The Goderich Star, 1906-10-26, Page 1Ttte aolottat stAR lame
ciroutoion than any otlitor Iskwspopir
I'in this *salon 01 Os county ofitturogs
1173:1"7113XWEIEfra TIMmi 001731
ODERICrit 0141%1 FRIDAYA (=PSBR 26# 1906,
' There:isi;t0 '(i t all 004' •Y'otit leading* WaYluis. ,,a4.- '
'' . count; sta the i ; oqly' one 'sure' way- ot' IKellitilllatinff .
• ;-!"yietalth., 004 that. li hY *Wing it. '-e. feW pinsenw.- inherit
; . Wealth; While Other* Alan .independenco, by. a -attoinv • of
- ine*. but the Yost 001'4 ,of people (center & COMpetence
'c'N .' Voilt '1)"' F'en ' *a *V Allr, t'ith' • • tit •
• ''.' 'IOPetullnif leas.'llratt they make iond Wang the seirp1014.
' ' t. Intereat 'nit 4100:end money
:117.;17; - '' , iNi)*A4uR„4:p'a Lpikt4,k' c.ompAN1
00DAvvit Q#140 R, RT4 STIMV
Work-eaSowflio teitattOtter, WitliegatAt
hetidie and P Oillee Key 011aellad:,-,4fftWard,
SIV'en if lel Wale 00tees
'RAY. LAIVIIL-Catne ,thd 'prelate*: Of
the Underalgnedriet $1,Tet wan.3-Goderieh
wnehle., on or: 0,490Sept. 50r.t1000. StrAY
UMW. ,eho Owner ie reques dt0 PLOVO Pro'
Peng. pay exPenee0 and take tile antatel
away.--.1Iitt Hermann/. Perter.anni p. o.•
-NvANIrp.1) ONDV.-,‘A artgetatte baker,
" Married 00)111,Proferred, Apply to D.T.
Ch vele, Wed ett•eet Lleitorri.00derleh.
Hoseitai. 0, Wench. A rabto 'woman
to nettle Working lealeekeener, geed plain (look.
APIdicatietee statingealary. accompanied by.
references. Gabe e5,50..4*,,,‘,118. A. MaerittN.
Secretary, (3.
;.c..311-001,seetper les
TrA0.010et Weiss -a
No. 17, Ashfield, for he. year 1907. Appli-
cations atiltlitireeebted bY the undersigned up
Noventbet Ifith, SalettY. ttaI0 Per annum.
W. J. DW,CIC, eitve.-Treae,, DUngannon 0„
oat, •
1111EACIIER WANTED, -For 1.001-
.1. horne,for1007, holding lite Or .ndelaso
Hecate, peace-40nel; eXperleneed. Salary
Applicatione received by F. W. Mo.
Dostwii. Secretary:Carlow P, 0. •
etOW FOR SA.L.E.-JereeY, annewted to be
N.--/ in calf. A bargain. Apply -at_ Tula ST.1a
101-0Urr,1 AO Tem LOTS F9it SALE. -
A rina0 Olt easy tonne, on Rows' street.
J As. POSTLEIWAITS,Ooderieh. .
Typ4wniT of on Makes rented, sold
Or exeha d. Ribbons and euppliee al-
ways:en band. Copying' work dona. °Mee on
Kingston etreet. next.Yule's. W. E. ELttoTr.
it 13 volt RALa,rolt Tax.,En. ,
, . _
' Notlee hi .berelet given thit 0. It of flie
lsea for vale for arteete of taece ties IWO-
,ane that °tiptoe thereof may ba AA
his office. %flattest tlaellotte lieleg pe Meted
le the untwist Oezette, intim Items* of Acme*,
18thand =IL, and feepterneer 1st and stir. mi.
. And that to default of per:tient of the testae
and abate thd lanai: will tna fold at the Vellet
Moue°, iti the TOWn ot Goderich on TuesdaY,
the titlidnY of ir,rourber., at sr ceolook in the at-
.tartionn. . .
emettsrof Baron. Treasurer.
Treesureeelifilce. CoderIch, Aug. 10th.19;10.
0 N.TIOAL83._ L. D. 3. D. D. S. Mclean e
Dee, lioderich. Dr. ..,TuAtimli' Id
stand. -sise Dungannon Wednesday atterntotis.
iscaricn 'PO DBIITORs
Dr. J. I.. Turnbull begs to notify that nil out-
standing accounts must be paid to Mr. A, S.
Jane. by the tet day -of December -next. After
that date, 511 4lecounts without exception will be
collected by legal process.
Doted-Goderich, tatt. 17th, W.
NOTICE TO WAHMERf3.-W. liurrosys &
Son, grain deniers, have received a fresh
Mir& itienterukil o T:y 1/1)? 111:7U,V,
Thernitimetie4,11rzoGb4D0 tO 'WOO WS
marls in .nakkiket places. ' '
wox,D,rgertiughalit'S/k3 iddepett, tia Tralials.V.
1,94ohnaltelo.Otoaaa te Vottlend. . ,'
' estrtaf wielesigt vraso. eereotsa, .
ail wheat,' *OW.* :rtirt*Op 1/0 fig , VA
tythq WItigit. OtAnlia44 4 yo.y,w,i0Cti, OR , ' in
Mon isor earn ily.......r#A.0 % gg 11*
eurt per eWtwant..t.".....LL 2 al .2:10
lei ,e ,reL9 • ....s00
0,14-0114• 'per eau... test 411.1
* WOW,. WM ea lie ou
tette Sa to ttaa
Retr„____,A01`00vt_see.4-,,.-5s. elate: 0 SI
.1-071141 ojk 72 tst.
VARMMIlki )UW414 AM"
Aftk IV/ben/. Weft irk In rdielth011y thho
Week ctinling applesto ho eekt
WAR to eal that ell farMere having
aPPies fOr hitnehmild get them ltt
once &Oahe havelawrein eneUgh
aherllY. 101 litre OW horde On the
Way to arrivedtere this week.
, Sire#8,04 glaitaer-The Weal
option- 014,00 of EWA .fdelivittllilPt
•Perth. County* W4kil 4%000 0110 Week
r_theANSI,Isiorni tl9s0 .A1-44?loada
/MY, ROW tt,p,,t ot „ 1,1017
. .
,4.1,,t/01! 3190 'a _
✓ gANovro.P44:4(r.,..t::::•:„....::: a ta
eiteees.fat towt . 60 to 00.
Hoe*. Ova veleta, ....... n 25 to 6 2.5
oass dressettes...„.. . .... . . 7 16 to 8 Do
naloort,r, ,„ ........ ti8 8 4
.....•„„.44.44or,...”••••••,..•4•4 100 ta k
sheep, 0 00 to
Tallow, rendea " U1 to 0 01
BoeChlio.t.iteb:01--ligauraaryou'rtit:hieks,per tan to: g
•IPpointa.. ateetoes'":377. stc °41 .. 411 to 0 40
0 00 tO 0 00
0 1.0 to 0 Off
... ,....... 085 to 0 10
Pietas., , .................. 0 '20 to c tic
,Cattle And Hoge In Toronto,
annOfflee,Tueeday evening, Oct eS,
Tss predieted decline In hog prieea hat: taken
clam the Wia.I1W10,1 Co. quoting at 250. be-
loW Inn weeit'S Wee. Theta had been deeline
la the Ituiteel Staten Market as wed. In tiro
unia statosthe decline was ateouipaeied by
other haul. recelels were heavyiast w but
a rodnObiOn tit reeelPtei 011t4gy tho
lasoraro not coming forward so freely Ms. It
%%knot bo 'It, with the light riff',
there te some advance In prices next week) bUt
in a short dues 0,, further deeltne eirtY he loOted
for, he the Whop of the early parts et o-
vonaber will reach Engleoe at around Chriet•
Mae time, when. as a rule, hewn Wired aro
about at t he lowest ebb.
Today the Device Co. quote hop on hoard
MC814 ayeragetocal Ontario points oat $015, at
tiOlifneduarohdntowa. tared in Toronto, and 10•03 olf
little better Wan they were lust. At the la
route mailed today the top price for exporters.
says Henre Ihmedeott, was $1.76, the range for
elholee being from that down to $4.00.
51.05. with medium 175 te $1. Common eold
.The best butcherini etook sold soma ei,40 to
at 81.75 to $3.25, and ry :Lowe $2.00 to $3.
A feature et tho situation, both here and in
the United States, eoutinnes to be the elow
demand for feeders. Both In Ontario and in
the Weetern States present Proseecto are for
a very light winter feedin and with this fight
winter teeding the indications aro for We
profite beteg made by these who do feed good
cattle bought at the present range of prices.
Good shortskoop feeders went about $4 to $4.15
in Toronto today, with ordinary heavy feeciew'
at $3.75 to $3.85. Best stookere sold around
13.23 to $3.40, and &thy etotssurs $.150 to 42.75.
FOR onrrua DA.vs
'CIAMMS FOR' SA1.110.-•--Llot15, Con. 2. Lot Ifs
X., Con. 0.Sentil nett Lot G. Con, 1. and S.
halt Lot Con. 1, HILten Head Survey, Town
ship of Tuckertonitlr..1.1ounty of Harendllten-
Wiling Wham, sttanittet tWorniles of
the thriving UM' Of Se 601). tone of the best
'markets in VVentern On rho. 'fhb/ farm was
awarded titeflekl ',Medal In the fano coulee-
Otion-4a-lea -Tias.tarms. haTo.been all peet,nr-
ed tor thapeetIr arm's, and svould now he in
excellent enema t general fanning. Soil good
clay loam. T.- etory tielok dwelling house
and kltOben. with. brick weed/lied; hot, air fur-
nace:. hard mid sort water. in kitchen:. One
grounds and ehrubbery.•:Welegreetts and cedar
hedgea. Orchard with spruce el/Ind-break on
we'd and north, illeed barite with stone etabl-
ing. Thirty hared ot liardWond buelL, meek'
and beech -well watered with sprig creek
aud river. LWill sell ititegether or won divide
pronerty. No better property in the County of
Seatorth. out.
msOlt SALE:OR RENT.--Colnfertable seven
1.1 roomed House ontArthur street. 'Apply J.
IlAWients. St,. Patrick street.
_11- part of lot 21 on the Otb concession, con-
sisting ot 60 worm and lot 20, on the 5th con-
ceselon, consisting of 80 acres. Thie property
hag 14 acres of an oretoyd on the 03 awe let,
nearly all good winter fruit. Apply to II. I'.
BECK. Barrister, Torento,'_Ont. or DAVID
COX. on the farm, PortAir's Hill P. O., Goderich
a OR SALEL-Two now Dwellings ore Angle-
sey St. A eomfortatdo Dwelling on Pleton
B ending !Me tati Elgin Menu°, Eesex St., Cedar
titoand Pine St..
WANTED. -A few Furnished Houma or
Rooms. near the Lage front, to rent tor tbe
PROPERTY FOR SALE.- The deairable
property on_ Elgin Avenue, Goderich,
owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good
house and two-thirdaof an acre of land, with
eholea fruits. The house Is heated by hot
water and has all modern improvemente. .A
bargain for any person wanting first-elass pro-
tegyotnerinAdeira. ejzoiricoc.b.. Apply GO Or address
mite APERS FOTt SALE. - Several hundred
I. copies of old newspapers for Rale. Just the
thing when you aro housecleaning. Apply at
including shorthand, Bookkeeping, Pen-
manship, Senior Teachers' Certificates,
Repid Additiou, Languages. Catalogue'
free to you.
Correspondence School
. 796 Yonge St., Toronto
(Branehes-Stratford and Woortstock)
Will' open ,BRANCH STORE
in Goderich, in Tailor Shop.
of H. Dunlop, opposite Post
Office, on
for rem odelling, repairing,
cleaning and dyeing equal to
he eettle, markets seem, on the wholot a
Special Notice -H. Sallowe •
Look for Itorgaine-Holland's Grocery.... 1
Houeekeeper Wanted -Alexandria Hos-
pita! 1
Hugo Bargains -J. W. Broderick
Lost, Fancy Work -STAR Wilco
Tetteher Wanted-No.17, Ashileld
House and Lot for Sale -Jas. Postleweite 1
Horse and Buggy for Sale -STAR 1
Stray Lamb -Hall Hutledge..... 1
More Choo.p Goals -J. II. Colborne ° 4
Penn -Esther Ramo) - W. It. l'indor 4
Hunters' Excursion- 0. T. Ry
Hollowe'en Tea-Wornan's institute
lieth Century Overcoats -W. C. Pridhaua
Cotning—Tattbo & Son
For Cold Weather -W. A. McKim
Fanned Winter Coate-Hodgena
Ladies Fur Coats -W. Acheson & Son
Paris Fur Store
Cow for Sale -STAR Office
FURS) IK,IRS 1 -Why buy now Fuca when
you V' have old onea cleaned and re-
modeled, m le perteetly free from moth, and
converted to,presOnt fashion by an experienced
English fuller Gentlemen'e and• Ladies'
Coate and C ma a apeeialty. Moderato Priem
E. IIARV IY, Mrs. Blake's residence, West
Street, Goderieb. Post orders will receive
prompt attentien.
Will be Open for Business
every Saturday afternoon un-
til 4 o'clock, and every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 9
Andrew Porter, Mgr.
Jordan Block, °Goderich.
E.v)oitDAN, Teaeher Of Piano and Oran o,
oleo Culture. Mrs. Williapts' ItesIdeneo.
orket Street.
A ROY ADAS1S. teacher of Plano. eta
kor gat.tuardkt.3'1,1urer-aBilmk. c°r-
tne,orporated by Special Aot of the
Dominion Parliament, to receive
.43 T. EsorT-asee,
w.s.T.R.ou., •
orne.,,munnum St. 'Phone 102
Dr. EmersonS4 IteRdenee-St. David Street.
Oppasite Victoria St. Chumb. Phone itirs.
Dr. Tornbull'e Hesidonee- Nelson Street.
Next Shaw Stere. Phone 121.
'17Iiisiclan and euresoon. leptelal attention to
rlitrtilr V12= apt,'DTS.4"0. TM=
West street. Goderieb. Telephone No. 1SS.
SOItGlil h8IDICE'rr, General Auctioneer
kalf Sgeet Oceerich, Pt O. BoX
110. Fares, BUM Meek, and. all other ealtle
reeelve eveclid attention. I wilt bey your en-
tire sthelt 0I1141agelibld FdthitMO, and Will pay
/mot With prime. Lot Mb knawwhat ott Moro
• to oil inany hes, or Mil and Pee t eat
sell rim.-- ("ROWE BECKETT. INT
Shop. Goderiett.
Irmo; St ittaneirfstiN, ,PAL EsTATt
Vet Polling, buyiest or tenting WWII and farM
PeeeertYa Fit* AI§ Imo in„„an„,.., tow,.
,orth „. Court, also Setter&
Savings Bank Department
on deposite of jit and upwards,
Interest paid and compounded
Drafts bought and sold.
A General: Banking Business
Notices under this heading W non -advertis-
ers will be charged 10 cente a running line in
nonpariel typo, 12 linos to the inch; to yearly
contract advertieers whose advertising ap-
pears in the same issue, 0 canto line to
theme who make a yearly contraet under this
beading, and do not otherwiee adrertise, 8
cents a line.
all. The hy-laW Wan last
January try ek majority of 20l, in
tOtal vete- Ot Sit The =out food
that the hy-law omitted It clause pro.
sided for in boob ea d 1lV, the Multlet-
Pal Aut, for the'etUntaing up of tbe
retell, and also that there were noMer-
airs irregularitica In the cloBing of the
pall -books. It is said, that in only )orre
Kiting pier was this done procrerly.
HALLOWIVEN Taa.--Tbe Members of
the Goderleix "WW1 of .0m Watnall'e
Ingtitate erill give a Hallowe'en tea in
the Oildtellowe Hall en the eVeuing
of Oct. 80th, for the benefit of the
GOdeti0h Marine flespital. Wiles for
the sale of heineenittle bread, buns,
pies and candY, for which theae leAlies
rtra famous, will be provided, also for
vegetables and tenet' work, and au ex-
cellene programme will be gIven, The
membere of the Institute are doing ail
in their powerto make this a success,
and as the hospital will be ready very
shortly, it is to be hoped the public
will respond liberally, so that a goodly
sum may be added to the Hospital
AN INTERESTING °ABE. -liathilton
Spectator, Oct. 10 The trial of the
action et Pigott v. Federal Life ANHUI,
anise Company and the White Con-
way, ot Montreal, eves commenced
this morning before Chiet Justice
Meredith, and will likely last several
days. The case is one of tnore than
ordinary interest. When the White
Company started to excavata for the
foundation, for the new Pedaled Life
building the wall of Mr. Pigott's
building, which adjoins, collapsed.
Mr. Pigott wants $20,000 dartieges
trom the defendants, claiming Chet
they were negligent in not properly
protecting the wall. The White Com-
pany denies! responsibility fors the ac-
cident, and claims that the wall was
not properly built. It has also flied a
counter claim for po,000 damages fry
delay caused by the debris from the
wall not being promptly removed.
Many witnesses wilt be examined be-
fore the case is concluded.
SILLICK-HARius.-A pretty wed-
he tempts p therefore loses, an paye
t code in both courte.
PALI. vcrecoMis, Major Beck Banqueted.,
Lawton-W*trunt0.,-A Very in.
tereatiog wedding took place Wed.
neaday. noon* 21tn linat,, che resi, PRESENTED WITtl AN ADDRESS.
of Mr.. kArttait *Nell, (loth erne GOLD 11100WED CANE. AND
rowothip. The young ecturthrt intereet. , PORSO OP OOLD.
ed Were filaaReille iffetheral and Mr.
SandfordLawler,hothrAnboT. lie% Clatfitte and Creotts Moor to
mow. Mlas RV a 00 OlkIred the wed. rti
44,r, (*Med t 0 ger. a °nod citizen:.
17,41,4robatzterrater4,71: TholtivtilhfrolatuQektolrovan4tobicoManeato:
• Lawler. Mater et the groorat The t w at his friends, learning that he
grg*"4"1"1"18 Albert' Brig -kart" would k u his furniture and in
et 1101100 %/Winship. Tile weuning Pae P
stimptuous dinner rest ed ovee by he queen City. hurriedly got together
ansmanr-SOAitni,- At Stratford. coinarne Mouse on Monday evening.
on Oct, the residence of Mr. and The "call to *raw" was spontaneous
Pert? and a few guests zartook of a the meantime take up Ids residence la
Me. and Mra. MeNei and tendered him a banquet at the
Mrs. Jonathan Searth, Nile St., MS and ese.passelee, and the response
the Beene of a wedditet when their was so generous and enthuslastio that
daughter. Mleti Helm V" becalm' the lko Major was so well guarded that he
bride of 111r. Maitland As Huinhert
youngest son of Chas. A. Humber, P. ould have had a whole Reif/knout of
M.. of tinderich. Rev. Dr. Langford, soldiers for actual wetter°, But this
pastor of the Central Methodist was au occasion of such genuine good -
church. watt the offielating clergyman. ill toward an houored citizen, that
The bride. gowned In white silk. trim- ot one. from the youth to the Weis
teed with lace, and carrying Ls. bouquet arch, had aught but the kindliest and
of white mote, watt given away hy her most sincere feelings of friendship and
father, while the wedding march was 1 ve. Nis residence in this section tar
played by her coueln, Mies Lily Smith, nearly half a century, his militasy,
Virden, Man. Miss Susie Heritage, tunicipal, political, society and imolai
Lenden, who acted as bridesmaid. rank. all combined to make this
wore a gown of silk with all-over bete, notable gathering one of the most
and carried pink carnations. Capt. pleasant ever held in the county of
A, H. Monteith was tlte groomsman.
Mr. and Mrs. Humber left on the 10 -
o'clock train for London apd the east.
The bride wore o traVeling ma a
Alice blue broadcloth, with hat to
match. The bride was the recipient
of a room full of handsome and useful
gifts from admiring friends. Ansong
these is a rocking chair from the
Central Methodist church choir, to
whieh the bride belonged; a deed of a
house and lot from the bride's parents,
and cheek& front a brother of the bride
and the groom's parents. The groonee
present to the bride was a pearl ring:
to the bridesmaid, a pearl and tur-
quoise ring; to the groomsman a pearl
scarf pin, and to Miss Scarth, who
played the wedding march, a pearl
pi n.
ding took place in North Street Metho-
dist. Church. at high noon on Thanks-
giving Dee; whew -Mee SaraltsitletRda
Harris, daughter of Mr. Th0111119 Har-
ris, was married to Mr. Will A. Sillick
of Denver, Colorado. The officiating
clergyman, Rev. G. N. Hazen, 13. A.,
pastor of the church, was assisted by
Rev. W. E. Hassard, 13 A., 13. D,, of
Toronto, cousin of the bride. The
bride wore an ivory lace costume over
taffeta, with veil and orange blossoms.
The bridesmaid was her cousin. Miss
Nellie Freeman Harris. Dr. Mitford
Gillies. 13. A., of Teeswater, was
groomsman, and the ushers were Mr.
W. D. Harris of Philadelphia and Mr.
%V. EL Robertson of (leder ich.
Among the wedding party, numbering
about 00, were guests from Tpronto,
Philadelphia. Nevi York, Hamilton,
Stratford, Mitchell and other places.
After a few days at the groorn's old
home. at Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs.
Sillick will reside at Denver.
Tun.= Moerrne FOR SHOOTING. -
Local Notices.
Look for Bargains. Sale of all
kinds of Grocterles at cost tor cash for two
weeks only, at Holland's (tracery, Victoria
SL Commence Nov. 1st. "
Are your glasses right? Vision
changes as all things do. See Taub° & Son at
Dunlop's Drng Store on Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday. Nov. iith. eth and 7th.
Bargains. -Huge bargains at the
Goderich Bargain Store on Saturday, 27th Oet.,
when a lot of good:. will be placed ou the tables
and counters. and offered at half price. This
special eheap sale will commence at 9 o'clock
Saturday morning, and claw at 11 o'cloolc Set, -
Imlay night. -J. VV. BRooRmeg.
When Tanbe & Son attend to your
eyes, you get the beneflt of over 33 year. ox-
perienee. Call and coneult them at Dunlop's
(1.1/arNirehci'in Lt1gmadattLiya'nesday and Wednes•
Hallowe'en Tea for the benefit of the
Goderieh Marine Hoepital, under the ante:lees
of the Goderich branch of the Woman'e heal.
tuto, at the Oddfellowe' Hall, Tuesday evening.
Oat. 30th. Admiesion, 250 ; tea served from 0
to 8. Good programme. Come and enjoy a
good boa and a pleasant evening.
Lose of eyesight is 'worse than loss
of fortune. No matter how email your eye
trouble may be, have it oorreeted. See 'eanbe
& Soh at Dunlop's Drug Store on Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday. November tith,
and 701.
Excellent Family Driver for sale,
hey, 16 handa. Can go in 2.30. certified. 9
years, sound and quiet for lady or, gentleman;
atotabln, no vice, very special bargain tor en.
mediate Bale. Aiso second hand buggy, $15.
Beth seen at the Colborne. ..11fonday, 290
inst., from 2 to 4 am.
Eighty-flve per cent. of headaches
are the reaule of eye strain. Proper fitting
glasses will give permanent relief. If you are
troubled that way coneult Taub') & Son at
Donlon's Drug Store on Monday. Tuesday and
WedneadaY, Nov. Mb, Egli and 7th.
The annual Thanksgiving services
in connection with St. George's church
will be held on Sunday November llth,
with Canon Dann, of oChrist Church,
London, officiating at both services.
Anniversary services in Victoria St.
Methodist church on Sunday will be
conducted by Miss S. J. %Villiame.
and the Choir will furnish special
rausic. The offering of Sunday will
go to liquidate the debt remaining on
tbe parsonage.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Branch of the Lord's Day Alliance will
he held on the evening of Wednesday,
Ql_ct. 31st. in Victoria tit. Methodist
rch. lie- TeittlieFiirt -tiVese in
will be an address by the Dominion
Secretary, Rev. J. G. Shearer, 13. A.,
who has so valiantly and successfully
contended at Ottawa for a rest day for
the evn, welsh We kattlY V011 IOW 81) WO.
(In bebalt q$ your Welt *shell)
It. ontAiall
wm. cam po Fit4,
The •Mcrjor replied, in modest and
alfectiOnate terms, ono remark being
that he Was certainly going away a
POO 10111 finanelaily. but Ito Iliad
plentV at evidence that he Ives rich In
the affeetions of the PeePle he had
epent the greater portion of hia life
antang, As a businesa mau, as coon.
Mar, reeve, Warslen of the county. as
politician (and he won One election
without receiving any eliminator:4, he
might again come back a pear Man.
Ho was pleased, however. to reeelye
the geed will and good wishes of polit-
ical friends and opponents., citizens
and neighbors, for his Calm success,
and ho hoped he deserved the prefer-
ment voiced by ail. and assured those
present ho would convey to his life
partner the kind utter:knees for her
fu tuff.
During the evening the assemblage
was enlivened by songs from Harry
Sturdy, Lionel Parsons and Harold
Blackstone, inech to the delight of alt.
While Major Beck's departure is
deeply regretted by ono and all, hie
uture will be watOhed with deep in-
terest by the great majority of the
people of the county of Huron, for no
man deserves better front his country.
Among the many letters of regret
we might mention Dr. Ohlehelin, M.
P., WinghtuneDudiey Holmes, Wing -
halm Hugh (Marie, M. P. P., Kincar-
dine; Henry Either, M.P. P., Creditont
If. N. Lewis, M. P.; lg. L. Dickinson,
K. 0.; J. 13. Hoover, Mayor, Clinton;
M. Lockhart, Auburn; Dr. Spence,
Luoknow; ex•Mayor Wilson, and
eight personal friends now resident in
Toren to.
There was a groat deal of work in
connection with the effete, which 'de-
volved largely on the energetic secre-
tary, Mr. Richard Phaien, who had
the active itesistance of Town Clerk
Johnston and A. M. Todd. The whole
proceeding was spontaneous, carried
out admirably, and reflects credit on
one and ite.
Major Beck left on Wednesday at 5
p. in. for Toronto, and Mrs, Beek will
follow In the course of a, couple of
THE STAR can only add that the
community is losing a friend good and
true, and we tritat his future may be
one of health, prosperity, and tinged
abundantly with the favors lie so
juetly deserves.
Heron. Readers of TUE STAlt do not
require to be enlightened on Major
Beck's honored business relations with
the general public for so many years,
nor on the people's confidence in him
ea councillor. reeve, end :tut e dietipct
aik.Orrespect, ward -on of this malig-
n fleent county of Huron, nor the trials
• d tribulations he went through in
the heat of several political battles.
• d the splendid confidence his poli-
tical friends and foes placed In the
A special meeting will be held by n au. These evidences are all well
the Salvation Army of Goderich, in known to every elector in, and many
the barracks here, on Friday evening it of, Huron. The old saying goeu
tonight), to be addressed by Colonel t. at votes count, and "honest Joe
Sharp. the new Provincial officer for ear" generally had a liberal share of
Western Ontario, and Adjt. Oreigh. t tem. Be this as it may, the sudden
(ton. These two officers are worthy of c 11 brought about one hundred to the
a very large at tendance, and on this festive board, .although '25 or BO or so
official visit should be greeted by a watt the original idea. The invitations
full house. Come and hear them- were limited, but everybody wits wet -
'twill cost you nothing and inay profit c me, and those who received an
you much. "invite" could not come alone. With
r asonabie time, and notice sent out,
Just befove the close of the evening
probably f emu 300 to 500 would have
itervice in tie George'ti last Sunday,
Ree.m,.. Buell, of Detroit, „iase 0, brief attended the banquet.
The trial of Mathew McOreight.
connection with the shooting of John
Huasey at the Kintail charivari in
July last, was conducted before His
Honor Judge Doyle on Monday last,
Crown Attorney 13eager prosecuting,
and W. Proudfoot and G. F. 131air ap-
pearing for McCreight. There wore
two indictments charged and several
witnesses were heard to prove that
McCreight did the shooting which
wounded Hussey. The defence was
that while McOreight admittedly fired
a shot, there was Ms evidence that it
was the 0110 which wounded Hussey,
and there was certainly no intention
to do injury to anyone. Hie Honor
held that the first cnntention was not
etuttained, the evidence leaving no
doubt as to it being ,McCreight's shot
which did the injury, but be admitted
the plea that the defendantdid not
shoot to injure anyone. He severely
condemned the foolish practice of
charivaring, and said so far tut he was
concerned it would be frowned down.
The gathering was an unlawful assem-
bly. and no one had a right to fire off
a gun at such a time and in such a
manner. Taking a lenient view, how-
ever, of the eirentnstancea, he aentene-
ed'McCreight to three months In jail
at hard labor. There was a large at-
tendance of interested spectatore at
the trial, most of whom were from the
northern township.
Mn. Goonu Sum CANICD.—On Tues.
A Unique Entertainment. - The
event ot our theatrical season will undoubted-
ly he the engnoment of Guy /Ironton? Min -
tow charm. variety, humor. excite-
ment. muale te plenee the ear and novel went()
effects to dazzle the eye. ft preeents the old-
time plantation melodies. niPto-date acrobatic
:twinkles. and superb oreheatral 1111161C, all
blended harmonloualy Into evening'e enter-
talnment that never holds a dull moment.
They appear at the Opera Honso, Wednetolay
night. Oct. 3I. ' ,
, Thoeseghlytetitted and iitederolzed. A
o fer the traVeller end fatiner. Reatilte0
itviteteltabelotritititt iinaydreries-N.
Ivra, 3011NSTOS, tatovertms.
This favorite house, nada. the
;„,eete-tosoinothent, tooducteil ott,
anslern.tnittriPleK Mg the. test possible
dervict.iit gniestiteed the gettend
AU/ID-400r ifimiltett tud
gide ittrette. •
There win be cold by Public Auction ott the
Otemieca, Huron Road, In llit Town of Oodetich,
at tat. tech:tett sharp
ikticerot as the 12Mory property). There ie on
the Istratiesa et geed brit k house with furence
lagentelit large finale lxint add Sheds, good
notion este Ind arid plenty er geed water. A
epletidid (bailee tors wharf rtatry.
Anode t e the die an p c .
start -Varela lime t tired Mare
4* Mike Cows 4 ycceit PCIA
t tiaat Waren t half ritclanr
t Coistetd Buoy htaa1 Licts)
Pair light Iteessisighe *Witi sitrgte Hareem)
Alt° ffchntitY ef Milk Ceti% With ether aturtra
tao neMettels to meetien.
sc'Eatietste ATV. to permit. ea
dav otardeand a atter alefftlent Mak° etre,
int cli_tlielmrthsee Wolof In tert dasat there,
nee, Tbelliliteneutity teentraca resoluta sr:
meaty sow toterett eit A vet' cent. per
sr. Ira Amor, ete., Inentha stattereet-ed
ae rer etets *netted fee eon.
.1* s. TILT, THOS. WNW,.
, 'minder ntetientie
The Meeting Calendar.
Regular meeting of the Town Connell this
Friday evening.
Wrier meeting of Inverness Camp, 8, 0. S.,
thin riday Peening.
Regular meeting of Eureka Council, IL 'I'. of
T., next Monday evening. •
Regular meeting of Court God/3).kb. No. 2.:Z,
1 0. Vows:tem next Tuesday evening.
Branch of West Hy:aren't, omen%) Institute
Tho areenhoinantior meetirf of thoGoderieh
Will be held at the home of re. Joseph T. Sal.
ketd. Bayfiela Road, on Thureday, November
ist, at 3 delook. Thom members wishing to go
in hand wave arc to Mast at Me; J. J. &Al-
ward/4 en the Square. about 2.30.
It le oi Mailer ler eib.aine arid roviti
and not for partizan aneeriniiiillig LI*
expoatirea of electlett erookecineia
the came mat Montt parttt insde `
within the past, few weeinte Ito*
reached such shocking proporttot,
Think of Cris. and It OnlY partial
The unwitting of lion. Mr, Melding
for gorruptlen by sgente,
The escape of .Mr. Melding throtntts
a legal technicality, limn the consett
quences Of personal corruption.
The ileplutrn ricandol in 111410 RION
The dhumalification of Dan Gallery
The jailing of Tonstewis on &charger .
of perjury.
The appalling bribery te, whielk
Rom Mr. Hyman was "elected" being
exposed, showing the most aystematin
and-whiespreatt corruption iu the his-
tory of Canadian elections.'
And up in Manitoba and the new
Provinces only legal technicalities and
avenge judicial rulings which no. ens
respects are preventing the eXpoellre
of political doings which would prob-
ably excel evert tide awful list, Isn't
it time for the pulpits te speak out. or
are they too busy denouncing the int-
quities of the Jews three thousand
years ago ? there no modern pro-
phet to warn the people anti denounce
such wrong doing?
Pending the publie meeting which
will undoubtedly be held for a discus-
sion of the two belaws to be voted on
on November 10th, the following facts
twat argutnents are submitted as rear.
_ . .
sons why both bylaws should be sup-
ported. if the calculations herein
presented are erroneous, WO will read-
ily give space for their correction :
Tli 1.1.0YD CO. PROPOsA 1, PIM TUE
address to the congregation, saying At 0 p. m. the doors were opened
good bye, am he was to leave for his and at the first tables abrait 00 sat
home in Detroit the following day. down to one of the best cooked and
His remarks were affecting, inasmuch Lreftilly served fowl 11101111S ever serv-
os he expressed the conviction that, e in Goderich, for which Mr. and
probably, this would he his last visit 5 rs. Johnston, the host and hostess,
here,oveing to his rulvancing years and were congratulated the close in
failing health. The reverend gentleman kindl y and appreciati ve tertno. The
has gladly assisted In the services rentarke pretsed by experts would do
whenever able, and his efforts, 110 well c edit to the Queen City "King Ed.
as his kindly Christian spirit.have been ward,"
much admired by all. The tattles heing cleared about 10.15
Bishop John O'Connor has sent an p. in„ Mayor Tut took the eltair, and
order to all the Roman Catholic pas- 1 r. Case, of Dungannon, the vice,
tors the diocese of Newark, warn- both performing their dutiert to the
Mg them that the hymn "Nearer My e tire sat ittfaetion of everyone present.
God, to Thee" must not be sung itere- , B. Gunn, Esq., M. P. for South
after in any Catholic church in the 1 uron, supported the Mayor on tht•
dioceee, and that the hymn "Lead left, while Major Beek, the guest of
Kindly Light" may only be sung in a t e evening, Wilk] on the right. Dr.
church after the service is over, pro. (hum, the vice, wan slipper:led by
vided the pastor has given his permis- memberm of the Bar and prominent
Rion. The latter hymn was written by business' men,
Cardinal Newman before his conver- The toast list eomprimed ”The IC ing,"
sten to Catholiceen. Bishop O'Connor "Camula, Our Home" Dominion Par-
ei tes a rigid rule of the church that, Himont, Ontario Legislature, Munici-
nothing may be sung except a part of pal Institutions, The 13140, Medical Pro-
nto liturgical service and that the iesmion, Ylanufacturing I ntereetn, A g -
hymns mentioned do not coma under r culture, The Ladies, The Presti, and
that head. t Host and Hostess.
day evening last the executive of the
Musical Society asked Mr. W. U.
Goode to meet them in the Court
House jury room to consider some mat-
ters, and when the gentleman appear-
ed he was invited to lieten to an ad-
dress from Sheriff Reynolds, president
of the society, presenting him with a
fine leather suit casette a mark of the
good opinions entertained for their
colleague. Mr. Goede has been secre-
tary of the organization from its be-
ginning, and his untiring and efficient
services are freely cenceeded, by the
members of the society and the town
hand as having in great measure
caused the present satisfactoty condi-
tion of both organizations. The gift
was a genuine stwprize, but the boys
felt that W, 0. should have a travel-
ling companion on his journey to the
great West, wisither he goes after
visiting his relatives in Toronto and
Bowtnanville. With kindly f or e -
thought the Sheriff expressed the hope
that Bro. Goode would yet return to
choose tnore permanent travelling
compenion from re...envie the very
agible fair ones of the okl town, and
Walter was gallant enough to pay
graceful tribute to the Ooderich Rids,
amongst whom he has epent many
happy hours during hi* residence here.
Tun fEITAft kiln. In the many good
wishes for nor departing townsman'.
success in the big eguntry of the West.
Sale Register.
TosseAv Ocr. 3o. -Mrs. Wesley Met-
er who is quitting farming will cell by
Public auction, ou Lot 8, Blaitland COn.,
Colborne. commencing at one o'clock, a
large lot of farm stock, iniplements,
vehicles, fowl and incubators, and many
other fixings. See poster's for list: -
Trios. Conmtv, Auellemeer.
Sarentrav Evan -tarn, 27rn.---At
7,3o, audit% sale of oak fornitare, a coal
heaters, a quantity of groceries, efe., at
Beckett's Auction Rooms, opposite P.
1. Paten grone Ifornilton ctreet.-08.o.
BECKETT, Mid °neer,
wurmr.soav, OCT. itur.--Anetion cale
of Household Porn shings, Melt:ding
Parlor. Dining -room au& Ritchen Per.
ohm., Stoves, etc. livetlibittit is new
aud to be sold tfitIlattreilexte. asproptie.
tot is givitig houtateplog. SAttutt.
johnata, PrOprietot, route St. Tuna,
Oturnav, Auctioneer,'
SILT1m' h /et inhkoedgillivti nog bdui nr entei r aotnV 4e:tit ou rtisa. The several tons Le WI' re drank
eheet heartily front glasmes filled to the brim
day 18th. was a decided success. The
program of tnusle, speecheo and rerl- t ) hy the sneakers in terme anti timely
t ith Lake 11111 on water, mei replied
to,tions, was greatly enjoyed by all rms, with the merit sipproprinte and
who heard them. The solos of Miss ointed langunge In praise of the high
K. Brown were beautifully rendered. character, good deede and noble nature
and every titne called forth rounds of r f a departing eitizen, that the writer
applause. Miss Fisher did herself
credit, by her rendering of her selee• were B. 13. Ounn, ht. P., ht. 0. Gam -
1 OA ever listened to. Th.. epeakers
tion, and was recalled for an encore. t ron, NI. P. P., Jatnem l'illtchell, Mayor
The quartettes by the three Belchern Tilt, G. P. Blair, couuty clerk Joule,
ey Seeger, P. M.
and Mr. Powery were very suitable
for the occasion . and well recei v ed. HIlfIllier, W. Proud root , K. (L, lir.
°Only crown attorn
Recitatione were given hy Mete H.
Belcher, Miss E. Devisee, MiElf1 L , Journey, W. A. McK im, W. Camp-
'aylor, Dr. Macklin, le. NV. Dot 6r, W.
Brydges, and each selection resulted bell, Robert McLean, El1-:14/11,111' Bla-
in a recall for a eecond piece. Rev. ler, T, E. Durnin, Wm. 0111101•011, A.
aloft Rev. W. E. Hassacd. who wafl /1711110.1 have eseaped our memory,
13. Clement gave a short address and 1. Todd, and nevera I otheru whome
moot entertaining; In his rentineseensee When the letter(' of regret were
of ROMA noted evangelists. Rev. Mr. 1,01it to he read. and tin, ,,d,,,,,,,,n
Hazen, of North Street., owing to the , ._., _ , , .."
ter preitentat 1011 (41 DO 111 500, Mayor
lateneso of the hour, made a very
IR, in appropriate terms, handed the
short speech, and the program Wag
programme to the vire•ehairman, Dr.
concluded by singing God 1401/0 the Cane, of Dengannon, who proved a
King. The ladies realized the neat wort It y 8110008801. 10 I f la Worship.
slim of 8115.
____,..._______ eiresesrraTnes.
Probably one of t he mont in t erre( i ng
Brief Town Topics.
Any one wanting to purchase a fam- feattireu of the oceanion WM1 Ow ad -
drool and presentation, t he following
fly driving home will find one tulver-
deed on thia page which offers 0 bar being read by Town Clerk M. 0, John•
tun •
S. hi. Sanders, of Exeter, has been , . • so a
At the proper moment Mr. A. 51.
presented a I/0011 -
appointed clerk of the fifth divioion otte, ot . 11N. i -TA It.
court Of Huron county, In place of Er. Eifel gold headed ebony cane, perchao-
nest Elliott, who resigned. ed through our poi -mine jeweler, VLi , E.
The circulation of THE STAR eon• those preaent) with the following in-
(elly, (an Weil an a purse of gold fl'1,Ill
tinues to inereaRe. The premittnia
for 100 are the delight of everyone ncription :
who has seen them. Only 10 cents to e .42011 J000011 lite,11.
the end ot 1000, for Huron%) largent notootten enrenee.
sown 1110
is-ronsu •12., 110Pl.
neve:paper. Oodorich, Oct. nod. ISWI
Photo artist Hallowe will he out of
town from Monday to Thursday evert. Al -
D.., Maier Berk.
ow of noir friroolo, twilit' gei toect her.
Ing of next week, attendlnilto oome rem thlktnes cannot allow yeti I change
The Menesetung Canoe Cqub have
engaged tire rooms formerly oecupied
by Jas. Ptitzley. for their winter quar-
It is doubtful if OoderIch will he
able to place & tignititi hockey team in
the field this MAW,. Donald Maser,
goal keeper, will not have teturned to
'WWII Ipar, r•Iferris rtuty possibly go
away, anu it Isnot eertaira that Harry
Mainly will he here. On the whole,
prospects art not bright. 'there is a
possibility of a Pinter team entering
the league; thereto plenty of material,
hut hOtbinfr definite will be known till
ElLoqtturrr appeals are being made
in several church circles for increased
contributions to meet the religious
needs of the great West, in vieW of
the large Influx of new settlers hats
that country. And this is quite pro-
per and will no doubt be responded to
by the church going people of the old-
er Provinces. But we venture to
suggest, without the spirit of a cynic,
that recent political revelations tip
there show that it's not ,tio nuieb tho
new settlers, as many of the older
ones, some of them church goers too,
we'll warrant, who need to he inocul-
ated with the spirit; of Christianity.
The Bridge Accident Inquest.
The coroner'e inquest into the cause
of the accident on the now railway
bridge over the Maitland, by which
engineer Emanuel Maddeford watt
killed, was resumed last Saturday af-
ternoon at the residence of Mr. H. W.
131ill, on Church street, 'as he was too •
to leatet the house, being quite In-
disposed. Dr. Hunter conducted the
enquiry, Mr. &agog watched the pro-
seeteittive-ferselri WOWS -NM IRS Ca -W-
ade Foundry Co., who are erecting
the bridge, were also represented by ,
their solicitor. A large number of
witnesses were examined, but nd satis-
factory explanation of the cause of
the accident was brought out. Fore-
utan Ainey swore that nothing in the
way of precautions was left undone
to secure the employees from danger.
and he said they were rnen above the
average intelligence of those engaged
in such work. Engineer Maddock
had been engaged with the company
for three years. The evidence went
to show that a front wheel.vvent off
the tritelt, and that within a few sec-
onds, car, engine and sounty were
over the structure. the latter appar-
ently going first and pulling the en-
gine to which it was attach-
ed. The real cause of the overturn
would thus scent to be that when the
gantry was swaying from the con-
cussion caused by the fall of the
wheel from the rails, a sharp puff of
wind caught it and carried it over the
track. Over a dozen men were in a
perilous position of danger as the gan-
try and engine moved outwards, and
that there were so many saved shows
the great presence of mind of those
1. The amount of loan asked is
350,000 for 20 YeAlli, GO he repaid in
equal annual installittentm of 32,500,
comment:log after the first year. The
amount to he raised each year ity the
town to 111110t 1 110 10011 Will he $3e13.8o,
whish wmilti require a levy of say 26
mills on the dollar, but the repayntentil
of 32500 will melte the amount to be
raised after the first year only 3(343,
requiritig only 8.10 of it mill on the
dollar to meet it.
2. The property %tell be limble for
echool 1 IIXPti in full, and on itn assess.
mon 1 of say $511,000, the lowest we
need catcall:4.U., this would mean, at
our present, rate of six mine, $300 per
3. This W111114 leave only $1,000 a
year to be rtdeed, and if we valeta/0e
the income tax derivable on mana er's
and ether onleere' salariete and he
taxes W111011 Will accrue from the ft.) -
tory employes, (the average to be et a
ployed contimumely being 100 hands,
and for whom new helmet; will have to
be erected, as dwellingn are very eearee
now), is it unreal:unable to say that
very little of the 31,000 will he added
to our present taxation ?
4, The pay roll of' t he Minneapolis
factory ;outside of official tialitries) is
530,373 a year, AM verified by our town:4-
man, Mr. Sanntiere, who went to in-
spect that. concern. Th., propoeed
Canadian faetory ie to be a duplicate,
in ite equipment, of Gm parent factory.,
hut the buildings here will lit. much an
improvemen t an ex perience hem shown
is, he ad v let lies We may Fidel y cal-
culate the pay roll here, making al.
lowanee for the higher average which
prevailm in Amerienn velem, na tit lertat
325.0o0 er 330,000, and that weeld
1110011 that notch raided to Ole wage
earning elasta of our town. 11. very eon-
s) deralde mon indeed, enough to pay
elf the loan in 1wo years.
glipplefneutiferbilers iv II also ter lace couple
Inf irkka,
important orders from publis era anti one row row from amonn them o DLitt eel
others in Toronto. Ile asks HS pat, ‘,`;,""n° t4 5'4"' th"" aPitruvia"°" of Fn"r
rons to kindly await his return.. TV31,071datir fbeeliPbryaCiolhai the sentirmeapt the
Daughters of the Empire, held in the yProrj1701:Yea,r1Lfirlif:.• 11107.1,,a'l
ommolty In which yon hoe, been , onneori
At the regular meeting of the
fellw fAhrorY of tho Roo". lt yonra mut %Vanier) of 010 001191y and In whir+.
was decided to open the hoorof no you nimbi on different °eau:tons a manly We
tor a seat In nen Lewd Legislature
Dee. 1st, In honor of Ifer *sty s
birthday, after whom it wad named.
Mrs. Thomas Bolton, rt
;writes : " Dear SIM- -I itteeived your
premium pictures which you sent me
With Trite STAR, and thank you very
ninch; they are. indeed, Very fine.'
This is the general verdict of all cello
have Well them. Got yours% without
They nett you to leek around Iron mot ere
that thowe inwombleti to 110 yon honor and 744
yoo farewell or° hero without any conch-len%
Hon of aortv, creed or statien lia. and .1.
ti=aro you the proaint r...onthlsogre Is an narne4
of the good fooling whIch cams with yon
poor now hams from oven, tusweintanee.
They bog of yen to mow thie cone and promo
Of gold as a slight earnewl a their feelings anit
WIstilsa yea and yens ..ttitntsido Indy n leng
altd111997 Ufa and many enjoy/trio sane to
TI10. .1%1'1041N COMP1iNY,
T11{,1 company MAEDA ahout Nix
yearn ago in Clinton with four ma-
chine." and eight girls, and they now
have 77, hands ell their pay roll, and
owing te the impoonihility of seeming
tulditIonal help are /wile unable to
keep up with their gtowing trade,
their travellero being out on the road
only half the tine.. The waggen earned
by these employee, mostly girls and
women, rons (iron 38 to 30 a week.
Supposing 1 he new factory 1101.0 ver•
aged but 01) handa (though the eon).
pony are bound to begin with not 10f0i
than 20 hands and increame 15 each
year till they have 75) the wages et an
avernge of only 35 per week would ag-
gregate over $15,11110 a year, giving
employment to many of tele yonng
peo p I e.
To Support the Bylaws.
The meeting of the Board of Trade
and citizens genernlly called at the
Council Ohionher for Monday evening
!net was not so well attended as the
importance of the issues involved de-
served. Of 00 Invitations sent out to
the merchante and business men of
town only about 25 persone attended,
but these were representative men,
and they showed their deep Inters:et by
IL free discussion of the two proposi-
tions to be voted on. President Nairn
prenided and the following gentlemen
discussed the proposals : jas.
(I. N'. Blair, M. O. Cameron. H. B.
Beckett, IL 8. Williamn, Robert Mc-
Lean, Wan. Campbell, W. A. McKim
and Dr. Mneklin. In the main the views
expreused were favorable to the by-
laWo, and urged united and ayotematie
efforts to enlighten tbe ratepayers and
bring out the vote In oupport of both
It was finally agreed that , President
Nairn, Vice -Pres. Rumball, Secretary
Mitchell and Messrs. Campbell and
Saunders should he a committee to
map out a plan of campaign and co-
operate with the Town Council. and
that a public meeting should he held
at the earlient possible date for the full
discussion of both provositiona
The Jai -triton Company :Lek only for
free eleetrie power, not to exeeed ten
horse power for ten y
lett thin, Engineer Kelly says, can-
not he f um:lobed off our preo-
ent 01V111,0113. It le t herefore propoeed
to make mu+ other arrangemente
may he found MOM feasible. and to do
thla it in proposed to raise 32,000. re•
payable en years. 'rile addition to
our (oxen by thie I fin email and the
benefits to be derived from eneh st far -
tory in t'perat ion Are ao large, hot no
further argument le needed. we think,
to ennure the eonsent of the ch.ctorn of
If any of our ',Dimino Mang! ee with
theoe conchisione we wont(' be pleased
to have them p'Isee their viewe
print in Tee ferArt We 0.00 all Inter-
ented in the pronperit y of 1 he town.
And can renoit (solution grotind In
friendly dinenanion.
forte I 11 (Mari fob. on Thin...Any, itet
V4, to De mid k re.) VIV01111%11, II NMI
mt nevi is msterferesninesiey, Orb rah,
besnr,I.eidiuld eon/this? of Jmeph
ami Attu $ ittivermi. mewl 3 yoaro and 3 montfet
Ft *roam I o timbaricb. on Monday. Oct.
Mr. George !Riven, of the Bank of
Commerce, thielph, an old 1 Imo Outle-
t kit citizen, wan in town over Sunday
visiting friends and renewing old ac -
q i /Li nusneesh I pe. George wan especially
interested In the work of the O. P. It,
at this end, and tui one of the Citizens'
rommittee who in the early eightien
worked hard te get thin line inaugur-
ated and definitely promised by the
C. P. It. authoritieo. he feels justifiable
pride in the fart that the long wiahed
for eonneetion in at !ant almost secur-
ed. If the history of thoee early ef-
forts were fully written up the name
of George SG ven as a one time in:ere--
tory of that enmraittee would be hon-
orably mentioned.
Milverton Sun: Last week we were
luteured that a train service would be
given over the C. P. It.„ commencing
on Monday, but it has failed to mater-
ialize and will not he given for aeveral
weekn yet. Contrnetor Gibson has had
bin large force engaged for therm/4 two
weekn on the roadbed between Milver-
ton and Milbank. and everything so
Par as the roadbed is concerned la now
ready tor traffic. The carpenters have
completed tvork on thestations at Lin-
wood and Milbank, and will Ontsh at
Milverton in a little over a week. Plat -
forme have been erected around all the
otatione an far no Milverten, and it is
eepected that the telegraph and tele-
phone fixturea will be instelled in a
few days. The government inspector
;Leered over the road on Wednesday
and will makohlo report to thedepart-
meet at once, when it lo expected that
runninu priviiegeo will be granted the
company rut far as Ifiliverton.
menthe AnbUrrl.
sif Lens 4,1 11, Caularich. on Tuesday, Ott. G. I,. Mambo, of Taub° & Ron, Montt -
Mei. ) inlay llolonnoo. formerly et Ashflohl fnewring 05110latta aed":Ight epeetat Aft.
townshie- ears1 71 years and II tnrealthe. of Torento, wall bo at 11.,,,E. Matffere stere.„.“Atv
lonnAe. In ftederlrh, on Weibtemlay, Wt. hltrn. (A FvflaY, NOV.01% If MI° falV41-11
UM, 10(E. Annie. brlovcd Mkt of glottal Jor- intreng th year eycsight, rali ftud toes
him work aboolattly teeirstiteed.