HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-09-28, Page 114# imerSet rwl'• 't • 7.0771,Irr • 11r .T^.414- .171 • .1 • /reb /2..i I PrEN PA ssisisesosossissssossissessissess (100ERICI1 STAR hes * ,pirodoltioiti, thou any other News I In this sestjen* Ost, coati ot Hume 0.0!".000‘00.0410.011000.0000.0100.4004444.0,“ UNQ ESTIONABLE ' • . There question et all *isnot. Your neei14,Fit 111,111,0 410.- , 'count. eg there 'on/Y OAP Wa.? Vein/144ft Width,. 404 that la' by swing. it. A, fen peonies inherit '41!.0414 *hell Akin indepeedeeet: .1/9' I attoke lack, but' the YeArt Majority of people steer* 4i 'cOupeket100 114,4100- 41144 the,y tuAx ;Air ssviag Imrpitt9„, V4.Per 1/0.14i. 'cent en derkkillit (Oki 111.0110,Y • TANDA kl) • Lt)A.N. rOOMPANY Oopmtva Ovneg 4.100X. VOR.TA STRg U4RU 16T, To UORTOTy,•10a• '1. git.: , . r011 'fiTnia.theel`berestreitea lune „ t.ne.tordarsiettee'snleee;abeet 14th -14 ' , 'es yearling, Meter, enter rein. auf portop, sesitut.or hsvisieStoue, .Plealleelet MI,' M14% W20,674781-W!Eit1 . ( ficeittillerstmtt ; .-, . IOW et;SOMerilieN. le Oodestach, 10 . MOS tinn itt: t'seeir Of . tr. pose, Teen bn ..e.1111 thetlit,baStAle?Y=Fie irilsktr ar/' is Watlied, that tbeteet note ' 0_110 by othetethan the etelereIgnedo 0. . 0 tinteer.OoderiStis ' ,;, -., : ooks.i.t.g. OR F.NrsArte'Vittlkalit V-6-4.0kni7.1t0Pfd4line. . grit tronlo,"?., peniy-,ppister. Iti441*. sdkxim iferen • r'gritt'llt ;tent fit/litres Orkelta.,vre'ritefe Odeirleit. Vim • '6011e1071006. Mitt thliirdlOP SIVI11.0X0,101011kOoffilitlettfOS stook or commit Z,111161M1Pdtlta: Plaittr 412pittP Supply 10,t Water. winder. and. tat is skoktio IttMeareee, Beal Eaten and hour- enoe Agents, 119g ,i4Aratrifit,!'t,tricgorsx.-rToliktusitand tw Le ' a roe ree or, ci , ood amble °Mid exceptienallr choice fruit Moo PI Wet Varieties. A very desarable bowie for a slualllittie;lie. Apply to Tomtits McRae. tailor, lel. =enamel. . 1C1OR SAXE OR TO RENT. -2 Reusiis, cot .112 net Wolfe'stleet and Cambria Road, one. welt 411 modernmoniveniencess For terms and PnrWW1Plani ellIdr TROS, 'DATES. Wolfe street/ tf , -IDNAIOSS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -South J..! part °flat. 21' on the lith conceseden, Pant (11,1/threa, and /et ori the 5th con- cestalon,donstaUng of 80 Urea. 'I III9 property has 14 Bores of an. Orchard on tho 90 e'er° lets pearly, MI good reinter fruit, Apply to H. T. HECK. I/Earle/or, Terentm_Ont., or eavinsi ,cox, en the farm, Porter'e Idle IS O., Coder:10k TOwnship. 'OMR HOUSES FRE SALIts-One on wel „1„/ Wigton street, one on Raat street, one on ,„ Aaglesea street, and one on SL George'e Cres- cent. All these properties aredlesirahle. ease be- ing new brick and modern. , Appl, to Mits. Iorsta. s • .1114:0,.1i1WW,Eor thifall. and. winter -months/ - AL or 'anger if desired, the -popular and welt knorth St, Lawrence, on Montreal street: Code - rich, fully tut -dialled and equipped as a large boarding noose-, A. eplendid chance forthe right person Lode a good Madness Poasession given eit once. 'Apply for r•parrictiffirer to to Mrs. C, Deck, on the premises. , T0 RENT. -4 tame Frame Dwelling on Nel- son street..formerly occupied by caplet ung. Terms .reaspriable. , 4pply to 'Mr. Smeetli. TrODSE TO .RENT.'es•Purnialied or unfurn- itt. imbed, moths, With ali modern imerev- men's, corner . of Witterloo St. and Britannia Road, tipPorite.,tellegitife Institute,. . Oor poetic. - alert apply 10 Wmh.j.,11feanow, Orocer, Ilam- ilton street. , FA11,31 TO RENT, for elyterm of three yeare, being Iat 19: CO& 2. West Wawanexh, containing 250Aeo. All in gratis. Good spring creak and good ullffings 'Prefer to rent for rzlnk Per /AWAY' to W. IL WrISON, tuotannors 'NE* HOUSE FOR SAISI-On Britannia Road, east of W. T. Alurney's realdence. Apply to G. 1W. ELLIerr, Eaat St. FOlt SALE -The fine briek Itoule, with 31 acres of land, on Ilaytteld Road, at ere - Bea occupied by tbe underaigned. once of small fruits. Ruch as Pears. Plums. grapes, eurreatte, ete. .tn ideal place for a home and garden. It 1st o beat value in God - °Sob. and. will likely dem lo in price within fourlyears. Apply on the mon/Ises to J. H. MALLOUGH. FOR SALM-TWo new Dwellings on Angle - soy Sts A comfortable Dwelling on lemon St. Building tote on Mien Avenue, Eesex St., Cedar st. and Pine St, WANTED. -A few Furnished Houma or Roma. near the Lake front, to rent for the summer season. YOUA7.0 & ROBERTSON. PROPERTY FOR SALE.- Th0 dealmble property on Elgin" Avenue, Ooderieh, *voted and coupled by Dr. Whitely. Good bowie and two-thirds of an tuire of land, with choice finite. me house Is heated by hot water and liati All modern Improver/rants. A . bargain for dey person wanting arst-olass pro. temtriaseosgotb. Apply to or address 2t) APERS FOR BALE. - Several hundred (deka Of old newspapers for sale. Just the Ingwben you aro housecleaning, Apply at STAJt OFFICE PROFESSIONAL • iE. JORDAN, 'Teacher a Plano and Organ, nIkc'TeritItilture. Mre, Williams' Residence, • l'rem" . 110 it ADAMS; ts)acher ot Piano. eto. gitamo., Rank of .Montreal coy - ea tames and Square. "25 IVIEDICAL ICM1S11013SON & XUENDLILL. - • A. Paustiesite, pf. D. W. S. eniunter.t. 13. „„„sj oniese Offices, tfaniilton 1 Beddow* 121 Niglit cane for the firm 13re, Ennuerson and yernbull -wilt be enewered either from ' their ofilee. ttamiltort area, or front Dr. Turtibull's resideneo,Netion street,. Tr. A., IL MAGICIAN, M. et. Fit -ridden end Surgeon, Spatial attention to mis, wits; szliittmLorn co and residone,e Weet areas OodericE"Teirtit° p _ CikahltAce.,b 1)11r.,.1).1&trutirgi swim At Dunisub non wednesomy Afternoons. N.hT,ILOVI.4401411 ici-k°9C0t14-ItM141111Allpeiit "' tt. Vert* Mt k, nt er eatee win iveatteehtlatteettom I wili bur „soar am Ureatoek TiouitchoTtl Petnituro, PeY 8POt 4.4611. PrIeett. lot We imonethst you have relletleflatfital jort,t,' oho, Goma. A ' REA TATE nemrs -tifortsoasfounitAit.RovormitAtTo.y.0, Par sealtte,mtrenterrenttee town blid atm' 009(01% Fire tuta Ufa_ Insuraneth 1.4 sitle.00Intlketas .‘,11011114 his minim novrxri, Coderich un e „LIM telfttitl fur AringettatatitA rrat faet_ton Loa antioniern•r--147rfatolt.' EISEY, ,menst0e. • _ Tit COLBOrt Rota trtOt. Kosw,totts,Pitbliititerqlto Tlit$ titeatfiei 04% libit4e0 'Under the neVi Vtindgentettic *Alt tohdottediut modem pritteipieso hPAt owl& 01440 fitittatitilfeed E16 /*OM lait1bUdi Vottrpattonagt1kftetkpeetfullyabikkiel. M91.46-4enitt- Theniliton Shit 14*. c 1 Mit.6 0,61t-it.t itki tvggi113111 'Simimitsent WANY. Ady copllakert no AP) Ir tiSrekt .F.s5A ANTEA-Pr'Ociolsit ;nen expeript4 ueneral Servant te go To Me. peroncata. Apply .te Rao, gewcoa VOX. 00Monelii• pv01,ic NoTsce ITRT fem. WASTX1). eettfOrollitY '8"Ith 911,11.1Y0 VO, 404, No. _ 44 .!. tbo undersigned voll receive offers Realise act marked Tililderefer MarketiPrewtth to and forme the 2rd dee Of Oetebeist,000. for the 9/111160 9/ the. market .feete of tee limn a CI emelt ender the ode bylaw. The intetassful tenderer will he the Inarket clerk for the sesame year. . The highest. or anr tender not llecossathr .406epted.. Tenders (or weight aides at. O. T. R. stalou will ttlee be votietved at Same tittle and place. Dated this Nth dey of Seetembor. nee at. O. JOKSTON. 'Town Cleric. w. C GOODE Deg' filet/meow) that he haa sidd the Red Cross "Illlr g Stet° to Mr. CAM' DUNLOP, Who eoliolta and AVIIIdeserves continuance of the litoral patronage heretofore glyen--for which much thanks. All aecounta Must be nettled at once, as I will soon lox° ter'Sth. • With _Wet wither/ for the proaperity of Goderich. W. C. GOODE, Chemhst. t`loderich chinese tatuidries MON LAI% West street branch MON FONG MAY-nfist street branch First class worli for family laundries, and prices cheap. All work called for and delivered. Give us your orders. . TENDERSIWANTED WALED TENDERS - Will be-reeelved by ;the inideraigned olt to 0 P. M. Saturday, the 29th day of Septem- ber, Ifiest for the construction of about 120,000 souare feet of eminent concrete walks in the Town of GOderloh. SpetritleatIone and draft contract may be men at the Town Clerk's office.- 0 Tenders will be received for the whole or auy eat. marked.oherme or other security satisfac- torr ta the Council for 10 per" cent. of the am- ount of itheiteedeemust necomeanY same. No tender necesearily aocepted. M. 0. Jour -remote' Town clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Xenon is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0.01AM, Chap. 129, See.38, and Amending Adt, that all persona having claims aguinat the Estate Of Emily 3daRinnon, late of the Town of Caderleh, the County of Hero& Widow, do- ceaaecL wbo died on or about the lath day of July,'A. D. 1905. are raga -lied to send by poet, prepaid. or:leaver to the underaigned Exeou- tors, or either of them. on or before the 3001 day of SepteMber, 19011, their names. addresses and descriptions, full particulare of their °Jaime, with Datum of security lif any/ held by them; and that after the Raid date tho Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among tho parties entitled thereto. baying re- gard to the claims of which cher shall then have notice, and that they 8111 not be liable for ouch assets to any person of whose alarm they shall not then have had notioe. Dare/tat Goderich. thie Ilth day of Septem- ber, ma PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Solicitors. ANnngw B. DavtrmoN.Gtoderieh, lumens. Yonne), GoDIMIOO. (Executorit) TAX SALE LIANDS FOR SALL FOR TAXES. Notice is hereby given that list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has heer:utre• pared and that copies thereof may bo li this office, and that the list 214 bbing publis ed la the Ontario Oasette, in the IA000801 Angled 18th and 25th, and September 1st and 8th, 1900. And that In default of payment of the taxca and costs the lands will be mold at the Court House, in the Town of Oaderich, en Tuesday, the 4th day of December, at o'clock in the at- ternonn. WM. HOLMES, County of Huron. Trowel -or. Tromiurer's Office. Ooderiet, Aug. 1906. . AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY JAMIESON RElb Will sell by Public Auction, on 8ATORRAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1906, conemencing at o'clock sharp, his Residence on Milton street, near the Collegiate Institute. This property includes a 9 room house in excellent repair, with good cellar, hard and soft water, end centrally located. Property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Tastrna-litede known ou day of sale. JA3114011 REID, prep, TM, 0.1110011Y, bet ME STUDY PENMANSHIP RAPID CALCULATIONS BuSINVSS ILETTORs 5110111111AND 11*PlaWRITIINO 00CiftketIOINd Audall Subjects of' 11.3131011$' 3110 1 that 4 VATIIICIRATION j ttelvetalik Men, nod Crailoatec . "examine MI lento Vitt. hisidilit fliCali Is. it Vette IMPittisitntinoti it06001 ' ',01411/ittittt Stu Y 1 ItANKIN0 e Sterling. Bail OV CANADA, HEAD, Offia TOliONTO ., a a Xn(tOrPbtateaa .81/0410 .het tba Ifeutinteir-paribenerir te-Waligf4— - . Olghest etirrOnt iate •ietetest • :Debt ix our 1111443_ fkot.:1,18Parinifini. oit fieptelite Sr. ROI< upward*. Interest Paid and compoundea 11001t, VIMUS NEAR. Prafts,bouglit and sold. GmetTO 'llatikleg Business transacted, • GODIIRXCEi BRANCH A. G. GAlViBLE, mmagei. , 2 , iot THE BON -TON LIVERY ,HAST $T., GODERICH. "9"4.gaenrado=d'AIV , Your patronage, watched. Phone 51 Walken & Augustine. GODERICH MARKETS.. Wheatei alightly better, install other grain• beld for higher prices, Iroge were atteents better thitetveek, and bnh tor was 2 cents higher. • J. F. Andrews snipped a ear load of hogs to Toronto on Moodily. Burrowa Soh shiPtod laat week 1.600 bushels af oats to Tlisonburg Oatmeal mats, Current wholesale prieetcorreeted up to ttoon of ThurallaVJ Fall wheat, new., .......... .10 68 to 66 Allttivtt ,utapater?ttd ?Ira ttg 2 (6190 Flour, per cwt., family ..... ....... 2 20 to 2 20 Bran, O'er ten Shorts. per Von 29 00 tot° 2019 GI Soreenings, per ton ,18 00 to /8 fie Oa4.1 new Barley net,' 0 31 to, 0 32 0 40 to 0 41 Peas new... 0 71 to 0 72 nye, 0 48 to 0 48 Hay, now .14210 dresh) per dozen %BrIvouokwooattor,phpittreoart,e01::: bushel Wheat 0 17 to 0 18 0 19 to 0 20 048 to 0 48 7 00 to 7 60 ID to ffi -Cattle; ex rt 4 00 to 4 60 5 00 tA 00 Cattle, o ry and butchers 8 93 to 4 00 Lambs, s ring . . ........... 4 50 to 5 00 sheep, mt tewo .. ..... ........ a 50 to 4 00 Hogs,livo weight 6 10 to 6 10 Hogs, dreased Hamsi per 1h- 7 75 to 8 oe 0 00 to" I) 00 naeonsiong lb to 0 15 211fItle°p° Skins • • 07 5000 tot° 075029 Tallow, rendered 0 04 to 0 OA Chickene-banyard chicks, per lb 0 10 to' 0 11 " --e to d 11 te 0 1l Beef, fore quarters... Beef. hind onartere 00 01 to° 00 oo°11 Potatoes Tomatoes u 40 t.o 0 40 0 60 to 0 00 Apples Plume ••• 0 36 to 0 40 20 to 0 50 • Cattle end; tic-- 7;e: Toronto. Sun Office, Tueaday ICvg.. sept. 25. Cattlevare still low In Onts.rio markets. het not lower than at this time lent year. Thie is a season when low prices In beef mar natur- ally be expected. ln foot the tendency in this direction 15 more Ilice:cy to increase' than decline AB time goes on. he movement of cattle from the Canadian West to the sea- board whIeh begins in August and continues on until the cleso of navigation or a little later, roay be expected to Increase from year to year, and thia must baton a tendency to keep t3own the Lrices of Ontario cattle. Theo, again, supplies of' Iamb, poultry, eta., are more plen- tiful at this season of tire year than any oth- er, and thie also will have some ettbitt on market conditions Finally, Ontario paatorea are ueually about their worst at the end of tbo autumn months, and, tbis, too, has a de- pressing Influence. While MN 14 not a good Rate for selling beef cattle. it la the roost suitable season tor one who maker] provision for late fall feeding bY a supply of rape pasture and corn fodder, to purohnso feeding stock. Feeders eon be bought at Ode time on more favorable term! Ulan at almost any other period of tho year. This year, too, with corn and barley+ abund- ant, feed is not likely to be unduly expensive. even If oats are aueli a dbrappointment Mere is no change to report in hog price. is week, but the geperal outlook seems better n it did. The V1m. Davies Company revolt at receipts show very little Inereaxe and sre 11 below requirements. Coupled with this a very firm hog market in the United tem, the top price in Chicago kat week being most as high the off ear price in Toronto, an advance over the previont week. Vm. Davies Company quote prieea far- m at country points, $6; on board ears at entry points, $0.16; tad arid watered In To• to, ;11.45, and off ears in Toronto nt $0.70. _ - - _ _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 tha ttr /Ea am eon ran. Servant Wanted -Mer. Heaton 1 Auction Sale- Root. Plunkett 1 Help Wanted-. VVIngluun Businale College 10 'Your Fall Trade -VV. C. Pridliam Loat or Strayed -W. W. Fisher Bedroom Suites -H. B. Beckett September Bargains W. Acheson & 8on Fall Merchandise -J. H Colborne Mantlee and Jackets -D. Millar Co The Invietue Shoe -Wm. Shannon., ... Now Millinery- W. A. McKim 1 Millinery Display -Mies M. E. Cameron „ I Chinese Laundriea Ilunineier Change -W. C. (tootle For Salo -P. Is Walton Farra to Rent -Young & Rohortmon Tendon; Wanted -Town of Goderieh Coate that Rave Style -Rod/rens Ilrov Auction Salo-Jamb/eau Reid 1 nexttignaganza Co. -Victoria Opera Bowie 10' Again -J. VV. Broderick .... 1 _ - SPECIAL NOTICE. Notices under thin heading 'to nonadvertls- ors will he charged 10 cents a running line in nonpatiel typo, 121111os to the Inch; to yearly contract advertisers whose ndvorthring ap. poen in the name issue, 11 cents a line those who make a yearly contract under Gila heading, and do not otherwiwe advertise, 8 cents a line. Local Notices. Fall M I !livery dieplay ott Miee Donagh'ir on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 2s.at GOT 'Est AOAIN.-A not her stock just arrived at the Ooderteh Bargain Store. This enleking cheap rale commenced yesterday, (ThInt4041 the 27th September. J. W. Ihunnottee. Sale Register. Timmer, Ocr. soros-Auction sale of Penn, Vann Stock and Implements, property of Mits. SAMMth D'ART, Lot 8, Con. 2,Colborne,one mile from Detimiller. TUot,;(17ottelimcv, Auctioneer. SA DAV, OCTOBER 1317J. -- At one o'cloek p.m., the Jamieson Reid residence on Picton ntreet; in good repair nod cen- trally located. T1109. Cutionv, nuc- tioireer. IfoimAY, OCT, 11.-Cottmlettging at 2 o'plock p. no, on Lot 4, Con. 2, E. D, nf Asiffield, two horses and a tiuniber of tattle. email. heifers end steers. Tenni:, ;a Menthe credit. jos. T/OERT, Prep.; Tnna. OttNrew, Auctioneer. VirninsESDA.V, Otto to.-- On lot 2t, con. 3, IVest Walvanosh, a large number of cattle, 41 bead, C01Tglf pigs end sheep, a young gelding tlild item power. 'The etock is extra good and thtlet ell be sole, Ternts, la months crellit.--Ruirr. Pune- Ettre, proptietor; UO2. Ounnav, auc- tioneer. Tilniten.00, Ott ti). ---At tett COIL 3; W. ft., dahlia% at &dock Ix 111., tale of fate; stock and implements. lilverythitigiliesi be Twelve Months eredit, joiIN WUXI& proprietor; Time. 0olvekv, auctioneer, • Partfeit tiontemplating Otittin In & tendet for the leseal ,market fees eidd note st, chili** in the adisertratinu, hin pit es, trNiere for the.* t W, %aloof* • rOgi $040043 tfitnexatillismAtt potiutt repletion, *ow *vied h aancatioBei ilepartnient . tido l'ertxliiift 41Xeltenlorteaellers" at ons, It is aspochdproylition*f ing nubile sehoot tesebeta and ;vault of opressentationti niede't tiepArtirsielit ititely by the Ontario, v4010114 *sedation. trotter the Otiot Tow. T0pics.' WettrEn Ontatin tifftulltlen, don'te 'know it,41 10.111V01 tact 4 lin% "4.! 10, O. 44 rogidhwil luttl tit! attire ithalarot beautifully. deeorated In lion, *min, or of the 1;%. K. W. lett* Thit. fitillitty term of the Wei 4:lentil iidne 'of Justice onions the Cotirt Mouse Mt ttie Toraday Oct. 2110. hereto the Honor- eflO can take the fitfrilee infant parte at different in* Of- in two parts. iefr heretofore. enables them tuptePare far the e withotit!ffiVitrt Ut4•1;lielt Waseca. 4141)IttotAnotare-..A. firm w never fella to, make the 1eitiling play at the Ci"., U7thihltim ciehrge Thomsen* Son, the reliable. music dealers .and ..,ffiachild agent% %%Op exhibit ?rear it ult to the high ;nand 4, MI. able Mr. duaticenritto Mete teed. Thai was. hieh ;1, is wing thie includes; the tannins Moll Piano* Organa. and Oominien and Code 0 et; Vent rank instria. meet in Canadian mosient, untuufact, dries *The .Mstrutnents alloWn are very handsome In design 'and their aniondid geality attracts many adruir. ers. In sewing mei:Mines they display sthe White, New Williams and Ray- mond, adyone of which will suit tho moat exacting regnirtialents. If you want ;a. granophone, too, Thonteon Son can give you the hest. How To DIric Amn.ns BEST. -As it is net generally knort Mutt With very little extra trould° apples MITI be dried so ste to retain a nIpe white color, the followilintdIrections are said tO ensure the highest peicee for the product: Fill an ordinary eized about half full of water, Into which stit a handful of common salt. A.s semi Its eech apple Is peeled, cut Into (inert- ers, trim and throw iseickly into the salt water. As (mom as a sufficient quantity is rettdy, drain off the water, which can be used again., and dr quickly over the etove. Ilear in ml that apples ellould always be cut In quarters. Do not dry, mestrings, but use a wooden tray make of narrow slats. Do not allow your apples to go to waste, as dried apples are always saleable. Illirel-munitiNWttia Trafalgar sh'eet, AVM NOVO LOViOt.04114•WilE110 finished trt day or, to.morrow morning, and tlie titretlit OVIlatte :0141134111dIr (:)tretehte) 'COntractor Tioniabliouser had ` right hand ceught In a nulley en life da . ell his fingers nod, thumb tieing laseerated I. the middle digit being 'broken and tbree Oldie being eleer from the flesh. We _are &soled to be Able to atate that Mt. rremanhouber is dein/I 119 Wen att 4nd coo he expected. rich. The granolithic walk contraotor Will likely het% the West half of Trafalgar atr,eet finished toonorrow. end the north west /motion of ilruce street on Wednesday. which Will finish his con- tract. Since the contract wast made the petitions for about two ullice Mere have been made to and granted by the Council, and it is expected the te.it. tiers will be opened to -morrow ergot Should the present contractor get the tciolentrwitutlIte Will proceed right on with COLLEGIATE PROMENADE. - The auditorinm at the Collegiatil idaltute Was vvell attended on Friday evening, the opening night of the fall terns of the Collegiate Literary' The initiat programme was in the form of a pr menade, ten numbere. all of wide were of interest .to the promenader No. 5, however, was the attraction, I was a puzzle, and a herd one it was as Maple Leaf is always in two syll bles and 'there being only me th puzzle. was much asseina, its ens solving. The subjects fot diseusio were: 1. Camp Life; 2. The Final Mo del Term; a. The British Bowlere 4. The Essex Fusiliere; 5. "Paltnapel teel"; O. Corinthians vs. Hurons 7. Canada's Itrenigrants; Et 'The Pow er Bylaw; 9. "That Old Hough Oup. 10. The Hatless Girl. TRE PLANET VENt7F1.-In answer t an enquiry dent hint regarding th beautiful planet which has attracted so much attention' for some weeks Director R. F. Stopart, of the hleteor. °logical t4ervice, Toronto, wrote: nese Sot -Referring to your letter of the pith Instant. I would ,An.y that the planet Venus has bee° ehining 110 tlio western sky daring Animal) and September. It Is vory brilliant Just now but seta soon after the min. On Sep- tember 20th it reaches Its greatest brilliancy and sets about 1 hr 26 min. after the eurr, There la no doubt thnt it has been miataken for rth air ship. hut a little thought would allow the abertirdltr of it, am an alrahlp would not remain as steadily))) the sky oven if anchor. ed. Being rather low down in the southwest the planet. would traturally show larger by refraction and more red on account of the smoky horizon. Venus will remaln'an event rig kap until November 27, when it afterwards for a time rises before the sun. Any popular elementary work on astronomy wIll explain the motions of Venus and Mercers IR, Mamba( and evening stars. CANNED GOODS UP. -At a ineetine of t ners Theorgan recital In I.CnoitChureh last Monday evening was well attended, thanks to the energetic efforts of many juvenile ticket *tellers, and musically considered waif creditable. Miss Scholey. of Toronto, greatly pleased the audience, her numbers being well chosen and cleverly sung. The main part of the program was made up of organ numbers by Mr. Jordan, and Mr.Roy Adame, of North street church. accotnpanied the twos eeleetions given by the choir, which. thotigh familiar nutnhers, were well received and credit- tbly rendered. A merchant In town who, with oth- ers; was unable to supply the demand, for butter, thought hitnself fortunate the other day when a patron brought in a crock she had for sale, which of course he readily bought, paying cash therefor. Some time after he• com- menced to deal it out to his customers, ands found that the crock had been " veneered," the top layer of about one inch being fairly good quality, and the remainder of the -crock of a • tirely different color and very inferior h quality, in foot not fit for use, he a. says. Such deception deserves some a retribution. a- Arotind the Harbor. • The tug Evelyn, which bed lifted • nets to start for South Day last week, n ;fain set her nets off this port, and on onduy made a lift weighleg 1 2U0 lbs., one of the best made this season, and she will likely remain here until the ' close of the fishing season. The lumber mill is now nearly com- pleted, and it la expected she will have steam uptoday or tomorrow and will o eouunence cutting next week. e Last week the dredge, while work. Mg off the elevator, stirred up quite a quantity of wheat, allowing that wa- ter is a preserver of thnt grain, One day last week the Western Canada Flour Mills' mill shipped out. 17 car loads of flour and feed. Captains Lawson and Donly aro now on a month's fishing t'rip up the lake, on the former's boat, tbe Not•th Pier, and will put in their time at the best bass fit/hires geounds on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. C. P. R. CONSTRUCTION NOTES. See also page 7. The iron for the Midge on Harbor Hill road is being placed in position, and as other gangs of imp are at work on either side of the road, one lot ex• tending the retaining mitten the south side, and the other building the new wall for the big mill offices and engine room, public travel to the harbor is badly hampered, requiring great eare if driving a vehicle, It is 1.0 be hoped this will he improved in a few dem as the danger and delny are eerlotie. The Maitland River Bridge Is still going ahead, the 4th span beingyivet- ed and all the frounework for plowing the hth span was in position on Wed- nesday. One girder Of the lith open was at the depot last week, bitt. it seenuo it was the wrong one and the builders had to wait for the proper one which is expected every day. The trestle track below the Horton and Carey property ham been properly spiked and bordered, and is now ready for the rails. and had it not been for the t he directors of the Canadian Can- ' association, Limited, held some' time ago, it. was decided to advance the price of tomatoes front gi.o.5 to $1.17t, and plums Mc per dozen. This advance has been fooled neceesary on account of the advane.ed price of ma- terial, and the increase in the cost of labor and other requieites to the busi- ness. The canners have also been at considerable hots in being compelled to take from the growers the supply of tomatoes contracted for in such quan- tities that they were unable to handle them, and the result was thott the can. ners suffered considerable lose in the tomatoes spoiling before they could be canned. Plume have also been very scarce and high in price, which ao- counts for the advance In these goods. The price of other canned goods will remain the same as lea year. rou le between the rival rail- 001/RLAY PIA NOS. --A nmathal in- roads it is safe to eaV it would have arument which has done moth to The tirAnd Trunk claim ownerehip been finished up tot he elevator. bring fame to Canadian art in that of the land all along the front for 00 line is the Gourley Memo, manufactur- feet from high water mark; this in - ed by the well known firm, Gourley, eludes the VVidder property. The Co. Winter & IAmming. These inane claims the ownerehlp of the whole of mennts hosve reached a high degree of the Mill Road, the elaim being based perfectIme. Indeed, without being in- on the ground that It was a Grand vidlous or unfair, one might fairly say Trunk engineer who laid it out, and them are none better, and to see the knother claim is that all the land of beautiful designs and finish la to wish theTe track from the front of the pip- oroa in your home, if not already vator to the southeruit eorner of the there. Mr, Peter Malwan has the harbor belonga to them, !recants° they agency for Ooderich, and bas made a have allowed for the last 2,r) years 0031 - display at the fall fair which hots at- gels to pile cargoes there that were to traaed general attention. If ypii are be shipped by the company to distant intereated in music get some of the Points. Yesterday the shrove! had cut company's literature from him, Which away enough to lay hare male of the is worthy a permanent pine° in your plies daiven In by the (1. P. IL for a librotry, beihg at tractive and useful on switch to the elevator, and the fight general °objects.. See their "Thou- bide fair to be e &tree One bet Wren tho sand Facts about Canada," a meet in- rivals. terestir booklet issued by the firm. ready in Goderich homm and all are most highly praised. - Rev. 31 r. Hazen, of North areet Iffethodial• church, will condtiet SEntotre FIRM -Del -weep 1 2 and 1 vireo in that church next Sunday, nn yesterday morning thn fire alarrn call. would, and will leoul Ilible Mane in ed out the firemen to tbe Kensington the afternoon. Furniture rotatory, where the engine "Exceeding great and preeloun pro - Severe of these instruments are al - AMONG THE CHURCHES. and boiler house was found to be on mons which the piruttor of the liaptiet flre. The building must have, been church commenced last Hundey even - homing mono time, ite tha lumber of Intr. In this connectien "A promise the structure waa nearly all on fire. to thofte who took" will he comaidored As (mob ato tke fire eompany conj. next Sunday evening. as the men worked with a will an meteed work the danger was pastartid Next Smutty will he observed ae gained complete control at the start. Children's Day In Eno* church. A t Tbe building fe of hrie.k and Is isolated ,p,,,,k specially to mront,, in the aft from the frrttne mem where tnanufae- the morning service the paator will Wring 1.4 carried on, and apparently ernoon to chiftlren, and in the evening the brick collo alone (mewl a big fire. to young people. At the afternoon Tito Appear:ogees indicate that the I) tiervice the 1)rogratiime prepared try started over the boiler and spread to ri' the General Assembly's Sabbath the efigine, but bow It oceurred no School committee will be tarried out. and diplomas gnd prizes to eneconsful misee" is the subject of a eerier) of RPr• one knows. blIt infiY hove been scholars fer t nest quarter of Ilie Cringed hy the beat of th° building /mac, dtarilmcm. causing some indent made material to Imre. Ite disenvery was an accident; air Mrprwie inettwellitor, Who 'hoards at 'Meeting Caiendar. the Smite Was on the late Reatlar treastme of invernew Csonp. Ft on.. train, whieh *es meat behind time, tble(FrIffity) (waning. and on eritesing tf1 the hotel benoticed Nutt °Mak% No, ft P. O. F meet flro And called Mr, Sittilte' attention to usstrewsmr. Ott. End. It. Mine heat, ran otitis** what he molar raccilor of the Pablo P.chtvs tteud tbouglit, lolut no% Ma at Otiee ;rave the "It al°n174Y41"ntat' Ittlitlin4 sift alarm that withosit doubt ,110,11,114,1retegi 116 Tb`O "ram". v"I' saved feinw din that Pulte sirlittlto Thettetoberi4itiittetthetiOrletkh Itrarsli ditto Wortiene iseittete will bo bele Rothe( of MO4 st. Stakeld, nostkoti ItoutslAY. Get stlo moni awathest niftinst toke if/ 414111449041461a fie. *EA' 111 wen *inn the. Xtistitigteh fseko. Tlie Intie will be hit Om intighhoitiond -000• itnd tht. herkiebt wilt likely 4.1ho fmttfrr for stab* of ikihiskt . fielielite lest /els r 006liktelf POINTRAL, tiC11004, Board the school Operation t be as , . tik.; 41! %eiriertittilitedittgliasfalfh.realrie*WSlitr ItiVr: 144: Rirt'r44"`:".' .. '''' ' -..**111 al 7Virl4 2;;SI 43°4411" °Ur 11416114 r411"141* 1.1r0 'TOWS ...It 449 40 ,i7vo"ra; ratipilgt:Itirrease continuing. teMpth gOixtlY Yea St.° A tXr7w'utt4, grje4,_nve All recent jniproventents Ooderich Pentral School Ore of (water notiee than hat re t-heatuwed thent,TroT71.t, retticollaired the rebuilding (for the , alteratione, wore an internAl lug) is &golden *Wee, the good old solid brick and stone structure having been erected in the year ISA When. some few years since. lb was proposed to make an addition and modernitto the ethool. there were objections to the expense, but the Board deelded to go on with the iniprovements. holding that the health of the pupils demand- ed them, So in 100:1 huilding com- mittee, consisting of Dr. Nicholson. 1 rt. Craigle and Wm. •Warpoqk, was appointed to consider the question with Archlteet Pewter, The result Was that after consideration the coln- mate° reported in favorer an addition to the school and large improvements, Pod the report being adopted by the Hoard, the...committee wee direeted to obtain tenders and report. On April 24ith of that year tandem were (moue(' And* the following recontmended by the committee and accepted by the Board : N‘vvoorrick 22131 00 8.109 00 1P411/11eutintst!b:1:1gtutri:-9. Heating 2"414:485221) 01.100(*(9) FolloWing the report a resort:On was passed asking the Connell to pot. vide $0,000 for the building of an ad- dition and Improvetnents to the Oen- tral, the same go be finished by August of the saute yens. There being GOMS delay and difficulty with the Council, A resolution was passed to request the TMVII Council to submit, a bylaw to the electors providing atom) of $0,000 " for Public School purposee." The bylaw was submitted and lost, anti then In 1001 the Board obtained freelt plans and specifications, and tenders front the following were received and adopted: (t,`: Ce..11,coonaltineduatemronartfco., boating. • C. J. Harper, plumbing. Ooderlelr Planing Mills, carpentering. 1', A. Reid & Co., brick vork. The work was prOceeded with, and this year 0006) tendert; were received for flooring the balance of the school (three rooms) with hardwood and ;stinting the brieks, the whole of the alterations and improvements costing $3,809.88. For this sUrn the annex luta been changed and !mule suitoble for toilet purposes, the upper floor being reserved for the giels, the lower for the boys a 'basement dug mat and Newtons put in it; the interior newt nge- men ts changed by reversing stairway, and general improvements, ineluoling the flooring of nearly the whole build- ing' with herdwood. The outside provenients are metal roof, the painting, and cutting" out the old sashes otnd replacing with Gloom that give more light, Those oulditions otlid improvements have made the Central school one of the hest oducationel buildings In the Provinee, and the present Public School board dente yr the thanks of our townapeople for the !Time .0-ited pone, 11, 3,21. dieplayed thin connection. kitit„ hi 1168 In St. Davifre inaking four ward schools, for timeobatt been Origin at. Patrick's; an as street for ISOMO years. As our readers know, these tent porary achoola, with the exception. of St. acOefte's, were later replaced by nib - auntie, buildings. It inay be mentioned, that the pupils 00 the roll In 1001 numbered 408, hut to these must be added the M.S. pupils and warty at tho Collegiate Institut° who wouhl in 1801 have been attend- ing the Public Salton), but. even with these lulded, the totals of today would not remelt those of 12(11, AR mentioned above, the building has been used for school porposert for just half a. century, and during that time hundreds of boym and gide, who flt•IM 11010 Men and women, many hold- ing high and reeponsible positions in the world, have posed through ite classee arid Iditained the foundation that, properly need, leade to greatnesit. Since the Oraiiiiintr schools and iligh schoola came into exietence they have claimed all the honor Wein by the Hill - den Iso that have passed throng)) I heir portals), end they will 85111 go on einitn. Ing, but the work that started thew, honor hop+ girloo on the road to victory belongs to the Central end other- Public Schools, and this truth is at that reeognized by increased ealar. ieri, Ind it, is not, 80 long since when thoae who welt, grounding onr youth in the three It'n wore grudged the 1$200 they got, while !home who helped on the linnet/Mem got their thousand or more. There were good teachers though, fifty yeare ago, and our old in; habitants declare he pedagogirert of those days worked harder then those these davit do, but we can't agree with them, UR 11)(180 of today have more ettbiects to tenet' and NMI exam. inationa are more woven,. In writing of the improvements to) the echoed on Its fiftieth birthday It will not. be out of place to meution those who haVe presided over the Board'e proceedingo and mune a few of those who havii been the fown'ir t•epresentaLl Yea on that Hoard. The folimving were he chairmen: 1859 John Lenreworth. 1895 11 W. , 1s02 Chas, 11,1 larldge 1899 Wm Aehrson cm veil,. McKay .. len° J, 1 '011,nrne . pot John teneworm ere nom. PM A, Lefroy J. 0. Cralgie 1873 Utah!. ... MN W. A. MeNna IWO Thos. baltnn Or. Nicholson. ISM S. Maleonison. 1905 It II. ( me 1°. Yleholson.. .1101 Win, A rhoson 189.5 %IRMA ithehatran, The neereGtriee were : tree if. n. Cameron 1873 T.11 Stokes 0411.1 It. it Reynolds .. 11475 W Maelts11 Ileri It, It. 1 'lark • • . 1001 II. W. nall. 19.01 VI. Atrgay „ l'hone holding the ponItion (yr po in• Meal were : ptIn g. 1) Carnsron . 1592 Hold Pork.. Itne .1 It Miller MI M. 1', Ilan.. 1471 1 amarlriers , 1fiarl Itabt.1.110warl 1373 W. II. 11012 IL TIgert . 18111 Allan Kroloirv l'11 till 1871 Dr. Thous MeLenn had beer) Meal inapertor, but In that year J. It. Miller, who had been appointed rot Int y inepector, wan n pi ro in ted for he Coderieh solloole. 011 Air, Slitter's reeignallon the preeent I ropotet or, John Elgin Tom, utocceeded t he ;mei t TIIP gen LIOMP11 who were Rent to the flo ard an trneteen during the fifty yea re ineluded the following well known efts Izene: Gnome (Mx, r. N. Mooletevort h. A .31.1tints, Wto. Maleolm, f 1. Morrow, Van Every, (1. C. lltabh, Jae, Thomann, Duff Cameron, Rev.°. Met. Jno. Mellarna, John Longyvorth, W McKay, Hugh Gardiner, Dr.( ear- idge, W.O.Treleaven, Hugh Johnston, M. Poneek. Walter 'Delos Jno. Kay, W.T. Have, S. Pentland, Ales. Smith, A. Lefroy, A. ICIrkbride, (1. N. Davie, Oeo. MelLenzle, G. II. Roberteon, Jno. Walker, R. Furze, Clifford, Wm. Kay. Then. Ihmil. Erie Aleitity, Daniel renown, .1. V, Dation, L. Kiliott, no. Nairn, thp. Flwanuon. .ine. Pane. more, Alex. Mumma inn. Baler, I tr. Nieholeon. Jas. 'lltlehtuuttt, Major Cooke, R. Malcomenn, Thom. Defter, A. ft ftlegew. IL W. Ball, A. Cant/don, A. Morton. Thou. 1/1 eGilli- moldy, Win, Acherion, Rope Prim Alex. S. Cheyetal. It. W. MelIenele, litobt. lefelsrem, C. A. Wild, C. Blake, in°, Crargle, W. A. !dative. Win. Warstook, 11, Cott, .1. W, Crotighs A. 0. MeLeatl. 0. P. Corey. °AGM- Ingn arid Alm, SAlindero. Ono notleeellin feattlin fet tho RCA. 1 raduetlitii efitsol pooulaffon. the toftliAttittant it-n;(404W the A. THE O. N. W. EX 11 I BITIO N. SPLF.NDID WEATHER FAVORS IT FOR 1 906. Some Good Exhibits and a Fairly Large Attendance. • On Wednesday, the opening day of the Great. North Western Exhibition, was good fall show weather till about 4,50 p. in., when a heavy shower of rain fell, but it lasted only a short period, anti by the time fee opening the gates it wits clear again, There was a good attendance that evening, and on account of tho ()Maid° attract - thins the building waa never fult, 111111 those Who deStred lettl every oppor- tunity to thoroughly examine the ex- hibits. Inside the building there were oliangeet in position of exhibits 'vont those of former veins', the grain, field roots, corn and equasites being placed ttp stairs. 'fheroo /aerations were ne- coseitated by the crowding down be- low, the stove departments needing considerable room, C. a Lee's exhibit taking tip nearly the whole space in tho north section, In former years used for roots and vegetables. W. Kelly also occepled a part of thie non. lion, and Geo, W. Thomson & Son and Messrs. Wersell and Harper. end the Sherlock -Manning Organ Company the Rotunda. Fruits end (towels and vegetables, as usuiti, oecupied the whole of the south Re/atom. The ehangeri were ex- ceedingly noticeable, 111111 tlio large number or 81000e made one feel that that lin 20118 golag to have a warm winter. The lime exhibit te attract the visitor Wail that. of (ism. W. TIMIMON & NON, and ineluded Imo hanilsonie Bell pianos in (envy luol 11 tied with act fens cool rolled by t Bell Co. Our townsmen 11)141 tvvo hominlon (re- grets, and the 13011 and Coilerich II' galls, the two lattiq ipiartermi flak rases in In( est designs. The INItite, New 'Williams and lirsyrtiond sewing mundane:A W41IV 'ONO 2.11)(141ml hy tho firm, gold while I he genets wore Prating he t iota of the musket in. etruments, Edison phonographs were giving solos, 1101 11 Vocal and inatrir. went al. 2'. 2'. )41 local bin wily tort, alivarli‘m, noel at- tention %vas ralled (Mel leading eook stoves hy op exceedingly vetch. Ing deslen, " 'loopy Thought," by ltobett CI -argil.. This flian had Pook and mai st n11 kind); ef 81 nye fit titles itini !dentine, hardwale In greal variety, all vino.. cr ',hitching and mine itry Ihriogs, Sherwin partite, 1(124.1 kitelten furniture of all lit the lo/1g 11401 to show the warn there was an exhibit of Hominy pianos and She, loek orgnirs, Air. l', :1-1cEwan I e -i ng 1he agent. .1, 12, WoltHEI,I, 4»,48 hail ft I Itrgl. P11111111 of 211,10ps, 111411 ing 11.11,1 vooking rind irlimibing materials, lettlta, hardwirie in gten.1 Vitt is) y, end loamy useful artielist oil' ((Hellen hum. ittire. 111.15. 11 ne1.70 also hitil an exrellent exhilirt of stoves and stove furniture, rind bath room U1'11111111'. Elertric light fixingit were also eXhildted, and Ids stand was made bt•Ight, at night by added elect tie light. J. 1V. \Vent herald end A. :deli/maid hnd spare upstairs for sewing ron- chines, and Pred. W. lirophey, also 1131 stair)), had a very line exhibit of pls.- lortrapiltc. l'he Vegetable exhibit Is one of bent nhown for 44011141 years, for al- though We liaVP 11/111 larger Pal,hage and roots, the 118,40 a !Tient In 90 II111414 and 131111111y rui even that the exhibit of 11201 le a rev all. 'Me nods also are 11215, op la the standard of former yenta for mize, hid they are irolid and clean, 1111(1 MI 11111/11.1.111111 ILA 1,41 shoW 1 hat theie will he food for onr e•ritll.. this winter. Again We note the alerenee of the ‘Varnork rerrineh, leit /1 eignr.ehaped one 2)f fair piss., sholvti liy Climber Wells, le ',nosing 81,1110 '1'11r:ring to the fririt exhibit, we (some to the attraction (01 the show, for never were applee and perste more Illoriprolis or of holler 'want y. The fruit generally is of good size, tiring the long dry spell (hi. grimmer. hot notleeable feature was the 'ti- nned freedom of the ripple from 11 le- flguremen t by nailer+ or or her blelo• WHIR. Ti11.1.44 II re over 325 phorn4 of 341. Pieg, 110 Of pears, 101 of gi *rm., III a pimplier+ and 12 of plum)) "n t lip tal•the, and like the tootles and 1101-11411, p14111114411, [Mons and gropes nre 1 emark able for shotpe,f reedom from II 104 k find quality The pettehee are ahead of the imported olie4 for size and gonlity, I wo plates. being of large wize, And 01111111V 1144 1181 Is a plate of needling. of good size, Well shaped and good eolor, nhown try I n s pert or of 1 'II Idie Se hind e T.ttn, which will hereafter be known ae the Elgin. Creeping to the flower he .1), Ive lestril that a dry season don' prevent. a gruel hortleriltotral din , soul it rimy be /mid that t he ronatert exhibits of rut flirWerei and Mingo pli no in near the Mani I itn1 of years 140111(' 11Y. The 21112/514 1111111 ft g 1 one and thom5 o any eh I- zena whet hove net. yet visitoel the Fair ettsreld AIM. oo are the IloWern and the fruit find the othov thInge thin afternoon. in the 0001^ th0 fonntaln, (ten, Steibet Ilan an exhibit of floo.vere in petn'antl cuts and P1 large ari anolnoe, the whole ould much to the appear- ance of the building. The laditto' departtuent lo well filled, fancy work. of wool, of linen, of silk. of v.:ft In, of eartboitteryom Many kinds of raaterial, a ail riCarti 1 the tables leade to the beli t ate more Original ilefitina '440: 14114 OoMeng the exhibits', an% that theivotle CIA tbe Ineterial used ,iiiteff prevenient ifn (Monty, 'Next to the faney troth fahlti.• Ole bread. cake mut preserve and pleva department Was the hest attended.: Mere the entrlea were fat iilieadof Rtit'117. .°11t-ee*° SerVell. :being reaui--e rge, ot the last 111111u31 bore WO iota, Ihe judges MI a Itill job to award the prizek in thlreeePipts tnent, mitny of the 04111fits Wino (tiniest equal in quality. The butter display wee also up tO tho mark le exhibits. and. the quality wag, as le usual with the prodent of the butter makere of West Huron. A 1. On the grounds the attractions the drat evening were the nierrY go round and tho band, And ryesterdaY" there wore added the neiniature_rall- road and a lady gymnast. On Wed- nesday .the merry go round did brisk business and, like the Vereetiatt beside it drow a greet crowd cff onlook- ere, s' The htinti played It long pee - gramme. Their nnisio Itrid their pieces . aro execedingily catehy and played In a time that eeps one's feet moving. auti the) outtlitors 600111 Way well Im- pressed with the prograuttne,but there were those peesent who thought the muode was not classical enough. The Only outside exhibit of the first day was the poultry.. The exhibits wore the magi -lest in nil/Mier of the Great Northwestern, only hone° TelOnlei showing, and as this exhibit hall (11- waye been greatly hefped by outside breeders there non-appearance this p yestr mitered this part of the show. RAILWAY MATTERS IN OODERICHI The fight on just now between the 0. T. R. anti O. P, R. Uo.'s regarding the latter's entrance to Gmicrich Is poesibly nottural outcome of their general rivitlry, but It is none the less rhgrotable, even though the effect may simply be to delay the formal opening of the new road at this end. That the T. It would like to itn. move their facilities here, in view of the competition tliey must heoceforth meet, is but natural, and the people of Goderich will certainly he pleased to see tooth companies extend their oper- ations here to the fullest capacity pos. eible. Just what are the plans each company may have in mindls of course their own secretes but it, has long been evident that the G T. R. need a better and easier entrance to the harbor. UM grade from which peer their line has long heen urged MI the reason why they have not cultivated mons...trade limas Thee° le nothing to prevent the steerage citizen forming and ax- e/seising an opinion as to how this may be secured, though vve may well conceive that the reilway's officials and engineers hove tamped the prob. front every potosible point. It lute, howeVers Wen pointed out, and even Reggio:4mi to the officials, that with the large space available In the southern part of the town for yards and shunting room, an entrance that way and along the lake front from 1 International g-tilley would cm, Willy afford an easy grade to the bar- ber. Theo. have even 110141 1.111110IN that 010 cOtitutilplai3O 140111(11- fIril line that way, 'and 11)4 tive are re - ;loathe( the miggention without any charge for advice, we new he Permit- ted to express the hope that the 8011p1110 iH not en linproictleabloo or mule/arable one. Certain it le, that thie amens to be 1 he only 41111411mo in wheel more end emelt emitted room can be secured let the water front. The new freight oilledoi to be erected by 1 1)1. (LT. It. MI the property re - eel) 1 I y otos 111 I red along their tracks from Eaet st ree 1. to) t he Star roller millo tvill be begun OM 80011 UN It tenant now 2)11 part or the property can be MOWed and ( he old htilidings Hold. ft in preMable the work will be well tinder hfr, way hefore Nov. lie, and t I extent ef t hoi ground and plane fife t "mild - Inge are Raid to hi/Beate grt tly Isn- !moved facilities for handling a largely 1111.1vaRed Iran.. -- The rimirrr that the Canadian Nor - there itailway Cm, which hots eon- sidereble local interma here, and is spo•emting out branch linen through Outario, will ern long head in tho di- rection of tioderleh, halt been Vet/11,Pd '1(141 etrongly 11.11141.1.( VII fill' R01110 111110 lately. Title wonid 11(4 IL conneetion greedy t o be desired by eon. town, and we will le pe the predietione now hos ng made will be verified. The C. N. management arn !unifiers after trade and t hey bid fair to be the third, if not 1110 RIVOIll 1 111114 10 11.11.eh the Pacific Como through (11114 great Northwest country. one of 1 he many new linen or eon - nee tionn the C. P. lt. In developing. in IL branch from Campbell vine, their einineeting point with Gat (11itilph Junction branch, to Hamilton, the ehartre for which wee reeently seeur- ol, and the work of eonntruction is ts) begin ott onee, ma the distance la onl y shout 20 mike. Thie womb! give tbe Cempany what might be milled an air te Buffalo), ;via Guelph and Hamil- ton, fL rorinertion width cannot fail to add to the great importance of 1 he 'hoe from ftollerich now being built. Thia would be an al ternatl ye route to the east an air/duet the (i. 1'. lea Buf- falo & lake Huron branch. and its effeet be to develop take and Nor? ()west traffic: by title port. The ytew link lit another hint that Ooderielt ilino longer to he Nlidostraelted In no - it. nhare of the growing truth, Whieh le marking the yearn In Canada. MUNICIPAL mArreRs. On tint Imlay Chairman Sallown had the Partin and Cemetery eommittee of the Town Connell Ora Maitland ceme- tery to ctinvider norne plan. of bean- tifyit,g the naered mot. liy him invi- tation Sherif? Iteynoldn„ 1'. 14. !nape°. tor Toon, Mr. If. I. Strang rsnid he prose renreeen tati yes often/. pa n the rotate I ttee, and took part in t he discimition. The chief pro- posal is to /obliterate all the email pathe (aggregating neveral Milon in length) and level all the plota and the groomi generally till it would he as easily mown aa a large lawn. Thin would neeennitode the reinawal of tlits fitnees and unclean poetn, and pemoilily the straightening up of gismo Menti- on/m(0 and heasintonen, the effeet would eertainly be heautirtig of the oisiond, and it tvtlitlit 11 OW lite exterminatton of the tlfrig/ and ritntiOne weedn which overrun too Malty Ot the plate. Thin plan in the tateat itripreve. meet in many of the moat iseautifel cemeteries) In (Oleo and progressive townp, and if one° begun bete *would. we think, meet with gotteral. bledis lier.rxtrasen----.44 the rttiftent et Wet lohn citc-41” Mb) lentl tolliereke.leftetetWtet antri"t31A" "h ""afr-5411,totitttli ra . seem/mow OW imoattrs _ : 1