HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-04-13, Page 11111110111111114r1~451111110111100•104.1011 *I** mile ata . - •wave dee seweiltee weelseetaildneeleee. b' w. l{ereetele ells w ..ab -.;e ewiesr itseeseen ' 'e ua'Itsit ee . . tehelentateben at Leh. awe.. atra,wwifewieh4•rIF. ,seer, nos„e,ee...e..... • Lesra4 hfitel(-re •,;.4 heehaw',hhg nw :'1itJz' a.).r.te r - -- .1 dit .a a 4 i ...4 •PO atd t a:c..a. 1 . ,- .131 d •e-' Yb vv A••••••Aila. • N, TBN SHILLINGS ew ares. TWELVE AND 81X PENCE ee T.t tNip er TWO 'sea. GODF.RICH, HUR Dia.' P. A. McDOUGALL, `1•• British at all henry, at the British Hefei, (Laieuren'r) Goderieb, Sept. 1st►. 1841. 13- F. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, I'd PER HANGER. 4c- 4e. G O D E R 1 Cll. ALY•XAN8f WILKINSON, .Provincial Land Surveyor, OFFICE AT GODERUCII, 111URON DISTRICT. Nev. W. 6. 43 J K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, ,i L attend BALES in any part of the • w Ute. iect,r Hotel. able Terms. Ap- a the ft God.rieb he. -h 9th 1849. tr-SD w I S I. I. is ' L4.W. CHANCERY, AAD CONVEYANCIi:G• 3 18N. GODF.RICi;. JOHN y. D. LINTO , ?II.L1Cr eba faiS49ti uecn!s Bertht • D8TRAT?O D. StolitS, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST. WE8?-8TREi GODERICH. Werth 8, 1849. 91.45 DIR. ' FRASER, Cg® ®Ll11 R 9 kr ?ATt1CS-8T. GODERICH. Godistieb, March 28, 1689. 2v-n8tf NOTICE. frITE Subscriber wishes to inform hie COstomete, and the inhabitant." of Stratford Ind riciesty, that be hNeed. sal - tying en business on "A READY PAY SYSTEM." And that atter the first da of January, 1549 ho will give tfo credit. Ile will pay the highest price for predate stall kinds, Nark Salts kc. Ile begs to return his sincere thank. to his Cis/femme for their liberal Patronage, and hopes still to !elide* a Share. THOMAS M. DALY. Stratfeet New. lath 1848. 44U FARM FOR SALE. RE BOLD by private bargain, Lot So. 1 13. es the Sth Conreseion of Ooder,eh, eontaiei.g 80 erre'. 2tf of which ta cleared ■nd soder cultivation; tga sores aro Newly andel;, brushed and ready for chopping. The Lod is of eacelteet quality and well watered. There is e good substantial low Dwelling House on it, and one acre of superior trait trees in bearing *eadi- tios. Rod u the proprietor is desirous of enter- ing into other heftiness, he will dispose of it on moderate term.. One-half of the price will be REQUIRED DOWN, and the other)atf u three espial aminal instalments. MT For funber particulars, apply at *him Office, er to the Proprietor on the premises. GEORGE E-LLIOTT, Junior. God.rieh, 13th Oct., 1848. 371f EDUCATION. TO MERCHANTS. WAI 'TED. l0 OOt 'ua L8 good e`en' +- mothy Seed, for which the Subscriber. will pay a higher premien Cash, than any otber buyers in *be market. BUCHANAN le ("OLDIE. Commission *nesleaete. Victoria Block, King 1St. i Wee Hasilltos With Dec. 1848. S WILL •+-.Open his SCIIOOI, upon -Monday the tele t. ! April next, in the house adjoining Of+.roomed seeps.". Round net her tart, i Gordon Cabinet Maker, West will lease call and settle the tame before Stat o s.r• he will then be ceabled tos thou weuldst bo for eacewhen she is dant Street; and ." the twentiethPday of February, a■ ail Notes Po P d- elve bis undicii1 .'ttentioe to it, he flatters and Book accounts remaining unsettled 0 mother mine ; God grant I neer forget, imself that those a he may attend will ler that date will be given to a Lawyer Whatever be trey g. ief, or what my joy, 1 1 The unmeasured, uneztinjaishabl• debt, I owe thy love; bot find my sweet employ, Ever through thy remaining days to be 'To thee as faithful as thou wert to me. FO it SALE. 1 frIIF."BRICK COTTAGE and Int roe- meg No. Sal, in the Town of Godericb. formerly in the poe.eseion of llenry O',1eil, sow rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- tage is very conveniently arranged, and well suited for a small family, bas a spacious wood shed, stable, etc., good well of water; the garden contains leveret choice trete trees, and the whole enclosed with a strong picket fence. Only a portion of the money would bo required down, -the remainder ire three annual instalments. Apply to William Rattenbery of tbs Clio - ton Arms, or to BENJ. PARSONS- Goderich, August 94, 1118. 30tf MR. N IRN' TAKE NOTICE. THE Subscriber in returning his sincere thanks to his -customers for the liberal patror:ege bestowed on hl m since his arrival in Gott -rich, wishes to inform them ,bat ire has dicpeeeed et the bu.ineis to IAliIES DONALDSON. All those in- debted to him by Note or Book accoun t CLING TO YOUR MOTHER. Cling to your mother ; for she was fires To know thy being and to feel thy life; The hope of thee through many a pang .i r aunt. And when. midst anguish like the parting strife, Her babe was in her arms, the agony Was all forgot. for bliss of loving thee. B. gentle to thy mother hloeg bite bet. Thine infant fretfulness and slay yoatl Nor rudely scorn the faithful voice that o'er Thy cradle prayed, and taught thy hi•p tog truth, lea 1 she is old : yet on thy manly brdw e looks and claims thecae Ler child e'en sew. Behold thy mother: elate to her warm heats She carred, fed ,bee, lolled thee to thy rest ; Theo taught thy tottering limbs their aatr,.dart- Esslting in the feelgl,ng from the sol ; And now her steps bee feeb:e, be her stay, Whose strength was thine, in thy most feeble day. Cherish thy mother : brief perchance the time May be that she will ei.im the earo'be gave : Passed are her hope. of youth, bet harvest prime Ofjoy on earth , her friends are in the grave; But for her children, she eoa:d lay her head Gladly to rest among the precioes dead. Be tender with thy mother: wont unkind Or :ieltt neglect from thee will give• PM To tint fond bottom where then tlmt'enalltfWsad • In :ore unutterable, more lb.. pug make satisfactory progress, There . .zereiees in Grpmmar, Geog,.'0hy, Ilistory, and Diction, -and the strictes. attention will lac bestowed upon correct pronun.''ation MHS. NAIRN .111 superintend • ting Class for Young Ladies at one O'clock each day. 'There will be a FRENCH CLASS, alt r iJffi Subscriber herebyJ intimates to his sti in the evening. 1 Trieste+ and the -Trim. ling Pnblie gene- rally, kith Marcie 1849. 88-9y r ll that he has removed from New Aber - for collection. THOMAS WATKiNS. Goderieb, Jan. 12,1[49. 49 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, Witermeoo, e 28th February, 1849. S ALEXANDER MITCHELL, A1!CTIfNi:ER. BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH EASTIIOPE. ][arch, 29, 1848. . v2-08 - - - - 1,500,WCOl MILES O:' I.2.ND 1uld 'OA: IN • CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout meet of the Townaleps in Upper Canada -nearly 500,- 000 Acres aro situated in the Heron Tract, wellknow•o as one of the most fertile parte of the Province -it has trebled Rs popula- tion in fire years, and now suntans up- wards of 20,000 inhabitants. The LANDS ere offered by way of TEASE , for Tea Years, or for halo,CASM DOW Y _the plan el ' a y' 'e of Strasbur h and will 8 T A L L 1 0 N$. own to the i i,t'• Strasburg now be found in that wolf known urgh, for - THE HURON DISTRICT merry oeeupt.d by Di:. ,Jules,-w.bcre he will be ready and able to : ooducc to the AGRICULTURAL SOf'tleTY, comfort of those who may honor him with WILL AWARD thallium of Tea Peewit; their patronage. And white be returns Stallion ',hewn at thanks for est favors, bo hopes, by strict attention to the wants and wo. es o is custotaere, atilt to merit a conuouance of ABEL. Cy. to the test t teaP h f b Gedarieb en Saturday, the 21st day of April meat The „Horse receiving the Premium stead be(duringb date Society. HORRIBLE MASSACRE. (Fr on tie Polymer's* of October 14.) Oa Thursday moraine. the 12th inatlst, the English schooner .l atelia, of Glasgow fbelnnem , we believe, to the respectable firm of Messrs. Buchanan, Hamilton, and °them.) arrived at thin port (Honolulu) in distress -part of her crew having mutinied and murdered the captain, supercargo, and first and seennd of leery. Toe Ameba. left Mazatlan on the 7th of September, and the coast on the 19th, with a cargo of 300,000 in specie, bound for Cli• na-Mr.Cook and lady, and Mary Hudson, a serving read, passengers. Oa the night pith* 3rd o )ctober, in the middle watch, three of the crew attacked a seeund mate, and killed him. The captain and lair. Cook. bearing the noise, carne on deck. One of the ruffians was uta:iooed at the forecastle hatch, to prevent the watch below from coming up. and the other two attacked the ceptatn and Mr. Cook, killing the latter and -obese end --awful Shoogbt-is continual- ly. before our mind -Tear eIA* drunkard! We try to Daniell it. We cannot. There it remains. What males it more nepenthe( to the peripture denunciation -"fee drse- kark SHALL NOT tater tAt Kingdom of Hewn." Tiro poor drunkard has nut pow- . er over hirnaclf-he has allowed an ueeon- querabie babit to grow oa him. He la • slave to it. It devolves upon -the commu- nity -..every man in it -to refsee him that which is his de.iroycr ; and they bead hiss poison who do not. it is slow, but pure. sure, in its effects. No doubt some soh o may read this will exclaim, with Cale, wM ktiled his brother Abel -"Am I my brother's keeper." Well, that question •wilt be as - meted on the last day.-Betkurettemeememitenewswilmees Cssri- eI. ; • THE INDIAN DISASTERS. The disasters which have recently he-• nate- badly woutsdts the former. The captain fallen the British arms in India have nate- y g rally excited much .peculation u to the succeeded is getting down into the cabin, i issue of the cordite which baa for some ani Dov ng procured a collas, wan again i time been pending between the native going on deck, when he was stabbed in than princes and the neur n. It bas struck tai neck and fell back a lifeless corpse. The i p as- sineular, that though ere hear, on trill ladies; • affriehtod at the noise and grease of the murdered, were ordered to their state- rooms, and the mate was secured m his : and the murderers took possession of the Cabin ' forces, to maintain the supremacy of British and soaped their course foe the coot of power, in countries whose independence Peru. On the tullowing morning, the mate ' wo fiat' erusiied, yet in scarcely a military was told that •he could have the boat and I instance are we aware of the justice of our provisions if he choose to leave tbe vessel, cause having been vindicated. and take the ladles with him. under pre The iosaviable.rage of conquest 'thick teoce of lowering the boat. they induced has characterised the British IndianOovere- 4im to go on deck, whoa they fell upon him, meet. has felt many a dark stain upon the and having wounded him badly. threw him es,of British history;and were we nein overboard. They then threw all the lettere 1pages collect into one meas, the entire details and papers overboard, and, galore out • of the atrocities perpetrated by that abomi- targe qantity of gold, divided it among the noble oligarchy, in the numberless metres - crew, compelling all of them at the peril ons n'Mc ,jt has made io the nations of their lives, to take s shire of the Money, Mons Eaeteen Peninsula, and the country to and then calling for wine, commenced quar- relling. the north of it, we might blush to think For two days they held undospu- that we belong. to the same great empire ea ted pns'easion, compeliine the Indies to sit that which calla the Indian Provinces por- al table with them, and, and threatning 1 tions of its extended territories. them with death if the; did not comply. - 1 N h beamed on the future but rider, the strongest expressions of 'papa. thy to behalf of the gallant men who have fatten in the recent bloody struggle of our Baggression has its limits wide tbeogle . o ray ofops cam But remitted ' SECOND REPORT• thank." to a kind PoaBlacei delnerance-wee i army' havintg rubjuea tnes aro J vertohe. ipaT The Canada left Meru on Thorieay at at kind. i betwee8 ravancora and Dine, from Bee- - file night of the Sth of October. the al to Dfalwah, still went on in tbe work mmainder s having drank free'y, the rc- of Usurpation: and under every variety of" ,elven r of the crew planned todeliver tbcat- text assaticd ever adjacent regina, tart-" sateen and the ladies froto the hands of the i t at pretext, eventhegreat ]i eseowite mutineers. About one o'clock one of the I dynasty, Degan to apprehend danger to Its crew; John Smith, of Rotterdam, killed two frootiere. Every nation in the world has of the murderers with an nxe,• and 'truck looked with jealousy, or with envy, on the :he third cutting ell h:e arm, and with the extension of our Indian power. France Austria,- l>c., has caused as uneasyon feeling assistance of the carpenter and vole boy, the Continent, which has been renpibly 1 threw him overboard. Finding it impeach• has not forgotten that her trading monops. felt in England, and has operated injuriously cable to g6 to Mazatlan, theVeseel's court.° ly in India sots wrenched frons her by obliged to travel, the sea- thele patronage npon the buaiee,. of the country.' j rade, cab, shaped for the ialant. Tho folio•cine British arms: and hence It le. that at the wassea- t/en) within the limits JOHN ail+ df d pre is n list of there who were- killed by the recent day we the militarydiscipline Tbn Direct ora may withheld the Premi N, B. -Good STABLER and attentive notwithstanding, continues sae of the trees b: find t.intn the field by the nm, should the Judges consider the Horse Gro6tam. t. -'.stn tea for mcg: articles., of produce are tory mutineers :-\Ir. Cook, for home years a re.yolti e Rn}ahs of the Punjanh, each Ile ebewm, unworthy. •_ Natisctnry. resident ec of Mazatlan, Capt. Jtobert n net c :!y to excite the astonishment, but, is Ree. CUltiNiNGHAME,Eledp. vALQABi-F LOT.OFI- -- 1`otherr. .Bombay Telegraph, rapk Bays-- it.city; of thuree Ramos Alra and VALUABLE to Another of those murderous estates, melee )Title°. The three tenement were Semi- fact, to confound the tattles of our own C'tOd b, fM Feb. fes' FOR BALE.hostilities with the Sikhs f r t h been , minmandcre. The " Affghans, nasal the d 1 lt h tee, at , 12 o'clock. and -will arrive et her wharf ear- ly on Sunday. She has 99 paesengere. The terrible accounts of the war in India, united with the' decided tone of defiance Lately usumad by Musset, and the attitude yahoo Me,tl,e er, who is evidently prepar- ing to Frau warlike operations it; Italy, hare rendered our sett cues wi cane. Throe natives o at have n l S.k h c from the most remote motive - l• conrpicuntts, has occur.' on the • e placed in confinement a purpose 0 LOT 8, Lake Sborq township Mfr- bank of River Gbelum, e.ar, or as some examination. It is thought that none ofl ty, been famed for their warlike tpirir, and IS bathe HgURON that all parties indebted field, containing say, on the identical spot which, two thou- the crew except the three who were lolled! their indomitable detestation of a foreign to. the L SON TI , by Note or RI•were aware of the plot. The youth who yoke; and the ficree resistance which they CULTURAL SOCIETY, by or otb- ONE HUNDRED ANiy" SEVENiTY- sand years age, formed the battle field of are now making against the Anent is erwise, that unless the same is paid by the T'V0 ACRES, 1 Alexander and Spores. That ecene, rich so nobly rescued the lives of those on board I are prones that they have fin not, army the i First day of May next, proceedings will be 1 •the th t•og Village of is algesic aesociatione, has been the 'rens by taking that of the villians in whose hands , then' o world, agpr lest any portion ofnot, their is - instituted against them. P rt Albert, ro wtucn there u a Grist b , t 1 P b th 8 kh forces I h h tine ch ru By Order,It Oat ltil{I The I i 1S. banks R. G. CUNNiNGHAME, Secy Godertob, list Feb. 1849. NOTICE ow.Jlfik c.a., and the balance 1a lastdl- ►THF, next sittings of the DIVISION sneers being done away will. Tb. Rents payable 1st Februaryeach `pear, are about the interest st Six Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon moat of the Lots, when LEASED, NO MONEY IS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, according to locality, nos, two, or three years Rent, must be' paid in advance, -bat these payments will free the Settler frets further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea of kis term of Lease. The right to 'PURCHASE the FREE- HOLD duringthe term. is secured to -the Inoses at a fied suns named is Tease, and ao elloranco is made according to antici- pated payment. Lista of Londa, .raid any further informs• tion can bo obtained, (by application, if by hater post-paid) at the Colr,Atr'a Orrtces, COURT wiU Lo held at the gaol, God orieb. on Batarday the 14th day of April next, , A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1st Tension on Court. Coderieb, Nerd 7th, 1849. $n -1v4 Lottery in Goderich. Within two lttt es oftiring , Port t tin of a fierce and protracted straggle between they were, is deserving of lasting gratitude. a 1er. The recent ."[fair on the ',Saw Mill, andan of is the army of the unto andc i The following is a list ofthose who wereoftheJhellum too well attests their t under Rajah Sherr Singh. A struggle et - from concerned in the pias to deliver the vessel prowess and the superior arias of their from the mutineers : John Smith of Rot- ' [ eommandcre. What may be the tenon? of tertian', John Barringer of CharBordles x, Thom- the next news which rearhes us from the a Gannon of London, Charles McDonald, seat of war, wo cannot pretend to predict; • and Fronk a Swede. but it is very much to be feared that the The specie hu been removed from the nor fellows. who fill the ranks of the' vestal to the vaults of the Treasury, b1 emir force, will have suffered still further order of the Consul General bre Cook dtsa_terr. • NO BLANKS ! ! THE Snhaeriber mtesde baying a LOT- TERY on TUESDAY the let May, for the Disposal of PROPERTY, by 1000 Tickets, at Ss. each. Each bolder of a Ticket wilt be entitled to a Prize ; and the following will he the prineipal Prizes. j,IST OP PRIZES. One Span of Hurter, valued at £75 0 0 Toron(o and Goderick ; of R. BiensALL.' One Mare !4 yearn old], 19 10 0 Esq., Aep)odrl. Colborne District ; Dr. ' Ote Cbvtered Carriage, 45 0 0 ALLtre, Gae11k, or J. C. W. Deer, Esq., One Wsgon, 20 0 0 Mfratjord, Hurbs Dieted. Ose Light Soggy, 15 0 0 Cadence. March 17,1E48. 7- One Set Double Uarnees, Silver . Mounted, 13 0 0 One Trouble Barreled Gun and Case (Egg, maker ] 15 0 0 One Double Sleigh, (new), '7 10 0 One Cctter, 3 0 0 0.. Set Deane Ham..., (mewl, 7 10 0 Set dodo6 0 0 Oat Set e, Sad ernes. 0 0 leg to ileums. that they have new on haml end Oa Bridle, Saddle, and biattingal. S JO 0 are mem* n lander a targe ta*eetnrewt d Cent' boundedop the west by the Take, and on t:c east by a cut road, -and is well waterel. (17" For particulars. apply -if by letter post pad -to DAVID CLARK, Esq. CLAREMoNT, 141h Dec. 1849. 4Stf MARBLE FACTORY, SOUTH I/Arm*, 8T., GALT. DH. McCULLOCH eeMi,mee to man- • declare HEADSTONES, MONU- MENTS, OBELISKS, TOMB TOPtt, We., in Marble and Freestone, a cheap aa an in the Proviaee, all wort wernated to oder or no charge will be made. Prices 41Ilftxllm Heid.towee from a to 50deitan; fertiMabene hent 6 to 90 hollers ; Mom- ., -8 ''88 4.11rea n}InattN.-- Written communicalis:1M addressed to MM undersigned ceetdNnf( the Inscriptions, end at what prlee,le ]Warble or Freestone, will be puncttn.11y stawd6[ 1.. D. H. Me(ULLOCH. Galt. Nov. Otis, 1642- 42013 .-- TO I.F.T, NOTICE. THE fiobsen'ber baving RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARFbeloog- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place, has eatabliabed himself as a ►saw Linea Alen COMMIS/10R Sin COAPT. Any orders or commistioe from the Met- cbants of Godcrich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN Me WAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 2v-7ntf• LOST. DEBEN ruRE on the District for the sum of LI 2 8 3, drawn payable to EDWARD RUTLEDGE or bearer on de- mand; there is £2 3 3 paid on the same andeudoreed cn the back. i hereby cau- tion any person or persons from purchasing the tame. JOHN RL'TLEDGE- StraUord, Feb. l0, 1849. GODERICH FOUNDRY. THE Sebseribeesla retaraiag thanks to the bite for the Rhea) share of patronage Burred, in which the Bntieh had to deplore the loss of at (cast 95 officer!, and 2,500 men, in killed and wounded : 4 guns captur- ed, sad 4 or 5 reginiental colours taken by the enemy. Tho struggle terminated in tictnty, which was diegre-eed by the flight of tho Bengal Cavalry Regiment, and the retreat, scarcely as yet satisfactorily ex- plained, of two British troops of Dragoon The struggle finally /eft the contending par- ties eo week and shattered, that it was doubtful which had rustaeted the greatest injury from the conflict, end which yielded so few of the badhree of triumph for the vic- tors, that their opponents took a new post- bridge, bridge, from tllb circumstances of his being tion, and fired a salute in honour of its ter- ' missing and foot markts seen at the side, urination. Though matter of the field, her where a part of the railing was broken a• laurels are drenched in blood ; and it is the way. We regret to say, that the suspicion universal npinion that two more such victo- was too well grounded.. On Monday last and lord known ries would be avirtualruin. smirched for him and in a the matter is Lork No attempt is made yg ppi to diegu h f thea f m lddta ie and laid us the wart. Ile had been drink- formation that the 1 on Fridayeve.- ea vitiate eoender and servant are residing on shore. It is terrible to think on eoeh) seem es --- - that must have been in which one half the INTEMPERaNcE-ITSs AWFUL coNsEQUEN- rank and file of the gallant 24th weramew- cgs.-A young man named William Hicks, ed down in the course of a few minutes !- a wagon maker of this Town, was suspec- There is nothing in the History of the bet- ted to have been drowned off the Long Iles of even our great Doke to exceed, or '? in pbrhape to equal this catastrophe. Lord Gough, being a Tipperary man, bas, as a matter of course, Leen denounced bkyats• cockney press, as a rpadmaa, a'l: but the troth of the river was gunge c ough had no choice Ime d b the English tees abort time his romans were dragged oat to fight, or to fl Oise t • they have esi.yed silica commeeetng b.dnew, Harness. 3 (Inc Sliver Wateb, 2 0 0 i 1et, perkier, sed bee at..** plush gratin(., One Fanning Mill, (new,] 6 0 0 , ere gmaew Wefts' mill esetiegs,amui maehiws. Ono do Jo 8 0 0 and every ether .goals ..sally connected . ith One Tbtoreegb Feld Beeksbire tb. trade, whish they will be happy to• well on the Seer, t IR 0 • tswtleaf••ehMttar+am fee 'reteesive siren. Ons da els Sow, 1 10 01 9. M. N Co.. iaviag ""d' tines atsd iewpI4- I .es la she 3eles3ieg depart- ment of their eitalNle.Mev. b she latndeeuee sf setf-settag . sew enabled to 'meow al soden. wi taM ' they wee be esteemed far tar ."apply t4aa/kieg mucking', feet sod sew sill* purl* see sassy other du- •deusa of mashts•ry. es des meow ecienttftc sod prpeipb.asd with tM arum's fact - The bets ani tab• bees weeld•iw infant the public th M ! kiss Mime malt plate will in fettle be M all *ed a their mese. Iiwkmes4. lbb.4r e1 ' 1-lM .we w rtw.rilf bums ealemsly wneld s1u vatp.at, ,get all • lie te etn en they lag holders of kW wilrh etiviie aef tauerasasaslwiik leeward immediately .pp4stttrg awe mth4t AMBet1M e1` wet sed ewa4 r drMpe oe they will be ale dhow enwMosfN M the t6 e/1411n •f pl li ee ' Ill et tap et liana. for T .' Utas t 8 Letewye wither feeler r IRAT 3*. . tw.-story ►.ow, *matte J- tN SummlMat'Payers, b.Ma/ieg tf tales Wines M. +.lisem.A/ nes+ by Ws. 11es- tarn It 8 1.f ..6;w sip.'dle oho ty.6a 1 v ries. NsI Z..tl.a end turekeed sod ohs r best tr..s stf varleae Mile pr.,ejlsYy 1..tw ire bast se tetlWsse A s ada. of eM siur- Iss M M 1.l .N % se itemiser tame ie•.►.eid ggptlas*. mbewleee ilio to tri •ee M me an. ' dlebls geese. .ISm lwOse eetalRo}w.•amse M ite-d spa P+.r r • owee 1st P.bTMry, t80 (Mee Bet W bi pple Tres. veined at 0 15 0 Cleo Set do do 0 10 0 Ose Neck Vote, er ween-; 0 I0 0 Ons do do .,,.,,.. ee ,e 0 55 o £166 1 el Tie fellewe.g t eotiesetme bora oo.stletd e net es Msasgoro t Memos. J. Millen H. B. 4YCe.nee. Perko, W. E. Grave, pp rt Gils- obs Lasea.tereend A IY. Otter; (le At1 et WD!'t* et eta le the a to THOS. ti. MILLER It Ca, Ooduele, 7tl Yareb. 1648. Codersil. Dee. TO* 180 y. Ito- wnhad ofjust Attock, received ch y farther up the river leo t o act ewe rn ab of the most disastrous character. Lord ,.sag in one of nor ."Acer.. Gough has been promptly supereeded in the ieg, and had not been peen until his rmais% Indus, had, after a siege of four er ire. command by Sir C. Napier, who was to all ewoUen-e frightful tight -were draws menthe, been taken by Chutter Singh, ase taus proceeded to the seers of hoeulitiee o.' `him tbeen remains b oft half Johnan Montgomery ward our after that hwitis h alli hatl te,er was to thee relieftnoff bu h Share Sin h, with wham the 20th Inst. ITALT.- Vltile Austria is porthing on the vAr in Hungary, she is not nnmindfnl of Italian affairs. Sho has mare/led a bedv of troops into Ferrara and seized upon t t I laid on the warf. What a sight. Wbat city, and levied a fine upon the eitizens of an awful warning, -to sco the remains, of *00,000 ecudiy which she has handed over to I two victims of intemperance Tying side by tee Pope. I side. Dr. Nicol, the Coroner, held inquests The revolution in Tueeany is Complete, 1 on the bodies. The verdict of the jury, its; and a republic has becn proclaimed in Leg- the case of the first. was that he same to hofs attd Florence, and a cen'ral Italian Re- his death by drowsing whilst Is a stale of Roblic has Men formed in anion with the intoxication :-and that the other, from Somans. being cinder the influence of 1 uor and from Aussie. -Tho Austrian war in Hungary I the darkness of the night, bad lost lis war hes proceeded with variable faeces in the and was drowned. Now, we wonld sok .11ttb of Hungary• The German population (ander a view of the awful eircumateneee jPdleg the isestgeststarrying the destrne- that we ha•:o recorded, and not with a desire tlu3 (. every quarter. riled on taro R"ssi to give oBenee to any one) -upon whom a'e, who now occupy Crotretatlt and Her• does the reeperisibility rest 1 Are the n.- maastadt. Several merlees betties hath fortunate victims themselves alone reeo'n- takee place, one of thou fa the very weigh- sible (or their fats 1 Ire Jrar not. 1. is bourbood of Erlaw lasting two days, with higb time something wa done to cheer* *be considerable slang/hter in which the impart- vi°e and istemperseee that prevails. Let allot .eemed to have bed the advantage.- our Taverna be reduced in number and pie I..t thous •sower the sed of their itsperta knee hese in botbtien ,tat is ea e tioe---a pie of refreshment a.d rest esgtngmwrat tries" bed both his by .hot to travelers, and not dens for the resort of oR, bet the lot report ie ,b.1 b. bad left iota and drookarda. es some or them are Tv..rlva.ia fee llsngry. A' tM troops pw. he Drunkard /-i. hs not known 1 seenehet it Neheem .ens, dioses tato nosy Does not every o.e knew him t and ie there to rwpo.sibiIav restimg epos ,hoer, who Biwtslee. it M d/Malt to tearMin t►o eats• him liquor 1 There is an arotal reo- i uses waisR ewe Meer every day -we whose fate wo redorded in our last, were ( father, the Raja R also fund -although fruitlessly tiearetted army the British had now jest come up; ant for up to that time. Ills remains were also whose retreat they bad dogged northward from Monitan, with the hopes of euttiag it to piecee before the Rajah .hould reach a place of pafety. or form a junction wM the troops of his eon. Lord Gough N blamed for ant having selected better groned for a. engagement: but it le q"ite wrong to blsaso iso Lads ip: the party whorl the cockney preen ought really Ie blame Is Rajah Singh. It was a great shame for th+e o'd barbarian to force a battle are the British atmy in ouch a di.adeselageene position. Why did he sot come net IIIstea man, on open, level, ground, and barestand up fight 1 The cowardly fellow!N was just n great an ans a flamer." son at New Odea.", where the Tkikele could not see anything but edtea Neee s.S sager hogsheads to Are at. Of eonree ser readers bees 'es nave the Salley victory. This Lord O.. li the sawre Gong* who, sett* awe el Nrae yoam ago. informed the '(AWA wield et the change of eoioor nth . • atter &seed um the waters of ieg it with the blood of Sikhs. He said "the Sot nee bioeed » mid when this sew. ittbs was the pr ofC berg ► ittte the Aro►- ie lame el a faeteted a sow ette r' H to a wrrtdl. Mtrt/ 'N tllt ttvo . a Proem of the war, tell Mrmimatlle 81 t • f ieg upon such There are welsh neaten le M sol •eZ. .l')7es Stypliaeet. ON -,' l .e chi eNy set 'mase (hem by sales gi K,