Huron Signal, 1849-03-09, Page 1... —..ea•w- .• .b+ , •,Hu, .. ! . ,,,, : . 1 r4 w•,r ,'; i ,-r Am ;au•.`• . ..:. V ata, r .. - I , „t :Y! '•',i .M ." i9. x ... ,si . �.I 1 .s: to►.L - a PR "�� " � 19 "Ac��.. �,, % Aaw*,--�'. a-on. . Ov � �___ I a a , ---_ - . TtarEt.VE AND Mix MENL TyY S IiILLIN(id j 11 THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUM&R.rr t AT TOO also or TOM TSAR. s ic A D y A S C a. S GODERICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1849. NUMBER b. VOLUME 11. �. _ -- THE DEATH PENALTY. other extract from a deepiteh from Sir F. the form of government under which be they were standing in that ptheir f hall, .� a $ R E M O V A L . — P. Head to the Home Government of Eo` asd all the people of Canada should live, legislating for the Benefit of their biles __ _ A H O P E, Horrible .4ccoar( of a (rgoG.ed tarrdrr is land, a onta+mng a etatPoeot that the people as well as the laws under which they had creatures, instead of struggling like Eureire, A. hieDOUGALI. — RESPECTFULLY begs leave to return Williams cor�f Ohio, trhicA took place of Canada eou!d not be trusted. This was life tad property, but she very exiatenee of trrh fear(nl throes that mode men tremble, DR. Y. + hu aiDecre thaoka to numerous friends on Friday wee a deelaratroo from a Governor in which the society itself. Hoo. gentlemen opposite —hs did thick that considering the debt of AN be consulted at all boars, at fiber end the public generally, for the liberal pat- if we are at times put to the blush for gentlemen opposite must have concurred. smiled, and be trusted they would cuntinue gratitude that this country owes to I -Ord C British Hefei. (LANCAPTas't') ronage heretofore received,—and informs the crime" of our fellew-beings, we are as The hon. gentleman here referred to anoth- to wear their smile", b�,t it would not be Durham, (lwar, bear.) corsidenng the man- Godeneb, Sept. lath, 1848 u- them that he has RF. MOVED his TAI- often shocked at the barbarities ofour race, er doco•oent sent out from England, in owing to what they had dune for r the: @rap- ser to w Melt he passed Lis We, and 1116 LO R I N G FiTABLISHMENT from silo to retaliate for one crime commit support of his charges that the Government port of the liberties of the a Hue of tin+ Queen's us R sal, who now acts a the ]i. C. WATSON Lighthouse street to East street, neat door another, no lea" offensive in the Eight of Of the day bad acted contrary ,to The ex- country. It was because the question ie- Queen'+ Repeencmatire in the Province, PAINTER AND G L A Z 1 ER. to James BIs@ett, Carpenter, and a few God and man. We refer to the barbarous pressed wi-hes of the Sovereign and the volved. an he had said, the very existence that considering the manner in which the PAPER HANQ6R, old t}e. doors went of theGoderich Foundry, where custom of strangling a man to death to cold Government of England after the rebe!llon m society, that Le widrnil:oti, ii dc to say a little sible hon. g Ministers who had acted as Retpon- (} O D E R 1 . a , all orders will be promptly executed; and blood for certain crime" which twelve med was ended ; andargued, that from their own more yon awlnre of lite rdes+onetwhich INC ohne a be sMeuilA shows them rby coed by byvh, customers may depend on having their gar- believe he has commuted. acts previously, they had themselves ir.&+teJ tar ed Inm to edo t the course he deemedaidi I pets with thea us wgnatures at the hot- ALEXANER WILKINSON, menta made up io the noel improved and Here is en account of chi" letnlited mar- abet fyrebellirm, for the purpose of trampling I his d°t to adopt. In' aim oe in e line I tom, and It they now doubted that their for- fashi2nable at) le. der, committed on the 26th u:t., :o Bryan, uo.ct f - et aria li,rr■1 principles of aha pa y 1 g IC l pnooincwil Land ,jou• yor, Q7' A full variety of the newest Fall Williams Co. the articulus of which con- , tee ogposals to them. Theme charges, he , of argument he uli done, he would naw mer arae of of and opinions were true, to r P + ! • use Boob ducuwenu ere in lila rp�r.:on I aloe name of DlaaveD let them come out and OFFICE AT GODERICH, and Winter FASHIONS for 1848-9 just tain enough of the horrible to ratify the said, were not made for bunkum; and sp- 5 received. most savage. The Spirit ratify Age, pea:cd to h.ln if what he had said was not Here important to the eaPbtlOr before the I esy e••. !f Responsible Gnrrnment De HURON DISTRICT. (Judericb, Oct 97, 1848. 39 puDliahed at Bryan, says: the truth ! The hall. ani gallant Knight li"us.'• "hat he had previously P:atcl tut a dclus:o.1 ar,i a snore, let them declare, NOW. 24, 9. 43 About one o'clock, P. 'M., the prisoner � had rta:�d that Sit Francis Head had been we re not his cp>f private opinions, cr those I before tt.e country, that each was the r NOTICE. was conlucted on the rcaffuld, accompanied 1 hon-,rcd by t:.e fiver of the Sovereign for (,if his party, bat what were now m*.tters of el inion!' (Hear, hear.) lis Pau oberning J. K. G O O D I N G , by Rev. R. R. Walters who after the the art I:e took in the trouble" of that htstery pubis. ed tv the House of Cum-' that considering the debt of gratitude that AUCTIONEER, manner had taken hie scat, de! cored some time; Bad when he heard this his blood al- I mons of i%ng!and.• Lord Durham had' this country oiled to Lord Durham, be did THE Subscriber wishes to inform his P I thought it his e,t to etme that, when he! think that hen. gentlemen oppoo,te migLt L1. spend SALES in any part of the very appropriate rem -arks from Acta, chap. meet ci,rdled in has roan; but when be fol- g y j WCustosie:e, and the inhabitants of 15t I rcrece Sod, and 3J—a text selected by !erred ! tbrou�h about tvvehe despate11- took o�ec Governor Canada, ho found well true spared thcuiselvee (hese insult" Ihetret, on reasonable Terms. Ap. I Stratford end vicinity, that lie Intends car- ' rest disorJer existing in the affairs of the Ito his memory. bio did not think that ply a the British Hstrf. I tying oat buaioess on I the prisoner. A hymn was sung and gayer es, and Paw him begging for a Baronetcy, g Colony; and Ae could or,!y say, that in r.o' high and ehivalroue megwoulJ have coe- Goderich, March Uth 1849. sv'ao 11 RtitillY P�1Y Sl g'TI;�L" o& -red by Rev. Mr. Walters. The pn"oeer sad ford+Glcoe!g telling him he could not one sin le ins: as. ce were the functions of I descended to unveil the eaeclity of the then made a brief addreea w the assembly.' get I , an,, vet he kept begging un, so the , g I . L I: �r I S , And that after the fifstd&v of January, 1849 Ile asserted his innocence in tbo strongest , as it were for pity, he succeeded. Ile he- the Government rerformed as they ought tomb, and derecrate the name of a man De will give Do credit. lie seta the g to have been. Ycs, great dtsurder did upon wihose, character no state ever rested. L ,4 W. CHANCERY. AX D Pay terms—declaring that he had nothing to do `ped, fur the honor of the gallant Knight, exist, so great that even the administration I (Chefrs.) lie had ventured to may that highest price for produce ofell kinds, Black I with the perpetration of the crime for which that h:s title was bestowed m a more bon. CONVEYANCING. he was to be executed. He Paid he had no orah!e way. If, instead of sellingthe rights of justice—the great and important princi- the Opinion of hon. gentlemen to -day Pau GODF.RICIL Salt" Etc. He begs to return his sincere desire to live—Dat felt pts ared and dratted I of the o Ie Sir ;Francs Htad had pro- pie of Briiiish liberty—trial by j try had I not the same as their opinion of yesterday, ]aae.18t8 . _ thanks to his Customer" for their liberal p -- PuroDsge, and hopes cull to receive a to depoit and dwell with his Savoir. At tected thetn,�he would now have been re- come rs��mockery and a thing to be afraid I he had ventured to say on recollection, that J O li N J . E . L I N' T O N, I of Icsteasbf a rind le in` the constitution I be thought the hon. gents opposite had put Share, the close of his remarks he knelt Juwn, and i membered kindly, end continued to Jive ie to be admired and respected. The repre- I their name" to documents not agreeing very s o T A a r e o s L t C, THOMAS M. DALY. spent a few momenta In sul:b:e gayer.— the hearts of .the people, Had he spared oentatives of 60o,0o0 of the people of the well with their declarations of to -day: be Der - Commissioner >QtLCC)t'i l)Lr1C%t, Stratford Nov. 49th 1848. 44tf He prayed for support in the terrible scene `human blood, he would bare established for conntr were Insulted and mocked by a de- had ventured to say that when Lord Der - APD CONVEYANCER, -- — upon which he was immeliately to enter—I b+mvelf a Dame which would have been re- 1 EXTRA ASSORTMENT for the forgiveness of all ,who had sought vore i to all posterity; but he sold himself, based 000 miserable before at e represent- ot- ham was here on sato eop,ymg the favor BTRATFORD. , , Die hurt, and that be and they might meet I aD.! bartered his character, and much has he 31,000. Ile had before elated that the of the Crown, able to distribute favors and __ -- __— _:_ —__- I OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS • • In a happier worl4. .I made of the bargain. lie trusted he had political a sea of the people of Low- I honor, lady had heard no insult c attacks At a quaster past two, the Sherifradltwt- thrown some small light on the loyalty of I err Canada was mantaken from them in eo Fl lits administration of the angua,,— TIIE Subscriber ties just received from ed the rope, which was already arounif the I which the hr,D. gentlemen boasted Ito much a oledD that manner. He had also Flattery and adulation sees the the cage the New York end identical Markets, prisoner's neck, drew the cap over bis face, as it was but just that their loyalty should' orated twat in 1838 greet disorder' 1837, the he H had beard the language I A" the largest Stock of Merchandize which has and bade Dim adieu. He then descended: be established. (Bear, bear, ironically.)— Prevailed, and be found that at that' of 1649. The House would bee in mind pct been brought Into the IluroD District. the stairs, and as he went down touched time the Commons of Upper Canada had Ott' that Lord Durham so conducted himself 1,500,000 AC 1iFS OF LAND And been purchases were made personally r They had talked of constitutional acto.— tar violated the liberties of the people of that "he ought to have been shot." The b one of the Firm, the quality of the tDO spring with hie toot, and the drop tell.—( Was it eoeKitolional when, in 1819, the Lower Canada, that, in a dePpotch to the Hoagie would recollect that expression, zed FOR SALF, iN y Here followed a scene, which was for a Duke of Richmond robbed the people of CANADA WEST goods is as superior as the quantity is ex- moment, shocking to all beholders—almost Canada of their money l Lord Dalhousie Colonial rench t Secretary, they "laced that the would the Housedecl believe that a gentleman . _ teosire — "prostpt payments and swYll I beyond dccri uan. To Bet the matter, in I haJ followed his example in Lower Canada. French Caoad ane were not to ao trusted• oil making a declaration of that rrrt— roJfts;' is flit motto which they have i iu true li'h , it should be mentioned that • Was that in evidence of British loyalty !— I Could a greater irthis be put oppnra people � f3ir A. NAt:NABn a mold a common sol- yi'NllE CANADA COMPANY have for i adopted, and the public may depend upon '' t' ! than this . But this was not al., for the dies would have been abet. 1 d:eposol, about 1 b00,000 ACRES OF I Tyler had at all timre insisted that he They had, no doubt, heard of the ease o- same Government df Upper Canada went Mr. BLAKE tell the bon and gallant being suited with every description of should be executed without any stack oft Hampden; he had exhibited a spirit of Jibe• , . LAND diaperaed throughout most of the, voods in their establishment, at the very i rope Willing to gratify him so far an duty ralay which yet endeared him to the hearts I so far as to advise the Crown to adopt lo- member that in England, the I;a+l and the oda—pearl 600.-' " it Stook � I s , , wards the pecp.e stern and decisive mea- I private soldier stood upon common ground; Townships in Upper (.an y low•eet remancratiog prier@. The I I of the people of England, and from hi" case 000 Acres are situated to the J{r,-en Tract,' cossemtm of every variety, of men's and 1' ould red 6n in accordance with the sures. Let It be recol.eeted that three i that the British law knows no Bions, and well known as one of the inset fertile parte vvomsu'e Clothing; Hats, Capin, IIaanete. oft -repeated and urgdmt sequoia, the S ienff .they might hi able to draw li proper refer• were events which preceded the unforte- between the Peer and the peasant, and { P Bsatr, Shoos ilardwue, Crockery, tied govt a}dt at first only about deo foot of I once. Let him refer for little to the pe- Date rebel!ioa, not atter. lie had stated, I therefore when the gallant Knight Fa d loaf of the ProviDce—it bas trebled its w ala- "lack. The instant the drop was sprung, I ifod wbich interverted between Lord Pal - lion in five years, and now contain" up- dies, Bridlem, llaberdashery and Groceries the prisoner slightly r.uucheJ his bod b I and would now rcspeat it again, that in 11,e a soldier ought to have been ea..t, he meant wards of !0,000 inhahetxnrs. of of ever description. Intending purchasers y: y hoseie and Lord Durham. F mm the first Bnttsh Ho•asd q( Commons it had been Ito sap that Lora Durham ought to have The LANDS are n}Te+ed b way �' g thio mcar.s the r.ac! o I,iIppe,l arcnnd, bring- . period of British inter"crence in tho Ordr. I maintained that under the circnir.tances, I bedti shot. (Cheers.) 7 y are solicited to can and examine fur them- In the knot immediately under the chin, I of Lower Canada, up to the time of Lord I ir, E A 8 i; , for Ten Years, or Jor I selves. iD such a poet:iaa that bin snort fall it did Durham, every species of apposition wan I lite People of Lower Caoadn' ware not to I air ALLAN dIACNAB ro're to order, lin Nslr, CASH DO WN flan ' f ROBERT 910DERWELL. not tighten at all, eoneegncr.;I Ler C;eefy practieetl. The ndminiatratian ufl blame in appealing to phv>!ical force, n t'I+ did. not choose to hllo�•`the hen. member onr;J(flk (ash, and the balance en L,.ell- Goderieh, Nov. 16, 1914. -IJ u.ercly su:•;.".n !:: by rho neck. I'll-baS! :slice w•;ta 7-rvrr!ed—:h•. ,l,nre ,.ridlite of I maintenance' of their rights, the + i ri;are-•rr:rnt barn, wt•at I -e hod realty mrwid being risme away roitA. , ___ _- __- - - _ - lea first sl• ht tall n+ .ended rcn"a::au ::n.;. i,,LLn &&.:e vielalcJ &. th in.punit h::mar: &vttcD, had lel h+ so many u:..`ort .. a, r ;,. :. &.,P, that I.�,rd Purr,..: -t '.-,'a3 1.5! rc- The Rents paytble let .FebruarF each ,r�e . ren !nitvo Letn ratil� for he hung quii.tly ; life was not sacred—property sae not sa- suite.. it had been ax;d that it was im; ^r caned -that hu tee Boat on laa4 trot• a2 year, are about. the Isle Pa at N x Per V R O C ER IES. . P f I taunt that slawrepresentst ives of the people I ce ed—that hs,dc@ertcd his rest and w•eLt for a time; but this soopensinn wee only ; cred—and worse atilt, air, a thousand time@ , Ft Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon most -- , temporary, and it ie co►tam that nothing 1 worse, a loyal but centemphbla and pitiip! should be aware of the a count li'tely to home without leave, and that if a prfcate oftheLots,whenLF:-dvFDI,NOh1UNEY In[jE Subscriber would call partiru,ar be expended by the resolution; with that eo!dier had acted In that wap, he would 1'8 REQUIRED DOWN—whdat upon the 1 rice strangulation a was produced, 'Hc soon n,ihbnty seized on eteryofGce iu the gift of practicable, P ottwrtins to their extensive Stack of ruenTrred lits breath, oral cnmmotieedgroaD-! the Crown, and trampled on men'Aar supe• concurr d; a@ for as it was helicks.g he have been tried by a route martial and others, according to Iacalitr, one, two or GROCERIES, u they Ratter them,olvem I concurred; but it was held by the hen. gen- phot. Cheers and counter I:cers. three year" Rest, mart he paid in advance ing sod struggling as if eut%riog excruciat- .riot to themselvice in every setiae of the ( C ?` that the lit and variety of their Teaa, I tlemen opposite that only those who rook I That was what he had Paid and be r titled —but these payments wilt free the Settler quality ing torlttre. The spectacle at this moment I word. And what was the eighth t proposed ` p F I ;Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, 6r.c. 6u. bre., will was too revolting to witness; we noticed I by Lord Rcscc l in his eight► tessellation, I n2 Pert in the rebcliion were entitled to it.(ironical cheers.) from further call" until 22nd, 3rd or 4th yea i be a sufficient recommendation to intending many tubo had thoueSt and ell, that they and eenoun-ed by I,crJ Brougham, in Ian- I indemnification fur los Pee sustained. He I Sir. CLAKE that was precisely what he P � cou1J look oD iaa cxoiiing agonies with a guage, w•hic?i, ho shafted to God, had ire would be leave to remind hon. gentlemen (Mr. B) lead imputed to the galtantkuigbt. of his term of Le3@r, urchaeen. g g The right to PURCHASE- the FRF.F. N. B.—Groceries of every de@eription i hearty good will, w rite turned sail from the due rf%ct on ban: °ntlemco opposite. — what Indeed racy must be a&ware of, tSat , was ish HOLD during the term, is secured to the i will l.e sold for cash or produce, at a reduc- j sight with 'blanched• cheeks sad�took3 of What vvas • this richth resoluti! To tt local; a did not causal in v against a slights now tread to thelanguage house the Snguago of the Lessee at a fixed sum named is Lease, and I tion of, at least, 15 per cent. below formal commiseration. ' The Sheriff, probably , ta:,e from Lower Canada, by the force of submt@e oo to the Crown against the rights � sam gentleman in 1933. Tftcr Lord en alluwssee Is made according tY &title'• prices- somewhat overcome by the fearful duty he t!. sword, those monies which the Legis- � and liberties of the people. Canadian Dur: had declared to the Country that pared payment. " ROBERT MODERWELL., loyalty might be after this fashion, but it Listen ut e.antia, and any further informs- Goderich. Nor: ilii 1848. 41 had attempted to discharge, d&I not ism:e- , luture refused to part with, to be applited to I was not ttbe true liberty of Britt.► loyalty he i=or remain here; after he had de- Uou eta be obtained, (by pp , p diately afar springing the drop go round the wants of another and separate Province,' . I pounced the conduct of the opposition in • lication if b In hia sense of the term which cooeuts as letter posit -paid) at the (.oairAYT'e OTncss, to eve the true condition of affeirs. On and that, too, at the Terry moment when much to protecting the rights and libertiem the imperial Parliament a such r would Toronto and CodrrieA ; of R. 13iattaALL, Sf TAILORING I LO I NG R F iDUSH 8Ea 1848. promptly t e situ alio . of the ahold r aria ner, bei lleav^n was pouring it@ curses on Upper of the people, as in protecting these of the p°t chnd Ira ile would read to the giulent cc - Esq., .9giodrl, Colborne District ; Dr. ro r Canada. And he would tell those bon. 6111 ht what was his language ca that cc- 4 .f Craven. (Chcer4.) And &vhllc he °edea- g sooner was this done than be was upon it, i and loyal gentlemen, who. were so highly canton: " �1 e, Etas Majesty's dutiful sad ALLIN6, Csr(pA, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., voured to uphold the rightsof the Sovereign., ttrstjorr, Huron IHslnrt. A FULL variety of the newest and most And taking Tyler by the hand directed him offended the other day at having the term be would never close his eyes to tho-e nl ! 1"yni Pubj-ete, inhabitant of. ILe City of Gadsrich, March 17, 1848. 7 improved Seaton AND SumsRa FA -11- to stand on his feet, which he was able to I ,• rebel" applied to them, that he called I the ole. lieu, bear. He would Toronto, re -restfully appr"Reb your Excel - y i thee, rebels, and that they must not expect I lency with renewed esauranees of devotion _ tea for 1848, have been received by the d° without asetstance. Aided b General people. ( 1 subscriber, who will promptly attend t° the Gilson, thri Sherif' proceeded to lengthen to receive any apologies from hia mouth. atigmntiFe any other course as at variance and attichment to Her Majesty's Ro al M A R B 1, E F A C T O R Y orders of all who may favour him with their the rope, giving it about four flet additional I Sir A. MAC. AC raid, that if lhb bon. vrith the loyalty a man owed to Lis counts Brenn orersmetit. Ironical c\ecrs.)J $OG'TH MATER 3T. GALT: tron■ e. stack. Tyler still fervently begged them gentleman app:,ed the term 1: rebel" to'hi n, and lits moyeroign- Referring to the camel ` e retain lively and(gratifying remem- + g he should took upon it to nothing viae than of Stafford and Sndoer, he argued that the F Eft y • A. NAYSMITIT. to shorten instead of lengtheningit, but British Mouso of Commons understood and brsrersol' ons eeltene 's visit to Toroo- D H. MCCULLOCH costinoes to man- Goderich 19th April, 1848. ly he }vas told that his wishes could no loogcr falsehood. I { to on the 18th day of Joj last; of the ro- be regarded. During thio time, Ex-SheriTl At this moment there was rorho dietur- acted upon the principle df supporting the cepttoo gimp to your Excellency by the • utacture HEADSTONES, MONU- _ _ „ rero ativa of the Crown, when not opposed i MisNTS. OBELISKS, TOMB TOPS, I Cunnlgham passed up the stairs, and taking t Bance In Cie ga,,,;r,es, and the Speaker' !o the rights and liberties of the people.— inhabitants of the City and District, of your A&c., is Marble and Freesiony as cheap as FARM FOR SALE. Tyler's hand, inquired if he still ii- , called the House to order. The language I The comember Dere recd several tont ex- I Excellency's courteous and satisfactory re - an is the Province, all work warranted'sto I ted'u ioaoeenee; he replied, i a,.: uscJ by hue, gentlemen was cxceeiliogly J I to the congratulatory address then pre - an from despatches between ord P y g ry P urder, or no charge will be order Prises BE 30T.D by private bargain. Let No. innocent." (laving adjusted the noose, ' unparl:aoeelary. reented.to van, and we now bell to reiterate �j`O _ Glerielg and Sir F. ll. dead, relative to the, Of Marble Headstones from to to3erdotlan; d 23. on h� h eh is cleared +tvd 8hentT took hull others aha^d 1 andtheec ba'e,!are- le I Su A. JiACN.1C reiterated vc!tat he had Bitonatcy demanded by the latter. He our expresrloo of confidence; —(ie a tni- of Freeslnvs -tram 6 to 30 dolfare ; Motto_ 9t again: mid before, as the bon. gentleman 41J not I hoped that hon. gentlemen on the other I for who ought fid he Phot;—(Cheers and meta -,Icon• from 50 dollars uywardm.— neder cultivation; tea cern are newly model- I well. Iles last worts to the Sheriff were— scem die used to retract the offcoeivo epi- + y g laughter,) in our Excellency's Admin@tra- broshed and ready for chopping. The load is. of u P p side of t.ie House when the were a aim g ) . y 9� Ratio - Whitest communications ad treated to the For Gods drop shorten alio rope." I at tion, contained in that address and cf satis- White undersigned containing the Inscriptions,tthe eseelleet quality sad well waisted. There ass Again the duo Pau s run and Andrew Jrsposed to make up an account, brtweeo I (action at ou?a appointment as governor of good nebateatial log Dwelling ITso" as it, and I P. Tyler was launched Into e�ternit lie I Mr. BLAKE—Never ! rho sacnfice of the r.ghts and liberties of 7 PP asd at what price, in Marble or Freestone, one mire of so rice Gait tree" m bearing condi- y y At this moment there was a tram pus the penjele of Canada, end the boons which ! c itch North America at this importantm. will be puoeluall,'atteeded In., ecareeI) ecrugg led after the second full— l m crisis, (aear,.Aear.) And pnbfie eircum- ties. A ,t\e Proprietor isdeserouaof enter- after about tAirt minute, his bnJ was disturbance in the gallerieP. Several mem= that,@acnfice had brought—ho trusted that Prance tendingto destroy confidence in The D. H. McCULLOCH. img into or er baminesm, he will dispose of It oil bers called on Rhe Speaker to hear them when they "gain made up am recouut and y Galt, Nov Bib, 1849. 42m9 IvelPnie term■. One' -half of the price will be taken down, placed in the c9ris and carried elrhred. Messrs. Blake and Drummond placed Sir Franc+. Bond Head, head of the stability °(, the government, cannot fall to REQUIRED DOW, and the other half is back to an opper room of trite jail.—Clrre- tlt+d i, Normal Do not clear the gallenee.' Iter, they would read the despatches, of the I be productive of most disastrous rosolte, three equal aeaual instalments. land Plaindealer I Mr, Hioeke insisted on the galleries being bargain relative to the much coveted (ironical cheerio .) and Impreesed with his VALUABLE IAT OF LAND 17 raw Nether pmrtleelars,applyat this Office, �� �,� dmtod, in ardor tint the Haase should not Liam^Noy. lie wJsuld- haw bltS1. DD- feeling we wou�d regret any occonnce FOR SALE. at m the Proprietor se atm Press.". - whish might bare the effect of mdacttrg GEORGE ELLIOTT Javier. I be controlled by a mob. The Speaker or- necessary to trouble the House with many tf ' IOtJIRCll1�(1C�ltltilfllt. dered the galleries to be cleared. The observation upon this point hid the hon. your Exeellene, to snare from the gove+n- Ooderieh, 13th Oct.. 1848. 97d moot of Brit Ph North America. as a great LOT 0. Lake Shore, to1►nship of Ash- _ _ _ ladies who were present vaulted into the gentleman Opposite coo8ued themselves to r held, eootdnfng CASH FORWHE.AT. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. body of the House. A fight a as got up by the eulogy on Sir Francis Head, his chase public calamity. Deeply and immediately ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- two isdividiusla, In which those in the imine ter was pretty, well known and appreciated intef*eted in theve measures which is rho TWO ACRES, SPEECH OF MR. BLAKE ON THE date ssighb.rrhood seemed very much die- wherever !fie (Mr. Blake) had been. He "bject of your Excelleuc) to mature, seer Within two hiss of the thriving Villof 1 HE e�ihe► hereby iatiseates that he REBELLION LOSSM. to take rt. The Speaker shouted had the honn°r of canvdr.in Path those fad aor"elves imperatively Celle-! upon at al g hu now on terms of lease and part Yp r ! Ordew:" in rain, t ed asked veye ver, toumatrly and cineol rgcl+tled to Sir this jonc:urr, ("at shat juselorel" WheD Port Albert, Is whkb there t a Griekat ll, iCD1aCLCDaD snarl OVa LafT.1 fig be should not lease the ('hail+ Fraeet ted he conlJ tall h Ann. eot16- he hail drel&red publicly that be intended • Saw MIII, ostd a Oat M111. Tate Lot is dwtlership, the entire management of the tit*ss •► a, gleave t is Sa eMildoss fiber want \ Goderkh Mille, and that he a prepared to Mr. BLAKE mid he would stat, if ►e- bet week Iwld b Messrs. Baldwio and �1 A'ej m •D opposite that he was a t u to On mach celebrated ebrat Cauda, chis hr ►d pub abed the 7 the Lake, and ere the pay eu11 for any geaotit, of good mrrebant- uirad, the particular despatch be Aad alta- that be most remain. in the meantime{ woreh Aped there, as he was A re. Ile had Bele\rated despatch in shier 11e stated that suet by a cut road, --.tad to well watered. able Wheat at the os(d Mille; vided the 9 Intention.) "To express publicly nor edn- Qm' For particulare, apply. -if by lett, � ed d and t( Qts hon. and gallant would had ell aastnhon and the gallery. and banded head anecdotes of all and ev, ry t ret med fideoee in your Excellency, .eJ 10 troovey Post pard—lo sW \s delivered tJesver Is time steas/te- could stats that Jt was not tr� ►s would I ►sal ertaubered (oto rite gwller,, sed banded occurred airs► riir Franca I lead returned DAVID ('CART;, F.p. ter~ ►stere rife Close of theses 4Po� M happy is receive the °oetredlltto. The I sea H the tomba•astis down, sad led him from 'his country which w@rs 11olortdos— to you the assurance of our active and see- be esember time referred to a rester In tltyosgb the bake". Shortly after, t" w public wetonisty" had ren drnd them en dial snppnrt in Paha+carr mprurrs ))nu may C6ASsnoirr, 14th Dec. 1848. 49tt contrive Or adopt, having for their object Got ice MiLaA, which Bir George Arthur had been forbid gallertse wore eborsd; sed the House int open to every body !h,l, be (Hr B.) re Jly this brnedt of all the class" of the com- &Ptember 50, 1848. t 891.1' a to shod own blood ; but in order to Satisfy with closed Clow for about twenty e+ssts, had thought that; the day for fAling down the elaveeer of U��pprrf Canada Militia. wbsa fit row. mod . worshipping Sir rnne+s Head bed dismay, b we trust ,our Excellency us - am . . — LADIES LOOK HERE. ae setiee wan it the order, tiff at last n ►y, but weans that there were some dismayed by opp:.eulon a ssistepresenta- A>:ouT w lith of Ma last, from lbs - -- Lord DorAam told that be was his man• Februu 1 1849. g eon Dn the part err those who an un■e• j, y st few sten cull, mu Se onuld ail, pray (••r uain ed with life trier 11114 11 of the r.U.T. s of JO N Ll DRAY No. 20 sttseSlver sloe of Fall ani Winter ter, asd ass ttiwt tNm. sad ordered that tisasrsl BI.AKF, seid, ie semi +Mar oeeyerstos. (l:heero and laug\lsr.) 9 S �A d>< country will ennt!ntte to advattae the great H9 Ra inrrppssh of Godericb, a DRESSM of the oast ibableek0le the liens of The werser tobe'xeopectbq 10 U*tigsbw remark he did wet wish to But to eulogw Sir Frannie !lead was neo h. da ►town ARS 7\ rs alit with a colon laid trertdt; agile s lar stlesltMat aN n sM ter tba of bleed.— � tM to cwodems Lord Durnam wu • Jrot of your miaslen " In ordrr that w Pat ttiaAi1 tte""O en tare time of the ifotsSe, and df there might be so doubt in the minds of wbltrsls► es 1\9 forehead, asd sere wbia of fare) drM goads. t••rssw�esaerl Theo it week th Ibaatsiasra►Is mss, that hKtbe questies bees oto of leo• fmror ■marts (CMsn.) Whew lid rw ollrcted M s. gemtlemes sit, Itis as to what their ►trd feet aN a Mny wase ani taM. TIP ' pa. (%oNst-v rts�►s Merfiti BMwMt Prass drsRrass t his kfat� lair (isorp Mthsr, lance, swd had the debate been Cesrtoned in that it Pau to Lord llur!tors's Teport at a whom, wNte at Ili" liver, be waukl road pm9phtof poI Iesmri lowbalew L'Sial�a and t21as.Clemtu, Las. IJleriw, Dlass \sd to yMld ebadlaasa• And l\«er sat ahs a dMsssnt Iaothsey to what had \ere by which hon. gentletves 6ppsent gnat P sgPser+o 40 sey base st1a�N i• apse Ribbons, f ode, 64. y of the loyal ens (polwi� to the opOosiu ndS of gootkm6a at the epposlte Wide, he wenld meP.swsw—felt at liberty to sneer, that its• a e illi *■mage tress s su»tar aA e b to tlsst w►smear wtY restorer (ass b ow��eIssr my bas( gwlity sad at Ham mast terdaeH alis Hesse) wN allied the blood of the not have sass l w easy decsoseat is orilwr der t\s preMrneo of God �v+0 nixed this the is\dalMts of Kes*msnn. V1•s ►erg a o► give sae" s, vi ati ll Y ♦iq to Mt iptiinss, \y psspM cud tnenoW p thm bast asd dee*- that Alia rveisas thr g!iyi fig bee vets shemld happy &tat of peace and quiet in whish year r FAR t\o r s intioseo w& d we ears Is ro9overy, will receive 0t u Fsw64. 1 R MOOMWIRIA, so sybls_ (Cheese=s tay►Nr from the be psopwty NdaeNod. The motion to we" finend—re the 110~11 of that lyse Esashewcy'e mNnunv. asd we tbdm - lotLJaa•, iti�f. 00 fledsAsh, N 8048. 412 Oppeeilios.) 7M bsw gew" a terad &D- b* berwevSr, ti99med to I■tsolve Dot oey port ervTW N'e priectios 1.hey Owed it that ly eoheft you. l:aeolhary not to wit\dssw _, - • se - ,.a . ter,: sell ,•sr. 1 •as[vs en r, v' _ c:::. )