HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-11-16, Page 530 dies'
Upstate Skirts, of Tweed, Ugh
rind. y ancy effects. Many tutntiliontely trintmett a
tiler $4,90a. $4.30, 11d $$.dtii. Rlt call a Saturday third 1&un
Blitrika . ,
szse flne',pure woo white scotch Biahk ts, tar&
sante pink or iai j borders. Specild *t per pelt 44.51
iwl�itts bz� grey �eb1e �� �l�rt
4 M1ta ris
' Cotton
blue :tlortkr. Re, milt rosins *Imo, t per pair .Saturda
.WOol'Poi. lie
004, yalr' ,. I tench •printed Wool i9elaine4 flor
Iegular^5O "' tltyr'+f'llip at per a�w/
or Bila *,,.., • , a anci,00.0ttri
A big stock of scarce. Style*, and Cloths pt$111
opened ail *OW11'0 wok
'jig** .L adies1 an(l Misses' Tweed i0«ttS,'3/4 io
wont ftttiing:stytet Regular $9,t and $u.t .- Reduced
jr./`l,y w1 rIl t�tl•`1r ]nj�
1. i �Tnderw'•, o that.; �iu�14 up •on
y�u ora fear: very trtlite
van itretcht •1$ nliatllx a.
;d ai+laee Lk
You ltg,t ,flat X t
is menu lacturyed,.{� in el
special wtty''whieli.g vetii'.
everygit(`nMlitnllelestic r.
ity of hood -made. goods.
Without: being loose
and baggy. At yields to g fxt:;
every motion o the bodyt
It will never'$et out o%sshape or
become hard,ii . wpslr lair and. ie
absolutely guuranteeti not. to shrink.
Meet •speta teetor 0115
.W trade re ark• f Castes
is not da we claim take
aback isuctseur dealer,
wlU ratlia� 1t. Alt
for of Age
rOtr„ Nor
K Bradt, .o
oreigp,aOlOJnie>ri n
tar atteudiniz th,
tilt., ", • '
gyp` the, fall°'(tf
wieite(d;'•thto, coiaet
health, ,impaired
tion (4.1,110arduo
.ank Made. life ;h
,tiW, The laa1Ny
ltroi1lia4 its, silt;
a taw:'Wee/As,11.
ly recovered• m
about, Abe, Wap
conditions and u
icy it Agritultur(t
eerie, where -he
edges, a'l'terWar'
up the weett coast
.o p gpiniosaidf
roe rigs,
bave.takl n Vitae
coaling back tag{}
p�eOitolidayW t,
brought fdrah fir
my enjaytiieht,'•
peate(1 iinyvit alC
tencii1JJgtt as: fair
tainllj the IIIOSt
tone Ctattltt MINIM
ed Olt surprrhmd
Itket uQveratt•' No
chatsges forthe
'wad. t1nat Cif the*
of.' `vet.. The b'
the *triVas. can
abre . uxurious1V
improvements w
cordiYiendtttiau o
tendlt,nCec'"a g
Commander and
officers. We
the attic ' %tai.•.
Traxesot ra
FRIDAY'. NOVEMR; Citi, 10, 1900
The Waterwo'rko.
To the Editor of.Tlaoyldtar..
awiletal 2.
'The ,trop0sal to place, our "Water.
Works" system under ei commission is
one which deserves Very serious con-
sideration on the pail of all citizens of
our town. 'The commit tee who had
charge of the Waiter Works depart-
ment this year, are quite convinced,
1 believe, that it ie impossible for a
committee of the Council to give the
time and attention.to this very impor-
tant part of the to'wn's interests
' town
1 ua F�
which will g
economical, etiltcietit sttrvice. They
also feel, I think, teat a Council v,hich
is changing its personnel so frequent-
ly and Which, is generally composed of
men, the majority of.whom have Pale
practical knowledge of machinery
and electrical appliances, cannot ad-
minister this ' departinetxt anything
like as etlbiently as then of alectrirnl
" and Mechanical skill cool•i do, They
no doubtthat,
properly quali-
place on he opmdfise sionto "spare to aw
The committee this year was com-
posed of men who did not profess, 1
think, to know much about the man-
agement of our plant, below the hill.
Even the matter of soft coal supply
was new to them. 'What wonder that
costly mistakes were made and very
annoving difilcultieswereencount.ere
,fudging frolfl the ex erionebs of this
year, it would welt par the town
to have paid cotgmiasloners possessed
of expert knowledge to manage our
town plant. Let fie not be too hard on
the Council. who have been managing
this department, as we recount the
blenders which have been made. hut
et 119
rather chimi mistakes ns oara shave
Burred almost inevitable.PAIR •
and: were fortnn
fellow passenger
the (3ratelTr11n
had' thus the cti
Rupert. In mV
location, for the
hoe is tinsurpass
present the hp'
Bun incomplete
for the first rim
but once Navin
they say that th
about entering
we were there
stormy with a
side. Inside, ho
calm, the posit
"there is room t
and Digly Isian
suburb or sum
cation would h
think, though t
narrow and t
greater than b
Ver and Vaned)
Would be practi
•'Tchere' is ple
dente at Prince
engineers aro 1
ea and gangs of
land for the tot
is a very servic
intend to exte
everything see
There ba nothing equal to Mother
(graves' Worth Exterminator for de,
a1 roying worms, No article of its
kind has given s(lclt`natisfacti'o7f.
Win hafts Advanhe t "Rev." Crow -
el, the Indian dedtor known as lie We
Tali Iiezhig ;hay ' gdtte, leaving suntlry
debts behind:' -Ono citizen atlmired
the gospel` as preached by him; others
deplore ,t1IO lank ui'E •practice of the
(;olden Rule itis case,
D Client tS e; 11 of
1)o unto others tv
nisi you re all
ives obese
• Tie sum o
your b
L119t you bp noon.
Tho mans In
Hato wrong, but
MIISily condom
Ilia lay no an or
Quebec Ma t ishilttheGreatCon•
sumin ve Preventative Wray
an all -tonal Benefit
"Myr't Vire t`nok , ono Witt elot'tllt"as
inOttiVftc,'.'!t.iy "Slut ata
few days ehowtfa tirraell. _Ito*
and stn uting' it add p1)1 gnttiilg Kit tight. lli>t'coiia tlTatta
I ttiittlr Pact hider l Ole •ot fhb ant 'f(Sti 04 Aci Ift ' nth ottetth
° i,M�liar whnla±e ,pt(dta*'te
'TI. not go00 f
Let martyrs war
That load to sit
The headsman's
lake poerain
Ahf molebitontd
Min1ta mam
a est b
isotlt keep ilea
The Pibirims, a
�n Q the grit
Muuuut tbeybe�gt
A little otrr'
Tho patient 110
Dark prison w
f Ili g
0 Wosfi flea
IVaw he,.tho de
W iip called t ,
pond a iY0
A beaflamite P
,Aiitt wbitt of 111
tYWtba0 Galva
(lo,1 Lrieh, rain',
'Plitt abs
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tigau'1 o`rend
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arta.o1etier d�
ivaroa, 1 l't, In Mit elf aftt'r it
bottle of Pay eltmc i►i)ll;ttitte iii b , afoorld e, ' rOh
n thn Market a mist naoritl let'
'iherlt x
inutstkilo Li*OtTlyt !acid colds`Oirii ttratlng
7hltMatt lffuel oria , hlyi++dal+adtbe
•Payyttliti+ wet tial xuret'( both bat It IttWI%
,theta' tip low. that th•t�ir Molise xra
.enottglt to, iie+ditt l itkoe. Ali .etd'c
.cnmt. mp d wi
ootitit is Try
)the fo
r'tlrcntnetttrpf corittimpllaN.otliet
50%, Per
ohms Salat
gittiit atter
t t; tindnight
NprVilitld hit
ormoos twits
•,, oFrtnnos
writtt''i ttN
lye tfuclt• brit
lain the
tot skpt
of Net
tit eti
Humes tartest sot'
atdint.NewaPiper, and Best Advertlllbtn$. NYtedium worn Circulation
447-r.liet- U351.
gODERIC1•i ONT. ti NO 1Mli[i31a[t; 46«
MITCORul. &t TODD,, Owners.
41110111.1111101111.111111. 0/1011111/0/0 ONO*
,.. ... ,._.. , havepromised faithfully
• o Our Big New Store. The contractors a fully to let
Soon rtNI�,, expect to' move �
us •here it by the • xst of Decemher.
Bearo moving- - we want to reduce our stock by several thousand
dollars, for we want to move as little as possible. To do It we will inaugurate on
that will be memorable- in the annals of Dry Goods Retailing in Goderich. It won't last long, two or three
weeks at the outside- but while it lasts we will make it well worth the while of every Dry Goods Buyer
_within reach of this store to take advantage of it.
it takes time 'aiid costs monerto move a big Removal Sale prices on heavy goods of all .
Dress Goods,Furs,Fur Coats,Mantles
stock like this. The less we have to take with us � kinds,
ard ets, Linens, Sirts, tc., will bspecially ,
Mens Socks r c
tempting,for we will not take a dollar's worth of 9
them witus if we can avoid it.
your 1 ' It will pay you.
choice. 2 25c what your saving will be.
._.. Ilrr•••••moa..ri•r•.ai••ri 'a�-'i Some Removal Sale Linen Prices. i r
Fur Coats foi' Removal Sale
Were you going to buy a fur coat this winter?
If so, better come here while the sale is on, forowe
want to sell our entire stock of Fur Jackets before a
we move. We have 20 or 30 gobd ones in stock in
Astrachan French Seal
Near Seal Persian Lamb
'Plain oeurith,eakde,collan and revers. There are also
about 12 ladies' fur -lined coats in black, fawn, myrtle, brown or
navy broadcloth with Ohio or Alaska Sable,Shwre Mink or Natural
Canadian Mink collar and revers. All are new this season andd
sold at sale rices. You can save money
1 a fur coat if you buy it here before the Bale to over,
Cashmere Hose 190
_ 500 pelta ladies' cashmere to the new i3 Ore, the better pleased we will be. We
heseplain gr ribbed, seam -have the stock to make the sale a sucess—•-there
lose feet, good quality, a big
special for Removal never was as large nor AS good -in the store before.
iale.your choice '9C We have the will to make the prices low enough to
Make it very profitable indeed to do your Dry The Sale will be short, but while it lasts it
Lace Collars a for 25c. Goods buyinghere while the sale is on.
will be the liveliest sale ever held in Goderich,tf low
. sale
price will be marked in red ink be- prices on dependable merchandise will make it.
Lace Tab Collate, regular Every a1
2Go one Sae, for Removal WOW the old one so you can see at a glance just Watch the papers for the weekly list of specials.
800 pairs men's ribbed wor-
sted soeks,black'or fancy tuix-
tures, seamless feet, winter
weight, special for our great
Removal Salo per pair Inc
anamea a arsr am rani samaaamasavotame
Furs for- Removal Sale
Every article in our big fur stock reduced for this
Ibig removal sale. Furs of quality at sale prices are un-
usual this time of the season, but you can buy them at
January prices if you come here while the sale 4s on.
There•ls a good fur stock here to -day, as good if not bet-
ter than ever was in the store.
All correct styles and dells.'`' qualities marked
in red ink at Removal Sale prices.
Red ink prices on, Linens that are really money sav-, Two Big Silk Specials.
ing. It would pay you to lay in a supply of many of
these lines for Christmas presents,for the values are better Two big specials in silks for this great Removal
by far than you can get anywhere. Sale. Values that are undoubtedly better than any
$2 Table Napkins $x.35. Fancy Linens, we have ever offered. Silk stock must be down be-
ls dozen only pure linen 25c, 50c, 75c. fore we move, and we will mike the prices lower it.
Gable Napkins, good weight, We have taken our stock of S11kS 29c.
$1.2 Black Silk 95c.
new patterns, regular $2.00 per We
linens, such as tray FancyI $ 5
dozen, for Removal $1.35 cloths, lunch cloths, etc. and
Sale, choice J divided them Into three lots' for
Na kins Ioc each. this Removal Sale. Prices will
p be just about 1-2 regular, for we
odd clear these se fill out
of like to
A gathering togetherwould
c�uartere- and half dozens of to mules room
'Fable Napkins, lions that Bold want to show when we get into
wann I
Dress Goods for Removal Sale
Removal sale prices on Dress Goods means money
saved -for buyers. We would like to reduce the stock by
one-half before we go to the new store. Hundreds and
hundreds of yards will go on the counters marked at
prices that will more than save you the cost --of linings
and trimmings. Serviceable stylish materials
correct in every way. Here is how we are selling them.
browns, greens, blues and dark
greys. Regular $1.25 and $1.40,
for Removal Sale your 75c
choice per yard ......
doc. Dress Tweeds 39c.
Over S00 yards of fancy dress
tweeds, neat designs in blues,
greys, greens and reds. This
season's goods and styles. Reg-
ular 50c and 80c, for Removal
Sale your choice per 39c
yard... ....
Wool Plaids 42c.
200 yards all wool Clan Tar-
tan Dress Goods. Regular 50c
qualities and splendid value at
that, for Removal Sale A2c
choice per yard `'t
., Fancy Waistings 35c
Dozens of patterns in fancy
woollen watstinKs, stripes,
spots and fancy designs in navy,
red, black, green and light
grounds, regular 59c and floc,
, for Removal Sale your
choice per yard...... • •35c
Colored Dress Goods r2ac
200 yards of fancy colored
Dress Goode, medium weight,
would make capital quit
linings, worth two, three and
four times the price we ask.
For Removal Sale .12rC
choice per yard
,Fine Dress Goods 75c.
for new lines we
at $1.75 o $2.50 per dozen, the ne(w store. There will be
c h o i c e of the lotmany a bargain on the table
- each 10c .where ypu will find these
All Linen Towelling 8c Fancy Linens.
Dark Gin hams ioc.
800 Sands extra fine Linen Ging
Towelling, imported by Dark Gingham', fast colors,
ourselves direct. A Towelling stripes and sots, regular 18c
that twill give extra good wear, f o r Removal H a I e 1 OC
regular 10e to 12Ac,for Re- Qchoice per yard
moval `Sale at per yard. , .. c Fancy Linen Towels
Table Linen 32c.
Fine Broadcloth 95c.
. Extra fine quality imported
broadcloth suitings, cloth that
is unequalled in the trade, fine
soft finish, all pure wool, black
and all colors, for Re- 9 (] c
moval Sale per yard....
Suitings 75c.
200 yards fancy tweed sult-
ings, nearly all colors repres-
ented in the lot, qualities that
are suitable for skirts, coats or
$1.15 to ulls$1.75.umes. All grouped
into one lot and your ��C
choice for Removal Sale
Black Dress Goods 25c.
A clearance of odd lines of
black dress goods, regular 35c,
40f"�; s1 50c, for Removal Sale
yo -hr chojce per 25c
Fancy Black Goods 75c.
Neat small designs in fancy
black dress goods, suitable for
waists or skirts. regular $1.00,
Very fine quality, plain and 1.25 and $1.50, all together your
fancy Dress Goods, some of the choice for Removal Sale 75c
0 best lines we have in stock, per yard •
A Clearance of Dress.Trimmings.
150 yards extra quality all 50 only extra Ano quality
pure Linen Table , Damask, Huckaback and Damask Tow -
three palterne, good weight els. These are slightly dust
and width. Regular 50c gnat -
soiled whore folded. Regular or wrapperette, dark co oringgs, extra quality, regular *2.Oil and
ity, for RemoVal Sale prices were 45c and, 50c, for I regular $1.25 and $1.50, fin•
special at per yard .... 32c Rem val 8 a I e you m a y I Removal S a 1 e your $''•2i, for Retnovnl $1 •15
Table Damask 5oc. , take your choice for 35c choice ' `-'*-1"C Hnle your choice
Fancy silks, neat small
I . patterns, suitable for waista
or dresses. A good variety,
I the standard 75c quality for
Removal Sale your 2(`c
choice per yard aa77
Black Peau -do -sole Silk,
extra tine weight. guaran-
teed not to cut. Also fine
twilled Silk, beautiful qual-
ity. Standard
•e 1. 5 value,
for Removal Sale
your choice per yard 95e
These silks are suitable for either waists or full dress-
es and at these prices are genuine bargains,
Two Big Wrapper Bargains.
Two Big Bargains in Weappers for this Rig Sale.
Wrappers 85c. $2.00 Wrappers $1.1 e• ,
only ladies' wrappers,
made from good quality print 20 only ladths' wrtppr,'s,i
Very ane quality half bleach-
ed Table Daenaskthis is a
line that will soon 'bleach, and
is extra good quality. 75c is
the regular price, for Removal
Sale you can buy it per an,
Fine Bleached Damask
Three patterns only, extra
fine quality bleached Table ,
Damask. Regular $1,15 and
$1.25, for Removal Sale nnc
your choice per yard a7
Little Prices on good Dress Trimmings for
this Great Removal Sale.
Dress Trimmings Ioc. Dress Trimmings 25c.
Dozens and dozens of pat -
800 yards Dress Trimmings, terns in Dress Trimmings and
fancy braids. new designs and
color combinations, regular 50c,
OOc and 75c, for lemoval
Sale your choice per 255
yard JJ
$3 Comforters for $2.15
Good quality coutforters,
clean white wadding filled,
sateen or silkallae covering,
Regular $2.75 and $3.(0, for
Laces and Embroideries
We would like to clear all Laces and l:lnhroideries
Removal sale shotes Q before we move to our new store and have picked out
each $2.15many pieces which will go at half price or less. If you
Bath Towels 2 for 25c. I want laces for any purpose don't pass this sale hy.
} dozen extra quality Bath Ihest qualities and they tnuNt be
Towels, good width and Valenciennes Lace 3c. s„Id, fur we do not. want to
541) yards good quality V•alen- take them with nN if possible.weight, red stripe, special
for Removal 2 for 25c riennes Lace and insertion. RegularaPc to 1f0e, your choice
Sale last ends of patterns that sold for Removal Hale per
at 5c, tic and 1(1e, choice 3d) yard 19
for Removal Hale .. • Embroidery Ioc.
2:141 yards of Embroidery and
insertion, hurt ends of litres
that sold at 12e to 25e. For
Itenu0vnl Sale you may
take your choles pet•
yard I Oc
ROTI yards fancy wrapper
appliques, fancy braids, now
pat20c, Vie, and 80e, ffohis r, Removarl
Sale your choice per 10c
yarderg' N
Flannelette Under-
wear One -Quarter Off.
For the Great Remo al Sale
We put out a table of laces' and
children's Flannelette Under-
wear. You may take your choice
of this lot for exactly 1,4 leas
than the goods cost wholesale at
the factory. If there is anything
In the lot you can use, you will
Holl it the biggest kind of bar-
Otte, blck, navy, red, green, ,
Ifawn grounds, new patterns,
regular 15 to 18e, for Removal
Sale choice per yard... 1 Oc
Oxford Shirting 9c.
150 yards English Oxford
Shirting, good for aprons or
men's shirts, fast colors. for
Removal Sale choice (k
per yard �7
Silkalines 15c.
Fancy art Silkalines. A doz-
en or more good patterns, re-
gular 20o and 25c. for Re-
moval Sale your choice 15 c
per yard 1
Navy Sateen
Shirting roc.
Navy Sateen Shirting, good
I Cushion Tops 25c
I Fancy linen centres and I/
t •dorn
cushion tops for etnbr n i g
regular 50c and Mc, for Re-'
• moval Sale your choice
Cushion Tops 15c
Fancy Cushion Tops, regu-
lar 25c, for Removal 15C
Sale your choice J
weight and fast colors, white
spots or stripes on navy groeindd,
regular 16c,for Removals O
Sale choice per yard.....
Fancy Draperies roc.
Fancy art Draperies, i doz•
patterns. regular 15o, for
Removal Sale choice pert O c
Furniture Damasks 5oc.
One half dozen patterns
fancy damasks, suitable for
cosy corners, chair coverings,
etc., regular
l.00 to
51.50, choice per yard..
A Big Skirt Special.
A great big special in ready-to-wear Skirts for
this Great Removal Sale. The garment complete
for less than the value of the material that is in
75 ladies fancy tweed skirts, three or four designs, half a dozen
different atterne in a cloth. Qualities that are worth
$4.00 to t�80, choice for Removal Sale each
Fine Trimming Laces
at 19c.
3011 ynl'cls of Taney trimming
Laces in white or ecru. 'these
are last ends of many of our
Rugs for Removal Sale.
For our great Removal Sale we will give a straight
discount of 25 per cent. off every Rug in stock, We have
a splendid assortment in all qualities. Will take ,t quart-
er off each while Removal Sale lasts. Anticipate your
carpet wants and buy now, for it will save you money.
Mending Wool.
50 doz. real good Bending
\V3.01 put, up on cards, sold all
over at 2 for fir, while Removal
Sale It on you ran 7 fort OC
Linen Handkerchiefs
2 for 25C.
5) 1141'.. extra fine quality real
Trish linen Handkerchiefs,
holies sizes, hrnletitehed, med-
ium and narrow hetn,20k and 'Lie
g'al itles, for Removal Sale,
your choice 2
f"'• 25c
Removal Sale Carpet Prices.
Were you going to put off buying a carpal until
next spring? Buy it while the removal bale is on and
save money, you can do it.
English Tapestry
Carpet 48c.
4011ynrdt extra quality Eng-
lish Tapestry Carpet, imported
by ourselves, good patterns,
qualities that will carol any
amount of hard wear. Regular
055, for Removal Hale A Q C
your choke per yard... `DC7
Brussels Carpet 8oc.
:1,w) yards English itrussels
Carpet, extra good quality, Hire
pattern" in greenN, brows,
regular 51.15 and 51.'15, for
gnaws 0 Hale Soar nQOC
choice per yard.. .. (�
Me gibbons.
Valley Dresden Ribbons,oxtra
Saba n ellge, pure Bilk,
r c tlltAr 000, for llemoval /reale
your chalet per` a7
These are a few of the many attractions of our Great Removal Sale. We cannot possibly print a
list of all the specials you will find at the store. 1f you have a dollar to spend on Dry Goods this
Pall, in justice to yourself you should take advantage; of this offering. When we decided on a sale
It would be no fault of ours if it were not an unparalleled success, and we are making,
we determined}
every effort to make it such.
Watch for the red ink prices. You will find them all from the start decidedly money saving.
Terms of sale are str tly cash. We cannot charge anything marked at sale prices, so please do;
,task it. Remember e only expect to spend two or three weeks more in this store and are deter-
.4ed that they will the best weeks in the history of the business.
)od big bargains i
Icy Lace Collars
at 29C.
mulles' Lace Collars,
Xe and quality. Inco
atterns, regular 50e
toe, for ltemov04
........ •/MY.M'i li'l't
Lace Collars 50c.
Choice of about 50 L acs Col -
tarsi A dozen or mo e differ-
ent designs in he lot. A
ga tering together of last ones
GCDSRWGN. an >IWoel+of w SI. to 0),54)
gut •tt,:'..''
. W' BTAR' io gear Premiums for 1906.01 should
t be winners. Be sure and see them, '(hey g
tree to all Cash.In.Advance Subroribrs.
Shetland Floss 5c.
Hull skeins extra gttnlit.y Rhear
Innd Floss, each skein guarnntfe.
full weight. 1)o not eonfottnd this
with ordinary cheap makes that
are put up with less than an ounce
to the hank. This is standard
quality, for Removal Sale g+C
your J
ur choice per skein ..
Yard Wide
Flannelette 8c
1000 yards extra htrat'y. tali-
ey strips flannelette,84 tff i j
ids, a, tlotletk,Olt wit40
rile t><1t fttiOogo}�
.{iuiwttstww rr..attl.'""w