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Huron Signal, 1849-04-06, Page 4
(RLTUSAL • 1 think 1 sew Wm sees sew, When GM is seams! void 1 apemen W peof red head and vow Feb twighier hopes sad goW Ns steno, suet hie fro. displayed, Bet anti h' (esters stele. With every little weed 1 said, Toe eaesiah of by sows. Ho did ago ..k to urge hie sail When met by my diedaie. 11.t s] : his sasses tell, though maw, His baptise bream's pain. 1 think 1 see hu noble brow ('loaded by deep despair. And gladly weeld 1 cherish sow The love that ntnggkd there. Tura have rotted •newly, sadty by, Sire that ill.(.reJ day. And nft I've itworssi with bitter sigh The hest 1 rut sway. Oh ! what would 1 h.v• sure sicca then, That "ported one to recall, ()ace on mere Tar to hear &gam Affection's murmer fall The Mesons of wealth which, ruled my choice Are dream* to me so more, And for nae note of Love's •wret voice I'd glee its worthless .tore The jewels enteritis en my brow Soothe cot my stilled sight', N .r riches e'er the tears ion at IVhich now from these aid ryes. They tell me I .bould hippy be When luxuries surround. Aod wonder *list iu mirth ted glee My smile in saws fusod. They little know my Bidden grief, Toe hitter to be told, Who think the heart can God relief in luxury or gold. 'Tie by etperiesee (dearly bought) I've lensed to prize too beret The faithful hesrt by love o'erwroesht And doomed to loneliest fete ; Sat let it b• -'tie pan what cure The world elle e'er "uggnt ; And silently must 1 coders Whet 1,.. has seer ee.feesed ! ATOLL *misty .f the newest and meet imprar.d Bram. Ane bormit0 Feer• tope for 1841, bare home received by the subecsber, who will promptly attend to the orders of all orb witty (*suer hes with lbw patruiage• A. NAYSMITII. Goderich 120 April, 1(48. 17 TO MERCHANTS. WANTED. 10 001PuSIii.1.S good elan Ti. 7 mutby Seed, for which the Subvcnbers will pay a higher pries to Cash, ban any other buyers is the market. BUCHANAN it GOLDIE. Commission Merchants. Victoria Block.King 8t. t 61(4 Ilamtlton 29th Dec, 1848. FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM IN COLBORNE. A PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the L township of Colborne, Western Diri- Ilion. !turns Dietrich, containing TWO PROSPECT U S OF THE SECOND VOLUME OT THE JOURNAL Or EDUCATION Pea UPPER OANADA• IkDITSD BY TILE REV. EGERTON RYERSON, D A cnurr surwNTiim.NT or 11ee1006.• ; ASSISTED BY MR. .1. GEO. HODGINI. rrlt a Crechesom of lbs Jo.rs.1 d rd.e.ttiee .L Miseries to coolies' n• publicati.n for the year 1049. Its (1110 will be mom, rammed of uct*ve, 1. .,dor to omen to the .ube.riben a it the sdvalags et .Onepeper is the Owe .f pomp/dm pemega. ler the First Volition tie C odeetore have had chiefly • fourlole object In view. 1. An repeat - nos of the principles, ..d pro•ieion. and °bi�neees. of the/411m dCemroos Scheele in Upper Ca.. .ds. 9. The gwli(oatione. obligations end mutual rehtio.ased defies of Tr.ete.s, Parents and Selma' Teachers. 3. TM t.ysoruaoe a( Normal Scheid losueetion for the rkvelion of Comm*. tk•h«'le of the eountry. 4. The im- portauee sod great advantages of a tha.syts Cbriatmu, Coo10o. Sehoul education to the "everal clunes of our iaduetrtuua popalaiioe.- While the subjects which have givrn ebareeler to the Filet Volume of this leurul will sot be lost sight of. seedier-lmente object of the Se - &Es SUAL.Yrilk DOM lire. w isle of Mop tart, be A p11a3Jof JOHN Lir X JI<.. N L{e Rty Tnweship 04 Q.dsrieb, s dub krona MARE. Wee )etre old, with a wilts star on the for.I d; mrd oof white idol toot aid • basal Mails 'end tail. The prwpeieter pereisesd her Waw Lemke aid .apps..e abs mop haveete*f..-A It taat(woe. Host whoever will mime s.. W the oweer or give such ta(.r.atioa as will 1..4 to het recovery, will receive 01 op near!. Goderich, 18th Jas., 1811. 50 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with coed t'oleme will toe SCHOOL AItCHITEC- 25 Refsll cleared and to good order; (apnea TIJRE: he the.luehbtioo dsudimproe•M.t in repair. '(hero is a good Frame House rt which the Condaetor• have already proland ltiittage it'll:), Dison the premtree, 36 by sevetal l.n(ravog•, sod have takes sieps to pro - e) turf ; oho, a Frarnc B.ro 60 by 36, and cure others: sod to the omen. of the year, the, I'we Yroi a Shed', each 90 feel long, with purpose 10 21" ene,snne. o1 "II rho hast and mor* suitable )'L.1NS OF SCi it H)L.IIOU$Ett, t Log Farm Moire in tulerakle repair.- (w-uh &eCCOgat.yms explanations.) which have There are three tunnies, et reams of water 1 be, -n re.•nmmended ley .b..,1 aathoriti.a is the through the Lot ; two of which are in the ! n, tglibmtnag Sures, : sad s1.•. if tensible, Bible, For• • luring • a "mall orche,pabout the Frame_ anvinp„if „he eenesu(plansdCo10es•.8.1,,,ol. Gomm, aid a first rate Well inthe cellar. 1, hoe.» which have bees adopted and memo - The price of this desirable property- is i m. -.d• €1 by rho Educ.uonal Committee of Het £650 currency. For particulars apple to i Mures('. hive (waned in England. The En - Messrs. STRACHAN k LIZARS. ravines will exceed ie number the mo its of Solicitors. West -street. the years, and will themselves be worth the sob- A,o'nxa Vic-rm.-On T*ie.day last, in Out town, Tim Brennan died suddenly; of Delirirm Tremens. But every one sc- gtunted with Ttni s habits knew what killer. Tim, and therefore, there was no .eerinos to pct the district to any expence .pont the matter. There are some more among us follow- ing Tim's footsteps, and when they go, it wont be necessary either to summon thir- teen men to find the cause of their death. The people might suppose, from the number of victims hen, that thoy would ROOD be all gone. This is • great mistake, for the moderate men will supply their places fast Dough. Cas such 'Mop be and overcome ■s like a summer cloud, Asti not excite our special wonder?" Look out for more Tito'. ! The Tem• perane. Roll Book Iia at the Stone Bock; there is room'for a few hundred more who ought to migc.-/bid. Godorieh, March 12, 1848. stir script.on pnce of the volume. GODERit?'H, C. W. 306 .\ oseea&er, 1848. FOR SALE by the Subaenbore, BARRELS OF LAKE HURON HERRINGS, which will doubtless shortly be made by the The Vicroau MAGAZINE Will cauls twuty- For which Produce will be taken in Le/idioms for the estehli"hment d COMMON four Pace. in each number printed on new type - payment. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. SCHOOL LIB,nn3e d LIBRARIES: and on the.aetio,' et and upon soul paper: and will form at the sod books for that psrpox by the Board Liao, d the year a nut Volumse, of 288 pages, to- gether with Title Page and (odes. 1t will be Nosed Monthly, eeinneeaeise on tive Fina of September, from be office of JOSEPH WiLSON, Front -street, Befevitk-the Pub- lisher and wk Prop•ictor, to whom .11 orders for the M■gazine, and lettere to the Editors, most be addremed. (post -pad.) The terms of sub- seTiption-ONE IX)LLAR PER ANNUM - i sterieMe to Le paid in etdeesu. Goderieh, )larch 3, 1849. 5 Another abet of the Second Volume will be, Il•HE Copartnership heretofore existing between 11. undersigned (under the Men, of Gooding and Laermetet, lanboep- •rs,) u tons day dissolved by mutual cos- .ent. J. Y. GOODING, J. LANCASTER. The business will be costi..ed, and .11 outstanding seemed. dlse h' and to the 'infield be settled by the undersigned. .1. LANCASTEIt. Goderich, 5th Sept., 1848. 8311 PROSPECTUS or. TIIE VICTORIA MACAztN . x`o T E R S T6'"' having Wised that wen known sed commod*leo TAVERN STAND, I , * Atbe ?oweehmaiHey, 4te miles fk.m OedeeKK1 os ib. Louden Reed. lately eegapred by lir. Jaroeiremedesi begs lasts to is lease to We Bored. Mbi fiat travelwj public is gasser, that be bra opened ee Ion on the premoee for the accommodation of travellers. Aad as hs intends to coo - duct it on the most Telepeolablo principles sod to *pan neither I.bosr Tor •Jpewle *n ministering to the emm(oei of these who may patronize him, be hopes to merest and obtyn • share of the public favor. DAVID GUNN. N. B. -There is good Stabling on the premises, and teamsters and others may depend on every necessary attention beteg paid to their homer. D. G. God.nob, Jan. 9401*, 18p8. 9111 THE APPROACHNG SESSION 11 R. AND MRS. MOODIE, Enemas. • _ THC Editors of the VICTORIA MAeansa will ,l -vole all their tale.te to ',reduce • reefed elhertarumg, and cheap Pen,dical, for the Cans- •eao people; which may aired arunseIuent to both ell and young. Sketches and'"I'sler, is verse and prose, Mem! Eseey, Societies or the Cutesy, Scoops of Umfel 1nf..rm•rtio., Review• of new %Yorke, and well selected frticler from the twos? popular .othors of the day, will form the pages 01 the Magazine. The Editersleetconfident that the independent sod siring 5000117 to who's. service they are to ezpl.f11 see mwlifutinne which may be made wooed to dedicate their talents, vial cheerfully in the Srh.ol law in connexion with ism prewar lend its "opport to encourage their arduous red h000uruble uoderiakisg. The low price at which ibe Periodical is placed, u u order that every person within the Colony who can read, and it envious for moral and mental improvement Mar become a suh.rriber and patron od the week. provisions. A allied sad prnmiseot object of the Screed Volume will be, the exposition of the mesh serener, for carrying into effect provtwoee Tea Cnnsot*iions nr THU Coot. -Mar< *hal de Mouchy pretended that Pigeon fish had a consoling virtue. When ho lost any friend or relation, he used to say to his cook -"Give me roast pigeons to -day; for I have observed that; after having eaten a couple of pigeons, 1 always rise from the table muck tem unhappy." F0 1 SALE. FINITE. BRICK COTTAGE 6.4 Lot rue- ning No. 581, in the Town of Goderich, Volume itir some arrosnte sad notices of the formerly to the possession of Henry O'Neil, ►,stems of public tn.trectinn and ednestiosel now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- ntovemeou d other eowwtrice, both Europe.. tags ie very conveniently arranged, and well and Arnerinn, as well as (11 some articles d miseellsoeous literature, ouch as will be specially suited for • small family, hoe a apmdtrrf wood shed, stable, ke., good well of wetter; enitrthion ng snd m•troetire to yens perenoe.- But the rdoeational wane of Upper Canada will the garden contains several choice fruit fins ron,ms•,d nuencion, rind determine the trees, end the whole enctoeed with A strong diameter d the J I of E.Inration. picket fence. Only a portion of the money The Conductor• reopreduhy and earnestly would be regnircd doer., --the remainder in elicit the eonlmurd sod belie! co-operaioa of three annuat inatalmente, District (upertsteodefts, Clrrgvmen, and other Apply to William Ratteabury of the Clio- School officers and Irienda of Edursiton in pro- ton Arms, or to curing and forwarding "nbscrptions. No part BENJ. PARSONS. of the stibscriptiens will be applied to remise- GoJerich August 24, 1818. remise - 30,, rate the labour of editing the Journal ; but the g whole will be expewded in detrwring expenses levered in eonnex110 with its poblitatio0. TERtu:-Fire shilling, • per annum. Ia ad- vance ; and no subeeriplion will be takes far less than one yes. District Coo.eils ordenog THE Snbscriber in returninghis sincere one copy for the Trustees d each School Sec - thanks to his customers or the liberal lion in their District, or soy number, sot leas )+Ientree!. than fifty, will be supplied at three shillings and Tbo above John Bignell is a remarkably •t -_---^ 1 tures, about 6 feet lion. "bort revirwa and characteristic mimeo of. them will be give,' it the Journal, together with the beet and cheapest modes of procuring them, We hope aloe to hod room i, the idewd THE OENEt3EE FARMER. A .Vowthly Journal of Agricrlture,•Ilorti- culture and Rural Affairs. Volume 10 -For 1849. ►MIF. Publisher of the Farmer gratefully acknowledges the receipt of numerous lists of new subscribers, from all parts of the country, during the past month. The encouragement bestowed upon the enter- . prise, by its Patrons and the Pres, since the publication of the January number, in most gratifying -and proves that the work is considered thn chespeet and best Agricul- tural and Horticultural Magazine ever .1 - fated to the American Pled e. Post-Mas- tenAgents and other prominent Friends improvement, mprovement, are entitled to especial thanks for the generous and noble exercise of their influence in behalf of the work - If etch of the scores of new subscribers that we are daily receiving will also lend their kind offices to extend its eircuatinn. the Farmer will have Fitt, Thousand Sub- scribers before the 1st of May next -which would enable us to make it, in every respect the .Paaters Agricultural Journal of the UAire1 States. The January number i• universally pre. gemmedthe cost bea.tifrl Farmer's Jour - mit. issued In this country -while its coateote, to earths least are equal to those of any of its coItemporeriee. And the February number, already published, is certainly not inferior, and probably more interreatiog than the former. The two nnmben are illn J with about Forty Engraving*, including a Wel plate Por- trait. Each number of the Farmer will contain 21 Royn! Octans I'a,tes, Title Page anis Index at the close of thn year -making a beautiful volume of several hundred pages, complete for chi Library. TER NS-lnwriably in Advance -aa Single Copy, 60 Cents. Five C•,plea for 13, end any greater ',timber at the mime rate, if directed to mdm,dual•.- ifdirected to one person, eight copies for three Dollars, and any .ditio.al number at tho urns rate. The emirs volume sent to ell .ubatrtbnrs. Tho -work Is re sheep, sed emitters' Teo muco valuable pert. N all se'tj•'rts cos. reeled +0th ARri.;ultur•I Horiseeltsre, G.rdening. k-.. tatevery Armer,.s'bi.k and profe:wi.i.Sl men who owes or 'shiest*. a rod of goosed w well awe. to bwSS . sebeer(Mr • The January avid Febntary numbers have been Stereotyped, so that we ere ewpply them to all yew rubeenhers. W• there- fore hsps then MMI d opened to aid re axtmad- lig the snfolmea of the Farmer will cels• Mose to remise and forward wbasnpeleer-- eeiaw ae.ardlag t. all, club teras. eeed .'la mosey, if rawly afr (ewe) m atsy M sent (poet -paid nr (ewe) .( the r14 *4 tape popbleihr. A.IJreesai 1). n. . MOORE. Rochester, N. Y. TAKE NOTICE. • OF PARLIAMENT. PARLIAMENT meets for the PATCH of BUSINESS. on THURS- DAY, the 1811 day of JANUARY omit. - We have mads ample arrangements by which we (hill be enabled to give ABRIDG- ED best -COMPREHENSIVE, and EARLY REPORTS of all the Proceedings of the Ilouee on theeveninps of Monday, Wednes- day, sad Friday, will be inserted in the GRE t morning's TRANSCRIPT. Those there• (ore, who desire to watch the proceedings of their Representatives, will be enabled to do so (as wo shalt only report the speeches of those who confine themselves to the qne"tions before the house ) by becoming SUBSORtBERS to the TRANSCRIPT. As t1* aittiag of the Legislature will be of casetdenbls duratloo ; and as our pope's - titre will be tired, during that time, of read- ing longminJcd speeches, ne have come to the eonclueinn to report the Proceedings ref the Sennett in an abridged form ; and we promise that we will do our beat to make the Teaesc1IPT a faithful record of the SAYINGS and DOINGS of our Reprieves - tat -twat. In addition to the Proceedings of Parlia- ment we shall, es usual, lay before ow ren. den the latest Europeen and American New. ; as well as *tech • variety of LITER- ARY matter, as will alone equal in virtue 11*s price of subscriptions. Intending Subscribers will be furnished with the Tat -\V EU Lr TOANscatrT 101 S months, .t FOUR SHiLwaoe. Rani-Wsetae TaimacwiPT for 6 months, at Fivs SHILLINGS. %Vegime Taeennstrr, for A menthe. at Firs SHILI.l ea ; or TEN COPIES for TEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM -all payable is advance, en postage Mid. The Wireete T..oN.trtrr contains the whole of the reading matter of the Tat- wEFwLT TRANSCRIPT. Those intending to subscribe doing the inteadeot of Common Schools of the session, will be pleised to notify us as euon as possible. All subecriptioos meet to pre Huron Distrtet, has absconded with a large I paid. sum of Public Money, the above Reward MOET&RAL TRANAC&I?T Orrice will be paid to any one apprehending the December 14th, 1813. said JOAN HIGNALL and recovering t1*. tl1-,1 © 'REWARD. A4liD. i iIEREA8 JOHN BIGNALL, Soper - VEUETAaLE LIiU nit AMA PHONIX SITTERS atedwlree Mn ampseedfor �.e� t. stf Tb. Mete ami stetsetsibal yr M i. ter pewee,db .sea they pewee, www.cMka e, W w uwtyiti. A �� a�.rlealee ale bpthelea•t • armitdaem Z21111- .11LZ. t]Lt11.11111:111110 ry 41r11Ni ACUTE and anew awsurti 11W 4 �Tiwi t Ltvaa QO.QLA1�17. Y.i1~M.. ad w•eL rhea erne amen aM0.I. tem mel be thud Nrrgbde Ph.rw. r`.... W star»..r owe w ahirk,r. 001 row sierra* be weird tem moue ONOtIC. wet CA>•r/tr' LeeM.eM• NUM ou.rw*NOM. COLLI da. COU M*. CWL•C. COi.iaarTlO$. Ord wkb east .onus In Or ammo CORRUPT HU10a14 ia.rilas, iTf�Eras. memo wale dWmrol dna elms .owed mem .w them embalms itme6wr aannioto r obi was. 11 =mum. Porte LEAVE. rev a sad AS11111. /el try morse aloe woo toe twit ter.. 0r.rw eea b w1 a seat. yeas. w velar mow. Calm rearm wee tab mum »layer he e Mara aim div. -s sate M thew .».A.0.. • twrmaaeeL- T.V THIN. SI 1ATWi1A *0111 et CURn0. PUULNAAICOMPLEXIiN. •$Wng1A''L DasILI?T elem..1DDINSEA GRAVEL. /41.494e11114 g"'" OAA. INWARD PAYER. INILAoMAro*Y W UvA• ?1311. Larvas BLOOD, JAUNDICE 1.033 r Arra• r1:E, LIVER OO1RPLAINTI, Palle P. LOOIEN'ENE, RsatlaCIL, IiIAL DISCAaIaa.- N.wi 11Ws w wsmc.111.10.•10 alt w.s•d..1 atewwr I.E- .fea• ems the• the amt ,.wren w.e•mura M aar•er.res. Mader bu•EAT&. 408000UR 0EEu1?7. NKRyoua COAPLAI\TS J err tied,. uROANIC AFFECTIONS. PALPITATIIIN a/w *EAA?, PAINTER*. 04101.10. rTLro , Tlrwswat truism. orthaw wrr•sa a. ••.wart u( Pie of . ran sudsy by Tei am .f ur.a 110 lifoiworio ooh... PAINS et Ilse heed. We, bask. turle. serial. bed mamas. Il H E V M A T I a M. The Ohne.' with this tw,dd• dyw"r. oral b.... .f Pals br err l+F M.irw+ KIWI el BLOOD to e1*. If MAD, eGunv . SALTANEUII. ai►ELLINrIO. SCROFULA. et ZING'S EVIL, eta amount stolen ; or the reward will be in TO PRINTERS. proportion to the amount recovered. Ike TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' money, Three hundred and forty right or.RNISHING WARE HOUSE. ',lids, was in 0$10 notes of the Bank of 1rilE Sebecriben bare opened a New 1 Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Faocy Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Bras Rules, Steel. Column Rutee, Composing Sticks. Cases, and every article necessary fora Printing Office. The Type, which are east in new moelds9 from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with deep counter=, end. varrantrd lo be nnser- passed b any, be bold at. prices to dart the time?. .\II the typo (urn..hed by us is " hand cast."• Printing Presses furnished, and and also, Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Composition Rollers oat for printers. 07° Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times as much type as their bills amount to, may give the a-bove six -months' insertion in then papers, and send their papers containing it to the Subscribers. COCKCROFT k OVEREND Are '18 Ann Street New York. Deem/thee 7lb 1847. mlb patrorage bestowed on him since his arrival in Goderich, wishes to inform them that he has disposed of the business to JAMES DONALDSON. All those in- debted to him by Note or Book account, will please call and settle tho same before the twentieth day of February, as all Notes ghillie • and Book accounts remaining uoeettled of . g D rr e on. ter that date will bo glv -r• 'o a Lawyer EDUCATION Orrrr, for collection. Toronto, December, 1a18. 1 , THOMAS WATKiNS. Ooderi:b, Jan. 12,1849. 49 . NOTICE. nine pence per copy for Inc year. large man,IT All commenieations to be addressed to' 3 inches in beigth ; very round in his Mr. Hodgins, Education Offtro, Toronto; and rhou!dere, haughty in his address, and about all lettere not es0tatulo( rrmtuanca, meat be- 50 years of ago ; hair straight and auclined peat -paid. torey, whiskers white. • • Complete sets of the First Volume well be Any information respecting the above, to furnished to parties wishing to obtain 11, at Five LC forwarded t0 4d FOREIGN PERIODICALS. RE -PUBLICATION OF TIIE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, GEORGE BROWN, Treasurer Huron District. Goderich, C. W. (Wench, Oct. 17, 1848. - 38tf STRATFORD HOTEL. ISAAC MAY, informs his friends and the . 'k SMART, through the agency of FOREIGN 'QUARTERLY REVIEW, I public, that he has taken the BRICK the Subscriber, aro requested to settle their WESTMINSTER REVIEW, sued TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. aecoents immediatly either with him or 1 BLACKWOOD'S EDiN'G MAGAZINE. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where ,IIIIE above Periodicals are reprinted in nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro- ' York, immediately on their ar- rival by the British Steamer', is a beauti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and ere faithful copies of the origthals- d Blackwuos Magazine being an exact fac-simile of the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame r f these splendid Periodicals renders it needless to,say much in their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a si- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance not often as opportunity among the respective =looms found in works ofa party rharaeter. to Wn.,Ltar COSSET. on the 4th and 5th of Oc- They embrace the views of the three sober text, mthe HURON HOTEL, Goderich, great parties in England -Whig, Tury, after which time the Bailiff will call upon all de- faulters, as farther time cannot be given. end Radical-Blacktcood and the London LL persons indebted to BREWSTER with Mr. George Frater, Goderich, and save Coate. J. K. GGODING. Goderich, Mb Sept., 1848. 32tf doosatcs, 20th December, 1840. TiIF, uodeleigoed having been appointed by Ilia Etcellency, the .Governor General, ad interim Superintendent of Common Schools in the':I1preq District, will he ready to attend to all correspondence connected with the duties of his office, at his house .to Eat Street, Goderich. CHARLES FLETCHER. mote the comfort and convenience of his guests. I. M. flatters himself that his selectiop of Wine and Liquors is equal to any in the country, and his Stabling department is of the most complete description. Stratford, 28th April, 1818. 131f TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WATRRL.on, 28th February, 1849. ►nHE Subscriber hereby intimates to his s• friends and the Travelling Public gene- rally, that he ha retnoved from New Aber• deco to the Village of Stneborgh,- and will now be found in thatwell-known house for• mealy occupied by Mr. Jnncs,-whore he will be ready and able to conduce to jt romfort of those who may honor him r their patronage. And while he urns thanks for Peet favors, he hopes, by "strict attention to the want• and wl.herof hie customers, still to merit a cootinwnce of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. • N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. e2 -414t( TO LET, TLLAT haodm.w two-story house, opposite the Steamboat Tavern, belonging to John Wilms s 4th, sad p`oretly occupied by Mr. Rea - lean. 1t N Image and well adapted to the um of a respectable family-haviag a lege garde, and orebe d well *tucked with comeliest futt:r•ee of 'anew detetiptieaa Ile protonic, to the har- bour dfdedeneh eehnces the value of the reins - iMn mel media pr.pnoter is deepen.," that it should cont.... to be occupied, it will be let of rM.- ooahi* Nrma,itber fat Wr ens or men rev". may lapsed peed epee, Per farther palisade's apply to JACOB WILSON. Ooderieh. 2.d Pebeeety. iSd. 5J NOTICE. THF. Sub',lrtier hamar RF.NTED the WAREIIOUSE.n,1 Wi1ARF belong- ing to the Masers. Haysapoty of this place, hs. Mt.hlreh01 ►neral( es a ro.w*•Nttt OAP 1601e11•nfr0 went mere. Amy sedan or eem10ieaion from the Mor- ehead" aederxb.will 150.475m t Went • be McZWAoN• P Windier. March, 1840. 1.57stf. Last Call! Last Call! Last Call ! ALL pens indebted to D. MANLEY & Co., or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will have WILLIAM COSSET. 110, crly are Tory ;the in,tee R.& Re- Timothy Seed, taken in payment at the high - mete, Whig ; and tho Westminster, Radical. est Market Trice. The Foreign Qsarterf is purely literary, les September, 1813. 34. being devoted prioeiplaly to criticisms on foreign Continental Worka. Tbo prices of tho Re -prints are lees than one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they aro equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the Amencen over the English reader. Black OX nine years old, blind of the off TERMS. J ale with a gimbiet hole in each horn.- PATMINT To RR MAIM IN Af'VANCR. I Strayed from the owner about the first of For any one of the four Reviews, $3,00• per an. April last. A liberal reward will be given For say two do do 5.00 " to any person giving information of said Ox For any three do do 7.00 " where he can be found. For all foot of the Revipwe.... 8,00 " JOHN GRATTAN. For Illsckwotd•s Megattne.... 3.00 For Blackwood soil the 4 Reviews, 10,00 '• CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above work. will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subscription for three - the fourth copy being gratis. 07` Remittances and communications must be made in all rases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through a Postmareet, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking his receipt, and forwarding it by mail, post- paid ; or the money may be encloend in a letter, post-paid, directed to the pahle hers. N. B. -The po.tege on these Periodical. u r/buced h the lite Peet Office Law to abont one-third the former rates, making a very important saving in the egpeo* to mail imbue them. j7"In all the principal cities and town. throughout the United States to which there is • direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the City of New York, these periodicals will be delivered free of PoI.p)ONARD SCOTT k Co., P.Hihere, 1111. Follme-o ., N. (7" Subscriber. is Canada tory receive their iumbae at the newest Americas Post OIR.M• Goderich, Jan. (R, 1848. STRAY OX. mom firma. ULC 8 A S. J . m , noun/I.uw. W 0 8121 of all t,wt, are rner•.wur reyelle1 M three M..ae.,.. Peewee .$4 A. volt to ad,anr« them ober ..« thee ...tame a •e arse •4 ttr err will be TOB LIFE PILLS IND PIIIENIL BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Aad thus rem.,e all disease from the system. A .riV.(+.. Oriel will Pp rse.. the LIFE P11,1 8 sad ME 81 TTERS h. we' the ».s1 et woes. P thin no Me enbaatiea of •very P"o"rt. d h• grraelee el Joe womb. tree ere •o. ret up 0. islts Wrappers 4 Li.el., i. ther .,rh • pamphlet. ailed •• Mane. G, -,d e.rwrit•s," roauialsg the eir"*Nem. Ye. cowhere h• drawees of 3.5.4."7 Rose 11•11 writlesee 110.0, b7 which renegers . h.ni.g the 1,y ea• very raw and w. The .vergae. wad Sewanee era •511'11 lh.'.(s"• thea woo poseurs t►.. • ere .1..0 aT,,r s•• Se emoted rt..4 they wte &gauss n" "rnebl..04 4. .11 My law with row wrappers; bbl if yea dei, he wu.are that they a...• 414e.1 from .g. er eat wool. *1.w. riT Pr"tared wad »u by DM. 333 sweaa:•rrN•W•s•stl Par 5a1s by STRAYED from the Subecnber Lot No. 16, 3rd 'Concession of Wawanash, r Wawanash, Nov. i1th1848. 42tf GODERICH, C. fF. 1018 November, 1848. RECEIVED per ship. Bellona and Souter Johnny, from Liver 001, via. 'Mon- treal, and for sale by the SuDecrtbers at low rate., la quantities, or otherwise, Baht. i Fasey Print", 1)o. bl.selad and enblesehed Calicoes, Do. Cotton Vara, Piece. ('erderoy : sod Tone Bar Iron, assorted frees, of the "crews brand" 0 -They also offer for gals, of recent importation from the Vetted States, BARRELS FiNE SALT, and Chests TBA, .t canoe. qualms.. 4w4 M. 18. SEYMOl1R k CO. FOUND. BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1818. 1 j'y1,GW VJ ©�o CHAMBERS' Al1SCELLANY. or astrci MIR XITISTAOl. Eeowttpot, Edited by R0./Lar C■Arae, author of Cyclo- pedia of English Literature : With Elegant Illustrative Eograviop. l'nce its cents per No. GOULD, KINDALL & LINCOLN are happy to announce that they have comple- ted airagements with M . Chambers, of Edinburgh, tor these-pabhcation, is semi. monthly numbers, of CHAr101a. hteseILLAJT. The design of the MuctLLAiT is to supply the increasing demand (or useful, inatruetive,.nd entertaining reeding, and to bring all the aids of litentare to bear on the cultivation d the feel- ia(s of the people -to impress correct •iewe on important moral and social questions -suppress every species of strife and saragery-cheer the legpng sod desponding, by the relation of tees drawn from the tmagisatrons of popular wntera -mase the fancy by descriptions of iatereetiag bonen.cenea-give • zest to every -day occupa- tions by ballad and lyrical poetry -in lotion, to furnish an unobtrusive friend and guide, a lively fiteaide companion, as fu as that object can be attained through the inntumentality ofbooks. Thr universally aeknowldged menu of the CTCLorsnIA or ENGLISH 1.rrsaoTuaz. by the Mete author, Possected with its rapid sale, and the saboaoded commendation bestowed by the press, give the publishers full confidence io the real value and enure *access Li the premo& work. The publication has already eonimeoeed, and will be cosuoued iemi-mootbly. Each number will form • complete work, and every third num- ber will be furnished with a title page and table of contents, thus forming* beautifully dining - tad velem. of over 500 page. of woeful and entertaining reading, adapted to every clava of readers. The whole to be completed in THIRTY aur.Ias, forming Ten elegant Volumes. O�Ithe Beach of Lake ITuror, eighteen miles north of Goderich. s case of Look- ng-glaases and Frames, The owner is re- quested to prove property pay charges and remove them from the possession of the Subscriber,, DUNCAN McLENAN. Ashfield, December 171k, 1848. 46t( GODERICH FOUNDRY. TiIE Subeeriben in retaining thanks to (he public for the liberal share of patYooaje they have enjoyed ',ince commencing bs.ioe.i, Beg to intimate that they have now on had sod are making to order a large amennient of Cook- ing, parlour, rad box stoves plough nastily, fire grates, fanoieg mill eutinge,•mut maehllrs, and every other article usually connected with the trade, which they will be happy to sell os the most re•eonable terms for meth. G. M. & Co., haying made extensive 'hen- nas,' mod improvements in the finishing depart- rmeot d their establishment, by the iotrodaetlon d .elf-acttag tnaehieery, are sow enabled to execute a!I orders with which they say be entrusted for the supply of thrashing machines, grist and few mills gearing and every other die- cription of machinery, on the most scientific and .eeenestal prineiples,sed with the greatest faci- ily and dispatch. The esb.criben would also inform the public that as the lowest cash prire will in future be charged Ar all goods manufactured at their.. ab- Iishawot, tbei,emelt beelswgmeet heee.aarily become extremely limited. TMIT would ales request, that all Ibo.s Wepted so diem either by note or 51(005*. will nese forward immediately and settle their wq.etivedebts, sr they will be placed i• the heeds elm attorney for collection wittiest (bnber aeries. O. MiLLER & Co, Gederieh. Dee. 15th, 1846. NOTICE. A et the Subscriber hes se hard a somber of j'i FiRE AR\iS, &e. Ate. slime the yew i842, pees rwbra by perms o he repaired, 1f shq de set fell Red take the Artistes sway le or before Tho pieta dryad' Meech nem, he 11.M be attdet the meeesoity of 8e1Bas them le pay Er- mine* L. bid NTOBH, (1 M1. Oelerieb, Feb. 5, 1643. 1 1 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. FrI(E Partswmating heretofore at Goderich and ilarpttrbey, in thin Dis- trict, under the name of Thomas Gilmer k , to this dsy dinotved-by mstesl con - pen All (hoes indebted to the maid ba., wdl y their respective aeeos.te or nates to Robert Mod.rwell, sad all thus to wbom they are indebted will be paid by the mid Robert Moderwell, by Yams the besi- eges will hereafter be ee.fl MAR 61L L O �T Deoo0RW111Lio Got/meth, MOW February IS, iMi. I NOTICES OF THE PRESS. From the N. 1'. Commercial Advertiser. We are glad to we a American issue of this pcblicatton, and especially is w neat`and eonve- oient a dorm. it is as admirable compilation, distinguished by the good taste which hss been shown in ail the publications of lbs Messrs. Chamber. It unites the useful sad the enter- taieing. We bops its eireslstios here will be Inge enough to supplest, to • good extent, the namby-pamby and immoral works which have ss long been too w' circulated. ET This work ear be meet by cavil to any part of the cosntry. A direct' remittance to the publishers of Sia Dollars will pay for the entire work. This liberal discount for ad My will nearly eoeev the cost of postage en the work. Them Militia/ fee ens or mors •5.tple aumben ass remit them accordingly. Booksellers and Agents supplied 00 lbs most liberal term•. GOULD, KCNDALL A LINCOLN. Prbliahere. Beater. L__ y $thc f)uton Sinal, re r•a IMS AAs rstw.t® ITaOI 1RtIDAT BY THOMAS MACQUIRS• sort's* AND nora,svow- orrtce r -waves., 0000itew. •• Beek aced Job Printing, euested with aesl.res and dupateh. Trans or ma Howe Bto.Aa-TEN SHiL- LINGS per annum if paid . *rietly is adverbs/ , os Twn.vm *30 Bri PANTO th the egpbesigta sf the year. No paper dietealiaaed slit afTeN* ars (mid up, maker di* publisher tbiski it fain trema• tags co do en. Arty redivides' is tem seermeey leseie leg re- sponsible her Oil atlm0nbere, tthaM receive a seventh copy grafi.. IT All Mars.Yreced M the Eddie mambo post pod, or they will sot be Wimpsetd the pmt office romni es oevtcerwre. Ms lime mod truer, Gres lamrtisse . . . • Si Rest ...LNnr.ti..s(wea,........ Tae • cad manes. int merman. • • . •• sit m�..mt inert1•0,..•...3 Oyer Mw 1iwe, fie MMrtien. f•r • i Ebb odemu ss IeMlisei rallrfkorefs ,.sits worm 1M rat