HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1849-03-16, Page 1e'wse.+.tee ...�.....r„.w.--"- .......�,... w
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it g r a$ R E M O V A L. O t r COBDEN'B HEILLSIEt. rAouth, of Frost. Williams, anti Junes, there, AN 1100ittANT TOPIC.
A H O P E, was immediately a proposal made by :I.ot.i --
ESPECTFULLY begs lean to return miltma Is riscuanma- John Russell for an increase in the army of Am tire annexation of Canada to the Uoi-
DR. I . A. McDOUGALL, Rhos sincere thanks to numerous friends 'tU]C ANGEL WATCIKZL [CONTrnuse FROM oua LUT.) 5,000 'act). It was proposed specifically to ted Htitee lies been long talked of by many
s1 CAN be consulted at all boar•, at the and the public eseraliy, for the liberal pat- Adoughter wsaa\sd sfmidalgbt Now where is the JfflieuUy of returning meet the case n( throve Chartist rests; but persons, not only as a possible but a probe-
llutel, (LANCAATat a') ronage heratofure reufved,-rued informs to the expenditure of 1885? Why the when trienqutllity returned, we never heard Ibleevent incur futurehistory, andespecial•
Goderich, Sept, little. 1848- 23- them that he has REMOVED his TAI-
AI- Hsidr•smle•Md: whole question bee in the amount of your a writd of reducing these 6,000 map.- ly as recent events have caused it to be 1.O R I N G ESTABLiS11111F_NT from ror flat Wag years abs had set dept, warlike armaments. The whole question [dear. ] If you follow, step by step, the luded to even in our legislature; we thunk it
E. C. ►'1' AT^S•ON, Lighthouse street to Ffa•t street, next door A•d many team were shed; is, will the Government be content to entente liters&" to our armaments, you will find may be well, without giving any apt won rt -
P A I Iii T E R • AND GLA Z I E R, to James Bissett, Carpebter, and a few A vaies, like u nagel tame, ten millions in unproduct-ye services like always some special and ready excuse.- specting it, to place the most obvious pro-
PAPEB HdNOEJl. to 4+• doors west of the'Goderich Foundry, where Whites aeae but reg Might a your lightingestablishmenu,-1 mean fight At one time, we must needs go settle holds results of such a treasure before the
all uttiera will be promptly executed ; and otter eittablishments in a time of peace?- affairs in Syria, with w hich we have about 1 public, as topica for reflection. We, would,
G O D E R 1 C H. "els+p. datst.0 child. "the ••fir! mid. Will ter much to du as wit the moon• 'f here was however, remise, that even though annex-
cwwmen may depend on haring thea gar- your Government be content with ' And I will watch for them :" tap millions 1 sod if not, why not! 1 want i a large Chet bombarding Acre and firhtong ation could be effected by th�•iint contrast
A1.E!CA:QLR WILKINSON, moots made up in the most iwpruvcd and
fashionable sty le. Swett mt
ember, like a bleag fell the arguments; wpy not t I was askIbrahim Pachned the , or some other Pacha.- of Canada, Great Britain, and the United
A'OCtlicW � rSurmy0T, ( A full variety of the newest Fall U oilier day by a member of Parlameat. Again, we had a squabble with the French $tatepl there aro still some 'consequences
pie the daughter's foes : '• When ata o about Tahiti: there another raw was ed
OFFICE AT GODERICH, and Winter FASHIONS for 1848-9 just The asset wttfMd, and touched her sot, you going into the details, to tablished. Thea oro had • di• ole wuh °unfiecled with it whogh we ennuis strongly
received. dhow how you an to carry op ilia Govern• p deprecate. We have classed the probable
H U R . N D 1 $ T It I C T . But gratly tank her place; ment upon our plan Y' Y answer wi-, I America about the Maine boundary: and resnits under two heads.
Now. illi. 9. 42 Godericb, tJct 37, 184!5. a9 D 7 P 7
And, oh, so fall of human love that I should be a very bad laetitian, and I then it, 1815, we had another shout the
Those pitying eyes did skies, a very bad logician, if, when I made a pro- Orp,:an boundaries; and as Mr, Presi,i ,nt eoutreAt ♦�u eOttbL Orinase.
J. K. GOOD 1 .ti G NOTICE. , Polk and some few men in the let, Annexation would prepably make
• ' This angel guest half mortal eeemmd- P° al warlike
es G°verprn t& should carry on i t�merican all our institutions sod migatrateseleetive.
AVCTIONEP.R, Y- Tim slsiruherer Eetfd,•iue. its 'A•araka establishmesto w'hS ten millions, ' House of Representatives talked more nun- god, !t nuts do awn with sU cuatom-
HR Subscriber wishes to inform his if 1 did not coil upon them to rte me an sense than usual, some of our men voted so
l.l. tette �d SA I.F.; in any pert of tha ?O R I .smuggy
Domrier tin reasnrslete 'Mme, A Casiome», and the inhabitants of Like rays of light the sleeper's Irks answer, and to show rqe *low they cannot increase in the nary. We had this great I houses and iter, an tri/ along our vers ade
4 P' Sint ford sad vieialt i that he intends car. . undine of evolution, which in alta ion i tentti frontier, and established Foe Trade
ply a the BrsrisA Hotef. y les wow tones evb were thrown carry on with ten millions. I.%ppheome.)- q going
tying on busin"a on I put them os ilio defensive I ask them an with its evolutions. It wag perfectly I wt the North American Continent.
GoJench, March 8,Y 1848. !r -So „ Like sips like
a th the sagely bur 3rd It would introduce the system of ill -
READY PAY SYSTEM. gK,,,� like the sleener'm awn, whether they maks the mr•mt of the money understood at the time, that ilio uigmenu-, '
I . L E W I $ And that after the first day of January, 1849 they have got. Why; how do wait think lion of the navv was &demonstration &whitest, rect taxation for ali the expenses of our
r A row.l,kv mha&w on the cheek, the America. But the Maine briondar own government.
he will iae no credo. ]Ie will a the die ore of the sone) t Why you y is est -
L d W. C H A N G E R Yr APD g p y P y y 4th, it would introduce the American cur -
highest price for produce of all kattle, Blare Die•olring Tato pearl- bays 150 admirals, beside 80 retired edmi- 11ed.:he Oregon boundary in auhsd, the
-C011iYE1'ANCIXG. Salto kc. He begs to return his sincere A nowthing is that aegei's (acs rain, Well, now, hues many do you think Tahiti question is set at rest, the Chartists, react of dollars and cents, and the Ameri-
Jane, iea GODF.RICTL thasks to his Customets for their liberil Seemed sister to the C.rl ! they COWDy t Why, during the late great I hope, are employed and comfortable; and can postage system would be immediately
Pa:ronege, and hopes still to receive a French war. the greatest on record, when where, then, is the pretence fur keeping tip I eateoded Over Canada.
1011.-4 J . E. L i N TO Vii, Share The rnorial sed immortal nth nearly a thousand pennants were flvinR, II -all thea• armaments, which were created+ '604 It would introduce American capital
>A o T A a T PUBLIC, Mectin each wm sees; you never em to ed more than M admirels,Pmnd got together to meet these cases freely iufa Canada; to erect factories, carry'
TfIO�lAB U. DALY. g P ! � on manufactures, and purchase the products
p�� t8tratlord Nov. 49th 1848. 44U Thevanhl ud the • iritsal, at any one timet.[,, Shame"] -and at his [Cheers.] But 1 have not forgatlen the i
:OlA11148gi01iC1 48 y p Use you have but 14 admirals that you cap of the soil, but oro would lose all remaining
QANC irV•IrIA, I last excuse. You remember ilia time last
AND CONVEYANCER, With doth', pale face between. advantages to Britain.
' find active service for. With all their in• year. [Hear.] As nearly as possible this g
STRATFORD.. EXTRA ASSORTMENT Oh, hsmam leve, what strength like thisey time {test ear, 0th, it wonid raise the value of fixed pro-
�"—� - GOODS!! From thea those a genuity in putting admirals to work where 7 I stood on this platform to rt in Canada to a property
OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS .. prayers arise, they are not wanted-[laughter)-you,can I raise my Voice-, in conjunction with yours; I Party par withsi-
Q. s Which• nteriaglate Paradise, onlj find work for 14. (Great heo-tiler and and we stood almost alone,, against that milady circumstanced ove the other side of
f llE�IIST 2u1m1 'DRUGGIST, THE Subscriber has just received from Draw asgeL from the skies. applause.] Wel!, then, I find's to your wicked attempt to impose•�pon as, by In. the lines.
r the New York and Montreal Markets, army, you have g colonel for every re iment creasing our national defences, to protect 7th, It would iireatly promote the moa -
W BIB T . R T R R ZT, the Itergest Stock of Merchand,ze which has The dawn looked throe the casement cold, 1 M ho daps the work; and sou, have other j R ( at"ctian Of railroads in Canada, and Gap@.
through us a nisi,? an invasion from F'rnnes, Now,
GODERICII. yet been brought into the Huron District. A win!ry dawn of gloom, i colonel for every re¢iment that is the tailor gentlemen, by way of parenthesis, and for cattyy that of ilio Niagara and Detroit we
Marcie fl, 1249. 'lir-5o And as the purcha�s were made personally And sadif":bowed thecorta:ned bed- ta the regiment. [Laughter,] He never your enco+tragenient, and the encoura7e- mt itailroad, which ilia Eastern Slates we
by one of the Firm, the quality of the The eii?I and sickly room : uee near the regiment: he never sees it; if ment of the country, let me just remind ninth need- as a eoonett,ag link with. the
Y goods it as superior as the quantity is ex. •+ My ds&ghvr I art thea there, my child ! wera to qn near it, thO men would not v^m of the progress Of opinion niece then. West.
tensive- •prompt payments and small obey him; he has no more to do with the %Ve then had to fight azamst an increase' 8ththe pr woulduce ofro a bly Want to ■ great pail
Oh, huts, thee, love, ease nigh, pP of our "over rown eatabf hrroente, and to of the produce of the West to goes down lite 'I
-••- � refits;' is oho moth which the}' hate+ regiment than 1 have; but he supplies the R
ads ted, -and the ublic may depend upon i That I may see once more thy items fight an u hill battle; t„we aceceeded. I St. Lawtence.
p p pC p c uthea, and gets the prnfjt of s tailor. Q up
-hill AURES OF LAND being suited with every description of Aad bier thee ere I die I (Ileac Rad lnuRhter.) Theve are illuslra- Now, here is 4 propneat before the country 9th, It would deprive its of the whole at-
in their establishment at the vert •• It' ter 1 were harm to thee• lions of how the rncney in wasted that yuo to reduce the cost of our armaments nearly PeiseanJiore n loo.l British military, naval, cam -
FOR SALE IN I g ' one -hall; and that ro cal is receivin misaanot and ordipaow Aeparlmenta i4 Q• -
CANADA WEST lowest remunerating prices Their Stock aliens vote for those pen':ces. But I will P ff
• consists of ever varier of men's and Ferp.,e me now,'• she erred: 1 marc favor now, within a twelvemonth-- °�&'
1 y not,i•unfine mvsalf to the abuses end waste i
women's Clothing; flats, Caps, Bonnets, "� knew• my heart. I loved the usual that take place; I will not lend myself to [',rent applause) -with the public, than our , 10th, It would immediately subject an to
TiIE CANADA COMPANY have for Bunts, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery. Bed- When most I sermed to ehide;' othedelusion that is being practised on resi•uoce to an. increase of our-R►w,alownts i llia American tariff on imported goody
dt.pesal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF I dice, Bridle•, Haberdashery and Graceriea Now bend and k u thy.Mether'e lips, the country by thori! poitgNc dna who p c '!id just twelve months ago. Why biii- which is in many respects much higher
LANDdtpperred thr,ognout moat of the Why, berzely in spite than our own.
Townshi s in Upper Cansda-near) 500,- °f ewerydeseription. Intending pnreheeen I And for her ap„rt fray ;" tend to run with u• far real ftnanctal refisnn, y+ pt a of all the attempts
P Pf C y are solicited to can and examine for toes- Too angel kissed her, and her goal but who are only travelling a red herrin_ ,, to mystify the public mind on this suLject. I 1 Ith. The money thus raised by duties oa
000 Aeres are situated in the Hermit Tract, I events on the Continent have, tram et our importations, would be taken to Womb.
Fared blisafail awe ' across aur path as they used to do upon i ha : p
well known as one of the most ferule parte y y ' q [laughter and cheers) tongued, F ' in ton, to be spent the rho in annex.
ROBRRT MODERWELI�A Free Trade quest ton Med declared that that . attempt to ; , g P" �+ >w M
of the Province -it has treb'ed its propels. Goderieh, jVov. 16, 1848. 42 b A sadden start„what dream• what soled. -who tell, us than by sayirsg, by economy •!ander, and malign the French nation at I tog the rear of Mexico with a view, to in -
of the
five years, and now eootaiw up- The slumbering girl s:armo? j in tho dockyards, by better management, that time, was a most wicked imjostice per. I.areaoe:lbe slave power.
wdlfs of 90 0e” mhabitante. -- — - - i e t ,you can make a sa:ins amt that you mm t aptrated upon a great people. Heal itaLfetele AND U01t L Cntetexa ATNIM.
The LANDS arc offeted' by way of Si R (� (' T: R I F he wUkes-aLe ares her r7o:er erred o • P P (Hear.]- I „
r, B A 8 E , fur. Tan Yehr•r, or for _- With.z the anrel'e arms-" h�:c no fAvtn(- led a rcdeeti6n Of yo,:r ; Why were we told this time Iset year, ' (t hry :lnhexation would, we presume,
seer. Now, I ,cod rnyself to no delusion ;'e true the French are qo:et:•but itis be awe*,.,) away the tithe system at once from F
.male, ?h S , D 4 ff -the ilIn r I il". §nbseriber would call particular he ways -Rhe apr,ngs with wild embrace, Like that; and I tell you plainly from the ;'cause Louis Phihppo, who ie the' Napo"n' Lower Canted,.
osrJfjfA CoA, and fir balance ta' leelul- "I'll" to their extensive Stack of But nothing thin appears outset, that in order to eliect such a rodiic- , qt Peace,' is an the throne: but jet bits die, I !rid It would o fbr to settle the Clet
mentor being done ou•oy with. GROCERIES, as they flatter than-elres Excep: her mother's sweet dead five, I tion of your expenditure for your Arlon- ; only let him die-[lsuphterj-and you will Reserve and College questions in a very r
The Rents payable tat February each tbst the goahty and variety of their Teas, Her own convulsive teen. menta a. voti req.tore, sod as will be a ma-' see how the French people, that an now I summary manner.
yearn are abut the interest at Six Per Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, lice. kc. lice., will tori&l rebel telt in the Lome a< the fire- kept on by ilia wise monarch, limes the y prevent
CJent.upon the price of the Land. UPOO must be a sufficient recommendation to intending CACSE AND EFFECT. sides of the pupuiauon of ilii@ Gauntry -von ; will break love on -thea nrtahbers." lion the endowment ofiro:i 1Maus do -
purchasers. must Lots, when LEASED, NOAIONET purchasers. - must reduce the number of men; you must ! Well, Louis Phili cis politically dead; the g� religious
iS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the. N. B.-Grueerics of ever description 7 PP Po 1 tine being however strong, e C I Mia -
r. 1 P ter T1Mor1T uextxwarxa be coot at with • smaiicr tnanilesiatiun o(I French people were thrown entire! Upon •
others, according to locality, one, two, or will be sold for cash or rorhice, et a refine- - ' f their own resources, the bridle n Vie r' on being nit ed S tMe with the CotuUWti-
three year Rep must be aid in advance P brute force in Cie eyes Of the world.- , on of the h'nued States,
y p 4 P + forces ■t leant, lb per cent. below former Cause. [Cheers.] Now, gentlemen, I bring this 1 allckntwee bill 1e Ido mwhateeeieth people
lwRtea 4th, It would give the non-s!svollolding
-but these payments will free the Settler P More wino! Fill high ! Let The festive hour, "tatter home to my opponents with a very i P 9 interest each an overwhelming majority to
from further calls until 2nd, 2rd or 4th yea ROBERT MODERWELL. With invest mirth he crowned. ! few figures, flow is it that we lave had t and the Governments down on their knees Congress as iO all probability grgtly q t
of his term of Leve. Godericb, Nov. 16, 1848. 43 We'll drink to the Wye in her bower- this great increase of our armaments? If&s 'n the mud, ready to fellow the ole i
The right to PURCHASE, the FREE- I The troubadour rrnnwned. I people, -+ hasten the overthrow of the system of &Is-.
it been by an increase of waste: by an in- even to the utmost bent of their passions. very itself to the Potted States.
HOLD during the term, is secured to tbs— r Fill high• pale youth ! fools may Prot@ of troth : crease ?h
in the number of admirals and the j -(Cheers,] Now, has there been amidst bth, (t, would do awe with all fear of
Leasee at a tived atom earned in Leave, and TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. it lith in the glen. ` y
an allowance is made according to aetiel- :l'RJ\Cit SG'MMER FASHlON3,f@r 1848. A craaen he, who will not in aooth, number of colonels 7 No. The system 1 that thirty-five millions of people, your am becotitfng in•o:ved in a War with the
pa:ed payment. Drisk to,ncb lover ism am spkcak'ng of to you has existed everI next neighbors, cue whi.per that can justify ' United States-
since the war. It is no new thin begun oho slanderous im ntations alleged • ainst
Lau of Lspds, andsn further ipforma-I A FULL variety of the newnet and most � R+ R I ? R f2 � 8th, it would move as aReelnelly tinea
7 j y Rin[ the bell! More dice'! You're come at last; in 1835. It Was to force I u much them last year, by these wicked alarm a
tion can be obtained, (by ■pplicatiOn, if by I improved Srrteo AND SUMaona FAM- Ool • vier 4° the fostering cars of British, religious, ui
lette'r post-paid) at theC0arrixY'aOrrlCEp, coxa for 1848, have been rece(.'ed b the y 4 nnfe' th sorer But what has been the •sone ofi?hies most wicled panic mangers, that 1.1 benevolentsoeleties.
P Pa 1 7 ♦rid, of cevnr, he who is play is cut, the great increase to your armaments ?- I `Oil never forgive,, -or, if I do, I will ncrpr t $th, it will introduce as at once to the
Tor, d and 1, Colborne
; UI R, ISiR ; Dr. I orders of ,who will promptly uttered to the Liar• bet in same- Because
you have iocrea.ed enormous) the fwrget to remind them of their wickedness.
F:eq., Agpkodel, C'olburoe District ; Dr. order of all who may tutees \im with their C.we, yoaapter, come: Irl it not b• said, 1 I sympathies and aid of the American societies
ALuxe, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq., Patronage. You still wev Isdiag nriogs: number of your hien. (Bear.) I hold to [Laughter and cheers.) ][as there been e( the same kind. Their Tract Society.
89ratfhrd, Hurnes District, A. NAIBMITH. Heed ■angM of the precepts yon hay@ read; my hand a statement made by Lord John one act of the French people. I say, to war- for instance would probalily send eolpor-
fiodertch, March 17.184R. .7 Go•lerich 13th April, 1 a48. ly They ars bet idle things, Russell; in the House of Commons, last rant the imputation that they wished to tour# tmediately into Canada ; their lloma
session: he' aye me the inereame of the come to. attack you ? (••tin•"] Now,
_ ___ __ g llusiona y Society pastors, and their Esu -
M A R B L E FACTORY, Harrah . , hurrah ! Who would not live array, nary, and ordnance since 1835. In gentlemen, does that look as if do had
A life of liberty 1 I ' }' cation Foci&tta teachers.
FARM FOR SALE y 1835. the number of men in all these servo -I been wisely spending your money in Porti- 8th, it would expose runaway slaves to
SOUTH 1f ATEBa$T., GALT. 1 For we aAe from wealth, that will not giie, I ces was !35,743; in' 1848, of was 126,063; j f7in't yourselves, and keeping up ton eoor- len caught and taken back by their former
A swvri i• . rsi ! th increase t0 the number of men in the army moue standing armies, because'certaiq trthe -
De Ii. ]flc;,•T;LLOCff emu tutee to man- T E BOk.Ds►h privatett�rgt m l ab; T srpbaa, sip ! think tent f the prayer I navy, and ordnance, nate 1885, GO,S2U. � � ties who are interested in the clothing of on situ experiment.teatcoen dont veatara
Ofaelere HFADSTONE!:I. MONU- i derisg reeih" made:
MENTS, OBELISKS. TOMB B TOPS, eostomnp 80 sen•, !goer which a cleared sad Tw•w mewtal: she's but p thing °( air; NOW, what has b?en the incroase in oho regimeato, or in being admirals with noth• ( 9th, it would involve w in the guilt and
Ace,, in Marble sed Frvilstene, me cheap as leader sultivatioa; ten acres are newly seder- 8=0 nuwr what abe said. expenditure? In 1835, the expenditure for I 'ng to do, choose to tell you that the ( odium of havong'siavery nod, the slave trade
any is the Prevencq all work warranted to brushed and reedy fore •g. The land to of I all thea^ services was 014,670,000: to the F inch people are a mighty hobgoblin, I sanctioned by our national legialature at
*see ea go%lity asif well wownrd. There ra lfight rem" : Night cemea ! All hail to the Present year it is upwards of xioi,000 000. I anxious to come and devour thn peogle the seat of government, where it has sole
m ee charge top M mads- Prices substantial I DwelLe Iles« w it, and I' Mi•pth with a loom; 7 P ' I some morron t (sheers. But Ido not
of Marble Ifeadstosee from 10 t+SOJdlars; good ser g t [Dight; ;The increase of the money has baso •a g [ - ) and undoubl'•tl frontrol : as well as is ail
nae ser of superior (rat`` tree4o& h'•ri•i tae+- lirr4'I'• ataroiag s.ode its henMa bright, near) as possible 60 r cent. also. Wh t tonP.ne myself to France, though i have
of Freestone I . m 6 Ur 30 drillers ; Won- lion. Arid u the proprietor isdeuiress•f setas• TAegerpot shall wait site tomb. y P P" y, I such discreditable deplOm&cy as that recent-
/( *1100 he we is the Hones of Common*, fo said more upon that country, because t tank I carried on rims ctio Oregon, T
aatals kc., Mom 60 sultan upwards.- tog into Mhr► basfarap he will disposal f it w tt;l,itd f Sia ! •etas /girth: year b&nis shall kart ' i 7 Pe t g r tuna,
Written eommeaetcationd addressed to the m;"'e trrws- One-half sf the price will he The bdo - pit Iper'a gmM s w\eo ilea rotor aro brought forward for i stun myself last year, standing in this and Mexico.-Ritaar.
nndsnigwed eewt&ie the Insert times REQUIRED DOWN. sad obs ambles belf is "List '6' inlets who can:'• but motor I wee•. I our army, navy, or Ordnance. Wherif4he P ace, then to declare my opinion with re.
and at what "a' In W er Fre"ost; three equal annual instalmests. Cam vitt\ 1144 from the bold. Secretary at War, or Of the Navy or •peel to the tendency' the great mass of
will M east &twutad to. CTFol f rtb-r psrlievisr, applyat tkimo &e, of the Ordamm brings forward his bud- I the French people. j said in this lace o m
�� r er'10tM pteaoa tltp rvtwbea i tog P I Paoor Joao Amu inn \Aystra.
Prapei p get be a s how man men be wants ; Ihat in Ivraace property is more dit?idea than Amon the incidents of Monday week, 'was
D.H. YtCUi.I.00fi. All hsgsrd •ted pale. in antitheses rime. y y R 7
GEORGE BLLIOTT )teiw. P and when ilia numbs of mea to vo- 'n an ether counts In he world. I sail , ^
(ioderich, 1!t► Oat. lids8 h es. T y rte which br,w let thea actin before the
sly Nov. fits, 1842. 4ss1 yYn ter I, eM lea@. V g P
• 271f led tlt4 the other ea pee follows av a that in Fnoea there ter fight or •leo mil � Court, Jest at the moment that Mr.
see"* ha who queod of the sparkling wise, matter of course it is erfectl understood I hors of real prpprista it f the whole of the Woodruff was perfortnieg an tett of dereti-
VALVABLE LOT O F LAND - - iia yomb tsysmer (latae: r perfectly
CASH FOIt,Wt-IRAT. And rhe losam n Whs pkd(d him drip took sold, I that when you haw• voted the .nen you 'O'I of t\BI vett re --and 1: is the on on the platform -praying for the a ul
I+ o IL .8 A L E. The wister tried to ht•!k , must tote the corresponding estaSliahments I rich4st on its trnr(acn Of any country in of departing Torylem, before eonpigning it
HE subscriber hereby ietiersees tbM b "The ►w or _'• be fits, be hath grows oL: 'n ray other direction. And therefore. E°r°PO-the what" of that rich patrimony to or the tomb of all the Capulets'--te man
** � I*k0 Shore, township of Ash- T The funow s sm foods cheek. wJtl(e I admit that there are abuses, that I to cut n;r into emalleir properties, owned in argon the Loyalists was arrested b ow
L� teitalaitlj has now on terms of Jews and part there is monstrous waste, that then is I "-simple by the personw who cultivate it, of ourgConalablley having n large kite ie
Q s�D AND SEVENTY- "wnenhip, the entire Mason It o! tb L • itidba/, with lwered ►ria, miettunagemeot, yet i say, if you want ! then in any other country in the wnrld.- his bonds. to removing th:s man to the
Godbr(ch Nilly anti that las Is prepared lq And Iesdd dive is band, Hear, And let me
O ACRES, pay caulk ser ivy gtmetfty s!•eadm@vtbawt- Wrb orb• pflaired • a sort game," material "Auction* in your Imminent nu [ ) ay, by way of /wren- Police Once, Milton, wit being assisted by
t1![4�ie Iwetellts of lies tbi YfJI of sbM W\oaRyR iiN eeid 2gplsl pFeMde� tb Arra eetiorsad b t►r bawd. muH ■t once boldly face thfa plan of r oc• thesiy last when 1 Aesr certain wiei t:o, ( i coloured man. As they proceeded on their
Pot Albort, is witio thef��aNet it $uis• be "seemed 4bore iw tirNgss• wmsafes• 12 his Nabea syr• ge,tewet ing the number of men engaged in those writing le certain aristocratic jnare•Ie, w& Paddy Jones's e m sympathy wee excited
a raw M111, pod as t MBI: high, fl gad 1• 77 D !
f.nt ten before the slew e( the non��. With waist light glares forth : se►vices• Well, now, gentlemen, why calking of obs bangers to a anon try from for the roan to custody, and made an um.4b
14tfloiMe the whet by thr(�y Red eo ilbg WN. JfiTBiL Ail the mtA rings loud, wera cent the die, should you not reduce them ? Whosoever the mietsta sub•livision of its prope►t!, 1 as the sum twor Constable, whwh he wits he
eesebrr •let #sad, -•and i4 teQ W"40&L GOnsateat MILLS. AIA•► kavm ares beggary worth. than has bees en augmentation of the •n' very mor% dipompd to Wlsper IN tAA@It would not have done it he had been a wWb
�:~ plow•• •M4—till hR essbw St 1ftlt. ' •►my, navy. or ordnaore, then leu always es►y whether the lessons O( Aistov have mon. The LIe& of -bay r. aseisijtlB fI1
maid-te \' .._ IiB1i L & b it ts00 . with We11, g tthaiu, ►tea as eleemse, for it al the limp; but what not taught s• a totally I1116rpot doctrine; the capture of •man ( Paa'dy's color, quite
� 2betsd w she slan,mr W.ly
• DAVID CLARSs l+ P eyea"he abe to+r 1 oomptdn of Is this, that when the •Ota_ and Whether they can point b where
instants ! overcame him, and addy walked late Mf.
Casamerr, 141► lJoe, glia. LOOK HERE. T said. it Wen aaaiatae, moos for that ieoresas leu passed awn we is the history of the world Whets & nation park• We saw that Nadd is defenses arms
erre Etem wealth a •Ut N• 1• y Y
bile life ora ,here with ta&gid bale, neN► have a dimiaulfos. (I ear, hear.)- came to rain because of the multitu in of m bad one, from the moment we first boated
ups? tri :v+e• • etrsrk mt )till of Wide, '('bv, her [Cees. 1 thaw told ,roll the cam ie 1813; it was the people who owned something in the nat or': it, Zai enmrted a°reltree with him is altq
All DOMM iso the fgduwq*ibe �M 'W the dYael Ii�IM old help her�/hw never ora Asia lowest int. is 18811 thews was d cry sit tht leadin & ; but it was to Ro
uses• •si�Mr tee rr alre • ealttesttwter V►aiwes se legibly. ►sir, PO 1 g but whalher they cannot point M • oat on D g puepese.•+.
of serf r dress tmn tb&t we wore is to be invaded b Paddy gave the apron as additional We►
MW AILD Co' `lws� Prada -Worked P g" r y which has gone through • revolution les- I fir the bringing
aM Manes cislia liswia it was that wftie► mode aw s►P of aaustb batt it thew
low"i tbKb 46 s a Capes =tea ilfelRh ebewys Mr_ 0e the ffewBei g.ymds Msrbors,ne, first titre "ehletett, to write oast the 'tense property bad aecuma•atad in few I no o ;the n was a "ria �
_ IIW ee ebe ens/ lillgp, Clooksr G*, H Astound his sea 1�s t Wp aR I g lM ynr• Rei tbeg
ilea leek 1 b,gg 1u• yl'e + !] The ebilA sf filo. va Iib began, •alio■ that the o&" of were s some
to Is Aatfdt«-(gnat c ss of c) -and t4en was a was and would be for Paddy,defeeft.f
�Rayr�sti » � •e� • ♦ wit's Aye gays IaasA; •&de n t\e eea&t of Neefalk, hese fo[g7 sswsgwn t excess of rorrupUoos}nd luxury yet PsJJy, tar he M e Re•
ai Wewne N►r f
t a. R g"'f► a K..
♦ ad sae a obs g�,it isttartl, (.aagktar Rad •been) Thal sins, sed could Sely led emot•latlee is w
i�� ' `- i the fill", set of d•gredaHea as heresy
Joe�t Wr the etas•• for increasing "P feet, 4" Paddy wy foliewag the •sample,
/I oro (lisle. tltl AM1 ' a nes T•talA my oeWell
fit f 1/0" io the trtl (»(eft aeof►T r, 024 ' ofieat"
is i4 a w it ion ime us.
-Cres. 1 oT - fir• t .-•g .•,t t, r hlwwvs\A les. s1ees