HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-09-28, Page 9I � .---- __ — X -f'-,, 1 J"17, �� 1�r',F I or, '-- I �, -, � . - , I `F,� -7 : I , . 11-T �",..Tr_! 17777 �_901RWWJII 7 WIN, ".
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a �4 ,� "rtw4r," , � x;;!w"v"�-*1 W I . , -.,z � IM
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7 . , W,.* � I . % 4, W, - 11 .
I I I I- �14. � Mawl"., :-, . '':- � �, )k 1� � I 46 , I ,.
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, I ,�
. ft=1!="_*1_.;� ___ . or *0 lrafto powel iss I M 1. Gm MEAT smmfi OUT, MUTINY: fRIGE'OF 6REAT POWER1 IN, NEW OLD ENGLAND 1 ( . I .
9 "M SCMAND WW 111TAI ....04, ,. I . I-.,
BW MICE of MW W&W. owns bwaft"s * " i # — i_ I I I—'
*00 or iewe VA. S. I 10 %~ 1. .."". � ",
- — � 1, I I � I I mm *It MAZ WW mwwwl I"" I 11, 11 I .
"001*uo "" WM "M ... . "I . -
— awah UW*. 1 VAOW6 *%"N""I" M .
I I Neill.peapdrd fAmm all U* M"111111111M OUM" A -r 1X% 9m A cATr"9-, OW 006MM A 00004WIt - , �
- I WWII* *W", or "M No I I - � . go OWN MW , 010111111M 10V rx". I 00. so "O" - . 11 � .
1wrimpolux"Mowam IIIA1111,1311, vw*" MWW a*la%= � . SUM 00 MAAS, : 1"T AT 00.,, z�. I - I ""I - .. � . � I
Am ANWASROL, am I* am PW **son% wa won W" I .i- � � , ..*". 1 4- 1 1 1 . . I . I . . ,t . I
*W. *I* I*.fe %* it"& do — I . I i .. . .. ,,, I e
I 11 bw At I I Not to w", toor,004- he* .move A*4, � 0040004", 10 *0 llool# 1111W I �
`1110*0 'I Z111114 I
� I 0,11116 !Mil - - ... I I
� tu no �& 2w.ft"4=11aw"" 16a so, atti 04 hp so 004004 7* ftw VOW 0aw U"ft tit wo 4. ww* otodi" Notot "* ft" VWN **or. I : 41100W on Im ,. � � I � � ) , .. � I
. I 0�as W00% - Tlew ums no" W w0w4ps. . Am, 101010110110111111 04 ,111111110111 Vw0iii NVOWOWIII * , , ""es, At goo swAvow - wot*l ) 1.
., .1 - I : I . I ", . I
. TftIW*# vi Nobf - udw "#W, 1%, i I ". I I I III I 11, - �', . I 14014*1�, It" A**"* ,, , IrbWo * I I I I
,� � stotif xpv�0016 I I ON IPA"* 2" MOIL I 11 . . 11 1, . 4 " I �, I The, "10 ittlilittylood ,Owing hw � t PA"4" 0, roolt . I . k''
� I 4 *4 of -44,114 Of 0001111111140" 6044 loor,ft U161tad SWOO W WOLA"Wiv PoialmA*iKI, b."A, MOW 1A VOW. 444 wQril%
I -,9VVy, &Y illt that . 00411, o4caft, faid, OMA, 110W.PWI(A Q'Itilweall I
ta Jok wlew tb* I b" �IIM. 04401(ftW X19#44% l%AW*W 00I)t ;,YW mul #404 out W #4 4W_AWQ0M%0 reliA4901o' WVylhV4VI4o"%IP,yo,,b*P*U" IIiA##",4,-,1AI)A1*P0 I it I%% 11 I
Miflot 1w4ally YW A)W 00*0 111`60 U111111111411, so*", W. 044 904 q"w I I 04t) th4which W W1011Y bOW 01 -fift, "'OUblic: 1YO." bw 00qwIly little 1*04 ulkw I* #a . , I I
%ft d"Pollrodi "*" 4I we U" ym- w1wh haVe bwo uw,wrted Irgm. AbMil.
i,w 0"ONAW ""sieia* " wo� 14=a 1, 4f low' We *at 6" Ifiew by"Illit Czar up", tuo I"olallit., . napa 1*44 q awy buotil"411iV44 uwil,eil 1 . . � .1 � �
rows OM44 $AV* 04W 114 I" lRow, *P40 1 404ioapuon of 'tho P4401 Vo In V44144 1
at we* auticig bwas No 1111sillit" to W*A U4 moMillan I,QW SQrp 1vuAqi tiusx4% , . , , 0, vitly A" tilt tmoof. wa. ,
V* ulfsl� O" . IOU 9�, 11 4 004 0 ltmop 4hvep witt , I Wb, to, PQPUW,k%Y-TfA i I !! I
I Irish pi I)y dyil*wlio W ,IAW '-w000 itpli;04 soilekitat *410 - . �&Iflflig at otit" mes4 This I& 011)(PhAll.ally, tile torp# 410ittill P0414"'W"ti 4� amt � I I I .
outroves, it WOO d"444 W orgluitit" a awaits, tfiauw� k* O" li "A Mr. 015" 1 - 044 plust V, Ally 4 . i NINVIlly Aillitil. Or WQM44 Fp4miroodwil . .. In III 1111104ory of.twu0sor vatok Out, �, I . . �
11 111111111144 *111CAL" =4411111AWY. YAMM All '"I Us, so $at*#, ag. I itn' . T14 ,"" ho %wol PIN*, at, W. itkoh wishbA4, 0. witilvit, J# , V0 44 We bohilin -awy. 14. It Oki � � .1, . ! I
'In Aue. sory0i tu *qu , . I I
11 Cl�tltlfibslllt r r rrol I wiltu It*, 00100t), 0, 441y p*14 boa OW14 WROW 4 11*IRV* M14: it AfAtI11110A A-0 I# uklow $it 14111 i
� Iftle 11,40al, aremV bt, ttla =%� * 1104 IA'4,*_1A 4strOw ArTfolit 00* Of tk# *b"0904 t*k6,iQV*r 14.QQQ*;Q* Yftrly rQ - 1W -ow VA tq 44414 Im4tr W*Wai, *WWI ��, % I .
I - wo .yw �, woft. i ,, ld"44 I � :: . �
- OtUfflUbloIll" HO-WA"Oltiffisit"40oto itt"e"' Last TW o"r -44'yffl`iW_' _44%wbeut upon 'OyRry R1444ii IMU . . P I 1 ..
1. uVesupwa Departm4at, Iler if Pur. IbAt luxury 41W 444W. , I Rort;I tM W,pVQtl 49WA 4 . ;i1i'll. JQM4I. DOW 8pactilid, w4firet, WPOY 04 , 44i LAW A% &01�tOtlg�� 140- .014 01114, *It TOO, I I
, "" of loc A 4100111CUO" 144 'AAt - that oonlf ortar4 , lf,",111
I ", M 9 . ** t #it l-, #x -AV*, y"M 11101104 of frozen. U=AY 0144, I() Out P I I . .1 will, 091M Pis QW4 44. 4, 1410494 -T . . � 1,
. �
i 1 11"444111%, mww I I U* OAT. , , - ". I ,�
I W� Ay"Milc w1lift. -M4 end, rftd *A4,IMQXO vir. AMOK, Wne, 0*V'Weawtu trolq Nqw Suuttt ewaloii�' Alut-W ,110fol - ?Zdei� political Ito is. 140, Ali Qtiho , " I i �� , A . I . I . . I .
. , 41AW 414 wo�.lpia the - 1kou"t, I I I -.,, I I
,4#ryiaa "LivIa from %us Position. .140"s - .-90� "4XA1f0tf10r,h6J W 10nandait a P,004104. , w'-wote; � I
i 4cloatuiltIo I# goi* bed. And thello , It% IttolliIi"o tic Cloyl"N't, 044 ""01A, a * AuRr Uvor Alst; lott,
, , 0 M44 0Q0WWaL I—b"o, Until. it's tim, tA Ili 1* 64 jot "01141, wf $
WIWI and I X04019 tu", 111:19W. -*A, W ars i - tO 4 Jq� , . .tnaltry, IOU0, I 'Vill! , I C "I
olliti - i —win I 1. U , V11, UX 4A%914- t`f% 11 �
� lulows, JA 4micfloing� 1 t't4 fill RMeat tot the Aii! Ilia, Answer core arte, all, tnwb3i"� 11h* � I 0 "dros.0itik Iflup, M"t, wit 04 to PPAIR'' 111MV POW01 Atli, I
I - slool; also (4, couW for'proWung A� #IW suoll, __ - Aw� _04 . 4 %� 1, 0 . � 11
.i I .'Evigh, 11 r to making A QW11 of, *A 144, r 1111; �Ilqr,ftrob.o*% tovOr bU fit I., . 1
4- �'*P,4 0 Hall, Eollablitir.0,'. It'
� 40:11MIYA040,000#11D "WWO-10 13poms, Aild MW NOWY 2311 f4rilga. MiAt Is Iltbu � I ..
44 , 14 II V4 � .. I i.)
� Ito, men W11,0601 401 W01*4 44' 4411906- an , w,1144'14 PAY'l0r,46 , - - -�, I- - 'Tte ChIal' 1114pactor- of"140wilw . Mf, 40, us. ARIA lamp g `Uhit� blool 14 Ift", *Ayflii, the"pr I I � I I
, � . ouqtrl"-,4A4 , *k1s, - VIP , U. phy4m Lott. www" solus"1444 r,0414 �. ,. I .
., ___ 11 Mi - V, .& - lwpan`V. M024111, � �
, U!l� 0"114.1 I
11� ,�,qur 0 � I appolploid;,ft. Ai 0 _$WA04Iio LA or, 61441109i t44 Argo,511141111, UVIA11141c, (*O. rl 11011111). , I'll I.WhIol"A-1111111livolif 1111111,14,44W41110 , . soi.-Ilt, I A _ . I . � I I . ..
�� ,
1, I Act � MI, I*. ivy 4xpwoaft jltt� 490. ho YOU, ,� too I � "01t, porl0m, Olt IN; "Or . I . I 't
.. L01Y mthim 2 11tur"wum 44 Was . . , I* 50140 A" 44%, � 404 taolli% A IV, � � I
AW Chief $wrstlfry, (Or; R011444i' ..;sornotiliffig J!6r 04010 - Wylotf sur;01% AM40P 19a. F4011i A11A atlo;.1pill AV.$ 's., � ,_ 111011 jroxlflollolli of 19twot U0. PA. I I I . :,
, , , xrof , "
� . -4 ��. tho 4%aJoulad'itiet 04k, 04 pwownlil 4"Pilm to, .4 A "
t Can't 'get . A , g.. And . or the'',q)(1040M, it.owit. of .. 40, . . _* , � I I . I .
I Thei,work of "Oroptitill this branch, likelvioe, is it m . 014� sotao oega and, uggen:* soitoo 1W, . even, to 114 Im. , 14449ilk, - L *A) after 9041 � Ant o0tr-hii just 04 A, DY: (110.1 I I I
, -
I ; � - C&L, 4, t4a, London. � _Y."$�Wlw, #�, tbat, a 09, wokushop Acti I , Ate, . I ,� . Ifiellt, we 01W L 4AY, lutportoverhoit fill. W i: "t J,44.,114LA44ous, t w1le 0 __W 001 � I I I
* coUnl$'.cf, F .# j,hai sugh- QM � U on Voliftil, - I �
vlrlte� triot, 01 I) . .. live, 1 , #4 -to, U,d Py, III, friW94, 104 '44 ' Courgli, tor if*, #.Qpw � � � . � I
. !, 10401 00' ITO - *Ad , I 44 .. I , I ".*Vt 'Asit, , . I _.� I . . . I .
i 4 co"Pood � 1k*mWJ,hl oly Uk,#P? P.194 � oAr
::: � . chronicilo, wits, 0AIlkwlied to 4,111M 44� y tilt' � Mrs, GropVTordij *.-WA%AW,, 11"S619,141 * Million OX00L _*WuV too *W6. '" 414 At"410114it , ot,cockler, 41IM for- V*ItW,. . I I .
, It jlflw� "XQUAS: goll'and �Wb& , arid MM.PIJr&Ue;l 11 4 11 1. - .
� � . ispectop Littlowid, who, relilro on A meol -with 00.1%W111110y, of yoft%.Orcl, COU111hill SW6% D&Y4 4 , hyr4hili ,Was nurn�erL,ot, f - � ,_, , 1 4 . 1". 'L . Q*, PhIA44, tortUrstox 144 10.0,0wifim MAW*. 001404 11% 1140� %Q0 "M .
11 Ati". ..... I #,It" .111,11d"W" ,IQ 'V
, .
I .
11 PeAslop ,�Qmie #014011tar''m e ;W4$gOW §6111;4i -f he llips; lq*."40 L "tot. uIlls %Vto . .. I 0XV _ Iflo to Asy � 1:
." I , .01ovel be- , x40 i t9 , TeAUX15 ,A1114; but -A*Um a lit , ,-go I I WONsi ho PuPtlefyi I " 44,44440*111 Pot` 404mik"a, foomw WE, IRTO,up the ��, , ''I . � � -
, 1'yfto, Ilao, ,wAe4wrLu;$,to,uoA,))YIWVIAS�41("U!l�A ,',Imp�;,t�,trt(le'u'-wit4gut,4()IJ4; tlis,00- I � . I I, E -
" LL ) umch W Ferindulgamw 'A � I . I ) , ), I I h .P."k-durtnothe 110"S 414411111101. , ( *" "r � : I
JoeiNo 41 4b*'_§91 . ity! � � . I
11 A oqV4Iy Well Charges, 'All thtilile,� gii %()to 419 vro W,Or,m : LAI . I i A
I � L, I'll, I I "ilk%Amft 0 1 � ... eil ht(Al 111111ift -
I 11 "Crt anot U., "I'Somis rR414i llt)i� 1-1 ........ . . .. - ----- . AOL; alk bo,-_,rqfir� T 0, tV1AQA vema"0404 Mm - � I, ,
h1ty , .11, �
- .. ..1_1
� ,.,, -1 RWOT 41bep.4"ouw"., . -CMM A.ex 1414.0rd"W1911opPeol. � ,,:, . � . � � __ U I I h, If asko� , 0
� 1.� 09 . -4m, - ___1 4990 i of live, A* � , ot 44Y �
. 14. I , W^. W I
, .. i __,�K __dr1lf_1)T-)f00%AC � 'M'V91iP"",$WL,hDW--N0",o , . I I W --4W- 1AW � � -, I I I
" A 4pted, to 14% �Vltfli 94MC1111: -account- .. �, . ,� = I'll ...... I'll, — --- 1 ; , "
I � . � I .1
. .L !- ,
- _ . novifiltillypiciiiedlipon tA ague.- , , 11 , 11 the of M Is( I � , . I � . - ., -
I �� iPatirlot .0 tuo , lanatictil 'llowl) #00wor at* A �t thpip, 101.1'41ikr-00111009011it it ft4w LQ440A An, 144, depth.$ ,of winto On, *4 Q or* on � 11
, ,io qefo itro,care1w.., ,a 4 , Z4,07 Voice Nfa�, , " " , , , -1 IL
$4 . ycomo � 1ti JAA$� beeig JhO�*m04P&.4X.co1*I0g W401 biige� par Iii 0411'riAtwo ,W we , ,,, , k, the - 141 i flystomutli v is a a 0141'r4l - L I . . �
, $,A. - - roSOUrCg$; but It, M44 40,1.ih%t _ . io 4. time 1114019 10111 nwIltulAd #Ur a, I ,� . , �
, , Rol V.as�flel, W, . 11,110111 P ,
I . from FrAincos"11141,V lor"5 , %,:D%, eont�r � __ . 7 -- mo 111111 fid 'A "' .11
,� . I TIOR, DepArm, g4 _ �nieu jp.. * W_- itou. ,, � , 144%. fAAIWXA I% I ' '
I I � Tim qrlmlrAj� 14Y00 I -d thep-0 , lire, 914a r# ,101 - this IPT4499 q&ftIVt,.,1W)AV lim "AN.M." A_ '04. two p 300 40slouty bou".., �011%mlaji Y-4ter. OAK, 1AW to Imperlot - ' . ' I . i
,, '
I L -
1. � .
I,- . , ! , , � ,. . The, ,Wef, Josp-WfaP ot,F0,A , Milo, $. 11 I , , likolver'. 11"Wt 01'' If" 1,4 .1 I
. . lipeciall, 13raoc4 . � o ''they or, ttieW telling -altoodaerc '�.'I'." - 4. ,olivantfity,,_ of; , : - OW, These Nyere pollAid , CA" I � I ' 1, two, 0 it " , , I . 't .
y is, at quou, CQPIPO$e leAm � WPAOX`A� lill4kit" thw, 04ni , , , � � 'ro 144 rt�' plo Q#0%,Se(1tI"10'*I0^5W,k 4ml lie, ,
almost eptirPO'ot 4:,I.;,D � Co"Wor ftrjo h" DR Aftelowo .P� ro 4, Oto L Ott d .10 � I A ' ' ' I
� ! 11111693i'. , �.0 lia'aalife,w-0 � 4. I � &I - 1,011,W , � S -011"I ' . I �� .
. it - 'an, too, who.noVer 'at 1fAf$;W 0.4 1, A , v - � . (9_11
6 HOW ,an I 11 , - � Zw tualt.01Y forly'llAos ''tow , , ng.' Lordi. Rgelcoh4014, �, 1p , ,
I - 40� Able, "d I 0 gmt, po.��tucl Piper, pd�:�Ao . what w P �, , � I
; '
� directly IM I �� - app * lot ..Iioripif. thol forty �0401 *smge, Mr. , , . I
V _% � .9100, 'Dr, � V,, I�t,gacklAW31t, I IQ bc .
� .i, . , , Will. a4mg, 1_:myself- Eto'tk 4049 � victory, 11 neol r'L � � .
. - . _0. Ne : F - itii, T,Asw iiti,04 §Wall. � � REGIMENTS, �VIPFM OUT. I T41 oy P,(*11,
r, . bitce than the mf �Hhc,. meilropolitilift - � certifying slarspon - 0 . �` the, . I � WHOLE . Vries rp , Q OW Oto 4 lurijArom GouldstOnof an FOPPIng I
, � . � , �
I .
. I �.
,. pouce� -44 4064 Aon4wt, IA,Vhot� I O0.A3'EJpep.. . X � 01.6'4� aod,worlislf* Milo]? the'str4lihmigla . I Alst0t in it , p 0 4 poi who- has JIL'st, tiourod, list *fk*. , , , 1, - 1�
,�� - -g(veXk t ;Jhs:,-CA Oy , t � -0 And. now, on top at all -this, comes, , I , . .
� iiiohw,� Od''llien ixo todly to Oil ffft� 1.
1: �. I ' ' .� �BELI; .0 , � 091, SPI106-11, WhIlk so, thlIr m�intgr *as Oil od itearlY 150,OM M110, I ,,
044 �:)' - . � WIN% t;EotiQ fIEAM'.
I . �
� . described polltel -,fatopoljtto I 01 r W4-W,bTQl4er,�: - I r 40wokot,1130, CoUtIV rit'vifie. ' ,yell fri�4 I ,so, almost, every. mortill" ,he" A** 11110 colon� ,,
: .� I ,Y - , . � -, -at. tho, fooniont. � ,,, 44 � '41 WgIlAt � . . ,. #v ii� AWQ�Vik vo# ti 04don, the .914 . I I .
I , ., � I I . 1, - ithei_`Strolt , Cv I , 6 v I " in'VY40 S41 - wh�p - Oommjlpd,�ot - 1. No a- kneW Lit* 1`09011 411, %#* �, . . .
� : . , :1 i I 411 �a , $,, D. C** . R '4M "90090 All I L "
11-1 ' Including Itte,flit" W * I , . . - cut,L Cut Capt. 1114 tool'. No on 0 lil4411114, the nbv4w, I . Soap, - 1, i I
, I bost.kno, . WOO. 9'. % I
, ;`�Ul , , . ii I I Cif"01441 1.0 I lho Of I4 "I in I lmotkt, I
� VUaye' ,* three, Or four AptolAut 'atilq , .- .1
. �� Q . I
, ,
1. � 1�, . � �, I Ili ocl,*08A 'Jallp-it; I , . :W.i,k offending, Too "ords. of " INTERT UPITION - his cholot Ion the .Suftey I � � . , -
�; : , � ; .. , , ANAA00101!� AXV-101144MM - (114 I04-?Plp%7i.k . Ili 41, ftg�'clrelvs�'U" 1� o,,-� injuro ,�Jind - cOnW . qverftly� hall beerr 068W"flt,�Ils UOSAOSO WOO mwvusit to. I ' -
. . , " wea jii�.Gre`onoolc M, h4ot beil � . . "
I ., Ve 04 ABDUPT, . I 4 i, At Vorkin and It" now quite I . .
1, "". , ", .. .1 I , , . - ' I- 1:0134. as ,0, 9.111 " a0litota .., AlWe,aamp;oone I . , 41111 Is 0. Wfttolnnet,and Will i
�. , " I I ondot�oi*por$QO,$,,NVlw,M4Y',1)4,%"AOVM6 JobJAiA4Tefr0_h0c�An4;V , ' Am, horns � oV 1. . He had Wen 4 4"All tQ410 tA bM19a` rccovWd. from I � I � 11.��,
�. . . cridpoi, .., $ MCI year. , retirift $14ugIltereol, WOVIO 1411110 by, I � .
_g'he: � ,, ,he'
. I Pil . .and thing cvolrllosrli.'� U. bad weitll,114 n he 1: .
:p og9)rIwt44,*lw0kQUecn. ro'Coof � _ 4 room OU I , hw4ow 011COMMMOAdell Ot I blin, up, oqot "luidlog the effect Wits Ific, m%intalu'ROlArlifteas, I t I
r, L tlt broken log_
, I of pers,99,4,1. # for, �%0411&� 4 � g � do P op riot in*0 OmAim I .
, , ' , ri� prtfie fflot Ros v ..
.-i 1. " I , ', tlenso� I I 44110 � , I gqdo� ot Oilard e4trall e ov it;,�.,
: li� . 'em ,:4 , � sse _gtQQk,onw,tha� &A� . � . 4 44 414PAI pe4itfulpat at thestaft, IhA I 11
� or, to m w,roylp. J4030y; or', :, v,pht 9goplier, say LA0440 Ailly' , Th�- o eq114%0X, % Rov, NIOUA . 0A. the: 10, ,$,Among JiVg - 0.rea.t` North- , 111i%* - ".1
, ,
. � I ul"h4vil''ILs. W4 4eii . ;, ablolin tiftollo oletg � I o . ot,l � 10 - are, s0rlae�T,o �Vgq comqianding, lfh� Frst f t that L it tifeli staff
, , bero:qrl .
. " I' I . , . . 11, : I
- � , so G 4L,L', IlO,'boo4, .. . 141,11ir, . �
, t , ,
, .ii � I L I at 'mW04 Plyls,9A � III e, wild longer ho WOU14 AOL ble erA Railway order Q U46ra ,hoW pitr
- % 1 to foreign -p _1 to lie pwagot, , t
� ct�ntaldstvisiIII09 6110100110' . ot � �agltftltK PWI�ftn% QIf§ hol' rose" .
: *4 , T wer to ;*Oon ri I I r , 5 SUPT
�,:, � , ft . ell J , . , I ..
, � '. �f .are$$ $Cho(#, B* , st;li I . I
') .. .'ald n llia�� j, .
- I ,
� , ,, try, or our,0WO'Noistiv It " "I'' � I Ju(n , . rabW, to -to, 66'aull 440 � V614, Ott 01'0�gra the A ,V lodoelL, ,- -Yelt, trota 6410 to speak at, 411. shill, weer W1410 Callers. i , ,. I
. I , 1, $11,140., T or will, hia,�'Po , _ , �`
,� : � I , . . - ir 1 I y , ed (hol, brVines last In, tile Camitirvon . district 4 W pc�^ 1��W�!o
L i , R Ingep, . all fearfully. Thl.s 14 � ;Is ta�fiurea 1114eedif taint ,
� A �-5- which � . I a tie 810 � of military ONO line 10 - 0 1 , L
I I ;. _ 19:'� same, , � I 640, at.; It. I . I PS. r oiity b� thft�j4A1W%Xxn in I I
i : 449T.100',�yl W4 le 00 lliy� it $ IOWA � 151or , OtIsh, aubigict. , D thill VOL I
� , , to traco� LW I MOAVP 1� If �, � I 1 I I , no, doubt Jitirfely OW10911 'the - Point Of view 'Ting", -' wo t back I , �
W,noh is autholIM4,kili.P. , 1w, , T it , Nobod,. suspect I . . which $or
11� I Ing I I , , to , , h . , _ ,., , . . part(froilinoo of "Pecket! A_ the effort fitAepal, olusticto dit 0$ . �,
. , 't ' ' y'Vf#(b0,,4WV0; P, L�,nds� O'U$05%. IT , req I ,��
: �. ill, :� le , , . temtPIV, iiie, rot , elvbd 4 .weight 430, nesit, the top of lite ship, but fility Justifit,ii. Muft, Is on Ugly *A�ina of CI&M. �
, . icy, 'vy i. Mr. Beerbohm V00 recently, t� ;V I
, I 1. I or Ow -, Glasgow 'Corpo ,lion Was is observed -
� " . I Liters written 4:011' .. , 4 _ � ggivationn, wl I I
": �� also un� Qi A are . odd fact that c4ttlot have , th% flild Ill no &MY'e W lion some breili '..
� �
i , tet(4UO'$-''t�o",_I%eetpi�V�L?�in" -L P 'q,,' . fQ -,4 000, frow,p 0 IS, on . � , ,a ofted' acted Without betraylnl�, by a . , '
, , .
� 1�, ,. r .finh , . #'Us,l),Utnot�oorp , W in ilia world axe thegs OI a dyJP9 Won t I de36Y
� I 11 L far _ � *Wi #00 I - *0 cliliquot , r _V, � r'. it. 100ty, at it she over, Ito A zall, and 4 coin were com. I
. 1� I les Ili thp t,oge, � br`�aPpliq4tioni � _ leu ayeri.2, ouraevo% Our will'.1t *.0k,.00 $0, -114 V.000 'I the flaurth'in-041bri a vessel roll even In wa any -mercy what . I 0, **0 I � : :
:,�� � -, I , . , . , , '' k*, (to- tct W. 09' tr�roor' all the tinka he Wag UPOTI tilt Lady" , , .
., .., .4 ,power at" making I
I . 1 �W,4 Clitfie, on-b9ard-ship-gre ed With ptiln .
I f, � * .
: �, : ters at A , ", �'* usoN'.81114: AX0,61 9, lr� 11�� , ',jqw.firdp�Jhot es, !. ,,In India, 1.4 1857 W )0W with the �
, h9IQ regiments.,
I �,#,' *,h[04 W $tit Of' 109.0.W . . flim pol,ioted', ,or varnWwd I
, kturAII40404; � or � - " 0 cildni, Watet,� ... I . stage that he was, ftek fileat was held st,'WhIlachaPel , , ,
, �vu 10043 ,0 1 � Ali to , ,, I
,� � 1, i , wii, ,;&Ah 1, 'J'4' ilts i .-rostes 4A.'010- lic.nonca, in pants., 14 the 'moftM, first- .W4 feofed� werli simply I I.
, , to
I � . " . i��, � the Foreloij� Oi0o0f,J0r;:,p0$P rihuirrt�rabJ6. riOiuf(ihg'� blitil , fta bAqt,t'ot iVict lfl� Wo to he duali one of tile most oelebrAtcol barflsiors Ott the litii Child of a tailor, who surracei 6F woomm k and — �:;
' I �
- ,. ' ed for his clients In Arl was killed by 4walloWild � .
" 01!104� , at � l4ods, � I � . 11 �� . , MUtonbe, after haVing I
, eons sus.p _��'OA*Jqg to ��,Isiplpa - - 4 ltbo;,VAIQ�410t, I of the doy b4tt) I a )lot, cind 0 1 1 ". I
., " irel,�6 - - eye. S - ,I - 0W., � 1 illi�a, Cattle varrier theso'Pcils Are OL MlPetl out of ' 1 31&�Cj
,� �, I I � . 0ea . 4,14ollog , . I . of =
I t -,o, 113 1 .11 _
I I . I I . I om 49 Jas �'lel .am ,; biliep.4 .loyal troops� C . 't ore into i4e iihe 9&W out :
.j,", , L ,� t � a . breseild., ,Slp�james King'has been AP111 I
I .." . I�:'. � 1, ki� UIUSOS74;rid:t�oiova, 1. 4.. � I. I ?lTrted__4AaU&, mai&rfaji out on - somis' . tramp, , Uvrounded. by I L:1
t P.. also receive - Att9utlon t 11 � . 41gt,Joor J, the 'Napoleon at Zululan4, It Y had thol ITO ortaint appeal Case Rome wer)4 500 which""poppoid" out of he ,''
, f . , I .1 � � , ,
I �f . . ,Oiie�kll�'.�t,lliO,'I'yo't'ilat,.nleK e 10 4,40 - �113utl;,OSW .0 , ,0,11kely to 40� chairman of the Caledolaaw 14911*ay 4 lijober is'much too friol , . V)%tii O$f, vi orous and aoilto tollibil. its mouth. . ;1111
I - �
I 11 _!",.' .91 Ili el I , tim- Cc f)j the,liedei �sir Jamw usplalon of On 101 . EVgrt the doltiM, linen .1 ]`�11.�
� I �r:jho,,W, r MOO , g� with 6 't ow 6 pis loysAty, , I
. 1,�.� � �, Adinini, ty� I we havo pluo � tonlict Y COmP44y, 111 Pie Consequently, when a gale comes 'and in bat. When Tie set lown however at an In- � A Child, who has recently came Und0i; :. I �
,:,:" I '.�,� - - , le
�"": , .,poSsegg . tile heavy boast. I . L 1) anti i
1� "I I � tains, tirld ate. gut bring Only 111111"t, Ir the ifflost **ate
. i .. � The, px!cgeint, 4iatt' dQW9 pf-Sup"k. �e� irhompson,�, afid'l�lr �Chtitles 01116 A011, i tire flung� against the or Ile had shown cowilrdIC �t ll�oo, 6 t i
`:��""�. gethst tervol in the case and lQuna he could the core of tile Mutforiil and othl , � 'i
:��, $4ble , 1 ubed to send other ImPiLs a . . V, .� ",
",:��:', , !,�, - ., 440*4440, AlOf4ttylatit-44 loleat'inolutgonce, wily, -WAY, ana the tlo&PPY � tie, 4 not t1ge 4 sin, It.botoame'lleQessary top (Suffolk) ou"ans rejoices in the Itmoi t- e��6 pq be,%(WywAshed _ .
. �. . $how was ,appointed deputy 0hoiV1114n. give
,� �11 - . � . . . , pbo was privatel'see, WIJ- .
.� :,�f .' . that wa�4OdU:t0*L,'4n, `w4 can v Ir,' Guy � p, r - siurhs*� h cot eranicajordta, Agatha . . �.
Qiahm,40 , tora � a � po%scinally, by ftu� , , , , , v " It to,"eat It uP.'t 'te battAllon, tt �
patly ,ac, e perticits horribly wounded by I him to ex lain to the judges that for of A,urora V 1, Z,,ni,r 11',�
I v,`, i- � ,chipf inspector;., IVOW! 0 114 . � , .. a mpas 'th Sunl* iht Soap in the I I
i :�`iAjjpttwo Q tecl . V, Ate Cites . . in 1807 a Brlt� ,
"'�, ?I I ��.Oaj ot, IV6, ,by the _ the son. I ht ' I_
,AVP.O, L' , , wetary for Scotlon� UA- ,t -lictratini part ol'the Maltese garrison, . W
,��,��. 'i'' , � � thor,461 helightlip", lip "� ,at y to the See, lifig A�blirp, spjititered polls, are thrown days past he balk bedn suffering
I 11 '. �, -e we ,#h i�c(fbfiow direc� ";"i
I � ,We or q Viol est(lb. i-A;t, fair Instoi ., cr!tbol late a, ... % In a 116w o& bleeding. heaps. Then moot int mile agody from the internal � St. Anne's -on -Sea lis becoming L ��,
l`.,�, , t ^ t1treet ot W40. 14 � th '4xiirolso 611 (lie wll . 1. �� eid, has Wen - known . I
I _ �y,,deteat;IV4 �, Inugi can give ourS 'a sweet 150 1 P; abut theniaelves UP In -one would imagAne, It O "Wid Is Retreat." in one I 1. -
�,' :� " ,�'� � lished ruro that"'ON ,'elV% Ah On of ,ii ed Chlel ,CongervatiVe 49011t, ill it a wave breaks over the vessel, cqep nottlated, and slol. Nb dow). , I
�,� ��, -,-i I 0 the strong. Yort Hicasoll, bverloCklng OPUIPI th OW
i, �: �essticn to Colpikel Hato., Confusion wofse confounded. listening to Mr. Plowden, tile Ltt hall a dozen widows are living ' ��': �
� _-- I r,�Nll . ':,�- have afar4diw;I'lin, ordinary Ceristeble' rofr�shlng Eldep- by cutting Out that last Zpotland, In suco � .10tin poor krutes with horns and legs smashed, the Grand Harbor, while agl.4trale, that 9 E usAy Sp—od wW �hud , I 1,
��_,�,�, I has beer . 1. Nvalved. Wesk;Cx4eptions ,01,4 ngthi$,siffiple. fact, to- lido", -'Glapodw. witty and wise Loadom ali 0
ji.� At- 8glitiotbo, 0 n x to each other Willis In 0110thOrth0ro � � �
, i, t , .. 11 I , - , ,. I I . ind, to bri was br9saing. the line tiis MUTINIED. q_ . I 1.11
.. I linguists and men f I I do 'of some to W , of Govan are swept from side to aide of the .WHEN "JAE GRENADI -am headache. , t''
I vill., 1, 0 very *Ulftar e,X. Opo" 'hom it may not MeQNM I ' v1dows.
� I I.' The to a t gut ill *a $an\ when lie was run down Froj,,n this vantage point they attempt- he was hardly ever lr#Z It are twenty 1L or ScAt wailew. . I �., I
uildestrablo * wl -
i; 1. perlence, omol the ffiost; . A � really all that I se streaming, slippery deck. It is as much Floyalty has often to "Pu� a b Under the 'new London County Coun-
. , I I 4*�e occurred is, COLO parley with the Governor,'demand- ,U,,,, rave :��'.
,�m', � �, ,,,.I allens In this ' I)d 0 I . .0 o, I )proachirig train and Ullled� The A, 4 man's lire is worth to venture the face" on. Tito King hi" fre Y'40* oil by-law People who throw down I �
., � � VI; t, . . ther coUTI riles. '& " -_ by an 4; . ifig Vtterand rhore liberal rationii, Your affooloy railism"A d�04"W . 1 �!..
. �01 ,W I - are, - other �Ittsas amilog the frenz fled his physicians and insisted oh or- wastopuppr, fruit, or vegetable refuse
I., ., . I , Some .twly� ., _19 buroier".4ro 0 i1Q,WVrZU10 ,there, , , 01' I ,soo, saw his father $truck by ,:the all- led,, belplqss oteatureg =
i. � 11 ., � . d 104 . n erindulgeAce W ghle's buffer.. . a man is here, thero, and aboll ion of corporal punishment, and forming his public engagements An broken glass, or nails in the streets will tTV4h,�AkVWtXW$WW of y- i �,
. ,,, , , 4,11 a glee S'ness besides OV, yet the cattl , . (W 1:0111111111111111111, ,_�
�,, vided up, amarig"pik foreign, , pies Royal a higher rate of play. But the Gover. ings. NVCWA" 11 ,�,
"A" . . b eless Perth I , cribed him. be liable to a penalty Of forty Shill I
. .
i i" I ;` i1j. British portA-w. ch'.shall , 'a Will deny hirok.. 1rifirmary, ther ,Fechney Industrial U�Iby the %tIff$,11 as those ineu are, A Sovereign is often "on tile rack." When a steamer was entering lite 4 � . I rL,
i,�,J�� -,., __ ____1 -,L' ' ""Llon-bnn,uc� , , -One Of the= luld,it. The city and cOUAY Of qV.V
.1 i, I%! _1 it 'arid obacco, but That 13 I , , 7where, and is often nobly backed nor declined even to listen to their de. complete rest has been pres .
� ,,,t , a thoilightless p
; �, , . moker 1�1,,'.-
. " . I 1. of, Welishill Girls' mands, much less to' reply to them. I~ an&W$ LuakeL %omile ,,
1 i,� incoming ps%§,�%19, er"'boats, ,a. .. _r:'an hour betorg he ao<s school, Perth, and the called who are allowed to work their . I AM SO WORN OUT"- & Mersey the other day one of the parrots; 067 : ��
. � . 01, golf to -0911t, to Perth, are to -bene- Instead,,lia surrounded the fort with " I I
:'$, �;� ",�� I (a his.-nervas p'. chance School of Industry, wrote dueen Victoria to one of her Min- on board escaped and flow seawards.
.i, ,,�' . , them Qq6QSl6A1tfiY goinglibrOd"doo:S , to "so oil by beqq Bages by attending -40 the needs of aring that "not of great anxiety- The flight of the "pool- Poll," however. - I - �" I eftt_� ,�,.,�
, � eats by the title Mrs. Pag troops and cannons, swc I
2 I , - - their inatUral tralu . I - angst them all . �'!
I ,
I I at duty liaAA000d wilitt"VOY41 MAI . I . jullity he lit lar Y . the floating farmyard. isters, at a time
I wl Imonoull,. Perth. after "that I hardly-linow whether yO4 will be was short, a number of gulls sweeping 1;��
��*;�' ,., . , , 0"', to, tove�r � one mutinous dog am .
. .
� 1, I I , ` ; . Continexitk1', Cap, es )OV''Oftie, � I Sleep happily And rise refreshed Keill, , - CATTLE SMELL THE LAND. should escape hanging." As a in FOR A BAD MEMORY. '. ,
, I one main Irt, A. 911% na *11
: , �, ,here thebrnphop �sa for keener enjoynqnt of his Alexander Ferrier, a litter In the ere able to read this, letter." down arKI packing the otrangQr' L4 1 ", Ill � �L
I '. , I , LLL�
: '11, L : rites seven, lolnguagcsi another three, and find (I Sons, Of fact they did, though; for after sus- ement I lere is a good memory e%ercimfi. ..��', 1i
�� - � W I � 1) q, lujito morning " . � ploy Of Messrs., A. B411antine & It Is too 4re6dful a subject to dwell Audiences at Places of emus death. - a a shop wInaow for Ono . I 1, , i2l, i
, , ,. I one h", re A, ftft 'Wfferti,4,001111-� IV . 11 I � I ,. New Orange Foundry, BoftOss, was Ott upon,, but tillat this is no fancy picture tainling an eight daNs' ,siege, they fired h v little sense of the hidden anguish Tito other day a little girl was ask- Glance int ,
.� ,�.�.�. . . . ,Aided I .1 � 1. I 1. . . I the magazine, hipping into the air the a a
,,, ," eg'dttd",s'p:'e'a',U"'-tbU'x'� latigildoes, . 4 1 work w4en the emery wheel measuring - a(] roughly.to describe ilia human body, I ,,t,ccond on " it theti, try to name all I �,;.:
. 7 , 'fiiid , � - One that may rook a Derformei. The idea I', I fy 'At, first you ,
��L I te . can be proved by actual statistics It some hundreds of htr'4� dispil,kyed in it. �
��L' �� most of them knoiw� Friirieh.' Helio� --,RERS BE I)IIAMONDS." fourteen inches in diameter burst Into vessel bound from the Argentine to Llv� fort, theras8lveB, an that that person who seprus to be always with tile following reAult: "We have a I � ,
If..., - t of 14U, an. their besiege)rs. or three, but Lhh I �T�11
1, g, is, ,unders y some - , -killing Ferrier. head, which contains the brains, If QIIY; ' will' ""
I . graphin . food , b, ., at , — bits, erpool lost 103, cattle all so tult-of gaiety, and ivilo.inukes them munlim?"',11flittris 'win .I % , yj4;t prac. ,,�
, "I I I . I - I as] The eath lies occurred of Mn Thos. . Other times, other methods. When r I �-
� . .
I t.", . them. . Mining "Ro tallith so prodigiously, can be suffering also a body which contains the heart, "' 0 1 "I 1
.. ', -%. is'.6fifent S)lp- Description -of Diamond other 59 cattle out of M and nearly I I,vo�h'A'�olhi,jr good plalk k it down
, Our, detectives 4 - h!gGren=,,,(,Glt,ards-)nutiniect at Wet- ninic, The ,
, 5
['a not,,low - I i rijart, C.. .v., O., of Cairnleith, Crl sheep out ot,600. X third vessel I I absurd. But the part of the liver, and the tui at
,;, P�sed -'isafggUArd,tb4,O filter., �Carried On I In, South Africa. - - eft, farmerly ,S�Peiunterioleat of the 400 I!. to, It ka, on July 71,11, 1890, the fit any way seems mous, and physicians tuinutio contains tile vowele, A, E, 1, 0, � nd Ilia day'A �,Utit 4 think 11
, . aneAL15k, to 113 - strain Is often coal -- "I
I pirm I . landed leu than 100 sheep out of more as merely banished r of all you have done aince morning J"
,,other .c'Q-Imtrr'q'.Iis,regdt.d�-tior� er qf Ilia ' g ment v
,11 ,� ests of . I . Would Of PlUfUl and U, and soilletimes Y and Z." �1
L ,.� Is This inscription appeared as IOP9� ago Highland Line, general mana than 700. . could felt tales If they %% here you have been, whoin you have ,,
I elgin political" adispe . It Great -Ndrthern Railway of Ike and, and . . - 11. �
� pis. jo,'this coun- ap, of, South Africa, E Such cases as these are happUy the ' r ud Tlhis kind of punishPlent, by appeals to them for "sonlethilig Just to London's net debt, according tc) a re '011 0
. . try I I as 1750 on. a 1p In
- � leaatt"tltrea, hu _. - 1867;,.Iloweyer� that they an oL Jrish, Board of, Works., it just issuer, ' I 'e- . hdV6 SPOIlt, a t,�L
. il I � g I . � 1geo0ftw-and n . the wax, ap ars to be a.favorlte,one [riot, Mull, l, lid so on. - .
At . I 0 vvilrot .was. not,Until chair ,AL ot - the rule, The I take,me through this engugemeklt,",, poi is SA4620,266. '['tie I . i
I I - PIAT91and by - in 1889 the An- ritettesting - ceremony took place
`r4iPrcgonfed13,,E with "out 1�uyi h:,tnri will be able to recall -ek. __'.
: I I M6 Oy,gK, 11 0 of tary- ituthoi-Itles. ' At all of the Lohdon County CountM - �� -,
� ta araL I i. . . weft actually disc . . � Royal Society for the Preventio events it is the one most often employ- sometimes for something to curry them celpts actly what you said arid did at a cer. 1�94
their own , .1 . . ;amous De Beers , onsoildated Mines In the postmen's room 91 Elgin Post Cruelty to Animals has done a great through the night's performance. during the year amounted to 115;2I6,- lain hour, and-Ahe aditruntage.,of posses- - ,,,,�
11, office, when in the presence of a large ad. I . �L
I SECRET, SERVICE AGENTS, � jCompany. possessed deal, and now -a -days, unless the wea- is Royal Irish Rifles "People-9ften ignore the amount of 749, and the expenditure to 415,771,- .,
l tile richest diamond sing this faculty is obvious. Incideut, I ,I I
I .''. . , gathering of officials and postman, Mr. Thus, when ill physical strain involved IV the perform- 897, education costing A3,580,1198. I i�
I . � Ifields in the wOFId. ther be excepttonally bad, the public I
I .� wht) are atiached-to tho,�embassles, 4nd. re found in the large de- Alexander Riddoch, ex -rural postman, , rest assuqd that c6ftle suffer very broke- Into revblt at Gibraltar, In 1887, of tile occupations they Mr. Wiloalli Baker, Dr. Barnaclo'j� ally, it will keep you (roln wostingyOur ,?!,
1, �1. I d w%s presented with may Ulric, lot, It Is not pleasant to remember lllil�i
e, 1, D on [a a - indeed gn the .u_ of - U. ",
act independently o.f.us. ppsjr�f lava or ,,blue groundil' thath-' Orton to Fochaters, sea passage. Most they were bundled oft to Egypt at twen- I I..., .11i declared Sir Andrew Clark successor, has goile oil a tour through
, .k. foreign It �__ t up tile that you did nothing at all, It Your .
.41 � Qt'L Speciot PlirpoSei little I ty-four hours' notice, and sen . ,; i.k.
I ) tective sent laerw f " I A " .,the imperial Service Medal. I once. "I wonder how many persons France. Spain, Italy, Germany, Bel$
" I , k been forced Up from the� depths in past r oil them teed very, well, arid drinking At A.psouan. weakness lies in forgetting faces, triake ,�
t�;' , , . however, - as e' 'rule' ' PA _htrni fit ne, consists of a large, - - The it"dern .Nile to roast have even pondered .the toot that a glum, arid Switzerland, for the purpose il.
l t m ages. Each mi 0, , 1. .water is. always plentiluk , a mental note of such details as the, cot- I
.. . . 'J�
3 communication With "1110 � 4-" .1 PVO.- basin -Me/ crater grtadually tapering to i cattle boat Is go larg&-some of them WIPING Citt 'ME v;ri(,,MA. judge is supposed to eat,)A4 midday at studying the charttat�e taNtItutIOUR. .� ti
� , 'Iwn .1
J,J CLIAIAX TO SECRET PACT oi- of the huir, the strulghtness of the .
l A; � I sent there is -ino, c6mbinea ifliteMatitimal , . Within -a radius of three .MURDER . An e4g told by a Bull Orpington nos,e, arid tile curvag of file inou - Ir
� ,this claw of primp. a great diept orld's , � - are over 10,000 tons--4hat, rolling is A gAmUar policy was pursued fit re- meal and come back to court in' the belonging to Mr. Wooditrad of Thun. to. , - ,�
'A In Itillegi, fivre of the W — � largely eliminated, and, - indeed, the ar,s at pink of,condition at the end of halt on . . I
� , The resq1ts. of � clol. bralfteb or- and a half - .1lihicen Slays an Old Couple - -heat gard to the mutiny of tile Huss -, Actress Is dersiloy, Essex, was eight and a half ,�t
j��i the ape . mines are,lpoated. Lad of F . I ,,, "Is have more to fear front the the Curcligh Cirmp, Ip September, 1887. hour? Or that an actor or ,s in -culliferene and ,hhen 0 � �i
��' ganization cannot be jAdke4 bY what leadfng dipLynbind. be ;?
,,, . work in gangs at for Funds. of umnier than from the Storms of es as these, more condemned to make tile helirtlest ineal, inch,, ell .P,
MWWRW1107 ".." I
1W17 ,
- � , - �� 17MWI *
im 14
— ;V 1�1
I , ,
1, I I 0 , ,
, i ,
t - , ,
, 0,
, ;
, it .
, . I
I `
- I
� , -
. gaids Hcr.e the *Kaffir'bOY3 - I I�V
��',,� 'I - Of course, In such cas anothri, � 'Now, Tommy," said Ill 'e boy'q mother, 1�,,
is read ifT th6 newspapPlit as r6 a to forty, drilling and blast-. , It of the day at one or twg alcirck in tile broken, it was found to vonluin
�, �,� esallan of AnaTchIst&-there twenty-fiv, I A Itli named Brovtn, of Sydney, All- w n er. oi- less lengthy terms of Imprisonment .
l the suppr ,[. ,T,he wails are ' Two curious facts about the carriage morning?" perfectly fortned egg. giving Will final Instructions, "you must � I �
P! . rd blue r0cl are also inflicted upon the ringl Id far 411-1- -I,
have until they break through Into 8tralia,l only IS years of age, who is eaders, ,,,
11 been only two prosecutions Id the Ing, the he Summoned at Mol-cle-00 ronlember how to behave (it (tie party.
,�;i� nl� ,of worked I out to be tried for the murder of an of live cattle Are worth mentluaing. One .—..#.- �,11
11 . . last two yearst.bu� a,vast small Chamber. . ab wife, named O'Ke6fe Is that they hai,e & peculiar power of in addition to the wholesale punishment I ouhly driving a 11101.0, a laviner pleudett If you're asked to huvo soknothing arid i4i
�� . - another old man and his meted out to the disaffected battalions. a were wrecked, that tile animal was an "oft[ trooper."I
I J. quiet work has been acIlliavda. $11 When it reaches the surface the' pre- discoloring white paint all over tile ship, !castonally an offending regiment is During 1905 the" you want it, you must say 'Yes, thank .., �
�U spected pera,bus ate located( observed, aud their servant, Gillick, tells an ex- Oc burned, and foundered at sea 297 steam tile toot of a. motor -car, mistaken YOU,' and it you don't want it You must . V
t�i� matically conveyed to, and the other that they ore able le, a punishment I 1. nd k:
i'% and often'trigliteried.pat of the country cious earth Is auto traordinary story as to his motive for fore It is in exposed 'to ridicu be extremely vessels of a net aggregate tunnagelf) Ir lite bugl"all, Aroused her rullltar�' say-.--' "You needn't bother about that ,., I
. I .. the dumping grounds. Here it Is spread . I to "smell" land long be sailing vessels of 2 4,- �. f+
r� � � the crime. , which usually turns out to 253,611, and 296 justinqs so that he vould not hold her. part of It, me," Interrupted Tommy. 4 �
11 unkhpwn to the police, �xceeding ten inches and .,He says he had no grudge against sight. For instar'V, Iscule thyleback ons, says Lloyd's. . � � . . . . . .
1.1113,i. I The relations I;etv7licbo the detective 19 a depth n9t A effectual. 606 t . ..
"i., � . � .pulliar 0 allowed to reinaln from, three to six the O'Keefes who had been'most land To turn to the importation of dead it was decreed that a crack Austrlqn _____ ____.___._ ___ - . , " _ _ ------ . 1112 I LL
, 1 Ana th " - r . Idity With I
., Ifees Ej .locraber Of 1ho,S. B. enter one, months, according to the rap to him. But he was a member of a meat. As most readers ore awarv. it corps, which had -shown signs of Ins �
I'�, I of three s�pps. suspeciteq of providing Which it disintegrates. When finally secret society, whose objects were to 13 frozen before being shipped, is carried ordination, were to be deprived of their
, '
I . Informul meeting pMes'for an&dblEts sent to thb *Nvashing machines it -is '-start a. revolution In favor of a "White in a refrigerator hold, and oil arrival bodges and facings; at the same tijiie, ,
11,11L ssed through -The oatos, 'binding the in this country is at Once transferred -e removed from
"I � -am Shaftesb - mixed with' water and pa Australia." , their buttons wei
.1 not far fj ury avenue, as e I",
.,� led with holes. so string- by insulated lighters to cold storag .
3. I lensflal� to make a Itrifing purchase. revolving screens members were, he declares, r tunics, arid replaced by hooks and
V - method of handling Is being Most of out, frozen Ineal—mutton thel
, filid the on6 CUE This ent that he would hang bef6te he gave
, The owiner of the shop a which the names of his associates. . especially—comes from New Zealand OYCS- -
totrier, on Italian suspect, each greet superseded by meghanical sorter Thi en, that dur
��, him, but in two dirferent ,languages; consist at several Inclined perforated The society was short of funds, and and the Argentine. The freezing is done Ing the next campaign they sought to
-11 -his business almost as well shelves, loaded with rease. The dia- it was decided that O'Keefe's bank in great chambers which each hold 60,- a in fleent-
.. both khow' f sej while all bool�s must be stolen. He was deputed (M caroases, and three great refrigerat. WiPe Out the st'glil by so me it
; I i : . as he does, But there is no Anti patty monds stick to the grea shelf to -oduce the appalling cold ly heroic a charge that very few . es-
"IF � I. betwen-the himled,arid t4 hVtCN1 other r�aterial pasigest from one for this Work,, and set out on a Sunday, Ing engines pi caped alive. Whereupon the Emperor
, I � ,
,.� ,w,dlo, Mor, another. et and a sandbag. of 30 degrees below zero. Each carease,
On another occasion a, ere was pleased to decorate the survivors,
. allot
� rr legs undesiraW ), I ne.of the .Great precautions , are taken against He had, he stales, no lnter�tion of mur- after being frozen us hard as stone, is and to restore to tile regiment Its ancl-
I 1, i dangerous forelfly quarters is 1001dag theft., All employes are engaged to" der, but meant merely to stun the old wrapoed in a cotton cloth, weighed and ent insignia.
on at a struggle between a couple (I three' months, during which'thrie they couple by means of the sandbag. ticketed, and transferred to the ship, Ivan the Terrible, again, was unca
�t , constables find same, roughs-, ofie' of lite are kept under Close guard. While they He found Mrs. O'Keefe seated by the where they are stored in the cold -air faced by a serious mutiny of no fewer
,* [", formal,- having just, sounded the shrill are not ,at work they are confined lira fire, and struck her on Lite head with . anyber, the temperature of which is than seven of ilia line, battalions. who
Ili .1 signal for help. The onlookers,ore, re- trilled by high t a sandbag. The bag burst, and,the kept at abgut twenty degrees, or twelve re (used point-blank to march against
��. large compound surro, . h
. 1� 10, vIling the police in several languages. fences. A Central StOrie, $a located in old Judy str"ck Btowri, on the nWt degrees of frost, Remember, these ships I�Itzan. The Czar rude out alone to
1-11. .. "I I and some of th'om ate ifi,chned tm:.jofA Thei, men enter -and de- With a battle. Mr. O'Keefe ran to his have to pass through the truple.s. . It meet them, slew with his own h4nd the
, I . -
, this el�IOBUI`0 0
, ,
, ,
�� �� In (I't Is thirty to Ono against the unt- Part by lbng� subterranean Passages wife,o'help'with a gun, and then Brown Ij odd, when gasping on lite deck In th ringleader of the mutineers, and ill - en
� Iterms), when an Englishman, of We to- �ompound to the stabbed both 61 thern4 Gillick appear- Tied Sea, in a temperature of perhaps ordered the others, in a voice hourie
,,,, I'll � rmirkable physique, pushing his way which lead from the c ed at the qnd 9f the stVggle and Piing 10a, degrees In the shade, to think that tbrow down their
I mines. Towers are located from Which - m ing In Ilia with Passion, 10
. .
I through the.outskirts of tile browd, is powerful searchlights are operated at himself on-BioWn, v�ho stabbed film as one L hold arms, Taken by surprise they obeved.
, � Lco--one In pard- I es we . . I "Now strip,"
I I keenly scrutinizing fc '11. ' 1. i jusf below. was the next coninuind.
. I ,� cular, that Of a man who Is"eXhortfirig night. The eroP1 Brown cann0f, be induced to exprp--q TlfR'FE DAYS TO THAW. Worderingly, lhe� again coulplied.
: IL every evening. nd me-
t others to violence. Tfila griglisliman Is In spite Of all this care ten to fifteen the slightest regret for his crime or to "March " shouted the Czar, a t thern-
;,, co�nlzta, and - the' ficifelglidt rWhO in- per cent. of .the diamonds mined are divUligo even the name of tile secret London's cold storage %�arehouses chanl�Wjly the serried ranks pu
rei , AWAY, Whispering , will hoI4 qer two million frozen car-
terestl tdm Steals stolen. in order to discourage the buy- society at whose orders he ,atterripted selves in motion.
I �� something to WqllaifilattCeS as'llp pass- Ing of stolen gains 0, penalty at from the theft. . I I Cases.' NvAson�s Wharf at Lambeth Is it was a bitterly- cold day, but Ivan
.11� . p W� is enforced agoInst "-4 one of the. largest. it is six. storeys high marehea, the nude mutineers twenty
.s them. 'they and �Clhers 1011OW Suit, live to fifteen ye
, and the S.- B. InVn 1010 achieved more and if, you want to enter, yap have to miles, along roads lined by Jeering
il �0 I � operates Seven da so by a dipor on the top floor, There through village% where
than threq COWN113109 could 1111i done', the buyers- TORTURED BY FIERCE ZULUS- crowds. And
.. I Who The De 13eem Company I een hundred — / are no doors below, for It there were, slutrue-faced women pointed at them lite
�. oreoVer, 4,his h4s, located a than employs fourt
I in . and pfiled warm air finger of scorn.
, has been lost Eight, Of lala(Y- . mines , ty-two lrun- Terrible Acts Which Prompted Troops every time one was 0 ,
�,: Nap Surrenderl" would get in, and, of course. rise to Ell ived the or-
,:, The Jame ig apt to have its -2eal se- white Workmen Ofid 'Seven tiora to Cry " By nightfall, such as ry
: % and even dred blacks. The annual Output is the meat is star oute to the
t verely tried bY' false seplats SIX tolLe - deal arrived by a cil,cuilous r
I � . Aght million Carat% or from Ono Henry Tully, who has been nearly the upper floors. Here
. , hoaxiesi, Less, thk�f 4, Month ago What I . is a. y6ar. thirty years in South Africa, writes from ed until it is needed, and then very care. place %here they tied left their gar -
1', � appehrell,(6 4 any Ldw,� but qh'. cl#etrIC61 to Clio and a bill( tot
1� expert ta, be a' I" _, I It is eig t months from the time the riarflzburg to his brother, Capt. fully 11u;ifrozen." The faller prove" is nAents and their arms, arid were grarl-
" dia- Pieter (eH ously permitted to don the former and.
l , -W rock is 4111110 until the extracted, % of South Shields, England, A most Important one. It usually i�)
posSIBLt,�'INPLRNAL MACHINE dy for little is�RY`eroi Oxami- R. Tully,
.l, mand Is red defending the troops operaiing in Natal three whole dnys. If it Is done too roP- repos,itess thetrigelves of the letter- Next
11: �. . 4 . ,. gainst thelcharges ,of barbarity brought Idly, the meat is soggy. wet and rinsty, day they set out on the Kazan ExPedl-
, . I Was aWdVitteil to: tho day of th6 Arrival liation. --- 1 _-4 __ . III Keir Hardie, and some other M.P.*s. and qufte spoilt. On tile other hand, If tion with the rest of the army, aiid *
1; � by 3 slolNiv and carefully carried oitt. the
I. ,� in London of two threatened Member. ' cons a . throughout that arduous campaign none
1! ,� a Ifilly. and� at a spot,whbrice , ALCO)IOL FROM SOON , - He states that the very op it w , s thawed meat is left dry and flrlyl, ex. or bare hardships more
I!, � i of ji�o royal to � the i ease The women and childr,it
an outrage mfotj 'ough,=,gly, than did "lVan's naik-
I I koiy6 A*en tlfected�, � S %Vda fillifillfed V�ontl were Iiierr care of, and only the no- actly retw7ilbling that newly ](filed. un'..
1� ., . .1 .It WAS to thc'6rdj�jry etillr8e, of 'pro- moven - Oullon The enormous proportions of lhe froz. ,d ones,,, as they were henceforth call-
I'll ! eluitiftalty ,Melfigut4-the s, 13, never, . I One Tied. lives who were found in arms against P ,d.
I .n meat industily are rcully almost inlra- I
I I . despises .tiny 41118pfafoug sign, towaver us were killed. - cult5us when one eonsideLn le to SUP
� slight_jIlIken 10,lin fSoltated spot In St. In the manufacture of alcohol from s that the PRESSION OF THE JANIZARIES.
I ys- "Brooks told ,,
., 1 corn 00bg hntl,COrn stalIcs, at small With regard to the other side of the first rargo of frozen muttup call thankful, upon re-
. Jfttl;�W� Park bud, ek(itlfti ed. by tho4lomer ,coal the Uylged StAtes 'Dep4tintent of picture, the writer so . England only twenty-six years ago. It Probably they were
4 If, . Bpown, of my old corps, (be Natal ent had been
I orfleo 16iteelot, of tip dsives find pro, - - was In Im that the Strathleven broil Ili fititellon, that ther punishm
nothing wCVS6 IbArl a AgrICUltui ig developing a new Indus : f, It
I noUnCeW to be, to be of large Coin, Monrated Police, were most terribly mil
': try that is likely Argo of 400 carenses from h el. no more than t was. For, in those
��, discatiled ArY cell battery.' At another Investigations �vhlch Ulated. in the case of Veal, a non- the first c -van fn thnet; MuCh later.
,,, i time not. fit, d0taht (be branfih h4d Jo inerolill V6,1110, I "Isfaking At Hoopes. combatant, he must have .suffered aw- bourne to London. days, and ( ed scant mercy
,� tile depAttradiat 1, fUl torture. A natiVe witness lies Cot'- Eastern autocrats show
, " �., � sh'adoW e-roelft, Wife, wer6'suspected �rov(id that the large � 4- to mutineers. 11
I I I SPLJ�a talft - 11%" I q
r, 'r tgft quity,l1t,04 of co,ro. cObS Which 6V90 05 dOW1k'LWhIlc Take, for instance, file COsO Of the
!� t of too, 11119" ed to US that the poor fellow we,
I g for �11� ,b-",,*
I I tions-neal' tv IMPlertitnt miltaty pb%- qfivel gone to Waste lieWd the sales a$ his feet ROYALTY AfJD Tit HE TELEGRAPH.
� � . He fainted, and when graph "suppression" of tile 111111172t -le -9 by the
I year het4ttlit0te, 11 0 alcohol In S011101 Were cift Off, k a dig. No rilropean ruler uses the tele c;ultan Mahmond
� .,,� lion, And Jbil, 1%040?�" roved to bel, a 11. in 1820, than will"I'l
'� I fiartolcm''as tho llbomg.ji '' can, he 000led VIO Justify the eTec. he came to he was made to wal 40 so much us the Emperor of,Russla- He no more appalling tragedy In rprorded
"I These werc plelced
� I.. ,of *.tit quantities 86 ,tance, carrying a heavy load on I men.
, �,�` . At the pirkent, mothent, Aft V%*, jlot� of a dislIllingN plant Id Connection . IJ96 a sP6�01, code both for his private lit history. i;
, 11 the redinVOUtilige in Afailrid and the � head.
') �' 'palo with a corn Cannery, 011ta right hand was, cut off, end 110 and Ilia official mmagog. and expends the .Silitan's own br)dy-guotd. and IN ,
; .vL " r,000 .4 kind of corres- Of r,jump, made their fflqlovlllt�� 'Ito
� -
, sit' of ,[hic, King,, aind 00cft bf'� Tile DliplIrtment of AgrICUltutt, ,ten% h wIth his dead $2j a year In thl,
I'� I - lid to Salute himself ,.ml)eror spend." blacker. Th
!! " .6-tilgioad" the $. Z. 1i paidewarly . 1 were. too, the spoilod
, . -1 0ould Awo olerstAVk to Hoopeston to Make hand, After, that his eyel were gouged pondenre. The German r
.", busy# aA AA IfiUNA"fig gtory kp6tItAeotA- fIt & large catIT10Y fher4g, While $15 000 ii year In the same way, and lit, pets of thO Vurkish army. They had
� , , ,:: be -rdailer bill, Of tht VACIOUS 0164 Od eded by simple ethodo, and hb waa dismembered - Actually deposed one Sullen, and had
I , mov�mellls I I it, Y redl 0 011, living. CAII you wonder that tile usa p eob which he lina invented him
I , 0 *h1ph'ifle"hi. 11. alivity They, iii slitice Sit hich he finds very u-0tul linbitually dielated, throughout 0 long
11 . ,,Lq (Wedt04", but ibb W610 lot thili'llrilcle, '00 ter-fifitntstl6til In, g ling ton of peo of MclCerale's colu0n, when they gelf, I and w uirdentP reign, to Another. But when they Well -
who, has beet rilit %quoh, With DW� branch eiviiii,gallong of cal 01 , I �ed body, should Cry whenever he denlren to caffln
, 5, found Ids MU114141 oud, they tackled the wrong
i I � gliggo' eoif.,Ii. And I I ,. .0 61 61 out. "Take on surrender, Me?" - , With the Cabinet NllrdsletA or other led Mahm
: I 0106 44 ton: d6t1off, US no into, it , � . 0 . ''. Eta 6, prominent offlefals. Tile telegraph Ip man. It into mutiny at eight
� 4'hJIe"L�atI$fY A tAftl6isli. "I b � q0to 0; tou of , 0 the
f [ I 4 L lhic � �t . . "_��` tent either by They brittle at
1, at libAtifflog 1"a e , �Pf - __�,�� I not used (b any ex o,clock on the evening an June 15111�. At
I `pUb .11 �. of,,courtt --it's *It right -to IV borinioa, Kingot Italir. Ilia Emperor of Austria, Or
�,.'. " - V�10611,L*M � �;�� L)l;�AfNa1VA-IN1.;_'_1 1, -, . qf� atheli ra& *locJ( fit Ille, Ifterning. on June
I , Prft dJo$tL'th6:A&jj!jUt"*.Ilh I ' '' . bill, On
. L'.�, Qfte I it (a . As� that, Icader, buli tho fbilb In the reftr bits 0 the King of Orkece;
� w0rdaildn. 7 A, L_watld And Ouren AIOX lath, the Sultan pe.mantilly unfurled the,
� I'll , I , � n6W bf.liffich of iggietfeei lterdlds'lb bewr opportutilty to get away. hand, King .
hosting OlU4 *&Autf6TIA0y meourog'.0 't- 15 niltif6d" The luirgOft Of 11 I&I'90 110-' ,Pilot Wag fuldra use it colistantly. King FAward j;ocrod areeirs banner of Islam, and by
I � � I kVtr$� published ill Lofodoni . 00#60, fU PArlS' 0
� iflit" newtpl , I, A',, �,,Vmhhr, And jflio,�Iqriniefty. Inilif Its fulillitibn 'It thb plyIng Il VIAlt, to tile pstichls When no signs his private despAlehes 0 Alli0t, Afx game twenty thomand at them had
tWo, Id Yiddlith Mid ter 1 'a () P. ,it -
?"It , 1. � UfftiOutfttliv of (bb d"tivillis at Il Ili or " ertlie." and QU011, beenleut it) piece,; in thO narr6w streets
, Awdrd" "Ale7aOrft, of �, a and I)o
, 61W pubIlAw lit tit the ,rh� dololt,4 er attic t6 it cot Who,redri lay an Irishman, F f�otwtantinop)10, bY Van
Ig h1g pilifft V�L,y wI1O always signs herg
� _ -k �"afhflal &Jefios. % of *,*bAr.P *lid W0 00t b6d'I'll wr,k,a quite ag many in nermen tg in pulado. The remnant WO d9bOnded the
? �) PoIl'", Af% AUPPIAW to tiottikiinni t, aid farr
, :` � #.),� wittittit the &AAM oudly same afternoon. and sol
, - � � �, __.
I , " I
, ,
��k ��11 ,�,' or*g itentlojifilM 'hAd dmolkle4 fft , blo N littlively, tot h6 wo groaning. I d into slavery,
1, I . L611doo, tre, Ulng. 4atifily read Iltrid e t'villi #A, olfolliftry artom * 'lob. Cane, MY 04or 4ellowl tintion- ringibit. -.130,arron's Weeittly. ,
I t to. *W1,05%,il, butthAt *,11146rous V __.���
I 11 Nfoo r,nXIISh, #04 that 0V� **6 - tzoi ki. I , �
, 00111lated, t of, OWL, Atrtfitg(j jfllfr.4g1h,geOt1,,utty abil ben -.a— O.—
, I tittli "OtWbo 111)hnriy, can Y
� f,eitl too Itil" 41511, of IN, 0 *6 0�w pliu kfift I I CA, It a oil toll mo
I . � ,.- -1 1. " I It hotWA h4d. , ` 0610 'like & tolki. preqUordly C, would.to optimist d(fl,,T,,,z her (
I .1 '. ,., 2�,iVAAA,w Ilo r Oil It ", - rc, I I a hypticrile, Is?- JoIft1ny--"Y00-
.." *9 Uleft btlift ' '' I apa-, , A-gilost tow .... .. slifif I to (t A becattgo of It
Ift Joe asna Mato, A1116,IPHIIIII, 41111%, �VAL- , , I 'r to "' , md'At". Iva a boy what comes to
:1 % i I �� , prett,60bilk): *40 tft bUr � dlm%�W , .40,, gotir", gVoined the Ir C . I L pezimis
,, ( 1 1.3� �" " U. tit I the Afthat'll, utilk I I ,� , . le a "" -.11 ik'"
� .1 . 4 1ho t ;inabillt'? to "Pate a blia C&A
i ;ii I I I .jetlimuy UitAr whirrombw at, . -owt,towhi,big, iv, 4 tit#$ UW 11*6ft $Oyemly. , , 11 6 f I lot"ne". 5011001 G P I
,.,;. I am lk proto"ba WVA; *ww iheir tafft. 14;, , I I " I d"Wy .fwtftft - I I I i I . I �
. \� I 0101,16114 " A# boofts ot &040*146* 0 1 1 1
1 , 11 I I . I I I ''I I I e I I . I � I 0 40
i I I I I .� � I a L � *---,' I I I
- I . 1, � . 1h
� . � � I I I I I I I 0 1 1 , I- � I I I I . I � I .1 � - . . I I I e� . I �� - - . 11 I I 0 . � N � I.'
I I � . � I . .
ii . I � I 0 I "I I � �1� '. *1 " A , v I I.. I I i� I I . I I , I � I , ,
I � I . 11 , � � I I ". . I., � , ,)i ii I I
I ,I I . Q I I - . " - I I � ... ,,, I I I � . . I . I � I
1 �� � _-1.6111 , I ,� � I 1. . � C � . - - I - _,;%.i -1 I � .
11`�, /. I I I
,�! ., , - - ,4W fe�i*AIO � -- , . I I � , ; �� 'I,— It , ,&4 ..I 1, I . . "'J.P" , , � i2 .#,.Li� " �. , 11 . IJI 1 I ': � % ; .. " i � I
� .
. , � . I I
!% 11 - I - I - - '.., I — � -1 i J&, , im",U.ft&Att I �,_A"A_11 .Alow L,jb—�,�tf,,..l., - � &61111, - , AL_�� L . ,&. � _ , f, .-,ilk.: -iii _a