The Goderich Star, 1906-08-24, Page 7FT .7 'MAY JM In W" 0101161 SOL", DIM Room 40* 4fto SOW"" 111011111111110 AIM Am, boo 9WO46 IONS lk Vat UNLIGHT VAOO %WWWA orm wow* S W111111 aw IM NOWANIX W WS"W"Nom siloof two IrA, VJkW PA 6 -1% An The 300d*&W d "PAW be POOVO4 su= mmwn no I too ows VA S"60 ---5%NT 0 4V . A= pow woo Avio* T"*k0o** AWN'** $a Aft 4011ow"Ift" ft pow 4"k NNW— rat smis mobs, 46 og too 4w ## now VA" 01ft HIM IV fa ok 40*1� Wboo W" wis vow It AM UWAM IX A, WY "011W 00 bm VVAWW at Oft IW V10 '$MAY *^UW 61iiili" WOWA", WN& U" Ogg sser I -A" (0t, it 1"'Is 4*-Aft� at r" jog *W* --*Qo P""W 00 t" *44*4 WA4 ftoo *0 ftow Wr toll0ft 0" a bw as" owt. *0 tow" %w low *4 Nwot *v*4 %40Y 0044 M uf*r* W I* * bA 4 Uv, 4404 Of iit-bMiSM. N110 rouW vow ww4w, am V" Or jsF� YOW# *I U0 %*%Iiv* Of WRX 4" * 0 044 two"'" I',, ost"t" U41W 114POA JmRsit W4* 411it"411 ot I"* tiixlsh� *0 "*1 *A *wa P—WWW * T *W odw so" .4; Am* im 9K AW 40bvbw wliiwo. AW VWW YAW U, * in or r#Ur U*r Viig w =WWAM "W tt* VW* "A oftw tkwsm.- JIM"" twoo; Aw"IN. IOU** ]A* r = s. -too 4mcu" Ot IWO, -ire; Ame. 400-moso IVA'. to *11110C *411111A 14 **M voy W Zes"for My its "1 %134 44w* WOM 24Z j,,�Wd Ob*, arts aroms, eokk, 4wift 0* $4VA ot W W 10004 wo 90411sp 4 twsw W* At usb*a on Ne""W oft*a POC 000PIM **-- It 0"0* *11 " 1000 wilivell J4 this jelikViltlArMIll 1W I" AOW 100CWftO 4t W"K. 4% M"nin ba IVNM 'Am T1141014 woft "M MM IWO of 11411111110W 101111110 yo �j P" Ila uq, 1, Nw, flumAiFy. it at A4 Poo, 00 texro, *bo be VOW 1A %44 TIlo, Mien WO SWAOU'lly WA­h� was Wootio" CU AMEMOU Ow at AWYA 011"It la V* JRW Wait, *A of t iind 0* AWK- roors. then I to 4 , 1, *4 vwAvo W I _)M WW* Us wilit in follow. um Mao-litio U0041114 I AO, 4" procatusaft wwo 194ft tea V"Iswars, O"s 4WYMA* to 111411110W 040 0!4, U* of bA $g4%JWAJL rk­A"W UX �#)OW_ ej4*0*-- Uft Wo 4*wr"Ati 'W OWK1441W 19� PQQPW Q1111 T*W. MM11A. I e0ber, 'Mod: OftitwO W INI. by. to *%XV -A A POOM Of WW* Wile lit tums t"Aula a, PIWP* Wei* VSUW T iiiais ov!lt Vey, to 44 follow's ,ban VA The *UVW1141% tial fftrM b*404.1404 1,40- ell Wsta� V4 . 1% - a ppodir-Oft **004 oa" lood to 130 POW tOP 4"itt"A" 1wirtil leyed W411i -- kOu)41W WO atialre on"' W40AL "JAP A All _9tn � I A VIA, %0'ww, which �ieuiod " T" story wo 4W.Uoc 04V ne Ul peopw., fibot �'but liwt 01 Cit. IW tO live NW 140 p4 0 Ift: p0p) WOA, AW194, 'Ono 06pips' n"Tow SvAiarller- It , ya(144 so 01 1:, eA GA 14 "y abomud, 10 lll� -Roaroqly,10 Ptr jot' ft,01M The, latest tn.UO v ;44 . with-" z1v IO"w few 4WOA i Inif, k'ar' Who'. *, it Oyer" sttsr�gmarfkl 4110w* y IRV Way PV4 96. Of Aet ty -P hlo city heAli& StAlfts jf,�Alus asown OU4, Ut toe, Iwo Wri W t 'NaXiVi, r= 114, skogway,00d tA* ulesi, later tile "br-l(AteSi2 r or, liaWiintfts Rom, jual-yy lie V" Joe ots, WX Who 100�, istnyss 014 Wittoit be 14 , nr tile t�44WI6 Horo" 414tau. 0 At 0. PU .For 6,001 O'� Vp itSe"ajdej QUA a w� (Ire al nitis, is lets Indino , Mo= WA flow Rhoo Wroopoi 011406WOM It Olt IN - o"I""' Ittao, tTo, 1; rr AW A -titt: a moo 00110wo Iterr. OA i ctinal for. the b0glumn e;y, 'COMO PrIvOtO Itoroo 46 hod tot' aoufra *414 40* "a'. ke" tot AuSIlc9V woro: n%U W�A IS 146494� Tel'Tek" wP,44 mue ery, toad of �"Whjon W M t4 young, 04 11, Ngralital, back, W sul-1401, *k the dOli at Is", ise harvoust 4.00 0,90 10 .1010 Probabw on thq L, I 1�: Met, WOW nodrL an�04 was 440111, krid d Ilse U 'Over twenty r Aidlos neor WoRk thert) Is no MOrO OU4 'ltir JoVe, T Intl lop la Who R si's Y� hIt *0 01, #?JW$tjq L . afterwanW, L gait no'Ah. pity; vltb Awlin tow r Van) Aug on regialt llpkrs� hit LL �rolgus bjM ftnti outig'4P DOOR Ike it ila t 90414144 1101141r0i, ol. of art" MON frollit WAI W -tb� iBiispeereSes doctiAlootia mUriAer, 01 . aa, rooky' bttnVnv $now 41,19 ice- 00w 10 V w",%4;CKAT Once More Tile two the lept and, s001461 ON ek# popular I 'L lasmely- 1\14y' (Ak" V49 Ile,:, tile penguin WAY 1A who 'DO)JO Baton waste., n �ra Willi ollerwis L _ m*Vo Who, ion L uA, sudd 01 a L L 4 Atift . ea were ri-ogtott (Laly Go, ma eills name Ilk herihO Into Murderer WA GatiAltilit' said to h% %a hohisOY w4b 41A, nOtbQ sa_Arr4,V1 Minot �11 ulas Willi met A , vere imill QlActo do VSrIOUA tile 0 Oovrtess or t tile southern came Vrohm Ilia 11 ft err explanation. Of A I �04. onThis� aMl �*Stt _*jal stales.11141; When Ito $at Ith*L mostcrime no satIsles: it&.3%, Utatr' t ',1%-; post life -otad I no was'aw Of Queen t U lth� turje4 was Over sow out to examine I, row -01 the, AIM' f64� , he,Cape frouL. deal S of BOSOM being rattJou_ tho eetotal L to�' tovlQus 4P the housw. 01 40 had bu astir. qor26 Je Solemnly ou, the excillo o vq 4w ipade thet, OIAS, naut Wilbelmina, 0 Holland are SkIIIIIAR and diptractea ad Y�L former milate the, Sao to, 4 M now; 0901114.0 Wakilwk* pfLA( who, when Ali% learn tkOrM41 Otaltdo) IUO itispearect $gain LMAqW U Ad Y10, I a W facrobered mOng;uc ego rIcUTIL9, hill is do. 4L' Xr 't ol, Von , erielpy v boom to Akye; jjeggC F� 0"O'Vio' he oi� "'I k U WAR Whom, lia $Pen; pernarigir14 tar, -A Pago, ;fy. Am a4 child her Ii. was th.a ift Ise Xiti 131, Allock With all 1114011 curiosity 0 1 keeping at oullivy, hall Wtkt W P1 00 01 1 -I%e V0, wile- The ceremony W Sion is Still, re A- . les ,Ad, na -mornus* a dentle sportv $tort ed to t4ee% Jilin, de -it A 4 ich. occasion. profession. t�llrl)gqb went to isle Bull$ voted to ariCkjo 0 in In an, hour from I vJ clerle4l .1 of ill( 0 ep, t or $a, 10, Wt DOXISShowed 110 tile team 14 W. In i 1, ierjr Fralim, I NA11,11 ug she Canot 'beat to t but walked Ot'ound tile. III*' -is ill al, Wei, as; is, Mat SA_bto bride's arms oAmIn" On of tai'It . i pl�ijiy these beUdo marriage. 'art 4166 saya 4fidlAd 5 do Court and Inclulf4d of the uher,,_,j,,,, nuAX An press Slough., 81 91 to Oil Points, otti Jig chfrX r, examiplug aulf isk Ito tie Judge was ill then, OPP111*1191' satisfied WOO roof tMV4dCSV-OI "M (ire a10 uqy to arriv ot�, 0' � lop DY0110blitels 15 tragically, all, Was Cot- tered. a'And 'We ,the tio CPU: 0 ie - not always end, Oak up his station moud "Pt Den is which varLs was jug fuldrined he hits,ittitely added book, ce4t quibUtA 4 eafneg, %at foat;sWed,laX VefuT proyod ,by o' 0111 ttheir f4rmer q.,31don (A oM d ur.,. The bride, Count Tolstol died boolt AgreeSc�;by akk Y at$ 'h"� aide, tile court u d Patleally aw"Ited his mentioning. Who 10 tumorous skilled truiles N6t,4n)y.bes is, 0 ft� fine Abe day arranged for lordship's coming A tow minutes later binding to the V procitises, He spent htoo' the arbahobbA -4 6 W4011 Ile P014 within a month of found to be suffering Sir George Jessoi drove up I already ir in. I)Ivkdtng 01"0 WtW 1rrod.Wt, and other art THEIR FAVORITE t1AUNT; k A Cost ltotloq et t, hei� wedding, was ilegan 10 e�,IIM tgbe collects Ivory In the train which- 9 t hall of leak WMIe VAl � thq paper-bouna tarotio, winter Sells I% the city littler ficto bill from an internal GlAeubtr, h Som' he aliglited when 1146 the 42V i%alixt towns aod�i,V J,,and has a large collection recovery was -PraolAeally hopolew. are somely Ivan forward, sue, produo, 41, &mQ,er a library of 4W Solaro the All aft 1k,40V co at 00, to* 4s we) Many volumes, 4 Ing everything, from Iful the penguin migrate from Cape t"..e 0 Olt "S OP rl emr t6 Abo Acting and V044 0 elephant. chase;' stranger stepped f ot was, however., - appears to be their 11" 4,11, '0104 �4 ing PABJO1, which 'a : I, �utllgiZ for. t 0 %4 0 WhicU .,Were Aet, to bar by her brO- Taking of he CON Im es'o, last that; Poo# lettering, with his hu b t; at 'I :0 nortl SIMAL CHANCE .10 are Iron unt, They do not, however, 9R d'40"L MAO- ij�e prg$arlt piolifiee, of Wales, 7wh AN INFINITE IT pOiNr-BLANK id the Wonder Is tblis hisAlto via- it 0 FIRED who recently of the all-cle, of (,,her, rao� tk� .4; Junt toot, 441 less I eotion viscount Carlton ust has doubt M that an operatior il�ter of the they go as. tRI, as they do, going the iditiol to, the Coll it L might save tier 111h; Lon whIC4, W4' h1*4 �4fithtjootal Ide . that love J) it n condition at thQ jud 3 head. The M es. brated big fourteen it birthday, Is the aid ito 6Y Lug, as It 'during his got and she consented love no Whip to ou"y them. We Mo around Jg, M4T'S FOOD. elitar'ifito 411ttluge is lost dJJ a d died to hat, level, Holls, lholligti SOMCWhirt a a pis. eat son at the Earl of Wilarnallflo, Wit() P, oil of these 08 Supplied wit that she should be ut dis- d as I -As malleinVa at the most hYlleillited Sur" be sure that Only Ile sternest neces' Plates, let 6%, vrbiruo� IlIPAT , AIN ling, where ad under what before it was POrfOrmad' A SPecial Caved Injury, an BA4, *'­ ' '' 1, relled one no socculd bears 000 their do$ OPIN gar tvhan tho'Admi NPope; ,,go-ModtdgU-StUOrl' sity dictuteS Intgrilticin from which tal was a single, or names In the PC lace About the 04d 09 00to the I circumstances the 1MIMO1 o f ie arlton. the P ra the surgeons op, 4110 was taken NY& killed. and the boy. C rXQT�L. ple ile man then handed 1096 Of k- and an hour before shot -could be tired. Wortley-Mack0lizie- his curd to the ad A a membered, a.( course, that tile AVA111`0- "Love Our' 3COrso,tho Young c0NA 11M. er at cyall Iltuille the title is deriv of a still ita Mo Dr. James Gale, tile blind scientist, is pearad aft the r Fortunately the opera- it Ito in the West Riding -w4ulcr�=qwa WAh- our A04iloat"Snoply lv�ere-niade cm0- begin to return, R h6 g �"]Fyjin LIV," nearing- the- of his cseventY- the name mer) the rulgrin 161 -P 11, UjOW . -go small groupi or file. W 4"'L Poo O"taoe to down iton Sli de01014al coatt0tv, at tile MO- judge Yorkshire. �u% " the Lrnlfii 4tr, baps loss, meo� the rn at. Crabtree, near Ply, tion proved succewful, Ono 1 nux, who had brought 11 case est we oleav edi third yeari, 3Q r developed a ment at wrlting the,bride, Who seemed' ' eat Court, where Sir (),lot Thp Earl of Seallold is a repreiahta" Arst Coll " 0 sfa e Als, England, Ile earli honeyo 16" decided against him and this q& onles in the perage. BOM days advanoe their numbe's RMW to Ir;"O 6VAll ey a Mo ,b nis k hot he had live of the Cal at an AnV1141111$ army - 11, AV Art in III k at faurt�efs oomed to death 49 enjoying her, had the son at %no nobl� the proportions zo, 11OW lhe� taste for science, All tols. A� r,$Iii "Vuq; WA$17*11, find at seventeen moop.. dision had so incensed 11111 utter- lit Now Z"18114,. Noi &0111010, P9, millions is all*, sight began ta;J614 rajqed,to kiti,the judge. MR was utes. OIL -7� sci(15 Pulp imaiir at Man who -N;1OrU§di r_l St Pierre, At MCA= 'jot togricilltural slatfailo, for 1%6 10 novell"'t hp or V A%gvJInq,,;�othIn datiale �y is told at no, also Im was tots rho War fatkul. 111 -With inboRe- A 1 0 c erect andnol, M or a proncluMt up lin a NY come all; tir ley will fall C- WZTPJ VWW ee months In the nityou he has lived the ordinary a Led where the Show Is 'kOjax 11 at t ir Insonjil./ After till ojust wait till r1son. F0414' -tsheries lier mowledge, until at t ir PIlQI 1 9111, a seat upon their, breasts And use the [act ajftfs P*r-OL , forts 0A na pri- Colonial bride. was in his, P differenti, old N ril make it,.11ol, for OnIst, and eight years u surtii�o Cos Could Savo villain - -4 1. it serious him. He to en he flipper to propet, tin' 01 t4jul lad and watf 11bSpital the doctors deciaect ultsk us cat lo4e," he said "Can it I such de , warl logo with he -had acqU ed in operation you I" shouted Qe House of -Lord$-W never a IPA 71 At Strath - lit I hair I,. selling up n pra own judge had in that UuPural*Weit tify, )Jim, 11 sold, rag flancee, whom a well-k1a, years, hard may care to 61611111 it -us 8 rO the,tiotted King NEST BUILDING (Wq 56S peris6lP thousando e -,NjVbr mind dear," 7thelia, It one, Only, knew, there nn fmAjied boupleS today Who n1hrriqd duced to 01109 and � on every, medical electric 11 operation"; thr, Adring to activity many -,we'll be ma�rled befoAr it's just sentenced to a Upon a police* SPay. ca Adan is ;eached ill& be' at spending WhOZIV e" itava to Sit doegiled In, re ttook 'the Czar has k habit adei out- �power of their -necessary arrangements werly *ire- jltwjoo� *ho live miserablei wito hod Ids t the arid the labor for a brutal iver Its word was 'I, r onjitteULsb ow -witholit, eve, made., As tile wavulai I. r -the Waldo' hating the riection received at Once constiable. Ile adMd, more time in his study than CLIM09t any a v L teir tens at 111GUi -he bridegroom ny release," world. The Cza"Itza than 'Ilvell, each. literally and In this com 1'0$ Oth I 10326A -5 _Vlih pat�jentp t "The day Of I rugged d6d Witift III at once to 11W t, t the princely where Of your dealt' I" other ruler in tilt acted 1110 tie is ot pormeat from Patiall taken tq the opefaling-room, ,Will be the day sands kind PV haps gR&INS CROP pUO,UCT1O1j. other. krdly be stated, lordship, motionlog. to q always seuted, with him wit kid �lli �wy "kk man should 'be fck his wile end ODO. any In this respect be building. This. It need IIA to , 1: . I .. , , Vile Crop production for. the YeO w4s. ex -King of Daho 6 ti�e lergysfian andbride were in atten "Oh V said his 'ration, Consisting 8 i- 4 Cite lrbu, 1.1 to ape WO re. r a Behatizin, the then, wait a moment t al Work in his ro great man- Is a very Sim a v the warder; in the old �,Icompond Willi the twd',pr& exile in hiartiniqu clonce- here, with the OpLitattrig-table for at them prefer. to Illerely, of tieralching it a bles. natter Whether they 'be If dif afteri ten Years' 'and the briagroolfil �propped up fit hurry tar that day to stands almost alone among Peb- Viou Lira =,to 'It been allowed by V --neh Gave altar as quickly I'm In no PC Will Put it oil. a little archs as nearly at 71ko yellow Rivor­�09111 a Inporowents; if thev hall he French Gave ent . they guano and surrounding It with bea"utirters. - 'thely would ova the service W came; A think I pi�t of the way IS i W Bulted fdr-otie another to change his residence to Blida, near with paid, China's SOWDW," tin hour later -the op- e altered the sentence have when These tler, b the way, gre it as bigl�er,klthjl the is accompanied by his four got through; and longer." And h n the business Of State bier. for the a IdlIon"In Algiers. He five ye consideral 0! its Colima 7,5142iz� never hav perlormed. :ars, penal 80-itude- Die Soured Of trouble, that sometimes WIN, a three daughters, and oration 'was Successfully v before toe RinrethemirmoewnupAvOte rOO106- Us eal from one another - his $on, hii ill at to one of great hiln"lairdtigh-, MOO "The Only mistake is "I have had that fellov Barle -Quarters. V4000 Id is about Sixty years In 1879 there died In the Nor on one, birds love has i0mOlOtOlY, .,� Changed �' .8 err$, who are not rially in three servants. sixty-three he "Marked he rchbishop of Canterbury, weeft the nest building le 707.00 England a it sto 0010 1* ehgkgeousfl�- be of age; with the blackest of ittees and in old lady who, uses threatened m when addressing the members A fight be as an extremely Coll' nine times fri Lot llkd al "He, has 0 d been married under several 0.1 oil fly overgdWig and�Arrlga efith Aft te beard. Ile smokes forty ytars before, he �jend. never Sell- of a chess b said %hat though he males Is describe 1hen Iwo jealous males 0a Ift--say 06 a phort wilt inditions. The quentlY to the rtmg, cigars it larly, roma a Ithout feeling lown'.14 as year' at the le" gin once , and I hut v quel), .'Man and �,�WOrhuft still lov at day. At the hotel Be- nUo cc me more than at is d 'ji ngulshed chess player, teal offilil', Is Serious and dealt uolioA 114, iti, e 1� . a , at eat nff plates or drink 't, 0 LIMOSt uld claim to be tile representative set to the budn ill the action at tiler ORO in raOrry oft hanzin refuses to pre ty daughter tence him NY I reastill end at that Owe lot the g otga in the with a large family, lit, cc 'I sses which have been se A SORT OF PRES and tile Ill A:NTIMCNT unusual degree. for Ile is suggestive (1) Imich as potatcies--'Tous, care nothing bankrupt farme at ches.% in an Of nothing So self. Xk,h�.r$Vth Vgii,lts the from 9 11 sort bf a neighbor )d (teal Of king pers, wives treat film With she tied Won tile 11 befdre,, His four dissolute life and of these days he will Ile In had seen u, go' province.of 7,1"A0 wprjd, squire, a man at one it If% two ties"'cslas j6ndaft destroyed 6230,000 re him, Ing repujiliton, to whose* wooing that d take his revenge." had live Itself into A VA$ 0, Ast The barbaric homaje, kneeling beta vh,) pPFARANCE OF YOUNG. evil 11 one of tile kl,,;sfng ]its band, and When he rides wait for me an only living man A not tried to ONM 26,569,00 (;AEAT BATHCHS. �Ing an umbrella What would have bee so till' (two fid each Pith*) 2 Qr walks Abroad, hot -D A DEAF EAR. ChihiisiodilverhioK AM terrible 23,523,000 SHE TURNE most startling and dramatic Inurderr u Unight. and a bishop length the e ales take to incu* a Cry re regulate I the CZA Mangolds-Tons. the Russ'afts over the Royal woolly head. January, 1816, the squire taken place come v qenl�,.d all tile Pi Cps wid and the tell -ail , -possession of theC%ar On the 4th Of the Europeans that have ever relate, dVrillg river. 8 t:12.OW %� 109voo bf I to tbe,f�gtfi� in St. There is In the to severe injuries In a hunt to happening a few years "go, -most , xtrordinary 11 sort4-Tons, fire addletet] Count Leo Spantiocill, Onee a spoill for a period of thirty Hay, (a , Are vast vaptor bathS4 a very remarkable Watch. It was made received 8 C a despaired near 11 Solomon Barmush, HOW IDAL WAVES AT—TACK- 14.m J3,5% Petersburg there was near when the crimim no toad Is' taken, A 3rer people repair by b a polish menbanic named Jules Cur- Ing accident that h1v )Ito wit a ow y ame rious banki-note child of Viennese sociPlY, ba" d 'rho t" Wave is. flnotmi,woap to which the Pat %on- The late Cz of, and realizing that his end was tried for tile notA Bar- ming of age lie w frequently d(u)"unic lights to use prothle thousands I tarry mounted messengeT to the erles. As will be. remeftibered Very saturday night, which to the cro fj gdOM ing-cloors towels and brlch�n twfgs. wonderful tales about the inventive he sent 0 to come at once forg New- Inherited a nsideruble fortane, which when lrk004`�l her Yn addition tile jnfied �in Is man, and, wishing per- former and Ilia daughter mash shot himself in his cell at Cal fashion. '140mo first young appear 'during the Sec011d Shc Cattle a" at her animal tying upon -the marble slabs in T110Y are qUit"Ot" maonthere were in While alifilty of t t him a t - cc him rview gate after W trial, and the revolver he spent in recklm 'Ck in December. 9 iW4. 6 [Og each other severely eat his skill, he son k' 6 - Ore fly little creatures, but Very to'llowin I , the baths they T nails, hat li�ppened during this Into aotually concealed about him at tile tit his bets (ire still spoken of this *00104 ago afterwards standing taining a few copper W fill It �4' six ye� set con tured, but the same moment when 110 stood In tile dock to lie made a wager that be would ride dark, led ig. piece of broken can only be conjec eal greedy and grow rapidly. They lim Ono ol't a b 11,64,019- With the tWigg,,)*Os and pouring 'pail, some wood chippings, a ried Mr. justice Darling his his Arab stallion sultan from Budap an ,fill, I. crustaceans, Ilia on cattle .1 . ..... receive from IcUrable in tile Antarctic, it 0�o 10,777 round red-hot at( evening the Young girl was otar coaching team exclusively affiloted, the 'Sheep . . ....... 291110 and a Will at an in 9. Mb of fee -water over one,anothee4 The glass, an old crack4 china cup, some and dying man, 0 at fifteen years' penal servi- to Vienna again early only food prc Unit Sjiitq� beoko% out UPOD ti� TeX( pigs 4,10,695 3140i0a AS the eirculationq and owire, and,a tow cribbIlge-board Pegs' to tile broken i which he left his entire Sentene a? four. He won the match by n not wonderful 1, think In tills coil' Coll I I find a toc�yiator tidal Wave taced floggIligi$t1caulat after the fee- Accompanying this was a command to was signed h �isje would have it, tude. a a well-known hall the distance. The count Was UISO Is It Y f the Male In Mbrses g his intention (5 if tile sugaich ohtoh.'v�ag a the, rejetion comes late to her,- It wal After running nectiOn from ft lish- a thine-Plece. Within eq As I die; he recov Write IF; wrestler. urning ile-MAIP UP66. An idemof.4.0 food shortage Which When a the buth6ra lie about Site them into It Czar Tecelvi- however, 4� i did not, of detective recently informed the (I famok he took various being -able utter rot btLd to be madii uo,�,DY.SUPPIIes 'rem WOer -Pir to afle ly' iflitirt time tbl lived for WOO" Years acted, he received a heav through all his Molloy, identify WO own town of 40,0 -aA t , he now oalveil-, front the follow- lit 6 conditicill Of ecst"cy-a so a r= a]., life during which the woman if, as he e4 circus Calla ments, always falling low- ing expedition to' O�broad May be A Lit ed b it in the shape of a watch. eted and gave it 1 -11 1 lalv�stan, stood a sandy Allen. �The ancient Romans Eta d the reformed sentence, to shoot the judge who abit of Opium family amid such a colony" An idea to] �ng Aigures showi�j'4118 imports for ads into) ad. of baAhIng. [a Of chtyla an at ti, the It of the BIZO Of %110 colon f, may be fOrM0 i, indeed, stands. ark Wor.4 extravigantly, foil ' The case Wa rate i�'d straAgelY marliled d I His nerve, er owing c lefty to authority Island Wilton ADVilere vises more ill , r -. ns about,the bath works of the otheir adds and ends. so whom he I I to be the elove1b, hour him ties upon the Reno tit the yea 5M.189 Tfi�i -got th0tv ]not, a the Czar, what seem& it however, P"Ovidentl0ly failed lit- 9;�oking which he had contracted. when it W taisA On tie beat roar �1' ...... .... Greeks, OVA il One to the weapo a fc;� te4t"000 ThO island Live CattJ0 ....... - 183,084 dg; a luxury' from ? Pleased and astonished Wa conferred proved a devoted and happy wife. lent, and that the din created by It is like WO is in the Gulf )0fi;MCXAC0* Which, norm- Live 81101011 ............ I ;early nine hundred that he sent for the man, the Critical Mon his own cople. Unde­rthe In 150 time there were and grant. afterwards strved to terminate a vast multitude Of As LIVO Pigs ........... . M.420 owts., establishments. The istifictions on him, life. a Case L that HOW TO SWINt- moist ......... CVblIc bathing imarble bencheg belbw By ACII)ENTS. le;ce tit lratto �-Wfid94 ho*&er, the ....... twig, lithA sat on ed Ilim ill pension. pliiAls demo- in ESSES uary nearly all the Bea In t110,001f k-ilowil to elso' 'Dweheut nd GOW the water. around the q Stbrie Multiply Of Pope KING ALFONSO pLA VS PRANKS An unpopular sentencE f6w minutes, and .. C0.4920B.CWts, the sitirface 'of I has aroused great public interest has On ILLN By the middle of Jay) their down iAL solimss., edges of the begins, scrapin theMseIV99 Crecy. Visitors are received with great on nearly resulted seven the entire Other grain ...... on,, kV1101) Calamities Bave young Dirds have Outgrown or, the. ofico0fill I f d A simplicity. As so§n -or, one enters. be ow a Washerwomfliffs Doubts Were more than 0110 Oceas' is, and, been seduced to the WaIer's towil M subtitfted by a FROM Imprn I ning more Willi duri knives of met4 an -chair iwmovtdl in the lynching of the judge bY the ex- Some Occa§ coll t how to swim. rar foli, Wtp aunt .cited- eve Every your We are, OM nd taking octasional plunges causes him to be 130ated In an arm proved Clood Medicine ry impria) and relates dge and taugb and e0re at bur'164d'' I Wilter� Dissip6ted Romang-wou by'llis ride, chats, laughs", of their short trips from cited Populace- passed Upon a workman was the following they ,ath sentence our monl In tPath, �ry, King Alfonso every bay 0 he Id .1 Wn particularl� is this tile, Cal# the litith, Seeking re needotea and stories. The,other day During c n d his After the de isoning Some months ago nd headland, usually gli" he4tsuppjj�, While tbolOtUl Wpole -days in g and a M the judge, victim of an accident which utterly tie, of projound With I our W from lbl,00�opa Ird gence in eatin the pope, while receiving some Indles, on Sebastian, Florence Maybrick for Aid ling idly *fill tin exllreft�la stroyed the hearing of one of his Cars, utlAa TI§Cn am Over4ftAul, ueen had a little adventure� ',nd' tiler they Ore 64do o 0.%,04. among t 0, washerwomen a' a. nor ti� je no) hygienic." said he', L Arqueta ad, raw es- eel- Badness. Call we "vor 0616) 001r, used these baths, Skirts. "T'slis JA b ghly used, it not Alhough he consulted numerous ap they are doomed it) live t - g -61 Old owls 1,6-11400,06b' Owls' "he CIliBir I eating their lunch by the side alists, he was unable to receive any seeing unts tile, An icre00M 19,- 060. the empei ittreals a quan- wile war( tn�-u It's all area P 100 000 D& body, rnmarked that they had trains to Their young It lit before. Every Met husbil All r. Justice St %on, haVtng,�IA(Mii '1116' Com 11 who, otiose �driti gathers thus in the L op I bat, or such seeT, wfog', 18. . While term,. and kn4 tho I 04gor It'lliek shar v4uch.were open to everyone Aq of a brook atI which the royal motor Ig kil g v Y. 1 4) of doolation 48 owiw dw tity of microbes and other things. bel IA. bengfit whatever and at last at . I h PV alicceedeII, in 5W,000 tt�is, to, to* the price Of ftdMIBStO0- i add car had come to a stop. The King, In RATED CROWD, was given up. The other day stand arctic in its crude horror low-Viog, 1814164 i4il. liol PfY 0 chaA with AN EXASPE ilikson. to mysello-WIleft they Compel Me V P., 161 the, me his free. boyish way, began atis descr f�� a trilin to MY 4MB9001C it battle" at tile ladder NY ...... 4_� VeAousi� ot* Stoo 400T.: # in n and when, in reply to lit'; 0�nrogrd at Whitt they considered tin oil' painting a house he happened 10 Ith a simply beg _ GtANl)- -ASUTtEMENTS. much. altbou r' professed ignorance of his surrolinqed tile judge's on the top rul aa It 0 anCed IN EN NqvOtl toisv ept NIE ,gh there are four prelate,; the wo I Islied3u. 001yeston, OG�7, and17ther total,, THE pE to uphold'iL But, Holy rather." raid query, the) the Just sentence, Cries of �hlob Willi" bucket of paint in lu b nd. �HILD MAIISIAGE' jumbet Of ffickon tlritlsh� Sclelitials, Frowo On: the %yel. , on, of t� a visitors. "we hold tin our identity, he unnOulneedt 111 am carriage. and wit] their that it(! lost his balance and I, The were I A famous Gemon scientist, Who bar hinst" tried with all tolipled over him, while the point in former days Chad marriage Oimatod, liflaton 0410'r made a life study of the beauty Of WO. trains when iff the streets." "Thai 111110 K.Ing." to of the women. who and "Lynch it. The police, how- ladder n in Englund, their obleL laigtritt, WAS L Ick him on the head. When not uncOmmO I '%mile property. The' brid904111th, 000 ocietf IbA- 19140d' 'Pith lygfologicill Mo of ail nations, whsiderA that he be very inconvenient" replied Plug X.. Laughingly, 011 a malting tun might to overtur nd it Just in time and, bucket, Sim fault(] being 0 bride on record 6va,-, Nail fit the pi, ight he wa closed stroll slor- younger, wit- , wns 9� All $went Away, The PAP, porfoet and b6rn1d0IOuS` be King ever. fully lauglitpr of Sir the AM Aii;9001111611 for the foun& the most and passing from ;�ord to fiction the evidently tholl what might havC he regained cOnr t English Xweed toriloo of ttid1firl tOrM among the or beyond OL11 doubt, a over'' Ito A00WI, Of -Selence Ill. Pope made Bev al tours in ill(, room at her, replied that he could not succeeded in eve that Ilia heiirina had been liam Brereton. who, entb to ig �Vcri Advaliceffi011t eli$009109 d6velopmelht Of po or ns differ n Of a Alfonso, for shq 1104 seen His Majesty been a serious catastrophe ed by the. blow. struek by Ilght- in the Sitr ed. Tho w6u, crop was wined SIt!oP opposed Ali -the livage, HIS ideal P P III oldi a up his robe In mimicry at P�Mploua I slid he v�as handsomer justice awkin (now Lord'B SMP band? at 700141 stAndard of beauty r, A private soldier was in the thot, "nuil;lud'sliould be tdfl- slightly from the Ke And. his turfillatit Yaree It Charles ecks, and he gives the ho - stood before her. sbr)rt time ago. century, `W(w united years the ta41upber, The - Duko� at left us bir 1416 OT than the man W (it the doubtful AIM tieS, during wes- rot illng town a ny blind; but holy matrimony wtlpn only I" A, sifti'llAii normal ptdportion0 King Alfonso laughe coin to the some very unngrving bxPerIP Of age to a bridegroom who was only complIment, and, giving a months he was lollceped about This rendered him tol.aA truck again. I I, by one in. tills Casa Ouln of Mit hours for A following us big TRVE THAT GIVES L rat t he hurch ebt for of the-Peffect, lit he�, It slit in tile streets of London by a mail waA discovered Ilia tier gan o rondo ' '' are, from everagiligthe IGHIT recognized seve, three days later he w re carried into the c womoil alod eig "The height the., hhMMY the I aotrell lot I nietisuromenw of many. Among treat($ 61, Nature In r woman, 0§ bad conceled. a Afterwards It the Children we fi�,, )t; gon�dl Ott, M(ObOlr it foot *nt,bY tlid -board- tie tin from 1he likeness. had fully regained his ight. them. Sub- Y; � need&- �61101114'110, t6on and' half times the stands carp ftuous Ono known as I h 0 was for reaquils Of his Ov junitely they claim to and their oldem 00141 forhild ypars of Praticli A,01011d Urged tile 3 of le head, Cn times the length P t lengill silo wag convinced sh lough him, and who a in Australia, however, c e IYOY4 oykl�.1W10'W it is enormously Wilt hatred Of ult 3 1 r r1ow; ease, %n English 6pquentlY Wile" they rva strange tie. slat gr sjo6p toe, the young as , longtJ Asiatic Star free- filght of Odin (A feet to in tile, resence Of the King, and It . Every momini Oust Ag forplvnl� tit � ind the legs 1001f times 'be ra to the subject Of His threatened his life r oil hey ratified the lives Q to, ; %010 Wally � Arsd� Monte[ tit tht� toot , Idprs growing to a he d1got fetu wait outside 'have 11 nil I ch as a requit Of a 1011 Indiurity I most 6f, a md. The V1101f am the ground up to she months tills man would CY lost big silpe of III# Gin& 46 fit, said Ilia length of efeet.. while fri ludge,il houRe until he Curtis 'on,, he fell off a lad - N W, &Velopmel Male-ty,s looks, she and her Companions the c;6tne time afterward- AtIothet g"t, 1 1110. should. be IWO bedds wide, and when d dislande at about 40 feet the trunk Ill epressed their #AmirQtlOn for told Ap, following him 10 the and recoverod Wit speech. 4 bo growth .1 1 1 doVekiped legs court, der, 9 raved at ml, o6s; done nil, it A WEDDING 4, #6% lit Most rot' reot per(66 Perfectly bare, From (hot Point there wordily ae young Queen. Tile take a seat therein u At (0, .1 1. 41to. U caugod % - lot' , 4he Ili! Mand 9 e. aui co time V0118Y)v nia, 1tot trom, tthe Colvog, quo e 1. of tangled 110119, the beauty of tit be had not travelled would A Barry taborer's life wa jefill or old-milld, the one, at ktillill, out shoulT touch 1. Hhowever are spring a number closed, afterwards following him a Cardiff infirmary by culling his throat. The Chances of 111101 �ublect of mcally el larde school, di . I f . 0 . ift 19 ind tile AlAule, which shoot Out clusters at long, pointed King replied tba do to return Willi one BOM6, 410tVa ninti. it lie dFOv ed breathing. anti when enhood have 130011 i, "Ofne other fligasuftments Which artists lays, and it is these. grouped to After So tar for o, bri It tit% gain In. 1.11e evil' to escapo The Patient SAO" a hole was AuperstitiOns whIch vary in tilt( of ralft roulto'd in. -K. Ifidd, WI!P I Allt this whole gChOaA Wit& odhize, ItS a standard (or 91 who coutd, ot be admired by a g took a h0fl-qOme that emit at night pbftp Oren- ter and artificial rev'Plratlon to Induce thP In Norway thegifts L l"Ibim, the man would take anoll at it, order p3rIg of the v;orld mb and gives the free a Spec- Subjects. 'wonderful netol that tie 'hehlthltA boaxity. Th iRiAch Of i A 1bu re the cent light. This terk rjellr out in big ill a cot � r Ane"U 'I an P, to tin ar,piontioned Middle ger thould JAI and Is very deceiving A Young diftpet"A Irsue him. I tral appearance, ecame jhe cen re a I crinthidtd antli One heart'a action. let, minule, It eD frequently mistake (Ile his enthUst3ft V1 ag... hive ..ad exalting This Isers0outlo' evening by Moonlit Ily for lingth a tile tate;Aho thumbs And Sea n before , magistrate A Mon 106 was fail lit. in the bt-likO Allot AIM to (ravollora, Wh artist. had been pGralyzed for four yea" d should xactl I militalkil Window Of ft Ineld0tit, whiCh It is lam ijinq 14 tilt', hnIh IPZ4. When he war going 111101111 wila eTill1q. -110i'A �of b UA -,at ta the King and Queen day he WO go into diteablieW Moer, fulily low for an III[ - 111 riwk. Willi a tifect , 9 but cansequenek-li. A vly along the PrOnle-0- for threatening J11"Illce tlaw ltv thbulde", tho DID du0. The light 10 not brilficklit, villa 61ON; woo botind oer in heavY reCog ocrult-hpi; to Ills it lit nighig WOU mel'OeAt, were dri, Oq see, alte, which Alto DlaLge Lando, thirty moon f, . . rlqq. Ntdy 4110 Vb1calui ork Itio Island, himl 1#01 6 mul, (hit tile normal simp level will, tilt sure exactly lift Ig of sufficient Areligill to allow of a e lo the carrIaP 10 end v4ol thcit a qhor was three veilrq hd pds;s� g Abo*e* 61 fsheg,� "rL AVgWt I PO4 U`6 ,dUfjtrg tU6t.t-At r1dit womah sould MC& Z read bY It. Is dots ad,, be rushed CA nizanepa to kef-P the 0 direo nd became b". marrieAl be Ore ltopeililf$ OL midillb Jill- befpL "" flave lisp alarm. a The gkrlq wit" "Polte the Aidin ubbting toot, ifeAdIly from So toolt at the royal 0 Sep iiwl 0110, bt 14, ght froft. the AID 401 One 1 n. gooll he was 110 mre. n them 10 wort, with, or Who to" 111611 0 ng t1olding file kfiYA at Ills Mosteea pvein- fiveit tie the'dtod", W41% 01 hour 'WO 41tep r4w not ffick&, bill 916" "c "I I lot he dropped his) b6d fell 1;� 14 Tile King. a in their nets, ,Vero destincil to Ily AW00Wr4 while the arin bdilgi A Iov. ,�u slinitow&. Ily hall -way get to daybritfilt. *bile. rushed UPstillm, tind save" the Ilto of 4? of go a k6woll, , lliptr* ishould tro-uh eltsic in Ills hands the Ifn- Ile %Vpnl home Carrying the maids. malid, 'Partility prot. Mule^Is own 0 down tho illoe., filGhT Now. R one of his humorous an intant. i�4rtftixft doctor. Alr., anttelied (1143 1<05- the Pace a' crutchcl on lit, arm, anti hopes that liwo, tillig4n that ybur 04 the,civer" MAUarD TRAMP. to commerep war" hall Adu ts(t%V VIII.Se . 111 l0 Mo" tile Our Wds quit Was A nOOD it$, Will be able The regtouvant waiter dill not meal) WO, 01SpELtJ90 A, IMtf)CINATIO' golfig , , menting olefit Olt, again. Werv6 "A 11064 06 00160T'- hfaq is cothul 1tWc You" KpIllin Tile Other day benev drunk a d(ndly ddSQ Th' InUtaltO wmi purely it lit ArA suntiltrit, sevfral ptoblet "Now, litin, fight oltlagati.o and wontict"1119 II(Av Ain should 6: by a tramp, A OIQO90W nil Or day his The. W160M , 311r. gerlipman a Police ctrod to be rude, 1116 lottq, -WhOLL Will you 1111vor neyt, to Mose. What She for Q a# laudanUM. t Ad 66.W, Iwo. It th irlthilhe(6 T1019 Mo V1111104 fit �0, Atitt 0 dowa 16 and him wag 16 hIq Mcloter that the King hfkd I tir. ked for In Way rt good thranhinfl- error. urtoy that K, W;; S100. Wing felt fttAftg tier itit. fititirs Alb oil thought I yod joind IsLqtgys. The KID9116 quIC14 who as 01, Ile asilted. Wilt, tho C YV Iff film by givilla film UMO W* Aletp TMob 4elirl 1160 got a th front billfrg nil,,- ladglug. I, r -Don't tin , 10 Ing lit T, (tie oil e MY Man," Rini Old Ilia 111P was) 1mvell by Wing 4 t, MIQ I lady SO becomes a wo e - up linta e lgot4 as lo(V ?I retorted 1110 ulk­0 hoo- 0 Ob A laundry in tile Offoet of tho poiqnn of 41wo wig, tilt wevo, tafteti tot, 4h as-cl "well, lcou it, PUS - am, cals aliffitY Ift C(stooctfii would YOU Gt awa! 110, officom Wit ere The PO glt him a W show tit tritation "Cxco�'Xf bi dow 4�gl. yot iilad t, opapa fty�, It WO to drsahl at the Ft.1 offemd y'013 Pycop% I:opt on Dpaim Ilk groat AINT aft The W tile re q9 u Noted tile walte ot, ostifittim a. §� Ile 4 6 A, ii �1, on 6111ess your 9101str I , ,Ise pipe anti willi wiet &lift, ix ho 414 b sl&t anti (IF Want IllartleG 11041 )MY "'Ot" I?UU bro going (4 410, but t I can ULKS try ano U614" for us.' is , up In 11flis to Wooldift MICTO a ul� e4ulte well..-Pe3rZO 0 )do %940, *iti# Willa Vile W409 ith getiowt People!' dk� t lit wofk. 1II1111. bit L A11411109 4611111"'Ift* 14 A*k*Y f* *Ail. U%