HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-05-04, Page 1• • TEN SHILLING.) 'r •avasos. "THE GREATEST FWs1BLE GOOD TO TIM GREATEST POSSIBLE NU11ILR." VOLUME II. UODRRICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1849. Cubs. P. A. McDOUGALL, A� M, the all hours, at t aris%1 Hud, (L+ascaarsa'61 Oedorieb, Sept. 18th, 1648. 33- E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, "APER HANGER, 4s• 4.. O ` DER 1 C H. ALEZANEIL WILKINSON, Provincial Land Sioveyor, OFFICE AT OODEEICH, HURON DISTRICT - Ne.. ft, B. 43 J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, WvPLL attend BALES in any put of the' v District, es re•gosabls Terms. Ap- ply a the British Hotel. Goderith, March 9th 1840. I. LEWIS, LAW.. CHAWCE11Y, AND CONVEYANCING. Jou. 1848. OODY.RICH. JOHN J. E. LINTON, rosLIC, Commissioner a Queeft'd Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. • STRATFORD. $toktg, ..ClEMJST sod DRUGGIST, WEST -STREET, GODERICH. March 8, 11140. MR FRASER, C ®iV lit 9. b 1'. PAT'RICL-ST. OODZILICH. G.dericb, Mooch 18, 809. !e-el$tf ALEXANDER . MITCHELL, AUCTIONEER, BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH EADTHOPE. March, 39, 1840. •2-418 A. NAYSMITII, FASHIONAB�� LiEwTAILOR: ADDER ICH. G,dericb, April 12, 1619. 2v -n tOtf J. R. PHILIP, SURGEON 9 April 13, 1349, ST R.ATFORD. V1-310 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA -WEST. /THE CANADA COMPANY awn for 1 disposal, shoot 1,600,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout moat of the Townships in Upper Canada --.early 600.- 000 Acres are situated in the Herpes Tract, well knows u one of the moot fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion in five years, and now contains up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere *Eared by way of LEASE, for Toe Years, or for Seas, CASH DO1IN-1Ae pramr/ oss.fth. ask, sad the balance in Instal- ments Bang dose away with. The Rete payable let February each year, are about the Interest at Six Per Ceet.upos ire price of the Led. Upon moat of the Lotsi, when LEASED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the otaae, aeeordis*to locality, one, two, or three yeah Rey must be paid in advance, --8.t tbsott+•pmmeeaa will free the Settler from teethe, cells eetdl Ind, 3rd ec 4th yea of his term et Leone. T1s right to PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD donee the term. i. secured to the Leasee at a Axed goes sensed in muse, and an Witnesses is seeds according to antiei• gated Myst. Late of Leeds, sad way further reforms - ties ass he ebteiead, (byapp8estiote, if by letter past -paid)) at the Column's Orris, Tweed .d G.4; of R. Resssa•a. bt}, jgksd"f, Celbsr.. District ; Dr. Asawa. Gies}h. w J. C. W. Dora. lens Ytrwfbtlferee Diarist. • aMwMD. nese► 17, INs. 7 MARBLE FACTORY,' SOUTH iiATER ST. GALT. T•B. M.CO'LL.00R..selves le um- t4g5.tiere HEADeTON i wi011p , - IVIIE IIELi8[s, T� TOPS Sm. tr Y".WOend Fewas& se amp se say in elks Wales, .R wad witeres a order. ee sWehsede will b. made.• Pl1ie•s mf !lwhit 1lfaNs%w Rem ie te N daises; et Frs l 29 Rea l le N dellen ; fee- sate M. O.m ft Written it1RA spS1 3 Writte..smmsnte lhms shrewd w the 1a� d legalptiornea s•�twsd w�hetPWMIfk r86b.11 remosek will b. p.sstsully Dr R •B.LLOCH. Sall, Nat. *lb, iD.. 43 NOTICE. THE Subscriber wish', to inform his Cuttow:a, and the inhabitants of 8tr.aferd sad .kitty, tbdt be intends car- rying ea b et...e our "A READY PAY SYSTEM." Aod that after the brat day of January, 1349 he will give so credit. He will pay the highest price for produce ofall kinds, Black Salts free. He beg, to return his sincere thank* to kis Customers for their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to redone a Share. THOMAS M. DALY'. Stratford Nov. 29th 1848. 441f FARM FOR SALE. T° BE SOLD bs private bsrgaia, Lo.'No. T23, es the 548 Cea°.ssiw .f Godwin', eoswanag 80 acne. 20 of which is cleared sad seder eslnvatfo.; tea teres am aewly snder- bablied sed reedy for eboppi.g. The land is .f szeelisst quality .ad well watered. Tore is o g ood seb.tastial log Dwells' Hour ea it, sad au acre of upero► [nit trees in beans' condi.- ties. Aad es the proprietor is desires..f now- ise into other betimes, lie will dispose of at se moderate t.rnr. Os.balf of t!. price will be REQUIRED DOWN, and,„the other half is three egs.l 1 teatimes*. LT For Nether partieslars, ■pplyst this Once, .e to the Propnetor on the presume. GEORGE ELLIOTT, lacier. Oederi.8. 13th Odt., 1848. 37if NOTICE I8 hoteby given, that all parties iadabegtl to the .HURON DISTRICT AORL-. CULTURAL SOCIETY, by Note or etb- awiee, that unless the same is paid by the First day of May next, proceedings will h instituted waft them. B Order, R. G. CUNNINGHAME, 8ee'y• Godericb, 91.1 Feb. 1849. 'PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. 81R. AND MRS. MOODIE, Eorrou THE Editors of the Vtcroai. M..utsa will deters all their talents, to prodsce a earful wtertaisug, amid cheap Periedwl, lot the Cass yes People : which may milord amurmeat to bosh .Id and young. Sketches and Tales, u verse sad prove, Moral Essay, Statistics of the Ce1•e1. Scraps of Ueefsl boron:natio., Reviews e t a.w Works, and well selected article. from Me meat popular arbors ail* day, will form the page. of- he Magazine. i1e DMus feel confident that the iadepeade*t w ad nay: Ussery to whew envies they are =its dedicate tt.., tallest., will cheerfully I.nd ice rapport to encourage their &Modus sad b000srabie ■adertskisg. The low price at which the Periodical is plated, is in order that every person within the Colosy who can read, lied if &axises for moral sad mental unproyentest Ilia become • esbeen ber and pa t res st the work. The ♦edema Mas.rtpa will masa nasty- Iasi reatyf°si pages is with sorrier pointed ea aew type, and open good paper : and wi:l form at the end of the year a nest Veh.mnt, of 2Pei knave, to- gether with 'Ville Peer and Index. 1t will be ironed M.amly, comment sg on the Finite( September, from the office of JOSEPH ._ Peb- ILEON, Front -street, lusher and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the Magazine, and letter to the Editors, most be addressed. (post-paid.) The terms of sub- e oription-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM- t■rariebfe to as psi in sennet. Godench, March 3, 1843. 5 poetry. - LIFE STEALS AWAY. If Life ,reale away, se the ripples glide Oa the bearing breast of tbe silent tide. blastula away, As the criss.o. ray That faintly arena es depsis:sg ay - Its p►nwm sad tin Its tears wed sighs, ' ice glittering wealth, sod ruthless power, A11 pees u swift u the radieot her. Life steals away, as the shades that fall Direly, epos the me -strewn wall. Others is the smile that yesterday Plas'd es tb. lips ao blithe sod gay! '770 there -'tis there but thee/lips are clay ! Where is the tear that left the streak Of sorrow upon the maiden's cheek Death kia..d it away, and her grief is o'er. And the heart that was broken shall weep se mom Life .teals away, as the pare, pyre snow That melte oo the cbsd-eapp'd mous Laths beew. While the bright sun Still shines apo& liebewasifel track -'tis tar.' 'tis,go&e'. IF Red the bosom of yeetb, Anil the its of track, data ie eye stleht. and the dream so bright, Ase plaaged s/ a.gti•to dark, dark night! Lib steals awsp-ed w bed it net Aad the tie dieti tiati ns is mos forget, *ad the M.wh form, And thimrt so warm. U&e&nd for-nefhsss for the slimy worm. And t►tSeatun m Dap est his span In the bosom of mirth, with her choral song, Or the beano( crime, snd bar waiving thr.sg ! Life steals away -let the boor glass tell How sou Death breaketb the mystic spell. The poor man aigh'd For the rich one's pride ; Both -both, is the crave sleep aide by side, Leashing reeds sad homy age, The idler lkeleed Iwnd sage, The traitor knave sad the beilewed brawn, All -all pis hands in the assay gens.. EMIGRATION OF POOR PERSONS, The following orders bate recently been issued Sy the Poor Law Coe,missionen, is referrcnee to leu tlnponaet 0003001. The fo(lowine are the conditions which are ;n•'rted by the Poor Law Board io the.r t crd^n eanct:on;ng the emierat;on of poor peraone: 1. The party emigrating shall go to some British colony not lying within the tropics. 2. The guardians may expend a sum not exceeding SJ. a mile to conveying each emigrant above seven years of age to the port of embarkation, and a sum not exceed- ing 14. a mile in conveying each child under seven ears of age. 3. be guardians may give to each emi- grant the place of whose destination shall be eastward of the Cape of Good Hopei clothing to the value of £1, and may also i expend s sum net exceeding 10e. for each emigrant in the purchase of bedding and utensils for the voyage. 4. The guardians may give to each emi- grant pproceoeding oto the Cape of Good Hope clothing to the value of £5, and to each emigrant to places eastward of the Cape of Good Hope clothing to the value of £2 10e : and in 'Ober ease may expend s sum Pot exesweing LI for each person above 14, snd 10.. for eery child above 1 sod ander 14 years of age, and in case of fru emigration £1 fora single man above 18 years of age, in the purchase of bedding and utensils for the voyage. 5. if the emigrant be not eo•veyed by or under the authority of Her Majesty's Governmest to the place of destination, or provision be not otherwise made in a man - P er satisfactory to the said Commissioners for the maintainanco of sub emigrant on arrived at such place, • cosine', to be ap- proved by the Commusioner.,shall be enter- ed into for securing a sum of money to be supplied to the emmigrant on such arrival, according te the following 'eels :- To each person *receding 14 years of age £ 4 - To .To each penal sot eseeedieg 14 years of age 10s. 8. 1f the emigrant be not convoyed ity or under the authority of 11er Majesty's Gov - cutout to the place of de.tisation, and the coot, or any part thereof, of conveying the emigrant from the port of emb.rcatton to each place shall be defrayed from tbe feed above directed to be provided, a «Detract shall be metered rate for conveying the em - 'greet to such place, to be approved by he said Commioai...vs. - Emigrant. issonsesmssoersornms T.. Philadelphia Ledger says that only Week -►sods revolt from peetiee•t govern - meat. Josephine, aye er excellent eon aspes.ry. "exerted a pewerfsl fefl.see. over Naps4.-i. Aed she ward bate deem it ever Ales..dass sad C..0 end Alfred, and Otwaed ll, end Henry iV of Tree., tial Crimson. Stat nil her talents. M sepita- tie& bar bar eepengla Wave- le.s, M lei Wales ad mad. perfectibility, *este base bus trews 'way epee seam" TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, Warsato°, • 28th February, 1849. THE Subscriber hereby intimates to his (needs and the Travelling Public gene- rally, that be has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Stn.burgh, and will now be found is that well-known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Jona.,-where be will be ready and able to committee to the comfort of those who may honor bins with their patronage. And while ke returns thanks for past favor., be hopes, by strict attesties to the wants and wishes of bis customers, still to merit a continuous of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. v2-.411 TO MERCHANTS. WA*I D. 10009BU88E1 good er sea Ti- , smithy Seed, for which the S.b.eribrs will pay a higher price in Cash, than &ay other b.yen is the market. • BUCHANAN k GOLDTE. Commission Merchants. Victoria Block,King 8t. t 8144 Ramat/is 29th Doo. 1848. VALUABLE LOT OF LAND TOR BALE. LOT 8, Lake Shen, towsehip .1 Ash - Geld, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- TWO ACRES, Within two miles of the thriving Village of Peet Albert, fa which then is a Grist Mill, • Saw Mill, sad an at Mill. The Lot is beedrdos tie wort by the Lake, and os the east ti a set road, -a.4 it well watered. QT her psrtwulare. apply -if by letter poet t - 'to DAVID CLARY. Zen. Carona arr, 14th D.c. 1846. Ott THE FORTHCOMING - r BY 1.8. MA*LTON, ESQ..d 4.- setgj. Ivy Saoa, to the Right Me..nM. Celesta Sroe., is iateded to be peilllsbbscription. The gebeerip- ties lie Ase Ilseby ~ at Lasea.bis'e for gloa- ter& Pardee et o &st..am wishing te s.►- tprib• soil pkrw *.omits the twee le R. t•. Marti" an. Oslo** b Wise pub (ieduisb. Apr*l 8th 1849. vt-4i9U #TWELVE AND 8134 PENCE ATTtr. ase e" TIM Min. NUMBER XIII. l• a time of mltsb .,digins excitement, and coeseleewt discussion, an honest old Dutch termer of the Mohawk was asked his opinion as to which denomination of chess tone were in the right way to heaves. "Well, den," ..id he, "ren we rade our wheat to Atbwsy, some say die is the pest road, and some say dot u de pest ; but it don't mak• mach difference which road we take ; for when we get dare, day irk us which way we come -and it is none of their business, it roes W•KAT 18 0000 !' A maiden lady of forty, in reply to an trowel question, why she diel not enter into the holy state of matrimony, said : 'Why, by waiting I may get one of the best hus- bands ; and if I get w bad one, I shall have reason to rejoice that 1 have not Iolg to Gro with him." HARD Woai.-Then is men real hard work in idleness than in any actual occupa- tion we know ef. Idleness is hard because it is unattended with a single positive pla- w re ; wbile then is some degree of enjoy- ment in motion itself. HAPPY Hotas.-A young man meets a pretty face in the ball -room, falls to love with it, courts it, 'marries 11,' goes to house- keemg with it, and bouts of having a home to go to sad a wife. The chances an nine to ten he bas neither. Iler pretty face gets to be an old story -or becomes faded, or fielded, or fretted -and as that face was all be wanted, all he 'paid attention to,' all he least, equal to the sum from the public moneys; ouch cam must be pied to the Teacher; relief excludes any School Su- tton from further participation in the Legis- lative Grant. 7- The County Councils to spporion the public moneys for their Counties ac- cording to the ratio of population in each Township, Town or City, as compared with the whole population of their Counties. 8. County Councils to gin notice of the apportionment to the Townebip Clerks and Township Superintendent". 9. The Notice to the Township Superin- tendents to be their warrants to receive the moneys apporttoDed to their Town- ships. 10. Township, Town or City Superin- tendents to be appointed by the Township. Town or City Councils; Bonds required fur the faithful performance of their duties. 11: The same person may be appointed to be the Superintendent of several Town- ships: Proviso. He must enter into a Bond, in such case, to the Council of each Township. 12. The duty of Township, Town and City Superintendents: -.To visit and pub- licly examine even Common School in their Townships, Towns or Cities; to de- liver public lectures; to give notice of their tatbntion to visit and examine Schools; to prevent the use of unauthorised books; to give advice to Teachers sad Treanor; to see that Teachers •ed Trustees do their duty; to sue for and correct penalties and forfeitures in certain eases; to apply for and receive the apportionments of moneys to sat up with, all 8. bargatoe0 for, all Ito their Towoobipe, Towne or Cities, and pay skate to 'love honour, and protect' -he gets them, on certain conditions, to the School sift t of his trade ; know& a dozen faces Sections; to cell for and receive all moneys which he likes better ; consoles himself collected for School purposes io their re - with cigar., oyster, wbu.key pone,. poli- "pectin, Townships, Towns or Cities; to Pee, rod looks upon hu bowie u a very retain in their bands, "object to the order a the Cubed" of their Townships, Towns or Cities, all stoney' that have not been called for, or that they have not been able to apply according to law: to see, generally, that the provisions of the Sebool Law are complied with; and to report annually to the Township, Town or City Councils, and alae to the County Councils. indifferent boarding-house. _A family of children grow up about bon ; but neither he ter his face knows anything about training }hem ; eo they come up helter-ekelter- made toys of when babies, dolls when boys and girls, drudges when young men and *omen ; and so passel year after year, nod n ot one happy, homely, party hour is known throughout the whole household. Another 13. in ease any Township, Towo or young man becomes enamoured of wort- Ctty Supenrtendent do not so report an - see; He waits upon it to parties, dances anally, the moneys for bta Township. Town the polka with it, exchanges billet doss or Ctty, are to bo withheld, till a sufficient with it pops the question to 11, gets yes report be funnelled; and the Superintendent from it, te published to at, takes it to the is, in the discretion of the Township, parson's, weds it, calls it 'wife,' carries it Town or City Council, to forfeit £10. home, seta up an esta,li.hment with it, 14. Superintendents are to keep •n •e- iatroduc.s it to hue fneods, and ads (Pour sount of their traneactio■e, and deliver it to fellow,) that be, too, is married ; he hasthe Clerk of Township, Town or City got a borne. It's a lie. He is sot mar- I Councils to be laid before such Cooped', and they or their personal representatives or sureties are, in case of removal, resigna- tion or death, to account to the persona ap pointed to succeed them, under • penalty of £25. sited ; he has no home. Aod he soon finds it out. Ho is in the wrong box : but it is too late to get out of it. He might as well hope to escape from his coffin. Friends congratulate him, and he Ind to grin and bear it. They praise the hones, the Omni- • 1'3. Clerks of Townahin, Town or City tcrc the crad:c, thn new IBible, the newer C,iunci:s. are to report to the t'nunty Conn property of every Seeenp c,1'iy, snd Then hid the 'fortune' and him r le every npp,-in-me'.t cif a Township, tsict Councils, fooSchool who 'husbands' it good morning. Good Town or City Seperintehdent, for their after to bo acgnired_ for morning ! As if he had s good morning reepectiveTownebips, Towne or Cities; and to be vested in Townsbi since he and that gilded 'fortunewere fads- to report, also, ever' vacancy i0 the office Councils. ly declared to be one. Take another case. of such Superintendents. 43. Two or more 8ehoe A young woman. is smitten with a pair of . 16. Township, Town. and City Councils joining-Towashipe may 8. whisker'. Curia hair never before Ind to appoint the salaries of such Supennten- purposes of this Act. such charms. .1*he'sets her cap for them.- dente. 44. The inhabitants of They take:..:The'deli'hted,wbtekers make 17. School Sections and Trustees sow are, for School purposes, to an offer, fir.t.one and then the other. prof- recognised, to cootie's* such under thislonging to the Township, . fenng themse'ces both in exchange for her Act. I in which the School -house is ono heart. The dear Mise in overcome by 19. Township, Town, and City. Councils i 45. Two School Sections her magnanimity, closes the bargain, car- may• alter School' Sections or form new separately to support a goal ries home her prize, shows it pa and tea, one., and determine the sites of School I may unit!, and the Teacher calls herself engagd to it, tbinks sherd ne- houses: Proviso, No School Section or j Schools on alternate days, or ver was such a pair (of whiskers) before, ! School site to be altered ontrl three months; nate periods of the same day. and in • few weeks they.are married. Mar- � after notice shall hart been given to the 46. On the Petition of a m. rigid ! Yes. the whole world call it so, and Trustees. ; inhabitants of a Scbool Socio we will. Whet is the result t A @bort i 19. Notice to be given to the Inhabitants i Grammer School is located, th honeymoon, and the unlucky discovery that of new Section., calling them to meet for . the County may, on sestii1 they are •Ironlike as chalk and cheese, and I the election of Trustees. authorize suck School to bo u not toy made one, tbo' all the priests In 20. Resident landholders and boasehol- Common School of such Sec'ino • dere to elect Trustees from among tbem- 47. The Trustees of the selves, but said Trustees to bold office till Schools to manage their respec next January only. Iso but conjointly to direct the con 21. A meeting for the election of True etruction to be pursued to the unit tees to be held annually on the second 44. When County Councils ea Tuesday of January. Ilow and by wham togs to be erected for the ancon. suet meng ca• Grammar School., or when they g t3. Aetit the flisretto mbeeeting lledheld in January, for their support, such Schools three Tru@tees sea to be elected, who Model Sch' to retire from ogee in the order of theirare 48. Nn pere000ls.a to be hereafter s election, to be 'reacher of • Grammer or 23. At every s1bsegsent muting in Jae- School, unless he has produced a nary, one Trustee is to be elected. cats signed by the Pn.cipal of the School. 60. it shall be lawful for the Prise the Normal School to give to tiny qn pei.o• • t•ertiflca'. of 5.. g•ali3c.tion 61. The Governor is to appoint a 14 Education for each County. 62. The B•.erd of Education to ince the first Tuesday in January, April, sad October. 63. The Clerk of the Comity Coonci be Clerk of the Board of P+dneatrns for Canty. His dirty in witch caps. ty. 54r The duty of the Board of Muir io be: to examine candidates fnr'the of6 of Teacher; to grant eert.6eates of trial cation to rich; to west the nose; to eel. n od reeenwer.d veritable hook., bet .n ■ at... echelon to .t•sdy books or jots is ex erei.ee of dove new, re which the of ties pareete or 'earths*" .bjeet; to keep • re eord .f their preemptive.; •.d to report a•aeally t. the Chad S.p.n•teed.ni, 65. Township, Tows. and City Camelia may eoselitwt• •wv Comma Reboot' of their reepsetave T.wssbipe, T.wta, N Cities a Meeel Ssho.l. five we eget frees Alio appotli het. There shall be a Normal School. r• reload 67. The Gomer t •sgn "�3�'�"� thee •.s.• pwr•os,. N lM _t�T• m•1 Saul. 6e. The duty of s pongee is -1.: is • dept mallet m..s/tM Air I.blsg a Normal Seh.si..tlt lar pe.s deg and ins, mohair ttrdaMe ImOliass fine At twses•re- anewl end hr waterlog bake nod spas - tee; and M determine generally whet dell preemie the Aster ci the 0*- a l: .•d A. colas. s paper Aegean that it is telly se inewa tens es eat in "dace the SIM ed4.ams .t hie gemespeisers, es of en .M mead bar ads, end yea will gel the truth just shoat ss sera adopt t.eses for the ttsuatesaece of the School of their 'Suites; to detonate* and prepare a rate bill, if required; to exempt from the payment of the rate -bill, or to en- (.rcei the payment thereof, under certain conditions; to take a r , usually, of the children resident in their School Sec- tion; to allow every person resident in their School Section to attend the 8ebo..1 there- of; to engage sad appoint qualified person to be teachers; to select imitable books, and disallow unsuitahle ones; to see that the Fcbool of their Section is properly con- ducted; and to report annually the state of said School to the Township. Town, or City Sup.nntenjent. 31. The Secretary -Treasurer is to tease t copy of the 'Trustee.' Report to be mado public, for the tuformatioa of the inhabitants of his Sehood Seet,.n. 32. Tae duty of Te.cben to be: to teach diligently and faithfully; to keep • record or regietor; to bow quarterly eliminations; to matotun order and du.ciplaee in their Schools; to act u Secretary to the True. tees; and to furnish to the order of Town- ship Town, sod City Supen■uodents such information a they can gore. 33. Provides that Superintendents may withhold from School Seetu ne and Teach- ers their sisrse of the public monies, until they-furaish their anassl esparto. 34. Provides that any Tnuetee or ry Teacher who shall lash* a Ulu Report, shall furfeit • sum not exceeding Five pounds, and be liable to be tried and punish- ed for misdemeanour. 35. Renders obligatory on Townatiip, Town, sod City Council to nose a tax equal iD amount to the sum of public moeiea ap- portioned to their Township, 'Town, or City. 36. Requires the Township, Town, or City Superintendent to report immediately to the Township Town, or City Council, in ease t8. sum he receives from the Collector be less than it ought to be. 37. Authorises the Township, Town. and City Councils to apportion, the public monies for their tows/hop,' Towne, or Cities to the several Schools according to the ratio of the aggregate .tteodaoce of scholars. 38. Tewsahip, Town, and City Councils may, on certain condition., levy • tax on the inhabitants of any School Section, for Schoolpurpoeee. 39. Such tax to be levied and collected u other taxes are levied aid collected. 40. Township, Town, and City Co.neib may, ostler certain condition., ninth School Sections for the purpose of establishing bet- ter Schools. 41 . The powers of the Truckee of the School Sectional united for such porposs are to cease, and the united Section is to be as a new Section, until the election of Corpo- rate Trustees. 42. All land., house , tenements, and tion,rested in Die - purpose., or here - itch purpose, are Town, mad City 1 Section, in ad - united for the united Sections. be rated as be - own, or City located. hat are unable tied Teacher, may teach the during alter- jority of the e in which a e Council of conditions, oiled to the stendoat pronounced them so.--Bsr- ritt's Christian Citizen. NEW SCHOOL BILL FOR UPPER CAN4DA. SYNOPSIS. Title. -Preamble. 1. Former Acta repealed; the Otte. of Chief Superintendent continued; the emote - meats thereof to be the same as those of the same office in Lower Canada. 24. Any person appointed to cell *School 2. Duty of Chief Supen•rendent:-To i tion myelin i., if he segleet to All apportion the Legislative Grant according g t to population; to certify the apportionment such mee'ing. to forfeit two pounds; and to the inspector Gemini; to give notice sucMnieeu0g may be called by any three thereof to the Clerks of County Couocite; nddent freeholders within teeny days d - to nee that the apportionments be properly I ib. the }OOdefault nntocalling such meeting by applied; to prepare eoota►le forme and regi• I . An' person retie+Ing to sews ss latio.a, Officers transmit them mi the Boards! 2Trainee, a to forfeit five pounds; and recut - Ad; Oeeen'ppoiated a administrate this Ad; se famish copies of forms and regula- tions, sad of tine Aet, to the orders of Township Sepen■tade■te; to edleee std diens information respecting edssetios; and to report, annually, oft tbe state of Edea ties, sad the nestpptsta and expeeditere a pans moseys for 8 • eel purposes is Upper Camila. S. Meaty. for the ewewgermeint of Common Schools peysble beth rT es srsn of the eeverk1 Castles. 4. The Trousron to satsfy of Cosy Caecila white the mesa MN bee owelvsd by them S. The Clerks to lay wish Nebel before the Camay Caserta IL Tie aunt Css.sib a dedset tee ins. N by the re Sect that, ;Mae* sweat emcee etrtebash ad s■■ieai■ idea Sebes* 1!rai ee& Relief its as .M le Mead tie{ me /shad Sestios to be reiieeed K ite s...alarsa ere wealthy; Sabel 8esliese let may be salted to Ohs/ Saari Escheat net is be rebe'd; Sabaaa Matisse te be relieved mewl eeeb. respective ive trusts. Pse of m- od School. use build- °dation of al sums are to be ppointed Model cortin - Normal ippaal of aliecJ Board Clerks es - meg occurring ie the office of Trustee. are (in use then be rho snrvi.tar Tru@tees to call a School Section meetiO4) to be filled .p provisionally by the Township, Tows, se CityC.wned. 96. No School Trustee shall be re-elec- ted without his own cnnaent. 97. How School Section meetings Ball M constituted. 19. Trustees to be a Corponliea. 29. Should then be at soy time no Tru. - s..., the powers of the Corporation ere to h vested w the Towss►ip, Town, or City 8ep.riatendest. 80. The arty of Trustees to be: to 'o- wlet as of themselves le be Secretary. Treasons?: to take paeeesaiea of ell proper• y for Common School porpnese beleagise t. the 8.hool 8.ene; to require and held for their School Sectio• all propel., moneys .0d iecornea belonging to thin C.t'porataou for CommonSawed peewees; to apply eeh prepay ee...diwg w the terms of segarieg or reserving 9: to en whatever may he expedient. ruder carats eaeditie•e, fee the bending, repairleg, met - mg, rwwi.g, wormier, or keeping is w- hy Wuios or etbsrwls0, ruse r saaau, as der, the Sdeol-hose of tbrtr Section; a t on I to his inn re 8- t 0 r • •