HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-04-13, Page 2derag.eted the il.d ,.f ketal.. Neel p . .M) ahs. dutyy r stew sf dies r.etara M. sob. 1e the Csmpsae's tserttomee, whose geed will, bbe 1110-i, rt J. `gams.[, the Heaem- ' bit► Dareetsy 4 ore k dvtoab1e te reWs.- VC..saw.,• flit a meamst tongue that the fled el Mt lbs Is that anneal one beeeso- 1•el (lntwg, wbes-eame u ailed as Om book *t' eem•Ms pr• Woos we •U the ses•..wt of the U saa.escre. *• sold to ..rewire., the perms who wrell then de- .yateh tea brew: bel he was quite geed erwuei le be made a lord. Wien • mere upr`e abe peerage was this mere !oriebsp! Had (emcee Victoria went a garter to thee Fresco mammy who roasted so many Ames its • sets, what • b.bbab thane would bare bees ameag lbw B'dmo of the E. tabltshm.Nt l sad yet, bow much brie, than the Fronk roaster, waw lien. Uuugb 1 -Tweet* Mirror. A\IERICAN OPIVION4 rel' eerily I,nY- ALTT ANU CANADIAN UdICVAtN•- [There is more truth than pnetry in the fur ewieg communication which we copy from the Niagara .[/ail. -Eo.) Pea, -Is your land of Buttoh feeing, It her fr•,q.t.stly bees the custom of tho news rams to rue down lee Amencaus by say• that in the: United Stat •s we aro goy. erned by M •b -law, and 1 trust that the Irrcot outrage in Toronto will engender a Lulu more cbarity ani lurbearace toward your fleeted J. oath..;). I !lave read tate ae- couate of the recent vin to Toronto, and meet ply that it has ne walk! in out ,t.nette4n hi.•turv. It seems to haw been r.nnpo.eJ of there bed and law!a■ charac- ter.that ab.ruud in every largo city, and 'Alio are ever ready to engs a to menus proree.ing. Tor the rake o(,plundJer. Thr e tr.uent part of the atlt.ir ie that Borne of the city utegisMates were if not leader!, eerie[ inimeragers of tee su_e. It seema terau•c to me bow these hien that yeti rah Tories can reeoncile loyalty to Queen Vic• toria with the violation and contempt of has laws. The Ereesh f evert:mete grants a free pardon to Mackenzie and other patri. .•ta god aoreen them to return. Aa soon as they arrive year,, leading 'Pune:; heap insults upon them and threaten thein with Lynch law and arsassina'inn. 1 should think that true Inyelty would lead Briri.,h people to respect their Queen and laws, • std I cannot understand the kind of loyalty that makes some men so anxious to set aide the taw and by Insult to a pardoned Lgbnder disgrace the pardoner. Some men are loud in tbeir professions of attachment to their " ractous Quenu" who thin![ It no , diem" to behave rngracionrly toward her representatives. 1 incline a good deal to your way ot thinking as you expressed your- self in one of yn.rr Ire papers that the Tories aro loyal, as it is called, only when thtogs go according to their way of think- ing, and the recent stampede at Toronto proves to *demonstration that by a cer- tain party Queen Vietoria in held as high in estimation se Martin Vnn Bern was last electioo in Texas ; for he cnly got two or three votes in all that Stale. When McKenzie had his understanding with some sof lb) members of the govern- ment of the state of New York, he told them that so lar as grievances and corruption were coacearned that in comparison, Can- ada was a paradise to it. And I may as well tell you wbat the opinion of the gene- rality of Americans is in reference to you Canadians, and ae i don't charge anything for giving it 1 hope no ono will say it is 100 costly. And it is, first and fere:nest that y'uu don't know when you are well off, and Ike a spoiled son you give sauce to those Who Lave given you too much pocket money. Snood, that you are tow proud ; you think at a disgrace to lawyers, doctere, or mer- e:,awls 01your stone. in a new country, e here labor only is productive. Third, you wear too Goo cloth. Instead of supporting your farmers and manufacturers, you must rend your money away across the ocean to England for broad cloth, end tben you won- der where all your money Boos. Fourth yus base no enterprise. loo win stand Hoping from year to year, lake a chili with its finger in its mouth and wonder how those yankees manage to go ahead so with their railreads and canals and manufactories, when the whole secret lies in energy and enterprise and perseverance. "Heaven helps those that helps themse:vee," but you wont try to help yourselves, and no one els will. We can borrow money in En- gined, wbers you cannot get a cent to bless • yourisine with. You have been talking about a Great Western Railroad and a Ni- agara and Detroit Rai!rond for years, but beet you don't commence work. And your town of Niagara is the lest locoation for a large city ia,the whole. country, and all' that you want is a tittle water power; toh_cb a few thousand dollars would bo suf• ficient to furnish, but you Won't commence &;'gisi. No wonder you ere all on your la t lege. Fifthly your farmers are top fund of having a great doal of land fenced in, which they call a farm ; while in my opinion 60 acres well worked will yield more then 203 acres indiffere-,tly attended to. Y.0 want an Canada less law and more labor„ less broad cloth and better cultivated broad acres, loss politicians and more ploughmen, less merchants and more manufactories lea grumblers and more go aheaditiveope, lea wPis key and more work. You may bear again frons Vaxaea Demote. Youngstown, N. Y., Morels 30, 1849. • Oua Rteet.LION.-The Yankees have it that there has been an merle in Canada. - The •orrespondcnt of Um New York Cou- rier wed Enquirer says :- 1 have the but reasons for sneering the pobiid that the government, shout(' it be deemed discreet or neeseary, will adopt prompt and efferent measoree to prevent en improper interference on the part of the Americas citizens with the eeseeres er triable. of Canada and to preserve the reWiens of peace and good will which exist Matwss the United States and Greet Bri- tain. • We beg to inform Joaathvn that we (lave pot bogus fighting yet. Should there N 4 fight it is groat probable that woo Stoll ham to N one of the eomhataiet•. We Pv*, however. not theogb/ of looking to this leek .f our old musket yet, raw of Where ear bayonet j the grind .tone. Where *or thoughts do Tern teemed, mnekete end belog•le, we shall let onr Mends on 1b1 ether .t1. Mew. • it won't be for sense ewe yet ewe f.i.S. Jrges. Ows.T Fume ser Cotc.o•..Lo•v L100, 0"."" Cr s" [lard 11. -We have Nen MtliRb •• lullie gaud, .hir1 has di - =as WOWS* sewn[ ret property. - Alba to comtacrca dose is esrilssed at over 0,00,000. PROFOSiLD \L'1V TARIFF. L-..Istis.e to he p..r...d by 1/r.. Hiosb, in ('omasiges t/ the whole Hoose, ea Fri day, mkt Iota of MarM, 1449. 1. That it :.• timeliest to repeal the du nos of Customs i•sed by the Acts 10 and 11 Victoria, 81 and 81, •ad to newM I)utdi ff.t tbo4 snit" i* iodMlbssaid Asia. 111. That it le gpN4.al. that epos ter imporatiw o/ the emend articles bereiss( tet twwUossd into this Province, thaw be imposed and levied the duties set •!posits to the nue respectively, that le to say :- open £ s. 4. Sugar, Refined or Candy, the cwt. 0 14 0 AnJ father fur every £100 clue 10 0 0 .uthar keada, the cot ...... .. 0 9 And further fur emery £100 value 10 0 0 \1.e., the cwt 0 4 9 AuJ fur every £100 value 10 0 0 Tea, the N• • • • -O O And frrthee for every.C100 value 10 0 0 Ceffes, Raw or Green, the cwt. • • 0 4 t Aad further for every .0 100 value 17 0 0 -, other hinds, the cwt 0 9 4 And further fur every L:03 value 10 0 0 Tobacco, manufactured, the lb- • 0 0 1 And further for every 4100 value 10 0 0 Usemasu(actured, the Ib• • • • 0 0 I And further fur every t 100 value 10 0 0 -, Clears, lbs It 0 1 0 eked furtber fur every L100 value 10 0 0 Snuff, tee Ib 0 0 11 And (ember (.,r every £100 value 10 0 0 N in.., in wood, value £40 the Pipe u r under, gallon 0 0 5 And further for every £ 100 value 25 0 0 --, n wood? value over £10 the piste • 0 1 6 And further for every 4100 value 25 0 0 -, in bolt lee, the gallon•••.••. 0 4 0 And (iniher for every £ 100 value 20 0 0 Spirits and Strong Waters of all N orte, for every gallon of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof by Syke's Itydn meter, and so in propor- tion her •nor greeter strength than the strength of hruuf, and fee any greater or lea quanti- ty than a gallon: - Whiskey, the gallon 0 0 2 Ar.l further ferevrry £100 value 10 0 0 Rum, the ersllon 0 1 8 And further for evefy £ 109 value 25 0 0 Geneva, Brandy •and other Spirits or Strong Waters, except Rem and Whiskey, the gallon 0 2 0 And further for every £100 value 25 0 0 Spirits, Cordial., and L•quors, sweetened or mixed with any article oro that the strength cannot be ascertained by yke's Hydrometer, the gal- lon . 0 3 0 And further for every £ 100 value 45 0 0 Salt, the bushel 0 0 1 And further for every £10o value 10 0 0 Spices and Fruits, Nuts, Macaroni, and Vermicelli, Sweetmeats or Fruit preserved in Sugar, Candy, or !deluges, for every £100 value 25 0 0 All Goode, Wares, an Merchan- dize, not otherwMI charged - with duly, and net hereinalter dectarcd,rto be- exempt from duty, for every £100 value •• • 10 0 0 3. That at i• expedient teat the follow- ing articles be exempt from duty, that is W shy: - Anatomical Preparations, Philosophical Icetrumects and Apparatus, Printed Books, Maps, Busts and Cats of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster, or Plaster of i'arie; Paintings, Drawing, Engravings, Etchings, and Litho- graphs; C•binetd of Ccins, Medals, or Gems, and other Collections of Antinuitiee; Speci- men3 of Natural Iltatory, Mineralogy or *1,tiny. Models of Machinery and other ioveotiose and improvements in the Arts. Coin and Bullion. Anchor,: As ot, Pearl, and Soda; Bark; BerriesVegetables, Woods and Drugs used solely in dying, and Indigo; Burr Stone unwronght; Chain Cables; Coal and Coke; Cotton Wool; Grease and Scraps; Hemp, Flax and Tow, undressed; Hider; Junk or Oakum; Lard; Marble in blocks unpolished; Oil, Cocoa -nut and palm only; Ores of all kinds of Metals: Railroad Bars; Rosin; Saw Logs; Ships' Water Casks in use; Tallow; Tar and Pitch; Type metal in blocks or pigs; Wheat and Indian Corn; Wool. Manures of all kends. Arms, Clothing Provisions and Stones of every deaeription, which any Cbmmisaary or Commtaaisti Contractor or Contractors shall import or bring into the Province, for the use of her Majesty's Army and Navy, nr for the use of the Indian Nations in this Province, provided tate duty otherwise pay- able thereon would be defrayed nr borne by the Treasury of the United Kingdom or of this Province. Horses and Carriages of travellers, and Hiirses, Cattle end Carriages and other vehicle, when employed in carrying mer- chandize, together with the necessary hale nese and tackle, so long as the' ami shall be bona fide in eso foe that purpose, except rho Horses, Cattle, Carriages, Vehicles, and Harness of perenos hawking Goods, Wares, and Merchandize through t14e Province for the purpose of retailing the same, and the Horsey, Cattle, Carriage. and Harness of any Orem" or Egne•trian Troop for exhibi- tion; the horses, Cattle, Carriage and Har- ness of any Menagerie t, be free. Donations of Clothing specially imported for tee nee ot nr to be distributed gratui- tously by any Charitable Society in this Province. Seeds of all kind., Farming Utensils and implements of Husbandry, and Animals for the improvement of Stock, when specially imported in good faith b any Society in- corporated or established forrthe encourage mint of Agriculture. T14s following articles io the oecupatioe nr employment of persons coming into the Province for the purpose of actoally set- ting therein, vis :- Wearrra`` appar*t in setl on, and other rsafter, a ete not merchantable ; MUM* wed Cattle ; Implierests and Tools of trade of heady -crafts men. The personal Household Effects, not lierebeedise, or inhabitants of this Pro - Mace, beteg subject. of her Majesty, and dyleg abroan. Aad the following articles when import- ed directly hem the United Kingdom or from any of the Rrttieh North Amevkes Proof/cm, and being 114' growth, erodes* or manufacture of the eai.l Caned Risgdes or of the said Provinces, viz.: - e Animate. Reef, Perk ; Dimeoif, dread, Rutter, Cocoa. Paste, Core or Chain of all Mod., Flour, Fteh, ie" ne ad/d, mod coo pkkk4 ; Flea Ulf, Furs or Skil*, the pw- d.ee of A.b ot instal:Sag Si tie Uses; Dt aerate mad Th. VsMi.04 s.limes Meet V.gi a W of all hide; •side elf W hoodoo Bloom, Fore or Taila sea eased; Weed, via.; Boards,Plushy, Staves Timber .d Firewood. 4. 71st it ts expedient that the renowhg Article, be probablted us be lmpgtted late the Province, that ie W boy bp.- awa4 Drown[( of ea isitairal er tib &Oat ebarac ter. Cele. Bass of C.eatwdrh. 1. That it . espdhate that in all tea,sp whose dote" of Camps iiaw any article ad seloreet, the for duty s `all be the actual value of the Port of Entry, to tweak -elated by adding to the coat or mar- ket voles ef the article is the Cwatry where the game wee purchased or produced, sod at the time of purchase or .xportatto., all the chstsgw recurred ther.upaa whew 'pent to the purchase or production thereof, and up to the date of the teary, bxaept In- surance. 0. Tbet it is expedient, forth pwteetios of the fur Trader and of the li.veoue, to provide against the fraudulent seder-velua- tion of goods subject to ad valorem duty, by tho appointment of complain Apprais- ers, by `ping to suck Appraisers and to the Collectors the power to examine wit- n esses epos oath, by recruiting the produe• ties of duly attested tonnes, by the ferfktit; ere of gouda with nand to wbieh tomb fraud may be committed, by the proper ex- amination of the goods, and by adopting ouch oilier precautions as may be requisite to pretest or punish tuch fraud : and to make such other ameodtsents to the Cus- tomer' Act as experience has shown to be requisite fur better attaining the objects tl.erevf, ARRIVAL OF TIIE PACKEITRRIP- NEW YORK. Naw Yong, April 4. The packet ship, New • York, Captain T. Lines, arnved last evening, from Havre. -- She 1.11 on the 10th ultimo, up to which data lelegrepb der.patchea Gum !Havre wad Paris reached us by last steamer from Liver. pore. Paris and Fivers papers of the 9th sad 10th March sup,ly •ontc detail• of uteroa4 In the French Assembly the 9th was de- voted to the electoral law. Paragraph." were adopted by which, in case two candi- date+ *lave an equal number of votes, the most aged was to be elected, provided he 14.. at least one-eighth of the votes coat. On the propwit:on that vols of sailors and soldiers should be countalifit hie colo- oles when quartered there. Mr. Matthew, a black repressitative from Guadalupe, made a eery sensible speech, which produced a de(eet on the p►0- poerL•un. In the Bank of France, and its branciee., the specie rises to 310,000,0170, ten millions more than the preceeding week. ieeev.-The Posotiro of Rome states that the prisons of the floly Office have beeu retard by the authorities, and the prisoners set at liberty. Among them wM • Bishop of Egypt, condemced under Leo the Twelfth; also two nuns who had been placed in a convent. The steamer Canada, sailed at twelve o'clock. She carried.l4]r pas.engere.- Colonist. From the British Colonist Extra. ARRIVAL OTUE NIAGARA. New Yuri, 2e •P. M. Tho .iagara arrived at Halifax, after a passage of 12 days, last night. Her new, commercially is important. Cotton fallen 1, but rallied on the 15th. - The Market closed with a brisk demand. - Breadstuff,/ have not improved ; prices con- tinue to recede. Cotton fair, Uplaid and air Midland, 41 ; fair Orleans, 43. Flour -Western Canal, 23s. a 23s 6d. American wheat, per 701be., 6. a 7s. Indian Corn in moderato damned at 27s a 29s. Bat yellow Corn Meal, 12s 6d a 133 6d. American stocks maintain their place. Cured provi- sions steady. . Livearoore-Beef fallen 3s to 5. per tierce. Pork 55s to 67s, chiefly fur ship store, Bacon active at former prices. Lard fallen 6d per cwt. The Xiagara reached Halfaz Thursday, P. M., at 3 o'clock, with 41 paasengers.- The Europa reached Liverpool March 20th. Taylor's Inaug.iral address was tele- graphed to London. The Hermann had reached Southampton, and was to sail on the 26th for New York. The Sarah Sands made the passage in 17 days. Trade had been depressed in consequence of the continental news till three days before the steamer sailed when favourable news caused an improvement. EseLa.o,-Mr. D'Israeli s motion to institute an inquiry into the burdens on lands, was lost by a votes( 280 to 189. The army and navy estimates have been carried by large majorities: The Indian news have created • grert sensation among the English people. in the manufacturing districts the demand for goods has fallen off 'Trade in India is bealtLful. Money in Loodoo is abundant. First clan paper 23 a 91• The Navigation Bill passed iia second ,rmdiog by • majority of 62, Mr. Gladstone **aimed that if the Americans did not give them reciprocity, the British could, by the Bill, retaliate. The cholera is disappearing -total deaths, 14,068. In Ireelaod, however, it still ra- ges. FaANcg.-The triols at Bruegma are. go- ing on. Two of General Breis' murder- ers have been gnilotined, and the others pardoned, The Red Republicans clamour loudly agaiast the executions. Mr Proud • how is especially savage. Clubs have been abolished by the Assembly by 387 to 259. in consequence of the state of Italy, troops are embarked at Toulon, and the Army of the Alpe has recruited. The King of Holland died at his palace on the 17th ult. ilourstn.-Tbe Armistice bas teased bohemia Denmark and fiohtein. An M- etal Notice haw bees given of the fact .- Oben were made to prolong it for three seethe wbieh it 1• said, hu best done. Pam Me, Pau/tear !.-The ()mitts, the rebid, Solent enemy of the Etowah Gem - dime, the Mad who is wdti.g the bailie, M entemal a4. lie whole r.m has core- meaeed praising Mr. Papisesu t Certainly, the Ruh. Re -Speaker bow, dose the Tory cense geed terrier '-Pilot . preglacial Par haunt LEOIALATIVt AS8LMBLY. *,pI.,ITY Te luwnse• April bib. 1849. On the quest*M eieg put, oe t49 `et r e s- .ines, vena• mane ititOObor. Mr. Wibia enviedr sadsa.t, seeosdsd by Mr,Cbriet1,tbet it be re•sg{pglttsd with a view of auMttt.tlag the wards . tet phi'. liege," 4 w .ob aIa into s .s 01104002/, nd tb• Mems eoeserrei la tki'NMelw eon. The remaining resolutions were comer - red in without opposition. and the NI Brea- ded thereon by Mr. Attorney G*a.ral La - fore sine was read is serene time. Mr. Boulton (Norfolk .d theeod readeog of the Bill fret. s• - Legislative Council to protect the property et pintoes dytog intestate. hlr. Mornson, seconded by Mn. Learn, moved in •rne.detent that the BM be read a seccnd time this day three moatb., which was carried. The Quebec Wareheopiwg NU was con- sidered in Committee, al ordered to be es grossed• Mr. Boulton moved the second reading of the Bill to abolish imprisonment fur debt. Mr. Wilson moved in amendment that the Bill be read this day three menthe. - Yeas, 19; nays, 28. , The Bill was then ordered to ti road a second time on Morte:ay. The House then went into Committee on Pees of Magistrates in Upper Canada, and subregnently rose without reporting. The (louse adjourned at 11 u ct:,ek till Saturday. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. Gesasisa, Fsmav, April 13 1949. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. " MoxoAy, Apti19. Mr. Snauwoon (Brock•sll.) introduced a Bill to •mead ao Act fur the disposal of Public Lands. On motion of Mr. Costen[ the order for the House in committee on the Huron Cop- per Bay Company's Bill was discharged, and the Bill ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Baeumew introduced a Bill fur formation of Joint Stock Cuops.nies in .Lower Canada fur the construction of ma- cadamized roads. Mr. Between brought in a td1 to amend the act to incorporate the Cohan esd Graf - too Railway Company. Mr, Hindu introduced a B:11 to nuke Iter provision for the levying of tools os he public works. Mr. FERGUSON bronght in a bill to divide the county of Hailimand. A message was received from the Legis- lative Council agreeing to several private bills. Mr. Boulton (Norfolk) moved the second reading of the bill to limit the num• ber of Executive functionaries, &c. Mr. Baldwin moved is amendment that the bill be read this day three months. Yeas 48; nays 3. On motion of Mr. Morrison, second reading of the bill to authorize defe.da[n ts to ate • deGece is actioos in foreign Jadee-m sati, was postponed till this day six mouthee• `M The Upper Canada Petit Jaro-• bill was con- sidered la Committee, aod the bill reported. Mr. Johnson moved that the bill be recommit- -tad. Meese lost os dieiaieve: Yeas:.); nsys24. The bill to amend the Act incorporating the SL Lawrence and Atlatie Railroad Company, was read a second time and referred. The bill to simplify the transfer of real proper- ty in Upper Canada was read a ',mood time. The noose adjourned at a quarter put 12. Sir A. Macnab and Mr. Sherwood mode a great chuckling in the House the other day over the discovery of a superb Mare's I Neat. Some of their confidential advisers had whispered into their ears that Mr. Hinck* was about to accept the collector- ship of Quebec, and trying to he dreadfully sarcastic upon the unlucky object of their hatred, they played off a moat Falstaffian joke by twitting him with the fact ! Guess their astonishment, lip biting. and charger, when informed that they need not trouble themselves so much about his future pros- oeete, as no such idea had ever entered into his head, and that they were not going to get rid of him out of the House just yet. - Sir Allan poked Sherwood in the rib., and told him to keep quiet after that, or he would receive a little harder rap the next time.-Jorraal and Express. Or*rrteo or NAno,Tron,-The steamer Eclipse will leave Toronto to -morrow for Hamilton, and continue her trips daily (Sundays excepted.) Captain Harrison, we believe, will command the Eclipse, and no doubt will add to his already popular character on this route. The steamer Rochester, Captain Manion, will leave this port on Monday next, for Gwistuo and intermediate ports, returning as usual in the Evening. The Rochester has been laid up here during the winter, and her spacious apartments have been Flit- ted up in elegant style. Ilex commander Captain Masson is so well known as . an attentive and skilful officer, 1bat he needs no recommendation from us. The Roches- ter will meet at Lewiston, the steamers from Oswego, and Rochester. The splendid iron steamer. Magnet, Cap- tain Sutherland, will commeoce her tripe from Hamilton to Kingston, on 12th April. The superior accomodatioos of Ibis steamer and the rapidity and safety of her move- ment., added to the ability and polite at- tention of Captain Sutberlanii, and his officers, render this steamer a most delight- ful conveyance to the traveller,-Jmereal wi Zzpras. Waitrons ro Semmes. -A singular ease of asphyxia le related in one of the French journals. • A youth by toe name of L.moins caviar' visit to as nnele, who Is a farm Imber•r le the neighborhood of Havre. - This esu eceepied a small and ill-veetilat - .d apsrtmeat, The sppbew at sight •'dolt in ah evening, went to bed is the- rms*. Been after, the uncle ad two eom- nstwed the item, sad all /ell to The yewth was asleep. At mid - algid t • venter" withdrew, sad the nnele went l bed. Layer' his band upon hie m•piew, he totted him uso$turall cold, and tda aavored to wake him, bet without effect. • Ndp was called; mem faint imd,c•tioon of e Bre sppmred, and a physician directed oper- ation Inv the reeov.ry of the wiliest. All proved vain, the nest day he expred. A psi-meriss Mmleatien was toads sad the plyMitlw prbmameed that bNy AM N o.agsstion N the bale, essi by the le- o ptratlon of tobacco amok. daring sleep. "OM Yaasaa.w..-TN awe Yid BM - prime beg reesh.d here Jw•i.. Uewlasd sod Asplawolf the foUowtag Mum,, 4a/id Yalpaeal.., Inc 01h• Two ves*is arrived la* alight Rona Cali- tmrsia, bringing between them 1♦1t10,000 is g ad to be deposed of fa h1• wig[. sad it to said both are to rotors lbw with ear - gem. Tbe aaasrats seiffied by OM mallet* oatraraga*t se Wile a of gold, mad of misrule srotrdiaig Imam all gwrten. Them was mad[ snvcity d nrwmeq supplies el their waste, bet a.merotw soar- ,goes from this coast, would on be upon them. Other shipmate are e foot, the to tldvfr.. y be ew !reestewd•tti 114.1114.11. ores. fartbsr el - The The propeller Edith, came in to-da All well. HIIIRON SIGNAL& FRIDAY, APRIL 1!. 1849• MR. KYDD ANOTIiR'A TIME ! ! ! Wrxm we tact noticed dee Geatlemea, wet did think that the very hours. sled bawdy meow, in which we dealt with, what we considered, hie imprudence, in reviving animosities that were sinking into natural decay -we did think that our remon.trence would have had the effect of giving Mr. Kydd • sight of his os.i•(olly. Bat redly. when we look at his conduct, we cosset help remembering a sacred proverb that says wmelhing abet foraying s feel ie s mortar and finding Ain[ a fool still f ! it is presumable nkat Mr. Kydd has diseo.ered that the pobiie have estimated his lett lorlobretios at its real value, namely, a straightforward corroboration of all the leading facts which .t was intended to refute, and a grateful acknowledgement that the gener- ous intrdrence of his friends lied enabled him to **mount the pecuniary difficulties to which Mr. Galt had Leon painfully necessitated to allude. - is, we say, was the nom and substance dbis las: preelection, if we except Lis very olteiou, and we mutt say i,wpertineu meddling with the private .Rain of blesses. Galt and Liurs, with which 'wither he nor the p.blie hater anything to Ow The public. we think, have taken this tie,. of the matter, sad Mr. Kydd, we think. has been made aware of it ; and the following eommanica- tion, which we received os Saturday last, Berms to say that be is d.termieed to have public sot*. Piety is sortie shape or other. Gonsatcw, 7th April. 1849. " T. Mr. Themes Macyuar, Editor et de Hu- ron Signed, Sir, -1 beg to be informed whether, or sot, yo. apply either or both of the Io11owiag quotations Irom the Sigma/ to me. especially those portion. which I have oiderlioed 1 Aed, if you do so, to what act or tranmetioo of mine you eoesider them to apply?- " The other article printed os C.e wrapping paper last Friday, is signed ' Fitt Ioatitia.' The .tyle and spirit Mit proclaim its author. View- ed is enneecti.e with the calumny, wbieh follows it, the i.troductiea strongly resembles, in its spirit, Satan's address to Eve. And me mai who hu studied -human satire ems Gil to recog,ise the author as beleagi•g to those smooth, white- faced, caati.g hypocritical sceandr el,, who un- der the garb of religion, commit more robberies than many pick -pockets. We can easily lehere that he u itst such s roan as would caws tis MILS of *1. Melee amide stratum to ascend for vengeance on Ais Aesrd.0 ritlanay.t'-Ilene Signal, 24th Nov. 1848. e But if on the contrary he has proven himself to be • maw destitute of all upright- principle -i( As has rendered 4inus f notorious as a dishonest, title -titling backbiter, and has became knew* as a deceitful, fraudulent shutes, mfr. world de- fraud seaters fa2Aerlus and 14. widow, then the public will just estimate him at his true value, and all newspaper paffieg will only render him more obnoxious to public scorn." -Huron Signal 23rd March, 1849. Your early reply will oblige, Sir. Your most ob't serve. THOMAS KYDD. If we remember correctly, the first Scene io Sh•kepe.re'a Tragedy of Roma, and Juliet, is a surly leering -looking fellow, standing at the! corner of a street, biting his owe [home, when war of • number as gentleman's 'errant* accosts him thus, •• 1)oat bite thy Wombat w, Sinahl" '• 1 bite my anima ' Dost bite thy thumb at w oo" " i bite rhy Aiwa 1" Mr. Kydd miss[ eert•iady here been reading Romeo .ad Joliet, u 1be question which he here asks at as, Iseult a impenieeet, mad as unlikely to be a.swer.d to his satisfaction, as the question of him who was .ervut a ••dl the.Capuleta" Many dear re•d- era •n .won that Mr. Kydd some time a jo, con- trived to have as brought before the Magistrates, for the first time in our lite, w • ,barge of as - molt, for which we were fined awe peunds.ti,* ries ! Os the trial, Mr. Kydd, as .o hunt two, and u • Indies elder in a reepeetablo reli- giose cosgreptiw, declared that his sole retest is bringing es to Iodgmeet, was to deter asfrom keeping hi. earn before the public in the col - .mos of the Signal. We are satisfied now that this declaration, hewever saatissenio.s..d ein- em it aught amine' at the time, was an annul mesa, .ed that Mr. Kydd ie determined to hese himself hound by/eyehole his mune, 4.gae.tly, into the calumet d t14. Henn Sigw.0 ;o. the 24th of Ne•embr lest, we drew what we coa.idered the pub lie ebweeter d • mea .he was repel& .f otitis( • estate blskga•rd predeetiea, signed "Fiat J.sitia," whits tame out hon, se • pw•e of averse, mimed mopping - piper. W. drew the character of s [try Jud man, .imply been.ns we wee satisfied, m .er ewe mild, that so geed ossa ..old be the either finch • piN.esio.. 0a the 4th ofApril 1949. Mr. Kydd, the Pres -•manor L Owdetrlrb. baud. as • writers mote askiwg Wales Msaeeter.11.d .s bad draws of •' Fist J.wid•,'sl Stn tsis:he gee me 'steeled to npply to him ! ! It wave atiend the bead of lob/riff McDe••N, or Com w ireemer m- wreemer Jssa, er ay other sasps.wbh taw a epCire 4, to s.14 K w nea*at Iamb..herwiln ts apply s.1im. Whoa, Ibea, i. t4.nhmgmiwg d 33,. Kydd•e *M cessatee r We Mesa stems• whew w& stew the obmesa'e. that Mr. i(pii RI ee h.aee, Wiressaws, 14.4 stip arid estai.ily Iselaied loomeese ei erg p0rtiaipntfw « Mewtapend tb ewedmiw pe►. 14,4 m et ob4. wicW pdaesrwt - - iiia, w es• do.mod. b• lead dens w sae slobs itrjsaed p.. tw4 elle sirs ice w iU as/ eseeei t cad.. we w sedemmad, mew, tlw Rte ssi. 1144. gMMisa at sue. is s est/ of Idl Mad meA•d dplaissisg •k• 1 1*M Ire setedly sigh the „shies 10 •: M Mlilrsa tlws V.rrW test pe•deeuw signsi s• Fiat .) .YN4• t• Yeo, 4. W ellll misats 1►. e4. sea •aa gaadfr bisa by glvlit pall., Is the dime area. A idi it Kydd being • aright -forward, religiose mu, the pablfe .i11 a•tan ly Beats w the eseeisoiea the ewe imgiawp obeasease .1 "ram Jestiri ,'4 .. w as fslss. Oa tar 93rd ole. , i• eadsveek.g as aspen the • &lacy of mew treatise geed ebet.erers for them- • selves, merely by p adsg thems.lse• ie Nem - papers, we drew • brief .knee of two opposite senders, a geed sad • tad. Mr. IMF 00i .iskrs to be iefermed if we iataai.d the bad we fee 141.: Why does he retest the led one t- Zlad de not an equl right, .. far as w• are eoe- «'.<d, la •ppropr1.ie rhe good es: ! Then i• se eee.i., ing ice stn ! Bat we mat scour. Kydd, a --aro, [bat our drawing of cheroots, ei- ther for him oe ay other mss, .re his appro- peiatioa of the goad one or the bed see Mas ham so effect on pshlic epi•ia is die master; the pall, Judge for themselves. For ememptr, tbo.ld wa write as article telling the people of Ondertch that, • somber of years age, Mr. Kydd had, by 111e k•riesa public desssfialiou e( vice. sod by the west rigid exemplary upright putties of vines, produced • remarkable metal reformt- ties oo the conduct of the community. This public estimative of 8lr. Kyttd'scharacter would n ot be ia13ienced by our statement. The people would ;appeal sa fame arid their own experience, hawed of being guided by oar theories; and ahnold w. rrprea.•t Mr. Kydd as a murderer, or a. • mos d desperately wicked habits, the pub. lie would jest jsdg• from facts altogether int - ' poetise of our statements. In short. the peo- ple of Go.krie't have been iotimttety segeai•ted wit`[ Mr. Kydd,aq,! bit coodect, for a loos 'lose ; therefore, they ;ever esu require any ieformau'.n from us en that subject -we know nothi.8 abut* him, farther thea se re- proe boa conduct to (muff iodi•id.slly, and ibis, we at once, and without Ise/Unties or fear, declare to be •nm.aly and vindictive; and, se- c.:dieg to ear notions d thisp, ot'er!r at vari- nee with the patios Ball true rrtieios. la. conclusion, Mr. Kydd wiakee to M i.. formed dere intended the two characters to ero- tica to sppty to him, sod in reply, we nate that we drew them as the drleeievioos of • had emu. If the characters have oe resemblaoee to the real character d Mr. Kydd, then we did not is - teed them for him -i( he find. that they atter him nate', [ken, we wake him heartily wel- come to the appropriation of them. Ws drew them for a bad man, and erery bed man Is at liberty to claim them as his owe. And if Mr. Kydd is not satisfied with the tee dollen +which he already vest as for his character. He can become • G.gy is Goderieh if he plra.ee-we hero so wish to see his same in the Signal • pis -the law is opt■ for him as for Gap : and we assure him that all rte desigeisg dep5. city which he may employ ,to entrap m, toad ell the cut which he may legally pat its to, will n either dater as from from oar straightforward meatier d expressing our eon•ictions, nor In- duce as to derpist him more heartily than w. do •t present. TREMENDOUS FIRE. \Vr ropy the following account of the Great Fire in Toronto, from aka Globs. id the 71h is- s1.II1 Gedsa Omer, Saturday morning, 6 o'clock. About half -past one this morning, a fire was discovered in some out houses in the rear of Graham', Tavern, King -street, and Post's Tavern, Nelson. -street. The flames speedily extended to the main part of Nel- een-street on the -East, consuming Post's Tavern, the Patriot Office, Lc., and turning into King Street to the East, where it burnt all to Mr. Sproule's building where it stopped. The fire extended to the South of Duke Street, coneemiag nearly all the back buildings, and the office of the Savings' Bank-. It then crossed to the west aide of Nelson street to Rol( 's Tavern, destroying the whole block. including the Mirror office to Mr. Na.mith'. bakery. Proceeding from Rolf's Tavern the flames laid hold of the corner building, occupied by Mr. O'Doso. hue, which was speedily consented, and then they ran along the whole block to Mr. O'Neill's, consuming the valuable stores of Messrs. Hayes, Harris, Cheney, O'Neill and others. About three o'clock the spire of St. James' Cathedral took ire, and the build a was entirely destroyed. Abort the same time the flam.s broke out in the Old City 11a11, consuming abe greater pert of the front buildings, including Mr. McFar- lane's small store. Tbe fire extended from the Cathedral cross to the *oath side of Ring street. where a fire lately oeeurted. The eh op of Mr. Rogers and otSere were with difficulty saved. All that block extending to Mr. Wolter McFariase's store, was le groat dearer, some of them had most of their goods t ,moved, and great injury to property sostained. About 6 o'clock the game* were in a great measure subdued. The exertions of the irm om were (bra long deo. as ass - awl retarded bywant of water. The ed- dies of the brigade, fres' the geniuswere wtwaeif *elite, and escort. highestmks hight gm of the citizens. The loss ie estimated at 1100.000, but this most be within tbs mark. The insurance offices am heavy seilttters, We are happy to say that no lives have been loot. although there were mealy .arrow escapes. New Tums. -W. hove meek plasma is re..mmesdieg or the atteeti•a d ase edea. the sow Comma Bin : Acer w10 i4. is Seem impro..mesna We Italy arms with dm •bl.d reseletion of the C...9 et t4. Chamber of CemmeteeTamsao- W. gin 1t below: 3, That die Commit Wimp tot . opiates d t same..he Hee. Inpsot.l'pegnal ie their menml.l of September lest. vie., that •U ad es - Imes &aim shoold be et. value el she imposed a the wen im vase su pooh e w paM .r .np«mim.einem* rekrefee ie the pla.s aim - tem. el the w... of uet..ortatym bysnuslie they army tomb the Preview r and Alp tip fob efaw of the P4end *M9 skjmiiemble. '---int s It assn goat weMM W uaa ssis.w to ala . n. r7 -:.v halt e.