The Goderich Star, 1906-08-17, Page 3!Sese e-ei-s••••••• •-•e s 0 W NARK S A f A 44000sk • we, am; The, Story That Comes Daily From. rreais",4‘4,. Loionti,..tar04*. so.. ...A. so se ht ehew this ot onto sad town* hi the . Aiii Popeineee in.' lialt Ailtut M. rirkRodl# ty.,,- - The Age* wet: 1... ' lifistilo • , t99i. 4 ,I., ,..:' 6Akilla :Lk .- , '. - 11.41* : . 3 . he Russian Empire. fen AND 146SOSS. ranted suleide et* a revel "Venta*: Went , lied* St. Petersburg 0110/In.o. Tele. * from weriou* parts of the eine Ore ditty la the papers con • *tittila *, nionotenotat mord ot onto of !siolenee. Wedneadare .01 robbery end Minster nerth, isouth, end vett, la Charblu, * wee. obtabed,', hi* Vile& aniV. vieUP*1011. filititef•t ttaitsporti Orin* 'were ittelen, dee ti*e locat faYoltillottartato ,In biketeritandov,, Otero' other ,p1se ea, money w tot-, - en. from, the Devernutent lireAdy are net want. .1411*.: --•04 Prinee• gochlibeirl* estate in Pdatalai neeetinhe building& sverCherrit fiewn,"end with Otero rished fateit- -'14tr e It. The build. • eeteta...1,M. Talkyanott -Rear' A -despatch OVA OttaWn WA; -The POtava ere oow ;turning. In the Belae nre elfaeleed; Otty; of WI was,ogain eri; trinde, oi Orel the ratel Eittrae titTeeteda PrklaY,VtultUd clingsgraffoll 1440 caroug lteneatilli. eh* We** &MAI* 0 ettitther Aar lainua Thera le Ida datdat thet she wit* • • • 4140144t lintl wits carrying himM Killarnay . esattainnate Debb _ 041111031/ • vt, One *Calunt 0$ the 41thAr tr, Oat MitInedne; .. ,,, while 14 • 1;14 3.11 1 • 131 . Oft 0011, PirallinOtt. %a Minden A. A. .... the palitee• telgethen AM ttni• Mettici. • s. 100/ Amboy rpoimender, were leaving itleel/ont— ** preached.; MA that. alta taelbled, Parlage la Petal*. .. the aselith. nervotisneSe. eintt it fIropped Vora or hoc*. ' 'DISASTROUS VFW AV I41410 11144Y091.4t florae Heielllupg Were Ifeetro4e4, f lilt • V14.4% Oittle.• •10411t. etteella , • Dairy lit Ow* 114014,- • 06* Aleree4 • TOreitte,„ .Aug, 1,04 14-0:14, fer wato,p0g10,5, klUcIti4 r.39(1, tuyeter fee. overt. littutitcba first PefelO*1 1411 4.49 to, ty.f•Gth segood patent*. elf in 712 anit- attain; blitiets..` 1.0 ,053 1,301 VOreinte. ••• •1.4,36 idrenesln.tal inerlet Ls linebetaged 100 4/3,50 KS $14 in WU °Weide. Short** 1 Beaftees. .• .9 $•, V 44gd IL* s. ss -83% t(1100/191tos oo oo or oo 249 1,074 NO Wit qUeted 417.titi te 2i4 ollfale• AlN05. -WIteaWNO. white Otul. red. Ore, Witunpeo. 0,140 00$10 Totols4. 13•00A -4t4P41 bor,liso n've Yeare vo,9* quoted at 0.10 500 arriree Ton:into. Oats—tio. 2- White neealliftrat sO% to ale on track here, rout ut 94 to 2,1go 04,144.9. No. neW oats, taxed, at at le '42o ottlelde. ' •Peas—No, 2 ere nomipat at 22 to 83o outs*, ter -are nangl,a1 ntilaIde I30.- Now tkl. "Oldarle vileeat Welted itt 71 tq '71f(e outside., Nei, $ Nerikerri •VIoted 20340 lake Ports* *ea Nn. 'Nerliterri Felle lalos porte, Otrit—No 2 /*merlon yellow is Saskatchewan- •• 8141114* • .1; • • • •• MOW,. 11i&•+•.• • so.. xit, .484 ,452 491 agitatelVenft PensiOnst•Whe- a tenaPI-' Wept fiNVO•Y•;.33 0/434° renO•el'ett rt4v140„-. • • " " D,gb 1440 r4Situe- Mervidilett one:intaat faintlinS benletess; iks " Nat " 545, and, .wOunO4 Perd. Dembs Wientfir. hiiPPeitedt „the Water ettPl4' szyi ' "its ,yattr:,.xtigo Oct $4marft:. Ayr -Kann ,•ateed,- helple•saly ;:theit'anY/P1)...0 •-• so4 178 React,% tlroartne nava ben tetzed tliderl'lifil the stierl*V W ,,Flegfua.as 9. .. 2019 2117 reltava Theociosia • datly`:',',Tha •theYhtir treall the blitalngimild.. 0044tioon•—• • • ** 113 3031 '11.°04:'nt'tlinrder• tolls thn totrAssino, lugs., • Thera 'Wee •I'a kW south wow, %VT. 49? 459 °Mel la0,0'Ilarel, in a prlvate'aparte' wits telling** Cut' eff Nat when., the 0„,e,,, a '" • ' 2,30 mot, •Delarta Pere .bfiett iiiteeveretkilt, are. tiretfe 011t And' for nearly nu now. - D30 uou, ,000,1414140.0.py,,ust,sx.,1,, 0,4 ,1,14,vog At 0,4 044, LAO it'le'denribu lb weed— 449 ' 452 nia10011 1044titt e„theet. •A01 Weed. the COADOKOtterr 001114 have 1401 'W°1401931 • • •• •• 835 man was snht,a-t4liga ny ruraileardi, subduect ea soon Os A wea, hut for Ow &-',.:41Nottli,.:.'ot :the, prison,- r'.w.es,..s. itt d 13reetlitterele.' lady' and a. egnititteetOnaire were' wourtded Warr. The•iseesere, assistenee of tho Ottfreta Out is odie‘gt,the poorest in the Oita. The heMes,' oWned ba ibe ffanates, were small fred.nrs etructuree CO 'berried Up, like Se ;ROO matchntecot It Wes 1110 kittilieft nt one at these. dwellIngs•Mlit ri II started An 6Ver-heate4 ;took- stove;sit the littellen Walt ablate. The loss is between $35,000 and $40,000, of which only about ten, per cent. is cov- ered by Ineurance. Rates are high in, Hutt, as Much ee 3% per cent, being ;Merged tri the particular distriet which Friday's disester occurred. It is estimated that fully 200 are home- - * 11.0frOltlett' as beaten oil his re - urn home by. peasants ,whe Were dissatielled with his explenktion et the dissolution ot, Ole Donnie., Of arrests -it la inipOisible to keep reeord, In St. Petersburg alone perisons were ar- rested on TUesday. tOp meantime the Black' Hundred organiZtatons ere active. In St, petersgurg. the hooligans are growing holder, and' the notorious Bishop of Sandell incites the Orthodox to t the revolutione,ries. 'The Gov. ,• The dis rlet in which, thio fire brcike ...,,ernirtit, la beellY engaged. e & iesi* 1 ot agitators in; the rural 'districts and 11001i TIELD IIIM IN MR. • prevent the Rutter demarailzatien of the • army officials. The Government places A Cornwall Farmer Is suspended by 'complain of lack of clear direction, and Hayfork Chain. \ , the conservative rnembers of the 'Com - 'NI of the Em,pire declare that repres- A despatch teem' Cornwall says: While 'Sive measures are futile, and that the at work in his father's barn on Thurs.- empire is drifting steadily toward an- day, John D. McDelnald met with a pe- stphy. ' ' culler acid painful accident. He was -...... arranging the hay fork, which had '..ViOMB HURLED LAM STATION. not been used since last season. The rope had been taken out, and a logging X-despat\lh from Sosnowiec:, Itussian chain had been ntlached to the car. Mr. 9 ,and, says: A bomb was thrown on McDonald climbad up to the croes beam, ednesday Into a crowded vvaititig- and gge the chain a swing to'reanove ourlit-the-railve3"14atiert'-°"'4111111' 1Ve-clir.-Treib'aii 'lumped, intending' o was killed and many were. wounded. A li tht orr the hay About ten feet below. panic ensiled, resulting In injury to many other persons. Women fainted and ratildren were trampled upon. Tbe thriller of the bomb escaped. . • .. I. pressive raesserea to secure the, rill • ' Totals it; • • 6,2411 22,142 allifiequila ye.ars 151202 Alberta- CtkirY •.• •• •• al ••• CO'ton •• .• Edmonton, .. • • .• Stiakatchewan. . .• • Ledua. • ... 'Letlibril;Atattoid . Leth ildge . Stafford .• . Mageeed 4,091 Itpa.7 639, 1,002 2,6g8 11,534 . 306 586 . 49% 1,015 2 . ▪ 2,072 2,32i 623 1,144 473 . : Rattail. 1. la Red Deer.. .. 323 1,420 Stratiscone. .. 1,150 2027 WetaskiWin 550 1,645 — — Totals .. 13,715 • 37.025 Increase in five years 23,310 8ye—No. quoted at 54 te 49e Qui, sidis BerleYeeNe. eneted outaideat 47 to 480. all&Ne. 3 ett,t•tt at 43 to•40o. COMTfli PRODUCE. 11.1•••••• THE PEOPLE HELD RESONSIBLE. A despatch from Warsaw says: The terrorists are continually attaCting and robbing post -offices, Government spirit shops, treasuries and the mails. The Governor-Or/keret has ordered that henceforth jam inhabitants of villages, emmetuniti4I and.cates In or near which seal crimes owlet' "shall_play the losses • resulting .from such robbries. WILL THE CZAR MIDICATV A despatch from Vienna says: It is rumored"that it is the Czar's intention to abdicate. The recirculation of this repart is ascribed to the reebtionary , Councillors violently opposing Premier Stolypin's .reform scheme, which- the Czar supports. The story adds that the Czar win appoint Grand Dukes Vladi- mir and Nicholas Nfcholaevitob as co - regents. PERHAPS DE'ATH FOR DUTY. Whe.n he tad dropped about eight feet the large hook of the ifesdng chain caught able to develop the maturing wheat. The bulletins state that in many piens harvesting has commenced, es- pecially in the case of barley, which is said to be a load crap. The yield 01 wheat is estimated from various dis- tricts at between 20 and 25 bushels to the acre, while oats run from 50,to 55 YOUNO FOLK N ENSED N W MKS NOT VIIAID t drogtful4 *oval A year ego whea wali ranott, I norcr domestic front tho- bright 1110* ect ar)S3* Even Into Rut shadowy holl. And luother 1;4 to tolto taa o And Versate stt near till uightf Oar once f Wm up all CORO la the Oft. Alld it. aoro uto terriblo I thought t sow goillfas up over my CAM Wean't VeetVerdly thent Ent Mr grandma ,says me grown to bo braVO. ltsirnea 041d 411 Manly Men, :011104•401 14104•110$5 Ong Chv. 4,1114 04).1.0 tetalititien tit ittnellet4 - tklentritionOs CANADA. Ono hilibired inen 410 Straiheone coal mints; Nova geotte. era Ow Stack :columunity fis enjOatilg an impreeedents Vaaintard•4114 feUlltt 10 lAt prfis ft a no poepo 10$4.3 .00 every A Ito Farmer* era VW retteinet :Vora er* air general trjeldnif. over the lies ro wheat terSreat ttat Ian ;ea, 'VOW ens eqlltlitiOn 04 lOrtners of Qatari roust not be 9,WOred. Vie •recentl " hy Our .•Igietier virreSpC.o, tient la this Vilivinee'loo •shown ezt* Optionelly .grattlying 'Malt* la WIT. derment of agriettlturoi and late far* or e vredietton* blIen MAT eypporled by later .reporta, 6$ to4k the letaltnif 0114atnesy water., eupply-hos ejeen ed. era et .e0e4.1411%Thia $12140), litts gi:nd Vaintftd,," notes), en/ braVes hanif by thii•etectioo. et buildings, the is deed- tortage la. Prairie, nod Involvement its genProl equipment, A Cartwright, boy wed killed Mr Ran th0 nYttletiefia• fit dOCIal comfort lightning tvIdlo rentlep In tett, • on Irrie and Improved ettindards -of living. ' Beans-Ittaraildetred selling at 81.75 to 440, and primes at 81.60 to $1.60. stoner....strained Wanly quoted at 9% to_ 10c per - lb, and comps a $2 per amen. 9 . , LEMS -94110 raerket is dttir at 13 to 16o per lb. , Hay -Car tots of No. 1 old timothy are quoted at $10 on trace, Toronto, and ‘a No. 1 new at $9, to $ ,50. Straw -S5.50 to $6 p r ton. Potatoes -New potato are quoted/ at 65 to 70c per bushel in quantities. Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, ‘12 to 140 ; Chickens, 12 to 130 per lb, sieve ; hens, 9 to 10o per lb, alive ; ducks, alive, 10 to lle per lb. FARMERS ARE JUBILANT. l'acryibiug Pointe to a Sure and Im- mense Yield in the West. wuueas i!on CARD. Wee TheRclore and *Dorothy and their little mother had come tc; ticeauSe the air Was dry and A despatch drool Winnipeg says . The latest crop report issued by the Canadian; Pacific Railway is very en- couraging, indicating that on the eve et the hervest the canards -is are sach as to ensure a heavy yield, provided suet- ent.--laber.4.9-00..eX the grain' without loss. Durieg the pas week there has, been no damage of aey d the weather has been suit- °MOO Or Plhes. and alt %St affiffiner at tne ahem Derothy had, had hay to - ver, Tile morning Wee verY.,Warm. Theo- dore ano Dordthy had been to the store with Williatue-yott sten how about soott-and notv sat at a table In the otter, with'a pile Of postcards and their paint brnts beside them. 'You could huy maly three Muds rf picture post eards at the store -Alewife Beeok,` Round Top Mountain, and the Tawn Hall -and these were not colored, but it was n,Ist as well, tor it was such fun to othor them yourself. The children tuid done Round Top Mountain ni pale green for spring, and darker green for summer, and in differ. eat oblides of red and yellow for autumn. Now Dorothy was doing Alewife Brook to summer, and 'Theodore was painting the Town Hall. William sat between them, watching a part of the tizne, and part of the time lookiqg 'down the read the small white house which was his otn mother had told him thet very morning fortn part of the ores to Ise esh e they would have Pa sell it. e. hod by the Canadian Government at the Slew day. White Om home market Is ittemillY Pretnter fitiblin Odd ItO VelleVeihthetel gra-44.001015A et the grow II or west. am 1..pouo,tigo busiteps nt \viva in; the era rural Ps wed ile eastern Urbr pin western. OOP. 'wP,', P/4141101, Me toriolga demand t r our eald t,0 Urfa tICUI. disouvored near stiffener} Piecs. ',rho ravatottr in Chi- Vaterhoro's hydarr Imposes a license filed the Cane Ian Meat', k de, and the fee at i'20U on plitee,s <ghee than botela • OM* ere Oen in soar , price; Where cleerettee 0110 Maid. hose, Only o. short jeer In thc c vittuable nickel alid. copper Mine 13 PrInAllud Prnfincls lias continued with Pottlide san cago's upackli towu" Weir ally Wm- THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound rolls,are quoted at 1$ to 20o; large rolls, 17 to 18c, and infer. lor at 15 to 160 ; tubs, 17 to 180. Cremn- ery prints sell af 22 to 23c, and solids et 21c. Eggs -Good candled stock, 18 to 18%0 per dozen. Cheese -Quoted at 12 to 12gc, the lat- ter tor twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs In car iota are nominal. ',Bacon, long cleare 12% to 12%c per it. in case lots; mess pork, $ to 322 , short cut, $24 to $24.50. Hams -Light to medium, 15 to 16c ; heavy,. 14%c ; 12%c ; shout - c • act 17 to 18c ; breakfast bacon, 15% to 10c. Lard--Tterces, lleeo ; Tube; 11%c ; palls, 12c. BUSLNESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug. 14. -Grain -There Ls lm roved demand for wheat from the other sides: Oats continue weak, and a further decliee of No per bushel was reached to -day, Ng, being now quoted uP from her chair. "There now you at 38% to 39c, No. 3 at 37% to 38c, and I can take my place," she said. "Ancryou No. 4 at 36% to 37c per bushel ex store. must cheose whichever card you like Flour -Manitoba spring wheat, $4.50 to hest, and whether you would rather $4.70 ; strong bakers'. $3.90 to $4.20; have it spring or summer or autumn." winter wheat patents, $4.25 to $4.35 ; William drew back little. "I'm straight relisrs, 53.00 to $4.10; do, in bggs7-$1, -extras,- Ste& to 51.70. Feed -Manitoba bran, in bags, $17.50 to $18; shorts. 320 to 821 per ton ; Ontario bran, in bags„ $17.50 to • horts $20,50 to 821 ; milled him. under the right arm, holding him susp.ended about five mlnutes till his brother, Angus, who was worldng near- by, hearing. his cries for help, came, and released him. Dr. 1): McEwen, Dun - vegan, was speedily summoned to dress the wound, which proved to be a nasty one. 4 4 NEW POTATO EVOLVED. bushels. FIVE SAPS KILLED. Tastes Like Blend:Of Asparrigus deur Turnips. despateh from St. Petersburg says; M. Onipko, the peasant member of the late Parliament, whotwas captured red- handed at Cronstadt after the mutiny there; will be tried, it is semi -officially announced, according to the rules of war tor inciting and perticipattng in an armed revolt, the perthlty for' which is death. The authorities hope the case will involve several Other prominent mare - mists in the late Parliainent end pre- vent their re-election to any' future Pao Bement.' A London, England, slespatch says: Vegetarians will doubtless hail, with de - hot the advent of a new tuber, blue of skin and yellow of interier, which is about to be placed upon the market: This new potato is known to the learn- ed in such matters as the' Salanum commersoni violet, and is the result sf scientific cultivation by Messes. Sutton, of Reading. It is quite's, distinct flavor of its own, Epicures describe it as a combined flavor of turnips and aspara- gus. As a business "'proposition," tbo, the growing of the nee,. potato would undoubtedly prove a great success. The plant will thrive anywhere, the wetter or more marshy the soil the bet- ter. It is claimed that Its productive power is 50 to 100 eer cent. over the ordinary kind. FOB FAMINE R LIEF. ; • The Cabinet on Wedn day discuased 'measures of famine reli t. It was de- cided to reconlmend credit of $27,500,- 000 Ire addition te the $7,500,000 voted by Parliament for this use, $25.000,000 ot which sum is to provide food and em- ployment to keep the stricken poplin - non teem starvation, and tffe remainder for the purchase of seed grain. Among the public works recomnrended areecon- • struction of flood embankments, ports . and other Improvements on the Volga, , on which the unskilled tabor in the chief , • famine district could be employed and ' for which 5550,000 were voted at the re- commendation of Premier Stolypin. 1,,, ---- NEW HEAD FOR RUSSIAN NAVY1 • • Made Concerted--Altackt- stn_St. Paul lisland-'fwelve Prisoners °Taken. GRAVE MISMANAGEMENT. Report of the Commission on Boer War Scandals. A despatch from London arty's: The Vt'ar Office has issued the report of the Royal COmmission which. was appoint- ed to investigate the South African War stores scandals. While the report ac- quits the British commissioned officers concerned of the worst charges of cor- ruption, it finds that the losses, equal- ing about $5,000,000, were due rather it grave mismanagement and incompe- tence than to fraud. The commission criticizes severely several officers and patio servants, and charges a number of nop-commissioned officers wath re. ceiving bribes. It declares the errors were due to deplorable and complete want of co-ordination, and the dAyorce of interest between the differencaepart- ments of the War Office. The Awn), Service Corps 19 declared to have been uttelly wanting In business Imining and experience. 9 FOUGHT IN THE A Drowning Man Almost Sinks His Renner. A despatch- from St. Petershing says: ft, is understood thatothe Court of En. Geary into the recen' mutiny at Cron- stadt advises the replacement of Adirdr- at MHO, Minister of Marine, by some other officer as the head of thi Russian navy. it is said that the place has been offered to Vice -Admiral Dubasott, who Woe Govetnor-General ot Moscow up to • Jnie 18, when he resigned on account 11,fjthe condition of hisliealth. He is still Bettering from the effects of wounds reeeived in itioteow on May O. *hen a ▪ bonth was thrown at hint in the street. At firdt it was supposed he had receiv- e& mortal Injuries. • The Nevok Vilma says that Grand Duke' Nicholas Nienolalevitch, cousin of - the Czar, will be appointed to She su- preme command of the army ,svithout dictatOrial powers. Tito LOMIOn SAW% RtilIWOss Cempaity • try ts necessary to ttenriAlite the t, reboc., me tub, en vs the peat& place eltelned by the tintniel tri our at °Nepotism eetweee, eseejteele win be nearly MOM Cents per ound in two DION'Iht 11 4:111E11, DOI OM youraelf 01 a Iwo PAW aYetitnn till Untinit 140t ISte ciltiati MOT' Re fientaliteinle4 het %weather. — Dcift. eat, let Of 'fruit In, hOt ,*-oes titer uP101,0 Yoterit Ora lila fra-it *PM with you. Same otomochnixilt folio Innwelimellt trIlits Inta togu feeta moo coa tan, YOU're attre they ate beneilatot to $ntir cirCutalien, Orson" Much more beitellted topld, ntafrox hot baths tittut Mit the ho test Lloy. Dotit otpaso yourself tit the FOP a the sun any moo thou you con help Ullie4$ YOU eersplre freely. Many pet* son Maas beck Irma the enniatrY yak dno tan color and tho alert OT skirt &Kew under 8. DMA rely OA ItlaeliherrY brandY WA, the cathartics you ere used, to Wilt willy-nilly. It Yclite oilatcm gets out 01: order In humid spell see &icier pen% in the recent strike. rlcuiturat economy. trt Increase of rat'unliett In 1110 lirePttratien of plans tor Years Inebnn Innen a the Province - new Ottawa pdbliti-Plikilaga. Equally -elnisfeetdry Increases- •havo ec- Josephine. Le Barre, a tour-yeaoold elirred in cheese, which rose front eight Mutation child, (Irani( trean a cup that, to twelve Cents. and butter, which has sQ,d matuded ve add was Killed, ?Climbed Mont eighteen to twenty-threa ,A despatch from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, says: Five Japanese Were shot and killed on the Island of St. Paul, of the Pribytoff group, by order cf the agent of the Department of Com- merce and Labor, on July 17, as the re- sult of a raid by four Japanese schoon- ers on the seal Cookeries. The revenue cutter McCullough reached here on Wednesday from St. Paul with 12 prisoners, two seriously wounded, who were turned over to Deputy Mar,shal Harmon. SHE TOOK CARBOLIC ACID.' The eonsotidated revenue of Canaan, cents. during July •tvas $5,700;021, a gain over While the western wheat crop is worth the same month ot 1%15 of 18785 OM. Perhaps 00,000,000, Ontario agricUlture The Winnipeg City Cottrell will enter revels In figures which axe toe istten an action agelest the *Street Ballwey taken ter Vented to be properly (more- Compeny for the electrolysis of water 'stated The field crepe of this Pravtnce mains. The Gatineau Point Council has die clded to keep all young people under 16 off the streets after 9 p.m., by eld of the curfew • bell. • Oakville carried a Fridue to issue debentures tor $40,0tai for waterworks and $10,00U for nit electric light service: Chief Justice Howell, Mr. Justice Ilieli- ards and Mr. Justice Phippen, hove beeu sworn as members of the Manitoba Court of Appeal. A display of Cobalt minerals will awl fled out whether yOU need Oath. 4rt105 eV hear° en ineielent Siete SAL eerning qvor you that may weaken yell for -Rut tvinter's work. — - light to aleep at night if sleep wont, COMP. Cool %be bast, of the brain' with some toilet water by laying a elOth saturated witb it on the haute ot the neck, or take a bath ,tt you knew KIM a agreed with you. Don't Ile on tile bed warthog up a nervous state on a hot, night when Y011 , can't sleep, It you have aotnethitta 10 were %Yeah tust,000,000 leut, huihng reed or can do any nitid thing Mat you owouid do in the daythise do it to rest risen from 658,000,00e since MO. An even larger inerease took Place fit fit° , the mind. Steep Wilt often come when Mount of live Stock sold, WIlleh 1'090 the brain is being exercised along Mt - front 828,000.00n to 860.000." In ferent lines than that of ligliting tho aurae period. The bulk of the exponta of cheese anti butter, which emount to Don't cut off your meat supply it you nerves to make them repose. $30 00 000 per year, also come from this are aceustomed to eating meat and feel looked strange and dlfterent, some , since, fle tried not to think of selling 11, end turned back to the pictures. He had lived in the little white house ever since he was born. "When I get this finistied'-Dorethy spoke very thoughtfully, for she was MeCarthy, at Winnipeg, says he oes tr in to put the blue on the brook with- t ect that the Grand 'remit< Pacific Zealand Exposition. North Bay had 170 arrests in three months, and Sudbury people aro twit - ling the railway metropolle of the north with being a rough place do live In. Chief Government Inspector Richard out spreading it over the edges ot the stones -"wouldn't you like to do one; William?" "I don't believe I could cio it well ei,ough," Willitun said. "Oh yes„ you could. It's easy." can build its line to Edmonton much be - hire the tall of 1907. • it is annoonced at Victoria, ILC., that the MacLaven Timber Company, made up of Ottawa and Montreal rich men. ‘William was a very nice boy. have purchased all the lint el # wks fourteen -almost grown up that e nett tlw C•11.11. recently tuNtered lie•the seemed to Theodore and Dorothy. ile4,ne_ tee item the rmiwny eompitity re- Esquimalt and Nanalmo railWay belt. on the cove in the boat. Almose every (:.1tieeiv"Du$131s,GetntellirLICI°oPtittiltlall;ye tPoltiriltt'Aiellse 111)tia ill htarn,tirn3cr ol.lie'ver to 3theliVeldTd-ges.:tronui day he took them somewhere. And land grant and railroad., re hc was Very careful, so that their mu- GREAT BRITAIN. ltitlettri eothunledst.ructilheyitzt,cazttabety hhaadvebehaaed Russia may place orders tor warships In Great Britain. nearly such good times without Williams.. king Edwerd will be a godfather to D oth had finished she got Emperor William's gcandson, The Duke of Connaught was in an automobile collision in Wales, but v- ie- . I injury. .,ril liaddo. son ut the Earl of Aber- deen, wits married Id Mrs: Cookuyne st London on Tuesday. The British Guvernment la suld to have trained a measure providing tor a Province. Taking Into account the dalry pruducts consumed at this Province produced nearly $35,00,000 alone In the oensus year 1901, These figures are npt given to make boastful comparisons with the west, but to make it clear that the western crop is not the measure of Canada's agricultural pro- duction. Suicide Of Emma Carr at Phillipsville, Near -Brockville. A despatch from Brockville says : Emma: Ger, a yotmg girl oi nineteen, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid at the residence of a neighbor, Jas. Cram near Phillipsville, On Wed- nesday afternoon. Alter taking the acid she ran to the house of her father, Nathan Carr, a farm laborer, about ten rods distant, but tell and expired on the doorstep before she could enter. Death ibnsued in about four minutes after the fatal drug was taken. No reason can be assigned tor the acL SENTENCES' UNJUST. The sentences pegged upon the Sebas- topol Mutineers probably Nvill be mitt - gated. It will be recalled that the papers in II:m.000 .et,theat"'tnell_alsappeared mysAerlouely after the arrival at Sebasto- pol of Admiral Skryttloff, enn,tmander of the Black Sea fleet. Betere he leit SebastOp01 the •Allinitei iniitneted that 4 Considered the toridemnation of the youtittnerrrettrearigedlinuFunlust..and said ha. theugla the Officers had hom more to biome Mort the satiate. There le more than- sespiciOn, that the seizure by,ftvelutionitte ot the papers in these eattri Wag stood by Admiral Skrydloff • On the- recommendation of the Ad -- Mira; Minister of Marine Offileff in- stead' of confirming the senterfees has ordered- a -toinplete rehearing,. Of the caeca at, •Orid of ttvo afraid I'll sriojlit, he wild. • But Dorothy tor him that she ' \els sure he would not, and spread the cards 1 leg.slutive assembly fur lvelend. out on the table, and William chose the, Alfred Ntuseley's offices in London are same picture that Dorothy had Just LeenIdaily besieged with Witchery whit desire painting -Alewife Brook -only he de- 1 he visit Canada end the United' slutes. cided to color his light green for spring. , An exeedition will leave Immitin next . , • I envie; fur au tslatid off the Oerayl•••••••••+.•••••..... STEAMER EIRINDALE BURNED. The Cook Rousted the Crew and Then ' Disappeared Herself. A despatch from Newcastle, Ont., says: The steamer Erinciale, of the North Shore 'Transportation Compane, WM burned down to the water's edge alongside the wharf ut Newca.stle on Thursday morning at hall -past ono o'clock, and is a total 1093. She arrived here at 10 o'clock the 'Ugh,. before, and after betng made fast and anugged down tor the night tho °Mem and crew turned in. Apparenny WhOse duty ft, wee to keep watch failed to keep awake, as the fire had ali•eudy got a good hold of the ship before it was discovered by Mr. Jackson, the manager of the company, who was on board. Grasping the seriousness of the situa- tion, Mr, basun roused the officers and crew, and they were ell, with the exception of the cook, enabled to es. eupe, Capt. Suilivan, the commander negotiating n very ereditable Jump front the bridge -deck to the wharf In the scantiest of coetumes. No sign wae made by the cook, anti, us the gprt of" the bridge -deck- where her cahh•nvas located was envelqped in flames when Mr. Jackson discOvered the lire, it le leered that she perished. The discovery ot huntiM bones among the debrLs after the fire was extin- guistted is taken as evideuce a.0 to her fate. Mr. Jacirson, the manager, only re - !loved los brother, whu Is purser, et Whitby, in the afternoon, as the bro. ther did not feel weit enough to go un with the trip. and 11 is probable that but fur lite presence on board more fatutities would have to he reported,. mouillie, $21 to $25 per ton. and straight Dorothy rubbed some fresh paint on , short cut mess, $21; half -barrels do., the •oae_ Of Atrial Ott whielt are sold to Le grain, $28 to $29. Provisions-Barrele plate tor him, and showed him how $12.50 ; clear fat hack, 3.50; long cut UNITED STATES. heavy mess, $21.50 ; half bbis du, $11.25; dry salt long clear bacon, 12g 12%,e; barrel plate beef. $13 to $13.50; half bbis do, $6.75 te $7.25 ; bblei heavy mess beef, $11.50 ; half bble do, $6.25 ; compound lard, 9 tu 9Kc ; pure lard. 12 to ,12%c ; kettle rendered, 13 to 14c ; hama, 14ee to 16c ; breakfast bacon, 15% to I7c ; windsor bacon, 16%c ; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $10.75 to $11; alive, $7.50 to $7.75 per 100 Its. Eggs -Selects, 20 to 21e ; No. 1 candled, 17 to 18c. But- ter -Choicest creamery, salted and ;in- stated. 22% to 2,2Xe. Cheese--Ontai .o, 12 to 12%c ; Quebec, 11% to 11.V. to begin. "I think you db it, very Morey, WII. Three negroes were taken from the liam.," she said, atter she hild watchedilail at Sollebury, N.L, on Wednesday. him for seyeral minutes, "Isn't it fun ! I, „nd lynched. Theodore and I would like to paint all; t:tit,tet, D. mus„y 01 -e„,.„ttt, has the tirne if we didn't. have to u eo „10 I donated 220,000 for a memorial organ school. Do you Ince to go to school? i at Chautauqua, N. Y. William he'd his curd up, before him , . : rhe paying te.,er of the defunct tun - "0 yesr he said. "But I'm not g g --`411i cunitnitted suicide. on Friday. and Inoked at it. S waukee Avenue Siete Bank, Chicago, any more:' Hail. 1...ilee of the Salisbury. N.C.. ivncaers, wile seritenced to fifteen years Theodore and Dorothy both looked up , , with puzzled faces. in the Slate Prison, ori Friday, "If yeti like to go, I should think youl Two cieriric curs co,,,dt,d ,,,,,,, ee.,„.., would go.'' Dorulby said. , million, 0., on Tueeelay. killing two "I'm going- lo work." 1 persons and seriously injuring about William straightened back his shout- 1 iltiv. dors and tried to make his volee sound; ; tor lhe lirst Wile in thirteen yr:m:4111e „ „;,-Itttles,',.„- ' United states Gevernment hue (elver. 111.0 a man's. Nobody would hu \ ,• a eid that 11,e1 had...elleci tha.,t 1/1,-1."'"'"' ,-: tised for silver bulleal for contuge pur- ee same "%rouge tee wuous, oeettuse lie less comfortable tor not eating it. Dont continue to eat meat in hot weather 11 fruit will keep up yode strength and the system is nourished by it. Don't insist on having cold consomme for tuner* or dinner If you feel better atter drinking hot soup. Hot soup is,the very best tood some people can consume in hot weather and the one who drinks hot soup and perepires afterwards la far better off ttian the one who drinks cold consomme aud sits dry end unmotst In his collar. Yet there are those whO would be after drinking bot soup on a hot duy, and they should be very careful what they eat In any ease. Don't eat melon tor breakfast if you cart still taste It at luncheon. Your stomach may be lust as good as It ever acts, but maybe cold Ine1011 doesn't agree with it. Don't drink a cup of hot coffee for breakfast lf a oup of hot milk will an - awes -thasappeata delnit -In — the morning. , Don't drink anything but good, clean water in the hot weather A yell can get along. comfortably on It. Don't be afraid to eat plenty of on- ions; they are nerve builders: Don't eat too much, whatever you do, and drink lots ol water. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie says: One Of the most heroic, rescues recorded along the north ghore in a long time Was that accomplished by a C. P. 11. fireman, W. Fitzgerald, at Algoma Mills. Mr. D. A. Jones had been switnmIng with a. number of companions. He renteined behind theist in the water and took cramps. The men Ola shore wit- nessed his struggles, but could or did not router aid. duet at the opportune moment a locomotive CITA:4P1 1 the bridge. Mr. Fittigerald noticed the man in trou- ble and without even st inping to re- move his clothes Winne I a eistanee of twenty-five feet from the bridge into the water. The drowning man grasped his leg and a struggle between Man and man" ensued, but Mr. citzgerald'S et- sforts were finally crowned tvith success when he got Jews to shore. BIG ANCREASE IN LUMBER. laritish Columbia Dealers Advance Com- mon Lumber 51 Per Thousand. A despatch from Nelson, B. (7.., soYe: The Mountain Lumbermen's Association decided to raise the price of common lumber one dollar per thousand. There wnl be a slight advance also on a few other lines. It is claimed that the con- ditions warranted an advance of 58 and 810, but the lumbermen did not vvish to take advantage of the situation 81.14. Mg in the Northwest over good crops. One mill on Thursday reported orders for 360 carloads of lumber, with Mlle stock. The enlist mills are bare of stocks, with orders months ahead. Thirs ty-flve mills are now in the association but a few more limits will be 'opened: Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes are quoted als$4.25 to $4.60, and bucks et $3.50 to $3.75. Lambs are easier at 5%o 6)fc per It. HogS-Deliveries of hogs Were agnin heavy and quotations at this market are reduced another 25c per cwt., making drop.of 50c per cwt. for the week. Se- lects are queted at $7.40 per cwt., and lights and fats at $7.15 fed and watered. oin eommitten sthquE., A despoleh froth Odessa. says; A 19. yent*eld rdtteoted ;and wt4ktrasefft aritved. herd ela trelday morning end en. gage* tt room in a let& ahe was gom out lids ornIrel She hated St pot. tor t,;'11•ormlitttiOt WW1 1.1t0 re'‘dttence ni Geo. Kean:Atm, tte devernor.tracrat ()detail. She Wag inferiliett,. nod the went itro pa see. When few pares tritill the effirs., ea bile eveltleutfoly drop. UNITED S'TATES NIARKETS. St. Louis, Aug: 14.-- Wheat -Cash 69%e; Sep-, 60%c ; Deo., 733,1c; May, 77%c. Dultfth, Aug, 14. - Wheat -"No. 1 Northern, 74 to 74%c; Sept., 73%,c ; Dec., 74X,e ; May, '78c. tourisu TRADE IN JULY. . A Very Lerge Increrree Both in Imports and Exports. A 'tendon despatch says: The Board cid Trade returns fisr the month of July show an increase In imports of 319239,- 000. and an ineteese in exports of 528,- 109,500. The printipat increase In im. porta was food, 37,500,000. The rest was raw material and manufaetilred ar-• Mee. In exports .tbe principal, merman wits manuffictured yorne and tex111;39, 510,M0,000, the remainder being mane - teetered Inbtals. AN 9pr:erred's:GE PACTODV. , • '014 Man Rats Only GovernMent Sanction is Needed. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Aug. 14. -The run of cattle offering et the City Market td -day was light, and. with a fairly good demand for all lines, prices showed a better tone. Export Cattle. --Choice at $4.75 to $5; medium to good, $4.40 1.(.I 54.60; bulls, $3.50 to $3.75; bulls, lights, $3.25 to $3.50; cows, $3,50 to $4. Butcher Cattle, -Choice are quoted at 84.40 to $4.00; medium to goode$4.25 lo 54,40; bulls, 113 to $3.50; cows, $2.50 to $3.50; canners, $1.50.10 $1,75. Stoekers and Feeders. - Slorltere. choice, S3 to $3.05; light. $2.25 tu 53; COWS, 52 to $2.40; bulls, $.1.75 to $2,:e5; short -keep feeders, $4.5U to ei.6S; heasy feeders $4.25 to $4,50, Mitch Cows. -The range of price is unchanged al $25 to $50 euch. Calvet -Prices are quoted tomer at ?c to Cyc per lb. CIVIC PLAN'T PAID WAY. Guelph City's Car Service Showed Profit at End of Year. A despatch from Guelph, save: At the Citit COunctl meeting on Tuesday night e report of the street railway directors for nine months ending June ne,showed net gain over current ex. 9e9 01 $4,066, After paying out $4, - in maintenahoe charges, which pro- vided for depreciation, the estimated pro- fit of the three Summer months L. al, - sob' to 82,000 more, making 6 per ectnt. In all on Bre capital invested. K understood that the eity's light and powar department will make an equally satisfactory statement for the year. ;Mowing net Tale* of $12,000 or ei13.000 ring- payitg interest and sinking fund ma writing off $11,000 to 89,000 to older e SUVENIIIII CURIOSITY. A speteh front „Ottawa sa,ya: Mr. TIMM s Ahearn etatee title( tIM Gov. (ratite t Mveg itg entlorsolion to the attire for the reiablielnitent of on or. , factory Ake company having the Mt in nand wilt Matto a edition. oufiay fthinedfately and further, itlituree hero aro re. d for the lite, arid tetvit ot (ett atutious to futlith ; — Pe44 titieditirt Mitt inghtiltv*, There •-tvau • aOlIti attielenteSiatt ki!ie the, .D4Mitt..'' The alfr, n -s4 diet NAL "Sha ran btot.t6 ahutthetsell her Noah) corn. ie •••••••• --+a,---. FOR REPEAL OF SCOTT ACT. 1 1.1beS could not go to school the next term. P .. • f the fugitive President Lir Not even his mother knew that, fur he had not shed a tear e hen she told him, Lut hud said that he thought a big boy like him ought to go to work. That afternoon Theodure and Doro- thy wrote the addresses and put the statnps 09 the post cards, ha' they were going to send them ell away. Theo- dore had nine, and Donny eight, be- cause she had given Williuni the one he lied eolored. When they had fin- ished they took them to the post office. William vvent with them, and dropped his in the box, loo. And vvasn t Dorothy glad afterwarito that she had given William the poet, card! And wasn't Welietti glad that he had sent It away instead of putting it in his scrap-butik, as he hod Itiougst i if dom g! For something v ery plea- sant happened. Cuie afternoon, just a week 1.0er,(11,,,goitede, Thendure and DorothY came running , Strained relnliens have arisen beo to the arbor, where their mother set I and Tllrkey over the Iron - sewing. They weft both out of bi units ilee et -niece,. end their eyes wei e shining. Goeemykin formee Hussey) Pretniei•, "(Apes who is at Wanton's tsetse!" 1001 gone n bruad , presume lily for his cried Dorothy. personal safety. "Yes. Guess Who is at ‘‘, housel" repeated Theodore. And then they hotti said together, mecessilly NE4It T11-1:1Ges111. Inverness, Nova Scotia, Files Petition ewalion uncle! -Vote Will be Token. 1 "And he hasn't been here for yrars TI.I. Product Consists 01 Moisietenum and PIUS"' gold Dorolto. nod Coed. UsED BAYONETS TO SLAY W4)MEN. • — A German Soldier In Africa Tells of Atrocities. the Milwaukee Avenue state Bank, oe. rego, will hand over to the receiver his father's property. valued ut Semis WU. Cho rle.e f). Sibley. ed itur el the Era, nt New Rochelle. N.Y., is In Jail, with a $25.0u0 libel aellun pending. bees/use he reeled the muyor and aldermen buodiers. fiENEliAL. Ilussiaei minced posilitin Ls suet to be precarioi The Jupanes battleship Milyasa hue been flouted at SASP1)(1. The Persitin G erninent has given ttw people a Natesial ,essertibly. experiments have been begun with a sob -marine telephone Gerinuny. ilermuity is saul to contemplate ri 1111101 prOgralt1111P 01 imprereclenled OBESITY. It Is a Mistake and an iniuellee to many abstentious folk to assume that all fat persons are gluttons or largo eaters. Very many excessively corpulent peo- ple, especially women, aro small eat- ert, while some. filOartitelghtr trenchermen are gaunt and thin. It is not the quentay so much as the duality of the food one eats which de- terminee the puttlng on of flesh, Yet it Ls not always the kind of too& that makes the obese, for some stout people eot very spuringly of sugars and starch- es, white there are large consumers of • sweets who never put on flesh. In such ruses it is a gliestion ot constitution - often bt heredity, and not at all, or very little, one of diet. ' Another prevalent error in regard to fat people is that they are inert or lazy und never exet•else. Of course exerelse does increase the processes 0( nutrition, end so leads to the burning up of fupero 'luaus bit, at the same time• it Causes an increase in the appeesite, and thus tempts to the consumptie• of a greater quentity of food; so one thing balances the other, and want of exercise alone Is not a vevy potent ealuie of obesity. Many very fat persons, are 11, is true, aluggish, but they have become so crime pulling un their flesh, for it Makes a great difforenve whether ono carries one hundred and fifty pounds about when orte walks, or whether it is necessary h. propel half as much again, or even double the weight. It Is a tremendous handicap, and there Is small wonder thet the light -weights do the most ex- ec, 1..ing. Obesity; indeed, Is usually a ['tsetse, end not tnerely the result of laziness ot gluttony. Its cause, lies deep down in the animal economy, in among those mysterious chernical changes by which the food we take into the mouth la con. verted into blood and bones and mus. cies, skin, hair and brain cells, It can often be warded oft by a primer diet and mode of living, especially it taken in hand from the very first and not al - towed to get the upper hand; but the tendency to stoutness will generally per- sLst through life, and can only be mode lied, but never removed. Any treittment for the radical removal uf flesh should be curried out under the edvice n physician, OA violent niea- SUres dirprled 10 1.1'101 end may be pro- doilIve of terrible harm to the consti- tution. A despatch from Lomita' says; 'rhe RheinIscher Zeitting publishes a letter from a Germlin soldier who 15 eerving ln South' Afriva, te which ho says: - "When scouting one evening our party. consieling of lourteen nien und an ()M- eer, (same to a eater pied, about whieh we g111,1? 801110 blaCk ligareg hovering. St'e captured them, and they proved to be ate native %omen. 11 was not coil - nattered advisable lo Thuol them, as there 4.1. IttlOW11 to be etio blerics the neighborhood. Al last a soldier Aug, gesitei that they be bayoneted. l'he of, fiver forthwith gave erders to that effete and floe of as stood in front of the wo- nem und live behind them and stabbed them to dealt." An Ottawa despatch sore A 1), Mem "He eald that when he got the 111.'- 411 of the flanndit Terme ranee ture of Alewife !hook. 13151 %Moon , A Shearon) ., tr, tool/let I 1 rilven has. 14.00 nitalr • Montreal. AFTEll CANADIAN LUMBER. German Manufacturer Looks for Source of Supply Here. \kaniitpeg despatch says.. Mr. (1. u member of the big lum- ber 'in Dresden, Germany. 14 here en route to British ohliiibut with 1" seuuring a stAircp ,,1 supply r„i• h,..1r It11.41111,s, Nom 011111. 1 lie alleuneo in ill Irea. SII.V4, ni,1411. tieide vvith 1110 Prided shoes. 1miger peesible. /Ind he hopes 1.t successful in estalltishine canadian eultrieclion. 'I lue•oalality of such trude, he save, prachrully unlimited. However. tie hays the tariff war with Germany la liable to hamper him in MR effort, 'WILL Bt. 1LD NEW BRIDGE. Fine Catt,14140,er to Span River Art in Invernees. Nova Semile hbo heen flied ,with the Stale Department. R0011 tie the petition tins been eeermees and proven to contain the req, number of signatures, an order vs, 1 iseued for the taking of a vote in the county. The Seott Act. all 11. IR More rnmmon. ly known. 19 Still in byre in imirrily. two conetiluengies In Nova sciitia mid New I3runewick. It hag been repealed altogether in Prtnee Edwnlit island. where a more atringent local law ob- tains. Ray Placed Obstruction on Tracleto see a Train Wreck. , • A Monalon, N. 0., despaleh tater. At CullIgapas Siding, near Campbetton, on the tntereolontal, a freight train ren otter a large Iron bolt ptaced on the rail. The train wee going ;newly and no damage Wag (MO, le.yeor.old boy named Janeph Daigle, woe arrested on eeSpieton. ite protested Me innocence, Let when being „placed in the cell at Ciatimbelifert foil he broke down and Offlf0Stfit, ,116 wonted ta see a train Weeelt, but tatittriately, miseed elt. Orme, Which litteees through at high aped& •as .•••••• • FOUND NICKEL MINE. — • Inch Deposit Said to DOW Been Diecov- ered at Pontiac. Ati Ottawa riespateh sayt: A valunble nickel end eopper mine, 01 well es a enrundimi mine. Is reported te Wive been •• erNi near Pontine, on ilia 1.ranch et the C.. P. ft. about two moes from MeKeeS; Station. ,05.04nys µ111,,n have been Mode hy an expert from e. Milt show, it (dived, thirty per cent. nickel and fifteen per e.t.a copper. te 10 the corundutn mine the pereenlage is said to be DO. Said 111P0i1nrP, 111 111/• greal .01 Wan!. I Sent him, if made Min want 141 1 y,1411 "He used to go fishing there," added pre. see. invitee obuund. It pro. de..tedeli INAS 'Noniron' RilY4' at I/ • ,111.1 muse:110g of melybilenum nod rose reniliefier bridge tu runin't ?stunt- , rhe (114,.,,,,,ry tart hem, mad, m I II,Sh Willi the knuth ohm ,,f the •-,1 I tax% . 'Set Lido. district, near ningutrit,1 14 r,,i. , • ni.eut So tidies „t (menu 1,111. I flex, week and r aolorlion Iv,. %ears . . "And tir.'s bought the h.titre!' ,,ni,I Thteelt,re. "And he Re vs William cen go la Sehool!" Reid Dorutlit'. And then they beth ran brie,k to WII BM'S liMIRe to tell him again hoe geld , eiders le pre, licelly ht a ant fall . P they were, and that loonier htel enel I a il Me 5%9 \ 111010-111 i" 11"' 1.11""1" yes When they Mel asked lam ab.,111 the ; 1,,e1 ,1 I.. e,eioevred le Ili,. plehe,1 d., walk over the ledges that afterneon. vie,. pr0011.1, 1111.1 31, %III tin found °II 1 1 Nrw 1 /atom,. mid ner110-111 1.111,1,re Mr I . 0. Arne+trong. 0,1,..11 i . ... -.—..----- 7.41i, al 11,, 111 of 11,P 1: 1 'Ai., 0.1141 re111111. 1 PrInce Ellttartl 1.1111111 Mali Ernins1 CANNED SALMON PROVED F t.T 11.. 1,,,oult. woes 111.11 h. al e1011 lo too 1 despn 1( 1, ti fan V., owl Peg ,1ls ' ‘ I/ ' 'Youna Man Poisioned in a CAmdrurtion ' .1,1. :di foreseen' H. "'lir "hr" 1h' illnll Ah,••1, r1•1,111‘1,1 114400 tnel,•. I. 1.• (Amp. 1 ki.,•,..o loel 4.1.; ••,1t;11111ctiii, .. 1,,,,lized. A despatch from Winnlpee. save III, ; ................r..... ...-.-- bedy of II. B. Smith. Aged es. e n-, i .....,.. trou Ili in Vermilien, Alberti, on Wed I TO sURVEY TEMISK 1.11ING. — MAN, PAI1DONS ISSUED. Inniates or Canadian Prieons iterei.e Their liteleage. An Oltewa deSpateh Sav4: There v • 01,1111(1 It it, 11,., I "" ""'''"""" ""4". 0.1"-'d "1" `""'"'' w"` hu`'' " 'r""' "P"" f int . lien% 111110.1.0 1 .010 feet , arid a clear 1,, ohog ..f 3J41 , Let elide the a, mei taidee leilete esti ubout two and a hall 111,1i.s. .....--4.--- MENTENCED FOR LIFE. 1,1 ,,11 1. 1r, Ow !Ivry mineral ' ' 11'1"" 11". "1"1 P" NI,•Ker141(1. (1 W11154,13 Prince 1.,1$1,41ird I t" th° dIsc"'"v " t'''41?""11 1,0,4; 4,416.0(0,1 1,, hre I.) the Itoss.eau. Miro, , coin' , i- 1 guinv un wenn. ,,,,,y .10 emstoe,latilsil e\ itleore ,if killing i.rlIII ,IM1-1I1. It it 1$. j...r. near the Iseileinry fine Join, 5 ' I sPtneP11.1114'. (4:n3nngiSiltilneldkoT filvieuBPOien411 Inn" l'-',• ! ti. P. IL 30 14en/dlien)11;1P:tr°Icit1.-:" ; gineere Into 1‘tillit/tlio..,.scrid,.fite.AKei,. 1..., of l • - • - nesday morning from the hraml I emit, camp had crnned salmon for tamper mei , , ass, is, 1, from tionireal 4111 4 5,1' -----..-+--,—. -• number were taken violently 111. Rio 1 I.1,sos ,....h„lohli..,,,,,,. 11„ 1„ii„,„1,,,i tti,it 1:11110(IK BILLED ittlittiL. inquest derided (teeth wina doe to pe1-1 th„ omi,e,,, pieliie 11911wey 1 ntlipailV soiled salmon. - \‘,151 despalrh a colles of engineers met Animal Touched 1.1(e Clertrie %Niee ,...r.,ev,tr4 t.. the 'I eMP41.9Ming 11k4r14-t . fht lier 104411v attacked. ti• 'rinse n v1.01111art mlirvay 111141 rP ,1 1 lira) 111, pc, 0.414,r, itwir .1e43,11. 14 train 1'• 1,11,.,e,141,111 STISPF,IND01.14 1.049. hem .1,11i10.1,rivnuig leirite.wit nn.1 .s nes re ...hem •111.1 '1011 Ir. 41, 'rill' TOAST FOR HEALTH. S1111.0 most of us are very fond -of tiieet, but eat it sparingly, however. bes [WIMP of the general Impreseeni that it ie bad for the health, it ts pleasing to find n leading medical munial pointing on tee cove in the bore. Almost, every wholeenme, (0,01 fur invelids. One Ming in 0s his or 1.4 the feet that it plueee ti lighter hie on the digestive or.hilars tweed, sine.) die Os irai...tratteit semi: of the stareh vt ailt• ,.1 tee 11.,111- ere ruptured, while .10)P ',MP, MIO de striae, which Further. the eremite.% nt hetet net:es- -01e s tong 0,,mplotely in,a,lened In t1,001h f,,r0 11 001 he 1.4% n II ow ed. As II 1.111r. iiii.refere. trend is thoroughly It is importing. however, that newt should be iriep all through, as otherwtee the port10/14 lend to bolero ein.t..• atid eoft. like new bread, 81141 111,e 11, tillictill id digestion tf net thor- ;eighty uoishreted. ' Ila 44, Quin?... 1 he .1100 4,1 thin hi,. light • s -If ../1 hostauld 443 pereons pardoned donne the fie, ..11; Franeleco. Ift,••4, r 1401s hose to -fn v4401,04, Ain t• 1,111,4 11114 Il14, polo, 4.) 1/1.. lir111,11,3 sustained by litslIklf 4fInnapanfee In teen year endine June 3.0‘ from Canadin ' (1y> Pit .0,1011 1 the rfilltul WIWI/ d lioungd the .113U, rid./dd ii„ peniterstiartes foi'''Oartrills retreats, I eit I A do:melee from London sn VS M.. recerit 1;1..41 1{4,- 4t, e.140. %ere Towle, mollshod utf ths 10,0,11 Mainly for good conduct. Of thle 1 ;meg estimates than tiritedi entheame.„ see ,1 ,,1 imen ditIV.11 , ”i* leose 'veil! 1,, her 173 were under tteliefiehel-of-leave the talbfildifiry Arlaptienri etran crafiffiril,1,3' l'll.$11.'0011 the I 000vas •, ertitibing the Min. 0 system. The remainder were released parties owned by Ibsen, teat £9,225,107 teem low end Ow ..1.1 eetablioheil ins I f i•t% ef wee, al hundred UnconditiOnally. Lo the San Pri-ncieso disaster 4 rang Writ dietikt of Ville Marle. I and neatiy tint death. He will merrier. . • . - se_ • rv!--••••• (.111011144 Irk Si %SR t•r4:11FAA tsi, 'rho Total 1r 1041 Eufinsaled 56.227.200 ntiallalk. kiinolpeg, %RNA ' 1.,1 1...00 0,,c110, 10/ Ihe •••40.1..atehrwan 10,0.11 ‘1,1111 a 1011 report or the, ,„ .„,na.• .1041 ‘'.4141111.,11 Of 3310 el (454 I 111 i ••h(AVY that 1 95.5.• 1.7.1 rP4 Ilre tinder enitiValltln Neer white the lolal er0p la esti- ...1.• I al 7011.227.1151 bushels, *there aro. 11, ,• r • Irrul I 330 We erre*, while tle, 041,atalvil clop 1.1 31.230Pn. MIS t8 an it terenee ,,f 0111,01, bsishaslu over Nat ;,,•st. oat nerenge Is 45.243. while erim 3,3111'1•13 2.1.119,500, nn In. I• over lost year of 4,nuo,000 hush - ,•1„. the aerenge under barley le 41 473, with en expected yield 1,11:0,0110 bushels. TIII. 01111 ncreage is 30e532, witti the yield placed at 4,47.00n. There nee 1.506 acres under epalia, ond the yield expected to be 41,704 Wanes. ik 414w .41-1 5).• 7