HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-08-17, Page 7T1 I- .k . , . I - TTZ41111111`1�036k��_ I I 1-1, - - -, - V -X � — - — �
-11 r."lir � . "I ��4' 1 . I 11 .�;*, I �,�, , ,
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I . 1". A .. 11;�, : 1�� �, �: : l, . - . - I , __? 1. - -1 .- -_ I -_ . ;,;;_.�_�_ 11 1,1111:01'111�1111'11 I e � -
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0 ,; —, __ '__ — I *_-�.� iiql I llloill1w .. . � Zhi"10 — ! pi;M!= — V TAS ON $At-% MS. Of, PRECIOUS 4�1 El . I I .1k
- Qr� - WIL LONDON GO US , ,on � . G"T .
11 - ___ - ��- 26.&MA. ..-. . LL I , ..** � �SUNLIG"T .1
*~ or W, 4 is nu rm,l- Elm 11 Way, WAD` .. :, I I �_ ' ,, �
1114. U W"n isiad **A b* I
doom %10111 I ....0 ". 1,
. .%ill* 11 0 . I W,00 ,W wACOM 99MAWOM *"y 900 OWO I S .
I W411111A who "N" 0 1 T004M I OWANAA _ ,; I , 0.^p ; ' L
""ll lllilli'll rm 0= a A ow m"'VAM om*wft I Aox". , � �
, I m I* =*Wa W $Am " W60044 0110 *M 1W mmiff, A*" , V". ., I I
. I UK . A* Im mw* I %V4111" W"W"i"04 TW^ UK .1. I I ,:� Plllll�L�� " I I
4111 114W 0111"i , , , ., ..
- - I � . 1 0101 1 ,
W& ____ ..Oi umltmp Hit us *rub. ...- " �� " I th'" . I . . . I
., - 4111 Ill 44 4 "Ilt" no 4114i'"W04 � �1, 9~ �� Cl*"- _1 I , 0. er Vow . � , . * io ** INAW .0004 * I � 1. �
I 0 I � , %W%L == *amilf awaa�` *0 , *Pf" . � 040' mojw *,We otillipe, W* 0 r.w*,- 0.4 .., u,** r* mo "", 00y, vooeia', I 00W $,VA " , , 0 . f, - I
.O." oxp*ft" WW. miaft 06 I Ill" 1 44 k i 0 of�
"_ - I .- 0,00 *$"tomfew * *0 "* '00 .0 Z ! somw ."*,***a* I *0 **W %"* Afl*� �
, .4
-, , X,;;10V �
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- I * I , W*.� , ,0.1. , I ,� , I I
W Ill* ...1da _ "OR bfiowtu* W I v �
AARIMM-F991— . I I
1`� 11 " %* W",07 I wo .0" "Omo*loo, i T*^ %^ $0 .- 7 00,01 00 - . � * 600"A" 40"151111", I (�,
I , 1, i "' .1 .
", WIlle I,"OfflIfe YA on YAoq *",, COW" 4%vt Uw *W*0 it lo PO4 *0 PTO: - Woe , W0001010110 4 - I - i . I " NOW . .1 1, 1. � � 4*0"**"1 1 , 119 I - 11 I I 1. I ,,,
z�_- ittiWwon-VIlities,09*011, it vAloi wAWWAft*- - _ i I **K ; - ; � I ,�, FV04, Uffixtoo qQmft,o,sft40g% tali, I 1111001111-11110 �.
� I ,
leatallow (osm -wixiet. U for lxtw�'Yftra ill#* cour" 9t AM 'h$eh_'*S-* 0'410 t', I 11 I 11
. 1, t J � oft feet . � . � A" . I
I : -Vb* � , "A a Clt;y. Mill bl)U�alr QJ'* ,
W.** %W *A *aa,� * *A "11411,011" 0 1110111 "00 Alt W4" Up" I fh4by . . ." outbit"t, 4t 04 Oil ,
1� I ' . �4 the otoctIvo 0*0y* 0W.W(A. OlItAr %0$ 4 _04 _ - .
I se"now 44 **-" '*�lItittfoll%'01 Altilfl ' lot Ilowbs" (040", � 4 beaha, IgOt" Of gal Alkill", A "t W41
. AUNUM oela-W. Wsd UM *A4*44t 001,.Jel Wft to $fio(ata . I ,
-1 rim til rxilu tv?,W-. , TM W111111110111 3, 11011101A 111i , I � V . '. , , . . . so I, 114.1 . ,
:roolitili. For * 1".1111, '" 40*4 troo1w Vidoll. Wokkirtig 0 like 109W09 40.4 a
IrlikibUR4 14, 46 VI 1. , usit, be 104,011S 01$4' �
, 1 4nif �,* the city', 4
� &n f4wol 410h tu4atlapuso 'Wil I I I
jobW AM, WA 41, . Nw-)t � itit "'Puto, "them � silvir. N ,
viiflitA iobw ourvift. Win ( 6641P AtA 80WA& awfia. At =ojo AaW9 411 OW "A 10 a MarshaM,&r c4orgs v0VIO W r,06.4tivit #40", liq jilgo, 4 440% A It# U J411 at sil 644 haut 140 � � , I ;
u4iol will thoine wo Other -W no I I OX $*Ora at 04 $4 two'. I I $kOW � 4W,441 AQ OU Wou'arilt "kilo, al jMotaAW1* Whicil CQU..4' � I � ,
I , L 1111111, pallanlioat am ItomoAft, ,to WWh Abel "tire, W pr�w %l " , plitat IN" . #041t. AA ittgain'Quil, �
W Ora iw� I , . iestat4tt" for *A Nriliamt 14 40% $4 owslop 9M' -UW imbor"I" 11114 ( W. -Al 0944AVA"Ato , b664 1*1104 V . is 4SV04 to. 11w agitation bo quastion a PQ - 4� wltpwo at 411, . 10
busy At NNI Z=IWI _ , the j� Ilp'llpfilarM Uiat UPOA I$ $WIYW# 140 ody or Lwtdil pplat W4, I - OtAblis1olit. 444 The wholik,roplIt"Alk IfT __,�� 11 ______
affiti, 4# be . - it O@Njas so , Ott JACilitculfibl,
, � .log or* at " itti , sti.bomow k" .d, aA pa , 1�
UM040 ompt . " L 4 X , priweis, I . all 10*) Itik )*'1*J ��wa ii,
, __
, - -illuport Which *# SUP, 0"14. 1A 'In - MW � toi, ot itttkiftsp 10"
, . utwoulio. 44, ftilwill wft OXW& W4 - ot Wow* U*, 0% O%U - ,,a aj,g994W1,0A';YJk1l` 00,44W* alth Undrearned- Olt- ov�n I .
WA, W* P* U" boWAK"PaItIl Uk 114t; AVUOA�� � t"A -_-u . A ,flow Am% . , t 1W, 11, 5 k*414.ry, p.9 , .
W.er sets," thelir ltit-o -�," 44 - y . in ,vA IrArAw , , Vrg RY W' 100414110, Wr C�Jw% VAltriers, hilOOK'AartiOAAllounvol"Will qtAtm,"Altilloillu an ow t
,� whilffivw Har'llie'alail thabow, jpi�,,Ik 4 PWA - W44 1 � loviliA. Ill, ble'volli. No 4avell by, Boy; ri. NV, I 'k,M040,4*0 : t � .. ,
gil 0 #049 *04 W1191SAL 04 gr(AUW af,U01WOU94 UQW01. , twat �*row I , A-ttill litilik"W" , .
,t*VW Wrillb 0010411(i, a ,V4 OIL t4o'laill"ll &lAOit%an4_0l4 i NspOW; 14 A tN -.- *A* � . , j4- Alliky 4w, 0-44 r 014fil 'AT111P 4VIMItro by tile molt , I
� ,,AM XAPI OIWAP� Is, 44.yoxw, -by -M"Y 1 1111114 *111`144% . OrW144diAl '"I ill% IW,q nlq4t�*A k 444 for for V4000vt : 4, .
stttlaoiog W It^ "Z """ , h" sessioxvi or -- vArfiAm"4N lilm " n4w* _ . I;* ... a, _ _. , at Auallue'lavo OW, NVOk" I I
1,114 Up9A 1114 wivos, 'Wsually remains, lli,Ayrstiftv, wilig" NW, " "It. its 14114*1 11, ,ail b0lo .4 4 tilallAti-04;ctif *4 4h9w, , 404 , IiTki%ble p44 Ot Wrlill'OrY "
to As at �1111101 , W . n . mo$%,rilml
h - . � A P.W 14il 0449ats, c4u4m, R -Y on both 11,11ilell - Ila � =";
_0 M "W I
, .
I �99U, Olat,%*Ally I I 4A I im-A th . � i � voulcivi AA vX4 pepl000, lix , to. jo,oportilo" IA the prolm its Jr9fo tut, aw 0, -
I I I . 4cd, howivitr. W 111flait 4 eom fig, will .
, Qj - fang ,at �ft 4 V , rt;�, jft*1 ttlerNSM., 11161tor-eldvAl v ho � 4. A %, "' .1
worumamoll. A 111* 1,9 perfliOur happy 10*40 411"l ., I Whigrmll geng.rall 00 0"4 4$04 19 � 1hot-ItAitivt pitio or PeIler F. MOV == W, �w
_ r+ say JC . . � Q*: follow*,- - � IfthlrifilitiVilk No. . "I
, , selli 14 go ** I , t7 , , Go Russit 949[ 48'a lig .*to IAO %4WW;Sw * -111� wuq,r All I I - owskiluge. at . - , ,
Abiailji 50 ottemb . or'A � OOZ14oppiyIng nini. voy(A'Aw 4p Dried uy ou SAW41 $IV","- I 60
k %*:�a . , , wlizorw Abil, 111 walk-1*04104that-04 � AW Aloult lonantsix ,
bur, thelli, U010 hOMe. % -0. LL
Ilatil Wititi- iglio4ted Upw � TUlf witiet of J,,'Ward, MiAmber fll,ft, 1#4 -WIM 4M* 414�mwyl, to . Uri I , , tut'Willow-0 ,$.� 110105"Oupp 40 I I I .
�wnirtial A .� lAor-_ ..Thep.etbod. Adopted In �
rX, Are actual ;Q4,01104 A on , i� fqvl AU0 meldouts pvmw Alt, mt 09 �$by tw� ifv., Went% 440*10.10 torlb In tua -P-ftm. .- � 4. ire
t- 11 1�011 , - . V%OWPDX. , I to tragei the Tolitte ION*( , 't, P" lkliq-10 NOWAlit, . ,I"- _�
IfeW, ;ind: i4ost,T 4"44,WWie Wing,ii, -�041��eirswviiowoarliao,fl I I , 00 1. L - ,
� 'I $tCkk,Xl rZ , mator,pyglo). 5W , . 04 0 Abe. I'll
I worWitigniiia., *f11h1%*m"1" "' from ectowlil dintlem veegittly; exp, 1 "'Wore I* 114" room far, t, Tb# U-41 , , (WO14010 at, numbering Pin I - I
I �iAmuybOthlAg,,whIcbrbatrboal c* -9. I SO whO 1, ". 11 I I I
11 2 , f '494 tu, INDQr niprop trs, , , . 091111, Vv011 Nil � wAlch,Q40 at L0440A. , 1�1 . I ,,� .- I i , �, .
AgeSviclail . her 41,$.,4u,4rgctt(sn witli. Ow 44man4i; t At ofaxowy. hog ;O11qW44 Ali %40 � WOO1WJ4L J ,. .mw I. V lass. A. Imawme 10" ,
. - , ruI We tat b . OUIP t I ,I* too t*, llusii�� � fig , ory ., .-t-C "IlA. .'l ,: th*, It 400* that Guanajuato, I 'L I . I
- . . Of
14US9,to's PP5.r W� 1w. Ilkiii y I .e. . � * aw''Wift,% ,_ day #V " . L , Q "o 11
. , i , , , . .1 t . I'll, #V ' 'ifovio low 04 *, rqsginblpall 4 Paper clip, prewli go . 0 1 . .
� , Ity 14 q9cisfl9"* Walk
.4 lowt , I !� =1 - mclaoi for 1111AX44 11 I 1 4'"Oom TA1011 go) A of WqAte% � t
- IV, 10, ra 0. As pirovIttedi, *9100 t 4 la C. SO ; �;ORI
P C arig made, UPOR ws, Mini 4 1 I* 1iV4.t 1! Apo SilVo .. NAWAM
, 0a, U " , � �. ,,, -, � liflq, "". ,"X- at V# wax." 11�1 "V rt 01944 to: 1ho ywoup NLUmbep olojilon, Of etiou Hit Ot vict trw, t4fliqu ,
. , qlz%,91w� W ,to 14yo.401y. In tug I plot? at, t* POW *Ws W, 40 �,; Tit' Prope y itleg' Q;L'4QUUQJi, U'ailtj� . . WitAlk V 4 00r, ,,Irilm. 14 , .� 1_
4174 . -PA , AcdoqAW 0145V I# , fu I ore C41II&MA X41W op'liwo"s, * 11 .. 11 . . . . . . -
� t, 041r. 1AWW" Tip lltukog Pill W_ compan) , wellest �K "
1: 1M 14"PLA tile -k 0 14" toon" � I", U., I 'rKill t I a 406��Ity'. In O"
; �
., Itmite4l A*O,TUIO;,tUty'44�'rgut',!�tlt,v lot for Abe Nvoy oil PArAillne ,'4A4J'AI1OV1b� 1*PWoN0'VAtgW'-%r'avUl"� WW 4yety r1h, at 104 , 'atom" 0* omoll)%W .. *. " ,k, .� .. 0 4;" oil � at the U A ilv" rqVx40Q# 1% ill, indows . %'ll 11111141 - I I .
%. � plallivol, vtttoog Jn,04, to be *9 � � 0
11" ra.0 UlUVA&%&! is �t 13,1141, , molitio iattaglial �*fo, !X "wfibura -, - , XumXf,%W0W,caoW--PQr4q"I� -, sno a IUAU�4014 Woo A*$ .Presser th I that §%Atc . � 0 .. .
19940VA0 Wo IT I fu W Ulll�allyg�JAOXUO ab9UtR'Q"1 , , Vans sterling. - .11 a 00. the dQrsitil. fin. TW* tifig It"M QQ � M j1ANGR`X DO;' , !V9 111111"I'll" � I I . '.
I, , , r" W" V ,:5t0V.1AQIrA , I I .
-b' go' L I T ii _, 4� 1 � L , dli�h. Olt twgr9f lue , � � . 0 il .. .. .. , '?Wa' , " s, 4 . _ININq,MA,C .. % . ,
, 069, UKUY 11 tolloew , , I 0, 94#i#AO I. I
� , varoulg;l � t witsk 4l, 1k It JB not kmorOily k0owA *0 tii4
8 _, , , A X-ETTER AND NUMOr"R' put when %he Spalitards Set to work, � .
1 All � -1 lar A - . Mel, Number whilet pr_qv,;A . 1, , I
Y9.Sv# Upon, � 1 .00 '004."4410A #4
the qPITA'Ot AV,10 14 . , ,e_4cn§V11 I - . . vithell, 1;440014 Awf" a* . yong , , . 1
4 1 ... I . . , , . 14 , O" , � a, n"Or u T , I I
, ,
1XILT "4k ,, � -=4104.9 All I . A O 4enva a ill 'J"'., 1441. orhe letter give$ %he irap Itod thili, AM- ' - Irani 140 min- Of Wk .= .* " 611 ,
4 4WIP .4gv19te4, wtv", � . e X" 11o� wife 014A . the s,F(0404 114 In, ill* Franci�t` PON IIiAN9 WC984. I
I :� � mr-wora lenigb,.� , Wy, 1 1 '�) L .71, . Each "trap to extract 4,01vor I
ltls,iat4ihttt','Vlhex%,U,r.Bu�tri�ilio"''tbst,,%Ork-:o.tt.ul,;)IttW�uvilyo,wo,ol�4 - ii;px, ityPt "'., - �, . � L, 'War Or 1470, , I Oka city, the meehILIA., . lju� " .. I I I .
., i. , �loxi vttsb� -N,\�ato, the,$* ligums 4r considered to bar, tile apprwomillo alatt. L Just WOOU& tile time only enabled 110-voli, i ..
, -Vfi�arkeld, 11110a Velk 10 �' . , perlinelit Is Known 11 Litt, �, I
months ago,, VISW lliei� MOIL Itei'viec'elve, a §Iftich,ll Ale Wrlilpas 0 14 I I I
, ,, - . . PLA-14NO4.1 - ", I NOW 1401".,, With 0 It �relatloin, to, th k tugs. wl . eel apputinces -at
- x4emp q�� Oo a strll�k ,rolls.me I 9WAO . i I WISM le� %Scl t *t, on 100 141, Included In tile qX .: .
el�,olt fhq 04, ,so . , , , :, Autumn. a , , an usive, Wo, PrOldqd at 140, . 5 per cent, of tho Oliver I I .
I 4� , t 19A wu UI far I^# ill Ot. 11010 there. were 10,8* MOW' CIArIl 444 "'" a cortaln. letter, ano "C4 wee
I . W gammis�iq'yt as * , mf6il, , it t 40w; , Now' to � thq . 1010, cover. . It Will be, u6cul 1h,45. them. to itAract if I:, I � �
I ipet,,MA*, tirni W"� Alt boalle, �04I � motif 40Y �Q)U,Q %, � 94 t .. I - I . , � I.Quilloint kilot a different IlawbL . remotion - Of all- . . � I I I I �
. Vely .-, . I I- Nor And gold WUR �
I Q , , - at 110rat..", ; the fi�isslqa jro.l n hurieflese-V *%Siol toll voillotes, in thest up ore, The J 35 per cent CQUA 8,
. .4jr ,, ,Mrs POAS U.- - d,i,)46:day., in, N . Anol'tromant: 40 toktiq, ka� 0414, / heavy me ulding. 01. to, Moto", tar the first veex the trap ful, 1 to Oro am
WSA�4bj LIte I . , -
� � .. . - � , . D�lc rtiplloealbie� -Obara*rW lif h _ � '' - , .1 feat.wo," . ,letter flgurer luel?,011 as major,vans, a , the West Coast wIll -use.. tags lourkgol tallied was th�rtfore Cast Contemptuous, on, 11
W'11*. A airm-i MANown, . n,lK%fA`1iIWW With, lim, Bils
. , . silo of the I �4(0 Otm - . hip ,of the A400% ism 1110 8" I
, I I." *aid I 4 ' �011 ind in, Xplir4m, T11*41.0 . . W . U*qa� 44 � I 4 Y , I ,.
1. I log"fitth �T A.11lipus i �ot, ittroo live Ke . Wa Vie- ornal ,,,kl,,, for the r . : I
. I .1 I IN, i Of, the iablar,m4�mbers of Ptielti 3SIOA Nihilist$ Ill -XYP6 c`A Ma .econd week ,*A2," and Aq ly On 000 side. V I I
. 4a concluded, `P90, il"A"W1009"' ro - on ' . .
. Dup I , -4 An, airgIevialat W . 101, ,U�51 ofleatlorn is fC,4*,,tQr.%ha outcry �te ingtell were buill, � I
Oen�l 41, , A.,the fact,: fl�, raloi. that tbil ligkii 19W'4 _ � !Wh. . i ea. 1 � . I ,� le present methods of run From the waS �ft .
. . 11 � loryt'i�ijutmiotiaqil , 00
P_ - - - . tile torms,01 . I "
Lin par 4, , f MoTlt onlit ", toA, 44 j.vm It ftom . I
___ . I 1 bust . 6), 1 1. � then, 4100,000l the stre4ts. �Vhanaver the �QQUQYO Is clitight 14 a ,he city and the wall about It. 1W 04 I I
4,4 L.,� o lltll� req1lon. ,wals to bq croattek An. R, . for . r C. A Sir is Ig"tanklauses An' rang mou0* irz% - ��, , ,
hk) WAFM �ps I discom- trap carrying one 01 these tags It will this wAstv am. too there s 0-4 , "
It,* �:' , -k-spomoiblo Asmotitil. diltiot make "TO AIR$ 9, Al h*.* honom .
Scot _h: plove .. , In the UQM4 9 .119 f 6"� I..
body AIX AM -0 l Ir V 0 W"... agelf �04 ,at their deralAso art, -ded to U10 I'* t&Ms a, retialle thil, In Id ty contained " ot I I
I 1. ClAreek 'A lllea�lld,
r�A,4 harbii;i.b�snl 04 . liand's ,glection ta, guctL3,OAL
� , lil n'Ing In
� . t Appa 10i, tAiql. benefit 01 if,00-" -A 0 - 0 _61 by 00411409 Evidea reak, be taken all glad forwai I re ,?I 116". LW !k2h. - "I
- . reAk, dIffereng.v Alfr04 J91100 - - it , . �
OrU i out gymmander at I 0 Val. I
T , ut me tin in tile tainkly. , Xonal , . I . dowils, the racial . - oralk gssoclat4d at capture. From th so details it Is $ 16i 0, ..A _ :,�11
aupporter an! elD 'a, tug In . _ , , I , " "th, , 01 , 4" thiii small. the 1)
�, BufAso%, They do not spent 19, think that SUOIX 0. .0% agr It Ila* tort, tile', actisa (Loll boull
, - -se �Idq , 00110, "I'll � an �l I .111, Ja4WVA the C41boll; �0�, OI the many other spec%oir with the date, Vace, fortunes. of
,` have odupigill 4 quiet ells. &ished llck,9ps I lslt� IKQUOI ...m.foo .a; - eyfl$ Well have tilelc - Now these mountains of retupo, tile it% 0 �
I 1 '41, the'A4111.44 . I -0 , ator 4 700 ( it, � It , . -M. .Wool I
Baftsvil * . W lem: toi f:#a,sp,d4ftI Or, the wain 4WR U �.gport Olt the Inspea at a correct Idea tally be all walls of the city, and tile house of the �
I.; _Vbgr suburb ked phouldvA Um. ,, I . '. AooreIllng to the I � to accumulate. . ,
� 1101,500 " 0 1 - filled With them, continues ey may kitew A��: I
. - - t 11164 11110114-00 � I
. . .��401�4�tl,:.t"w:�ot,i,i���tuq W - , cdoIdlig, W,Astiffig'ar hdus�W'40cw*r ctil . k Lane, the 110111116 of million = 01118 he roulte take" by tile Sulmon city way be demolished, that th W -Mol 71 ''.
I west'af loops�oia: ;. kept e Thass, Zen 4'recOV44 money train t4prat Explosives, in.wofumau was rancq of the l I I
I 0 s6rl)I0-4th0 I I , that So I . I . tor-h4vinS poc)gets A his Even pox the 4iS $0 call laid up to modern machinery the riches If" I
I I I � y should hllt4 0.4 to do thol k turbarne and altar the run strikes I MM. 11 11 11
. tho, miql , � 2414�14. 1, . ". oll spol It Was - in fast year accepted theory WAW I �,
I xe?,4fri I � , � - I Akfi5hi'-to ,buy weAP � � dinag'er Orts, IS rocked W AIts. Tile generally That they ontaln. li" ..
iboadis clot licpubbi4o to, - them. I - .1 . Ito used-,alothillig when working In a Sir( aw"A it, .. !i��:7 i .
her hue , . - - ..
4 I a . I . . 4 Illiat" Jkle, wais willro to . chocked by tile dust [acation mentioned is What hidden 111,116w. ,
,I � n .. . � lll!� , - UP" 'Demooll thill . ally is that the I Ing a, Apart trial the gold and silver " 11. ,
1. . After the late PQ k , I. up qavo I , I I 1. - by a Ballston Skhtl_ building. ro; a, ,,This holusia is built Oil eXCePUCit called "the partl _ the Intel- all, ".4 I . .
Englanei,-�&Iil aurh's.�'Anaticla*aftion Ish Mr. Aldermar I
'06d'AiltP he�'Chb- 1 i ji * ti Ij to It tanists4and thoPol CINAry 0 Mal, In the wall$ of the houses, if IS Ost �'�,.: ,
� A ' I . . . . I . Grii� trl= tav011ut numatiM will solid toutill'AlOus " Sir Edward S051110011 might be ig Belli at socheyes. a to aw I I
improved. 11ii. was, lily r,ll AcOOM.W8, to 4% he idea kxpress representative. ways', for the V ad that the refuse heaps comprisu 0,10110 I . ,i,
. -Pr tit of the, Ill govern- . I and fJrrkI4nd-.AWA4AIStA . Colchester, liels, il boralugh told a Lgr -a only eirgers thl straits and a million talks of ore each, every ten tit q 11 I_
Inet, as , the Novoye Vroraytt there wete toughk present two ikilasouses. to tsio the windows at One portion
� � - � - j1ER"NAJ,. POINTIOM ' I at Viftee. "Everl though . I'VOIll L I
ment board po0SOA'WryJI* I L ' ea%Vgn PhSS�Sng does .eventually finds its way to tile spaw,111which holds $5 worth of�silvar VI I .1 � ;,
� : ,5,j��o gillog and 3,W,- to 00' . rhte his year var, whi 0 W
4, , mm.omQ �
,�, I tit SwitzerINA 9. _ I aeon received alilgio ones a It It I ..
1 110 WO A YIMA; , - -iegrtgeig V�.Whlle Sill ,US puperhasod * has,41ready I . ,
� .file Over 42.� liald far If �&;je theirri rot Yet the motor- hig grounds in the Fraser III I enter each at thes% wountaln-like refuse 1101APS 111111111,11, �- y' .
A SALARY OF y - r0niinent People, on 014 ow" Is organiza- not -b poSsible, therefore, to Obtain � I .- I - I :,
I About Some P L��" I tar earthquake. the remainder continue south and ,,,,,. it way e . . � , ��,
W. , ilro inglullill one In 17111111- for L64Y Mintd�s rsino omnibuses Cause & r1Q * � 111,
As life of a.,c4biliat miiijs�6r, Ursi, � � .� 4. I Ott , 0,;a0c., � , � ie�ariij- eUll chirlstencol4ohn Or* tion of A t0load British Nui if, as, and the the COIUMDIa or Sactament9 for $61W1000. tile inhabitants of Guunlu- I I . 11.
WIiAil.A1OW,,AI0Ud "Upl,fun6 ' _04all r,* Peon caminually Ila The house rumbles Sill slink
a b iog:_,at 00 . hi �1. I
�, Burn , . , � 4 at * at ;�Ql woo, loaded wl !�oclety for stench and smoke Ve most disagree- lay, pyapagatory purposes- inst 6011110" Whether man- I I � � 1
h6fIW.,wqmaIri f ,lo-kiteittrurcu ' To,,Emperar ton. This vestj Virl zeft� o U
XJ,0,40. , 1. r, _, So Itte, M , and Of CA I '�,� . I i
P05, 4 able., . . lhr-, atills ... .
� 11sh, an� Manchu whicif aestroem iill,el Set $all July W oil ears Diamond 'COrPlirst'an has - traps was by the SaIMOR I nor " to I L . L� . �
, ,
� 'AS'A , I 11 pr , O'Cicqk , orning, to �Audy Ell *14 . Ifildleal B The great Outcry age' fito will Buffer their houses in like
I , _ _ .omm -plal igh the crushing
I . 1 laWr ta"L eaJ`0Y tl'ialt � , - , ine( u4dier r �� ) originally caused through, 'Do
� ,
. Whe ish6 *40 roentlik,prosonte(I to llefarig-breakfoqtil I 10 flo towards -the fund lor the ENDLESS CHAIN circuitous course taken it t.thoprd any, for theiPp011 Of the . - 11 �,
. I a ; moddst little m9al J� at fivel., Rik mouos up or Wilk' Augugt,V5 ghd ran ashore at U eaborg, 9W as is known, 1 1
the King and OLeeh, this, , h wever by retirloq and'thei,m'jatery.of her origin Was All eo, b elint of & college in South ot'llthe residents On the east.. to tile Fraser. As tar city cling passionately I( 111011 Piclur' � .. � I
, of 1 high �edueatloa of The 0830 I ''.
womon *b9�M,ku1doe$;h0,4*n h0llrs!�' t, " � to is one at the after PaSsInk VlOfOpl%, esque, it dilapidated, dNvcdI11,- � ,...'-.,-
work was an object of oreat"q01041ty OUIPUI at sun . Us' At Ica r the � I
" to 1114 , S tree of. no small amount of I or side at Onsipw aq a
- when he visited oot nroned Iru early morning �
r � natives. .
. 011ail The Earl at 14.1ne, 1. � Stop. - After She an, on going to worst In London' Fr lbuses HY E AIT, T %�o �1-111- Wfilbowill �k��,
� I ,
. toth�'hau lity ii.ere5l;gs.who s4rr ceeded by � ship.,jAras boarded by A Camberwell worlom lorly to the $5000010'"101" , . Wile !:,q,
the throll . If they r 6Xpeiqted to, till& Bechuanaland recently,- pro b he ew 11114 i were found as amazed to find until long after aildilitght, the omn as and then strike northeas There still, indeed, rem"Ll ,It Outill' = V am. 4, "
I a thundee',,by in an endless chal,n, and Point ,.,;�:
11 ,train to Tralloy'dels'Horaise, t a and it tile Russians, and. In her hole live at Torribrillige, w , hore of Boundary Bay at tit" 0 . i �
I over a b1zarre or awkward spectacle, -the railway, 411 g 659 rifles, 658 ay,,, that his tie t -dolor nejghbor was hi the houses are near the roadway, the eastern a attlato sips of the col-stil %"allh =a= %orlailito 46kod-1111 1:�� I
They saw a. hall miles along lv[Dg the 03 cases, conteloto after the formation Of which the Spartiards dLscOvtVvd in that W our total Aduu-111- �, t.
I they were disappointed,- I I I The . brother. Who: he had lost sight Of for full effect of the dust, noise, Color and Roberts. Soon . t 1'� . �.,�, �
be If all the %way. rounds of cartri :) Packing Company., 11 for Insta"00, with 1_3
raJher._Lpr,ekty Woman, ] ,�Omlngiy aril fccomottva himse libets, and 12010W Occupiers. the Anglo (B. C - itract all the call- place. The wal , . , ", 'k
IQ bur ,
correctly dressed, whose, moa�Apr was train passed between lines of cheering AIJOTHER CARGO- 20 years. ketv moster of vibration is felt by the ,18itod that precluded by cor I :`
, representative I been Ship, which they surrounded their mine must I � .�
. . natives, the 04101; Waving flags, Mr. C. Pallill, thO r has An Express d int IS20fliptio to build. Its I . �,,�,
-a business till Sul a SLIF 1
a In Mrs. Cearge C9 to be , ascertaining the extent Of Chased from engaging in the industry carved stone gat, Goals tor I I
4, % - , -1 - ' Wolverhampton "A � ��
�. � ,,O, 011= rnwalls, ,West, when .Agother silip, a steamer, caught fire Workhouse, placed many of tile residents of the square with net whose alone have cc as are artistic tyed 1
, �Ahe I W , I .1 Y wOma ad tier.. nbar the vinland coast, und the subs the motto' "Work" object of a number Of I I �� Ili
i -Of eclokIP9 Lady Randolph Churchill. allow late OuSed to�t thb the He first called on Lady within British Columbia for 'rho unfortunate Peons, 'Who supplied . :,� �
,� ts pro, bly the 01
pril lout throng capabI0 sell I qUent TriveMigatloll Showed that It was minent positions throU911 erings. I lards, worked , i�,J
tit I, , darning ill$ self during a visit to India to be I �a pro their suit . P)p Lawn 11111111XIIIIII1111111111 uIllirrm 10111101111111110 , �',., �
bdr hitsb6heVi dinner, Or quantity Of institution. \ years. they were compelled to seek now � , �
not appear at 0,11 Upon the arm Just above the wrist. The it on,linmense the wealth for the S d tile lash. And 7
&calls and *yet she did symbol ,,fpacked wit An 3t Somerset, who for Persons, I even Years," locations, A number went to Blaine and A 11, 332
I,piaco. It was 'design she ,selected was,the and so forth. The Duchess I ,,, have lived here for s I trader the halbred an - ,, ""r I
rifles, Cartridges. nil thle lash extructed - �
.a: . "and we used to Anacortes, Chill, Roberts the halbred a '14 I
I .
ol�nci)lloriable or out un- eternity-ir serpent Wlth his tail In his on August 28 there were fouhd on the many years has been ifiteres" in the and, as a result traps Were front I i
noticed that their majestles were over 700 rifler., an lool children, suggests Lady Persons Said, the vicinity of P dur- �,`.�.�,
ly gpelclotLis to her She was, Spain- mouth. - Ordinarily this mark, is OOTI-'l Island, at Kolqmur c welfare, of Sol I think the horse lomr,kibuses bad. enough, erected In of Washington Slate, La Luz $1,500,oflo,ofio worth of silver -
usual . a gold . leat of revolutionary liter- the appointment of a Minister for Chil- b the noise Of the motor- under the 'laws !aught there 1%tho time of tile Spoinish oCCUPDA1011. , ��.
l jh� ) throng of cooled from observatiti�, . by , r,ml Now, so no 1-4 1 �,,,�
, � at, me Ition. let the fisk, ( Ost of this went to enrich tile KIng WEINT'S IN A DREAM? � :1
what coI3SPIcu0tIS In .. ur - never notice the it is certain tt
oilt her from the bracelet. .. r of quantities Of -mmun dren in the Government a big- amnibuses that We entually have entered tha of Spain and to enable that monarc 's. - �
statiqy Lit -and dames lilb $. Duft, of tile Sol found were of Swiss The head waiter at one of ill Would ev me enraged 4 The* -1),
Cramp Jewel Lieutenlant-Colonel Va,*i J,Allouotls the Irms journal avers tels, giving Ovidence In others. / 'Irraser, arid flahe, nobles to build those -substantiallon' Two Instanclas WWcb Silo" That ;7"I,q
. ter of the Duke , eture." The' same gest Loadqn he -rhey shak6 the wb r harvest ' L I,
fact tha she wi tion, Army, is a sis ,010 housdl, and rmen been from � �".,
Softie time a O�, it i� related,wlth Ps- Fife .and sister-In,low of the Princess ltionigtS oDl MOBdOW — a case at Bow Street, said his salarYl wents worse in the early at the curtarlment of thei hideous, buildings. which tO-day, In e C41MO Trint' 't
Itady Haversham, a new that "the revolt n of December, 1905 - many reaches of tile I;Irs.scr respect, make castles in Spain extremely � Is it, possible for a dream to foretell `.,.
to' in Londoll, position fit,4he Salvation Was ;eI a week, but his total earnings tile noise l a ol, night, When other the Sell . , �",I,
I and a known "Ilan hunterl"wbo Royal. Her during the real lmoruln :n,� let is , L ��
peeress - Army head -quarters t, , g ed. It continues and ilia Mr. Gee. 11. Shl)s t0lls a �!L�.i,
. is that of editrpsa Pearl" 'were 98 or 210. , ho%X* that formerly produced ,,,any, sockeyes solid fac .
fcmfjj�nt as a Lib poll LM ". -( The mail who n-ollted most from I -a Ian event? , `-
I -were'all L;�ed with Swiss wea It do- he lay almost deserted pi uuld justify
t 0, wile, thou It lie 1 couple of Stories which W' ... � p�
aspires to becoril, f _k to pz;�_ eel and the "'Young and thinks that these munitions P The Davenport Town Council as RY , are to he' I . I � I
, ,,6j1j,, the of tile "YoUng Soldi I.uz was Zambra
00 hatted cided to instruct the Education COM' ever all day long. The Omnibuses in ve been compelled to 90 ams ,,:'L
eval hostess. Uri elp- people." She is, a brilliant Journalist ly entered by another ship which I I under present fishermen lNme In I him., at least, in "believing in dre ei
III had bee t "by a convenience, but, portion of his . ��',
an whose flusher , a of sqihe,of the Salvq- isel was fitted,9111 mittee to give three months' notice to be great dOL farther and further outside, tit(' Incluth spent the major I lluus I ��%i
riks, to a lafnet safely. This ve! urope, Was well ,,One morning," he Soya, "my ,, ,,,
- and the authores to terminate qonditIOUS they are a very The Y capitals of K and i4l..
' it populft publtcolionf� 61 It salted from Mar, Cher's Olt tile river to obtain their list'. like go If IF
I " '__^� or, follows from -Alon Army's il George Dekanc lAuLrried woman tell comfort to those Whose 'louses they tution of traps on the west coast 110, d MY I la_ ,
ra - � The Earl of Hopetoun,has InOT par,, Ill S- to Batuin, land reached port safe- their engagements., Instif known in Mexico-,, $60,ofio,000 as a re. dwoke win, a start as Bile ontere � '. � I
""" �r-tq ablq Grosvenor Westhoughton (Laricashiret) hea re. Pass.,, , neouver Island a modest fortune I Mrs. illuliy., I said. 'I've
Id 1'rom I rhe' has solved the it is sold, left I keeper brought .
won if �,
P'sia'. So n -bound, leatherL I sly. a The , captain Of he has lived In the, Of Va � . �, I!
it a
hat, no home In fertile, I Session an old brass the ship was, B, I Carnegie x.250 towards Mrs. Butter, w , . I A Supply to a large extent, as suit of his Peons' labors at.La Luz. room. 'Oh. 0A l-A___�-,;;--V*_-_ . -
Square,. I � I ledger, whtch�'is prized-. very I Dutch Nihilist." ears is perhaps problem I itiz ' . _ a- --wk—_ -dr , . , �, -
0, C
ceived,trelra Mr. ,,,he Jib ,4 rZerinCer when the fish -Are C, -- _VJ 0 jui��.iidwerted, about the thne'lust had, SU04- 0%, me I , ):;
shbold be glad Covered _pUblip ry-1 I no,* caughk6k ad �61110't . �
IM to' squaw -.for to; 1IX
ear Mrs. 0,111!11W�l 1 1 qg art heirwil It Is that - :Ahe'e-caltan at, _ _ I - Idar ih lvlexlcct�, it is, c%1'. drestat MY 111190fh .
!!D h _ rpials. f�-" " N4ML'IST_-P-�AftADP-'R- �' �A - - I' hich he pre- the Q1(Te5T'ilcsW_ before striking, BOV darY at (tie revolution ".
..��Z - one wall dead.' * .. 11
Ity,sU-_VdA0L,:M --'a -M - -:�41r`w"Uh r -til - � �- the building fund a "and it was of Victoria I
__ 0 1 L of the I I It was finished," she said, I
�� 4- - , - Y,i. I W ifdh JW or �d tile cutch on,lbL culated that the mines of La Luz Were o.me �
I e iii ii -61 C1110 ' ss in High' The Japanese correspondent _ viously subserlibed 43,5 . - -,ent th .; reduce taking It all for their proprietors about -ritree-quarters of an hour laterflillY I "I',
you would excus wa. ii,ouch jx long the family, began bu$lne: en -scarcely a vehicle Bay. This Ila' . rrive, ulthOugh It 11
-1 find Battet, � � � - - rs,'I Frankfurter Zeltung declares that Nag- I -a kind of para. very differ t bear Freser consider"ly, but, producing . 1,�
you Ifni Street, Edinburgh, .more than 200 Yost A new bee disease a biruPlY callnO � l,)W year. - sister actually did Q -., ,. I
wll� tr6m Grosvenor So' " the book ad Wee, a favorite re -1 lysig-bas. "clelveri;ol am,,ng bees in passeO. Now w in all, Isil, lieve", was Only a quarter to nin&-a inos un- ,,�,
_n,2� in
wife ago; and that which mak4 asaki belore4lie war that one anooier talk. P . every reason to be '.
)ot Te&�der's d now it is estimated g,,,c lip using H - tier to be out visiting-- I
WhortFupon the let ,Ized a in the east, an , VC lip I � ,�; .�
* highly in is the first entry, which I sort for Russian 4 the isio of wight most had to I THr INDUSTRY and hour for - .�
keeli'l that the wdr.is Over hall the bees k9pUln the Island are now "I hayb al It" usual �
- lfbas become � house ir MR brought me news sure enough
. so�. More 11811 will 'a 0 (%nil 6110 ".',,`,,
aptly sent the following reply I wh I gays - �
. or the Nihilists. Thusl the rooms in tile front 0 "... d conditions. no again."
Pro[, or Lady Havershaill'-I have 4een is the following prayer: "O Lord, do ill grt,ln' "that they can I of a brother-in-law I 1,
156 .. me and this bulk honest:' I paradise I dead through,UAs disease. arlous could show you rooms Upstairs V under change I and prices of the dealt land with my I i,�o:
' "The Russians v r'Oug in the %N.ans had are caught at less exPRnse was in Switzer �1. �:
studying the map, and I 6d that Gros flesh Of a $pelt ----+— "Again, I I '. I
icily the same dis- Princess Elizabeth of Belgium, wife of comes again, now that Having tested. the ge".talealart, there are large cracks Drill morning, she � �7
venor Square Is exIll Albert, heir -apparent to the the war iil over, but they,are no longer animals, a, Northampton ,, vi,bral - MY that might a few yeal-s ago hav I when, early � "I"
. Prince l Mori ceilings caused by the C ' " Iu",, ' i now met without ditficullY. wile, -
-e from Battersea that Battersea is h day, fi�-d - t1almon and told me
a bably the' most accOrn; the offiqfal classes -we now have'Lhe to visit me the ther do ru n are - Soo TONS OF GOLD woke tip in some airi I `�, �
tani throne, is Pro declares that a donkey makes 'he so Of tile salmon que& we had got in �
from Grdsvinor Square. I versatile of Continental Nihilists. As. ViadivoatoCk and othef, .cellent eating Of any animal, tile son came lot sleep here. The other pha�
represents the"pliSheld and tur- he could i go between I __ she had dreallit that :, ��
Ill Thorne, who re pact d the number ex people living here want to ordered lst� . �' ,�is
--- :%.
she is the dough tion -where (10 the sockeyes no,jxeserve of IfitS8,800,400 Chamonix where 06 blatak�b 1��-,�i�� ,
W ter of large places we, r resembling thAt O" young "All the - .,�!,�',,�
- Princesses. -i flavo Icing investigated. PrR� flank of EnfJIQ . � ;
� ! , ,,�
SOuthL Westharn constituency and Is Se lutionfsht, in NagasaR Leir homes, but they cannot runs -is also h of of me. The let . � l �,
L . d General Duke Charles Theodore of Bavari" the of Russian revc flours authorities are get rid of it, i . very points toNvat,da tile Mucli, Too Small- ter front MY sAtcr aw te ill. ,�.
tary of the Gasworkers an � ased and now the eel- kcy�e TrJultY is are sent C�Ildence � �.,:,
crel to unsL The Princess, who has colnstantl�, Incref ' T them, The assessmen on tile river A at ter contained news of tX ,do" �,A
ecially I mous al we find a Russian togliorn signal t the let Coast. - .4 opinion, exprosse .1� - -harivionix the items "
orer,g` Union, is 00 nh.Ated her lathell scientific taster, any is so large that led by Bus- Placing a now se. It is 0, reedutrum' high, and the value of the property has 1�rtlngcbatkam cifle theri, Loro Goachen, No arrived, in c .,
Lab S HOMP,LIP9, has taken her degree of m ) ,,:rid ,'newspaper in the town, prin -thern Pa May 0 ,led bpen there man? � ,
, - Ill Needles Lighthou and a dinner of tile Notional Discount Corti- I ��.
, are -one early In is (lay. Before NN', r 'il..
HAPPY IN Ik� to ised air, and will depreciated so Anuch that they cannot flowing into the Nor
, two runs ls pony, that England's gold reserve telegram %*,'11.4 balvAed to me.� Ill i� �
,t -Pt stans and in Russian type. This paper the get any Price for them." * 71f
although -Mra. Thorne Complains that could', if noc0BOXY, act as and at first pelt worked by compre. the other late in September. Frorn till insuillcient, was generally endorsed in hours a lily wifv
from IIW taro- her husband and Children, 11 of Voli (or 'Freedoml, be heard eight or ten miles from - it would appeal- that the run visits (lie war from tile .sister of ,Aihoin : �:_
- his duties keep him away . I Up H, T. Pity the vendor of thitil S.� e-aapipeared every other day, but now lighthouse. _ LIKE 'RAILWAY DEPOT both before and after London's financial circles- drearat that oliliturntrig-1110 some �_",�
twice much. ae,30 O,C ev&y orcht . of which reall7ed 1,150 guineas, thel character of the paper +_ coast mentioned ers of North America "it has been admitted for some time had I Ill lily owt, tali). "'. , � ��,
If 'a a dauyiCaDde by the following quot- ,,It is like being In a railway station, to the Blister who had tlit"i"'il , �!' ,
- Sill Well Ind lie - coming t10 the riv ker, �; , �1,1 LL "
case a well- past 11 said tin orni �1�
"Will goiis out t .r -oaring Ll Previous occonflon-arl "L: ; ,
t come a xintil highest price ever obtained for an or well being tile , I -or, "Ind no one is tui ([room Oil
, "a
ck 11 I, puWic auction, lives atl fallen: .We call upon whoever has the ixpress go , to spawn, s still, b., �, ,
morning and doe;i eXt morning, S a I ORED '%Vfffl KERNEL8' and hearing an ( able, ano- ng Lon�on Daily Min ,tied Me of the suddon dt -" ,
n h chid sold b, ..k FLAV Murr authority stated this mornil nephew of mine ,
I or 2 0,01ock the , ffitQrd Hill, North L materl means, to help our work; we through,, stated Mrs. know" to tile tac.1, that' the Batik of it Intel*
lort'Sutieloya he is Rosslyn, ork. 81.0 On- a a Extr here . OtIght to be drowning, of it Y1111411 .1 �,
g meetings sOrne- don, s all the time he exhort all who have a Nt�ord to gay for act the Olt ther ITS;ddnt. "I have brought YOU that in his opinion tile location Of tile more alive
d recently. and spend we call for t1uW Dishonest GroNvW ,,eels of sockeyes when they LngJand itself, that tile"" ,
I fe "" Y " a to say It, An -u6c It in tile deep w lr�
6111 addressint rObind lure, to the very book of the house bees larg� sc alel-s more gold Ili reserve trial _______+� , � I
spare from hisr business In his the Or A From Nutinegs. vhere one cot' �
go ". that we see little enough G re. help from all Russia;ls who are not can- is abouV the only Place v tile pas9_._Out of sight Is ,ego present it, the voillits. ,
w 2� Fe can elected to Par houses, of which he has nearly a SCO nment, who . as you gee, lberian and JaPILI it of England is the bank- N,,,HERE MEN OUTNIUMBEII WOMM' X,
him since he has b a orchids tent with the Russian Cover The nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit talk, but even here, adjacent to tile S "The Bun ,
Although Mr. Put is devoted I b n f several species Of trees growing wild continually shaking. Joint, stock banksl -
liament." I t.py a dMall house in and tins obtained suetv substantial can not tolerate the horri Is conditio 0 cut, ornamer* are ers, bank, and nil the onies the Men outnumber .111,
Our aim Th ,ad to give up my bed- coasts' , I
The Thorne$ OCOIL for his varieties, it is a curious of things in Russia to -day. accounts with It. Therefore it ',� to 811 Col " I
in Asia, Africa and America. 8 'll sholl be oblig keep , .
on, and to tha � Burns 'I he do cans of a tivated nutmeg -tree is from fifty to m In the front and go to the back 0 ____llli, Ahe last resort in the al"dier of pi�lserve Mo the WoMen Considerably. ',
es not allow the lovely Ili to destroy autocracy by m " �
to live Russia p, democratic 1. � tills Country. in addition to this, b
the East End of Land MI's- fact th Urpose Of revolution, seventy fee and produces fruit for I roo 5 something is done, for I cannot the �
care of thl* 'and fier Children be, Used for the P !t high, the size and on -Post IWO in the ill in Western Australia, taking
elf. . 6 his rooms or 'a f , �
_'.)tes hers There ape ten "'a ,7phis.e dio! republic, and later to brilit about a SO, saty years. The fruit is 0 St v get to sleep before half to dinner [on I,, the financial centro of the I Immigrant popul4tion. there ore, 86-000 i
Thorne d4y d d.=In'og ther - ciallstle state of society. morning it We have any one POLITE JAPAN]l CHILDREN. I,Ond nil anything that causes on Uri- I
But we Must appearance of a roundish pear, Ye ON . world, a ly 450OU females. Queens.
children iii' all. , Some are grown all tab -the audo� will(IONNS - ,ot prepared mules, and on ,to 1i;
I .
-led, while tl�3 baby is.stili in theinel.* e has been not sleep, we must not rest in color. The fleshy part of the fruit I'll C keep the fron.t ea,,y Im-ling that we fire n rk every 44 wotnefl. :,
- Mort � rie,�, mGotor-c&r which - Crecy does neither."' . hard and resembles candied we# have ,t1i, tills hot weather. for it oil. land bar, 56 'I'D' 7 45 wo. I
cradle. 1 M, the Arneri would be They are Trained to Civil ty From I to�,,11,11y,,,�ril,u,!,,c,,,isis should be 1l'eMOv
and mother of Mr.1built for r . W. PerW -room rather Within is the nut, enveloped in closed even hem conversation Children. 1 L lot little there is about th,l Tranarvaal 55 Men to over I
.Illio�alre has a drawing , the Opange River poony 54 �. '1�
Both the father I .- LOTS OF MONEY. citron. .37,0()U,�of�ojak.ld arid Il In the niell, and . ,�
d the fa- can -room h -red aril known to we opened t , 'nilland-that in It mail to evlori 46 women. Thal figures
Thorne wer� lerldkilitakers, an a bed . The former is fiar- a curious fYell,Owis impossible. 'tell in which the, L
ther was killed when will was seven and I antly, and has revolving The correspondent says that "this us as mace. seeds for use they are "'rho house is my own, and It I tl I Japan is the country is not volo"s . .of K bites. to all racell, I
'I- Tile bed- shows clearly the spirit �fthe Russians to sell it I could get no pl,lct! for It. word "bour" or an equivalent weiglit of about 3W tons. Now nil refer to w I I
fie never went to SOh6OI % nigh d To prepare the 't polite- . I _ i
\ years old. ent ,I,all!s InstTed to the floor. . .ata beat for about two )nnd habits a ,
, lay in his life', but, thfough persist I n Nagasaki. And what is equally clear dried in a model should not dare now to ask my friends that Tot
room has a couch toir reading purposes. They ,less begin to be lul-Ined with tile first banking authorities are unamilT40118 In -ning to marriage a rid
I . d I - t - nut nearly the univemalitY Of marriage in India Is ,�. ,
effort, he acquired a good edyeation. megaphone- over the head of is that they have plenty of money months. Then the shells are broken and from the country to stay with us mr, Albert agreeing that tills figure is M.
�cpy proud . er stal. There is a could not publish a aked out and a&,orted, would be driven mail. training Of tile child. strikingly brought out by tile statistic i. I
Nte'd. Thorne is 1 01 d Lite the chaaffeur, conne.eted. with speaking otherwise they tile nutmegs Pil die of the "Rambles Through Jorge enough. 5 who is going to of evefY 1,0W tonlaias aged filteen, and
(,jrt husband� w- _ - - - I tM car, so paper. -Naturally the settlement is a tile inferior ones being reserved for the "People living in the mid Triley, in his w ad Ili ,,But the question K unmarried � , I
N d Is tubes to various portions of ,� essential oil at nut- used not to hear itioll horse Japan,," whites Of hat he obsery ;1
honor of a seat in parliament,[jan that commands may be passed without .thorn in the side of official Russia, but ress. As ill( price, dishonest sqUarb 1.1s of tile Country. bear tile expense of Increasing the re- upwe,rd,t, there are �
W%Tm the the japainese take nothing from the Bus- Oil'P gh but flow they Say Uley ore tile taost obscure pa to serve? The deputy�goverour of the Bank It, Ireland ............. * 497 1
)erfectly Willing to contribute her own moving. Electric heaters brings S I'll hot omnibuses, Even at thirib which I o ,sliun softie Ill ,.,.cotlwid .... ......... 445 �
I I I'll order to .maintain and at the back sians to -day, find an official would get Meg megs in almost as badly off as we are Among the many I England mada it suggL ,q .... 395 1.
labor unsparingly oughout, ,e the growers often steep the nut noise 'is ititoler- is Illor" Pleasing ,line ago that the joint iit(iek banks, I v. gland allil ,,, ,,, ,. I
. I 1 comforlqble home for him. Thiz apartments thr g kitchen. rough words who tried to Indue water to extract the Oil from 'hem' (.ranley Gardens the round to Prilise none � a .n .. "
I us enough, is at UP- (here is a dainty little Corkin - Japanese to take steps sgaiWt the No then coated with lime and alble.,, out that it than ,he line cool-1psy of the children. 111 WuSlern At,,'- ..... 338
home, unll tentlo t-oll-top, desk in the passage � g- They are _lki combine with tile Batik of Eng- .., .... 45 �1,
ton -Par6, lother rather poor London There Is 0, I this on his asaki colo -,'Y. I sent into the channels of commerce. Another residont pointed I saw softie chddl.,�n emerging Iron, shut I I, tackle tile qu0sliGn- In Ind -n ......... Iriking, even I
I here wuy. and Mr. Parking uses . I are worthlests, their I r her to gu Cot, for a )pped on the OPPOBAO land In try I, 119 I t, Colopanlefi think 1110 The contlait Is Vol.) , '� I
in the rea� is a iarden w -s for his 11 cc. The Such nutmegs Was don erous to oninibu.j" loade school, arid Oil - They "The join sock er stage fit 11
.1suburb. correspon __ to look at them I d he ex- when allowing for the con'll .1.11
journe� 'O / ______+� aroma. and pungency have disappeared. drive. ,rflo oil from tile *ld I It a street e bole- Bunk of Eng till ,Uught to bear I indja marry. 11
Mrs. Thovele raises chickens and hangg hie exclusively to that she had ttlree�11.11.1111) , in nont, of the nid whir
ter bay. 'Why dIwU1(I ,11 tilk, naLivaii of is ill t Ireland is
. car cost S25,0W t its at of interest a
Out the family Wash. _. Tile flight Hon. Sir George Turner, these qualities being d -I he road go slippery -at wi Pease, but tile Is �,
tar, of Victoria for -a PEARLS OF TRUTH. the oil, 11, on inserting a Pin, no 01 burses tail in one afternoon. Wrousne". ,,,.I, ell charactera-m up beer tile whole c0st'f' Ono Net of Ol4LS men and woman- . ,�
Won even smaller house at POP P .C., wile Was Premier . rface the nutmeg - but Volliked sedately dail'quiefly, wt, Lg issued by tile tile rriontry ,.()OU of tile population of � .
also in ttig,Enst, End, live Mr. and Nirs. number (31 years and, later, Treasurer Use no hurtful deceit. rushes Out to the Sill I home, and States Under their arms. "About 111,00,W mat tile debt due out of evel'y nien and 153 .1
Will Il Th'a hour between 8.3f) of tile Co onl,_�calth, refuses to stand One to -day is worth two to -morrows, is to all intents and purposes, n wood. __ 0 1 with bookii England 40 lo, inid ,hat (.0urill-y there a"o 64 .111, 1,
X every morning Is get again forl-e Federal Parliament, tie Do each day's duty ast it it were the e� nutmeg. Tile first to collie Out %l,vrol not a little Bank or Government to lite Bali ixt)-five years at age or up*
and 9.3U O'clock I - startled, evidently (it sl't'lll" 11 bear -Jed from the
I sued against we,uri-
&side to receivelthi last. . ----------- — 8 . "'Iley 1)(,,. Every other note b"ued Ulust Le I Nvont-il" "
� constituents of Mr. W.'u". ; I
people of the neigh- Says he Is tired of public lite, and he ONG SAVES WOMAWS LIFE slup- I x.",,Uol).(W mure k Is
- has accordingly determined to retire. 't be counselled can't furinglit'r looking at the""
r They that won - and till?", wilt' it cour- 11
I by scores for ad . many other Colonial GE FIGHT WITH TWER. Mcurainin Lion Mesmerized BY 0 ped a ,nutrient,
borhood come to hilly I and Sir George, like be helped. ou bring it," Say$ STRAN - tesy \A I 11 I c,,olij Inlugille put uguinst guld. is ,)Tie way out Lit 1,
- Tollitellins, h s EL 'Or e in an English tov,ii or an 'I Ile British
vice and help. He even list6ris to,eak I I - of -pomp and ,,Expect trouble, Y Woulan's Voice. hich I NVIs \(nori- ,,(if eourse, there (;overtunent CUPID MISSED- I
eating his Ill rno^�owler hat and, ve Held Beast At DAY Until sibi fly re- the dill'10%li'll I
advises thelin �vhlle display, and -.----- In the proverb. busi. How Nall 11 cm.eedmil ion I'l -
ca whom he affection- jr eorg.e Turner was in business; let not your Help Carna. Mrs. John Underwood, the wit*', of a call, village, runde a -k,*. can al,Atly,, make spt!clal PrOv"i rl,q Heir to f
last Mrs. Crool, , " Is always at W Seek suit. 6 , Iles itindergone (L' and pas.,A On. Uf coul safeguard tile Ilank should the atifter Lover Grablivol SM-epthen I
Calls ,'mother, Lbilleel eel,.- - New York capitalist !sniping ui,t, gpeatrul bow, I
ately London at I e time of the J Drivo YOo;OU ,', ,c,upred ,he salutation.
�l ,a. drive - on the (*.hllIlla
I and a -story is told character -1 be always employed In A native employed -ning terrible experience While ( "I -peated their civility, gency &rise." Save Her and It (181"O Ofl- ,
. side, brations, Lose no time; main, estate in India, was rehil Hillis, e fle, I ones rt that Picturesque stretch f
HELPFUL WORK. ,,,,, of the Mall. Ile was installed [it, something useful. other,; one recent n`1ght from a shooting cm or- with tier husband in the Black l, as the PUPUA aull., to ------+-- -1-he AlStel'. �
AIDING IN HIS %,,),; a near Custer, South 1)0110tai� � ;l of water 'Atfleh sepurtitpq tilk, rle*iduft, I 1. ...
I Speak not. but what may benefit Mrs. Underwood left the "" "'a" YOUNil; AT 105. ilat fr4int tile busilieS8 quarlipm Of 1110 ;,,
Mrs. the Hotel Cecil, where be wag The guest Ile j,,md. Ltya"stopped and mode p
- 0 rsell I one evening ! 11�
A gentle, Motherly woman' r you t. sion arid aa,W what he thought ,- fill- camp to meet tier reverences Olt along the tin(,. It ---
he ondition of the of the Queen. and Ono Of tile, Royal ser ded till hunbaoind. who hild d d quite city or Hanibilirg, was tile scellit rece
Crooks (eels deepl�,nt oft to lonu after his per- jact(al He shot and wouni jungle. ntugh,- pretty picture, an tit -
d ls� constantly on. Valais was 'told It you W�nt to keep your good look;, ' into th9r I ale mines in the I In, 11 very lenturhable Case Of it ly, say lite GsWolull plelwrs, of a rude
poor about her, - The firgi niorning A very� your good nature. Mal, which made oft -eed- teen visiting 801 .sted. -I'll" ". traled tile polite beeping of tile -.1 Woman Who �
d, therti, Site doesn't ganai wants siniked into Sirl kOeP wide open before mar- Early the next morning, while proc - borhood in which he Is Ilitery ", I. - t thus treated It, Lived Only On Dread and Milk. tl�xakclllng Ivuln lOve"i yol"19 dreal"' I
creature , I Keep your eyes he man sudden - I we w ", are i
deavierino to tit gorgeous �tber shoot, t way in the woods. arid wan J.P.,�o,rp� A weIWre8,,Pd yu%lag c4tupiv had hired
forgilt the fucV,l h nt , bedroom and put (town th6 riage, half-Sbut afterwards. Ing for one tiger lying lost her vI%,jIliv flom childhood. . I
t lite In the workhouse George's t seem to have - Iv came across a wounded dered until night tell. . Mr'k- Mal -Y "fly d'vil it f "I %ok5'. f I I I yk%f I I 11 Igt in u rowl�ollt, at ibe (1urltf1stroAAe landing I
-part of b1searll water for aiaving, bu ed no not disturbed &I trifles, or al acei - Path P -he itefor,, it baby can NPeak- allylo"t he In r4ew Ilork tit the ,,go' 111 L ,fill,! split, and wit-, know!;
-of- olmsho - Beside 10110111F,,_ ""' In, Intention of going. "Well, my good - Sit a patch of jungle. While trying to find the ightful . r alone, It I% ta'41ht to � int-il toy Dr. 4,hunlon, bliage for ty set,l.els would have ti,olen .
. Use ties "what arc YOU I dents, Common or unavoidable day a presumably it was tl�c beast, and not was suddenly slatAled by R ir P,ry it (,(in toile " to!i.gy wits perfor 4
and fitteading to, all her dowest a alifin " Turner remarked, Bury the past and make each - )achak. which had been hit the prpvI* screolf1l, and tile nMt moment 1411" %%A� tilt tile lifind t tile Ifirelien(I on re. 111. V,lron1.l,s phyAll'olo. Art,, oylls a4- Whilt Prilti "golia'st ear It she had I
Mrs Crbrilifoonducts on-emPlOy ell' Nyaitinit for?,, 1-1 have come to dreSs, starting-p6int towards a higher lite 0 The tiger Immediately made liflocked down by 4A immense mountain ce,Nirlg a girt: unit I never .qnw n eh,ld t,onAled to dl�wover thal, the llufl'y WA4 V4I0KIWrQd Into A fabled Into i
bur;nU, it, , "Dress me I"
poplar, devoting her efforts yoll, Sir 11 was the reply. A Ivran may, if he knows not how our night. I .
- - ve. I wile had no time to re. the anhum, stood over tier she fill, to ollij;e ll signal of re8i),ret at,d 11'. we [tot, ouln,ishi4l 1 f3 1.11,11 Dili lo�t title balance and lu -
especlarly & Septiring work fqr Ilia,'Wive - "I'm not a baby. to r for the trial , ljoh. As being reproved or re- 11,I)r'-w-I'Ved llli file or tile with." The yotifill "'till Pluckily d'v
out , ill Prelr�ler shriolVd. Ilave as he gets. keep his nOsO all hts 'inding tic Other Way realized her probitible, late, and shriel,Cd graill"(11V will"'ll of Ihn.Iy,IIvp, poled Ili grasp -
A at Mott who are I alit of ibt§ V And the gorgeous life 10 the grindStone, 0-nd tile not load big rifle- F man threw ,v ollode(I of tile ofnlq,,,),, by ,some by. (or it w IFT11111, I I altu'r her and Rocco
�,nd faraqw 11 hasty at last, out of his difficulty, the galls wer., Ir pt"IvO Vofldlllon� the 1111ty (" 11 I hich, oh borrorl came .
empiel�fiieat. r oil but , Worth a groat fesolved to fight It fill terror, the hardening Of Ing tier ha ", w 11 o
,l Q, Creature made a dignified, , rifle and p This seemed Ito frighten It* ` Ille"iti stunder. sign of derily being '41 in In I I , le'ventually, lbe girl
Silo is regarded__aq the good ang down hip d n I ntiefillon dive l,lave I entire suddenly r wijf,,l won- Is ,an, 0
11're retreati ', out with the -tiger. The Sifter open nil seeing IL� ried. it At 0114,1her 4 led by a houlman arid the Youth
the commianity, and41110 000le t e - � - 11 . jaws 10 getze the man, when the let. flar'lled 0 Mira. Underwoo( , s mInd that Iwo protly children, �kho. f1P- Ili,! twai i arivilog. '1110 leeth wa. sa, led lout front all tip*
- it Its lit into tbP. ti9l't's n I fl,,on direction. dpi-Ilmy pr"erved. weill il .11,
would g1dolly elect fill to Parliament . _ - - -+----I,- . haved his arm rig Abe bad reaA of wild beasts be fig sl h- (hing froryl the ollIM-01" n nd ,,,he doetol,'s, relvirt ha4 excilt-41 1, . go' "'I ""'..4'" 't1f; to%ards the fair
they Could to aIrgist, her husband In his ' WHITE MAN'S PERIL ter s h With his disengaged arm fie Pron )ihen by 911"Pr-l"' interept amunrl medlrftl Men I le'%"io peoraftep his Noll" a Complete change, I ,
�Jt df labor ,act'- . moull - dued by ttw human volil,e- were col"Plelely � Their II.e - ", � indy find undergone
plans (or Wi belietit DON,T T)E,LAy, %Amire TO -DAY. after blow at the tiger with 'tie .t In t1lilIffmiz, hild " OPPOTIMIlly t(l pqclalle. -h glIllon Injoi, dJWJ1lWd thal 11, 'y 4 11 InvollintarY ralliterst"'a
vitioleSole native risings leveled MOW 4, began singing, Arsi 11
difiong, WITS, Crooks should a man begin to Whispers at V Ish rmpire all his might, and at the same time yell. uncertain tones bill aItpl.%Vlldq Illole (14ces showt,d that the . v ,N,ere very mile ir thirty vt,rtrs ell F- I or which her I
At what age in various parts of the Brit livid lite yminger citing ""'" livi-d to h1,11 1;h4, like(I ,111.1 wuq not the Only (l
Ili Tier plaTh little' P 9 Is when one re- ed for help. jl:uhlened. brt.li(j ,,till nolk. A C
has g01116 Oran j witleb ght IS glltvp ynoiley? Many say that forty ,ving ind effectually )wly in big hrn1hpir, ,Q1'. fl, -%,'F all. o1rat ------+—
mentg for, "putting by" tat are rather utillitt Hearing"he 1, She found that ill" Sou rl t In Apellk they lo)'")'i P. "ll"Illicul Iranh anythlobt ex-4it , I
begin ion of mon'a pries. a PaDIYQn steadily and clearly. tin(] throughout J 11411 419 I WilIq 11MU , 'r �
very proud. Th&o, 9�4 silver ten Set, early enough 10 . ,eq, or v09--tilld's. Ill" 1 .4 01.011Y.
eo In TW1091fifflOn Of the old age, but me tit who was on a neighboring hill, hurried stracled Me bola4t, -n( "I
st people; according ta members that the whitet Pollulat . P�NUAXD'l ,
- pres le of JI.W�relf the gin ire Is Only 50MAM 48 again rol taking In the Oblation. went oft constantlLy and d-- ronde the riff"'t prol,ound of roven onli, find waler. Glit I .
efforts arto 0 Well.knoWn slatistleian, postpone their V , + IhN4wllJl thv
U I . , lip . '4l000.9 of Ilia colored rac". tn other down. at at, e it the a6fills wlillill 9.n pil ,hat I rInvp them en( ol, 1whei", ,ill-, r 1, p Ion tile world
_state writer, Mr. ,,a(l� the nilthl, silo 60119
numbered by and fetched polvaitely. going thmugh a 1.4otn" p, I ho largest 11111211, 0 ,.. - - I
er . title hil fts, f"Ayov Ott e0oballZing days Until It Is too late to words, tile lilithites are Out II(Tre onrifilrallona, I hope. in their Itorlites Ili-, Ihe,)ry of PrOl". . I I
'UOOA t4d ftll,q tlA.,*.sUy(hIng worth.menti011ing- Gen. W10" 1hMt S(X to one, India M the par- win. gun, bilit AtIll had ever heard, wbII8 tile a lionny. tie, 1-4 pti.link, y the Ono- which f1l 'it) near
,vith one , .hite-faced harhor- ('11" '"' r' I ,,fl, ,)f pill is. thot, it diet It of tile. till. rior of ll �
a far So ft ag& will�. or artme with Q parent conteyd I even U ,,,,I, \I. 41,11111, �
,Iddll ,Ilil palillc-d tally lipeaking, the quols(IOU, As to ilon of the R0107c Which cantsibil the' The lailk art for fear animal lay In X holding `1ndq thin A It one IA Polite. Ilh will 1014,CV,asfully IV Ill" A 1"Ie I
a ( J et 'to % lied over her, .iwr m Curdled ill Illn't. %v here it hog neelmledaled since I
tin t ho -or 4 Monts efir"r 19 to be a stice"s biggest 0011,01 On at nativt-born peo- could do nothing aE the fit age, paw &ire inn Iq ,(it duntierou cf)n1t,tit old age.
SO( r b� it mail WhOhl tb Ilowever, till) In I t Ist bk?- .
W11_4 SA . Z$ pot, cent., very few tit hitting the native. rt to hot in a vfcP-Iike arip. I
I ... dided iiklifte lie & 6 failure is lieltied betWOO The age -4 pie, namelYl, d, Whr, had - -----+— VP vind wonderhil h4qote Ili(, dawn of history. ,
t C, 1 14W tire Alasse gj, &.Abe age of 10flY V7 of them hejlg� of priglIgh parentage. letter managed by Q Powerful efto Mr. Mrq. Fril,'%eg"ent " Ili,, n.-Ighbol tit.o.ed no,%% Ili I -TO a bluctc al"Oul' Il .
I a CJIA1,,3trAJ15*# On It ,q,� ,bt '30 find wherrupon At daybreak Mr. Underwoo ,overed hi- In
meet with reverses I villoF (ui %cluare mIle,; it, aren. and averaging
4)34, vioulliftiffitst 6,44 evon tt t2fiftt t Pdr gotli, at 'd , ey they M*Y Jiang-ROng fg. at ihO olber extreme, TOM- throw down the tiger, been sollrelling all night dina Fl1;II . %pre kv 11 I'lK'Wn I it 111,11 In 1111r.line,44. Accord- I
n a shot. The shot wan w ,olaring 114'T Io,efl. SIW 'Ail" 11ON"r
��Ii g�Alj glVetl In graillil Whreh, a � rb W11111100t Man log only 1,7 per Cent, tit native-born r0- lAdwIn put I the tiger made another ife's whereabouta (plan h , it TIIAN�zpofITATION OF LINF, I.()od whery ,4h-- ache or p4l(n a mill, ant S, till, lotap of Ice
I tib 'chint, ,pi ded at Saille tilnei Of tlellli-r 11,6VA ,skV d. FOAY 10, in fact, the dn"" gletents, In Westeril Australia qO-O PPr not fatal, and 1 vole,.. It Woo n terrible aftleation. 1A oft tile eofiqlq r)f 1,ifinev 1,no,kil to) ,,1111pialo or tin
for ffelp,*Ntewl I I and If A mill, ,Cannot striko I he was able 004 took carefill nim VNIIII 1.'141, eallubt ell alive fly AIII,ongti hor eye-Uht %Vtji not good, 1110 to' these ';il a I fhL whole body
I perolt "W, 11 get, line, it, of the POPUIhtl(ift tire nntive�born; run at fis victim, W Mr. Underwood hp,ld. ond Italy n,N riow irrinq1torl l('r tile ,,Ile wall In full po�n,,4,oion ,�rit nil her I% larger In volu"TO Ill r rid
at tbfkt agohis Alonce #After- W Pr limp to darign away, Mr. Ladwin now If tho ItOn Ill I" ll,alor In She Mediterralleon. Q
�" ti"dorififell'Wito fif vratlArlt c its Ct in'the OratiltO River Colony 93.2 P -ed agein, and the figer droppod dead. n rifle and rho ed neraw &Irq. Under ,nll to o,rinnov told "w1941a It in Otl,A�t. (ii,.11nieq, lind de,itlitted sit lakintl Of
XIW1 AL V%dM tlil' 4C At fifty yell .- The lientAl poll eoll iwi arp 011(v lh,,pp is enough ill it to cover tile whole
� almost nil. and Ja the highett fit I find 1110 living g, long w,111,a aholit the cill United Klagdon, of oreat Britain
4 flic*'meinbef Aj0,,LetMW,. HAds tifflO' tVatft I In NOW 11061 n o wounded man wn<t conveyed I wood'a body. Sim 4APneA ,,i,(enl%, fivinins
sensible 9* , 311511� I "t -rile, , I on %% 11001 lie
I . Infiffi I)IOys tot AAMY� Ont' ""."'ed 1, F'RY .Aaa bunt in lipporal'y ',I 111, I
ill Litt. SP lut, , , r Il proportion Of klalivoq of (he United KI Pill. fhe-etaoto. � 0 the hoSpitat fainted bllf, ling sincO frecov-DVed r 1. rf'.1e,%ed roultiti'lailiv N4
tratill tile V06' at III& r6oarit g . I I r of with 3 layer about seven
6fil n for high sthkOs, to � I at. me to Am9,:lCJ oliver f,rtY an I elon "
C011110 too, -wild Ito, dur thIldrell; 40 OU Ill IAN U-ni., 212 III& 0,111. of the wbole po of Ipt ella"7ge d to hiffi, a I 'flip '1101, moaaltred 8 feet rr.�n nose 11 nil Ili, a ol,jjor Pomp Qpd a stys- 1801 (Ind ca pailell thick.
i.oplilgoildia in W,hic1l, � that nd of Ilfb, not ona man in a, At 14116h: AtI41tralloo Ras 17.7 per tent. . to I that the 14 r( of the tail, and wpighed Oz ly MPG )ear% ago
_-A , fs, I - or hig (1061110fill foriling. . A pop,oldtiolil from the Wilted mingdoffl, infomory Ito to tile tip
0 to thOsb3ilf-i I I, 'a':v,,,,tI "
tr InIStind It ftgagod, . * I per cent, gro deoffi.Unt Oft ill it - �01- grezing to V "It, I 09 pounds, I tom of pipeg.
vo , t "'i V tills woundi a f�Arrl I I
III . Z, it 'C Is* 1.3 I*r etfit" Orange Rival I 11 .
JjWj, t�fiffyol " , r � 0 I a pilings, Of 40"' JW cAM Ari'a ,* ow "t. - I
Witt elfA IWOR01 tot 0 . 141' d I lAnyli. 4 .
004 fig bw* W. . . "I " 11 Olt 4 I I e I 11
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