HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-19, Page 3ef,e,
IN 01 UM
President of Union of BUSS= P0011
Nabs Inoendioory Bpeeobo
fal, 401101?
a ill 111,1111,1
ibRaiet* 1114404001004 ea Amitietelair*
0441,10. loaleetatalksa.
At Kt* last amireie at tb* tealtdatUatt
AidotelAtra sacetratt *a
for Me parliatail Of
lovaittgatiota tbef oesettil**
IA* Item industry 14. Ike PrOVIISee
00440. Titia worif Pew bang uor
*flatten by the Deitartasait Agrteal•••
OD* ot OMAN/ sad *AK b*VOrtosttneed
early in October. Th* alitieet. ter thill tae•
Vaatigetion IS to 'obtain intarination
be Used in 40404 as to tbs: heat Peliel
to 14014 ancOuraga more, Wendy*
ts4 41sPeteh trim 4t= Petersbarg SAYS: St the seevic*.ts conalaers°410 1)* nada. Wading td * better elEta of hams-.
0%* pubrovin* President a the Diann Of y doe to the tiollame allowed Dos ague* ' EallOwirtg arer th* prbaciPal pointa
Itlitaelan Peoples Made trmarkeble tab tor% Thai thill1017 aUtberitles tons4der which Will tataiddenat in 111* emu**
dress ati Odessa on Wedneaday. that %ear brandies of the ermY are a the inveAtitt.ico;
brwto gt *way, 404 breed Mare*
‘6falker to a bland ot 000 Itemisi, baerabera Whelly unreliable* bUt theY 'Dna Th* = • VP*. gliality and
'111 Pro talitat Whef bad Careteci hint on the eavalq end Rah la' ••
their shoulders to the railroad atatiort 'depended 'upon, and. Butt the Wein=
011 las departure tar Kiev, and said; lionar,y propaganda' `114.% al•440 cPotPol''
-nu the Milne et OUP lietelfed Entperesr tiVely ailictleg the MOM"
1 hr Yett. TAP WAY •Illissgatt bat/Mega I regifItenIft4 A'
NternlitlatiOn rebel% Yen knOW couttnuett nava tnotillto. *1'9 tegar'''''''‘
les Russian soil of Illern;, The bl,e under the „PreSent Oointittons'. Wen tun/34ton* goat boll)
are fititi where to that, y the: "CoMaliaalen$
114011 eneeple Want .neither •constittiV 'Velr$ ot P4.165$4 W/Ilett 11444 444 4t 44 44'16'14'54*
Itette nOr Peeliattlente, last, ortigalesy, conferred, like Ile) bititistr VietorlejgOcieettect 41,0011111. 'bet Om
• We. •• •
(t1,_„Wh6I COndi1444 haVe erteetett br
ere' aneeling the ellatity And lobate of
*Whim* end breed MareS In; the varitata
geetlent -0/ Itto'`PrOintice,..! and it the et -
o 040 -
Dat -le .0rafftett Whether r•not rattle.
Iltta 444199140f- :, Q0 • atieett.:';aretherat ' , 40. for'aets,ateXtretne braverY stbV.P.rovo' ihtm - , ' • „.„2,...,‘-. • '
.gteoth : to Ahu Tehels::atat: flebrewsS" • ' .. eVetiOn in 40ty, '441*, etteetede .9itel of.. .0.Wtott. 144,0 At' ,...!?p,rot, 'Cart .Mflat.
Allee' m'.- Dithrevin's train:11A left the: tfese::: wan •,candenmed to okin, r000ntty.•PrO44,410, be saitlatat'.4Ulditterent ate -
.1)400 et" $.0n rUaliedAeivrithe priaelPal: at ''$t. • Pe/era/UM toi"•OLiotte.(hortoc;'91,.110.0. OT tho''Praint#: iik.,_tor. the', a_aturet
street's at the clly"..shouting"Detalt 14 lbw .order$: unit. ot0.11014 tto ',ottloor., • ,' ' ' • '0,10itiot);'• .01414''',A"Atttly lootlawk., •
' -rOhleig? 'Death la ',the kiebretyset Atl , Atter tt •loog investtgation-DOlonel: • 'A The sy4totn," ot :00149•4044 bi,
-----.7-,':'-- -alteps,r-wereratAeneeHeleaeitiind4Bie•••fi. •:-.., litaneV610,--4;,thei,,tieSteft `rttell-01:er,_,% 4;syll_.°10,_„,,,ge: .4_144._,Att,OtnOtibUt_*k Pres
-1,4*W. •P9P-0191/9.0, WA* in a• tOndittop: of : .11Ich . potholed in 040014her le41;:litl4: OW' "C4P;4.1 WTT 4 ,X4°111,t4erILW 4 f ."
P4140 oxia : tYrrott 41'clugh.oxv, Aue nlehl, ',00,4 relleired..or duly no- oh, bo.Ittect. YAW' '11,w00014; ,,,-',,'i'' ' ,,'•,,,.. `• ,',
Theloettot•tuottotor falren, :by ,',Ore Ilre,',. ,by! bOort-Perirtial-,ori the -iellargeot 1.0.ttt.Y• M.I''''e' *We ''"*'! hOra.....0. gertera4
egternoon 1 at 'Catitattr.'KerefiefLneora. ' -• • t-to0•4P- SYR es-asnsaltST§a , 7 Itt •theltOraaelataitteaSs 4$ le, Whet fain
It WO litektne'e,'4 '''. 016 WefineStlitY, .,s. „., ,,' „,',s;'•-' „,.--,,,,,,.• ,,,,e,' ,,' r.:••,,,'„,,': - ' ' ', : da Snag: atletIS',4rOlit ; the -Se ' interested
1 sileaceded ,In Wetaidirtft,While'litteMPts • 1.111,0,4 'here (n1 Wean -OMIT,' 11:4.1:44:1W/s7iTr, ,:it)1T1i.i:loWt4,4411,11d1,4,0::',Igt:
ing'1,0 eaptOre the;',Initlige etionOting the. . Tun'en1Ployetia:.at the Street railroads, '
mum sAiLoa sots OA WIng
Takior 61,fill a white broadeloth
*IP *re foltd* With * tetteh tat
°00: 1990 reditt4tOto braadeleth had
4 black silk tatter. With, a littler White
, 'the bOUXidet, lute, 41 too vog ft*
owing alerted by buoys,
The itleal option eampoign Ad riarla
.7,'"1,-,1".K. r•
ittiwtt.O. it' ik4.thAtton with which all
*re Mote OP leaa tamiliar. bta, *hien el-
-Refs Bitterent. Perita4 41gettatill
gerding eirettilliebane44. °
There, ts 4 an:called ultealthe fatigue
which tenrita after Bennet lither. either
bedy at WWI, end, Which veriel in,*
lerobroklery. •White- cloth pritteesS ctia- *COW 00‘,31tIt INCC0111102 10-th* alflOilrit
itMeit alat irlItislaed 'With Meek velvet 144.4,14 *b*0444•• . 'et loor Foonmont oun Wert ts. "Ittitt
in the -shape of vever,4,, straps, voeliejs, wIttSit relittlents. kViretlipeta•,,tirett fed 08,, whiek, games without
etitht,•Mid collar. Somelfelletilaill illeaa Wnul,,,,,;(1„r01.„ soc,,,,141 ,‘„.„ much preceding Wark.i Pa* tag 1119$
appear in One goWn. AU9tittr '.14„,"rnst ' bo lowly whet, ROM. ealle laKtUd.c.*
atm, fdsgseo ewe,. s •esseese tbR, no); qttus, „umuttla,a nolv
°cll. • ElIQW*Iqd1 VI; "PIO •" farthea'.44,t: '.. maltitaleing ,dlSotplMa in the, reSi. •°^4 tO' 1h* al#4.1#1f1P: Pt.' a •St.4400. In'
turbances.- .• . : .= •li.',.... •:•, • :•::. , ' : cgd,,,,,: ,-,. ' • „ , • ,. ." SPeellet) let.; '=; ' . ' '' . • -
111antler..et Part: 004staritlott,:,,00 ' the " .A• "deSpatch trout tA4t, ttussfan. Po.' be donelo Ireprave,,i4onditions of tho
mat1/1614-: .I1,, %IP, , -C1111istecit., -'.Ivlionbi." the: IntesaYal, nye. tsyrortasisPntoged to !terse buSlaeas •gonorptlY4 - .,
niuttneerS.:talrIng iledtlittlehlii Ot, Attgest i.eatit. by drufn.heild ceurbroortigh. were I la •order.to• 'preehre'.1nie, inlOrMationi
fort with the island, N 11-beCtriett .hy 4 ' g eeh001 teacliers andlher newspaper hersemea ItaVe leettaeleeted and' 8,UOlm
ceurbniatifid; elitiViied ;•WillVd4:411vity eittpfoyees- hate Joined- the ,Men In all ; ta ID_ ogon 44t..tiot,,..Y.f, nt five to.s..bc.•
in thao?ertorrnance et.lita 'dtillee. ..illine 'ha faelorte$ who went on strike en Weeks Will be spent la a oh distriet OY
41'.9re •!'istal* 0; 4,19 '19.tire$4.110X1lerY Ttleeday 'agifinat • trIala by 'Oran/bead the, Conlinittee ••-•OPPOIn : Me that dtso
. . ,,..„, ..., : , , . vereArted by detimhead court -marital lite number- Itieldng• up each district be.
An idea, of the laX
an had vest and colts of blael; all NO* NS; It, 03441,4 Vo 114$ becn 44P* be dtta 14 the tiCearitUlated. etfebtS Ot toe
4e°41, 1t wit* 1111151ted aVilit White stlk. Qatarl0 4tAgh courtt Pertad Of little, With '100 Shert he.
PlIttfol-10 *1111 199P* 91 9gro$PWAPI1 /nt""1,3 Me'54$` M"k"4/14). terVals Ot reat or sleep. This is 0 thIll••
aud uni4 Neora, pvee what loge *re II•ctiv.*Prg'Pt/15° e°1•41)"114g ger.altal Whiell May ba the fartrUalier
00th White eerges SfIleItec Torente. of a reelate*O. 404,4 One rit SVIlich
laid OVer With 'white 104e ' arid While 0004 It* 014 '‘'ilratit 410400P th% nnich work carried 01(1 Uadttly Over'S
have, resig, d. ;• •• , • ddtio:.autpaca. , trict, The dIstrieta will, a composed et
§CIPLINE WAS 4,,AX, • Bendzin on TuesdaY nye seeiallets a number et ccianties grouPed together*
ing at Svcaborg tortresS May.be'fintned 13ANOITS' BULLETS FATAL. county will 'require trent htur illne
iquired gg three& a belinty, Each
01scIPIIne Prevail- and shot tor armed resistance to arrest, Ina decided by Ihe length ot Aline re.
the agitators who organize :the'iriutiny, A despatch from Warsaw, Russian daYs. The intarfnatien regarding stal.
tram the faet that the alllierirtallowed
lions will be 'as detalled as possible,
to live ht the barracks wilt life Soldiels eland, Says: lohn Gadomski, editor ot
and distribute revolutionary proclaim- The Gant!. Peleliu, and the Most Proust- eaelt Stallion hvehe Proeince being Ire
who spected. The ' information regardiag
bons, The seditielf ‘111101 Det711eates ent et the -Pellet newspapermen.
the whole toeireaS ertillerY, OS well as nue ehot by bandits on Tuesday eVen. mares ,daninot be got so accurately, but
the engineers and other Special breeches aingi died on Wednesday. • a great deal of inforMatidn ean be pro-
- - ' cured from the stallion owners in each
district as to the ntimlier, type and
THE WORLD'S MARKETS Ittk,inds ot °little' good, with prices ctieuallittywionigthaenb
. Oki Kew It /1401 '
11401 Alhaeolar.
In coMineticial orehanEfig, Ito 141.0-
neia etut al Ilia cOterpriSc. loot of ma
beting las crap to tho lie.st advablIQY
is arSelli. Only fit iMpoIlefiCe In Mat e s
prodUCM111 flant et the ,heat qttality. DOT'S WOR1.1).
It is: in ads partigW4r that there Is
the ;coldest, awl for IMpralieretnt 111. • "Oh. deer nsel",:a*I*1 Dot crOttliY. "Oat .
th* present Dane, Thera so* handreas is,e. hiter4' uld Weals 114 Ow Verg
Of 4pPle" greater* Villa 01411 grow &at- 'Wore' WOW *vat 9441'
cies* trait to aVery one who eiat Place AMA Meglialitaii. •
it :01i the filtifitet When Val *bete it , =Tye, brOji thinking it was a reOldnIcit
a-IWO/fig the beat pita. The •grawers, world. 041. What St, the IBItiter *al'
WWI laeltei'llta Most ant of II;c1r 'apples jt g:= , ,,
re theSa wile licep 10 te11'44 Watt the "it ralaed all the Intifiling," *OR Do' tr
st. lateritetii at Immo elal ahrtrad. 'nand I cailldiet go dawn to play with
'Itathig tlie atilt/Ping SeaSaft tlieSe faelt,,,,Neltlet and Vaie 11110111' ha do. ent* rig,
w oteh the Market rePOrtn doilF. /Magical of 011 my books 'amt gala% So
Utiles* prhzrs aro anUSAFlollt itiOY holilr laidy payS aay %Whin to mete sod= iCa
their it'ult tintit OM! pricea prelatil, A ,imrtat to", wataialt ,
104de RP awing 'wear Itre redlleed 1I9W eISVI31114' 4 .14**' t44 °14°4r4`1010'W9014`91**II9914 We heed It he ‘Yntt14
betlitaseSolled, ita they eleell iseittl. • *44 ''Stttl**1, 044 40114$ lta'4 been t 1 111 Melt
• eicts to firm.
.4:met Cettle.-Choice, $4.50 to 24.75; this by noting. the • aPpearanee ,of the
Inrni $1 to $4.15; bulls, $3.75 to $4; mares seen whIle training through
the district. Regarding t le other man
ght 'bulls, $3 to $3.50; cOWS, $3.50 to
tars of a more general nature, inform's«
tion wIll be weaved by %close observes
TRA,I E CENTRES, Butcher Cattle.-Ctiolce, $4.25 to $4.50;
tedium, $3.7 to , earn • t lion and by cgoversation • with those
Wally and Prentise'le be More Weira
this, winter- than. even lea theY are a
naeoleltY goo4 investraonh Az oil white
ototh, With lang redlagote Which bad
beonluttrito4 Volt OVor WO, Wig
the 'Other Aley VA by et woman who
Intended lh fer WiAter• Wear, With black
Mit to' the,'Itintne, Sham wee hrighteaed
With rest ,tileth:11114'aver•Witti
onto brigsta insitarreW TOUISS arid 'tat
be 'worn Abl,% winter. wttn blOOk tuY*,'
to ppodtotOtt thnt redlogillir. b*
its! popularliSieVer becaltse Of the t
$3.25; cows, $2.50 to 83; bulls, $2.25 to
tikes of Caine, Gralm-Peete 00 $2.75;
Stockers end -Feeders.---Choice stock -
Other Dairy Produce 160 110Ine rs, $3.25 to 03.50; common; 82-.50 tO
and Abroad. $2.75; bulls, 82 to $2.25; heavy feeders,
.60 to $3.75; short -keep, $3.7e to $3.85.
Toronto, Oct, 16. - .Flour - Ontario Mitch Cows. - Quotations are tut-
wheat 90 per cent. patents are quoted et hanged at $40 to $50 for choice and $25
02.0 to $2,75 in buyers' &colts outside $35 for common; springers, $25 to
for export. eilanitoba first patents, $4.204 840. '
Second patents, 164.10, and etreag •calvega-Unchanged. at 3aSe to 6*
bakers', $2,90, Toronto. • pee lb.
Bran -The market Ls Men at, 1315.'50 to Sheep and Lambs. -Export ewes, $3.25
$16 in bulls outside. Shorts are quoted OA; bucks and culls, 03 to $3.50;
at $18 to $18'50 outside, - - - mbs, $5.60 to 80.25. ' ._,,,
Corn -No. 2 Altierican Is qUoted , at Tiogs.--Unchanged at $6.65 per &I.
55% 'to 56o on track, Toronto. r choice selects end $6.40 for light
Wheat - Ng. 2 white wanted At 71c eights and fats, fed and watered.
east, and No. 2 red at 7te east on
G.T.R., without offerings. No. 2 MiXed,
69c bid on •G.T.11., without sellers. . No. cEREAL.s. IN poreED aiEpTs.
1 Manitoba hard offered at 82e trade,
Port "Buren' 11o. 1 Northern at 60%0 land Revenue Department Pula's,
.. track, Port ituron, raid No. t 'Northern = Its Analysis.
at 78Nc..without mos. .
. Euttley.:-Xo. 2 wanted: at..,410,,on' a. 5c A despatch from Ottaw,a, says: The
rate- to Taranto, wittiont selletS; and No. Department of Inland ReVenue Issued a
3 extra '47aec bid at 78 per cent. points, bulletin on Thursday on the subject of
with sellers at 48%c. otted meat and bologna sausage., it
Peas -No. 2 offered at 78* east, and entlons that the canned meats exam -
at 78c outside, without bids. ed seine time ago were further sub-
cted to micrascopic exatnination, and
. also to the test fer foreign coloring mat-
Peans-$1.75 'to- $L80, and primes at r. Only in ane instance was any of
a1.60 to $1.70. • le latter detected, the sample being
Honey -Strained quoted at 10 to 11c lade in Montreal. All the other potted
per lb, and combs at $2 per dozen. eats referred to were free from dyes.
flops -Net quoted at 18 to 23c. As regards the presence of corn starch
Hay -Car Iota of No. 1 thbothy are and of meal from cereals of some de -
quoted at $9.50 to $10 on trade Turun- ription, it was detected in 23 samples
to; and No. 2 at $2. . purchased in the Province of Quebec
Straw ---$5.50 to 06 per ton. and 23 secured in the Maritime Pro -
Potatoes -Quoted at 70 to 80c per bag vinces. ln .the Province of Ontario 37
In quantities. •. amples lied been so manipulated, the
Poultcy-Turkeys, fresh killed, 14 to najority uf these being of 'Chicago
18e. Chickens, dressed, lfasto.. 12c; alive, lanufacture, but some were from
8 to 10c pea' lb. Fowl. alive, 7 to sc. Toronto and Montreal. Eight samples
"Ducks, dressed, 10 to 11c; do,' alive, 9 purchased In Vancouver were found to
to iec pees lb. .. .. e similarly affected.
Chief Analyst'alearlane remarks that
THE DAIRY MARKETS. any of the samples of canned meats
Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 22 escribed In the previous bulletin con-
k) 23c; tubs, 18 to 20c; large rolls, 18 to Med additions of meal or flour,which
20c. CtAamery prints sell at 24 to 25c, cannot, of eourse, be regarded as tutu'.
and solids at 22% to We. ration if the fact Ls Indicated by the
Eggs -Good stock bring 19 to 20c per ame of the article. It may be that this
is done by he use of the svord "loaf" in
met by the Conrinittee who may have
any knowledge id the local conditions.
In addition to the work as above out-
lined, it is being arranged to have one
poblIc meeting in each county at some`
point centrally located, and where a
special' Interest Is 'taken in the horSe
industry. The object of the meeting,is
to give any person, who so desires an
opportunity of eapres.sIng Ids vicavs to
the Committee. The meeting in each
county will be held immediately after
the COnimittee has conipleted the work
In that county.
In each Fanners' Institute district the
Secretary hes boeu, asked to, assist in
the week of procuring the names and
addresses of the stallion owners and
laying out• the most Convenient route
for the ComMittee to follow while in
his district.' He has also been asked to
accompany the Committee, and to ar-
range' for the- public meeting in the
county. In cases• where the Secretary
was unable to do the Work. the Presi-
dent of the Farmers' Institute has been
asked to make the necessary arrange-
ments. The dates -end points at which
the -patio meetings will be held have
been selected. Arrangements have 'es")
been completed for the dates allowed for
each Institute division, and the points
at which committees will transfer from
one Institute dIstriet te the one fol-
The work shouid have the sympathy
end co-operation bf all owners of stal-
lions and of MI who are intere.sted in
the horse Industry. It is hoped that the
Committeea will be given every facility
for procuring the information required,
nnd that every person interested will
take advantage of the opportunity being
given to express his views OS tO 110W
the horse industry of this Province can
best be improved.
A 8200,060 FIRE.
shot Rd/ratan OM
A ttIrtaer,,,,Aareeit David ,Smitti, of
MaeOreger. Mita.; eahtbita 4' citron
Which weighs 4% pounds.
ApPlIcatIons for ,08,100 Iterae power
Physical labor tires in ireportion ta
gs unwontedness. The Man ategsAtaill-
ed 10 Welk telt Or fifteen Miles dey
without Special tongue Urea eget" a
verY •4•=little manual leber whialx Is
hot been to_entp N*409-9 ImInt6P4Illetrelige to him; and, on the other wed,
,to the bytnollootriu Power Corn" the carnenter Of the blaeksmith' moY
• be exhausted by a tour-or.ftve mile
r=t7 istaIld011%-tecteries-Proalleek svcoe.
V-410•V011ti.41,11.1.tker and Cheese pee day it was fermerly thought that fatigue
the 'past mane. was due ta an tiCOUMUBIllert of WaSte
OentutItunk liallWaY rePOrted
'to haVe reco*Mti,tor elevating Its tracliti Prectcednutelistivinestrliollnale°4seelindn toUss5311T trot
'betWee11:13e1141tentlire Statical, Montreal. um waste produets resulting from Illus.
CI.Lthaeptie_tilitn011.;,4L.4.0!1114.11.05Wtrni_themtibuitichl '1:11.titeintr'falt91-$:41/0114In. uoberbisheRvuatilduiengottashuptelde: cuter action do not acellinulate in the
system, but are promptly elittlinated
Zruleo a;ti .07 'I tS1:471).ea, 14'470,es. ter firvaltin. at Feet Willtam, amounted so that they
the pereptratIon and othei• exeretione,
have no opportunity to poi.
A new aUtUrnn Model was Made In to $01.740,
Irtea ekirt* are fated, MOst
brown Meett eletth with. }weal ot tile Wolfe Isilittisnd's hay crop will total 10,-1Ean the sYsteul'
OM* ah4de all de= the trent. witi,000 tens ,./ •SesSen. MUch of It ls for
gether about $70,000 for the farmers. c„„hie one; and is caused by (ha fot,,
FiftY hilshels to the acre Is the yield
obtained by L. 1). Snell of Colleston, matton of a special Win, a substance
Seeks from a *acre patch et new similar to that elaborated by the ha-
wbtaakti.ng which he sowed with Preston eilll ot lockjaw or diphtheria. If thts
is true, it would explain hew persons.
A large eddltIon will be built to the' b"aming used to a special kind of ta-
bor ecou.stom themselves to do an Ini-
stitutIon, with aecommodation for only
'‘Ilt- . This would be by the formation of• an
pgrfselltarthreParent Wit" pFatretntsWilinli°trnhe ., mense amount of It without exhaustion.
CA . antitoxin In the body, to neutralize the
Constable French of the N. W. M. ..., i
Th, 1 action of the fatigue toxin. The toxin
has been sentenced to 15 days' c it is readily eliminated when its forint/ -
mint in the barracks at Banjo:a% ilanilition eeases, as durIng rest or sleep, and
it is only when IP accumulates in the
the loss of one month's pay as a result
of the escape of Percy Dyson, aged 15,
under conviction for theft. 1 system that ono becomes, as it were,
chronically tired. Then some of the ta•
Exten.ston tinder way at the plant tIgue of the day before Is -felt on await.
ening in the mortang. Thls is a won -
A German solentlet has recently egg.
gestee lhat fatigue ts really a disease,
ItISI thrgad Of grild interwovem Burepean export AIM will realize alto- although un aveneacent and rea.dlla
was cut, with a seam below the waist
having hip pockets outlined with brat
and gold. and was finished With a mil
tery collar at gold braid. The iskIr
WaS quite plain, and braided to htti
the trent seam, fitting beatititully on th
hips and fast touching the ground u
around, xvhero it was slightly tull.
Even in the dressier types of toile
mode there Is a struggle between th
ve.ry fussy styles, that suggest temin
trIvolltieS, and the plain and sever
style, that strongly hints at the man
ntsh ideas that are the foundation
the plain and severe type ot Wore
One of the best applications of 111
military mode is seen to advantage i
a design of Perdoux of Parts, one o
those French tailors who are capable •)
the cleverest sort of compronalses I
eollflicting modes. The coat Is In a dee
shade of sapphire -blue broadcloth- th
satin -faced hind -while the skirt show
the same shade, plaided with greet
brown, and a black satin overstrip
The coat follows the form known a
"Continental military." The collar is
the stock variety, close and tight arourt
the throat, the vest, of braided white the Scott Act has been in force for
btoadcloth, being built up to meet and many years.
to Match this collar. The fronts aro
relled back, the better to display the
fancy waistcoat. A broad silk braid GREAT BRITAIN.
trims the coat, and the buttons are em- Two hundred Barnado children have
broldered with an Empire laurel wreath left Paddingan for Canada.
to add to their beauty. The skirt is r TIM Bank of England has advanced
_thee .a. nev.el Mit, the front and back the official money rate to 5 per cents
showing a bias seam at the centre and
unbroken from belt to hem. The sides UNITE—D STATES.
are circular In cut, the fulness increa -
ed by the addition of a circular figunce, ?irk andatatcRloCiele coglitoided,bnin m,a,edbnaesse:
duay. gINcITCee w.as astantly.
applied with a piping • of black sail • 1
The sleeve accords with the severe mil -
M' • N Ille Scott and Mr- Fairbanks,
The 014 419,19rIt•Va 119w9vtri 91 0109 AUtit 102.,141i1 Own her Work an4
Who hew only PKIdes to Sell, Welt ter tooXed serrouely• ot sevemyear-441 Dot.
Seine buyee la eatne ;Along, and sell toe DA Iowa testae. iteeptu, woe seeheuety
SallitteVee Ile ettegara 10 offer. liStletlY tat. her, toltdet Iter"feel Wool and ,
from fitty cents to a Oiler a barrel, Or groan. up.; •
at 1111111) sum. tor the crop on the treie$. 14( dOlVt OallY Wink' AU IL lairrat
he latter plait ts nothIng 'WO 111.40 weals), WV" alte •14 'Oat the
latribling in arias, end, in, either eaSex altut 01 WOO numuie wou4, x0u.
tie- grovel. se out cios one:halt what late a Wipe ' or mallet it e, nice
his fruit ' ts really wOrtill If It WeX9 Worldr , s s 'S
properly handled. . .-ottoursn't,WOU11.1," stald Dot, Want* '.
• Tho remedy •ter: this Mate et &gait's. iy„ • , • -
and Whet Is 'IOW* ha Pelt the aPPle "Tlititsu 'StlId *Ant WIZ tleel4edlY=
trade on a better taisiness basis. Is, for "you must vr, and dO things tor •other
the growers In'eaeh apple -growing see= pow=
tam ta_Unite and toeln El C0`090ratir "What_,thingar asked_Dot, opening
osingiallnitilidough-wtqlt tho MOM her eyisa, -t- • - -- • -
Packing, and marketing at the fruit
may be accompludied. Voting We post find out What things 'tor yourself."
"Oh; I can't tell you thot. You mast. '
year a number et these assoelations eitre,ottlAni :oarnamo demandemoat.
nave been termed in various pmts. et the
promo and the prices obtained. bY You'll see that It wilt Change year opine
"Indeed,- I Ohl. Ittat try my smell*.
aotue ot them for last yeer's tipples Wive Lon about liny world.'" •
Made the growers enthUSleatic otter this Privately:DOI. sildn't believe it would.
for KS purpose Involving the seleatien it over carefully as she went dOwn
teiratVIVreP'a.ssoclation Shn wasat jtt 411 4Ura She knew just
What Aunt Meg meent, Mit she thought
tneAtattodett0", titivtiondlcigRogp
of Mt 11611eSt, Wiele•awalte bRibless num- steles, .
tiger, and the erection of a central pack -
getting reedy to wind. a skein of Yarn
In the sitting -Mom she saw grandma
ing and storage house at -the most, cepa
ventent point for shipment. Through over two chairs. Dot knew it made
Such an organization, boXes and barrels grandma's urine end theumutio lingers
Can be purchased wholesale to better t
acse to wind yarn; hut Dot didn't Ilk*
advantage than they can be obtained by 11. 11
.. el.ser, atal,pho wee just slipping out
single Individuals ; the grower can de- when she thotight of what Aunt Meg had,
vote Ids whole attention to &hem% said. Waa (hie what she meant?
Ma crop at the proper season and de- "Grandma, rli wind your yurn for
&eying it in good condition at the cen- -you,. she mud.
Mal packing house, the asaociallon re- And wind it ah„ed, when it was
Heves hIm of all cure and responsibility done grandma gave her a kiss and a
in grading, peeking, and tnarketing ;
and with this work in the hands of ex- pineapple drop.
"I'm ever so much obliged to you.
pert packers, the grade Wheat can be dearie. You're a thoughtful little girl."
made Uniform, and the packing can bo Dot slipped out to the kitchen, and
done preperly, which, In time, Inspires there was Nora getting ready lo bake a
conftdence in the purchasing public, cake,
In short, the co.operative system of ecnn
handling the apple crop, under proper /1„0.. .5he saki;
management, assures the consumer of "Shure, and it's meseif that'll be
't I beed thoae raisins tor you.
a better product, and realizes to the obliged to yez if yez will," auld Nora,
grower a greater profit. heartily. 41've got forty other things to
do this blessed ofternoon. lf ye'll seed
the raisins for me, ru bake yez two
little pattypans out of the cake for your
— doll -house
ing into the kitchen when the raisins
Mistake of a Workhouse Clerk Causes "Where Ls Ethel?" said mamma, corn -
were done, "I want her to aniuse nubby
An error made by the authorities of while 1 stitch up her Shirt -waist."
the Birmingham (England) Workhouse "Ethel is busy doing her arithmetic for
in mistaking the identity of one ol the Monday," said Dot. "I'll play t.vith
inmates who died a few days ago, has Bobby, mamma." , :
led to extraordinary results. So for an hour Dot played woolly —
The name of the dead patient .was bear and budding house with two-year.
Harry Wool's. In tho workhouse was old Bobby.
another man of the sante name, and by "T.hat's my little woman," said Marn•
Some mistake on the part of one of the InaL .
to Mrs. Butt, the sister of the man who Teddy strayed in with tears on les face.
—en Bobb,y fell ;mitres) six-year-old
clerks, notification of the death was sent
is stilt alive. she replied that the tuner- "I lan't lenrn my fetters," be sobbed.
al would be undertaken from her house, "Oh, yes, yen can," suld„Dot, bright -
and immediately arranged with an ty, "I'll help you. Come along, we'll
undertaker to supply the coMn.
,The relatives had insured the old outeell'aboute,theni." •,
go up to the hail window seat and ilna
, o
: —
man's life, and drew several sums of in half an 'hour's time Teddy had got
money for funeral expenses, the Boole- his alphabet, so well atraiglitened out
ties offering no objection after the Mil- that tie knew every letter in It. Then
The body, encased in a coffin, wa.s an errand for Ethel, tor the rain had
Dot run deem to the Corners and did
WM notice of death.
removed to Mrs. Butt's house, and the Laopped, and the sun was shintng
the undertaker suggested that someone emt were all e ide open and fresh %hen
Ilia flowers in Dot's gerden
funeral was about to tale, place when gloriously.
kVA!) had known the deed 1111111 1,1111U1d bhp, clime buck.
maws, him body. Mrs. Butt at once "l heiteve ill .pick a bunch and take
ol the American Locomotive and Ma-
chine Company at Longue Pointe, Oue.,
wiii cost $175,000, and will enlarge the
works to provide for an additional force
o: 50t) men. The capacity will then be
five locomotives per week.
A bar room wits raided near Glace,
Bay, N. S., and the prop ors arrest-
ed and two wagon loads of 'guar setz- majority of cases, by water, milk or
ed. within a r„dius of twenty miles food, being poisoned by the germs of a
pres;aous cast of this disease.
from thts spot there must be at least
Water and milk aro the two articles
one hundred hotels, bars and resorts
most particularly infected with typhoid.
where liquor Is sold openly although
Heat kills the typhoid poison, there-
fore, if your drinking water is not from
a source beyond suspicion, boll it for
25 or 30 minutes.
Protect yew. milk from contamina-
tion by dust and flies, or pasteurize it,
that is, heat to 150 Fain.. or 70 C:entl-
grade. ICeep it at this temperature 15
minutes and then cool rapidly.
- Dirty hands may also carry typhoid
fnfection, therefore, wush your hands
carefully before allowing them to come
in contact with food stuffs of any kind.
Food becomes infected by flies craw-
ling over It or by 'dust from the street.
Wash thoroughly all vegetablee that
IRCIM:Itatchaeniownork hours shorter.
Tiphold fever is caused, In the vast
Summerside, P. E. Is Suffers a Severe
Scorching -Work of Incendiary.
A despatch from SummersIcie, P.E.I.„
says': Fire did $200,000 damege here on
Thursday, with insurance only $50,000.
The electric light steno, jail, Court
Cheese -Prices rule at la% to 14c, the a great many instances. But the wor s House, and 50 residences were destroyed,
Z •
latter for hying. 'potted," "deviled," etc., do not justify besides the Episcopal and Baptist
le addition of flour or cornmeal, and Churches. The fire is supposed to have
110G PRODITCTS. articles with such names cannot be re- been incendiary. The fire began in a
Dressed hogs in car .16ts ttOminal. arded as otherwLse than adulterated If railway shed, and was fended by the
Meal, long clear. 12%c per lb in case ey have received additions of cereal heavy gale. The town had only two
lots; Mess pork, $21.50 to $22; short products. Two of the samples examined hand engines and one steamer to flight
nder the microscope consisted of maize the fire. The nremen and engine from
Charlottetown saved the Presbyterian
cut, $24.
Barns -Light to mediutn, 1530; do, our and two almost exclusively of
heave, 15e; rolls, 12%e; shoulders, 11% potato starch.
to 12c; backs, 17% to 18c; breakfast Of 32 samples of bologna and other
bacon, 15 to 10c. usages examined 11 contained dyes
Lard -Tierces, .. ttx,e; tubs, 11xe; ancl five preservatives.
palls, 12c. -..e--.-41,—..-
Montreal, Oct. 10.--eSpeelan.,--Grain- --
Business on local Grnin Market eontin• Doctors and Householders Fall to Re-
ues quiet. The market for oats is port Cases.
strong, making an advance of le a
; A despatch from Toronto says: Fur -
bushel; No. 2 are quoted at 40% to 41c
. Is ter reports have been received by the
No. 3 at 39% to 40c, and 0. rovincial Board of Health from local
to 39c. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat,
leant) officers, which go to show that
$4.60; strong "balterss,, 84.10j, winter
wheat patents, $4.10 to $4.25; straight Yntiold fatter has been more prevalent
roughout lie older parts of the pro -
rollers, $3.75 lo $3-110,do, In IJags, 81-65
to 805. watts, 81.50 to six°. reed_ ince than nes anticipated. In 11 cities
and towns outside or Toronto, compris-
There was no change in eo o g a population of 50,000. reports In.
market for millteed, prices being firm
cheat° that there have been 103 cases
under a steady demand arid small offer- of typhoid and six deaths. The cause
IngA. Manitoba bran, in --bags, $20;
i of such a hate liaap0Ftionsts Trmtended
shorts, $23 per ton; Ontario bran, n y the board to be neglect on the part
bap., $10.50 to $20; shorts, 822-50 to
of the physicians and hoosehnkters to
$23; mined Monne, $21 to $25 per ton; e
port the cases to the local health of -
straight rollers, $28 to $29. Previsions tees. Instances xvhero an undesirable
-narraiS short cut mess, t,z2 to VA; ()Mitten of affairs existed are known
holf=barrela do. 811.75 to $12.50; clear
of in conuectlon with boarding houses
fat Mel& $23.50; long Mit heavy mos. where the landlady had nursed the pa -
520.50; half -barrels do, $10.75; dry salt
ent and at the same tiMe cooked the
long elder baeon,.1214 tO MC; barrels od. According to law there le a fine
plate beef, $12 to $13; half -barrels do, !noosed on those househowers and phy-
MSG tO 47; barreis henvy Mese beef, !clans who neglect to report.
$11; haltkartels do, SO; compound lard,
ft to Ogo; pure lard, 11% to lact kettle- . ....--4,-.--.
rendeyed, itg to Ille; hantS, 14 to 15Xc;
breakfast bitten, 15 10 1601. Will4Set , LICENSED To CUT TIMBER.
bacon, IS to 16,*; Nett killed abattoir --
dressed hogs, $0,50; altite, 805 te $0.00 Government 'Will Receive About 8230, -
per 100 tee, Eggs -Selects, OA No, 1 000 'From Rainy River District.
ennaled, 18 to 10c. Ituttera-Clioleest A despatch- from Toronto says : A
creatuery, salted and unsalted, A% to umber of parties have secured the right
23%c;* ateditun grades, 23 to 240. ettt timber on a number of berths ad-
Chtese-Ontarto, 13 to 13%ei Ilttebee. maim' by the Department of hands
12% to VA% nd Mines. The tenderers will pay
UNITED STATES MAIIIMTS. a mit $230,000 1fx bonuses alone -more
or less, according to the Umber cut.
TA104.0et, 1.004-Witeat-Pf3h, 'ff))40;
t,„„ Most of the timber will be cut for' ties,
Oct., 7" mot. /14„„c; "3,,ittrk's til"'S: and on this a bonus of five cents addi-
cddi-Efis * 4901 Dot.. , otto,,,,/•,..",, ,,,,,,,,turt,,was-: tionat to bonuaoa will Ise paid by the
May, 42Met 1:_arto EV= %-ia'a"--`"a" "Ts tontractors. For other ‘pUrposeS, the
Mart aOle; 46(14t 317116, • dUeS will be $2 per thousand feet, board
St, Loolsv M. 10,-Whotit-Aht tio; YlleaSure, The extra -bonus scheme to a
A Mag. ,.,V‘ollan.= ,re,,,,a' ,,,,,,„,i,,,,1„,,,„, uotr ouo, the former method having
Mitil"1)"''' lic'41•"" *'''' "u"'''''" been to pay a lump borate. The berths
ern, 15%6; '110.4 140fthertit 73.g.e1 tqli Itt, norm ut mu C.P.11. A nurnber of
OHO, Ile. , ,, ' tog are hot yet old. in ttarkeintutotran,
,,_ 4
orrt,t MAIII<Et t 41)) in ottp4rt ranger is Ma g
sT\ ,C101111416 Of the pteportioft, of red fihd
Toronto, Oa 10.-0•Tratte AtoSt 1304cs‘ht white phi& The otto,stlen of which tom.
the City Utile Market WS teething,. dor Is the highest depend* Span the re•
'AO run wee hefty * the tfieultsi for AO 01 ailmouremea
tary style, being of an easy fulness at
son of the Vice-Pre.sident of the United are intended to be eaten raw, wash in
the top, and finished with a braid and
States, eloped on Wednesday, and were wutes ca known purity, or sates which
velvet trimmed cuff at the wrist.
sss,_ • ' .
An American exporter will take ad-
TfIE fONY JACKET. vantage of the shortage in the Canedi-
That fetching little pony jacket which, an apple crop to attempt to eanture the
ha its original presentations was intend- British inert:et.
ed solely for inforatal costumes, has A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
acle of favor that Edward Deshon 13randegee at their mag -
reached such a
one sees it .ity •,chisses of material nificent Brooklyn estate, "I':titliken'T' guarde against typhoid fever.
and elaborated to a degree that the rarni,v near Roston, lylase.,. on \Ved-1 The manure pik is one of the great.
of. Perhaps Its most effective appear- vete fortune it eetIrnated to be 815,000,- est breeding grounds for flies, It is,
therefore. Important that manure be not
original designer scarce even dreamed needay morning. airs. Brandegee's pri-
once is in the guise of a tailormaile, the 000 and her husband is also reputed to allowed to Tioetwodate or iie uncovered,
elaboration that is lavished upon the Warrants were MOM 011t on Wed- apt:tat/al tintless of the person, and In every
skirt sharing largely In the extent of be a millionaire.
coat. The material is one of those i nesday by Dairy and Food Canunis.sion- of housekeeping, cleanliness itl
determinate cloth mixtures that pre- e" Warren for the arrest of the Plata- everything to be eaten and'iltalik, clean-
sehtselines of brown, green, and a deep delphia nianagere of Armour & Coni- liness of back yards, and must rigid
moleskin gray, tile latter color predoe - pany, one of the members of the so- cleanliness in the care of those sick
Mating. The little pony jacket is a) called Beet Trust, charging the firm with disease cannot be too strongly
may be the fetching lines of the waist hams. emphasized.
cleverly cut that, white as loose as wet with the illegal use of boric acid In -
are clearly defined. This is manuged As Joseph Siegfried, of Akron. 0111o,
rn a series of panels of irregular out- was leaving home on Wednesday o go
lines that meet, with self -covered but- to work his bride of a few monthS kiss- If chemists and druggists dieuppeared
tons at the waLst, and so emphasize ea hint. A few minutes later neighbors
could still yvorry along with the simple
fruni the face of the earth, humanity
that lime. The sleeve is a loose top, tap- heard the report of a pistul. They found
remedies which Nature yields, prieel-
ering prettily below the elbow into a her dead. She was nineteen years of
catty ready-rilude.
full-length cuff at the wrist. The skirt age and despondent bemuse uf ill -
There is nothing to beat rhubarb juiee
has been bulled and coole .
Keep flies out of the house as. much
as possible by screening all doors and
Windows and by the use of tly papers.
.rovee the food supplies so that flies
tilISL may not have aceess to them,
Cleanliness is one of the greatest' saTe:
Toronto Man Found Dead Near Sprague,
A despatch from Sprague, Man., says:
Jack Whittier, a sectionfnan, employed
by the Canadian Northern Railwey at
the gravel pit spur, left the camp house
hist Sunday morning with a rifle, op-
parently.going to hunt, When he did.not
return on Sunday evening search was
made in the woods and On Wednesday
evening he wns found dead in an old
lumber camp about nine mileq east f
Sprague, apparently shot through the
head. Whittler came froM Toronto.
1334' "" 1310; 14(4 44161411". are ell I;Iftiated in the Dams' River Ills -
^ ^
Is likewise paneled. and each alternate
panel is strapped in either perpendicu-
lar or horizonlel lines, so that there is
gfectof monotony In the design. The
cornet length for the corning season's
skirts is displayed. and the necessity
for the old-time velveteen binding as a
finish is once More present.
The Hunter Killed It at n Very Close 0:1 the che.gt, and the while of ari egg
A despatch front London says: The
Range. witn sugar Is the Ilnest medicine for
Daily Telegruph says it learns) that the.
as a cure fur gout ur rheumatism. kll
GENERAL. kinds of St!llny MIA bluud poisoning
yield le the juice of lernons or of limee,
Floods In Mexizo caused the loss of which are the greatest blood purifiers
ita lives.
Will be the Most Wonderful Ever Built
for Any Fleet.
In existence.
Even doctors acknowledge that natur-
al, fresh rrealll from cOWS. run
give pointq to rod -neer oil and sunder
nasty liquids in treating consumption.
Common mustard. ueed as a plaster
poultice 14 the best (etre tor a cold
hoarseness. To cure a burn an tippli•
A despatch from St. ohn, N.B., says: three so-called armored cruisers, the „.,,,on. of the whitt., sion that ',rips iite
Emil Paturel, of Shalloc, had a thrilling Invincible, the Inflexible, and thr Indo- ""
shell or an egg Is iinbealoble, while the
experience in the woods a day or two mitable, which nee now being built on,'
raw" yolk Is a eapital tonic..
ago. He saw a large black bear and the Clyde nnd Tyne, ore in reality a 1 .
Finally, the gardens and licileerows
tired, wounding it. The bear charged new type of battleship, having a broad-
nre full of lierlie of whet the juiee or
the bunter, who, just as Ire was about side fire equal lo that of the Dreed-
loaves afford remedies or pallintives for
to shoot, fell, and when he got. up the nooglit, nnd a much higher speed.
Tho almost every disease to si, hich humanity
bear was only a few feet away. He paper says they will be the moSt wen- ,,, ,,eir.
just hatIstirne to thrust the rifle against tkerftil ships ever built for nny fleet, ' " .---er--
it and flre. killing the animal as it liming great& offensive power than
.•-• •
Medical Health Officers Advise Pro-
vincial Board.
A despatch from Toronto says: A few
months ago the Provincial Hoard of
Health sent out letters to the local health
officers regarding the difficulties they
meet In conneetiOn With the milk sup-
ply. &nee then there has been received
a nit/ober of replies, in which It is claim-
ed that the various clauses of the Act
are inefficient. They also indicate that
a better Inspection should be made of
the milk and dairies, and that the law
should be clearee ,regarding the dllu
lion of the mIllt. and MO uses of the
proervativeq. These corriplaitits will be
placed before the Board of Health by the
secretary, Dr. fleelgetts.
A Desperate Fight In a d. N. IR. Dunk
A despatch from itort Arthur says: In
n delperate fight at MO C. N. 11. bunk
house at Port Arthur On Tuesday even.
Mg Robert Newtottibri• C. N. It. eon.
stable, auffeml aeverb inilittes. • A man
named Inn Dorratent, Rama.
opted, started the dIsttirbanee In a
house, eta wag balled te, Order hY tho
eztvitehlo. TogOthor with sevetai com•
panlonso they Set inuni hirn, knocking
him le the geoundo. where they Vetted
atd pounded Min. 1114 JIM fileo•
biakert fit the tilieW, Don Van and Ws
4011ittgata 1/000, Wes ed,
sprang to grasp him. The bear was r
black one, over seven feet high. Pa•
turel and his companion each shot a
moose and a bear.
Winnipeg Confiscated nnd Cremated
A despatch from Winnipeg says. The
City Velerina: y visited the C. P. 11.
stock yards on Wednesday, and atter
inspecting the cattle intended for the
local abattoirs condensned nnd confis-
cated twelve animals suffering from
lump Jaw. He had them killed and cre-
mated. Large numbets ot these ani-
mals aro coming in at present in ship.
inents from the ranges, and the author -
Ines have to be very vigilant.
Tbat for Nine Months &pulls Collet-11one
for Last Year.
A despatch from Torento says: The
tevenue of the Provincial Secretary s
department this year is expected to
reach $1.000,000. Last year it totalled
*670,000. The inereased reventte fin&
itc (souse In the number of things, prin-
cipally in the high liquor license and
(he foreing of delinquents to pay for
the maintenance of relatIvea In (ley.
lums. About *12500 will he added to
the proirtheint Money pile as a result
In the advance in license fees.
any Iwo battleships now in commis-
sion, combined with extreordinary
There has been some more or le.s
mysterious secrecy regarding Ilie yes -
sets slnee they were authorized ln the
Spring of 1905, as wa§ the CaNt, WWI
the Dreadnought, and the present res e -
lotions come as a surprise.
The new ships will be 17.250 tonq,
compared with the Dreadnought's 1%100
but they will be 40 feet longer. Their
breadth will be 3% feet less then the
Dreadnought's. Feteh will carry eight
12 -inch guns against the Droadneugries
len, but their broadeide fire win be iden-
tical, as the DS'eadnought is only able
lo fire eight of her guns In brorelcide.
while the new vegsels can fire MI of
theirs, They will be equipped with
turbine engines designed to devotee a
speed of 25 knots, but It is likely Ihrit
on their trialg they will develop 27. fo
provide for this high apeed something
In the weight of armor ling been sem-
need, but otherwise the Ming will be
construnted on the same principleg
the Dreadnought's.
The object seems to be 10 enable Mom
le overtake any foreign cruiser and
sink II, by their tremendous coneenlral
ea gun -fire. It Is expected that they
will he shortly lauttehed. When come
pleted they will probably have cost ills
750,000 each.
Five-year-old Son 01 Laborer Killed at
A despatch from Ottawa says; A shock-
ing accident took place In Run on
Thursdoy morning on the slreet oppo-
site Fortin and Dracelles mica fartory,
when Horace Roulet, the little 5.year•
old son of Mr. Ineeph Boulet..laborea,
living at 20 St. Joseph Street. WM
strua • and instantly killed by car No.
14 en the Hull Elettrio Poway.
Great Increase In Exempted Property
In Montreal.
opened, to du su and the collIn wee them down 10 old eh.s. in.„,,,,,,. sow
. Dot to herself. "I know she likes flow -
ordinary 111L4tOke had been made, the. onie,s your kind liltle hetet, dearier
Then it wag discovered that an extra- ers, and she hasn't any.
body being that of a ritucli younger man said ;dm in.0,,,,,,, ea she took the big ,
than the lirother of Mrs. Butt. Tile sweet houonet of bioss„Toa. elea a ,s•
budy wus at once taken back to the sweet thing of you to think of bringing
wnnonereilni Ilitue. uouits:otiep.
Ing the money paid over by the 1115111' (tower youraett, pete-
san):::,' who are now asking Tina evening Aunt Meg came into the
roe such lovely flowers. I've been wish-
ing for some all day. And gutfre like a •
e since arisen regard -
for Its return. The guardians, it is little while bedruorn a here Dot had just
understood, are likely W assist the rola. tone m heti.
the funeral arrangements. you think of the •
lives 111 the matter. us most. uf the "welt, rjo, „hut ds
money was spent in connechun with
4-,----- world new ?" she (liked, merrily.
"Ws a nice, splendid world," said Dot.
GAVE BOUQUETS_OF CHLOROFORM. 4'111 nig' so 1111101 Obliged 11.1 you for
i'oeuursenielpet:e, IsAudneity.Meg, and 1M going
in Paris. DRE eD t•ST.
...74...-4.--outarr Is F.,
A Bogus Prince Who Robbed Women
An hotel thief who has been systern•
women, utter presenting chloroformed
• lisu aria Assalcas Makes Twents•two Knots on Her Triai .
Trip., .
atically robbing ',dig
Ile called himself "Prince Tsehilindro, A deepatch from Splthead, England,
bouquets to them, was urrebted recently
of Montenegro," Lind stayed ut the best bays: The baktieShip Dreadnought an-
al lite Grand Hotel, Parte, France,
hotels, engaging eXpereilve soils cliured Iteresith Tuesday evening, after
rooms, arid living In luxurious fashion. ntwri;.111ttintdearribtle•jr:arlaliterlinIgineoit:11, tthheourms,ealnn
of which she' reached a• speed of tyventy-
tlaritg0 beteg twenty-one and a• half.
wiimen el/tying at the hutels, When sults wero achieved In
quethted "Ilh the 111'1'A rtalY"-Ire'sed OW Went as high as 28,000. These ra-
, „op horsepower which is nominally 23, -
the acquitinlanee Wes sufileiently (le- ereaged loact resulting front preparations
the face of In -
Moped he ventured lu offer a be;LUialli 10 a seagoing trap, which added two
bouquet. feet to her draught. The engineg ran
lits viehm, charmed with the smoothly and with good reserve 0,1;:aver,
"prince's' courtesy, amilingly liccepted. no forced draught being used. Cont-
end gratefully smelt the flowers. She mete absence of vtbration was again re -
',en after beeaine faint, and had to be corded.
led 10 11Pl. rOUIll. ................6..............
The "Prince' then busied himself in
of 0. valuable necklace or bracelet. A Tlis WILL FOR THE DEED.
rendering tier assistance, rind in 40Ing
,o he gent•rally managed lu relieve) lier
iiig a costly diamono brucelet which be- rolled in her nephov.., Frederic Cobb,
!ter Miss 1.avina Cobb, who had
Ile was captured in the act of pocket -
lunged to an American semen t attorney at low, to draw her will, hod
aecepted one of ill4 WINO ,114,..4(,., He friendi end to unknoon indivicetala
proyes to he a Russian Jesig "nailed
1,11.411ad made bequest:, 1,, beloved relatives 1101i11
whom she ralmired, and had remember-
,......._...„......._, ed. bei pet ciumio,;, she begun on re -
1, giou, inetentione.
Two Fatal Eases Iteported Near Reeler- because IL IS MO 1.1.:LIPS1. in town. But
. dam. Atilt!, Pnthukin.tionliy. "I don t %vont
te tray,. any11(ng hi the enure') prepee
"Noo there's the First, Baptist." she
CHOLER% IN 1101.1,4ND.
A de -switch lo the Pete, fo•inir (rem I emit yier to pie (loon one hundred
iletrerdarn on \Vector -gibe, arinoliree.s awl fifty (Inlirrs for \Ir. Ricknell, as a
i urred to inoetehcluel rind tea:vs.\ .11,1, nn,,,,,, so„-, had t„og been striving to
that two fatal eases ef cholera nays oe. „
Might r., ,,piti I ton ef his I. IIS 1131 SO CV :ce
or ar then-.
.-... -_-4---.... te no sole Anil- '
But, Runty ;' began the lawyer no -
AN APPEAL FOR IllF, IIELPLEss, "Whnt's vvrong now, Freddy?" de -
Now that the thanksgiving season 14 mrinded Miss Lavine. "'Isn't 'easnal
upon us there must be many people 'n servire• all rigfht? 11 is precisely vihat
this Community who e,oilld gladly give I mean. I am a member of hlr. \far -
some eepres-0011 Of 110•Ir grt111110iP 01 Virl'S church, -and I ahall remember
the "Ciyer nt all good things fri- itie him handsoinelv Inters -but Mr. Itiek•
beautiful summer just passed, which has nen S ql`rniOnA tarter done me nni,11 great
been crowned everywhere y and I have heard him- \yell. perhaps
boilrelful hary eat, Many hrive not ten limes in all, gn I think 'camel ger-
thought of any parliculnr way in whieli it.
1)- 511(11 a vice' lost expresses IL Ftut lf you think
it doegn't, or that it would make trett-
, i I put down the Meal equivalent."
le exPre" their thcieltruin°95' and N'11' "It's not the phraseology, but your es -
Into. You haven't sufficient primerty to
Too Much Wheat to Ilandie and Now
Coal is Wanted,
A despatch from Chicago says: Tbe
congestion of freight train, has in-
creased to fast ssithin the 1.ist fee. days
that railway oflIciels heir they are soon
to Nee blockade. runditions on the
ensterli roads, Whieil lime not only tu
handle the tiusiness which they originate
hut hare the clop.; of 1111' s\ est pouring
upon Mem fur expert, are naturally the
worst, but those on the western lines
also aro rapidly becoming extremely
with the opproneh of winter the
reovement of root Mot grown heavier,
aggregating the congested conditions
which already eeested. anti fraflic men
bay that they do noi know what they
will do for rare vOien the year A Poor -
moue crop of corn is ready for marl«e,
as It will Ite now In n short time. A
tine belonging 10 one of the blg ea:stern
systems Tuesdny hnd orders for
t 235 car' v, it could not 1111.
Expect to Have Track Laid in Time to
%Wye Next Year's Crop.
A despatch from Montreal treys : That
exenipted properties are rapidly in-
creasing in Montreal wag ohown on
Wednesday by report completed al
the City Hall. It Antes Mel for the eur-
rent year the messed voltien of pro -
pony which win pay no Mae,' to the
oily amount to no leso than tmozo.non.
The eXeMplione have increnged to the
Went of ten millions durtneihe past
three years.
be glad lo know of some pluee where a
A despatch from Winnipeg says. Over gmall share of their blessings be
50 per cent. of the grading between heartily welcomed.
In the Toronto Itorne for Incurnbles,
Dunn Avenue, Pnrkdale. there 140 help -
nets patienLs. BO of whom ere depen-
dent upon the liberality of the public
for their daily food and for the shelter
unit rare nt a comfortable hotne at this
lime in their lives when llta shadows
are lengthening hover& the P081. Any
eontrilentong of hue, y egetables, none,
few', or clothing. which v. tll never he
mIgged by those who are blessed with
abinulanee. will he s:ey gratefully re.
ceIved by thoee in charge of the work.
it will help to brighten many nad Wes
and aid greatly in the work of this
worthy eh() et I y . A II snipping ex pongee
will be gladly paid.
Portage In Prairie and finslialoon. on
the Grand Trunk Pacific, has been com-
pleted, rind 30 per rent. Is fininhed be-
tween Seekatoon and Edmonton, 600
Tones. fg expected that the grading
on all the lines west of Winnipeg will
be finiehed thle month. The work of
laying the steel will be proceeded with
in the spring, and the (Ark& who hnve
(Marge of Me construction work hope
1,, hnye all the prnIrie Hoeg reedy for
opera I ion In time to help with the
trnnsportallon of next yenr's wheat
erop. Survey partieg nre now nt work
locating a number of branehlines out of
l'orkton, ono of which it sokl will run
to Regina, and the other to Hudson's
make so many foul such large Mlle."
"Oh, I know that rig %yell am you doe'
\Ilse lavino said, with gentle Inman-
enee. "I jtigt want In show all my
friends how I feel toward therm You
needn't !noel so -so -judicial, Freddy.
Ire my will, not yotirg."
Mother --"1 hoar that Mr. Jones had
the Impiidenee to kttsg V011 nt the sta.
ben. Whet did you do?" Daughter -
"Ott, I kleted him loo, ng to make the
,people think we wets* relatives."
Guest fat annivereary dinnerj- "You
belong lo one, ,braneit et the host'a fam.
Ily 1 believer Poor Relallon-"Yes. I
Mona to the branch that never had
any plume oh 11."