HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-10-19, Page 1..""t • t*rrlanlrarrra".....kr THE ODDER A the • g ; 14owspaper the County ot Uuroa, mid 4•40••• NalitY (*.AMY* Circtdation r• , •Sr- • , ' ; *.4 - ' v 1 THE OODSRICH STAR bast et leuvor I (41rolitation them any dhow Newspaper In this ooctIon of the Comity of Hume faosomeemoeoli0000000meekoeemeoHootatto . • ry szvxmrn Y10 Nip 11111•14, Stlit , UNQUESTIONABLE Thtere is. 1M gutStiOn at all 'OM* your tteedittg MoSavil*Ek' ae** ‘. efitInt.'04 there la -only nue sore way Of accumulating trotith, owl that is bylsaviog it. it few persons Inherit, widIe others gain 'independence :by a etrek.e • , belt, but the. reef Welt:why Of people wore a eompetence • , , by speuding less,than.litey ina:ke and "ring tlut,stilpinS. Pay` per Pent* ereot ott depronts On ffteney , Oen be Wititdrario gt, any ni r THE STANDARb LOAN COMPANY ' GODERIONt 914'letfi AND SQUA .. 14..1-1011.TON, ihne No1;101,1998; ot tho tion, of .tho POO . tit to, smiNt vOty tir 00rAh %NI Olio''fforiolly, Viietook xigtoomioguioti,otora of 0, eettaitt Com- LlallEto tneC:prettod ttle e Oertre; foe 1 . Ilinding•Fet Or 2tat olass_cor. ANTED.v-ror Br NO. i,00 tient% POfiessienalleXPerieneoL tialinT.,151A ,',ApplleatiOns he'reOOLVOil 11`. ilosaott, Seeretnry.CarlOW P. ' . ileixtioNatg WANTOTI.-lenders will too to. : ' .A. calved, by thti Undersigned' im to October •2.,Ath forgloa.,loristi or the GodOrIch Citriltifia110 • ..0x0, thin Hirdt fljt tlieSeaSet Of 4906•07 I also fox tiilli dwelling nail lewns • or a term of years. Security win- bo wentieed, of Nut ougolossfol '" Glinktres'. W. L. IlOtattle. Malnitger. • FOR SALE OR TO. LET, rfweroworrifItS erAfill makes rentom sold, ex011anged. Hibbons zut supplies al. ways on bend. <lopping work' one, °Moo Ott Kingston *argot. next YoleIe. E. Ettaorr. Fartals von SAi.lao.loott5, Con. s.tot con. 3. booth bait Lot ti, Don. 1, end Eh, half Lot 15. Con. 1. Herou Ftoad Survey, Town- , Ship of Tuekorstnith, Cennty• of HMOlt, e0n- tattling NO stoves, sitttated syithin two miles of the thriving,tonfn of Sonforth. ono of tho 'best merket#. in Western Ontario. This WM wee awarded ate Gold Medea in Um compe- tition in lett Thu, farms have beep alloastur- ed for Oto past teu Yeare, and woula now ho cocooned shape for gamut farming, Boll food clay Mato. Two story bribk dwelling house • and kitchon, brick woodohoni hot air fur- nace• hard ad soft, water in kitohon; lino groutods and. shrubbery. evergreens and cedar edges, Orchard 'with spruce wind -break on went and north. Good _barna with Atone 'debt - lag. Thirty acres a hardwood Mani. maplo and b000tt-well watered with spring creek and river. Mill soli altogother oe would divide property. Nebetter peoporty tho Coonty of Huron. JNO. T. DICKSON, * Seaton/1i, Ont SAL10 OR. RENT.-Comfortablo ROV011 12 roomed lions° on Arthur street, Oply 11. IlAwgise. St:Patrick street ' 1.1-1A.R31 TO ItENT.-800acret (or as 200 /toren and 100 acres separate) One mile from itudertch. The Ho% fences. and linildings aro in cocooned tionditton for stock or general farming. bares, stable). and pens aro largo and on modern plans, with windmill, grinder, Inn ah ample supple of water. Youtio Ronowrsoo, Iteal tondo and Insur- ance Agents, • "1,10It SAI,10 On '0 RENT, -Tho Hodo and 1.2 two Lots on Cannon street, No. 64. Good stable and exceptionally chide(' fruit trcos of beet vatieties A vory desirable house for a sued i family, Apnly,to 'Jacobins; MottAn, at F. J. Pridhatu's. ' ' ___• 11,10it SALM -OR TO RENT. --2 'Houses, oor JU nor Wolfe street atal Cambria Road, one NV th all modern conveniences. Por twat and Particulars • apply to THOS. DATES, Wolfo erect. tf ' .131ARMS FOR 5ALIC 019,TO ItENT,-South 12 part of la 21 on tho Oth conetoution, eon - Mains of 60 name, and lot 20. on Cho eth con - (*estop, cotenants of 80 acres. This property. boa 1 4 acres of on ()mbar! tm. the 00 aoro lot, nearly all good winter fruit. Apply to II. T. IIRCK, Banister. Toronto Ont or DAVID COX. en the farm, Porter's 11111 Godlirleit Township. T;lutlit HOUSES Polt SA1,11.-Oue on Wel J.:1 Heaton street, one on Host etteet. one on Anglesea street, and one on St. Goatee's Cres- cent. All these properties are desirable, orte he - Mg new brick and modern. Apply to rites. 1.VNN. . _ _ rpo RENT. -A large rase Dwelling on Nei. 1_ son street. formerly occupied by Colonel Voting. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mr. 8nteeth. - TO, RENT. for 0,tertp, of three years. being Lot 19, Con. 3, Weet Wawanosh. containing 250 stereo. All in Mane. Good epring (molt and good buildinge. Prater to _rat for grazing purpose% Apply to W. H. Vtileors. Dungannon P. O. INJEW 110USE FOR SALE. -On Britannia 11 Road, east of W. 1'. Mnritoy's ronidence. A pply to . Er.rdorr, East St, l'IfO inlY now Pars when 42 you OM ve Old °nos cleaned Ana -ra. vowed, tuella ttertectly frootwon moth, toad eouvorted to protot Witten beeetoXPeristoectt Coate ana Caps ot o_pecto ty.• Modorate Prices. Enellati• turriort CionretVe •ana Lodi* lotAtrelilY, Moe. 10.6, rosillonce, West, Street' u, Kohut', Yost ordeal will recolv0 taproot ottentitte. • PUBLIC NOTICE Noriclt To DEBTORS Dr, L. Turnbull trees to notify that ell out - gannets =oats must be paid to mr. A. S. jane,by the no day of December next. After that elote. on accounts without exception will be collected -by tegai process. Deted-ooderieh, oet. tom, 06. Ne'lg!".ig„14C.A7g, Ps.: Woelufro."11,1 ettpply of tterbasteitin, on'eavotretheviLst stoek oods on tho market. Try it. -W. Doinimes & SON. GoderichChinese Laundries • MON LAY, West street branch MON FONG KAY -East street branch First class work for family laundries, and prices cheap. All work called for and delivered. Give us your orders. THE BON -TON LIVERY EAST ST., GODERICIL Thor;taiMentrtre=e1.1.0104 rirecuogitorses, Your patronage solicited. Phone 51 Walker & Augustine... FOR 8A L.E.-Two now Dwellings on Angle - Rey Ht. A comfortable Dwelling a Ploton St. Building lots on Elgin Avenue, Essex St., Cedar St, and Pine St. WANTED. --A few Furniehed Homes or Domini, neat, tbe Lake front, to rent for the pummor season. YOUNG & nonoirrsols. . . 1)0ROPERTY FOit SALE.- The desirable property on Elgin Avenuo. Goderich, owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good home and two-thirds of an aro of land. with choice fruit& The house le heated by hot wator rind has all modern improvements. A bargain for any Ninon wanting firet-olas pro - pert y a moeorate prim. Apply to or address WHITELY, Godoriah. - - I )1APERS FOIL SALE. - Soveral hundred j copies of old newspapers for sale. Just tho hing whon you are housecleaning. Apply at H1'A R OFFICE PROFESSIONAL T JORDAN, Tomtit:in nf Piano mid Organ, tfr . Voice Culture. Mro. Williams' Residence. market Street. TAX SALE LANDs FOR SALE RBA 'tux ES. Notice is horeby glvon that a list of the lade for snip for arrears of taxos ham been pro - pared and that copies thereof may be had at this raga, and that the list IR being publiohed ierton•etrieGicsiotte,in the issoes of August 18th and 25111, and September 1st and 8th, 1906. And that in default of payment of tho 1(17{,Cs and costs -Din binds will "Ito sold at the Court Roue°. in tho Town of Goderieh, on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, at 2 o'clock in the af• ternonn. "'s WAL HOLMES, County of Huron. Treasurer. trotteurer's Office, Ootiorioh, Aug. 16th. 1900. A It0 V ADA MS, teiteher of Piano. to t‘..,gterino4t Daantesoqfnamg3in weal Block , 000r. _ . _ _ . MEDICAL )Its. NMMEIISON & TURNBULL. A. Itustensott, M.D. W. S. Toltelantd., M. pho.,‘,44 Villeds 102 Offices, Hamilton St. nidenee 12i Night calla for thq arm of to, Einmergon and Turnbull bo answered either from Melt °Mee, Flanliton street, or hem Dr. Turnbull's realdon06, Nelson 'greet. 1-)11. A. IL MACKLIN, M. II. Physician and Surg,eon. Special attention to nye, ear. noso tout throat. Office aod reahlonee Olti Bank of Montreal. Oppootto PAW Oilice, West street. Godarteh, Tolophone No. Me. AUCTIONEERINO DENTISTRY. • 11. SALE, Le. I). S. D. IL McLean's . oodotioh. Dr. TurobuIrs olll atand. At Dungannon 'Wednesday nfternoone. tillersesser.vsors............srsese.sersertlee.svesklut‘ 1 NOtteSSI BECKETT, Gondral AuctIOnoor kir see Hamilton Street Godetteh. P. Q, liott Varm, farm Ate*, ond all othOr raloo will imeivo 'medal attention. I will bee YOur en- tire atekik of Household Furniture, and will oay gise (•1• pole*. Let me knots/what ,vott hove ,,eli you. - ittntom nitegurr, cariosity 4.01, huany1:10, Or tell atid See what I eon shop. (Toelorie REAL ESTATE AGENTS rt) 11 & 11ODEUTBON. rtgAL ESTATE 1 AND INSURANCE AGENTS. s.F0rirgy10.8,F11,11!.illr tighitcgttre "n0Oritirra No°1-thr gide, Carat Rouge Senate, 1 o • °`" HOTELS Virf minim Goderich 44111-- Thototighly tolittedinta modorotreilt Ait Mete or tho trav011er Ittld farmer. neat 111.90 a day hotel, found anyWhero.-10, J. Molt. MET. propriottm _ - - -. - THE COLBORNE HOTEL Tilos. D. iongsTotr, pitotiintaft, This favorite, piddle how, titkler the neW taangeMelit. Will be contluttol modern pnitelidett, and II* lirgt ITOSPifilto orriee is guaranteed The gentrel Your pattollitgb ie respectfully 'softened. BTAND-Corner arid 114. gate atrects, Onderielx.. W. gr 114 - wkirirtgagigrt. dIllWitttatia .010 idttlCIAW. . • reactit004 waittittera Uinta** oaf, HOME STUDY PENMANSHIP RAPID CALCULATIONS BUSINESS LETTERS SHORTHAND TYPEWRITINO BOOKKEEPI N 0 And all Subjects of TEACHERS' RID ). MATRICULATION EXAMS. University Men and Graduates examine all home wet k. 200 Positions Filled Last Year Farquharson Correspondence School 796 Yonge St., Toronto Inflear Iwo Woe luta eatiiilfiirsilak Ana 'loos wilt be Polly itoolvd 1411 (WM. •cg tho lituntiolpente Ratko lat'olt5 VC ter Ona Month froestlseargitputirtlittlen Ite • serot of the IOWAN* Wog obtaluest tletriatfitz 1'410* nate 011,9141 liraa n0110440+4 Wia Leta cow of LlotobW. wet Diet 11$ '0" of thy otelitOre tWit 004 POIlkielpellty _,bs tattoo thOreatt 1•14.11*Y aSki $ Mt* uNitTN 'f.PM ;Cones thelelattIttat. toogrtsum,'... • ed er .oulthiactiev"Wituto. tonatue °Pt oriettArta.,,,t4(44" • YiliolkutcaimittiorcroW in Mow It: vegroreed teAlm.voenell et 021.010, etory.im turt,M4 tOwnt or too man 00(11 liteotIO'Town•or.tioelortgh, to ,00tit lish •WitOol lito,”matooly•isesby earriagoit. goearte. • ,antopoectoccorpress.wogonet and, VANOwl• Waite .Otohildrett's•veldelcs mitt other ;wholes. Of like odors'. one love requegtoitt ha Mitt Collo-• oil Wood Tete:min thoestablieloneet thereitt bY tho giant et er 450.0QOA: let repaid • 'twooty Instelltoonts •, of, • 1$2,590 - each, wittuent'latereet,• commonclog lot One row f ronttbo deto Of parlited ot Atoll Joao to ill° intldiltinntlinY; stud be 'excinOtion tram ' Plunioistel-taxetion 1 or it'lmriod•ot Ye001, AND W14E811.01.10 coniaderation of thereain aie Iste beeMegreed:thet thq mid. Company shall met in tho Said' TOM" ot•GOderieto a • 81.11141.110 foototy. two stories. in height 400. dlin °tenon e ant least Piety by Ogee bundred feet, and"ohall Metal therolit plant an untolili tory which echalt boon genet deplicoto ((sneer . factory of Tho Lloyd aninufitottsingtosupenY as posidblio of tho nlant,now to Tattoo in the, In the CIty of Ininnoapolisoig own .1a tho Iket utteched tho proposititin .ot ,tho said. Compatty. datentho Otit dat Of*Ockleor and now on Ole theoftloo of the Clotk'kif t e. eaid Town, totit-of tint VInue of Pt le:tot al „OGG. nod shell in tho ,soosind and cools, subsequent Year after the eald Plant le In, opordied employ wn evertor:6 of • at lYat. One hundred *operatlyea thoroin •during tho term ot Lilo said loan, and shall diteihfit *Melt term rolitinnouely °potato the raid faetory. Navel when prevented by strike. atroldent. or ute aye:detentes casualty. AND WyttecoAs it has boon further agreed that the Wel Compony, so, bo ineorporato ed, shall have a capital stool; of at twist $250.00(1, of which 4160,000 shall boatitoolly paid up betoro tbe 68,1d loan is advancod, and that tomb Com- pany titian not, either by itself op its soeieelsors or aseigne, or by or through any cantor oont. pany, Orm or portion, earry on the samo er a like business in any part of the Donna.= of Car.ada during the term ot amid loan. end that all patents Pow in form in tho Dominion of Canridtt for the manufacture of the goode pro- posed to bo natitufacgured by thorn. and all Visit boTttittilatiTtOreldfgry Anoprtt7Itgluti. pany or w,hieh''' obeli be undor their control, shall he omployed only in Gm Paid bueinests,e0 aided by this bylaw, and no goods covered by the said patents] or any of them ehall be pot, tatted to bo inanufairtured elswhero in Canade during the said term. AND'WninCn.114 it has been further agroed that tho said Company shall enter into an agreement with the said town for the perform- anCe of the said terms anti conditions ond Mail Recur° tho due ropaymont of tho rend loan. stnd the duo performance of tha saki totals and conclitione. by a first mortgage upon all their said factory buildings, machinery and plant and lade used. in connection therewith and for .the purposee thereof. patents anti pat- unt rights. ond lay torturing the atilt buildings, machinery and plant in favor of tie) lend town, in Hoek cootnpantee.os oesall opproved et he clic said town, and by polliees. whicitrsealt boa." Min what is known the inortgago olatwo, if required by the said town. Aso WitnattAs It Is expedient ta grant tire mid aid eubject to thd said forms. AND WitkagAs in °tiler thdreto It will be necessary to 'Hsu° the debentures of the Town of 0 oderich for thp sum of itO0,000 as beroinatter provided, (which in the amount of tho debt In- tended to ha °rented by tine bylaw) tho proceeds of the tend debontures to be applied to the said purposo turd to no other, kylart 11.of 19004 0' the - potation of the Town of CoOotteht BANKING 0 .1 Joologil THE SOVEREIGN BANK. THIS BANK Will be open for Business every Saturday afternoon un- til 4 o'clock, and every Satur- day evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Andrew Porter, Mgr. Jordan Block, Godericli. The Sterling Bank OF CANADA HERD OFF1GE - TORONTO eversks,skre.orksere,W. Incorporated hy Bimetal Act of tiro Dominion Parliament, to receive Depoelie. Highest current rote of interest paid in our Savings Bank Bepariment 68 deposits of ft and upwardg, Interest paid and compounded FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Drafts bought and sold. A General Banking Busineoo trannacted. GODUnteli 'TRANCE : A. G. GAMBLE, Manager. Am, WrntufeAs it is desirable to faille tlie Raid tiohentures at one Bum and to maketho prineipal of•tho mid debt ronayable by yearly sums during the period of twonty years, being the currency of tho said dobentir rest said yearly mans holm; of such respective amounts that tho at:yoga° amount payable ho oath yea.r for principal and interest in respect of said debt sliallbu as nearly as possible equal to the amount 80 payablu In each of the other nitio teen years of the said period. AND WITERICA13 the total amount roquired by tiro Consolidated Municipal Aet, 1903, to be raised mutually by special rate for paying the said debt and inturest, hereinafter provided, hi $3,843.80, AND Wnganns tho amonnt of the whole rateable proporty of the Town of 0 odorloh, rm. cording to the Idrit revised Assessment Roll 1.11Or(10f, 1R 51,820.461. AND WHEREAS tho amount of the existing debenture &Mt, of the sold Municipality is $245,201.53 (exclusive of local improvement debts, setturl by special acts, ratos or assess. moots) whereof no principal or Interest In arettah Tutattammi tho Monicipal Council or the Corporation of the Town of lioderielt enacts as follows : 1. The Municipal Connell of I ho said Town of Godericili shall grant and pay over to the said The DodorIch W heel Rigs Company. 1,1m - Rod, so to be Incorporated whot.her undor that or mien other name as may be approved as aforeseid, immediately upon tho said factory being completed and tho odd plant installed theroin. and the sold agrotimont and mortgage duly executed and delivered. tho sum of fifty thousand dollars without abatoinent.by way of loan ald thorn in their said enterprise and to be repaid by tho sold Company al( aforesaid. 2. tear tho mimosa of raising the said soul, debentures of tho said Town to the amount of V,59.000 nforosaid, 111 8(11114 of net less than 0.100 oach, Allan be Issued within ono year from the pasRago of this bylaw, each of whioh beau me shall be dated on 1110 day of the imuo thereof, and shrill priyablo within twenty 70018 thereafter at. the Bank of Montreal In Lite said Town of Godorich, 3 Each of the said dobonttires shall 110 signed by thc Mayor of the sold Town of tiodorielt,or Home Otter person authorized by bylaw to sign the mum, and by the Treasurer of tho Hold Town, and the Clark shall attach theroto the Corporate Heal of tho u pal it y. 4. The said debent'uros shall bear Intoned. at, tho nite of four and onotalf per canton' per 11 n nu tu. pnyablo at t he said Blink in each and evory year during tint currency thoroof. 5, During the currency of the said debentures there shall bo raised annually by special rate on all tho rateable property In the Raid Town of Goderieli the sum of 0843.80 for Lilo purism of paying' the atuotint tine in 00.01, tlin snid yenrs for prino*pal and Intermit In respect of Lilo said tlebt. Byline to great odd le till' 4arltlittallitalifitt4, torlag Cangway. ' "WiTilliTt10419 the Jaelcsen Mattettoterfar .tettemett, who are stow *nylon ou bus itosa -the Town or memo it the -Coady Of Tn. itialagtobtuterit of ate443;;Mado oicitt la sold Clond , mol Imo° toollestOd the Council of the etch ',Town Of lioaertott 14t Xild theM .111 titit esillibbillilMrit a the. saiff tednIttrY Cloth Ilg, hive cropeaea tootatimh„ rmiole or tbe r gaut boeir in the Town of Godo. by grouting them e sictricitv for Poviel Where., with to opetate_Their eat FactOity, Oint exemptloo frOtti Munielptil xettont fora per. lea ot tee Vents. AND W1110419.41$ conhaoratton 'attire said old it 1140 been agreed knot the Old Otont. pony shall commenco uporamog taco Haia tap. tory ao tha alai (no, of &tottery, Wit; And Waal/ during the Min smelt' employ on o av). erage at least twOotty Operattro there ne old shall tiering tho soesectding ott0(120atulnerliaec tho mother of opeoettvoo so_timployed bY least Wolin! operatives yearly until the mink hor ea oniolOyed titian reiteb, sovenW•live, end altall ;to °potato theft -Mid Paotery oontion- ontg urine ttlY RIO floret Oi ton year% exne0 In m of mime, acelaent or Onavotellsol0 tem way. AND WHEREAS it hast boon fortbor agreoa that 010 sold Company ollan otemr loto an roomed with the *Id 'town to serAtre the rtormaneo of the said terms atm oondittokt. There will be sold hy Public Auctiou on the the Ann aid, premises, Huron Road, Mthe Town of Gotierich, on AND WHEREAS it LH expedient tO grant AND WILEREAS in order to plumps° tho MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1906, necessary plant and Koolau tho sui electric'. tolviseoV will Im neeossary to borrow the tuna at 1.30 o'clock sharp - MOTION -SM. (raltlIsti .atittfr.'4 FARM STOCK. 40114FICKtraT°410‘741444tIttlg vtionioiwook 104, 1011,40, Ve1001ciaogir,0 tioroldsk01 1510011)g. idlest b_le ROTA TOIreirs ',...,I0TrestrOldthetetelAIDPOna Wink 144904 to DIRTY DOWne threat Year Oa tiOnerat rilt90,90 Matt) lit feel OS ItOrd Token, 1 tour veer old,Workler ;MOM Doe6 thle ttieklve 'WOW. a Cow, duo tit °Moe) 'obruaryi floW,Allte 140 wslee la Mare). Cava, due to Nitre 4OrD. ' CoWolue oho) in dime. • 7 titootec_floatira years old. 1 441)(0,1 Pete tad, atiteero Siting thteA..yo.tay_old. Itire4-tlittto 14110's ' row Cow. De foraiglite threo nano old. ' Ileitere teas yettre old. • 2 Steers, timed year* 010. ' 11 Steens. r hise trY(111111 el,. _mop, ris Air imiteolti, o norgentre toms, dee to farrow lit Dee. , Liecoster Item Lalat/11. aha 14.010 01104a Lana*. • Ilaintop 10 horseepower, with look, all in 4"114` ovalillollgortrarit tra goad lot ot Shorthora iiisolos, and are gAIdla con,daton. and wits 4,11Mosett ot Os Mr, P galtett ebout rooting " AU SUIrtik of CO and t odor ca011; Over that angiont tuOnths tree& will io givon on furnishing approved Joint notes. A die:punt ot per cent- allowed for ()nett on coedit amounts. ROL Plunkett, Prop. Thos. (tundra, Aunt. ItIefforo„St tisi vat yeata ola. AUCTION SALE OF PEAL ESTATE AND rAPAA STOCK AND WHEREAS In order theret° bit necessary to testi° debenture% of the Tawn Ooderioh for the) awn of $2,090, as Intrein- otter provided (which to the amount °tab° eletet intended to bo crooned by this bylo,w) tho proceeds of tho said debentnrog to bo tap. plied to, tho sad purpose and to no other. mid dobenturos at op( Niue. ant to make) Die ANI) WRIOREAS it ig dogirabt to 1.4.$110 the principal of the said debt repaya le by yearly anitna during tho period of ton years, being the currency of to t e said debentures ; Kalil yearly sums being of such respeothro automat; that tho aggrogateatmonnt poyablo in each year for nrinelpal and interest la respect of maid dobt MIMI be 118 IlearlY noesible equal to the amount ea payable in mob of the other nine years of the Kalil period. AND WHItithAS the total amount required by trite Consolidated Municipal Act, 1003, to no raised annually by special rate for paying the said dobt and interost *lioroinafter pro- vided N.14.76. AND WITIOREAFI the amount of the whole rateable property of tho Town of Gee/orb:1h, according to the last, xvirlsod assessment Roll thereof -ht $4,82.18111:- • - • AND WI:LEAD:CAS the amount of the exist log debenture dobt'of the, Had Munioltraity le $343,291.62, (oxelosive of local improvement debt% rewired by special aces, rates or Items* ments,) witerea tat principal or intarestisitt arrear. THEREF'ORE tho Municipal Counell-of tho Corporation of the Town of Ooderiols enacts -as 10111.04Tv8h:e Municipal Connell of tho said Town of Hodorlch shall. free of charge. supply tbc JaeksOn Manufitaturiug Co. with iseetrioity for newer to the eXtent that 887,110 can 13(i per - eaten for tend sum of 92,000. tor the purpose or enobling tho said Company to oporitto their said Factory, and are hereby anthorized to ex. pond the sum of two thousand dollars to eatable them to supply Gm said powor. 2. For the purposo of raising the said sum, debentures of tito said Town to 1.110 amount *2,000. as aforesaid In sums of not losR than $100 each shall bo issued within ono year front the passago of •this Bylaw, each of which dobentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable within ton years thereafter at tho Bank of Amnon' in tint said Town of blederioh. 3. Each of the said debentures shall he Maned by tha Mayor of the said TOwn of God; oriel', or by some other porsort authorized by bylaweio sign the same, and 1.4, tho Treasurer of the wild Town, and tho Clerk shall attach thereto tho Corporate Seal of tite Municipality. 4. Tho said debentures shall bear Intorest at tho rate of four and one half per contain por anotun, payable at to sald Bank in each and evury year during t o currency thereof. 5. During Rio ourrency of the said &hew tures there shall be raletal annually by special rate on all the rateable proporty in tho said Town of tiodericii tho sum of $2,52.75 tor the purpose of paying the amount duo in each of said years for principal and interest In romper% of tho said debt. 6. And for the pnrposo of farther aiding 3,110 ORtabliallroont 01 t110 said Factory it is horehy declared that tho Factory buildings, anti the plant, machinery, erections, stook-hothule, sum plies and lands used In connection wii It the said business shrill be and thoy are heroby OXCI1110,011, from taxation (except school fateal for a period of ten years, commencing w1011 the yoar (907. 7. Titivi bylaw shall take effect on tho day of the final passing theroof. 8. Tho vote of tho cleat arid of the said Town of Goderich ho taken on this bylaw at the following Moos nod places, that Is to say : on Saturday, the 10t.h day of November next, commencing at tho hour of 111110 o'clock In the foreman; and continuing till 5 o'clock in the aftor..goott of the Raton dny, by the following &teal, returning oilleers; Polling Subdivision No. 1, at Thompson Bros' Wood alum, by IC. (7. lleleher, Deputy jouirlinnigngS(u)tbiltel revision No. % at 1'. .1. VIdean's Feed store, by Charles Bates, Doputy Return. Ing (Sneer. Division No. 3, at the Town Hail, by W. A. II Cult Deputy Returning °Moor, Polling Sublilvielon No. 4. at 8 stothers WagOn Atop, by John F. Bay, aeputy It0- 1,11ening Officer. Polling Subslivislon No 5. at Mrs. Walton's RiA)113, by O. t'. Black, Deputy itoturning 0111. Cur. Milling Sub4.11 vision No. 0, at John Ilrophoy's Furniture store, by H. 1.. Watson. Deputy Re- turning Officer. Polling Sub -division No. 7, at Deals NovIlle's ohoollicsour,,by John W. (1raigle, Deputy Returning O. On Friday, the Oth day of November next, tho Mayor of tbo Raid Town shall rittond at the Connell Chamber of tho said town at ton o'clock in tee forenoon to appoint portions to attend at the varioue polling places aforesaid and nt tho final summing up of the votos by the cleric on behalf of tho wows Interested In and promoting or opposing tho passing of this bylaw rospeetively. 10. The Clerk of tho Council of the wild Town of Goilerich shall attend at his °Moo in the Town Hall at 10 o'oloek in tito fOrconon of Monday, tho 12th day of November next, to RUM up tho number of votes for and againet the bylaw. Dated at tho Connell Chamber of the Town of (Warta, the day of Ootobor, THOS. TILT, 31. O. JOHNSTON, Mayor. Clark. (I, All moneys reeolved from the said ems -t- eeny on account of the 00.411 Inan shall forth- with aftor the receipt, 'cheroot he &posited to a special account In thy _Dank of Montroni at (loderieh, anti the tinnier+ etandIng a the credit of totch special account at tho time of settling tho total annual rate and making up the Collector's roll for any year Allan bo applied in or toivards payment, of the amount falling tine in such year for principal and intorest on account of the said debentures, and the amount to he 'about In such year shrill be redneed the extont of the Mini tut applied. 7. And for tho purposo of further aiding the cetabliehntent of the said Factory it is hereby doelarod that oto emit) Partory buildings, and the plant. Man/vinery, erections, stock in trade, supplies and Ian& used In eonnoetion with the said boldness Abell be and they are hereby ox - emoted frotn taxation Unwept, Reii001 rates) for a porlod or um yearn coin monolog with the yonr 1907. ft. This bylaw shall take effect on tho day of the final tettutInd shelve?. 9, 'rho vote of the olectont of (118 said Town 9f liodoeleh shall be taken on this bylaw at the following time and pitman, that In to say : On Saturday, tho 10th day of Novombor noxt„ commencing at the holm of Moo Welts* lit Um forenoon Mid mmtinning till five delort In the afternoon of tho oa1110 (W. lel the following Deputy Returning Officers • CURD A COLD IN (Mit DAV ake LAZATIViil 11120510 Quinine Tablets, Drogg1eta refund money if it fails to cure, it, (J. Oroye's signattire is on cleft box 2.1e. The eiradation of Ton Stan OM- tliTtles 10 ittettsoo. The premiums ft 104 nee the delight Of orerytine h „bag aeon them. Only 10 centa nd 101X4 'for Rotor* largc3t Ws pet. -fs • '01.s ir*" • "1" Polling ettbdivictIon No. 1, at Thompgon Bros. Wood Shop, by IC, C. lialchor. Replay Return- ing Onicer, ponioa Subdivision No. 2, at T. J VIdeon'e F eed Storrt, by Chariot Dates, Deputy Return- ing 0111cor. Polling Soleil-data No. 3, at the Town Rail, hy W. A. 11. Cat, Deputy Iteturiting Oehler. mama Subdivision No. 4, at Mothers VVagon Shop. by John V. Deputy [Whittling °Meer Polling StilulivIsanl No. ft. at Mra. Waimea Morn, hy Georgia C. nitwit. Deputy flotnreing Meer Polling Rebdivision No. ft, at John Ilropitoye Store, by II. Watson, Deputy Rot -ankle Officer. Potting sttbdivision No. 7, at Donde Noollien Hauge. by John W. Crolgie, Deputy Itetirning Officer. 10. On Prlday, the nilt -day of November next. the 31nyorof tho nald Town shalt wend at tho Commit Chamber tit tiro gold town at ten ceelook in the forenoon to appoint porno* to Attend at the various polling ptacoo olsore- gat& and at tho Mud nunnoing top of the volos by Gm Clerk on behalf of MO parteme intereeted in all promotiog or oppontng tho panting' of Solo bylaw tosimottoolY. I 1. The Mork of Um (14tinell of the mid Town of Goderiehohall atr,otta to bin °Mao In the Town lion at ton O'Clock in tiro formula o Monday, the 12th clay of Naomi:dm next, ft (0111 up tho handier of votes for mid againnt tho byintV. Hxvitb at filo Conmiltflettnber Of the Town of Opderleh eh° WM Day of Otteliot, 1900. M. 0, IOU.. gl'014 Mayor. Clet'ts. 25 ACRES OF LAND lknown as the Emmy property), There is on lin•pretnises a good brick house with funnier n basenteut ; large frame barn and sheds, good hearing orchard and plenty of good water. A splendid chalice for a malt Dairy, Also at the same time and place : four-year old Horse aged Mare 43 Mitch Cows 4 young PigR 1 light Wagon half Phaeton Concord Buggy (good as hew) Pair light Bob -Sleighs 2 sets single Harness Also a quantity of Miitc Cana, with other articles too utlinerous to mention, • TERMS -Per ESTATE, lo per cent, on day of sale and a sum sufficient to Ulnae one- third of the purchase money in ten days there- efter. The balance may remain on mortgage on the property with interest at s per emit. per annum. Por Stock, etc., 3 months en approved security or 2 per cent. allowed for cash. THOS. TILT, THOS. GUNDRY, Proprietor Auctioueer Mitt NOTICIEe 'Mt MO Marvels 4 tibia &Pt Of It olatOld' 'AUCTION SALE -OP Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture MR. JACOB MOSER win eell by Public Auction at LOX to, LAKE KOA.D, COLBORNR,, (Yi miles North of Dunlop). on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 19013, P)1.40. (110Antelliftommt,---.41totitio iron 'AMONitt Tile '01t1URCIIIISlw' SIT0OUS NaTO,-Icht 'aerwrss.74,s PHOVUI.P9 -Mt f4,14111Hel Ionian dled. rather suddenly at the' fandly residence, Taranto strOct, The dercasett lady,, • win/ woo 'nearing tho period of ' birth. hag fit of coughing Anti. dor. ing-lt Oil blood reascl govc way, death quickly .4 following. Xr. Xorrian le teTtPt thc Bedford barber shop, mot the focally, formerly °I SettfOrtlIthan been:hut feW 111011the In to nyiripaiby Is expressed for Jordan onThirokl Aoi.spdadvennusbeleref opult;:x1t,„_man ago Porter announces in 'motile?: volunin that • -the-Soyereign-- Bank -wilt- -ke after 'be opon for buslueSS ovary Saturday afternoon until 4. o'clock, and every Saturday evening front 7 tO O. Tito new ordee of things cattle Into force on Saturday °vetting last, awl, a great many new and old patrons took advantage of It. These extra, bows. will be Odlatinet advantage to many classes of people. and the managotnon seem determined to glve tho general public the best servico possible, PRAISE 'FOR GODERIGH the report of School Iuspeotor Ohas. Nivins, for the Arcola (Man.) sehoolthae published in the local press,we find the following reference to two well known Goderlelt girls: Miss Skelton la an exporienood teacher. gho handles a oleos with ease. lior mothodo are quite satisfactory. rue stimding of thill good. Her order and yard manicure room le no far good. Miss catnpholl tuts easy control of her room, Sloe uses (woe otothodo rind to much Interest- ed In her work. Hot. wovk contirtitoe 130 vory satiefactory Indeed. The genoral titanding is tory good Miss Campboll le nails goon work in movie. A normal musk) chart ehould bo put -clewed and the work taken Ilp We lowor forme as well. A (70111011,NO WEDDINO.-YOstOrday Wednesday afternoon, the residence of Mr. Thos. Sallows, Colborne, was crowded by relativeo and friends to witness the marriage of Miss Maud Sallows to Mr. Geo, McBride. Rev. J L.. Small conducted the ceremony, tho bridesmaid being MISS Oritig, of (4oderich, the best man Will Bellows and the trumpeter was OaptaInVarcoo. Mr. and Mrs. McBride left by the 2.50 train for the East, the party arriving in town just in time for tho train. Tito prneession was a long ono and the truinpeter blew ajblast at evet•y con- cession and farm, oo that all along the lino wen) notified of the Colborne marriage'. Ouit StIADE - Since the storm of last week, it has been clear- ly demonstoated that the nunierou and beautiful ohade trees in Goderich should be properly pounce! from under 1,,nd ',crease its.pew,er, Clornmercial fleshing is very good at . 4 nd mutort.-• -No towtritrearratife, ler resen•-the--liftErtlilsrweek• itning-the- est of the season. The dredge is working almost In Ito centre of the harbor:. awl is lift - ng considerable, material.: The ;Harbor Lumber Co's mill was' tompleted this week, and will be run- ning on full titna next week. The Canada Floor Mills Co. has put n the latest thing in blewers.and now *di dust and chaff from the mill goes lireet to the furnaces. '"'.,,,The south holt of the rootsof the elevator is Ironed, mid men aro now lit the north half, and with good wen, her It will ho finished next week. Winttl ft4 la *hat joYiellev 1.1,4 • . Aer-7, 111741an Ifttor tout tam; invileit Xelly calla 4 letter recervetl ;fro* a 0 t# 111,174.t Mop f(atika tkoli,pri or which, .tho •arei Atia.etf TO'reitreenwer:krok0 • friOnd Ihcre• enclosing, softie, Clitr. titbit ekil , „ra OW lefif eildllp •. • • • " vtoliTtiltrecto, wrItteti0000. ••olateltis. ifttoeikliecOdisaeptlioblotioxio.otttd. • icotillrl;O4'1114100, irotnYithicgraututh0140:0SecotittoCost,ltro ..v14014410-ox.gtlit,40.tenile,goeni4nrago,,I., roisrtoxviipuli,k,v74,"nr,tb,iirgo00,0'sinun,4,10itg,wetitt.tia"l4;et114.041:4111ficertitoirlif44A-tholl'idiATIrg• • • IsaVowlert,the soprano who will „ ot at, this ut140talott's' haqoo, tbeyare atiog to the realrle:cOrittic to singer. Ticitcts may had. trrioyeut.tnNilvel;utsprinthl.,,,, CuOgjtdeurotlecna;itOlgrtioe: 1,1100.14,4'14Mintieolvell'idiulract.t GTeorge rovetnana4voret. ittil„,,rigT1101011007(tetnott,40-tt jber7vitr tvtill.01,712,6414, likbettiotalsertntron'Aiatibriamtate_nabe you areliumlolisontO of lour.Manitolut. ,s944 .xontreaL Tho othet, put or, "k* 411 the .84m°1 and• tbe Pathos of the/ eerviee oommenetng at .1 o'clock sharp : 1 Mere, 7 years, In foal, I Mare, 3 years, in foal, Driving Mare 4 mon old, In foal to Sid• nay, 1 Draft Filly, riaing 2 years old. 3 Drat Foals. 1 Cow, 7 years old, to calve January. I Cow, 5 years old. to calve in Februnry. 2 Cows, %years old, to ostito In May, 2 Cows, years old, supposed to bo Moult good Stoors rising 3 years old. rising 3 years Old, in ealf. 1 Heifer, l year old, 4 Steers, I year old, 1 Spring Calves, I Grade Bull, 1 year old, 13 Leitrestor EWOB nnd Ram 3 Store Pigs, 1 Wagon, nearly 00W, I Now Covored linggY • Oray & Son, 1 Good Road Wagon, 11.13(1 one season, 1 Portland Cutter, I Doubt() Cutter, 1 set Double Harness. twat ly now. 2 Hots iiIn• glo Harness, ((sett very little, 1 Massey -Harris Binder, _0 11 cut, I Now Deering Mower, ft. out, 1 Mann Cultivator, only worked 20 ame4, I Massoy Harris Disc, 1 Frost et Wood Hay Rake. I Set of Sleighs, good as now, I Singh) Plow, I Clinton Fanning Mill and Bagger, I Twin Plow, I Set Iron Harrows, 1 Scuiller, 1 New Puiper, Set 2500.1b. Gurney SCOA011. 1 New Hay Hack. 1 Wood Rnok, 1 Hay Fork, Rope, pulleys, eta., 2 W heol Barrows. 1 House, 100 Hens, 5 Tuekom 1 Sugar Kettle, I Kitei1011 Stove, 1 Coal Range, 1 (Aitken. a Tables. Whiftletrous, Neckyokos, Chains, Forks, 8110vols and other articles. Everything must no, ay Mr. Moser Is giving up fanning. TERMS. All sums of 510 and tinder, cash ; over Chet amount 12 ntonllis' reedit. will Ira tvennon? fxr:tol.drilgeolteroune.4,1,;_11intt.11.0.t,t1. 0/1,, crecd°11, n mount!). JACOB MOSER, THOS. GUNIA2Y, A net ion co r Prop Dunlop P. 0. TAKE NOTICE. That the abovo la a tern) copy of a mooned bylaw which lots boon taken Into conahloratIon and which will be tinnily panned by the t`onn. ell of dm Municipality (In the event of the tweent of tho eleetora being obtained thereto. after ono tonal] from the find publication In the Gothatiolt Mar. the date of which firet pub- lication was Friday, Oct the Ifith, IWO, and that the votes of the eleetere of the Raid intinicipality will he taken thereon on tho day and at the haunt and places thernIn fixed. PA 0. JoHNITr011, tuck. f ' Ar.'' 1111111 GODERICH MARKETS. Tnere nre no ehnikgef to note 11112 week, and there were ito shipments of hogs nutter rind elms are scarce rout Grin mid Ow best gentle of butter W01114i fetal. one 4,r two CC018 more than our quotations. A. j. Cooper shipped n ear of pens to Portland for the old count ry on Wrtlnesdny. W. Barrow.; tk 8011 loaded 2000 bushels of .10 s on the bon t Arta. oti Rattirdny, end shipped moo bushels of barley to Prilineiston on Turtidn v Current wholesaln prfee.n corrrotect up to noon of Tnurttaay.) Fall whoa new 50 (48 to 08 Spring wheat. standard ..... 0 IN to 114 Irlou , per cwt.. patent 2 50 to 2 AO I( ion . per cwt., family 2 20 to 2 20 [Iran, per ton 111 00 to 19 00 Shorts, per ton. 20 00 to 20 00 Screenings, por ton 18 00 4,0 1H till Cats new 0 32 to 0 ',ti Barley new . 0 40 to 0 11 Pena new 0 72 to 0 73 0 48 to 0 48 0 18 to 0 48 Ifay. now 7 00 to 7 /10 Wheat ..... . . .. MI to 7n Bettor, per lb 0 111 to 0 20 Htges, 0104111 our dozen . 0 17 to 0 Pi Viood, per cord 5 00 to 11 00 3.,faat3,1co. oceXtBrary and butchers ..,3 Ihkil tt: 3 (f31 Lambe, miring 4 50 to 5 On Shoop, fat (owl.) 3 50 to 4 00 Hoy, live weight 11 25 tO 0 21 HOgN, dreeeed 7 75 to 8 (21 Flamm or lb 0 no to 0 00 Bacon, ong door., .. .... 0 15 to 0 18 Hides .. - ................... ..... . 7 00 to 7 25 Shoop Akins 0 50 to 0 50 Tollow, ronderod 0 01 to 0 04 Chiokons-barnyard chicks, per 18 0 10 to 0 11 " -orate fed 0 11 to 0 12 Roof, fore tinartAirs 11 110 to 0 OD Hoof, hind quarters 0 00 to 11 00 POta4)0,1 0 40 to to 40 Tomatoes 0 In to ,, (0, Apples . .... . 0 35 to 0 411 Plums ... 0 25 to (1 50 031101400 v4,Ver WO 40 below' kw. the fertriett was Woo by Um 14c. 'vas added to by singing the deeeated ,Srlef Tow0 TOplca. orycflthAikroep4'e%frorlte hymn. 0, Peace. Bast street, bas * tho kutm, tee ep new fitate The anrdversary aud reopening sers ices of Zion Chord], Goderieh wown. Qnt. ' ehip will be held on Sunday and Mon. The flange of the mow stortykand ' hoafter prOnlnii hy Oarotaker Watt, dein Oct :20 anti 20. Miss s, 3. wit. uti thionva,oin liminv, .4,00 to .tho litatitarll Toth in Cho afternoon IkX1 Alt thile Of OKI Yollet• ileftr:Iledfitqlf0.°1111101°;11190titt Altnei Qt IV: 431 " aRk.inflrernrirnwgigibbe: Court Timken Dark. ara Mel Beare% innelt thts !neon, regrammo of tousle, recitations and. enienee Of the Big Mill and Other tddresees will be given, and the usual unnufiteturIng Intim-Wks. Oed time may be oxpeoted. tY The Poty volo vieked '0P Pair 0t .fi. sandal vestry tneeting of St. vii4e8nBrolt. Olt; 011‘60$3,"Otek,°wItilE1 ap8letalellkeitIndnlY11 neQ(cren'adaviy413evebniinagintutrheecelevile°911.e.wrie.." eturn therm to Tog STAR Offiee at tort of the wardens on the repairs oul improvements at the rectory, and (toe. Last week the bottom half of ant ex- he cost, thereof, and to formulate ft ensign lather was takett from Mrs. Ian for their paytnent. As all loores residence on Montreal street, he aecoonts had not been presented, and it Is terluested that it be rammed he vestry adjourned rill next Toes- tt once. day evonlog, when it to expected the ,T. W, Weritherald, who is tempor- vholo cost of the Improverents will wily mentidly afflicted, wits foond on at in thehands of the wart one. fast atreot 'Wednesday morning and Tim addresses given on Sunday last on . advice of Dr. Whitely, was put n Nnox and Noeth street Methodist nto 'late keeping. ohurches, by Rev. W. E. Hazzard, Large quantities of 44)003 are coin- kid Secrete?' of the Bible Society, est. ewe. R, I; lett and D, Qui_ anode, were verr instructive and sun this station. Impathetie response fro' the re,.. n behalf of heir work throughout g toliptvn for shINtueut to east and Mon being the principal shippers nteresting, and a tould grodnee vs The town employees haro been buss" ° 6"erich' Mr' iiimard 8 11' oreihio and eloquent (speaker, and he he past week topping off damaged s thoroughly informed on his subject. ranches of Our shade trees, the [moult PG's., big atom ip last week, clad havo ealous for its success. On Monday ult.° a big job o it. vening he gave an illustrated address Sturdy & Ott. are showing a potato n North street church, which Watt ent by Henry 1311.11, of Brandon, to be allesaudnnotetttmswtasing,mbuuot tihneterptleerztrNevitohf own in their window. It weIghS wo pounds, thirteen ounces, but Its y the restlessness and unsteady be- havior of Sonie of the many children name is not given. Ito were present, ealliug forth amp The O. T. R. Co. Is intprovIng the romonstrancee from the snooker, , electric lighting of their property b Around Tlie Harbor. We better facilities for regulettin r it potting in now machinery that wart • .4; • fj.1 ;I' ' The Street watering cart la very -___. „ often orf ditty when it Should ho on . • ,: "4 • venture to Hay, has its many, 41r it nicer lot of shade trees, 1 han are to 1m The clouds' of dust on Wed- ' , seen here. In the mitiorit y of eases, IntY• nesday were so oeveee that tneroWitits where the snOW hroko down many gonerally were eomplaining. of thellig and stnall limbs, tho trees had not been pruned for years, but An advorthemont its a witnlow whore the strong trees had been hronstit which all the world may properly looked alter, the do.mage Wits ook into your ehop and fiett just what very slight. There is a lesson in this, you wish to see -no more, no leas. 9TTililun'thlil'r...1.ilf7/874011111141tillgihrtte8fttlirt '4'000114H. Altitlloilwilloirielsiirdrosnnhogt°,111:(1,1 ena11111:tahdyPlit'lliaolirdili I ott4eha) to,ok LI ,afwlki 1,4": advance sintmet•iberg are the delight of were to take the initiative and set the .very portion who ham N1'011 them, and cronnuirelable e'xample of pruning the 1 goal many nay(' aireluly gc,..#thint,„ public tuapies. Gentlemen of the lora 1111104 getting a Noir of Weise council, what (10 yon think about it ? works of art, because they cost you 0 itA IN Com MI ISHION. -- Thu itoval nothing. Commission appointed by the Can. Next week the question of the tie- aleat ion in the accounts at he Sum - adieux Governonont, 1.4) investigate mat - net. lintel 01 111 1111111111Or Win he again tern coneorning thee Canadian grain evfore tile niblie, as it.' is undoreitood trade, is 1100/ holding sessions at, va. mums are I being nreintre 1 f r tl • ri,MS 1)1411 1, T1111 committee cottoisto wend, • • • it sitsk.t w. 1., meNuir Keyes, ms,„,; On Wednesday evening our one of Messrs. John 111 Moo, Indian Ilead, 3" 111 t In ' "°' lleorge Gold ie, A yr, hnt., and .1, lt, sitylaford, and m 144 Hoer, t.k.itab, ilne oh i7.11111, Mititland A. lionolior, of lioyle, M. P. P., Edmonton, AlberUt. vere joined in the bonds of marriage. Mr. Boyle. is Socrotary of Goo no twoolont, or going to press on Wed - commission. ' Tho emutamodou 11110 been appointed owing to complaints '4"8'1,3•1' eve01110 T00 HTA0 6, unable that have been made by the wheat '1 1091' 111 0 ParlI0Illaro. pt•oiltieeys of the west of the mannor A I 1 ho (misled mooting of t hi. (lode- tileclanalefriue type of the modern lako in Which then' groin ili hanilled in re- .101 branch of the Women'o lostitot.. The Canadian oteatner Mon kshaven, ference to gnu] ing, prices, elevator teld at 31re. .1 .1. Edward's, it Was do. which Wan released from Angus charges, etc., and ints full power to 'ided 1 lint Lim Institute will have a investigate all that 1-erN CODDVrted With 10.110WD`1.11 tea, fol. the benefit of tho shunt, in liAke fitrperior, after lying 1110 trade In 4 lanatia, t Ito 1.1(111 orl States tospital, alintit October 311t11, of which n the rocks at that point (since the oig storm of last November, washed and in Howland. Mesors. 111 filer and itiT•t,ittHeir sni(tittiiielt.:1441vvi II Allier 111,vvett iv. I. i(night. MeNalr, with a stenographer, 9 isit od retro her moorings in the storm on '11(1141111y of last week and wag so badly tioderich, on 'fuesility0111‘tyst. 11121 ilit,(114.,1)111: it, session in lhe 41fliee 1111''';InIlf let;1148(1181171t:11.:1111717rreYd 7:1111411118Tv-tYll iattered against the rooks that oho is i (len with 1 ipe 'and well formed bor. now aloonest it total loss. It is not tNoottlt..„11. sutioi•Len.ea"tg, ti:lomy 1i ,tricttime:::31,1),".(i.tiloo ign..141.1oHi t tottli,t. •'es, t ho second crop this neatiOn, 'They honeyed time another attempt to elevator company, find the two local cere of white variety and of quality loat the wreck will he made. Tho grain buyers. 1 Oa WOtild 111.1 11111infilCtOry in the reg- vork of saving Ow boat has been Born. WRIDINT.- On Thurenny, thanhor 1 1111, at tho homn of the pastor of the Baptist church. Um wife of Rev. II, W. Wright. ts daughter. Married. inonyzi.v- PannoNn, -At Toronto, on thotobor nth. 1900, by Rev. Allan Seager. Mtge 11. IC. 41,1114 Pomona, of Detroit., to John Momly. To. ronto. Died. KngrafrAW.- andOrlch, on Sunday. net 11103, Birdie Irene, only daughter of Er- nest rout Luny Kneeeltatv, nittell. year and en dayeo. Ye Buckwheat., por bushel Tile new drill on the harbor dredg- ng outfit woos tried recently, and vorked very well, so that there is lathing to provont the harbor hang eettened all . over, as the rock can't esist it. A despatch from Duluth host week tattoo that tho dimmer II, P. Jones ad loaded 370,273 bushels of wheat or Buffalo. This cargo is by far the to•gest load of wheat ever floated on ite great lakes, and is believed to tie ho world's record for a singlo cargo f wheat. The Jones is a new boat Decisions Respecting Newspapers. Any porgem or poem's); who takes acper reg. astir from et mm, atom), votiottav ad echo in hio motto or another'', QP WhQ4,1109. 114) A0 onto cerilmil or new, to tooponolbto for tetymont, If a nerernt Otdore gavot discontinues ho 'feta pay oil afreare, Ot riabliolter may con - tine° to *Sol tt 011411011t tonmele, and then ealloa the 9011016 annitillt Whether the ;moor ta taken Or ilOti Ti10 CoVitta have deelded that refuslog to tate nowsearom goeheameht Men the emt tate ramoving atm. leaving them ettcallOtt elarlWea.,,reatahla linPaido 1r1 tnt caveat lettfettlOulduintel. ie. • 4. •.8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. reacher Wanton S. 14. No, 1, Colborne Tenders Wanted -W. L. Horton Auction Salo- Robt. Plunkett A action Snip Jonah Monor Pandora Itangea-E. P. Paull n Olnssos lost-HTAit Ovinen Melina liomo Range -C. 4'. Lee. Carpot Samples- Ilodgena Tiros Monster Thirgain Days .1 Colborno Leading Commercial kle11001 Central Ilutrinem Collego.... . ....... 5 Week In and Week Out Woreolla 4 Now Deng 0. Dunlop . Popular Priced Shoos -.Wm Sherman . Elidoboard Specials - Ff. D. Boehm . . . o W met Underwent - D. Millar te... 4 Typowritorn-W. Elliott gore- E. Harvey . . . . 1 Satunloy Hours Sovereign Dank .. Auction Sale -Thy Tilt The linen NOWA. W. g. Page . I , 4 older way all summer, and she wan 1011 I 1, DR ICN.14 A 1 lt. 1‘,. Illeclilig of the der neason. to have been taken to Duluth next Childt•en's Aid Soeiety was heid In the Law Library 0 n lin "41 n y „1„.,.,,,,,,, n 11 oh Nvill double track their line from wiu, a steel Atennier. bait tn sealond, Th° in•t•°4 'I'm" iI4 thn."1" "romil week for repairs. Tho Monkahaven Stratford t o the Ooderioh (limit with InA. I In' attendall°" beiIIK 11“111) 81"8•11" oak ties and 140-11t, mils., tini 1 lii ;10 and was valued at $70,000. er than the impot•taneo of the work pounds to every three fe.et. Larger Buffalo, Oct. 1 5. -The Foreign Chris - now in hand deserves. Report woo •nginees are to be put in sorvico and lioninn shit iosloanyaarly co oo oniveetny t loopne nheadl II. ts Isrhoo- made, of a ommber of elthf'S dealt With. there will he an averago of 45 cam to foi•th, who had been sedneed by a man Tito .1 0 el(Ron Mato tt f ac *I (.1 nnouncement of committees and pre - one being a girl of II, frown near Hon- ., t rale. w ho has since skipped t he eountry: „„ v will be. a good thing f Aul•IIR - 010- ed by addresnes and the introduction entitle of annual reports were follow- anot hordt Govt. months old infant front '-n- floderich, And tontranteeo to give em - •or of several onisoionariog. The Foreign nelr Clinton. whose mother had alien- i loyment I o 1111 1110 liti»r atm I t • ng. so Mrist, whleh was organized in Louis - M igoionary society of the Disciples of dotted 1 ho child and left, flu- parts un- ') . known. A family in 00(144.1,11 With be- excuse to go Idle. And the wagetre 90 %dile, Ky., Oct. 11, 1875, and incorpor- will t that nn girl to. woman will hay ing denit, with. mid two op k hppe, climes he as inti, I ed under tho laws of Ohio, has (fro - 500,0011, and has an annuity fund of [Ion. t is expecte( that 31 re. I liti•vey, 1110. e pelf,1011/4 Igarti, \V. A (Ammon & Son's change of advt. " 1,01%). It employe' nearly 200 mis- the Provincial matron, who visits the They announce R011144 Halltrflay and elist teacheres es and over COO native even- ohild rem placed in homes throughout vv" t"eeivE'd I'" in"' f"1" thia week. 'marl the Province. will be in this neighbor- and helper°, distributed Monday bargains, including 1200 yds. n Africa, China, 01111/a, floatation hood Hoon, and When tile dlli,e ,.1 1111'.1' Visit IR known a iodine meeting will Philippine lo- tapest t•y carpet at inic., 1,000 vardtt of stands, India, Japan, Ilatinelet t o at 5c., drool; tweedo 111 25e., ands, Scandinavia, Thibet and Tur- bo vatted, at which oho will deliver an ochireme. I t is itloo proposed 10 ask the mreati.lt also sustains a publishing vests ILT111, 11111WPrii Itt 25. :Li and 50 cts., ey. ladles' tourint coats, etr, local pastors of town to preaelt a Her- iliOn on this work. that lus importance MaJtir Jordan Is minus two plate and preosing need .11111y ho brchig it g IL,00.8, Vil 1101 a , a Ion . 1 ou . • P. R. CONSTRUCTION NOTES. I I I I t i t $10 , 'h before the noLiee of the. 011111111 going They wore taken from hie premises (hi, mondny the bridtp. con tmeto,.. people .:1 the town Cori espondence by nomeloody, and will lik,oly loo ran amothor engine on to the bridge, IN aim) in pro Noss to ith oil loons of 01 11- Innate)) in I he near future. Thin In and will soon he ready to raise the Thaler.' for forming the sixth span. hese having been nhipped from 'For. onto on 'Ptioadav. or even more than many eety in the foreign field value at Gornto/10 the count Are all Id ting THE GIODERICH 14TAR le a winner and leads In all ilnee. Most of the eesidente of title county who left for Manitoba on the Patin Laborers' excursion bay° returned to their homes. They report lots of work for laborera on tel raplt and railroad work, but say .re littIo for those who wish to tut In their Moo at farm work. or towns in t it eon nty NV 11 11 a view to probably the first, cane in oderieh hay ing local branches formed hero to of pm ledning 'date Wry, frnmtn, even look after the neglected eltildren thotocrit they wt.ro not, In store fronts. heir yet knot. The new plate glass for Butler's book .4 Ins A STIOWS Pinta. On iiitturslity stA me Wan 911 host l'uendity, hut wee„ another unfortunate accident 'nor n in g, While l'ilrry threshing Ore grain of .1no,Newermilte, the cornet in nornew hat of shape. at his farm (o" the Boron 1 0011, nett), And them. Oaten are pljpenpive, ton. tbo oometet y. a spark from the engine tint her Din 1c hao boon ordsred atiti WIL0 1111),Vil .71 t he 100(1C grain and Will lie put in In tho (ammo of a. few et row arm) t he machine, find ainund. ayes. Instantly A hig tiro woo Moving. The 1 Reid, s, (of lirorgenown, and 11',4PidlehtiehAcilli.lroutlroi,"Ilitt:1) :1)171'; Wedneoilay. .1 no. Bright, of M vale, were in town gentlemen, who l'h"e'riPpra'rta0131 imposoibl... and the new vieparn tor Wawnnonh, are t he 111190111teen of tin. head Wily had the lire moth. Gott it woe wero rteemit min led Ity Mr. Bailie, W. watt horned. I 11 a very few 11111)111e0 Ontario finvec0 men and are inspeet- t he. whol.• barn woe' ablaze, a 1111 ID' lag stallions n11,1 Ilrnoti maven th 1.01101- ilrenhor, barn anti t ho noroton's grain felt the diatriet, and will of terwardo of ()sun, barley, wheat, et ro101. rvimrt 44) be Government on their poising (some 70 aeres of erne, were vestigationo. noon nothing but aelien, The ilre Halney Park. n neighbor to BM ler'n WAR a most unfortunate one for the hoot( Afore. IQ In the 'swim for broken ownor of the farm mut 9r/1911(.10ra „ ['late fronts, On Wednendav aftet - of the t bresher, 00 1 11 fOrt11111* 1014 ait 110011 tWn doiro Were fighting and lit his neagon'a rent), and t Curt y Bros. t he tangle erashell minimal% tnrough the rocootly pot reinvest new mach Mo. front. end left the plate glow' a total M r. Newcombe haw Si4110 inatiratwo in wr,,,k. Minfortnneo germ to Devoe the Mel( Mop Mutual, hot it in mit corn,. libe lightning. which finite olenr whether or not. Ite may be , w'Y '" an wen nnio, never otrikeo twice in alde reenVer, Filo Iona will lio pro the onme 11111,1'. $2,5011, while the Curry Bros. lond inaltranen whatever, void 1 heir Every pi tizen who io loyal to Oode. loon will ho Montt, SI 11(10. Optional R 111- rirtte. and ovory eitizon oboist(' ho ourele e for Cho two bylawit now pathy In felt for Ow l000ra, Mr. , ow - combo and fondly had work eel for before tile people. They are Iwo Of years to aeeinntilato tompetenee,and the bent propositions) ever placed km. wore nneemooling very Wyly, but the fore he eleetorn of thulerielt. Cutsttio rothleao fire fiend in Ito .erttel way people really. the Inventor, and groat han anatcheil riven him altnoot his all. importanee of advont of the 0. P.11. and In titan our Nothing (taunted. ho fools, like pieta log to the ty town, airfoil's, and ohould Yoreivo evory en- itizeno will .1114) realize what It Means. Pooh the old town along. eottragement In doing so. t,„ rml, lw now one being broken arrow. • -# - • 5 A large pieeo of the 'structure near 110 elevator where t he cot watt made oy Goo O. T. R. steam 5110901 has fallen town, and the elay hank is otill •ruirliding away, anti it !stokes an it er10118 attention to thirt falling clay tumid at once be given to prevent r. lide, before the autumn rains mono n their plenty. The section of the Onolph and Oode- let) Ity. ending at Mancheater will be ni.gbeel this wook, on it Inniot an if rains will be running from Toronto althorn beftwo Ohrintnuto, 1000, antlers. With the eompletion of that ection it is expected that many of the nen and teams that have been work - lig on that part of the line will be Med to the titan' at thia end, and telp to hurry the goml work along. Quite a number of men aro Outplays (1 around tho Riot down hill whore he otation in being built, tho "(tooling tp of the land at thia weot part being he principal work. The contain onnejation of the stmlion, round tibitea and lireight depot aro all ready for thOlr' tiporottowtoree, and the etone blocks lust will bo used with the pressed ricko for the depot, aro: botng eta. The iron bridge, though started. Is at standstill for ovine realoots. and there o a atoppage of work from the Malt. .raul Rivet bridge to the cut at the ifice of the Western Canada Moor MN Co. The Star Min le so holly grintlint (+Altera (bat. they 113176 tO imak verthur. • • • '4. • . • ; • • 01 • ,r'rrt • 5 r , 1 • ' I • , • 04