HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-26, Page 5N IIEW COATING* Received in stock this week, a very handsome showing in En- glish Coatings, suitable' for Ladies' and Misses" Long Coats; Patterns *re very stylish and new, in light *Act medium color - lugs, ill Waal) ;alit invisible checks ,a,rid over checks of heavy. 'hwutiful materi41s. - Price per yard... io $2.ZS 1.sulle)*/ Fur Coats wo are showing our, complete new, stock of Astraghalt Rocharan 4.114 near Sea .Coats, for Ladies. Styles are geed gild the s $ soft. ftill„ and of clep lustre, equal to " the beet We have er 54411. WO invite trispecti2h. ranging... A tofaR.ov ellinkOtt4 So pairvEriglish ptIrewoOI $axony lilankets, full double We, soft.... unslirinitable, and whipped Spkial at per pair 44.047;410,0 44 paikLargest Size i)ouble Cotton Blankets*. white or greyo with - fast‘toior'hotriersi, ph* or:blae, *eoular. price Ar0g.:Sattirday and .MOnday on sale4t. each pair. 0 s Cries / s'i r ea", s (es t .p.0 , . iilitottd. Q4145 , , :48'0111Y, ArdericAn P1Y White 'Croehet 'Ciitton :full double;,bed 'size, and very ',1140CISelbe patterns. Regular Value St0a$,.Satinday and Monday. 4*, 4, ,; 1,-. 9 OptiOiri Remedy To Sdellee Vex va.in in the scanty urtne-highty colored urine irritated Maddev*-- irregular bowels. -bad stoins.vit,,7- there is nothing that will bring such quick relief and so certain a cure us 'VRVIT,A.117VBS. 100tfu4s4T-Xalvilt„ reirg1/1,1== inaoiyo nt di ny Ono kidney00400thetheirri MeMbraucill Iheal and strettgtben the targaret --a,ad bolo Attu to tom vigor with° !Oite°11rkitloty trouble Is uot duo to nu?' ergasie &feet hi the '1;icluty0.. If thenotvels are eenstiPattel,dt The Skits dees opt throe off the thane ,,watite the norly4-then theSe flOPUTttiesa are rts,V rtt;' 21 VA' it 0 th s molt p 044'1401ov ovetwOrked-,41te vereielagedilated,-4140 nerve* inflottlerl- St mesa% * host Of Mabel 0'0014.. • BB SANO QB MAPLE fAit,NII. A 4.battiSkt7tch. of Poriner Oodes • rich 113py Who,. ' necorttiOg Famoue. Dy Arpin° Ps.„?tialshige.... A recent ntunber' -Olana4irin Graphic, an illustrated Weekly which deserree the sopPort. f;!!! an y413(141PAIt4 contaime-tho-f011owlog- ptomain*. sketch of a rising yObeig Carladiall thor who epent.ble ‘heyhtiod dayie Goderich, and Whelan atUrdy loTi, for Canada, aod markt literary- 'ahility Etre winning for hi o place in the front ranks ot Cenadiart &above. We reproduce the skoch In full; " 1 am not m patriot for Milt I wrote ' Maple Land' hecattarat expreseed my senti- ments and bodapso timed keettinehts viere right.' 10411 not leases) their teree hystratablir them for reward. f expected mule; and even though. contrary to my expectations, the pro - tits be hundreds, or thousanda over, I shall Pet touch ono cent. All glen be held. in Unlit for a great national purpOse: , That deel4atioes; ifi the' limit of the quixotic ; Uri etainps the personality of its maker am tiniiitte. , , .. Even before his now celehrated song of Canada brought him into the full glare of the lime -light. Victor Laurie - ton bad attained a fair promince. As a writer of short :stories. the treaders of the Canadian' Graphic' already know him well. In this role he fought his way well toward the forefron,t, pa- tiently onwitvering in the face of the traditional editomal indifferentessac; meting Emcees without elation and re- pulse without despondencY. He learned the lesson of patience in his school daye. . On the 'dusty play- ground at Goderich. the lad's quiet aloofnese from his fellows made him a marked ,figure. ' "Two things are indeldly impressed upon my mind es the results of my schoolieg," he said. " First, that there is gold in Hastings county. Second, that the average boy can have unlim- ited fun with u lad of smaller size. It 'Was' my lot to see the fun from tbe painful view -point of the stnaller lad." There are cedare on the Maitland hillside, overlooking Saltford bridge, and here and /fsithete among t bean an occasion's' Infech tree. On the smooth bark of one of these you may still see, deeply, carved, She name "Oapitola Monett°. ' Four- teen yeails have not effaced the girlitab nom-de-plurne under which Victor Lauriston. then a school boy, began a career as a writer of stories, The name itself was long ago abandoned : but it is still visible on the bark of Diet old tree; and no less indelible has been tbe pprpose of the boy who carv- ed it. Last summer, revisiting (lode - rich for the first time in eleven years, in memory of that far off beginning, the erstwhile school boy once more carved his name iln a, beech amid that undergrowth of cedars. The incident reveals that undercur- rent of romance which has tinged his whole life. Uncondciously, he tends to the dramatic. 'This passion for ro- mance is equalled* only by an unyield- ing tenacity of purpose. He set out di) be a writer of stories. In scheol he forgot his studies, he disregarded his seraminations; he was a puzzle to a em.hers mare accustomed to genuine - o y Ints1 boys than to sublimity inditfer- eta, on In Cha 'twee tlilay.tell a tale of a boy (a 15 idfin 'sapie June afternoon on .the green hen s iarsthe Thames. " Say, Vick I" cried a passing chum, " Don't your exams come off twxt week ?" " They do," responded the idler, curtly cheerful. think you'd be plugging up a handrail of %and, watched it trickle C PerTed turojYeate ir; the .OB0 tIf Mattneve..Vells00,..X.. O4-atatinat.; ham', 'extit, etterided the seheeritoost,' Whiter at "'Osgood°. His attendants, tlik$7011 Pats Witit volleg. late sited, - tee at Chathani and his edellierMehopl days at ooderleh. Dithe leettuie rooms heleok volentinous shott hated notes. vo41-011,1441 troileOribefl ter the bettefit of Moretiteltitette frier:Me, hut at INTIM, it "1 shonl for dear life V ick 8C(10 and metlitat through his ,fingers. " Too much like work," ho rejoined. Vet he hearted hia exams on that self -gene° examination, did the boy who logeled on thes green banks while °Mars "plugged for dear life." Betimes he ttatehed his 'wheeling, still sublimely ihdifferent to anything but story writing. Then, after a spell s. of the latter, Which earned hitn a retl- „-a ;nation a trifle more than local, he surprised everyone by taking to the stady of law. He did not like the law; Weal; hirnself looke ; And outsi n1104404 wrote etories. old osesillOnan eletntied into " Holland'a gratulate inyself,t" he 044 aftervItrd, "that ffidn 0 hove to dig deeper.' Ile capped‘the-olintax hy passing hie that year examinations; then. Went home, leaving behind niM the Molter/repo. tation of being at once theltrzlegt and of -Har Elm Year:44Na- 10014. • " Whyf yaw novSr intended to go on With the law 'did You 1class Yelir fiesb year," he watt asked, at terwardta. "Jiast to shoW that I could do It," he laughed. And Ptlid it with the irreducible Minimum, of effort. solv- ed the vexed prohletio, Osgoode t.he prriblem of problems ; I discovered the lertat amount of effort necessary to pass the first year exams. There Was anethey fellow tried to solve the same proffietra, but his judgment wasn't as good. Ide aceouiplished the apparent- ly impossible feat of studying less than did -hut he didn't mass With whieh Victor Lewiston went out to 'Wellaceburg, to learn. on the udtice stair of Dave Oordon'e big tailor factory, a great many faots concerning the ugly White beets Which arta one of the etaple aropa in the Western Dis- trict. . Front there, a few raonths litter, lie transferred direct to the Chatham Planet reportorial staff. There he was in his glory. The fierce Provincial campaigseof 1905 was just- beginning, and the vexed %question Of • Where did the money come from ?" the -young teporter did his best to solve through the illuminating medium of campaign poetry. His effusions had a swing and go to them that was supremely catchy, and raised them far above the dead level of election verse; incident- ally, they gave to a very picturesque eampaign an added touch. The. VVhi tney Government Nes scarcely installed ere its erstwhile champion transferred his affections to the Chatham News. There his rise was meteoric. In at few months time he hail ascended through all the stages to the city editorship. And all the while he was busied in his leisure time winning a reputation in .the outer world ate a writer of magazine fiction. His work ptesently began to command serious attention. Continuing along the same path, bard path that grows easier with each advancing step, he must have found fame. Instead, throilih ra lucky accident, he wrote Zuritprudeneo 'that might cpns " Map e Land "-and fame found him. "Maple Land," In a sort of fashion, had been written long before Etna set do music ; hut the first " Maple Land " differed widely, both in words and music from the militant air which Canada is now playing and singing. Oddly enough, if the story be true - and as to that the author is silent - the song as it now stands had its birth in a. foreign land. It was in the tvait- ing-room ,of the old grey Pere Mar- quette station at Saginaw, toward midnight more than a year ago, that there came to him the words of " Maple Land" as it is, a stirring song of home and country. Ile took it to the publishers they praised it, but declined to take the risk of bringing it out. Lauriston's confidence eoared. " Caned% has a place for ' Maple Lated.'" he said. "I'll take the risk myself." The publishers' quotations had been rnade on the betas of editions of 100 or 200 copies. He astounded them by ordering an edition many times larger. His friends pre- dicted that the venture would prove a failute. He cordially agreed with their reasoning -and then proceeded to make it a success. And now that the song has lept to sudden and deserved popularity, its author, with an indifference sublimely quixalc, disdains the profits. To sell his patriotlem is I'd his eyes the Rattle as selling his country. He bore the burden, the heat of the day ; he casts away the crown. What may he his " great national purpoee " is as yet a carefully guarded secret ; but the fact that it is Laurie - ton's is silfficient assurtstice that it will prove unique. Where Canada Leads. Americans boost of their great 'mi- nces houses, newspaper% ete., and they are right fri doing so ; but Canada lute a newspaper that outstrips tnost of the American papers, and Canadi- ans are proud of it. Think of it ; in thia sparsely settled country we hays a paper that reaches over 150,000 homes each vstek, rharesenting 750,000 readets. We refer to the Family Her- ald and Weekly Star of Montreal, the greatest family and agricultural paper on the American COntinent. Its sue - cosi; Is well deserved too, for every peer It goes on improving and today is certainly tho greatest value to he had in the newspaper line. The home without it la missing a great deal. To farmers it Is almost indispensible. Their taietutiful pieture gift, " A Tug es, Wat,''' alone worth far more than the year's subscription, which is only $1; Unmade easily ban the hest of our oeighbors for a great netvapaper suc- cess. tiotonlitl4e44‘11fasnearrottilgthTeneulatTeavaney, hut they also fucteasta the aetiotinfsthe..„ skin, Mat met directly oo the liVer, thin; ifanIT-4.TYT 'art the iteauret and- Wet - caring the. Cal eure,_for. ail k. (ineY 1tOehlett They are , Zi t tat ede dt° " eft breenPfli ke '1 a t h fut4 Yt t keedlt sec. a bee. efk_weo fer ea ntt,leol MO trete° Ybur d°18 111ffirisAsTDIES MOTTO OTTAWA. Legal Notes. Mall and gmnrro Lowd Queries column. Wintrhaps.-Qm-Has &may. or of tt. tOttat at tight to vote on any question which eornea before the (loon - ell, And in mage Of a, tie, he having al. ready voted, has he a right to give a second or casting vote ? Aos.-The head of the Council, or presiding effieeis or chairman of any -meeting- of- -any-Council; May- vote With the -other members on all fres- tions, except where he is disqualified by reason of interest ex other- wise. slui a general lade Lally question upon svhich there is an equality of votes ehall be deemed to be negatived. The meyor or head of the coutc11 haa not a casting vote ; that is. he has not two votes in atiV case except where thaa power is ex- pressly given to him by teaser' of his assessment being the largest, or from some other cause. See section 274 of the Municipal Act of 1903. M. J., Dungannon.-Qte-A made a lease of 100 acres of land to 13 for five years from the 1st of April, 1904. The iense is in writing. On the 3rd of Dec., 1904, A made a will, by which he de- vised the said DM acres of land to the lessee. , He died on the 10th of July, 1905. The will makes no referencia to the leaee. Are the executoes bound, to give a deed of the property to the lessee when the estate is wound up, or have they a right to claim rent from the leseen for five years from the date of the lease? (2) Can the executotm compel, the lessee to continuo to pay rent and to live up tp the terms of the lease ? Ans. - The will speaks trout the death of the testator; that is, from the 10th of July, 1905; on that date, by the term of the will, 13 teca.me the owner of the land in fee simple. The gt eater estate which he • acquired under the will swallowed up the inferior estate which he had under the lease. The executors must carry out the provis- ions of the will. The will makes a "specific bequest " of the 100 acres to B. If there is sufficient, personal es- tate to pay all the debts of the testa- tor, the executors cannot refuse to execute a conveyance of the land to B if 13 demands it. The lease is absorb- ed by the will. The covenant in 4, on 13.'s part, to pay rent, was cancellell ,on the 100 of July, 1905. And all the other covenants which were binding upon 13 are similarly cancelled and pnt an end to. CURED MS WIFE, of LA GRIPPE nnninomido Quebec titan tells tow the Great Con- sumptive Preventative was 'an all-round Benefit yrionnonnwiya "'My "fife took La Grippe whenkeite was in Ottawa,"ssys IL N. Defoe of Northfield Fatatif Que., la art Interelow. "She got * bottle Of serline end titer using It for si otr few g .0s wasmilte well, Stook at cold and a nab* lt and arti getting ell right. t tairek'Paycbine le ten of the best tonics ,00 the Market to -day: , Tferte*you have; the whole matter In 6 pekoketts La Grippe told gelds are among ithefOgrutinere of coasting:Meld. 'VW an had One, his Wire hed the other. i po'cit fleat onls, Oiled igttli but it built Owe * 'AO that their bodies lieb strong .004igii te realet flieettee. Ad seeds of ,etInsuoletienVakIlled by , , e'SYCH blte gaorga;* .10140- lit KOK mot Wooly open lbw *No Immo itio 'aloe reistrureett There la clamor foe this pued‘b- latent ot the geneet4 illittetlftSr. he Itt the guilty one. tut itateetnas 10 pew. *Hy le too tweet*. But the ',kW should ' take 00$14$410,01 Or tit. guilt of the dirtectors, The• unteutger *Quist Mot , have got*Way with the entire 00, titl g„es,„ 4g lama sac am. aRes,... Itt0Clat of the coacern It he had illtest rOt4 Ith PPM I151 Wiettinfta, Witten*/ ever go -little. Befell these Oa, 'Wm gf baobab, Olett WU, undertook to 410114 thstat% . ",4 s",""9, -F" tail* of thei boo). Ate tO Wine. It 1st only by, enforcing*. penalty upon .the *Welk Ilteet la WIAT 4100 tt negieetrul. that watenfuleette wilt be' . 00,41044 gas( ateetteie, alleitedo ;soured. The affair sad from every , - 444,11driGhltk • but Part/NW/I" ths plorishie 40 the eliMax faseneat ot Wnlestesethe t ;tale Cent- discioattreit latOtitt4 thea. WhOle country', ct,41,01ellSrAtIleaell=sillitot liweitOia 1410E0 illee Alitset iligostars, et ' At Osgoode Hall. -Connell v. Con- nell. -C. (Jarrow (Goderich) for de- fendant, a brother of plaintiff, appeal- ed from the report of the local Master Goderich, who' found the brothers were not partners in a certain brick- yard, as alleged by defendant. J. L. (Goderich) for plaintiff, con- tra. Appeal dismissed and judgment for the plaintiff for $108 end County Court costs to plaintiff down to and including judgment, and with right to defendant to set off his costs down to judgment on the High Court scale. Plaintiff to have three-quarters of the costs of reference. Cdsts of appeal nmst he paid by defendant on the High Court scale, and of the inotian for judgment on the County Court scale. . CONSTROCOOK NOTOS4 A Oiel tne 41SpIlle hetef eel; the ess1 V08'048 tileOtIttffite,,,_Or,the ;linear the elovater war+ relteoeil ift TorOnto Nat week; settelph and Hod- erith Railway • Co. • v, 14 Co.- Shieley Benham tor plointlife, Animus. tion continued to trial. Plain_tilto to gOte trial on etu.Novoober ir pow, t40,, mid notito.go trui4t,,sulkts ford in Member. Defeo ante did not apoetrr. fig if any mloundetetand, ing; Parties alaY 'opealt tothe ;notion again to vary nda arrangement."' , 4. Toroitto paper sad On Oct. 10 On Kovember let the 0400410 Nellie Railway! ofilcIale expo* to open Bev^ end linea. The section Ot the rorooto auci sucthuny betwAen .01.4ton,. and Oraighurst, a, distance of 52 ptilestthe eectiert Of the -Otter& Lekle tioderielt linebetween Elmira and Milvertort Art al mile& Trati_ne are already vuo,qing,. as far as Elmira'. lidt:"T;-S. SiffitMets Inspected tile nowt last week, and con- sidered them eatisfaetory. The Offi- cial's are also giving considerable at, tention to the Lucknow extenalon. It • eirpected that by rtext lotting the preliminaries will ,be sufficiently ncl- +mooed, to ccaunnence work on the di- rect line to Kingston. MIINIYIVAL EtatCTON DaTres.7-4t the annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Association a resolution wos adopted asking the Governntent to fix the last Monday in November as UFO: aay Tiaish'eltting- municipatoomim ationa, end the first Mondak in Dee. ae election day. This ite the system that has been carried out throughout the entire West, and the Easterners who home gone out West and who know anything of municipal politics would not now think of going back to the old loystem. The holtday season is not it One for affairs of such hnport- once to be transacted. At that par- ticular time many electoral are absent from helms, and there aro many sons rigor° in touch with things entire- ly municipal why the earlier dates would 'be an improvetnent over those ▪ thd present. This is a question that will probably engage the attention of the Ontario Legislame et its next ses- sion. VETIIIItANIe LAND G RANTS. -The On- taeio Government has decided to open up for settlement by veterans with land. grants the townships of Burk; Revell and Hartman. in the District of Rainy River, and the townships of Carnegie, Algoma Eind Murphy, in the District of Algoma., TheY Will he can • sidered as opened on Nov. 15. The 'thwnships of Burk, Revell and -Hart- man are in the northern part of Rainy River District. Carnegie is close to the Mattagami River. Murphy and Hoyle are close to the Porcupine River. All the lands are pretty good clay. The townships are six miles square, and will eccommndate 144 claims each. There will thus be enough land for 804 claims altogether. At the last session the Legislature passed an Act to permit of $50 belt* paid to veterans who wished to accept it ill lieu of a land grant, The sum of $50.,- 000 was voted for this purpose, and is now nearly all exhausted. A (Xmas Oasts -The Milverton Sun Ontario Bank Wrecked. Toronto Sentinel findepondentl. The most sensational development of the past week was the discovery that the Ontario Bank had been wrecked through the speculatione of the general manager. da. There seems to he no bottom to the sabot of commercial' and political rot- tenness. Every week brings out some- thing new to prove the declension of public morals. Old fashioned honesty seems to have departed from society, and smoothness has taken its place. Trustees de not hesitate to violate their sacred obligations. Public men use their positions in Parliatnent to get rich hy dishonest means. Direc- tors of trust companies forni land companies for no ether purpose than to use the money entrusted to them for their own profit. They get on the Inside to buy land, and baying secured privileges from railway corpora/thane, they ineorporete in order to unload at a profit upon those tvho paid them to make investmente of their fends. In this questionable scheme we find the es -Finance Minister of Canada, and we get a glimpse of the snare laid for tbe leader of the Opposition by a few of his Parliamentary followers. An eminent King's counsel la in the game, and even the Chancellor of Ontario - the chief officer of the mate in tide Province -is discovered lute Wing bow the thing can he done -legally. Oh, yeti, it must be done legally. Never mind the morality of the traneaction, hut he careful of the legality of it. Is it any wonder the peOple of Canada are lonlors respect for the Bench and the Bat o.nd for Parliament? Nped we be surprised that tnen sell their fran- chit*, ea they did by the hundred in London, wbon they see the Judges, the King's counsel and Ministers and ex -Ministers malting rnercliendise the positions of honor which they hold ? Shall we marvel, then,that a banker haa been intioeulated with the virus which givea Meth a mania for monhy? Society is rotting beestute it is hated upen false standards. Success is wins ahipped Instead of tight, And the only evidence Of we,alth that to accepted in inciney. Hence the oraoo for wealth, rota the awful aiterb flees of chrtraeter to Obtain It Width are YeVealed &telt week. In the ease Of the Ontario Bank inopovetIth- Ment of hundreda of in Ocent tharo- hdlilef44 iS 610 thermote has been thonght a Mini taerento total,' that tborellutd bee tigo &weal 10,4, Ile thi0 iteatattee, Water. the 'IOW id - tiald Of, anfT it As the result of eating gelatine dreSeing In ehlekona boiled in copper pots eighty-five poste were taken soddenly 111 hi Oneida township, near Oaletlortin, Iktely, end thee° have since died,While the death of st fourth per- son 10eXpeoted, Mr. If.and Mrs. Pos- ter, ola Anti highly respected residents "rif that Oeighborhood, were celebrating their eilver Weddingandlintimadegrent oreparations, Kinetv guests Were Ited. chickens dressed with gelatine, a d boiled lit tette copper' note Wore *if Vad, Mattel; lag afterwardsolglety. fl of the -flinoty guests wetly \ Who nett Pertelten ot the detioo.4. Mt ill end, Hie other BYO WM t were unloaohed. bed rotorst Vratttottid $04S, says : "On Friday last as Rev. W. J. Spence and Mr. J. 0. Hamilton, of Milverton, were returning from Listo- wel, they met on the Maryboro and Mornington boundary a load of C. P. R. employes and following a short distance behi Ind we's a team, apparent- ly without a driver, drawing two wheel scrapers. As they came up, however, they noticed that. the body of a man was trailing from beneath the bind scraper. They immediately stopped the team and proceeded to extricate the unfortunate fellow ; this they found to be a difficult task, as one of the hooks on the axle bar out- side of the pan had embedded itself In the poor fellow's jaw, and the scraper had to he lifted sufficiently high to en- able them to draw up the man and re- lease him from his perilous position. After liberating him he was laid out on the geese and revived by artificial respiration. He was then taken to the home of Mr. Ben. Faulkner, from where he was afterwards driven to Listowel. The unfortunate tnan. whose name is Lee, and a number of his companions, were under the in- fluence of liquor, and death must have resulted from strangulation in a few minutes had his reaction not happened along just when they did." C/ 411.1911L" 7Eft. Ban the The 1130 Yea line s Bet* Signature of .atti eMetati Penate be Ineurporetsel en or the air. Petite Mune et the Dederick Wheel Itlasi Coe lactated, De soot other name oa 04 alms prey** les theitdatutaultat Dovecote lettounea, naVolgt61101e9 tO the counellsatt the aluniel. polity of the Towp or Wes_ tieh, to 0..tuatsik a factory in the &sat townies Pie menutecture et i`WIteet Riot" Remota belie eafttlatiee. atl'earts, eUteetitlea. *Maass Waitolla and various kinds fat ehaiereWe venieleat aher.etrtielea Of tt were, end bave reelliated eatal tarn. elite eat Monte thetfetabilshmentsheree by the grant ot loall WAWA% 10 1/0 twmay ;maw tostalimonts ot CIAO witheet Interosts onamonoine In ono tc;ar frotnthe date ot oevntont Of fifth lean to Afild COliMMIT's 341. ottoutPtIoti trout nelleloal taxation Mr a norloit of ton seam aeorrisaVas to conelderation ot tip" mid eld it e twin Tod that Mu ealt; Corny inatastonaor„41ottst sixty by tame uttered feet. and, *hail Inuit' therein plant aunt moonlit - tsar relic shall be an exact d.uplioato es ntstr totter ot 0 moist arettooturlex eorpaor Irstta=419‘o/4tinttoltyntartlotlinth: gocpohy. dy.ba tho desi Octoberd wee ov 0•11 avorago of at ton. t ono ttundred amenstives tberoin (hams the term 'of tho-saht loan, foul shall &wine suet) teem 091;0nm:0031y operate the gold %MAT. tare Whell Preeented by strike, aerldent or um evoidablascaeuelty, Wneras It 1108 130011 further agreed bt With $00,000shall benctual e paid im totore the AMA lean is advanced, anti that such Coes- Stow quail nags either bY itself or its successors rie stamens. or by or tareugh itny ether cent. Pany, unnerve:son, carry on the emelt or a ugebitainess In anY part of the Daininten et Cata4e. during the term of said loan, and that a11 patentesnow in force In the Dog:tn of eltell facet t essid. *awn Ot, tnale Sit a ritablefeetera two steriea lit 'laugh/1mm ot Itariegiti eg the plantrOW OPeration in he en now, or; 41 o tome:onto° q t clerk seat Town; arida the value at loot VIA teal fahaU ut the mama anti eaeh eageetitiant YeAri attar tho sold oleo is le oration that the sal Company, ee to be incorporaa tad, Audi haven capital Ate& eintlenat $240 Cana*, teethe ma.nufacture ot the pro. posea te be umuuractured by them, and an eatente hereafter obtained tor linprovements thereon which alien bo held by the Bald Cont. shad be eraployed only in the said businees, so Pelee which shall bo under their contscl, aide by this bylaw, and no geode covered by the said patents or any of them shell be per - mated to be manufactured elswhere hi Canada during the said term. AwreWinnteas it has been further agreed that the said Company shall enter Into an e moment with,g.e aro town toe t.he perform - once of the eat terms Mad etniffittene and shall eeoure the af repayment of the Saki loan. and the duo performance of the said terms couditIons, by a first mortgage upon all their said factoey buildings, machinery and plant Redlands need in conneetien therewith and for tho purpoties thereof, patents atill pat- ent righto. and by hieurIng the said buildings, machinery and Plant in favor of tho said town, in such companies am shall be approved of by the said town, and by policies whieh ellen eon- taln what itt known am the mortgage clause. If reqUired by tho sald town. AND WREREA81t18 02100(11011t to grant the said aid tlubject to the said terms. Aso WIlEllICA8 in order thereto it will he necessary to iesue the debentures of the Town of Goderleh for thoeum of $50,000 AR hereinafter provided, (whicill la the amount of tho debt. in- tended bo created by thie bylaw) the proceeds of the maid debentures to be applied to the wad purpose and to no other, AND WilfeRDAS it in desirable to ismue tho said debentures at ono time, and to make the principal of the said debt. repayable by yearly Auno, during the period of twenty year% beteg the currency of the said debentures; mid yearly 58M44 being of much respective amounts that theeggrogate amount payable in omit year for principal itnd interest in respeet of wild debt eluell ae Homely as. poiedble equal to the amount so payable in weiii of the other nine- teen,yeare of the Raid period. AND WHICREAB the total amount TOCI1111 by the Consolidated Municipal Act, 3903, to he raised annually by epeolitl rate„ for pitying t he Raid debt and intereet, as hereinafter provided', Is 83,843,80. _- AND WHERNAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Ooderleb, ac- cording to the last. rev teed Aeseasinent Roll thereof, $1,820,4(11. Agri WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the maid Munlelpailty 8215,291.63 foxoluitive of local improvement debem. eecured imeelal acts, (Wes or 111101eNli. meets) whereof no principal or interest is In nenatione the Municipal t'ounell of the Corporation of the Town of Ooderlish onacte as follows 1. Tho Municipal Council of the mid Towr. of Goderich shall grant and pay over to the eald The Goderich, Wheel ltitrm Compally, Lint- itedoe to bo incorporated whether under that or much other 011010 0.8 may be approved as Mermaid, immediately upon the eald factory being compieted and the said plant Installed therein, and the gold agreement and mortgage duly executed and delivered, the sum of fifty thousand dollars without abatement,by wily of loan to aid thorn in their said enterprifte and to be repaid by timed(' (1ompeny as aforesaid. 2. For tho purpose of raising the maid mum, debentures of the said Town to the amount of 00,000 as aforesaid, in serum of not loss than $100 each, shall be heeled within one year from the pasdage of this bylaw, each of which de- benture/4 shall be dated on tho dny ot the Immo thereof, and shall be payable within twentY yeare thereafter el the Bank of Montreal in the Raid Town of Goderich. 15(tott of the Relit debentures Abell bo signed by the Mayorof the said Town of (loderielt,or by some other pereon authorized by bylaw te mign the 081110, and by the Treamurer of the tmaid Town, and the Cleric 611411 attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Munioipality. 4. Tho gold debenturem shall boar intermit at the rate of four and ontehalf per centime Per annum, payable at the tutid Bank In each and every year during the currency thereof 5. During the nu rrency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property In the maid Town of Ooderloh the sum of $a943.80 for the purp0140 of paying the amount due In each of the said yeant for princepal arid interest In respect of tho said debt. IL All moneym received from the said Com. peny on account of the Raid loan shall forth. with after the receipt thereof be depoeited to a epeeist account in the .13ank ot Montreal at Goderloh, and the nioneye standing at the credit of euch 8p0010,1 account at. the time of nettling the total annual rate and making up the Colleeter'e roll for any year ellen be applied In or towerdm payment of the amount falling duo In flitch year for principal and Intoreet account of the maid debentures, and the amount to be rafted In such year be reduced to the extent of the sum as applied. Hit 11 lit VC st 114, to. :Ow Trot fit ROO* . A..111,10 to. soot to tho II*111111 'torig ComeoRy. . rAltVAS leelfeen Itafrouttaeteden Couttue%who art rw orrging 0 thOID Oda 100101:14 th0 TOWD Dt tiOdt). latt4Dg, 'Am*. erepeatal.tocatablis ct• tenth t ell' in ttahlt ihntiltr, mat lava reeittes.tcdalea. ranting them cloottio rovoacpwlarro 404 o -too Vow. • 41:1`111,101,11N.ItY448 ln eonstaleration •01 the said ‘t hal been einee'lAtet Vijc,?113, tyo' filfettlleclar'Sgi 9,43"liatfattYt 01154. leaMt. fttell ()Perot Vea yearly POW the Oniti• Q her.ot °prim, ettmloye y ber so employee s roach poventy-nro, and alum eve oporato their uele abetery contlem etude dtaing the staial term ot ten years, except to onno et Recklent or unuveldable cas- ualty. 4N10 Wilfatitae hoe been further egrectl that the emit 000,10ally 011111 enter Into an agreement with the fated Town to seem° the Pertormance et the tunes anal cenditiena. AND WittlattlA8 expedient to grant the foal aid. AND WItsit$A,44 In order to purchase the necessary plant anal provide the areial electrie power. It will be necessary to berroW tila moo tat 3.1,000. _AND WISKitE.48 lat antler thereto IC will D o neetlelert lesno (Schouten:we of the Town ot oorterirth ror the auut et 12.000, heroln- aftur provaled (whieh ie tit° amount at tho debt intended. 10 be created by thie bylaw) the preeneda (If tho sale debentures to ho ap- plied to the said -pe.ypetie and to uo ether. , mid aebentures itt ono time, an to melte the AND WIIBItEAS 111m desirallt to bee° the erleeipte et the wad debt. repaya le by yearly alums Mitifer-tlie period of ten Years, being the earroncy et the seid debentures a eatd. yearly 11111118 being et ouch reweave! aminiete that the aggregatelamount payable in each year tar principal and intonate in reepect of said debt shall he as noarly poSsiblo equal to the amount se payable email et the other nine years of the Said period. AND W1114111tAli the total 031101111t required by the Coneendated Mulaieipai Act, USD, to bo raised annually 'by epeolal rate ter paying the said debt and interest an hereinafter pro- vided is $252,75. AND 11711R1tICAS tho atnount of the wheio mteatle property of the 'row» of Cioderieh, aceraning te the tree revised Roam -met lion thernot $1,820,401. AND WIlltltICAB the amount of tho exist - In debenture debt of the said M.uniciPaitY lexelueive et Meal .litiproyement oh socurea by fipeetal Rots, rates nr aeseas- monts,) whereof no principni or littorcist is in armor. THIDItEFORE tho Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'rOW11 of Uodurielt enacts as follows: 1. Tho Municipal Council of tho sald Town of Dodericit shall, hue of allergy. supply the Jaektion Manufacturing ea. with eleotrioity tor power to the extent that same can be per. chased for said 81110 Of $2,000. fur the purpose of enabling the said Company to operate Choir said Factory, and aro hereby authorised to ex. pond the HUM of two thoinuend dollars to enable them to the maid power. 2. For tho purpose of raising the said Man, debentures of the Kati Town to the autoute, $2,000, RN aforeaniil H1111118 of not lomm 1,111111 1100 each shall be bugled within ono year (tem the pitesage of this Bylaw, cacti of 'which debentures shall bo doted on the day of the Waite thereof and shall be payable within ten yenta( thereafter at the Bank of Moittrold the /told Town of Clederieh. I, Noel' of the saki debentures shall be signed by the Mityor of the said Tows or Clod - (glob, or by 801110 Meier person atitherieed by bylaw to sign the Immo, and by the 'frietetirer of the Raid Town, and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate fical...ef tho..Munfoinality. 4. Thu said debenture,4 aludi hoar intorest the rate of four and one half per content pet. annum, ilayable at the Nald Bank 111 each and every year during the ourreney t hereof. 6. During the currency of the said fleben- tutus there shall raludd 0110011.11Y 41100101 vale on 01 NW rateable property in Said TOWN of Cioderfolt the 811114 of $252.75 for the purpose of pitying the amount duo in (moil of • yeate ter and interest in resnect of the fetid debt. 0. And for the purpose of further aiding tile establishment of the said leitotory it hereby declared that the Fitotory litilldinge. and the plant, tuttehinery, ereetions, Ntooklietritile, sup- plies midlands used lit connection wit 11 tile maid beefless Medi be and they are hereby exempted from taxation (except school rate.) for a period of ton years, commencing with the year 1907. 7. l'hitt bylaw shall take ofreet on tho (lay of the final pestling thereof. 8. The vote of the electors of 3)10 gala Town of Uoderich Mite be taken on title bylaw at the fulloe Mg times and place. that Is to say : on Saturday, the 10th day of November next. commencing at the how- of nine o'clouic the forenoon and oontinuing till 5 o'cloolc in he afternoon of the sante dity, by the following deputy returning officers: SubmliviNion No. 1, rtt Theinpson Bros' Wood shon. by le. C. Belcher, Deputy Returning Moor. Sebilivieion No. 2, at T. J. V ideen'e Feed store, by L'harleft liatew, Deputy Reterit• ing Ofricer. Foiling Division No. 3, at the Tow ft 111111. by VV. A. 11, l'ufr, Deputy Returning Oilleer. Sub-divlition No. 4, at. H. ritothee's Wagon elem, by John V. Bates, Deputy Re- turning Oflicer. Polling Hub.divlition No. 5, al Mrs, NValtefes etere, by 11. C. Black, Deputy itettirtilter (Re- cur. Polling Su 11.(11 leion Nma John itrophov's Furniture mtore, by 11. Watson, Deputy Re- turning Officer, Polling Sub-flivIgicm No. 7, at Donis Neville's house, by John W Cralgle, Deputy IteturnIng ()Meer. 9. On Friday, the tell day of Noventhee next, the Mayor of the mild Tow it shall attend at the Council Chamber of the Half) town et ten o'clock in tlio forenoon to appoint, pormoor to attend itt the various planes aforeeald and at the final Humming up of the votes by Lho clerk on behalf of the persons Interested and promoting or oppomIng the peseing this byla w respocti vely. 10. The Clerk of the Connell of the mild Town of (I0d01.10h PIMA 1 at hie °Mee lit the Town Hall at. 10 o'oloek in 1 lie forenoon of Monday, the 12th day of November next, to 8111n Up the number of votes for end modest the bylaw. Dated fit, the Connell Chandler of t he Town of Oodurieli, Ilith cloy of 0(1,0001‘, 19011. THOS. TI M. 0. Mayor. ( 'ler it. The Traitor's hand is on thy throat Ontario, Ontario. For hallot-switchers steal thy vote, Ontario, Ontario. They work the schemes which never fail, How sordid is the dirty tale, Oh, may they ell be sent to jail, Ontario, Ontario. NO"HAND-M-DOWNS" AFTER THE FIRST WASHING. "Tho dealer said it wouldn't shrink and just look at it now. Well, I guess Johnny Man wear it." That is what happens w ith com- m o n underwent.. e ee UNDRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Is absolutely guaranteed not to shrink, tet out el st811111 or became bard in washing. Peropira- lion will not shrint it. It will retain n11 ito em3d qualities efitil worn eel. leapt (mon twine this Rude mut, It Ottawa 0 nett ell tee Hahn tetra It reek and enee gest"' deitt-V1 IlftVIt"1.4tN boot 61.44 000' dealer will we atttt 7. And for tho purpose of further (tiding tho eatablishment of the Held Factory It 1m hereby declared that the said Factory building., fuel the plant, maohinery, erections, (Seek In trade, ianned.,18,41 11)10,1%1 toloireacirtioilitowrelet tehe empted8frortr taxation lexceptYmehool rfilje fox; a period of ten yeant commencing with the year 1907. 8. Thlo bylaw shall take effect on the (my of tho final peeling Mercier. 9. The vote of the elector, of the wild Town of Godertch dial! be taken on thim bylaw trio following time and placem, that la to Ray : Saturday, the Nth day of November nom, commencing at, the hour of nine o'clock in t he forenoon and continuing till five o'clock in (.111 afternoon of the xrimo day, by the following Deputy Returning Officere : Polling Subdivigion No. I, at Thompson flrom. Wood Shop. by it. C. Belcher, Deputy Return. Offieer. Polling Subdiyielen Nq. 2, at T. -I. Wean's P eed Store, by Charlee Belem. Ninety Return ini4Po°11114°13r.ulellvienn No. 3, et ten Town Hall , by 'W.A. H. Cliff, Deputy Returning Officer. Subdivinion No. 4. et Stetherm Wagon (8)Intio.p,rOy John F. Bate% Deputy Returning Polling Subdivision No. a at Mee. Walton's tiotomrceo.rhy George '. Black, Deputy !tete rn I lig Pollifut Subdivision Ne. at John Brophey's Store, by H. Waken, Deputy Returning OfIle,or. Polling HulxlivIglon No. 7, 01, Denni8 Weenies Bongo, by John W. t H00104 Returning Officer. la On Friday, the ilth day of November next, the Mayor of tho geld Town Mall at teed at the Connell Chamber of the amid town at to often at the varlone placee afore ton &elk In the forenoon le appoint porgone paid, on at the final Ali miming up of the votes bY tho Clad( on bonen of the perms interested in and promoting or opposing the paestng of this bylaw regpootIvely. 11, Tho Clerk of tho counell of the geld 8001 up the number of votes for and minima Toomwbnyolat w0.0clerieh glutei attend at his offire the Town Hall saran o'clock in the forenoon o Monday, the 1204 flay of November neet, tf fittfai at the Council Chamber of the Town MEE Tila, M. O. JOHNSTON. Mayor. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE. bos neat in. Ito %Mot. lin onto the iseiletli tr Ituree .ittanufecturese Itroveallat (autopilot be gAlk WOW/10f OP kik to aid . in VW estalatslimel of tile tent InditatrY filMl.iterittelalt,4/441011:01'04L0' ‘41 tg. sh 1 dating beset ;mar employ en le RV- Ofq110.90 leam tteetity Operattvea thidre it, and all Piting the ailcOntding nine :were lawv)reast •.2011 MIRY. OVEPOAT8 of Mortal t,ho let h l/ay of October. 11100. That tbe above le a true copy of a propoged hvr 000h h. been taken into considemtion an whten will ho gnaw passed by the Conn. nit of Hu) Munlelpality tin the event cif the nn. MA Of the oloctora being obtained iherotot af• tar 000 Month from the firgt publitt Sion In nip nrsit,tho onto of whIell (bet publication woe the 10111 day of ()etcher. ROI, and that the votea of the elector+ of the geld municipality will he taken thereon on the day and at the helm rand ;Muses therein fixed. M. 0. JOHNSTO,N,. (lark. ro eenta for TIM STAR to end of temS. "The Star" is a Leader -sure. TAKE NOTICE. 'mat, tile above is ft true copy of a 3.008011 bylaw which hits been taken 1 11 1.0 010 1411111'11 001 WU 1 V1'111011 will be finally 010111011 by 1 he ( enn. ell of the Mull 101 1114 1 1 ty 1111 Lito event of (lie newel!. of the oloctor8 being' obtained 1 111,10i0, 0.11.01 ono month front the first fitiblIcat lon if the floderich leer, the dale of wIll..h fleet pub Ilention wag Irriday, Oet. the tett., me, and that ( he vol,e8 of Om Mentors of the etid will he thoroon 011 1111 flay 141111 111, 1.1111 11011 I'. and Once. I herein 8004. NI JOICesTON. HELP WANTED N'eting leflice and gentlemen who are deffiritee of making a record, lire wanted al the Clinton Business College "A Ifilintsid wit It W Inglis'. Business ( lege." l!, prepare for ilook• Keepere, ogrephere null Telegraphers, I »1r• ing Jul v and Miguel. we routlil only fill (Ise Turfy!!! of the poeitione offered our gradnalen. Catalogne free. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal' DUNLOP'S AT -TIRE Hike Dunlop's Tlrea for wheeled vehicles) IS THE STANDARD DUNLOP -MADE CLOTHES CONTIC0110 0361001 DilLOWL0 NO 4:014 VO1114 sire a more stylish or welt made gar. mont'itliqn aoth,Con. wry Brand *re tnrn, ing out this $04$0.0 We ate prowl of , them =lax will you. be if you wear one of them. Block Md. tons and Beavers axe the most fashionable goods for the best trade.. Already. we have had to send in a repeat order for these goods in the 2oth 1 Century Brand. aoth Century Brand Meltons and Beavers $15.00 and St8.00 sellers-wthey are so are bound to he big full uf style and value. Call and see them. In Underweav Buy Stausfelds-it's the best. WALTER C. PRIDHAM The right place' to buy Clothing and Furnishings. mewl Correct Paeldone Good Quality Vire( (lane Worbmatiship Reaeounide Pr teem Whet more cosi yen nett ? HUGH DUNLOP W fare salt te le i Opartato the P.O. SIDEBOARD SPECIALS n order to make them move along a little faster, and e you the advantage of reduced prices at the house-cleaning, when you will be wanting them,.I have decided to offer these bargains for the balance of this. mouth for cash. 1 only, Sideboard, °olden Oak flninli, 14x21 mirror. Regular $10.00, for $9.00. 1 only, Sideboard. imperial Oak finish, 14 x24 mirror, 2 drawers. Regular $12.00,, for $10.75. I only, Sideboard, Solid Oak, 11 drawers, 1 lined, handsomely finished with emissive pine" lex:10 British bevel mirror. Regular fe33.011 for $211.80. 1 only, Sideboard, solid quarter cut Oak, 3 drawers. 1 lined. aims pentine front, lfax32 Bei tleli bevel minor. Regular $1113.00,. for $30.00. 1 only, ()madame ion Sideboard mad China Cabinet, braid quartet' oak, 1 long linen drawer, fahort (hewer, glass door in front. Giro:W(100r and end in China Cabinets:put canopy lop, Regular $37.00, for $34,50 ' H. B..BECKETT, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. formerly BECKETT & STAUNTON All calls receive personal attention Store Phone 80. Night or Sunday calls at Residence -corner Nelson and Cambria Streets, 'Phone 178. Merchant Tailor. POPULAR PRICED SHOES FOR WOMEN We have a long range of styles aud prices in Women's Fall Shoes. The material and workmanship put into these shoes IS the best. The College and Blucher cuts are again popular, and we have the new- est styles in the best Canadian makes. Conic early and select yonr Fall Footwear. The prices are : $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.5o. WM. SHARMAN Guns and Ammunition The shooting 0,eason is here, and the West Street Hardware Store can supply yoli with relishle firearms and the hest of ammuni- tion. FARMERS' AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Barn I ioor Tratks and Hangers, Robert- son's Famous Ready Mists' Paints, Point Brushes, Cutlery, Tinware, and many other lines of Sessonahle Goods„ill ,11 prices which court inspest ton. J. Nicholson The West Street Hardware - Goderich New Livery NEWGATE STREET, 9 OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTEL. KNOX BROS. have opened out in the Livery Business at the above stand, with everythinV new aod tip -to -date. Reliability in Veltades, Horses and Harness, Careful Attention, and Reasonable Chargos, are the grounds on which your patronage is soh( ited. Opposite Colborne Hotel, Navigate. Stroot, Godoeich, KNOX BROS. • THE STAR'S Two Great Premiums for 1906-07 should be winners. Re sure and see them. They go free to all Gash-in-Advanse Suhreribers, tit E. 4.