HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-11-16, Page 1see 9 a ti................ .440,1#4,0!0401000,00.002 OODERIcli STAR Isthe largest * I Newspaper Iu the County ot thirom and I Gamow- Quality QuantitY Circulation, 41 *Wel 0 9000011440.000110$0.0110“01411,4140000004000111110.1001 * :***********0••••••••••••••••••••••••••40 I MU OUDERICII STAR luis a larger ohvutation than any other Newspaper thle section of the coonV of ',futon wmilipaeo**************************1040144140 • "LINQUESTION4aLt 4. , . Tberc te WA (pollen at all About yOur needinte te eavitteis tles Weeds ele there la, Oily Phif 411,1fa ay set .11c0111111neting i i weditlit.`,nitilaigt hi lY $11•VIIW ite f9W' PertsAlla - /114elit . , . Wealth, Whi-lit nthera gain 1,01190104' Ce' IV' a PtrOce. ai Awes, but eke yast umonety et peel Aeekire a „eQMPetelleet ' hy spe,Mhig less. then they, netko A _ e Peeing the sweeties , MT -0,0y' MB *For Cent> Ilitereat on deptsits `and money . , . , „ . . , o cad be Withdrawn, tit any time.. ' ::TI -1,E 'STANDARD LPAN 'COMPANY OpiigRle,u Oron NORTil STREET "'AND' SQVARE W. 14. HORTON, 1\101‘,. *ANTS or two Boarderseean find a asleasant 0 home in a private family; gentleman Preforred;Apely at Sro. Mace, r WANTPD, - Applications_ Will be receivee tlpj uodersigned up ta Nov. 16 , for Coacher for V. 8. S. NO. 17, Ash4leld and W. Wawanosh, tor 007.; 'Salary ,..;wo9. JAMES Nrme,Seey.-Troas.. oungannon ITIEAOVER WANTED,-Vnion School S.S. No. 0, Goderich '1\wetiltie, tor Mr MIL Balers! WO. %%packer With Int OrSnd class epr- tincate, pmfeselenal, experieneed. Applica- tions r etial Veil unto_ NOV. 20th,'•-angs. Joint - &roe, set \y.-treas... elloderioli P. 0. ACM= WANTED. -For &No; . t dente, prof aseional; exper °need. lealare $500. borne, Barna, holefinf/Lit or 2nd -class cer- Appliaatetine -will pe race ved by V. Vir, Mc- Dogeou. SeoretarY. Carlow P. 0. FOR SALE ,OR TO LET. leAhlee-A fresh calved Cow for gale. .12 Apply at Tins STAR Office. SAIAC.-Eight Hives or Bees.in good JO ahem) for wintering; or will exchange for good Peultry• West= Pumne‘Demniller P.U„ RENT, -A Sitting -room and Bedroom, furniehed or unfureished. alai wanted plain aewing, shirt waists and ohildren's elothee. Enquire at 34, Keys steeet, or this office. TrOUSE TO RENT. -Furnished Cottage to AA. rent for winter mohths, comfortable l•roomed Mose. Partioulars on applying at Star Office. • Tr-IARM FOR SALK-Lot 3., L. B. R., contain- ing 126 acres land, clay loam, 10 acre4 under fall whent, In good condition. 8 miles north of Goderich. within 18 miles of 3 churehes and P. 0. Priee reason- able, on easy terma. Apply to JAN. Scow. Port Albert. Ont. 1410}tanejAlilifzi.. TOn eggvtg3latotruldnitilonnoublattetear. son, no roma. Also a toed wood heater. and . several other artielea. Andy At STAT1 &nee. lee011 SALE.- Strodey Herd of Large Eng - l.) BerIcshire and Taneworth &NOM. We heve for tnimediate sale a number of choice pigs from two to six menthe, of both sexee, also two yearling hog% Correspondence answered and pricee right. Ssowtecer Biros.. Box ah- naYllatit, Ont. _ 1G1011 SALE. -A General Parrs° Colt., cem • ing 5 months old. tilted by f-,soehinvar. A pecenleing yeing animal. App.:, to WILLIAM ANDREWS. odertch P. 0. flOW FOR SALE.-Jereey. supposed to be • In calf. A bargnin. Apply at Tag Swot office. • TYPEWRITERS et all makes rented, fold or exehanged. Ribbons told suppliee al- ways on hand. Copying work done/ Office on KIngeton fareet, next Yule/. W. E. letraorr. FOIL SALE. -Two now llinge on Anglo. Rey St. A comfortable Dwelling' on Picton Ht. Building late on Elgin Aveflue. Essex St., Cedar St. and Pine St. WANTED.- A few Furniehed Housee or Itoonte, near the Lake front.to rent for the NIIIIITTIOO Beason. YOUNG 8c ROBERTSON. _ 113/ROPERTY Fort SALE.- The deferable I property on Elgin Avenue, Goderieh, owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good house and two-thirds of an acre of land, with choice fruits. The house is heated by hot water and has allmodern improvements. A. bargain for any portion wanting nret-olass pro- perty at a moderate price. Apply to or address Dit. WHITELY, Goderieh. IJIAPERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred ▪ copiee of old newspapere for gale. Just the thing When yon aro housecleaning. Apply at STAR OFFICE HOTELS mum 111.1KIN 110TE".., Goderich Ont. - J.. Thoroughly reattedapd. modernized. A dayttote end anywhere,---N.J.- home for tim tr Atelier and:armor. Best 1.60 RISKY. proprietor. THE COLBORNE HOTEL VMS, D. JOHNSTON, PROPRIETOR. PUBLIC NOTICE u its 1 Ft/itti t I am well pleased With the JP liberal patronage I have received in re- modeling and. cleaning Furs. My work is all done Goderich, and all paOcine are delighted with tbeeplondid eatiefaetion received and In every ease guaranteed. Orders should be left party, as they aro taken in rotation. Poeta! order,/ receive ne muoh care and attention am pteeonal calla. Prices rrtoderate. EltNENT HAW NV. the English Furrier, Mpi. Blake's rest- emo, West street, Goderich. This favorite public house, under the new management, will be conducted on modem eiritucifiles, and the best pessible service is guaranteed the general public. Your patrouage is respectfully solicited. NUVrAPYERTISIINg.NISe ° PaZ,m now To Thiet-Stalt Mee". ..... 1 - Met and Obee Sale Selee-Weeloe Weer iletees itelltesel Itewattreet,. ...... tiplenditt Valueeede Miller 'Co.. .. lifeltee Olfcreoetse-W. C. Prelhaes .... . . 4 Sale cf.131redee-W,Aceeson a sop , 6 Cogra and Vera, -.4 001hr:true Jackets, laelkets-W. Molten 8 cheat ilemoval .kals-liedgeoe Dies...-5 epeeists in .631141ces--Wcrsens 6 Two elpeciffie*H. Thbrupson 0111ce Fornittue-W. STAND -Corner Hamilton and, \New- gate streets, Goclerich. TAX SALE y ANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. IA Notice is hereby given that a Ilia of the lands for Nato tor armee' of ta.,:es brie boon pre - this office, and that t '1st le keine publiebed pared and thateopiestrreof may be had at le the Ontario Gazet the 1148008 of August ealt and 25th, and September 1st and 8th, 1900. And that in default of payment of the taxes and costs the lands will eold at the Cmirt Ilnuee, In the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, at 2 o'clock in the af• ternotin. IlgiA ES, county of Huron, Treasurer. Treamureee Office, Podolia, Ang. Nth, 1908. -1)/OAR FOR SERVICE. -The Berkshire 1 .1 Boar Bambe, bred by -Snowdon Bret., for sorylce. Tonne 51.00 at time of service, with privilege of retnrn.-Apply te ISAAC SALK1L1.D, lt'alnut Rum, 'hayfield Read. N- ova,: DEBTORs or. 3, I, Turnbull be-gTe notify Met all out- entoding accounts meat 'be paid to Mr. A. S. par, by the let day of December itext. After that date, all accounts without exception will be e.olerted by legal proceas. tided -Gottelrich, Oct. 1715, 06. Prepare at Hom POR BETTER DAYS 204SUBJecTs including Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Pen- manship, senior Teachers' Certificates, Rapid Additiou, Languagee. Catalogue free to you. Local Notices, A SiltrPrAnt Vierrnit.-0-diev, B, DroCketh end wife, a Tweetitimilr Scotland spent Wednesday end Thursday Of this. Week Visiting_thchs rclailree Ur% AA', Nacelle lAtiren Road, ?dr. Droelcet‘ Who la* cOinde of *1,14 Orooltet,t. the fornOust author, Is himself an anthor an4 lecturer of conSiderable Mite, and during hie tenrof gatulditis delivering% settee ofo lectures ort,l'Scott and the pcottpland; in which the life and scenes of the great SIP Walter are dbalt with in manner that most weal to every0....,..ne who has read any the Werk0 ita tun liVieard of AbiletefordS On Mon y lie appeared before a large. audience Asset:1400n Bail. Toronto, on TtiesittY in Knox Oherch, Otielphe and he herr engagements at many other points, including Regina, next "Wednesday evening. Oreolsettes tour. Will take lane to the raellle Coast, and he ie finding much to inthrest him In the big Deminion. It is hoped thee arrangements nittr'be made for Ilia lecturing in Goderich befbre his return to the old lend,- as he has an engage. rnent for Knox Church, London, later on. The Bpworth League of .North street methodist elturch will boffin baeatte in the 'Hewn Hall eld eliersdny atelleettaie Dec. 13 and it. Neel) the dates le mind, Don't delay in leaving your orders at lerophey's Photo Steele tor Yeer heliday work. Cluistraan time will be here quicker than you now think, so get In orders early. The A. Y, P. A. Intend giesing Musical 'leveeing In St, George's sotwolattuse op Tuesday evening. Nov. 70th. Admiesien, 10 cents. hvoryone welcome. Cracking Cheap Sale at tins Godte rich Bargain Store on Saturday. 17t5 Novem- ber. A lot. of beets, shear and Dubber (Lamle at a big. snap, and the balance of the Ready Made clotbing, all beand neW goods, go for half piece. Satiardav le the bW bargain day. Salo to begin o'clock Saturday morning. --J. W. BRODEnTell. W. E. Elliott has received today a shipment of wrapping paper. paper bake, eta, and will in future carry utook of these Mae. He bee more on the way, including two hundredths. of drug, cone, anal common twine, There'll' no doubt be found a eonven• tenee by local merehants end a seving in frelght.• Farquharson Correspondence School 796 YozaiToronto sseo. THE BON -TON LIVERY EAST ST., GODEItICH. Thoroughly mocierniied, good rigs, ^good 'horses, reliable harness. Rates reasonable. Your patronage solicited. Phone 61 Walker 84 Augustine. The Sterling Bank OF CANADA HERD OFFIGE - TORONTO Incorporated bY Beetled Act of the Dominion Parliament to receive Deposits. Highest current rate of interest paid in our Wings Bank Department on deposits of $x and upwards, Interest paid and Compounded FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Business transacted. GOFtERICH BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. punt *opus. BRANCITING OUT. -The Worsens' have opened a branch hardware and stove Store at Barfield, and should command a good share of the trade in that section, The firm carry a big stock and have adopted strictly busi- ness methods in all their dealings. Success will doubtless crown their efforts. A Bne SALE. - With characteristic enterprise Hodgees Bros. this week have a mammoth advertisement an- nouncing a sweeping reduction sale in preparation for their removal to the large new store now being completed for them on the east side of the Smelt*. This firm are atnongst the big adver- tisers of Ontario, and they have the reputation of backing up their state- uien ts te the rublic, both as to qualite and price. T te sale which is to begin to -morrow, Saturday, will be a record. Marker in their career in Goderich, and that means a good deal to anyone desiring goods in their lines. Scan the advertisement in this issue of THE STAR and you will surely find some- thing you will want. How TO awl' A Goon LAWN. -Prof. GODERiCH MARKETS. , The gone market wee steady during the \weir, a fluctuation of ono Ceilt in pew; being the only change during that period. Mont animals are fie inet week, though beef cattle are plentiful on thie market• Hay haft made doeided jump the past two weeks, and it bi said that a load of extra qual. Ity might bring 50 cents more than our quota - Lions. A. J. Cooper shipped a ear of oats 'to Tileon. burg, and a ear of wheat to Dublin, Ireland. Current wholesale prices corrected uti to noon of Thursday.) ftil 0„ 0 as to 11',1, 2 50 to 2 5,`", 20 to 2 2" 10 00 to 19 1.! Shorts, per ton.- . ............. „21. 00 to 21 0", Screenings, per ton ........ ........ 18 00 to 18 0. .0ate new . 0 33 to 0 ite Harley mew lints new. PROFESSIONAL y E. JORDAN, Tetteher of Plano and Organ, p) . Voleceldture. Mrs. Williams' Iteeidence. Market Street. ROY ADAMS. toaeber ot Piano, eth, . Studio, Dank ef Montreal Block. cots tier Wont Street end Biatetre. DENTISTRY. Fall wheat, Spring wheat. starldard Flour, per cwt., patent blour, per owt., family AlliONQ ClItiRCIAES. The Wninell'e Auxiliary of St. S'eergeli thumb packed their annual bale a clothing fOr the Northwest ou lkleticay• And Sent it aWay next day. In compliance with a suggestion frotal. the Daughters of the baupire, DLIMAO tO *lithe churches in the coun- ty Wane tittle ago. the collections in Heinz, cintrch next Sunday, over and aboVe the regular contributions, will he handed over to the new General 11"31.Plettika01. afuronldin. Wellwood daughter of_fdr. anti Mrs. Wm. Wellwood, of Wingham. left last week for China. as a unssienary from the Women's Ms - Idolatry Society of the Methodist Church. Wellwood has beeu en. gaged for the past years in various lines of active Christian work, ao that lthe Will bring the resplt of wide ex- perience to bear upon the difficult tasks before her. Bishop Dowling, of Hamilton, has placed a ban on the Y. M. 0. A. and Y. W. 0. A. Ile caused the following announuetuent to be made in all the Catholea ehurithea last Sunday t " All Catholics who belong to the Y, M. 0. A, and Y, W. O. A., whether through ignorance of the laws of the (thumb or otherwise, must understand that they cannot receive the sacraments and still remain members of these societies, owing to the fact that religious' sleet - Inge are held there." The ennuat "At Home" of the Girls' Ititermediate Bible Class of Knox church was held in the lecture room on Thursday evening last, and, as us- ual, proved to be a great success. About 300 young people of the congre- gation and town enjoyed the hoapital- ity of the members of the class and their teachers, Miss Polley and Miss Morrie. A good programme and two rather novel contests, followed by re. freshments, made a most enjoyable evening for all who participated therein. DAven Atena JONATHAN.-Dayid and lenathen, wfmternal drama, was pre- sented in the lodge roan) at Oddtel. low's' nail on Monday evening. The room was crowded, nearly four hun- dred being•prasent. Rev. G. N. Hazen acted_aft chairman and introduc,ed the impersonatorin highly complimentary terms, and during his address created a sensation by asking the ladies• pre- sent tci remove their hats. The request. seemed to astonish the fair ones, but after a fete secomis' consideration hats were off, the change of scene was quickly doee, and highly appreciated by the sterner sex, for not only had they. a clear view of the dais end of the hall, but the neatly dressed,pretty hair of divers colors formed a much prettier front. for the drama than did the hats of all sorts and sizes. Brother Newton Beers, who represents the fourteen charatiters in the dranta oe four acts. Wail then ititroduceds and for one hour and thirty minutes kept the close attention of the audience by his clever portraiture of the charac- ters of the piece. As might be antici- pated, David and Jonathan stand out clearly in the drama, and these more than brothers, with King Saul, were cleverly portrayed by Mr. Beers. Saul's madness and antagonism to David gave the actor a great oppor- tunity for the exhibition of great his- trionic acting, while the gentler cher- acters enable him to show tbet melo- drama, and even light comedy,are well within his power. That one person can hold the .close attention of an aud- ience for one hour and a half, Is a weld feat, shows that method and matter are appreciated by the listen- ers, and that good things are always welcomed and cordially received. At the conclusion Of the drama, Rev. Jas. A.Anderson proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Beers, and in doing so, express- ed his pleasure at being present, spoke bighle of the impersonator's ability, and wished the Order a great addition to its members. Mr,Clets. Humber sec- onded the motion, which carried. The chairman, after presenting the vote, added his tribute to the success of Mr. Beers, and said be thought great good might come from the representation, and edvised all to go hone and read their Bibles, particularly the fleet Book of Samuel, and then wishing the Or- der a lerge increase, and bearing wit ness to the goodness of Oddfellowship, the ineeting closed. Hutt, of the 0. A. College at Guelph givee the following advice on the way to obtain a good lawn, and the matter is now timely: "The lawn is a problem that has conquered teeny, but a good lawn ie only a matter of care and the right soil. To obtain the happy Bros- sels-earpetelike eurface the best seed to be usN1 in this part of the country is a contbination of blue genes, red top and white clover. This should be gown as thickly as possible in the sprittg, BO that, when the grass grows it Inter- twines in great podusion. This sys- tem brings superior results than sod - Meg. The best fertilizer is manure, thopgh a commercial fertilizer can he used. The manure is applied in the fall, after the first frost and before the first snaw. 10 the spring the snow runs into the ground and feeds the very roots of the grass." i Fe SALE. L. D. S., D. D. S., Aloboan's Blook, Goderloh. Dr. Turnbull's old Aland. _ . - MEDICAL )ius EIVIMERSON & , A. 'P. Estetreeme, M. D. W. 8. Tostentnee M. li. (Mean, lElauditon Stg 'Phone uti or hiserson's Residence -St. DevId StreeL Opposite Vieterie iet, Church. Phone rm. Dr. l'nenhull'il lionitlence-Nolton Street. Next Shaten Store. Phone lel. )o. A. n. MACICLIN, M. le Physician and fInitotort, 8peeia1 attention to eye, ear, note and thront. 0111e0 and retidenco (Rd Bane of Montreet, opposite Post °Mee, Weatetreet• aotlerich, Telephone NO. AuotioNeoratio (4 ROUGE IlEttalTt General Meth:Meer Rye Buckwheat, per bushel Hay. new Butter, per lb Vern (fresh) per dozen ooa, per cord ()attic, exdport . bombe, spring Sheep, fat town Hoge, live weight Hoge, dressed Thong, per lb Bacon, long clear Tildes Sheep eldne Tallow, rendered Chickena-barnyard chieke, per lb 8 to 8 0 D to 0 12 " -orate fea Beef, fore quarters... n 00 to 0 00 fl 00 to 0 00 Beef. hind quartere . to 8 (Jeciee per lb Dunite •• le to Turkeys •• 50 lo 0 30 13 to 13 Potatoes 0 35 to 0 40 ApploN Cattle and Hogs In Toronto. Weekly Sun Office, Tneeday eve.. Nov. 13. 'Toronto packers report the price of hoge emuctleally thelmtne nit last week, in fnet. the Wen. Davies Company give exactly the mum quotations as they gave a week ago. They eag they are paying on board oars itt average °stark) points $5.41), teil.G1 for liege tett awl watered on arrival in Toronto, and 33,00 oir e.art Toronto. Park, Blaekwen Pompany, who quoted se- loote at average Ontario points at $3.50 hot week, with fate and 'Witte 21 °onto loss, ritiOto 415. let at 46,50 TA 10.66 thie week.. Thee° quotations are weaned with the re. easel recoil/NI from corroapondente front var. bone parte of the Provirko. "I am not fat sum now that the rine/Amen market will Veen that eome are resenting on,'‘ field M D. Williame. the well known Durham Malty dealer, to The Sun. "Hitch alot of people ftY0 berrying up short kaope to market at that thee that we may even have a slump in price about the holidays. There le no question in MY Jelled, hi:Mover, that nfter the holitlaye pficea will be good, Feed in warm and high, and pverybody memo to be sby about feeding tor the Leta` winter market." On the 'rosette newltet natty tire ex- porters cold, Crawford St thinninett say, at atfolo at,6,3 to 31.75; medium, el 25 to $4.40 °tome emeet$3Xf0 to at. and export bulls. 1$1.75 Beet blethering cattle sold at It es to Kee: are apNearing Methodiet literature. 0 42 to 0 42 0 74 to 0 74 0 48 to 0 49 0 441 to 0 48 10 50 to re 50 0 20 to 0 22 0 23 to 0 23 6 00 ta 6 tin 4 00 to 4 50 'Cattle, or Mary and buteherfe ,... 3 00 to 4 00 3 50 to 4 CO 0 50 to 11 50 7 73 to 8 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 11 to 0 15 7 00 to 7 26 0 60 to 0 60 0 00 to 0 al SALE or TOWN PROPE1tTY.-At the auction sale of the Blake estate on Monday afternoon, parcel No. 1, the property rented by Brophey & Son as a furniture shop. was bought by Wm. Marlton, for $1715, The block corner Montreal St., consisting. of the Mor- row & Johneton and the Dean stores on the Square. and Hutchinson's bar- ber and Johnston's. tenor shops, and the tenements over thene were bought by 1). Brown for $0,850. The cottage on St. Patrick's street, known as the Munro cottage, 117FLI. Hold to Hy. Knee- ehaw for $1035, and the ground on Montreal street, on which the Swarts livery stands, was bought by 1. B. Hawkine for $759. Lots 1205 and 1280, on Briotnnis. Road and Keays street, sold for $285 anti $2,10 respectively, and lot 1240 on Keays street for $79. As will be seen ail the properties of- fered were sold at fair prima, and the buyers con be congratulated on get- ting valuable business and building blocks. 906HanaliBlin elMet Godoeleh. Ps te Box( let Pants, ward/104 and all abet treleit wilt reenive reitilattentln rilligiVeur et- stee of efeusehol twe Mee it esteems ,,pot Neel Mum. Mt Me keeettsbet you hette m in netelleereettlit tem me what can sell Yen. - 3314(-)KOP. thirtoelte shoo. Meiotic . AL 10 nAltnillEMS le. Ire A t Poi mettle remunie term aridfirfn eettfo 'We leni lAre Ineuttect. oftleas Atil A NT6 1r A Dia7k1131lANOK,A0107I.V. gl; th West:Min maw • el EglatWit 11011 THE ans.ws GARRIEQ. Saturday, Nov. 10, was a record day in the history of voting on bylaws in Oaderich. and the substantial sup- port, given to the Lloyd and Jackson Companies' propositions Indicates the determination of ourcitiops to Make Goderich a Manufacturing centre. Up till noon there was apparently at) op. athy on the part of those entitled to vote, and tin.. members of the Board of Trade who had the tuattoe in charge had fears that enough Vote% would not be polled to save the W- him. Bot with redoubled efforts dur- ing the afternoon the vote was got out, and when the ballots were count- ed by six o'elook it woe found that considerably more than the fotn-lifths, or MO votes, had been polled, the fig- ures being 010 for the Lloyd proposal to only 23 against. and 020 for the Jackson bylaw to 21 against, so that both prepositions have received such an endoreement as should show the principals in each company that the people of Goderich warmly support their propositis and have given them All opportunity to carry out their en- terprises. Congratulatory telegratne were sent Mr. Thompson at Toronto. and the Jackson Company at Clinton, and each have returned messages of hearty thanks for the confidence shown by the people of (lotlerich, The vote by divisions was as follows: Lloyd Co. Jackson Bros. For Against For Against Div. No 9 2 The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox church gave, on Wednesday, 7th inst., a tea. in honor of Mrs. Gibson, who for so many years has been their presi- dent. After tea, was served, Mrs. S. Clark, on behalf of the ladies, pre- sented Mrs. Gibson with a copy of one of Rev. ILEI. Knowles' works, express- ing at the same time their bearty ap- preciation of her services rendered so cheerfully daring all these years. Mrs. Gibson replied in her usual happy manner, thanking the ladies and say- ing that it had always been a great pleaaure to her to meet and work with them. At an executive meeting of the Methodist Board of Missions held in Toronto ou Tuesday; it was decided that Rev. Dr. Carman and Rev. Dr, Sutherland will go to Tokio in con- nection with the consummation of the union of the Methodist bodies in the Orient. While there they will also at- tend a large missionary convention at Shanghai, observing the centenary of Missionary Morrison. It was also de- cided to appoint Rey. Thomas Ferrier, of Brandon, Manitoba, to be Sigler- intendent of all the Methodist Indian Schools and industrial incititutions. in conjunction with the secretary of the Foreign department (Dr. Suther- land) he will bave oversight of all the church educational institutions among the Indians. Brief Town Topics. Remember the social evening in St. Georgeei schoolroom on Tuesday next. George Westbrook hes started the foundation for a 16 -storey dwelling on Bruce street. Kelly, the jeweller, has a $700 gold nugget frotn the Klondyke in his show window. It attracts quite a bit of at- tention. The brick store and residence known as the Itoss property at Exeter has been bought by J. W. Broderick, Goderich. The spectacles advertised as lost, in Itult tyeek's STAR, were returned to this office on Friday afternoon, by Miss Edith Wiggins, sehool teacher. Fred Davis returned on Tuesday from the North, where he heel been hunting deer. He went the Ihnit, two fine animate, and with them came to Goderich two baskets. of partridge. The freight sheds et the depot aro still crowded with apples, and wagons loaded with the fruitare crowding the shed daily, and it is reportod there aro many orchards in Colborne not yet barrelled. A Omer BLAcelese, --3110 Retail Merchants' Association of Galt has de- cided to Corn) a blacklist of those who. neglect to pay their accounts. The plan works out in this way: 'When an account has been running for some time, and the merchant Neefl TIO chance of a settlement, be sends a printed form, supplied by the association, to the debtor warning him that if the ac- count ie not settled by a giyen date his name will be put on the hlacklist and forwarded to all merchants In Canada. Usually th Ft brings the de- linquent to time. When it does not the merchant turns the affair over to the necretary of the local associ- ntion, who issues another warning, If this in turn has no effete., the secretary writes to the head °nice of the association, and the pereon's name is sent to ell membere of the association in Canada. If at any time be pays his natne is removed from the blacklist. ChAnatrm WITH Henissv.-The fol. lowing regarding a clergyman well known in Ocelerich will he read with interest itere : Rev. J. T. Legear, of the First Melhodiet chureh, Jackson, Mich., htts Stirred op several of his parishioners hy his sermon, "The Tragedy of Eden," in white) he is al• leged to have eald that the Garden of Eden WWI a fable and a myth; that there were no such persons as Affeeti and Eve: end that the Old Tenter -tient was made up of legends and typee. Mr. Isegear has never been taneational in hie Porteous, and be astya he had no intention of being no in thin eese, and does not appear worried oyer the ob- jeetionceto R. Ile sera that lie lute held nimilar views for year's. nnd claims' that the Orientate all ruled poetic imagery. and that the original wrItera of the Scriptures did not in- tend to be taken literally. Further, he eaid that mush of the eermon In (mei:tine was based on articles which to Pile ineditutan3.16 tellhoommon, $2.7 to $3.25; ery Adler ing tAe a deepatch frotn Albion, owe, ad.r.o to lee; neat canning eteek at 131 Mich., Pretelding ['Alder -D. le. Martin te myst "I do not think anything will ha The Meeting Calendar. done In the race of Rev. Mr, Legear. Ittesevitantitimgetinc or Town Council this WO, the Jaehcon pastor. I do not believe that the atatemente he made would be sled meeting or Huron Chapter, Mx enneitiored Iteretie when taken lit their etett'llteeley setting big emotion. One canted context. that that n Moldy ilitotttottl ix+ ..tho,X1h, The collection taken up in the Public Schools of Toronto for the Children's Aid Society of the city netted $700 for that Institution, and the Society has thanked the pupils, through the Board of Education, for the liberal contribu- tion. The Goderieh Planing Mills factory is still working full time with a full staff of employees. The company is now putting on the roof on the Bap- tist church, and is trying to romplete a number of dwellings before wtnter is too far advaneed, The Canoe Club rooms were the scene of a pleasing function on Wed- nesday night, the members having in- vited many frienda to a social evening at the club's pleasant quarters. Song and sentitnent and a recherehe nupper were a bill of fare that made the eve- ning thoroughly enjoyable. ..... 107 I ....2-107 90 2.. , .3 .... 89 ....4 . S„103 16,011) 8. ..... 107 6, .., 1118 215 .7 '31.1 _ _ 010 23 Totals 020 21 Mr, Thomas Jackson was in town on Tuesday last, and completed the lease of the Smith property on King- ston street, built for tho National Cloak Co.. and he informed TOE STAR that the firm have placed an order for hirge amount of machinery, and he - fore the middie of December will have the premises all flood up, so as to he ready to start. work 'in January 2tul ma, in compliarc.? with the bylaw. ' - - - - OBITUARY. TAYL012, -Miss UMW. Taylor died in Toronto lest week, and her remains were brought to teetered] by the early train on Monday and interred in Mait- land cemetery. The deceased lady WaS boon at TaylOT CO1'110113, flotlerIch and was for eeveral veers in the early seventies on the teaehing staff of the Goderich Public Schoole, having clutrge of the junior division of St. An &VW'S Ward. Lell01119 Goderich, she joined Ow s le of the Toronto Pule lic. Sehools, on which she served for to long period. 'rho late M bef 'fey lor had many friends In loderich and vi• einity, all cif whom will bo sorry to hear of her dentime. LAM Pede.Y. - The death of Mr. Wil - ligrrellattio Torah rohliolsool4 at ft Yee" *ft ,ftagftft0411,112.14 geed* THIS IS ABOUT WEST HURON. TDB CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE OP WITNESSES 'Causes Magistrate Denison to Charge That More Perlury la Dam committed. Speclai Interest was aroused In the London election inyestigetion by the summoning to Toronto we witnesses of about twenty well know citizens, in'ostll of Goderich, seine of whom had netted its deputy returning officers In past elections. These peetlea went to Toronto on Tumidity afteenoon, and some of them wore heard in evidence on Wedneaday. The following la the report of theTelegrain of the proceed ings that forenoon : "[ think action should he taken by the Orown,"-Magistrate Deulson, at the London election enquiry, in refer- ence to the evidence of William H. Oundry. " Don't bother your head about It." -J, Walter Curry, K. 0., th Wun. H. Gundry. Still another perjury (theme loomed In sight as the last stage of the Lon- don election enquiry was reached at the Police Court this morning. The annual Thanksgiving services were held in St. George's chtlech on Sunday, the preacher being Rev. Can- on Dann, of St. Paul* (lethedral, London. The chancel was decorated with grain, bat on account of the late- ness of the season, fruit and flowers were not used for ornamentation, as had been the practice in years past. Rev. Canon Dann, at the morning service, preitched from the words, "It is more blessed to give than to re. ceive," and from them nutlined the Christian's duty towards the church and those who minister unto him. In the evening his text was from Acts 10, 20, and from it he preached an elo- quent sermon on the comparative worth of " the whole world," 11F1 repre- sented in things temporal, and " man's life " as related to God end eternity. Canon Dann is a powerful preacher, his dramatic force and well modulated utterances in simple but well arranged language, bolding the closest attem tion of his hearers, In the evening the service was fully choral, Lhe offer- tory being especially well rendered. _ _ ft. A The nem Court Regul T.. next tandoori, Vegeta? to i4:der fenteo be PrOngh 01104111ctetiriencuitoltpanwritigraltAlt.7" 061 eI400 take is Wordc alone apart from the Mee Monday nexe et font lettoek. he remark credited to him taattiogot Atelse,Costitell,n,le of Otallefteet nitle,_,Nett. 19, A reit at, pectielP tetelesmen eneetedieefette Camp, mg. NAIN RelJeft.,Of Artertstre .0elebeatitift Will F ' +At? no "rational fall ho in harmony teith the of the Methedist Mattel). ovo that his tiowt, if int#114041r *001 hO "A stranger came to (wrangle 1000 the. hall: was the sterY. _ "When WO went tie the hail he asked ale tn COMO into the battle, asking if therti Wee ettee body around. HO flaked tO dni some wotk, by which I lettderet004 tiOneething irregular. I said he couldn't get me and. told him. he nutst he et Tery. He said that was how Hugh Sohn Macdonald Wa3 elected Ift Win. nipeg." Surely that is not evidence, merrilr interruPted Mr. Curry again. The Crown expects to conclude Its case this afternoon, and the morning was begun with the testimony of a few witnesses from Brookville, who told how they tout been tempted by Pritchett to switch ballots for Com- stock in 13rockville in 1800 : likewise how they had nobly spiwited the temptation and resolutely put Satan behind them. 'Men the court passed to West Huron. It was diaolosed that Prit- chett acted as sertit bier at polling sub- division No. 3, in iloilerich township. Ho declared Wm. Gunery, who on short notice had taken the position of D. R. 0., switched at least three bal- lots. Daniel Glidden and Peter W Curry related how they had taken ob- jections to several thIngs alleged to have been done by Guntlry. To all this Gundry gave a flat denial. Hence the Magistrate directed the Crown Attorney to look into the quotation of leying a charge of perjury. Some- thing will be done this afternoon. Lempi•ey, antiounetel in Tint See it last week, renewed an old atx1 well esteemed resident cif Coderich township, one 6./110 001' nearly ft cent itry resided till he farm where be died, ithron Hoed. le had been fail- ing health for some mon ths,so the end was not unexpected latterly. The late Mr. Lamprey was born In Guelph and was a brother of ex -Mayor Lamprey, of that city. He leneces two sons tool three daughters -0eorge, lierhert. Miss Maggie and Illiss Jennie are home at mese nt, and there Is ft 1111111'led datightet. living near Berlin. Airs. Lamprey predeceased her husband bv a.bout fourteen yeers. The late Air, Lain prey wits a Preebyterlan, and a ItefOrtlier 111 nOlit ICH. 1 11 cononon with 'all who knew him, Tint STAR will remember Mr. Lamprey as a worthy citizen, a vonsistent Christian and one whose friendship was es- teemed fot Wan y years. The Prayer Chair: Fraud. To the Editor of Tug STA it. The following prayer with the accotnpanying statement was mailed to me a few days ago : -0, Lord Je.UN Clitist, 1110110r0 Thee to item) mercy on all mankind. Keep tie from Se by Thy tweet/me blood, take u• te be with Thee eternally. Amen." 'fare follows the stateinent l'hie prayer was written by 11155011 I,nw ranee, recommending to be Amato nine other permone, Ho who will not Nay 11,, will be itf elated by Norse miefort une ono portion who paid no attention to It. met with a d went ful or- nident. I who will write it for ohm darn. and sond t tO nine pigeons. commencing on the /lay it, wait remitted, and send only ono midi day, will on and after the ninth day oxporlenno some groatjoy, At Jertenlem during the Hely Hemet It Was said, he who wilt rewrite M. prayer shall be delivered from any nalamity. Please do not break the Chain. - I feel it to be my duty to publish this A atory was in circulation the past few days that the Blake Mork, corner of Montreal street and the Square, Wan to be turned into a departniental store for men's wear. Enquiries made of the tenants show there is tin foun- dation for the rumor, at; the new own• et' has offered to improve the stores as the tenante may wish. On TITPAtiftV, irt train Waf4 panning up the hill to the station, the truck of one ,of the care broke, and, stopping the train, blocked the line. The wrecking outfit from Stratford waa on hand on Wednesday morning, cold bv 11 rn. the car bad been repaired and the line Metered. The car wile taken to Written -xi by the auxiliary train. There tyan a large attendance at the regular meeting of Maitland Lodge, No. 3.3, A. F. and:A. M., en Ttteaday evening, After the usual routine hefti- ness a newton was devoted to work, the first degree being tocemplifted by Maitland Lodge, and the third by Morning Star, each of the degrees be - Ing moot ereiltably worked. At tho concinsion of the work, the brethren ndjourned to the banquet room, where a pleasant time wan epent. At the cancluelon of the dainty camper pro- vided by the committee, an excellent programme of centiment and song wan preconUtd and heartily enjoyed. Put Counterfoils in Pocket. Danlel Glidden was a ConeervatIvo scrutineer at No. 3, Goderlch town- ship. Ho objeoted to the ballot %or being between the D. R. 0. and Prit- chett, who was a.cting as Liberal scru- tineet‘ The ballot box was placed on the table, but the D. It. 0., Wm. Gun dry. continued to put the Lcou nter foils in his pocket. Pritchett Again In Box. J. G. Pritchett was then called to the box. He told of what happened ciniattielde.polling booth, wherein he oat - "Was the putting of the counter- foils in the pocket a. part of your scheme for awitching ballots?" "Yea, it was essential." "Wore there any switched?" ap•o"triewdor or three. ' "How was It "I suppose the D, It. 0. lost his nerve." Ile doslared School Teacher Grant brought the D. R. 0. to the hotel. Saw Ballots Switched. CrOss-examined by Mr. (Jerry, Pelts chett maintained positively that he saw three ballots switched. "Did you have any conversation toy:it:1)77y of the defendants In Toronto In regard to West Huron?" asked Mr. "No." "Did you anywhere else?" enquired the Maglistrate. O'Gorman. Implicated. "Yes, in London." "With which one ?" "With Mr. O'Gorman. e did net have any conversation with the others in reference to West Huron." John Torrance was the man first appointed as D. It 0. In No. S. Ho explained that on the uight previous to the election he was taken 111 and had to have the doctor. Ile relucta_nt- ty resigned the position and Mr. Oundry was appointed in his place. On the morning of the election Mr. Oundry and a stranger, now recog- nized aa Pritchett, called for the ballot box. It teas suggesced that the stranger should be appointed as poll clerk, bet wittietts replied that ono had already been appointed. Didn't Need Protection. Win. Oundry's version was dif- ferent. lie deposed that he didn't desire the protection of the court. Ile Was deputy sheriff and the night before the election was told Torratice wee ill. Heingst personal friend of the eir' returning 0111000 he coesented to art aft substitute. He met, tt Stranger at Critig'n Hotel who told him he was to act as scrutineer. Ile took him out in the interning, calling at, TOrranne'S for the ballot box. Ile had no eonver emits: with Mr. Torrance in refer- ence to the appointment of the stran- ger to: poll clerk. Didn't Talk of Ballots. "Old you have any conversation Mend. ledlots ?" "None whatever." "Were any objections taken at the polling booth ?" "When I went into the yard they asked who was to he 1). R. 0. I said 1 was, and they were eatistled. They asked who the stranger was. 1 said 1 didn't know anything about hint except that he said 110 Watt mu travel- ler fov an organ eompany." "Did you know that there were more ballots In the box than you reeeived?" "No, sir. If any were put in they were put in by that nem out there." "11 has been sworn that you ow itch- ed three ballots," Would Discharge, Says Curry. lieture the CAW bettl111 a little diNCIISSi011 1.00k plftee between Mr. Curry, who appettred for the defenit• ants, and the Magisteut 0. elt. Curry remarked that Mr. Iteid had been ex - meted, but 000111t1 htniM later, Ile thought there would bc. no 1111iVe- (1011 HIS NV01'811111 " etioilitittIng Or disehneeting in 111N absence " " If I wont by the evitlettee," said Mr, Cerry, " tvotild Hay disehtirge. A great deal of what has gime in isn't t. idenee t, all." " 1 have eonnented to fit rike t all that irrelevant.," Kahl the Alagis- ate. " 'rho harm Inks hetet. done," said 31r. Curry, "1:1111 it 1100811'1 matter now. Besides, there wouldn't, he much left." more wore not Magistrate 'Jitters. "oh, I think thee. would," replied His NVoteltip, " you and I might (tot agree MN w hat was relevant." " oily orship 1101 governed by the rules of evidence." " 00, no, I only try to get at the tuliti"Were They Threatened? " \Veil, I believe many witnesses hey". maid What they have mind or• der to avoid proemett ion, They have been threatened that. if they didn't, so.atid.so they. would be prOlteellt• ed for perjury. '1'hat is what, 1 tun in- 41('‘'Ir'f'11'0(13.t.." welled be very improper. still people Roulet inies etlk a lot." .1 1011e14 Tr410-6411itte. of iltnekvillo, WII3 (111.1 Wit.11080 eltIled. 1 IC WW1 a &put y returning oilleee. " A Stranger ratite alid NI -Woke to We," began tho Wil 11058. " Hadn't WI. bettor know who the etranget was interrupted Curry, J. 0, Pritchett tvas brought in, lie said 001111,1S %Vita ene ef 1 1111 1141.71 he n oroaehiel. Witneew teeild not elent ily Pritehett. overiulp,I further irblvetkais. Asked to Switch linnets. "The etrit tiger," teen? int 1 W DVSS, " asked 1110 30 FiWil ell ballots. olojected, 111111 1 11011 he told like t bild been doing his so: 1 thing for 17 years, t bat Was an t Tory gaup,. 1, tisik live Ill. 1(.11 but destroy...I them the night bet', (S‘l.r(att'a";.r" Was Called tlarrett. A stranger, giving the 11/171)1. 74 Oarret t, also ,•alled Iln It. 11. Fii.1(1. I). It. O. Elivibetlitown in the White Conistot eleet II,. ',militia idon• tify Critelleti as being he Illittl. " Ile ge ten ballots and sitow• ed Ole 1110V lo Ilse 10'10. I said I wasn't, quite insane 1511,1 that I didn't intend to II anything of the kind. I teolt the latilots end horned them, in the preeence of my wife, feline the election." Recognii.e film. hold had a, mill from another st ran- ger, but con1/10.1 recognize any of till. defendants as tieing the Wall. .lainee A. Neilson, 11. 0. al Lynn, .1VVVVIL:14t:"1114'1'laTI:il(1.41"".11'1(1.:1 (Wleiit'111(11:.(i17." 111(.":1111:1' fltit Ilittell 1 Hop. Returned flood Ballot. Alfred Jf. Coyle cave it 11141 ked hal lot. 10 a Man Minted 1 licgitts, wit". re turned a good one. He eotildn't re- Plerleber frent whom he gnt t he New Books. at the Public Library. Story of a MAI 1,ni er, Our Elril hlent14, Itputet 11:quallty ily tA'rt f or. of Mindy, Net Ionary of lthromt and Fable, liemilfeek for Debating 1tonlotle,. Ity and 110g Loud, l'odth. l'artutinentery 1.10y °rumour, N1'1,11111gtoo, Seen by the Spectator, Iteeen1 Itr111411 Battle-, 1/711.11 Tea nyalut, 1101 Water Ural lug, Pratt hal Plumb lea, l'annda A-, 11 I-, 1.0n0.10 110t, 041 tee ,Nge in C81181111, Sir Vratiols Meeks, Life nf Ilenry Oeorgo, 1,01004 of ( er W011,1011 11011'104, Aeeoitt. at the sew, 1.swet Itychtt• Phenomena, If klory or o shit), he vpor of irtelt Lite, the /4Perf./ of Ilt.rolsin, Mori, or 8001,, Te,, t Nome, IIk of Etat-land. Mee Nook's of tee eetery, IlettIng Aielealeted Wit 11 1110 Troti+, 1.'11.41 Things In I anatla, The Mountain, The north., The Inike I lecItle.. WIllattertt,g 111115 Topsail, The litiorded rlahlier nf 1110 00110y, I iiitnov,0,; y 01,) 0)111)10y. 1.0.1•Klb 14111 1)11 A nylon? M01111'101'11,4. 100wor 1,vtion's NVork•, 1:1 %ninnies, TImelt 0(05'4 Works, 111 'rho O'ur1/1's Itest Peetre. :aim's. At a sperlal meeting oit Mahoney evening, the route/Let for the SITIO f )0 magezincis IlfiWanallelN for 1007, publieetions In fill, WAN ftWITI'ded tO W. 14. 1411101 for 1 811111 Of $87,01), wretched attempt to melte a prey of the Ignorant and superstitious. and to undo as far as I can the mischief which may be done to innocent ancl nervous people by some unknown party. It is just such practieen, of whirl: the; is a sample, whleh have brolight discredit upon religion. Noses tall y where ignorance and superstition pre- vail, I cannot fot a MOILIellt believe that any intelligent and respeetable 1110111 her nt any Christian conimun inn void.) be, or would he guilty of nuch an at- tempt to impose upon the fears of in- nocent and credulous people. I would not notice it were I not anxioun to pro- tect the uneimpecting from such un- seripteral tenching, not to Ilse etronger expreesionots in dinplayed in the above tnentioned statement. With the pray- er itself I have abeoltitely no fault. and would pray it nine timen nine for mu+ bleseing. With regard to the statement attached to the prayee, them questions might well be milted : Whose volts') wan heard in Jerusalem ? Who heard It, and by what, atithority is so much promined anti so much t hreatened ? Yount Ace., rine munial prograna in St. George'n schoolroom next Tnesday event , tin- der audpices of Y.„ P. A. TO CURB A COLO IN or44 DAV Ulm LAXATIVE nitorittt Quinine Tablets. Dtuggists refirtiAtilebeY It falls to cur& 14 oroyo wigostt 040 tot US* Wei vs "us. eeeee_tlesies,44.see MARK }Lector Fit. eleorge'n ()herd:, Gotlerich, Nov. 1 1. Bk. Around The Harbor. I I Is mild 1 hat next week will wit the n01.11'151 of several eargoes of grain. 'The echo/liter C. T. with cargo fir coal for the Western Oinnflit Mills Coe artIved in port, on Pride y. l'he Nun barge Juno, light, holind for Georgian Hay, ran into port on Set tirday tot aceount of the etrong head wind. She left on Wedneeday for her destination. The new doing expeedintrly gieel work, end wont' of the 111 ins Abe Made resulted in large upheavals of roek. it It the Improved maehinery, next Rummer should give 115 a clear 21 feet. all ever the rock hot tom. The raft of loge han been 1110Ved from t he weet, end of (hi' )1110101' to the lumber mill, .40 that. tlie" harbot will lie (lent' bit. all 'torte and 74/141 111 VPN - /ode I ill the leo eloti6a IL The Harbor Limber Mill ie Oil) rutting lirlekly, and fthipping out oedema daily. • Now for Winter Sports. A Pinot ing of all those intermit .41 in hockey will be held at the Bedford Hotel /in Alonday evening next, In commence orgttni*at ion for t com• eencott. Let t here be a gond t nen 1"IYII• ‘V. FL gene, Pren. for 11105 11. Dol. MeDoneld. of the Guelph & Ooderieb Railway, wan in Oodeterth tilde week, and Mated that the line would be completed to Stafford thin fall, provided the weather kept fairly open. On Theraday of thin week tmina will he running to Milverton. "1 levee no doubt the mile are Mid up to twenty-five miles from Goderich by thin time." mid the colonel. "They were only thirty-two milen away when 1 wan out there the other day. Yen, It la more difficult tosay when the Ooderich end will he opened for traffie. The difficulty with the Grand Trunk at the harbor cannot be settled for soma time. It will eento up. next M00% pwobably at Stratford,' The Harribler 'donkey chill have or - grudged for the season with the fol- lew;ng eftleers 3'. J. Henn, man- flife et It. I., !Man, Nee. t room: Pried It riteley, naptain. The line tip will be Idiom the Pante laPt year, it )1/1 Auction Sale Register. WeresesnAv, Nov, 2 -011 lot 26, con 3. Weet Wawanoah, the .urpleit boraea and cattle nf Mr, Hamilton Fes gen, a clearance sate of n lot of gnorl dock Commetwee one o'clock Trioe. Moe DU V, auctioneer MONnalt, Nov. 26. tone. Auction Sale nt e'clock nt Colborne Hotel, Goaerlelt. Homes, Cattle, linniene, 0116 new Root Pulper, etc. Credit on for- t:hating approved joint note% lino. Atte oneer. Never Switched Ballots. '"I'llit onto who Swears that sweara what. abettliitely untrue. I never etv netted any ballots." The Mitgist rate t hen reettlled l'eter AV, Cut t y and I/. (Hidden. They both filVfirl. IN i very that they had taken ohjeetion the indlot box being OT1 the 1100r 111311 its a result it Wit.s placed on 1 0.• table that they objeeted to the ft It 0. mitt ing vounterfoile in bis pocket. l'hey gave various de- tails at vetiatme with the story of Mr. 0 (fluky and refused to he shaken by the erome-exeminittion of Mr. Curry. I lis Worship remarked that he was get ting t ired of this sort uf thing and threeted as above. The \Vorld's report, which ocrupiee tlif volonito4, heginti t11116 1 The itireat 1g11.1 1011 Into corrupt elec- t kin methods, berm with an enquiry. into t he London iribery ellite9136. Itnel afterwards brittielting out so its to (.0ver notch wilier field, is to he con- cluded on Wednesday next. On the in711111117.711 YeSterlifly till the 2Ist hist., the crime gavi• 'Magistrate I)eni- .on the ammo t once that the procemlinge would on (hitt date be. brought to 11 close. long time yesterday upon t he infirmly -- The eteirehlight WW1 turned for Riau Mel,ean-lbilines election of 18014, in \Veet Huron, and evidence obtained perm 'drat i 00 (if the tale told by .0. (4. Pritellet1. It wee to Is% iemarked, however, that few of the wit nenses who told ef the proposition for the .eritching of hallots in- the sehatitu- tee. of bowl., '1171,4, were able to 1.11.4117A1. PI 11 .•11I•1 t in court as the mas- ter matiip,11151... The evidt•nee then turned hi We'd !lune), whereupon Mr. Curry entered itnother protest that none of the eon - !piracy alleged to have Odom niece in l'ormito had affected West. 11 oron. The objection was over -tided. Wm. Craig then testified that he kept hotel in Oftdetich at the time of the Hokum' McLean election. Many etre ;troll "1 hi yott reefignize hie restnr neked Mr. Atinnut, pointing to Pcitcht tt. "1 11 ink be wee one," 88.111 Wit 111.48. "And Mr. trOorman?- am not enre. t hink have seen 111111 before." 110 could no' Went i by him or n.ny the defendants, Ile lord ',teen School Teacher 1 it ant around. People wet 0 gning in and otit of a room twelfth -9, bid he emild not saV tete, Would Be Protected. Henry Wateon, D. lt, 0. in (lode. tieh. In t be eleet 11111 hi I i4V14t 14)11, Wail granted protection. "Thnt. thing not apply 1,2 perjury." put In Mr, Curry, and the Nlagistrate agreed. "1 wag approached by a stranger, end flaked to NWItell hallote he eon• feeeed. "1 refosed, and wouldn't have anything to do with it." Ile thought that tlw :non wan from London. ReIlisted Temptation. Roderick Young. a tail, otalwart man, aim refired tOtt*tatirill. ()no result ef the day will probably be the sweatiett nut of a perjury eharge againet William H. (blocky, dt.11111 s/14.1 117 of Huron county, who aided as a ,leplit y•returning officer. end whin, hod tummy clashed stroettlY with hat of eeverttl other witnegnee. T11). Court ad vivre! t hat the ebarge be and r. (MY ornet said last night that, he was laying the matter before he itt torney.general's department. and that he believed the deparouent weohl he gultleil by what the magis- rine hail enitl, John IL Edwards, an aged man,who hail aleo eerved WI a depot y, (vented • stinieW hat dramatic incident by tot- tering en the stand while being (-lonely examined by Mr.DitVernet, and sway- ing nyer the railing. HI. WaFT led from the mend, and his , evidence, thusi abroptly ended, was not afterWards emit tuned. Several witnesses told stories that" pointed towarils Marked irregulariti047 In the handling of ballots b., Deputy - Het 'truing ()Meer Farr. • The Toronto retpern announced On Tuesday that a daily partnenger ner- vire between Toronto and Milverton will be commence:I by the 0. P. R. on Thurgday, one train leaving there at a.31) p. m., and the other leaeing vertreat 10 as tn. A local comic° be- inetween Guelph and Milverton will' be put on also. The deride* 13 rendered vendible by the opertleg the thtelpit cloderith lino ow M Milvatoo. "str et