HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-11-09, Page 8•
• 0
NOVEMIO 9i 'it*
414,0, -Mr. Kr
but iittho hove is setertatoeft
ver7.-10*. J Artmetrong
viniti ialti
044 le
'Kemerf; JL
Shter •ere, hevuog the
AficitNT belonsinberoil the floe trim*
supplied by the hemeti of herbottleftekil and the. athletes of her areias,
botstilt more .86,414 these heroes and athlete* theostitelnes be rementhrred
for •the custom they '00040004 Winter age* of belloig: sore on
OfoceS On their bodkslot the external appUc.Uon of • someserret haim
or salve. tGrek chdeteers dM. aot einergefrom OKitt mod
and to onolst
' wet tiabiellotterostoble
I races oitbont softie *eye* bruh
each injury eistftillY *IfitOwtk" ilit
1 'port of the dales progrotionet ,. 1
I find (hat this ei4ettiet "ribi the •earliatliniesr. AO P.0 i
%. amidst so Stony thontes in. sdence jeems_to fte hi the feet ,.
0 • the 44Stool ,:lnie' Of :sithf 'and halma*
Nature ***elf*: .'001,,,#inetinct teUs .us to rub part thst
,,, hafts 0 .•4,044...,14444,ii „, t,he kleai aubtance to apply 10
'••affiroktod: or dseased surface40(.14 tybelieved,10 have
been • foot* lit . toStit it: IS ..0',`. ioi, kkitOwn fact that pre-
parationse Such as otstittrotOe'rreonfOr solves,Ii&rnents and
embrocation sheite:Ibitherto been imperfectt
and, rnoreos'er, they frettikozOgf.,..40001.0) "' 'ofr,.ranckl
• enintot fat tintt mineral •PrOdnetS.Of 0.',.harmful nture., • ' . '
, .
- -- --- --- .4•1.--- .....: ,:i '. • ..e„,._'" • '.•;.. • : ' ' ' "
.,.- r •
Z00434 1.0,400 trbrfloAil 01114004erit*41041001';1 4' Pi i•O*44,400/410 l-
titat4 10.481,ext.4148 and 080804. Ja• Or '48t1AFI' tl'.044•04X4 X01,^V1841,
winch 1.444 olo is ..Zonank 810'1404144 loh,With.ih'exhiate*WIth•ellio4 to
' tuh4 or to *P10 to,. cosi 'Orebro, injury, or '41,04484•4orfa*:•.-X;0;Bnirls:re.,
osinektItto, onto; other ointments,* it 0.00..bokbitottot):the'ssi/4,,,,,Itiiosip, ,.
. 'h,!00.40,AtimoSto-;1411wlailsopit genat8nti prever4, bleed, pelioning, nippuratina
4010ittiiik• . Moog,' Olio iero,:hteolI pOittaiinai fiterableeittheol, braises4 • roband intiged, all tem* of skin ,diieixoe -. :
Ire .0ifiameato aad boatod'Ily Zauklialr. To 4874080m In tbo 10800 it bi 11vialliMiUbol4lri:boct,i'of,"ite putity*, w •
adatirable far bourobold tiro and for chilaron)i di4tilskiar..e. , ,. . 4 - ' ',. ''
. TOOtiM0flit OSto. . riliiittikl.S.:Sealtn
. it, gif,!kOlirlr.44Voadltitt i?Itree4,14ownek,„fant. *4
4I11,41441=441,40140,,t4tIorerjeire 11.144144t
• "•XohieltiotdailoorlY OIZeld•tik..,014fP liait aPP
4044840:%0000.111;4%),400 0440 with th9 efl.'
:What Zam-Buk
'OW& be (Ott i for.
, sin+kin4.01.rgr-414; .butlizl'itit';',14.4
44,,„.,,,,,p.,..,,,,,,,,t,„,,,,„,t,„,„or„ ,„,„ ilia
'oar* h si Perblir rt ,:til,h,„ ....„.
..,,%,,„,...„,... w ... . , .n
"oei*PPeirPrOutior44""4 - ltuttect-4,41,inte
or wooded moat lleneg_0041_04„.,,,,„„„nooto
oito00,10,104000 utz""4v4 4:pitul ..*itiit a
0441114*lb, 4, bossism_ Co.,„ _,.,
stop', rbox• or Zi'P‘c • r .”-
.ti prlo
OF Or 0,04, '
nsetokr,,...4.01, art: itPrerfk Monte& 713eleativota
01114ada0 -.vota.altear roiroica 7. zanyet en letaatno.
Oprepen400034040011, „ •
thataaventeettoit,, •olds,oloot!,10 tea, Fen trey rt. ,too, hut
J.h. pun userstieveit sort ra • , , •
It that tt,watahattartOt An#04.4,**g
, .„. ,
'ag• Own* t
iuIOE u* It. th
• Itght
444 a* the
t evergbOny
iny *perk of
tiotxoi * are 'down,
newithensehere beim ie.
so4 4140 low expected to
ow, tes the ootoosoy now Akre, free
Vice betwnenlYnnetery',,Bordwie
1 wean. woos very:touch 10 er dello
the lonowing'nloroltortmheo•tt -was LEH S
ttino tut
bleu 4-irroisdestroying, pointty Ann fOutidpy
Ili* Meg things in getter 1, pornof
ed Iti 44*- scutW *ink Aro,
old1,ngugh to. know hstt
(lentil* Inv,aro rettuni itg4t Jut.
upper Inury„,,,,a,ne r),Istons tooth
4.7.4'.1rMrted (i01(1 o 'enuPitt of
etiElo•the max)Eottg/4004,04,
r OrW001.1 alulotto
L*nd the WrittP84 'tete' tIrAviro
out &nJ 4.P:h Once IslighP
up, It
obeitch Mat.
ER 0, 104
Some ototekvhati Show goceeitett,
• It le oo ;tattoo, to WOW Mallon*
orwea. , Httiott Road, near
.44.00.0 il;e, Moot suceeits
onto. the tieuoty, tee4 it rill)
herett :that the Ontario,
.X4Yertltie:01' ,Nostool,t!Are some
yearsag0 woo denutititritting the moo!
POI4heItikfite Of .ellteteetiO .apraythir
In • :00••11« 0,40t6tellik *hers
.**.otwootuoae.eetoeto, for the ileto4,•
oroltrStheItc:10;t1tIe *talon. The 're.
aOtte,,, okitioRtereit and'
0440 at the Onle, siVillttthe
e*pOintentaAfal Wel 4M not justify
*sae* nor did they warrant
*40000 and Itther.petiolrett., The
evlIe ot: tutuptenno insect :pest* wore
tihe:,e04.10400p. too str, oilmen set
shout ,-Other'verstis to ensure keeping
the Oreheittittli. alto, healthy' State,
*011 thus gettiiiii better -1Mt and
more of Ile shown Tog Smi
Alogia3telbpliet•,fOut.hio4oppia OreueN1
whicb,eerp.101# indicate • 00000101',77,
bath *pita width 1130,0043, HOW lz
ai Lt;ettrilli li;oVollte°,0%.**1
tittO aell 4 Nede
14 wet* just ,abont *dot tori
tottlettriOul eoleritA*koo
, „ .
, as to how he 44 IN Mr. COO*
4414 O A*
he 'ooashiatefk, that '4110 , ithrthkg
at the wrong 'etttl .4 the. traohlo,
11. tettel'aus::olentied OP hia:•orehartt
and • • nyery'hit robblah 'one
earnreito in ;#4,
bulietin on .o.ttaii vox-. Among 1W.
$04 lent, 64 004 'the 0. .&.
Oellege• The 48100. 11;t4 (Milton; inky':
thontrup itt truntooptionsit.
teem *its *Awns. io were, and on
-',Iyeliftlibtxotstforleg:itt*ittit Voll,tO700.
aIkd 0.001.4ht000
OrfUngtie'suel other 4 iv
*Avow .. • . ,
nottirepun betnannt4 *nit eqinit.:
tterte tope: wok atatar.
With, tokhov. and the* are
et461;• of test trunks up
Oftlx*',.inie04 Pests 11(04
to do theIr work. Uff
;MO oat
ocIrnbtp tbeflm
these insects in ,this way and burned
them. . • *.
These experinaenhil are easily Wee,
anti Where 'the result le omit fruit as
Nfr• Ourtven 10;840%m -they pay well
for -the time and.troubib•
The Public Cibrary.
At the toeettgo Of the Boarri on Sat -
day oveniog • teat. the f011osiplag 110i,
pounte were paned, and orderel'to 1;4
paid by, the tromuori Boolo, Irmo
Win. Briggs. $00./ai R. lt,;Mat4;41:i
$014 ietteiinLon winclowe MA 'above
doorway, 51 7.91; Geo. Porter, hooks.
Itop heti, SO. . The Hat. -a nerimpa4'
'per 00d laegeZilleti Stre VW' altta
tteredifaxtitekrgaqi? boo. k.e
vuoteY cRiftn°04 1" VagartX to o
444'1'1144 11 " V ir
It britvoot‘tiott4 14lugli NI iW.
Eitt. n*bs di Y 11,111- °S.'
i0 AMU
ra { vitito a . ho..,..r.,., .12
,,sr..titi)11 nI.z..ot iiro44,0
b. .1„„r.„ --), , 4 Iiit joXIR
mu, 2,11.1,,, nit IiiiiZaLia ;76,64111
1 ,Hiiii 010113$ ii$ rtlAidOi it
Vind4 Wit bn ry
Tu.aro. 4114, obl )v 0 a '414,:teco-rtrtattp
41'914 turtrowl*."!'
tor..0 014.0? tt. Itecte4,,I4ly •018seip .
.47.,,„ mir wit* 1411,-e7 41..t; pig
..,, '
tiPtiptiti-Rt100RY :•O0t4RTi
'PripatOoti Oratttonl Pigtif int Quid
fled Teachers t4SePttrite
t4t014°112.41Htkitgitellittlet r;
▪ Ohrletlao PretliOte
Sitehist.thele entooka tO '4*
tele tertlflot o
tiothUpot.iiti: 801:11,4 4.111,,,tr
,000...,04. -*000.0, 44th th
40trlettesStotherelh tog** to tethatf,
Itigv • • , • .
rLncipal•Orettoti* one, 't)
001,0014 totilthiletkee the
and . brought..., the .ffittite into :
-4rehhishOg flifhLunetties4 t4i ad41
at ',the
Tbe oSse nitiite4 eousiiteishie folio
au* MO,
out 'notion .utti •obvt*
was eettr.t,1af
APlieSh. voloditsinot Justitoo
:ziomaihon was stotikinfit, 0004,'
sea. .the tattooist Priev: Onttneiti
*Ad 'the Mitt 4p,Oeit-btri lien*
,itphildk Po that Stit.tho Otattte .111‘0*
now iirkia.tbAtt.4* 471064141; Brother
wilL hare tnobtaitt,tertifiNttee. 'before!
beloK " Ittna.48,. iterieltere to the•Qo.,
.., „ • , t. , :-..., • : .....i ...
'The Toronto ' Old)* publishea 'the
.f011owing :toping, On the Movement,
get on fenVilyilen2'Nets.54'.11Onteith: •
The I:leen:41W hatiMelterItt• ;ion
his Engttelt .40 Oret10:11.anee-40; 4
sincere t!Heetion for a :,goOd., 1031•0..
twit ,no ;leader, .whititv otechattle4 4e-',
:11;180ontpare bt7i9'''OltaIxViar '.1i0'4404r-tlIttrilt.:‘
and ,Ottra .. W01, pontinpoo• to take '' on,
intelligent interetit lathe horse,_ attd;
will peek 14',Ion "roito thOir bulit.10,041
aniffials by - .e0 0 soli, ,w Og.
as. roill oa ,,hy. ', ter teea and.eare.
:ger .reenr iyears. ta.rio ent, ehen
jvcix- teett• • eItliotthig . thOitegOk of
orat-elaaa, ,,,,Iterake ' .to: ,, tlin ', . , til
Stataandt0:Oretit •Dritain. ' * '. he
province "'•nt .0l,O 'U844(44140 *
QJ)gold ttetu(14* ogi i; 0:4t -:' xi from ,'Akrt:1:4t4til;it x:ye:. Ito4u.:".41.1:'11.6::§1,t,itedm:v...en:441'4:4::::41ain:::::41%:".:0:0,',*':rfs,tLicitidt4:1:::'
Ave' litl " '.1.L.L,, at. .-smo.1.14149ra':
., . tehe!littOtwandol*O'htt tex*: • •.e,, ..i. , .,..
#4-ruost',ii' 14E41;1 ,,,41.4:114,0' -,."'iat bit WA .
Twee ,g
ilyittrorillivo,4.i? .,40;,t4ts4e0t.toe,,te_..stte,t.T:,
At thaiast-seet4hO'ht the . togielet
n .r210.1$1.1%plrtilatt)Teatt
log theltorse, indu trY. , and' ,8renr 0
dIsorroototOvOin-Velietir tottvvittegoilitetz,e,,otorim. Oki it,
atottotte j..th, -'1104 'eohte,- , ,potior :*.11ieb
'OM '-eneOuritgO,OxereGentteustre4itit
311(3)Mr Aelintr4"r6e;"
''' - - . I t14,% to3014:11k
Wed . into ( v .
end:• expert, hOrefiVittl:44. 5'btiliarvol., •,..
tion of *it thehreetlinffenlinalaitt reoh
diotriet,„'1414 t4,.480911410( -1heit .110014
rs,,,,typoi oos.I. - ototitty*:Oolieetlee*'
* * 4 Thteslortcho'oolelvtAtto.
grliiii etitt*st ptebehttteet' host the,
emote .01r, NekeetOet,'-':
' !4ie'ettits9tertretif 'tilt;
by:,.604,e otottot,ititoito ott .im
t prly flegea,breeding,itt. h:tinilinreep'otg,,,,tostb,stu..ts'isnovili:
t toe tedltuf to -4610,40V ena
0 0 ,r 4t 1' • * ' Itie TOMO* teed
h ', 'i.0 tetAblii!ItIlig:'lltitIrra
e01 V 41rbilAti. .ta,4#111460"1441t., . ret
0*.t sit* unentinnty. ',demount*
ef * ' in . nom, .sittnin '..nntt
.the,11 I Stattat are fi4t to '1400.
et th0. li UAW sepolIto : if : they Ore!.
;stet Itie et . lif '.40. On
taitittoth 11*.itt nitieletat
tion, .oluir ' tilO*14414*- -af
opathot the.,., Otte Sti toi. 'WY iti
:MA POOltblittOitit'alf boree4hreetllog
lAtil#,T In ooler to have, It ' lett ,,oPhn
:ORION 11414
get someb i I .°) riga 134: 4:47 lns 1ully :1114:11;:u.fWa1111.Read 1
S hillfind ! 4 .1e: Obig
g wsTita,1117: yo°unths 't ibt11.1* p
Come Early
the Rush
gy 1 Oth to 1 lth
-.--, QOP'4"iiitt'..,T:71;i:1:411:1004°°:t4ditia,ila., ?4,;.......,
a i.4.44,,, op, ,.,..,4 4:,.::ft
woo. of yaoeltile ty ,, t+,1 4.#
_ • • . , ,
' 'IrOn '11 n .., .... ••,
WkStite, 'get*? ,
`,iiii 441 101 '
.Ak. ' t 0114;12
, 4 0, . „. 0'ff pt,fT,,,,o)too 1,,*potto;:.:.,;:.
it' ru hfilk.a7,3on;.. 4 *L40.t; ''50
rlPtit;°111,441110:fr'lithitti9tfli74440t ,.tri; '44,,ZAtcrte4'ilveettp,It,"d'.'''
4' II. '';$11711.' '-'84::"°:'°:°:11 Von 1r' 04:,:that paUI, to iorte:vit:70:40.1:4750t41::: ;:k., 6,i.,;,..:.::
v Sou eoe' irryclu toe 'Ilakttig.'rOw eti liter Poilud 4'4, .;'.,`. ''
Counell 1a .% t a ' tzlogilltr' 47 - ' • •-fteWer• - ' .• ' • ' .a
1404714171.'"5:a i'1111Eira*fiititrit"zi'tlittltillif:. 4=''''rii. ',1441,I(;°:4174?:-PlilatOjrc'Ll':1'YF4."'eCs7;;;4;101•••::-N770,';i'''t1:1:' 1' Y)'6
800rayikor u
o 00,0 And
. ePWAiiidr:tolltarlabalr,..:4' aP3011,,,,,,,P0 Pt!
a otatlatiom., 044.4447 ouril--- . ig;loro • •.at 3t,t4;411441tv ;;;,4•,... • r .. ,.,., - - -,,, . •,....., ••
, .• ,I.gy.,.*elef?eretpip-es,c 0,-iciiitaisespot4.;:::::..::::'::.'."';`; '32)'
441:74-0PlS!Tirl:74410"4,11 ; 4419 i°0100:' ' '':', Iltiteril.;,44;0" * * ° " 'I' ''''':, ::::' . :14°,
„ ,Ajialii0 .11b1T40$18'... ,'' • l'' '''fir'z', rt "' ' L'''.."'''' . ' “. ''4
a t iti° e'fo,n, : It:140:0,e t!roit:twudec, peootture. „Piii:440! ,6:,..!"..7.,!!,1,.? it: 4,1,ne*, ,..,:, °.,..P.,..,,.'",.."'• ' .' '4.4". .-5°;
'-'i0-40i.c"iiiith tlia'abritaS,4tifbas pot; . Nv4o;•'01,44::. • 'Pal' -4-271e. nd 2,30.'°
if toned by tin yntnw wink? too ,, Tonnes, , , .' ! • e *". • ' a' - k.
000 "tbitlito 0'00 'bini inwitkbien!. • ' . ' . ' ••Plaltit.:.
li:1*.Star, Of Motttreol, Tteertato '00,8kHOWe'lirWitii:'Sg-e:i14....:Yei.;"-iii:
ly 1i
, .
O.Wi It Viii aria argortate on Salt , 'Po4 Q•lt PO nti plti, 4b.,. ' 84.0
esik1013ta -It .W 1/,'.310,ve - toes 'bilk,' olvink,Pikrqb•-• h ao , and *mite, per
:***Fotat'tx4t, •:,it1t11'14Y• rel4e6irlIzeithe'e:ffie‘hilrif.0.*.riqi!unliblre•t:'' ' .1 : ''', 7. ',:' Window''''''' '$.';;;'::*''''d'a,..'s'••.',7.11'6:
werlt,lb really is. The Painily lierairk ',,, '."'.:...: .,.„ .....-' ' : • . 1...
'offefultas *free preMb.Pp. On Wattla „i,',.alt.,#iliSarit te$S4er pr;44 gii.e. .0, ?,..p
aBaSi'd,;;• cZtill'itl; gtlf , .002. , =xi , ... Wttli1o.ce aotl-hiserttee',.!......... .'757
. •
„ •
.ehte Uttrei tout Porto, '4•estitar
ihrhalt d04, ,during
FOR 7 DAYS 0141x
MI our 2513 granite Teapots for.... 25o
•AlLeur 80c granite Teapots for.... 30e
„. 450 granite Teapots for.
Au our 50c granite Teapots for...
AU our 05c granite Teapots for..„ 50a
/0 qt. blue and white granite Pails
worth 75e, for 45.
Granite Pails, worth 00o, for
• ' 4:'ONLY
srf tr.*,
„Big- tlark400' Soap
• voitlxtotls ONLY
re et. Old for. 24
re tehatthe Soap tor.....•
18 p.OT 1410etrie Stop for
All'our,40 hare 4 Sap for 40, or
1 .048 , • 25o
hare of . 25c
7 hers' Of 000110 '00a1X; 25e
lots bars ptire:08411e 2041h Per '
----------190 _
being an eltetg:-••• VOur SIMI. woltb:404,4 100
8*41c114;011 Weehlt. Star " '.eertainit . ' •'-' .
gliett a 'Mg. dlliar'e Worth in the yeur.
Big "Cpt.• in.. Whips;
All eer,iseNlittis for .. ; • •••••'10e
. . •A11,0ar,250
• A.1; our Silo whips:for ,25e
the 4evelepplent Our.%grent agr1.80,i!,„
. • - ' •
protiftibhv hilainess basis. pile,
effort ' will mai4onnother inile-p08 , All Our 050 :lllIwhide Whlpe for... 8i5
tural reourcee.
Awo:',g,Iraorit., required "ter•.th, .
rat a#0,3344, the -314aitraltd Wier bridge
terich0d,t0Viti heat itreeir,' and tie* all
the'190,40,tehiOlote..that 4trueturo,Is
on lien' loamas though 440
-hedge .will join VOlberne .404pOode-
rich ',before next i 0008 alontY.
Prepllratione are being"; 01440to P•Stioe'
'bridge. On that hetet* ,the ;1401413
Men hwbsrn.emp1oye4 tbo Past
wok preparing the Wag* aloott .A.
tritre,, or,atayttog werh ass'it0R,A10,theheidgn 18 .
. a; .. ••.: .
'itlisoftkoint v44.00040 on the nor
.:00; h Itott ,•SolortahRailway. as far
as liWertenhae ,hook Printed. ItetteX
in entreat', 444:, distr.thritoo WOO 0 '
P. 4,•agentst, AccordingIOOho' • 03
rateandmileage:we*, followstoancl
Iront,C1101ph.: • " •
• i te'ree
Vel4ihera • 3r
13ewot„ ..... .. to iiuj
netLtnoOd ..... 3
.....r1 00 1.0
511iertat The tOntactialatt
,workten on the notreith,.
Sending Vile itioreIneneiy.'of the teestb,.7
Ort,',.bare heen bollse-'4witaged. ,clurItet-
the past *MLitt puithlog fortret4
Abeneaessitertverit preparatory for 4:
, -7gmlar train 40804, which: 18 e*Ooet,
ed (bis utonth. Mr. I-otto ,Rellitahoo
has 4 itatig In . •01nOwe 01, Ur; 'Henry
now ,working on .•the 'roadbed Of the
Witieble beingsVat 143;4 Mtiver-
nt*tloii. Tho grading Is about:
eamuleted, *hen It.,oftlthett be h
tsr et 4 day.,00 t*O. ntitVho'ties and
rails Aiii30.14.8nd".. the:.
For theretoot, ItIltror o w014, he the
tertoteue et the I;tio tteleakthelreather
kee *Open, whin'.an,:ietr0t6 will bo
uiittloto toolt .:12104011 Ours*
:the work 01 lelliktf:*-Olittin txabut
daily and ,eXpeetek it L. • ii`,
,0111 be teethed *kari y %Video : •
Brief .1100104 1,0
i. tillioiito of SOhOnf ,iriettees fidled
to otteint or the ealnintlikYarr Olt on.:
dityetveriingi hence the,i,eguiaeteeoth,;•.
Ir. „won* Ikti ueiheld.0041461f,
con proientot !-,' Of , 'se-arentry
h •
there *•
.at; staternent ahe Ilthitt'ef:30.0OrIStth' •t4,,
.,eoute betel,* 'OW ttneittig.
Altv :SatiltWiteytaihibi,
,OotlerloW,wOo* in 00,efopley•sifiAt*
Vilettortx, and lite
'other thtytiorattoationtOrt_Vhitily
bis feint wreelidireit Ws* "Flirt,” *1
a good 04. •We undandstut Mr.
FIPMD II Andik**of. to inlprovC bis
stock and * the OttiOniI torlireedinr
•On Wedneeday, ei.,inttror Better
reinirked.to ri.:eitiSett.Abst. Monday
t• *MP identleM.With4hO tieY ' he
11 iteriyett in-004eriettx
'seeks* "INWIlarti He
tether 0$
'the Itt
'Thoussmitrof weesio Softer unte1cilatser-
4# every day With Hohleg beoba that really ,
hav no bouness to ache. A woman aback •
wun't glade 30 toile. Under ordinary
-tion'ti. Not to bo Art3140114
480140Rheertite barque. 2f life. • •
•;•fitleittird to do howeverk with an 0011. •
131,g• hooka' Itchtlit„ of misery at lahnire'er':.
At wink. .11: *Omen only how. the '.coone.
AletirrAdhe coMee from . mg* -kidneys, and
inn.t.410•04,:rouble id* kidneys souse to'
06'4440. •
can't do Owe !Toe to
put on then 'canP'3'1tvenlwed got out
tob "Who is simply thoirlry for help.
will help you. Thei‘rehelPleglsiek• o'er, .
worked 14441117.7.0# .over Astii WOXid
Snaking them Wong,' toolthiend vigorous.
Arni,„:ratysm,:pootrot,rwrites; :"For
. tamps
A big asiortintint'o 'Coel
10e ..,10$ Is, ,2o,Ee owl 855
'Chadilon*ift;rdiwith teasel, re?ollSr
, • - •
• Iiiigg• Oti10, regular price 200doz.fOr 16e
All our Egg thAtal worth 80c doz. for 200
$10p Pails Worth 45e, for. • 25e'
Ali 0,41140(104tE:4.0tkiSikiiillt •
Gilded BreidSfeapt rill.tes&r.2egu!aF,
' 400
17.iiiitut)fic;iateS0el, tf"' •• •
-.A Big 'Cul ViVail Paper
. FOR 14„,#$:: ONLY
-AR 5o Paper, per 56
All /a Paper, Per ron.•;4' t:,••ii-1,•:-L,
Ail Q. trait. worthl2ep pro In do
- •• price 25e, or ..,.• lOo
All 120 .1,3330°P,Worth14e,perroli, for 70
,A111 ,Sper;rxorthWaperrell.ler -10e
Alt xiaroPert roorth2rm pasta. for .15e
'llorde-ronoOelling roper to) match'
Mrs. Potts' Irons •
Tronth worth
' rf;ga• Skala 8°
Oharools1 !tone, with daub* thwatt•
tor .. • ... • $1.23
POW' AM titintiti I trtOled wjthlamo
Peek: and *air Walt to *eve wititoul
'tried ell kintie of . end.' ,
itanootehauttoy wore no tie% A; Iaat
•;leatd, toll Of Dome* Kidney P1111 *ad'
Spot %had tried ,three,cptSrtert Of the box
was as *Wong sot afeu offiver. ,
PricoIff)•atalat hot or tlitee hoses for
•ilsileraorr Thipoimilitthiey tilt a
:beath ,eatOri • Si- auddenly to the
Ire 01, $Ohtx Gond, Of the .Maitland
Thocketniwieototti OlinitWtoe4tift*autoistr,ogydt. ahtstik
week 'erii:114tiihnefinontittl:seiiit4i*tichigobi.e14!InSis:01148:61:it°741:40vkletftliNa
WAWII MO tr. 4. reetober ot the lath.
ShilbeWiLaiS4Uttit .1'144t4ainIktaelfaikIt'breet4,'A)01-01:04116iditt4' r
aliatAhlt OhNireh•"htai the Bytettethy
of 1461-4E14 TAM rhuentrtWoeaultbir eat6tVtbheti',, •
•resvensent. The funeral took taboo to
• . - ,
-Bali's 4tOitleta OA 1!'r1(14 "
Dasigar 111
roni•til*fix' eureord.'
Toll it's
toot 11 Fdthitisfa Painloas Onit
tr*ctor, '4,11kill li Virelt, eogotabto.
.4- Sit Cut in Tinware
Vlore Rette:10 ;pert lei,. • . • ; .. 100'
Aire Palle. 14 sport. tort . , ... , . ige
10 qt. Dioh gaol, wpitit 1So, for.... 10c
14 ,qt.'). Ash 'Rana, Wortlt ose. for... 15c
litqt. POO*. worth 25e, for 20e
20 qt. men Pans, worth 80e. for25o
1.0 qt. Breitd*Pabo, worth2013, for15c
20 qt. Batarldarna01011,tWOrth 80e, for25a
131010t4tilfivilikokFarnitanteotror 10e9e
g"tit.' rift Pans for, . • 12o
20 qt. 61;;;Iii.c;t1; Co; for
15e ....... 1100°0
1‘4115:03,.Thi• 0 i•?:oppastrpeusarlino7trat.le,iso,twOrti; $L.5.04
• .$1.00
• 5c
Granite Pie Plates,. ,... 10a
Largo Cake Tata, *oral VA for.. 50
Copper mitten:I. 'Boliera, regular
Price $1.50 for .$1.25
Copper bottom BODeras, with Cop -
per partway up. mailer price
51,00, tor.- L!,•11.•51.00
Granite Rattle% olvorth.$1.su. for. 09c
Titble Qiioroth
skitt.7,-,M;rs °Nur
20 Patterns to '131untse from. Best
Atratricatt Oliclothk per yard... 20c
WI Ottr5c 136010ot *Whine Oil for 80
Alt eue lee bottles for 5c
Oalvaniod4Tutto for. 75, 85 and 95e
WoodenTube for....05, 75, 85 apd 95o
Brown Teapots for 10,15, 20.25 and 85c
Large qt. 'Glass Pitehera, 25e, forDio
All our Vo Moths for. 50o
A Pent Sao Churns for .,.. . 00c
All our litie Churns for • 70c
Bird Cageo for....... ..... -.75, 85, 05e
So Writing Padslor ... .. • .... .... de
100 ., " 80
Hoe . " . t iDe
18c al ' ves0;"6•••
13est Pratt Jar Rubbers. per dos... 5o
lieueehohl Atitmonia, regular
price 10o,, fOr...... .. ... , .... ,.. 7o
Odd Dishes
A big cut in Odd Dishes.
White Cups, per dozen 25c
White Tea Plates, ,per half dozen, 25e"
Breakfast Plates, per half dozen'
Blue Cups and Saucers, worth 90e,
per halfdozen 130c
Plato to matoh Tea Plates, half
dozen • 800
Breakfast Plates, per half . 85o
Dinner Plates, per half dos 40c
All 15a Colored I3owls, each . 10o
A Big Cut in Sets of Dishes 4
All our $0.50 Dishes, for 134.75
All our white and gold sets, regular
price $8,25. for PAZ
Toilet Sets
All decoration 10 piece sets, regular
Price 5225. for 51.75
White and gold seta, regular price
$8.75 for $2.75
Berlin Wool
Now is the time to_get what you
want. Berlin Wool all shade.
2,4 and 8 fold, variegated and
Shetland Floss, for ...... ....5c oz.
All new stock, 95c to 51.59.
All ohsoles of Ribbon.
Ladies' Hand Bags
We have a special line of Hand
• Bags for 25 and 85o. A regu-
lar gm bag for , ...... ..$L00. •
A , $1.25 bag for ... 75a
Pill!, per pper ...... • 2a
WI •
INeedles, per paper lie, 80, re/
Writing Paper worth 10c a quire,-"''
for 40
'Envelopes to match, worth 10a a
path& v_ 40
Best linengWriting Paper, worth . '
15e, per quire. Se
Envelopes to match, per package... 8e
PMOW Sham Holders, worth 25c.
for . 100
Before you purchase your Winter
Underwear and Hose just steP
In and see what we have got
for 25c upwards, and a big
assortment of Ladies' How.
. PiegLitqa StiAsON IS HERZ
, , •
And *0 are bettih.•' tattooed than
ever r,0, -es at, -the 40** le
otr *tile' ee
eta.** feetreetee the tteenty to rhe
the t.,,,,,b604.4 grow Or unutufseturea.
• PePft"'"eah;:r everYthitigw ''' innane
' oleot lireeli 'itOier 00
it Ott ki eeser,eles
ui'h,n 7011 s tarot We
* o. ?Alga owl§
stuft.mt a 404
;eroryththi? t at tOUNetlittiltl* Otreil
xn t`eall tor TOO StAlii•
we have *ea telling *ott about the mail
advantages of dealing With' us.,
8 •SATISE0011 • 'The OEST CONS
Tho'SNALL ,011140, aretthe GUARANTEE
„ ,
give you -with everything' you Otty from .1flt
We've told You lot abouvoo.
Large ': Stove ,.Ettisi ries
There must be Et 1.*.titte4 Wt4y, we sdll so trioostovo
and lzatigati. it is; we sell the best workinCan,
1i,t,t1 *Apr Stoves and 'Range* On, the 'market and
ern Cheap,
and best stook In ilttieon County
ave a look at, them.
• • t--,'•••
P -