HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-12-07, Page 3S,
"$*06 bill 11 "or too -4111 001111! 111110, -low
01*411110101111 "K ""**I*%* WUOLE
4 too a 10"A0111
I - *040 MrA a" **%V""* *'L* a" U P�,
Ifeelt,fo*t. wkli" 44 lite voss lakwI[OW44"ll
H#,. * !
owwt adre4, P*rsons illed or
ofa ex1powy a $W 010" 14 14~ tm z,*.*** Th rft Hun
and Hint& it* mos. ill" t Rumba dt DO% Not ava*404, *11, *b0i, ?* Will Jow. A* ow U0 W wea
I oil IIII fts&'isam ow 9* mouiloy. It movi uvuot *w-OkAwww Wounded ittWestphallao
q^0 talso" I
othm bimund., 0 is *%Atroltwiial that M, & F"Ydmo lia a Mouloal, Qr two 1 #4 =4001 1i 1
LATOAT NOTM Vo IMkinit 0 P94.0# Mirtilatailt0WWA* kilo It* Walk k0l QW, I o" , "4u. The ROMWllott 10 014 bilt'llitiQlae fit ilk" W the PII at 04 4000
aU*VAW osirli* Wboral PQUO* f4wris Ott* okA"IN, 44111F 14 colling to, bug. 11% Next A 0OW111011 01011 =WWO ="It It"
'Cue outto
140 Ad Paris ad IWAuburlits 90- 010 1AXI", bulAb"ll wlit sop. A 4WMW W it *1411 V '10oughoul 'Uw
A, Aaapoil* booll OVA" UP TM raw Prwm*l loft X* U4,PWjtr fw� -vow tu VIll. Milo 4usuillill rl "06111, 114,
Aw"" AN* 01 swim lava"t above
Same at lb" saftoall" I IIIIII turtI16ts st Mi czakl frOw 00644 IW Impowtits to, W, V* IOWA of loug 10"WAUoiA t* hard- and Tbo, Jah4b The
riewisig davorid ba ww*a voldt on boo to urloiil Mod, iw wV*h %lit autlwr fulawtaA, JU *j. II* 004WAWOA Qf beret b%w up 04 Wodnto.
frm a I umvoy. 'foaqw, lue, ik Pill, #Y 416i *100
-1k 4Mj& 27L b 11 Iblit at 440*0 10 A40"t "'ll
POOP" sit AAr WAlt Y*110*4 to 44'
owtA k,-Qw bwb* a iW boa -f AM ba, 4W ewl 1110 W We, the 1i;t1b 10 P11" 4 04fiding W 10 t 0 lace la�t
Tbia NW4000 In vowouvoli via, *A ltivas. gov WA UjIled Or IMP PI VUW' W
jwt A uWas eirclill. at eid 41, front tU h'olaet. Thf, 41s'd 114 at 0"I btl, Who W4$ WMAliffif
t busul. Ir4ft we* lot 410 s ow. lymurfIlo 0o on p* Ipwna. Ora WOW W411 %af Wolin to co 101101V t, said eff, -#r4'" islo" wow
Villeitt *A hour In U Alle IKW UP W:;Wt-P"t-J Oclock Thustloy Worn-. ki
Firm, tho Aw"la tarm. pas *Ad *xkwbA4t Tho Nis$04 1MOV WAP Cafrip*" list, theIr Imposigg tau -*pmd (put 91 AC* Ilia rtpftW Val
A 41II04f* a Wks - *W Is"011 $4011at f, tarlL 0�, far 4, 4MAw to lit" Nia on baur Ut thol oil*$- light- A 0A 111
Costs PW'X*b 4,18h *1
bow * MWA cldertt* the cboul Onir to *Qwht 1, X14*, he
ibe oia" 4a
4 off al; the #4410�,, -'OffellQt allcta sue obw SIO CAA ba"Ir Il'i 1
trano for Ilig first Stool d L, L 'toU 'XhkN we
"roufta, tu =W=rt". 4WIL A0 301iltrIt-Al- wor lilso 01" 96"1 1111t0a 4 gotup lillip lefiv* *ero" lho"C Jaw. ThkN W9 Of, "11I Pow I'll"' 1A for, 1114 IWQAd, kvp,,bj� out % �wlrttr now-' "W� "A
treaty tariff, Vegetiibl.x wrowi*4 ftf, ps 44W at lowkwwaed Jolt hot$, *Ikd throe0a Wr.luothlm ith lictst 0" witl* the, 1
(jut, to X) W MII,, y1mr. v,16 0 a00 -W
aws, , 4,1r, will The belt oA thill, 10*0010, reCtOW of right 14 1IZ 4 Car, A lo1110 JAtR oJI, ktala tamulay, of a .1 1., 11 -
ve4w, Albor4 s%*., statlasAills, it gown has '0011, 0, Motor pilitoo J,&proylded, for* #rapW loyfil"lans. 7130 acolflom "c4fral 0, *1 Its, to World 10 1114V Ot 0)
we, fm
*is,. Ya q* W� or lovown fm 0,11, 4
owdVA14LIO Daiche, =Va in mtoxw, cut *Xty Mau" W 41 WAwi `11�01 limit sashes �,Csrdully I 14UQ 4WARK will Ilotiskwy Do *000 -WiRA. "A Alt %.4K 44 grout, so M WIN SUW901 not Yw. IP11111mamt � but oolstem uw,ga r * to tiod. U
nogwal targri WOX4 1# fmw se.vtreF M419410ell
i Thall C. P. R, was 1104 tb#,�
pligoille, jo all roijintrifis not OWrI1111ILM WX =d Cali# 1X'F I Mous iautterll� Wws, which, 494 a* tho contry,400talft 04' IdeptIrl.
ffor it gly-tovo It nlio.Abolt It next ao,shouklers, that A Vol, 44 lout COMPIWAtka, ai akho� i
Provided for, 4iffers frDO 1%4% juthartq 'L tcheli pursta oris ON -"line. etualtit; Qw the lililr $190' to bold, at Jilf A
fire by sp*rkA tr W4 14t
it tatu"AP4 �41 fncossefl froiA WtO X VfV'`otA% W%W -the #Aft are-r4un 4, lappo,
C*pq gmund. $410
fke, t"W0441104 0
I* Chasse, and, cuft,bx dchurcli. "w If% it Adged, *00 T td rithboa 1" hNA, been isli:off for 40t. On 'the xtef?* OMKWA IMN VA V
A1,14N V VW, f
hesends tho.*Ator
jot jod,,,Wq;ad Ho QUVW (W QW
go � WM
cent. tato per ont. 14 Ft"W 440 0 t-�, the, a0" TM; doe, to' PoPrIl PUP
2prushap-01. Our Inch
% per, gg
Iloir 10 4 *010, thm, or four. IAC In (00 ot ospotott inoth
od 'n -..hriaa, t: Por
taiIm into w0go,''D Th6Y
47s,om o 44 and In, 0110W MO*.
W9 tra.MR4 one, $1416, -or .-0 ;IN
oil If
per tenL, -,josap Iota t 146 VOW, i1ttle, o0ed InFOPM.
W$.W 0d watchis, 40000, [;OM ��jWfj Ilia by cago 4 -
IiqA� tirtoWij *j�'j ti*iyf in, Only 4-tew ear#40� one, S44001t
o00 rt Igo %1 lChatliv,* frilm The new AIWI*+ nd, Aeatly #14 filifergra% larlitt At l, 13% Wsoir* k commwlo� 40.04 to, from coasumpli, thod441, Wbrolderies o.4 tollitti r a -Pet
no_VI. befolIA 4it W44A iltiCtiMbly 111, 4*44, do t.
to abolishes this po
Ague* Apo #In i*,toom 04 44,wirit." 1001clat haV4114, to
In000g ro-M,10 16 4,10 AC, a Of" lb4 a0gre"' *OVA DOW lines Qfr Chialat; Jt Abe Christmas 10'a"Aya. which, oltuQuolk A40' RAO-, 'the t8h 4 1) 10-vo!k 4g.04, the, hired Men 10 a8ved 44=4111 A
f, Or Wb�qh WAS to�,. ficomMall 4efl#0�11 X*jd the man, elpF ba3
blridera� Mtwit tram. WAO .173Jperi ar)w4h) ' ' ' '- 0 4, -Ofy 'Ot h'It is now k0froalk.
hen! ! tool to hio900- UW by. Ift: PAMO 9 twiff ixt 111M#
fuel'# ?4 .1 , X t"L
P4 lao
gOWM r oa City �A V horse goilikini;
atw4y, gob, 4101, -Malled. be 11. 110" AcCoattlon -sonsa,,� topesl4. 1, the, rate
'Volla ,I)l r TbI* lsp: 101 -10 1reatal4ol $Ali WW,04*1.
are '41, epldrot 'over, go jell Mother' You know
ItIrldoilt to, bla
4pd illiet,U
Ak Witt At, W
hatI . , rci ,
jr, - L411 wint, 1100A.. 61 ays saying lba, better to haV4 PUKING 10011SM 901A well Of w
0o", Abut, Zo, plooes,
faaallome tbaiiI t4lefWk tfo;t ch entior P01101m
of W01s, ThW1 00 PP40410.19w, Win the 40miftri rFishot 4ated lik r s al0 1 19� "root" a inagroel� It he reiruh at
ra44,: kjj� t(on by Wjji"r
aft, lan *ro�, ukj.po , IL 'i erveri r W, W, -Moore, chief of tue Mamie, mallo, I at 141or say 4' removal
00" LOM hw06
Alle,"d` ft'MCA" 'WJJ14�oreot �"J y )U sible, to some -port 4,00,rit�, t8tift 4s' the De ariment of Audoul.
A,V06.6 4 , $AMPU�g OF (MtOICU 0"IN, dw if 0 VW ncotlake 1he Wk 101 PrOvellill
an b14. Invest gation Into 11111,0011-
thf. 01ficcis'Ot P(E 91' 3 the S'nad oIn. the Diarrain- the psiffori, at Its$ 0.10st CE'All
minister of AIlrictiltuft VVIII, I Out it tbb V
of 14UIaoS, car$,
aFree Of Charge.
efoga4q lipjOraled policeman Ort"OVIOU disclosed generally a satisfactory 10 ih(l
ow on at the'loop. lust how many pas-
nmAnt hbertlai�, tff90t'f$ 11010
itAs the report wa4 that is ItWed the questlen would ba w'
not L the,
nulion, Minister of,
ys: ition a( offall
A despatch from Ottawa r bust. muaw morw #IMPI0 obs ibanl Itr reall,
4,s will be
I)lto details Concerning the private
I L peratitted on each cot l6struction of the 4, it was thought is. It is tfidctd that maitf,, buk
been cxtcided, but the Sugge'S"
35! V5, peri, tions ArOalfrat, �Qtllac Collor, t pit: lf� culture a distribution will be Made IffiWoess 01' pricking-nou0c
, .4 Wide I At not Inore than one
of, slik e0god'wltk 401Y nd owhalt times the seating Capacity
cen t 0- Q IR Iter be laid cut thinit.
iaai� J
Piece dairstblet alSo, Iblit, the'lifacto Ot
Ott -to, thit report should ROT-
ipattot if
are tuQ ageson at Aamples of suprlqr aritfs 12le, of the House.
in, the' 011y' Oroj�01L' The glock,fQr 0o G�OIIGIAN BAY, CANAL.
grain to Canadian farmers for that' InIP UPI the atertage at the consllnlji,4�0, &Ike
at each car 6110414 140 acceptable a's "re provement of seed. ry, sut;irly; And froo,fr6rd 4104 *1
op �ra,46h h4V ore Wlitather it shelf go �10 Aliv
'010 t I ------ triblitlon
t fli is at the very be4 aWhO That tww interim reports have been
, 00" and dust.
0 or At a)
OoUr ate AN SIT SeDUreli'Mainly frato the oxcblbrot -level, A* thoo to-
X�OW A*r been
4�d, inter. One is, Its. rteelved fjom� the Chief OnSinaer In molintal,44 00 not sea
V, gh&rgo at the survey at the Georgian 7,illod. temperate zone or In r aroently had at the branch, 8
tot 'ps ha
Oil Ir Canal, but that to OPPr011mela silmit rt bad n U
pa q� ven algrehos
ous�and, Ii3M ipoognie tal forms tit Indian Head. SASC� afty, aterl food b Ciro w-
1.6 wroatli at SAY lIlaC15 Several New Vessels and at Brandon, Mail. The distrIbUtIOTIt esilrogto a, -cost was included, was the lanea. some persons prefer W
goat� , .,at for tfie
a Tear
manot bqirloy,�,� ppliLAdid curve a4dan Route"II lor from �I$o bl.IM is UJMCSt will consist at Sample$ Of Outs, *000 Information. given by Mr. Fisher to Mr. air to cold; otherA W
'no final rall'ort, he added, fe;l Well in Cbld WC&th6r.
No loss, itraight 40 tho, I -expected by i
118, down Oyer A. despatch from London
and potatoes, a end at January. palient,g inaliftsUons an to be Cools
'a� CUA -I, The wheat, barley, Indian corn (for en,4149 Drdb%zon
says t Naturally 1314
The quuntl�y' at,
other cha- LIiiQrpqoI Daily eest-Mercury says that only) 5, and of Is dL
ofsealo and oats to be sent will be 4 In such a case, for It Wuldo COW fill
the'eda, 1 )Ijoo, is lealitod' with a the Doullaton Lino contemplates order RIVER THAMES.,
Peso, 41sq:of in( sUftent In each
owerful stcamers wheat or barley,5 tbs., mated to the liouse, in disastrous to send a lover oil the troplir"'
$20 1;q , L 'I , , I
big mW black gr4pes. They do not hig 'two now large, P netwentleff, 101 in Store, Mr. Fishqr Intl Clemente, to winter In M1111116901111 Arla�
aEkst heavy, as they are for, the Canadian service. The Allan Case to sow a
n torn and Pots reply to a question by Mr in the cillel to co a to liv011
-60, 400 Bit lue'r Ieuvc
s are Line Intends placing a, new twin-scrOw The samples Of Indisi Dean expended a
ool-Montreal quark" .01 that- $2,031 bad I
d Duches� 0 ovislopit— I r-ra f 41h otevared with Some dull, eleamet on the Liverip will weigh 3 Ills. eaCil yet Thames, and that the West I=
tually place each of the following varieties has A OU00 Of the Rt an too A climate that will bo'
All ryI, C,p,n. will even bonallidlil,
a thq east to 44 �Sptt gauze. In and out. among the fruit route. 0
"XO �hort L ' I the 11rRn8- secured for this distribution no decision had been arrived 41 1 from one stage gS Qt tulleL Iwo more now steamers On of the d e"OI
MaOats. - Be )uth at tile Thames to fit* City Of ful in another. OVILWad 4*00 Ad$
4riy asw4things =d swetbin liner, Wide-Awahe, 'Willtit qua3tIOh of deepening the Cheraw I' J,_ fop
'Are Vf
E0AI0#d'�Io1Y74Vd'oI13r9YMQn and stialitic service slaillar to the Empress 9
float Is that Client, Danish Island, Thousand Dollar the fill Oxglilple,, era aultablar it XWW 01%1!f' 10
0 fk Irk the wi�St-" I Ireland. Another rumor a Chatham to 18 or 90 feet.
G.T.B. will riko a,working 4gre0i IM
pi he SpVp dian
The, Lqridqp� DO In spite of,Ihe Go dfluder (yellow). ate liba'OonattlOtll
roved Ligowo (w
aiIva hite varieties), AMERICAN SILVER.
t Wheat. -Red File Preston, PrI09108 In reply to Mr. 'Uriah Wilson, It was later stage, Whpn the patient' box had
hill be,, d inimpri of a tMna
'I" f( and may agotav
�Iato ee , �,starongly at persistence of the lux of 001311militurn in
Iq "" ' I , r orient lingario;wal$W� the heavilst 'and rpent with the existing line
ashingtilen. v
Ambassador,at.W ist
gy lard' implain, Percy, anley, Huron 1111111 elateal by Mr. trickling that tire Govern one or more hemorrhages. Alt
d ao,' our& I I L codipany Chi
-Illsh South African �,7
'Argo 'rho: At ad pold $2,174.58 in commission advanced st69OIA0 0 atel, llowever
White Fife. ment h
to "14d t
'10 M the Salvation Army 6 Mili ittage on American or the faligub
1py,''Iq 13w, kett -rowed.
hms, q- �brealf'Wt bacOlif lion, Spe irj Rhodesia for 00.1- Barley. Six a $4,2".40 In expre h ey, and
to 0% Mansfield and Claude. unt of $570,660, whiO and dangers at long
to 16 of and TWO- an ourli
o; , tteplv silver to the SmO
0 J?a on Pt
11 had been exported by the banks
to rowed,-Standwall, Inclaclilla, Canadian to the home Is the Only ?lam' Said for the
\V nasor bat �U trIpps .
whro�ig EXPATS INCREAS Odessa,
kers who rml-
killed'Apat;apir a SIX,,Ot�pie isrilah asto and Sidney.
Na.1 . I Thorpe United States. The question of continu-, But milop %11 1114 Carl be
tena-� aPart
mar en n lh,beve been as Indian Corn (for ensilage). Early Ing Ibs, prUctico w- under COUSideT* Climatic treatment of CO
Main thing is the open, air, slid that one
seed ed 'JoJerios vgrxsorts, Angel of Midnight, COMPtOO'S
BuRalph Smith of travel by simply keeping Windows
r. of '-a
5 yao; delicate opera- 0
'a eighle6n r4onths. HINboo IMMIGRATION Can get without the troublit-4114 0AW96
Re-dow a Land
Areffludity 25 to 2 whiiii a Througrh Early and Longfellow; later varieties,
tiritf at -Cl*ltenbarx), Tuesday, Dr. G. B. 803a a Cp- Se ecled Learaing, Early Mastodon and Mr. Oilvep informed 1AP Is harder to folo
me4jj grades 24 to open, do) f P. Yellow Den that 2,IQ3 -I*Indo
Ivarguson-'ex-pr paptatoes.--Curinan No. 1, Earl)
!4sident--ot-IbIa -British- - White COL ;W fratiti, front January low out the open-4kir tresim enin a-latig4b
—UtF�7' "NI 90-$TXMS BrIjIsh Colul
4 , .1 , ontreal
a wltj�o n, dropped dead X Wiper 100 had been city than it is,in Colorado. or southern
�-WheAl,-Nap Medical ciatio ON Prize, Rochester Rose, Money Maker and Sale, via
North to date. Of this T -u
to California or Jamaica, but It can be
at '77MO 'eiln, -79c; done and no need forego its bene.
! Late Puritan because of disease III
Wierlt�_go,, :p while, jb C 71P�11. UNIT STATES. sent to each deported ato
lily, be C. Only one sample can be Ist, and since that d
no 0
Cts*r WW to- d'C' it, an individual PO-' November the- are windlows In walls,
70c b4, dri 0,0, Milwaukee, De- Oad 'There Was a falling -.Off In football the total shipments of grain applicant, hence land been deported, but a do- is spacep In which to
at 110 �lgc,'No, 2 NorThi casualties this. s nited A despatch from Montreal says: The Summer ease, being 25,460,713 ceives a sample of oats he Cannot GISO twent
is cause,for their de- Joe what
'a 'h
large pitch
vffr1lout!,',, big NO,J No I barley or potatoes. Ligis tafled report.of it at the terit!2youth's Campanian-'
to .7syc bid. Rye S(Sles,, due, It is thought, to , modified last ocean steamship 161t Montreal cm a .... I 21,95P,769 bushels lust receive one Q, tied not been received
.;Cr�,hraoill Point Ed- �.7 �te,jgld; May, 78
0 r fiferil'i Al . 11 . I 64y.0, aarley-No' 21L 'roles. Eleven players WCre killed and Friday, namely the Dbiarna, of the Eldar- rom one Inalividual,-'Or 9PPII- Pertittion
IJA November. �No; 1, 69 0, seasaO4. 'Thd chief giiins were made by of names f n one sample for department. The Immigration Depart -
ward., mpster Line, and the, business of the a xseed. The shipments of cations for more thai maid, does' not contrl-
I a'#art'; sample, /*3 to 55 j04 Injured,, DO of record.. wheat and flu Calint, Mr. Oliver
em- ues ag 3gating moreAhan 151,r port (or 19ffi will be a matter 388,616 bushels, ne household cannot be entatala0d. )part of 1111- FOR THE HOME NURSE.
III e0 D 0. jj.�, Wheat--I)ec former were 13
Barley7-�No-i mInneapaill , ' 5?0 - July, distributed, to charity from the the hels last year. This III be sent free of chargo bute In any way to the Sul
11% to 77 te.; '1 0 are to The scrutiny of the figures against 9,9W,197 bus The Sam to$ W
C.P. pl� 0ay, 70, poverlshed Hbodocia arriving in British The home ourse should'have, fresh.
PeOI"ffa, g 4jin , outsidef $23,*,d; No. I � I trial B. Shipman the Igation. up to the pre hea washgown8, but without enough
orthern, 1)y the will of. opening of nav
led: at M $eye- NO. hard �go, who sent Thows some large increases, year's export of flaxseed were 3,015,174 through he malL 'be addressed cleai
Biy2c , '- No;I 2 Roi,thern, IflrqC!, NO- 3 Paint a lafatatu r, at Chic, bashels, against one of 270,453 bushels AplicatiorlA should Mle. They should
W y unattended.. by a while, on the other 4and, there have starch to-mako them.ra
lt�aaote) last year. Corn showed a corisf0itable' birettor of Experimental Farms, Oft- I inches. Her
t�- at Ro;,th,ri, 16y, -to I a
Oats"X glif-4 q7y�c. ' FlOur`�First died, I' u noticeable decreases fit the be To THE 1KING's TASTE. clear the floor by savera
fttS patenUl single relative. teen some crease, as did also barley. The ship" we; and may be sent In any time fOrO
Palo had The de shoes should be the list shots WOM LY
36,1/,o 100 0 njamin Andrews has export � of certain gow.modiAles- al a slight increase. the 15th of rebruaryg after which the
-3 A)g6riblaku ye,%�V. .0 etell $4.15 t,�' $4.25; flr9t 0106ts,'$3,25 "3'35; Chanc011e"01 produce merits of oats showe King Edward's Talks of 1R)YaI should have rubber
corn -No, it total shipinrolits of grain and shipments of lists will bo closed, so that the samples cuot nuns --at least, they
$2,r)o. Brarl-07. an ordeMosted waraiqg the classewc
and In dairy produce the simply and
tier hair should be i at 520, trackt Toronto, second Clenra; $2.40 to University that any for European parts shows a considerable r ot out in 000.: time Employees Mean. - heels
fat"Cal fit rSly fibrasks. Slab
also, tar 'd to �arirjva Torch- �ATTLE MARIfET.. the N tobac- ugh there cheese shows an Inc case of 21,140 asked for may be se atioull mention very neatly arranged, and her hands
it lit student found guilty. of chewinj advance over last yeu:r, the Butter exports fell off. for sowing., Applicants Dc4i:-XngtjlOrL rather 111; 11 utiOn. 1, a falling off in some ltn& boxes. prefer, with a stooild A despatch from London says: Ceder, should be exqUisitalyAred for.
to, Withol Cap will be Apelled from the ins Cattle shipments show a gain, being the variety !hey I will the prince of Wales' chef, lies #,Iv611 tO Creaking shoes, rustling paper'A, loud
run at -the City Cattle Market gave trade Over a year ago smokbig on the campus in spite of the fact tha� ibe grain 120,127, against 115,180 head last year. t a ernative. Apli0ations reporter Some points regarding the whisperings and similar nerve-racking
brisk tone this morning. r6hibffedi business LIPPOared doll during the last sbo.r fifl,,dain, T, order I. Which thoX lito'
ng tit sil.50 to w was P royal gustatory preferences. He Says sounds are more disturbing to tile aver -
Export $4.40 to $4.60; a buildings at.thot northwest corner Irec Ol,seed
1ived, so long as the atip,
e Prince of passing car bells or the raitti-8 and roar
nPNil that dters- rink high Oman I the favor- age sufferer than the clanging Of the
th ave n Cog by's -car- ses are fln&tng las rs are advisid to apply
New, Is �a possible disappointmeriL with
46 12C good, 94 to $4 C it. dis as of the King an
bulis;, $3.50� to $3.75� York, he a mot pronounced of blou earl� lot BZI V_ aps disputing Place
lb, ar�di 6oln0j,' *940 Wales. 10
Pei Bulcha6r C(rtIIefttri choice, $4.30 to bantrolled y ne ores, w fell high favor; The new color of p.Inky red, ) a I war -by trains,
44n,' 4ii;LChelea, $4 to g3.40; medium, $3-75 Those npplyino for Indian corn or Vote- Both, however, have to POSS a Don,t allow loud talking. gloomy Or
quotec "'rallon t ent store there for called "rose scarlet," fashions the blouse at the Caviare.
Hops--�New At ne II OP. ban g instit Ilan ,,at is being worn by the Parislenne. YOVNG toes will please bear in mind th they are served. He has v,sllors war the patient. Don't
iCOXAmon, $2-75 to 63-25; bulls' 83 colored people ar I y distributed until doctor before iat everything Is weep)'r' a d scold It things don't go
y (Iwo-t4fi owde, - and Ith Carried out in fine finished cloth it is sigb,
March, and that potatoes cannot be to satisfy himself it at
$3.25, connection
-track with understeeves and
Cedars, gultalpe of FOLKS I em to, and, above all, be
-Stockers -and F choice, $3.25 to will be estobli h I mulled from Ottaa until danger train pure betOrO it to placed on tbs toy it , ,
quoted Ift $11 to ulls, $2 to the enterpr1se. made . A
gg�75, to S3; It lind in lace, and in Its most No postage Is tables. che i 11hout beinji loquacious
No. q sg (;% common, Earle Kephart, an eighteen year b ivory net or Uric frost in Aransit I% over. unhissif" manner,
Strar feeders, $3.65 to 0.75; ports a finish of mink 0***040CN"&0*0i(>0*40`*`Ca lu\v i serene,
-torld, M 1'0,, 1404 "Oer bag 62:25, - heavy' bay known all over Pennsylvania for luxuriant form at required on mail addressed to tile Con- HEAD GROUND AWAY.
.85 to play the piano lbows and neck open- and tiot smile are three blessed
Potato Wo short-keells, $3 his,woriderful ability to tail trimming at a Farm, Ottawa.
on tracR,� d ow Or r", �e, $40 to $50; cOm- A nAVEN. tral Experimental the nurse, amateur or
,Pnsw�jaak, 7� to Mitch CC�VS-Chot( at Councelville on
or ptpeiorgan, died Ings.
per be#. Tuesday. Just Chiffon velours, velveteen in gay Poor Mrs. Van Loun was a widow, 4 Clifford Morin Wiled in Itunalway at port Man, ftlo5 to $35; springers, $25 to before death his sight should be a high
ryi-Turkey, resh killed,, 12' 0 riged at 20 to 6c per Arthor. The I t s bed
Poull to go; alive, 6 crilves-UnchrIii partially returned and ho badb 9000 shades, and checked velvets, and espe- she had 1bur children. The eldest was
150; 61tokens, &050di 8 pound. on his loved ones for, cially velvets of all varieties of black Dirk, a boy of eight years. ONTABIW A:- despatch from Port Arthur says! and nar;,,,k ii -on rot, it possible, as It
r lb; fowl,* alifq,� 4 to Sd� ducks, L ibs.-Export -ewes, $I.. bye after looking I — .11 ritisi, t- for doctor and nurse to
to 7c Pe Shiew aft'd IAM the, first UMO- linf--� and checks on soft creamy grounds One evenifig she had no bread, and o fliteen-year-old son of SOIO- ij Mali
do, Ohio 1a per 1b; 50 to gj,85; bricks and culls, $3 tar $3.50, a the most popular materials. M114 her children were hungry. She folded Typhoid and Diphtheria Were Most I rd, th a fatal accident on handle il:e patient than It would be on
dressed, 9 16 90, or man Morin, met with
geese, 4resed, 8 WIN' 0kr'-'b. lumbs, $5, to 86- GENERAL. with the same collar of cream lace the bar hands, and prayed to God; for she Prevalent. A horse which he Was a low, broad bed.
"r dwL Wednesday. let( room should It possible to
TIRE DAIRY'AfARX9TS- Hogs,-Unthan ed at $6.40 believed that The s
for Ottol sale P� bandits have pillaged find black and white velvet, if the color Is served the Lord, and &110 A despatch from Toronto says: Accor- driving ran away on Lincoln street. , part of the hoUSO. and ad -
quoted At 23 and $6.15 for lights Bulgarian I villages. intermixed, makes among the MOO He loved and could help her. of the Provindlial h his head between the In a quiel
The boy (ell wl It there is an open
e and at: fed and watered. burned two Servial ding lo,the report
, go. to archlogleal If ve wago
rells� iscoverles stunning of blouses. brilliant rose Di When she had fll;ished her prayer, Board or Health, the total number of n box and the wheel and sustained joining a bathroom
to 240; tubs, 20 to L Importaut lied within a few fire and coal has to be put on, wrap the
one such waist, one of rk said t her, "Mother, don't
'at 2 'to 270, September
0 a. all causes in calls in pIc-ees of paper or in paper
23c; creamery! prints Set h ade in central Ast read In the Bible that God sent ravens deaths train such injuries that he i broken to a Pulp
Ids lit $4y, to 25c. UGII TRALNS. r House scarlet cloth, and a third which carries 1.310, out Of a population Of 2.101,- minutes. The law was
JAI15 ON. TORO est id at all, complete a group I to a pious man to bring him �Br head ground begs, and lay them on the fire instead
and 901 A debate In the Austrian to" a thousand. This
Eggs- the a a ded to connect Mukden I i(leade bkouses ordered for a "Yes," answered the mother,
.Storage, 2.10 'p r", dozen, and ended in a free fight. 'he new ut 1 2 , a death rate of 13.5 and the whole side of ]its of shovelling In the usual way.
InItItitoil by Of foreign ma period -last year 2.011" away, will save a great deal of ear -racking
to 220,; laiIw laid notbinal. at 300. A New Departure Japan has decl long ago, my dear." For the Same 1 .9 in
limed 2 0 &edse,, aro Fusan by a bridge acrioss the 'Yalu. wedding outfit. This is in %oft helio- was Ion Iq rate of 2 -4 noise.
cbelf�se-Larg ComadIdn Pacific- -ope wepe exactly match- "Well.' said D!rl(, "then the Lord dealtir %vere reported, a
satin finished ( yphold fever and allph- IRISH THRIFT.
the Lianchow district have it at suit of cloth. nirty send ravens now. I'll go and open the tilousland. Quiet, cheerfulness, and cleanliness
at 140. 'HOO. 011016U&S*� A MiOlreail despatch says: The can- China" In hostile to mission- Ing a tailored long CO more are the three essentials that the borne
shown themselY
ent will introduce The blouse is smocked, with slightly the door, c6c they can't fly agous diseases during the period. Of
car 041an Pacific managem. arle. have b low cut throat around a while batiste In It trice Dirk jumped to file door, I Depositors In Irish Trustees' nurse should take as her watchwords
In." thatria were tire most prevalent of con The Irish People are becominq
lots Cra un ugh 713s cases were reported in thrifty,
Dressed ho�ts, (ants In the thro
apailiese 'attend Sixteen Bulgarian peasants Tug? -an wrinkled which he left open, no that the tile fornier 0 Savings
oar, 'Lly,�tta Igo Iween Montreal and band of rad ohemisette, and has' a deep, Ong Which there were savings Banics and Post Offir
changed. 900011, 10119VII murdered by a fight of the lamp fell on life pavement ,,el.em a...
.10 tiatir OrVlald be L oases flanks last year numbered 519,576, tin
�84 pork, lift ng in a side sush of tile settle ar. In IM
per M In ease lots'; 140 Valitouver. The W e In girdle enall hia, .1 --mpar d with 350 pnOMISING.
?�, e pre. Gree ledgral Gov' leeply knotted (tinge at the ends. aa� the street. c Increase of 18.350 for the lit.
$21.50;, slrhlian r an 1k, deaths In tile same month last positors numbered only 186,013,
Shrift C 010 fod! [is supplementary to th ernment with ( IMr. Hiram often: 111 found a gIrl at
15j4d, staff, and their functions will The Au cution of the he, side sash or girdle knotted at one The wealthy burgornastcr of the town r. Tbe, were 376 sufferers from these do, year since. till ,te pylI)loympilt agency this morning
son train fee contemplating the prose I
I, is the newest cry of fashion. As a son chanced to be passing lie open in SOP. find have Increased every
do., h6dvy*` 14: to 1.4yad; r6lisi: 120; 'Thou ard Oil Side diphtheria. of whom 41 died- y0ani they a
1 1. be.'to -frontier a soralewhat similar ser nd sent tier up to nee You-"
ders, lft'&IIXLQ� brielt9, '16 to 104010 vioci ibn first arid second class cars 10 Australian branch of the stand girdle finish it gives a chance for knot- door. 1;.)o.5 there were 1131 cases, and ncw at tile end of twenty
ic . -1 Trust. I ' a room, lie was pleased But while deposi- ,yes, site inter -
OL. le I li� 1ho Porters on sleep- nd tying laid away Roman scarfs Into th It fatally. The prevalence of have nearly trebled. jell
breaRTAS1, 11CON that performed ting a I clean, lidy appearance, and 20 resu ed Trusteos' savingti Banks have Mrs. lliram Of
-and soft ribbons. banishing in art the vv I olay be con. 1()ro in VIOWL-41 UIC."
up6ese stag employed I.glip-,, diseases Ing cars. The J; a children, who were other can I rhey were as III that Period risen only from 50,236 a Mr. Ifirain Often : "And will she COMO
o/d . , ECT OF UNIFORM. it black oul6ink fe�rly
ailst I i s will be qngnged by EFF made bow ribbons. So (lie mother. lie could sidered it those in the Post officte gia"ings
Ip 1 it 9 and nu Io.41 , and work to" 1187"
-BuSiNEss 4T Nil AL, dencral Superinte an lace not tre;p stepping in,( and approaching follows � I cases lult have increased 'a "I hope so. At
ndefif Klarpole at Van rs of Brij_ 1.3 match the black in a Roman scarf Is ".. pa , train 135.777
and us 0c, innovation has been Fwinafter-Imposes On Numbe e material filling out a Crea e Van Loon, he said, "Eh, any 010 deaths " scarlet fever, 7o cases and 7 Bit e depoc4lig have far twenty Mrs. Illrarn Often Ouse matie by a New York wrtist, I'll any rate she was plelf9ed to say he
in T Oman, why is your dour open so late fill cases and I death; 4C�j,oqtt. Th,
hlanitobtt %Vbellk COntlilue$ ffuldt; Nd..2 approved by V1,cePresident McNicoll Ish Nravllf Officers. I a rorn 14,419,000 10 912,692,' respectful to her."
oats tluai(ea 042*,' NO, 3, and Passenger Tiaille Manager Kerr, it A despatch Ifrorn LondapA says: A clev- black Ilk is put on bertha fashion and W deaths; rileas e , . 83 Cast% and Ill year.,; risen I thought I would be
4 lo, &2J, , Englisair, French it out low, meeting tile sash and leaving as this?" whooping on, 165 cases and 160 000. 1% W Ale I� 6xpecled that thi JaPiq will shortly ei, swindler, speaking lace. The sash mi.s. Van Loon was a little confused deaths; consumpt
10011i be 'famfllar� figure$ Ott 'he through land Spanish, Iths been vidtiriltzing Brit- � deep upper part of the h V ch a well-dregsed gen. I
Maur- -he brako- $b neval, offic ra at Portmiouth, Graven- ends are linotted at one side of tho I.-,vh,,o e " So deatis.
flour AlaollOID6 spring WU00. trains. They will relieve t Is to be worn as �nrs I, he poor home. She quickly
�k v 1110 rather lfksbme duty of clean. %iVooIwtoV and FoIL-estone, by met, tront, and the whole it dropped a courtesy to tile Gt,
strol IiA wallinj on file passen- eno , resembling those am. dinner Wulst with white lace or while rose tin N.;; ON AIRSHII YXRD ENGINE RUNS AMU'r'v
whed Men :to '9101910 Itag cars. if able thetra to give their thods in" IV -19t, of lCoepen. Cloth kirt, gentleman; (ben, taking Dift's cap from
i I do In b0gil PA -43 017. land Mus fill played by C PIS, his head and smoothing his hu!r, she Prepared
rolle �coa— lotalividra allthlion to the Woking It lCk fame. Appealing In the Uniform of If
to lio� ;1.00. 1, ID AS IT is USED. answered with a gmileI I'My little Dirk New engine of War Is Being
4h aval officer and Other dis- BRA has done it, sir, that life ravens might
ft SoranL In Germany.
guiseg, wilich-hO WdaPs with Polite self- Braldmiwvered bueldes and bellf; of 11� In to bring its bread." litatrald of Wednesday
he tobtalfted InIvitntlonst to ath wide and narrow braids drawn transfer was dressed in The, New YOrh -lin
assotanatic, Now the burgo piiblishPd tite following from net nt the Yards at
rk' ft4l the novAl officers, Messes ffad borrow. A Fatal Accide
atrough metal alidea and buckles a re
can Consul by C wal.91. At the back a reviii air
he sit stole, I,; used till over, except his collar and shirt. military authorl-
ed money from them. a has now t of braid, a black coat and black trousers. find ho the recent purchase of the Par -
seems an d� A artrangernell wore a block hat. Ile was quite black ship by the Kaiser's teolihIC41
done to Dunkirk, Wharf,, it Ce ), Winnipeg.
E fitit to a �'ilj imooSod on the Amerl n h front, eastrocting in secrecy a nvw
laroad Juslity
hfinsOlt as Df- Liff"Y, ft starts either from the Ali, landeedr, lie exclaimed cheerily, -ship at the ballooning
bl Cornelius Vdrdefillit, whose W,Djf3t or tram the top of a high-belta'd "Dirk is tight. Here is a raven anti unlaroved all
nephew black. III Tpliel. The airship, will
i Arilwetp. skirl. it forms a brace, but after Passing you nee, and a large. one., too. 11 the modern Ito rove -
due tit Dunkirk fmni . (*.onto be failed with al ayo: A There were a larpe number of other
flillion aciat is the yacht, fiver the lbend of tile shoulder It Is left a,. g, Dirk. and I'll show you where gained In the r�lamo. A despatch from WinniPeg
wred, iftee 111.4 orders fOV B11400110s fdt' urred in n,,sengern on the Northern Pacific ex -
and as remarkable accident o4(
local tradmMen, I )age and so forms a stole end, either. experiene
tie were undertuk6n by then o,eppelln dirigibles being oill- in a, wits) were
brea Is.11 Railwity yards pro" (rural the Twin (Atit h in a long loop- The burgomaster took Mark to I Iq at and 2 armed with file Conadian Northern
find Commissionji were field to him. I'las or odught ut vessel will be -ening. it %%as Moro ovin niore or Im cut and Injured y bell,
o'- r* then vanished. 110 11CLA not got (away plain a introduced Info The on Thursday, e%
Braided Waistcoats at bouse, and ordered his servant to -put I (11her means of OffelleA as it cost two thrown down, but their Injuries were
eoqtul left unrelleWaIII, and
Will, large amounts anywh6te" ut In nes oth�rwlsc two inavn and a small Pail, nf butter has also offered a remarkable",-4nu4ni itch it nut really serious.
file lives, and Iwo TIMN are fatally Injure
he aggregate his plundtr has been Soother braiding fancy is to uo pimn Into a banlml. ThN he gave to Dirk. ertanto Zeppelin for f �eople are more or less HOW ACCIDENT HAPPENED.
heavy. ated Widths aroun(l, And round the -P - of big West airmlill purchn", was a rot
8195,00 for (110 motifs of brald carried it home as; quickly aq I P- It 1� �Ot while a teore 0 1 liswn eweenPSI ft r skirts. isco When the callitinI little children that jaa�vjew of the hurt, Incoming it appears that the lial Moral engine
however. I,
orright Ord used, coold I t Zop"jin fret hi. engine, fight. and an rave ling Wes
lftblathsI Ad, fiseol OW udword Island LOUIS. both hOrIZ011101 dt!4 h M,fjtIb are used saw the brad they began dancing and Of 011nt Offered Coun f , 11
Initz TRU190V IN ST- Norlhalm finasenger Italia. I'lio will, its; cabotruso W08
It 1111d t6r Do,tafi tile, rot, In4taned the Alprig b!ol)ping their hnnds. The mother gave will accept. fatalittris dial Tjot him ever. front %% ard to pich up Ila I rain out of the yards
rho ljwm- yent 34, I%A Alta ar esnals C, ,
jans, tile Igratall total IfiliCried In A0 dirtI10 the gores Of 6 sifil't allid are of them a thick Alice of bread of lite c(,illsion (if llieqo two kn Fort ROU I and Infit No, 7. the
(,,ftmonA tor,lioill I)ellod4 'b#lllg 84oWa,0M. The 91% D"d he the -am
11jure, Sri �ebfjlldlog (bb likitel Iftni4bed With a 800b tit 1110 top' 4ind butter. which they ate with I lie rebound of th if express, coming
dftI11*,. F`fjIIed4 calliet 61, braid ore it"d Insidt, grea(01 rll4h. n411% HAVE 9FDAUCH. eng[&4, but from I e Northern Pate
)II, TIVI 10101t Mft- tstftA04 #*PdiV sdys- The frol tit engine, which. %%fill liv reversed,the ulh On ap inaln line. They Met
(116 Wcr I *66dl the MitifftY M441 1,5 A desplit0t froth St- Louis, N(tq 0114 N Ipt bullria Avenue. The pan-
Iferas, taking hed their meal,
wit When they hand Ants o Get Glad -
1,014 of, MAIS isiom for 1 4 Slid $0,000 for 19mf LighthO00 IN10v iJbre"fertl Of J11(f etativolle face fV11% *11alric wtnt Io 11W open floor, and, lik. (.now Help in Beer IDuct I Mae nery. tore throligh the fallw0y
Mdr,Rtt �laos are ima, ugincer and fireman
at the cotter bf Ninth Gild fice, that thesfm on th ' big cap from his Inhed tip ously Drunk. yap& n(I ripped tip ta iiII0 .I engineer brought his train to 410ANV& Is for dWell; for the Wol "file Puy, and said, "Marly lhanlcq drarra wherein a gclig at Chao Iatill, but The for IW47 Slid- Wait s(rOl$,, Utiftl4d As A 6flivalldn Army oldin coals, from London Says; A of the frelatit jumped niter reveralng.
faitt, p A deqPflich were working.
,tirr4W,,W" adtiIird by fire, early Oil
6tt the nitit mo,4111* t ptbbtlbl� WO 'hM& georpl, to riscer
pad good And after having sat� a leatc-
ofjfl� tot, ",W lain the cau-40 Of DEAD. The light engine IwIth revm.-ed gear rei-
ot MaOlolid,, all age In alto leer cellar of a V
�ajalt&j� elpieballut* Wilt ift I%& Tho 6XV0116floto JC
Witi, wedfligalyi 96MM WMA0. this lie hal the door. eginutant In
staff f6v, tilt "Wa,yoat ION, is, . We lodgell V-Vilhftl It- 81% illiatia McNeal, forpIllall Civic eon. bounded rappr colliding, and. with Con*
thei 110011 b flatA., 011 0 II!irobabl tbirty-IIve revealed (hot rats "ad W aterfily accelerated speed, totA Into Will -
months, $18,4,0 1106 'lost -thole ltvet� At milt hill tfw numbo Oftlolig, jrelifted prison And flow COMMON ArMSIF SAVED THE alructioll v6orh. and Nitchael hiudlow,
I *M, 604 tOt I)r6tMildIll!� t0 0110 Ohl, Suilpe unit nipeg When the sitchman noticed the
tot 11 PUPI-Y. gnawed a IvPr duct with file APPAtle"' dead; and J fatally fit. Mottidi tied no er0w there %ty" a wtld
I", lit, UAOM� f6r 110A 111M.- vVere, Jillurkal, it 6", not Witig intetillon of carousing. A laborer. art, laborers, are
snl()Unt aikfitl for utitft'llit bra eAerjougly kfuri" I Anthony ()Iron, theyards. The �Vlld ftilln
tor& bofaM to A 0$0114h from Via lot, Roola, number of the r(Aprils were found wat
beto dellerife. collie ailliftell. Cited
Pod AM1110 and Vie t Willihillo, WOO D" T In ft fibrallaw flood of boor in lured. aTrenton. N.J.. smushOd Into 0 low fl#lc&r-D" "01'at tha
died froM InjutX9 rd, 06Y51 1110 rat,�jult 2:j 'h1oblil. in 9 votee Shrill Willi terror-, "the in -Ing roilway anal canA t, during tht tw�
for 1%xiv And) trotil the upper oil vArlouq Alageg of Illebt r,mvi, city WOTIO'llet' '�VOre land'ng 'he C�6111�roias
If 1hpytra6 In a body, puppy'A In 1116 elptem." was Injureal ta� the effecloq of tile I
NXI 11110111i ItIfid' tfive 06tv'Atlilittly _ Ing the f.�vlplfitisly ilrunk, lelli. wo Mon aleo vInd
Ito Intemol, 411101's ot thtio *1u) 111141 Iftrial fillt (lily aftlefar3, Int- Charlie ribeyed fraeftlitly, dpop W and jars from the Calif- e0lPra 10 wholt thdgo Car#
fillway';SMA10 ,v In I _ 5fled her Ibadl,
a*. faye it" AIA ihout in a tIeluddh7d Manner. whilisl9oncy riblp Mang
"011'to the f'IftiO iv4l IcONK-100V tit 1116 pan into which ha had y out. 8110 wero hot
I tho, Orion r lmp�-ftu
11101i ilie eAding, MA01 -St. 1". luot, It Ott Wag *14
AlOAM, IQ Ullis -00 1 01 ira# the 4jovkraorf lentO other,; wero alet"t, bill 11"AblO 10 Clitn"'al I glen' and o Hotel. up froal I
1411411A viails*lr. IbLv, ifit* d0arft(IMOV tab *�o 1161 Alta Ata 6t, 0 - 7111g, Xtvarniq of pT)Iato able 10 eScipe. I tv" conveyed to -the EnIVIV
TraMarciftZlial 000K lot, two Of Ah 61 en 114 an 9106 AkRby With. (t 41111fility of at None WCrO
"We. pff U* bttliw& tit UAL to S-Wom r -WI 00*4 even the swift (hougilf that 1110), wotita hlegg.
vt ahton
Al kip il