The Goderich Star, 1906-08-17, Page 8HARRISON'S
Tarte Shert Wend
Pastry (Imam Pairs
NIarantroesLady 1904(0(0Macaroons Brandy plops
010 044 g001.1 LAS the lies't made 10 any
city in Canada -
Harrison leads tho trade in weeding.
Oakes and Flimsy Designing. COQ him
an order and your eatisfactiou will ee
Csingstou Street - - Gederich
4". -
erne eserlererel
Litilieetglegl* 'A 044949 49
hslp We,
$1.00 0004 01149;4101114
OW 11.0010 #1Plt#1,140t*
IPOPOtrikt 4 OW )4,7044
The Soverei
1124111i ot Canada
Fot 1911: InOney In PIMA
Wheels yet 01111 get it when
you want it.
Andrew Porter, Mgr*
_Saturday 0.104.kirfotnidation or noW ledge at
1 NO 0i)ReauIN .11-t Wbleh It TX•1 WOO pre -Vitt
Atittinind litigiotaan
'Unit114 74,. W. DIttileb. MISS sled Master
111401ot, O. ri,
Were *ug :these Wen Ake
circus to Stratton -4 -
U. Wrialoilbell: eta° Mutat Brick re,
•Ot tho past week at 1.Jornia,' visiting biS
'Mabee, and at Orchard Wge, 1110,, yeent.
Ire. 1 upwHisVisiting berrild itetne-
of Des Moines, re*o, aro
9.14 week Vi its xdoklivot in 41184o11;o.Ankl
liefote sortz-ang loam will woke** tette te
Wereate Ind Otter Pane 41:00 Outioli1.
WOOL it I. Eliot, W. Ceatk C.
Judge Kelt end C. 14 Ito 1. and itr, Dosx,,Or
TOtonte, reached tome daring SandaV 11100-
Irma suumnanal expcaltion Mee* tbe
ante Preitisida,
The Ilibtreo MOW and _Master Clorilou.
Brnett:sIrce4 have beet) called to TMOide. by
tbetiad MARS that their Mother, whe want hi
tbe city Di Viiitimr sena, is so nerieusly 111 MU!
01Jout '
, orfertuidrlifirl.9.77431 gir tdoo wisri4f,,Liz
Jeekell 'Eider, were tests the wee t
ta, . noWe
Iromolds, of Detroit. whe is dills
nal IMPerintendent of Die street raillraY
ete.le on- visit his brother Jettmlat th0.
neon. ris briab eight -law and sister. Mr. and
. Pre ,Itertiar,d of the "sante city, will ar•
TIV Sawanitiunday evening.
lis Aar. Qr the Brod( or Montreal. leaves
nuirrew to up au, aPnOthtmept in the
Of out Ple IQC future Vaneentent, /ter he
gentle will hate With tru DM best wishes
ranch* to bank at Chathaul, N. 11- Tho
was a. ourtoons and um liked °Meta aim
a goodolitizen.
ilgemidocter Ausobrook Is on :the rood to
•Winnipeg, on his holiday 01. Conductor
Gordon takes 1114 (1141 tor t me, and Thorntia
Higgins, ot Stratford. suocee Conductor Dor-
don. Conductor Higgins la well known en this
branch of the D. T. lt., and WAS welcomed by
young and old on blo return to the division.
Clikten New Era : Dick Photon, of flederich
iliayed over for a train on Saturday, While on
o way to Stratford. to participate lo the Old
Dye' mentor', he having been born in that
rIgYFISJ4. ojyttlitrilligett101111i.t. 8140%
on a visit to New LitUrd, returned on stator.
(lay last. She is not greatly taken up with
thst 6‘43L1011.
'int.txtenr et altar in s au Oniebile.
Copyright Books, Regular
$1.25 and $L50, clearing
at, 75c. each
Among the above Will be found the
followiug book,:
When it woe Dark.
The Work of opr Hands, by Keep.
In Heart of the Ancient Wood, by
Wee Bar filnater. by Rich. Harding
Tommy& Coe by Jerome K. Jeeome.
When Patty went to College. r
•Old Gordon Grehate, by the Author of
"Lotter e of a Self-made Merchant
to Ms Ron,"
AleolnallY othees Of the New Copy-
right Hoak%
Oleering halanereof our Boxed Note
Pener and Envelopes at e off.
Tutors greuertear CAMI.
BUSINEsS HoUfel-eeto a. m. (00 41.4(4.
GoderIch Telephone 100b.
Court House Square
be Goberith %tar.
0.„. 74
PRID.A.Y. AUGUST 17, 1006
Warden Spackman was tit town Moodily.
W.O. Doherty, ot Clinton, Sundoyed in unvn.
N.D. Deurrvic, of Sarnia, was in town thls
. •0,-Lki -
Misses Frames and Nina 00411040 are (0*
day-inat Grand Bend.
Mies Ituby Robinson, of Dungannon. is a
Goderieh visitor this week.
linriewood. nee 11011001, of Toronto, is
visiting Mr. andMrs, Dick.
gra- Jas, hialmithy, Of Courtwright, was a
(Merlon vislwr this •veck.
Mrs. rule Mb Ansebrook have 10(01410(1 11010
a feW weeks' visit to Toronto.
ltiiss lintel Clark AMC Tuesday to attend the
millinery openings la Toronto.
Iltio Daisy Moseley, of Toronto, it4 spending
a hoilday vuen.tinn at the old home.
A. 'W. Green; Rosedale Farm, spent a
couPloof days in Toronto last week.
Mrs. Ride, and Mrs. Drighan, ot Toronto,
aro visiting Mrs. Foster -lot Lighthouse St.
fittS, McIver and on lett for Toronto, on
Tuesday, en route tot -heir home, Winnieett
Miss 13. Walter returned no her home. Lido.
Wel, atter speeding a week with relatives in
&It -Linton lett, terPort Arthur on Wed-
Thomas Burrows visited Stratford the past
Dr. Boyden returned from hio Northwesttrt
Am Friday.
Ft Parsons Made a business trip to London
co Tuesday.
lIns nitettletd, of cumuli, Wan in town ou
W u ay.
.ttrDoom Oraminott, twill, loaves for
1.• J. taw/MN of netrate is 411100(1(404 (4 tow
weeks otitis old Inoue.
.linnesliaelismart, sr., Is spending a tow Ways
In the Parry *mild Markt.
trtetithellildValytt'onitutasay?reenw" vhdta
Mr, and 7lri. 4. EL 'hart wore this week
visiting 0( 14404140 in Winghtun.
Mim/thvIdoeurVeY. Of Berlin, hi the guest Of
her aunt, Mrs. SAY, Lighthouse St.
71105111$ MILOS. et Hamilton. visited Ms
rotherdit-law, Deane Steep, the past week.
figs Flossie Cronyn, of Clinton, is visiting
1 week 0(411 1404 triond, Miss Rate William.
666. ' ' '
Miumoyetreen, was the guest ot Mrs.
Charles thou, Dayrield Road. during Me past
Jae. Sharman returned te Ms home, weed.
it0CIC, on 'Etiesday, after 01,1(011 visit to his re-
tire -3.
Mot tleml Vivian, of Raionionso Itileh„cis
znstilitesergsw weeks ut the family residon
111, gad. ot London. raid tom Rohinson,
of Kalamai*. Mich., ere the guests of Miss
CORI YlVinti,
tatiltigittelIeNbalY111)eld Vv41lI0'4l4y. (4)
letistietellatay, ot Toronto. ts spending a yew
SNOW ViSiting bet brOther. Mr. Charms me.
noddy. Vothertia
1'..„74.-8ta1.11.A., of Toronto, is spending his
• bellitaYS Wile Mr. Oodles, at the family
eitueigerSanniterre ot the Orion oo., tett on
Vitenittettsyatertiamon it mistime tap to To.
innte Ind other Kamen Delete.
Igeselleakent tee Enron fitted, returned on
geataroste.troto eitarktiau, where she was at•
toriclitw tee funeral ot her aster.
Mt: ad Mut. jellied. Itatcs and family hero
to netreit, atter -stetting thew par-
r. anti Alra, twelve Iwo.
toldthetpelott for Rattle* on Wed.
0(4 40 belidaY Rip which evin eo e,I100th4'r710(4Itoreeletenctoroleer
.Stre, Witheein &toe 4.11: end ett,qtr neown eon
/or aenestonne mato* me marriage
04 Ikeir relatit OIMIS3AlitiOenties.
Steele WrS, WA*, and ehild tett tor
Onsientet ou .Friiiite trent +Amite they Win
Preeeeda Out* legke,Mtadon. Men.
JOON* lisForreet and &UAW, oteLon.
,sion,,wet, teed 'beet% the gerete at* irate
estratetreets Or halite Satutdase
Woe Itself 1.f,htr 01 lettiesedlite, end
lerttlinetenanelao Wera ties weeds ot
Ian, et. Pala greet, atet week.
riter' Tana:, Mo W Itradcriet, of
Gisealcii lees towit Wediteatase ste
'Iblaislatpt4RUNVA modal:Vat the Head.
Fisbeaet nettreller, wee the
*sat etIetereet. Shams*. et. lested, *teat.-
' dent* the Welker tbeStareher,Sehern.
.„„ ,
le Vlltit linas. Mn.. Int( E
e teatetritartone viettre their
ertedreetel Nath street.
Mi. letrhee 134484)401,ttlit
I V& 1todvitthtg%*nu
tilAWVO6POA*4 to*e bet.k
tAelifiat fierrrisiids atimAt,osvid terettetteritet the pleb tee;
titlg. el eatheeatet fe
itOtAttrirthe DinsitaddfekistireldlIke ti read 14
•;, lasessingsit Pitaltere. retainel itella tet
Attie Wee tetreettatteld toe Ilar.1, edge al
elentert the Ittapes mother, sue.
ion Or la**1 LtalistiON l'aer
ter bas been Sawitatod tesel(ei of
Wit****ii Mitt Mottle PalettOcheeti
WiltWitnertli, IMO the Waite mot.
)1,, •
leateighteetAthe relented heti*
et et raw* visit with me
..1601 Atm Wet. Ilerorns,
"tVeririe tett ,Itirter *sr, et
Deng /too spiitioir the
44444 t* Y.M. ditle,of
Summer Visitors.
At the St Lawrence. -Mrs. Cornwell. Miss
Nellie Cornwell, Miss Mathilde Weidomann,
Miss Alma Weideniann, Detroit., Bliss &mull.
ler. iltratford; 010I. Traveller, Renfrew, Ont.;
Mra MoDennott. miss McDermott, Detroit,
thatikftel; crOpi Of 414111410d KM gotalo School exerel0es on firnalei,
weether has been favorable, al* Frank Olean purpose* gAng ou pua
tbongh the grass bas suffered of tiro bartow extrarsioroht,tr, 414
dry sreether ou the other heroi IN* Vieltertellerotteleed44
PedlaP9 fi.b(WO O.Yerage,, The ,Crawford was Waits over
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
The south span of the Maitland riv-
er bridge was completed last week,
the two girders, measuring 110 feet
erten and weighing 98 tons each, have
been placed in position with little
difficulty. The bridge building statf
is snaking ready to hoist the third Rh --
der. From now on the -girders. 12 in
number, will take more time W raise,
as the machinery for lifting will be
built from the river bed. However
the work progresses satisfactorily,
tboorp elowlY, and two or three
mon s will see ballast cars running
over the structure. On the hillside on
the south bank the track is completed
from where the end of the bridge on
the G. T. R. track wi 41081, to within
a few feet of the east end ot the ele-
vator, and all the work between that
point and where the station will stand
is being pushed ahead. The ground
for the station is now ready for the
foundation of that structure, anti the
road leading to it from harbor hill
is a very good one, so that vehicles
will have no trouble in reaching or
leaving the 0. P. It. depot. The con-
tractor luta put a, temporary bridge
over the, Wick, so one can see the
whole trAntifernotion around the dock
and harbor hill caused by the advent
of the C. P. R. to Goderich.
frens Waldb rr, no 3irs..0e0. An4e,lion LooPrwr, Were
enabled the fat -mere to harvest the • •
r=iiiceot crops of grain, ral tits • Roderic% TOWnshIP
will see the beetle% POWS ee „ . „.,
tiphfueti. cromtan,-; am* pees tott rgoRrttar... Miltfl Wriennitema, 01
Wing ali lest week and thi. Atti 1111 Drinetforri, 144 11101141i11g bee barley*
reporter ate that the yield is high an41. with the Mims Corwin), likatrat Plea -
the sample frau. Among the 'splendid sant Parni.xliirs. ddinells Johnston,
threshing outfitsof this neighborboral Doren Road, la visiting in Starrier at
era two fog% our 'villagt, those of
UugliStewort, and Charles, Agar, and
our next door neighbor, Thomas Beg,
ley, of VliftWADOilh. 19 he' best
in nio Ihw. 110.relrarro tbreobing 440, are spending, a few 1141y44 at the IMMO
leribeleef seinettegrown on it ihte acre of their eletele Mrs, J. J01W13t00,
field, ley Mr. Fred' illoSS. liutrhat .
$20 a, day the elowgo this year. for • A011grn.
threshing, If this should appear edger, flee abet eagoi
the farmers should retrierribee tha4 Tug theleEigolt Oren fer a winner',
wagea are excepteoneJly high, and we anti lade lu all line* .
elioula ask oureelves where le there a ceteeteete veyege„,,„„, service ,tho
thresher who has made neeney,at the veaboalee eb414 colauc4,a by
,RfpesIttlfurs_. . .
Poorasunns NOTICE -Mo. ORS. 0.
Allen. who Is the regular correspondent to
Tan STAR for 1)1111)114SHOS and InsighbOthiYAI. lo
authorized to receive' subscriptions and titke
orders forjob printing end advert -Wilts. -Tubs.
Trui Start •
0..A. Newton. Dentist, Lucknow.
At home every day except Thursdays. New
remedy for extracting teeth. ISontneforon.
bettor than gas. .Crown and bridge welt. et
Alutuinutu plates inonbrookahlei. N.R.- Yob.
eau always havo your work numb bettor
done in tho dental office -more time, better
coin noble for tho patient.
(settles for doing tho work -and touch MOPS
Do you not agree that Tug STAR is
a big dollar's worth ?
Yoillt. ()HANCE. -Only 25. for Tug
STAR for the rest of 1000. No family
should be without at tenet one local
paper, and where can Tug STAR be
beaten ?
BOARD or Haniern.-The Aslifleld
Board of Health was called to Mist:111
Cheese Factory on Satuedny to invest-
igate a complaint re the hog pens
there, entered by Mr. Jno. Griftliewho
lives across the road from the factory.
The Board did not expect to find the
pens over sweetly smelling, and they
did'eat. They thought there could be
some improvement in the asurround-
Inge, and as the Medial Health officer
said there niight be danger to the pub-
lic. the Board asked the Company to
do some cleaning up. T1u3 pees hiside
were found very nice and the hogs
very eleen and healthy, but there had
evidently been some carelessness about
die cleaning out of the pens, and
hence the action of the Hoard.
SIDICWALKR.-OO $fonday evening,
pathmatater Walkom let the eeritract
of building a cement walk frorll 104
eorner to the Methodist church, by
kuctinie, to Thoiliati Sitiedy, The
lowest bidder. The price is 0 3..,9 cents a
sq, root, and the work Is to be proceed-
ed with this week and will no doubt
be coneeleted next week. Mr. Sandy
having the job is a guarantee that the
work will be A. 1. The price is e little
high, but so are wages and cement,
and although there were several other
bidders no ono would do it for leas
mouey. What ie wrong with the
walk ieont Crawford's to Case's we do
not know. They tore qway the old
ono weeks ago and got the township
guarantee of 40 per cent, and that is
all yet. Hurry up, bayed You don't
want the Presbyterians taking the po-
lish off theie boots in the Middle of
the load while the Methodists walk
dry shod.
14esent.s--Iiir. Mottle, of Ottewa, and
Isiriliorelr. of Birth, virrited at the
home of Mte ff. Curwele on Tuesdeee,
The Miseee, MeNaegitten, at Clirdon,
le a good yield for Ontario,- hear * ,
Orem liounat.- Dungannon will
observe Wedneeday. August Mind* as
re civic holiday. The public 1011 kind-
ly remember that all placee of limi-
tless will be dosed throughout the &'n-
(15143 day. We have frequently noticed
that on holidays certain people
tu,o almost -Mire to ccitne in front
the country to do bpainess. Thie
Is lent tribe tre clenb 14 merehant
to virtually MOO: his contraet
with the °thee ungebtinte et the
lage. Very Often the mort)lent has
been bunted if% and feariug ofterid
a cuettimer attl perhaps lese 4I10 t4'44d0(,
he was induced to do what he WOUTII
'tweet tathets bet do. The oure for thie
sort of thing Is for the merebants to
go *Way Arid etijay the day Mit Of
Wien, and soother carts (9 101' eirstont.
en, to tefraitt Men expeetihs a leer -
client to open Mr More on such hull,
(IV& WO belle itantltpeOPle rtta be
permftted. tO eIlJOy thoroughly thlt
year's Ogle 'milder's
1.1intomo Norgo.-This Weett Ole
ley* put tieW tea (41) 1(10 110800
et as. iitalletigh, awl mode a Stalk at
the house (Altura. fkridersen,-datitett
Betel Ina 14e line new house Minuet,
tomplet,c), and ilobertiletal %Making
et eel good Nen, tor lilinvelt nut or
Allen %totting 111010431411 (118 tbo
liminess ? At -out the time be gete a etelon Whiternah,.--Song sierviee III
machine paid tor it is them to buy arts opereeetweeetoeichurobsulbuyntabo,
other. PERSONA4.--0'. !lirourrgbitit. and
BARN BC/TWICE).- -During rain storm Mr, Southland, of litensall, visited
on Thuteday of It week the bent of burg recently. D. W111108, of
Robt. J. Durnin eon. 4. AShrield. Ihneetield, visiterl 1414.1010 ION on
struckby lightning. JUDI, Wah ail the Saturday.-eThe aliseee Eidt.tet Mee.
contents, completely destroyed. Illy.' ler, tere visiting, friends hereeeMnes
Detente his little boy, Mr. Oulbeet and Youngblut, of the West, vieltediVendir
a troy from tbe Route were all In the en Sitturdisy Mistleit• Yates
ham a11 the time, and were more or and Mae Chtesidy. of Gederiche 'risked
lees (thinned by the bolt, stone of them the Misses Pierce recentiveeeltiteeillair
/*hag knocked down. They were un- attended the summer wheal iteeeode- -
loading herley; instantly the mow 40 rich.-Itties May Maidens Is spending .
which they were at work was in the week with her sieter In Cilintpteee,
flaniete and they had barely time to • elisses Elva and May Weellace are yle.
gee the team and 8414(41011out of the idug their teeter. Mre, W. T. Rtddelle
bap and a bull oue of the steble be- before going West. -Mrs. pf
low. Mr. Durniu loses the greater Benntiller, visited friends in this preet
part 01 44 large crop of bay and what recently. -May Lundy, of dodericb,
barley he bed hauled in, besides seine is visiting the Aliases Schultz at prete,
of last year's grain, tbree pigs and ent.-AnIong those going West are A.
some of his implements. His loss will Ferguson, George Lawlor, J. Wileon.
be pretty well covered by insurance, Geo. el. Lawlor. -Misses Emma and
although there was only $500 on the Jenott Doble me going hack to their
barn. 'rhe contents were insured for sebools this week. Their mother is
$700, which will likely more than going with them oil IL visit. -Mists A.
cover those losses. This is a serious Riddeli yisited her brother, Thomas.
set back to Mr. Durnin at this time of
year, and $500 will go but a short way
towards a new building. However,he
is very thankful that he and his men
escaped, The thunder storm was not
a severe oroethe bolt that struck being
the only one likely to do damage. The
Wawenosh (/o. that carded the risks
iseued about $200,000 of new policies
during July.
GENERAL NOTES .-Our last empty
house is occupied. During last week
our new teacher. Mr. Long, moved
into Robt. Durniner house, thus occu-
pying our last vacant. Surely now it
would be in order for some of our land
and money owners to get about pro.
viding houses for the people who
would like to live touring us. We
cannot advance much more citywards
without more houses, and we believe
the investnient would 410 41. paying one.
We welcome Mr.and Mrs. Long to our
village and hope their stay may be
both long and pleasant. -T. G. Allen
has been appointed a Commissioner for
Ontario, and also Issuer of Marriage
Licenees. Owing to the death of tile
late J. G. Ward, J. P., there was an
opening for a new Commissioner, and
Mate the removal to Goderich of Mr,
McArthur, there has been no one here
authorized to ibSue a license for mar-
ringe.-Joseph O'Connor took a load
of cattle to Toronto Monday of last
week, and we are sorry lo say struck
O very poor market; he lost money.
This week T. 0. Durnin is away with
a. load and he may lose, too. This sea:
son Is proving a loser for cattle men.
Prices were too high in the spring to
hold out, and the poor condition of the
grass is shoving too many on to the
market.-Tuu Seeeit finds Wet articles
without -advertising. On Trieetlai Mee.
Pinkney, on hor way here to visit her
brothers, the Messrs. Bradford, lost it
grip. On Wednesday word came from
True STAR that such an artlele had
been handed in to them. It proved to
he the one wanted here and was for-
warded Thursday free of ehargese Ad-
vertise In Tun STAle-Scheol begins
next Monday ane, every yoengster is
willing to belleee thee flies. -The
Duchess apples ore being picked and
the Evaporator will Wive to begin
work abnut Sept. Ist.-Three more
Jowls of hogs were shipped this week
from the butter f tory.-The cheeks
for July call for t same price its in
June viz., 201c. for Ater fat, or a
little'better than 18e, a for the but-
the a 4 eke* lattett- ltente..4t-
"SOO& (le A *tett littlese end toe'
arititet frit evatrotittOr.a.Tho*, Elliott
le at 414e011 Orctiees, pitting on fresh
rotor* att1 Wm. Melo 14114 146
Wbbiner *x434410 tho nit* thini for
it a int,tieti inut deservel vredit for
the wav lo tat doter' of
the Aillege. A Se* Ire Spent no*
Wit nuory later 411). 1h*oa9l
ditlthd intetialt tweeting it toe new
on 91* penoortr. The letter
iatmo win ,9001 toser+ts end the •Ups
per,retne, Thst.a rightv Dati,, yen
110.4 44)0148(10(8 10 tiOreild
whowee tow the pinek to pint tip
lolg %Habit ter the Ade CC ell kind*
et tonotir oiipplitio la tio Implement
itne *ill 'be vire nt no. ig tit* %Wit
iltigrittiert fhb 11 I 404
eerie* tear tete efetellet, Jan. JIIIMeet
Bet* are tettt eleNs
COOP ItOtatk:,-The tosinero
lottsp rot room*
Mr. Moles retidertre ittrdefiltes* ViU
PERSONAL. -Mr. and M D. C.
Taylor, of Lucknoiv, 84104.1( 11 few days
at the reeidence of Joseph A. 31:I.
111114111. They also tnok in part of the
stunner school in Goderich.-Mrs.
Nicholson and mother, Mrs. Jonee, of
Goderiple after visiting Mrs. John
Mallouge, are visiting friends in Luck -
now, -Dr. and elm. Blake have been
visiting friende here and In Goderich.
The doctor has past recently retnrped
from England, after spending four
years there.-Ifarry Jones is on the
111.1 (1? poerilea, and Mrs. Little is still
quite ilte-Mr. Andrews is elowly re-
covering from bis seyere attack oe
hitiamatory rbetimetitop. H. is now
abte to get out on the verandah. -
Little Willie Mountain fell down the
back stairway last Wednesday and
lied his collarbone broken in the fall.
You wouldn't think ao though, to see
him running around at ustiel.-Mr.
.Ino. McLean Went his hand quite
severely rubbing in a blieter on a
horse. The druggist told Mtn he
might put the liniment on that way,
but John saya be 'will use a swab next
time. Ho took advantage of hia mis-
fortune to visit friends in Goderich
and Goderich township last week. -
Will Glenn left last Thuteday for the
Sault. via Dwelt Sound. Betore teat,.
Ing be left his OrdOT tor Tim Stan.
We have been getting a good many
subscriptious lately. but there must
be stetter' nunaber yet who cannot de
without such a paper for the sake of
230. --Mr. Hart; Inspector for the Ster-
ling Bank, and Mr. Gamble, manager
of the Goderich branch, called on out,
local manager, Mrs. Manning, last Fri-
day. -Mr. and Mts. (Rev.) Robinseli
and Alma, returned frein the Sumtner
8014001 411: eloderich Friday, -The
familiesof Messre. Chas. and Th0111111
Elliott and their father rind mother.
of Nile, Vent Wednesday of last 'week
at. Point Fare: ee The °levees, the
411entt, 485111 N Whearti and friend
tretitia am" 'fob Duvet"). were
Among the Goderich V lai be ra
Thursday of last tveek.-.a0ur hardware'
merchant *pout last week risking hit
friends et Chetley.-, Mts. Dr. Rice
attired home Thursday font an too
tended trip out Westy-Mts„_ and _AR*
Ints-Wiliou are Imre on tt *it to
• Mendota -Dern Whyarti, droggisits. 01
Wirothwg, and bi* little nephew Her.
bert, ere honer te two weeks* 11014-
1141". We might vtry justly point to
Met b ris Monter Putgannoh bo$ *AO%
plirabing the redder of suetettirlekly.
Mistral, thief eleilt in the finest fitug
/dee* In Winbibeg, arid Irma latteseary
there that h123 It paid tri 111100101i tbly
to retelti Ide oervicerkAlrast".fors Mel bo,
ssalWe.'Nell, tether, Of Mon 11. 14.egon_.
ionl bit daughter; Mt*, with
her tee° eltildratts ell Of lendetiebe
turned to 'their hornet on Widay., bat.
14.014014 lanai their Week'* visitrat
the home of Mr. Paeget, 34kinoi
Ryan, berettona California after An
tdagrate, of i year*. Ite it visiting
hie brother Ilithertl at t90 Nile, and
ether, ttientio etteleihittalleteitt lIe
041le.02 year* abeente het traillelent
to make him tetget 444 Mend*, and he
tlekto fent AA* vatith oblinge tOgitelet.
,4e43te4.4ften. Mt. 'Tiffin. Si* tit M.
Ttrityk•Ot Wile( preached tok talk* and
tOnVegottiatt in the
ethraligt eintrth ,ste tintalat, eve.
hittet, NeXe $4111411Y triOtedfig and flees
1 the erserletke 'Writ ho hOlAutteti by
teritieratitt bent Orsitrielt
*AVOW* who *ow *dolling et Mt
nrom toile* Wotan* Oink, Iktotip
ly in* WAWA.- fl. W too,
nil* &week vory• wanelt:it 4.04/e
twit Waolotost t000leti t
si cents for TETE STAR to end of retie.
Quorum NOTES. -Rev. J. O. Reid,
occupied the pulpit at dile appoint.
merit last Sunday.- There was no
prayer meeting last Wednesday eVen-
fug, Mr. Reid being absent attending
the summer school held at Goderiell.
Gee:URAL NOTRile-Alost cif the cut-
ting is done In these parts, and draw.
Ing in is the order of the day, and it
will only be a short time till woe are
with the dirt and dust of threshing
again. -George • Beadle threshed for
John Fluker one day recently, the
grain being of good quality. -We un-
derstand George Rutledge bits pur-
chased a thoroughbred registered
Berkshite hog and sow from Mr. How-
lett, of Keldon.-The Wawanosh and
and Colborne (*incite met' on Shan-
non's hill on Saturday night last, for
the purpose of considering the matter
of cutting down the hill. It is about
time the councils have taken hold of
this matter, and we hope to see them
go on with 11, 11.8 41 (8 a, very bad bill
end its repairing will be -a great bene-
fit to the travelling publia-,John Wale
tere, of Colborne, was In this neigh-
borhood last week, looking for a driver
to purchase. -Bruce Bros. purchased a
Deering Ideal binder a weak or so ego.
Dick says it Invorks like a charm.
PERSONAL -MISS Jackson, of Am-
herly, spent a week at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Richard Eiruce.-Miss Mag-
gie Bruce is visiting friends in Lieto-
wet at present. -Robert Reid visited
at Charlese Robb's, St. Auguatine, one
Sunday recently. -Sam.. Harvey and
setter, Miss Mary Reid, of Ashfield,
visited at ehe home of their father,
Robert Reid, on Sunday of last week.
-Fred. Dark, of Oroydori. England,
was renewing old acquaintances in
these parts last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
&menet Young visited at Bethel last
Sunday. -Miss Eva Allin and Miss
Waiters, of Bethel, visited friends at
Ebenezer last Sunday. -Miss Mable
Rutledge has rethreed home from
Blyth, where abe has been under the
care of Dr. Milne the last few weeks.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Metier visited at
St. Augustine.. Jost Sunday. -The
Misses Cathcart, who have been visit-
ing at Mr. Henry Wilson's, have re-
turned to their home 1 Toronto. -
Miss Maggie Kilpatrick, of Mafeking,
visited in this vicinity recently.
CatigettNirelite.-Roy. W.A. Smith's'
work on the Abbffeldoirenit, Wee taken.;
last Sabbath, 0,7 A. in the eh -
senor of Mr, hipoldn, whose poinolial
part, no lne:prOgrgnalrne of the suremer,
rreboOl in livingrann eraraectiorr
with the Sundey Iteeriteete.
PlageOleale* es. Mc, awl Mr* Iolria
hiararragh ere *pending 4, fest Weekte
With their ifauttittei'. Mrs, hired. Tongr
141 Torouto,...-Mr, end MIS. John 404*
0.1W Preknow, left last 3(0 101443' ors ell
extended VIM t itinearais.
,----A nu sober 01 1)411' 11sun41 men intend,
going West on the excursion next
1"xida3re-Mra. Albert 'leiter I quite ill
at present. We hope_stron to hear Of
hes recovery, -Ed. Meteen returned,
brat week front hli trip- out West,
Where, he visite(' bio brntber neerge,
iviin is settled in the neighborhood of
llottteroni, sitok. The brothera bare
bought 41 ranch entoptisiog 1210 410(00.
obles their humeoloodoi owl 000 16(4114
ttle denim. Rd. intends Reit% hieek
*54 1111' 441111' fudge, Be Inesegreaefeetle
III the rielourcete ot the WeeteeeMiee
Florence Buchanan. et Beueselte le the
gueat et Miss Aille ciartilner this week*
through bete on their Anvoy tbe bona
this pest month.--Vr. MacDostalif,who
is( erecting, * two-atorey cottage on
Maio street Vorth. 94844jt itt*ut Antall. •
has iidd-
Improismeut: to the old Mntehisorr
VII:trkiKtisblorretgis reeturrilogistii;
lonwe,;hiett raid* ratleb fnithe apnea*
one* of the street'. Westeott
land family attended the ters,
un" of ids
br0the4 Mr, 'Woo, Westeott, lieaforth*
on %wader of last week. •
0$ cent for Triu STAW, 01 014 Of 1906.
Dechrierre Roopocling NO-orspapero.--
Any 41(4.041 01' Osseo Who takes Is penst toir.
Owls?' D'OMP004 olik/t. Whether 44wWfoe1*1
1144101'or angt#Sso.or.yiestbor be 414 Atilt.
Seritedve,110; ntlicd14010 ;or liikTeutets
1? ar.erienorilorstis Darer d 400 n't1n1401 4
meat pet all essos" os tIiU onbiblher 030 Ms,
Onus to Sena It/ until Verneotis 1os,441, awl
'Oen collect the Nsliple 4IUUUIIII w414/Ps t110
,leePeeietelten or no,
0(10 Contis bests decided thOt retehlg10
tirke name-161*re Or ecriodicels
Milo or minoring And leRVinitlltben1 Rant -110d
;Iwo usolaTvieca4 at,ncmon, ".
„ cent§ for Tun STAR toted of xeo5.
ltsT Outrunat.a-The weather is due
and the farmero are getting along
with tibniF harvest vapidly,
PERSONAL.- Mre. Frank Mawkins
and daughter Victoria. of C01ling4
wood, axe visiting relatlyea at present,
W. -Green, of Sarat Ste, Nay%
Onti, is visiting his parent() and Meter
at present. Dave wag a. delegate to
Montreal /for the Enights Tenralar,
and la staying here a couple of weeks
on hie way back.-eMies Emmeline.
Hayden returned homelast vveek, af-
tee a tWo *menthe Ylett in the Prairie
Provinee of Manitoba. -Mr. and Mrs,
G. W. Green, of Goderich, Sundayed
with relatives here. G. H. has recent-
ly returned from Cobeltewhere he boa
mining intereste.-Mre.j. A. Gibbons
and children, of Sault Ste. Mitele.
Mich., returned home this peek after
tt month's vleit with her parents Imre.
-Principal and Aire. .114.1. Tigert, of
Goderich, are spending a few days
with relatives here, -Sandy Gordon
starts for Illanitobe on Friday of this
week to help harvest the great crep-
t') the West.
PERSONAL. -J. Willis Powell, who
has been centined to the hems° with
appendicitis, is ahle to be around
again. He wee treated by Dr.Brawn-
hag and avoleed an opesation.-Mr.
Percy Towne, of Woodstock, was in
town thhi week,on a, visite-Miss Kerr,
of Toronto, 14 the gueet of her friend,
Itirornato. L.
is°. 1...blrele'glerft.-olVif heisFpeaarre' it°tfsTao"
theMain street Methodist parsonage.
Miss E.E. Liter, who has been a guest
of Mrs. J.W. Powell, is spending a few
cloys in Louden, the guest of her bro-
ther, Mr. Henry Lister,
BYLAW OARRIED.-A vote of the
ratepayers 01 1110 village 1911.2 taken on
the 4th inst. on a, bylaw to make a
loan of $10,000 for 15 years, toe, com-
pany of lecal oapitalists styling them-
selees as the Exeter Canning anti Pre-
serving .00. Nearly every available
vote was polled, as there were 937 for
and 17 against. It is not yet known
where the location of the factory will
be, but it is supposedit will be some-
where on the teeter. All credit is due
Reeve Bolder and Council for thie agi-
tation, for they eertainly-worked bard
to have the bylate carried. The reeve
eari he has something Oise in view in
the way of industries.
&yrs. -The nor' -ober of visitors that
drop off here every day for Grand
Bend munmer resort is amazing.
Guenther, of Dashwood; the 'bus man,
says it has hen a very busy season
for him, he having to run two 'busses
a day right through, and the,n some-
times baste hire rigs at Exeter. to han-
dle the traffic. -Me. Krouse, the auto-
mobileman, who has a machine heee for
tbe Exeter Creamery, has had a, very
udfortnnate" time with the 'machine,
but has got in good shape now, and
expects to run het to the Bend for the
balance of the season. -Mr. Howe and
femily, of Parkiittle, near Toronto,
came upin an auto last week and are
visiting at the botne of Mr. James
Jeckell, London Road North. They
made the trip in 10 hours, which is
pretty goad dine considering the
roade.-Several autos have passed
"The Star " is a
Si$iiig Comfoits
he every respect The tronssick carries
au up-toelcite stock of Pipes, Tobaccos,
Opts and Striolters' Surieriee. Variety
and quality cap, only be found here.
When rele want your veauts supplied
come to the
wesT sTaeur. - 000ERICI1
es cents, fur THE STAR to end of 7e06.
every parent, young man Or woman who
Is interested .in any way in
Business Education
to write for a copy of our Prospectus.
It tells you exactly what to do and
why aur students succeed so
• well.' WRITE AT ONCE
for it. ' Fall term from
Sept. dth, Address
• Priucipel.
Madness helves have, this past year,
made TEN Tons as many demands
upon us tor young ladies and gentlemen
who are thoroughly grounded in Mist -
nese principles, as we have 14414 81844164110
to send.
Clinton Business College
"Affiliated With %Ingham lhasIness
Drop a postal for information to
GEO. SPOTTON, Principe!
---,,,. • -
Roofing *
a e roughing
Pitinitling •
RepairIng of
„.,„„„t1,11„"gl*,,,4141hf ftnerlenee la this bnorch of the business and
eee"'es'eeee*Peteetterielelie Week, of this department. We win e0de11044' to„:
Olidte PiAtt$ANT SIOFITAill.g for you ta tern your trade this
res•trouble to furnish eatiroates en any of the above lines.
ee yen nottne anytiling iii the follovviug list that you might requiree
WD 'have Prices that will interest you :
Vag* VIVI EetteltV
raXe Wir4. MOS
014150 JAVOI Mae
U3eDIM4t Pore
ImPertat VOrtladd 'Oetprint
• ibrildinOsper '
Galvnnised Wash Tubs
Cunadiaa and 4,ruer94so Oil •
Oraniteware of every description
„ Aluminum Ware
Gaiverdeed Pails
Elephant Pure Mixed Paints
Galvanized and Black Icon Pipe
Ready Roofing
Machine and Cylinder Gil.
Remeniber the Place.
' Residence 177
PHONES Store 57
Phone W.A.McKim
No 20 M
More Building Bargains
25 doz. Black Hose to clear at 5c, 7c, loc,
•21/2c, Kw and 25c.
Women's Wash Collars at I tic, 15c and 25C.
Women's Belts at clearing prices. About 5
doz. up to 50c each, to clear at 25c.
Another ioo Hats, worth up to $i.50, to clear
at each 25c.
2 doz. Hand Bags and purses, priced up to
clear _at _each, 25. ,
doz. $3.50- White Pure Silk Shirt Waists,
beautifully -trimmed with Val. lace and
hemstitch tucks, well aud stylishly Made,
to clear at $2.00.
'A lot of Girl& Dresses and Childs' Dresses,
White Goods &c., at clearing pnces
No. 25.
Herastatos Se.
Now fOr the Final Clean
up of Cotton Dress Goods
vvE ARE going to rnake Saturday, August 18th,, a regular Bargain
r' Day at the Cotttin Dress Goods Counter, will sell the balance
of this season's stock at prices that will Make sure a clearing out of
every yard. It is not so much' a question of prices as of getting the
stock sold to the last end. We simply will not carry a yard over, for
we will be in our neW store next season and must have new goods,
and new goods only to show there. That's why we are more anxious
even than usual to clear the stock colupletely out and why you can
buy Cotton Dress Goods on. Saturday for such little prices. If you
can do with a Wal a Dressing Sacque or a full Dress, it's a splendid
chance. For easy s ng we divide the stock into four lots as follows:
Cotton Dress Goods toc
Regular isc to ifIc
Cotton Dress Maltreats, Muslin% Clitigliantle Reit-
iugs, etc. Goode that sold at tee to I86 per yort, new
this seaseti, alittahle for almost any 0011)0So you tom
ust cotton Dress Goods for. Choice On $Aterelae
aoril • .•, 14" r for • •• • • ........ • ....... r 100
Cotton Dress Materials 23c.
About 40 141(11594 txtra line•Cotton Drest-Maters#
"(4s- includiog Imported Clutinbreyse, OinglAMS,
4)0183 OrgandleS, WhitiX" ‘Voistingo Line3
lugs, everything trait sold et -30e,, (loo and'SOO, (3141.
14)41, noinoitueing per y* . 250
Cotton Dress Goods 121,/ac
Regular,* to *se
go yenta ett Ude let which includes fine (ling.
hams, Drees Orgendies, Fancy :,Waistings, Shitings,
ete. 011r regolar prices have been tild, 20 rand etc.
Choice of them all, connuencing Saturdey, pee
yard ...... • •6•4 ..... 441.•••• • littge
Cotten Dress Materials 30c
lott' tk fdw youb 4t dee slot, irigh grade Dress
tilting% thst sold at noc and 6sek suitable for Waiste,
Sleirtsot Intl ,Costuttics. Choice commencing Salm'.
(lay per yrratV, . . ... ......... ....
t1Mr.Price Lace Stlie,
Laces are going at the half-price
*ark, itundreds of yards of that.
Vaces Wall kinds. Triztraing
Allovers, Underwear Laos,ete,..that
Sold at loo to P2(50 per yard owl' he
sold for exactly half price, because we
are bbillid net to catty a yaril over.
The Wttt of the new Pall Dress Good
atC here. Como awl see them0
Quarter off Wbitewear Sate.
We are selling Whitewear At bile.
, quarter less„ than regular prices. Do
not *ant any of this season's stock on
. hand next year. That's the only rea.,
son doing it. It's a good chance for
yon to lay in a sttpply Gowns, Cor-
set CblterSt 1),,taWert, Skirts and Waists.
An wen Wade kartneuts, nicely trinzo
tied and selling at exactly 01%(quarter
less than regular prices.
have the best P It is the cheapest
in the long run.
We claim to have the best which money can
buy, and we know that it is appreciated by our
customers from our ever increasing sales.
A few of our lines are
Plymouth Binder Twine
Gold Medal 650 ft. Green Sheaf 550 ft.
American Pure Manilla Rope
to x%, inch diameter.
Dillon Scythes, fully guaranteed.
Sherwin Williams Ready Mixed
Happy Thought Ranges.
Kelsey' Furnaces.
Hammer Brand Calsine Plaster.
A fresh car load just itt.
National Portland Cement,
of which onr sales already filig year tave
been over 4.100 barrels. , This speaks for
,itself as to quality.
Ideal Fencing, all No. g Wire.
American all No. Fencing.
Our Complete Line of Hardware
is of the best we eau bay.'
In Plumbing, Heating* Bove. Troughing
insinftbing, etc..
we'earrY a large staid and eau give you
A,)routpt attention and guarautee you
It . 11
Show for
4a. Engirttywsr
4(4'4'01'40 s1 4It and get roce$.
le at $3
Arg• . 1