccominntiese eta mere
nomerous and increase faster. • •
• • 1 holism it to be dm ease
in almost every else" is Upper Camila
were there is a re.fdeet Minister of l
church Bngtand. . - •
waited a strong feeling been in
Canada y the repesentation of Deter
Stilleben ? ,
Yee, very strong: -1 Aare sever Ammo
any thing prs4wee se Meeh ereitemea(
'Meese* the esr.try. (rout de Alien Rill.
Does it thrats's p produce shit great- penman se one emends • twee to the
ter reeit•ment ? loyalty and patn.ieof geed eatiesee to
Religion bas never bees eoasidero a pet themselves is the best sr file ems.-
party quesliae be(ere, bet it se sow likely I •'be caia ruSwrit t hem teem the
lievc, were passed. Immediately on its
breaking up, there was a cry " to the Per -
[lament House -the Parliarmeet Hoose;;
and the crowd directed steel( towards the
St. Arts's -Market, where the members were
still sitting. No precauttonl had been
taken here ; and an attack immediately com-
menced on the building. The House was
entered : the members fled a ail direct les :
the mace wail seized, carried Into the
streets. and paraded away to front of a
mob. A large number, howsher,.till re-
mrning round the building. it is supposed
that at this time the building must have
been fired in several places ; for to a very
few minutes afterwards-;( was to flames. -
The tire commenced in the upper part. on
ll'Gtll Street, and tread with terrible ra-
ptditr- iliuraMintrt-eras "redo at 1.-'t to
stop the progress of the flames : and we
are told that a Canadian wbo brouglt water
was beaten and driven away. A few or the
servants of the House and some member_
were et this time in the lower part of the
botldug, and a feeble effort was made to
ave .orae of the book, and records ; but
very few wee saved. In half an hour, the
buddies/ was • mese of Same, from one end
to the other. At this time, two or three
engines bed intrad, but it was loo late to
do anything` All ie cooamed-the bu id -
tog, valuable libraries, public records-eve-
rytbug is lost.
The booms opposite the Assembly took
bre towards the eoselm•ies, aid newel
were partially cosmoses!.
This is a ►celWhe bar the
o/ les. .weatfu1
were the remelt of a pis, et the
more impels" oleo seated popotse•, will
perhaps, sewer be knew.. -but thatthey
are the greet Iiesetreee that ever aceernd
for Mei Pisa iseo, we de .rot j.wtote to as-
sert. The Tose omesiee,d i.
the injury and een(uwes Miceli
mot fotl•.w
w h M, iti• eooeeive.
it a to geese test a Pery little
6renuees sad the of se ordinary re-
deem wetly bars pwrsend this terrible
e teetr.phw We are mid that wtr.rel of
the tsembiw were wand of the emigre,
sod had the beeps hese "did est et este
them i, se daM the thing meld leve loess
Apermed. we see: it Om had nwEtb .(
0ll seinst els w� Ott ef stem ., 1t has lw.ieb-
Me ustery and to mem
try ►ns rwsiwd m blew hem whisk N is
mohair. At the Mmset Ire seem' wen
tree N express do the wbseb are op-
place of passion ; a seam of deep metros
well have sucesded to the esasperauoe of
last night ; and white men look upon what
bas beeq dyne, and tisk of it, they will
hang Joe their beads cell sigh for the for-
tunes of thu most unfortunate couutry.-
From the Ileer- Emu-
Some of tbe risgleaien bate been erre'
The Governor General's Riving the Royal
ascent to the Indemnity Bill, la lee pretext
for this ecandsh ur outrage : although the
tones thenaaln:a, by whom this reballise
has been comrneneet, first prepared the
pay meet of those rebelltoa lows . 1
The Tone. in Toronto are rather inclined
to chur:,lc over this affair.
We have no desire to create unnecessary
alarm : but the threats of commencing a
general inbwrccltoa throughout rho Pro-
vince, so frequeotly put fourth by the organs
of Lite Tury party can no longer be regard-
ed wi;h entire indifference. The time) of
such a rebellion no one can doubt. The
Reformers, who form nearly four-fifths of
the population, will array themselves on
the side of law and order. The Military is
well distributed through the Province ; and
more troops are on rhes way from Eugland.
The crisis has come, wbeo • the boasted
loyalty of the Tories is being tested. Let
the friends of peace, of law, and of the con-
stituuoo be et their poste. The authorities
ehou;d prepare for the worst. Violence
may be attempted in other places besides
Montreal. A rimultaneous outbreak in all
parte of the Province has been frequently
and openly threatened by the Tory journals;
and it is impossible tp say bow far the con-
spiracy has extended. Some of the Parlia-
mentary leaders of the Tory Party are
now in the Upper Province. They left
Montreal before actual violence commenced.
}(-hat may betheir arrangements it is impos-
sible to .gay. But however extensive the
conspirary, or general the. organization of
the rebel., the party is too insignificant to
encounter the British troops or get up any
thing like a general rebellion. The whole
troubles, if any further occur, will in all
probability be confined to insolated acts of
outrage on perann and property. Banditti
may commit( arson and assassination, but
it requires a political party, embracing the
bone and sinew of the country, to get op a
formidable insurrection.
We have no doubt that every necessary
preparation w;,l be made at once by the ex-
ec -utile tocheek effectually -any further oel-
rag) that may be attempted in any part of
the country.
It is romoared that the Toronto Tories
aro to have an indignation meeting to eight.
if this c:eeting takes place, the City Au
thont: eta Phould matte preparations to pre-
vent nit outbreak. We hear that it is in-
t.-nded to barn the Governor General in
slyer. The Mayor is advised of this fact.
Ilia Excellency, the Governor General
'•s exhitlttod a manly firmness, and a mag-
nanimous contempt of the voice of faction.
Ils.course is strictly con=_'ttotional, and
his conduct, upright and honorable, will
endear him to the hearts of the people and
posterity will hold his name in grateful re-
membrance. -
pr01111 dill f ariictment.
Morrr.Eat, April .27,18-19.
The House of Assembly met yesterday
itt the Hall of the Bonsecours Market.-
There was a full muster of members at pre-
sent in town. -
hit. Balwin moved the appointdtent of e
Commitico to aeetr:in what bueinces pend-
ing in the House had been deetroyci by the
lain fire, and to consider , wink course it
might be proper to take with respect to
such bilis.
Mr. Tiger seconded the motion. A
stormy debate ensued, and the motion was
eventually carried. The principal speakers
were Sir Allan h!cNab, Messrs. Merritt,
Hincks, Papinean, Wilson, Sherwood,
(Toronto,) Blake, Baldwin and Gugy.
Sir A. hfcNab then gave notico of a mo-
tion to make the -loss euetained by the tire,
the first charge on the sum voted to be paid
out of the rebellion losses.
The House then adjourned till to -dry et
10 P. M. when they assembled, and imme-
diately adjourned.
In the Legislative Council yesterday,
nothing more was done than to appoint a
Committee of five members, to enquire into
the various stages of the Bills, destroyed
by the late fire.
There was a good deal of excitement in
town yesterday. At 8 P. M-, a mob was
raised. On passing the French egn•re they
made an attack on the Pilot office, and
broke the windows; they then proceeded to
Beaver Hall Terrace, where they battered
in the windows of Messrs. Mocks, Wilson,
and Ilolmes. Mr. Iafontane's house was
the next visited, when they fired the stable,
and destroyed some valuable furniture in the
On the arrival of the troops, the mob
dispersed. It is rumoured that some further
onsets were made.thie morning.
There wag a pnblic meeting held in the
Champ de Mars this afternoon.
We have besides a private despatch, inti -
misting that .Messrs. Ferrer, Mack, Per-
ry, Reward and .Nnalgernery Aare been
eestsritted for trial as being participators
in the riot. More troops had been assembl-
ed, and the meeting of the Loyal in conse-
quence pasted off quietly. Gentlemen wore
beginning to be cool, and some of them will
have plenty time to toilelg* in regret for
the par.-Olole.
Damm Paaseyrmuei • Cnvaen.-Tbe
Rev. Mr. Dug f Dalry, Ayrshire, and Rev.
Mr.Logi•, ate! called to the congregation
sif Greoock, ha been appointed by lbs
Mignon Board of the United Presbyterian
Church of Scotland, to the ad of the Church
is Cassels. They are expected by the mud
of May.There also • prospect that the
Rae. is. King, of Greyfrere, Gasgow, who
ie now is Jamaica, May whit Cawda before
hie return to Scotland ; and should he do
sq ga • Cloirgyman .f the fiat censuses,
be will meet with many enthusiastic edmi-
l�s� IW emaa
osi the respect else denote -
of of Prea�terial's-indeed of all dm.
nemisatiose * bnmtuom.-GIo4e.
!hair Tnar.-it is • good plan to marry
en o(a family where are a number of daugh-
ters. ie •u.h a cam the ladies are tomb
hog likely to be spooled, sad eoomegoently
owes likely to make geed Mem, (ban elms
there is only ole or two.
Geomeres, Flamm, May 4, 1849.
Tse Sallowest Address was perweeted to jlis
Ea..Ile..y the Gowen.' Gewsasl, as tlaterday
limy it wee carried is Heater .1 Assembly by a
nines ivy et 49 to 17:-
31ar it Kamm Yoe" Lemmata :
We, her llsessty'ed,tifel .ad loyal wyjeets,
the Commas et Cause ie Pediment mom*
bled, have w'tassod with fereage ef jeep seems
and udigaation, the proceedt.g d m moi ofrlot-
eas and disorderly iuhabitaau of this city, who,
is a time d peek/Gad peace and tranquility, have
wmmiased eaves! restos ..4drgreeefel egos. psmu1.11ofgees
whisoun 'awe(
u.eua ah.a miarbet
Build's+ accepted by t8. two Houma et Puha-
mese At soca m moment d excitement, we
feel it to be dee to oursel►es 'Lederer coestltueo is
1• assort year Excellency at the devoted Int•l-
i .nd attacbme.t a( the people of Canada to the
sad Oeverament.toar belo,.d 8eiereige,
sod of their euses%duds to prrserve the can-
ueiloo with the Parent State.
We farther beg {wive to express to Your Ea-
celle.ey ear deep sense a( tb• Motet sod impar -
Motley which hie oai(ormly chareeterisrd the
Casutediool Goaeromeat of Yee £ac•tlescy,
while.oist•d by oous.el of your fiver as well
se ye,, pretest Advirn, withal reference to
the policy of either.
While we ai.eetely bop, that the tra.gnility
of the City is sow esb.ustia!ly motored, we fell
it oar they to assure Yoe: Excelle.ey of oar
cordial support of any meagre shish year Es-
celleaey may bad it necessary to take ter the
peeservatioo of the public peace, and we pledge
eureelves to make good any expense chat Your
Exeelkwey may have found ,t oe:emery, or may
yet had- it necessary, to incur (Jr the accomplish -
of that object.
Geereamo :-I received, with gratitude, your
i loyal..ddeuful address. l lament the outrages of
which this city bathe -ea the duet rederiag the few
' pat data, and mon especial) the destruction of
• the beikbag occupied by the Hoose of Perlis -
meet. with the valuable libi.nera, of which the
Province has so good rearms to be proud. My
ea6deec• in the gond geese, moderation sad
loyalty of the body of the people is, however, in
no degree shaken by what has "centred. -
It is satirfaetory to receive the ea.arane, that
the coarse of ju.tice and impartiality which 1
have followid in the discharge of the fuoetioe, of
my high office, meets your approval. That
course was prescribed ro me by my duty to my
eovereip sad the isbabivato of the Provtnce.-
A free people can- hardly fail to discover is the
faithful observance of all eoastitatienal guaran-
tee,, the best security Wright' sad liberties.
No efforts will be wanting •o my port to se-
cure the preservation of the peace .f the cite
and I •incereiy trust that by the axe:cies.4' ole
legiala:,ve rad executive withinhies: and the co-
cperatiom of all ewe feeods of order, this object
may be accomplished.
To the eternal and damcable disgrace
of Great Britain.
RESRLLiot to TIIR o► TOE LtxD.
Anglo-Saxons ! you reust Jive far the fu-
ture. Your blood and nee will now be
supreme, if true to yourselves. Yon will
be English "at the expense of not being
British." To whom and what is your ello-
giance.00w ? ,Answer each man fur himself.
The puppet in the pageant must be rte=
called, or driven away by the universal con-
tempt of the peep's).
In the langitagge of William the Fonrth,
. AWAY."
FRIDAY, -MAY 4; 1849.
We are glad that Ca•ediao Loyalty has thrown
off the mask, and assented its own form and like-
ness, for however mach we may deprecate or re-
gret it, horrid atrocities, we refer niceties the
assassin with the dagger, or the ineeodiary with
the tench, openly and boldly io hand, to meeting
him with it concealed ander his cloak or in a
dark latera. The diabolical tory outrage corn -
mitted at Montreal on her b(sjesty's Representa-
1tye, and on the repreeeotatives and property of
the people of Canada. by the machinations of
dark seetet treuooable societies, stands without
a par.Uell is the records of nations. The only
cease to which we can rcesosably attribute the
extnordiaary character of this ootrege Is the
fact, that the revolt, and rebellious of the world
have bees tweed by the de•polic policy o'Tory-
ism-the people rebelled airtime the tyrant ; bat
is the present instance the eiresnmeaseea were
enurely reversed -the people had the power and
ds tyrant releikd .gsrnse r4 people! The peo-
ple even win exasperated and aeoutblsd ie a
furious mob against their oppressors, stem to
have at least some fen of God before their eyes.
Bat e, law of heaven or earth can ieflaence
Toryism, when making a last desperate effort to
stale life. it'has been baro ie m. ad cradled
iaiarquity, •ed therefore. it recklessly sets .11
laws of equity at 4/ feet, its very sa-
tire is is diver eppowta.0 to the principles of
ri gh teoasnem
Bat ewes,, appetiser the eschar of the
Montreal Tin bee bees (sed it hoe certainly
ben far naw molding thea cold hese bees
aticipated is a British Celery is 1849,) yet it
was Inti aisrgetber aaexpeeted. The bellyisg,
braggadseta, sad tsar esble table (std by the
feri..e Ferns of the Matsral Gamete, atad mate
other rareals of the same kidney et/mkt eat he
allowed to sed retiree i. Mote. We astarai-
ly expected that 1 greed kt.ds i. the Asp, of
at Into • rem world tgkil pleas. bet we eertaia-
le did .et expect that High Tresses to or
Sovereip, •a4 es m erosive peeties ie wilf.l
fire -raising were to be to ,.enter pert te City -
lore great .Ansa el the Mermen meeti.p!-
Seeh however Imams the ease. The traseese-
br Fierce of Mr. Weir Fermi. obieh hr
bees salt es by • friend leg red eat Au bles&
Med ad arms, mud it lie bees trip s. ed sr -
The dark meet •seiseaee shat ..s. lhadd Sa-
do, the (lowermost of obi r.t'1f Ihkellekohs
tiome keine to aerie watebined, IgMie
diaely comemes•ed she week of Ate sad blood fur
which 'they were etielasted.
It weer he se act of eaeodssabI, iireaioe s
impale ibis treeopaaMe setrsge se the Mete, or
eves toe twesteeth pones:of the British ppais-
tioe. 11 r• remember correctly, 1lte sam'a
Holmes, Fre.. ape pried et the trod of the
Pea la last siestas by a erriaril sowflytn ew /fishes besfred ewes There were
11110tJi:Wwa of the sity-.set the deeaskes asses-
eirtaf.lhr little Nem* tretkelliodoi, sot the
bar -roam biackgrarJs, •or the a wardly clone
when iecendwie•-they were the hoiden. of
the stash ase wasp eastadi , err lie stesal ! 1 s
it .opposed that these seen hem ail toned rebels
and iseemdiarioa t Pte ! Shedd . new eleetios
take place is Mammal to seance. Brajaasia
Ilolmer, Esq., icicle 8. 01Ad,heed of
the pall by a meet larger majority than before.
We wield be era eves se 'truss. die
Toric of Montreal as a party is this enrage sto-
cky that has bees perpetrated on the peace sad
property of the country. We are satisfied that
there ate may respectable sad mashie ince be-
baging to thsad .. send esaal, Mt-
•ver rosy he lat party; w
r •pini,,. is peSti•., tea lent,
whips, other Beliefs dna thole ofcetemptind
regret apes wish role*" eel:ages. The troth
is, this rebellious outbreak was hushed and oma-
cocted by a fess desperate ischii lads like James
Mote Ferree• actuated by feellags of deep perm -
nal malignity and di appointment- The secret
political niceties d " L. P. 8.." - "Steel
Cape," die., that were crested a few yews ago
for moth purposes, were the iutaDents through
which the work eldeatree:ien was accomplish-
ed. It will be seen by a article (teen the Tran-
script, that the Editor of that paper very broadly
insinuates that the " Earl" published by Mr.
Ferree was either the cense of, or the signal for
thejetruciio. •f the Parliament buildings ; and
d the correctness of this issiswtios we lave
sot the slightest doubt. The Transcript ex-
presses a feeling of uncertainty as to whether
the affair has been the result of a previously con-
certed pica, or of as immediate outbreak of po-
pular indignation. We think there is very little
room lor uncertainty oo this point. Human na-
ture always sets is bermony with some one or
more of its own principles_ Iemay act aimulta-
prose', is a crowd whet say a is priseipins
are exciti.gly appealed to, or daringly outraged
on die spot. Bet admitting that the Payment
of the Rebellion Losses is a• eat of grow ialos-
tice ;. we gaestioe if the mere payment of windy
doe esd p esls, with a period of twenty years
to pay it, is seta an appailise evil as to prodoeo
• •imultaseaa feeling of reckless" violence o0
the Mods of hundreds at the same meuteot, sad
lead them to destroy property that would coat
them mentediott payment of perhaps twice ninety
theemnd pooeds, la short we do am believe
that mankind, bad as they are. are capable of any
such conduct previous organization and
arras. iseat-especially when we consider that
the garstieo s4 the Rebellte Loans hid been
the abyret of so nisch di/cession sad difference
of opinion for the last three womha Besides,
we have witnessed with sorrow .the attempt, be-
teg woriily mode to earuperaie the public mad
bj impoeitisu of darog fs!aehoo,l abet French
xsceedaaey, and Fresch dominanioe, when the
tact is open to every (:tut that can read and un-
derstand, that elthoagb the French avid British
portions of the population of Canada .re jest
about egotist preens -the Ministry is composed
of six British and four French members, or arse
to two is favor tithe British ; and the Douse of
Assembly is composed o(, we think, fifty
British and twenty-eight French members -(apo
to me! These are the facts -and when is the
face of three facts, we see the iaflamatory (the -
hoods which have lately been published by cer-
tain,oernal., we cense to the continuos that
aeb parties are esssltied for the penetration of
every thing that is wicked, esea said fire -flee-
ing. 11,4 it would appear that even the destruc-
tion oiler property -the violauoet of the Twee*
and a daring act of rebellion against oar Sove-
reign, the Queen, are sot se/Scent to emery the
insolence and malignity of them desperadoes. -
They demand the recall of the Governor General
and a dissolution of Parliament ! Was then ever
seer an indictees moult ofLfrred to u inlayed
people t The worst Mi•isery sad the present
Parliament were cheers, ••d are at this moment
supported by at lent terse-forthe of the whey
popc!atios of vaned Curds, and how tare e
parcel of rated., sacswdwi.s, bou•ded on by a
few hungry office -heaters unit that population
by demanding s new electie., which, eves if
emoted, would result in the retors.( chi ammo
' men by mach Luger majorities?
-� --
Fawns, Wowrnre,-().e of the most daring
• trociuee that hilae ever bees ore.tded is bi•sory,
has been perpetrated in Moored ea Wedaesdsy
evening 15th alt. ! The Parliawsmt Hesse bee
been violently attacked by a mob. andd.pealy ort
on fee while the Legislature -per Repm••er-
tives, were busily engaged is lrgioating foe
your interests. They narrowly escaped with
their lines, while the beedisp were ee.semed,
and with the buildup hem perished .1 ole
Reweed! of this i'rovl,ee, sad the extewiee toad
coaly Libraries abet' Halms d lirlinseat
And i regret to believe that theereefty b.o been
committed by • few .f tie idsss,i,., etas $
vibe"' we bdeng. 1 fess it hoe time perp. $J
by a baadfei of deluded wwkiagre, we beep
been mads the victims .f .n..ari.g, i.vetratl,
isiiewi rase Toryism ! I de net, es the preset t
oeesedo., ddrvr yes u the FAME ea political
Journal. nor as IA* portions or supporter of any
particular Adm.eietratioe. I address you u a
workingman. O•e who boa, ekrowth life, ben
perhaps the feeble, bet the feerlen adv.mate of
the rights •ed dignity .d l.8., 1 have the
boeor of beteg p toena6, to themes*
of yes, lied to may e( yea blare i one. to
Canada, sad i trent that my re.siaont seiwesee
in,.poedn d jot, beet, or gale, (0 the Me-
rtes* of my werkieg beehive, will he a mea-
tiest veer Ow my eteeny I. ddreedrg yen
OW the present .cembe.
Yes mho be awtry ibis ?onion hoe bees the
mere elle civilised wadi, the 1. Moseal msas-
i•g or it is to melt ami p nopvr • kw {obvid,dn
is luxuriant Madames, • M she exposes t lbs
meat tai Soil .sed d mantes .( th. Al mess
of WWII S etm,khi Yes mem he aware
tin IV alma sad al dsome lad ig,orsec•