HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-11-09, Page 10X ' "
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A LvIgS *MIA ii The
Some**knk,pradt„ se yolk
b*P907 fdent el the
ftifures wbeh ktMet re /MP'
wony le the preowit,
Gem alieviage ecreent
Pelicalte tif ;MO .$1.00 rual
twpwritillirectilva4. .Xptsrestpeld
4 Erma* ylien
The Sovereign
Balk of Canada
Alopmcm BRANcti, JoAlikn sictcb;
v$4$,v, •
14044,4 1144 1004104ot oto
r000m* AoPYr ischooteR, thebYbileit
V 5,,ble3i are to bi. Voted On, t0linar'
VOWn ettseitly hi the. intereite
ot Uud.b, Tne Oran preieute the
felieeing entinnerrof fachi end0004
ttilletittklittliihieli Inv lelp tIve elect,
Q rs its tleciding,hoW they Will Inits,,k
• We think wine of theist itateetante
will be 41IPOtet1 OS theta
aettaint.f u Ewer of enIHI affirMittlye
1, This ceingittry, whicheit lit VP)
ehall be incerporetetlfor '.-eatts
ditto boaineitif 'Under the pante Of "the
Goticqielt • VVhtet
09on of .109A00, :mos.* 140
out intereet in annuellingaltnetits Of
$24.1)00 after the firat yossirc they iteti
ask exemption' front taxation, exeapt
for school taxed. for ten:yeah*
If AMONG TUE aftilitc1,1011. '
We May, Witgact tOiate Ile ertit iniWesig et et. 0
grain eamers in this vett within * 17. lit illiia.'ilvte4.140 1414risaL ,
neat tWO 10.0ra,
ted_ 1 Preehliosak rZefiressit
vice President, /Uwe Osoritte; mere,
tory, Nisigrollir easeetterdi
Walter Naftel ; , **sootiest oosnatitteet,
Mist; TA. WeJten, Mee aLeTeeseli, Mite
14, Oolsehorpe, ;,' Mee U. LaTonsillWas,
appointed tie derogate to *end a cert.,
vitiation at 'ootit woo wooll .. ,
.k very itAtelelatire Malleilich ;efint
peefilent at Web** etteet ehiltob on
,,_htondaY eVening,. when the. patiOrt
illteli41 letWolIr'ettt4nngthlCitetiair".(01141"14114;
TeitinTlka were of lc, Lrelis OVA Iva
ruttionidebeireeter, Well thought vett
and ably delivered# lie criticised. the
previliing dishonesty in business and
thowide,PalltitilterruptiOnot toil*Y.
end ileciare4 the 410Colfarar of the Onn-
poitder Plot in, 1.05g"Viettitat' 'Of the
spirit Of freedainnWirt140- t,rta,lint fit
t hitt age,Otlying that, watifin bir I p
the PriliCiPloll of $0,fiatigelsill.. et a
referred tef, the relation of pap tal and.
IOW. and "Ma00 P ottrOng- Ide4 - fOr
the; poor and iaboring -elaesesk ' The
diatomite, itilvorthX . inera extended
ltntirlirtf ft4illitlinatti444seirpa ttahXabnk9.thl'e.
Rey, 404107; air f. Or hla Ole, 04. dee„ so. :
.oitTer InDrilliatP*PGIeWroekititellt:h6tbeh70. 2'x'
11. PO f r. or vii 04.ta of he f.rplt
‘ thuaaVtinpeKlehiati '0, h4ni !VW, oar:114U ..dnetorri nil
loads or a 1es" are being Almon,
raelhjitii4gedt; the. YerarloPritloatiPtleasn7.1140,1 bo
Yet. The Old Ohtleatal beller-shop. la
full of apples, Many previons1V Peeked
barrele being einptled, sorted, end ,re,
!OP.Okti. . • , . , ,.
175 of arie; Itaeleg lie 0 Plo'ora
OnWednesday evening leaf atimnt
given a tory' enjoyable time' by
the teachers 011ie dancing Witte.' in
the Odatelloree, Hall. It was 'MI the
form of a Hallowe'en party. Everyone
was dressed according to their .own
Idea and wore meeker, which ;certainly
made a cutioue and, comical stone.
VOTynnt 'Nfilit dellghtedraurdexpred
the wish tbat it would be repeate
,at some future date. The ball wag
dePorated With candles, pumpkitia and
false 'rectal over the lights. . =.
li,l'Atn,', WontionfetshaciaYtoi'webn°tetrib.insatettraer. we're
had been working at the berbor, was
returning home. when be 'drove . his
team Into a sewer opening, in the road
in finot of Harper's store, at the head
of West street, Tile cut Wits lighted
with a jalOP et each end. but, the team
Walt In .between then* and etlicir
tifitti• One hettile Avon partly held In
theo..eut and was released by a rope
4010 in titatrenehrtbits,enalding the
rOu ' Italie*, and the,other that went
righ Into the trench wits get out by
mated to•walk out.
po'llkert ft01.30:14ltittellikrerrill°4 Micsion' 1411641Wwt
neallY,. eit coutinsionnf 'the *won'.
! . ,.$1131Thhii 'bitting tog Rine!, Copt. WYlia,
w '
ana. th4 tnitiCaule Clark, Oat% if**
Raz- eatheral ;art, front •940ntiao
bey PP Wialtte 0. ittirtiOrt again the
woe laity for, like Eyler where they
wiit; *gage in the herring ilebing for
, Stannilitg . 1,,
, -
' PulilASItlitili hforaciJir::Tbod.„.0;
'4.1101}rwlet is,r,t)se , seitoslaiuratrAfroitta 1.4
rdors fee,10.0 pcintisE Med ielveoema•-velea:
x8 .
. ' .r • Alatitrirmaix$ -4/imetiliir,
.°; .i.'" ;1).614. 41i.. 41rent '7,Fleit:is-.,
n*!' .LinehiViliter,:',..1.4 Nee: and y ,
. pigid0 %In= ,t4;r4q1' !,,°,94"I'I‘C,/**4q$4;
'AtqleniiilAtt,TAIN4tZalo'. gra
Niobium Diets lionteseketlir ala4,...:y471
*how haws your work ,iniioh,bettet
_ios in Ina dental oillect.inoro time. natter,
004.114411r14vratrAtm,„44A, _3,0,0• •
ifiki...morr,the rest tif 190a, No family'
40414, he without at ;least onn.local
Iil,ht,,,peetnie VA Where tau ,Tii., fiT'alv he,
iiiirteorraL.--Nire. flior4 . X in Eno t
, 'eeliple of 4layti with ' frion 4 in Riu,dne.
'tell litOt Week., - 4.1,1110 Parks ' 044'04
'IVAI441L,VrielkI,LIIY; i4 Tittle:4 Init grtit:
oli'. wioneeetiaY to talk ii.. position In
Eittnne. TorrintO.Robett Monte Is
I ild•lint-ablet.0 ook-afteralie-evapem-.
'.: liditUg at present with a' eiver000ld,
, ov at nifthte. ob is tringh, though.
and Will likely he alright hi it tlq, or
I''t..,) .. . ..
4-100001, Tteronz-Vollo_wint, hi the
*tending of the pupils of unrigennon
P. fi,. for the month of Octobert_'based.
MI tile weekly einiminationa. 'Names
#4 in Ordernl- ineri wee: ilotroment.
.-.Sr. ,...y - Jean zionouah.‘ *wand
, Oak% Janie Stothora. Jr. neldeli
Nirltikona, May Jones,. late -watt • Mal,
1 gia, 'Aline RobintionivEthet,Oane.
, Charles Fowler. er. 111,...Ethet.gleen,
. °Wye' ..111cLean, Edith- Treleaven,
Win 'Durant, Iry Medd, Reit Wig -
gine, eiville loon, Irene Oliver,
100 4 ' pool,' Maggie,' lobo, Pearl,
' McNally, Man Vere, Leelle Pentland,
Lorne alio ide.11i-a040..cliate. Para
Alia *'' ala 411angh. Nniityil,.;fiende.
Verna cNa ly4 Merthei.11egleyw Cla-
rence limiley, Easel ...Tohnston, 1,4V/40
ne010111.Y.11* R. Tooso. rtbotom.
Iresi 0,p 3r:worn. -prix fit, s: .11,,,i. Eizt:
d e We t A: 1
:-.51yrge Allen, Laura ,Vcitvior,..;fite-
Plion Medd,. Howard Ivor% . 14.41-7,
Huey Itradforil, Gertrude TieftleiCLera:
Snilth, IteltIlit DIANA $,,Nitty-Mnpnitrt,
Edith StptlIftes,' ArtIttIOI r'*441".,1114r-
vita riurnia, Jarvis. Anderentl. Ir. II-
Olayttin Sande, Linnfield- Anderson.
froward Anderson. Si.' Pt. /1,-, Ray
*others, ' Pearl ivers, Myrtle 011eer,
Lillian Pentland. Victor .111reing. tort,
Hazel Garr. Jr. Pt. lp--Marien. Dish Vila vrhinglaters of the Empire are
kr, Herat Angustino, Olive Glenn, completing '.11eir arrangements for the
jilmc• 41/130T8911. O.R. Rebiliso*. Scott formal opening of thenew Alexandra
MoNally, Harold Sgrotil. ha T---Pred
Fowler, Iiithel Brown, Jimmie& peeves, tiospital in •O'bileriPb:- on SaturdaY,
Edith , Anderson, Lavine antehine, Pea lit! Tfer lillestea birthdaY, and
,Enth Fowler, Ivey 'Carr. Franklin the event le tine.tintt 'shonid interest not
Thoingsen, reohic'tnana, Edgar Carr' alone the people offiederleb, but those'
Ye; 1,-,-GeOrge Caldwell, Edith Sande.
1.411-Vilintt,Irone Geer, eteoriOolilenn,, of at least tbe surroOnding townships,
4 -Vied-. Itobintiop.-Roo•Y . A. .ROMisa Tea will be, tart ed front 5 o'elock pan..
Sigkft 40496014. -to tiX 40,0 on hotir as it. may te callecl
OAINEWAQVAll'."-- 0,titlifint our ;;4., , ntut it , 1$ prondited to iulit for
Lill jmalt,e,,sgiet.ientit4ryae aiew. rg:100,0,1?1: tg.:tfifkot!,,41:4014k,tpuipaitsotlo.,:;,71):,,lithtc,ing...;lee :it::
Re toy injnrY to. pro Or nav : letY t,)lefi 'iiitit tAnct0104 Other things (not
decor? rniiilnin• lir which, ; ay te ebr ta le 1 #Y444/tiAlise in, the new lost);
teicita Igling nin;ye • hatie p 'of 01% Or tlia,catuel which are reO•irest
1)0 ., IOWA.- Tk '0 -1Valifbig, ' Ink IPt-110.114101;e0141# ThIg will be an maw
a Otto f un.t $11 ohntalaaty:' Pife WIT Ull'Aliltit rldflotk ilt tool; and
Pt flWilitet, r. °eff6priftinrtlbline4,13.,!Orit."40t.'to,-.. regat,o4irwvortik ofl):
and W„nl. :tiFpliiiii gOrteriiiAentot,'the te eareer of Morey: $ Puller .partico.
411; itirrill:stipintatthj:,
kice_tinOttine, tVerg.)110. wiwinemor, ,. Ara mu Ito announced for the next
MN 00 : SaYa thi), Ittellkallell ittlietiti-, - tWO IV0010a, 'Nit Wage. mark thp event.
kation ild ,allriOnOlY 'tiffeittel -UM .110w On youeettiendar.
amount of lantineeit done, by pont of : f *fror -foll014Ing donations are thank;
the GaIngtuales.' the 'libreeislee being: -hilly itekrici*leagedi'
perhaps the only olio filet hair an ..,...,_10: ' 'The PLIED, htiolo wog: donntod by btu Wto;
°Dojo, of buglnesg. this year :over 144I. Oro:14;1)ot, not the Oemettt Prick Co.
, wilt .ttIce0 thing for Ihe, G'ompait-, 'mad- antal,Pa......a.eal_Atalt;, an reser. tit '
year...In the end the .irlitestigatiOW „.,s,g,,ei...ti.lituftwswitutsuil Iiiietot sot; Ito
lea, sui the .nublio will nee 44 $ VIM- rotai5-17.7%.„5eizzrd)014,00-711,4itz.
adieu Life insurance 001111)ntliOs are Aticitik 614400 lialP, sullscriptiOp $400. A,
really niatiagod very well and the Cato:. $10; al,r4I-,-,y:cir. of Stratford, 'Jobbat gown),
adieu Itriuratieti lalos are etriet enough Afpliirticonsilicoeetpmerre,b.astos!tnweiltiogriwgieldi 440
slonbt.,proyo (*polo 0,011 offiont, ,
'READY FOR FALL ;11140gege:11own 14 wbi tvi
having nothing to do with
1/11440dats Deltas IN
Take advantage *of
$ E duriug the
months of
September and October
Prices range from 50 to 500
per roll.
2. They will have* caPifittetotilt ef
at leaSt:$250.000, with not leult n
$150,009 actually paid up, before',tbo
loan is it dVanted± They erie0a.e.
two-storey balloting, at leiet 09t1100
feet, and Plant to be 1nataMa
therein shall have a 10,40,1104t
$150,000. All this raust4.40 dOtitind
the wheels ready to tlirtrbefOra'000
cent ot the loan is advanetwa„;
0. The town will b6 000647:10
first MOOS 0,0 ail the httaliyhol
lugs and 44 binery* as Well no hy
preyed log100041.0 the 'Atli attiOn
of the loan. , •
4.- This trignirettrLanianed
levy by the-tmenot 3,8I380. .Thi1
after tbellret yium the IrePtlinellte4
morning ow ame.00.14,:...,;00)100
Head Quarters for
School Books
$2,000 will niake le *mount $013.
tax to be $50,000, which, is a, safe 11.
gum, the 'school taxes will ILITIOOPtt
each year to 11304, Which would leant
$1.013 tes$1al relied by itwat ` The ll11.it
nese tax remitted by law,, and the ,
coma tax un officers' salaries' treat
School Supplies $700. Atisemor Otunpliell psti$
meow, reaeb atiother 1400, and saitk.
TERMS STRICTLY CARL mating also taaaepaid by worittnink.-elf
uusurges Hounia-anee a. DI. 500 th In. new dweillaga, 'Which are IneViti,
with an addition of from /ktOliktiint
royeee to the Working eloOe Of:47
. R
Doderich Telephone 1006.
Court House Square ,
• the Gobeticb Var.
tataranne Oszr.41.
tams. W. Dan left tor London on Tuesday.
Mho B. Proudfoot vioithur in Hanna.
Mtn, Thos.13rophey is visiting friends In De.
MIK Doyle lett tor Scranton, Penn.,on Wed,
enVfirfagtAllatymad. o a business trip to Toronto
• •N. M. Cantle, of St. JOseph, wan In town on
W. IL James, et Seatortb, was In town on
A.D. BieLwt mado a business trip to London
Ilev..Ioselth and Mrs. Elliott were visiting la
the Queen City. • •
Eted. limber toOk in the flower show at
Toronto yesterday.
Attn. George ewer, Petrelfs. sPendltat it
taw weeks at St. Otorgo's rectory.
J. NV. Broderick rondo a business trip to Tc4
• ronto onTabsdor.
min p„, Brown was visiting friends In
• Ittort4 thin Wei*.
kerr and Jae. Lome, ot Brnssols,were
In town this week. •
W. L. ELIO left Wednesday tot Bnitalb
on n visit to her seder.
Captain W. Craig returned to town tor the
Reason this nook.
• Mint A, Johnston lett this week to Reit
friends at Linden, Man.
Hanker Moltinrehlerof wait• county
tow* visitor on Tuesday.
Mr, and Aire F. A. Dickson, or WrOzeter,
were in town tan week.
Xirs, W. saul Afisq Sauna returned on
Mondai Rona visit to Toronto.
sire oier,aattrEolt gllor. torr. honte,Bault
P. J. and R. 13. Byrne,ot &aorta
etioh visitors the $0,melt, - wore Hod.
• tnir ;1St= re'eterrolttlislitato !w. (Ca
Hey, Hr. MpLeab, of Myth, la moving into
,hio now dynamic on the west end ot Drupe
James Clark held bet own the nest taw days.
Own/thee tsr therilftre no signs of a permanent
atter Me Wide .
en and leaves Toronto
Harry_Atnieto, arrived in town from NVInni.
Pox on we
Mao Robinson, who hild been visiting her
• ridatlytle the part two.montimIett tor her home
-11%Minttoba on Tueoday.
'eV o hist been w siting in town the partnr011th.
• rn. Carnigen Anti Mr. Jobe esimpion,
le on their Mara 50 Dentit on 'gondol.
Mr. and Mrs. Steak Iftile lett gueeetiy to
Iota mom
ticket ;Amino% which this
year hakes in Now Orleans end *any Pilule
rAnts ell mute to that mut or rat emit ern
^alto olive Piste; toteaties twee Mau*
went to Has Dungannon entegtoutmentWitit
Mt. Jahn tlittpoon, Tbergeont a very weer.
Mae Woe, ert4d1it the top mere and tee
. arra, aita11. alrett•utt ter wineuow on
Itondaywhere oho weeionekt by a setter. sod
lett ter etinittent,Albetin. Where Only Wid *Vend
tt rewinmit wins their outer in Metazoan.
western town.
The Meeting Calendar.
Ileptitivergigtfie Inverness camp, 9. 0.8,,
notaltit meeting of Maitland Ledge, No LI,
A..r. and A. M., next tuesdiwy evening. I.
ITAaaritnata-te nedetiet. on Ilettirdse
kir, and atro, Nelsen Artnauvng:
Lameste. - tit nation& tovreslile. on
wor.e.nealviti. Lamprey.
• tO DORE A C0140 IN01‘111 DAY
Take TAXATirli Bli0B10 Q41611145
Tabletn'Ilroggletetertindirooney Olt;
0111 t,0- out*. ra.fienati aignstinw
hi onto& box
thAllwrith jOWItAblp,
Stnit,A1A-L; 0. L. No. lea
eiebrted the AtoliverrAty or MA Guns,
vrcler, Moto by Wing their aninit4.
owl hliPPer at the homeof Sto, Win4
Vein*. on the evening ot 11044
The **ening Wm All tbetebnitt be
ton Sumer lovaseetlecl froni
UntIl,notrit tiloN *WO We troll'
Puttied to the Orange Hall, *here
g good, program had been.,
Ranier ably lined
_Mdremen 4tore 4gboti...htthe-
, msasys.s, 'man andfiteadatien1 a01011
Were 'Oran by Wear*
Ottirtly4 mut Miss II. ,liturdY, moss.
.steolootomia,Stutdr rapponding be,
Amoral ittsttitiotritAt • 100410- was
itittoloi*4 ,Probee. Willett Was
ithm Moth" enboriall sta reading, VS
-Mum ill" ?robin Adodritieti lw*ro
. The grogratitota! ante
te-a eke* by Minting Ood
itig4 When Die Orangeasta
own, it is fair to say very little, f
anyof thattehdrial levy, will rooldi
to Made op eat& year. .
5. The Gompany are bound to em-
ploy continuously after the first year
an average etteh year of 100 bands,
and all their patents at present bald,
as well ea those secured for any tattoo
improvement., are to be absolutely
controlled by the Goderieh trench,
and used In no other factory in Can-
ada. ,
Thia is -a fair and correct statement
of:the :conditions between the town
and the company, and we think the
proposal io .orte that would ordinarily
be regarded as a safe Wetness venture
for the town. .
THE JAHESON cotoiruDiff Po.
This cotnpany have 78 ban& on
their pay roll in Clinton, 50 of whom
are women and girls, and the balance
men, They cannot keep up with the
1 ordem offered them, not being able to
get any more help in Clinton, They
deeire to establieh q, branch factory
in,Goderich, so that the tlyp factories
can be conveniently worked teltetiligr.
They ask for free electric power ot
to exced ten horsepower for ten years,
and the %mutt ealliditssioq a* to tame.
The town not being able te Inroad)
electric reefer off the presoak 'awe%
proposie to lay aside $2,00 to be need
as maybe fatted neiesSittinisapPiging
the power waked,
2. The Company will garb opera-
tions; on January 2o0. 1007, etirinneno-
Ing with 25 hands, and mddlngnt lerset
15 eaoh year until they rentililif bands.
but if the labor will alter ifaelf, they
will start with from 40 tri to and work
the factory to lts tidiest possibility.
An we said two weeleksgo. ttio. °Inlay
by tbe town ie so Oman tha It need
hardly be mentioned riacompared with
the beneilte which woulti Dow from
having a duplicate of tbe Oilliten lac.
toryhere, and we do not look for it
dozen votes Meade liable proposal.
Now, a 'few words aa fs the Wind -
pie of granting municipal aid. The
Board of Trade of tble town Were in
the peat two years been in correspon-
dence with at teed two dozen ENDO
endeavoring to get them to conelder
Goderich as it favorablepeint, and In
every cane cenealrelon*iiiich as those
now under consideratleti were Ow, •
tritely necesary to cinte aeration. In
view, too, of Lite fact that every week
bees some. ratinicipality yoting$ each
consideratIone to eeettru new induri.
tries -es wittunte altratteed, Gitelgre
Brantford and ,Reepelk, 11nring e
pest tent days -it Is tateletie to 400
to told our pretetit indwitelea with-
out competition. The two 'Industrie*
now proposed wauldi,„wfital.ence In
full operatinn, be Wenn,.it
40116111 it year to tine town annpl‘v as
an adVertiserient throtigiMilt tlatniala
Don't forget that Ws not an
exaggeration, but taf derrionetratde
truth. Hy no conceivable poesibilitY
can we loo to4p the Otitglebtrient of
tbeo indoettiO. 101, On the Centritay,
Make,greitt gain., • . •
, _Here is another Illustration gabliah-
e4 itt YOstertialot dal* Port Attlino
caned two bylook-Ono to guarantee
bonds ot the Moine, MAntlfeetetleg
CO. to. the MOO or -440,040,,, to .; the
manumeture .ot araleultalrat Ott *Ill
uraehinery., the yoltheing $24 (oft
and the other to loan; $15,600 to the
Searoan.,Relit Co, ttir ten 'ton to
erect .4 rotatory to mationtoturellomit
building bisterlel, the vote being 704
Mil *hook.* tioillOb not foUw
to 51' -
Writ fgOlt /We '14*0 flVLAWL
, 1"600*$440,1*yogy.,
'illoyot, Tilt oti W444614, sent tel
(0. 4§6t010 10 Mhrneapoll. re.
gerding:the 14014 Mfg. 00.0*ta yeso
terday,rteidtail tho Oillowlogi*p11441
From willoo OmOpoatirtiolittiit
Peopled wok, Nab0000lio,.Notto4
to* Aploloil tlit RAW tPAtitlOtied
on ettliigienit tilerittened IVOtild 10
From coal,. /anent AlsOirof
*epode: -
„104441-114«: 010,,44it 4141,eitigsis;*
mvonototit 000towseti*** our OW,
pool to loon -Wool necilent
on Ittnit,1*114t010 and tilakkti Anon'
cht11$ op. Port**, rettitoktoext,c*
Viott SIAS r.4014$1$ t1/40,404
the towo O.:Jowl-1104 * *WO
**dog lark sticbt to boo,,
fteen tb*
otiorlit101411, A
2%* 000Poir
1114 Attorwl
*took linbeetibedc*15000.
ready to 'etsatmerme wort lea
the witit the to**
rati to
'nit New tiOsiirrAL.
its Poona, Opening to Take Place
on Deoeonbv Lot. •
291,0 "1 investments In 1,dre Inenrance
lus liafteliti j /i9ttjoYerY eatel3t'
Kind of investmente,..ne trt lineation
the protooti_on for ifilatiree, in cue or
thee.% d. Crawford., Wan in Teronto,
trareiferring at hie ntorealeig4he
tin ,Iinainpaa collocatedWith
' . the
talitlitiattedH341000in.,g. ecitoll&edythoet'aprzoraq.,00
antott Audatok10 the ttigy' 'ham-
ing apatirions 4610 OP. north inni hwo
airway mieureo their "allorratiee of
deer...W(40K and' may ettiettetl.
hjage:any Otyllanillnk, of
Godeticb, bought KOOtner caeloita of
eyonto 1. /comoo:thigltiOkti•OOVW
93' pvjInc)rator dt)fltifl%tes to
tfklellrekOlitfalle0ab Oil here n
/01? thlte fat011ieleittigettlielreildfia
Thliratier weelten ct'earnery
A41'011114 tiOnologloeisomt.vtooyvt,:
linthittritiotol$,:the West.=13/1rWitiotill
Vire Irintiratitaa 06.111111redeit , Of tam:
wp The iliteffiiyo,thet 'IA" on
Okiiieta "reepon' *suite* el
ll'oehdal'tgolilit$1,011iii:! And Topo
btu_ isoh 4grienluton-:. on 'Mon.
forrt,, ti nwlth iieu,' ‘v 041 rral 41:VI taillng] otInel 044:: ;
big4k .1)riltet, Wing 41104•V tot6:641,1tiol
Plater htril JIni$BeilMontt have
each 'a, horealfOf • itgiti. both
.,. or a day's. work.. 'Nome Asko
t nia*ler!' bur* oltleem4en than
Union but Ome will lot-ilidintt 11. At
any eatia.beitettUntil reeently one of
*Moe; hete ;bosotio*•-popisletilit$:-Obinktiivirtetati40.*II:
mownio,,,,,vitty'hiato: or 'apple* ot on*
1044100, •abbItT '*014$0
het trspooktor:th,ii wooly
SAL0-44i, awl* Tyner anI
Pete*, or ,Druntotthll
lsat Sunday.- Nt.. M4
41144thiii$ and Mtiv Soot
ob. tat wlUa rtitkritl* 10
11°111144beta"' rirofir,n4:3;s1
04s slett
wit In this
Gond ak Mes. Wilt?* a* Pt
it* at lief, larbel t
dirt -mit 0
pMss Vert AttietIr
vothrif tool
few boo hors Attodori
tumult bold 04 Iciributt ti
of the
Thew two desitnble quelificationi
lettaant to the taste and at the same
Me ,otteettliti, are to he found in
fira'ves' Worm Exterminator,
bill ten like it, ,
igen. II ins it
bask with
1511656, Xterikr. Valet thoulaTeh •
ftor*,--Awitt JAyAt lute returned
frOtta the Wilt .-aid -*drat as if $Dke•
e00ntra".aereed with hies.. --)dr, Tomos
atm 110 soeselOt4p4 RAW
Sunday with Ao4 *v. -Foeaa
Tom 40)10 ail* 'keret', and
iizqve4 to Vilieigkalia-.
ilaim TOM: hag TOLSITned to Tara 15,4s
wssq nomefor rby!4ayii mom.
, •
-OuvAintlforair.-tquiptotir 040iter
*blob was beld in Zion' Camp* on
Sunday last, was largely attended, all
the appointinenta being Well route.
• •
Pieneorat,.-Nirs were glad to sce
that Mr. Thou. NolCeith,'Isalofer'iatt
the rola to recovery ea Wiwi Able to
wood chorea, Apago..-e* :Reboot
teacher, Mai A. Olarkeoll, lata, at
pre.ent. The tannly of .14*. Rah&
wehater met at tbe old 40/oo. last
Thursday fetid apent 4 pleaaant 40,
lasI week-,,tup„4,04,0 prat-, D. K. mr,O;
witer. litaMdatv,a`004..Onth 110 acne of
it pleasant *veal when 60/ blo009
64640*641141ted,.in mar*
rla§e to WillOar411166, ocinOon.
Ae TbecereMony was Pee OXPO
ed by ReVo Mr, MillkOdf OUP/QUAY
in the presence of tronie SO Volt%
The bride, who was ntiattended, looked
charming In a..dresa of light dri‘t
Beteete• trillaned Or cream Ince alin
old rose appikuoi 'After the ipere,
molly tbe company* Mt thileil to 4
dainty dinner, aftecwhiebn, pleasant
evening ,vrati epent..$ A large aesott-
ment ot beautiful anttneeful gresente
testify to the eateeto ilt.'avbiell the
young _ceePle ore held lir the v10;01110-
ity. The groom's present to. the bride
was a 'handsome sold web*. The
good wishes of a host of friends are
extended to them and 'weave. pleased
to welcome the OOP/ into
Ziott neighborhood •
Coutren. Mrarram—Asheeld 'Council
Met'in session ma Nov, 3: all. mernbere
present. Minutes pfSep.• u9,approved.
Olt motion of Eickiey ein/ ittleter, er-
rangenients for the lair* attelitYtnag
of Dither's read were *nada, Moot
were iesued as Mame,: T, Sandy, 0* -
nm ditch, S. R. 6, a, $5; 1, Dimmer; ctw,•
ca. S. 11... 6, L 55.5orep. eel. S.R,,6, 7,
$2,70; j'. seonett,rep. cul. Pon. lo, 52,75;
J. Cowan, rep. cut. S. R. o. XP? $2.50; J.
McRae, gravel, 960i D. Cameron, gravel.
$2.88; B. Suckingliain, thither, rep. culvs.
and gravel, 8.28; P.' n. XeLenttan.
ttptkes, $r.9o; P. Johnston. gmveliing, s.
R. 9, re, $3.48; A. Stewart, inspecting,
$6.25; A., Tdwle, gravel and„ one da,08
Work, $12.27; G. Swaun, gravelling, N.
B. ifs; A. 1VIcLean, $ gravel. $15.2o; W.
Rite ie, •rep. culv. S.R. 3. th Pm; J.
chosen, rep. eulvses.• u.ia, 4; Se; J.
Stothers,,grayel,*$4.32; T. Sandy, bridge,
h., $127; IC. McLeen, rep. culv. DL.,
0.50; D. McGregor, lipped. S. K. 3, 4,
R. J. Domain, culv, S. It. 6, 7, and
plsnk Ch bridge, COII. 4, $8.3e; J. Foley,
5,4614 ua 04424a* Zotiglusofctiing.i
am.% 44.3$; *out%
$rrott, rep. eml plewilquit bridge. L.
.o$31A.1,444LA/k mishott S.A. 6444.
J. 14cOas, riespiag ditch. eetto at and re,.
tin/1 bridgeli.1440; F.R. Paltatii*Pg•
ga L. R.,0.49; 1. O'Loughlin* grik.',
Yoalioll $•- R. '6, 7 Mg 5. R. 4 alin re
paring bridge)coni 9. $16:67; 3. $eYoe,,4-
41a. soorth sro.Aot Atisatiownilre
•Ili hfc0regefe Work at earrieles
bsidgs tout • eel,. $19435; 'DIXON
reined of, S. bo .50,
3. Suiellzer, tile,
0, 14.• P..4m M4'afekirinneeNat
!Col. D, L. $i.0 ;j. COok. appruauh
'ew 9h 'Po.; %Seini.r. 8ie awl r,pg, cub
• 5451 R. litatio4 gran]. 14.04;
5:,emerom gr4ve4 4044 XL 1114041, zuKi
cab UR,, 51.00; i,1, johnoton,
polf, A Jelinatelli *Volk coo.
$144404,,K0 part,pay tt.
Long. 001, $24; A.. Johnston,/ totting
hill Aunt 'Ailing A. It, 3, 4, $70545;
IehostaiWElling Sot, ''$• It' 6, 70 4lP4
Vellhiog4401-. Mrs. MtLeau,
stenbea. $z .So; A. Jolmston, Ole end
gritting P. . Disiter, plank end
work 9a. nrillge S. 13,. 9, to; $30.95.•
*gelnent-Werk, $i10.35.
Illeenne.Dec. t3t1r, air )Cr etatute,
Tn00,;;G:Atitin, Clerk.
Auction Sale Reglabsr.
Saaantnav-Rfrolin00: NOV.'ne AT 7,30.
'''?AtIgtig,l1V009rkranitn Wate,ingttreeges,
bedroom aliitC, Wit cbttl1 desk,
sidebeenth ;etc., a Ilegketr's Anelien
Ituoint Hand/Ma street.
‘,Wattnitfinvir, NOvnitene xvir, loot
*-4tic1ion sine of fOrni, stock end
in, Ws At let Xis Ooderitt township.,"coin,
mooing at ; All to clear, as
,proprietor is going to
I:twin, cox, proprietor, /Metall",
anctieneer • ,
.61 Jontnees. gnd.
° • obristemaaerros.
mote lean inn atiourneys end,
it bathe low green door;
WOO entereth there at 115 01 sun,
% Ho cornett% terth ne Wore.
Airt'arlitteadtrat 10
Andillerathttl'sitlett se unte.7.
Who.teiled in -cast or west.
They have ne,dreares. they never stir;
They %will not hear n sound,
Nor 187 wind shall ruin° thew, ,
In that enchanted Mond.
Dem/that lonAt journey's apt],
city Wiweth
wan golden turreti. Wenderful.
And ninny 11shining $.1r.
And thither at the very last.
Ciod'esaints shall gladly throng,
A.nd there Ideal lite tor OVOCMOVO
Hod praise in endless s011g.
CKirn Goderich
Jast now you want these and just now we
,,. liref40,04 to give you exceptional value in all,
beeause we ,have bought heavily and well. In
every 1h10 the goods are correct and prices are
4V- :VIA Can't. afford Ito pass this big, well
assorted, well 'bought stock.
• Red Blanket Oleth, double width, pure wool,
per yard sse.
• Women's, Black Skirts, well made and nicely
tripAted, s.t..48 to $7.50.
Grey Skirts, (better than your dressmaker
CAD make and costs you much less) at $3.0o to
Men's =shrinkable pure wool Underwear at
851 and Sr.00, last year's prices, and you know the
advance in price of -wool.
DOWD Quilts in down proof fancy silkine
coverings, at -a big reduction in prices. It will
pay you to see these, they are a necessary luxury
costing little
At this time of the year people are
naturally diecussing in their minds
the question, "Where shall we buy
our goods?" As .our answer to this
inaportant problem we refer to the ad-
vertising columns of this issue. In
our columns will be found. proclama-
tions from 401 the principal business
houses. Trade with a person who adi
vertises if you want nide, fresh, elean
goods aV reasonable prices, Find a
man who does not advertise, and yon
usually find it inan'ae rusty, and old-
fashioned as tbe goods that lie ia try-
ing to sell,
AT ,
How about that lienting Proposition? It will
be econemi to. let us figure on it. We do
Alet pretend, to be the only pebbles on the
beach, but we can tell you a thing or two
about ge(iting.
We have a large stock of BASE BURNERS
that can be bought for .cash at reduced
Paroid R.00fing, Intern ation al Stock 'Pood ,
Tin and Gianite Ware, Aluminum Ware, etc.
'Light Consumption of Fuel
Hardware, Plumbing and Heating
IS a necessity hi 'a good Range. Thi S is one of the strongest
features the "Happy Thought" possesses, and to, this
detail has most care, attention and experiment been extended,
The less coal burned, down to an infinitesimal quantity, the
better the work the "Happy Thought" win do.
Radiant Home Heaters,
are acknowledged tiie country over to heat more surface .virth
less. fuel than any °other heater on the market.
• 1119 big Nate or Simple Mantles will continue all week. It has .
beenS:deekted so :4zee#,' so tar, data littittly he anything else, for the ,
values are oinclueatleiftehly the hest, that ever went :out of the store.
vWCOat,a sample. Every Coat gelling at fro* $4.' lass ' than it
,would have - telt-WC hadJnot deared this 64.14 of Ica sample garments
trIoks t
„ N114,
ample Mantles At $4.9o:
• taateo'lloivooth utsketo.4a01144f,two& awl
Pars tlokhk 4natutt letattlia.$14 eke** of grey
and /kW% With. tir Without ,4reivet, collar, the
OW Wei bath steltdt te that bkltbt
6tt"ttr11"!. hona$IMtI1°"$®0hOeof feS1..!*.*4194:
The Right Coate'are Uere.
Right styles iti. Jatkets on
our -rack. GlittMelltS 'that
sppeal to people rhst snit par-
ticular *boa their, dress. FiVe
ot the leading"unikra have
, their best - styles -represented
in our stole., Netter hoe vre
shown good stock, never
have ire had * Mantle- htutt,
nets like this season. Of any
or the hest not more than. two
rakatli Titeta **LI
*.so, $x,, $t134, and $*
Dressy flls.ck Costs '$$,,
75, tid tot°.
8aMple Mantles At $7.80 •
vsgt hoidastao gitemenLit inctais. hit, fancy
'cheek tWroliijnitelylkitioitiedi With it roiv plain
etothe, tookily oit the looki back, keit a:
few among theta. 'Mate that Were
.farttle tO.aelhat $0,004610I5k05:404.WMild hate 10
•aell: at Dila -Pride ifhOught they'regtilar Way!,
-.:1011Olett‘14 thlti let fOr.....4 „57.50
No need to bother Inaking' up tt Skirt ,iyllen
you can buy Otte:ieadynti6 for .as little ulidney at
this Skirt Sale of ours. We are$011inglid*..Skit
for less than their One *oust we. bought :them
that way. are tnacle,Oont good INieedst ares.sY
patterns in greys, 'blues, etc.3 oiat in .nevo, styles
4 sit *ell mode., Three prios and at each
good susairbitent, to clrnose from,
Wit ,
made from goodaitty'larkey -Tweed, lk
gray,liAto plain Monett* bontopinsilleth' ot -them
and gereseate that Will *tend ittaY At000ltt nI lora A**
wastb hoot- Ifft" ICA. tido Ap46141 Nue" lislot.00t 7
At s1.4*
*aolohitaokiiottiootitooto nit* .11
la fteyettlnennto,' Style/that, are. pot 1'
nom svintet Wear, Skirt*, 'hef **dr ttainitted With etrilkt*'
%twos **4 * A rent Mal
tbaa ,80 at Dolma* *:114*7.11.6ezIntatitrke.lcutm, *ay_
solo 'Ow* *to to 14 ikt :foot 14,4is
Width it* V *144
Ott 1. 10414 sty
, Chisels are forged frotn
the highest quality of ern-,- cible '
Tool Steel, tempered- .
in of 16, full mirror polished, hand Ithtirptined,
and: *hettedon an oil atone ready for,
A otitap: tad is a bad investment.
Row, print Wand Is on absolute guarantee
of quality and our ''AD`sli gittift Chiaela ore.111.
vireo way up to the OM 14110 Standard,
Veti*6 ti
V14 , give you, ptotapt,atteotiott anti guatootee