The Goderich Star, 1906-10-26, Page 4'"'oriornitresetTnsiliprirr, •••••,-,-•• DE: iicrOB R 24. t That's too hal VO hid no., tleod, it sant looltingptItttythlo, SotItoughofistettotogtoritily, did sot like to spent of It* By lint ws36 AYerio WO Vigor le: rogniOr isIr IIFOIVCIt* per- fect hair tOnio,,The heir mop* coming -Out, gra** tooter, 'keeps soft and smooth. Ayor's Hair Vigor -cures sick intlrA, mikes it strong SO heathy. thebeetSenotiteetheottiel". *Ines or *ea yeere.st • rIs•amesz.••• • gars cuisc10444, / tea 11 Council oh0144, prove* valuable bed$4, WW hav�n. large itela ottmettil, vet In direetlefe the tpiutIou pt the ,41Vartenotth ,00 IMO 1kt onco Pelted pritetioal.end will- do away Leith thito ramtralitation of extberhy among handful Of tbeeriste. Important to Advertisers All staingsa ot advertisements foe the ear, rant *sone 08 Tgo Oran twat be _In tno MOM, At the ;whiter not law ;40NDA:r Noes oath wie,k. Advertisers odd please peer* themselves eccoolltudy. CONTRACT ADVERTISING - Patrons of Tux firth will plow -note that tboaffivertishur rates aro as near uniform ao may be, and that every adverrieor 1.1 Nowa on Datelines basis. Yoily TiVal!'"Pg gre:t4,74.'irePZ 120. to 400. per Inch, aecordinw to Moo anti ar:t1E1,000W for oruaract advert's. Settees undtr the heading ot Local Notices ell Pato 1, to nowadvertisers, will bo ehOrtiel lines to the inch ; gouty contract advents. oonPi rutilliline in nonpareil typo, 1.1 era -whose ,a4vort Istnienre in the wee is -sue, 41 costa a line ;.ro those who make a Yearly contract under this hthaine, one do not otherwise advert*, 8 cants n nue. Advertisements without specific Instructions win be Inserted until forma, and charged ao. cordinair. Ali advertising opoounts are rendered und °awed monthly. Job work, d. 40- Ali announcementa under the beadiest Aleatottga tiotloes Co. 0 tine wit% insertion. Bach 4401 Inc.. a,i reatlint voutamatter,1007'14 Dna each insertion. Or A tile Of thin paper AM 00 eon at Tits STAlt °MCA uaterica, Or Oar A'nfaAn Ornaa. No ao Sleet stroet, London. E. tr0 ot ehatr0), nnii at the 1 tter, address =oasts. &J. nerdy 8t Co, Will begiol tO motive flows, subscriptions or a4v6r11461000L13 on out be - bait tbc C3obertch %tar, Taterzwas CALL 10 nkt$ heW Bev. De, Chown. Tem-. Piltenee and WOO Referm *octane of the 75041(0414 Church, stuntecti up emulitlene le Canada today views ed from tile mOral Standpoint. ROW** addreeting the /dentist conventions whieh le being held in Peterhof:In irthe, „betlinese Of today. he 04, , trenlittentu opal% principles widen. Ohl - der the etnepetitive eystem. had, been robbed Of their haineas fundententa* People were Money mad, with no re- gard for tho tigitta and feelings or ()there. Get MOO' Dud get It anyway or airehow, waned to be the rule. Melt In these (lays were measured by thole accumulations of wealth, realer than by their virtues,ability fulneee to duty. Next to tido queS. annul money Was the political getles tion. Recent developments in the eourtshed proven that politicel memo, - tion was,morerampant now than everi . and that there Dever Was an age when men were more eally purchatied." Church ehiciala had been caught in the tneshes of unclean polite. The the matter u and dealt with it church and the ripit should have taken on Its merits. Min eters were more or less afraid of the subject on acconnt of the opportunity It afforded to of- nd, Molt was a question that muet be dealt with." PRIDAY, OOTOBBII 20,1900 A BAPTIST OPINION. Deacon Graham, of Peterboro, or thereabouts, is one of the Ontario men who .have changed their opinions of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. In the Baptist ,--cinwentiony last week. Mr. _iiritham 'wdd things which are thus reported in the Toronto Globe: , "We thought we had a noble, grand ilien at the head of our Government," he sulk 'but ho bait proved a traitdr and a Jesuit." Deacon Graham fol- lowed this up by (tenting from a speech credited to Sir Wilfrid in 1005, to the effect that he was thankful • • that, the children of his country were taught in Christian morals and dog- , 0300 in the ichoola. 41 What do_you think of that?" he exclahued. "Chil- dren taught in the seheols in . Chris - thin ntoraisanddogmas in the echooisl" 0646011 Stab= also paid bis com- pliments to the Globe, which, he said. was a noble paper 'under George but now „lt did not etand up • for the rIghta of the people. It seemed aa If there were no one to stand up for 'their rights when separate schools Were allowed to to ;established In the West. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Ton Teronto Telegtem gets back at the Winnipeg Tribune for its sneers about Ontario wdether by remaking thus : atter Jam 1 the Jack is to Dr over the Publioacheols ot Mankobe every Sky oxosPb 4400 the weather ts ban. it won't ay. vary , often until next Reamer, • IN the peomatelltiono for the bawl° Bank failure. re! .Elpeolal Indictment ought to be included Against the Ram- ' •" Ilion Silectittor nuitifor the following : A cyclone has beau destroying oute.Ily tee -vier, Noma ite sick loan or ao oat hmi •lemething to do with the wrecking the Ontario GAMBIT'S-TURITTO 60111.t; The Man from Manitoulin Makee Some Caustic Remarks, ' — The Toronto World reproduces ome remarks made by Mr. R.R. Gam- ey onOthe developments nos being made publie, with regard to election rascalities and high financing, A few extradts are given below, and we ven- ture the assertion that there AM malty pp1b�W11rhdt dientakti'jtiatiCe of the oritioletn. Being asked what he thought of thodifferent revelatione before the commissions and condo and the failure of the Ontario Rank, Mr. Gamey bald : ,Cfeeke41-004ttra. letentetientinet. Ii ,tiltpelealeg.the• eorraption, which reeelted the election of 11ett. t,„ 113erien in 'bender). The Dint* care t NO 11)0140441rib' thereeno- , for the ,b0ait.rentiolte4 Owner) of Ld�hIlOfl eleetleee rote 4inlitedlatete M4 direttly upon the bob hien In the coiit.Rnerny .core of ideated ott ctcoog Men. Were they co 'minded, cone 'Hive broken up the organizatitoc Witleit they suspected nf being -eornint; 'Ited •whieh tOntr011ed the. macitinery• , Of -their petty." , The Elohepleces, tho tespensibility uponthe right shoulders in -these. New, tenet*. As 80YS, gem* or honor men in each ',potty could InaltecorrePt raetiere- in 'an election 'iontiossilea, irut tile moot deplorable, aspect of ,thle.Lo• ution,criee hi that 'it Is morally nevi; tain that the moo who, are prftniqlly to blame .for the wholeeale eerreptiOn, zthenatt. to‘ lobito•pyliticueiti a,rrewaatitec9lenaceoolr;egficihe ft, rneu who are retail. .itigit At Rrai atreets, and rank: among tne_liret In the churebee of the City. Who Ito • Men.wheini t, The Glo4ie.00,Ys.'sicatld •helte eeethieed to prevent IuIbtty1 Were the ones who Plenued it, 'rite' • DaM0.0t tieeden 10410 lit the noetrila. 'Of flebentleelli .and it. 'bait for twenty years. IIie fAult lies of seel_ety and einntileMe, inetee the, 'PlbY. The 10040., cerne through; them to the Weis who bribe and e witeh. and, • are caught, 'While that cormitiert et - 1st% while thee° who should. he Soar': thane of -the 14110.t* hex 000e0100, te, pot. lute it, what eke we expeat Tnere iri only age adefiliftle PeliailF fur the 01y. of ortdandon. that le' dlefratielliee- in• "1 certainly read some of the evi- dence with interest, when you consid- er that many men in Toronto gave as a sole and only veneer* for not eeto sidering me as worthy of prominence In our politics. my esseelation with the bribery case. I wonder whet they think of the evidence in the Rome Life:where $80,000 was paid without the slightest reason to suppose that the general public intereated in, those companies would have agreed for one moment to such a thing if they un- derstood It. Then J. R. Stratton le that case did neteven play fair with hie own friends, but kept $10,000 hack, and roer P ail* dotY la to 1olIow the ret - did not ehow itrin- the -proper lemma- e P. 1 of Mrs. le, Rowe, who sends the In . his bank accounts, Sir John A. m1111:41 glaterTrditiThwelw;P°It'Air Boyd deliberately contradicts in the Port, Yeewfaundland; "Four yenta box mob men as Hon. George R. Poo. age I got kidney and bladder trouble, ter, and in the, nest breath admits he tIreatiltortebattolgrns'gfeyin. ale trouble and •1 -Sven my doe,. w next (°-"till"--d- Whitt *as ft ittlik-Jolursaidlt was-eo.- -- - going on, -and hands out to -the peoPTa- n free legal opinion Ita to What Would? I•" In ?mall* about Dr. ElauditonCt be a fair divide at this late date. Yet Pli.,1%, 1131':trited.sixeYtomPste°0-w. sTibikes% °pities took the•pity for tite work he deliber. 4wnontrIfillt 110 14"4 "n En$ 61°1' e°n(11- he • hung on to the job of director and " aely neglected to do. than two helpedlne front tbe first, My "How 1 would like to have bad the supposed female. trouble, which wa pleasure Of 00101111mi; him for a half hinleordedaeate^cidimbset,itrimoduarseadu,d1:Inyt4wveloritthet, hour. Ile wag not examined- at-, all /,..4.6 -,,,i,,,ea be web be twiny,. -Al3OUT -FEMALE— AILMENTS., •••••••••••••• 1111111p10111 111 re cut nutte: H It is made fi Mor� Chea • More ends\ of :VogtOtly Cotton. • eiohr Still , Cheap 0 tts4.144est as,.thOy are only ,14 Our wilY1 just left overs atter articles tilg. After our Big Tiro Pays Sale there. is ni Tot of odd, ends and weights, nod oat coduccd pligesi 0 Clears size Mete IS made). 0*I Iust few Ot arty About so, or 6o altogether, all fAll and winter Okla' lots Of IMen'!s._ LUdies4., :Boys; Mhl (*IV Udder 5:birts and Drawers in nearly every I, eeanciihs toot smhai tr Dept Ox, _ ESrie liresS "ends of 0,93thiSt.',entls 'waiStings, enough 'waist 'Ands Tweed' suitings,,eoc, attion9q1e.ttes-, MIS Wrapperettiens, , „ _ :STOCKINGS ICOP4ItS of Odd Stockings ht 'Weal 0,114 Cd.41111efe. sizes 4, 5, 51, 6, 7, 71, 85 8,1N snine.s4eS only -a or 3 . They are Ur wr at a very low figure. pilceA:Isitillo!litabfjcille°arVitillilebeWsillleillet iitti.tclha,tein'eote4attUrtdwiloY cinoeyltsi. °Uthber Our GRANO TRUNK R4Slrefk% ort'O' 5 --Produced---entire14010-10,411y-ele 41NR,statit,-- • ,„ Cattada Hard Wheat by 'best 40004 methods, In the most triedero toIllinv plant in the world'. 1111Oti.s ritIty Flout is Itiot*- ' Nuiri‘aeut, Sweet .oud Wholemorne Not Bard to Cure If Preperly and Promptly Treated. •IM1.••••••••••• 13 Ask any intelligent phydician what causes, nine-tentha of all female dls- ease, even including anaemia, eery- otteneas and consumption. Hoek comes the answer lel& and ,Above. " fkmatipatedientre. There is scercely a a ngle, female *Wawa that had not in the earlier °Ore sYlloPtOnla of constipation, Row Welsh better oft the systern Is without the poisonous accumulations caused hy constipation. Row •muuh clearer the complexion, how Much fresher' ene seems when the system ia pure and clean. Think Waver youreelt later and I ver etimulant like ur. Isn't it apparent. that It bowel raw- Handltonit Ills Is sure to do good? Gay Spirits. good looks and. happy health have returned to ninny a 'Mae woman through Dr, liamilton'e Better get a fewboxes today; .puyely vegetable, free from injurious ingre- dients. healthful and antiseptie, `Drv Hamilton Pille will assist you In a thatteend ways. As delay is alwa. dangerous. - Sold everywhere in the Great Dominion. INIFISTION OatifsbA swim mums *Anse — :Ourroolroolsonitt, ooernowernalownorr - ionters' w R Going Ootlitier: 9th ' to....tiovoolhor 6th To all.perotean Tetnegarni, .polots 'MettaWtt tO Rot, Artlior.,14 Sault Steef Xerie-attal`Port Arthor,vovN. N. Co-. ObObiginb Bay end' Lake Superior points vlit,M.N, Doi; TiOints on N. •N* Co., Mark charge Will be nettle for meets attrt,bartita returning), to Cer-• thiti.QuDijv points.', • ,00,4 petiet4.14,..'itatarid 744'kettet4, •T. 4411peintaleveen Neel -j;;'j: gyle. tnflohoconle,..T.Iiindsoy to Halt- berXrtee, geklevteein‘ to Depot 'Harbor, 'idnagoka 'Tatkeiri-'1.0ake. or Bays and litegneurwan ItivetpOinsts. Return timit'Doe. 1906 • P1(ir ticket ang itifOrmahlell cell on .1.,AWRNOE; Town Agent. tames ti*m 0.00 p.m. '3'( 031 tla, 'OP k A., Toronto. , . , practically -just told hie story In his preedger2ortioDx .0nr airvQiitiroz.spittiosr, men elm& ehild-like way. Therreci- procitv among lawyers is (men that a, ea or -by 011,;i1 frodN.0. Poison fir Co., judge or lawyer who goes In the box aa a witness °teepee a mighty totems, 'ton Ont. Conn.. IT. S. A., and.ltings. ler than the once Commissioner Boyd allowed Me to escape. "At the time of the Investigation Mr. Whitttey Is On Trial. • tbree yeare ago a certain aura of Tho Wookli money could not be traced. It Was. The investigation now under way in ImPlassetlyto. Moire passedfbool.bhe 00' the Toronto Police Court ha e estab. ratio fiana, manageu by this Sante Halted by sworo testimony what watt manager, who has wrecked the bank, before largely a treater of. suspicten to Ron, J. R. Stratton, wbe,, 111 the merely; ft ims proved that not only same Stratton aluan in the Home was there widespread bribery in the Life Investigation to have shaded Leaden election, in which Ron. Mr. the $10.000 to hio oven credit without Hyman was returned, but it has es - his Mende knowing it, and without it tahlished the fact that there was a 8bOWiflg in e..,Ploner manner in Ws Ma -chino which bribed etcetera p00 - bank book, was it any wonder that chased, deputy returning odicera, and we could not trace the other moue, twitched ballots for (be purpose of thtee YearS ago? If 000 01110 sen keeping the nose Government in pow - /Muffle one atri one -ratter minima" T e things were lint (Ione inter - she 010,000 to hie Malt without Were committe In Previrellal elections authority or lowing It ebovvprorly in South Ontario, hi West El In and itt 1000, I gaits he could 'twine 43000 in 1003. "You ask me what / think ot It. That le supernotis-ask The Olobe what thegthin Of It. 1 am enjoying lb plenty Of rape Werke the cure, but what a eb of It tittle the ell Of it nog of oc000drot3, mane op claw are. Rio Honor etttAioVer. ,of the Peiteltetts and TAWISOO, for the nor Clark gives a dinnerw-ett hi aide will of the •peOple. Zet'theinvettitration go ,on until all the guilty parties who con be teethed Ar0,6,11100#(1, 11114 0,1611. let punishment eWitt and sitre. Mere Mum the toeterdratore are On trial. Mr. Whit - unauthorized n 1000 esti he colrld oaten y. Thev were Part of 0-• re00^ elle $9000 in 1003* f a matt crtt'r. system. sop. or 0.11.'the (*meet in Nerth Untettoo. The nute tine ex. tended Ito operations into the Dentin. len field as well. and Laurier condi- dat,es wit* helped by it in Bropitville, end 'West Nevin. It WAG 40 IRSOIOnt an brazen attempt to substitute the OUR NEW opoDs are, arriving'ane,! will soon have our Stock comPlete; Customers will always get what they ask (or and the quality` • „ will be the best, Try us for your Drug wants, . „ c'e DUNLOP, Phm. 'grot LMILLRR 60. ,phone_ - UNDERWEA.. cop Ladies, Gentlemen and Children., , • Now is the best iime to get in your stock of warmer Undervvear and be prepared for the cold weather, and no store in town offer4-4 better SelectiOn than ours. POR LAOLBS.-Witite and natural Vests and Drawers at 251i per -garment,---The-beet-value-nossible- Heavy. Wool Fieeced Shirts and Maw. ers white or oatural. Per garment 500. FOR OHNTS,-Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Pants, in sizes 84 to Special per garment, Mc. All Wool Scotch Knit Vests and Ponta, , very epticial, value. Per garment $1.00. MIR cif iLDREP1..-Our range of Children's Underwear will be found c2` ivienreyd,elentnapilielkrdatinacultiodreisceals.linakes in cotton and wool, all wool and deeee. __Zietter lines, including Penman's "Pen Angle" Underwear for Ladies and Dientlernen, and every garment represents the very best value for the Price asked. Our rang's. of Ladies' and Children's Flannelette Wear is all that AT the annual meeting of the West e‘ti the president of bank '1io se Grey Teathenti AssociAtion, recently negleets and forgets his duties ne to held, the subject Ottotobere ordartio aliOw hio bank to be ruined in moat prosperous thneo by latiatitheriaed came up for discuaelon, mud Ole result ancenmoutry°44tIptwdiTt.elliguiti°14 Unftni* sliixttigrotITent" lwobtkitsTueriltill tiits"e er-e no to on trial as. well.. The peonlo etl. to the exteeket no per eent,, 0 _Ids liaisib l0 hien (0 100 that no guilty man t'Vhat the, teaclgrs of NM Owlet hotalT -With IAN 'Maas the reel: obopes, couVention. ed. here y eel. dent 0 life IniurencecOmpany who theleappree tionnt the Molt" Of the Ilfie ttl hdrawn $90,000.from hie future • Ontario Government) and W0,11161111 polleyhoulere without their coolant. Plat Not the Whole Thin*. fil`atet t61/11 t P 1°1'18 "0 u" °tit "I° algelt11)10 atul WhOlesonia.e et .yttu melon, the mpteve ut o t ireetore even knowing It. nev6t. gain atrongth, ifene,t'a the of the Province. That this maioeiation director of .corepenlee, hut do not loaded with win -useless work be.. reentetfelly bege *eh011tt hOWever, lames whet' le ,going On, '1 de not cere owe*, the beople and liver 00 not that elbdio evils cannot he *median how much the oubliette denelidintf atiffielently active, is tolehly ,lPhrliemeint whlef eb be lew Toe. Fdlotene far her And It‘tiirpriattid Your table is landed witily footle-. *ambles .and the bettenrUt of he "With Mtn dines a telieteiellor of :trouble ? ` Look Withirt; and What do petition of the, public "school teitchem our high tootO who tioye I ISM to 'Indeed A lesliivint atotnitell Dyer - S021 W61_3)10410 TAO^ /4' PlittG*2 0, purge is the, only. effect, or mituy pine now oft ' the, tnarket. Par. inelse's-yegetable-Pillttare- a. purgative. They strengthen the atocnach where other pills Weaken it. They cleanse the blood by. regulatlug tbe liVerand kidneys, and they stimu- late where other uompounds depress. Nothing -of an injuriees nature, need . or merely purgative poWers. enters into their epeaposition. , by Mel% Wolof Piet Oslation,WhAeh nte," suppliedlpr,Ilattilltoa's They tO be paid b ttituadioolo nit Tho trilitcompov, wboagyit ett3 how pet :4:41: oltigtFttrteeelsg.ltit: 41°4 the rull nlIntInt" e* line* N. trianiger of A maltaWet onis strong bY r0inovin9 'Mel outlet+) AttWellas ri, bides be ht &Am*, 1 .00 ni With WilritriMir sleds alipted Thai mods tcle-ZiIhia of Nita -tile; whole System le ortilVened bY De4 "Mew elloatite lieboelo ,iond tO the, mon r,„,, hkhas. Or inter*** HanditOrfii PillS, No bettor medicine ter the Kok or went 2410• at All deeicro. titer. that AndtmententS t4.Y ,t(g Writ rd nie0thril ?so oltOble.thttb TIA writer of the following evidenti the Via* on M rate ded to I01 te Itell to tu/ eompanyan .1111) rutot uuseanew lite, ki 00y4 WA10) 1114...the itione of priori te. heeammtere long tut net It intereilb bet% 818818 t8 tivel and fur. our tic4ifilwatico there, And will 641,606.411•••••••••-.M.1:46 ehoitld erten My direetets W tMt DOW Whitt iy h • in mina Eta laying or oetnent .0.,•36 A010001, Saktlegg AW.P tbry haven:40100r seconded', iddeWitlk ulnalde' Or "Outekle", tl 6 1#4"1$141initt_•,_ _g/I/4° • **With hint ditto* e prominent linens trees: 'Wtert you h men eitoic41 der, oho, /e..ben he needs nioneY, her:, behind ' te beck we, not think,s:Ilkor ' /Igo well: eloetIone ern 'being 'tows from biturell1Pall 1,4,110M etpiet Ittl PO Other Mlle ince 1' htit theAdVitiOCY :000081 vthith, the tht. Zits ,mt%ther ttiveleeut financier; •• f ett this. cOmpany for nubile Must per for i.cootrel every The Hensel! Observer of last week says : while in towo on TuesdaY• judge Doyle expressed his pleasure at seeing So many floe reaidences going up in Renaud. Next to Goderieb, be considers it one of the most progress- ive places in Huron county. A GENERAL FAVORITE. -In every tdace where introduced Dr. Thomas' Belece„ric 011 1108 not failed to estoh- Rah a reputation, showing that the sterling qualities Which it pessesses, are valued everrnitere when then be- come known. it is in general use in Canada and other countries as a household medicine. and the demand tor it each year shows that it is a fav- orite wherever used. Two tons of flail is the largest single haul off Kincardine this year, winch was secured one day last weekby the Onward. . ADVANCE Has been declared on alfSfaves and Ranges from this (late for- ward, but that splendid Range THE • enn Esther, which is guaranteed in ever' re- spect, still remains at the old ,• price. • • Just think ef it; in these times of high pricea; a- first class .six • hole ItAnte for 129.00 A full line Of Good Cheer Ranges and Heaters always on hand. • -GALL AND snit THEM-. • Li A:R• sON'S . Tarts •Iiihoet Dread • ivitry • I.Team Pr atia4o4 oreout Maranenes •• Lilly rigors • Ataearooes • Mandy Snaps , 000 08 goad OA the ,bast 'made in any (Ay 10 Quakda. , • ITe.rrla00 tlio trade in Wedding limos and fano madatong Give him ,i0foolor tOUI 4540140A , bo Assured. could be desire as regards to quality and price. Hasiery - Hosiery - Hosiery .o.,tr' sine of Resiery for the coming Reason is very complete, incind- - log a full 'tango . of the "Maple Lear brand from the factory of "The Goderich Knitting Do., Ltd." i , A Very opeolal fine in Ladies' Golf Jackets in white, navy, red and • black. A leader. at 41.50 each. • • A large' rage of Knitted .Shaws, Clouds and Fascinators in all colors. o / ..... Phone- AULLARS' SCOTCH STORE _ 'Phone. 56 ROY ARRISON flrrj Snloiang:00;fluit In every respect Ti•in' titunswick canles uptto-date stock et Piss, Tobaccos,. Cigars and Sinokeni, -Sithdries. Variety ancl Quality can otily be found here. When yeti •• Want yolk wants supplied come to the BRUNSWICK. .:CICAR STORE' Tito Itastiling ,con'tMenolia school .0ENTRAL- _407d4( ATPOrift, gait, This eohoet 'recognized to be one of the , beet Commercial sellools.in America. :You can safe- ly jedge school by. the applica -done *receives, This term we re- ceived appIteatiens' front drum itt. six large Atnetietin ,eitles• and from fee mere 'toWne and cities of Can- ada. including Saskatoon. Sitsk., on the west, and Charlottetown, P. K. on the east. Our reputatio* mauls •Ittnell for , our graduates. Wriniror our 60111),e-60., .$131..t.tow and etatenaLaN „ peinetn Plumbing, • Seating and General Repairs CASTOR IA For /dente eata. Platen. Do rod. You 118V0 Always Bought Seers the Signatttre of Colbert* St., near Sank Commerce uft, veWiohnennealrlittlarlbea. liCaelititesnie4;01114 that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor contee A. *lee thing la, te have tight in your home bottle whieh ghte,s natural relief. • and Pretejats diap_atte frOM-:fipTeedinK, Nothing known for the stnniitelt And • ' • hewn tliat compares • with • Sugar beets. by. the car load are Per Mumps, Indigestion, heartburn daily going leeward to. Berlin*, The and beaded*, its indlopetwahle, For system of shipment. adopted slightly iitty .yeare Peleon'e "In different to that, Of last year. bottlee • has been a 'family stand :while not quite ea patisfactory to too. oet it todolt, cornett, seems On the whele to be felt. Last yea the' Sega Coro:Wit , were Gilled Upon, tck pa crime tiliMg • cutuMbers and Melons are " fbrbid- to the Grand Trunk.. , eneireage den tenit" many persons. Ito eenstl, freight ears, That le, loaded note co*. toted that tlieleast indulgenee rata- • gested at Berlin teeter 'then the,,beets lowed hyattiteler.of choler4tlysenterY.' ,could be used. • In order to aveht this: gtitting., etc. Theie persons are not, 'Minot nts are only matte tide__ year aware that they ,citri indulge to their when t is convenient for the Seger 'heetkrs eentetit if the hevonn hand it Contpany to handle theta. It bott e. Tte,t 6 ogled • ettere that. from 011ittOrt Matfett tery pordial,*raedleine that'will giro, fifty OM'S Of beets have yet to he .ehips liumediete telleir, and le store cum for .Oed. allitiniet •Oottiplaints. TO 01341i A COLD IN ONE DO' The following front the Clinton New Take T.44totviir Bum°, .Q04(1 Eratetert teen industry *bleb every Tablets. DniggisterefittillibrieY if it' ,'prOttertYllaer to Gledertett ohOblit falia.to nut& B. GritY0 esignatere, .'vetafert Ile day lee Week the Jitelt. le on tech bOlt Ara'00fitOtoing00: received; rush OOP fond. 14401a0 Aepotmetitat: The first locomotive 'Willed* in the .Ohit'S for CIO Pairs of theiriamous Oen West •osntered %Final** on. the sth of Bond Itnielter* ,The paler Walt Oiled Ceti:Ave. isrt. 'went to:been Die 'et cepresei Ana dela tlaY. the 'goodt, development, le the WOO .thirty, inevlottely ativertiterie were put ' a sale* liefere •night only tote° raw Were lett lit the sOre., „.. 4 . ; :num who tot* the interotive there ton. It* proepee ire errival heed' itetahltal. tar and eta aMtinit Other$W110,jtattitieed te tee it Were MI,11,1,tenTle' 1-qt,,ItIveisev 0trAling, tintOBAr nt indirtnit, who Were nettle. Feet • very molt itoprokea by ,r,;i477gidit Vetbillg Mpre tiglY that' twurokiljkloagotbilvi,,aePllearltbATrid'aroii4oltbir 0 Orem Whot* battik are tee - , 030117 gOt over with wartc Why have.. thot rz,fgrAtregiz tllenSotemooto oo rarrhionyibth ao att Well filet idrOletteh welgb : the ltr*t. To ScroTht:rtitkPlastr.4440/ritry°11" opel,tglv"Igtrt: ittaiiera4100itheitIctitte ofhealt in and -Week otit we have, been telling you about the many advantages of dealing with us. The SATISFACTION • The BEST GOODS • The SMALL PRICES and The GUARANTEE we give you with everything you buy from us. , We've told you too about our Large Stove 'Business. There must be a reason why we sell so many Stoves and Ranges. It is, we sell the best working and fuel saving Stoves and Ranges on the market. and • Sell Them Cheap We have the largest and beat stock in Huron County - Better have a IdOk at them. f th CAN:s.V;,'10:2114VSTI:4 tbn beta tor the 001fttion glie,106.6 to, to %bout four timee t veltto of the (Wr We an tateh it W en We ate tint use he ives scurity. Vitith hint ar ilf' 0 WWI the 106.161M Wb ttlicatflf OW* Rhettrasiiistit 'Mood Mika flor WI* Onverontont deckled to treate ht *hooey*. 4 ere *online ovenczonenn...velitnce . connection toth the tiegerttitent ef MY .on Oa t the tauses 0 lleeptioarnoy and Malan+ Echie4thtin, Thitt le one.of tho meli7 41,"itoug".:$ 11* rho y ' Virdettel litettiebnerattso newineestS of the Whitney Meet. le, with hi at mid* .ona, A, disordered lismr Meant' arlil.ordeied etotsch, end * dlt• Ittorkintralln 101portalif ,Ilvartxteitr, with itn*Itt ri tote invader, *the hold whole body into "objection, via the ehkeetorot the mituetiee or tot htik Wer e. Osten of ballet evrittits tire feell4ntelt all oven Pe:lettere hinet Inlilleter st *bolts ,reent Of Which bot much ii beedi— i to,e. ' •I'd,:isetec. WI) ,b ordered etotn Kr ;Wens . dietntheOneof Whit*, Iiiiii tia 'ttnielt f0 intprO**It#0 earl UK' eY0 t : tititvottit *Tv *Ink 'Mk brintiv the tiere of t gent* who, Iona. etatalind pellet Will fellow j*igide IN Ara * teraghl telik• grafter*, ftlitt- heltlIf ,• tha - 44(weenstat eta 'fru oft ,only equ matorills of the .tiovertionnt, . twos thrtvby. • r nee. cloottlyintO tooth with the Sethorthe .00n* Mt. A tsbitr, like tont, ., , shook, trble, 04,artiory ,Orinnell *al kohy, IA eitrIteled, Puma k to ,he./0 .4 now (1. T. n. „end itieM be tome too: ooett. Attest* itit eitoottWetity tothiheit*be• 'am/ they arc. tit 0 ' thriving :little town nook It will be ask& by the univeroillee, ' pnblie .echoot tenehere, high Arlfool' teeeberv,:eepeotteechotii teechernistut alo. bltoReetekte fler lie SiteCeirt. ' itimile WWI. • PO ist4oeo there kiortty ot, (*toil reinolim ount thei, will elect OW till/des* Ot.tortenoone, It dente Ate boa o rettit lin If ooitt4 to the 11 *how* %re ten AbVit 001108 WW1 punk vehooltetchetv. iteetties4 Otio that ttekt cute to allrintanta ditteharse. Adria ntetter (lite on the ()emboli 1 thetigh Shoat 4.,tehtuti 1 itiht toottlio,phlegra Itt lite thrttot terotterk 100 to WW1*. WM *lett tivo, (-7,- . Also* reek st'e .entopietelt so lottli. trhe iOreeteitt httereot le . 014 gooey. 'rho (twee of the tiliotee Saes ntenifeetot hythe teethes** ; tistroyed, We tteithe orOthetteytd, 01011 the 'vete* en thoetettlitykiemetoll Ohm to tho ektettott of thoto OP*, stork* poi** that core It • emetettere, awl theta* mitch pleated inenenr, Ail typo* of ta100110 *too Ow* at teat they will he SO Apelike bronchia trooble, eotele era *iv sate emptiotteiii ta the topettetett too etotoretteiely toteit by Vetere 11 *841i1L woo them nor telt* Sip. Two Ow e1t4 *I. 1 4 alWOO** to esti forTs*aveno *A M ti 10 e atoe s. otiibere,e mitdree%teto nd hee o opoe it !het the pet Imooirsrpoeil- btiroItthtigeh*it ONet th 0i r e.,„t awet roe * ten hook Win hit ly ticatosie shim mote, at osseit tam. sip& for Oteeilloo, The •Aolvteety ite the leeeeeete. 2_1 11, 3.. lljebort1)eoil,, et:Steak, town - .hip, lino* Vounty, bee been offered the ie0Pw04h1t3 In philocophY itt Men, Iinivereity, Winnipeg, 110* *lett Of $1,100 *nit certain *teeter. no, nr,itticheolson le o ittioltotto Of TotoOto Unteeteity. *herir 2.e'20titt benook_e fellattehip cloth 01"ilitY0 wOttettet. Mgr.. OA 0 -WQRSIELJLS7 Hardware and Stove Store FALL MILLINERY • Miss Cameron W. 11. KELIALAgelit, Oodericin Announces that her display of Pall and ViinterMillinery is now ready for inspection. Ali the new fancies in shapea or trimmings are to be seen, and will be .admired by visitora. Wier:lug my usual citstom„1 have no special opening display -the stock ten he teen at any time, and I oardially invite a visit. , iss Cameron "Amwn" Art.tor.- P1010.411,10 StIAS01$ IS tiltilUt And we. tott better prom*/ tba eter 04PTRY at the lowest prices everlitlung that tt rettnitesk Whathef nntictiler lafittliOnittert. ftna " gni" /61 th" quitt 10'1'4'1* chronic or otherwise, lilerrovone does, . it 601* theintiatrtm And *elation; Mc. per, TO be7.fr0018TuR1x 00* Vtelkti; bur, et ell asters, perfection In everything. IN laltOCIIRIftS we carry every sled froth Meek, eo thee houvekeeping made emir end reliable *hen you deal WIth,.Ak We ere Itt set.7 reepect optonete ore. stormy tletIonolt. 1106 bottom* eras °Mine% t we think MN Xeres Cottenkiiiht ton k with. the beet of them. toot w *bet} the weitthOr woo needy Ite woretw he *Oka twenty See towelling falmship In Prate.21. keit e4Titie in Woo day* Nttlftrit-, pow at Mirk tad obuttt r the oft trete went alteoit be it therit purooinK 2.1. otottlee to tow hi hie lath vow. Ana not nisi Korot*. not hie hoeith folkd.4twd youottilten orahl 40 moth bottew ho. 'Oleo beet ottiotre4 lo fanotog 'eh he node tottgetlitt eta heath. fol. ttut the Wool, ettito bin* end he y town, to secept. A GUAiA1`44c0-.Ctliilk PO* 10111 .1)%toltribel'S 00., *Mit* protentling Om . erto . toot vowery FANO OINTMENT fall Do yen tw4 tt EOM 14 *irk itoe, A big thilistes joy 11,flooloc, co• is* cos. Walt iione by thtinem's (24 tatietor. Ade in one der, c* pain„, renews etre" trate of teeth Mgr /mot et lotootee pee rottuot's is me beet. eTNO BROPHEY & SON 004,110140 The lltillea rhit Bargains in.,,FURNITUIRE. 1 Parlor SUlte, 'Pleceet_inik battle, opholstored in 'Velour, asaorteg, eaters foe $10.00. Wes liitM00, Suite, tt piers, in Wished 'mahogany frame, uphalstered in Silk, hooted cetera for $33,O0 Wee 00,00. ug Suite, tato, Buell hooded, assorted colors, for $35.00. Wee 438.00. Airier Suite, beat,/ redact' AMMO Weal in flee Pleeea'asoorted co ors, for. • sas.001vme 4*100. Roy opholetered Chalt*for a 4 .00 npaVieda, • VOttellee. g`004:1 VAUD foe $5.00,^wao$0460,111 soortea Velour *ohne. a Conant,' Plneh heeded in Velour, for $6.00, veto $1.40. Alt other hots tinvdtint et *Ink discount loathe ranttS0 days. Oall and/ eXtOttitt# Wale you ,purchnee. treuble ahowgootle, • 1:014104 Veitertetterit *hi Mukha*** „W50eStreet, ondeorro Illght end do' dits 10111 elereite petennit and ploutpt attention. 100., ikrettlik i'ftft BOBERIC ik I * Linfiffit-Oltllitlin't than ;soy Other Nowt r ithlsfIon .011 the Count, let ftti Showill Melodist* Vato4 t4tiolitko •