HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-08-17, Page 111. '777,-- • 4.1, • • • I" t T ODERICIt STAR la theism/4st I ormwowoo#004444100.04,0•00•04404004k I'NewsPalo!rir,, the county ,or Unroll, and • ' Lows Qiudftycquantityl„ ChieutaUon • 0,01.04somoommi0,41040,410440woosoommo: v te•••••••••••••••••••••••44.••••••••••••41 TUE (10915RICH, STAR has Istrter • vircutation than any OtberNewspaper •-• In VII* WOW) of the County of thsron itosogittotiosossossoomols.00••••••••••••• DO YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD ? sd, why Rai 0Pgii a deposit account with us ' and avoid the ore aud anxiety of guatd- /' ' °log year QW11. money? We poy Vdtht yer cent, inicreat on deposits and you eau withdraw Vent Money..at AMY tittle. TANDARD LOANICCoMpANy Gm:MR.10i Oromu i -COR. NORTH STREET ANDN SQUARE W. L. HORTON, MGR. LOST. • T OST. -Near 0. T. It. Station. a small Green 1..4 Purse, containing aunt ot Money,fierla: tallWay ticket,. Pinder will be rewarded leaving it at C. •A,N41.1114130rorcrY• FOUND. yOLIND.-In Court House "Perk, a Lady's Gold Watch Guard, rin and Brooch. pawyyne; %an ha? IIINIVargiAgoptrerrty and • LOST AND FOUND T OST A.ND POUND -A small parse centains 12 tug some change Waite the owner at THE STAR office, apd the falderal a baby's shoe Will muchtabligeby leaving it at this office. .4=-= STRAYED TRAY PEL-Dame to the premiees ot the §lberee, On or about the let ef AnEust. a Pig undersigned, Lote3 and 4,2nd Concesalop. weighing probably 70 or SePounds. The owner ifIKOQuested to proye property. pay expenses ales -take the animal away. E. A. MABEELL. Sanford. WANTS. XILTANTED-At once, a girt for Dining Room . • y work. Aindy to Mrs. R. c. King, King eiratdavard Mitel, \OSITION WANTED as lloueekeepor by.a \ ..)1 capable portion, with best of references. A Ay at STAR °erten. \ ------------- NITANTED,-By September 1st, a capable Girl tor general housework. Mits. W. Pnouneour. Apply to Mies tneksbn] Water- loo St. -- - "TuR'ABERDEEN, Nelson St., is now open for 811111111er bueinese, having lately removed from North St. Large resi- dence, comfortable rooms. first class board, permanent or frau:dent. Rates $1. per day. FOR SALE OR TO LET. 4 PAIR OF BROWN SPANIEL PUPS, XL three menthe old. and One thoroughbred bitcluttrained); also. later on, choice -White Wyandotte cookeels ahdTullets. Apgly to B. 11. OWNSEND. oderich. -111ROPERTIKS FOR SA.LE OR TO RENT- "- St. Andrew's st, solid Mick it -roomed heuse,.bath trootn,tasement, attic, all convent- loberce..N. isreltee_em_tt-q-pginw].room.]ft,ylitivarge ° London Times ftwenty years) anff eelllustra? London News Apply to John Moseley. BENT.-CoMfortaule Furniehed Rooms, walk rem the Square. Wither without boa.rd. gurroundIngw, about five minutes lnouire STAR Omee. MIAMI TO RENT, for a term of three years. ..17 being Lot 19. Con. 2, West Wawanosh, ointaining 250 acres. All in grass. Good spring creek and good buildings. Prefer to rent tor grazing purposes. Apply to W. WItsoN, Dangannon P.O. XTEW HOUSE FOR SALK-On Britannia J..11 Road, east of W. T. Murney'e reslidence. Apply to 110. AI. Et. IOTT, Emit St. "El011. SALE. -A first elates Dominion Organ, ,A.7 6 octaves, piano case. Been in use only a shorktinte. lEor particulars+ apply ILL STAR Orrice.. IVO RENT. -Comfortable A0Ven-room 1101160 .1 near Collegiate Inetttute. Good cellar, hard and soft water In kitchen. Terms easy. Aeon, te MM. Geo. Cox. FOR BALE -The ftne brick 11011118. with 3/ acres of land, on Bayfield Road, at pre- sent occupied by the undersigned. Attend- ance of small fruits, such NS peam: plums. TAX SALE • LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notloe ie hereby given that a list of the lands for sale'let arrears of taxes has been ma- ttered and that copies thereof may be bad at t office, and that the liet its being Published in the Ontario Gazette, in the issues of August Itith and 25thr and. September let and 8th, I006. And that in default of payment ot the taxes and costs the lands will be Sold ta the Court House, in the Town of Godertch, on Tuesday, the 4th day ot December, at 2 o'clock in the af• Lemons. Will. HOLMES, County of Huron, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. Goderieh, A.ug. 16th, 1906. AUCTION SALE VagRINARY, 00 r611140111. limber o the Veterleary FLIENNIANaholforgratiatc)Ireterlietry Associatiens Of teeition, olner, 1,Mterio. SOrkillealePetatiteeto.eneelidtp Mete MRCP atrPea %whinier Summon, recononses. Kenn 111. AUCTIONEERING CEOP,RE BECR-ETT. ene Auctioneer nsonalliAtt011 GliT0t 00de 0.1'0X klror hum. 'compels, and au other saws van receive spec en a cotton. f will bey your ca. tirestocit of limerchold Furtllturo atid.wel ePolI Wax Priem- Let OtO kW/WWII/it /014, hayo to sell te eitYltflo Or tall and Sec what teen soll you. se tiltlatOB BeATKSTT. thirloaltY iihoosSioderich- A UCTION SALE Or A DESIRA13LE FARM of 150 ACRES, comprieing LOW 101-106, *aron Road, Goderich Vp., satiate within half a mile of the town limite of the Town of eioderich, one of the most progressive and best business towns in Ontario. MRS. LOUISA DRYSDALE will offer for eale by Publics Auction. ut the ' Britieh Ex- change Hotel, in the Town of Goderich, on ihrruimumf. SEPTEMBER lat, 1000. at the hour of 2 °Week p. tu., the above deseribed property, which, from its admirable idthat1011, goon. productive soil. and other [mama' advantages, will make a fimt class investment for any one looking tor a chance to make ruoney by being close to the market. and having an etwIly worked Farm. The Farm contains 160 acres, has abundance of water. two wells, and a never -failing spring in pasture. There is a good Frame Dwelling, also a good Frame Cettage,25x18 feet,. A good Bauk Barn.42x110 feet, with a largo idled in eon. neetton, 113x26 feet, and a good Driving House. Ali the bending]; Iirid-fences Wifed-COn- c11tion. There are 10 acre]] of bearing Apple Orchard, a stnall Pear Orchard, 40 acre]; in Pasture. 40 acres in flay,7 acres in Summer Fallow, the balance under crop. The place can be inspected any time before sale. TERMS. -Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paul at time of sale, and tho bal- ance within 30 days or a 13ortion of the pur- chase money, up to $4,000. may remain on mortgag,e, with interest ar a very seasonable tate.- Farm Win be offered subject to a re. serve bid. Mrs, Dryesiale is determined to sell this pro- perty, as her health is not good, and she must give up farming. For further particulars, ap- ply on the premises, or to PROUDFOOT, HAYS St BLAIR, 'terrine's], Goderich. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE " FIRE! FIRE I .44444.4444 Wiles, nave is the time to get your feathers re.novated, ae I will spend one week in cleaning feathera and upholaters ing mattresses. 1Don't delay; guaranteed work or no pay. Drop a card to S. HAL.. MAO end he will call on you. VOTERS' LIST,1906. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERICFI, HURON COUNTY. , Notice Is hereby given that I have tranemit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and del the Voters' List Act, the conics required hy the said sections to be so transmitted ordelivered of the list made per - silent to said Aat Mall person. appearing by the last revieed assessment roll of the said mnnicipality to be entitled to vote In the said municipality at elections tor membere of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elec- stone and that the said list was first posted up In my office at Goderiela Township, on the 14th day of August. 1900, and remains there for in- spection. Electors are called upon to examine the Hald het, and if any omissions or any other errore are found therein to take immediate proceed Inge to have the wild errors corrected according to law. Inedulir:rren. eta. le tt btedsetailra Vie.% f13 roda- erich. and will nicely double in price within four year& Apply on the pretnIsos to .1. H, MALIN:WWI. _ FARM FOR BALE OR RENT. -Lot 2, con. aft, IC. D. of Artinield, containing 160 acres. Soil PP clay loam, 76 acres grass. fairly well fenced, good'artesian well and wind mill ; barn 400,0. Yeah steno basement, granary and horse ‘table 22x35, driving shed and other buildings,. HoWie 20x80, with kitchen and wood shed. Good orchard. Ilalf mile from church. sehool and post office. Apply t..0 11. J. BLAKE. Crewe P.O. 15-1m FOR BALE. -Two new Dwellings on Angle. sey St. A comfortable Dwelling on Ploton St. Building tots on Elgin Avenue, Essex St., Cedar 131. and Pine St. WANTED. -A few Furnished Holmes or Roorns, near the Lake front, to rent for the etuntner deft8011. YOUNG 8t ROBERTSON. - - - PROPERTY FOR BALE.- The desirable property on Elgin Avenue, Goderiah. owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Good honse and two-thints of an Dore of land, with choice fruits. The home le heated by hot water and haa all modern improvements. A bargain for any person wanting firet-elass pro- PertY at a moderate price. Apply to or address Dlt. WHITELY, Goderich. -1DIAPERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred eopiee of old newepapers for sale. Just the thingwhen you are housecleaning. Apply at STAR OFFICE PROFESSIONAL A. wzgdtDAMS, teacher of Piano, oat 0, Ban oqf Mrtreal Block, ner latest &root Andkid. uar NLXON STURDY, Township Clerk. August 14, 1006. REAL ESTATE ACIENTS youN0 & ROBERTSON, RICAL ESTA'lle AND INSURANCE AGENTS. For selling, buying or renting town and farm property. Fire and Life Insurance. 011100, North side, Court House Square. W: E. KELLY WACHMAKER, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. MUER OF MARRIAGE LIC'ENIFIES GODERIOn. ONT. We Impart the Best Instruction in Contmercial hauking. Shorthand, and Ma- triculation courses. In the past twelve months 2 0 0- SITUATIONS For Mail and College Courses Address R. A. Farquharson, B.A. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor. Yonge and Moor Sts. TORONTO. NEON' /111)VeRTISgtY0ANTS. PliElb. Welch GOO Dellitd,Sralt Offitu 4 Yecel elatta..-Mr.. B. Nention loiliffet Itatte Tainted Elline,,Mtatliferta 'Oltler, i Voteeetist,e'reIeusiiip of Godctiell, i British Cam tine, CollegO.N.A.Vatirlintson t Taranto ttair, Aug, gt.-Scpt, fle.0. li, Eyt Ilthletorelixeftlatele P. SY.i 3 allnualtilionitel RatesceetteOsels...... 4 WO 14/P.E. A. Maltisell I ; te,Fitc-S, llalsteattoo ....., • . . ........ ; Oro fieritelna ...O. lIktlitedertelo:- .. : .. 4 NsierY sPeciele-P. Millet Ce , 4 Cleaning UP SAIStej.11.001b01110 4 8194rarter Offs-sw. p„ prathem S Pee 1 ItithIPOtte-tdS-W. AelliCSM4 re %no • a Marc Willing ilerealess-W„A. Igelflat .. • e CrewoDurou ItanlessWorttell'a•VhcaP Store 4 The 1.4teSt PPAUCtiOn4--* J. rrellitee t na Clean II 191E014SM 8 Lands for Pa Wm. Holmes 1 Purse Loste-V, A, Nairn t Oixt Weak-41,-1Am R. C. EWE Spaniels for Sale -B. H. Townsend it Properties for Selc-Intin Wisely t Purse Iround-Sier Office t 1 - ^ • - • ^ • - gown Xoptcs. Two Fowles. BrYe.AW DEADLO1- Yesterday' Alayor Tilt wee served w th a notice Irons the Maitland Power Co's solicitors. Messrs. Prondfoot, Hays ;Ss Blair that uuless he signed the by- law hy4rhursday next, 23rd inst., they would apply to the courts for a mand- amus to compel him to do so. His worship ',eaves to -day for a visit to Detroit, where Mrs.Tilt is visiting, and will return by the King Edward on Sunday. A GENEROUS ACT. -Now that the lacrosse season has closed, the Gode- rich Lacrosse Club held a winding up meeting at the Hotel Bedford Monday evening. The Secy. -Treasurer brought in his financial report and it was found, that after paying all expenses of the club during the season, a sur- plus of $40 remained in the treasury, which the lacrosse boys unanimously donated to the Marine Hospital. This action is very creditable to the players and officers of the Lacrosse Club. 140111inl T A.:41 KO, es, Ahmed; Chapter of Daughtera Of the &KAM 5014,ln Letoeol. nartlett atal,OffiCers of the 2).st gssex Reg" eloei to the eederleh Base BO Chth, kindiy tot. tet's of thauke, a4110Wiellging tbeir ItiOdnesa in -401401W tO the:Hospital Pond the rceelpts of the ball game playetIon TioUraday of Wet week, Btu Extuntenorso.-- Berlin Tele- KrliPh t p. Heether, proprietor of the Berlin Lion DrOWery, will on FOlt TORONTO FAIR. - The cheap railway fat•es to the Toronto Exhibi- tion commence on August 27, when_ you can go on any day for single fare, returning up to Sept. 1 1, hut on Aug. 28, 30, Sept. 1, 4 and 6, the rate is only $2.95... You can avoid trouble and the yhtLgrryetinycoitil,ernttaiLptoiLanticakeitnfboury tog. if at the down town ticket °free, near corner West street and the Square, next Parsons' Fait', open from 0 a. tn. to 9 p. m. -F. F. Lawrence, town tic- . GODER1CH MARKETS. ket agent. There are few changes to note thie week, Tmins leave at 7.10 a.m., 2 50 p.m., 5.00 p.m. and 11 is not likely there will be any till the A rid ea.:pronto 12.20 p.m., 7.50 , rano pan. town Wednesda said they had threshed two ALrr ivvftelloorgenrioch ap..MM.., 71:0-161 Pp..mm. new grain is brought t,o market. A lady in Tuesday nextbrun a free excursion to Goderleh, for la eutployeen and their fatuilles. for his patrons' in this ennu- ty, and on the llere_all the way to the northern town, Ple bas engaged tlao 20th Regimented band, and everYthIng will be provided free of cost to the guesta. Chris. hi doing things up to the King's taste. and there la the time of the setwousin store for those for- tunate enough to secure an invitation. OLD COUNTRY BOWLERS. -The few rinks of the Old Country bowlers that are to play here tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. will arrive here by the early train, I0.50. and will leave by the early train on Monday, so that they will play only on Saturday afternoon. When it was expected that half the bowlers would be with tie, the Gode- rich club planned a good reception. and we are pleaaed to learn that they will be able to send four rinks as ori- ginally arranged. Goderich will etick to ite programme, so at 10.60 tomorrow the Town Council, the bowlers, the general public and thp Marine Band will be at tire depot to welcome the visitors. CHILDREN WANTED. -J. J. Kelso, loads of oats an gob Meets bus ie s, a gure that gives promise of a big yield in this neigh- borhood. The harvest in this section is prac- tically over, thus releasing many who took adventrtge of the Farm Laborers' excursion to the Northwest today. Hogs, col will be eeen, had a drop, but there has been little change in the cattle market, although the feelleg at present is a weak one. Nimue_ere.,_noyst,,,sateing ,ferward, .but_so ...Alt -that they aree•untrleer..dae-Ma] • •• J. F. Andrews 'shipped a cansof export cattle on Monday, to Montreal. aud shipped u lot of hogs yesterday, paying„.7e, a lb. for them, Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of Tleursdap.) Fall wheat, new . _ ....... .80 67 to 67 ring wheat. standard 0 76 te F our, per cwt., patent 2 50 to 2 Flour, per ewt,., family 2 20 to 2 Bran, per Goa 19 00 to 19 Shorts, per ton . '20 00 to 29 Screenings, per ton 18 00 to 18 Oats new 0 '28 to 0 Ltarley new . 0 40 to 0 Peas new 0 65 to 0 Rye 0 48 to 0 Buckwheat, per bushel 0 48 to 0 Hay, now 6 00 to 6 Butter, per lb 0 17 to 0 Eggs, Ifreshl per dozen 0 15 to 0 Wood, per cord 5 00 to 8 Cattle, ex ort 4 00 to 4 Cattle, or inary ansl butchers' ,3 5..) t,o 4 Lambe, !Trine.. ............. .....4 50 to 6 Sheep, fat lewt) 3 50 to 4 Hogs, live weight ......... ,7 00 to 7 1100, dreased 8 75 to 9 Hanel, per lb ........... ... ., u 00 to 0 Bacon, long clear.... .......... 0 15 LO 0 Hides 7 00 to 7 Sheep eltins 0 60 to 0 Tallow. rendered 0 01 to 0 Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 0 10 to 0 " -crate fed 0 11 to 0 Beef, fore quarters Beef. hind it uarten4 Potatoes Toinatoes Apples. 50 20 00 00 00 28 46 65 48 48 311 18 16 D O 00 00 00 On 00 15 25 59 it 12 In 'in. in ma or. Ice 7.60 for .on inn nine ow Led. THE BON -TON LIVERY EAST ST., GODERICH. ThOrerniahlxemhorinrenr,tzed,g7.,41 rirrannV,11,1e rses, Your patronage sdlicited, Phone 61 Walker dc Augustine. --- THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. FOR GEORGIAN BAY, SOO and MACKINAC ISLAND through the 80,000 ISLANDS Steamere leave Collingwood Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Satin -de)! et 1.30 p. m. Owen Sound 1 1 p. m. (Monday, Thursday and Hatt arday sailings vitt Parry Sound, Byng in- let and French River). M enday steamer only goes to Sault Ste Marie. PENETANG and PARRY SOUND DIVISION Stormer leaves Penetang week days 2.45 p.m., northbound. Steamer leaves Parry Sound Monday, Wedneadity and Friday at 6.30 a, in.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. tn., southbound. MEDICAL 1)nn. KMMERSON & TURNBULL. A, T. Emmeneots, M. If. W. B. Teneteut.i., 13. Meow 102 Offices, HamiltOn 1"'"88'"1 Residence 121 Night calls for the firm of Drs, Emmereon and Turnbull will he anewered either from their office, Hamilton atroot, or from Dr. Turnbull's residence, Nelson etreet. ntl. A. IT. MACIT.L111, m. fiCyslcian and Burgeon. Spocicaol attention to ell, °Battu av Ifiutret.t..001p111.181teanigot;otaialo, est street. Ooderich, Telephone No. K2. -DENTIsiHY. E. BALE, L. D. B. IX D. R., McLean'. Mook, Goderieh. Dr. Turnbuirs old stand. At Dungannon WednesdaYafterneOne. HOTELS- rrittE HURON HOTEL. OoderIch tea .1.. Therottghly refitted and modernized. A home tor the ttaveller and (armor, Beet 1A1.60 a dayttotel tobe found anywhere. -N. J. MOIL RIBEY, proprietor. THE CPLBORNE HOTEL THOS. n. /WINSTON, Paorantroa. 4.044440446 0 01 to 0,110 0 00 LO 0 00 An to 0 ft) 0 75 CO 11 74 35 10 0 10 Thisinvorits public house, under the new minii0itent; 'Will Be eoridedied oil modern ptitielplea, and the beat possible cereice is guataitteed the general rnblie. Your patronage is respectfully so icited• STANDe•-Certier Hamilton and New gate streets, Goderich. ' ' , Tilt POI NT rum ATTEMPTED OUTRAGR.-On 'Friday evening one of our fetnale residents, who lives alone, was roused from her sleep by some one beside her bed. She immediately shrieked and the intruder placed his hand over her mouth, but she continued her cries, and the rut- flaws-lefte the hotom,„, .311e.,,latix_the3n ran to a near nefteibore. *bore -she' stopped the remainder of the night, and in the morning the police were notified of the outrage, hut so far the culprit has not been apprehended. During the struggle and when trying to stop her screatni, the women'e face was conoiderabirscratched, and when the. ruffian ran away he left his neck- tie behind him. The room was dark, so the attacker was not clearly recog- nized, but the fact of his leaving his tie behind should assist in his ettpture. It to be hoped the scoundrel will he caught for the double crime of outrage and burglary. THEIR NEW M ILL Ors:Nem-A Win - Cattle and Hoes at Toronto. Sun Office, Tuesday Evening, Aug. lith. Ifogs down, cheese up. This summarises Itself the t loading fact. In connection w the market situation this week. The drep hogs Is a very considerable mie, The W Davies Co., who were paying 87.90 off ears this city twit week, me pnying 87,11.1 in tile ea way today. For hogs fed and watered In T nuts they are paying 97.001 the rieurage pr pith! by them on board cArs at outside point. 97.15, which 1.4 0.m.1.1 to 7 milts to the farmer Park, Blackwell & Co., quote seteets at 8 off cars, with fats and lights 2.5e. While hogs have gone flown. the price bacon remain)) the same, the top price In don on Saturday being quoted by the Cattail Associated Press at 14 5-14e, exactly t he s 0.13 TWO weeks before. Priem; here have, h ever, been above what export Value» warren Low prices have greatly affected the run sxatio at the Toronto Cattle Market dud tie pant seven days. Only 612 head came In Thursdffly, rind about. the erinte number to( The market was decidedly dull and unInter leg from a breeder's er 0 feeder's standee WELA rentarked In the Sun some time price» would bode() Just ea soon ao the ca from the Canadian West began te move. these Weetern ranetters 1(1.0 now filing along the St. Lawrence In an endles4 str The big Weaterit exporter. have contracted all the ocean sliat, and 80 NhippeN from onto tuna perform] go without, Otte re says that all space in contracted for till Sop her. Even the Eludes' market. are feeling tramp of the Canadian herds to the Old I markets. but prices there are keeping f steady. The lesser hay crop In the Un Stater; and the Heiner oat (•rop are gein lemon the feeding operation.; In 11.0 States Dile cetning year, and lambs 000Fil sought after largely. l'onsequently the r cattle may he sold off n little more closely In view nf short pastures. l'oor retern many feeder. in Ontario last mixable ma ter many ?rem feeding thie year, eo that p of winter feeders will in all likelihood bet this fall, and hed a. good next spring fo imbed cattle. FOR SOO, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH Steamers leave Sarnia 3.30 p. TU. Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; Friday steamer goes through to Duluth. A•rrnAcrrivie TOURIST RATR9 Tickets and Informants' from an Railway agents. summto oftsour - Open for the neaten ear 1.400. reuiptied thee, Otigliht ter tnerlste teed& Ng beget plate to Spend the heeled tarn, Or tO coloy Mt Outing. Plenfer Dotting end Beetle* Vatties will find eta Pettit FOS( tht Meet Pleiteittit OVA toYieles , t. 0 flittIORPHt Ptiptietokl, 0 • Air inkints RANKIN(' The Sterling. Bak OP CANADA NERD - TORONTO Incorporated by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament to reeetve Deposita. Higheat curvet rate of „.„,/ peld in eUr Sa flogs Bank Department leeosito of $t and upwrinle, terent paid and compounded -D!"11 MIES A MAR. Drafte bought att•d cold. General Banking lineineen to mulcted. CODE/UM BRANCH : A. G. GAMBLX Manager. interest T 14 of the last lay. est. Int. age, ttle And out trig. for Tor - port tem. the and airly Ited g to tern be amen now • to y rice)) ewer r 11,1 MBLITA11.16 WEEK 114 CODBRICB. The Visit of WindsOr'a FuSillers was a Great Event. Superintendent of Neglected Children, repovts that the applications for child- ren for adoption are greatly in excess of the supply, and suggests that as there are usually 50 or 00 applications Bent in about Exhibition time, eitly who are desirous of having clificThen adopted should send in particulars. He further suggests that all munici- palities or institutions who at present are burdened with the support of homeless children shoulti communicate with him, as good homes are waiting for many. The demand us 08403 19 more for girls than boys, but the sup- ply of both sexes appears to have al - lime* eempletely run_ aut. _Alv_er 13,IX.A1 children have been placed by the Ber- nardo Homes during the past_year in Canada. a The visit Of 811021st DiseX Refft lastrol. all last weolc, will long be remembered as one of the most enjoyable events of the entinner Of 1990. The eloeing eVenta were a sham battle on the distille7 flab' on Friday morn ink, "at bottle" on Um Camp grounds by tho officers tu the afternoon, and the military_ball tendered by the oilicere of the taird itt the eventug. But per- haps the most generally enjoyed fem. Lure of the week was the nightly con, certs by the splendid hand , on the Square each evening. and the "Bigh- hinders' Parade" by threo companies of the tuen on Friday evening. These concerte were a delight to hundreds of all ages and both sexes, and the sweet music so generously given by the band called forth uniyersal praise. 'rite sham battle was witnesaed hundreds from along the hank, and al. though mainly of the sk'irtnish order owing to the large field covered by the limited number of men, W008 41 well- ettrried out series of manoeuvres. The "at home" in the afternoon was an In- formal affair, mttde doubly enjoyable by the music of the band in front of the reception tent, and a generous supply of' dainty refreshments. The military ball took place et the Summer Hotel, undue the manage- ment of the Col. and officers of the 33rd, with a long lied of stewards and lady patronesses, and it was well attended considering the warm wea- ther, and much enjoyed by all, The farewell concert on the Square early in the evening Wile enlivened by the appearance of "the Highlanders", the men looking well, and of couese marching well to the strains of the bugle band, their eostutnes being the tunics turned inside out, the kilt form- ed by the overeotit °ape, their 5.ga hare end their glengarries completing a very good imitation of die Scotch dress. Hearty cheers tvere exchanged by the men and our eitizens at the vonciesion of their parade. On Saturday the Itegit»ent paraded at 1 1 a.m., and marched to the station, speeial GAM WILK waiting to take them home to Windsor. 'rimy were followed by_ a !ergo crowd, anti at, the depot they were heartily cheer- ed. and (mite a, time was spent In fare. welht. The march to the station, like all other movements of the 21st, show- ed the wiedom end kindness of the 1.1, O., the oftleera and men, for they made me extra march round the Squttre en that. the parade and mettle could lie enjoyed by as mom y tot temeible. The teak, of the h:ssex Iteginieut will be a pleasant memory to our young people, and in fact 10 all our citizens, for they were it well behaved lot, they were full of tam as WAN evideneed by Went Hit/bland parade. bur they twere always gentlettien, Mid W11110 the iinteers of Uanadltinerformitri of stirli considerate and gentlemanly men, the Union Jack will itlwitys Ily ()Veit Can- ; rule, the pride of the Empire. A. citizen writer' a letter whieh appeare in another column, erit the lack of fraternal treittMent, 030 pl'On011nell11 111 1111111 nry eireles, on the put of our own :Ord officers, end IliA re11111.0tH HUH hut tin echo of many such which %vies] voieed NVe hope the reniinder NvIll not he foegotten for niters, ocresiens. The Windmir Record hail a spevial ttorres- ponilittil here all week, and from his excellent reports we quoit 1' It few para. graphs which will interest (helm ieli peopl]] : "floderich an ideal I n wil for resort • ern - Med, and Medi hy. Still it hoe a gra veyard- "Nlain streets in (loilerich radiate from the teninty whieli sat rounded loy (01 octagon shape) park, The eight blocks, which PII. clone the park end form the hula of the laisinees essi•I ion. Streets rim out from the octagon sitok on a wheel . "Soineotie played n. joke on Chaplein Tolmie tiy milen it tiling tt, lady's meddle, divided mkirt style. 011 his hove... The trieit was not discoviit•eil WI( 11 I he IlL (11111POPII and Chaplain Tol. mie looked 1111PANy 011 1 hi/ IntrIt110. 1111'0111411 the stis]ets from the elittists] to the vamp. -The expknat.11,11 given 110 the cause of the voolness initnifeeted by the, (1.'61- (.16,11 eit i7,1•0100 to the Fusiliers ie that about a yen!' ago Home soldiers frion (limped itt Coderiell and 111.'10011 the OW11 W114 tioele rc). their enjoyment. They tell; thinge loose, HO IL 141 said, and 4111CP ihnll 1110 1111 7.1'110 IIILVP little um. for a moldier." Brief Town Topics. .1. W -Broderick has purchased an- other stock of boote and shoes in Exe- ter. If you don't advertise your busineso in Ttflt terAtt, Mr. Merchant, perhaps the sheriff will. Nixon Stnrcly has purchased from H. E. Hodgens the Egner property,for which he paid $1,500, an advance of $100. k M. Eliiott'e DOW house, next LO corner of Pea ti itsellelaavreeld -roadie, nipeg despetch of August 91,h said : " Premier Roblin this afternoon, in the presence of a representative gath- ering of Western business men, touch • ed a button which placed in motion the plant of the Western Canada Flour Mills Company. This magnifi- cent or ructil re, wail a capacity of 4,000 barrels daily and an annual conmump- ion of 0,000,000 bushels of wheat, has has been 0 year in building. The company also owns nfilis at Brandon, Man., and Goderich, Ont., having ab- sorbed the McGaw Company in the latter town. Their total daily output is 6,000 barrels. Premier Roblin, in opening the mill, reiterated his pre- die.tion time there -Are 100,000,000 bushels of spring wheat in the gt•owing crop ; indeed, he believed, he said, there are 125,000,000. The president of the Grain Exchange, while hoping the Promier'e eatimate might be real- ized, did not believe it teeild be. TUE BOWL1N11 TOURNAMENT. The is.now cetilideted an -ielady-for a ten- ant. • The Huron County Board of Exam- iners will meet in Seaford] en August 26th. All applications must be sent to the Public School Inspector before that date MUNICIPAL MATTERS. The retinal. of Mayor Tilt to sign the Power Company bylaw creates a altuation which suagests a 11)VieW of the eireutnatarreca which have brought about ao unusual a dead di in our t municipal affairs. Illa Wo lp soya he has taken the advice of the wn solid - tor as to what can he One in such cases,and that he is not alarined at the threatened writ promised hIna by tho Power CO'S solicitors, Messrs, Prond-( foot, Hoye' te Blair. As to the legal an - pea of the matter Tun &ran does not pretend to speak authoritatively, and we shall await any explanatione in the Town tiounoil,where wo think themat- ter should be discuased. But whetevea The brick work of the extension to W. A. McKiMs dry goods stove ie nearly finished. The extension of forty feet will greatly improve this well known store. Mr. E. N. Lewis. M.P., iFi moving an old landmark off Lightlione, etreet, portion of the dwelling so long occu- pied by A.M. Todd, the other half and all the ground now being owned by Mr. Haley. Mr. 1)110111 ( fan telon was in town last Monday. aud is as lively (01 eller in the apple business. lie has, inehel- ing this week,shipped some 111,000 teir• vets of tipples to NYinnipt,g, font Will purchase all he can get. On Friday, hew Young, an ludiatt reeiding at hi tinceytown, W1L/4 I/1'01441a before His Honor Judge Doyle for election, he having been sent up from Centralia 00 a cherge of mtettliug ft trunk . He elected to N. tried by the speedy trial process and pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set down for Tuesday, the 21st inst. succems of this now much loolced for annual event in tioderich was a little hindered by the showers last week,but. otherwise it was ita managers could hope for, and with+ another to t he red letter dates in the bowling calendars of Western Ontario. The fact that, Goderich won first, in the trophy match and tteeond in the association WILN a matter for hearty congratula- tion by the visiting teams. for the play to the last shot was the keenest end most exciting wit nestled for a long time, and the laurele were well earned and worthily borne. Winners of the different events were: Trophy. - Messrs. E. L. Dickinson, trio. trait, Fred Davis and W. Thomson. )(kip, (lode rich. Senond prize J Stewart.. It. Bose, 'I'. McDonald, Dr. Bruee, gineardine, Aasociation Messre. K Howard, Dowd ing, II. Agnew and .1 Hoover, MIclp Ciinten Second 4rize M144.0/4 4A'. Lane, F 14. Heinle.. Jris. H. Wert. end Dr. [banter. ,d(lp Ooderich. Consolation • 114e.strs. IL Frame, A. M. 1. number and T. IL Meturdy Stratford Second prize Col. Dougherty,. W J. Thorneon, T ft Burley and 10 A. Dunbar Mitchell. I:emblem ---Ir'rewford and Hairline W Ingham. Seeond prize Latimer .0.1 Staples. Seater -1h. W, S. White, Coplostsn. Second prize Agne w, 'linter). Onit STREETS AND Rem oxeye... During the present Reason many im• SPECIAL NOTICE. Noticee nndor this heeding to non advert's. ors will he charged 10 rents a running line In nonpariel type. 15 lines to the inch; to yearly eontract IRIVOKINerN Wh011e 1101vorthling (Io- wan.) In the IMMO issue. rl rents a line OA these who niake a yearly t•entraet under this beading, and do not otherwise advertise, 8 cent« a lino. the outcome. WH venture to again ad- vise that the Government Hydraulic Power Conunission be asked by the Cowed' for itu esantinatIon of the river and an estimate of the coot and pos- sibilities of the wham) to develop electric power as proposed. It is true we have hada somewhat conservative and guarded letter front the COultilissinu'el chief engineer, but Oka we think was not as full and decisive es we would have a right to expect if an official requeet for a report ia made by the Town Council. We 0041 conceive of no objection to ouch a report, and we presume none would be offered. if It would confirm the report and esti- mates of the °engem y's engineer,then would their case be immensely atreng- thentel and their chances for enlisting capital would be greatly increased. lf, ou the , ot her 114111ti, Snell IL report was 1101 favorable to the 8(3110111e, If it allowed difficulties and dangers which would be more or less agaltist the pro- poeition, then the town should have the benefit of that opinion, inasintivii am it is asked to be the endorsor and financial sponsor for so large a sum of inoney. report eltould have been asked for by the Comutil when the proposition W11.8 111.81 8111l1111L(Od 1.111 150m, but. thin it WM 1101 then obtain- ed is no reittion why it ehould not be loolfed for now. Blowiest princi- ples of ordinary Intainess methode make the peocuring of ;melt it report a matter of duty on the. pert of the Couneil. There Is not at man ot them who would not itellat. on it gov- ernment report, wtinriS odmity- air- talpable If acting au a pentium), ett-• doreer fOr the scheme. Why simuld home. wish for it now? Local Notices. 25 cents for THE STA tt to elld loo6. Mr. R. Norman JoBilTe hag opened a vocal cia.e In Onderieh and will be at Mr Roy Adams' studio on Saturday afternoons. Mies Berta Carder, of lityth, will have a display of Hand Painted China at the British Exchange, Underfelt, 21.1 and '2'2nd ef Anguat. All are cordially invited. Hours Is m. to 10 p. m. China for rale. When wealth and fiothione go in seareb of relaxation and amusement. the most exacting standard of criticiem prevails, and only unegnalled enallay finds favor. Pridharn'a ordered clothing inatood lately wine tho appro cal of the most dteertminating by their ote. panne in style. their nerfeetIon In fit. and he came of their unstained high quallly. Our stock alwnym kopt mnoptiest with the latkst productIona - THE TATIAMI. MORE BARGAINR.- TWo Big Bargain nap ca the Gorterleh Bargain Store on Slater day and Monday. 18th and Alth of August At thin very cheap gale there will be offered 60 paire of Fine Shoes In a Wag 29 and 3; Your choice of thle lot at, half price. Hurry Up and hong along Feet: amen foot. Also 20 palm of MOB 4 Pakia ifilithrFr Shoos retiTgianaa All new and np-to-tlate gotale. There will aim he real snow In OVerythina etre In dock. Title will be a enackinff (dleatt Bale, --J. W SEEKS LAKE .. CONNECTIONS, 4CtifiMeS OP C. P. R. TO BAP- TUBB BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. Soiects Goderich as a Grain Port -.Progress of New Line PM; ' Gueiph-Policy ot Connecting Several Prosperous, Towini With Branch Lincs. Toronto Globe. Saturday. Aug. IL Construction work on the new 0. P. It. line which io to link Gu4iph and tioderich Is proceeding rapidly. Steel le now laid for our or five ram Weet ot Linwood and grading le done con- siderably beyond the end of steel. At Linwood. which has been °elected as a junction point, a fine new station. autinciently large to accoentnodate heavy traffic, Sao been .ereeted, and Chas. Cook, Bayfleld Road, has a gnod field of yellow inangolds, an or- dinniry sample ot which polled last week weighs 10 pounda. Thia is good growth so early in the stetson, anti with a reasonable amount. of rain till pulling time the crop will undoubt- edly be a heavy one. Mr, Cook's farm Is One of the progressi VC and suceeseful kind. .A. special meeting of the Public School Board W140 held pri Friday evening; prettent Wm, Acheaim. .1. It. Craigle, R. II. Unit, A.D. Me Lean and .A.. Swindon.. Emir applimit isms were read for the positien of assistant. dm, ing the Model School term, and oti motion of Mesors, Saunders and Cut 1, Miss Annie 'W1110011 WAN 1•11041.11, and the lady accented the position. Manager Lewitt and (leo. Acheson were In Philadelphia and other point the past week, in eonnection improved machinery for the Knitting fectery While in the eitstern city, Mr. Ache son W(LN Indiepreted and bad to re I urn home, but Mr. Lewitt remained, and it is understood the Journey will se• ilt in putting the 111000) improved knitting nee•hinery 111 to the Eget street factory. The last -number of the Dry (beak Review gives thin word of praise "McKim, of tilotlerieh, ham a gothl green of the advertising problem, judging from a special Nall. folder sent in for review. To start with, the at yle of the folder is distinctive; then het e le not too inueh Matter, and the et mingernent of detail i H PANT LO There is a swing to McKim nen t eneett aino that convincing." Tux STAR did the printing. provements have been mute to resi- dentitil tiropertien in tioderich. A walk around town caneee a feeling of pride over the very mnny he.ndsome residenees, well kept lawns and ap- pear ancee generally. The pr•ohibition cow bylaw him induced many citizen); to take down their fences, Ohm eh St. being one of the most noticeable and prettient in town. Like Trafalgar, (Thiirch street is reaidential, the wnik being on the mashie of the treen, leav• ing a nice clean road vvay about 28 feet, withal] lo quite enough Apace for all purpottes. On Trafal.ger otreet matt many improvements have been tnade thin newton. among them the re- moval of the unsightly sheds and fenee and the painting of the Central echool, the improving of the Swift. property by the new owner, Mr. Wil- liamson, who will remove the front fence, the removal of Mrn. Green's fence, the painting of beautiful "W eel - ling " by Mr. Wm. Holland, the re- movnl of the fence in front of Robert Jones' residence, and the proposed re- move) by Mr. McCracken, the cutting out, of every other large tree, an elec- tric light which nhould have been en ere- •and now a five foot cement walk outstide,the treen, whieh will he laid within a chort time, leaving a road. way of Mot. 30 feet. Convenient to achool, all ehurehen and the Square, Trafalgar ntreet will in the near future be one of the neatest and prettiest re- eidential etreets in Goderieb, and there are many others. Tire people of Gode- oriel) as a whole are to be congratulat- ea on the pride that they exhibit and flue 0.re they take of their homes. Meeting Calendar. Itleetine Of PAW/150mm Board nest illtmday evening. Ilefteler flieethlit et Town Connell thie Fri. dftY °vetting. Itertlat. MOM* f Cella Grelcrich No. r, nett,Totese, orcelag. , the laying of steel on a. branch line to Listowel has also been commenced at 1.1nwootl and le to be pushed forward with rapidity. It la expected that in three or four weeks train service will he inaugurated between Linwood and Ouelph, serving intertnediatf) pante. By early in the autumn the company intend*, it is underetoOd. to have the Lititovvel ...branch completed and by the fail of snow to have steel laid through to Goderieb. On the di- rect line between Guelph end tioderieh new 80.pound ateel rails are being laid. 00 the Listowel connection 00-poutui steel is used. The eonstruction of these two lines and of a third from Flesherton Durham, Hanover and Walkerton to Kincardine, la oin evidence of tho ag- gressive policy which the uompany itt pursuing to obtain direct. routes with low grades from two upper lake portn to Toronto, and alao to secure business offering .at flourlshitor towns along these linen. The company'a upper lake port now is Owen Hound. Thin g11/104 IL fairly direct route to Toronto. but the heavy grades encountered have long been it menace to the econo- mic openttion of trains for the trans- portation inland of large volumes of grain brought clown from the West. Ill -of the reit-norm therefore, foe building the new fine to tioderich is to get. the more nuitable snetde. Eleva. tors are being erected at Goderieh, tho new road is being constructed with a view to IteCOMItnodating Ilene y through traffic, tet evidenced by the character of the 1 multied, the laying of standard steel and the eubetantial appearance lu.idges and stations, 'Mese facts, together with the eany grades selected, readily suggest the deeire to make Goderich the favored grain port. 'rhe signifiettnee of the new line, no 111V WI the coentry is concerned, is that tli`ey will ronnect Several towne both intend and along the coast which DOW are not Served by limy road. Stich' '1'um ftrau brings forward for dis- eussion a suggestion, neither new floe original, Init. one neverthelese that has many eupportere, and that is, mould - pet government, at, least so fax es the hendling of puhlie titilitlea, by [mid commissiotters instead of by (devil ve councillors an now. Don't gi]t t]xeited gentlemen of the Council, keep pule serge and keep root ' one ie attack Intr. Nee; •wan -t: firineiple- dise cusseteand the Mosseilote nelynnt ages and illsadvantagt, of mud' IL etiallgt`, 110 f11.1' 48 OW 105011 1/0 (100101.1011,IN t'0111'01.11P11, fully considered, anal tea that P1111 We 141/P11 the eolimins of to rtny- one either IR ing, .11' 11.1V01,14. 1 110 proposition, 111 t his age. of lewdness competition and of 411.18.1. 1/114111PN:I 1111/- 11101104 faetots in tlie (mention haVi. We not g1,111, t Ire time when men clutirlil he expelled to neg- lect 1 heir own business 1111 li1141. their ti0111' %V111111111 Or 1 CM' t lie hen - ell,. t heir fellows, 5011one rieltoriejlti. 15 r .„„1 In the general well- being are /IA great as theirs.' think it over, it' you 111•10 11/11 already 114111), him 1411.1 1011 10 THE Tic.(it lietv veil think such change would sea Cede' icti. e • It in rumored Gott, reeident, re• eently deceased, has left one thouennd het ford (result dela) ed •, 11..1 lot te dollare for the town (for the peeks, it Stir ling, .leritt Tom. le Fmk]) and the spending of hat 11,'111, .1. PrIttelfoot ained 19t. 2 1st l'usiliers' Visit. •riiiis• 14.1,1si ef 'I 11E ,,rtit. 1,11•:‘it : it eitit.eit oe town or uederkh wits delighted 5v1111 the vi.it (if 1110 21st ier eau. laahati• 1111 10W11, 11101 I ion sore itvery eiti•ten shaves (hie feeling, Niv.elf nrid many ot hers Ikre, however, in 41 quandary as to 1104v fat. the I rile y pt•e• veils, 1,, /311y rottltiog of ordinary mili- tary etiquette,. I a, surely ;would hey,. been in keeping with stiell tin iitileit•t• 11111 nevasiirti for the colonel of tile 10.1114' 0111PPIN 111 10LVP reveived the 21 41 iinifortn, moulded, /11111 111`11.41P(1 1110 inititch eeith the :00ril Regimental Mind. If it W11.4 It genuine ovet•eight, it could have been reinielied Siitur• day, when the v1.6100.00 proved themselves 11 cle.a•ie14,611y gentlemenly lot of people were leaving. The :430(1 liand did not ellen not in All It141011.1.- 101114/ 111. ill nny way entertain the ViN• 11014.1 0111ring 1 lee 50eck. When he "Bestfort lo 1 Iivlilianders- 011 1'111/Ay evening on he Sointr.t Mettl- e]) by the bogie band, !LTA I int ri nianoteicies 0vi•re in full 11Will1.1, 1111/11, W1/1•1/ prill•lit•Ally 11/ / eleet ric lights, altholigh thousettels I I 43/00111- 10111 W1/11. 11N/00'111 '1'011/1/110111/ 1/A114 WPIP A•4 11111'k /44 it (oh llg light, het nototioddle light., ;vier about all the relief I sight until the elr.rerie lights 1V1/1/1. learned on rit a late Th,, 21.1 gave 101 0X11111ilhal That Will 110./..1 10. forgot 1 011 for merit, bait it is really Iota 101i1 1 hal 1 hr. town's alfairs sheath( be, a ppeirent ly, se, want negleeteil The ,Itritriis.itiner public .vot ..hket tit. or what 1./..0/1/ y1.11 rtety veil hint, wa9 in the 03.11 .110 the 1,,,, tlio tit a 10 1 NI I.. Illai t• i aild 1 0. .41. V1•1 ..IV r,,, pb.in The W/1,611,415' 11.0/111111•111 101 lie il,•eli Iv regi et I isl, moil I I lied it. 011/15' never again ite,tre, •es r...11.1.0 lom han .1..1 0(1001 1 o 1 1.01.4 ich. 11111 3%1311 1144311111411.1.. if 111/1 1 he 9'. 11 laid the ii111,10s of 1 lie Departmental and University ixams The folloWing 14V1' the remelt,. of I lis• I hpitrtinental and PM y Exam- inatione held al lioderich Collegiate institute iluring the first two weeks of .114. Ori tie. whole lite resulte MVP highly eat isfnetin yatted it 144 1t 1111.104011, 111 he able to vall tention to 1 he large number who have passed with 1101110•14 this yenr, for 50111011 a pereent.ig,0 111/P1/414/1.1 V. Thi,, 1110, 111P 111,41 111 Whi1/11, in the Juni.11, T. -a• Exainina.t.hm, 10 per cent. is exacted of all ennsliiittles in each sub- ject foul NI per M.111. 0.1 1 he ag tre,g,1 e. it i 4 ittlly' fair, Om, Of rn11 attention to the fact that Miss Marien Coats aiel Jenn Toni passes! heath parts of the Son ior Teachers' Examined ion w tine year°8 ME:Clays whieli eeldion (1.,rt4tken Without two years' prelim() i( In Senior Toro,hers' Par t I .1 teetie Blake, 361 'trim, Coals, Edward I ho niti, %Vim .1. Smyth, Jean Tien !....11 'or Terielier0i' Part. II A 11 hi] r 114/441i1/ Bri111114011100, Margate, Chil•k (110111114.1. Marion Coat.. 1 101011 I trysilnle, iteginald it,i1]..ct ihenetsi, thousand, if there are no real rict ions, will no doubt be a eubject for runny discussions. The thing 11)0,4t 1)44.(1.-.41 11,.11411.44 :In English t'onipiteition and lilielot ft, English 1,11erni tire awl Eng Anil A tll'IPIII I 1.4 my, alai pees for vinitore and our own people is a standing in Latin, Eren, eared tiet• decent bathing house, rind if .11,1) ol. wan. building wile everted and named after Junior k. Ander the donor, it would be memorial to eon (honors), Mary 11,111tIel , feentiiel the kindly gentleman, and a pleasure to all who indulge in snrf bathing There are many other wayn of upend- ing the money, one of whieli in to eon nect the Harbor Park with the Harbor 11111 Park. by putting op a light eteel place). Its Utuleele14-,-Kilmettalftle, wel, Milverton, F..11111111, Myth, Dur- ham, Hanover,' Walkerton, Linwood and the othee trovtin entered by the eunnection, all give evidence of traffic, both 1104NOPI1gP1' 111111 freight, 'which will greet ly inerentte tiro coittpany'e earn - Inge. Western Ontario, it is true, ie wi,11 in tereeeted with Grand Trunk line04, L1141 (1. P, iN without any line remelting the lake coast from ()wen sealed te Detroit. It is evident, t here - lot e, diet this vompany hi quietly in- vading it rich agricultural and prom- ising indusitrial territory, whieh theft. T.11. lute held for itself for many yeare, with the intent. not only of eatablish-Q ing good through rotates tO Toronto and Montreal, hut of developing a steady. local business. 111 c.4e11,111littonahtt,tIondii of I 81.11001111 It is props north f rem Teeswriter to connect with 1110 IIPW thaelpktioderich line and east. front Fleelleelon to connect with Iiii• new Tertintli Stidltury road now well ad vaneed, Bean elleoloi Henson ( else rhortorsi, Mat y Wrti.Firigland 11141114.1-+1. (:10.1,4114 nn, Frase,r, 'Mayon. ( argeret .111004011 11100. /14.0. E1111101. Jolinettine, Edwin ick, ThIrta Letvil 1, la ene 110.1110111.0i, bridge tierosa from hill to hill. McMinn., Alex. MCI.1.11.1ati 1 hon..1.01, While Paulin'n delivery wegon woe Angus Me• 1,45.1 honeie sa, viola Pat being driven along West et reel. 4n) termin, Edria Pentland, hottio Robin Tuesday, one of the bolta bolding th.• Siillivan. tongue broke oft. and the wagon «aeon • I Junior Met rivulet Th,. 0,41„wing rneneed wobbling from side to idele. • have pneeed the Dill 1..CalnifinTi..11 for The hornets ran away, bet the boy held rici i lei Intl in Atte with lot in - on until the vehiele tnrned ever, when ' firm, A ndergon, Harmed bleetn, ‘Vm. the itnitnale broke away, leaving the hove - (there WPTO three or four of them) stretAthed out on the rond Three of the bort had light ride, And 110 Robinson, Boswell hie het feard. the horeen hail light °nee also when Preston Strang. The following have eeetired '4 P f4 Mntr 1,111111.1mi ut ending wit limit 1,31 A lex . 14 A relereon, .1 olin latent er, 1,orne NillSt.P y , Prank Mr1)41tInth. 1,11 Ilan MeVlear, WnIter Maunders. Pharmacy M at riceila thin - [tarry 11 11- lier. FAwIn Petered eompleted Matric paealng In French. Casitelon, lieneon e/LAP, 1,1111111 Fr twee, Mevole 1Lnp-fin Johnst0ine, MItIt1111. Johnstone. Thi ry 1,PWItt, 1 fist catighte one being eaught en Weal ntreet, and the other on Polley'n lawn after a big battle, Col. 'Young being the victor. Afterwards the imps went to West greet to fetch the pierce. and they made quite a parade' with thetn to they marched back to I Paulin'n *tore. Around the Harbor. Anglers are having a quiet. time, RN 1141 aro not 01111011 on the bite theeti 110)14. Jetnee eaught bans on NVeithiesday which weigheti 44 pounds. It was a Iseiiity. The Heti/miler Pentileteot, with it verger of lump east) 000' 1", 1i. Holmes, unloaded this Week hy the coal der- ri •Ic. The prop:rove cif he 11. It. track loth closed the to the lumber mill and the harbor beach, and those who have heen tieing that road to the bead' are wimilering whet e the new rOfid tho 1111.11•1/01' 11111111PP 111111 Will lel 10(1110(1. '1110. ventent work on the elevator will be 11111811ed halny or tomorrow, and t petting t lie roof anti plae• i the initellinory lee i.aroreetle41 with a rush, !dos( ear the iron work needed is now en the ground or in the heiliting, ittel the 6.0141 of next umnth, it i41 11014141. %VIII HP)/ grain tieing ele- vated into the, new st tort And 1.11P 0/10/V141 01. 511i11 Wit 110111.11 foot of lum. The 'redeemer lolf•igi; iirriverF141„ ber. • port from Stokes Hay on Monday. She breenglat the lowlier mill from that village, 11.1111 it Will 110/ VIII 1111 on the spot where the burned 111111 14100d. •111), .01,,,,ner brought every stiek lie Stokee 1 5ty mill. No 1 h....0 will be very 111111] ens politer ing work in I 0 01.1.0 ,11 . Already a. start has been aeleule, and 1110 1011 Co. will 010 its host. to have it lip in time to cut the logs noty in the halts or herot e the froet maw-. 1.50 ilroalgilig and 1 he crew of I he hag Horton have 1 liee past few weeks 1,11 owl the hertrt y thanks tif ies.ey 1,f 1. ha- 1 he many free 1•Ikt. trip. they e hail on that tug. 1 'it 1 The tog is a good oset WHO, 118 W11.9 prnt/001 14/0•0/11tly 011 /L trip 10 Iiin/11.1. dine, when it was calm lit het ween 1 hat port anti Point Clark in One of the hinivicel blows of the season. Th.. tog of trio weetruel holt in the trough e ,f ing I he .0111, hilt she alwraya ronc bravely, and thong)) the WaVea Wat411011 nettiy that ....MP 1114•11' "Ill, n4'14' flni .1,111411/41 Wil 11 1ln. „0 11,,, the hu,km... from till° her wheel house 3.1) 0114/ W.•nth!•red all n.nd tied tip in , 5,, it:sashes. with 11 hank f. RiX 011 with "Meer,. and men went, there 1 he 11'010" Pr"ved 8" he It strong iot, h ,,,titithtitti,„ it, tin leoat, and it im fetid that but for lier artline. 'lore is A Vi/.50 from allot titand point liy mod her (it iten : 7111. Killion Notwithstanding the plea,ant week 31104011 1 indil II 11 i)V the,. h.„1 Ali/An:4ft 411/' W11111d 1101 111(00 1-001.0111.11 ,11111 111GL ("11" "'" 141.0,111 1;1'0111111 for v Imitation, 1hiitst Who aro 11..111110. along the v 411.4,4111141.(101 inn of t he I it luny, peril that the time ef art iir th., 4011” 11,,t kl).,V. 1111 tll Within half an horn t hem all 'val. ard it was t initored w•aeilel here before 114100, 10(01 Ind tV01. • .1iiing pail v would have, snent half :0. ila v in wait ing !sorely ree, sale, IMO V PL INN (041 010-11 WAN10 nf 1 /me Born. In (ind.ei• te0er,tp paet 10 51, 10,1 Nit. 1,‘,1 I 4en.I., 1,1 4,101 , .11104211.0 51. 5, f wryly 0010141.•ej. 11 local, Inp "It A OW Ur. /n. 1,111.10, ii•0110141 110,1 .1 ,LniallIvr .1/11 Ined. 1•„„,(11 • k 0/114 1.11), rif 1 a %ft awl 10, liar/ pert., let tam , 1 /Atter low11.1111, A ..itirflon0 Th•Prton. On) 54) Ttleeilay. Aug t1, itna, Margatrot Kraow.M., 1110v John Anintmen, aria 1.10Ther of Rol Jas. 411•Imesin. II 4., of Ooderteh, and Itev. hincan A mimeos), 11 A., of tteneharnobi. aged at imam, montivi ftnd 000 11070. Port Albert. 1/1.:11/40,Y 1/41 Mrq. Win. A. limy and derwreiter, of 1 lxford Centre, near Wieelet.e•it, .1.0). 00 a Omit to her nons, Jess.. am! (11•14y, near Port Al. Item, who aro ohntatal TO hare v t them again after the long illnens Ni141• 5115 passed through. She will MIN 0 Vi sit. her grind ilangh t or end groat LT,,,I)/k11/3, near 'reaiso, Who Will Mon 6-• glad (1) 14.1. her. Minn Gray, of Nile, teacher. is ay eeneling the last of at borne. (11/1N KR AI. NI/TRY. 00 Prilany 1091. Wm II.N11117.41 threshed hin w heat, whieh yielded fairly well. D. MeKen- zie 1 brealed out, Tuemlay. Wheat yielded 27 Minh.. barley Itt, and to 'ter... of emit threshed 93 bushelti, barley 10 ininhele to the acre. Oats are very light through here, and there in some very poor barley. HotrventIng Is drawing near to aft -lone aroonci here Threnhers aro itnXiOnn for work in onr neighborhood; they come In and wait for work. ‘1,44116.6 tokb- , ' t'