HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-03-16, Page 4R•;= 1 **10 rt I '1'. 1 IM STRAYMTALC$ NO"CE. • • - N1 OT I C E. AihOUt tM�lfth of Ma last, from the mimes of JOHN W DSAY No. 20 TIIE sdbwfdw to it"arvaeg his silo we - t►aaks 14 bpi COOtosrers (or the:W l LL pswlEb i1a hereby motioned agahst A w having aoyilraby to ,iib Read, Tww Gud, • lroct o bestowed OR iuq does INS M t antral ►•Godench, ,tabes t• in%eea Nem Jab • M01'i Ot' H��1j11D �g►rs••ttrd by leka ,ltd Ale aza I 19iipawreh, is farwei Jam" MCBride. 60Her prep a with tlelfi brows MARK tloM vers old, with a 71RIte star on the forehead, sod one white I that he fine disposed at the busipeas N N ,be gmer part of the emm•st of said Note r already pow. bind toot and a heavy mace Slid tail, The proprietor pnrehte�d her below Landon Sad I JAMES DONALDSON. All t►.rae la- dei,ted to -him by Nuts or Book gveWt -OKI*KILIPAT1RICV- ALEIAIIDWXIL'ATIRICK. ouppnees she may have stra)ad in that 4tree - ,111 plea o call sad settle the wase boom Iwentieth day of February, am all Neto@ coils.. YX &W 118x. W Sail tion: whoorer will restore bar to rho uwser ur gtae .uch utfonualios to will lead to bet `nod Bouk aceouols retsaialug uessttied at. _-,-_ ___-- Own -.110th Deo bm, iS". se"i'crt, %,If receive t{& to reward. G.1Jerich. 18tb Jae., 1848. -60 I tar that date will be given to a L"yM for collection. "tendraigraed having been appi•ted by _ I TI/OMAS WATKiNS. JL Hr Esselleacy, the Govww Gastral, • DILUTION Goderi A, Jan. 18, 1849. 49 istenm Soperiateadest of Common Schools is OF OOPARTNERSHIP. I - - - --_ NOTICE all flares Diarist, will be readywith to es . aattenddist .,1 e.n..p.ed@eee @ee.srtd wide the duties r HE CopRrtnsr►hi4a heretofore existing T I ��i.L persons indebted to BREWSTER SMART, through the Iof boo owes, at ►is hes, L lrsasa Street, between the undersigned (under the agency art Goderich. - firm, ,,f Gooding slid Lancaster, lnnfceep-'the u Subscriber, iso rcyucstod to,filo tbfM tecaunia immedfally either with him a CNALIF" IrLLTCJIER. - aro,) is this day dlrs,dvetl by mutual con- with ,lir. George Frazee, Godericb, Sad I B Y ,q U T H O R 1 T Y. sent. J. K. G(IOUiNG, J. LANCASTER. sale Costs. J. K. GOODING. I 0f,trlff's S '1alt of tombs. _ (s.,d.rkh., 8 It Sept., lu48 $21I The butisess wile be continued, and all AD�r�•RTISI:11E1V'j'. IIURON DiSTR1CT, t BY vert, of four tamns, accounts doe by and to tjie ontsh To Wil : S writs of Fieri firutwiti be settled bythe undersig..ed. Frriar, issued out of Her Majoat)'d Court J. LANCASTER. I "PlE Subscriker in Acknowledging the of '(4,men's Beach, and to me directed Goderich, 5th Sept, 1848. 33tf liberal patronage which he he re- against the Lands and Tenements of Julia _ ceiar.1 during their residence in Godcricb, I Ann Ktppen and Au,o;ius W. Kippoo at the Is It O I' I. L T :� .•u.r!d respectfully request the immediate I Teepee" .ve suits of floss Robertane, Robert t.•ttlemeot of ail accounts doe to the film, Moderwell,. John Strachan, gentleman, one, + OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. Au they `lose th, at books from this date.- etc. and James Clontiny ; slid also by virtue 11R. AND SIRS. MOODIr, F.D,waa Attention to the- notice will Pave caste, I of two wri,a of Ficri Facias, irsued out of ROBEftT 15,10DERWELL. iter UAjebt)'. Iluron District Court. and HE Editor of the Vlcroat• MapiLaa wile ill MAe Ca""erich, 8th Sept_, 1848 83tf fit me Lirvcird against the Lands and Ten - J► all their talent. ro a seW;I TO LETT I emfrnts of Julia Ann K peen and Amrliue \\ . Kippers rat the rePpectire suite of Robert enultsis;t8, Rod cheap Periodical, for the Case- d Peagb; which, may mlTwd amusement to THAT haodaome 'two-story hoose, opposite I Parke and Ju-hua Callaway. 1 have seised -an b,,,h 011 Rnd younj. sketches .nJ Tales, 1 the 8teamb„rt Tavern, belonging to John and taken in Execution the following pea. in veer sad pow, Mrrml Easy, Suusgics of ihr ied by Ma Wdaoa 3rd.mhritr eut !Party toe belonging to Angelina W. Kippeaj Colony, Scraps of Verfal Interrelation, Reviews and^iwetl ids mrd to uarr. V v reetweiable family -having a lags and ; ono of the above Defendants a part or pthr- o1 ocw Works, and well selected articles from garden loon of Milr(yiG. in the Tuw•nahip of C..1- the tnast of orsuthoteeithe da willform the PhD Y. orchard well stacked with excellent frail it •e" of borne, \\'caters llmsion, Huron District, w of the Ma pK jttstne. The o confident that the independent various descriptions. Jta ruxtmu to the F:ar- hour o(Goder ch enhance value of the sit,- ; containing two hundred acres oI• Land ;, Country and If tog eosetry ei wales service they are ng hp rend to dedieata their talents, will ehcerfulh ion and as the ro notrr mdeeirous that it should; V D continue to be occupied, it writ be Irl on teas- ; which Lando I shall offer for Wily at the Contort Hours, to the town of Got,^itch on Itod its support to encoora,;e their arduous and "cable terms, either for one ormare years. a. may Tuesdav the 20- h day of March next, at bnnourable undertaktsg. The low price at be agreed upon. For farther panieulars apply to the hour of 12 A'clock noon. ,Each the Prnodinl is placed, is ,n order Ihni JACOB WILSON. Sher J. McDUNALD, �At H . D every person within the Colony who can read, tad February, 19. 52 Goderich,84 SMatur'e Omens and ,f anxioms far moral and mental miprovemeni ---------- F O A S A Ito E Goderich, 1816 December, 164L 47td z-_�-•---- many become a s"bsenter and patron of the work. . ------------- - The Va&iamu MActzcvr wdlcuntam twenty•T11F-BRiCK COTTAGE and Int run. ` FIRIFT TIE B L 0 o D. four page, in each number printed on new type, 1 ping No. 562, in the Town of Goderich, M O F F A T' S and upon good pap, r : and w,!I form at the end of the )rar■ neat Volumoe, of 2,03 poxes, Lo- formerly in the posueasion of llenry O'Neil, The Cot- VEIE�TAILE LIFE PILL! geIther wuh Title Page and Indra. now rented to Mr. James Orr. It will Le issued Monthly, enmmmcinenn the Ftraf of September, from the office of JOSEPH• to a is ver convenient) arranged, and well R Y 7 !fe auited for a small family, had a spacious --a-IKD --- pH�NIX Bit 1'ER8 \V 1 LOON, Front -street, Belleville -rhe Pub. wood Plied, stable, 6:c., good well of water. I a,vied -1.1 ivy .bins these ism-e.ismar The highs a" ° lather and sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for the garden contains several choice fruit Atedicines he,* a 1.,md for their inv.ri.bie eaeaey w .0 the Magazine, and levers to ,he Ediiurs, must hens, end the whole enclosed with a stroll tib• 4beaws Which they profe..tocum, has rmnawd u,s be addressed. (pnM•Imid.) The terms of sub- picket fence. Only • portion of Lite money P Y P Y f t•s`n. .fpeen`..m..ob lh.oul -M acs....._ Sky lief ihew. '1'i�.y .ra keu.n by t►eir fnw ; U►av gaff scriptinn-ONE DOLLAR PER AN -NUM- would be required dowr.,-the remainder in blurb testily, f wu,rev r waw, and ,<y s out by ase faille tar invoriuHv of be paid in advance. three annual inptalmeuts. Our eriulu" Csalermch, March 3, 1648. 5 Apply to William Ratieobury of the Clio- _rftf imbL.•31E,7y cAIL�r� ton Arms, or to rV AsnrvA. acute and cnxoNlc RuavvArlax AFPAIOUUTI�R "J and E. PAY AT TEN T t O N-! ! BENJ. PARSONS- E si LIVEEAVORK KPLA BILIOUS FEVERS k LIVER OOatPLaII1T6.- i Goderich, August 24, 1818- 301f 1. 11. e.lh and wan. where dace dew., Unread. they .df __ AND pay your debts, as the subscriber has • r - ATTA CHAIENT. V Geed to..,.his. rlraMa. fwwwa, W ,awe, rho owes w tows als•hcy_. wdt..<.<r.nwi..Nahe.itiv.st ti.,n. REEOU6 resolved that nil Notes end Book accounts • due to him Rod remaining unsettled, will, paai- uve:y, an the 15th of July next, lie bandied Over -_ . , DISTRICT OF HURON virtue of afLfuUY CHOLIC, mad Loe.eness. BIL96, CDarirrE.v"s. COLDS t. COUGHS, C/fuLIG cuNRtimpi tum. b1a.A." Stru want... oke dowse. DRUPSIES. fotoArtoroey foreeotlection. It is certainly ' BY To Wit: a writ of CUuRDPr IlljMUXS, 'DTf EPUA3. e.I.Yn.i nth udwdive, ipg ds with some reluctance that he has adopted tiara Attatehmeet holed not pt Iter Nsjesty P len•, ,&..uhf '"FirW 9 to -'nests' -. "i'sedry<Iy. resolodo^; She bag no desire to incur additmnal who eidl owint him -but it Hornn District Court, end to me directed ER L'Y77uNS ✓ ins Bker, Ex y�rrELIJ, rLITV Lesuy eapenae to those are ie ■spying, that Recrssity;e a merciless master, against the estate real as well se per,+on a; FEVER and AGt!R. Forgivesmvye,lvha wee •rad is the prcseot ioarnce; fila reluctance must l0 necessity. ' of Henry Elliott, an abreundinR or conceal- ed debtor, at ILo Suit of Geor a B:own the � R tem n..i.nry to -,e ni.rfrinea will be Grand a sat ..tardy.."d ""a"'reas<sos. u,M -l- i<..e ihe.r""'n ..i,reetn„ .,.-.d O-!! ..earti owe l.y tk,- andi<iow a lm ompL- yield ROBERT MODERWELL. , Elder, for the Fully of fifteen pounds ten Tnv rttsat. els aArtanso -AnD as CURED. Goderich, 15th June, 1848. 20-t Shillings; 1 have seized all the estate redo I ,i U L N E A 1 J C U x1 P L R X I o N. 01111fD1iAL VMBZLITTr �- at well as personal of the said Ifcrty PC yI G"UT.0IDDiYE66,OR/rEL.IIEADACIIL•R,R/em<ry Elliott, and unless the decd llenry Elliott. i;DVA FILOU /"UNDIt/TURr II/ "(D(M im TV T"D aid return within the jurisdiction of the eaJ Tl.'10,NW og'A ; rrsM, Larvas 1tWD, �AvBDlce. rues d Arrs . Court, and put in Bail to the said action I LIOnIR OOIRPLAZlif?ts WHEREAS JOH'i BiGNALL, Roper- i within three calender months, or cause the ' d -aid Clam to be diacharg^d, all the estate tEM)Sr. LDOa ENES6,, I M k H C U It I A L n II OW A s R fa.- 1nlenJent of Common SchoolA rat lite Ilnrou District, has absconded with a large ''cal, and personal of the said Henry Elliott, Meted.,.oio .-teen,selysu,hscSIrt .IMer-ring I w,n<ar,netuuiiasem.ai..."Niones-,.....1"-iwr," -EE sum of Public Money, &fie above Reward or an much thereof as may be neceasarv. will be hell liable for the payment, booefit lacer Sn•EA r6 NEKI VVq DEBILITY N rUCf C"PLA/.VTR of fol wade, uguAarc AFFXIt'wra will be paid to toy one apprehending the and satisfaction of.the said Claim. P]trlTArlON aftAs 9KARr. PAINTEra GRULM 'rk.wsrtnepi said JOHN BIGNALLaod recovering the J. McDONAI.D, lZ;.>sfl. we.d..e Woe n,edarndr.orsr<n<wrmsbther.e.tur.et,u amount stolen; or the reward will be in to the .mount recovered, The Sherif H%on pislrict. 11RARtyes etP"I-,e..bshr. r1INK .nV Iw.A, sear. hark. Grdir:jn , proportion Orrics, with lir llu 1I sc l MAT 1 a M. T►ss . with money, Titers AARdred and forty right in $10 notes of the $ank of Goderich, 47th October, 1848. 40-3m s, will be ears ale W.I.— fir the Lre Ma.cx& I IwHUdIS s, was Montreal. The above John Blgnall is a remarkably fa ATTACHE Y1Eti T. no. tool HV•H of BLOOD to also H1CADr bGCK 1'Y aALTRBEUaI, 6IYELU.VfM SCROFULA... ZZNGVS ZVZL, to It large man, with coarse features, about 6 feet 8 in hei th ver round in his HURON DISTRICT,? BY virtue of a ,,w ism., ULGssa, afoP" dwcrfpf,.. W O)Rs, t•er.0 b,1.. 111 elk -wally k r.,sWn .ell ta.awmislrr,Lew.r inches ; g y shoulders, haughty in his address, and about Ta Wit : f writ of At- Ib... Me.ae,na. wdl.V ..w u.sraetepee ■.we.et«E wisd.sna.aeR.m 60 years of age ; hair straight and inclined tachment issued out of the District Court, THE LIFE PILLS 149 MEW BITTERS to rey, whiskers white. of the District of Huron, and to Inc direct- I PURIFY THE BLOOD. try, information, respecting the above, to ed against the estate, real an well as person- . And thud remove an disease from the rytem. And to al, of Henry Elliott, an absconding or con- l 1 Fl PILLS t" I GEORGE BROWN, treated debtor at the wit of James Elliott, A si 1. trio will Vista the P H 0: N Ili B I I. T E R S b.ye.e aka renal yr t..p Treasurer Huron District, Goderich, C. W. (or the sum of tweDty three pounds ten still- lingo, -I bows seized and taken all the I td'I""'" th. e.uro.r.,..r e.eq patient. Th. ,e.uiwa of thre onediei.ea sirs p.W rat asp i. Whig Goderich, Oct. 17, 1818. 38tf estate real as well as well ss personal of ... . toff r.b.i., wrieth.r With . p.wyad-t 1.11. •- cued t­J,nrtiu.t, Jr, - the said llenry Elliott, and unless the said ai"%r. ss,"..ins.,^ c.wt- 4 r...hhrkf.. arae.., � f 8roed.ay Dow%%.If pre.I "••, STItATFORD HOTEL. Henry Elliott relurn within the jurisdiction bail tinter, ►y Which s ra,.rrr. 'mift the .toy ... try .- of the said Court, and put in to the ; rad .s. TM Wrapper. sed Senarusa...e a.p..q"te, BAAC MAY, informs his friends an the action within three calendar months or cause the same to be dtecharged, all the ih.m6- it., m.he p-m.I.. With .1 its W..,.»11.11 he .-,,.I that they .re, -coin. na <.nf"d...i do . buy ,IWithyyreBe. Wn.p..ni bot If y.,. do, W wooer �d pnhli,, that he has taken the BRICK real and personal estate of the said Henry ...a asst th.y tan.. ,,.,I (,- u. or dont I ... h than. I TAVERN, Inti -Iv In the occupation of Mr. Elliott, or toyyft^ch thereof as may be necee- & Frepsred.ad sold by Bri we, at i!isErst end of Slratt,rd, whore story, will be .Vold liable for the paayment,I 1DB• WILLIAIO B. IIROZ'FAT, dy, caner of Andommy wrm %Now York• gas aro..s nothing shall be warning on his part to pro- benefit and satisfaction of the paid claims. T°` Sale by mote tho comfort and convenience of his J. McDONALD, SArriff H. D. BEYJ. PARSONS, ensts. L M . flatters himself that his selection of SMKalrr's Or"Cs, Goderich, 28th Now. 1848. St . 44td I Solt Agent. Godench, Jan. 28. 1848:_ 1 Wino and Liquors is equal to any in the ___ country, an,l Ilia Stabling departmunt is of FOR S )WL E, PROGRESS OF IMPROVEMENT. the most complatedescnpnon. Stratford, Jath April, 1948. 13tf I 11 VALUABLE FARM iN COLBORNE. NEW STORE A7 Lust Call ! Last Call ! Last Call PART or portion of BLOCK G. ia.the ! A 1 f II A K I G -K II E.�.. . towaship of Colborne, Western Divi- persons indZ ,o D. MANLEY 6l. A sion, Huron District, containing TWO I HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, with is I THE Subscriber haw much pleasure Te Tuck (:LL o., or in ISAAC C. SHANTZ, will have 125 acres cleared and is good order; fences aneooncing In lhte inhabitants of an op;,ortunity of paying the respective amounts Cmv:y. rn t!,e ith and 5ih of (k- I in ►spear. There is a good Frain• Route ertmitli Ilullel McKillop, Flibbert and the + r P+ t Fowndhope, that they have opener to tVtLlue tober net+. at the IIUROV HOTEL, Goderich. Cults a sl. le upon the remises, 35 b , g styl*), P P adjnim^a s NEW STORE in the village of flarpur• she► whi; h time the Raililywill roll upon all de- d 32 feet : deo, •Frame Barn b0 by �, and Two Frame 9hrdp each 44) feet loo with hey, ,hem the will always have on heli! 1 y faulters. ma further lime c."oat b. given. WILLIAM COSSET. R Log Fust (louse In tolaesble re nr.-1 an ample assortment of all kinds of Ladies' Std (gentlemen's drew arab; ill sorts of Timohr Reed, takes is paymeso at the high- set 9farket Farr. There are three runTo streams ot�wtler I through the Lot; two of which are in the Dry Goods, Gme°rie"` Crockery and Ilard• 1st Septemi,er, 1848• 34' leering . a small orcharp about the Frame I were, whicb will be sold oa terms equally a at their establishment in ih,ase, and a ArFt rate \Veil inlfae cellar. reasonable aalancb. Being ,nen of the present eqe, iSTR:+tY OX. The price of this desirable property it iGbO currency. For particularP, epp(v to the ambecnbere are desirous of exhibiting from the Subscriber Got No. Messrs. STRACHA.N bL L1 ARS. I Sulierwre. Wert -street. Ihatantorprite, and of of%rdimg such foci- lilies of accommcrlation a may be con. - STRAYEb ♦gi 34 C,'Awe"me of_'WBtftt41W4 A . G I& iah.March " i#". 7Lf statent wtlh the increasing importance of Black OX nine vcar- ,,:is bled of the ofl --___-_--- lLe DisuLm They shall, therefore, study eye Dotha gi:nMrt h.ile in each horn.- tiODERICR, C. W. not oaly to /Jesse, but also to benefit the Strayed ham the owner about the Ant of 8016 Noremier, 1848. community by bringing within their reach April last. A liberal reward will be given FOR SAf.F: by the Aubseribers, the batt qualityost of moderate rices;ns Store thirds' paces; and lie to asy person giving information of said Ox B,ARRF.IA OF LAKE HURON k pletho lone they expect this pne�;ple alone they eApect patronage. ,ben he sae be failed. JOHN GRATTAN. if F R R 1 N a l.3 , a?- For which Produce will be takes in Their terms are invariably -Cash -or Wawaeash, Nov. 11111846. 42VSEYMUUR payment. M. B lk CO. merchantable produce, at market price. ROBERT MODERWELL. _ CASH FOR SAW -MWS • TO MERCHANTII. aod@nc►,New. 10. tau_ _ __- NOTICE. AND •/►WING DONE ON BHAREy. w WANTED. rjVW /wWribs r wia pay cash at the I O 009BUSHELS good clean Ti- timothy for the A Ls 1114, 11 bw lbs les w heed a member el l.1 FIRC ARMA, Aa, !e. dales the your JL Godggioh Mille for ile,d slack Cherry Mw.j,iljay sea wtNpw any amber lescrip y Need, which Seb"Fooki Pa will pay • higher Price in Cteb, 18 y gimoot M ►ite y to shpanss r ice away onood. it 1M/ ds tat es11 moi mbm tM testy ll 11tl or *my.t,W foe any parties oro � another fou we in the market. y etWw boo- lbs !"list ley of lAaeeh aero, !..ill r e skaftNa BU�HANAN IIL GOLDIE sdse the eeamty of Bfw"Iff them to W La- WM. PiPER. Commuwea Mairehasta. poem RI6" Vieterie B11�_Kaes, at -804[, 160111710111H, Caused ;I aft # 118tf mnitem tea 1fMs I*". Oaissltl, Feb. /a 1M8. Ir/ tefk; , Sar , J4 . - t'.:LmA • �fi �v�a�-,Yla.� A -. w .e A W -lb d- ..so i* roar...- - ,aassawdoespIada-w • =:: 'I'"-�- E\'1'.'S CLOTHING. AN ts 'nick of Clans., c...im.ratr Pliot Clothes sheep's Gruyy saner Clothe, Kentucky Jeemes Tweeds, &ad a large eatery of Eschsb and heavy Blanket Cuauag. Aleas an extensive vaneof el Vesttngs of the most fashionable etyL.- Fur Caps at all ponces aid of all qualities;', Hate of the tlainot and asset approved #boo" Winter Gloves dad Mittens; ladia- Rubber Shoals, and in shot& every 4hing necessary to produce comfort, Creator" asd respeclabhly, so far a dress a concerned, be I PROSPECTU S Or TuE 119MMD VOLUME OR THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION VGA UPPER OANADA• EDiTED BY THE REV. EGERTOf( RYERSON, DD• cutopr surt:aiNTUJI11i OF SCHOOL, ; AYS18TED by 11R. J. GEO. HOMINS. Sheriff's M of XAa& HURON DIaTRI�BT ,frim at a To Nil: 1HfSS wrk d Fit" Facie#, Isoved out of er Majpty'o Hares District Court, and to tea dlrrele4 against the Lasde and Tenements of Rnhard Dan lington, at ilia mail. of Robust Park; 1 laws @sued and taken to Execution, Lot number four in the seventh Concession, E. D. is the Township of Colborne, costarwns, 100 acres; which Lands 1 shalloffer for wlejet the Court House, In the tore of Godericb, wool aid cheap fur carob or produooat on Saturday, the 25th da of Nber Journal Store of 11 Conductors of the Je■al of Education next, at the hour of 19 a clock 8008ewer ROB/� ERT MODERWELL. 1 portww toc"suoue to publication ler the J. UCDONALD, SherrH.`D. Goderich, Now. 18, 1848. 42 year 1849. lis form will be gaano instead .l Sagiary s Corrins, - octavo, In order 10 moreover to the sahia, eribere to Godericb, 14th AugsINg• lm29 GODERICH, C. M. is the advutage of prealalaer is the place of _ SOoi NovernAer, 1648. "OPAr 'r�ox• ' RossaT PARAS, 77 F.CF.iPED r ships Bellona and Shuler In the First \ olume the Conductors have had To. it chiefly a fourfold of yeet in view. I. An eapoai• AWMAau DARLIxOTea. ]ohnny, from Liverp000l, via. Mon• don of the principles, and provisions Rod objects treel, and for sale by the Subscribers at low of the System ofCommus Schools in Upper Can- QT The above said of Lands is postponed raters in quantities, or other, one, ada. 9. The g•nlif canons, obligations and soul the first of February, 1849. Bales j Fancy Prints, mutual relations and duties of Treates&, Parents 3UllN bleDONALD, IJO, bleached P unbleached Calicner, and School Teachers. 3. Tito importaoea of Sheriff H. D. llu. bleached n and nblea ed Ca u s, Normal 8•hool Instruction fur the elevation of Susnny"s Offices G-DZRICR, ( y I Common Schonle of the rnonir, 4. The Im. 20th November, I"d. I 43td Tuns Bar Iron, a -sorted sizers of the portance and great advantages of a thorough, 411, "c•otenbrand." Christian, Column, &--brad edu.ation to the The above sale of Lunda is postponed several claws of our industrious population.- until the first day of April, 1849. (� They also atrer for sale, of recent While the sotjec:s which have given character JOHN McDONALD, inat.,rianon from the United Stater, to the First Volume of this Journal will not he Sheriff H. D. BARRFI.S FINE SALT, and bet Pisbt of. member Ieadias object of the 8e- SBRtITi r OlneR, GnD►atLTa, t Gond Volume will be SCHOOL ARCiIITEC• Chaser '1'E-\, of venous qualities. TURF : for the elucidation of and improvement January 29th, 1849. It 4w•4 M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. of which thec,,,dnctors have already procured -- several Engravings, and have taken steps to pro. THE APPROACII NG FEFSION cure others, and in the course of the year, they Oi PARLIAMENT• purpose to giye entrsvines of nW lite brat and mosiseitable PLANS OFSCII(IOL-1110USES P, 4RLNe IA%FET 'tnetm fur the DiS- (with accompanying explanations,) which have PATCH of BUSINESS, on THURS. I been recomtrended by school aeih,nitira is the r' hbourin States: an also. i 'blr hAl' the 18th da► of JANUARY next.- D tg e 8 d m f poa.t En. Wehave made ample arrangements by Rravmgs oflhe arses of plans of Gaisman S.I.I. which wp shall be enabled to give ABRI DG• hooses which have been adi,p,ed Rnd reeam. FD but COMPREHENSIVE, and EARLY nhendrd by the E41ucatinna4 Committee of Her REPORTS of all the Proceedings of, the Majesty's Privy Council is Eanland. The I:n• Ilonee on theevenin_s of Monde Wednes- I t e yeas will twill t is ■limber the months of Monday, the yeah, and will themselves be worth the ub- Jsy, and Frtdav, will be insteted in the scription price of the volume. next morn in, a TRANnClitleT. Those there- Another ot.ject of the Second Vnlatne will be, fore, who desire to watch the proceedings toexp!sin any modifications whiclh mai be made of their Representatives, will be enabled to in the School law in conseaios with its pteseat do so (as we shall only re -)ort the speeche- provision,. of those who confine themselves to the A third and prominent object of the Second questions before the House ) by becoming Volatile will be, the exposition of the means SUBSCRIBERS to the TRANSUR IPT. necessary fur carrying into effect provisions An the erten of the Le islrlure wilt be of welch will doubdeme shortly be made by the R R I rgislators f e the establishment of COMMON considerable duration ; and as Our P-Ttlla- SCHOOL LIBRARIES; and on ills section of nun will be tired, during that .time. -of read- books Gtr that purpose by the Board. of Educe. ing longwinded speeches, we have come to ties, Phort reviews and characteristic eoticePof. will even i the Journal together with the conclusion to report the Proceedings of them II beg n ge r the Session in an abridged forts ; and we the hest mad cheapest modes of procuring them, promise that we will do our best to make I ` We hope also to find room in the Second nrr the TRARecR faithful record of the! Volume for some accounts and notices of the , Systems of public sastiuctian and educational SAYINGS and DOINGS of our Represen rnsverneota of other counuieA, both Eurnpran rain dditinn to the Proceedings of Perlia -1 and American, as easel a for ohne articles of R tnist,llaneour I tensi.are. such as will be specially ment we shell. As ustral, lay before our rea entertaining and instructive to young persons. - m educational w t o U anada will dors the latest Eurotxan and A sonars i •Pant the Rn a f peer C %i ll ; as well as such a variety of LITER. j first command Polarities, and determine the .ARY matter, as will alone equal in value cbsracter of Ilia Jones*[ Or I:dueahon, the puce of subscriptions.' " The Conductors respectfully and earnestly Intending os, Sub riptio a will lx furnished, solicit the continued and active co-operation of with the District I, per;ate6dents, Clergymen, and other Teo-WRIti LT TaaMaaurr for 5 months I Schon! officers and friends sat of Education in poo- r caring and forwarding subscriptions. No part At Faris StMLLIlgaP: I tithe Puhecriptions will be applied to remuae- Stust-WASK1.T TaA.�saurr for 6 moaths, rote the lohnur of editing the Journal: but the at Five: Sa1LLI19ez. whole will be expended in defraying expenses tYRkllr r TsAsaClUrT, for 8 months, at incurred in constraints with its publication. FIvB SIuLLrxov ; or TEN CQPiES for Tire :-Fire shiiiingq per annum, in ad - TEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM -all vence ; and rad subscription will be taken for payable in advance, an postage paid. , ices than one yeAr. District Cour i;e ordering The WaRaLT TRARPCRIPT• Contains the one copy for Ihe-Tra.tees of each School Sec - whole of the reading matter of the Tau- don in their District, or say number, not less R than fifty, will be supplied at three shillings and w RF.et LT TR44SCRfl-T. nine pence per copy for the year. Theo intending to subscribe d,iring the QY All communications to be &dJresfed to session, will be pleased to notify us as soon I Mr. Hodgins. Education Office, Toronto; sed as possible, All subscriptions must be pit I all letters not containing remittances, most be pad. I po.t.pad. . Mo_TTar,AL TRANSCRIPT Oryicz, 3 I•: . Complete sets of the First Volnme well he December 14th, 18433. ' ) ' furRi`h oro,. arras wi.biOz to obta,a ,t, at Five Shillings per C. , - ----TO PRINTERS. Etfll ATleN ON col, I TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' Toronto, December, 1848. { 4a FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. FOREIGN PERIODICALS. THE Subscribers have opener) a New REPUBLICATION OF THE Type Fiwndry in the ('fly of New York, where they are ready to supply orders "LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy EDINBURGH REVIEW, I Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galleys, Brass FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, Rules, Steel. Column RuleP, Composing WESTMINSTER REViEW, and Sticks,Caes, andevery article necessary BLACKWOOD'S EDIN'G MAGAZINE. for a Printing Off,6e. THE above Periodicals are reprinted in The Type, which &recast in new moulds, New York, immediately on their tor. from entirely new sett of Matrixc!, with'rival by the British Steamerr, in a beauti. deep counters, and warranted to be un3uy.I ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are paxsed by tiny, be sold at prices to snit the faithful copies of theoriginals-Blackwood, I turner. All the type furnished by us is. -Sfaga:ine being an exact fac-simile of the " hand cnst," I Edinburgh edition. Prlatmg Preece furnished, and ono also,I The widespread fame r f these splendid e Steam Ealgineo of the most approved pat- Periodicals renders it needless to may mooch , terns. in their,pniee. AN literary organs, they I Compositinn Rollers cast for prin!er3. stand far in advance of any work# of a mi - I iii Fihton of Newspapers who will miler stamp now published; while the poli - boy three times as much type as their bills) tical -complexion of each is marked by a d amount to, may Rive the &•hove rax -months' dignity, candour, and forbarance not often invertion in their papetr, and send their, found in works ofa party character. papers cents IningittotheSnbveriber� I They, embrace the views of the three COCKCROFT bL OVEREND I great parties in England -Whig, Tory, No 78 Ans Strtel New York. i and Radical-B/aektrood and the London December 7th IS I7. M13 Quarterly are Tory t the Ediabk Re- - rictr, Whig ; and the ly,erfetinster, Radical. The Foreigs Quarterly is purely literary, being devoted principally to criticisms on foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -;hints are less than one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they aro equally well got up.'they 111 afford all that advantage to the American WAGOONS AND SLEIGHS. over the English reader. NO. 7 EAST STREET, TERMS. "ARLT OPrOSITR TDR PaRNITTESIAIV ; rATMRNT TD 19 MADR IN ADRARCK, e•nURCII. For any one of the four Reviews, $3,04 per an. TILE Subscribers begs (cave to Inform,' rite any two do do 5,00 1 his friends and the nubhe at large, thatFor any three do do 7,00 Is h0 is now prepared to :c,:,' -.c orders for � For ail fnurof the Reviews.... 8.00 For Black wood's Magaztoe.... 3,00 LUMBER OR LiGHT WAGGONS, For Blackwood and ,he 4 Roviews, 10,00 " which shall be mannfactured of the beet CLUBBING. materials, and by experienced workmen. Four copies of any or sol of the above Q%" Harrows and Dnp made to order;. works will be sent to one address on pay- P1ouiLh Castings Woi oded. mens of the regular subscription for three- " ALEXANDER MELViN. the fourth copy being gratis. Goderieb, Feb. 9, 1846. 2tf Q71 Remittances and commanicatbns ---r---'------ must be rade in all Coosa without expense IMPORTANT to the publishers. Time former may always TO TRAVELLERS. be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be remitted taking h1• THE Subscriber having leased that well. receipt, and forwarding it by mall, post - known end commodious TAVERN paid ; or the money may be enclosed in a STAND, to the Township of Hay, 63 miles letter, poet -paid, directed to the pablrahers. from (lodsrtch on the London Road, lately N. B. -Thi, postage on Haeme Penodws'- occupied by her. James Gordon, begs leave in reduced by the late Post Office Law to to intimate to his friends and the traveling bout aone-third the former rates, mai�g a public in general, that he has opened an very important sawing In the ezpense to Ins os the pnmmes for the accommodation mal Pubsctiberts. of travellers. And an he intends to con. 0 "In all Use principal cities and towns duct it on the most respectable principles l.►rovighoot the Unified States to which and to span neither labour not ezpseas to there is a direct Railroad or Water comes. ministering to the Comfort of these ilea mselestion from the City of New Yark, easy patronize him, he hopes to assarrit mrd these periodicals will be delivered fuse or @blit a @ban of the public favor. postage. DAViD GUNN. LEONARD SCOTT Ito Co., N. B. -There is good 8t•Nleg as the P"ohiem 1196 Pelfan-of., N. Iced twmsten asd otb•Pa may (rj Soboer*o a in Canada eeaasayy Passive els every ,*casualty atagalism losses, their agaaslosre at lbe as~ Amaricaa pest u rheic bort". D. O. Oise. Oederiohs Jae. fifth, 100. 6It1i Gederwlo, JAIL I& 18411s t I POST PONEVENT. Sheriff's Sale of I.And. HURON DISTRICT, BY virtue of a TO IVII: writ of Fieri Focise ilialid outler M• s. s Huron e District Court, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of Gavin Hamil- ton at the suit of Joshua Calloway, i base Seized sed taken in Execution, Park Lot number one, on Ute North aide of Melbourne street, and Lot number f0fty, on the East olds of \Vellifor ton street 10 the town of Albert, which Lands 1 shall offer for sale on Saturday, the 251h day of November next, at the hour of 12 o'clock nor -n, at the Court House in the town of Goderich. J. MCDONALD, Sheri H. D. CUFRIrr a Orrl 4 Goderich, 15th August, 1948.1 3m89 JOMA CACLOWAT, - - u. CRAT1@ HAMILTON. DT The above sale of AildA is postponed until the first day of Febr•ary, 1819. JOHN McDONALD• - Fheriff.H. D. 8Mravr's Orricz, GOD[atcU, 20th November, 1848. 11 43td JostrvA CALLOWAT, rs. GAVE] HAMILTOl. 07IThe above sale of Londe is postpon• ed until the first day of April, 1849. ]011,,N-McDONALD, Sheriff H. D. .S uitairr m Or•ricR, GnnRalell' ,*. - - January 29th, 1849. 63rd SHE"PP'S SALE HURON DISTRICT, BY .irtue of a To Wit: writ of Fieri Facies, issued oat of or Majeety'a Hurnm District Coat, and to me directed against the , tAnds and Tenements of Thomas Charles at the suit, of Robert Ellis; 1 have seize' and taken in-Esseutioe, at. belong - mg to the said Thomas Charley Lot num- ber three, on the Nor!h aide of East street, or Lot running number ono, thousand and three in the town of Goderich, containing one-quarter of an acre of Land, be the same more or leu with the Buildings on the said Lot erected; which I shall offer for sale as the Court House in the town of Goderich, on Saturday the 45th day of Nuvembsr neat, at the hour of 12 o'clock anon. J. McDONALD, Sherif H. D. RRRatres OrncR, Goder:ch, 21st August, 1848. 3m3o ROATRT E11114, e-.. Tno■u CnARru, SSS 11T The obove sale of Laods is poetponed until the first tiny of February, 1849. JOHN McDONAi.D, Sheriff H. D. SHteirr's Orrice., Gontelcu, t November 21st, 1848. S 43rd ROMERT ELLIS, t•s. THovA! CIVARLRS, (The above sale lAnds is postpon- ed until the first day of April, 1849. JOHN•MeDONALD. Sherif If. D. SK•RIF► S OFVICR Goalie ce, January 29th, 1849 � 52td FOUND. ON the Beach of Lake Huron, eighteen miles north of Goderich, a case of Look - og-glasses and Frames. The owner is re- quested to prove properly pay charges and remove them from the possession of the Subscriber. DUNCAN Mci.ENAN. Ashfield, December 17th, 1848. Zdtf fz4c 4uron Signal, se refirTAD AND "BLr D START Family BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, . KDIT- ARD 11101tR1r"It. stroll C9 MARKET OQUARR, OODARICK. ".• Book Rod Job Printing, executed with nestsem and dispatch. Tram OW ?Hit IIVRre CIOp11..-TEN SHIL- LiNGO per arum ,f paid Pirictly in advance, or Twel.rt ARP 81x Pzser with else eApiMtiM of the year. No paper dist•anriseed uetil amen are paid op, unless the publisher thinks it his sdvaK- faje to do on. 11 Amy tedividesl is the teamster be sum 49 m - ,possible few mi. suMarlben, shall receive a arvuNh espy gratis. CT All inteeeaddressed to the Fsh for mut be pan&pied, els they will not be takes oat of the P-4 cies tvaaw ON ADWE•TiNOW Win Rea and under. Arae rosea s,.... 9096 FAeh sebmpest looseness ....... .. • k Tom liens and reader. het isernw• .... 8 4 Each sobweewt immersions, ...... 000 Dwer E 11 lees I g 1 Or A I=Alrsaass M tM wM advertles by The year.