HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-19, Page 2• varletteetrenew"Fir;
of agg vita old wenn'. in Oa eme
mita, reveal. lattler. Or *YruP Ste*
trook * cold water and wain with WO
Insolent Voil ouwaterition. Torshowd, Wined ultreatiertu .43e4. or
,Witet kW MK lalOwed snartd kw
mend*. Then thlw sisolled It* washed
Oat. Wan OOP itan laid walsr. TH. COP
lee, or tom Maims sboti/d iha rentelreti
'With Wing wefer; Qbetirate, with 4
Week eolltbott nxillo KW. Iteo
lint add for iron met spot*, and kr'
,lotigna use $14ce eten Oh;
then bilitg tha tf the Ink noes,'
Mit dieePPItar nalt repeat ilwa open.'
Wm until it 410eN. When Oxalla add.
le•Aletd 'citre.annet.ba taken that the tuo-
4tieyelytopittsehoro40,11h101 yth:o raointeti4, 1,,v1 ober:1114T
ustontirr.t. .004 how moti.„.mott, oto„..21. /04, otkr-l)oly %vote tho booril la VOUS the spare beet arrne fePtuetimg ftee "Atter 1* ;Uaed stretch the *Millen
Yeattel mut add the pita witho or eery part oVer Ike -howl *ad Peur abeinatent
%P.'" ria,k-1-1tEfutm.
6,":44t 'Avr,
envies Sleek. a
It Is One of the Orestes Mse
‘P1014/ItIN DELICAC404.,
mese euti Demo* eictelekea, PIIIIIPkili Oliefe--istett MA NI lhe
illeletteeltZ2.12431111* fteeDelerftel Ptiethifin Into thinterip* OW lake Need
sette.tors. 71 /0$11100. 041^fitynalutia weiget ot, lunar. O*Welitig Mat ,stater
0.-naseratote. 41,n,ris'awn,a. wan kt0011 juke, When thercieghty,
Atm 'Per
s- - e, wetted Mete thie on the *Weed PumPo.
11 Can Itave This Worido
IC Ile
if 1111.4S. eleACHtfe.
-kazyr4;44 'Berrkt4 ',IS that Wilt be aellea git Sell thot 04 prtee et Pert.etiOPs 1,f014* the pea /tIft -404 fef slaa4 34 tsSurs, Mk* f°1'.'
$4 rurtrotoor Shalt neve ireilettre in IletWeat Mid COMO will beautito possesoilotto Dream* of f4104/t *40149' After 40lolOg PO°144-114
Gold moy :depreciate, stocks rise or
tV4e." ,1110011aSk and Wye to litaitor, end tholitISIOD et life to lids perfeetion never toob 1)014 40110 it Pel0-04
:Nolo /I ti- hoe been sehleva No 2 piato, totio, 004, oupomo, eolphgned, boiling wit et, trap 4 height Wit the
tart. ewe v. *tors
ours mew, gide
test; ifelatette.
ego..$01witer ' Printer ist tire Atwitter*
ieetunert, Itmotrepra.
out ottalec Igoe/ Serilla
oats. lout Ado vies Bowls u
Sie“rtre. '
vtyPrFir*r''• ct*40%, -
ottle*rAttitiV4Iir"1,;rtaaVy* oetute.
Soy Proatetaat e-stisierri.„
Omega houneee 'Alatl. 7,0 $40141.
" 01004‘ 00" •
0.• 14404' W111 XI,A0,1f4 11.0.tot.
pr. sticivess-reatrterisee se
rhoeee •Pr.",ztritetesi rooftree, is
IW. Genet,. li.lsoYILKLIS, ra.lth
:1114.11*.iA440 140448118
thIpOSA4 01ThipRjr# •
'7,1L • . ,
"tivelstac. keno, theteral„ Attetteettert
, 'lepolitealettalelstracienek,
: leek evertartatre Oa all erfasts smuts
10 OVOID*. Stithefeettee.
;Vri, Vi41/4 010 eg .140
Oetartreviontsiees r irercenee 1
reetelettanSeenstatrasemtiee rite renters
pool iiipprovt meow or opera Maim eon*,
wit*. Afore oessterittaferaierstentee
,Milwaylieri bee Stebleiestiowsese,
0 SORI.43..
. littnixtegon, asi.o•ofgal Arts
fit somerues street,. ousrlea.
041% leer gutting, INV') 61.prie
ea te etvet. Iteso Ole
inuVholkid# Alttelfeetion sleffr mew-
LEsr oalaTia,54
citi, °VW '001)411011. tee, aa.
eviler meetings the eat rova are
q'tt0t "70 Ot .0i/Orie month. Peruse,
wreaks te Joie toe sat toil partroutara
frO4 P01004 4,700100,11! AtC1110 all4114014
sas. s, Tait.; ,Titve. letterorte. darer,
Witeee, eteiletiatri. Viettleg ,reettr-
ti I .\ 111.1.1,11 1 pi, /7
GOD 'Tata, ONT
Godirieh Plums g
'11 11111.1 I
and anildiors,
Mainiffietereritorand' deelers
la all kind, of liothilog
10'411:emelt m0141141(41' Doors,
Resh lattlo Shingles'. lease,
Inatlentrel eallreateli kielettent 44 appy:
cote*. ,• • •
tpitratekkilittlara4 •
, 444141hnettlart$4•40kwoon.
.FIro bonne ila
.f.Veltell tselated Inett 'Property fn.
Value of PrOperty littered up to
• "10140; 1.9.tc".4048t07$400' 1.
Itt. an, 'President, zappea P4,*
'Vatter. -ViteePettitherits Ilrecalledd
,;0.1 t. Hayek ,Sectetary4'reikaur*:
aei,120eittertn °Ps 0.: Oteutallyo,
:04 04 Data.
.1. Vett. natio* to. tx)i
litieettarootl. 0.t. .tf.
-Grieve, ?Whitnrop 1.*:".042 J. llenititk.
*etc? Dialeltwootr-r... 0.1. at., Chewiest
.440404 XSA Malt 'Our inspector or'
Art* *thrift Iss4reidele they otetir
AOIONTS SAV. We; Voltreeevitio4
*Molt . Coauthor. tgitietteetitt:
*Vet :•Seeforthr • u, -oath, Itit,rf
Mitli.latelnee$ Video etentgeSet aa to
leaVe enlerket ill Pante, but every
Men en Ihnettreet or la Om store *flows
that OW ,Viiitte2 forever tentative pernm,
nein, illtearying, And ttuat eliaracter.
g.n.....ever. • •eharacter in Ms sleep.' '00v-ts, .ii nutleft..ltrateit. deSsertfilfaeil *leak disappears. gis weed that. the
IIV011011"144 flg-Ill'14„,,t'lfoolittlf POwdered Chinallion . and teopOtho Va.. tolling- water does tuit tOttelt *Me ;ilk
*well fuef0; "fie then t4114 3;m1444444; 111114 davoreez„.`. laistrottho- ,pilianihtt in entnretderiv'er ether-decheide ,c0240.
Or ihit•• he* .!•Abor Sehool'.0 oltsra.,0ea" thla liotvapleed epee,. la * Meade vet :
Inks lox 4441,le Yeriete of gettrngs 04 Ak4 eels' Pitting alitteter 1111 'Wohlbsvolorl 7.' ,
In 0.4044 with pOultry tuur the
termer the ex4enci. *I of • the letter, ait
alltledien **I cireunlittitecee, trInst•be
_thareaghlY Understood. tIte fernier
ohi Wahl! Is WY One of Melly difietent
branente of ALM work, it willad ba Om.
Pla Inieleeditne. 40 indace bins to 'keep,
mom fowls, or ,hatelhout• More chicken*
then he can •sueeetigulty menage alta
reer, It* is Veer to be borne M. mind
that the great 10,0* of the agg
polillre.t eget& meet eorne from le,
falnerS Pe the leglIntry el ail skettSale 0
the yeer, nIso tO• be reenenthibred
Met ft is not for* fito,.5'.fartnerS with *
greet 'malty Irene •neett that 411,Clernest
prommtion sot , WM, 0.001e.
bet rather: from 0:430100Y rerMeriP,Yltfli
feW Ilene end who are;
fora more Iikely WI menage 'Mein Sue,
CeSsftilly. . There fe Ito ,reason. ;however.
pot ,otget torokek, • %The pumpkin oolopolow SOWS: Y 0 • Pout, IT Otif, Ile no -011
• • •finger end end of the thumb pro far MAKING Of A DETEGT
threw other osset inlay be &Wept twee ..„ ,
age, succees stet aeideved tide Tomato; :o0oss yam Ore algbing for geedneSs
vary other uld may be at its best and ti$1101W Awsto: Sorrowful WhO4 lflOr
failure Only •awalt him who lucks lite 104111 Whet It costs. Ent life ever is
wealth of choracter. 4 tUtting 1,Q• g$111,4t Ma, testa cis'the wise
Chitreclee itiat of vi:olch reputallen °144..et th°11.04 1/4444f"n" 11314
is but the Oho. often mistaken and mts. zOu toeldrii 'enactor, itto periectiOn
leading. Clot:toter the last, the tett-
Mate, WOO et life. It le We 004 of iiio
Whae: being haver* the test, It is the
stotruntrimWelr 1101dor one tt
esPlid atl persoasion„
Is the' One thing worth having. ha
taliNe Open it 411 ot4er value% depend,
The wealth of the whale world stilt
loves poor from whom the soul,
the power to apprectote, .the purity of
heart witigh APO God and the good, the
peace and neleinese of a geed con-
setence, nave fled.
Tbo seise over haVe set Ibis treasure
aboVe 411,01110re. Happy no people that 00, ,to „pwo./0 bettor moo ,
ISPI and keeP.'h°1 4314P 4 -SHIP SUR6ERY filARVELS
tOoked doilat to * tbrettil"114 goOSis.
teney* when It 41101not 1). Strained front
oil bet, the Oita gad Pourod oVgr tlu#
I'en: ft, trier iilhadaistailleilthretr
may film 'he dried; and eandledo after
Of MOO Mod Or Uvula oo • Ws preStIono. *I for itnY efiddled
.ilitiOVA At OMER TWIGS; feint. Iso Singer or leMon eaveriog
inaa" be nasal.' •
o_atoo_alealrOlds_entarah -Paa for a Pungenri-MailbelndOea,Neall. uP
One Odle+, •"„entir oPlroledfoolUhPul* end SOMe YefleMei ripe. matopkitiso're.
ettette44 111Ohin PerluiPs Yow lit'eSeftt' Melting Seetife find( the Ohre, To
4000,-owno. And ore of fohnit is th,° pound allow 1 O. atigar tout Sandi. or.
mania fOr cilarae er a paSSion °WY alga Or lenfon, Grotto cintree Our putrop.
1‘4)111414ta!'ffidO%t,a,n; mean that els RIP of kettle. Add grated rind of lemen end
kin and Olitett t'Yltb,:ntigar IlreacKing,
+eternity Pate onlY 19 these who elevao strelneet bilge; Let' all. Vn
ItieffeteiVee Wheals to self -culture, tO the, etirring Olten, Akiettoin0 Welt, 011 *MOM
ealvetion or their OWn sr04,144 The hest and Mien, PleCe in Odell' glerk:fara
Uwe Mire' tbeueht little of tketostiv.es, o witb deuble r011114 'tof tbninn PeVer
ha they have. lilted for the epos Darr4010. Over with, wtixod paPer
Hum "you& eve- Ahern In the things that b 'get
the way of virtue, In clear ors me up. 44d ,doom 010,004
ward look, 444 1110 aPprovel of Like the Leader of
Men they haVe,found the lite unending
A GOOD CONSCIENCE ee teeing doWn• their lives, paying tho
11111,pricet selling oil in order that right,
above all other prosperity or advahlaee. ilatto end honor and Purity, We
The nays of notional greatneee ever have 414 vnaness owl justice might remota
fotthilood poi '04 for °bun' sa 01110' The sVert140 Wealth depends MA nn
been thoSe wro the tiOnes that Make to welt,
cs?",,,S63e,ralt°,11.°!. und WWII site h Ve itt our hands, nor even
WY4001001 AnTer.10;10010 %111110 ever n what we etin•earry in our heads. It
has bekt that, c praetor. eeendketa the thinge that we have and
. deed comes- not to a mon by he beinge Wit are In our hearts. Fools
accident, Ile who Is ricn in Character, Avo ore Who nee only to melte a living,
wnose suecess mart ways is built hoesee *holler, food, rags, and toys..
jest/ setriple happen to be, good, tree% Mead •tivee, • tet earn the riches and
mut sottere, There Is TI price to chortle. honor endeelon1.=Whe hove "et learned
ter; it costs more lane any other thing, the gain of loss that leilds tee heart
for tt le worth more Quin all other to leak' up, thp 10y of all sorrow that
things, Essentially never is inherited,' sweetens the sottl, and the profit from
but always begeired by processes often eveey "lactate° thet is a paying of the
SlOW and toilsome and at great price. price of perfeetifin.
If yee would be perfect you must pay HENRY P. COPE.
a.Paa his 'resources In a wo•Fo does net who ,nilltitt litni to make a We, and to
. OCT. ft.
Lessen Ill. The Parable ot the Talents.
Golden Teint Prov. 28. 20.
Note. --The text of the Revised Version
480(1 as a 'litattS foe these Word
To WatclifuinesS and Endsavors-The
leeson Of the Parable of the Talents
COntains- an importubt 'addition to the
teaching a the Parable of the Ten Vio
gins Which precedes 11, and with which
ls closely cmmectect both in thought
end ill eatit Of time, Tfie lesson of the
parable is still partly that of watchful -
nese; 'hid to the sxhortation to vigilance
Ls added the thought that there is work
to be dooe in MO ame of waiting, arid
411tit'Nee tient otWatehing 14 to be Me,
hot vf idleness but cd eartst endea-
ror. anbther lesson of e parable
is that even the lefist talented person in
the kingdom oL•eled will be held reseon•
Ale for the right use of such gine and
abilitle.s as may hate. Wert intruSted to
him. A fiartlal perellel to the potable of
the klenta is found In the Parable of
the Pounds (Lttios 10. 12-2Z. There are,
hOWeVeik, important pc+Ints of distinction
which. separate the two parables front
meet Other, These:etre, (1) tile different
occasions on Whiett Orb was spoken,
and (21 the inherent sPecial incidents
and details of oath. eareful eompara
son of the two parables in connection
with the study ot etir lesSon will be
found profitable.
Vetse 14. it Is tie whert--.That la, the
acnercl situation In the tritigdom of
Gaing-Into another toun• try•-•Lit. going-
** jotirney. as Abe same verb is trans-
leterl in the next verse : "11.0 went on
Servante-Lit. eoneeervarits. that fit,
DeIllierMi unto theta his goods -'The
berbarOtle oustoms of iutt.quily which
'Mafia slaves of all eelsoilers of wet
Without diStMetion brought about the
peculiar situation at Urges in Which
bo dsernants 010000Sleil fgeittor ability
411 irdellecteal eaprielty then their
Meteors to whore thee were bound in
strVitUde, A gent deal a nommerce of
Ontk011y wos managed by ShWee, and
be fell with"ble own small allot:tient of"
lie had riot considered the one
talent worth 'lineation-
' 26, 2.7.- Witott ivieked and alothful ser-
vant -Wicked beeause slothful, dissatts-
fled. aed quieter.
Thou'i !railway* that I reap where 1
sowed not The accusation, though
'false, is adrented by ,the nuteter in order
mitY- tee more, forcibly bring
borne ,the 'ollarge of indolence (Ina un-
fairnesiL • lik Orgument is, Granted that
I are an exacting and unfair man In my
dealings With ethers, thou, who art
thus ,aeouiling'Me, last 'thyself failed to
do the, leaSt winch in fair:lose- thou
couldest' have done for me, comely put
the '070118y. to the banlcers that at my
comirfg . have received back
mine. oWri .with, Interest, •
- Take ye away, tberefore,'Ihe tal-
ent trent him...Keen the smallest portion;
-VI the lord's loony must be productive
land mkt' be inked where win bring
lariats. • '`
' 29.„ Unto 'eVery one that bath capacity,
ability, and todustry, shall be given op -
Mitten* and iderease.
• proin hint that bath not, even that,
Which he -Xatit shall be taken eway-
itripleing. that decrease' Of capital,
the dlininutton of ,capacity aend power,
Is the tatilt ot indolent man .himself,
, .
•Iihulnetif Intyakten Attneks One of Off-
- tfittra Chertabed Instituthins.
"lag "Ben' Is nothing but a relic of
L'• Sech' was •the at lacic Made upon one
of lirttaire,s• Most cherished institutions
VY" Dre 'Mak 11-• HYsloPo senior physt-
elan ;to the hoot. Hospital of Bridewell
oriel Denttellent at the 'Congress of Sani-
tary Inn:40We* at Illacicpool recently.
Dr. klyAlop, however, only touthed
Ina Bee In paallog. He clas,sed it mere,
ly fie 0110 bt the Many noises whielt
,;(,er,ittre the tetrtanaveller, and trio sub -
Oct 'of Ilia teneech reaft -the ofteet-
noisce off 'health. The °fleet, It seems,
h very. Inal,-ohe indeed.
"The foot that town life wider exist-
ing 'elnatirnstentes Makes it impossible
ts Obtain arleeitilste Ifettla l'eet goo fttio
to eausoothe prevalence of insanity OboUt
whieh munkittatitiea aro so solicitous,
end width, In my oph1100,, they cOuld
do so fitoeh to 'preVent," etild Dr. lip
The rifitteeee Of noise upon infant
triOrtal be continued woo much
;Moto"Seridas than was at present drettfil-
Pf at lie litid 'seen the growth Of In,
'entity aitedderis leen pay liteSe were otten entrtleted wit I no t4' °
er !gadder.
Pumpkin BischitATo Pint -dt-drlii
mashed pernPlan add 1, lea0uP stUgar
tablesPoen Inger end' licue4
fleat betorO ridding oats/. no:tax
.well with *Mr till bailer IS ritiliCettiL
Lat rise over Want, In the Merntug
beat agein and drop We het nettr Vans
or roil tout into Nouns, Let aese. -And
e. Eat
urriettP Ponnfldn feesoWbert *you
wish te Make a pennache pie I0 a :hur-
ry and litiVe not tittle le stew ibe
kin, Just peal a part and gratelt, then
season the titre ae It 4;104 Pie 4ag
Slifikre111 for Iwo' Prow 11,44, table,
spoon of cornetareh. Not eVeryerte
knows, thet link :Mame; iMprOYes
Plunliktli fee. • ,
"Ottear'e` PIIMPkin Ple.,4011 end.
strein the pumeldn, taking Ow ego *
Pints PumPlrin 4- eggsi 2 ta espoOne
flour, 1 lb. sugar, tablespoen groUnd
ginger, 1 tetitiption salt" and il,:quartS
milk. Mix while pumpkin is hot,:,,Ilake
a little less than en boor in moderate
The Alden ele.,•-.-Ta piet rturepkin
take 1 egg, 1 gill awiasseS, un-
refined or raw sugar, batter Size of an
egg, gill milk, salt to teeth, and' a lit-
tle each of chintinlen, oloveeOlatineg,
allspice and ginger. Bake 4ff Mitintes.
Pumpkin Indian Pundiag.-To
pints cold, mashed punmein teke aalole
quantitY Indian- meal grai• tali/01)00a
grOund ginger. Mearitinie neat 16
Pant 1 (Mart Milk; lake from fira
and slfr int° it Pint Ortelthe Maas'
ses, Add gradigilly the pumplret and
meal imixed) and grated rind of oee le-
mon or orange. Drenge a puddierfoloth
one place in it this, mixture,- keying
ample room to swell.: Minot into' hoe-
ing water and keep fast boiling far 4
hours. Turn several times- iindneplen-
igh water, belling temperature. Serve
at once when. done, fleet .dipping bag
into cold water, then turning out and
earning hot -with .butter and eyrup.
GOZNG 00,0N, oriel circumstance lead him to it,te
" 1St BOYesis that pie.'goodf
'Dell why yer eating IV*
eggroyate 410 oilier tints! Dey imagine dat tee delietousr',-14„fe-
4.rg, r
gLe.. -11.. •
'FM* 100;10 ISO Igo* 410014 Pot be taa mdelier anct will not Serateh. When 1
....fir, .. . . 'A:1g 1,,di! lee,tslIelti, feetts to•,nre- pemorfAtte.,..oborti ot.,..pbrieoteeos, too. .
lesellY Wiecked, .ifessela Dave Seen.' .aittlaYit; ',/lIiir;14'ItifitTIVI4b49r 400,-40 nano -win; itave, to Conte into the play,'
e nOCI4e g a e ' VIA ;.all rear b
Ilia m9st colowed tmae. og ifgyoggo 4Ulltlatler 4104111,;I: grreifirr In' eiit'it$' ,6' rye' 4'1:0 SeBraY.t(l.thh414'1170,1311t body is finished the
fo MO 9f,' 1110,..4reat stonier mowtoutme„, rattcers, .vi.x.:- The • Rowe, ortic.th.l.„, hird will Ire se nearly dead Mat flapping AND II_ONV PAID.
She wae‘. e 'insetilsneW yeesel ve 7„300 , its Mathete. Both rifler. eeraellegiause Will he 4111104t IMPOSS1140 SQ 11101 the
lona when', • open: . her hot VOyege, shift .prieest ,' ,for . the eelieble ilreethets itt ibe 'w,Antee. OM be unlocked and plotted Takes Years to Graduate, and es et,
crags er Atte Scottish emist •1104P"AiPer, 01 PoullrY •''illi OlittoSt all Seasons or the It is not necesseey to remove the ot the Survival of the •
mu' twat sod fast Iteett Alta grunne .ellelfe Of ' eggs, ape. the superior quality OAelluo • .
datis:cettiti joali,villiiit,.‘rsuudwef ivitoowy,ibelfottotenig:tdetv'thi;.or,rutliloannuyolr tymeTaratioegatsrolarobroteatt.e4414,8..pioei,rxQfitoio.:4•Itei iti,w *poict_,finetavoti,71augoethkave.mrstiti,nott tpN'uorerieorylat ioerrvoerit.yhebrhussonhustrhei
to the writer. I
No, saki a NelkviiSokevotiltaltintd Jaris da 0411111
00,4 twrsta.1.00,:bows to ploca, year., The baler hie egalitY Or:. the additliMal Wagid, Avhlie the Chicken's means uncommon impression; but 1 '0Si--
Sefely Taken Oft Pangereal to. IneriAltle pre'l50 ohkecen ' le h itroilCeare should. he used that only
haa tele :from 'WIN Vr co,refill eleen Ottleir' Is made -not ItHW HE 1.9 TRAINEE IN
copteto,,43eoboloo ,woo, Noes •er,ernstea Paulin aIld the- rreSher Ihe. egge tha 1710S be, ellit oft at the outer joint end sure you that a man, can no more Ater!
wall the /04 -a ad'eing herr Sew at•ang,- 13410 ar.o to Prices ObtOilileds The MA affect the sale of the bird in the his career as a detective in England ,
perate espettient. ' Ito hung ei. belt a range froM 15 te XI cents per Oxen ; • " .
beyond atoPe, fled resOlved upon or do. ter In the getting Irina cd itia Damao= and disagreeable work
...........4............ lessional ilfe by wearing a silk peel .
than a lawyer can commence Ms pro.
glance mat the fore -part oi tho.slIIP W4L4 Pr°48 Pakd 1°I. new Isid- OOP. 4'1 Whe, Masts -taus saving considerable time
man grearatta. cortriogoo tootle& the fer pottitry froin 20. cents 'per pound tor or sitting on the Bench. To gradoate -,,
as a detective even of the lowest grecie
li the work of years and a case or the
hull, Just forWord or the enable -WO 4o4srllf9-blarrliarilocols!* 1,x0haullnoux' a coentlatseaaprthoe. , Gomm myortuAri0N. survival of the fittest.
bakhead, end* by itring these, actUally
old the veSsel completela irt tWo, , ducer, in Mk case., should' he to rgach
• Suppose, for instance, you pve
BIG DREDGER BROKEN IN TWO. : I lo g o ambition to shine as a disco erer of
the nigher. fee a ke Of To ca
The broken bows were left upon the there is an increasing dein, and. :TIM equipment for the work, it would ea
rock.e, but ail !be after -part fit the ship, tom of the farmer shoind Ve the Year A Russian does not become of age be the least good going to New Scotland
eentaligno the- valuable engtries,l, was when they are worth 'Most Menet: A until he is twenttsix. Yard and applying for a place On 1110
detective staff there. You would have
te rani and We Otis of Ka led o Ab ut 'Most •
on reit or both pm ry and' eggs . crime, and you have all the :MIMI '
'floated /safely off. The saved pernon strikipg feature °rano ednu•oer egg trade some of the railway lines in Rassia te begin much less ambitiously by seek* .
was then • toWed bat*. to the•TYne, of tile.pOst two year's hag beort.the high. have smoking cues for ladies. fug the post of an ordinary constrible in
where Messrs. Swan and Rotor, her pax paid by: leadIng pervoyors for' the! la the Indian Ocean only 370 out of uniform. You would have to prodece
original headers, ccinstrnottel a new strictly new.laid ere* As h(g1e as- ahem totanda are inhadted.
satisfactory testimonials, pass all. the .
foresnirL. and . :30100 tine ,onto. the 20, and In some eases, 25 dente . nee Ever equare mile of tile ocean is be -
stern section, made her as' good 119'110w. physical tests from the tape measure 10
• Anqratriense dredger oiled the Wal- a thorough medical overhauling, cis well
ter Bibby, which saok in Leith Harbor( us a simple but searching educational .
Was resetied in 4 similar fashion ,to ibe examination.
siuwaokee. settling on 4 large reek, Then would follow a period of drill,
she broke her bac*. The .salvere Ica- another of attendance at a police -court
toned manilla her • heavy rubber banes to learn how to give evidence, and, in -
Ordaining dynamite cateridges, and struction in your duties generally; and
firing these eleetrleallY, broke her - clean only alter you had come sucaeesfully
in two. The openonds were then closed through all these tests and periods of
la with• bulkheads, the -water pumped training could you be considered LIS hay -
oat, arid at erica' the thropart roao ince a ing taken the Mat step towards realiz-
ing your ambition to become, at some
'cork. Rut the stein end,. being full of
-11Catr moOhinern, ridosed te rke.' WW1 remote future,
it did rise, it was no .Soorter un 'ham it A FULL illOWN DETECTIVE.
cepsized and „sank . again. But the sal- And I would advise you not th be too
vage men etude teethe work, and Unmet sanguine of ever accomplishing ltd.% for
it sank Sac more times, yet eventfitely there are hundreds of other men, nutny
they got it up and towed it to shore. re,' them smart fellows, who are equally
The cost of this idnd Of Salvage is "in the running," and it may Weil be
naturally "pretty heavy. The bill for that unless your gifts am exceptional, .
raising the Walter Bibby was about
$20,000. .....• _ __ _ _ you will never emancipate yourself from
dozen, - were paid last stir:inter. The
cause of these high pekes is, perhaps,
given in the wordis of a leadine' city
grocer -with a chotee'lrede-,who re-
marked to the writer : Our alustoreers
Will not haVe any other kind thea the
Sfltaryttrbsto"tWheiraat,4" aanggsel teweitlirnAushet tPreyauaIlnadr
meet this demand* Whether. these un-
usual summer pricee are Orly temporory
or are likely to be permanent remehte to
be seen, but the trend, of the Marlcots
recent years, is to *arouse rather than
deoreasei thie value oe theelihoiee product.
The British Mated and lk require-
ments are :-Large .egga, 7 or 8 of
which should weigh one pound, and
preferably of brown.Shell. They should
be of good flavor and as fresh as pos-
sible; clean and carefully pocked, So 0S
to present an Inviting . appearance on
arrival ; poultry, only. 'of' the beetemar-
ka types, and shooldt,b0. shipped hi
order to secure atie`bast possible prices,
,`Itieso.the ease e,t ;eggs appmranee and
quality are great Meters in deterrnining
ollivedfisho have a population of 120,000, -
'Kangaroos readily leap from 60 feet to
Ofht hioerest.e sTh8o7 fgeereta.test recorded leap. of
Licenses issued to certain French
ladies to wear male attire cost 50 fr..
($10) yearly. Six have been issued.
in 1875 the number of cigarettes
smpired per head , of the population in
+Austria has two. In 1905 it was 140.
In, Bohemia courtships are abnormal-
ly long. In that country engagements
trequently last from fifteen to twenty
(Conscienoe-meney received yearly by
tho Chancellor of the Exchequer In de-
fault of unlaced taxes averages $30,060.
The Republic of Panama boasts of
.ortly one railway, forty-seven miles in
length, though the area of the couhtry
.18 Prallobirlinaly eftlretjlolv‘iirier- of the largest
nuieberspe-sloge in the Amid is_e Rue -
elan cattle king, who eas 35,000 shep-
lierd dogs to look ale 1,500_,000 sheep.
The new harness which the Khedive
of Egypt ordered In England Soule
months ago is tho Most 'costly ever made
for four horses. It is valued at 810,006.
New South Wales is just two and' a
half times the size of the British Isles,
Queensland is equal to three nines the
'German Empire. eind--Beigium put to -
grittier. •
'The tete:deer has greater Power of
endurance than any other draught ani-
mal etcept ..a camel. A reindeer has
ateen knotvn to pull 200 pounds at ten
miles an hoer for twelve hours on &Id.,
When a fortnight old the oyster is
Pot Patch larger' than the head of a
pin: At th'e end of four years' growth
it is fit for the market. Oysters live to
the age of from twelve tojifteee years.
On the premisee of a brick -making
flrm situate 011 the Surrey Canal, North
Cambervoell, the kiln fire has never been
permitted to go out since it was first
set alight, a hundred years ago.
The elementary school authorities at
Crediton, England, have ordered that
the giris Must have their hair plaited
and tied behind their heads. The par-
ents will appeal to the Board of Educe-
tien 111 the matter.
A wonderfet large double-baes viol
has been made, and is intended for nee
in a Chkago orcheetra. It is 14 feet
high, .and Hs body about 7 feet. • The
top part of the body is 3 feet 4 inches
odes% the lowee part 5 feet.
Tho Emperor of China has a house-
hold consisting of 500 persons, including
thirty betwers of State umbrellas, an
equal nuiriber of tanatearers, thirty phy-
Sickuls and surgeons, seventy-five 'astro-
loger% seventy-six cooks, and sixty
Compared with the citizens of other
French cities, Parisians are remarkably
sober people. Each Parisian drinks 310
pints of Wine* annually, and only thir-
teen pints of spirits. Nice drinks ,5`14
pints of wine a year, St...Etienne 040,
lintfrofi."Birttlyelfartota has just celebrat-
ed' her ninety-third birthday fn the
how° In which shit was born and has
lived all her life, at Edgefleld4 Walk.
cleri, Manchester. She was taken down
the lucre eoal-mines to work by her fa-
ther at eight years of age.
Xing john at Abyssinia has decreed
that the nose of any one of his subjeots
fctIod taking snuft shall ho cut off, while
Sultan's decree of prohibition of amok.
mg arc hriprlsoned and ,flogged throUgh
uniform. However„ after you hove won
FAST ON THE DREADED' MANACLES. your spurs as aa_ "ardieare . policeman
Many a vessel which once ley. an air" you may in a few years' time have an
ParentY 110Pelees Wreck upon an Iron- oportunity of showing whet you can
hound coast is today, carrying 'great do in the way of crime detection. Dur -
cargoes across the ocean at ropey knete ing the *inter months a few men dre
an hour. The Philadelphia, for instanee. chosen from each division for "patrol"
whieh otice,--as the steamship Paris, held svork, and you may be one of the lucicy
thst speed reeerd oof the Atlantic. All elect. Yop will then discard your uni-
Will-ragra,-!tor hoW-ene dark night she form for a time and return to plain
iein upon the Mariacles, and lay there in clothes, and in your new character will
an apearently hopeless pasition, with have plenty of scope to prove your met -
'great eocks piereing her steel bottom; tie as a discoverer end hunter of 'aim -
A German firm' Undertook the iask of Inds out,„ot the beaten tracks of police
salving her. on the "no cure no pay" work. .
principle. It floated they werar we- be•• There is, of course, an element of luck
lieVe. 16 haVe half the ,vaitte of the veg. in work of this kind, and if you are both
SOL It was a .1nOst suecessful gentile fortunate and astute you may win such --
fer the salving firm, .but great credit lapreis during your period of probation
Must be given to -them tor tho skill that you will be recommended to the
which -they displayed. Criminal Investigation Department for
In a few' weeks divers % had blown' promotion to the,rank of detective. Here
away the rocks and. patched every helq, again 'you win hbve to Undergo further
and the water was pumped out, blg tuge tests and probation; and only when you
laid held other* and presergly,the Was have proved yourself to be
hattied•out of her rocky ned aod towed,
Went Into nannouth Harbor. It is said JUST THE MAN FOR THE' WORK
that the. cost a . tho .ealving operattorta win your goal at last be reached. After
wes lesei than 322001 Al the value Of this stage has been passed, as• beeere
lhe liner Wes certainly MA less than it. your success will depend on your
$750,000, thezirontif from the operation
ere easily rec oned. ability and industry. You may rise to
tho ;ank of superintendent, with a sat-
in 1892 H. .S. Howe, a great 10.000- ary of 32,000 or 82,500 a yeaf, or you
ton ironellid, ran upon the pereiro Reef may -well, you may stay where you
oft the Seenish toast, and. heeling over, start.
fay late ''Witit- her boWs- clean under As a doloctive full-blown, your work
VA* lind rolmbers of shorn prdnts of .will be both lively -very liv.ely at times
.. .
rock ottelona
and are regarded as a promising. man,
The careful packing .of poultry and
. . .. . .
. . eggs may be attended to by the ship -
MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. pers,.but it Is oely the,farmees Who
Peanut Cookles.--Crettin together it can place ilk fresh 'eggs and poultry of
. .
ter,. add 3 beatan eggs and two Wile- handrisAg- ;ate '•'etrirelc'eeper or, shipper.
tee desired ..tyPis and -quality in the
cup brown sugar, ancr2 tablespoone but -
powder in sufficient flour ro mutat a ColoWorage factillide . are' Bitch that 'the
almoris sweet milk, 1, teaspoon 'baking
stiff dough. Freon .1 pint roasted' pea. oroducta are . kept in, eseelleet vomit -
nuts rub off . the brown skin and put . • • - .
peanut meet into the dough.° roll qut, tion en rouk,
at once realize that suecess in lia. eeting
Palmas arid other producers should
thrbuirb the' ' meat ohopper. Stir the
cut Into retold cakee, put a peanut Meat the requirentehts of the ntiarkets sn-
in- the ceotre of eaeti and bakein a :Mod- numerated can best be. brought abbut
orate oven. , by compliande Willy the+ fallowing. con -
onion, a tableepoonful 0 chopped Pars, clitiorter, viz. ;-
that are as oearly all tile year • r.ound
, Scalloped Potatoes. -Two ' cupfule' of 1. Their fowls should. be of a variety
raw; finely sliced Petatoes, one•ohopped
lea, and a tablespoonful of butter.. Dot- money 'makers as it is possible to -hey°
ter.n deep dish and: put in a layer' of them. • • . '
potatoes spriokled with suit, pepper, 2. They 'should come drom eonstitu-
.tinue to the ton, Brett a pint of „milk tionaily atrong and ,good egg-itcying
butter, onion atid parsley, and so cero
tender.. stratus.
market types, so 'that, 'their. prOgeny
will be the same.. • •
to' the. boiling peint, nad a large tea., • "3, They' should he pea -winter toyers;
ln a little cold milk, pour oeer the, pro, moult in midsummer .ena be cif the•best
spoontur of flour stirred until` Sitooth
Wets and bake io a hot overt -until:
Charlotte ,Buese.--Soak three-geaeters 4. To nave the winter layer and flesh
in onequarter -min of ..eraaavatet.linelialt. producer combined will necessitate a
choice of:- one of the dual purpose or
tweet teblespoon ot granulated, getanne
an hour, then set the AA In another' uttitty varieties.
et het Winer -and stir until tee geirdine 0, %Quid eggs only be required for
is entirely ,dissoleed. Beat •one Oup •••er selling at all seasons; 'except -the -rneult-
thick cream, add pOwdered 'auger aftni, • ' „,,,,
ties will allawer the Parnose. 1 -
log period, one of:i110 tunosetnng vori
vanMa to Suit, the tastelead .then. Out RIGHT.TIIROtIGII .11E11 BOTTOM. ' 0... In proaucing egge for stow; the
In fawn, and bring thermixture up. tram to save her. DiverS went .down, and,
the bottom of the bowl while stitTing. uslog very emalireharges of dYrialalei
gelatine A gWedisn SalVage toMPellY, undertook pnrchaSer thong', carentily asceetain
that thea (some feoin tha'best eggaaning
°Own d Taloa rpkeatutssepelo.0
Ittkowartn gelatine. Pour the
gets or sponge tem afloat thin riod Iiii Ilteolighlier sldes. 'In ell. 400 cuble feet
l'Ille 'five snkell m6ulds with ht0Altn blasted. anoaty tho Mks that protruded ,sfrallisn
POttotied Egge.--To keep. the eggs -in - Next. ttlittge shlaid of Metai wits cast PlohIP Moto, ot`. lur1"0-1',eredt ler "the
We will assuerie 'that you .-havo a
with cream, Set Away le harden: , etreeke were lnue retuned, . • ,
sheik' the water Must Sittlifter,: fuel boll Arid ilea over the 'broken part el the knife, and, as It will .ha better te', Make
tifital.„, Solt the wait& Mid IT in tavern! bon ow, tightly bolted on, . m o'bo,ette it. a ilttle,. mere ottplicit,'AVe • Will ',say
Is filh c'h ' Dr- ' oft . ll ' 1 I h iminense: pumps were aet to work. and chicken, for ail are hentr.ell-in much the
preseritttf Me great Ship was seen 'WI* flame Mender .*t
XIOwly.litting otit-'or the tocke credle in KillIng.-sAttaeh • .4.. Sleet cork with
Widen 'elle' had Mtn for 'SO 01411Y Weelia, the nooso it tha Melee -erid.lo a bealP in
:As ,thetttle turned the HoWordae, grid at such a poeititin that theatird; in 'WOO -
Mil OW mina towed solely:out, Tattoo, •tping, will not be able to atrlice itself
tottlieen.. yeera', later, the etill noires agaittat any obstaele-4neit hold ila feet
tinon the. aolitte lqautr Ifst . ' • ; lOdether-Ahrust 010A:through :the . loop
The resale, of H.111:S. •Victorions was -seo ' that 'they aro held seeprely und
Mit, etrietly ,. speaking* a work Of ship IMO, the ;head of filo hird.4 *bon; cliPo•
serge*, ;tor lite' tresses hull was never site the waist. line., or 4tt little heti*:
inhired4 but. it Is Worth recording for . .Now lake hold of the,wings .ietcl lock
illo togenutty -alsplayed by thee savage theyno-Ahla - 14 done by -bringing one
peOpla, On' Februort 1411t, 1$09, , the Meet the (WWII Mid, eaelling the, tip of
Vietbrifillaca,neSset Of 15.030.-tenS, Wont the other Meg uniTer that of the lower.
'agroued off. :Part Said tri. a' litarvy gale This Will melte it possible' ter the bird to
she ran on le 4 book of •stielty Mal Oa extricate itself 'onitAviit snow the dreSser
Sando Slid ' `avert,' oriart to 'get,' her toit tree use Of Melt MIMS. . , .
Seith h6 own enttines,'Aprt 0. po-rfut
lug& preved tourrailing. • : .
, •
rti.l8ta OUT OP rol PEGT OP
, WATIllt. , .
.11 was . the ..'ortgineerdachief of. the
Suei 'CAW Who . saved the prOblemo
1 4 'aft rt.ared6tor on coot
tireatia, attested and their re iota t rhtg and dash the bol 'Wet erer the
itainat* 411U1 t*4tk tiltd* Cita. **ear. return Mid MI00511110 tunotions. In Olaf* 1901111 had enabled them la Inn of the ear until the Alto t* get,
ad at V.,'„Catatil,, .Clititout, or r:at ida case the Ouster entruste to eiteh et elheeta •• , Litt OM with a flat akintriner (11•.soL*1
moot .4*.:ZailliOtfr Plothitg'Stere, several elavea largo Itteri tit Matey to 1110 ..;110,0*. cloekso bells, And. of batteted toast, deaVivith, salt AntiPep-•
,Gleodatil bo invested daring' ets „frbserieo as each eht ig Reno aro: nothing and. Add. bit of hutIm
d end nut tank:cat tierberientoattoi -hartopg aos, a, green parsley beside the egg.
blooms 15 and illet4e
' I Vbt0 lafettleanA Ittleat ot sever
, . .
oak , equal lo tive-thimeand dot.
tars .in our money.. In the litterpreno
.11011'01 the paretile the :taleets Vrel to be.
; thotitotit '01 'OS collocate*. and' OppOrtelit-
day moo -mutt or 'the t.crte as a nettled
o towav stroightotity A Awed oreure t kott D , 0,1 frit Is. so)", rudo tuclltrolllUO
wool. ,v4,011,„seittd„00.,4,,,!..kt, Iks!ICItt‘ittlfW btit h 141'1)1'11° gi,,,.„Itt ttniVolonollotbA.Vdioht!4lbtoht,Y. tfi'ofia/ta' tilliltbit4;31itieriPthtlrylittaitt:Ontlet4tto°fTititt)en'illt6011)11e
it . SS I), erste taill •
tool an 'Ott of the nt ht.'"
At ta, yalente soeecit, tho tont-
t I g
icrencei phased resolution lite
tentratit0..Ortell of the ossoolation to
Viotti Allot at, noise. before, ow 'To make sane er' letharielly ahem,.
talo ,ottimt Aire' to serve Mold it In cups or 0,spos
toe t a I " • ,
,-atr „•41amea. ,,‘C,riehlort Ilrowlie Own tlige` ° ACiki/lio."4/11
dale' 014,10 hod lately been the vie., 11 I e abaPr •of . 11." r'S
hat 'or '000 144061-14$41)°°'. • attlighble‘ Wirle:tgelltittribtlubglY trk
t ahd through the centre, put tolored
• sti that it will...ea/110..111 .the lop .ot• the
..tiirt 'fit It `botl
" Traded With themg-Invested them. III* 11,4, a va, (a 03
he 1" °El °‘ • rOlt gIVO Cuotoubers 4r6 ettily orranged foe
When you wtinttho best ilteleo0Y sdOttott to inotoso point* in al y cook. Utak two crew, 40.v,we ltora $ he euttleg• them'
tote had in "P"A.1" • h
ladle pitiety,*-Per purpeeta Ot sate get beiteeert ihe,..slfee344 a pillee tate,.
Ian& 01 4:
Ways on hand.
xo Nat weoct
two. whoto
Ord** hit ait Co., .
Iraist. side Ot gettettak
Seatteil tus
am* en Iltris. Itieta6' rnenotiont
van' r ,"Ott• ato prhiciple Mat 'a
person Elk11111 OtuttO fingtor.-
oft they• woe terget iney'lop engaged."
*rho ; (NAY! of Ione& Tediods
x, 14 kliterY5itig 410 Mry tin fisei.
fle0 e eietillg faltcit elan it
witiow 11), lite ?wad ot tho nteittlift,
Tiomet g. "1 ktik-AV tall, mete.
own. Ole trettrialioris dor hut tell 161`.
%pees sersi toot% .inirnts ot Litti,
eilfably it may hao breu at!, cf
meat p000.fier now htt%.* 1:ren a beg
at mall; patehtin.oe it iotiv hare Wen *
men•eaa The lodge: Verhots
wow a w1441.1pag."
top,001 tit %ft OtIti tg• 1tt thin talus, hut not'fpilte through. la:
oPPitrerttlY. TIM 411011 WU at,
least not 0100)1'04 lie WA Stelply halo.,
• ftlATOit'iAlA'ANO attAtAT, htitiAt. oettirtg, to tver Wed thoutriber
loot ad, wodoto .titoso svoom.,, . It was parifouler habit, of /oho Me; 04 a the exttet She of 111(i. euelMillera of, the .veesella '4111 Ht6/46" e*Cti
0 Cite 'Wi It the peel left andz•slie,
, •
iittaft Mean lied beeit: Veen.
Att, "Mao% lt ItV.I4efilfit Ay" filar
ihtto.o. rondo aecoutit t to:
huolos hittrossetionsu Nowell They, h000
tonitaind ,during bts absenee in oder
that. he Inky Oseerlatft what has been
the lei -ease Of his Substante under ilteir,
e are* , +I
40, Other literi iftlettleo:-Litat the neett
sown $011 ate itroshartur
,the ant end Seretteile
4.111111dietttold .,,
al. Their boSt Wert faithful ottotr kW
things.-4'The ttro given to thee servent$
had bort. at kr Ali. Ind a 'small frac,:
tion of ther total Wealth Or the Masler.
Ettler thou mte• the `foY ot thoy lord-
vitt*, (0 heroine 4 pettalter hen.
putees altlett thy loot hiroself
and wlikh thou Molt be permitted to
,Kiern Vile Of ilia' latthfutheSel Or If
Abate lit stone eneeletin OtePetrd Jone
one eeritelort or Nest Co le the last
paMblel phientd by Itm Master as *
reaefit toe thy tallefuless.
et. ether (WO ittirnbt,...Thrt sat& tor.•
risotto at blereele OS ego been Oehler ,
be rtertfint.
.f.4. A hard rnia,-47fititit esatting
in business tranaartionfo
Hoping *here thou didst hot now,
awl gathering *lave thou didil not
eretter Iletrianditig therooke Core
preen/611w no capital boa been hweated.
laiede "Pi the alothild
salsa toilette diodatittadioN itt
Nab: hive * ot ,,Stotricwitisity is,1*` 0 IVO ettine milt lett/took tomiltd, from under, hcr' )(oft, *IV lf* Seifie."1116
SOU idghto,aottlits'-geod- Wife pot:the apple... 8erve tat lettuce leaves Willi employing twolontobtioste hareto hetol
bottle and ...settee '1;11,'-etia,,tebtil 1011; French erasing,. • )(Its or water under tho bettont ,,et the
puttelett4. ,•,14itr. fifteen, '$.ottra ,lehti had "Ilananas are totted mei An* .0fitip ,stotwed •saie *Mit ala keep, the learnt
'Meet ekeeened. MS arm ,pittati.,:hut ono pea< acantlis by tutting; then loth leave* *.trom Ibit'dOlttf $001
1*141tUtY 11/0/ be' iitip90 • Ihinsilif „A ,onit 4110140g thee' Atte Ittelt titteetattel and within., for -
attend ,• this •Otain idio roil Meet in the litantlt:
"Rid you &Mk Li's. fie gleisegto ountbs., whit serve' on lethico !Nivea.
Ittkoir NAte, A. Vett), imitation Whar le duo tan.
"I Wile replied 144111, ^ lid bade With Ordlitery. prieerVerl 'tuts
'AAR* ISliatai the rutaining 0" snob finite Of gooseberries, Whip n
trearinfineeateel" erten), Ma add It ttilltitlftny to -tre bt
'Then In the •Iest,hand giatip_,the head, Detitta. Vint/drafty is the most immee.
Arndt alist Pita llte, hilt" open, by,. the 'misty atterided Sera ot learning in the
11S0( 01: the' Month sod' Middle flexor.' voila, • it conttew /.774 Matriculated
After:you have 'secure :held. llirnst,the• rind 1,130 nononalleculattel Stedents. All
feeder dawn the :throat' just_beitindihe.,, the:Sudo GerMany and every noun -
head and ,dratv laerOsSo• 1110,1/Pint-, try le Europe;..frern Norovay ift
slip:010g ecrala neelt-+see' baelthene..;trord Ireland to Russia, are represented
Thts will eovee tno juinike Vellt and, in,' • in Ha elaati.reofrio., .
211ro a ,,gaed"atick.3,' New *utak/W.01e. The remains of all the Czars of llaSsfa
'.1dtifil and elloiv: the bird: in blee4' tea Peter Gnat, are interred in a
raw metnent.§, then .place 'titer pelrit of 'Memorial 'Chapel bUitt 'Ode or the
.11to knife againt the root of the mouth isiatida of the Neva. 'Ail the .ernotaphs
the• tutting Otte towards lite lett' 'oh, exttotly alike,. each being 4 •Incelt
:hand and loWeit faheibratte',.dt.,Avtlite 'Mettle, Withcratcetty doom.
Into tho Undo it ;three. We whatever, 'Veering only the IMMO:
elght.11040 the,' Vklernitte' Ivan sale Aueetoes of -the way, Nandi ikvisting the n?„ the deceased Eniperor. t,
33 feet ot enact' Nereet In tho natural wayinild then draw lb Alotrolia tereleilt .ftlticis of snakes
. llottt• deriairdei, her retie Wee may Ueda '1'1111.01y aeross.1116 base of 'are eaten° reaSted.: .Ttlet are eold 16 Ix),
vessel Meth vare ilpeal the eattes'isaftd. ,and thereby destroying Atte horitrol „'bletVed Ak traveler' 'imelares,
et 4 Its 4046 Oil& The ineehister: cheese -torditiaing the heeling mill I : rid 110 there' tattled leather& „ „ tt3 Means, atial1V0117. •
an/d 111,-VrinOli VitertItY that efieet; Weenies feltheit. ,Iletip 'it. (a . t•nd itiewerld. • %viol,. 4 it4t, .1441s this .4loihotib ttAtt TetrittYi;1 i!,01111(rs, pea
'lean and, an immaieriat tale, 'an • ooler' the 10P4 A-ItY• 014$11.1kr$ larrt Ott avett W"eltlInt :;feat l`eltdir la, (IMP Oik A ned. tresflitt ts,,eaed ihsteadt 11%.
be jlidged trete the., et, that Another. Alta trate, thul ,oevering 4pleat ,t1611ettoY atid flavor JO 0161111ot
4-14W/-Y(tirt,PrOV1411:41Y, -Seek N. hp. utei Atm, blot, tbs.. ,4eor. Ito, ideate 'trete_ thet toettleg .replitee
Matt IWP.that a let rerlor ttlattit 414t1- Alta ,idace the preserve err What 13 Ohl to have boo the Moat drite,,...414t6 toy Am you win• mot The loedlta lortaittioaselit fr2h erg
PI e
,ahd an inner heal, se tale speaXt end it. Cranberry suarthalatte in small'Aluantr. ::ot it* led was -the relaing it 1 a-0111. AA Aeon ibe 4reitt bo been piteetit kreoco to oto reigiotio opinto tho
'at4441114' It/ " "e gle" tittV,11, 'In*" g4M1.,."11.1billt1110 14th thk grt UtCtflits. tpLot232,r. ,0„9141; the 'dresser attould tete the IMO 'Ante frusidsh Noidiers
hindly enough." Whipped Otiose.
oh Raid no tritn't, hitt tett . "„1, 'the skirt -oi the. lower tilt arid 'make a A'
1"1", "'"'" "" ' hole through Willett hook turtling
Algid st itatteild tit 4 boltleland N tlePth "5 1100to 4.64 11" tUrteld$ weight oUeottie Mod *Meld ilitlift 4*****4kisiraiwes
ShOli nne tilted tnkl litettlettet ‘, STA1N$, Ago nest tPov.,:'' owe: 2.-o,:dkert 111W-Nek4ea- IL,.."4",a4.111111 itoree.Shoe -•attkhed le gee& li'whet, tow yoi "ee, dott,
And one,frari$-M She remeilthe tat gijap art , , Meting' wire iS eseellelith Atilt keep% the '
' kYoltata itte .00111t$ Vets tor tisskta. fold4 Atti, etillble 0401- um* tk3vti o,"•‘" ""' WkIC 'exteteltid. Slid *Oates ot .111:.hvatniklahdlen6ito 11T:watt kite,bttliatroxp
/*Nab. fort,,aanstattis shoo rolovea atovishpettivioche4,410itheteaw. atTetrvetto mot 4thoebittiwnentattrilleihhwisoatxillt y rani' acivbiely trait ino,"
"They're belth replird thetite. tut the Arnett* lire pilt * "washtub. 4t30 &mood, ebe Iva* rowed to be
°Gen' nWit 41444' lott. $oterv ,The *bolter a ate ri is reined the Mote' boated, ad. atte issitig 33y tot yet?*
tt „ reatill,t it will Niela Io 'the -treatment. „,„ we beRive pvtintolo braft
*!0#14 apt to 40'44 Wee the canny re- 'petir belittle Water through fruit Mains,:
.1411ea' he P51 t"41erld WillOkY• Where obstinate amble * *elution of •
14 toe' 4htk "06141 ' th0 *satin tekl. Wash vastline atoms in
me* hi' $ fmnuarreti whusity. Thant akehoh,, point, In turtitfillat, kereaebe4 TAng Tale Oft.
tor the hteattiertal Utart. Nou,dae ,you *Reba: varnish., la Atrotbidt Vint
tenderaiond'o st* other vett vegetabie elates in el• t • he it prOlming Christian!"
aged, %mare* or molearekt;:i tor 'ts; but lie laket a good Many re
mots free Ike.. mat pima whits Wan *OM Ids profsallon.4
And John soiao reluctantly 'Compelled
fie MMUS Obi be
,,'•1 •
ty rub the hand dovert the neeti„ re ov.
her,theltelliers thetetrote,, then
tau and Whit feathers by a attefr, 0
IWO/Laud, Wain, la remove Nose lora
the te4140t4t, parts nt let body. whit* oit
eitlektita ere the breast 444.1 back
bee tlre bele tit the lair, and on the ter -
Rey the breast and thigh.
Hemet ige the Inver NOW filelt
Orteil10411414111/4041141 MIK of the rot*
'There 'was onto a professer Whh newt
ton art n011ovhintbr rebUt""
liminess ore the part of Ms atit.
-ott-one,,oceatilett...whert, Wail
taking leave, Of. 14,4terthirt rirtieleatedhe is
repotted le, hiCt yotir fel-
14/Clibletstt thitik et :4%0
think' highly of you; het ettot firm tmo
thinks mero highly of $01/ than you'd()
YOUtelf ,
-and interesting; and among giber
things it will make a great demand on
your vitality and stamnla, PO days
yoU may have nothing more exacting
'0 do than to smoke your pipe in peace,
but at any time you may be dolled front
your home in the middle of the night
and may not see it again for many
days, during which you will have bed
adventures enough to satisfy any rea-
sonable man for a year.
It Will be one of your duties to knoW
every criminal in your district °Infest 411
well as you know your own brother, and
to keep a constant and watchfill eeh
On Mtn. Indeed, few things are more,„
remarkable than the intimate and fa.'
miller terms oh which sieteetives ere
With the criminal classes. You might
think they were the best of 'ate's" ie..
tetaul, whouunitdertuaknedluquualarruyg.
to &Mad
tt does not 'require much knowledge ot
a particularly vivid imagination to plc+
titre most of it, and to understand the
qualities+ of Cunning, courage, sleuth-
hourid pertinacity and infinite resedree-
talnesa that it demands. If you are born
tor Om work' you would love it, And
S'Ironoel-t t°vrelita,teitrairt,uldyoud°wWbuldi 4OetrItlintlIal
neVer briar, a chance of trying toy
rate In -London.
onAds infoltitilttealyp‘, abylisthhaynnoitirthritisob.a.dA;
Prench Inspeetbr of the Surete begina
at 8320 year eel counts himself a
luette roan if hie ultienne salary reech-
o $00, In Landon 0. neteetiVe begin§
bolter than MI Preneit rival leaves off,
and fie may teaecinably hikee to receive
VOW * year betfire he retires from the
pursuit ,ot tits etirtilnal IMO private. life.
!lie ways :of thin are .posSlog strange.
but -whey shall be sold of' ttiose•
nein t , _
tic fieette We •police.court, ind
woman th,e'eVitnetabox 'was diSplaY-
Ing 'that curious fitiallly wbielt is known
st loyalty tro thalotman brute whom slut
had hatt tild hod taste to marry.
Iter• face „Iwo swathed In beildagea,
tat stilt heeoetthal for naelt rit lido hurts
by laying them to the amount ot verf.
41113 Itilaitifefry 'Weeldettls." and insiS101
Mt ate Lime im dock was 6, Infidel
ot. di the wolstrifisenitt virtues. Ate last
the patienee of theVotirt w4s vitt* r
HNOW, look here. lattliteU said *the
elagiStrate. ot coin ref:nit-a e01.1
it& is* croft ef lettvo, and that perlurY
tt C*1111141 otfence. careful what ,
you, atty. Who wae it thet nit atoen-ear
In Sikh shooting lliariner21
er pot* 1104191.4 ittsitaled Mei
ta, 4t seemed that wifely loyalty
tots' about to sureamb,,,and then
smiled resitturioNly 'the ten ttt lb*
*Pleases air." she Witted, 4,..1 did, it