HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-11-02, Page 7TWIB
1114161e, ASO 1111611411116111
let Ors Whatterele...
WWI dere*, Nee
etWit ler Wort. „
rem, lers probably WOO Abarebials
weeonipreestilitlei mem* of
London toelay. No Weer capi-
ta the world has such en *army-
scoulttrels, Watantutal ittattotik
poesibie miteeptivit ut beedtase-
will not tolerete them. w Via-
116111111111111.0 11M11. NON WOW
WW1* vidas. U1104.1111. 1.1111141111011.4)1.*
c,'! —
A Ilopekts War Hartu IWO** Lis
"Wale Dad*
' 11, may le, rem* yersi Apia-
** sua and wow. bus worst bats,
mid there * eeneetsseaRy 1014 -piece
of their owst dislepsig. auch, tor
shack ea,ehe ranwkrilialt ettair wilt* bY
%air ntaghbors tba Carotins. It wee in
that the Enielreee *tut her mud'
emeenen Are& Would he "EuroPealt ow^
Caiesseing flalogala
Mad Iltriargeks ONO
tent AlIonsei Wog mitissisg ewe-
twase, what he Itat to prole, a aria
laterseg tds Oast prpeentespi boasts be
could mangy .1 grasp of erayelde *oak-
ars/omen at Amu** that be was really
tha HARI*110 Catt Of asveral WW-
I": at in vorttiele * inielarett het had
TY.** WAR*.
44111M* bletiee *Mak -
ail treed They ileet Wee
Wes Comilleit.
The tau mat 4 he *re* massed alma,
the hooded fla.mOoe Vats calbsty,
Weise, ea:roily. had theillent elbow
eri Val et thetteespereeeett *using U*
Itve day* in the mine. itts budy ket Use
lest el the men whu were taught
llood watt eteuverest.
The 'neon whet were royleited were
al * *WM Pelle 011ie
Vallee *Warr
hreatimitiouldered, with ample
!oriented chatted with * weanit
au Week Mir, Mr. teterodkoraloy tote
lei ever Veviity-olte yeide Leone wit*
toetitude the lietrora et a littesien pre
Tu * member Id the leMdell Dade
New* Staredeoreey Weise the
foliceeing eurtniuter ef It* .hletery, t'en,
reaching nettilielet, he had chosen, ter
hi* prdiefielen that of if beheld tetielter
end Wei Siai aleNees011 Peeviette
Settle We* t litit *tided* VI feeder*
klt We present ftovertinivtit 10Warele ea.
Viel' fitiailiwille hi given he the ettliiing
OPeeele ot Me. Lloyd tieerge,_el.P.„ et 0 eietieene, lem seele., ,
meeting in Nierionettistere. Wide% held it wits a void *miry et:ruing. I took -0 the Nese .1# ilittlei beeeed elireie
uthiet‘ tW eat442e-4 0 it* sQ,:iew Pr 'c'd ulY iextististv,Y, hid my Watetr$ and sl, An times, 'both to• tree elftleleatl, *ttt
1$.4e10•1 Serra:* 01 Nertil WO* AVeltleY• said tle04.1/Ye• to *SW044 SPerditt to IM Celia) Ilona/bask
,_ .........
WW1* A IOW I.NTIlliarl WNW A WWI' IOW* Pr sOdi 1111
p Sava, --tsw4044 .4- OR, sow ilkI4els 'AIWIelle efe UAW*
IPithlt 14104. ot SPROoli- WO*/ Are teapot tpea
141404 P 1 0# Pg.
A vivid t*tute of the draeitificke Of °Illet* ere two, airisheet
travelling in *Ain ta liven by Aire. +Whieh nu welues hope iv botteent -
Mee. 'ivietelle In the ptieee et the ,* lade ile Witting, whoa Que who hae
heroin' etteilded uPen royally. The lirei
OIL home ithd II* Watt 1(04104, and led Mit.. Tim second quidUtestion, Poittlei
Wray the Loudon e.epe ,Thets were tall *Maui 10 MA Celine Oa tied eeprese ber the Es, swot Of ettone lege, MO apfrier en *tier
Art AneeeWst Is * nnutinan."-, That . to Itia MI**. ' elf the eatil) ellthlrittli Year Otter el$0 ctriftii,'Ittit.tujo a the hang* ot Spam, Metter atiirst sight, but, itectIttling
Mkt opixagi ig JOU) SIA oy$ Until 'recently eompetiOnne bes befin A gay Oil* wee widely etratileted
441"1446 Prav*4 WI/ *Int" freehand Itieleards end Wad 4ulltt Ste -
tor theque elite* waged war almoSt unknown . in 3apell, FOr ex* at flit US* Ot t.la0 Preillett Casea-tler**-"' ooeereerme the winger* theyetutte mt. 'the torture °telly -lug eie Ittekeer ti slit, The distattee la exaelly thirty.tWo utiles, Rete gertieeSiOtt, ilt the Ladies" Realm,
'lleielleY Ot the Owe neeessitka ot lite; sad AMA. express IN* front, Atadrid, with, when tarried Irdo'pettettel it *erre trk -
?entitle lit our ti littto. 0'04* "e410 'wham Rive* owtwo *two wu to °di eigetei.. 'Atter till tlte* *none tgerr phyelest 'onetime! wureo to to beeeer te. woo, the preprreter , t Mid all -ties existed, Mid * apleli 1 its Aleeping, ore and reliteliretite, 100k int; Itio woman vatu tlitelit44 *0104 -
the law:,
the sereooeuty or la Aharchiet. He iS in the Wile di,rection, Anlotli the Pol)." 1/04Pditi Vs welch tbst *I enentelly, en ortle the Peretni1h3T 4'24 le), 4 ;mildest Organizatline for the free-, Uoll'LL 0-104 welt . “"Alowe‘t 141104 % :rtleti%10040 tven illtst.4 *044 thel4 411" 44 /44Y /)44' e.'!"4°Pk "4P lbw' PP144 4'1
444 h -- t . ***I*4 b:1 Thab...,,b44441,--,. 4 4' deir ot Os doctor that he shonld net ex' of littssie.' . ' ' 't,)Iher Alerts, 1/t 111.0 world* ' . • 111 tit triO.tiloOlittidlt. And altir te* titirir Villa% slat henteltAt at lellst a 0tIfillt "
swarthy -Skinned Creater0 Of the pop- ' Illuatnet. peas an old Ind feeb10 One, or . A114 ;Woo" Vi1/4 "'W *"."'" eet lihneelf peteentitel hint front Welkillti 3)44. v‘iltleosporitinftttt,e0liteetve,5atearevnneritpoeintt,i, , • TB, 9,. cik(tsp,$„ op payiatTit 0„ ,,Suttrritlilibittg0, Idlll 'd4r.101' 4h. 414°W_S*°111h! ,:_hetWeti,t4rnite,,kuCiceZearntlekbleNeVt$4.tlinja.174,144:re";
, , . . -
Sot the ?Oen-locked, reelertehnly eyed..,•11ok, Miner* O. Yeittili end Ve OP ea led
it Plot strOPIY a illotititart. and a read- 11$44.0e at Ores superior energy re, evvoy wertyou la% thgk 01.0114r. *Wh.h. who, the 000 that Me eearelting re .$iberie, managed tie Melte bist eSealte,' 'What ttte Um.. ot the direct, .tellitett.', • The Itiiilti,a1PP4,11/ P.StOrlal.. IfP.Ittlit: ,O.V1.014X010 141;4, ,, .
ler litne3f.1114 the nOvelist'S ceneett. He evell a alOW and 140 'one. T0 lake oil. ereAtted in the, ezegiegt, egehotaa ok , mot,
nian of the meet 410,14erouz and two ..' 'tpritst:11iit calling, and tu so. 0)4...,_t;r11P4t6P-e 41 441121teee,,,,,' 'wile,/,'": eartY 'hid tound. left) .Inell in tho. altt, and St,,Starotivolsky, with Others, aid. ' of POvertS1 Tkere-, WO ttigt tuek 111024,1 'tlitiltit0.2t.titlAt; 404 1 wee,ttle old$ Peak • ;S00141 Wwrita '4411'441;ot thet4 *I*
Mg tepe. There ere, feet fetgliehreen' Ileeteliner ee,„ .• , .
te°---,t' Y"'t 16"1.---6Q4f -..-.Sa$1(5.....i. '''''""aee. 7.A' ,,worhinatt /*cubit Iturr'91* * StlUt 4°94 ,ed, ItInt In Rive, the eountry, ' For lee ilttan'e tenting*, were ,t10t IltiNtlat0',4 'Sengee tO ' get In Or 910; lit Ittel, the "(Altera Who roltri01. AntOng the -fernier •
WhO ateelriate tlimsidves witit 0$1"*" COMPETITION iitilltelOWN.. '49":1 $44 '49* 41 44eu ""''''' `c`"''''''"" afberett et' the ItaMtlt Of elle elielt. It *ism in thi* tst sterehvpra"$ 100 letwilliallditili tittliaeit' ond ttitnilY, Tliert hottgar4 and „rsvstal muts seemed vile, '1* Vow ' Atotanutt4.. , At. lite 014 '
sive ellarChtelli. The majority are 20 ,-... . , ;his Melee -44 he li stinct41 h'i, Ito4F' ..never omitted, to .0100 *Dove geood trod *title* were Arrested And thrownlygo1110,1110bollY to- 0.1ttin, .0010)140a litilirisett-Ili Ate ,, **Yon* ;0 *deb * aw*Y. ut Vet WOO two years, toifo' 41.10' ,
tem; -*toe ere preneue Sperileh„ Gee', ' When Yen ti.ng. et a iloOd..1111110'..n6 Isede." ' ' ' - that the, men wet alive, and, heo, CO,ei, rot° (the *boron! or ste pater; etut, st„ fete 24011011110,,relabni; ' "ThIllIti.111ero Wintry evott10,..atid ttutig ell Ili 04 Itr.'"00 10Pllor.v..,0,(1 *04'; tltt,leit 14 °111, obt
maw! A,rmetiitut.. : ' . sPritjff,V3v, avY ' l‘t4. '144P1/,‘IeuP'. `L'e P444, , • . ;44ztONT- OA., ' us r,,M,ti. ; Ant:wets brottgist to,400evei ilia WOW% Pipit, . T,itteis pears. were *pent in ite. lie .111. 0-s, 1,ho.111414114.• glt 111. ext.,14 P. Or4ofttleir. 0141: with VOA Mete theft liattel le.hc., lOgibire '' "-e . • ° '
n is . segispgsbis sact. itto, ths moat, 411 • • 0 or alots a Oak Or le$,Y, • . which, neves expeetedeveuld be. brOlight, ,toro .00rghterneee okepoilne, hut, • . - •ttliPeetiOlt, OWillit le 414l‘ileal4 Oki 11$0*,..latege, The Sett ROM tha elettitett Witt • .. %theta .ellOWillei the' Widget .011011.
etweht. god pope spoiters 'it, Lanar4 Ram-. Ittatet*1 of ,' boloAdIng- w. ,u,o. retorted the. wontan, Indignanditt 'a* .1t to to woo.; .• , .• - ' , , : .. "! • - - . • . ' a .. ' 0 Inherent. lecit'.ot PhYSloot• stelointk tir Wird, lout st, bunch of keys had, la be ,rr totlitof 31441004, with PrgolloOlit...00.
,himot th4,,doevi .4t, le the •$teepty,.et. toldi , !YOU.- ereeb ' Pug ihe VA; owl-. ego ..eoild .ter- ntr4tbr000t, At .0* :WAY. *era ,reene ,altyelne,,growd,woilt•401,r1., cout$4. 40, boxt. le/4%. 'Alum*, te,he, etta, rat 'drink and gatillding, The , drink, my, ton.4. en ae to,litt the people know I ithe * Otirt La- tient 'held thee had ea,
TbeY had beta ts mina tor
more than live days viehout Nod, Indy
*Ind WS* 1)9/111/ 91°mA Itii'Ve )1414 linri"S °len 1/499t4/4 144. 111144 C.444Lr4t1b4 whith' 4(414 44 El" merkable. thelierele wu teliettlited, two vrieate Rego% Before emu hie Pelee, Willett peuted into Ai land eel etie hot and tattette /ammo toe the toped, ta *eat hersele wheneeetieetw teelet
ihmwers. • e elr strenith end their speed no NA. dims spactsiors, on. the Bodin *eye eed 140 vioutetihm, het ste„ e y lent:tout. scatetto?..,. what a Ateselete west* eine pro or oolong 15 OP% AO Itettaltie
'Thter* nt)ihtng' Pkt°16441ke 4414 4er "44 t*".14 PISSIng It141/11.r 116Lnit Flektt-7 /11414iiki '1/414 V144t Ule Semi tele 110 ,3 'both bysitally tout ta Fa; „fa ‘.$ snare tiatti Aliett*Atliti mit...0110U Madrid. lees* word gleel4 ohtt Atteined 'when alto iktiows ta ,
'chist eouneile Are theolaelveit leeeti sl4w'One'ti 4441,1*', +WO- Vow' EfIlhetorf eiere•Vot‘ " eileeeve.ne vsu • .'4-EtaehtED. t • thi • vi0 the- found la. le; me `mil, There 'efeett the 4t fieelit1014 tWO Witte etiM
to bt, *rot; The target is an .ekeet.. TILY,PC0,,,_blr gee :0,Pleee' thaw . onot. onowec cotOIMMtegek •InOat ter lia, •esast sit all„ It Meta Men'. beta lins,..,ea Aimetopliose hed y.ilra initiates, Though her. Ida.;,••
leht, jodety valve, Thiti- sayer is rarely *0fluile Alt waugt vu,' Whew the ot it Wet; Mate leettiee,11. oais titOted the• mom watt trtentie be ot imProvidertt, OPPr140111, habitat aliCh' Alloy, woo to, $1.4, hetet h th testy new, lght, during r, poztiod.ol
uzgt marQsa igen Who Strike* Ho 4hei adYentageOt Per .eOntra441." UM atiol',4,1eMere4: coti* With I When Stenhene' ate' lee ite x.ve*,$eehr tit troth set4.0„, PrOilleift Wee tha 1.49St e *dr IS erriVing lite. • In WeillOtt kentaltt$ enthilite thia„
toor, or vie seheemetted.ereter. ,y04 'Weld eeiltelee MItlit, the. ladY, 4,1111* ilototr$P 1°9ktm deittioed:tlita. the Ord, toatt.',,iiled 114111. 1,4y trAergtooe oheru, Auld wine et the heer tee. eUt Mere to ItraPPle, Tile 'hat artio ttp At thtt dOor tit the .tutielletkliala • ,
„ -gtoy ,.(tw septembee of AO earl:tenter, Who tells°. tieeteltheety. hest ina.e0tRanet theft at tier .004. *wee, wee elive hottre, 310, tehrteeh t woe oehtetwd th `derin 'W1111, hastelry, Tho 10004 -strived trim
i41*.'1.1441.1110:"It.er-i°4' :Vetetittne --114.u35% -tife „Ontrtkil; lersay 'intim I an*, ty it eat: that therti wres110 with. esr.aest. They avtund. • Thu :Itellr,SO11;1*! TaaW1t11-tita7ditS* ot
. , contrattor anit' btilideri, Ala hiot4$ tu'ek %Wet". she eaelehTled, !tell rorteeehe mete enillintetrie lettilethe, A* - however. It." too hod beprolotot NOet Yeer the 60iter011tett1 fileent 10 a long roam whets. men veto thinUlog , ,
001'141-Me's/A/ 4.4 04've"44t4 444.°411.t4 • Be hillatlaolt. after ' ell ',rePaire4 P ng -41,1*-, 14P -:Pqiilt4-141716#104- Sellt°111469'r IttY$' 1?erQr(4'' an. or *eiltor requite all the aid 'all, argatilZ411011* tot tUVINCA. tAlit* DomiNoes
oin -PltollAire.101- cut ord bY aka" -1100,ct-'11. .ht"' 4114`*..,4,ehtYetlei felt Uttlse‘'lieeria: CkallsiL,r,611°14.uktiellthtleq1I'LV:tt's* Iblw6Tretr°'eet tivaphoullMetanilifillereteeflitinPg°50tieelsnittirnet-e.AINIvil:sb, rorotr.7- ii'li3/4°,:uititiP'4-iktta'art*ntu'''tt;;c1°1:141117.-timP'ilnt' 040111es
t reefer 'Or' It 'the•PlesIgr 4001* Ake, fieed ' Of the •"' eir4 ey-'404 ( -04 eeetwied t *Me eees,'0e st. peter an e inn 1.00ted hIggely hy this degradati, tridA lareeni4ormOtionlierdoloerpot.
hut of 15, " ' Tit 'fiettnetv110 ly .*, ; a • 4 s. erhhhits. gip rd 'WO p vertui tWe bodies were, %WM the tloOr ops4 et.
pitticee linen' roe heads, A mild-, . , . • , :wet.04; . 484, * ' , Neal Virtos 0, • , • . i'''9013-• -44 m-Ittgcl-t-PWat
tr§totediwit ottitOr. thot **th )tott vow -get *end, ler tit eieht. 04,,ettee ,6400,0 comp wtth .stephens rho when, I h
fihhugskopiltit,-tnneick-iierbr l‘t;13,"(t.; tor; Os 'phiorntieizotlut,K10:11:1St•oup IAlts;,N!Qx00:utikr9g6,'.‘vvenk-ov,i,140, v0,4?,;40:01.v.! It ie. Ihteldeee xv?1,‘,;/ reca';'Aleete4 fhii, abject Weir ti The!lehtlroold
1 t - It ' 'Verbeolg Oeinent Ilipe 'better '1001fillivntett:jhun.,E eta. ' sib. et , :04 Ahotr tee* war ,,,,whoo ,e4for .1. tote hte ebe tote Government orrettdevett Itto unit to Ivey wita Nvou pot.
141.4' UCilt'C*111*'''111 1100t,'' 40' 44/10$:1 40' 4114.4111it 4'..14*.st"t '1114 clt* °(4,;'et.;:: '.41 MItittetheeUVel ibe Neeo„ taaL Ore,
Plellecea eOuld welt understand. an the wide breas r
111.4',0.4"•141.u'44/'':11:/i4 to Oreside0C.40 /4' 1!4114 •.: • th* Xing. Of 44 • UO044°44°4)4 frir."10tir,'::40-1110' ont,,,rd ;10 •pelsette.rff rho Are (bete at
40:0'1414rWitnan:- 4r'*.ettailtittlett Y6*'1°r'19°, our' gerite4tIOIF 'ex itoi,:hy 14400/W.44104g* 15;044, 4.1""Y* de ed:Abotit 1000E4 lot' tie lithe- Ift the: 1000tIle Seven died MEER DISTRIDITEM NEEDED. lette.d. , phis stroo
tho night f wo ea
sli'Vt111114%1134i14'4141;Z%.87:':'::::11:;!.:. 7; '' $''''''''' - '''Cif?'?:';'11'.1)438'w9114*"1.)4 .4191 iii*I':.411.11 ''' % 4 " t'e eat ' i(:)ii"4Y '*1*4 144 't:*hOr"'4,-41t4teltr /5-4464-1trilgeea.!ttroillitnet4. ohle'ittitre: 1 4*"0-11,11Z-lrir stiiiluletihs-cmSreoti:701; Tr.,,,t,VA., nritertehrottnflooltyo thco4u4koctolliaptovderritnylt, ‘Yeire...etieuedslunosonnywattrusi ettehttoirthei4nidf‘'vetiPtiti Iseil
/' elettit: iltritaelt an ;',e0a*abi,4teAr :' VII:. oh , .,Yittt W.lth'e,ebille''.01WW 0 NY 4 lit4.4 , 1.,t4 41-114Olothenly VoY"ititie; t' P .sonifi ‘4,„.,0 t :P r.' P wo ,'Were, ot eoltraey. trans' P,„,r„e eeentoe was a Mixer distribution. pent: bUti the traSero a gene, so y
' ' • Tit ',Iott.,'46"04:,' -XI' 'd- --- IOU* lAtt youkobootAlguos.s -, ,u, -,, : - -- - -1- - , tt 444C was p*,41' .1 4'4118" P. hat s Of the eleven who v- ;- -fa Ivo a tocat illastration. 'there fears went too. -
1 ,CtindleS.' blAt,•,.0,( conr,%t ere .
o't wittt•
'.'',Pq0'4°."`":'. Stag MI10' 41-'`Yq4chir°:'".'''''''r'''' c'c(41)4' br.'littrattpkartr7liWeivt,.:utti$ tPkt...11261r The prison, 'ttlimp,_ oo,,,a94„Isee I lloyd GeOrge wedt on to Say ihnt there 'la that brazier an ta ee,
"0 nd Ifelf,41altedga 41telei!eeeSeit, fa:
' 'stiolgttlr 4,22)1": 4teh' • h ' t th Grettve Woe eve,. ' t weeitli 111 this countre to' I itifinKel out, of bed to open, lee win
41)6' 1)° t d ' in "44 Pen 9 What d ot, Moonlight entered the
3t,,•. „pnfent...effelle0:40t7:1Jul:•FPFT WOrk ';0/011i „.t,„ r.'" VPrisoncr theareara ovidb for all and to Spare. • o . h
halittsbe (dial Saftli--4
•Vafider notch -the vokr,tiosoct End+
110nuitt •Pikyr iTeitott1314.? 'solo
0,J4,1. 1,4' 0400" '
ototte,,,,..:04•10",e4p940., ot40".irtittgeZ, plente e eight cliedthe same w
4 ,
r nieflatiree,aeli: itisurttlie.SafelYA9 . .„ . ,
#rte oti'lltP.On4e0 ter 'el- Olin 10;
present -x.04' oat% ,e,,..Ottrtaippitte. tong-
neSeel ' '
tit "'lynx • ityg.i' Yforg-tt gesatt letiatior. • -An it '4 'A Ittee grd ilvele WM..... ?Ilene Itathateay's beide,
ite netted,
elod.gotr.0404--Pe.r000,04 P-1,4,-ii400441Wia ,but.
„„„, •and 'wedictered m101 41'4 kill "And th* treatment Mere?" testa a good deed ot temporary Ogee -
Sion in the Moto indestry in this par,s' rose and tell upon the night air. Ilow
. Ali -but what was (het sed cry? It
, Thee:Work:e.g.' theee. 011,T -9•14._.;;'''Y''''' la Ater, faintly end'terins alest-be‘ tee Stephen*, 4ttentlen seinledleeeited to; leek, of the world, which be trusted evielitt strong° it ommeee, ao or toot emus
460.3' Qt *We Whatipmeardes her tng rieterAlfehards., wheae Mittrl ete0 FOOD ALWAYS BAD. soon pass uway. Meer hear). Yet then)
SIbt4Vhit'ectlet1:14410,:t111441t*illitalit'411WeiliY14:74.tWte4",'3,17tearnr47114:::$*414‘1):1117: -
e Smolt elleir, WWII ettIlltorted here Yet '
pwaastedPINkIteltglYherl.°TWIlti)Otele. dt°y onr is:* NbV et td ;4* .
clunnhare reply west
"Old and roomy slippers. I Always
kept all Old 71.e.„_, two, slzes turi largo,
which ditti,40 '''. -yeOr ' Otter year, and
were uselfue or anything else
While On Mity the Ude' In -waiting •
has to W alWees with her mistress, Un-
less the lathe* desires, to be alone.
Which Is very ram, Boyalttes aro APt
to feel Oil 'WWI left le ,the monottilip
ot their owl' 'thoughts and get tlettlia.
tented to canstant compantonship,
She must not Wove, the weenie* of
moaning, Yea-lt was tat 1 q the palace, as at any Marriott she 'may
be sumneinte, Yet that suMmone ay
mene; voices. I looked at my watch; ft i not come, tor 'Mane hour-S-PaY. inetlY
was still very Carle, MO presumnblY this days, If ,the collet happens to be so.
was the first muss ot the priests yonder. :owning in the country,
Armed with an introduction to the fel- There Is no possibility of maeping out
her day ,ritid settling to her own °ewe
pations, end no Matter what tee news
may be teem home, no matter how
alarming or saddening, she must never
appear ruffled or unhappy
It is treason to disturb the equallithitY
ot queen er princess.
-There ere a 'variety of dunce Which
fall to the tot of the lady In waiting,.
There are many letters to be anew.erelly
ti of a begging cheracter, or
. In Paris,' Wirere,'• 1.1eneld
:even, to thil.etreeletteell nee nets*
lake wouldk biive. been leee than
• e'" the faMilY of her 'future, husband. LonderCEXPres$ reetteeentative, and he
StePhene_ wa,S. teen at hid- home bY
told the stery Ofehis tetrible eXperience,
enaged.loteit.,-,SvooP, doga not ,Seek..:pervice. for tho peke et Was. frinflitslate: Ittos
,thetr.Secrett.:nalk ,V.PI•PP.4! t9, .4'1,14 i.;,Put:•"010k. `14-70,414 • het444: und'hiS legs. were terribly,. screletted end
*hew tat, dealred 'as. **pre4 laeerale(VIront,legtrig peer the coat,
IA.1* own ittogdoro, +lot' Iring•ngok it
lei saki. a Perla gampa, Seeing the' tall
•• '",' ,srakion „heusehold Work, Ile 'Me,
Efr.eip,,sztirrio* Of tieing ;credit to -her ,own lawny
Ilgure of 'the appratebingt„ Walked
up to and,". Withreat.thit
fear, greeted Iiitn'evith, 'ielheet:eopolel"
greeting which no delignted• the en-,
Conventional Moniirelt 'that peeeented
the lad`witit'a tlee,treneeelece, ,
,When the' ,King ot $veden„ feW
years sinde; visited a sinall 'town:near
Gottlethlte(4 he Jellied „the crowd Which
thronged the streets to "eateli glitianse
of •himeelf,,, When the news passed
retold that the King 'was coming, a
ine get ie /rent! YOU
think I've walked-. au thts 'Way and
spoilt my best black dress 'for nothing?
j. Want to see what the King Is three let
me. see where the king Tingling
eonnd with a srittle Oscar seid to, the
pushing, perspirirtg dame, "Heise is the
ging;" whereupon, atter lisolcing him up
end down, she remarked: "Well, I'm
gled to have seen you at last. rye been
wailing here tor hours, and just look at
the hole they bave made In my best
black drees. I Was 'riot going le neve
that spoiled and then See nothing at
Meie startling waS the advoothre cif
thf3 German Emperor when, at a late
hour one evening, he decided to pay a
SUrprise visit to his uncle at Kiel. On
ringine, the door was opened by a
maid, who, at sight of' the Emperor,
promptly slammed it, in his august face,
shouting out, "Himmel! it Is tbe lettisere
opo tbi, t5f Etta Parents aro earefut to emit their dolleh- atnivivon'S sTorrY,
4 else ehms Ware,
eill ittna.alt000'e• '•xr" r'• I•terti it they ean, into temilies wls re
elie''°0:01PLY11,111,111P.d...114:. 'fire:They Will.learn s; and the glr)
'jr0wweweie .expeele. yetaed, de a helper., tither !twee' be iititd, managed to control
him tutill my 'buity' dlichards) got tn.
to a stonier state. 1 could not madage
the two, and had to let •Ifelhaway go.
"I had an awful time with my 'Maly'
during the last ten hours. At times he
'was cross,' and soMetttneS play';u1. At
other ,tinieft he, became gnite Childish
tutzteevoeht try -to turn efentereetilts eYer
Mr. Howell Kelly, who lea the rescile
PartY, said:
"We, thought we shoUld find three
dead bodies. We had gono about Ate
ty yards into the old workings - When,
1 theught I heaid some one Oiling,. 1
shouted, and Stepbees rental have re-
cognized my yoke, for I heard him cry
In a shrill tone, 'Howell! Howell!'
"We brought them back through the
hole, and I, plueed Richards on my knee,
and, put, some .clothiug around' hitti, for
he .hed divested himself of several are
titles Tti. his delirlutn."
A pathetic Mature Of the finding a
liathaWOY's• body. Wes that he was to
have been married shortly. When -the
,hope that he might still be alive wee
rievived his sweetheart rushed to the
shaft and declared that• 'the wedding
woUld take place as drranged. When
his dead body was brought up she be-
eame hysterical and was taken home in
a fainting 'condition.
°When Bather/ay, left us he was quite
epaper ,,boto .
MAO :Under ,,illio:.,bearda:,.00,! Which he
be4erVid,'st Indrit-
ing,pr'estriti:allontifthreWing. oft • reanis
1.411-gtei: the:1400e ititt.gs
•tio$4401004'..t0,.30ter100..:--' ,,c,
11:.0.siite*.bto,t0.-:thot.t3orais TiOt
:Made li,,g0g1411&•;,Titta..,tinfertbealely".,
g, „net 'Onh. SeritilifiA-Yafft, .Clelk
‘,Searalilag,lonitt•igeopet• eetelegyeAdeffile,
lericeerd•;WItiell hok 'hgeta.otOrCtlititto,s,;
4 peeled., - Agett %OA:: goo .04104,
busily' oigaged lialitilnfirea"-eartOditee
el: With' eleric 40tild'•• etridini rittlin fulminate
' Of • titeredry: ,tietottaterS, be.
:eurPriSed..le '
The; ',Ore nenve rind ,Itiplring
but they . :titodtc4t5pgdigttr:,,,-,17--1:AR4-:
410go!.-6t th*.laW.T Vhett they Ise:Spot that
treasonable intrigue. IS ms 'the ,,,vay and
WiSh te' 'With'. the rnievee
.,.itaents, of ,aggre,saiVe Anarehitts, theY
•trregul4r entry on •a.
canveritent. preteX.t.' It .was
.netnty such .:the whale.
lee19 Illenufaehlea.of bombs at NiVaisart
waS;itiScoverect • •
than, tx mr,e big; .10,hdltindly coneldered,
trueted, and ilitecteeeTher term agieed
upon is generally -from three to 'AV*
yeare.Z 1301des Or. Wages, she IS ene
Jilted le preSents 'twice o„ yeaie and a
„certain hliniber Of holidays:
"-TWItell,..-Sbeele--feelled -Wane to beemars
rletl, She iiinSle4i0, The, services of_her
Meaty 'are inset ,O the disposal of her
etnploYera, end' her family' expedt to
previde at intervals ;gifts of Vegetables,
truitS;.' and other ottnley products.
,ThiseiS ilet rebtrn •forethe.gitts' to,:the
girl, but for the poetical -education she
getS, end Ate .care of her as -a temper-
-pity adopted of the liouSelield.
Thp employers In their turn are expect-
ed ta conteibtne lo the girl's wedding-
MiSe HOW,e, a teturned Missionary
3-1i00r,elettatin, has been. gtving a series of
Meese te the wonlerVez elltbS, of- Auterica
'Oh "Japer', From - Tiesidenre View.
point." Aniong_her tales of the Japan-
ese people were meny
ThO Old r tin, these atirreptilious
ers'Wett•mtule under. the direction of Mr.
Wilre secured the convktion of
too desperate Men,. whe after-
' wads • served/40g terins of penal' servi-
itate. , ' z •
,eXpert in explosives told Me that
1' Anarehists obtain pasta. in British' et--
Plosive.,-"Worlis. TheY tire thys able to,
secure entrance into the "danger zones,"
and there tire able to see some of the
peace.esee of manufacture.
"There are' several methods *of MAIO.
Mg' "bertibs,"' he 'Old. "'Once nitro-giy-
eathe • wes esed exclusively as 'a
eharge.. " A mixture of. nitric acid, sub'
•-plittrie -acid and glY;eerine 'makes a
• Ilit9nt---40:16tti're,-.7-Ecittl'when-coibined
with 'Wood: 'fibre it -is leirly sale. .'Tiut
' there Is always. the dahger condus.
sloe , tied of oXplosion at fil,gh tempera-
eture. ,
"The 'high' explosive .generaily ased
Annrelestfi,is picric ttaid. This is the
.Principol ingeedient of the English,,tyd-
tide Mid' the, rrenclr'ruelinite.' It Is cisci,
'Vied hti thet,MtdiStraCtUret tlie Jai:m.110Se
shimoSe, WIttelt '' Was so effective dur-
frig the' ' thlese4h.PetteSe..xYal%
• • • isqVeoh-
sttlitenf, of 'ariveral.dYes. eerl
,tle 'Obtained' tind carried in att-ordinarY.
/111,144e-4. ".0 tio 'OOMPottritl2; et inn•
ada, ,reilr-Sfol$1-
t tote difficult to 'keep' In ectidition,
Arty 'Otiao, a. very smolt reesel 1$
Yieeeee.tire.ifor n'hoinb, SOmo that, were
usea to St. .Peterallifq Were- aboat the
site or oft' orttitlitritilt *
wid itsite done to
these: ntild Mr.
S'iVeeney, When ,.disetissing Ili& matter
, 'lliosollier day. '"AdrialaratiOri Of Ariar.
' eftlei/V creed 'e,liettitt be regarded . as a
•erimef ,ond prOptigation ot
•00,1 doetrine. sholtitt punithatiler by
'When .1 first, ,,expressedlidS eleW
''..I.,,,quite.VXperled.that Wads, Wotild be
i1 111(401' in Pfirilantellt . it v',"tottt4, °tom
ao-though,"etreurosfatiees, tiro lturryirtg
'inatiera."40, *
_,;*" tfAliattill$fg! are 4..corlitatit tind dead,
ly. ,trietterdi' : Atfhat.preetitilion, foritt-
• Ottiticrtr Mr, ' Sweeney 'tvalked-OVer to
tho Mild* 01'11/9. 00100S grid W404 a
hand 'the' direellon ,of
• “edulit, 'Prevent it.100 Who' .1.sid itiode
his way. Dna.. this' taint tinging., a bon*
Mtn ,the eircell. •
."Tbt g4thettio ot Aher,ehig4
tlydo Park. are reSponaillic Mileh,
The', Speakere `the lieletittne
'.''et'07Wiln eta MI6 •Of their' Illtillhees Aid*
libinfortned halgotenr. 44tIes forth. to
execitte' licslity.toneeived desigas,
*Anarchists ore -rot •,dratifit, Irina ilia
better elasseS. 'Solite Of Mein. are hall
et1.44(e41. 111° ''"°3 vieilite Interest -in the specie o
do not wink; they de eXect mone,9 treat .1 le' 4Pfillc4 . ..
minds Mad Moilvet, to fenlatri tripe se
.peopie disSatfelle .u.itcur au; ch,corogtonees, und eegle White
; .16,1111 the' t*Isting'order•Of thingS..• Will
riot something to. dorm now r, „ sifeSt • einlablit, be'seereltve Mad.
acrittable. lti$ Outward acquirements
are * of his real edueation.
Ilia' Ord learning Is hit laptintise soul..
fletWeett ni4 Mind find tho Western
ri deep.pdf.
• 1•4/
"Shortly after the preparations for war
wine Russia had been made," she said,
"the fittle Japanese Boys began singing
the sweetest lullebyeike song 1 have
ever heard.. That song was heard every.;
where, and remembering our (Jaen fetid-
ness 'for popular airs, I ventured to ask
what this exquisite, crooning little
`hush -my -child' tune might be,` It was
'Bring yeur warships over here, and
smash 'eta"
educathm, as ln sante other ways,
the Feist Is topsy,turvy land froa the
Eastern point of view; although, a
course, to their vision it ie we Western,
eV; who are upside downe
VoUng Japanese children enjoy more
liberty thaii Western children. They
are peqn:iteck to do turf they please, pro-
vided "their conduct Is note °dually
tearful. A- ledy .1.s allowed_ to... twee°.
miscillevou,e that, as e Japanese proverb
seys, -"even the holes by the roadside
hate a boy six or seven years old."
Punisbneent is rare, anti the entire
household, servants and n11,, will. inlet -
cede for the offender, the lithe brothers
and sisters offering to take the punieh-
rnent themsehres.
Whipping le not common; tiet
substiinte„ the Mesa. or burning, is
More Severe. Bet frighteoing a child by
n looks or harsh words is eon -
a441 Is. 4 )4 44i- 'de tied To slap about the head is proof
,vidgarlty end igrierartql3;lior are they
,pintished by. keeping them from play or
depriving them of sortie seeded food or
pleagure, Perfect petiehce with chit,
(ken la expected, cod admeelition is the
ehiet restraint exercised
— -
Makes an Arrest for the Murder of
An alt1 gentleman at Terries, Frence,
was ?bonny charged with murder tin-
der curious circumstances. A rag -
picker rushed into tee police station
and threw down a bag of bones, de-
claring that they nod been given to him
to make awe), With, but he had dis-
covered them to be human
Scenting a terrible crime, the inspec-
tor had the man loc.ked up, and then
telephortel to a Magistrate. Soon eller
the Magiatifite, peeier, and two
poliCenten called at the hod° where th3
bag find been handed to the ragpielter
and were reteived by an old gantleman
in gold,rimmed spectacles.
The magistrate locked the door be-
hind him, mid a calcined bane on the
table, and said; "You gave this and
other human renialns to a ragpicker
this Morning?" "I did," said' the old
gentleman. "1 arTest you for murder,"
said the magistrate solemnly; "who was
your victim?'
In reply the old gentlernan,in the gold
specineles bUrst out langhing. ' "The
victim," he said. "el the son 'of the
Grand Priest.Dlophta, Ito died in Egypt
more than 3,000 years before the birth of
Chtist. I Wight him recently, but he
did not keep welt, so I preferred to get
rid of him.'
Exhaustive Inquiries eventually led to
the release of the ragpicker and an
uNtl, THEY GO TO Sdlit3OL.
the> restraint Ls the common
sentiment the class onder the direc-
tion of the teacher. Etieh class- has two
captains,, an& one of these gives
ordere. the,higlier classes this pros.
sure Is greeter. Instead of restraint
os it does among Western tut-
tione„ as the Child groWS older. It
crease.S. The prayer" of public opinion
of the class beconiesloAnidrible. right -
Mg and bullying' ts tinknown, because
1110 Class' diseildtrie enforces a uniform
behavior. •The Student • who offends'
agehist it Will ilnd hinigelf alone. No
ono will ,speak to htm ,or nOtice-
even oulattle the sellool, until he pub-
licly apologises, and then a majority
lies to aceent it. May bear teem it in
ids subsequent career. Byrn If he rises
high in °Metal life, the tact thiit hie
fenow.studertts oiled condemned him
Will he remembered as a disgruce.
were two men in the Oen, y 0 P
y,POr the first year nothing short '1
execrable. The 'food Is bad always; the IN" WhOS43 eoinhined biomes swere e4tiut
Government allows Md. per dile for V/ the aggregate earnings et half the
each prisoner's food, and tho officials eltorrymen of the country, The latter
working at a skilled trade requiring
years at apprenticeship to master It,
risking life In its pursult-thousands ot
thent together could only earn just es
mUoh as two men who did not cant*
little a single slate to Me common stock.
He did'not suggest that there should
be a compulsory. equaeedIstribution .1
the wealth of this country between its
Inhabitants, but he did say this -that
the law which protected these men in
the enjoyment of their great possessions
shoulde nest of all see that those whose
Ittisor alone produced their weath were
amply protested- from actual- need- where.
have all to make something out of it
for theinselVes. During the first few
years we were kept in eolitarY conftne-
ment and not allowed to do anything.
We had not eyen n book, and we never
saw a Soul Wale our guards. A little
exercise in a yard, where each one went
seperately, was our relaxation, After
1891; when M. GoremykIn was made
Minister of the Interior, we were allowed
firet to do some carpentry and after-
wards bookbinding and gardening.
,When, .howetter,, M. Plehvo eecame
Minister thltiga‘got worse agein, and
aft- the-prtYlleges-of work and lbe use
of ittioks were withdrawn, one after the
The Emperor Plays the Rote of Haroun
staternents, but both leave out of sight
There is an element of truth in o
• • important considerations. It the aver-
other. in 1901, fourteen other priseners DieY were unable, min, to the circum -
to ec,rn. enough to purchase e
sales of life. •
Then there was out absurdly unjult
land system: Drink arid the land laws
between them • were responsible for
nine -tenths of the slumneness of the
towns, and our. system of land owner-
ship was responsible fur the labor con-
ditions in the country which drove men
in thousands away Irvin the villages
MO. its lawns. Who could eSpect any-
thing else? Most of the landlords • rft
Wales extorted annually as much tor
the mere license to till the land as the
man who °Mutiny did the work extract-
ed from his labor and thought upon
il the whole year round. Even then
from year to year he lived at the caprice
of Me landlords. How long did they
think this would last? it had broken
down hopelessly in irelend, and were
it not that Britain was an exceptionally
prosperous manufacturing country, it
would long ago have ended in revolu-
tion here.
joined us, and most of es mete -Mose
last November d menet of the am-
nesty of Noyember 3.
• "I should tell you," he continued, "teat
during the whole ot that time I knew
nothing of the °inside world until, 1904,
when a religious -minded lady. Princess
Korsakoff, was allowed to visit us once
or twice. No one else bas bean since.
Scleusselberg, is now closed as a pri-
flow ItallWay Fares in Europe and
America Compare.
Most writers in comparing the cost
of passenger' travel in Europe and
America, says a correspondent who
knows, claim cheaper tares for tho fdr-
mer, although, strange enough, a writ-.
er declares that European fares are
about one-thIrd higher than on 'this
Sianees ever which the had no control,
C.uricets stories ol the Kaiser's weak- age rate in Germany were three cents
ness for studying the problems of his a mile, travel there would be much more
capital .and his people, after the lash- „expensive than here, because wove
1011 at Haroun al Rescind, the nagthul and the general eust uf living is much
Caliph, are going the round of German lower, therefore any comparison that
court circles now. 1 leaves this consideration out of sight is
It is stated that tp Order los obtain unscientific and comparatively value-
imPartlat views of the Berliners con- less. The average of Great Britain,
caning many Innovations that he con- , Franee and Germany is lower than that
templates, the Keiser has occasional'y of America in so much gold, i.e., a per-
-made use of private carriages at night eeti can travel farther in Europe-omit-
tt drive to some frequented spot, wives ting Russia -second clase, which about
he has alighted and mixed with the corresponds to our iirs.1, for the same
trowd. In spite of his charneteristi7 amount of gold mins, but the average
and marked features,"he hos inveriab'y workman in America on account of high -
escaped detection. er wages reels able to spend more on
A few weelis ago he stood Mose nt travel than his European counterpart,
the cerner of Feist tuner Platz for . vsr without feeling the cost ns much as lie.
an hour to study means and methods In Japan a person can get a tourist
whereby the enormous and congested berth for the nom at a cost of only
traffic there could 'be best dolt With. twenty sen (ten cents) for a top berth
With the exception of a -single occns- 1 and forty for a lower.
ion, when Prince Henry arcomparded i Second-class from Bremen lo Perla,
him, the Emperor sallies forth on these about 500 miles, costs $12.50; from Paris
night tours of inspeetion alone, not lo Soissone, 65 miles. $1.50. in England
even his gentleman -In -waiting being in the rate averages .a penny a mile - the
attendance. line with the short haul nlways setting
The reports which were current a the rate for the line with long haul
few days ago that the lealserei health end on this basis. ft is always difficult
t compare things that are so dissInal-
los as the European and Amer ca
modes of travel, but dollar for dollar
Europe has America beat; Germany has
even a fourth -01W (bummel tug), the
passengers having no seats at all, but
are required to stand In something like
n fine box freight car. The charge for
1hLs class la two pfenntg per kilometre
er about 23 cents for 31 mtles. Provided
the tourist has a good trunk on which
to sit, this mode of travel is not Mort-
veEnrieenelbaggage allowance varies In Eu-
rope with the country, although in gen-
eral it is less than in America. Passen-
gera from the oeerm steamers destined
for London are allowed 240 pounds trte.,
for other points in Engiond only 120
pounds. Gh the continent tree allow-
nnee is sometimes Molted to 25 pounds,
an absurdly low Amount.
teeentricities and sInguitiaties are
tuppresSed. Thera ts thilell formal and
sertOus demeanor. During retrealion
tottrs in the intlyground, and tlie gym-
ntistto 11019.41mm to ilinforeifiner,eti
oppreSsive olleriee, The thud of the
font on the bag ts the only innee made
at frail -bath Ito rules tif re.
,ituire Silence and tItO suppression of till
*tun- and refute Of the CentInelifi TheY toderif learns how 'to read
apology to the ,inummy purchaser.
ther Superior tat the monastery from a
Senator friencl=written on ;peel paper
-I felt pretty sure of seeing Escorial
under favorable circumstances. Ewer -
id Is the burial -place of kings. In a
small chamber of Spanish marble, reach-
ed by a narrow statrense, lle the Kings
of Spain, each in a Marble coMn on
his own shelf. They aro embalmed and
burled, and after about ten years ore
laid upon a shelf,
on top of one another, ell of gray mar. aometitues accepting et' rejecting appeals •
• . -
There are twenty-six such tombs, tour
ble With brags feet and mountings; and t.7 .t.iipr ..,,hospital wards, lay foundatiall
open bazaars end -charity- -
ttle best land, Alfonso NIL, te now in- s„"),"4", ", '
ierred therein, It is a dreary place, Ie',,es,, ,,
well stnell windows so high up they ati- '"gne"me's the t'hYel tellY 'desires 49 .
mit little light, and everything Is inttr- offer a visit ter une of her subjects, or
ble except the brass fittings on the sur- to accept their Invitaticea.to honor Mein
"lePohyasgi-belonging to' the high families
Scotch caps. They had not the ell lit- sires for her omfort mkt AO n
of Spain were playing football outside
est idea of the game—but they Meted which heti royal Highness is itnewn to
in long grey topcoats and blue cloth
the ball about and apparently enjoyed whom she desires to Meet, which aro
piseess, the names of certain friends
ridded to the list of guests submitted tor
the royal approve).
141 at' 9-Pml" 39 I ‘Puld "I; PaY m her be:03.4mM Ind In wardilSn
er at the dreary station, where there livvIted Gres in
e ,
for the 'bus. ACKVIng five minutes lat- Queen Victoria often
I d
hud been the night before, I asked the bloeks ot Ice placed in her spertmentse
All seith little personal rendes -must be
stated to the lady In walling to the •
was no inOre sign of life then tnere
hostess; that life may, tor the time be -
-Some curibus researcites have recent -
If been mode by Freneh, artily surgeons
on the relationship betWeen good eye-
sight and good target-peactice. At nrst
glance one would say that the two
things nnist invariably depend lhe
Upon the other. ttut the facts lead to a
different conclusion. At least, they
show that 0110 InnY hnVO very defective
eeeelght and yet bo a very accurate
Marksman. 'Ashgtnattsm, • myopia, and
Other defecto of ,Ielsiert Ittalt exist la a
Marked degree with011t destroylitg the
ability to aim tinit shebt,* straight. In
the Fteneh and Gorman armies soldiers
ere permitted tei sheet ROM the right
A new glitt has reeently 'collie into Ott
Market fitirope for whictr,cousiderable
Inictess prelkled. 'These ns are
Male t.1 lantatum in substitutiOn foe
steel. They are mare flexible then gold
pone wail 1116re dtleiblit than tfiVe
't TOlterlyi noduld sod martyr a
ikry out men Willi it, gerst deed of enollA
t id oil Redd? hew old he
steel. e nice they resist einrosion, arid e.
tin 41th (introits" be spotted ttith we's end how math tio tvila Werth74
At lb. .,same time their points Ars ex. *Itow mum 11* he
r tral Ott I"
or tho left shoulder. ttetottling to iheir
ov.oi preference,. which IS often guided
hi,' the Allnerlertly of oho eye over the
Others Aectirtiet.of judgment centits for
to much as otulettess Of Visithl tho
pod mat:small, '
Tito Engliali pOst-tiMeo authorities
have reeerdly ordered the wilintraWal
•frofti circulation of• the iliteepence'staniti
colored White Mid broVin. for the rea.
sort Writ investigation hat alidWit that
the Miring: outgo employed on 'these
stomps eontaltoi suffiCient chromate of
lead to prodnce injalOtIS Weds. It watt
slitioni during the thve$npuott which
the order Of Withdrawal wai based thet
ntilligranits a this altbSitinCti, were
eintlelettt to ,ettuge POlsoliing, Mid a
Single One of the Objecilattablo stiattipa
carrieS a milligram ot it. The repeat.
ett applicatiOn ot these sterans to the
.tins thit ad 14 roolsWning might re -
*Mt hi 'Ole arenninlation Of datigertM
ittlantity tsf the plaint III the Month.
abily * On It doinfliettnt
jOy tt towels,. .
was again giving cause for alarm in
conseottenee -of the recurrence of throat
troubles are belled by his remarkable
performance In the hunting foregs at
EtoMinten, when In the course of a deer-
etalkliag expedition lasting eight hours
without a break, his Majesty brought
down two magnificent stags with 16 -
pointed millers.
The Met stag, rather an old one, was
shot shortly niter breakfast. lie wns
killed principally beeattse of the nn-
noyance he caused to younger and lirt,
ter animals. Meantime, a thoroughly
high-grade stag, with Irregular te-
nanted antlers, wes reported to be
roaming In another section of the for-
The Kaiser jumped into his swiftest
motor ear, accompanied by Admirals
von TWO?: and Mueller? and a 111410
triter 2 o'cleek in the eflernoon got
Within range 01 his prey, and with it
splendidly aimed shot through the vt-
tale, brought the Stag to earth. Ilo
weighed 989 potinds.
with her presence; tn site ca e
ludy, In waning has .to.mrito to tne in-
tended hustess, stetIng any • little de
themselves. The PrettelespeakIng land-
lord Was not ebeut when i ten the tor
There the IrinkeeTer Is Not Forgotten
When the Guest Goes.
"If our hoteliteepers should ever be
told of the Japanese method of tipping
we would all hove to take to the
woods," sold a Far Eastern traveller.
"In a Japanese h)tel you give the pro-
prietorthe biggest tip of all when leav-
ing and grude the other tips accord-
"When your bill is handed to you it
is customary lo wrap up in a separate
piece of paper rin amount approxirnat-
ing about one-flf111 of the whole account
and give that to ihe worthy innkeeper,
together with the reguiur amount re-
quired of you by hie account, which you
enclise In the folded bill. Then you
wrap up stunner sums 10 smaller pieces
of piper and parcel these Christmas
pnekages out among the scrviiiits who
have waited on you.
"This Up to the bontface Is rolled
ehodal, or tea money, and the Japanese
explain its usage after this manner of
"All hotel charges in ;ripen are forced
by law to be very low, so that even the
very poor man who finds himself on
the road at night con get food and shel-
ter for a nominal sum. The rich man
has to pay no more than the beggar.
"Since the hotel man could not make
n living this order nf things were al-
lowed le exist, atiliout some saving
grace, some recompense must be made
to the hutellteeper tor his enforced gen-
erosity. Therefore, If a guest con well
afford to give the host something more
than he asks, he not Only provides+ for
less fortunate than himself, but he fends
himself against the evil doy when he
may have to nsk ti beggar's board and
bed. It, is not (^Wilily to the innkeeper,
but merely provision against possible
man whom the worthy host
believer+ to he well able to afford a
generous 01(0111 knives the hotel with-
out paying the ensile, woe betide lilm
should he ever return tu that hostelry
again. Ile will get Inet (linnet' at the
rontintinnl bathtub. will get the most
draughty room in the house and 111 a
hundred ways be nutde to feel that he
the most miserable of men."
Litt% er what I owed bins
"six francs," wits the reply.
"Six francs!" I 'exclaimed. "Non-
sense! how can it poesibly be six
lie insiSted on his claim, I repudiat-
e I it, for I knew It was on imposition.
lie saw I was a woman -and alone --
he knew there was no one about, and
atich it was, of three oe lour lea". le, wined her intention to sell Me an
mod stood still. But with a brave faee,1 11" tett''t° see thRt ell the
be seized the opportunity to rob me, re
and the best Spaniel) I knew, I deter- remaining on after the royal patroness
became mod abueive. My heart al-!
a Man peSse(1. "Do you speak English, disposed of and the profits safely trans.
(erred tn the proper quarter. Sho must
goods are
minedlv refused his demands. At lust i
--a 11111e, madam," replied the roamer- also finish any article.; of needlework
ciai 4.11mi:e'er:infra): susicr:ist11005;00(‘I:edertsosobses. winch her mistress has begun and tired
if net sing, and be competent to touch
an painting or drawing. possibly
iteMatitable Machin° Invented by
- Frenchmen mut Illa Son.
Auccessful experiments with a new
13rPe Of dying machine worked by a' two
horse.power motor have been triode at
Llgeaux, France, by the ItIVentor, M.
term, and his Sen. The Inventors have
been working in setrot ett the machine
for- some ,years,
Their apperalue collgiste of two
lichees, two and a holt yards in diame-
ter, which tarn in (afferent. direetions.
The body Ig made of steel tube one and
4 half inches in diameter. bound wIlh
wires, The helices end the aerial planes
are tiadde of linen aftetehed utross fine
steel stays. TIM motor is fixed horizon-
tally In Order" to leSSOtt the Vibl'atIon.
The experiments, which have been
%Ivy taco Mid, twit diverted by means
of ati r angement which prevented the
aPpara s tram ileting Mete than three
Land a mit yard* aluive the Wound. and
drove st, tit a date ot tidily yards in
ate terenct.
Mg, be made as agreea
to so honored a guest,
Sometimes the lady in waiting hes to
do some shopping of too delicate a na-
ture to be intrusted io one of lesser
standing; sornetinies there are priente
churities to be inquired Into.
Then there Is frequently the dressing
tl stall which her Highness has sig-
Orman tourists In Denmark petit ti
visit to Eharlottenburg with the object
of sseeing the summer palare of King
Frederick. They met a gentleman walk-
ing alone of whom they inquired whe-
ther ft would be pogsible tor them to
obtain access to the gardens. "certain-
ly," he replied, "I happen to have key"
and tor lialf nn Itour he, led the party
about the grounds, pointing out their
beatiliee otel entertaining the afrangers
with lively cOnveMation. At last he
took his leave with the words, "If you
care to see the atebten. Suet may that
you hove the Itlitrea pertniselon." it
wee MA Ring Itinutolf. He *honk hande
with ench member of the party end bade
inem farewell.
Reporter: "Thahice very ,tnileit tor
your intorrnation. 1 Shalt destribe your
bridal dreeeee and those of your maids.
ne eg the !muse decoeations tind the
proselita, Rut, neturelljr. the public will
be Ititeeeeted in the bridegtoom. What
shall Say abOut Win?" liPidedtlect :
"Well, t supposa name MOO go illt
you might say that 110 Wag 13111011g Mese
necnrdi t st,bni rot eel7ennts ont°er filroungiCa, gtie ytuoliat n n801 y ehrtailpf loeyeeerc.uto both, abandoned by L
"The fee Is half a franc per person
1,.taarvue, gyobuogo,w" evrs his reply, Many royal ladles are inveterate and
"I've offered 111111 three trance several inurimweedaryt•illnirgnesrlsghtsoeferst.he Soutintednaigrrit etcm11-.
times. and he refuses, and bna iTeo They keep their attendants with them
in.()rsbto imiltptiliocieenottnamnderenibalisitvrea,;eillpir..epouveedly 1111 the early hours of Me morning. ei-
ther playing cards, listening to noatic,
or plying the needle; but no fatigue
mtiet be exhibited.
Drees forms an Important part in the
life of tho lady in waiting. She must
he provided against, all emergenciee.
Mourning she must always have ready
to don at any moment. She requires
rouple of enure trains. which on be
worn nver different dressee. Some
lodies In %moiling, hire their private 818 -
tem, borrow a enurt, train from a
reurt. train thut poised through eight
friend. The wrItiv ones possOsed a
different hands in two years; it attend.
teirlintnepaerrliyode,very drawing room during
The poy small, but with strict re-
gard to eronomy It eoVeri personal ex-
penses. It is n servile pneition. morally
reneidereS. Stilt. after the gitunor end
gioss of court life has worn off the
groan nf elavery Is succeeded by a hug-
glnu of the chains.
There Is n morbid Mile In the who!)
matter -a glamnr which erithrntle at
first. satiates later. hilt which In time
comes to be the incr.( binding Ile which
can he forged.
itiIAL ant oF TIIE DEAD.
Indian Graveyard al llazellon, IL C..
Most Interesdns.
"It is rentiv (Sly of the demi, for
whose heed I towered, offered to do his
hest. They argued, they got. angry,
rind the train arrived. That 'bus man
held on to my bag and refused to hand
it over. The train rang its bell. 11 was
about to start, end I hod to hand over
thoge six francs lo that veritable thief
rifler all, so as to get my bag, which
was naturally worth far Diem. The
Spanish driver latigInst wildly at his
success and my discomfiture.
Mom and more the attention et the
mi hi Iffy a uttioritles of the great nations
le concentrated on the means of adopt.
liningn loll"' 11:,7.111-rrlinittileirleY. 10 At"Fr.lenrenr iPt°rrill.nt; nee le Memo the Moslem hears up sins ve th„ dome% (jaws in mem"
inte out that the idea of self -moving whieh hove tn be Moiled. Every tiny g„ mattes W, 3.. Dukens, on Anierienn
me, At present. efforts are directed Ihnusatnis 'if sheep are Mils enerineed. s•so inspected the indent graveyard et
traveller front Chicago, who has been
enrringre for field -guns wog rergriested tranegression tins to be prild 11,r I.v the
t.y thr engineer (tugnot as early as slougleer of 0 sheep. Thoteeinde and 4isiting Central British C,olumbla and
iv MO pertertinn nt n form nf aulomobile rind the ehepherde of Arabia drive ri pro- Hazleton which, eituated on the highest,
liable le lake the plare of Itorsen in Wabic trnde. One of their fervent prriv- neted in She town, is quite a curiosity.
ern le Mot the sins of others may be lle goes on:
inererined. "Up in the last two yeaVe this was
an Indian „village with only the Bud -
SOWN Ray company men and a few prn-
An aching tooth, specters end hunters tepregenting the
whits. Now. on would of the Nati.
The best thing out. c% ay and the finding nt cleft ailnerat da-
mming and going all Cho erne.*
ins nt the flomil Trunk Poeitio Hari -
peseta, a taro number of whites are
1 rise to nhout•
Is tont about
The Steam Locomotive Will Soon Enter
the Holy City.
The latest invasion of enered ground
by the steel roil Is the building of • the
steam road to the holy city 01 Mecca,
Willi the corning of the engine will pose
one of the most unique Ot111 picturesque
sights of iho East, the grent ritrnvons
Cairn nnti 110111(14e119 and Mecca.
which cross; yenrly the deeert bebeeen
Moslem 10 nitrite rd lens1 one pilgrim -
nee to Mecca, the "mother of towns."
lie puts off hie ordinary clothes, shaves
111 4 head. arrnye himself In while gnr•
merits and »torte on hie Journey. Ile
may wear sendals. but no shoes, mid no
head covering, until the end of his pit-
gr‘italalailicLig ins.
It is the highest religious+ duty of every
e of InsArig fur one people
is often limo of feasting for /mother. 1 4,1,sui:lr:vsgyiluvochlitnite 1;111;iiaug111:1114100 vlindow of
There 1110 ninny who profit Ihrinigh the (hi, ht;tise, you see what the deceased
Moslem's sIns. To insure the anfety 1, vie! hest on earth. It may be a chair.
bute for nol molesting the pilgrims, n table. a bench. or a suit ot clothes.
et the thonsands ot the Minitel. the sr
These nomad chiefs will not welcome i: 11:hrn:e‘tenbiebieuetneseliaihitiniiiltel:10atlicsittmotieilttiliteinhanewka,l,sa,dlayebvioleun lint -Feel
government pnys the de! ert sheiks fro '
thc rnilroad which is to invnde their , 1, „11; 1,rirli eeing there. rt is supposed
ken the pilgrims. Even on ing jaar• the spirit nf the lady will come back
rind use there. It. was most Interesting
1) f01 (tern One 110118e In another and
PrAemnoilleige'r rinse reaps finanelnl benefit .
drawing the artillery wagons. Ninny
different forms 61 Iron -Mad nutornobilee,
orrying light grins, beep already been
invented arid tested, with more or lees
ettreeese but ihe mein problem is lo
ndopt the automobile to the tenneporta-
Hen of one niounted, cur nt present,
oil their own enrriageg. In other words,
it conceress the abolition of Atilt-1.NY
IT is.