HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-29, Page 2e mark .o ATIONS01 D�LLS
at Tells miaow AM Oftlitri IN A
tosior, 11,0140044 10011Pfl'AL. '
(hi ft* 00
artirmtik, Welleget0'404 rOgen44 Itre 74404 44 W
%tie IlthdismoM god Troika stia get
abet ff ollta tIreeigetelia,
*WA dialer • ,
triaraittlesl 11;41 Among verities:Otte* where Loden
Werner theisreoutity Couticilltehool work 'boa lisken
* again * the, 41,1eganare Voter fue
saer,a, PM** all reeled tha racommetre.
FROM BONNIE SOTLAND A"IrnAtjv VI°4,t,LaW "1" "44
EXPOS Pod Vika Ran. Ile Relied In
Siete or Victoria.
'MS' 0! 114"rgftg0. tntgil 11E11 . It • bag tor •stiine. yeorS,` been demon, •
• '• at.kNioa-liggago . Strata. Mai linen 114X rah be success-,
tiny. grown' tit the State of "Victorle,
; cporio the Crowding colnitereitti, (wept
.n'AV°la141 'Coln On In.1401/010,4* aereonit as
.and lAnsiendl Of ikUld dg era owl, Too mot deperitueot of
ornigulture ltaS encoureged its growth
$ e system of itemises for lite outlive..
_ /doter Nv,...thotti, the ItUshand of
the iCoutiless atteerito, boo assumed'
The Maine Of ilitint4Inekehrie. IVr stir'
lion and. extracilext• of the fibres. Tho.
rollintair nature of the New Zealand.
.1911-410:11111i Of Make a different variety
,..04tea rhattec .00. attention of gropers to :
lito rentimerative restilis which' 411004 •
-"tatettlerlit Ibis -state.- Hitherto, this'
einef :difficulty to overeat= was the tth.,
aerate' .1,,1. u process hy whielt the ilior;
haw pooh' be (Middy treated, and , he •
edieus inothods in the preparation'ot
lite Ore in a itierketable condition.
To evemome all thillotattes heretotom:
xperieneed in growing flax, 4 Mei,i
•• Urne Orin Is now obtaining patents,
itroughput the werat EM 4 ProcesS ttliat
s iota -to likaltlea A Much large.r $ 0141
f ilbee ,of greeter:strength, end of An
ilsitained or nitierol color. which, 'fOr
tile Ittlepeao t.if tilaaUfactliring snail, ltnek
as linen, damask, "etinves, ole., reguires.
110. •cheinicili *cubing. III the lintShind
OtteratiOnit, . The 'Stole muter& etrihigir ,
oars . tins 'new process, after eithinasi.,
IVO Artois, on eecottnt of its expedition
In producing' fibre or exceptionally One.:
• otat,... , . • ..„..,____-...........7.,____.. '
' .1'110 fax In Its rough .Canditiert, Is
asSed'...thron0 ,ti inaghtne eenststing of
twee' ptdrs 0,; toticro, otter :witrolt it ss•
mmereert for 'Anima' la a bath -of hot
water, ..ettotainthg added ingredients.
net oliernicetel-' ..,Tben tlitt Mater.1111. IS
mined and dried, out throUgn.,.thie
"Nuking "inttehille, and finally threllig 1
lie muncher, ' To -make a superfine %UM-.
ly it , is entabed,;.leilee, by . whiall Wane
he fibre is made pure white. In %Int°
low to the ,,grettk;sairing, Of time, Main-.
Venter.% 0101M "-titere le, 41110 01' 110
%veal' ,(haW), and ttlerebY *pitch greater
rittarnittee or utitated. flax are produced
• f a stronger Anility then by any fru.
•_e_!s.. memo, ,tolp.‘y9.
.r.r.,L.,_._ .
coax. noknemx• Avox.
• Rheumatic Sufferer Corea by pr.
• WittlaiderVInk Pills. . . . •
., ..,•':,'',- .. .,,.;
Illietitnalism lei rooted In the . blew-
hot,ts axle:110C not every poor ,rhew,
and outtitard aliP1 ea$110na cannot DPs"
' mite stifferercebb Id know...Liniments
sittly cure riteuttlittistio. They are a
WaStei of litoneYv301d. while the sufferer
s using theft! the:, disease Is sietaltlY
rOWIng Waille-tik Alqwly but surely
- 'eking • a ilroter g ' p upon the,,entire-
system. Rheurne Sin -must be trenteti,
hrough the' bided.. . That Is tbe Only
way In • which .the ofsonous acid ..dan
at ,driven 4111. -Dr.„. VillitunS. Pink pills
• dually Make neW. Idood,L.alid thns, al -
Ways mire rheumatism. 'ivory close ' of
hese 133115 helps te make new rich -red
lood which -sweeps, the poisonous ,acitt
• rom tho system loosens the aching
ants.. and inueehle and gives the rhett.
alio new health free from pain.,
'tmorig those who ean bear Witness to:,
, ilt, , tryth OtAl1P.SO. .,StntOMeniS '.is MU',
erSina Latiglola •,of St. lereme, Ortle.',,
-for •weary mointo •-slie suffeted -from
hettroottsm mid Apia begun to hank
•' he was ineurabits I Could not stralitht.
ft' OW Odra Itflas Longloie. "My iiiithe,
. Vero:almost uWess, so stiti were they..
' -or Many menths I endured.Stiolt Papa.
II only Mistimed° sufferers ,Oan under..
. land. fAithOugh only 'thirty years';', of:
to the sulfertng I :endured octuoilf,
unto toe look like ort old woman.., I'
ised Ihrtments end tried several Medi-
e111e34 ihtit got net the slightest help lin..
it inmost by alumee my attention Woe,
directed to 'Dr,. Williatus' Pink 4Prillt; ti
' WM. . g.i . d : the tits . of'
OW -Week* 1 'email see they were help.
0; plo. Little by, Milo the pain boon
' o. go.. ,and Alto atiffneas to leaVa illYi
. ointa " I continued taking the pills for
, everal.i.,irforiths when every synipthin
.4 'the tratibie had .ditappeared. I luntC
..- Ot Telt ta'. tWilige Of .rhottnatisin sittee,
:. sd it. bids the day Dr, )Villittres'• lank
' alio 'pante to. 111Y teller.'
Eir,- whore pioir Pills never tad, 'IA
6,4'6 1100nItilttit11. beceuse they go right
o Abe reed Of tbe trottblein the -blebti.,;
That is why these.pills euro all the .erinv
alimente rine In poor. and .watery
bloott soch as traitertatt, beatirethee noil
becitecnes, itaigestiou, tourtogie, -st,
Vitus dente, genteel W0011110$2. Oild.HM
liStrealling W000101110* that :ofillet *V -
tiles, And, growing Oda. II you need a
medicine you will:Stive Maley by itek.
tig ; tr. .-Wiilititho, _Pith Pthe at .Oftee.
5.00 diet. the hill MOO, lit, 'Williams'
. Pink Pins' ter ' Pale P00100. is .printeit
ott the wreoper enfant every 1102. &Id
:hi, ell thedietto dettleta nt by nu., tat.
no c onto a ,toS Or SIX boteS: for . )10
limn: mo; ilth,.,.-Wiiiisres' l‘roliciALI,
-ttrockville$ On -: . • ' • *
Itim that of Iter soh, .1count
r' *barbel; reinettis %ittickeitzle.'
The ittegest guattlity-of-lialr-thetriatet
" -Ifer'heeit bronglit girkwiall during.,a.
,perold of,fonts doys„.,..nats landed there '
.13.` Ofitosby trawlers
Minting. tett Mee Or'ilsit.
; Tito RIP -Stettin 'in)). ,hottoe ‘Y, 41rnw
:Crescent,: Ihrtnii.,4,.filaillonahle Oulofietv,
tanitoti- • 003101)5011 the 4ther-..day. td
.'„brought •dOwn the JONVOr Staircase, The:
teneols were reseoed Meet% Of it aro*
of ago or Mr.' Iblut :Peter ••
' Grant. in,. of ilothienturellue, Son 91
' 'Sheriff ..Oran1; of. 'ittithiertitirchtta, wee.
:Celebrated, by :aevertit ,lunctions held at
1110 ,,Delicallousa, neer,
The death has :::1000erred at Berwick
Of air.''.ThortiliS Tumor, a '
,:.•Mr, Turner wee 7.1,
ztoottor 'ectithey, Serrefer$ Of the
'PerwMt mid ,TercedMOUth , Ons
Vial° ,is a believer irt the
lufnine tharititilo PreoUlsion, tiOre.
PoSes, a lecture on 'the 26111 int itt
pannon; "Itlederti "WansliipS", he
feied to flue turbine machinery of :the
Clidelitentelnillt ;Coto:triter tarmants os
Marvel of litelletn englogeting. ile
,eXpretteediattisfietionfitat the turbine a;
IC ' be' ,.ottottled' in 411 new. British. wor
After six yeareiletting. the Victotia.
croes mod dation' , together '1,1,th Ilte
UOSSr 1.1771.V,.:446 0-4Vhe-t-TV* ,
'-;lielnitittitnilly,,,..haahen reeelvett y ;obit
'Stitt:lit great. persli rwk to 11
Wopilded Uhl and. carried litM
rhite,4,11re, The incident
Vas seen by Ocitelf,pqatellon, • tots IS
1115'! 11 .,gardener.lrellitr„etnployme.01. of an
MOM untserYtiMae. die is 22 years et,
nnit nottvevAlf;.:Atierdeett,
fiermelialt • :reaelVed At
.10entitveY: of • the 'death at Lucerne of
fila,so!,:an old And well -
;MGM citizen of glhrtioway. The de-.
' seed, who was,* „years of age. was
In bus euty: lile it.shipmaster,ltaving
'Served.' filo oftPrehlteeshin itis
Uteri who ,.wria Wolbknown muster
mariner. .stilitt ;Out,' of ..Atornoway•itt
las own v in which be visited
- - 11"' urt4, OL,lite world After his
reliritigHt100110 3013, Mr. Lees was an,
notated, ,Iterhorteasier and collector at
Storm:Way. -•
• BR; 'George Fergnsolz, the oldest; Mae-
icoleithir ;10; :.gtoogosie, has died 'et las .
reeittente itr Lenge. Ilern eighty -tour
yeeOlige A100(0101 hocar00
A ittLfleP ,,litaiown-etcount as far hack
OS ton -tracts Were
ttiati'eSfifiMingAttiliSt.,"„Paltiteye Itendm
L'IOVO,Art ..,OttlierleSt and the Technictil
Aberdeen' Blvd 'Marled
401 s,l10 r'lgif gVetr'lra7Voector,Pla z
41,000; otilyootuog bit ;edatirotta vcov,
The'Doelts 'end Pilotoge Committee of
tlio 4114 41/4$ Mid nit et' mutat Oaten the
:••They,recOuttucroicti VW, 10
AitiggeSted by the ;hover ..osoymaN. ilte
..oseg ahotild 1,14 p.) tot, litotiti 42 feet
" iiioeks In feet,
. (deadweight) of
ItoO 4.4 netiktel7,250v •
lete-411AVOattcd‘,,ttWOY In her Ivan-
dredili';-,yotto Wharrialitled
With lier"ttoplim Amite, Remit,:
aroth4 oirn. i$lio 111101110(1 alt her:
a:liltleS 111),IO(Vitt,lasit, end could .iett,
many .cliterte*,,r,eletirti( to .stirring
.0f last' ettatury.•;;„ itifterta Wag .prei7i
:flottrett whenr 111640Y -
tut ,,rietvS-`ctf Weithatiteittit tdolory at
•V1tter100.tlat*Ottileed, an4,,She eoidd
elefethits•in Aberdeen oh hie:
litOroelifiere of•it:fiteett Velotio. • •
• .
Vire is Very oceeroplisheti. she
on- colt or May veto -ovith 'cord
„reemtw*, ,44Thot -nu - Secomplishirient,
,d boo never he,fore beerd or ari$0os
tooking 53
, Obee fitteltity,SIthi,-Ottiptionst
It* shut mui too grurcheO wittelt
'isit beauty ote result or import
'bieol, dittoed by .actioirru
iver -arid thIneyir. In torMellog:
'fidS-intheenhy etlion, and' tattering the,
'MVOs tO theit horned cooditiouf Phrl:
. Merrell Vegetable PilIS NVill at the
siono. Igoe eleattse the 'blood, hod the'
blotehteS and,.,ertiotions eitr. disappear
*About, •letwing any trate.
itesser.by t 'I thought. oil were
softtero ebil4ren with • ifte ihsoliek little:
meal, of wOr with o sigh, of rolief.1
, • , Three ConlitY ;Council teachers are
tipteigit, Irb
• .6°y.,i;''' 7:.'"I'v-,,ne"ey'ge',11,,411.11;.;.114011'llevro41445: br4 s°:1111-ueu'e44' rlorstIr*
t s /Mt' ''illn.itr thilli-.Willy has been
vLtii4s...IOW* 'Xigtiolittirottio,, and he is
.iIe`-'0Xford Itow. ito Lat. it, lndeedi
4f"eritPlotti. ,tratirs3alter the re-encourder
desetibedf left" it with .ioroelliing Of ,o
detertehlation :hero i to revisit, it, , ' Tills,
Me, in spite -4f :Ina geotl.,11rernee veoit
aver • ' 1414'10e1 bac netit.,iiii ,,,,. , ,
,he , pt ,--vivilly, htleWing tout tie
'• nottidtterett)fttel',Inclittei-,„ - --'
' n*...',alillt ttgri. „4111:11171. '1,yllitlirlit Plirgihl '
'-ylediselept :Waits Of I' At , eetintry,diorWe
fiiiideri, ' in . Stironshire, in the" .00MlianY
'Plr a 104$ .Wniiiii-DO bus '14'004 as long .-
Os, lie 'eon" .rernentert a ' 144. r-. vita
*OUR', itere...heela ti,,, frtend of .girCiritti', •
terieti,Siten,iff, she bed net Welt one Of
eitoleet;LOInee .1tereithroc. has been in, the .
--ttilinetthitel. ,-:.:, itehtilherboett_.„.9l_the..elitY '
, Apfn. ultAiiiiistilli,..',C;Vtier44 ilegedito 0,41lidleYtt.e-'4v1i. Owl .
hitt Paper lotto New 'Chine°, and Oen-
. tel '•Afilea!till. Shettl, .'hirnselli 01...who,se
i. ;so Ltiva laid On his taiga .mote,
' litiiii ' atililSkiniii! and; cletve than she
,C4/01I ',Metro What to •do:WIllir Wheae
,filittaltd, he thettaht a very good fellow,
' hdlen.WitindbeivIpto a. Very Mee let..,
tOr4litlhil90.04ands. deelht lasilY.i •oon,
eerritint.,WirOseettnlY' child has been.rearle,
orsipluo,A„,4.:.110tito.:;.)r.,.?$91t.in. that . Opens tide
Til,';'lliAt'.4.itilli. .tigalutg P-rV1-11i-htts
'"11.14noW..;•ttiat.'nitnsr'A, t_t; 'but, 1 ...um' .1,, .
A.titlY1'!".1111-el.dte-ii('I'''' b".°14 .cinrectillr.ini fate oh very
4i:::;tog::.•-,kr„.1::tioP:),074110eItILI:e:Pirint:Irlitigite-uni.ltho:ue.iftelene least;,i.:::Odt)tiy'lil:i:uiip4:;:tild;leitt:Itn(hvortalli.vialist'°a:atiet-
ea$,,llillitiejlestintryt" - • . . .
•,, T.4,,Aen.,,need. Ot:Speek in that tuisty
tireeelito,,Itni..,p, tioYs she, trail laughing
.;.!ohte,';, ',Ittet.-:.,•,Oung men will he 'yelling
Ann 'hat ‘vnr.,;, "After, ail, you must
, le _Tell tit bay known ,,t once.'
, exindt,e4t,'.4t,:;,,veituilot, tr. eyett.do 'tilot itoat
'.1flyrott-trigk,ttitit 1011a; to nae,' • telorts
•OrgOiTilh.;.!Slittlingi 01'. shell havo , to
: .040eXilitrife after in routfountain. 44
•. ,i40., io,140.00.4114 y; . but •veMe, what
'-Ovrs'-i'AtY„. :id iiii
, .,, , .. • . • . •
- NoitolitteW•46 Ing,- as for :is .1, eaii
- rd$0,,,.-:;:out; .„, , pi es, sha-Opteeding out '
-.00•1fihide tfailfto, 'emphasize the* Atete- ,
t• h•Velneflh'i;Qi t f i: i fl 41 in. -7:i tty 'tliat -, :111ci, tiut)iorit
teshe it,'.:„serli him down do suite de
'•ale. OP.. itit. prOvocation at '4117" ,
1 ,Burgoyfle.' 1.a a tone out,. Of which
6,,,.• blaAO,'Keeri:, a shade of Mere.'
uld .
...it'. ,flflfl 4**4,11" telthes- she, nettled,
titett'7'44 ew.nuin. 10 upper, -.and
uppQSe',Alley..., ere making a. .littlo
, .•teat: , itt' YOU .ver In your flitY'leae Of
•n ,,,itti eegradiothis supper where there
VW riati,itiolset..;fitinftwer, in fide: ease,
OW WitaVhe,tells Cia Will/ Was .telte
• Itik.',:.PrialtlielY:tik part % to it,' ".
'•91e,:tviti'."01,100 in a corner, With
...Ooritittilit40040144 , iuu. risepay11,-..feettslidtrittiogsr..Arts.
o•1 ' • It teems: tortlinued.-,sile, not_
,et,Al, if „•,.4,4-7-1.1,ettote,,-, the , ltderruglion,
- inarte.litriitVlor Mune In, oval Was very.
, lidieizintill ..-N .1 ty. Was told to go to the
1. einterteat .inetrang, and .110 e1ther . was
„little: latei•-or'„.mistooli the hour, .or
•..''. 'inetrifte ot:thoUsorttood when .be did.
,i•' lite Maktolit, ',that tfaLwil$,'001411.110-11i;
verosieswithetitite triernish In ,her.
.,.'o •' .,.10.,;.11111 ,..xteit matter . in .M0 lettlit,
• Or pknot mind; In loot he was rather
,..PS'.ita;,,,,Me'llng. Wanted to ,g0. to
' .1.C-1°.fl4liFkr4r
1bihely, eit Tperifithi-we .sholl
• O., • , , n , ..,
fifeati,,,f; 'leo ;Inn. going , to MAY:,„. •
- . "Are, afotil",,,site says. "Why should
0U go to italy,r There is nothing to
• 11V:there, lit Ati.ere7 Is not it, Ot 'Nettles
lid Ziliey go,• o‘tit itt full chasseur trill.
. •• trit;„110 -Sheet, •thaditst" Which speech
• ale Weveligie for his Sam -MUM Mien her
rgtiya*It fete has token on a:
stlier lot*: ,end ter htite;01%
,*,.',0111-sesitratterir, , ,;,, .,
'.4YroIcteo. ;4theita..to,tal, letorettee, ,.,Iti\.e
• ."Vtitltdri',„filt141‘..1141!ettrgillYrAtihnee's thirOuntitel'in Mtn'.
. 'Otutiib.;,:',Oral-,•; WO obliged to give tin
' nty-P.'Sa..:„Intty .'Sitwent °breed. k They
, tave.,btett.librotto 411 , fiat 'wintert. yea
.-- hawfl 4V:tensile net seen her hinee I
- : hoshory:epiati,,.., Wittig laurels . promo
.-.• hetn"..ifitiert, ;)-:;t1tticntitenitig Wind, They.
. ihtt&L,4fiettr.'..,SeVeritt a ()triers,. and Am.
'ersrtri-•::tc•Auerter Of a toile before
ritnelf itafit., breakseileoee.,- 'It is the
., ... 'adg.
, ' 4, o Abell '40 1.0r:telly.
:i, v.,„.„..4:Atilit..18:,,..*:1;ii.!,:u; ,i,t,,i14::, /1. 0.. ,IiLti: ,, ..,.ig.!; ,11.11;::: y.nlo:l-tx:tilict:$6. ri.,‘..tvh:einit:g attioh 1:st
,,. , .
'...:4P4144'-'14411 . ei Aten.
• '. .1* , 'it-tvii-.A10 seepo a,,,solont ,
Or l'eatite.tie
• r. "And AS '10,,tte' :YOU; eon, see, you are
likely', to 'lee :611040 for '""ariellier: eight
:. :-.:.°4it'Arti.;irr.:n.S''CI.::;an'tlee;.,' 'YOS bld then I
' ailliat,SeejaCI,!'' • ' ''''''' . .'' '
'I'llettlIttitilAle,i'l' -Oho Saes, littli Under
°Iy.41:).'11,r'0,:..t.7 rPt.,,e','0”htloPo'_!,:oti,
t_,,w4tttoi,,_: •. . . .
Weida. Meet •with his aPorobtilloul lie
lots probobly made on U party with' Milne
01 1110 DOW trutheatt,.Vietirna ef 4
root tiniversity syStem." ,
hNO, lne bus opli'llko-rrientL vitbr V41°0
he Wits. In have' tOthe hos ihrOWIV. hint
oven AL 'Nest, poor tout, that is Madly.
the wa$ to exiling* it, tot he has broken'
Ns lest bur anyhow he ts tors de core.
bat. tcyou werit with WillY,!` ste/ odds.'
alter .0, patiSe, mid With rather wistful •
sir, should to sure of knowing if
ttnythirlt went tvrong,"
' era -drY4tursonirri. 'sett '0111$
VAI off to work,. tittiOngAno 45 WS.
OneCr two of lite cltharea, ot agei.
fitm, three to ligelvet, root be too 111 le
UN lovicA • work, while One :Do.,Y Bier have n Trot'.
toarvelittitirLaIquL'lion ,drovelnat ond
analliereennot Feud. A twelveyeenolti
heY whe canto in recently Setteent
-SOWN' lo shirk u11 1.000.14, pleading
every day ti beetlitche, batiteette, or
Other similar exentie. At. lattle boVever,
Links $5
, 4
Begiortios at $4 Diantnral
Hag has avast array Of 004$
Cuff Links—rnaclo by
the stOrd$ Wen eld1144. grikt.
to it; s,ympatlietie Mater he .canittled the
train: bo had been ill fer,severy years,
, and did net linoer-hie A R• and •,wite
; "itabled'te snY,far. '• • •
I stieulatelliat. tf .hrings you' home a .
Cott tillitte. dattithterdiblaw, 4Ositn, ° NOW SOT,
reninierolid :geollentatt Tedgere'l yea ; the Mtnatin-g,, end: 1,00, to. . the.
amultenetnisly With. ,file.• surgical
nkIhL leter. While sibi loot;
mite buoseit h cottoiess", into the In LesSans Ventintra from leo 5 In to twelve
W0 hot to hold toe reSponsittle' etterttoan; morning lesSene going on
And so it comes to Pegs thot tette'
. 0 •.1` Work, ,to; the brief , .pain • ot widen: Abe
p.urgroy,AO, , .et'f voile, .lo MS ,Antairriy ,' ' MO folk acten 11Ok• iiCetistOinedi - Alter
stooding et. a , window' ' of the 'Betel de -
. , ; it, bowtycr,..ttha• agato:;,:erier diorite.
Genes. at Oette.a. noisiest' of , bolas,. many :cif Das children go le'steetater. ;bey'
„ .. .
Waugh,: to be Sere, iitst; is '1•UpolY, faith . ttil hour; or so, Sloth of.eou'r.0e,, al got
fie is MOMS 'mit. et,' 14.9044404 ilmit' • ,4W4-koed-,' , Neweetinteraaromostnksby
itelft-ihrlitee Mazzo 1)0Itne.-ellier-tt0 ••, - ': ,or. 111, ani de ....04:•-reettll$, 4014:7-1h- Ilte
nintitet, that is -over end pee oy 'woe ',..icosons;.• but work" is' neverloreeCerr
• Notable vt4ue retort(' its
our $5,50 pair of 0014
4unth A'bell_sitApe), stritable,
jovefOr morioa, patriot:0i! ihowartstOurnito:Citty,
° ers..
Articles arnsent fie*.
. ObyrSe.,
*obi; oaor artfcso* taw, re newer *04.4 4
soorsvarreete kkortge foie lorso Oa,
• - , 'theta, -Mid. they are selon
:ItSeelne ;odd': 140,430
; ;. ler breek in . the, len ,
• , •
many unibMilits, Se' Many- basitelai''sa.
posz '
nosy oranges MA 1010,11Or,rea0b.:10211011,
glossy ' green loaf still Adhering . The -other • day'lSeriptere!anti; history
kilts inch .of'Stilik,,,ett Many fresh...V00.. : ieesons Went on km* MOW MO
tahleS, eon be sWept -itway in ad' Shed, '
; teeetlers Moving raPidirdetvia the ords'
a time. But ther are; On the italq(eiC and sPoilding 'NV- fritiniteo.,„ et, each
chiefs ere fled, and hove Inert reploced,
'bedside to :Portion out and ,criLL
tY" tt TOW , Of fitlereS Willi 'Sad dreep.; ; the tyor4. 'Ater beeketWorki
ceded horses, a tiood Iteue-before liyug • needl.eworle; and ..,..it.rawings.':-,everei,!glveti
Appears,-appeorti radiantly weshed out, and finally calm soett °ex -
end ettolegelte. - . ,. q • .,..'.. erelsa ea.•.tVaS's possible,. In front ,or a
- "flow many Morning chapels. did -',yoic:', row of ,beitt On•illelialcartY the ringtress. t., ----
lateral, lest term?" asks „BUrgOinid With: '' stood, roo4bg' 1144-'14;rmr "6Pk: inIhe.
oorne,.11ryhess, ., -4 .; ; .,• :• standard' exerelle;0',• ond, . lying tint „On
, . . ..
°It. 1 • • Il hit 11 i ' '' • their 'backs, most of :the.. little , patient:O.',
Perfoot Luxury to 40Pain
leg• 4444 OW lb* "
Lcd Shingleast
Pew a
the to
ter We
Made from Painted or delve:insect Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to 0,10
Pei, _handr,fit 11111111re feet .e0Yer10g Measure. This is the most durable cov,
ort.nic ini too mmyet. Om is, an Ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, El°.
Vittont/ Chorales, etc. Any handy man can ley the "OSHAWA" shingle. A
'Ammer sad, *nos- aro the Only Mots required.
`We are tite largest and oldest company Of the kind under the British
tlsg, Mid hut Ward thellaandi 01(138 best buildings throughout Canada;
- ....., ,
' ' • '" clinkrittrAIIIII IJOHTNINCI-PROOF.
, We else MininfeetUre Corrnated iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
14112TATA SIBIlVtottri ,of brick or stone.
111BTAI, ilittl,IN4,4,,, , design.,
wen for Catalogue No, UR and free samples of "OSHAWA" ShingleS.
'Write today',
Wit' ril 1211101,11tadhaiii 11.1103E103CAZI,
Montreal. 01, I 0111 AO OM. I TOMillik_iink I tongokOni. I Winnipeg, inn. Vancouver,B.O.
1104W Critit 9o. oian000tast, it oonittrae et m retuteatio. 70 Lombard st. 015 render' ett
'Wilts yinar tionittoi Ofiliaio•-lieliii OthON AND DONDB-4511A WA. Oat
S 110 rep et he ptheil* •
stVeatlY, sitting doWit at 111110 .1111001t.: •Movenierii%;041.1V, thin Svhlio
and unfoldfag bis breakitist _mink arms tokeS ',end 4ntiell laugh,
hi di not mean going tiTChapel, 'Then ctinte 'setae -klittetirg; 147 :ilttfi
newir-admitted 'person watelted.lhe les
MO so tete; hOtvever, 1 Malik 101111111.......
t th other bode weie-Wheelet tiotetly bock.
proving. am •olittnier of son ..with,Wide Wendertng .;:eYea. TWO
wen y m earlier An I was yes, . ,
terdoY., 'thank Oen, we have- , • 4110. AIM •.'Wqrd kii1.01 ere,
treln to catch to -day." -.1101,1gh1 :death's .effacement, thitikr.kb ,cupants. hind sOlierf! plae!dly i1310011.
Burgoyne .is rather inoltned ta litent, 'as the tustede slowly Setinge Pe*Sena. being 'PYOr• `v.°
tint thanksgiving 0, iittlelater in the,elaii.' forward SO Aiittt htterar 1°11‘tseS‘-''''ngea eleven 4°11°.
OS "t4e,Y Strf311 Witt/ the pleasant vagne., :teams rotty.-`brIng. Mit. more cleorlY,;'.st I '
nese': With 11 IIIC1) 01:10 Atays aboyt 0,' the -,erresting :etiortn or 111.5 SerlotaaNd "0114 theY, ore 'virgin -A', '4,40.-f_,,_ktk44 00014,
little,Itnown foteign, town,' net ,exentiy his 'ontaretched 'ann. 'end greve :gotta ',Cot to itgett 1i,„.11111e1';(114"e0,,_'11111gqingsi.
ltibneoW4inuegenzbietintyer,,,wthrtohugsvhhitchtle tisetreitueerio .0ort barnettproill11:4:Lisejoltitbg.e010;g1t1,41niiit.whotiFtl.=01.17..i.t., ,4•47:0' Nrv,91:11n' e:ta::::7
11.U07ttlitillg, mid death(' ofz!...eontse, • fate$.;
thein bus mecli acquaintance:4 iilypeo totigitig:that that "young; and P114 , , , - • •
otwenty.twe yeore of sphool and'ettliege,.. tentlentaa' on. .the 'brnue white eharge
f (wicket and grouse., and stalliing' should title Menai to iis. out Of me' traln •
else; and Burkoyne hello thkesee, PrOhebly :net a :better Mar • boo _Or same people:. not knOW,that
s widely- wandered sheds end ea- SUrelti, 4111011y:a bant1SOMer,.:Rne_t1 ' ot.s. are .„aaw. talcoa,intaj4Q(16it, Itaros,
titers; to whom the Nyanza Lake 411.4 Atter awhile the other ..toolls.w., !• n Tegiatent Progeed$' On:serviee," the :bop.
UM Attalla -Ian Bush are more;tanduar. 11,4,Yey, but thc. twe.. Men atill,OlOnw Ora.'..aret
thaa.Blottn'S CiMpanile,qr the tiagOOlts. OtP. bus 00i
such , hOttorable
have left' net Much rehz Ortini euof gbi ona bring.; hock his. worsto. twith,bto , NO COL°,0, IN 4V.I'O14*
£ZiflJ4IIi4l 4IIl 4' (1011
TherWils ft''greylabloaldias tooth. shy, a sense Of dISfloot With Toinhoy conies Wain it' !Male, Again'.
and' then little sprays rain, revolt agalriat; °learn ''trania‘ 4314:: theY, wilt he ell the fresher:110'0ot ber
riecilt.,Mut then 114411es cif waren sun. Cromwell flotal--MOst nerreet.,s3'01?,0"2 tirried through ilfisty,lands and
N fitter of the young men imow:::inuth that -• bald, unending, :Yullier'nflothi. • ,tryine,..ilvem.; The ntert,WiteSe.dely 11
m'aral.%.44011.-.as they -possess they which, ttt'somrr,stooda ftst.-seern hoe boot, to ,cerry, thenv, and
L'erit*Pi. friPtilliOrt a etc tr
'tithatithiltilitittlitlioes that this tiro he
txt*Oin ,goito AutAce.
id? - Mendicholi 01,101 lidetere 114 *rare Itas ttool.“0. _01,_."11" Vit intim ,,up,_tt,-11`411:1j; hlatins'igyricQ131(131. a.
bin ttri, haw and egnipettlid)i 10lt 1$ so . Mag0110 IlOOTIma lag saigageti_10 zeal% ,y-ott
1111100 1U4t 'ell* litliV,11'4,40,1"leare twests lettStriblyseirilliittlislotaCgybriatt littogolict."414/11ert=lttrott,„
TOO are 4114 VerY 401001111061114* 11#6.
ib 10 tesi At all, nee nit AIV$ tlattenlY hnt 1 ft litilo
leprioly"bse Itairelelk t
uta,eitil$ lifitted hif elletheit ifYealloreat Inter tone 10%11141$
ittr4 that the SW1,45. 610110211100 Mt/tin-1A' Mr 1V1111(111t ltk0 01.(1Vtiked
'• the Alna Mitch hes woo 00404aritt tnItttii Min fetid' tilfilatt te
*hotit vibh tertjelag ..tetet loos, 11 titth of thought witteit does, hot
are ashamed to, air before each other In everytine the.- dominant. ;note. - theta .to •
the last-ere..nawadaye
'century life The light:hatirte ataployea iess.senurnentel If More
• lash ,curiously into churehea, they walk his,. tormindings..hr ito .. , , , • . ••
.. , ,
:7•11. ghat; ' ciriji.41:.; treetrdswirlefitelf3; ;;.gitt, .11 I
"se thin, is Molest reverent too. .
_he n_wa6s. chti
4, 1; 6.8heTirr,j4';t.',1448 ' , ' : - .' ...•• , •
fUl duties ..t. ;.., •'.,,,,,_ : -.,. -
tattAtit41:...118e1114!htTftig. 14tligcOaAlta): ,14.°4484r:h1::teill &nit, Old liteo,0 diYilo:.- ,
"Do `ye remember , . , . . , ,,,. ,.,. -
'/ thank you Wttfi- all .-triy:41eart: for
polecat -ante,. and wonder at .the seolp, Bunt chltdreo in- the.Drosretter,
lured portole . where iresco end 'Iron ,,yettr 7 Oh, net by,iltediye, you were t whet fiehy's Own.' Trebleis':,hare• done
time/ at Moro leisure '..for delicate WOrlt brush ,V111t01.112.0 0 .114114644 an un co -1.,... -1 1,..; o! -' t'' ''. ' 'e' °u°''
The lot seemed to get inlItiiii,sh r .1.)11;tti` le te :1.,tit,11,6 Btrir si11,'Sititiviiiritii;,,..Ardotria,
ateriend- nod hoe tracery apeniCtit a Ainerica.
that has no end but beauty, thati tlits Woman, , always extepting Hendon ;hiieiiiileie•rpl.tai-_itotinbr progin•-itt.Tiv;i4'h.,,,,,Timelliteatgr.
breiiiittwee; one. ..,Evetytvitore hi Inet7gar- Maria, ititiO 'was net aft EngiLlherearafi
roses poldog bowers, ripe iirenges
litutag. over -the waits. ' Titer' .30Sfie
a a' et, .wanien, etteh made thermal*,
ea` the ugliest 'of them.. by -1 the'iddek
lzd,p :keMitiel lied about tier heed,.
"Henry- Ionia' u3 that English
crowd is the 'best -looking in the world."
down •4000 narrew Streets,' Who
houses have for 'three. centuries.otega "Whate:4 :difference there hetwe
threetenieg to ; embrace, eaoh other hie, Ittihad and his Engitslt pietur A THAINGFut.
•• BUYS%
'tilt Vt B
ewe iSteriesehish
ins/IA.0e alio test
r-Aravysrtes alvyalitiosof DO*
to041144„%itrettlissi will mak
ffirti risltrass IVO alsoody. mg.
toop,oitt t000lso la
...,!*041,4%vpoolOtqlt My/. seaman
Wasliiii4t Heiglitli
!rid teui oia!teil oni!sa
ce, wan .4ious
,Iteshr mouse,* (*fainters" .f71
014.0040e0140041.* A. t..1 'St
Lot. 25x Ig$1;cat., for $100
fit'ose *eta Wilda ,
larete feVet:SiTnii
tre41/74.4;41.0"! •17.1tritir=rrita n*
ate.i • o ditoiw.uwoo.
t.„ • IN./04w rotow 0room/hi*
umaimix CURTAIN* '
sue sli Mad, ot house Owens, else
-1iamesakieSAN PAM' Oat 11.01 111•111"groltN...._
Writs to us *bout your.
CURTAINS Putt 7,,Larlig*
Be our Agent in your locality, eon
money in your spare time selling our
Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Requisites taut
Flavoring Extracts, articles that are
used every day in every home ; 60 per .
cent..profit In this for you. Write us.
The J. 11, Eager Company, Toronto.
Fruit Growers, Attention
Haying no commission to pay, and soniprt
am* The Haltom Townships Nurseries arfl fai
Ithhs to offer you Steudard Apple Tress I to sem,
Web, grown hero, !tardy and thrifty stock fain%
And Spring delivery, for 516.00 per bemired. ,
LOUIS tilltUVAIS Prop.,
',.:,-t,,4,,ybre"%idi jot tPo:1 duceol mci Ith. q0, artnaos incal 1 f.,, t ato04 'i liplitt rel °I I, 01 it IBh(hisayf ryt ntot tl ineet fat ilk. el3 te ta snatt, bteeect 14waejue. otrrsi jos. f otitactei ft, i i , 1 :
;(1.14010110; eu the
ears eaats:ar i;uet , tit
° o .go
and c
o 14424)
, year,
to i
' ffer; ' II: l'
. sOrtilleeettue
. IsTaco9rmnbptreraso4tiee.avpitatruede:111.
:to "
ifor/ a
isclItlitearh:iPu. 1 .1:111
- the
ift '
• WI
' Idel
‘. Cr
, 61
. V
, It
seo buditing.'greeti,,,tudinined and whom he..tvav.s.-obvietts. iy rather 1 tor mint Reg lladt ilex;410, VOS .r0P-
.10-Ye Witho"*. •'. .Jilly galning and Oa WOW e 'IMe. fat,
"is. that a ince° at- scondel of you• .1tealthylitHis one,:!arid,r;Writelott tiuts
Covo r invention., „; or le' ";it, rounded. 4$ tho,..holtuoriedgetheol-,,,oiity 'rector
Oar' osIts'..purgoytei *slog. Wrote f ;Who Wilt never /beget- Whet pubyrf 'CkVo"
"and 10,eking „over his shoutdoLoyok Tablets have fiend, .31' 'her Let.
opiwohing.ritoes, tit , children. wit; Tablits
mixed with VexatiOni Allet his short r, fitvan ltiStos OW: to anew,
ea$g 11$110, 11111 11111O: Of Litreiag 'altont,
tottowitrg,vitti ejrOa! n.14 tie binning,
gore,. dun. with, on. -expression: of ,,prOr;
houneed approb.atios seyeSt
whith gives Burgoyne .' ti Metraelitery:
twInge og misgiving es to his: eitoperen-,
Ship, ".1 should het theothee
And say that they (Ito the ugliest.'
crowds' ore ugly, and rooSt
dividtinla" tettheC ilitrgeroe, thiSau-,
thremicaliy,: looking front his Made-,
hook. . •
They ere sauntering dotal the Via
Otattlakili street or.potaceo, that •-deserves
ati entlquer rigout, of bit
sernewhet strOdly 'end recent: hero: Who
.lteS itedlatitered - Noblest eraVii,
whips°, stately . length -treat towering
,b,olits succeed ericit other in Staid ineleae
ty Ort either hanchlintka on whose high
'fronts, lefts' ltertaled,Verrtilt With..treee
ca;,1, glatified . • broth.' and -ettiget,'
hirearith end beauty take bands In 510'
eltding wedlimk..,, :thite the noblest, Of all,.
uphill echoing Stethe.sialrsi down *hien
the feet. Of • the r Waders have' 'Weever.'
oetigetl'te treeti, Ahoy -enter. As we all
knoW, it hes lieort, given le the O
OenOtt"-MYNY. 'thieeMellY Meriting so
great tt the' dying hand Of lls
lateSt. l/OSSesSOri laSt.: of: that. Ingit
end bountiful .ratteeelf '.ein may lodge', Of
lite' dead by their pientrea.aivhe peed
1100M, ,ortd went fetitrin'illial Hilt&
int pomp through its
'eerier :portals. , • '2, •••
. AtitgOytte anti. Illyrig are ,shindiog K-
V". VitedYbe, The ettstede,,,
operiloge Stotler, end throwing wider.tt
doer. ceSts It brighter • ray of •Itglit-fOr
tho:steriog Driloos-.severtil other* 'have,
Wiled theMselves . Oar triotido.to
pope. or, it by. What' tlees the
gentlemen on . 'greet White, Inbeo
'Wheel Ventlyke Made WW1°, set .at,
114 4115 ' -overca through- w ;tonteript, p.,Nolutti% owl 14'41t43 0011Y, ' 'no 1044 'tort
leo' intuit ter twittery, service. root ou er itutorhit - 1 ' too ,i)it. '10100.144 IS'
4A‘TIIAI 146,witif .' mum g 'MIDI letitOW lit deleted (het tont 1it1k1g.'11‘140d10111 tOtit411 ' OA aril*
TIIE VVONIANS PRIVILROB, ley WWI 010,,e 1112e0V .04 tti be $.11f:ir• i 11' tIV1111 N't 1h21f 11001 110141
abe.ut V pie 111. bia viilego ourroetx the saute. tilrf,rertill news te' eon mho., are for
1.0iti - thy , PAS chstroti ltiv. , •• ' *k.,; ; me Otte tho *my rtoultd; Ihtn, itortirt
. he vitlegn AWOL. ithe his he Mehra rit, the odd spring afferlultiri.
Nista/ ,icorr•siog III. imit, it vot courge te° called Otittett OM 'ft n t,IA li Pt apart- ora, knit *no ,at 1144 Ire.
two hours disteld trent lite fallen -1y , tinges Ite
'ally Twit wi‘tU turo thied teld mstios Loitoche, in the trout. ;','41.1 you tittl witty we eon rrotog
hed broken tiff t110.111gagenitilt.4 vaiksa., tidy, why„ should not Ieti In*
_"OhLaW„I'eklt 41/4*1 again ncleit So inttelt telt been ex. beer •
anc"=luekl..- tessed by lettrista at the. risith Windt „um one ritlt Arven thti
ritti.,.'"' the audit:tellies hate. Minified them 14 oftd, * **go upott him with *tett
thrntigh filtitligtnet Ottattillhi*. tockulotose thst, dot* uot Itt cote,
ho. hygienic .oteitio fantet, thr 1,1***, *both*. iti* sritoetaRe 10 afta
the lainirita Pro • lothisselt , the tottleitsei,
t *41 "*(111" '61 ntrrte`14.4. 44 nM itte Adefif4'ronontion
t1 int"111111141e. lie dtleovertot tot
thong 'Hie f.10ii IA114140114* ht11111101.'/IVe 'ow 111lnurr
11) ly, Keep ni ne
* " ""k1"*1 444 t)r 3135 reels it Ms rett basing Pittipe4
tatadly form Mot More then, nod Crew Mit ao otiottily 0,4 4406,
roliS Alias shbired SuSpfelotta
roicii 311 "it hiw Inds in the midst -or tho - .,-.
titleasiVe MAIMS giii,untiq tiptalita *Will! IS 111411
The e* have beett leniptiterity dtd'ihht hitY se. 131141 not even think
sKinrregoo, Rhin Winer pro. or' HI444, *,..,„*OMNI th°111Miet'
416it trot lak mettle, tor,lheir roue, lanirbieldt %Mt /007.•-'-inntArt
Tifro. lintonikrottA 1131' trOokhootity*41 411.31 ;cid* *OM% iitteate leate jeg
Arttorinaki a1 1.he dierrhery es it nlitIM No! ht sitien
in P little. Mining 1 roarttry p r41104415
prole the dower .atrt bony to MIFF g thot I embraced ]105l0ith
the ;Oritiiiiiee to' the'neit, ,freseoed, r.:--, :NM- ifire4b -rou4:britig44 e •11.1td. eon -
sound 0! sickiy isirle,tsii., Parkichiortetta:odolintso' ;scone:zoo: ::.inoseor , 14,10ilu'l tont-tra611;.114:0, tthheor80‘91:.,,xintifiopt:4141,Ottn,7-4r
• A tiatitto in the throat;
hoirieness st timesi asleep
'beetth, irritstes itpo.theat
*re textures of .* *at
outfit. They're very
Opttve sett *tough -Wit:.
re; won't curt them.
You want something that
*ill hind- the inflamed ,
membnit" enrich the
*blood and Ulan, up the
system 14 *tor
Iv just such * remedy..
t,4st wonderful MAO
and nourishing power.
Rent0,411 the Mlle of
the tenet and the whole
system is glisen new
strength and vigor
,terti;r14* Wig*
4Csttrit ft? )30WWEi Chotko
nook Ow.
4$6404$14.40‘ 401410I119# '
e441:noldt#:ettd:h.0,1„s' ram • 1313 mn\e:aulirtilit :13:milt:redu;lriaci..°1:e;c1Yeaet:11::%°yrinrokv1hle, Oflt., and get.
6iliterwehl,esigt ilsnintt,.ili:Tstbirty,4"044101!:14,/aetMlsrellinCtbi• .e°i'llid'''tf)tIt "7;714' .ilatitnigi: 13:::4;j1'
st eree.lti oeteet gaolo :mint yeo,t 004g11 somethingtfekiibeetit$,rolas,:. Y,se r• y, • 11 0 s !1.e mon -., i,it•
Be There. o' W..i.t1441.ieltite the
the Satila •roeflietit:the speaker,' ,,toate. naboritalively,,;,t'Whelic.,1 taut My,
veii aa the'POiSoti,addresSedir li-'1104,"gottit too %ere little
shoal, And; in an, nielente 014 of. r tack ' on Which tie brOtightlftiotvnaoolc.
Itnyne'd eye- hos tdced.-,tiWOY Alm • on the point ovd*,,,his,:dlnaratierh —
•o•g on etaisternatioril` mid Yeti after :11 but he 'dislikes .serallog,' ferethe-deetor
there is tithing veer': tt,410hi$111i4 'II'o which mons botties at drugs'. never
lad tjakt mes, Le,.11defeha31t Who „otiomed,„. • He has riot the';,,l'estiltgirta
,the wertnet 153 sehreh e.1 Allenroltd$ "o load his Storottelt-,wthr,',*mcconde
There is ilettilog, mete altrOrlSing In r wlilch nseii vilienrOusiY-7,\'Auti :haste
befog nI Beim* theft his being, ilfe ,trose; nst, todeot
At that inert..pr 311111013:4 11 !ott ,:huhseti ,With 1119„,ellinenU.7.wittdont: will
be menet • for Weeder to direat his -*amnion te,ParaleIee's
:esyh11l0 but who, is, thiS 10' *WO tabu; pois„whicit. as a 6T0031111 ftit Mtn..
•013servetinit is add20.1001,.:' It IS n geStiort and diSerders••,ofdigestivo
tdr, ,Le lthinantnt, itianOt a mao at 1 peditio • hto;y0. 110 tqzti1.
It ts a slight, Weroorte.- • • • • - „ .
• „vvi,a4; 14, oltia man, os loldrii•Sot,;tilitsitabYriceiloc,h, Ifortocnin,
• • matter mon than Yeatie Mr *sip
.ect.Wt.. !M ), ;Ttt•°1
ornity,t(1111 Ih'y inannge 10 t,7
EIgliativOtna* en her travels. NOT et% yeirsof 90 b.4o.
ft Otte 01 the Olinger, '0105; wiso. 11.4troutrigno.rdat,g
grOWn.110 0 Stnrtlin0 ltRe heft ; Mir.4otoiii. 11 IU butldYoe tp q1.kij,:
tent2 ROStil itt ,nett it 00, 100 de , • ”
tilS*1$40.: Ethel,V "f rithet tilos . that Young
, cra to orottiiitied). . „
Aiik • 101,4 Wil*C*FIAISING.
A somewhat Unusual operation in
weeek.raistng has been carried• out in
Bertidlhne-sincirtito tor-,
04404 "'S 120' seek_ in port • after
coltish:1n With another 'war.Vessel, and
notwithstanding the known condition of
the SUrilten boat, the authorities decided
to litive it broug4„to lite SUrfave. For
this purpose two Boating emetics of for.
nildable dimensions' were utilized,' and
tia broken and twisted huh was fished
up It'OM• the , deptlil and swung Ahrongli
lite dir d 'bele of"tnereltandise to a
tighter, on which 11 was latd. The boat
Wile 9f steel,. and it Is proposed seri-
au*. eesay and turn the aparently
inextrieeible moss to some use..
Are You 4 sufferer With Corns? 11
yob ere, get a 'bottle of "flolloway's Corn
Cute,. It has natter beery known to fall.
Ferdinand; "And do you really; love
Mer .:Isenelopm 1,ove you, Ferdinand?
Why, only yesterday papa asked me if
I Woilldn't sooner have a pug dog, and.
f'• refusedr
*DNITtliMird! a:WNW , ettekti alfft
tall• disbboy3AYZI tiolg81 tEigioTtir coVri
,0001 * Anian.%: Audit Aibtam 1Yough And
"LOGO acres of 'Clean unbrokeni-prittriV;-77
the finest wheat land on earth, On the
banks of the Red River, 45 miles froilt
Winnipeg, lour miles from two rallWay
stations. $15 an acre takes it, $5000
cash, balance easy. No better farm, tr; .
better investment.
, 12 Merchan§ Bank Building,
Winnipeg, Man.
tlarr "Blanche soya she has int
superable reasons for ' remaining
singlet' Horiaem "Yes, I know wh
they are." .flarry: "Then .she has told
yea' Horetet "Not but I have seen
her." ,
It bleeds no Tetitimonlai„,-It is A go-
aronfee in tif testimonials were
required they could be furnished in
thauserois. from all sorts end Condi-
hone of men. th Widely different Mattes.
Many medicines ore put forth every
Year which hove but an ephemeral ex.
'steno and . then are heard of 00 more.
Or. Thontas, Weenie Oil 1108 groWit in
reOlitfitiOn eVery day singe it first matter
ite appearance.
4t,hi," moralized the „doctor, "is not
What it Seem.1.6 •
"Perham" suggested the professor,
"you have never looked on the searli$
side of It."
and 0tiIu) t,.111yettili8o: ,t,,,,ejoktodotto.ttetill 1141abautitho -oh*
4 's, bdoodtsing You, too' •
' StlArdt GlriddiNet. There ean be a tlifferetiet.nI 01101011
4,.‘*; • , ort thoSt Subjects; but there' is 'Dint. orm
:city, Of Stave Stipprftehin on the lit h °r inn to : Wither,
- .. • gem • , Ortives' Wont .EttIttnnIntInt. Oak,
sure arid &ea •
-.11.11te doys wlien sieve traderS ' „
illegally lit sievea; thee,' . °nett Oar ed ,' A tollbooth. •witcvati 'oft a; vigit lo
thent • r firOin pat 10 ort °sits ttytt
thiews: _ • , teed hy..ritetitroreatver'Wee, -Welt
An Ettgliiii naval Alffleer,t. CePlatri, trite.' .Starting4MusClo Wilftedi Ihti.
on the lookeut for stove troderS, ei n ..deseent, ;being tete sci'domt,ighte,
Ssl one ‘rnortithg 'whet to thought *tor Ioetr,.. Alter the, vat, otatted:,.. Joi,
't Mayo, dhow- orrid gee; nte„ .prcesed the ,thinger, be turned; to'
tog up•wilh bee Ito went, bit beardi a rite' put/vitt reborge, eta mit; "Suppose
, find/tit negents atieret del/landed front the tone Should, fatale!? retitled
• the PtIgelft, IV" OfterSt.ttnetlitil that the Men., vow) heti to eye; for anYthing
'dealt Slatthr.' ..,That'repteirt tittle bitsittese,„ ,.pal,d 'bikini they
emplitilitatily that he carrital,tio Stith p 'we/dr 4 • •
pets, therefore the• Englishtnint heat %.
retire,. ,
• the -ditY *6010,14116ra .
,ettgltSit Ithift rittIght it ehtirko- Mat eft
tinting it opt% .fourot .1naide it tut
bundle ot pollens, which proved that,
Orr. Ship -had slaves ott board,
'Unite% D.,,,ort 411,106Venfitg this, gitr
'rilitatt *genii; and 'ratite up with h .
other ship In port.Whereshe 310-
her collo, rietttot4cd to
tile orphan, twit wasting feW • A
gredueed the bundle ut uupett.
tht *IAVAqttidttiV SAW 1Mint, ' •
tIthlitIt pale, end. slishing with fel 1.
*de A Nit contessitin, how Ito •
ten earryfitit skives la MI et the •
and, on seeing 'the tttglisti **amok,
knowing .hlrit, ha threw 1114) pipet* tic ,
board, little thinning thet.-11 would
analltisted one tit the Shatiot
144 the 410tlet (*Me 16 light age
Thi' lainitreted, by the feet that lite
'original judgment is * fray*. artel '
it sa stew In the lloyat fdaviettrit„ Mag.
otos. lowish*. sad a.PhiothdraPIS of the
dAninient 14 14 the posinitiort a a Ter
reed. glatitineri. 1.
Indite #ttitItit
' Get 111i Figure.
• bitted 01 go tip to ettlitek Sunday,
Mr,' Ditty, counsel for thefalr plaintiff
iti * breech ni cottleaSed
ut,;„,.sholeo Dinglutin 'et Liverpool,
Itogiorri, tesixes,retentlY that he aleYed
at -Mame to 'count, 'the erosset in forty
thee letters eon rent Milt y the
soh of tt Loner/shire Milkier. Mr.' Wank
lemon, to Miss, Mary Tipping, tilatli;
burrio 1101V sltod lkfr. Ipsn foe
• bench .of Promtgo Marring. .
4low Oht you Obtain theee figurest'
eeked 1%140 '31;1111gt
•ntl• it MU • e t ••
of marriage was made by the defend,
ant on his ,twenty-ilrstAIrthday.
The Judge -Can you tell us the hour?
Mr. Riley -1 am not Instructed an
that point, my lord. Still, he was a
temperate man. (Laughter.)
The Judge -Oh, I wasn't thinking of
that. But was this promise made, be-
fore he was twenty-one or after twOMY-
one/ Because, if It was made before
ho Was Ayenty-one, it is no good.• .
Mr. Riley -There was a long duet
cession of promises, my lord.
Eventually the jury found for the lady.
awarding her £10 damages, but his lord;
ship deprived her of costs, stating that
these actions for breach of promise be.
!won boys and girls were no (use to
anybody, except, as In this case, that
small sums had been extracted Bann
the boy from time to time.
with ? attention that tiulte eXcep,
(lotughter.) • •
Mr. Tilley -4o he prrteetly frank, my
lord, itUring port ed the lima yesterday
I was counting the rrossa In the tea
lets. I regarded it at mettle test.
1114 tordshlp-I din afraid yen toren'
et *init.is
Mt. Itthiy4-Ain Mold In Inerlto
ate myself. rey lord? {toughie:14*11 lis ss
Mr. Atter. ((tether elation/ding '
matikal calculations, reme
the the Oreetes ainlost ont
Iv air:* weilkdh end fifteen frssry
sr, Oder explained that the
Some persens have periodteal attacks
of 'Canadian cholera, dysentery or disk,
tildes, and have tot use great ordeal*.
tions to avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such per-
sons tve WOuld reeemmend 0.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as being
the best Medicine In tho market for all
aurnmar complaints. 11 a few drops
are taken in water when the synitatents
are noticed 110 further trouble will be
At 'Sprirnrintifn Belgium, an lune 7113,
an hour befort noon, people At work in
°likes were Stirprised by '45.1aw
dothttess which obscured their' rooms.
Defog outdoors, they saw above Ili0
amlire of the town a dense ciond,,,like
great! triattrata, tv,Itith lad the slot.
Bete Ofid there:the extraorditiary, -Mend
wee. '' gathered 'iota thlek. iltioUtent,
maSses, from whith filaments Wetetleeri
falling to thei, earth. Theso fflamenis
(tithed Out 'to he sprays of littYi attain
a shaft, ilMeilicya43" thiole in the 'Mar'
Itelliltice, „The_ aloud. was ciattprigatt of
a great,mionlitYol.hey,,Witiell 'been
dirtied up Into the Sky by a whirl:rand,
and then transporten.to greet diotorico
lo/ the Tho cloud drove front
north' to Outfit. 'oecupied needy, th
friltiutet itt 'posing over •;itur -.(00110
, 4404
-ltioitiott4-1 tear Diet 00. 4otioS itsd
the itttriudettoo idso you at trio Afro
item •Old yolt dote
holt, Daiightee-
1 toe, as (0 MAIM the
people thihk we were '
tit* Ural - titer sippliattheinottael
t6ioi4 ri V SteethOt Moot iv
,losiarteltit ;no
' ditto: yeArt oid- IS heaths
height that over root."
' totstroot 10140, 1' tioret
you mind hdOltig dettr'rittio Polo. it 1111
kitchen, ,w1111 you when we go mitt°
tirldget.t,. "No, 'mural hove
hint neer., 'Vete, whin, things go wrotig
1Jg°4. I ft •*t kIclC
1; hnincde'r3