HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-19, Page 6-est, • • • V 4 - *P. th Mee: nmeirdir lend theshAtIly An** tekt Ite WA101.0110 C*4101111. iik Threw. 11 fierss-kok met WO yearillipares '11 *ad. Ot Sibtok weal OcelA wait alichak -*Ai W.0 worn. , 4 111041011144111• + 111141, tAA *Pal b i1104 X** intleh Word - Aet los be' tritrloamttk (IA EAR t / lj YOUr oittle Vie* RyrIs **let * OOPPer PIss - he timilshod by Our Stie, for $40. sIy ngarttiplshoodopierartalwatlrod re4larta Ca* *WM Atoott tee 4a,•;. ,Nislortal ILO O. Thy Ord stock used is re0i se our orttor sod ,of •thn`itsPaY" awe :thar *noes twalicrelaptar* itcu.Cs .tskeet oentehia.latielo meusig.tinetaveci Witddirteleviee none goelfq S4fleuerY• Etc' Doi es eiotet card *tot*, «et egsityosifrox 4s• chi* oio• titry iltus 4014 caloixote voinfeo, .yarfroisi, LosteoGootaditc. • Out FORTUNE IN TIM CUP, Who filet Is young and Visionary or old riod 'hopeful has not a secret weak. nese for fortune -tolling? hinny wo- Men long past youth's golden MAYs still tooks in her teacup ler tier fate. And the teacup Is an*oraolth sae the Mee - teens. Do you nest to know how many nears will elapse bottire you tvill mar. re? Delano° your speon on the edge o Yeltr cep, first noting that it is per- , betty dry. FM another partly with 4ea, and, tedditig it above the Nbalanced , spoon; let the drops of toe gather to the ' tip of be soon end, gently fall into the bowl of one below. Count the drops, , Each drop mons a long twelve month. Should. a teastalit float In your cup, it , reettna O. sweetheart. and you roust stir Tour tea rnpidly round and roend and Hien held the spoon upright in the cen- tre .of min. if the "sweetbeart" Is ottraeled thO.SPOO1A and clings to it, • yeir will tinily inept hirh; but if the tensing: goes to the side of the Mot you nave lost 'him. A WOUNL) THAT' MADE HISTORY. There is a certain peppery old camel who eletine have been wounded long 'years ago in the leg white serving hts -mune), In sortie petty Mile frottliee He Ls very motel of that wounded leg. ' (be pfternoen, when he sat at his club Orating rho injured leg. a fellow clithillitn of . recent acquaintance, syrn- Pettiellitally asked ; %Moe, CalorielP Sir." wet the- reply. after, on in. exnrestibly solemn pause. "I MU lame." "Been 01"?" • "NO," 'OILS hem With rehtildhg stern- ness. "I have riot been tiding.' An, I trust it was not due to a fails Colette '?u 1" Mine in tones of ferocity, "Peeitana, then, you have sprained •W'atit 'With ,paltda tioneleSs the old folloW lilted ids het leg in halt 'hands, set it carefully on the 110er, vote deliberately trent I. eitaiN and. looking down Upon lite Untertenale qtrestioner with mingled pity and ,writth, burat Orb In alineat MI4111110 react "DO. Sie. end read the history ot your eteltitrYs sir * - (leave word getermmator is Pleasant to take; sure end effectuel Isi destroYing warms,' Mony late Med resUltS. • • • Misitr;:.'110100P1IVAlie01 tvatUng te. See yen.' Me. KUM, kegard to tile tillatitYnr the ." you ore sow „to• thanialt, AtillOtSI1417"”VetSt ,A1tiltiSter (Very •1111.141y)-- on y Vaitted,le SitY, thet Uett the tf*'14r:141lelarY :PlArpeees -- mid Mit' lor thristentrig." NAV 11-GIAGM" OF iltANISM-* Craerfol lkarn44, Wito4, Pk* litres BOrtlient Vat Poorly. A The genoraKoppearoce of lite Czarina Inkty he fairly' Well kilaWO. tide coon« tr.Y. 'ttilhotitti tower pictures htriv been 104011-$11ed • Ad her thee et titht otlwr erotvned bead: But no picture that bad ,Seen, writes Atitalla ltiOsher Coil* ,tlet la the DentOrtrir gave allY idea Of hoW She really leOlis, seen thee Mee to feta.. ". Perhops lhis may he for the reagent that inueli of hor beauty tome* train exquiSite eolgeing Mat there la (bent tor 4 auldie amen Impossible to Whim and didleell 10 describe. She Very tall and .Very slender, yet most Dnely, pretterlialled. Iler features are idillOat Greek their rep -linty, ansi homalttral expre.tesiott el her loge Mite viu at Ottee as a SITIOnierie WiAtfill and - sweet Ilatt neVer Went mine .4tvity even when she tattled. Ifer hate Is -strikingly beatititell and bUfurlatlls 1400, heavy, glossy anti brown gold ln eOlar. Her eyes 4re large ;soft. Itit WOO gray blue, Mb long lest). es, and Pahlited thein cast down, as bey neerly always ere; for she 10 Shy dna hardly ever looks pp without' a Yet, With all the Czarina's blushing Shyness her hetteing interested Inc with • senile of something much deeper' and graver then Mere tibrilratial tor a beau- tiful, graeeful woman. It is 'difficult to tlegne just what this smptesston elos, but It may be termed melestr, for lack of A stibtler ternt; end the feting, of it increased Miring the entire thee that was prIvileged ta enter her presence, ollheugh no one could have been kinder. 0" dere Sitnple In all that she said and MAKES NEW BLOOD. That is flow Dr. .Williems' Pink Pills . cure the Common Ailments ot Lite Malting new blood. That is just what. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ore alwos do• lug -actually making new blood. This now blood strengthens every orgpn in Ike body, 'end strikes straight at the root at utnienna, and the common ail- ments of life 'Which *bay° their origin in poor, weak, watery, blood. Mrs. A. tl. Seeley, of Stirling, Ont., tells what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did' for her fourteen year old sister, Niles 'Annie Sager, after other treatment had failed. She says:. "For tome years Annie had not been Wale She would take ,sliella SI ;Witness: tied diepileghes 'Met- would. last tor several deo, and her whole hody would become , dry and hot as though she .was binning tip with fever. H er lips would steel' unlit neat the bursting paid, and then when the fev. or would leave her the olitee. skin of the lips woultr peel off. She doctored with .ut Iwo different doctors, but they did not teemed -In cuplog-her,--and Gm troubiti- seemed .gredimily to be growing' worte. Then we 'began giving her Dr.': Willt- ante Pink Nile and tinder this- treat- ment she has recovered her health. The neadttehes end' dizziness have gone; her .color is iniproved; her appetite bet- ter And she has bad no further attaellS at lite fever width 'battled the doctorl. we ace -greatly. pleased veil what Ile, Wittlaintr Peak Nita beve done kir ,ket, and recommend them id other suffer- ers." - it Was the rich red blood Dr.' W1111- tues, pink Pills aoteally make Which cured Idles Sager. That it why these pies rum .011 -gammen •011Ments like atutemirt. end debility,: „headaches and beektteltes, Indige.stion, . theerneliern, .neuratgl ,VIAllia rianee and the sped. at ,allinen .prey on the health end hektiness of to s and Wenten Of ,all Ages. Get the weenie Dr. Williattis' Pink Pills for Pele'People, with the Mil Mune cin be. wrapper Monad Melt hex. Sold 'by ell inettlarie dealers ots by malt -at 50 tents ir box or six hotels ter hiel0 'front The Dr. Willleme" Ittedle anis Co., ilroekville, Ont. DADY LIFE AMONG Tilt: lientANS, why atehe stinOW*Itittredt *There LI Ala i*eSelt why sve etteeki MVO Previdence hes se willed it isth net ifo hone now hrexep reedyrt owe obvious answer:. But somehoW Burl Drown' hustling to bla trisnd I e '40Yue cannot bring biturielf to Wham weits4 I elide eidt that sheltie Can* fairly that Whilst I/ fin Oil o liY atraig t4 011ie stadia 10'110 It** ter :41'-414^ — - , . tOriler apitHrif the c °noted ittlening: V' 0 z "4414 In 'their the. Petentire:shemories grows Waldo! '110M sat* llietlatt:hatr*nci intention walla grabogy have' eh; and, 40,:the day IdAtriCali, the °gent .04 '..etitllag 'fief '31r4 ittalthed Phconsciensirony eine* retain:in:DKr two' Now eilitt IV 00 MiliV* oeelbg-- 4hat,;,-0110 ifil,aPP4fently 104' On SOW -Sedate VOliage .ellot1404..treel Al,' et /ell. Arum lett Pm. 4044 bete0 I04Ped eft•hillt 'her 'MB* 'tellithar aYllere yeara ago apitlittr. Conld not. tek# tWa'etepe be, 004hr'S'i, iPterrOPtstt .XL loti$ ireSti volae't Odin- •uPeedt iast-speNh , low and inatts4neirenriar Otte new pleastireA. 'remember 'perfectly. YuU lultY he'.1A0' hoot At; Jot he 'ilea elitetwiatt. when A X 414 iOnglio :strays Htraggling with' 4 rdlittetillY •-frt Utter. lla Wino otherwriae direo.;: 'molt. ' once; "Sts Meet icial ratiat ne, very to..4 I testi by. or of MO two ingn 8440 .ItatX 4(4conipenhal '.ar peppereinthaMts. belted.. Steed)! '-gentietillan tit .:44. Viet*, ntittratternte elitt ia Atte 104y. whciatt,.fitre.' tied fleshed Mien MIA With that -0474lint seoie rtinfanitiltir :Utah- theY ore now In *elose - prodinity, and. lie* enialeYed 'aldfe, hut 'OOP 'ileitt lie- Welke uugree eci: ere Mr. AtriloYne," • where the ,smothipteced, moys,.ho. sheets; iler eniustorv-ahe always :used to he and who strlite ea 40 Alitelt more $11411 $41461P ,001"014nlig/t4V}VOMPAT' Ice4i44 conteraPorartes had is so patent, barn winiteter-011ak done pass, hire by indifferently cOuntahicfeelinglt raor that he': ner5", $10101110111 IMO' Zeit liMans, there 1010-; hisetvn, Ice lite Whele tsvo thottserid.:4 he Ilt40.14r wits40 ht4a lb,/ POor war titore netato thsh that .She should la.. feel* 4 aert Of 3r14010441,401t PAO' allatOlePle4.: 'Etat 40°11 i'OPellf 1.,11,,r,1111„f2. 'OM tell ,up.on Theje• ate 'svith.• them. r not,: Vegeta/aids tines too hes --arrestect her; v5A'Y'' -ciao; err, Alhatigh tar tram. young tircittgd 'they have never -seen inid,,belore',., atie,is,'stariiiing' on, the gravel pattk.liehire- Ones, 4 trielt MS hogination, there ia:he.piace 'adore 0; men IS: 111111. 444 fil0\411, he.' fge4, 'that_ho5 'diatett:110) tlett a lock Of lialf-reeemits.'s0 qpielcir anpertitinheted.,41 In .Qxhirtli aPalflatT: ,,,faenveta0, llearAleWit imitiOnt,, such Ha tutv4 is, saying tins to 'himself': int day, 4e, .witatever, ine.Y. herr-has *Noted. him- ttlerebant'ilf'144- t1WerVvtlettitter.itret, Saying,. it' shit • oa riie straits -in the .Paala re11146;-' ilififtited On 114#1:' At ell everits..if thero,neen•draf. IdeSeitotornici,to.,nti ; Ate to her. Nothing Avner occurs airs telitlehlt Itta ntlait MO14011011 in her time. be ore the'hour tor oolleg0 thani QbY16iis 1"1". eyes, 'Alio is del-er,ffitned thia it..shati not Tea, there UtXle /duce wIletereerc,ao'eueu' "11 Is 11" 14-11/114114ri-4 IS "4 years since fille t ea 111111•tell• as orms retiogniZed :titans? *he is 4 lernihrd not Either 'ha la, -01 tinted,' en • she bits riot In tieknowiedge,1 tarquaintence':' Or SIM turn 4010 theala47,140;haa been Itoodittil. 1,;f14,i(Sett' tee , ears' ',mpg .eo °P. 444144"lunitr°V.4°'Y'' .4tUeverjr'stree• eeM," 'She Iserie evidently. maillpg a quita ten eorttlen'Aher ,lieTe, leette'd'iouti, Itt• htni year," effort ta, :regain hot composure* r*.ettlitagaink,at once orA.Aoen She. "41004/i 4thle1.11V.' k°417141 444' suk4 irk nieOttng, nod' tlarrOlrile leels irnat.:ey*ty rgg.0-4','.3vIatIOW: in 140 VIt-.4°' at iSha.' does -not feign. the slightest Plea"' entrithflOther.:glance Stitittleft.4icdri er tre„,41, ,than, Y usa olprideellogri,441eptit4eittoonshi,mvilinhtt44.entioenipeeetoesdi....lowseoslitIrle-owlatit...14410:.„.ole4;4„:i.T4,,A113:i.tiltiro44,-rt,441i,e's,71"!°' .111111:trt,loh.,e11:4:alleattisb:ousi1:.toth.onetth°47:vtieher t: nitro ts,hot, she een soonest Old IL But Q14t:'14t° "19' vet- 1113"' vi4etPV"Iler1341)43 l)e*"' digietelY et 'parting without furttise her 'Oelited hy-s,barileable catler • ettlra 04%6 IvIes4P010414. utk.' oestastationi after having 'forced nis pre- hettere ratifelting 'wind haa Oh. ttlat Heaven, woredjag .1.4,4000040: The Weather'. heit changed, and for OM given (),Vel, to the 'file040110:004:4141 1)°- Settee u 00 threat, condene to prevent her die pattering ruin geesed. 'Between; the hi, 1.1delhe 'heed of, 'Seine Eliptieelter of *Medi 41011d4Ileelk.ttarlictints the Exeltonter tO, lay • it swinging 110k4t l'srelibee:'Iklet°atte?es.. tn, e"taithkse 'erte abbe, h.,410-emertna.tnonnAniNs Upon tha, allaccersed ,vehieleI q"aggil brieleand moefer house, at ,her wet 'Mee ,relleoted in OW Middles. evell alegllatkla PCOalhalater can (in , °vote comet be dead. /law. is Taliti winch `had been impossible ot' hinder bieSOPetoolte4rout• beintfi;tair on Dotonshieetri thew' ‘wNt to 1.4114 .bu1 4 "tie. re-44eriii de4' W1711*' ct/.134kIt" Alaparentie it is not 'so harmless a es kientlY 10004 lodbled: tee' 'N*IliatF1r:S .44 "erd 'Atm. Le Merehant is otertolislY Otte In' pQSsjble bat ". 0' SY 'tone, .antr,nemert .itoods. ere "0 1";,' 440,, .144444t .1'40 quo-siltirt as earintagmed; least 1/01410i 01141W0110 hands hild,perer,felt iletitoritieshaNe ,Plit4Hivo,oapable et answering it, Her husband, mere 01$100dert, It Is pot etenniat tat: as they haVe most erii.leautifettionga eve Tint for Ore Ilret .rime, comes to her rescue. he Is Orrintor With itis,',Ilret?tpe .WitItin their reamigh.-413141,,lallele:v'll'in;.''13. "The Moat is let," to says, in a drY Ifennl tiketigh lie is that' gee' 418 411t yet ql4the' 'StifteeCile-' Voice; "we tave-left Devonshire a long h Avikole ,nOttil.'14 centred on reeking' Stance, ii.0:-.0.-Iire,•011. wene,..mine, nine and a hen Years his inerreoty:glveup the secret of mat Ilurgoyne *keg a Mown . Seine vettue. ctivern of- his past. Sheet XI flu either" 'butu,), mat 'Windsor Castle had been turned 41.41'lliat, has 'turned Mrs. Le Merchant's hair One' tit "hafilt,,Jit tittle% Rbilart Illalt-histeuhrift lugeul l'abdit'`a4g,elleietss' Irt141,,r°a"eds4faPrfa Wittlesnow-whIte, as lie now sees It to niUnn; lin " es° -aee --- look 1 el - 'nit no he rejects the explanation feeelliat,:had ice* back to hirn out i.vtgki white ,vater • Vie 4 - ktu:SeWItY+ago The: Wei let I Judging by the light of end W110 knOWS Aim? For, on . reitee. Gnarl -.W110 the whom, 116 knows, r°1/11/00d, Swtriewg ,11tPahPir 18114%0'ot115•4h1111, Steck Company }tote!. it then, some money trouble lion; he is Mire thet, that look of hers vas eadlY kergent wetee,i? blaolMird Is probably, try, whose very IteMe he Seeks SO yssinly'Site deet'not helongsto Ox- ford days, es litis 'already Otter. tinned; Ho has learnt from Drat Ilia • 4- * .„.... et i , oti . ve sweep of ii • 'dull atIvOr- to. -right' and, )0M, ,, ive,,,swa:1 as Intutileient. She is not the wonaan etilled !,"eglettiledhed,1°Qceelt.4ralteeulet.e'r ''edie!'54focirer,, 4.01ene' •te nitwit to heart. - have, 'taken a dimintshed income so she does not belong to the Pear of 1_, happily .Called niftt, i'ide.S',0,111.,111. royallY .„...,P600 ' manners forbid him to ash, day, tieing oppseeney tv.stronger, and,. on a' Veered SkY•delc1;•,tUntIng the whole "NOW' is !he Moat let?" So all that he luith ',Aber , Ittisthid, a Visitor to the drenched country inte mother,Ot.oeare„... Says is, Num and a halt years ago? Warden of ..-,., :College, in whose atim. 4 -sheet ot 441 stretched,. aero„, : (ho WitY, the( must hayetnbeen very soon 10011Ir' ;Ibelr'•• batrarricecit. Ilo expia# .4Citilned..,, mead:owl_ „the 040,00.,,eixo .4.1_tsr,:i,..lett. ,peymisture.. _. . . _ the sur,eeedthg • years of his lite: .., -100,,, 4 (labiate, datillii evanescent totejt. qiennaeresses eta -remora Involuntarily Vein; Aire 1140- Oaf. Plitee ther;' In vein he liesal ,shatehed from -the ',ugly. hroeln rahor Ao the. wife than to the husband, ayseells echhol. Ono, 1 e six snoriuts elate, the water ,ot,.the Usher its 00 linguishttb e,,only by its currngen watireemr. Ae (se Seen in TievoOshite with a cottellibe, down Impetuously; bet is rinenVitteed.lo Stquel."8$ c't II" :SUrrbundl fore hi:1,04140,hp to New. Alit he has'it Such 4 height that It ties lash) aim at task -there is always a lark in alesepo. ..;110,100 it Att' ilest, I _but lts• they aver natietted Drawn s ' dOon, Milli lier',$e • tibit:.. dives 'and plunges into t e sea or letvs tit Whiter., , 'but she dues n°t ansWer Iter ens inerritirn,he eatriet uri the .PeOrt `DurgeyneA,..is.letinitg over '-thet Wooden ere Ib,tecl: uPell lb° bubbles sailing a) fast tceks. 110 Meet hit& bet' to' earlier brittgo., herterith,.-",tylifehy-::te ha :ray) •umin the isivouen. river; whicth Is tit nut:with bis laleti,ker ,for the, keyttele* finpreetiling the Moon fot` withdrnwing her.abinirig at :the very ,ipstant he Meet needs ,ter, Burgoyne hes come up tvith shy object!. tif Ids chase. it is can,' hired:back lido his mind' by the weed, Devinlehlea, * "I liaVe IV he Says to himsate "her. helr has turned white. tliitt wee why I siisi 00t? ,feeettillte her. It .used to to. fayeti.hlactr. Bet it is- shem-of -memo it Li the To think ot reir not eriewIng r..agtereleatt." , itito Of course it. is Mrs. t..,e ,AvItiit a door trite the distant° tbat ittnith .fipenedt-a door .through- " passes Into a Devonshire gar- den, and' rosy.ineett Devon- lee'etildren, The Very ritinteS 'of these. ditteett'ote enthht back to- Tent *nit -Ober-lea, Mose' were the selloolanYst Bette, arid •atirlain, and-tilatibetir. Ile reealiS,Lansurd Attic of :freakish thent# orly-,those • Children's pets. - Tom ong putties:, had,- guirtekpigsr,Mithon tug a While rat. 11040 -0 -What had IteSe? 110se inett tette tied Stintethlittli. and Elizabeth lied, 4 .iceegaroo. Elizabellis katigatoo VMS „SiterhIbietl, poor bertst..and- died ithoot.loty.tinte; ;the gettlea-pigs nnel the White rat:,,linge• beet dead. too for ages how -et. eoutto. And are' Torn end finsh. With the.inlanking.,,Ifeteis Stir' g Itit$0.$eertli, White; in 010 neetle**traeSPheetti.i httli nod mitt, rlOtte. and Sehoolti'and 000‘ ing SIAM stand atherettlized;.. 'Dear old piticqr saysArrirfaiV-hls tern tine, etrongehreated singer, trilitMever,Seems in haVP to atop- to take 10°4111;• flits up the silenca-:shimaitg seiniewhere out of sight among blttek mows, in and out 01 which the uncer- tain :sun' is plunging:. Whether .of is !moneyed nature or not, there is, evident- lareat . 'Oeryhedy, Is deecti, and: ,satpetemg 'very tinpleaSant, conrtect. &act; nOd Down: .is deader,. pen, ROY 'ly Ott With,zthelt leaving their native con- tliaTlad that Yee, ;tit JeaSts tr.,Nr EIld linrepreorial Immo, so lie. 1,;IAlirnel. MOre''Olie'Sts. raUtt4 1:10eutt: teellpe-reallebtien,WaY.. Irain (be subject " 1110.ehnler 2. A triall.0101 wa410010ht4s4 "Aheirotte"„te says, with, a rather. 'Welling along; Oa teal% abeal- g,(1) hetvous. addle, hope . thet the world as grantors, look. Whet? 140 -ere Wa"?' hes "been • treating eu kindly -that In a Pace or ,two him the ,wh,aan„,811,3 thinge have gone well %Alb 3"611 striae 'sontething-.40alelbalg 41149,31' '24* ""64$' these deer old days when you ivere SO good ltt Me. her. coniparden, ahd! .the, sound huegOyne steel*. ; "She did 'not Sneak lest night; it Mita' haittmakedl rphohid htiVe ittioWn Isis tst .enee, She :tilwaye had, Stich ft.' seMet' ,C0100" , „ , , • . - ,110 raiSeS tits „arms, .frorit: the bridge - luta tarningt ,trieets them...km(1,1o' local #Y0 to ele..And, ert treatint,he has . seen MeV: betli it'eeegriliq At the Same Inaint lie.04Ware-Of and lac 'er, 'MOO Too ,rims laneouk110 401,littir Mari, Thee*, IS' en: blatant's 'Pallse-Perh405 he 'Waled, not litette;folioed it had ricit 1115 suspicions teen Arensed- „Geier° lite.,Intsband, 400 taking .upon itelattortetantlasliab,antrotteployairoolons, annoSso,_iwers„ ,With "Oh, . yes, thanitat Niwre do"not com- plain, it Mrs not been a-ivery may Mile for landlords lately) as YOU are aware.” war'. cries' Wife, striking in wIth, 4,,speetee of Inlay in her voiCe-e.' hurry due,. as Ms instinct tells tern, tO hiM Wittend °tainting hIS 04101,1111ellee", tho loot ihe IOW of entering into Perhaps, If he Ilad bad tinte,,,e( ZIP9,'" more detailed it/era-tries, AtAtat knit thtt Angolge' 1')f 1/1 I/06144 °41.1(14 bett goutiabiligt all 'this loli4 tit ih,e, tortes end nose and hilrletn, elid. What bilS 114,4.004 eh elitet2' .0:11 ,,„, orvon ronsontlblo oitmeo ft)l'utie' re 1 It -`1,iitztiliettr••, dead stisOl Abaur44 Years ago ,,i44 u.roe 44. slut haS efillrelY forgotten What -wps the isa Wauld diay.e allowed thew: to '114 'stY' we roost hot beget you. MVO .Yott, It. WhY $ Oidd Ilte( 96'1h 114' hiits ?j ° Woe/. Do .you stitt live -with Your --1-' Dalian rehilit Is as litiPlITi llaPe A it. h g I , billAp.2, anti pltayail es -is Inc Willie N. byt gitiatihr they :be? NO111111g more itti*,, trleildS rirli he 'Wes bbs' ell oink' •ilorn under illudi'halltiler" OkailIN jittely.f'r‘VtlYrir';it is orgy" let 'years -h$0., rill/ V the 0 etiiiti'ren the tinitY igilestat ".000eleg- Or relattotir.With tvnent he Urea. :Ali lr, tithie„, \\that 11;15 +no ttlAv.ologolol..htltir'P .g' "Tr 1)tio'ot It:01401:s' latIge 1)1144 Int° 111-"VtIttd '°t), -f: ht 4:-1 14014° 04411,1 rriltoni4645.4 '4)tille.:- ta ,fing. e las f fel 13iseWees leas ht tor bar tentedAt .--ii„,-one, hilt,,,.. ho ,. had forgotten Imi. hohio iteehte„tipte- Sopplies'Alle'inissingigitor .aurt , ' I, The 'mu , atones, . lie is, too. :tie as Milted,: .:/ttoo virtrtediukitini4 by 1000., br, yoara done 16:2101.u.o!,birti. Atd trtpiv,i,s,t,.. ,01,04,114,1 Tile infant ,40,ffien notsesee,s 1101104mm 'ivioti,:vaindlerelaliY. ig w,insity t*,iqta'ne Ilils40110001; tir.V41111Aletkinly4 t111116tItt4P°*11:111°TtilhgetIrtlAtti?011it 4ter;: 144"; 411V'.41! 411' StrdPld. trld* .111il.14Ut do net Text Wit,k1:011 Atit4 ?,ti • tape .111.1:, then the eldillaire While 'CMOs Itgt " ' " V.,eYs 'null Manners ,e s ' Whiles the oecimatlets hi 104 piny 4 4 6to oh% woo thcia Its was atnineteen r, tit klet,:ritorear.ft true 1104. owhig.so Cer6 ta.,shttexhitp,t,-that rtintv§rte- lends. Mt er -OM. rit h v, y heti queriette t w on g. regiiillreVAtl'irtl'uT-r.tlt"t„t4treifetrli etit.4,1 ben eelted, isa e'edotti:.:tfio whisky-,.orlite • hisUY4 Witten- ithd her inc. Mt% 1.0 , tare anIseasslemrs jofttk, sus ell tee. have 4""t Out *4 Ole* .11e14/ .11/taPCYli6.'" SttaPI" Ill'1"*tt".11:' 14 ' h indeed la Alla thit thale 11114 1u1 14' 'th • " sitter -site parted," etlinCa litultellltveli 0 • - heen Atelier' 1.1itiva'rolled pretty *into a_ rival.: • rd securely pael-ed idehht:tor to t.,w 0 MM -MOO 140 • . ' . Who:- "Mrs'. Netellitihra ihrete at. is sit - her baSband Ina( altilit *Usti " ' het now 141111 t. "Notiv.;1 ehtlidn't tio,n OM* tfite shoe' Nubby "Von, couldn't r • ''''Ot..courso " I 'haven't 'any 'taw shoiticit," len-AWelltY Vete vegans , without ineerY :PleYnudea. .11IN • IVA, l• tbt6$14. 11 * igla 'ai* " ftj t the gheness 14 the ,befisted teeny tionstlftebtl that Iles laY are es tulle ' ,,They ldo tot care in the IMO 'Where -he '°k;I:rorgk4,111111 10641.11°1161.11014ktigkk*1111141,Pqmilig4,111'exVoitil$.1%/k 4tinent's l'ini tralthe; _Eitte.c: ,_awlitarewohtahtslortdmetirtityiz ittevilinctittthetlnIM; heemrante ,.h.dtteor, titittentettrittloautreilloollalle. 1 tto olds; iels than '1(4 ' white cousins; i110400, Vmuiriew, , atm JtUltun lilt:Imam le toeless les entity ferterigillat It ISM! his' ot tt ttion.telriOtil PlaY, la a,„„ialeetor,*111.PY rir',11(ilesi, am only 1111010 tOtit 'they` can Oceitpalleir. 'The' Indiall Me" .11 oliq to itte ttuest when. earlier reititatttgau.nn,littllni.t.,eintlitlegrzatTygoito loos( get the,opo_ti .1$ t: IS very eochintroulatylip 111155 milto peeiei,l-n blessing hey. 00 oeni,„4:'-' opoonti,r t•tio,„ stroeg. ,hPatfi,'tilitsfen:gtnIghotrtot, 1)11102: at wtaties 10 eV glib ICA loin 440 tiouuts ,owts th.,c.http, Drown...444 host twoliete.a. rattaid4moro"Fimieuty elide ent• lsU 4a d, • *es null; "Mc Udift *Mier, I ttail ,stgoor, god is free ta el it Itta 1 I • , dleins ttiti end, ,try attry, She lois, Mat ", 'retire 11III"(41,4 1.000ti, At Mtge fal la z MAIM • Mit tre tile tht to *-Sc; wtOte -StiA14.04e4re 'neerlY Ir00 hhtvi till he lees ot I ;nu .00nses ot lot/lett In thr OaVeilahlte gartleft, he atil Ot tPleStIon. tf m Me ilg shout litudeett -oars ago. it la solo.day, intik ticecp), It la 140t10$0*11,40g gsIl -1101W0en al0013 and tiff-CO/le -VIII -bfkoiong "Stet but te‘ sure 'il‘rm attention that 'tilos' 'children err Inall'uts"eir, 1401304 bon hut Tom, illt,AUlllit169101` the riierMitte. TIIA Yeting 'Indian data net eh)! lite . ti *ben years neods.tat * vague mit. Who errs aho ' le3Strartga that persons and , ''.4OCOlikallY otter this or that, Matt, Pt01)1/r.tItilliTa0. t.tliitr1410111gt14S1:(IttetTrYlbILI6 hiVe roiled lair' thlri between, 7 *And $4U4keti *our' 'bogeys; ‘vith vans. alto' if: 'Halt AI it ride, end give h rtnitlit 1.10. reVICalf)t)t ne; tar..4 aat digni10 . 'nits is %vita Ito does log a barley belied' the dfty width the tint -.that iney are *II, Mg 1116 Werld tierlat leek, g into hie head lo eours41) Thase ndee 'haft "" ,• it ty4sit are *ea aPpee y upon utter eOrtain lelfairietit lurking 111 !the use!) ,plrernorty ettrk-s, Ottif SeUltintilff edi 'there Is tea diticrerit NOtar Mt, whet osis ibina. nveitarots croup toting left tor WI init, to -retain valid-, 4s0,1 4Asikizvaii471,1i-;;I015 F7;„•;;,jiii;),;"„ M be I_ I au,wile tlpsearthtt' ttit tykankind 11116.%lie, ?IOW; , 1,1 , „ ht . 1. 51elnielleg."4111Idttleted Out t the Atvhith .111tOnt th It In tlItiett '•eitiutilonbatt•r V:Antlivrrti.ligkettet°aVirt=iletz!). nil yrs* en a heautihit intoning. funk i 4hrta. IWO WO ha" Molt, and itiase e . . -. 4 4 toe in trsing 14, tit her out. Sliza•l sii, vsk a..64.4:•Lan *Mr; ' Af,sib.,i;./... bosi, clloolly 0 lit!! Ilfik, itibrif..t *-1.4 *thICOOLI t";grrtItte. t1412(1111rOt Iftritlanatifibe'rtlt to Aostio4tvelloki tect In Ote:wa heth, Abe el0tti lhe alnlost iltlwMV ,inl " 4 4":r I 'slim!' two*: rht, oily . too. touthotrigae li''111 1111 -1 . ' 1 .4 --"' ----; - ---''' 14'4I% "rilentInditi TiO)011., Ogden; 'r. ss'. tint, 'ilitherilittld bY lt+r teWly.tengtly urrs . Cod.'iaVillv Oii o iliX., tetritkie it*. ito Taft is hirtiett .1041je. ty:tontlek tellinfi. h14.. ‘.telp Ate ,ittltita /it BromTeeehup -wets Atted etkea,outtotto; go tort44441ng al erleRet• treniely, .hourlibing6, , but presenting only' us:prate to ,hittl, ma,sat '1'11'4 6 I 1""g' i`"t'*ul*n 3" *girt 11'. that trt the,',gis!et Ineittlteddngladoeles- in' races. in ttlebblit 0131)10reeN Mita. it hail to be enitosiftait ongweolattyteat, at. ante... OrNii-..Oltit -diftaS S' riiil 10111'S41-1 l$0,11 trog. irt fluogo *very portion er etti. is mot, vita wont helenittnnett the , *it aealtered bow. -sti low -ritil-atittliq lor-yfairlogitt, 113 Ito, trehtthh 1,00 ofe:fe-tthet twirl two liars be" to twit *14th:et: -1/4 he dot. nbt sittad the tieltIV itikeOrta So Me, walla ott 3 --on lied atikveit atm es,e4i the piped, 55 with resoo tee, • Nestoc )1010:,,hirthihky lied. Mitt ' oisrlit..letplenttrig.oringet •Floridii,=. nee btrono4 *Ittlit hi" b°11 reserets A hors. rt)o .prodnee the hod givcs Mr 4 god tbliebtu ";liti Imwsysk eke to weather teurkie 100 tot roe* 6tiNt'sstut. SFS Ct •,,,' ' Mitile. le%Nikitkikt ttlett os alttleperillas upon the necattOril li,,Xat 1.161 fl toe •hlog and Teen has an ostrich terrain "'- -1;''''''' L'- ' '- t- - Prom Peril ot lltei 10 -fl wine Ind $1410,'i 4 sa Wank) he 'testis throuring AmaleallC•And POW has WO thaNien or *to mao. ID' bruit la used foe tag e Mlle. of the etrew, hallt, midikitial"inivetilki nonae.."5Ett6tabethleht Catrkbintick. 44',..11 but „,.".11 intlul mIlsirrm 4:111ktlitritMk ,k4i001';111LVIS haeotbil,4 broom% *Mt mitts are Ms*. It 14 a mla ow 0% iminit.41g pen ot att. wfth the va]ulthhir hytio,oust'easne. tioya teat Jit,r weildine or **fowl. , Add 16$10A1 MI% to •Marchaltore hair **Ay to, divot sold do.* hudai.Aa' **feria .01 i yeatta-Tatr timed attowlihatt lha it beett It** far more good than the TM **Me inlets'. it is the first 1 hilhistWoUld"thil)14*IitelladOnOtttilleft, 011 lkitin0 oottid4 Thst or ukthasttobelreh.,71.hot:uuth. aid • 1.‘, „iiisromit *limb :.*Icut Pri 'amp!' bin fOOtt mod!. "ei ra taltt: kdesbtarwtaaliatnitogi 0 11#4 tut ',wrath* titm#,. wet the OW, 044 ter 'thatching *does. The fulls yam is *I *he 0,,shewmakdocLe merde‘r mot, moot. OnOlpnitlis *0 Mitt it I u•l" a wonky ikuttiiiit which Is (*.Ulna* MI inut141ve* enthetinim tfeeit It it eMbelihtllett 141# topp, elenis *third admit, long Aw5.-whieh acquire di beitattfUI fuktoc, Ord itilvI( Moo tor 1f,1414, tatters and other' holodIng noderth14. yield* utle Meehnii*e AtbOlearite, as welt *A stilt toolobttnir nagn. tlt 'the *nod nt ihe mem, enntweal laatroonenti, awl* toes,. pOrnpe *re SWOOP. FOSS the Mem iit White MAIM In the ' mirk tit tbp, "weave, end * floor re. /141011101g lalliitoss *Sr he edowini. Ogren er ea 14 extrarted *ow Op tree. MW Mew &hall 014 Isom *dui NO& ot the Ildeantooth Mty *Wetly 1Wq•Oltleittk* rnitkos goottlt ,irthiatt ah• ea th• telektute.0 ° take hat telt, SOO th ha et* lost stratigthiminesf lute tuki maw Mlle fieli4e., again aids Ira tho ittiorldi° the, tato ot atitiorwa 44 tar famet-, two wow% Mod ast dates lrot Inlet s. aria* oionvoitfirit, tut le* thikt vytec catimois Ith a trtftentheit extrantly of aka * Mooched I Ile Ms ilterd wont.* boos** their *In but not Wr0. 10 ligarehaid, not I. MN. 1n, 41.ant M :Me weisla Mar* *Ea 10 it Ittt 9 AiliNAII tit trarsii**0146 *AM ElliaiNhr She. Wel thil itidesI *IOW a* mainor. attawahloa• ;'1,r' ','IrrIt abiritipZ.biterli asw 11"*.latt Tirehtsio OM, thety itkr ' at her. AM Mat iN1416 &Oil 111444 AN .11rwasists Iiiis, kit keg 100)* 400; ter ,,k, ..... is.. *iiicAleiket4te 4 41 •••••••••••••••••• IltIee Is so SloOs el issursi% is her _pAppik pews* am& Blisaliese is desA- Wien Eltubeth, the Wanly *ad the t ••• Is eede foggy iaL a as lathe airs ot Eittehelit's moitar * dread leit he shall solt tiding* ot er, is as 00. hasigy, and villa a Odle, "Wall, I ea grobt ws *gat itt faintf; it. Istat bun very pleasant rooting you agile, but *et /Mita that the WarGft will be ex., ling uor San Ode in her earths* hatutabatie n(i wish for-O-Ifenetilleitof Met Meet. *nd he watches them down the Mow Walk with * to* ot eadnoiEln iui heart. “AIiuIieU t des f Eitzehetb anu. ouhtestir deed e trn be Continued). REBUILDIN6 OF: TRISGO THAW liOnR,4 MAT' SO •TilV ctrY ITSELF AGAIN. Over MAIO 11ficp gnpge41-4,TWO Xid4ria :tw4ti:e Weeks, A. pity is Made hY4ts :traffie 4nti the gretvto Late tleperaleatt tape:A.11S natural resalrecea. SaYs klaivrittn4P pc letter, ,COMinerce is Mat ,an nocieenr, end neither, tracto nor pepteallen, is drawn ciettleueesly to a eity'Ler eollit- tte brag, however peraiStent. A stride& pitaRioe, tech 'ea Seri Verdi. elSea oCettpteS, coMMend, of' a great no - hint gateway, with W.4ountrk behind it,rtuperial to .arca end bacaleulahlr rich (ma varied in the pa:4110Ra of- Its sell, Will compel 'growth "InesitablY: - Th_O 'SW Francisco _ EMI!' P.state CL cuters, showing, „nut mat 'este to:Arieficid lor ab t raenibs endIP* nine 30% 1900, rteel`tle trentaCtiOnS for 04 Period. AO the.ainount 548,399,051. and,illat real estate In this city is not neoVny deht. The real estate transfers daring Au- gust were 1075, AS against" 914- tor. Mu- uary. IlEAL ESTATE FXPEOTS now say that within three,,,Years tht burned district between iderket etel Vanness aitenue will be 'rebuilt, The movement is going on from Vannes eeetwarcliy, afiti westward Mom the downloskin section,. . Thls is„ not long time in Which to cover a loge area with sub -Steidle! buildings. And while this heart of the city is being made ot steel and'oement work will be going on South of Market -street, and most ihat great section will he reconstructed. The do - lay in pushing up the oleos A Struc- tures is growing shorter QS 1410114-4s and the insurance situ:Mons adjust themselves. Meantime, no lot or block of property within the lines of the area indicated will represent a decreasing valuation for any length of time. in tact, reel es- tate values have gone up in some blocks of the burped district, and are .holding their own in most of the others. There were employed in building and reconstruction work in this -'‘eity on brae 9 20,000 men. Those figures were obtained from the rosters of the unions. The number of mechanics and laborers on the rosters of the building crane, end unclassified and unaffiliated, or welting on permits sending applica- tion. was on Aug. 1, in round numbers, 30,00remen. 'LABOR BENEFITS: • An 'eastern statistician,' who .has care- fully surveyed the situatton here, goes Into elaborate calculations as to The sum that will be required to rebuird the city. He puts it at stoomo,noo. It Seems a sort 01' rough vas, 64 perhaps It is not too -Trauch to 'expect thet some such vast sum will he spent on build- ing in San Francisco within' the corning .decade. Whatever the total, lpbor viIl rceeive-somebing like 40 .per ee. nt. of the whole. 'This money rettinis almost at once Into circulation and' is fatin the volume ol retail and other' trade in the ay. : San Francisca has then credited with exceptional courage' in undertaking her Own rehabilitation. doing business at the old stand and on her own capital. Hut Mille sentiment Is involved -'-,4 pas. eionate attachment to Use ,elty, its, site, its almate• and its cosniapolitan. spirit -,IntainesS sense .behin4 sentiment, oird. necessity pushes holiness sense. One4hird of the city's population ..must be housed, tiCiGioNZaAriCrof Fth°e•R•14111119:t4SSESe.ellefUll- , _ The tee of the rootlet cmporation hos dosed a eontract for 2000,hetraes. 500. 01 Iwo moms aftd,1,200 of three taints, -all to be reedy whine tivelite Weeks from Sept. 1, Negolialleins are going an with an- nther centraeter for o like,•-tuttiber cf .00tiages, and the necessary Opropria- 'bons have, been mode lacer:leer both con- treas. The Ctilibeide iruiite will be 'an. Ho (Who has known her lbrio days :(tefpated in large Metisnee. ' ' only) -"May call you Edith?" She It is net deiloitely deetied 'tat the -"I don't see why; my parents thought 'cost of the riese.rattlee,.. Rotel .ahprox- Emily was (mite good enough." - tinnier with art .itddhionni- al. toOtince.,131$000400. for 'furnishing, The For Inflamnuttion of tbeSyes, - tieettitethr who me preperliig,':the pro Among the many 'good qualities which linainitiy plaits have beele,instrlieled to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills posseas,. be - provide. 700 rooms, to dlipileftteithei.faill. aides regulating tht digestive ergaits. 4uS, court anaidge .for Le their efficacy in reducing inflammation ot the eYes, it hos etilled forth many letters of reeemmendation from .. bilge 'Who were affileten With this complaint and.10und dere in the pills.. They affeet the. nervo centrett and the bleed: Id surprisingly actIVe \tiny, and the Thdoihy. L. flopicifis et a, cost. QC tt4:20.- resnit ahnost Inutediatety seen. r oco.zAti liniitortse hrkek ‘verelionSe will .4 so ta. hi the mitto,loCality.- and work 11e -;-"So your husband ha's given up on both is ," 1 smottinkt renttlres' a pretty Steens Ara . 1 ttydlithgo ayeoCentnupnlied„oliro. ttohnedt,"thaStheesi They Ifirlit . Naples Away. --A face StrOng will." • 000,100 Airiee. InkAtH !Non. eetreetea, , is -caned * skt0 tgatiabe be bee tc te°11ttre,"151''',11011.01`ilillIntairkltt;gtglittif.rtriliSIP-Sig4.UtliY;ilfekht nLieitBlo Prep; strk that:neat Thdliver: arid the kititeys•20re not Per. camv tonnhig:tho, itinettellisIn the letthlty Mad be summitaanflaultith wie.vitiee 'wily Alley shaniti, mai tite&-e pittpieS are srree., taaea dully_ miet yeti -know, -that tile blood Orate:SM. :Parineletrs Vegetable PAW Will drive s" cligarnit",dnalla'Mellant.entymilitio•tmen:64'illittethoskrino • Istattnii:t *ill ,obether the* *et, i and etteled. "and. 8010141.4S are adwaY4 lenen.• 1:discOveNtig rot* Aillites? • The AtiteSt ; Of • Mese la• feet, Tint Vreneit to.ot. is tar- iStrs,Nftilget-^^110ft 4,0i* Ielie nsti rot sndiong.- 1114 'Spain*. Idol is OA- you usell 10..1 Netteti -,,stotat eta' etegenny •.ettrventtitthhe•' to "Thittle: tor MM. 'Negget-t,'‘Nop4th° lie -Moorish 'inood: Tiro. drab% IOU' JO uAdl snit lita$ Watlit ritY WetgliVid '..preVerhial Inc ite 'high melt Tito Itinart pod', Ntiggot"W.01;:,shylk,thitt a".41toata ef.wator ,tetet tem YOIr Slehl,4tS' YOU 'Wed 10 ,bef ,truler 'Ole tree A,rabte foot itithatit 7012 trtittw.- • • • I tOtithilitf it: The Met of thdflortiell IS• . hdriaiving, 'and, .sattaret 'the 'Enitiell eeett ansi ' htgll 'and .11iick; thht thialtisli fiht tratibie. the ittsity, .whott Allow wee lit bee .rein fallow wiso, 11 15,' 111411gbt 14t11.04"I 001I111 the GreelittlitiOti ltle Meat ptt‘. ;10ge tlit4 go:oht 0,41k 'Ottifeelle tented , end, eicaelly )?repOrtiontel 14.Ufeigbt 'be,..ture. he 01, ,:tof that or shy the tentleri - .,SwedeS, Mid tiefititiritt have th Ilitgest ,feet, :Americent tht thett are .woitratt the s. Zeal, johit, . Tarlatan. :tot al*" all. the ; rf , Senna '!,1011itth. I 'Ai, vrig Worker lolin thorough fts " stall tbings.a1; Well es in large. With the 'one Whn. talces the Oen* • th OrtttnatiMt *Itit goOd tote ..1tWth6titt41"eth4 lin-114'Acbtv newer lose;' .alght nt big W41 n1 Matter whalVAllitle1111144 tl"AVetlittIlltrnhti. enIpley* whtiOne4' 'not *net.. • Ma* the uttiuty rakti,qttontity or bit ("Ault the fithOurit hie salliq. With the young man oe„. young 105. loan who la toning to do *little &et* , item cat* work without fey .0041,41011w= lent \l'ornotth thoblinfotog, items oithogitif woo ttinitsofrowtittnit. delmroulentadollonoi,andvt,koWtortirlt4041. .tmr IOC ' mo Savor sAtif tart/won* of OLOY k tItle 1,01011.t 4.11/4110ADA* Slack &lid opm**4 0•04, GREEN TK&. only isirflOtlyfrs. ft0M 411141416. it fit tit that sltipsist test driskiler is tO *h. Moog too drinkor, •440/.1140 ittl use per • "'""""oesesesessee..sseseirreessiseeesesessieseetsee• senetiesien • HAWA " steel Sti . ifyla kern: Pelhita.or,Ottivenize Mod, et pfiego varldaff from $t.5 to 0,114 ".: PePllun:4ve4*i"'44147e'rtr4Iuie'TOSislle14rtd,*gle;"14 etinaotOM Atet,03d-1i0.14eovcringfrHouees.1rnhiSfts110:0 Yatoraf Care3(14in% Any WO non enili7 the TsBAWA . *Dees, A boomer end enips. are ..thO only 'tooia required. . . . We are ;Ma largest via Oldligit,Ce0Mpany Of the ,140d. ender lbt„.. „.13.011SIt liand rittive iiieVitreit theilHarats of Die beak bliOntilia throe -004' cfirtaaa; 10 Pit thefn , . i . • .,PIRIE, WATER AND 1.1014TNIND,PRDPF. We also. matutantura':Corrugated iron In long glee* Concluder .. . .,Aitts. ri.ert'a, al ExvcsTnovon. No, igt7$1:17.* 17:064:0110t or e1040. t_r:IFIlrg9.112"4"4k6s' it14ttio:416:144*4treeamples of ^OSHAWA"Stnglee:t4470,44',, H9101Si31a360* ;Y1011101111.ett.tatligt.. VOI1C41101,1.0;' . Ma Psodst 0,. •gorackflig4. filiontt 10109,41111: 014 Otaltsp, 0.1t,Homoi4te At Congest* st ortrifiAlilAGOW00011AWn, 00 We% OK tentehlaset• WO* yOur Fee '000.thier •PRAIRIE 11111155111 1 .. , 3E* 164%.1.413 bteae • ICIOlidOefi SiskiteheWan. 4. great "13Fgpin. $12 iker „ •Oro. Olt's°, to two railroads. Branch line of Grand zpoilk Patuite surveyed almost through the property. • BOX BI 73 WEST alma; STRUT, TOR011tee USEFUL HINTS. Hang blankets in, Um sun constantly between the tinleY Of washings for 11 whitens end purifies them besides rais- ing the pile. For duck stuffing take dry bread - crumbs, chopped sour apples, and boiled onions, tereSeng the mixture svIth sat, pepper, sago and butler. Removing Red 'Ink Stainss-,,Moisten the spots with strong alcohol 'acidulated with nitric acid. It is always desirable to make a blank experiment first, as all materials will not take ''the same treat, Meat. To brown flour put is thick layer 'of flour into a baking pan and place it in a hot oven. Watch this and stir with a spoon until the flour is nicely browned all through. When It becomes cold, put, it into preserve jars and cover closely. This- is snlendid for ouekening gravies and sauces. • •••*•.•••••••*.oin•••••••••• RETALIATION. "I'll. g -get even w -with you, gt-mam- ma,” sobbed sm,all Elsie, who had just been 'severely chastised. "How ?" queried her mother. "When I g -grow up arid is -have a giel beat the life out cif h -her," answered Elsie. . Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 Cent bqttle of - Holloway's Corn Cure will removethern? Give it a trial and you will pot regret it. "No beggar," says the philanthropist, "will go away empty-handed from a good man's door." Not it he can reach no overcoat from the good man's hal- rack. , • One Pact Is Ettt0" thin Tall Ifsersaya,-. Odat.10t. Eanates,, Suat. Illoggittal for Maine, Mini heel, lee his Spirit.* et, " The ri liaenthoT Plaster. vow rens *Ise no. troth men and wonien. The AlaSkan CotripiinY has stinted es contract for h Clegg Is steel alk,the earner of California 'and Sansome. The Mat .ie to 'be $500.000. A concrete warehouse Will be -built ItY 1”..40-10ValtIv .414•140•••••••;M•44.4.1•••14;••40. 1.,41x4V41,444141.144•4•414•404164.14 ttettf.441,••••••••••••••••.4•44.40•.. Fruit Groviers, Attitition cook The 'Eastern ToWaishilis littrnettee vs thus abIlestoivIn4effeurayeernauStW4echlt tAPP:11:1:41*100114g,11 OmitC; highlkitown. hem lizett, tettelifty deft far ham tind ring delivery, ,fin, Sit.be per lotedsed. Xmas beanie, Pita,- , 44seirehesviti*Rae YOUR OVERCOATS - 4.1,..nalogrizr,iir ',11.111441-411'34:14 „offliisio 'Amp9oikti DVIINO CO' A 1111V :IN • 111EAT.-.FARM NEAR : woistrat ' *0. 1,060 acres ot clean unbracen prairie, the finest wheat land ,en ,ecteth, en the banks of the Red River. 4h. flilleS from Winnipeg, four rriiIes'• front tuto raliwity Stations. 515 -art acre takes $5,000 cash, balance ,easy. No better farm, no better investment. , • WA11011 &BEA'1111B, 12 Meithento • Bank Building, 'Winnipeg Man , SPECIALISTS' SMALL HEADS. ' Brains of great men Vary very much. is found that Men of encyciapaedio Mind have large: and heavy brains- Gledetone had to Wear 4 very big hat - with an enormous bed or grey Totter and numerous dorivolgions; ori the other uhpanond, omne:Iwinlotoenuf, genithozhist ,ticrogne:rntsmrataell brain, and, consequently have small heads. Newton,. Byron, anti Cromwell were in this class. • "I married you, my dite, beetutse..you were different froM other women.' "Flatterer! In what, way was I dif- ferent?" - "You said 'yes' when I proposed." Cholera and all rhino:41er Complainte aro so quick in their editor' that the cold hand Of dealt Si upon Me Victims before they are aware that dormer is neer. if attaelted do net earty In get- ting the, raver,' medicine. Try a dose of Dr. j. DYeelttOrY Cordl* nt, and yott will. get immediate relief. It Mite with ,-`liveruterfid rapldtly and never falls, to effect a CUM. - Mrs. MfDiffe-"This,„'PaPee ,Sitys that Mice are asitracied nuisiol but I don't lielieVe if.' hg.Duff--,"Why note, Mrs. Ailmit.-.Tlecalise I never see aisny,nlice around whed (Ise plate. M'Huff -"Well, that'sno reason for doubting the paper's StqleMehh* PA.Itett.titte loth tbel PidetbradrIte;r: '$teiknir d tit; bait Irtigglegiieg t Isa Attair. iiteaue oJ conositi%ios,; „ riphroxp TM:S. . , Wife t; • "1'm inetitied to think, dear, that our millanari 'puts 'water in. the 1110enen "On the tontedry. I think he IntlA Milk in nue water." lieue tatilaai am4 &ten tit beta*, Ot fill1LOWS tor it quiner. VibY POLY tgo to tea deThita *Oa* a twenty4tr4 esot btltas of SWUM Will tura On tft of bara ..foOr doeh Vold sed ell