HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-12-14, Page 8•
A title Atirt .
*Id in whit .1 paid* ,Loildou.
Tostedir troy horn* sustentod in betOlo
.idlefet tositiVe itnOthersitnild. •
itt *senell boys Ity biros road. At,
tey ktiti% Ihrottord„ Itred.lwn•
/Sewed Laud *cd Like*: tAi VW:
Mts. Rood Sseit Out-
, leaving Ave Wren Itt0
And didirv.141te..reCit
.three,oving *Welt..
. troy' At.ttiOnilit, tkt
broke npefelts,
1! LM chhldr.tt t: *tit the tedea .
lounge:St- bel/Y,...y•
g 4'4* lank yaw
p040,004," Vitt 1114,1411*
1 ealer:vitineColitill.
thejteltse, -Ile 'bona that
Y.*IttIO IAA 'Agog* -.,04
tatrg,.. •
WI',.tatind that
A . elilerieg; Ito 1
* .1U0.10.4 ,
,.(41044) ,ot SttfOky.
put.0 gitkoth,lieforelhe
ItStriA',;* Peed
LQ )ior jOix,'t' Inter .14 tie duyi:
Tbe:,600..waa 00,t'untottrett, end.
-14101110t, dldedied; ,The ttoSpitot
. • . •
0$* lieS;
MI4110,,t IMIVTAPV 140111, ,P0-
•i•efldielliallett la eitidttio, affected
without, Sento peter/ tieing paid for 11,
41011i irifth Pilifebeth• go lie, celled
sigh, 4ii baught at Ifie,taat 11 $111*11
*Ocrideo ot princiPle .011.•411 owl-. No
tills -yarning: he .11*d lOId
'Own * Median rule. MY he othoul4
Ateeit eloptetielties Anding himself in
Mks 1.4- klerchent's ColnpanYI Yet!'
not only ball be agent lite utal* Pot of
" ii her sorletychut„ AS Ulf
Welke, Mtn her Inds That
iy Monett to tte)p. yttgo.int
*Y1. JO •doing 'fbg tonere Of
the• Cortes& Monastery. lo .her And r
lirpOrt triton coke 10 0.1,*eld rfuild otother, nit unecit • t e
. ._ _ i explain J- to himseJen49'we.1.4040 -WIlatl quite ig'
Revels. ,Ttuit ft ht ;Not root ha* C'ehlik 1114111."1110"PrOlt10811
bitillhithifi0e. cartel* did' get orlihtete With Iihn. ana
Mid ***with tile twe ladiee So Ohninge*
lore, ere foldetwi, in orb)* juSt *$, ly *by' Of ' all ***defy., ' The thee rite'
itt:' otopes f 40d; 'poiitto4. l'ho ,ntlarActer sotnetow beoni swept 010 it,, kt 0 mo,
*Oa *IMO* Of'frionnalilY $'04 with thit WItar either watt the noblest 01,4,44,0r
It Is diapidis alowskisk Wea16
A losol Comaisisiess IPJA ben Jarrelo
14014461 OW prospoots ot Wooloss A.
tralii. and twit doodad Ow thet meow
os or Artudis's *sot praisioksig al&
lotion of nut whet* Siete wj
ee orr
aran. rifftot you 'r use twat
et* now it Imo tut popOitiso is Wm*
fowls *Iceit. Moo Oa* Ito W414lott
AuStratis laid * meows of nester AO ii,
totilson; sow tt le our PA 40*.000.
Ritmo yoy* ago Wester* Auotriallaki
what* railway *dhow Intact sot btu
strotobad, %nick ware this slat luntstrad
riles; Way its *twigs are 2000
talk* long. „
the Israeli* fltut tageo to iseicfront pitoduced only 00,000 worth f „
Fitton years asio Wiest*
ono point otter .400titst. 40011 Pula/ and paid Gni/ Atilitill in 04000 0* it*
Yenta* blur dun tho lest; SU Use goldonitnes: dist year tits sold t
,ultenoss read*. thin. Ice no Tdliiti to ottt" •IIH was valued itt 40.0„,000, sad the
IM sweet town tool4 ever %rile Itt oftiftt Pidd Iftild7AS# IA dividends. -
the' Mori** hurt. Tist SOS Wow pitt It pooliatot soye ot Use Soot timber
OA their summer loOk of dreamy warmth country In tiiii world dts hod and fer-
ia distanee. *fore they have ruched rah hove a universal ropolationl; its
toe AsUmep. the Won Italian sir low agricultural citpulty 11$ 1111111411sIdet
111‘4400 1004 Of 1044 r.re011110 Oa ght Ilia's Yuen **a cattle and bowies thrive *bun,
?sniper. 'and the brick -red front Ainelist's dandy witheat tho redo 'Of dhow* that
cheekbone*. lle look* teitiOrsefulltfroin 0 rso memo Pe 0044 Lod bey& of other
tha ItiolOPlimif bonito irourn.1 into the . countrilat old, of a comftnent,ho e.11
poor,„ fond 100 OPPosite 10 hInt-',10010 $040ittle Sid these advindAget, mineral dee
it her with a *oil 01.e010•Partakdi for 1.*k. . I4' prOCeeiling itt 11 retnarkahle
IAA Ini unlovely, raised with a, Mu; A 7
modems , adiultailoo. and tendernwe portitor
toadantit • eltattOtst. 400kkIttotus,,,'01: *4.: because , feel* ItielltItOttPlent4tusti,tle drwn. 1rn1 (114to.
gett. 00* ' the, Itrat•-"CO, 0, POI? aliWoYilieg reflection:le Met the haler.
•tepop tot; .„. goat. mare •proatige teasem,. 'has,
01„,tho *word,. .Asimetolloni•,,Iftatt POP' ittitlited•Oft drawing y •hira -into WO- pro;
lishedlOord,the .pert et its sgerefary.'1-Mt, .,• , , •
Ong Ilk, ot hm no cause tor jeitiOneg Of Itte friend
rir fill) 1.1d4N4.
INA*** Swan Lake, nityst
114$1, done a Vendertilt
hit Of .$030(1.: klArc07 ..l3Wleg/A
how bed ...befortf,'T,Icet • tent,
can 14 not 'at WO, it caUsed pain,
1bere;Was* 011t ettleatIon,
t0 h
01 t1git-
110.85wer r044A01.1fr
Widt.- 10110i'
0014 10'-111!4', that llleatis•
`W' 4040.1 ,
kVe beeh Wiled • °ft • WOhlah'S
e OtoPptionot
0)0- V*IiOUs',M1100110 P00114t,
4ixe:;Atiiee, itl$00•
I OW' toOtallit.'
Tyr .e(oAudaA
•Altiltintlitti., • eri,
Cur- ol a
nre L) i
tit ty unequalled for
ttltaP1**44014); 'i a ,i'f,ell nl'plAitLe74:4'10batikoktitY3''1.1.,'et64;*.
tone Op 11t Area"; 'enable It to
/throw pa,: '-:tlottitts, SWetigiliett
itl* itl$V. ri ..,--..40tO• Wetidtrilland,
imte ' .energy and
13it - 4.
4 -•,‘into.-„ere -., rundown,-
-at ',1*.;-, ,'",,it -,bax, in,'
ItItit` Co,, 'Tai.01)10,
'Po)tt$ fa. $210,
rail I
Mit it ju squeezed
rig oft sloop.'
it mosquito."
ing to brush the tItrin, oft
With." • '
Violet_ that .wolit, .,stels. in tie
"Apples -The n Wes that apple tree.s
ThitailldMalitOvt4e w410,4°.‘" t)44e ritillAiYne la not neon Whotri, tte
Conti 1015$1014nri,, 4 rule, it 0/ cosy either to wile or, midget
r*PortAgteta• otigla Into anY totiMet dee* iletilerem.'
dimittiablot Searglite't 'weft& tlee11'.' 10OW11.111ilre01•,00:
atelSt .nf 10111(4414u ntte;ttPtli; ,taste,-*400t,ot which tie.,bitii$e fle,Pet4
Measure,. et Vie -0111.000. ortele4. :togtiy'' twereemo. yv.hich'.ntitges-,filiti,teo
loiktietelonty4)0 1* -1110O the Vann. r 'Oultseitilly /ichflOndedge that ther*intiat
of persons _char 'ea selftVetleh '•oiteglIe$ Inile*Wilaee' 0 o,trelter iff the tilltidel
81k atii Ineres$0 -0/ 0,441. 111 livn $Oilivii• 'Weallitio I:*t,t 0 Orstrelf 10 wintk
'WO 1$014.9%' in I 1,1141) umbor'NY1**: 141a:WiliN rt 1)ektrelt4 00014.ittn*$0
134 110' vOritit1011 • 1414$il-At.rhi4 14ore,W,,dksoor.ovoe. But
-crime shows, ...tidedarding to the ": t'epe. 1$tit,„! At041:'..401;;Arop: tbe.
pot r;PiutgOu OndintiglitY. Are' .14.0ottlr-, icluitneteellne . Or. ins '.;theoghts, he
trig, ,Tc+.1$' potent flidets,, in 'the sall$Stliffii u41441100P1`"bSid0 Ats"ttlept down
of crime, TitO great inareatia DOS' inot .17.1d;:or;,,,ervt. It 'Might ''te.'be Perba•Pg,
iercgro nit of 'his ' rrieinory:- 10-"Liiiat
In crib -los that ..reouiro ,educetiori`*94• but 1101401, ", Toe victors' Pat.abld,f
wommil . WItak „et 00041 OA 111e,..100r1 1104,4**
Anothil. shiltintt.101,4* 014 ,Iftliclon tte4 $.0•,•404',,i4Cto$$ ;4irer O• ifP
Ind irtt'.netielbieflariniga from. ,Itempathe.,,
Ht' apparently .be0Ouillig 111010, 1,10044, t..!,,w**,-i Nery '''nweet k
thatt''Inen. ' nolfeeOril• thalt,O'lilin-Ottlen4:4V2 I,
:filtys.:„. the reprirti4'401ft .1140,A4i$ torkliorlongonovaity.,
loot Mat: while *•erIMOS of AiehotteetY; e 010101114gtotr•Abdo:thie #140,1)Ler
,111).v.0 aff$torehty• toreasedk iiterii AIMS, low ..,otadiy, ho -tint AMA
110-t.'"Aiti• v..0-11tizonikt ,gpava
slhility, *hen 3,•tou Potty.
u ter.. /111001ther$Slie Wit$ f)r011gld
IiisAtry." iler Atietero.
tlY well' ,usect wy
0,utittlia$P4i! 'reffite OP, 110, AdlOtt ude0 CfrONIter, flVerY daY '441'
than the 'Mater 01 WAMPA, 001001 ,.1410,3te eelto 0grdcs it•P'`,0
dherg4AvAle, 10,0418y,"‘ : eleittAtAtAlt*: herground o*.yt,
' Accertlinglo 'tOPOrti• Mote mated' her • ecelf$A;':0.-'001talltil
leolitekUer for eeetY. 145 Ot• the' P?*II•. orte,.,/ftet. a :C•oliontd,!*itribute
lation.• ••• : • • . 1000:1pOnt APUttt*).1,10...IN'Ant‘I''
fitoto the ,report, * 9trang
1140. VW the oritnitiejsiallittlee Wrath*, tit,ix...t.oluttti or!' E',;*;
antl.',-."Witlei 'of - the °hang*/ )1i truC,4Iind't
"011111* -1:.'•',. •• verpolty in OP.. efli1 eite.,',A • Slit
• egairtet 1110' SPOlit4OW Is It AO be. ticcelliltbil'..fer?
dlItith .1 . 4 . 44,000 -it wad, has her .expe4edOe'of.-Jde
CrintrA.,:deroinlite-ti hibitnal 00040. ebeatileli ,(Nrirk$
,Irtii)s.:AmtVe not increased ht the SO* The:,,,u4t, ten 1.1.0 t0-0,010, rem,
.110:04 10 4 Proleits'Iellm *11,10h sOMO L'PeriSive Story ..)S, SO
lWflOe.01tetic,es Of ,disholieStr44.Y10'' Ihttilpt WpItten;'10110a th0-1AfAreP0
OtieaSO4 ." bUStness .01f='•cOtt(0.,
Erantie end intito40- of htliit 4Atnettai,..thitnif
100reiiiteftt.: ff teitieLlnie ;VOW 10ItOaven. bus c0 alory
talProole4.'04,, ,,Ta.gra!ioY. clvpopl hoortte:.0114: p0A1
'aft4Ikenilt83 .18 8tat1•411110. I ' YU1i!-,tlifOO
-• - fEonih1flisCfl *1)71
-°11' tartb' 1.4!" th04 'AIM* 'ilk's he .:SceS'110
A. OPPlenlettletY .htgaPheti... Valk tniW,01 her. Ile , does not. again • seek.
;4enotnriqttie$ 'ittec'VOInitt h.teL4 , • and accident
teatitreS ilt.04t0P9RO*40.. s Cantagnili
ottatei Ono. 4stm. that, .1110; 000te,
clti4.0f.',f4eoluttos.,tetabould lio.'.ertabled;
to plifr!fttlekly,AneittloOtk.; Ire tite
'Year IOW 107025 .tiersenaVereAditiltit!„
nuniy.: theft being yottag.pe ip),#`41$0.i
led torn detail% of-leititelit,
040' IC*Ween •!•34,verit;k::,',
The .4460300n Urgaltp00.-1tre8.1036.;
la/A 100 'PrADA0Ohll la•W,
been, tried with ,,eeelletit, ,fl
According, fa Ovet‘t
Pest ottaOtteti :whose sentettee •ilbe$LOOli
-LoNleeed,t‘rOlears! itoprisotuneyciute-,Afe,
pitilishineet ansPended. and: .,,tillittiotelY,
Ltenillteit ntV,t(60,Oft0100
during 4116 Sub. nett Jive years; '
At itag 'eost#t .41tappect' hant144
Teets. a telt' bra. .eoittqlon; .ctut
/,UnAloU3 the tunnetyloutM ki" great
dooilnd. •
Miss L,E..•01rilunti garldient„ OoYS:
l‘ttlittl$r think • Etandbilt ',the. finest,
hslin -in' the WOrld.,:' :.1t:Aiseil it hireil$
1)4 Axen(le'r, A014, iltAte.
',ittid,'" ',Ott .tts itoba4to Itutut , 1y .1k17410
01* Arlottit.. .10undi, Litfaluntlettur
Iktta*.'•30*.' boo.; ,..0A:.Witroett
togpi'Ve-oeilto4 'OP; ',*fr Ant Zata•
PO AO tha plOeo lot :Olutppe0 )1411.4A
ond :01(1.eOrm, lotitat it ,e ..,gou d: 01 at
WO UOSV altwo t;•up auppty ,Itta
)autsi ;mkt . ,it, tot cuts,' Moises,.
de." It W.Welitierhil. ;)4ptti
cenfeS alter, ,itantittak • Is upplied 1.
salt.01; Il1j2lV,"
ontv ettontteti liands„ told;
•si ote. IA for chts,,tirei,
„ twang, p‘ri,.*,
Iktng,,; testettukt ,.Nentuta,%, ':.,0,1\settwat
piewhe ahtl. feroptione,ele,,,•.Zenidlog
o, car& 14. e/go, pes'6. lite
sittuttlig Of end slapstiiiI'lltedi
10g. it Ocso,' utd.,tOund$"' ond
Well„ ARS Ito liti$ ‘Vo/,'" Sala"ll
taiii *the, *all Vito e fie, rOg114
lnUltlfll•:,eittr AiTi.t,'.04:g 0114 'CM
lie yes eitAlling. 1
olutt .111”1.,"
411 idik* tet
"Pig 4
III 11* how It limit 6aW
,i6-tiung Mon the kileItett:last
Mairi-fSur$ it &tom' brier IS,
*taut, 1itifes4 yes•werc
the 1•„yritde,..`' ')„, • Li • 1••• •
The fl 4.1.11. Tr„k.pepiil.a..--. ohlen.
lint•,.% it wirs n,qtolar 1141 de.
10.04.rui.icro tut 1.41,1_,i? tor „40t, tip MO!
ltbrid eeitinu°t) 11011 1111.1
tron'lle ,them. 44.1 torligljt day
riot. rtygx.p.itt, 54 Alirgil ftt WO,
Virg.. Way. tort nig in
who to' owl-, Ir.1-s, ttOtist1/4,13-tliot invite
And entk44 n It S
411(1)0 1/. 111,1,•1,_* Ile iiiat finds
k • t fouiv 'that
• •itt ant fro“11 i ill !AV' 111,ot %%ilk
110 fiffki-ss
Pot.. wltott are 1311, toady let the
„2rny tethers ouet-e.,
• ',4% tevio.-Whe. vrttat- 414.; i»otter too
" 1.-Whes • tiny .doi .4 anything to his
24 &reef pro onyitoiost. htt If Art•
maile11:114, foee it. be ass * MP'
71)01)11. ilii)It$1'd wefl 171 uvcr. volt ot,
11 btireS,t1i0niteliStni, 1410044044
..Aelettit*It,tft$0 -litt1110- letting
clir4,ttt And, : •
for Ito getttl* qualities. lie mey Welt
AtItiNg 110S
ter hand without teat ot otwtrittion*
Ottntto ot (*tits:* icolub* teOdetosss,
of 'Tem
$4 A* ItYng IvelOP-rd •itte Queen of 'Indy SitaratilInt
• rid': forgiven:, irter,LIWYks, ' QintelV Margileritec,-,tif
1, kr. halt:* - 1,1114,;.'•;414 , flor Majesty waexpiertotten' 4,.,40avy
Aurgoo.:04 'of ttl*-404X.‘1.1f4WaY JAW A 'OA; thati, heed ',:411 .lernentehle sitoWatOrtu and vntglitistt*Itet Mit
gretd V001 'cOnetyardi• Ana ne,04ingnoi,-,t4t, voco 'Melf .01really: 00cUPWpy large3 rot V-.
galos It.feetfts. -.*00411,u4tileyhe onititting: on-. 1117 Thlti i„lileelywitiCitonfectiffIgt,
wrong that 114 VOlae$ lattlf_i•tA01,1,t. k1AAA,,o•A he:110-.10111ieeee# • the nited'ibit the foUris%,WhOeleraMi, the
.14* rtea.tal4a.'utio',14:..07.:.?..-'41.“-' of' 1*. v-04 Dpilit, Of 105 'L hUti,,004,-tier Ma
',0411°111/4' 13011S14''''°'1. 411trit''it° 'W.Ster11.0111A• .0t/011torrIbIe' infit je.tr stati:-f'Proy, nut ,liOlfinrr hos.
Hits such ,sLatitwn:;liskot
you wiflU*$
Ofeurehitt end the .
•aNite*. CIOS
.V41 Inali:0:A0-$04.4044, 0 gs, 1160144* 6c4, • while
guy 4.firl. ifaY :4114rt'i°, 11401'Ir"•:47.- itialdilitAn • Lasont, Id. 10041$11114.: Alps,
„ ,• reeently•SeCompon0 by
Pat 100i'; vita- its , bialt....*tette**,01,1*. :444,144,gaat.. litrittalk 0etatin?,810.1ritsiai' wit°, kuid
whhch.the Ilattl'4'.'"4eatVa)4a1/11044'.-.:'4,400.11411tell, .SOteVt TOO*00:• likeeciee'beetv,Ofkitglet air : .1-00011
*toed' , of 041 th0,4V0V, ttott gsiMinitt before Me oast It .41.• of ;Elite, tob*, plentireittert; Md41'"IPtint
t 414 1 ni.St$ OW the
fo Junction,. 0
.Voti dos*
elf:thidItteleitaatetwee* the
Pithe,' Viet ,001,10. .:attttil, Atutttly,,i. titoham Otoy,c".eve epeele.. 1110- *fro has ttesea,"'„ - • , '
wIUt 14°614°' 14 a :tall:''abaat4 r'Thr01.1.8h that. ,tntst',40,0natortes4 Ttlergherito. leeiete4:eiri
Doos 1.10 toodeorgee0totilliien *)ii*.g-.40414114 tptilkw0, ooputo ago he had glanced ,past -with Os 0 flo all
her bonds' PA$Se$ /ott ged , ;, Alto otS.4 .Pt114 Ibc toOrigie 40rAit 1 ,
'100 40, 0741.pd tie#11-, 11&. kt'e/§, 1:40 toeroint,,after•titentitni:Pier0440 liF sTA NI am: rifirhurifilli Wilertrisfil4_ %TAT
nua it a 4 11 00 010 litnn ta61, hospitatitir :end •OiMeti,'Miirtherikft 44 4 It In it.. -vv.. Lupton; infuttioutu iiou Toseirro,
-11:440110+1'.'0110, 11W40 04•;•aa'atediOOlt:ot the Spaatietiitlitni.W140)- after . the fir'e•tund• sharedf.ttie.trugai..;te.,
neeOwa affifieW,.01`4.0 ti# taralCi4tte$S,, &des, tier idelesty set. by'Jhe- the,iroltatto. The genuine has .' the- Weird regIsterpti trade
1VrIg9NY' $0,r11-0'11-11,4 4•14T.'..1!'•'•'1,r0f0;•teloo4u10. nitnt• ANS' ".• Though Mita, While•Ihkeftlerfoll" 00, lir, 414310 Or., ,l0•,1114-i-gaffl, Pett,.00: the runner,' • 130Were. i)1-;11-omitationsi .
11.t50Il4 .IIltCI.Y 1.11144 1.1.14 • 1' to /-)1414t* '4441wul ?,& 11101 fl01'1Va0* 4t ' ;54tilAttufgii with = descaNed Mocugnage with her
r r , • ; . L ' • • "
4inell4;341t144 4n4';44ftleatil tIr*If l'ilarehant invent:0*V, 'A TOW', eard hrifw aur 'catiifogue, "0„!''Whieli *contains complete rules Of •
Ilerr4giltiPOt. ,tito7:4Y, sit' . vicar, of t1-16**1104,,-•.oridet 410-
Y. °IA IfAAPA-0,t 11001fel'. „. -
0i/ doe mornings, lrbt/1111111,14 at Iho' bqs • •
Ufl1.44h'.hT ..5AiletIti„:',;*10Pillg, her 'eel \,••-;e0lieftridiP• •.e4; en '00eritt droway smuttier Eua,' ojsiti
t ' ir4r.0 • hi lt 11 V.
ItkAtih4 . .1140 iaer
• ,
41100 ''brAthOP-3101Ap$0, '1'ioits antics. the great curtained 10, 'tb „v. $4,ritie 'PAORRET'O. 1110,
lot*Oki nt 10'40041$ PAO , .„,,, t e,tv., , and, inuountl mwarctly` at ztize- len ° c ac - c ' - ”
tuttigr.fit-terllooattuf fit, ertettAgr. 1q•-• ,
OW Org4109)„..• 11,,,, -, _, ;.„ 4,1„.„,, , And you sq.,y ht'' they never, Ile 0P,' the. sun" 14,0iiinpleioik•.i. Ok."..fii ''.. ght );IY The ..tilitin nroeeeded zecently to- the
ihtitiki:i14,n)C44e-4'a,,,,pUthav-e4;,,lia:p;$(.1'',4!140:na.---i"I'4.11_,141; , zol,10.0.,,r;:iircl.;ildsacifti,gpalna,,atiotner:‘,0qitiyao's9„ 4,414 ilurrt i.t.".liottjtneditl,6,0-01,,,eii3O$04,,,.$,Toteliti_41.41,10,0,_po,0*-,104/.. for. they, veile.ration ,ot ,mahorilea Inara
.bf 'ht rikagq116 at'rop Itaiiii Send, m *timbal,
as at'MOIVItgitgt 16 ,011ya,b„y4lie nentwalan,-,iiint,- Is'. ygt largely, tinged. f.'il e - Sea Island : 4.• pp r• -yoin any • •, - ••
• ' • • • ,
: mtrtO.utrugg log' ettorls tp eon- ' • •Oninpani.Aintsuititel*lole, t • , •
oet • -- „- „ ; vfliern11,00 0t. ,A.!leteut Iteltes at the
othe 00 a .15. t The 0 Idea '"11011)il liunde• r •4ultari at Turkey.
Olor14 10441'0. OA* 09'"" 0°"t1114 ";ittivoitytd curiosity. '71,isici conY, 4r4 itdd •
gjeak'‘ whiCh 1"314
.4040 000,,,, ON/ il', *Xi ,4,0,1kitl„01,, ',., ,.‘„Tile,y*Ielt,j110. UPtg4bOili.-99,4..4t.,0q6';') husin0s,*,In-Q.13ttaol Trt-''oPYL:YP41:$740,.0.10P.6' 't4ra' ''' '''' ' ' ' '
-- ,..,,,- ;41 4, : d .
ittioftik;tr*,000.0004114.-4°' "'• ,!retOrtis,itie elerytnati. .: tIettr ..niei.,*.I.!T hale'4, perfect ea ti: pier( WhereoyAhe Iii:, ,' 'Tbor :le "Ate4Y***TIO'd01141 V;1400*
04M;0400140:10CSOOS(*. ,000:: /-40.0 it lost. bo oii-yont*ti,g640,y, voti.., money., /, „iladeltiii. 9,0;A cow The .Shlietiomill„ proceed, 4 iund .0r.stei,,,
'IA ':' 4t' I ' d edettled- di •'; end 'ar Ootr011ed: hYLY;:liondre4a '..of 'iolinOtes` elldz
once- lar Plilltitt('. cri,,efidi ':;:liiiiilifitnit 'r.: 0* •,••,o,rirHip ,si• *./.-•,tittOteertherilea-
6,6V65 ',' i'i.4'te04-.0,11,41t4 0:00k*II6'.* 'tfitla. never:404f* towlitittm*et ,troi rincl he d,0A„:„ not take the lock Uri. The' PO4)1101113'. and 'Ooldek Item ere
to tie a jet 4,:totwit;t*uvell4t0,4-; L; P „81,14 ,0 110064 . ggs ' te; •••a. °' loUttO and salt 'tfaftla 1$ suspended
..d,iserd,....-00,kcA0--.116,01,0t0,111. °b1jt,1111.-s•c(f.sc4Q,I.S3rd'e1r: ii;:?,11;1.1Te, 4,,,000nrs'i.b.riedfcirsOom' heiatvideeP,iiiiii;re3rearanstt.ree.ottilitleti'
Ott e .'-q•root.trt*:',"Iv'w"i'..."'''''; 'Hy0),':NvAll understand tliat ts•sti.letb; P11
searching Lind ',$.4411 I uSt o fUrther. ' bl 00 1001010 lined 011' bPt4 S;44t:'4.
af4 '2141*iiPasi that 1'1 g:A 1 is 'V 11,/a 0 0 y ne g siuez
tnye,strneri.110.°60r,At.e:.0,,I,4•V:ti,..r' • , . . 146111 :;!la:I.P.r Aleert:51t,'iti'ic 'f.iilt71464,:riPtt''741:li::..4'4:41.5n(*0.'111.it.,
:.Is.53411:',0:$t.'''Ivnilt,,23...‘1111,t7i,/:iItL;f1114110i:iiiii-cli'li',',4:11,bilAlka:sita,eliprAt:g6_4eilttt:ii .'' '';'',. ,' ','':. ------•-•-'-":.',,,,,,,'llP;:,,.. ,,,,O.‘Y,,,,,.:,......,!0 ',a , ,1. bitippy.,;"ds, , ,,, , ,,, , _ , i) sot
ad 111 • t. te , present.". ,t'' L-lhe, -rettition , ,_•,«-,.„*Poit1,-,Y„4 ----,,, '-,, lc,. kiteim - graildnitaii.-.- :1'R-!''',....”' • , • ,., - latirich ..r.,,I;i6.0i,004.,w).tli. AI4
P.°';131' t)t.' r tY43g:"...:111stailCe'; -4Ce-I6tt '1,...'i deTitaaititO104I''r-11°2-g9i,,t;.:1„1„„iL6t,'„CILd•tiauirt; ,'WO11.;" •N'<'bti1;1114101-:4'k.Agie•,----0„1.iY-u k,'' ,icry : 17lic; ' Laggrili ' dli7,7biii.t3 et i leo- 14010.10tAt
forted ' hY,...,,til* •,o!II9tY. $e-. , , ..
• that itiel,',Pildui „ , . , , I. . ,,uttev6u abst
,Aeceind. lien : hare„,,,,- bita,4064 ,01,000sf,'„ 9 .,,iii,.,i,,,,...,04,0,,,t.0- .1.03 totectocu ot ..„ .,, ,,,_ . #i;.6„i.,.,.,iTio.r.,....,owalkaact, !gran , al, ,.: ,, .„,....,,,,,,, 4.:;7,11,4#1inkty. wqra, , y ,t
:f,t9tat e't-id. tn4'.0e$41A91.640.!(4,11iirseintl,p'it,P,P.),tk ,ift. ii111. !NYt, 1.1lialvi -'0.17'' Ol'i'' th'e,”' clepo' y- O,1,0, n. 'flitl 4. '' ,i'' 6i.,(41•',.4 -1,t.‘''' 'intet,,,,- .1a,,,te,..,,..: 111,!-.„e.,,,,,,,,, 4:',..4,4.,..4,"
1:111.1elti4Y13 :‘iv;k:it,A 't ::(11Ifp.,*1),Otxtg,t*%:11i; letie'ftip.,olgt.XE, 'fiiildll't,.64Wil.,.,rit';303(4:4'IN.L'iTenclirg4,0..liolk,„iir..,.F.Lit, I ..'
odigturho,,,q4 • ii., 1$1,0„4•Ketti4,410,„11.1,11:,.i31,05e6,:es .. hi§ ,litogontegs ,calie,.0.,:.01.44„fotri.enfes.”. o.., t111,4/0g., ;4.6,therPorft;e„, Nvnin,'"' te.r*qt;:43.681:s.dur.L.',
pent; tic where be
likOlih()" at ItU end tAlitr;. l'bS:1..Ak aver "to' foo. a4a1.4 2?* StunneL': Tow;,,,tn`Y. "ire "err°3' 't+4.11-3‘ '4(k °Ict tinttgat'.01riattle: taw' 111'g 'IP S -ell". 1101
WithOut irtuQh. '111°1-11 wosverd- path' - 7thet it Is Perhal)s-110 wonder sint to to, the .ytipsqltec 0g810
steep , .t 4been $itiQtiruggettlitert4utcisii`aneignber):°111111 an Issvvery'Yotift;:p.'ILE* Pdr9olno ;Njler° 'xutthkg° Su°1:111 1471.e4.
tiower beds,•Set Uroull:d wa•11§1 At 11 1115 wlioIe 1034 bntoVei.)0$4e.109,A201,,, thEkt. stoy$ , hece%piles, and-prz. .et Or. It . cpsts, , 0 tay 11.
• luinateloii:get'4 Aidvg ,raii0*,,VKu'-rP4ACtgV4Xkgtr
htuttori.Uoth lorttie 1$00.,as he, for,,:,,tf.tht$14, lie *40044, aria: , too 1 •
ar4..ba, nem
'-Vifstr-1040° °I1r; '4° t."t".(116,, 's()Iit."° '21)111•" . • has tliladejthrl. 0,!ttialgtit,ofx,54* t.longint, ,Citar*nte. ,
64,400, iu''..'woitipanY rugge‘l sten 0,4 h
.185110 titti stittp4urecu out cti'urbtO01511 '..:tPotirositlY' has bud ,10 , 6.11)0 02clatefl you nee Ithat #11.0.1Y
vour 1130 44 the, ikweit,o, et the e tits; whit 'evets" bettle ,
So' hvOldss, Yng- c• pebble$ to •et, aoce 111$ We51( 01 foQdi orid ii)$s It5t1 111100 i Ali r rOd, bioole, but .1 71)10 ,,hau ter 511111
give It',
. t
110',FitO,,,Ito,.100Per. a* lain• * end (1110211 IlitS 1115I to idte look - a ntpt
y, •
In 44101' 43. Q4' niches : Abe 'erumblitio' vieti4deitee befi. AVitnout anY Ar0,44, Attspart,
°ilia. &Olt s 1210 U11 eiX in. wher111
o'griv e oow 044, AlilaPV;i'la?0 teintd,
fdo, lie0.0$4.uatdo 1001101 14alrc -tteXe4' Vow; 6.00ift tta4014no;, iilm.vItp, r
'11.111°t4:11; 4t7(14
pres!soleesiii'ii:t• 'll-10-44-dt,:kittle-or,,,,01:#0:1111:11„:0-,Vttl., :rv,hnotbisl.o t2.01.0.e.e,131s roued :0 07:4 it:rm,ss rt:
71t isrlhooteal!',444:51:A?";
Po t4 OPiy Wfretil..;;,0m-' Auc,goaugv -41/0. tiegotx,ftrout4tohnitttv1614"liectlinine
duction t 104"i /1 /14. tk her 'ttiler.' •In)" UM? *1111`..11/111Ch'
dy too large ii(1) 4:t - 4otettv, io$ -daoildtAtiet-Into' a
Is WO. eieu IOW to it ono-reOtds. t su It'll:4_ on
ASR ,i111,410:48,i81,59nr ,.4t,oyi, 1, I thought fer. 'th4t'
• hdtit .nitYlaossible biatne attaching, to
nacre,;:, *Malt ,cOnit,
11/11°. nettlit 0 0 saPPhICA-0031;`,-Whle "tom, wgh 'a csa' Aaands01110, bag-. At -
0100 ogt4s1911-t' "self eini 4114 011.tral wood -god, Orwaler-51ymp11, an °9 t'be two ,ergt. ttseDeo, ot,500050), It IflUSL
misolovosoa ta: la Of '0,;puttr
at Mgt •.alrid- letsatt'eri.: of
'1 14 1/49fg AA& two „stattle& scandal.
0.1„re,,, he
The log o hle71lCO On be obtained •
Alt diuggAs at Vt. a 140.t., or pied
five. p.m, the taiii4fule tL.le.,Toronip.
upo zef )'*t. 4'. 1; taxa. ,t4;,
ANIMALS 1,11AT 1,cf:CM
Totviivrf, througt) the. 8Siflalt.ile'404•1
scien bursa *cep front 4Wrst, 0.
male 110* two utilk Vs 4.1$ 1144 Itch gain
of an injured Oct, c mei% Kis sold.
shed tears in str01111% A cate s,,ttt by its
whn •It Irmo colt.
e, .41 wept pitifully• sonvoidai
cte from ieestitien 111 ivirrilono•
IMO atria tt hi Ills arm when it saln
biro 14. Wounileft epee here died e.tp
Mg• anti ape* 'have wept '010 ihtie
!vole,* ewe aunt To., 'Whin% A thibt.
pourer, trifilIM terry watemur''broko,
ope„ joird loft, millajt. Willett Proved
phewrovg, famish 41 ,fietthlift inenit the
ult. ash. digooiroving their pion/
On% Itel. have beea smell 10 INN% sit
Om*. wly.telt • 1,11111111flitft'N
rip 1/04 *am& boson 90 r•ry *hen sp.
rmebea0.4. Ile Dim oft* wrap ever Ihe
kW et) lb* mem. Oerrim Cumnstog
Measeed wets kidding tett Ilse %et
r4 a dims vembeel. tad nes am emit
meal* *ma dmelrai et 11* 1e0re„.4,
eemd INAa bak 0/000441. Then.
Ii SION eassit."Nwerm ast iwaiiia leo
*fp Pala Olt fr 'POP bee
tor 41tY "elltlXa been tetevd.bY; Byug, onrridg wh9or,.,.0 n
soot' tiundsum • 'he 0, 00114 ' to 0110elt for) fv•' tnig 00 •
ler .iden loop
Is heli-waY hack to :the ter,
riOf 111o1 mist hefore his eyes, and
a tinging trt Ots ears. '
' (To be contintied},
..--.... ,;4•--t-,7-t
v _ _
. Tile young .IOWYer WaS ' Ord1810101d, 10
, N1A11T t_,AWY.En,
the , jaii„ with Ids entortneate lierit,
; 11513 U1UU712U -71155013 0110 oharged' . vett!i stealing a' stove. '•.,-,,
St Yribmillt !? WhalettaittietlitenWillt TO I attirtri • 1A. 4(1T:44,91,40r 4rero, b.clothivic benixs.6'eiA,‘0, d.,:04,644Ort: ,,,:::::lityluoy'suc:40hti' ase'tait:in:c1::::1:3:4;.;i:i)eu":':
'4.-1::'"g6-itto'idigz gl.t°01:41:1:1;:::::::$..b't:11:1.1,4 -40:: 't..'1111-0-",...:0‘thoni 1101.t..1:711V't• -4111,4:11-41°4 t4;- r.i,"e'.44:1,.1'r:ril:16:i.' ..:1 :I 4. el4t::'''' 71: ::etteal806' *°'uti- 1111 ' 8t Y L*' '1 ''', ''. t t:1°\:-: i*:::';1 :id: ittli l' of 000050,
41' , it 't t:111°01: 1:1111;d1 12 Y. :11:t it:161.1'
41011,..tlat . WO ,.., ,„..„„,,.3,0kgyeo ton" ,„,..„..,,,...,•(„k„..0 Notofitotown. stook : Aro ,, . .
,tiorto,,,gentleolim o,a.P' r71;.6. 6,ii.00,5sibly irtanthi „,,000,3,; ,A, -.mature-U/4001 :vaitalifirctilyW'YrieS--. tk.A.Pi'. Siavtl,iP ,ItatitYodtat.
h ik•- SO- `. .1-' 0 ' Mws, oljetter Of .1i0p1/0 * t - 01 /4koW tliat y011 tuetre a _ . . e , and
.1'414111° 14V GI' LlittItYtt°' 3° .°1*1 .*17' 100, .gt$0,140thge .(,14. hh'iloorpelY'Alltoi00•• .1°01.6°,.5*,- word... Yqq**.h40 :0,Y.%'n
lalt!Oir fitS.VIIIII61:UCTISClitiiallrOr1;41:4t.Uttli t lit)! the 011100, l' '.08.1 el he. gertt ti $ *0. Wiptttu ..tiut tr ttlirtfiteofeot .liduldiottif 0014,4,11,440,4.1i4.,,,n, repolotorestclo,,or.
.,___,,. ,i . . ', t . vett yy,04VA;' - ' . - Leeo it,,,-zin . to - nt ,
,i,ti' `""' ----- ' .1`401681 613041" - - . ' ' if There OAK l* A 'Pt"! 14No itioncy f t Tito lewyet , , , ,
4,5.-0-114' d.*pti.Intellt.liettr,,,11,1,*It:WI*hltvtinie7.4410.1!.'1,,a41A' 0•11'::O. 'TI(5'W'' ' 't.:;,, i'lliv. i'Ll,p,rson''' ,'.itiOit ';t41414t1h66r$1.,ot*. ., ' '• t,t`o*IliY•
4 nd ot u u, it it .,... mi, tc,, , , *rtivau 1014,46 ,ovate 0 ..bitopt1113''', til‘,V,,,,w44" 1:14; g ' ' '
oltits,I.r_ostlyi ,Orit t,itel „,,Stlit:ti,onit„,-1.tikok,, tin.
lti'hooiete:31:1::(43,:,,utY,I,Irtt,r)::4::::1111014'11.t4Irellit'.01:1;tlitit:1;:ny:PoLrilt,Lt:14: 'itgiitilt),41LxiFtiFtoLo.'vtls,ccugoA:,„.1.etir'',a‘ .c...'('ixbtotitoneePit,Ttl$IP:4tet, 0, sY" ., ',16741tint;til 'irl_°V.,
su Ihtioli IMO Ong "Anti% :herself;, has to
,14, Avi,1 must oot4 v.._ 1 .., ' 1%144 i.tgrug 1 ,• , , , ,. • ,,.. .
rt!,,N,,,,,,,,' 4itil*,:v '4%41" "1- 6, (144101140 skh*.:'.fiPset,,,, 11,,,,e,?,it, °talk:, 144' preshilfly1.14r ,„.,Ta y6tirirk , )0•45rot. 0•1,00±4 piling 0
•-•--'--- -a. iiiii4inTs; all" illemolVos' 'opt. trn,rait, 14000,,, ..serigratia ,../tin Vat „••,leatit., .i.ligioro 11,6 brighleurit ,, oi
illig.n. 'Its‘1" -- •ii ' tt.'1, 1,11/IUtileY• OE ./jtcr3t skt " 16.6 triowti, , nod and tt. *retWit41,0 116 'Vatic moto rheNldllh kit
sito ,..1100Ynet *-ert.'"" Al - ' ,,,, ,00c6114 "411 l't oot, tub anitnitor-tiOrti* ' it t hop how.t, inOtt JO 10:1111A0, . •
r ill i 1 IV lot ,1'.ire:irooin;u6,,stot4N0.101trk' '141' iitilltilit bi'00,i1:11111,41Pittsiiii.iti,t14:hoLt44.5...:ttidil,rairty:ri :11';',t°,,:toroili :44, tethltiett4,ezt.l‘rkivori,ritri littgilt},r /iktv wrz,ti,,,atitnoitliteitt'doNvo.1-,,iro.11.r1"0. gitr,Iti(1%illiiyiuotiotizt.
w.,-1.-: tint lAilI' 'Oat WO' to -mutual, *memo key. ',.,. ? ' , 0 ,te• ion
-ii..7 ffetintt INWS.,' on 00-,105g.,,,,Inituv."4 .1* * odor laWer , but ,tatu '14TI. .". i n ;Ont.*. '
.,,t4t41 ScilltIllg0NIR'4V1/2,,,,Irtite:!.),,17.'',Ai' 14r.; \t,,,11.110,1,111,0',:gf,s•i'gi't
fl,..'eovittiti- dmbt 010 1, a 0.11.0-'°7*4. to ..1 thought thtre j'atatt t'C' 401 '
1.u. 11,11 OM utialte4g Of tli II0
for itule theinaelves up ,ntio• te•
srallifedletrie of one who hat it length •
• i0t, , ritidka,
thrnlgtI that 'titre roust be, a street
loose* In feet; but suf:e' you Obit* Seen at
, The other giro* eigh ant a ahrui
*Unfortunately there ton do
\\twit to Is ttutngia Of tho MOW ,b1flod
a$ *110i that las stutfl ,100 MI rude;
volt otht ,u,tu%(i tIttletoiwrekt
invite. her tiller that tif
white, to gtt..A0 inkiness id 1114 lone. 81.,
he'104111reS the Come of her kiffillnli 01
the Pooling, hushed. atiologelle ARAI";
knit and CO011ioi linVe been ',silting
voitiog tat 1101110 11010 in IIa oeloa,
from which` Syhtlift haS removed too
pro4trate Ott lette-aleined '
but ihey too been ettetilltdrig
other so a:"4. she itt paying blm a
sotto* of railekt,4144110.11tIonl, ittid be is
Anil pleasantly *resoling Ibma-
lhal Itni14totuf hat Mt SePatelit
itt iflci0, itut ildt overly; io vadat a
1144 hos pn,!;$1'4 11i0 Homan 00*. Sit
Ond up between The 1$10
teal atcp , gtiog it * eteekot
yatitago gainful nVer 110 Flower _PA.
helots thirgerne .reetrfOril 1111, Ofegal•
Ilse going z71int4 on bow*: In Nie
Ottani *have they iTiewk olusimikoi
vhileg,, vdth lot their nowys out im
111011 tire hetet *so in Anyintd. *tow
tatvileS/ 0,44 tisPit %sit IM
tine* bolt betoe. ihry 'Park Sielland
Weisman. Stand le WM* I8#4011
ream:try ins% txrsI414 wire OW
tkotot, her down I "
:Aare et lit high Mona Mai
Mont 1771 imw,, * sae et anew on
on 'ninth one eon wrillk weft osi
the tirmt Mother at let
work: win st+ her
l•44100, 4141141141latt Ito
*adrift Alto Italy tamp
the Mpg, vino. AM la the
mit at the .11Serii tbs
emit. eteh tern tem Nat
14, beforif 111.Of 1St OS.
swam, 1.wili114le.
• likstomo, owe Is XVI
WorApP.' titAWALA;xciAtA6t,
eMy linslAtid IS a litnie," Q4Id•
YOU Nett h6klin xtt
00t mule1 have. •
"Ahl 1 suppose he talked
Walt language"
sa 111.11 lie *w
rYte;Co." •Limited;.•-Nlagare:Tolls';'0,01.
Autil«-Toitireyt. 'creel!, why
did . you tut tot' ,v(t.ita to two?' -
'ronilny-Ii-i'eenleil so lonely.,
Ltlinft Websters Mid* 0 .Dhctlqflary
and '-!gAkta tOtirtst ..1"11118tdodattd,,▪ (1-0Vtrie.,
GoverrimenL Ih1tsting 0,r0O1r
of -11-ookly.,,'Oir',...the. sctio040161ii 1.90
catoltryn:'. itidon/ett. .by every StutO
'School' .,.5tioetinteniletiO Eniverea4t*,
'Commended. b.v Prealdeige?„,,iik,
,FltincatersI ;Adhered te, QS .6.4Martil.br
nrtiirfiareb99,10 „: ip,• frd:d:1781 en4treli::0 7p11,00..oit:,1111: N-i?TtliLtie?..itite6fil
Cbide „tor, a --Prol'eaSlonoi, Marti ipstoesa,,
1:4Yebilii!neTt°46ewhi7 and SbotlirittLtier `eltg
Where for advertisepieut in ihkpaner,
, • Itell'VA.V7.41% .••
cry, , little b7,‘,:',NY17.0: the
.ottoo.iteot. My rrioitter's• bin.2tizi! •lobi
ms !),%
"11AAAAii*;Gicit, tiOrii, ',at
abiUniildlae, PAL, '',AttIttal •velehtr.
totAA",ot „NAL, I .b.ivoi baeit tist *I •
vahottr,,etitioct. Icor, rititY44,,,S4411411ters.,tel'u, 01 "4,
IOW OtOter•Itid, r•Ittf,:utstaatoad Dr.
Meiiiste* Cutartiod „thiO bo
01#11d me ourOltstel*:, iq csiztfo.-415
tg$ '84016.j'And S*11t01$0ti'lfrt•Of
fLe07, MgOts:n,8,!osipi.:41.1,0,ftlott:tt,-ii-6,1,1i:0,4--ette4:1p.},01srs.
MIAS ".$110•I'VeS-i; 10r .Y.Olgrtl teaity,
talible1-11•Wieely It:molting; lata'idier
tIYt,ol';'enabled'. t*!.tlei°CrtiS7:4hb
(ho‘,u$o:ot:oIo,1, .
exporte1)ce,, •,
idete atittitvon•*.arlt
e*1(ed 015 11814 .!'e13•slie,•,: said ittiff:';'*ii ,11, very
**Kilt!' '• ' •
211.11 Ilitfat$A
fog tug wires toxl.vkt." "Yes;
Mr. kleftlea. ,4tiCheit thlit
kotrihere tut% 40 th1.0311 la
Tramp -"Well
yer see;', the. owner ',wax: ootnin) dowo,
the Toatt behind, me, -,and 11 -to potipeman
Vact 4 191)4 ,61,0)!teited across in, front2°
touultw,;,,Iluk) 41.•* *mumhThat.o 11.
tois ittorf Olo toast OklikuLo Iki:Var•O• 4.14*,1 sa&
1414*0-1.00..rt.4111."7 P114;tr, '
"16.1. baa 40Z.: ,'YclititeVe made a
grease pot OA, the . nett 'settrYlth, Y.0414
`hrtail,Oncr-•Otter," said tirs•Pizzletopto
her sonlotinny . "Never mind, ma; )‚oft
eau tit On W. -when Pete is,,compaq.irt
the parlor:" ,
r • *:".."r‘ • •
1164NaV. t
. rt uftd
fkormSztt'bt•the *10101.0tUerruS pr0strite.
1,104Q0C,:tattpUl 40b1IItY: 7171 050 co,
-Mr uP*4041-tot Wbo JinItot•-•b•tol•Aootir",
•-•--rOfbItfis. tftifx tloOts Iolsottteitt,:hat':
110af. of ,
00.0fatt-tur four your. neryontitrOttc,
gm.,•1)0.ttlesf-..,OT Routh ..kturloan ffirittio
•rfOifrtuf tttraole, *Ad bit dootor: loom
11#0‘14.11»t'aa 7 •
-of the World doesn't ••knowhow the other.quotedhis
reiedned, her flugbaita; "but
11. Ittitt$ , anent ,nine-tenth,S 411
ruSy. tying to, find ad.";
A13 Ibe 011 iRtIbs In tOO Pain.B8b 0111.
90 „the ,eat. • POW ••111 any,
oait .:Ifter.• 10144t.'11X4'111f1d *wort* the
,ttnilee•.hri1k. ittriction
tind' .tho petteat obtains •olroost 10404
.t'ahieL The reAtilts ot : the 'Use Of tDr,
ThOnifte tOrcttiq 04,110e:., surprised
thenr•wilia were unacquainted 'whit ICS
ry,tiallt10$, and, otioolaiOil If ,4;ivill,obt,bci
teleetet,' Try
wo ,2 -revolution Campbell PM**
aiXatt- 40x56 and ,4346. The largetd hal
the patent ^swing delivery, and both ,
Itave- infdag rollers and plate:44
11/140011. Tliey are capable of doing;
914e,st,*Ork. These presses WM be ,
saId At.4 "Yery low figure for quick' tale.
thiblisteng Company, 73-81
Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
W., Y. • .fi.ti=91;
• 78 not on1y que*0ono
In ,OTIPEO; r*OnlAhtittiOgi 114010:0,
#4114`,,‘ ptdadAtatitlitikkOintititt top
Eu14,11411eidievf, 4000 taa41"11
C01.1.101A7 olVTIVORX"'
largM 46".1344=LnitW"
• Wa4tei4h,Thief4e,1repli4akva,
04-kriemir TO1A` CO..1331*
*Weyer, .; will .he In the open
In o'oe0*17010Oe$ the tiaad ,1111 folio*
e",W,aving„ contour of the glaciers And •
0,4elieetten:of 'riding On it WEI NA not
VANet,.tlfat, 0ApOrlitkid In a SalpIn a .
1elli.pt,r0!i0a'llI.7'11101. theunit
motive. v14of eadt$Vi :oa
WH;tV;i-li 111ithFihVaetf.oftho
,o,si;$15'44;11r.st .bist it Istiopi
irsidlnottr..th5e,,ltitift Oen $1O and
Angel Child--;"Auet• trotty„ what 18.
Ineant 'b 'a holitioue ,elutrocterr Aunt,
01-104-4 hat, WAOaag Mit: that 4- .aia(1e.
np, drat‘" Angel Clitta-"011,.,yost. Then.
yetete;ellelltious character,: arcret.li.ent
rt has.* esnentst
. sodet..Retee ouitite,- ow, 11.11
wits tor -frot *Wait lAtiotsol-
0114 ,-Ooftittfokttuft. lett. Alifotts0
AO, tiOttrwttoir 7 oured 1,tof )tifort-
Dt• ••• outs tor 88.
irsot„. , out sueteet* &Wittig
178. iStIt.'11OE tor: Isk ifttlt .14 bour
itttit 1.8. ilflot- &Ow.
it‘oxitar �ON sAvA..
te tke
genteresu taught * ure lartety
potatoes, sigt told tifS **Menet, to be
*ore and plant thou far •teintigit 'oat'
"Welt, gut, Aid you, pleat the *enact*
M t sport u I told your Atint--$ 1 did
pIr 1 *kiwi:1.11000e tit ttatflon sod
watt in Woe, so they s tour silks
A Mu* PM. - 131109.41* a laa whIk
*Mob nirst 545 toolitolOf
bet menet fitaortlItteato.' fit104I04. *04
oi fat apartromet vameatabat 01 oitiN
It tutus appetrane* la madam di -
mime. M mem 4$44 d•deattre abbot.
tea I• ea telatle a* Ow aseekettem, et
a ask* or 4reati1e laskament
*Melt elm * km* etalt make
a weialkat mob
'Mt ot *0o1,ili4oit iSa 1.mat
Wrist emcees eat woe. itotisv•
To asses fiostalWa
yrs fuessiswollioi as 46 104
J041010)0 proiett to 1)1111)1 71
Yon billWity almost to' the eilinthi
Mont Diane It repotted from 'Often..
Settee compel Ito warlord OUt ,the
de -
u! the plan end ho maned the**
novo of the Inn& lirefertiment.'''The
soups rompitiy Tim at *melt Wading
Angier Tin* to *MS leg/Mint of. the "dtet-
tertiern. ' • • .1
The *if lino Ur to run born filo Vaie.
o thattOUtilx to the "Erna 01
,guide. du Midi, a promo* *AO tOtt IlIgil
the'tentre of the meet euktto group
and 8416141114 104/ P110r1Pid *WAIL iko -
coral** tti oentisol, an Ordintry
'bible rood liclo tontine* the tatting
moil front enontoninis *4 ter *$ lb* first
Mattel, abieh le to be
g1ch4 at a height 01 *NM *AS tett.
that poutt oft • 40004 Aerial titbit
Man is o bk+ toed.
fisithnorn nI ln• mat aft tft *it ?ow
tiodwei 14030), sad fear Imre *Ill
be limited to ttembert it. TM Aral aml
make hilt. lemeeme. cornet mit
in one Yete,, m NA by the eat et Maui
oiffenther. it •stpse61.411., totes egg
make 1140 OWN, jetree, le The
The mat* et Me aro 1114e beam
a swiss ,01 *atm -_Mp Met
as Mt Acme wale mamas* it Wilt
We le Peel* las et Atm
*Wee sr*
tiemele WIN amotaltirled re at 4rip
Waal leis pat. raillterfil it
• •
There:,1 this - dater'enee• between ix
wire man • a 4..a, fool„ -the vir loan
teircnv ,soniellittig from overyone . he
t21eet5,,w1tt1eli41001 tried; to teach Sealei
thing lo eVeriuhe 90 meet.% '
ituotv-irt41r041.00,74,141...!1, tow: ow
Plant Is lend et dega)--41disof
widtet (1on't4ow YUU ought' ia
littlie An Intelligent ' anima about the •
,litouse-;tintt Prottel yOu
Mee 'Whitc-.'-"014 'Mr. Plant! „This Is
o dd
• ,••• Solider), transition Irotri, ft 'tog to a tota
teniperiithre..espoture to Min..tOtting in '
*'•flretight, unseasonable *institution of '
'fight, fat?. heavy , clothing, ire' fruitful
01)10,0LO-014 Mid the resititant cough
.0o 'perilous ktO, persaen$ of wealt.lungiti
Ong WO -Many medicines for loon.,
et tilkokters sontilsing, there is none '
Her . dal*: Sickle's Antitoustutipttve
Syrup.,. Try 11 'in Wont ConVintiocti
Price -4 cents., ' • ••
'Ale A
Nenlo. • (8O4'1k14-In Virrieniend, -111.
*Jots ttro,..othetinat ox months het
ohnO leited 6-4e$,,lind III het h.
1411(*..eit, up throe or tour, woks at.
they sant the kW to ted.
'Me • •• r.11. • • )4.
a(le -44t.