HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-03-30, Page 1eets41,i 440.1,400 A of.. .,',i,,. ^o llltarThaA, sir :. ,.yt.,.. ,-•,+arr•xtau,alR ,'i • ...
.t.. i aSa i4tLaU -. =':. . r r ^ -. • •:,.Meet 4"e e! ^ sit'' .`•es 'Mt mita 41,-..
t eI
111 anvAgCI.
CAN be consulted at all hours, at lbs
British Hotel, (Lattcas•rea'a•)
Goderich, Sept. 131b, 1848. 33-
PAPER BANGED, 4e' 446.
Prorincial Land Sltrnt yor,
Nov. 24, 9. • 43
J. K, G O 6 D I N G , FULL variety of the newest and most
THE Subscriber wishes to isbrm bre Ti=roasARLEN TOTHE FAiJ
Customers, and the tobabttarts of
Stratford and vicinity, that he intends CAW- •T MOW ruins nanny
rying on business on
And that after the 6retday of January, 1849
he will give no credit. He will pay the
highest price fur produce of all kinds. Black
Salts kc. He begs to return hie else
thanks to hie Customers for thaw
Patronage, and hopes still to
Stratford Net. lith .1548. 441f
improved Settee hen IiVFa a.
LL attend BALES in any pert of the toes for 1848, have been received by the
Weubeenber, who will promptly attend to the
District, on remittable Terme. AP- orders of all who may favour bun with their
ply a the British Hotel.
Goderich, March 9th Io41t.
Use, 1848. GODF.RICH.
-- Goderich 13th April,J148. ly
■eTAaL Tyt��t,,LIC,
t 1ef Queen'3 Bench ,
t'r() BE SOLD by private bargain, Lot No.
1 93. oa the 5th -Cottee..ion of Goderich,
containing 80 acres, 20 -f which is cleared and
under cal:traiien; ten acres are newly under-
braahed aodlready for ehnpping. The lied is of
excellent quality and well watered. There is s
good -substantial log Dwelling llouse on it, and
one acre of superior trait trees in hearing cohdi-
- woo. And as the proprietor ie.leawousof eater -
1 0 t S v ing into other business, he will disperse of it on
moderate ,fano. One-half of the price will be
CHEMIST and DRUGGIST REQUIRED DOWN. and tht ositar hall is
W EST -STREET, QT For further particular., spplyat this OfE
GOUERICII. or t. the Proprif tor oa the premises.
March 8, 1849. 2v -5o I.EORGE ELLIOTT, Je do
three equal anneal instalments.
- ,.. Goderich. 13tH Oct., 1848.
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
THE• ma
Subscriber hereby intimate
bas now on terms of lease
ewnerebip, the entice managem
Goderich Mills, and that he is
pay cash for any quantity ago
able Wheat at the said Mille;
TIIE CANADA COMPANY have for same bo delivered therein tin
disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF lure before the close of the
LAND dispersed throughout most of the W
Township. in Upper Canada -nearly 500,- Gonaarcn MILLS, 2
000 Aeres.are situated in the Huron Tract, September 5th, 1848.
well known as one of the most fertile parts
of the Province -it has trebled its popula-
tion in five years, and now contains up-
tbat he
and part
ent of the
prepared to
od merchant -
provided the
e for manufac-
yard, of :leen...) in6tbit..nts. CHAMBERS'
T c 1,.' NDS ore ":lurch by way 11 or truer axe MST,
T; l:.:.' E . ',Pr T. n 1.4-1r°, • or J -r L-Lied!:y Roser, Cu
Sore, C.1 S H 1) 0 N' X -the plan.‘ f red.' of English
one-fifth Cash, sed the &slams is Isstei- illustrative tops
meets being. done array with. Ne.
The Rents payable let Yebreary each MOULD, H1
year, are about the Interest at Bis Per lJr happy ter an
('ent.upoa the price of the Land. Upon most led anlage
LL1LRxu x0.991 row:r, .
t M a , .a, ,au ttror of ('co.
,.terature : 11'i;h 1.:. ant
wing,. "Thee 115 cents per
1 dare thee te fermi me
Ge weeder where Moe wiI
Tb heed apes t►. vessel's
Ov as die sabre's hilt
Awry • tbs`n free ! o'er land and sea
6.su.h to Lager's brink !
Bet oh, rhos cae'at not fly frem thooght !
Thy curve will be -to iAink
helm, •
Remember me ! remember ell
My long maiming love.
Thai baked d..lf to perfidy ;
The vulture and the dove
Remember in thy utmost need,
I never once d1.. shrink,
But clung to thee confidingly ;
Thy curse shall he -to think r
Then go ! that thought will render thee
A dastard in the fight ;
That thought, when thou are tempest tool,
Will fight thee with affright 1
Ian some wild dungeon may'st thou lie,
And, counting each coed li. k
'That triode thee to captivity,
Thy corse shall be --to thit/a_
Oe seek the merry_ bewail ball.
Where younger maidens bloom,
The thooght of me .hall make thee there
Endure a deeper gloom !
That thought shall tum the festive fop
To poison while you drink,
Asd while false smiles are on thy cheek,
Tby corse will be -to hick
Forget me, false one, hope it not
When minsuib touch the string,
The memory of other days
Will gall thee while they sing;
The airs I used to love will make
Thy coward conscience shrink,
Aye, every note will have its sting,
Thy curse will be -to di..1
Forget me ! No, that shall not be
I'll haunt thee in thy sleep,
Is drums thou'lt cling to slimy rocks
That overhang the deep ;
Thou'it shriek for aid! my feeble arm
Shall her! thee from the brink,
And when theo wak'st is wild .dismay,
The cor.. will be -4o skink/
saber countries for saving intelligence to
.work out their own liberties and iestruc-
tioo• with time, such as we took to work
met our own; -unless we can believe that
there is something of honor and honesty to
otbcr countries, that will protect you from
any unjust aggression on their part, why
' - w
armee. 1!t M triCHrST:.n.
treaties with foreign nation., binding the
countries, that in cue of a collision be-
tween two drunken captains at the Antipm
dee, or of a dispute shout the acts of some
indiscreet consul at Tahiti, why should not,
1 say, our Government enter into a treaty
with foreign• melons, binding each other,
in ca -e of misunderstanding on any p ant
5 T11'EI.VE ANI) 81X PLNt 1.
aT Tag [NU or ins tact.
t me before we ate it. (Mr. Cobden then
resumed bis feel amidst load and continued
cheering, the company ruing, end the gen-
tlemen waving their hate end the lathes
their handkerchiefs. The honourable g. n-
letnas spoke exactly an hour aid a quer- •
you win always be armed to the toot
tither to Interfere with their affairs, or to whatever, 18a1 the should be bound to sub FURTHER i)'SCOV1 RY (Jr TORY
protect, yourselves from ao imaginary at- mit the subject molter of dispute to a-b.tre ' DUPLICITY !
tack from your neighbors. Now, gentle- 1 rionl leo that instead of drawing the
Crim the Supptemeal to the Pilot.
men, the yew 1 take of the matter it than- sword, as the point of honor to who oa•
that other nations are so intelligent that ,11 .ns should resort, the point of honor We earnestly tante the attention of the
they do not require that you should be shonId bo, to fulfil honorably try treaty by public to the following tetter. It alurds
armed to the teeth to let them know buw which such a dispute is referre- to arbirra additional proof of the had faith. the aulact-
strong you are. Wby, take the case of the tion, and to abide honorably an f faithfully ty and daring, with which our Tory nrrourt-
Un.ted State.. America has been three by the decision. f Appltnse.) Now, gen- ty seek to obtain their ends. The gentle -
times within the last tee years in • state of tlemen, t%q, conclude. I tell you, in U e man by whom this letter was addressed to
collision with two of the largest powers in words of bur worthy president, 18.1 if any- our contemporary, thqq Mi , fills an 110.
Europe: twice with England, and once with thing is to he done in this niattarof hears al portant place under Gi,verement. to which
France. We had our llama boundary Reform, It must be done by the people out . he a as appointed fly tis lett Ministry. after
dif3iceity, our Oregon boundary difficulty, of doors. There was never a time when kis refers from trite. this statement
and the United States had its quarrel with independent men in the House of Commons stands unquestioned and ungnestlonable;
France a to their claim for a compensa- -i mean the very few men who are rude- end we are curious to see how the Opposi-
tion of outs million sterling, which Francs pendent, both by circumstance and by feel- tins . n.1 th tr supporters of the Prose will
refused to pay. What was the issue of ing, both the two great parties that have attempt to weaken its force. What! not
thus controversy with France ? When the hitherto divided the sway in this country- only rtlr. Daly, bat Mr. Morris the honest,
money was refused by France, General there never was a time when these Inde- and Lord Metcalfe the impeccable, admit 1 -
Jackson, who was then at the head of the pendent men were so weak ad they are at lag the claim of a Bermudian rebel, and
American Goveroineot, pubiterhed his decla- this moment; and 1 will tell you why. Be- urging him to fyle it ! Reader, do observe
ration that if the money was not forthwith cause the party in -power is nonenally the bow Lord Metcalfe argued the case, in or -
paid, he weuid seize the French 'pipe and
pay hiidsclf. Now, I Neve it from Ameri-
cane'betnaolves, that at the time France
►ad t!:ree tunes the force of ships at sea
that America had. Admiral Mackau was
la Le. Gulf of Florida with a fleet large
enough to have ravaged the whole cout of
Amenca, and to have bombarded all their
seaport towns. But dad France rush Into
war with America t No: France paid the In a voice that will be heard and felt m that
money. And why 1 Because France House. You must go to work in precisely
kocw right well that if she bad provoked the same way as before. It is a very
an unjust war with America, the ships that clumsy sort of machine tbinof ours-tbie
were afloat, and the men-of-war that were representative form of Government, in the
nothing to the ships and the inen that would shape we have got it. It is a clumsy ma-
swarm out of the ports of America, if they chino. You see the House of Commons we have their solemn ministerial words
were brought into collision with another ie, nominally, the }rouse to look after the cited, and with thein the words of their
country for an unjust attack upon their 'puree -airings of the people; to Fee that 'chief and master, Lord Metca:fe, that there
rights. France knew right well that taxes arc equaitably and lightly laid; and yet was to be no bar to the payei'ent in Lower
America would be united as one man we are obliged to come ant from our bassi- Canada of all who had sufTered loues.-
againet them, and that, as America had a nestles and our counting -houses, to form Let the public think of this, and compare it
greater number of men in their mercantile financial associations to compel the House with the fact that the measure introdtieed
navy than France, the know that, though hof Commons to do that which we sent them by the present Ministry, expressly and by
at first the fatter might have been the to do, but which it does not do. But there word, excludes the claims of those who bad
stronger, in the end, the battle would have i is no beep for it. it must be done in that been convicted in courts of justice, or bad
been with the nation that had the greatest way iu witch our excellent, and tried, and I confessed to having taken parte,in the re-
public spirit, and the greatest number of
ships and sailors in her mercantile marine.
What was the ease with our country in
1845? There was a talk of a war with
America about Oregon. Now, boar in
mind that America never 'pent -more than
twelve hundred thousand pounds on their
navy up to that time. We were spending
that year between seven and eight millions
same party as ourselves -because their fol. der to remove all scruple or delicacy from
lowers mingle more or fess with ourselves Mr. Masson's mind ! How low have the
-and we are neutralised at every turn; or Tory agitators sunk them►elves ! Who
at all events we find the wet blanket oa can believe them henceforth ? During the
our ■6oulderi whenever we go 1010 the long debate upon the Indemnity Bill, how
House of Commons. Now, if you want to often and how frothily did they declare 18at
carry Financial Reform, ft must be carried -tato rebels were paid in Upper Canada, and
precisely in the same way as Free Trade that it was never intended to pay any in
was carried. Yon must speak bot of doors Lower Canada; and now let the world be-
hold the proofs that they were stating what
was not only untrue but 'real opposed
to the truth. We ha 1 •d that
they paid men in Uppe anada who had
been convicted of high treason -some of
whom had also been sentenced to death; and
veteran friend, Mr. Iluwe-[great cheer
ing]-had been it work many years. 1
will cheer him as long as 1 live, and back
him too. I revence bis efforts, I venerate
hie consistency, the downright pluck, the
granite -like hardihood and consistency of
bellion,-let, we repeat, the electors of the
country cattily, consider and contrast these
facts, and then judge whether the Tory
opposition aro worthy of their confidence
or tit to be the guardians of their honor.
We have noticed the futile attempts of
the man who, through .good report and bad, the Tory press to help the Opposition in
report, through thirty -eleven years, has; their present plight, and find that the bur -
been advocating the people's interest to the • then of their d.•fence is, that the Ministry
But u ill anybody tell me that America fared roost material and most useful form, and ehoild not seek to extenuate their wrong
cut roe metre Oregon depute, because she I hog been advocating -it under ouchdisadvan-: by pleading similar errors on the part of
'.i-1not her moneyinvested :nships ofwar! ragee, and elight.t, and mortifications -in ttrat'their" pred.ecssors; 1Ve,say,once for all,
[coeeevoso FROM OUR LAST.] When we increase our navy -i have told . House. [Loud applause.] But, gentle- . that this is not the state of the care„ Tho
It ie. a sort of coasting trade. Our ships you we increased our army in 1845, or we - men, we will strengthen his hands for him,. late Government paid convicted rebels, and
NDALL & LINCOLN are are at home when the get to the colonies. got out our squadron of evolution -(great . we will enable biro to do that in future sib -retie promised to others. Th. present
eosnc. that obey have eanple- We do not want any they
to protect our lino -of battle ships) -America never equip- whicb he has not been able to do ie tune"! Administration have disclaimed aninten-
meau with Messrs. Cka.in e, of trade with the United States, which is a pod a ship, never put a gun up on the coast I past. 1 hope thaf in the next session of j tion to do this; and, in order tat there
r the re-pabGcarion, 'I' semi- colony broke loose; and we should bless to fortify a single town: I do not believe 1 Parliament we shall have many of the I should be no mistake, have weeded their Act
nen• of M y to to Aur.
0 of the M.scctuw }s to rvpply our stars that it did break loose• they Dever that n that ume.thera w4i.e gad.o►oo0ted at' country member voting for retre0ch f tli ; it requires
in that sena. We believe tat
g demand foruseful, instroctive,eati Y York,: t of•a d host corrin I predict that you will see many of the it requires no further disco Mon to ern -
readied. sod so bring all the aids of d b b dt rite eel Did America county members compelled, by thou y
o bear ow the cultivation of the feel -
e people -to impte.. correct views en
t moral and social_ guidons-aoppress
cies of strife and saragery-cheer the
of the Lou, when L LASED, NO MONEY
1S REQUIRED:DOWN-wbilst`upoo the
ethers, according to locality, one, two, or
three years Rent, must be paid in advance,
-but these payments will free the Settler
from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea
Of his term of Lease.
The right to PURCI;IASE the FREE-
HOLD during the term, is secured to the
Lowe at a fined sum named in Lease, ar.d
an allowaece is made accordir.e to antici-
pated payment.
Lists cf Lands, and any further informa-
tion can be'obtatned, (by application; if by
letter post-paid) .ht the Come/oe'e Orelesa,
Toronto and Goderich ; of R. Biart*ALL,
E.Q., Asphodel, Colburno District; Dr.
ALLIfa, Gaelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq
Stratford, Huron District.
Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7
1y_. McCULLOCH eo•tinnea
• ufacture HEADSTONES,
fisc., rn Marble and Freestone, a
any in the Province, all work
order, or no charge will bo m
of Marble lleadstones from 10
of Freestone from 6 to 30 d
menta rice., from 60 doll
1Vritteu communications
undersigned containing
and at. what price, in Ma
will be punctually oaten
Galt, Nov. 81h, 184
TY ,
to man-
TOPS, en
Edinburgh, fo
monthly rum
The deem
the ioerea,in
literature t
icy of ti
would have been epch a customer to us J New or ; u prey. gar - • g con -voce the tonsil, on the subject. The
the aristocracy of England had had that io anbombarding y;
pleasant field of pasturage for theft younger fare the worse for that? No; we sent oat I stituente, the farmers, to vote for a ,flue- Tories are shown up, ar d blown up for-
gone. You do not want a ship of war to Lord Ashburton to-edttle the.•affair: It was eon of taxation. I wish here to express erer.
tett our trade with the United States, on American soil that the affair was settled. I my sympathy for the farmers in their 1
ua pro y
desponding, by the eery -c a ores and last year you exported there £10,900,- We paid America the compliment of send-. effort. to get rad of the tax which they I - Ccs-, or Doese.
000, worth of your produce -two or three ing out a peer of the realm to settle it, and I consider the most obnoxious, and that ob- 1 Dundee, 5th March, 1819.
from the imaginations of popular writers ..::ti,........n.e than you exported to all your rumour dose say that America made a very structs their business more than any other Ma. Enron, -A' a party interested and
t -the blaIt tax. I do not speak to tee- • one of the exiles to Bermuda, I would bare
m :he fancy by descriptions of interesting
four' aeeoe.-gibe a seat to .eery -day occupi-
es by ballad sod lyrical peelry-in short• to
mish u ueobtrusit'e friend and guide, a linty
reside companion,' a far as that object nn be
attained through the insttumentality of books.
iLr-soiversally aekeowldged merits of the
Craoraoia a Eaotvua Lmsnareas, by the
colonies together, with the exception of- good bargain. But 1 am sure that the
(the name of the colony was bast in a Mud English Government never measured the totatlers about thin, i speak to farmers, and i observed a silence, before the vote of the
burst of applause. , Sir William Moles- American strength by the number of ship. I they take a totally different view of the i House of A.ecmbly, an the subject of the
worth, in that admirable speech on the colo- of war she hail afloat. No; it was the qnestion, than that of supplying beer to, indemnity to bo granted to the inhabitants -
eles, showed that even by a moderate say- !spirit of the people -the glowing strength I their labourere. They tell me, and they of Lower Canada, for the loss of their pee-
ing, not taking away your forees from. the end prosperity of the -the union of the give very hil,h authority for it, that not perties in 1837 end 1R38t Sn_j I are to -day
same author, connected wall Its rapid wk, sod colonies, but by a moderato saving in your people -the determination of the people: it - braving malt to give to their cattle Is in the debates which' have en place= en
the a uthor,ec commendation waion be•tnwed by the fortes there, you might save two millions is that that commends respect, not going1 a very great impediment in feeding their this indemnity, that many of the members
pmts. gip the publisher. (.11 eonfideoee in the per annum -a saving which would far more always sword in hand. (Great applause.I tattle. i saw one of the beet farmgre in of the Opposition have advanced statements
real value and esrire success cf the venni 'than cover what i propose to take off the Now, gentlemen. what I want you to de ae! the,eountry on Monday, and he told me I contrary to the truth, and as this question
work• armaments of 1835. But, gentlemen. you 1 a nation is, to believe that other. countries I, that be btrys great quantities of malt dui I interests me personally, i would requeet a
The publication bas elrearly commenced, and have to make up your minds. to one thing, I will jest take the same measure of u• that livery week -dust that falls from the malt place in the columns of year valuable joer-
will be continued semi-monthly. Each nember that you cacnot afford all this waste.- weteek of Amenea. That they would not in the process of making -which he given I ral 10 lay before the mobile some circum -
will form a complete week, and third nem Now, it is not a matter of choice with you. I come and attack us merely Decalitre we re- to bis lamb!, and he says that it is the best s anees which do ' not agree with the
bar will 8. (ueisbed with a title veer and obit' I ten you, you are spending too much duced our armaments down to ten mil' ions. i thing hs eau give to force forward his speeches of those honorable •gentlemen,
of co•teatr, rhes forming • beautifully ,Innen- mono as a ration. I tell you, it is merely I On the contrary. 1 believe other cations t,lerobs. Hesympathised with the farmers. who were t' en ie power, soil who wished
ted volume of over 500 pages of useful and general your taxation, but it is you local will follow our example; and I believe d we i We never can olerate one farthing in the i toR aim friends Inc themselves.
are not very quick about it, that France I way of protection against the importation I When Mr. Badgley. in the Centre of the
• will sat us the example, i see that all 1 of corn, bot we will oa,operate with thee.' debate stated, " that the Ministry of which
their best men are advocating a reduction as heartily as they -o to with thein- I be formed a member never had th. roten-
of•their army. There has been a formal selves, to get rid of Mug tax that I tion or design to pay the losses of the *-
proposition made b the Mteteter of War to ob.trucu them in the r usury. Gentle- I sins implicated in the troubles of 1837 and
reduce the army nearly half. Nay, 1 see Men, we owe them something, and we will i 1838." in order to chew the good faith of
that General Cavaignac, and the, leaders of try to repay them in kind. We owe the ; this gentleman, and of 'those who, like:
hie party, are advocating precisely the sante fisaneiol reformers somethtog; we owe Mr. ' himself, repeat the same thing, 1 ought to
policy, as the only means of saving them Home something; for I will candidly can- mention that immediately after the t.f6••iat
from financial confeslnn. Let us encourage fats that, during the time of the Anti- t notice requesting the inhabitants of tho
these men in their good work; and though Corn -Law League agitation. we did an' 1'roeinre to fylo or present their claims he -
our Government will not do what individuals J D h
would do wtth each other, come to good
understanding. and urge on each other •
mutual disarmament, let us, from Iles Free
Trade Hall, where we have gained so many
victories by peaceful agitation before, and
where we shall gain more Metairie' by
peecefwl agitation yet. let um tell General
Cavaignac and his followers, that if they
will work on in reducing their armarsuuta,
as we will woe k on in reducing ours PM"
that we will undertake man for man, paled
sterling for pound eterae r. we will reduce
the Bost of our estabhehme t in proportion
es they do theirs. [Cheers Gentlemen,
now 1 ask you, when they 1 1 ns we are ie
danger of a collision at any moment with
foreign powers; I ask you, as rational
Chriatra• men, when i am told, a1 I am in
the Beam f Commons, that a dimple of
dreekes ea tame of frigates at the Antipo-
des easy, D, waiter to a collision, get into
a stleabble tier may involve this eoentry
and -France In a quarrel at any memsst;
when i bear such. argeraeels meed to else,
that vee eieeld be always armed dad 'pre-
pared flee • ..stet, I ..8 wits ebemN file
(l.ti•eewat limes to • peeps-' that i will
•ebesit to the Hesse seat enemies: with
sboell sot Gp r.aeot insert a clause i.
tenoning rcacrog, ❑nap;rn •o,
s cheap ae readers. The whole to be completed iaenrary taxation as well; and, mark me, tho more
warranted to vcnaiR., formicg 1'ee elegant Volumes. Toa wante in armament', and in general
ole. Price. taxation, the o*ore.you will have to spend
to 50 dollars; irOTiCF4 01' THF. PRESS. in poor -rates and local taxes. The more
oliars Monu• From the N. T. Commercial Advertiser. you waste the capital et this country, the
ars upwards.- We sit glad to see a Aar.riesa issue.( this more people will es .wanting employment;
ddressed to the
the inscriptions,
ble or Freestone,
ded to.
1. 42m3
L(31' e, Lake Share, township of Ash -
Uhl, tents sing
Within two
Pott Albert
• flow Mill
qct by a
Mks of the thriving Village of
to w8ah sheen is • Grist 14.14,
end ea Oat MW. The Lot is
the west by the Lake, and on the
cut rovd,-ant is well watered.
-to rticulars. apply -if by letter
DAViD ('°LAKE, Esq.
a.anssrewr, 1418 Dec. 1848. Mer
A DEgEN TURIl the District for the
sum of Ell 8 1, draws payable to
EDWARD RUTLEDGE sir bearer on de-
mand; then is LI 1 1 paid os rho mime
eon eittor.ed on the Net. 1 hereby ma-
tfett any perms or permits frees pareltsisg
the mM.
104424 RUTLEDGE- •
Stratford, Feb. te, 1840. fv-4 3t
peblicatioe, dad erpse)allyie is "et sad eesve- and when they grant employment, it is the
meet a loner. It is an admirable compilatiee, law in this country, that the poorest, who
dratinguiahed by the good tute which hey baa are the first to begin to .terve under the
shnwe tis all the pvblieatioas of the Meson ,neon of national decay, or national extra•
Chambers. ?t onus the .swish sod the filler- •a ane•,, that the "bond have a 'irk* to
titmice. Ws hope its eircektien hen will b g y p
large eauuii,s�h to supplant. to a good extent the come to the people immediately ab-ive them,
nntelre•partmby •ad immoral works which have and share the mearie of subsistence,
so long been toe widely eireuhted. by mean. of whet is failed a poor-
. rate. And as you find that the extra's -
QT This work can be sent by mail teeny pert hap of Government Inc mac., yon will
of the country. A direct remittance to the no." the poor eaten and your rales for a
wo• rk.
Tlii. i. liberal disrnnnt for adva
Rin Dollar. w y_!1 pay for the entity rc N lice increase also ; and there-
. 'ine. }ay prasw
will nearly cover the coat of postage a tete I fore I say, yea most hesbeed your resour-
work. Those wishing for one or mere sample cel, or you will be lighting the candle at
n umbers can rernit them accordingly. both ends, sad roe will sono burn it cot.-
BeekielMn and Agrees supplied en the meet (Applause.) Now, i have detained vnu a
liberal terms. vert rtes. nn theses .ebjeeta. (" Goe
GOVLD, KENDALC. & LINCOLN, on," long and seplaue.] But there a an
Publi.bers, Boston. - th,n tied it aw
e of p•rsonnt importance to
the English pimple; Nis, that we should not
allow ourselves to sequin an usdrie and ex-
aggerated nation of our nws importance as
• Minn, or to take an amble and uatavora
Me view of other ersetriee: it le tbroegh
your astiemal pride the corning pen e
messy* to entreat caeca frees you . T y
(isdstlsbt. des 04Apsil I penned* yes that ...bunt, can be drib.
Heti '11s• Herm reoesvi Preenngs thread velem you de ft. They persuade
shalt 8. oWipd to trash, ( eriog the en- you that Too awe superior te all other
mon) within i • limits of the.Society. eoaetriee, OM .aloe rem are eoeetantiy
The Praetors may withhold the Plead- ea tb..He8.-dbt emir nest neighbors,
•ts, should tit* Indio' omit*? the /km tho Frewbi ler incl•..., are nothing but a
ebewt, mttrwerlb .fit d brig wdq tithe aro ready to comemad
0• NNiNOHAMB, Se•'y. Mt.ek yes sod marry MT year peopwy—
Gederie6, 21st Feb. 1949. Until we, as a nation, can give credit to
WARDtbmos dTee Pew&
to Ms bust Stallion thews at
Saturday, the 2
much 'booth public opinion on It -we did Gore the Commtraron appomte y t e
so tytally engross the n;titarton it tint- - Ministry, of which. the hen, genticmau then
eonntry-that we stopped the way te- n11 formed a part, ae sine of those who Aad
other rcf.,tme. Well, there is a 11 tb t to 'offered at 8t. Benoit. at the time of this
Ibis country of d ring rine thing at a eme: ; pilla;e end barring , 1 the village, iy the
the people won't do it,anv other way. amt 1 ' orders of Sir John Colborne, and beior
goalless that t have that w.-ak� a -e nt)s •I1I then in Montreal, where matters connected
I tannest do but one bunt+ ,t a t; ie . Bot, I with the Customs' Department regnircd my
with your help, I will go to work to de thug ' presence at the Government Clouse, 1 took
es. thing.. (Immense cheering.) i pro. { he oppnrtuney of ',peaking to the Hoe.wife erne thing to yon, and to my 'fammde , Mr. Daly, then Provincial Secretary, of
elsewhere, that 1 will nev-'r eels° the al I my el lima, and! eked that gentleman " if
vieaey of this monition until 1 FN the cast' my exile to Dermeda would be en °Satael•-
of eon armaments reduced to ten millions,' to the payment of my claims, end it i room
motif I see the aenditure of this country pr. sent an see wnt of the lours w tech i
reduced to tihat i was in 1835, at least.- had a,istaterd." Thu. geotlem �n answered
I do not say *het 1 will stop then. (Las; me immediately, "There can he no (Ake -
cheering.] But let us un !mean,' each tion to any person: emir •xlle to Befitted..
other, the load int•n.1 to du; and let its is teething; every person it ill be mid." i
well understand slut dist *• something had uera•ron, the same day, to fee the
worth doing, in the me-.otene. 1 say, 1 Hon. Mr. Morns, then, 1 think Recefs.r
h.* General, and he told me snare? the same
The following day 1 had the hisser of an
interview with lite Excellency Sir CharlesMerca'fu'. 1 spoke to His Excellency ,of
barbarous had inhee,an treatment whieh
any mother sed yoeng slaters had to se*►t. D
at Receit, en the art of a certain Lie.•
is, I de eel think it will be a very beg tenant Colonel and (tan volunteers, loyal
won't .top there: i sincerely believe t ,
with your asnetance an; the crowing
tendeney to peace throughout the world,
we .8.1! le rest with that bornd west. of
esu esg1 a year on a fighting es*sblteh-
meet ljen lids of peace. 1 believe that we
AO live to see It lea thee ons -half; sed
►y year eggieteaee and by each meow ing. as