Huron Signal, 1849-03-30, Page 4• IP•Ilrealre -- Ft. n as them/ Wand. ruvPO011 MAWS Domes. as ass. *i. 1. Newsier. Whet were th• pride el the rtch assa's leW, Or the words of tech unti lied red, Ware it sot hr the riesgh. hard -heeded peer Wbo toil for their daily Feed. Whatever of labor the. ;net men amole, Pone the peer maa's ham/ utast cone-- . Trots the cradle we el the sew bora heir, To 1L,c coila sail dee seeltured tomb. TM poor man orwayetti she settler's:ay, TU he &meta far retire : A iil tee city epriaga oa is phcanix wings • O'r.breeds hi tbe log -berm fire. 11e bandeth tee earth with feel roaJe, And Mt, swent.fed courser geides - And feseess,‘ he doves te• steeds of tLe sea • be rieh maan reins. Ile t. the Mein till tee riiemed gmit 1. este its Me garner wooed, . Aiel with rifle mel sears Le hanleth Me fare Teat smokes ot %hermit mates board. Ile twineth the covey r.bes of pride, And resent' the •tattiy j.rise ; eiclesees from the ce, el the merble cod Thet steeds in fee rich maa's borne. The gaude of toseaiy, the emit, of art, Whatever your weelth bath beagle.... y -the very meet teat emir cofrqs hold Tus p Mon'. ataci bath wroagei. Tien health to tee ttele anti thrifty pour, An I honour thern evermore ; They 'mid the turmoil, earn tee crops of to., As your fathers did before. Aad.thinkehe lewardlof lebor is health. That wealth is ineuatry's fneed, Thai riling' is earth's law, aad "son the see -saw May rite at the poor maa's owl. THE SONS OF TOIL. N a &midget o'eeemive we or ours ; Woltaow our worth arid we•gh our pewees, The more we work the mote we win. Success to trade ' S4eCetil to spik.le Asa to tee cora Mat's coming is. And toy to him who. ces: hie mak, R. -members to.I is Nature's plan - Who, working, thinks, And neverienke indepeneence u a man. asks few humbleet wealth, Euough foe competence and health, Ana leisure when hie work Is done, • To read lee book By chimney nook, Or stroll at setting of the sun ; Wlio toils, as every man should toil Foe fair reward, erect and tree ; Teese are the men. - The beat of men, - These are the men we meta to be.. • TO MERCHANT& WANTED 19,000Bue"Io .d moth', $..d, fie latch tbe i md clean Tt• Subscribers *III pay a higher prise is Csah, thaa any other nuyera 10Die market. BUCHANAN 14.601.1)1E. Communion Meriolesets. Victoria Blucli,King Fit. . Sift Heastlion a•th 184S. C.AS11 FOR SAW-LOCS AND SAWINO DONE ON SHARES. mi•••••••••••• • Sulaseriber pey rash eit the Goderich blilhaluetioad glitch Merry Sea arid will raw ley other deeettp. tem 01 guol Saw-tiogs tor toy porta* ea abates. . Giiragicit eteinher erth. 1s115. e . - . . 1011 SALE, r %TIM IN COLBORNE. A PAL:re:portion of BLOCK 0.0* the eirt townsbip Colborne, cistern „Mow, Huron District, eostaining TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with V.: acres Mowed and lo good order fonce. in rtpair. There is • reel Frame Mem [Cottage stye), upon the premises, 35 by 32 feet ; also,aa Frame Biro hn by 35, and Two Frame Shads, each SO feet long, with a Log Farni House in tolerable repair. - There aro three ream; streams ol water elirumeh tha Lot; two of .which are in the clearing ; a small ortharp abet the Frame Meuse, and a first rate eleell inthe The price of this desirable property is ciirrency. For particulars apply tti Messrs. STRACHAN k LIMES, Solunters, Meat -street. Goderich, March el, 1848. Ile . — aonznion, C. N. 30111 November, 1848. b, tbe Su1.cn,bers, BARRELS OF LAKE 111JRON 11 ERRINGS 1 PROSPECTUS STRAYRD, or THE mem) vourmg 01 THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION UPPER CANADA - EDITED IllY THE REV EGERTON RYERSON, DD. time/ IlUeitrusennuarer or eastrot.• ; ASSISTED BY MR. J. GEO. HODGINS. rref 1 E Ceeduetore of the Joeonsi Of Feleeweien _i_ purpose to cosines its yombliestion fer the year le ie. Its. Firm will be quarto lostrad of ectime, la meet to secare to the subscribers se OF COPARTNEFISHIP. ..4. ,, 0.advantage of ansgpmee la the plum of _ paniplklap.istogs. T"' Copartnership heretolore exieting- Li "he First Volume the Conducters have bad between th• undersigned (under the chiefly it *enfold object in mew. I. An expose fires of Gooding and Lancaster, Innkeep- eon of the principles, and provisions awl objects ' . , 411, sown deormne, ee,,,,,,e,,,,.onaiiii ,,esii,gpper ceed. ,,,,..,..). is this gay d issolved by mutual con - oda. g. Th. quail:n..11000, ,, mauve Motion. and duties ot Tr nave*. Permits J. K. 0001)1,NG, and School Teem:wee. 3, Tim iniportasee si I J. 1.ANClAS1'ER. Som..; Sheol Inotructieo for the cessation 011 - Col.A, . a te.hoole of the country. 4.. TWIN.; The business will be continued, and all profaner and rest Ovate. de• a • sh•Mikt oetetanding account. duo by and lo the eiristiene Cwilltnon Scheel ethleetion la thei &mom, to, eettkeby - the undersigned. . several Misses of ot0 laJustr,ous populatios,.... J. LANCASTER. While the 'abler:* *Mob Imo given ekarecter I Galeria', 514* Sept., 1848. lialf to *be Firm Voleme of this Jaime' will net be last alitht of, another leading object of the Se- - seed Volume will be SCHOOL ARCHITF.C. , PROSPECTUS -pmpt TERI: ; on the elucideiion of angiiiitymreepeal OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. et -which the Cosdnetom have al several 1:nerliv)011s, and have taken 10 510- 3111. AND MRS—. MOODIE, Fromm mire others: and in the coarse .1 the year, they — Prima' " e;" e•dr•wi•d* a. a" th. he" end efftlill Editor" of the Vicomte bleoevez will moat stemei e PLANS OF scuoevuousEs. i devote all their talents to produce a useful entereiniog. and cheap Periodicat, for the Cana- dian People ; mhich may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches and Tales, in verge and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the Celei.y. Serape of Useful Information, Reviews Ot vele Werke, end well seteeted artieles from the hlnitt pepular authors of the day, soli form ilie A OUT the lib of May last, from lb* ss• premises/ lifJOBIN LIDDRAY N. Se Hume Road, Tewashigi ef Uoderic a dark brown MAR* three years old, wth a white aim ou the feirehimid, 004 ono whits hind toot and a heavy mien mid tail. The proprietor purchmed kyr below London sad seppokee she may have strayed to that Morn - twat whoever will restore her to the oWlief or give ma& Information as win lead to ber recovery, will receive Si as reward. Gudericte lEtth Jam, 1849. ao - - - - (with acconmanyieg eaplasations.) which hive beea meommesiled by school authorities in the neighbourine Stores: and elm, if tensible En- gravings ofehe series of plain ef Coalition SCIsool- houses which here been adopted sad recom- mended -by iho F.eseational Committee of. Iler Metesty's Privy C'ouncil in Englaad. The 'Ea.. graving, will exceed in number the months of the team, and will themselves be worth doe sub- Pit'. (.1. 1. Magazias• ** iption price of the volume. The lehtorefeel confident that the indepeedent scr to whom- service they •re Another oboe' of the Second Volume will be an'" ' 'eug e°'1111111 pimoroct:thip:lisiosnensh.aeonyri raowdiifin..eactoiglonnessmeiohnitits,alytabeproinaeti iitrro.111`1,1010eedred,..,alcat teeotheeeLetaalegnetieeew,:leedi ceehHusthialeleY neeamete undertalitsg. The low price et ci.furntlicirdw4ndbep:niCke tisen:imisob.temet of tbe Second ' . errly person within tae Colony who can tease *1 eh the Periodical is placed, is is order that necessary for carrying into effect provisions sad ear:moms for moral aod mental naprovernent seed. *di memo, slor4y be 'neje by the may become a subscriber mod patron ot the work. lel will eonte. tWent •• rein pars in eoch number printed on sew type, one upon good paper ; and will form at the end of the year • neat leolurnae, of 288 mimes, to- geatim-with Title Page and lades. a' For which Produce will be taken In Legislature fit the establishment et COMMON payment. IL B. SEYMOUR 8::. CO. SCHOOL LIBRARIES, and on the mction ce books for that purpose by the 'Board of Eetics- don, Port reviews and chtraoteristic notices of. VOR SA I. E them wirtse given in the Journat, together with HETRI(.7K COTT AGE and I.ot ren- the best and (Menem modes of procuring them, It will be issued Monthle. commencing on the W h I to find room in the Second Firm of September, from the office of JOSEPH meg No. 562, in the Town of Goderieh, Volume for some accounts and notices of t Ne ILSON, Front -street, Belleville -Me Mah- e ope a SO IM ANT TO TRAVELLERS. TIRE Seberalher ha* that well- " known end TAVERN STAND, in the Tee, Only, ilt3 miles from Mastitis ins GM ReeR lately oecupted by Mr. James liege hem to intimate*" kis Meads sad treedleg public is geamtl, that he MS speed ea Inn ea the peewee fur the aseeeseasdatien of travellers. And as he iateade to via- duct it on the most respectable principles •13(1 to spare neither labour nor etymon in ministering to the comfort of those who nosy pitrontze tom, he hope* to enerrit and obtain a share of the public' favor. DAVID WYNN. N. B. -There is good Stabling o* the eremites's, and teanisters and others may depend on every necessary attention being paid to their horeee. 1). G. Galeria, Igo. 24t4*, 148. 5111 _ TUE APPROACHING SESSION OF PARLIAMENT. 'PARLIAMENT !neat" for the MS. " PATCH of BUSINESS, on THURS- DAY, the 1814* day of J.ANUARY next - We have mado ample arrangements by which we shall be enabled to give ABRIDG- ED but COM P11.1:11ENSIVE, and EARLY REPORTS of all the Proceedings of the !louse on the evenings of Monday, Wed nes. day, and Friday, will be inserted in the next morning's TRANSCRIPT. Thoso there. fore, who desire to watch the proceedings of their Representatives, will be enabled to lo so (as we shall only reeort the speeches of those who conflate thems6ves to the questions before the .1Iouse ) %It• becoming SUBSGRIBERS to the TRANSCRIPT. As the totting of the Legislature will be of considerable duration ;and all our popula- Don will be tired, during that time, ef read- ing longmioded speeches) we have come to the conclusion to report the Proceedings cf tbe Seamen in an abridged form ; and we promise that we will do our best to" make the TRANfiCTIPT • faithful record of the SAYINGS and DOINGS of our Represem to yes. In addition to the Proceedings of Parlia- ment we shall, as usual, lay before our rea- ders the latest European and Atnerican News ; se well as such • variety of LITER - P ri t whom all orilenefor formerly in the poesession of Fleury O'Nett, systems of public instruction and educauo babet and sole rop mar, o now rented to Mr. James Orr. The Cot- Movemento o( other countries, both European the Malleaine, end letters to tit* Editor*, must tag° is very conveniently arranged, zed well and American, as well es for some articles a b. aedressed. (poet -peel.) The tense ef sett- smietion-ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM - suited for a small family, has spacious miscellaneous literature, such as is 1..e specially wood ghee, stable, etc., good well of water; entertaining and instructive to young mamas.- ineeeide'l, to 1g paw adriugrAL t &Men contains etaveral choice frttit fint the educe:liod eons! went, of Uppe; Caneda •Li Oodench, March 3, 1848. - 5 le r - rat enonan attention. sterenuae 14*. Deco, and the Whole encloseJ with a istrong character's( the Journal of Elm -aeon. - picket fence. Only a Portion of 1 -lee ilieee The Conducters respectfully and earnestly minuld be reeelieed down,-theiremeender io solicit the continued and active co-operatioo of three arinuel mktalments. Diet:rice Superinteodents. Clergymen, and ousel Apely to William Rattenbury of the Clin. School officers gni tee* of Education ia pro- ton Arras, or to • tering and ferwarding eubecriptions. No part . BENJ. PARSONS. of the subseripime, will be applied to reale**. Goderich, August 24, 1818. eel . rate the labee; of rditior tee Journal; bet the whole will be expended in defraying moans . incurred in connexion with its pohneation. T F h Ili • n num In td- . INCITING TO Toronto Fa - 'riot of Thursday last contained the follow- ing piece of brutality "Ono rather ' rather bigoted persiflage hope, toat 14 1. [McKenzie, goes to Toronto e will be tarred and feathered ; but another, of more liberal feelings, would prefer his being ducked in a horse pond, as more En- glish and less personal. For our part, we cahoot see why Treason should Dot bo held as Mt excuse for any entre that can disgrace human nature in Upeor, Ile well as Lower Cenada. Roleierv, peon, murder, are iie,le terns entomb. eel! it Tre.eon I-cofne --Attila alters. t ho case aniavngly-choppi lig a man to desith, bound hand and foot under a cart, as pour Weir was murdered -poking at bun in nig dying agonice, as if he were a coward wolf, melte,' one ahudder : but term the cowardly ruffians who so merdered the young Eneeigh Officer, only Trio tore, sad ynit make maleren heroes of hein." Here is a direct ineitement to crime end outrage. The irony doe. not conceal the intent. Should the individual here made." out for public vengeance, ritcetvo rreunal injury' from the hand e of rufliene after am- ving in Upper Canada, the publishers of the Patriot meet be held legelly and morally reFiponsiblo for the crime. When a nee ',- paper denounce,* an individual to the ven- geance of the mob, and mark. him out as en objecl of private amaseination, it become.' redisgrace to civilization •nd humanity. - I t is a moral ID and as such shoeld be driven from the face iff society. Recent events have shown thee there exists In the country a despicable faction of incendiaries. mho, boa•ting of their loynIty. recommend armed rebellion and insinuate that private amaxsination is a senile. Few of the Irish newspapers that were lately suppressed ' the English Governmentehad exhibited raft abomination.; or contemplated sneh Crill1410 rte has the 'Cory pree• ef Canada durino the past month. Merit's newspaper, living tlir•ecenes of horror that followed the French Ilerolutlen of Ceeet, written in kitten of LI and, never exhibited groseer bretality teen narks the ',Menet. we hive mede from the 7'ortento • . — S TATISTIC1 teeing IN 'TCRONTO.—o•A 11.11.110li0a4 statement a crime in this cite Otiose the .year irepored-by the High 'Whit has been pqnlished. The total nutn • tior of cominals apprehended Witt tette of whom 1087 were male, an.1' i,:na:tts.- Tbi• shows an increaws of 105 : over last yeere-eFeammee. To what countres they treeeralle heleeu ed-lreland, Mate% GU. fersudoe„ aoS 114. gland, males, 181, feerwilcs, 45 ; rceitlang, males 91, female" 10 ; Cenada Wert, MU, 55, females ; Canada Eaet, miles 11, fe- males 3 .•United Stem, matte 16, females 4 ; stored, males, re femees Island of Jersy, males 1 ; Wale., males 8 ; Remiss snake. : Poland, males 1 ; Pentane males I ; ?ramie, males V; New Bruuswick, make 4; Germany, niales 6 ; Jews, male! 5. Probable value of proaerty a inch came into miermeeton of High Sall f during le lei .C2371 P.m. Cell 4,probahle amonot delmerer to it• respective owners, 1.43 -ie Fifty three sudden deethe f.aee occurs...I in the city dens, the ',sr. upon which in- imests bare boss hem !he the Corpse?, be- ing en income* of sue ever thaw of last year.- Era wine,. TS* Mosher hold In the, Tows sole time sgo Potomac* to the Rebellion lenge repremeted in our exclianges, 00 lbsolleg of medlar lee* thee the " detheret Elehect itself. If ft was said, "that ft 4/110 I Rfeetieg tellrbe Terre* GI tbe &Ja- net* District," it ermild ber mere la* the t rut h - Betio Cow,. 'FAKE NOTICE. caneen and no sebserlption will be takes for THr. subscriber in returning his eirmere ooe copetor the Trustees of each School Sec - than bey, will be Impelled at thrms shilliap and patronage bestowed on him eines his :re s ng per n , ens than one year. District Councils ordering Sec - thanks to has customers for the litieral tion in their Dietrice or any number, not lees n• arrival in Godertch, wishes to inform thorn °' pence per copy for the year. that he has disposed ol the business 104 02. All communications to b• adiresaed (17 JAMES DONALDSON. All those Mr oegis EJ tionOffi To outa end alt in- lHettersnnei a containing remeiettir; ncee, must detiterkto him by Note or Book account, ; poet.pea will please call and settle the game before , •.,* complete :lets nf the First Voinme well be' the t wentieth day of Fehruary, se all Notes furnisheel portiell wiakiag to obtain it, at Pixel aniisBeek accounts remaining unecttiod ,if pr. 1 ter that date will be gsvea te 4 Lee 3- • r I • ' • fur cultection. • . e • - THOMAS WATKINS. - i . i • Gederi:h, Jan. 12,1849. 49 'FOREIGN PERIODICALS.1 RE -PUBLICATION OF TI1E - IS; 0 T I C E".. • 'LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW' ALL persons indebted to BREWSTER ' EDINBURGH REVIEW, ' i Is SMART, through the agency of 1 FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, the Subscriber, am remieetee to settle their ' WESTMFXSTER, REVIEW, ' 'W, G WINE 0112Centili immediatly either with Lim or BLACK OU - . ., . withe Mr. George Fraze.r, Goderich, aud THE above Periodicals are reponted in nave costa. 'f 'New York, immediately on their tr. .Y. K. GOODING. rival by the British Steatnere, in a Leattli- code rich, Stb Sept., 1808. 32tf ell clear type, on fine ttitite paper, and tre —._ .-..•_ . - - • --- ' - Ceorxrecie 20th December, lie le. THE undersigned hevise GODERICII FOUNDRY, Tbe Foreign Quarterly is purely literary. 1st Septembek, 1849. 34. T public for the liberal snare el patrooage they have enjoyed once commeneing bosieene, Subeenber hereby ultunates to 10 berme, devoted principaily to criticisuieoU friendman 1 the Travelling Pub!!: gene - foreign Continental Works. rally, tied he hes removed fr,:ni New Aber- The prices of the Re -prints aro lees than tern •ppointeel by His Lacelleacy, tee .Goeernor Cieneral, ad VIVO 1112W11111). WHEREAS JOHN BIGNALL, Super- intendent of Common School.' of the Huron Diatrtet, hate abacoaded wail a large , sum of Public Money, the above Reward Pala• . wia be paid to any one "apprehending the Mentresee TRANSCRIPT OTTICE, t sa.d JOHN BIGNALL and recovering the December 14th, 1848. • ARY matter, as will alone equal In value the price of subeeriptiens: Intending Subscribers will bo furnished math the TRI—WRIULLT TRANSCRIPT fer 5 month", at Five Seitkisus. SEM,-WnitgLY TRAMS/Miry for 6 months, at Etta 811114.1!14.1. Taamicetrr, for 8 menthe, at s Stu Lulu. ; or TEN COPIES for TEN DOLLAILs,rEa payable in advance, an .postage paid. The WERELT TRANSCRIPT containe the erhole of the reading matter of the int - WEEKLY TRANSMIT. Those intending to subscribe daring the session. wit! be pleased to notify us as soon sit possible. Ail Subseriptioss must be prc amount stolen • or the rgpard will be in rt. t the amount recovered. The money, Three. hunt:red gad forty -el& pouds, was in 610 name of the Bane of Montreal. The above John Bignill is. a remarks* barge man, with coarse features, about 6 feet 3 teches ; very round in' his "boulders, haug'uty in his address, and about 69 years ,of age; hate straight and inchoed to grey, whiekere white. Any informatemszeepeeting tho above, to be forwarded to • GlYNLCF. BROWN, Teoreeeer Our ,n . •Goeferee., ( . 'Goderieli, Oct. 17, 1848. . Zeiti .STRATFORD HOTEL. - TSAAC MAY, informs his friends and the public, that be has taken the BRICK TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr. Brown, at the East end of Stratford, where nothing shall be wanting on his part to pro- mote the comfort and convenience of his gule.8M".. Mater& himeelf that his 'selection of faithfol copies of the originals -Blackwood • le. ine and leiquors is equal to any in the Mugu:ewe being an exact fac-einele of the country, and hie Staliiime department is of Edinburgh edition. tbe most complete description. 13t1 Periodicals renders it needless to say much The wide -spread -farno of these splendid Stratford, 25th April, 18.18. interim Superintendent of Common Schools In in their prime. As Literary organs, the the Herm District, will be reedy to attend to stand far advance of any works of a Last Call ! Last Call! Last Call ! of his office, at his house In East Street, heal complexion of each is marked by o ALT, , Co., or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will have all correspendence eocnected with the duties milar stamp now published, while the poll- permits indebted to D. MANLEY & dignity, candour, and forbaranee not often an opportonity of paying en -respective amounts enmars FLETCHER. found in weeks of a party character. to iz C,111101. 00 tbe 4th Mid 5th ot Oc- Goderich. • They embrace tho views of the eliree *ober neat, at the HURON HOTEL, Goderieh, great parties in England=11ehig, Tore, aft -r wh.ch time tbe IlailifTwill can upon all de- propo ion o A TER LC 0, anti Redleal-eiBlackwood and tho Londe*. faulte;‘, as further time cannot be iven WILLIAAIRC eiSEY. STRASBURG, e'L i Quarterly api Tory ; the Etfinbegle Timetey Send, taken in Fay:neat tee higg- , TRAVELLER'S HOME. 2314* February, 1845. rine. %qui: ; and the Wesenittetcr, Radical. est efare:t Peer. HE Sulescribers aseks to the 11111111 fill BLOIS. 6110FIFAT'111 VEOETMILE LIFE PILLS W D PHCENIX BITTERS • bigb oad muted tokleity ith..4.torm..*: hoes *mowed lb. thole Iletbell Aber posh. to aro. boo elootere4 he e ats, sr plass ael soy yeaesmork eiteer- sof now T1147 or home &We h‘lh webs Ione* he hook oat awl lecke eel by tett 161 esenhtlites. 'Kraft 4ICILAIL Of ASTIIMA. 40071owl easoiose amsueerseas Avower:atm el Ma "normal um KIDNEY S. 1SIL10t1111 h 141•1111 00111PLAIIITIL — to the malt sod week Ulm Item eerier itertail, Go, 001 be Rood l000kuble elaoloo. lormomt ma ohm. soh, odooe me &we feehetemo Nem Aomori to welled Om EILIVUE CAULK. ENS 81410111 Losoont«. muss. courtrirass, COLI), & COIT4111$. (move. eomettanemose Med 1.48 fleol swam is *rooms cottiturr !fuel:nit& Deepen:a. DVS? MW112.111.. blo Moon Mut the ammula 44 wee. JettIJ Moo awes Owe iwklialiteabmwedietelt• KEUPTIONSI gl 160 Blum, lEY.YIPELAS. LENCY. ITU Vail end A fikil te. re. GA. Invonle albs WSW GIFU womb, lime ombeitwo oat b• lboul • Aar. sway. Ephd Odor torolietee. odte't ut • Mont of Ilt• imeowir, owe by ilea, whoomoo tomsertt — 'MY TULA. SO ASV RS CURE.D. lirt#OLNISRS #tr compi.sxsoN. 0311113111AL 1111111ILITY, • OIDDINSES. LIMAYEL. MEADACIILS.414,107 Aiwa. INWARD rgysx. INFLAMMATORY AllEUMA• TLEM, JAIPUR/I BLOOD. 4.10:41110E. LOSS T174. LIVeR 002111PLAINTS, LEPROSY', 1,001/3.111S0. RI AG lb ILI ItIAL Never foils to endowt• mime ot the eiSel• of Wooer, eth eileiv wows are 11b• moil women' Itotawnwe of lewserenlle. ews•rni NEI:1114:8 DEBILITY 0411101.111 COMPLAINTS tr el 044.. 0110ANIC 41:11'0G710471, PA LPITAT108 tit ok# 111.410. PAINTER'S ()ROLM PILES. The otonoal woe Ogre emehrimee wee • onwl 110. ale years eleadus UN ef UN 11••••••• aka. ?AVIS so the hebt, Oda. bock. halo. Seat. awl organs. It H lf ATIS Id • 11••• afIlletwl ob ILA linilde Amen. troll bo min et nhol OF ate IA14 bledontett: 1101111 tif BLOOD le the !MAIL scuRry. 641.1THE LIVELLINLIS. bCR0FCLA. XING'S EVIL, ...est Soon. 0101111,44 seers dwertstios WO*00•.et we merimas oupene4 thaw bledleinee Nowt. will de well b• adszissAst 131••• WNW Mg lbw inotewse • wormed. SAO Ina be rum TOR LIFB PILLS IND ?RESIT BITTERS PURIFY THE 111000. Anil Mae rcroove all disease from the system. A Moyle 1.01 001 Gm LIFE PILES •nd PHIINIX BITTEllew seed the mace or mora- lities. w 15. *notation. ef emeremeet. ru geese.* .1 4... Ineditime. we sow pot op la eLits wr•••••• •eA toroth.. with • yovoyklet. 1511.4 Mahe. Good Evom,esua." wiAia,,.1 4111/tr41..011. &g, • obith 4. • dle••,.., rf Ilrowle•y fewil Wall Are. tu war 011401, wi.kb ...sayers viwit *4.0 017 fall very ••10,1 115.1 71.• et•pps,. sad baloantsto 414. eopyttalwe th•refort *boot who roe.15 awes win, OW. welter's Ma bo ennead that lbey •re itteume estehtl. Ned do sot , boy Chow vntl. seller wrapper.; bel lf lee de. to &Wiwi Gott Owl come direct 00 aim week l4. 1L7 Prepared one ooli by DR. WILLIAM 33.1110119PAT. 333 Broalle..y. ...au., of Aalleay Wed, Tee Sele by TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' .FI•RN !SHIM; WARE HOUSE. Fr HE Subscribers lave opened New Type Foundry in the .City of New York, -where they are ready to aupplyenrder. to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Climes, Galleye, Brae, Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Ceteposing Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary for a,Printing Office. The Type, which are cast in new.moolds,- front milady IieW Sett of Matrixere -untere,' a:.d warranted to be •--- • • be any, be seel at prices to - .• t imme. All • the type furnished by us le "hand cast." Printing Presses furnished, and and also', Steam Engines of the most approved pat- terns. Compoeition Rollimdmist for printers. Editoro Newipapera who wee buy three ousel -0M meeneype as their bille amnunt to, Clay' vire the mbove six -months' iestertion te their papers, and send their papers containing itt', the SebecrIeers. COCKCROFT ee OVERF:ND No 78 .4 na Street Nee York. D,etetaber 7th 1847: • m15 FOUND. �N the Beach of Lake Ifuroo, eighteen "e"' miles north of Goderich, a cams of Look- , ng -glasses lend Frames. The owner is re- quested to prove property pay charges and remove them from thc possession of the Subscriber. DUNCAN McLENAN. Ashfield, December 171h, 1848. anti • dace to the Nellage of eltrasburgh, and ell one-third of those uf the fortign copies, and now be found in that well -Lumen house for- white they aro equally well got up, they .STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No. I fire erste*, Mania( mill cestingemmat tosehinee, Wi Le' ready and able to conduce to the le, eril Coneostion of VVawanash, a 17hned tneverye, ww hhierrhartheicyleuri.11gbelaihiVap;;Itnotesielldon'•:bthe mgY occupi,a bY Mr' jelle°'-where h4 afford all that advantage to the American comfort or those who mayhenor bim with over the EnglIgh reader. . Black OX bine. year, :old, blind of the off their patronage. And vs hit° be returns TERMS. • eye with a lirnhlet Oohs in each horn.- ""!" T..""""thte him° kw elwh• , te M. & ('o. haying made exteeeive alters - thanes for pmt favors, he hopes, by strict r•rier..7 70 ltli NAPE 11 ADYANCR, Stric-ed freed' the cwncr abnut the first oi tions and improvements in the luishing depart- atention 10 the waste iia wi.4., a his p', any a•nnyy isow: of thdeofoueRdeoviews, $O(() per an. April laete A liberal reward will be given ' •- . . 5,00 " to any person givingenformation of said Ox of self-acting meehin-ey, are now enabled to ment of their establininwat, by 'be introonetion theft pelromege. For all Mgr ,if the Reviews.... e.00 " Foe ea, three do do where he can be found. - JOHN GRATTAN. mounted for the simply of thrarning machines, execute all orders with which they they he z...mtumern, at!!! to merit a contictance of 7,00 " JOHN fowl.. . For Illarkwoodse Magseiee... . 3,01 " Wawaeash, Yoe. 111111843. 4211 grist and tome, mine &tering and emery *nee dig- :: iMille. t'2-n4tf criptioa a maehinery, on the man scientific and economic -al principlesood with the greatest feet - N. n.-GcoLl STABLES Lod attentive ' For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, e0,00 " , _ ..... CLUBBING/. Four copies of any or all nf the il•ove ity and dispatch, works will be sent to one address on pay. The estweribers would also inform the public merit of the regular subscription for thrpe-. that as the lowest cosh price well in Moire be charmed for all good• manufactured at their estab- lishment, their credit boneless most seeress/Sly become extremely limited They Wo011el alen request. that all theme indicted SO thews athll• by seil• Or iseealpit, Will SIMS keened immediately led settle their rimpeetimidetes, or they will be pleated la Roe heads of an at torney for soilecties without flintier sake. G.-Mere:h. Dee. 114,M18481.LER & Ce . tiDISSOL TION OF COPARTNERSHIP. srltAY OX. Beg to intimate that they have new 011 hone see tag, parlour, mad box stoves plough eastere, are making to order a Wore assortment of Cook: GODERICH, C. W: 30th November, 1848. ECE1VED per !hips Bellona and Souter yhp retirth copy betsg gratis. • Johnny, from Liverpeool, ma. Moll - (7" Remittances and communications treat, and for sale by the Subscribers at low tremt b, mole in all cages without expense rates, in quantities, or otherwise, to the puhliehers. The former may alware Bites reoey pee," he done thorigh a Postmaster, by heedini De. bleached and unbleached Calicoes, hire the aniount to be remitted taking hie .Do. Cotton Yarn, Piece. Corderoy and rectsipt, site forwarding it by Mail, post- Toes Bar Iron, assorted sizes, of the " er own brand." TrThey .also offer for sale, of recent importation from the United States, BARRELS FINE SALT, and Chests TEA, of various qualities. 4.4 M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. 7'() LET. rrt1 T hanee/ner twemtory hover, oppinite the Sleellibeet Teeern, belonging te Joha Wilson 414. •od premney oecepted by Me. Bea- man. II 111 large rod well &dented to the use of/ a respect/nee isselle-Miving • lime garden and °reboot well stocked with excellent frast omit of earmesdescriptions. Its proximity to the liar - beer of Goder.ch enhances the value of the sitos• sion•iie al tlie propnotee i.desronl teat it shoold immense te be ascopted,• it *ill be let on teas - °fleet/ teren, either toe ere or more mom, as may be agreed np4a. For arther pertieviars apply to •••,,,IACt HI WILSON. Gm:leech, 2s4 Febmiallf. Itl9 52 NOTICE. rrtlIE Siiheeritier having RENTED the A WAREHOUSE ani jag to the M . . Devenport, of place, teas established himself as a PORW Anita& *110 001111111010* wcerater. iir mime er eassaii•asoa from the Mar- mot. of Gedevich, will remit* prompt atteatioe. JOHN Me.EW AN. Wiodoor, March, 1849. BENJ. PARSONS, ..4geat. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1813. 1 E.D U C T. I 0, N. . TC.S 1.1 7. IT, Re -Open his SCHOOL upon Morley the 1G14* a April next, in the hoes* adman's( that of SI:. (Jordon, Cabinet Maker, %Vest Street; and as he will theq be enablerkto five his undivided attention to it he flatter, imself that those who may attend will make satisfactory pro:tees. There will he exerciees 40 GramrnareGeography, History, and Diction, -and the Widen attention will be beetowed time correct prenunciation MRS. NAIRN will superintend a Wri- ting Class for Young Ladies at one O'elock each day. There will be a FRENCH CLASS, at six in the evening. Goderich, 1414* March, 1849. 611-2e SUPERIOR STUD (IODISE . A' SALE. MITE Subscrieer hereby intimates, that he .11. we/ SELL by private torgain Ws well known Home, YOUNG COEUR DE LION. - Ile las very euperior animal of French Cased, - an Moose -aired by the celebrated Horse of Mo Heaton, Greaten* Bay, Lower Canada, welt - known to be the beet Cahalan Home in the Proviece0 from an excellent, pare Canadian blooded Mare, owned by Mr. Sheen of Lower Canada. • YOUNG COEUR DE LION, is in his prime, asd has already obtaieed • cele- brity that reneem all further 'commendation an- - necessarylie will be sold on mose-rate Teems, as the proprietor cannot copteniently attend to him en future. About one third of the Price will he required in Mind. and for the remainder TWO," months credit on spproved temerity will be gieen. Apply to James Rogers, Township of Step bete, llama Dismays. Stephen, 8th leb. 1849. 2-52 paid ; or the money may be enelbeed in a letter, post-paid, directed to the ptiblithers. N. 11. -The postage on theta I'eriodicals i* redut-ed by the late Post Office Law to about one-third the, former rates, making • very iruportaat Gavin in the ezpense to mail ubaei deers. In all the principal cities and towns Aro ghoot the limited Mateo to wine\ there le a direct Railroad or Water eons. mitniestion from the City of New York these periodicals will be delivered free of Peatage• IXONARD SCOTT k Ce., Publibers, 112. P'ettees-m., N. Snbscribere se Camila may receive their smielsere 14 18. seared Alb0fiCALD Poet Office'. Goderich, 71.. 18, 1!48. NOTICE. A SI abo Ilebsariber ba• ea Med • ember af JR HUE ARNIM. he. as stem thii per IS* pima to him by peewees tra be repaired, if they 0...t sell 00 ..k. he Article" away se or bahre the First tiny of NW* seat. he will b• 0,the amIselty of Seines *see (5 pay El. plaram. L Me I N1`01110, Gesseal th Gederach, Feb. 5, 1849. • 1 911HE Partnership heretofore existing at Goderich sad Harpurheyo in this Dis- trict, ?fr et the wanes of Thofhae Gilmour It Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. All theme indebted to the said fine, will _pay their fespnetive weenie or sotes to Robert Motherwell, and all thee* te oboes they are minted will be pW bit tbe mill Robert MederereU, 8,Mae MI Wi- sest will hereafter be emlbellad• TaLlsOlgt41 MCIOJELL. Goderich, Hardie District t February 20, 1645. 6 2-3 • AIN...". et... NOTICE . IS hereby given, that all perties indebted A 10 the HURON DISTRICT AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY, by Note or oth- • eianre.witse,tlmtunsa:yesosnerthadf.r4 R. G.- CUNNINGHAME, See; o .apaineroceediagis paisdwbeilltbehe rati„jayel' May ieskituted against them. rilHE nerieriage, cd the DIVISION 1. .' c Oa. _ I be holdat the gaol, God- crich, on day the 1414* day of April i FAO, - t Goderich, 214 1849. ' ". A. F. MORGAN, Clerk 1s4 Division Court. galorich, March 7th, 1849. 6n-2,4 ZI)c ()nun Signal, PRIITID 101) PV11111.11111211)1111111111 FRIDAT BY THOMAS )IACQBEEN, 1101*1 •00 fltoPRITTall. OPTICS 1111•111IPT-041YARR, •GDPIRICTI. •.• Book and Job Printing, executed with seetaess and dispatch. Train or rim Hamm .9150.5—TEN 81111. - LINOS per usage if mid agreed,. in &demote, et Twatirs au Mx hue with the iespOrangia oesLyear. paper digcomineed &nears ere pailthe pablkkor cadres it his advan- tage io do en. Any edtvidital is tie eataatry amminiag m- aprembla ise Wit sabariara, Nome a meenth copy gratis. L7' All lettere addrissoed to tie Editor *0.1 4*. post p44d, est they will sot he takaa ost of tleri pest ea* TRAMS et •1111111111111SW. lieee eed isier. het leeertioa..... AO11 1. Usk oebeetplest insertmo.......• • 75 tra liars iad maw, first 4..., t4 .....0 3 4 ' Loeb sahlerateat eartisa 0 • 10 Ow, set law, dm Wartime, yet lbw 014 Ikea embeeefeefte hekeekle. 00 1 ET A liberal akeseas_ us& t• dust Weenie" by Me mar.