The Goderich Star, 1906-11-16, Page 6wr-11/911,791111!"'"
r'Inn7;77.naftr• a. • •77""TaiMplit
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OPiar a now Or a COO tlita
119****41.t.P WO* aft4 body,
- Diahl he tkit *Rh littic Would
wog it too* tostmtito upp Rat tit. 111111,1101441
1041111 astetppre46kieg -cold or 0404 .
It toreal001411AANI401Cifi'011.01/440. ,*$1,011.01164111.
!oR and VIP*
4 lotiotopito Amp; -vo* •thiogglit keeps it mid *0010101441044410 ,Itte "
Or" Is
ifolasita atoll
Moho see magalifisol
fit. PON IssoOkitifil
*os 000 alit *Nilo
or *WOO,
Villfial OF *Eon
• lattlisifedtaary Detente ot. a unitarian A Inost interesting and farenaching
formett at the batt elleld of flatten.
• An: eXtrlitirillnary delenee, which did Several saullary revere with good Suz.
net appeal le Nance Willis, svas out meal Winning being presentnout of 100
ferWerd in: .11ing's Lynn County :soldiers wounded in .tbe abdomen 50
Court nantly by Um itev. L hi. Barnes,
4 H.A. et-Canibridge, England, who was
,ferinerly Unitarian minister in the (Own,
and who new lives at Stmatharu.
ile was sued by a Kingn Lynn firm
for Ag lds ld, tor groceries supplied
W while admitting that be
owed the amount legally. Barnes
aftiti,hts defence to the action was en-
trant an eternol one.
He &tinted that now, having no set-
tled lucerne, the debt should bo can-
Entinaly speaking, he could not regotrd
Wiesen us a -debtor until the State gu-
aranteed him employment of a kind
In keepinn with his education, and with
stifficient reatuneration on which to
support himself, his wife and family.
Until this was done for the thousands
like himself, who through no fault on
their oWn Were before the abyss, be
could only regard the plaintiff as his
nnienternits, that, having tnore of this
wOrld's hesewerl
it to society to give of his surplus to
these who in the struggle for existence
had not been so fortunate es to obtain
en Komi:unto advaritage over others.
fla asked -the Page to enquire of the
plaintiff what was his ethical title to
Wt, wealth he posemsed, and not what
hes legal claim was upon the denier.
nudge Willis Bald (hat he should do
no such thing. He was surprised that
Mr. Barites should have advanced such
a defence, and he would get no sympa-
thy from him,
H. gars judgment for We amount
cleaned, and.Said that he would order
Mr. 13antes ethically, and with due I e -
gun' to all interests, to pay 103 per
experiment on a larfe scale trs per-
A mother's work and worry in oar-
ing for her little ones is greatly light-
ened if she has on hand a safe reinedy
foin'the cure of indigestion, colic, sour
stomach, eonstipation, diarrhoea, simple
feneeri and ill() other little ailments that
arb apt ,tacome to children suddenly.
For tame troubles Baby's Own Tablets
are better than any other medicine.
They ate mildly laxative prompt in
thetr •itetion, and a few doses usually
leaves the child in perfect heelth. They
dc not Dentitin an atom of opiate o r
pelsenous seething stuff. They always
do• good -Uy cannot poseibly do harm
and may bn given with equal :safety io
the new born infant or well grown
child, Mrs. Reginald James, Fenagh-
vale, Ont., says; "I have used Baby's
On Tablets and find theta unexcelled
as a Median° for children, They pro-
mote sleep and generalsgood health."
;YOu can getibe Tebletssfrom your drug-
-gra er'sby wail at 25 cents a box hy
Writing The Dr, 'Williams' Medleino
Ces ThietrIcville, Ont.
1 Al -
"What did Pape Sky?" "Ile showed
me the door." 'And what did you
say?" "1 said, It was certainly a very -
handsome (loot, Mit not what I had come
to talk about. That made him laugh,
and rainate Iatee you were miner
Not a Nauseating Pan -The exciplent
of a pill is the substanee which enfolds
We ingredients and metres up the pill
That. of Parmelee's Vegetable
Ellis is so compeanded as to pres'erve
their moLeture, and they can be curried
tete any %Mule without impairing
their strength. Many pills, in order to
'keep them front adhering, are rolled
In powders, which prove nauseating to
the taste.• Paraneee's Vegetable Pills
art so prepared that they are agreeable
to Ute most delicate.
The Doctor -"You have ti bad cold,
Mr. hags. 111 glee you some pills for
114" liggs-"Oh, never mind. doctor.
You can have It for nothing."
CHAPTCH 1/11,-:(Contillued). *entlattsifiSlic in the Wrallg Owes* ltigt
4144t1 1°01l. Iv, If ?PA hod' 4 he/401101 /74"441not, gjefel'utitleo -44gTbiygw."14rieoueolottiredoil
.tod er1/1:14iPailp; 44,d4.4$' "tin; (IQ"' "" wlifielysectrilenougitd4tlecitildlvsell9tortintoise Whillio"hsiluortirkit
you lied been going Wenn as that her heart liettling. Int, entrant*
niallY kitchen ranges 4$ I Inare tid$ vers.* le her. • :
maralligo ParhaPs eatt WOUld bane a as, to is'OnlptiMietill,2 Of too
headache,' replies geitvelY- mYolt $411001," 4410,/tY 14404 bv T(811'
tai." IWO' 1 fila Plan ba nittrded f41 1001'0,00r Was he Oen aintiOtt*•,aattert-
&elan as I get borne." limning Its Upti that 114:1011, 4.0 felt ,
'Ong node; end Burgoyne, while In. ta Mane MVO ti the 'Aro 111_1kt oro.1144.)"•:-
Wttrdly blessing the tact Mat spares WM tit Is tOcs geed fer--nnitv:vu, Petal.
any congratulations, takes Itinseelf to chosen Cecilia ,for, a ‘caMtilIttlellt,,
ttgi for having made the annotincetnent Isinco fate hae allotted her te Mtn Me the
afterno00, firni 41111Oulty Ask,
ing the hest of her. Nor. 4.0.•110 Don',
itee, , .alat dealltute, ot;!eliertink Of:,
certain Ulna; tOol,ifth 'Aar toPe'
„Unwind* Or Of centmOrtftetet',fncldent
upon a very shOrt IfeSs *hd 1 very long
upper 1301, she Imus s. flePil ;04: of
end tat• „stuncelered:
heir, and. * v4y 000140010 eye
pewee. :Hoeg tattielunbrit tO the Isit
, NUM of tar tea steal,* titleiitY•le
be billeted, by suet, trifles WI artinth,tep
much or toe finite of toSe ;344 lie
also, litre Antelial -1$ tlifironghly.prepared
-..400 *OA* of
loia **WA 18"401
1i Int 'Wok
.it'o vow
tosilloolids. :
Faisliared by the Awl/7M bruin
sucideaneas. 1 tii etagian4 nEsa
Merchont tevitioatiy iso evasion
ready, ai.d alter *A almost inapinvep-
tittle passe of liesnation. ammo;
"Wo imo. 0 12 Ns, PRIM d'Aseglio."
iSbo lookiNt doitinfally and halt
.4ilaesily 'in Ka isce, as ohs givile laps
italWela but ha bee Saintly lime
tor a flash of selkongratoletkon pt
'Mining *Wald the infortaatien; which
tisd never refills*/ liult vAifell4116
deatra ler 1101 *hi moment, before
be 'becomes Wire Wit ILIS interitien-
*** 1404, $0 * Ur* ey4t* inn HO Wailer meeting
Is king Exploited by Ils oit itOseunt
Ito lisot Suporlotity, Over4apaosi
-- -a bitt, *Ye eattidered te senais 0400 ever
Ifelane ECM hi* givuecr. Watt that, ovipo *hp is. ZEAL/ r.A.CItETS, ONLY.
tetelitt**146 34E/01 not, opt left fo dont% Whether it is a: ,400 .#0c, 404 4500 P#r P°und'
trodoitootrk 011
a0). -RAIL,ROAC,ING engl
wow, FIrtEstbbi ANti BRA
for PA Railroads. Experience win
sary, Fireaten $100, become neerl
Arsintsnes els *room Conliwt501, OK *am Soso, Pseettlinia sow
were operated upon by laparotony, the ea Itiftliariously as to render fe1loilaU00
foO others lett alone, the only treatment 0010041y Inapplicable.
consisting of absolute and in kcein "When are you going to introduce mo
Ing the external wound opening clefin. lo Vitas Wilson?" asks Byng presently.
Ot the 50 soldiers operated upon 44 air yeti stark a much longer I shall
of the non -operated 40 surViVed. Witik that you are ashamed of me."
d led,
Ms striking result indicated We mien ;nu glances affectionately, yet not
nee of treatment of abdominel weentla quite comfortably, at his young WOW,
throughout the whole war. Laparoteren and the thought flashes mese his
on or in the rear of We battlefield wee of, mind that, in his last remerk, the latter
terward hardly ever performed, but has put the saddle on the wrong horse.
strict care was taken that all soldiers "You hare so him, 40 acquaintance
wounded in the abdomen had alisolete in Flor„c„ireerry,,, ho says, with
. TEM tIlsilNerfoN • A mei, torat
41,0aLoi that frattlkir-Waber•Itch. is imed
• iiever's Soo odd used
rest tor We first three days. t
aratiat stillness, "that I did not knOW
Health Restored by the Rich Blood Dr.
Williams` Pink Pills Actually Make.
Timusands and thousands of young
girls throughout Canada are literally
passings into hopeless decline. lets .tIla
aunt of the new rich red bicela SO
abundantly supplied by Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills. They aro clistresaingly
weal:, pale or saliew, appetite fickle,
subject to headaches, dizziness* at*
breathless and the heart palpitates vio-
lently at the least exertion. The doc-
tors cull this anaemia -which. Is Atte
medical name for bloodlessness. ,Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills actually make new
-blood-they cure anaemia just as Sure-
ly as food cures hunger. Hero is bit
of the strongest kind of evIdengen"Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and nothing. else
Saved my two daughters when doctor?
had failed to help them." This stelement is made by Mrs. Joseph Martel,
St. Oliver street, Quebec. She Ws:
"My daughters are aged respectinely
twenty-two and twenty-three yearn. Por
two years they suffered from the weak-
ness and distress of anaemia, and had
I learned of Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills
earlier, it would not only have sand
me money, but much' worry and'alial-
el) as well. Both girls were as pale
to a sheet. They suffered from head-
aches, poor appetite, and grew so leehle
that they could hardly go about. They
wero under a doctor's care, but did uot
improve a bit. I despaired of ever -see-
ing them in good health again, when
a friend called my attention to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pint: Pills. Soon after they be-
gan the,pilla there was on imprevement
to their condition and in less than mi.
couple of months they were again iss:
joying good health, active, robust glrls.
I am so grateful for what Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have done for my children
that I ravingly recommend there to
every mother who has a weak, pale -
faced bon or girl."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do only Ono
Wing, but they do- it well -they aettial-
le Make new, rich blood. They dont
tinker with eymptorns. Thera
the bowels. They simply change bad
blood into good blood and thus stake
straight at the root of such common
ailments as headathes, sideaohes and
backaches, indigestion, animate, tens. doctor tells me that there is no such un-
ouS exhaustion, neuralgia, St. Vitus -erring indication of radical. delicacy of
dance, partial peralysis, and the speilial constitution as a fixed pink color like
painful secret ailments of growing letirls inine; ihe more feverish am, the deeper
and women. Sold by all medicine deal. grows. It is very hard" -smiling
ens 01' by mail at, 50 cents a box or ,=b; again sadly -"for one gets no pity!"
boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williante "Where is Cecilia?" cries Jim, brusque -
not eh° readar '
ty, tied fldgetting in his chair. "Why is
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
uneducated, and yet he nokiss a fine tion enters -so obviously arrayed for
As he speaks, the young Indy in clues -
Mat mob may seem to he somewhat
living 0 his peo,o wool corthquesiti,nitnnascoulapteetenptlayieneigvioavesha,t, tanhadt
'4 r&t� a itta net whore the Need is
Voaded with. *180 pug as sot ninon
aleeale, nee laid you again and again
not to Spots when older persons are
talking; but wait until limy slop." "I've
-tried that already, mamma. They never
do stop,"
tsIdnity 4MIY.-It in the partieeter tune.
VOA of t e• kidersre to finer out poisons
,ohtels loam *tough them into We Mood.
11/hen tee ittanteta ere diseased they ease
snit de their whelk anty, sod ihould ease
the tele tied streugth that south Amera
tom HMO Otto will afford in (any and
all &Meer kidney disorder. I1 relieves
in 6 hoa1es-14
that- you would care to add AO it, • - tOnaniesn tettneelt- • ". ' ---
"Ono cannot have too much of a good Up the -turningn- antisspinilatt ... anegy
elite% to the Beelltea 0,E,Stilii 1 PI:H*0C
thing," replies the otlier joyously.
"Yau know 1 love my fellow -creatures; delve of all lourOts-abilekffe_1(talat,Only
and In this case,'' he adds civilly, "I do Yankeystom 'and CaOklieYdaills rushing
care very much." hand in hand throUgrr ' ail lattte§.
sacredness. On haeltneY.., .,fint-,elren
Burgoyne's eyes are bent on the paper
hackeeying O powerleSs Wi4lte . elf the
before him, which contains the melan.
choly enumeration of hie flrearres-"A Ao the eye that sees' it for - the
500, double-barrelled express, by Henry, first gra°, of VIA vtaa" Wbee te beholds:
the Lily City lying doge, at 'VS led, se.
of-Edieburgh; •a - 450 . single:barrelled,
ditto, by same maker," etc., etc. -as he lose thatattsaeems-ataseetiltiallADA01-
stone into her Arno. , .a. • •
says slowly: ,
"I shall be very happy." naturally happens In a, parlitt,Garre64-
They 'have left _ Wein %tore, ant as
His acceptance ot the proposition can mare especially when One .ntalMit art
Willy be called eager; but of this Byng betrothed . lovers -have breken ' to 0
appears unaware. airs. tturgoyne Wane penSively,, on
. t
"When shall it be then? To -morrow- P
the}, afternoon?" the terrace parapet, and hisratntibreKeYea
rest on the band of sister Mila,naritfling
"NO -o -o; not to -day, I think. It has
beery arranged that we are to go to San 'labels In 01141441 watch kennar`",statle3"
,, and town; hills over which, la thislate
MiniatO-Amelia, her sister, and I. spring, there is more a premien Mattsa
"Three of you?" cries Byng, raising his performance of that Men abffariarty
eyebrows. "Then why not tour? Why colored wealth of verdure arid Mosartni
may not, I come too?"
There being, In point of foot, no re?. name. But it is a promise that is pitiful!
that one noviciates with. Fireeteas late
ton why he should not, and Cecilia's
morning prayer being still ringing in her
ment. Then his look drops sinWly to
ly on the verge of a beunteons WM*
fixture's ears, he gives a
the city herself. In wharra Attie -Ppoici
dilll and lagging assent; so that at about
comparatively does the FlOreinca• WO i9.
three o'clock the two men present them -
Soares at the .door of the Wilson's apart -
Campanile "made up of ,,,liesse • and *04
Immortal liel The Datiteos , things+
Meat at the Anglo-Amerioan Hotel. That
Shine," the Baptistery, Sitrito,nanre,, ow
seina Is not expecting visitors is evi-
Palazzo Vecchio; he could'cOmpeas none
d • 1, by the fact that, at the repment of
their entrance, she is taking her own IP a ten minutes' walk. And manned,
nucleus of the undying dead'
temperature -a very favorite relaxation: this small
and their work, what a flatten of
of hers -with a clinical thermometer.
glee/tang. villas of the polyglot. living --
She removes the instrument from her
a :nation:" of every tongue, -and peoele,
mouth without ladecent haste, and
and language! Ail ever the hale is the
holds out a, tangoed white hitnd to
sheen of white walls, •We verdure: sof•
Byng. tended gardens; they stretch away -el.
"Se you are going off on a long after -
most to where the Apenninee raise their
noon's pleasuring?" she says, with a
cold white fronts against the sky. .
pathetic smile. "I em so glad that nei-
ther of my sisters is going' to stay at He rouses him self to reenernber that
home with me. We invalids must guard Amelia Ls -beside him, and that lie ought
against growing selfish, though I to say something to her. So lie makes
think that is perhaps more the danger a rather barna observation. upon ine
wait malades imaginaires; we real ones smallest of the enceinte that eneloses so
heve learnt our lesson of suffering ben much lovelinese.
ter, .1 hope." • "Yes, is not it tiny?" replies she,
You do not look so very 111," replles with the eager pleasure of 'having a
along, in his sympathetic voice, letting retnark made to her whieh: she• cannot
Ms eyes, rest caressingly ,on the prostrate go wrong in answering. "Think • of
-figure, which has yet' no smallest sign Londonl• Why, the whole theta is, not
About it. as big as South Kensington or Bays-,
"Ah, that is beceitte- or my colors" .re- water!"
plies Syb'illa, with an animation slightly IRS -shudders. -Muse.aaesaecereed Rn.
Ungen with resentment. "You, too, burb pursue hims even here?
fall into that common error. My London "Let us go into the church," he says,
in a tone that a little' dulls his cone
panion's buoyancy.
-Silo follows hire, crestfallenly, asking
herself whether she has answeind amiss.
hero also. She does not heist 'herseibto
any comment upon the. interior. ,
Byng and Cecilia are standing before
the high altar, from ever which fl /110 -
sale Madonna stiffly beams upon them;
and as the other eouple appreach them,
Burgoyne beans the word's "drawing.
room grate" issue from his figure sis-
ter-in-law's lips.
°fry, a dIrydidesindoet;
Yo7raurve° geietstringheon"Yosic'
think that you would hey* reached time
drawing -room grate till to-morrovt.°
To avoid intruding further on her
delicate confldenens, and also to escape
from two Americans, who are i nasally
twanging Mine and Horner at eaeh
other, variedly trips iuto Baedeker, he
passes into a side chapel Made
fainous Or one of lite loveliest torahs
that ever feigned to simulator in niarble
death's ugliness. The -Yaniceeis velces.
are high and shrill, but they had need
to be higher and shriller • Still Write
they could break Rio alinaban 'Of tam
whose -resting _place _Nth atria litvaded In
his flight froin Cecilia tent.: New '' York.
Was ever rest so beautiful as this of
Rio young sleeper? A petest he Was,
nay cardinal, and youthful .and loirely
and (taste! and now in 'Ow divine a
slumber is hp Opt ? But, limv,,stiouid
that four hundred year‘a slurntier net be
divine, watched by sueinst gentle Mary -
Mother as is welching hie; stalling as It
to Whim that he dace Well t,o gems,
Wet sleep is better thalt waking, . that
'death is better than lifen, There la a
stlidien look intent his tale Wilds, fla if
atc., es
HIaIf Centu
cit *We balf •
040, 1.1.54,4•1.:fiplitatikto,
age* goarifiesial
V of sat Wel*: Ovira
ig (i.ottitto: now took to-gos
10,0, ilia**, is cot 415:00. *titbit
k coon* of '.44 Vit*Diald 040901
1.4t1f4 AK* MOvvraint, In Mt. sold.
fiva years. •
Dret ea eivo•I•vvvisoff wawa/
venal$waieu eskers* ieriiarse.fihas.
*root coialmfae -
genuine iNcident,, or onts 01 hese spur,
fun* One$, nf Witten these -Who :Profit by
'Mull bre: gbfailifieers Jim 4leva eol,',
knowt cacti, as 111 is if the' gmle.„ and
will ho When he thinks, of the mircout,
tante' to the grid of hi* lite, too:angry.
AO garation Airing en Slihieet, is
-PrOIX eertain, that he.notter kranyt,
hut so -ft is Ilnit at this mometit,, the'
voice of ..his protege breaks
' ',Yea are not ,gOltig 4o filvn na tbo sllp
like thlar 014 cli40-400,' I beg''Ytair Or*
11(111 1"„
thit begging parain ever so, wetly
does not alter the tact Olaf he WA'
,roshed, like a bell ta, is China ORoPr
to the tni41010 of tha! 41olOgoo.'_,A.,
look at MIA other for a, aanaliiii wen*
sine& there Is llo help for it, All -11/a*
stberiattlers duiscolpoliel.4
betb* and she is responding with Am
seaSuerattasith-teareednoemverfrmOnlayketindb‘hrereas ;purl
anti hardly won utterances to the elder
14.4tlijog lied the' liclentage ot,_btra') mis
he sOnieWilat bitterly think& Myatt. has
no conneetiort with "old Iltne,s;" those
peer old:times which she and her mo.
ther haVe se tmaecoUntably t.alcen ea
, seeMs-sladdenlY relegated,
as by Mao natural affinity, to the mo-
ther. On their two, last meetIngs. the
etniterness to converse has been, all on
MS side; yet now he bus nothing to say
to her. It is she who addressee
' hope that you found your young
lndy lienrishine she says civilly.
110 he Is athasifficighflintowaferdel-sthairst4 iptohclYugish
Viet "EIS Ming lady!" Yes, et
cdilrheilehas onneang lady! Ras there T
been any Winger during the last five
minutes of hia forgetting that fact? und
has atm Le Marcbant done him an un-
neeessary service in recalling IL?
"Oh, yesSthanks, she is all rightr
Is she still in Florence?"
"Yes, she is here; by -the -bye" -look -
lug round with a sudden sense that he
ought to have missed her -"what has
become of her? Oh, here she WI"
For even while the words are on his
Lips, Amelia and Cecilia come into sight.
Amelia with is Out Baedellier, and the
serene look of tin ;easy conscience arid
a thoroughly perforated, duty an her
amiable face; Cecilia with a something
Of search and disquiet in her lenge roll-
ing eye, which would have made him
laugh at another time.
(To be con(inued.)
women, until he is roused with a Oap
by the voice of one: of them addressing -
not lilm, of whose, preserve he is ob-
viously as Unaware as was he of hers,
until this Moment -but her compfinion.
"Oh, rifotheri am 1 hot a fool, at my
age, too? but I cannot help it, it makes
me cry Sol"
Burgoyne does not need the evidence
of his eyes. His tars and his startled
heart have enough assured him whose
are We tears called forth by that indeed
most touching effigy at which he him-
self has been so pensively staring.
The mother's •enSwer is inaudible; and
then again conies the voice of Elizabeth
Le Merchant, tearful and vibrating.
"You know I have seea so few beau-
tiful things M rey life, I Shall get used
ts them presentlysitsis oply sheer hap-
piness that makes me-"
She stops abruptly; having evidently
discovered for herself, or been made
aware by her mother of his vicinity;
and even if she had not done so, he
feels that he must lose no time in an-
nouncing himself.
"Florence is a place that does make
one often choky," he says, eagerly tak-
ing the hand, wbich she hesitatingly,
and with some confusion, offers him.
It is not quite true; Florence boa never
•made nim fedi choay; and. if he is ex-
periencing that sensation now, it is cer-
tainly not the dead cardinal of Portugal
who Is giving lt to him. -•
"I ant a fool, a perfect Moir replies
,nlizabeffin• • hastily and-- -shemefacedly
wiping away ber tears.
To give her time to recover herself,
and also because he hos net ye* greeted
the girl's mother, Jim turns to her.
"Did not I tell you that we ,should
meet here?"
There tta such undisguised joy and
triumph in his tone, that perhaps Mrs.
Le Merchant hqs not the heart to dash
his eltaion; at all events, he is con-
scious in her tone of a less resolute de-
termination to beep him at arm's
length, then on their two last meet -
"I do loot think that I contradicted
you," she answers, smiling.
lie- may ateal another Oen at Eliza-
beth now. She is not crying any
longer. Indeed, despite the real mois-
ture on her oheeks, she strikes him as
looking happier than at their last meet-
ing; and though the interval between
• now and then is too short for any euch
alteration to have taken -place In
reality, yet he cannot help imaginigg
that the hollow in those very cheeks
are less deep than when they steed to-
gether before the great Vandyke in the
Brignoli-Sala Painee.
"And the Entregol? O it all you fancy
painted it?" he asks quickly, feeling a
"Bort of panto feat, that if he stops put-
ting questions for one minute, they win
slip out of his grass; again, as they did
itt. the Oeitoese Palace.
Elizabeth's face breaks into a soft
bright smile. Site has a dImple in one
cheek end not in the other. She must
have had it ten years ago; how comes
he to have forgotten so sweet and
strange a peculiarity?
-"It is delightful -perfectly delightful!"
°Large enough to receive your friends
I II. ve yell a position tis cleric to
Start With," sold the mereltant, "and
pay you what you are worth. Is that
tatiStactory?" "Oh, perfectly," replied
tilVengage grtidualet quit-te-tie you
tbeilt the Inlet can aittird 11.?"
440amdast „
110W *0 Cleanse ilie S'ystem,-Parrne-
. Vettltsble .Pills Oro the result of
ohtflY 011 the dials of extroels
0,terloin roots oral herbs upon the di-
gantiOntavgarra. Witeits 'use has demon-
actrar,elP1 many inaletterst !hot they
lezMiule lite cotton or lino laver end the
1;t18s, privity the ideal, and rat*, Oft
re, *Aid otIMMulaliens from the sys,
• li5".1: ore ,sotof 1 lake, and their,
CliOn isdsil and bentrielaL
ta &Senn Wag 'leaving the harbor
Athens a thibilresstql shod lumen:,
oppreaeited the colsiii and. Dotal.
distant hills, timuiredt,ottiarat
never take Mat fora writer." "Ile 18111; :14)os, Burgoyne's- mina there (lashes,
he breeds pigs."
- In Veked mirth, the recollection of the
• immortal caution addressed by hiajor
Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It
, O'Deted to his friend and comrade,
removed ten corns from one pair oiled 'V uo
ot ntd
d yowell
your01t o
o1 Dob, repeat nli 1 ohis
ybayt" tarVonudid?
without any pain. What It bus Wale
once It will do again. I
httstress-'Why, Brr
Bridget, what on _
earth are you doing with ail the breiren They are oCltHeAow,Etnh:reliL
being nething
dishes on the shelf?" Bridget -"Curd, further to retard them, Waiting sybilla
mum, you towld me 01 wur„ le replete tele -is -tete with her thermometer. They
every ono 01 broke."
- are oit, sociably peeked in one ilacre.
"Pour precious souls, and all agog
deystRiorrorife.03arrtarwairumie itletotratehtinsusawthtlea.. ,101.'roindttaoselikthrtottuatittehrteakisanidnutlelikind.'a' sh
or aabstals eared in 31 roinnteS W614- .
tord'S BaisitarY Lotion. it never fella tntout the Florentine eau-norses-aitd-
- • dest hiliong God's many sad creatures-
Bialts-"You're putting Your Foy early with bot a soiled leg among them, with
to work." JInks-"Yes, he's a clever startrig coats and starling ribs, and poor
led, for lie's learnt evsrythingothe tees- broken knees; anti with their sadness
tee knows." "Ile has?" "lie has then empflaSized by the feathers stuck In
That master said: 'I can't hammer any- Bois tired beads, as It to mocl: their
thing more Into that head of Ids." wretchedness by a sort of melancholy
sniartnesst Sad as they are, it must
Pleasant as strup; nothing equals it be owned that they are the only sad
ea a worm medicine; the nalnets Mother things hs the cheerful Florentine streets,
Groves' Worm Exteisninetor. trhe where no one seend over -busy, where,
greatest worm destroyer of the age. ottt ot itte deep-eaved, gresn-situltIed
IttluseS, people lean, talking to acqua
"You talked all through My sato,' -Wires oon the shadowed pavement be -
saki the tunsielan a little reselittelly. 109. All the narrow thoroughfares tire
"Oh, (hats till right," staid the chatter. ltdi Of' bustling life; but there Is no hag -
Mg person; "I wasn't saying anything
you wawa care about hearing."
Ir'S RAW TO MT ote ea 'Ulf Weld
etIA day era, Mite Mlle it wut bb rani, MO it IOW
with us. Ansel Lung llama *ill clatir,itt
motes oat mons Mania
She-iN.low d'..d you knew 1 watt olug
to wear my hair curled this evening?,
Ile --"I saw it in the papers WO 1110111'
yintee woofing Ones l --One *NMI.
ration of Dr. Aglow'. Dintrarett, will site
nen toorafort. Appilett ONO/ aight Itfl`
thrSO 01 tic *tout end at. cure is effected
to, We most ettriboto cases of Buse.
Vileratne, lteking Plitt, Tin aniteivat
tolatriont Cite, VISTAS mul,alt Iterate
titni burning 'stint dia0il1e1. It lett likti
weer, 58 erste.-15
"So she' Wei; led to the eller 01 intde'
rolierked gtri in blue. _14111, re:,
ti(t1 *Into! ollati 03 the, tap., fooled the d4,ittreit Mend; "Iell
1ii s▪ ' 1"flical is t tCIRZy' 1'0tsultt55 oo hem •4410, 41;10'1
tin's rentorkc'd bare lo heted When Site storied no -431
Pt'? as;illa. lbUt a, The otsitt you rouldn't Lane fleiSen !tat
gerafentan itae niat told tit° it Wag, efi With 4 Mil/teat ot enalryll
Utitc'z't,.."' •
At'eoltIllX0 Ti) CONTRACT.
A matt sviie,w4a Yeti', Miserly boosted
not% Aditeks ot i`!ct. niter year In,
teo makflig double Itielrl(o
a_t‘'efferzi for them. '
47it,•141)•fat Usy find .4traw buyer krt
titt, dista;;; ono 411n tOktil pries t I
r..latAi. An ettorataml oleo *as asked,
tZn tz,1er tr..cet..ted.
Vet? olauut tlt (Oasis cf itiallentehtr:
.tedo3 tte Oid raiser.
*Wel!, em'," saki the huvcr, "air
-1-.0 rep tis %ill% I lath the test
trit'ft Itt roirt." tni•et*,,
tbe olive VA 'hand, t rhop' waifs' tvikopt the
/xi. 01'4 Hilt the tuivi, never Wit lekti
gartt squolor apportnii), no
leen alety It does not follow gus. Abe rose gorlimda In lovely
frie7e and the tietous horseit rear and
plunge in fulness of the. .
Ilttrgoyno has not perceived. that
Amelia did net follow WM. She hes, in
point of feet, remained 40,111e bendy Of
the church, iminersed In lter
bniok steadily working thtOligit Alt
marble screen and pulpit, and all tive
good minutes oh the side cliapet In
Whiell her lover stanOittBas.deeply
brown R study, that be 1.4 not sioir0 ot,
the Intrusion Open tOlituttle Of two
Ite hint gone throafill su11ng le Ins in, tater ell?" a
rest; find his rePoseful hands are lige. Ilut the moment that the words are
but below Intri. as he lirs bit bit spotless.. oat tif Ma moetta he perceives that he
'Marble tranquility, Main' his u'i-0pha J,pop, Toole tt trAise step, and Issomehow
bwave litre that a mon must be drunk bemuse
ho aings. And down the straight, color -
NI Streets one looks -down a vista 01
'Mares" Itineinely toll, each svith as
eretint yellOw face brad his green shttl,
lens. Varied here and there by We tow-
erhig" built of softie giont.bloetted moun-
talnypelace, through whose grim, tarred
valuators u woman peeps, or ti little dog
.stittcla Ins pointed noSe-looles to where.
.13 titctilidilliti P0r8lll%0. Ilto 'view Is
elased by ms narrow ;More of lucent.
pirate hill, nestle or flelldriirdn
;Mantel to Willett the tallgtlii views
Torougo too gnyestreetitt over
bridge ansi Itlmio Arad, huts travellers
*at Iltele driver tracking c Protligletts
whip, „tiud'witli o ltny tett dog, absurd,.
to 'shaven, tala with mottling but
Moil woolly ltaaA mat loll ttit oI it*
dasip, sated lovely WO
Wax. Away they go, Itleastifinz hat
ploattttratatt)te*ittiagitte oat oiWoya
idttiltell. •
UltritO1118 apPf Anielittt luta ita
Ir tAsetiiii, it o 10 ba atipposett That her
he/44101M18 tor tho .rcoateltt
sitiea• the gator/ ofailaita filg eaveralter
knees 614 'Mate at Pstg.. Thirgastie
deft- net 101: Aintliat tor though
hi; te$ea ore 1134,04) liter( CO 1�'t5.tfll U11
Itcts data ha at fitIA see ought at
Oil i',I0i 15 latattl, twotords, loud
b him awn' soul 110 br latellOnlettity res
pooling In reellotive-,-"A iloUV4,4%.
birrelled, eentriVitte. brete101eadmg
an by titteasten ttoo ettierin enough
*1 11* httedt 14 Altr,ff I Spherltet but.
M Molls; taturiS Tiat
at ik tiilI IO ev1,,I.efs toy KVAififi
aftwit btillitateN: tat a‘er thttn. Ika a
4•40 Asd tire3thag content, Anit4A his
Ant taut much imilatuteal ltOpitt.S bit
lot lift. Hit harpy'
to-ttoy. IA WO steroids' tirt.a haat
itko corking Mir ihtelt ustiallo amfols
ot paritirkg Ailitikeelyt Mot
treading dangerous ground.
smile goes out, like a light blown into
nothingness by 8 sudden wind.
"Wit have not many friends," she
Murmurs, "w6-wo are not ,goIng out
at, ell.*
Ho hastens to Chang* hie cut.
"Byng end I are at Ma lifintrva," lie
says, beginning to talk very fast; "I
wonder if, by any thence, you are in
our neighborhood; hero. forgotten or
aid you 'never tell -mo Where the Entre.
Sol Heat 'Where is IL hy-theityc?"
he efficacy of reekle's Anti-COnsump-
tive Syrup in curing couglis and colds
and arresting inflammation of the lungs,
can be established by hundreds of testi-
monials from all ,sorts and conditions
of men. It is a' standard remedy in
these ailtnenta and all affections of the
throat and lungs. It is highly recom-
mended by medicIne vendors, because
they know and appreciate its value as
a curative. Try it,
Parson Timmins -"Well, John, how
dal you like my sermon?" John -'Very
Well indeed, sir. I always did like that
WHAT DO PEOPLE NERD wito are con doei‘
lumsmio, pale, ustaast Forrosim," the best
tottio..1tibuilda, Makes strong, it Rills now Mc
Thera ars Many tonic.• but only one. Frarorim."
hai -1u3t reached me-"
began Me. Blodger, as he at down at
the dinner -table. "Thank goodness If
last,".exclairaea Mrs. Bladger,
and the food was partaken of in silence.
Dr. Agneves ours for tin Heart mots
directly -and Quickly. astirentetes the
heart's action, stops moat.. aeilte pain,
dispels. all .sIgne. of wealctielts,,
sinking. emotherinn. otepalpftation: -This
wenderftil cure is the -sturdy ship which
carries the heart4leit patient into the
halten tit thdiant and perfect health.
Gives relief In West acute fortes of heart
dieealie 31) ininutes.-11
Husband-"Youll have to disehrrge
Jane and do the cooking yourself." Wife
-"Good gracious! Why? Are you los-
ing your money?" Uusband-"No; but
I m arising my health." Wife -"Oh, I
see." Husband -"Yes. The doctor says
I eat too much." .
Cheapest of all Medlelnesss-Considee-
ing the curative qualities of Dr. Tho-
mas' Eclecirio 011 it O the cheapest
medicine new. coffered to the public. The
dose required in any ailment is small
and it bottle contains many doses. if
it were valued at the benefit it confers
it could not be purcliased for many
times the price asked for it, but 'n-
ereaeed consumption has simplified. and
cheapened its manufacture.
Sandy and his master were whiting
at a wayside station. As a (ram ap-
proached Sandy said: "Here's yer traM,
sir." Mastea-"That's not my :train,
but rather the train I'm going by." But
ti happened to be a special trails, and
didn't slop at the station, who-imp:0i
Sandy exclairned: "We're baith wrafig,
for irs neither your train non 'the one
vene gun by; but ins the one that's
gaun by your
Dear Mother
Your talc ow am owe* Ago
Via end Watt* weinher.
Sdo•*gm4*wbilCxgjmPkm*k'rilmuwi*ba."4411:14:ftitfi 4:ttatfoogoc444.41°"6461:4Cti"** r.M14143"aktiaillktheti°41771:W114*41114"114)::::**1"1114e411.44144Lke"Y:hisallia4111:
k atanoAt ' TheDiciele 1St.* kiosks
*44 dal* locomirgioo tog at4
1141V Pciu/eva.t0
Skaters who mks a Kist et 084 Appanage° like the Ladles.' ,
Beaver, which is also to bo recommended' for tlie comfort It '
Words the wearer. Ws the skate for risk use.
ReAtion vonington TORONTO
11739aUfiCt*Zekt647) 4" el 9110=1W%*
114,40” tared West, "441mass" sad Es:
lifill01.01 Or A 00141(14T.
Soilet the Wall Of it Masao* iitsattni
A Ikatatiteo
An extraordinary not ot braVory per'
termed by, an eseaped !Wood convict
has, wartited in his obtaining Ott Is;
practically d -tree pardon,
l'In1 Man IS Pratte* Piliett twini*; ttv..
ol_oato, JO, Senteneed AO death tor
niurder.'- Thillterdence- was, ,aiterws
eonintitted poral riervibute tot lite.
Plot, hoWevet, riatecettlett Itt eieeping,
, and tototog *too vat otora ot .httn
until it vlity Of IWO eges when Ite ttoit-
:pott4 at Nantes tinder extraordinary
A limatie haftleaded lairnselt his
hhuse, *MI Irani, art litisittirs window
tvol *hots .rt gild at the ile4P10311
tile street. cverat protoo: wool fn.
IOWA,. Anal getklit eXtitoment PreValled,
,fitiddenly filen*Ptarig terword, pod,.
.kitting the Wall ot lite hollsev Wreathed
48.81',liat Ot the Madinah's lAnal.
The mayor et Nantes speeisny ten.
gratulated the stmiget en his: remark.'
al* coolness, and bravery, when Aid.
deftly * present ogrtired
lien as the thratlet, le Was
arreiitefla (4114 Wet taken re tro
he trial was Alert, Ica se ationel.
tiow4 thiottd *Ad !Owlet
‘00SHAWA I Steel Shingles.
Made from Painted or Galvartized Steel. at prices varying frOm an.85 to 8540
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable coy.
ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Rouses, Barns, Stores,Eles
niers, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and Onips are the only fools required.
We are the largest and oldest ccotnpany of the kind under the Briiith
flag, and have covered thousands of the best. buildings throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDINE, in imitation of brick or stone.
• METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write. for Catalogue No. 140 and free samples of 'OSHAWA" Shingles.'
Write to -day. •
l'X'3333 31P3EIXDXs•MLit 13,313•00ED1,131,
Noire% 0110. I 011an, OM I loroolo, Onl. I loillIon, Oat NM, Mao. Voncouver,81.
1114 W Craig fia 423 Sussex It. u Gabor.. sto 00 Dundee at. Te Lombard st. Ole Sender/A.
Writs your Mama Unica -HEAD ORylCIE AND WOR,1/8-0511AWA; (hat
(1.151a.k! •
The "Blue Crass" Event,
will be the
I7th Annual Kentucky
Thoroughbred Sale
Sale will be held nit
Monday, November 26, 1906
in the 17 Stallions, 379 Choice Mares (l)ams of Winners), 60 %Wafflings
(from Winning Families), and 190 Yearlings and Racehorses in training.
Dispersal of Capt. 8. S. Brown's Senor- Di'Doneld. Consignments from John E.
ha Stud, Chas. it. MoMeekin's Oaklurn Madden'e Ranibuts P.111C8 Stud, Milton
Stud, R. El. Anderson's Tea'i Over Stud, Young's 24oGratMana Stud and ether
bare ;Gideon's Holmdel Stud, d. w promitiont breeders.,
ldeadiya Rosemeade Stud, /1st. J. E.
CATALOGUE NOW READY. Writs for copy to
•1 Maw YORK.
PiVet, and clamored for him to be set
Instead of being sent back to penal
servitude for life he was sentenoed to
ane month's imprisonment, after which
ilgt will be free, "in consideration of his
heroic deed."
"It there were twenty chickens in a
coop," said the teacher, "and two were
missing one morning, how many would
you have?" "Well," said the leading
ruMan of the class, "if West were my
chickens to begin with I'd have eigh-
teen, but if they were somebody else's
14 have only two."
Platenn AT TEE DAM or THE MEE,
Th. ti 0' menthol Koster canes nerrets
site sant, • They are *anon), u efiloaelons in
Dee Wiese backache and talusottlar pals&
"Ah, mei" exclaimed Mrs. Naggett.
"My shopping NOS most unsatisfactory
to-clayl" "Indeedi" gruntbd Naggett.
"Trying to get something for nothing,
I suppose?" "Yes, dear; was after ti
birthday gift for you."
Nertarastiess, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
end kindred ailments. take *toga before
the heading Sheilitiee et SoUth Atnelleall
'llioniss Hoskins, of Burbank,
Ont., took les preaekera advise. ,10110ned
direottio*, end was cured peitsantintly
ot the whniat torsi oi Nervous PrOstration
• arid DYSPeysia, lie Itas recdteintendOd it
to atlista witis kratttylni revolts. It's a
great nerve trander..--12
Lady at book store) --"I Wain. to get
ft good novel to read on the train a.
tomelhing rather pathetic."
satesmen-"Let the see .ilow
Would "The Days of Pompeii do
eadas-VOrtipaiff IlaVar heard of
NM. What did he die ote
Salesinarkflin not quite ettra, maven!
*Sant& 100. of On 00000. roe heard."
*jot .Vonderiol."
birs, et lit
Digital. nom. Kingston;
Orin mays --
"1 boo cuttothd ,with
kidney ,rositilvet 'trouble
,Altd elitonte corislipto
lion for some time.
Wat.SUbitel. dirstnef,`„4,
bihou headathei.nerV.
MAIMS*, drodvainet..1,
Mrs. 1 Ibillter4petris in time heat- art&
e,ge!„. 'tout oretto Ike$11 feeling nearly talt
Itte. dine,
'"I tried clinest ;every tiledielne,-,Y.Ca
treated by do(tors-ilitd druggtitg. wit
unto ot to *tont
01 tried De, litordiardt's
thet ludas heett tralY: -tVolide
t am so much better. , itotbP111
mest,evondertni rerne4ly."
: &aloft 'or Olt* Wils444"Sla
a tanikid, %Agar* ralli4 Oat
"Well, doctor, do you think it is any-
thing serious'?" "No, no --just a sore
place of your neck. But you must keep
an eye on it."
• in
slog! GloanIngl
ENO* very 11•1110•41 rug Via lathe
Lwit Mose** la rya twra. WWI ttStem.
Illestratils Toronto. Ottani gab*
Patents Secured Free
prepare patent applications free of
charge. If you have an invenUort send
sketch to -day for free Opinion. 24 years/
P. IL Gibbs, 62 St. fames St., Montilla
tint emir $60
5541.91 Wit •Oret
tat Thimitgat. Via
teen, lase tfa
butcher shop, stable and slaughter
house. -free from mortgage, ha the thriv-
ing Tease of Milton .;• population Omit
1,800;, within two 'miles of WO large
brick troika, the 'Argot In Canada; ono
capitalized 5250,000.00, this Other at
large atlitiiint; within 8 Wiles of 4 limo
kilns employing 151 (111 about 200 hands
Or ovebl loges from $1.50 to $lab per
day; average daily sales between 40 arid
60 dollars; a MoneY-Malter; a Chance In
a lifetime; don't write, con* atid see for
yourtilL moot PATreasoN, Box
3, WHOA, ant
6244:41Ntatit sion
.•t ,....4,:aik••
e•••iinom•alo• SOWS* do* *O.
issiteigk•altall so8t.5Nowls
allYstst tqf A tWotr. 4810088‘
NVAtillittittpla ii•ndittO
t•A•ti•attatolAtitiorea..0 iatimvia
li).04seisieso Nies Pal; sot At
Z12.1,406Aitel«. :AT 2*
Lot. 5t$AOS 11..t tor $100
04818 55 tifta Morro
alters t
Ole sea
saw ',le
the ag,
4e a
lost 0(
of dyi
to e
a ha
as h
b i