The Goderich Star, 1906-08-03, Page 7cr, TOCRAT OF A T itontantic Wry ot the Omit Hodson's Bay 4134tony, A•T MOT* Qe nu roving yr mons ova, A, mot wogs mat ossnow, won% ilet,leledits, , • WerkfWV14110t#YVIAANWN000,' V0.44,WitY*Y111110VV1/40104M0l. 4 Yos4)4 40111* tnr llOni. Viik404 ItOYSI 44 lir4^ ORO II44314 then soy Coin*, tearful , Of I ranotitiori In the Norlit4est by A payttliatdi Ot 00 ulliatk notaiglitlee pz, .xetlit *0 love poi, 110dsort Vey end 4004 ivatera.nt the azid a halt Mallon del** end *QUM qattat In the baart4 Att Utter strong**. Alotelon. boundar.y dialinta, Is ROW treding end Ilinditeird prtellegge net Itie It Ona Mey 104,ge hy the amount a lationitualr echttgett in, easerting lta conalstent With Ole leitrinneleritieY et the eferreependernee q en emeeene maw* WWII Kerte IWO Royal palecto ItOnt IkriSreigilllt ttiOra ;',14 Meletalellitg EQ11111000, /*NMI cruieere. and elletehltehteR1 PDX:a eeteiegstome. Too sAvo4 'lltdelleWle Weiteree ..4111 intneelle4 entteeer 9: Wellie-1011441 neeede intagtlett WOW posts en - the Mien, With the edge nt .• . i Making hillPelleibile the Illetertiell 01. arty. ' . te bee. 4 teeeeerileee b4calleee aelree tee be ArtlentlY in leVe 'With EMI. elallele leY the ekleterieen whaler:len Whe 'the leitteleratte rile Or the COMpally we* alt ,, mow tor to. sanity , a icings, hatfe h404 Ireettenting Binge Waters tor' nett eetteMattlele With thennettern.theerlitO Pr eellt PA PrI4406446, Su& COMM* oventy ,eal, ,T40 bay uvit itive4 oe posuoti ewe commercial, IlleertY, pendenee leteletee or onlY NOY ileriOtet 4e0PS4 ta WI eirettk reeteutdikh Moo, trns.r.rranct4 susAsns slut •usitlgtOed* teaches those tn. whop n le id4reg404, Weill, 'the' Valet teeriterY Onee lereoWn ree. -Who forreed the Mein elehtent 1,4 the Mit hi ,clealt• with kt Meet. aeetetereeel ,flettPerre I•1404. It, Wee nateed frenl t„Onligetifee eetiNerle '414 trliP134111 44 WI 'their ftsgelente 'ea MeV* fkbOitiOn /44 tiOboing %Wirt Prilece Wile Wee the Icrilled 4, eettienlent. en- OW Bed 'Were Of' elellfilitental iteleee pet eeleeigned, Rea geVertIOP Of 1,1W1hateIni Oar Com, 'Mete compatriots Viere.bent on InititInt ,t(i the ilatnek "' • FarlYe WhIell 111 11374, acquired from le 4 SeCend'011ebeei .Seetell. And EMMA; ' Out **Well IIPNIOn etotheate Igeeeilee. Rine Chariee II, the Whiten*, Wese inineleiratite elee legatee, Mere; end Ut4 ter$ Ira* liTe4P011$/hlti 4114Mgerit ,-.1. 1 404 son% or the btler •Velt thele.eeenpted CO1111)414' eollght te ittilMee 011 Mein it.% Per tento Pernitigkeerecettrese 4. greater, by ether gevernments,,- , . . galling ePlee lend retie then% *lin Ibe IMeetint Of attentlen then InIght he &Me ThO 01.44On anf .CtiroPtgOr V144 NM, antlateateet, lawa.. The reflult, WO the agirledl end iterree Cif the WNW'S Of Snell ed by a. mehlber-Of Mere interetited in fieriet Wel rebellion, the M4601111= Of lettere ghee lell inetelfintle et Ireinble,aud the, NeWletutelaIld freelee netbles and teteleadtti inlet the Inevitable diseppettre anneyenee, M thoee CoUrt nfileiela whoa toOritee Pt the "Merry mooarotk." who• angel of the eeMPATItr Ila 4 geeertaing MO it, is 10 proteee Ilnyttley frorn Ns - had obtained fore hilteeertellielVe plan. eleeWele. .11eneefeelli it wits to restrict tal Peels . bettor* ,01Is 'the 'eferet Ot that and. the itself tit '4 eenteleretel coePerettoP, ellve In Other verde, It IS net alWey0 pas- neighbering ' ;Allende, ', e , • . , 10g illa all 'claims. ter adruirdstratevee sible eta treat .,the leVe.letters Witte ell - Great atineett haeveleteef :twine, eeete, eettleortte, Dr to posession ut the spit, ent pleee et Onterept,, as it somethrleS anti Pettrt0 Were realtede lint -they Were eaVe. .0- Certain ‘:13:rea retMd eaeh 01 RS happene that the wretera are fired to dreaens •ot 1MMeneely greater trading .poste, and to eneetwentletWef • 'tie ee‘e MANIFESTLY INSANE 11411e* Py tbo stories Ot 40- Yreriall ox. the area ,cit the ,00 -called, "Fertile Belt," plorers, Iledisson and Greaceller, -who the best Wheat -growing area, ' aa tO 0011901de e 'reel 'danger to the . had pertetrated • the wilderness. from This letter conees,sion has preeed im- ItoYat l'PernOnttgell tor• W11041 they have Lake SUPerlor threiugh tel Hudeon Bay, IneneelY FrildouttY6 to the company, given. t fetelr wayward hearts. Such writers hatte befoie now perished in and, had brOught te Li:MODEL (betng re, beColiee of the boom in hum len s n their unWarrantable attentions during buffed at,cniebee enni Parlal aceienrits et reeenti years, and its- MOS have been a cattail* tilled' With' fur -bearing ani- ertoreneus and at constantly enhancing whole Periods. of years, and finally be, COMO 40 vielent in their language aa to mats and en ocean touting with .ileet„ rates, When the Canadian Pecific chose They propoeed to reaelt boat by taidug Winetteeg SS its Weeteo ,headquarters neceesitate eteps heing taken to obviate the possibility of thetr veiled or overt shiou through moon solo and -,4s. twenty yeare 48 Itto omtiF°°Y lr°41174c/ threats being carried into effect. 1 tablishing posts on the shores Of the OV,er WO Mill101 WW1'S On Llta auto of In such cases Us these the services of bay, thence piercing the interior and so e'porklion. a ite oulty within the clty the tactful and experienced' detectives avoiding quarrels with ilea French in and suburbs; which being applied to who devote their whole time to safe - "Canada,' which, ae at that time uneer, the reduction of the capital etoek, guarding Royalty. are requLstioned. But stood, Meant virlitally the present Pro- brought tt down to six million ilve leen- altnough these matters are dealt with vince of Quebec, And the :eastern dis- dred thansand dollars. Since then fur- lw the pollee, they neVer become .known tricts, the western boundary ending titer acerelions from similar sotutes to the general public, for prosecutions where the .pioneer warred with the have enabled it to be reduced to an even do net eventuate, the foreign strange 1 savage, , elle million . pounds, in one hundred generally being persuaded to enter san- The Province . of Manitoba 'nos al- thotteand shares of ten pound); each. aorta, Or are put under restraint by ready been created out of Ruperts But every share ia now worth twlee its friends. So that, indeed, lt frequently Land, and westward it• extended be- face value, and it is next to impossible happens that the Royal personages who yond Me RockY Mountains, the c,orn. to procure any in the open market, so ban been bombarded with amorous pany holding eway over what is now jealously are they held by those fortu- epistles for many months hear nothing British Columbia. Washington and nate enough to possess them. whatever of the matter. Oregon States, and even the North The conipany has now about two Some years ago, the Prince of Wales, Pacific Islands, while, after the new hundred end fifteen posts, stretching then the Duke of York, was pursued Provincee of Saeliatchewan and Alberta from the Atlantic seaboard of Lebrador wherever he went by letters from an were taken from it in Mee, there still to the remotest section of the Mackenzie English lady living in Berne. The first remain the unorganized territories of delta, on the confines of the poler ocean few letters, being a the usual type, Ungava, Keewatin„ Mackenzie, Atha- at the inner boundary of Alaska, and were simply ignoted, but after a time tbe baska, and Franklin, to form the nu- being represented likeevise at all cen- lady began importuning His Royal eleus of future provinces. tres of importance in the North-West, Highness to make an appointment with \ UNDISPUTED SOVEREIGNTY. whether reached by rail, trail, or true her, and to threaten that if he failed to vols. The company owns a dozen river do so she weuld come to London and Theie is in the,.history of commerctel steamboats plying on lake and stream force herself into his pre.sence. exeloitation of oversee possessions to reach outlying poste, carrying large it then became necessary to ad In the sclieel'ey any more fascinating chapter cargoes of stores now for the settlers matter, and a detective journeyed to titan that which treats of this Hudson daily striking north through the wheat- Berne to see what could be done. The Bay Company ; how it resisted nations, belt, and conveying back the peleries lady proved to be a single person of overcame rivals, outwitted Pailiaments, obtained from the Indians and Eskimos middle age, in comfortable circumstanc- subjugated natives, and made itself still further beyond. The total annual es, living in an hotel, and, apparently, Bovereign a a region which embraced realization from the fur trade is about as sane as the officer who went to see • substantially half Of the continent of two million dollars, even now, despite her. But directly he touched on the sub - North America. At the zenith of its the settling of much of the countrys jeot of her letters her irresponsibility . power, seventy cars age. It enjoyed and the profit on this branch of the became manifest; she even declared that / dominion oyer ferrite -ref TUT er -Min bulitnesssis. about twenty-five- per....conL_ the .tertneee _had_ Western, Eutop with an area exceed- ing four millio square miles, peopled ROMANCE STILL LINGERS. by more than fifty different Indian The flavor of romance still lingers tribes, end yielding a yearly tribute 'n round Hudson Bay from the remark- Itn, fur and feather the enormous value able story of the pre.sent governor of the of which fairly staggers belief. company, Lord Strathcona and Mount For _two centuries the lieldson Bay Royal. He began his career when a Company had ruled its vast bailiwick boy of sixteen at -Mingan, a post in as despeticiellyeas theerezars ruled Rus- farthest Labrador, and remained in that sta. Oply its store -ships, bringing in Icy Inferno for thirty-five years, leaving IntPldieg crid munitions, articles of his post only once in that Bine to walk barter end platoons of servitors, and to Montreat, a journey of over three conveying out the years accumulatiiiii themsaiid-lenffee Seiett we -ye -to coneult an ef peltries and fleh, could cruLse In Hud- oculist. He was reprimanded for this son Bay. Only Its factors, clerks, and and ordered -back, and on the return trappers could venture Me? itS inland trip • his two halfebreed companions 'areas, save at the risk of.death. Over perished In a terrible storm, while he the northern plains the company's word barely escaped. He amassed a com- was law, Its tokens were currency, Its fortable fortune, as each factor Ls ad- • factors exercised the powers of life and mined into a partnership after fifteen death. liberty and lordship. fil its years' service, and being suddenly ele- ' earliest days it had a desperate strug- vated to authority, proved his execu- gle to maintain its existence; for the live qualities, joined in the construction French x:epudiated Its charter, ignored of the Canadian Pacific Railway-, and is its authqrity, and did actual battle to now a peer of Great Britain, and so crush it out. In 1686 Troyes and Iber- many Limes a millionaire that he could villa captured the company's , Forts afford to raise, equip and pay a regi - Rupert and Albany and in 1697 lber- ment of Canadian cavalry, known as vIlle with a small squadron invaded "Stralhcona's Horse," six hundred Hudson Bay, met and defeated the strong, for service in the Boer War. company's ships, ,and captured Fort Nelson. In 1772 La Perouse also cap- tured Fort Prince of Wales, an impor- tant stronghold whieh had been forty yearS in building, and high and thick walls N masonry, and would have re- quired four hundred men for its de- fense. As it had only thirty-nine, the chief factor, Samuel Hearne, the "Mun- go Park" of Canada, surrendered it without firing a shot, presenting ite keys to the victorious Frenchman, on a silver salver; for which his memory has been execrated by the company s people ever since. FIRST GOVERNOR. K LOVE wmt ROYALTY 114/414Y WM* 101011. 1110044 le$11010NAQi* *wee WY So* Paterthea So OttOt With ley hp* 14 minty othve--for be well gdoneuthat the sagegenistit easeigied„ and WIRD* U14 rettliktit he Wei*, I* %owe sehool hi six istoetke bete to 4tattir Vs *Ogee Othee, *4 that Ws bgunett sow to he snow to marry on, 00e Woula from h**411144., that 0* *poet of igit ening* tie W0414 • have Settured IteeridliIMMO to 44000044, woriot be Using htit 4, peril IA * Iniebsess othee,--Loociort `11,10118, RA TRIUMPH Of SKILL sit amen ittWOMVS. ON WOW ,INIII$440. 'WOWS INIgtgilbg IVO* 111411ANIC, NOW PeParttire he the Peer*, litinnilst litatutet MOO*, An ttiterCilling 4WPM1ffieltt, 'Wig tried Ibe Illinois Asylum for the In‘ eureble 14404 et ttni% 0t *oh, atititting women Mines for 0414 tendants.„ There *re elXteell bellidted, potion,* In the Instantion eiready: wow hundred end seviadY,tive, men are cared ler blr, lernale AltIrbeih, P114. Ito opinion here been, onoorgoing POI ospgo: with repAll to the law*. it 4 not so very! tons.sgo solos wet'° eeleeteet 10 guard mid tend this elais heettesa of 'theft physical strength mut *Why to °control' Vitae tintethillateg by Unite foree, The padded Oil, the straight hteget, end_ofhtt de** -411 etebieging. rafteCteree 'Weever* Were 404, We* -the proper thing.. Now these MORO are rantellY neSsIng awaY,• Insanity * recognixed as .s. disease, and the humane prillelPle (tt ruling by love Is Menet to be more: eilleaelotte than brutality, An a =lee leterrien is in Bee position tor which God and nature. spe, dally quellne4 and .4esigned her, and man, can never hope to rival her In this riesslydoiager04 Titel, itherget The* it Rimer, The OA woo or top ot tos testi ce is pin la o then five-sixtp teurthe of kla laett in dituneter, Y'et hap eneufgt to he entloved thstk • striong MogulfYing glass, clearly tilscernible on its surfece are ali 9X the lours 0t. alpluthetl tits helcie of Eugene Wrenger, art exPer1 en, graver at St. Wits, 'who did the work, 'rho pin above described was nratient. cd. hy Wronger to ok Mend, who in tern neat to tt ittuseunt PhilintelPhiel where it Wee aecei4ed Its o wenctOe itt tbe way ot development, of the engrico• cr's art and pleeed on eXhilitti011e At vartoU0 'Ilute4, In late year* refer, ewe has been. made neWsPaPers flue specimens ot enaratringnolithlY that a Ike tall text of the LAWS PrflY“" WI 004 side of a welch charm. hut kw attempts hove been made to ageonl, plish perfect( Work. In the engreving line on Rae head ot a plIte The task is so delicate that the first thing done Is to flatten the head ot the tdo, making it portal, GY amentti, If the petal la over hard it 13 softened by oh Weal procoses. Then; Wine ae-gless that behltle Olit the limit lines of the surfaceStnit. Magnifies lt only foUr times, . the operator sets to wark with a lozenge sphere. FerMerly the Wane aSeutero, form graver ---which is a tour inch pen - woo tOoke4 ttP°4 enStG4141 lac"' Stock holding a piece at the finest tem - pored steel shaped eke a diantund, the elongated points ot which aro the knives of the wOrkmert. Keener ItieY (lre then a razor. 'Cho should be tenderly and humanly eared scratch or 'wok they will make In sof- for In Illillets the plan of subalituting toned metal is finer than Butt made by WOmen for men has. worked -well. Dr. any diamond cutter. Before a mark Is made on the surface of the pinhead a device which will locate 960 straight parallel lines on a surface of one lath In width hi used c$n the surface of the MUM where the Old idea Wag re- atreine1 neW it la given AS rightful place 4$ all 110$P11,01 vAtere these Sad- dest of all aelicted hunean beIngs The first governor of the company was Prince Rupert, and Its second John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. Rs original capital was only ten thousand pounds. and It operated in only a small way at first ; but so enormous were its profits that within twenty years it nominally trebled Its capital, so as to mince ite a nnua I dividends appeal. smaller. Yet in 1684 the dividend paid was fifty per cent., and In .1089 thirty per cent., although the company claim- ed to have lost one hundred and twenty thousand pounds during the decade by French muraeding. Thirty years later the capital was trebled again. 13y this time the company had its posts spread all over the western wilderness, and, International amity prevailing, was compelled to meet the commeretal coin - petition of rival concerns which tool, life In the piping times of peace. John iacob Astor, the founder of the New Lournk(i af tie tonni yo f lishment of the Astarte Company 'or 01.1tie litioartiur biPy. titidest2: the western fur trntle, the glory of whtch Ls told in Washington Irving's "Astor- ia." The X. Y. Z. Company was another rival. But Me most dangerous of all was the North-West Company, which was 1;,(ot rid of only by being amalga- mated with the Hudson Bay Company in 1821, alter a bloody battle between their rival forcee of trappers end voy- ageurs at Fort Garry (now Winnipeg), In which Governor Semple, of the latter, was killed. These rivals disposed of, the coin- • party Was able to devote its undivided energies to extending its commercial progreee. unlit IMO, when the disovery that silk could be used Instead of beaver' skins in the manufacture of hats proved a disastrous blow to Bs leading branch ef trade. After the War of 1812 the Amerlean Government eXeluded lt from the weelern country then claimed by the United States. aut it Still Maintained Melt the wilds of the teectries and the Pacific slope i it tioUrisited In Vat- touver bland, now part of British Col - mate it headed the Yukon enentre ; and for many years previetts to the pur- • nese el Alaska hy the Untied Matra that Whoto territory Wes Inerd by the cotnpany from the ilossians. What the • orogon bounden dispute was wined Itt BM, by Recreleiry Seward and Lord Lybo*, the 'UMW Stites, ,Government paId the Hudson Day Compnity four hundred and Ofty Ilueteteuld dollare for ot Itt OftliOtlat SION region Itlitittetred to the Mettieatt Whale tha 008 Per . grottlIettlt eMthguislied-its ovielordelliti PROMISED HER MARRIAGE, and -argued that his marriage to the Princess did not preclude him contract. Ing a morganatic union. She consent- ed, however to desist from attempting tr. see His !Royal Highness or writing further letters for a time, and the dotes - of consulting her brother, a north-coun- times nave the effect 0( obstructing vis- not having a thoroughly good nervous tt number of blister-like swellings. wlitcli tive returned to London with the objert But the infatuated lady must have ion. organization. Sometimes I would not when they occur around the eyes, winc- hed her suspicions, -for she- was seen attempt such' a tusk. If my nerves try solicitor. ILI I.ondon two days later. Promptly t were not In good condition It would 1 e The preventive is for the nature class watch was placed over her and her bro. useless. The variation of Me fraction - 15 leave hairy caterpillars alone. As the ther sent for. Before the latter's arrival, til portion of a hair in maklug a line - #1salmer worm," the hairy. caterpillar or however, she succeeded in eludin the est and tinfst beaut.17 , wow,' spoil the whole surface and it officer on watch, -and, calling at arl- cdoblittscurnorfifit)iiiit,Havoatt have to be commenced all over the gold -tail moth, 1 borough House, only to learn that the Prince was not in lown„ went to Sand- ringham. It happened, though, that His Royal Highness was staying in Scot- land at the time, and' on returning to London from Norfolk, with the apparent - intention of going north, she found her brother, a Court official, and a couple of doctors waiting her return to her ho- tel. The upshot of it was she was cer- tified insane and placed in a private asylum by her brother. Mitehell, in writing let the advantage, says : "Iti placing Women in the male war* you restore us near as p'ossible to the patient, homelike surroundings, She lakese more of a personal interest pinhead, and the guide lines fixing tile in her charges than a man and looks possibility of lettering on that surfnee after the many little things that go to are established. Then, operating with make life pleasant and smooth. By the ald of the magnifying glassekhe work of cutting the letters is commenced. The lines made are fitter titan those referred to ordinarily as "hair 1104e." An .101i GETTING, 7' MINION WWI& WIII4 AXIVANc, eitit NW*, "rtvaasplvre $140011. IMpeasefie All 1* All* * Volt 11:1* I have vomited that Map la pilgrimage et which * men calla Mina sell Middle litSSLtS It in connsanyt rather ostentattously, not so unien in Menton, 'tier a one hOping lot Confm141044 inviting the Stage tif whiett,11 it be IthP/Ied 111 general conversation Wet be Is no longer young, he 040'0 feW, MOO Metrieleta 14 *WA tneolled Ms though* nettol he doom otlentlort lo Gra Implieetion unitecesltery alsteneih end cordially indorses Itt writeS Axellibeld Marshall in the Lon- don Men. There Was * 1103et .401 40 ;WOW Ygitre fig4fssa* Years go -now••,,whoi thought that tit Wee 0. Very ape age.. 1 stilt thought so, yeara attertvarde When I reached myselt t tor on undergro., dote In hiss third year looks upon a frestaneri int inuneasurebty his WIMP* and le oppreeeed With some ef the welghtleat eerie* et riunelio3d. Ile knOws the meaning a a Oneonta erisla end hos serione theeights et Marrlege. At e3 rny teinflerietuto hail gotle down and I telt e0Unger, but COMInued look upon $0 as the age at wIttele I should be able to save money on clothes and grow a beard if I felt so dIsposed, us nobody could be 'expected to care what a person at that time of life looked like. At 25 I reckoned tbat 1 had ebeue six more years of pleasurable existence be- fore me, and at the end of that, period it would not niatter in the least whether 1 were rich or poor, so 1 had better hurry up and doing so she eliminates a source uf irritation to an already irritated broth. The conduct of the inen Improves. They become more tidy in their appearance. The strengest eye In the strongest nu - The violent become less violent and the tural light cannot discern more than a Web-Illte mass on the face of the pin- head after the work is complete. if sicked up and examined casually a per- son with very strong eyes would de - something to live for and some enjoy- dare there was nothing remarkable ment in life." Undoubtedly the new I i about the head of the pin except that system will do away with the abuse It seemed to be flattened, the work hay - and cruelty so often charged against ing been done evidently with a very male attendants, and it will comfort distrefised relatives who have been 80-1 hoe file. In order that no slip of the object being engraved- will cause irre- cu.stomed to regard with horror the ' parable disaster, the pin is held in a average asylum for the insane. Here delicalsi but strong vise, so arranged is one of the true vocations for women l that it cannot move. 1 Wrenger, who was 'born Ind schooled And may we not hope thht the example i of Illinois in this inatter will soon be Ir. St. Louis, has only just reached the followed by similar institutions every- where 1-J. J. Kelso, Toronto. „ profane less profane. Men who did nothing before began to brighten up and do little errands for the numes, were praised for their efforts and found voting age. He leas been engaged In the engraving and pelting rooms of several lerge St. Louis establishmets. CATERPILLAR FEVER. to a reporter, "10 say that I have devol. "It would hardly be true," he said eil tiny particular Lime or attention to Nature Study at Close Stange Has Its work of this kind. My experience has keel for nature study, , been confined almost wholly to the gen- Disadvantages. by experience, explains why so many i al line of conunerCial engraving. About not tempered ;°f(r)In. country. declare/Amen been culleetein tie years ago ti tsiaw somethin In 4 diagnose an epidemic of rash which has newspaper abou le work of ag Cana - urban schools, says The London Daily ; 1 draw- engraver -who -succeeded An plaeing Mali. 11 lot of lettering on the head of a pin. practised some and finally, about two effected whole...asses in some rural and known to ductor's as "caterpillar rash," delPhia musellm• * The symptoms ot the alirnent, wele one of which found its way into a Phila• ; months ago, turned out the two samples are intense irritation ort -the paltmc, andi '"is the work- really dlMctill?" "Well, sometimes on the 'face aceonipaillect by yes I suppose it would be to any one MAKE SOME MONEY. Six years, or possibly seven, als I seemed to be weartng rather better than some of my contemporaries. At 27 I gave myself eight more years. I knew men of 35, active and still pre - sealable; ln fact -why shirk the word -young. But, while admitting this, not without a measure of self -gratula- tion at being able to aseign myself a few extra years of sentient existence, I felt it was useless to daily with lite ques- tion any further and that 35 Must be, and remain, the limit. SO I continued to think until I my- self came In the course of nature to the ego of as, not„however, without ser- ious qualms at 32 and 33, when 1 telt as young as pesstele, but said tu myself lhat IL could not be expected to lost much longer, Let rne see! Was it, at 35 that I left off using Flowers mid Honey for the hair? I think so, I really want to got to the bottom of Ibis questfen, and that might be a pointer. I will consider it lake.. They still say that my hair waves, and I fully belleVed that wiled is left of IL does; and they 81111 please me by saying so, though I feign Indiffer- ence. (The ladles, I mean -nut crude- ly, as it were, in trontel Mimeo but in- cidentally, when they are sizing up the points of my very small sun, end com- paring hts personal appearunee with mine. nut invariably to his advantage.) But it really did wave Ilke anything ten years ago ; and, without resulting to illegitimate compulsion, 1 tool, care that it slimiest weve tie _advantage. Now I just Cloths • us slope( and violist losoyothar • ' Chonicats io soap Weir rOMOWII difL4tHalvoys intuit** faIsek„. Sottish; Soap MI ootioikset 0* moo daioty lacte Or *ft hand* thef ow* boom, it is 4:400 port Sol kosioua cheroivala4 .Suokht SO*OshOtStialw,01 ustKi is ditsotoct, No harci tvbbiral stocosaxY. sopkba Soap ta Woo than other aup, but- ia-batt whop used in Ow Sunlight -VAY, Equskt !good with kiwi or soft wog. $5,000 irtuve"") walgo**0_, %It woo, thst swum pt, Prot eQutatss ttlagriastimwg. toter, flinithent tbatteil, Timis TO TUTNEL THE CHANNEL THE HOME PAPER. Tisn't filled with cuis and pictures, nor the latest news despatches; And the paper's often dampened, and the print is sometimes blurred. There is only one edition, and the eye quite often catches Truces of a missing letter, and at times a misspelled word. No cablegrams nor "specials" any- where the eye engage; The maksup is, maybe, a trine crude and preinitive. But an atinosphere of home life tills and permeates the pages Of the little country paper printed where you used to live. In the days of his youth King Edward used to have love -letters sent to him by the score, many emanating from Continental ladies. And It may here be remarked that Princes invoke far more love -letters from women than Princesses ae from men. About the year 1860 a lady, the widow of a French consul, conceived a most unwelcome passion lor the then heir to the British throw., to whom she had been introduced z,n some formal occasion. SCORES AND SCORES OF LETTERS How the heart grows soft and tender, while let columns you're perusing; Every item is Mueller, every name you know full well. Ars' a flood of recollections passes u'er you us you're musing Ott the past and weaves about you an imaginutive spell. You can see the uld home village, once again in fancy, seeming Tu be clasping hand ot neighbor, and ot freind and relative; And their faces rise before yuu, you're idly fondly dreaming (0 the little country paper, printed where you used to live. country at midsummer, passes from ; a few of Its loosely -attached itait.s, and hand to hand, it leaves on every palm I "Some of my companions in the shop about the accomplishment tection of the caterpillar against birde' pm. 1 of ilie task and refused to believe that , were doubtful these hairs are possessed, for We and browsing animals, of what seien. e magnifying glass and permitted lo it had been done until they were given lists call "urlicating properties." "Urei- look for themselves," Some farts and corehlions lcnown only In the engraving rooms where the most (11Mcult wore is . accomplished pre de- veloped in the mechanical detail of the UND• ER THE SEA BETWEEN ENO LAND AND EftANce. CONQUERING THE SAHARA FRANCE JO:CLAIMS ABM AFlocA To CIVILIZATION. Would Abolish the Most Unpleasant Famous Camel Cavalry the Means et Salt Water Passage In the Reachlitp the Wild and Law - World. ca" is the Latin for nettle. As the barbed hairs wurk their way into the•palm, the child feels the irrile- 'Ion, and scratches/ the palm wile tee other hand, thus transferring some huire task of engraving the head of a pin. to the finger lips. Presently he touches The Matter of light to work liy lo Ms face, and the hairs Or fragments of portant. No kind of artineial light will them begin to irritate there. But the serve for such en undertaking, Liget move he rubs and scratches the more he -meaning sun or day light -coming disturbs tne cause of the trouble and nom the east will not serve; neither will the worse it grows. The best procedure when the first irritation is felt Is to wash the hands or rub them with dry sand or dust, and after that to resist all temptation to scratch the irritated surface or to touch the !Bee. Many other hairy caterpillars are al- moving with the moventelits of the en - most as bad as the "painter worrn," and waving ingtrument, will serve. /kn- its a general rule the less you handle any other reason why the north light is In. hairy caterpillar the better. dispensable is that it is Steady, not be- ing dependent upon the movement • f the sun for its steadfuetnese. Engrav- ers say this Is because the north light I reflected rather than direct.. C. F. Long, watchmaker and en- graver, ot Denison, Texas. has now engraved ninety-seven microscopleal lee lers on the head of a pill, and Weiner Itarlwlek, of Delrole Miele, platted not enl y the a lphabet and mull,. nu riit. rtt 1 on the heed of a pin. bul his name. ie - rupalinn, address arid the date at whieh Mc engraving was done. The Intro number of chore/le:es in Iles hisheem wum severe y -four. Thet and Eugene Wrenteir's fent in- terested' I.ong, and lie !doled Met he could exreed the record of 1,011. Forth. With he secured a pin and beenn work and In one aftermein hie! eeded • leacing ninety-four eh/tent-10re th. small, surface, exclusive of points. Around lite eilgo of the pin hs 1 -rt graved Ilw letters of the 0 Iplinhet,,110, character "&" and the year "1906." ilee he added, "C. E. enne. Enernver, No, 216 Main elreet. Watchmaker. Jeweler mid (einem!) Mr. Long used ordinary engrat Mg le .is for his insk. MG SALATUES YOU CANT SIVE It does not always pay to hold a put) Ile appointment enrrying u big salary. The Lord Mayer of Londeree £10 00u a Year looks handsome Ille men 1n Ow street ; but ag Me Lord Miner getter ally spends) froni £20 lo Et0 OIN.) during his year of 011100. 1 he app.) ment scareely tempting le nnymie anxious to rmike money out el it. '1 he eatery of the British Arril e,ntler 1 11 el, Pelernburg Is n7.1400. hut nt lease one former ambageader tweet toe pot Thei Wa9 1,(1111 Loftus, W110, On the oceneum i.f 11,.. marriage of ilte Delos of leleileirgh hi the daughter of the '1 gar of that dev was eneouraged he raw F.,reign ata 10 celebrate the event in et. Peier,e, 111 110%1 magnificence. ined Aileirs tee, being a man of only small prii ate rfa and earth 1,51,tr.1 Ito` 1-1,11(111putifal , y11111 rin hour. rind page eut Ihe , ee left 810 to the credit of lite PR h we e III deduct from the 840 mai moans, ho ospoolod to be reenteireed pei tam,. leek, %cry nine 1,111 ,11 ...1, buot. end the erent toe, sk 1. . hhatdbaDdowpriivi:.1,e,destititeeaindl, ,••.-rit :Tell. 1,:leoh.11m, as 110 wng 40 Het week. n'AP 1'. 8'145"'' at I"' "" for hig outlay on the,: oceaeion te Tho, ‘,.,1114:1 110 more Neel ; hia lordetilp meet his otiltgallon4 Ilitiperor approt ed the 4chena, .11,I na. 1 t1q11 11 1 1,0m1,er 1,,fritilf.rvi• hot the heut way he eould. negult, Mint 0001 011,," 1 ‘1,,,,1 r,„ 'tint wt,,, ‘4,1,i1))61:,(tiit itirtieorierent irnnotrl,te netwitic%nnbuttharsei Inair halh"" "d wai -wen. %An,. 1110 tired MOM 01' 1,11efee oseeQuisee Englieh officialdom remain eimi The ruptcy which Waft all Inrd Auguste, • " sitange," quoth the tramp. 51 gol from galore] reentry that reel te.eit ens Mat lee grand prtieet 1;"'''Ft'e:,:irciniteirtr'In'ti";P: ‘soirse.' alai it, I s t..',11(eil through tho ratn, sytripatt'y ! 114, girl. "Mime del the engagement through stile 1. 111ell II 110A 1P4.11 1118• r ,...1100%1V a steer., of Pater .at Pan.itEt.(i;""(t.)1(;),,t.,‘41r.nt the' child:** 11,5 ,11151. 11,,\ er 1111114velv hae eliera,,,red to Ans ,0,11 dry... since he teigan beirinree tos last name F. et call him Shorty • geeterb for England bents and lung au er The doctor teeing wont' only by pr Pater ---"This one's been et in8 ever r"'n're'x0W' fill4a"4',r11 P aemen tat hey to the advaniAng of the metric erpi, tvhen they begin teetning all breathing most fervent affection, were received from her, and for a long time It seemed impossible to put a stop to the annoyance. Eventually, however, it corrected itself; she appeared to re- cover her mental balance, and the roe - respondence ceased suddenly. A year nr Iwo later she consoled herself by talc- ing a second hueband. elnee he reached a marriageable age, particularly before his marriage, the Crown Prince of Germany wes subjeee ed to the same annoying nonsense, Am- erican actresses seeming peeuliarly MP, ceptible to his charms. Shortly after his visit to the United States It became known to the Press that no tower 111011 SOVP11 Ch0r1101r1g and well-known actress- wrere regularly wring to him. each with the Idea of inducing him to "name the day." As their names Were dis- closed IL might be suspected that Iney were engineering cheap advertisements for themselves in the trete American finihion, but 11-114 some of them eutheri trilively denied; and, of course, Men) is ne questioning the word or a charming young Indy. The tact remains thnt love. letters, many of them containing 0frer4 or euggestions of marriage. streamed aeross the Atlantir. upo-n the '<tosses heir In astonishing numbers long after Ms return lo Germany, and there is sell, 11 Is said. some love-lorn ineeeg In ihe States who write to him oreasion- sily In remind him of Imaginary me -we long when he pliehted his troth le therm In the same way has And you SCPIII 10 have the city, with its rush and tour and chimer. Willi its busy, bustling atmosphere of turmoil and of strife; Leave the multitude of surging, eager workers, and the glaniOr, For the quiet, soothing blandishment of restful country life. Anesuu note a vine -clad cottage with the roses negteng round II; Ileur the voice of mother calling for the long -gone fugitive, While the mho of her pleading, mem- ories repeat, and sound it Through 1110 Mile country paper, printed where you used to live. light coming from the wrist, becauet light coming from either side will cagt a shadow opposite and cloud the surface and the delioate guide lines, Only the light corning from the north, which throws a shadow behind, and A scheme fifty yeure old la Mitred In the commission, recently given 10 Sir Dough's Fox, past president of the In- stitute of C1v11 Engineers, to drew up plans tor a tunnel between England and France. Parliamentary sanction for the enterprise will be sought, and In view of the good relations between the two countries, and the tremendous ad- vances lit modern engineering, It Is possible that the old dream will be- come a reality. It would abolish the most unpleasant salt water pussege in the world, shorten the distance between England and every point In Southern. leueope, and stimulate the Intercourse between France and Englund. 11 would also deal a mevere blow to some Impor- tant shipping Interests, and on this ac- count it Is sure to bit strongly Opposed. DIP A BRUSH IN WATE11, and if it Ilings to wave after that it is at liberty to do so. If not, l do not care. lionestly, I do not. At 35, then, Pelalined middle-ege, but without showing the tenet re.sentment when the claim was disputed, or, In- deed, feeling any. l must confees, however. that by that lime I had come 10 ohenisit the scene conviction ihat 40 was after all the riaturul dividing line. It was only out of deferenvii to the cal- low opinions of youthe still in the twenties Mut there was any queetton emitting) over n ropy of "All I he Tent' about the matter at till. ; Why. when I Bound," then edited by Cluirle.s Dick - was 36 1 heard someone say that 1 was 1.118, 1111 111'11010 came to Vil'W 1/11 Iht) 11 CleVer young fellow. 11 was a Dian of si iiigrinneedl ultititinter 111hernli;:gnigktliemtivi(i.eltlittievrinelb,uvrini 4wOhtnenteo soi:„Iiiilditir,Isnndi 1111;111,11eidigenhplitisieritvieigwonte) that time, .. sell, 1 think, Mut on the written by tie editor, at least, it 18 a whole. he probably knows what, he li 1)11110S801.141131'.1e 11iiiiiielatill'ilnit11144°111014gUtrolle110°101 111110181, talking about. the great bonn expected of the tunnel Noe 1 nie not so SUIT about 40. I am lenrettitirieedintuork".linektintldw,t1 4d5owttieuilidwIl'ePliniPtalr(-) was TIO word aleeil Ihe tone lo be wits its promise iii save travellers Inert sea -sickness. hi ell Ils lettgth there be thought for a moment. teat I am 40 myself. Such u buspicion would do eie fr.:::;e (,,,eleteepoi,(,)1edieineyoft0111,1,g) iii,teensdindisi,cie niutt1 a great Injustiee . No, I am 81111 lit the om „ 311,s, and shall be ter a considernble think thee lime WI1M ,:0 tilli1111)11., Nor lime, proleility until after this article Wli0 1111.1"1.4 III 1110 eseny tiny re.terence to appears in pilot. Fbil, shit. I wish to ,. A 11.111110, 0 bogie be prelionent in 8111180 - WO ultlik,ter Of a Freed' invabeei. tin eonsider I he queglimt i tnpa reit Ity , and (.1,11.1it diecusmon8 of ihe eubject. Al/0- 11 iR renlly aliAllnI Iii pretend that the !her 1111111illig feature of the article W(18 EXCEPT WATER AND SAIN. difference between a man of 42 ur 43 ils implicit aemunertion thin the tunnel limy exact 0 C.1111101 from every caravan and a man of, say. 39%, Is eo very would be len It in three ur four years. reject' Ibleng its water skirts at their marked. And, if this Is so, ft Is ote so. a hall century hence tnuy other eons and the animals thus acquired vious that another two years added cannot afore the matter either one way project Is apt to call forth. renders comment on Me articles the nee kept as a food resource. it was be- ' Well, at present, then, I am inclined ReiGINEEBS PISEPAIIE PLANS. cause Lenz could not ware a, canto! that he replenished his water supply at er the other. to leave It et, 45, without prejudice to Wady 'cell, ontsrde Um settlement, and In le52 n. French engineer propogeri to went on wtthout fleeing a nattve. Salt nly right to utter my opinion in a few coniost the los' countries by a bridge mining Is the only industry. l'he heat yenrs' teem But If 1 were put to it. 1 mine i emild write an article equalle 11101 ter some time the iirelect kYns 14 80 intense that. at limes the miners grovel,' detailed. 1 his Idea wits to have 01•0 compelled te quit work and hike convincing 1)) sliew that actual age lins 0 41110'1111'0 200 /Ng 111.1UVO the writer refuge in 011v0.9. nothing to de with the question at all. resting on piers 400 feet lung. 11 ,A11.4 Lenz fouled abundant evidence that I might try to show Milt marriage ends 0, or tnieerimod. but I do eot think 1 telimuled that $2511,0110,0u0, would em en thht regime genie time or other, g•ave Hie eximnilitte 0. 'Hoe bluggerieg 1411111 supperi ti.) people of a culture differing eheuld. 1 eliould be 11101'0 likely lo 101 - heeled 1!) 141111i Ole 20114.1111., 1,111, II 0. 111101 from that of the pregent Inhabitants. lew ille glimmer of light Mel has 50011. ',kW.' 8118 811.11eli. 11y 1110 VPMS1'1 ,.W111'1 4, Ile found the ruins of ancient WallS, 1 1 1110 ill 110• t•OlIrt. of this Inquiry, and i %vie, retired they; %meld be ruin.' liy Ole ehlecte of ornament, tools and other point mil 1041 youth ends when permit - el 4 amity lieging hi diminish. I might wt., I. of their ships ngeinst the pier. erlicies euell us axe no longer in 1180. ..ily Illtit 1,1 hen Iretieers whirit have am et tee bridges. Fem. yenr, ieler a Ile teetered that many of these relies French eneineer. ele Therm) de rei•• ere sweltered fiver Item part of the de. (mired a very klighl baggInees et the knee art. not in -dimity diacat,I.a1 from., mend. littered weir kir. \k111iitni I aw aert end apertiviena of finely worked and the werdrobe, it Iri a aMrt that ihr ileum. of peewit -mg the lio 1 J4,11'1111- 1,11,111,/ 4111111. 101\ k• IIPPrl rarrted as MIDDLE AGE IS F.Nt.lt(P1CIIING, IV Walla (nr a tatint.l. .1.110 Fiala Moan 4 .M1010110,4 to ulliPt. S011011111 IUW11)S. T11.. .telittote waa cndorsot by et p051 1 111 1110 FIVIIC11 Psped111(41 may throw mere !lute, land, hut collapatal through 1..ne light en this reglen. I might use oilier 11111.11•iiii iii, ot tee lid) indiffersere or tiesteot in peel same sort ; lind 1 elemei eereeloy Itring in the e‘ample of the hall 111111 111.. -.....-.-...,.....*, 1,, ahoy. tat tila Muria est Ute grtail. l'aris knowledge that 1 in \ t if ,.,ita icto, wen NA.I1AT Is A ( OW 4.4 one 14 ? Rut if 1 dal Mid I let-titl litii to of • "1"'lm111111.114110.1.,11 1 111, ( 1 1 \ 1,1( 141.1)S. ititolnIrreint. on 111 middle age. and Hint I 111,,,1111,IN , f,,,,.., lit I,,,/1 1131,1,4,d 1 WA arid J11,111.‘ \\ hill III'Y 11,5 1 044 4 W.11th 1.1101, PrEAUC0 1,41140 11/ ,10 Why. 1 ant 81,11 in the WO pound. A tattier per ualitliii? 111,,, 1 41,11 1110. (•1100,101., ...1,,)r,. 115,.. 1 am going Itt make it statement Mt -Mt. -a condole -I and prcatatiett the Ilattigh I do not. ache for that form t 1 i',i1:,.111::ir,,t1"/,:t1,,,,,°.:::::::"1,,,l',.:1; ,"if,„it,'_in'iln'IT: I ';';',I, mat undertake to ()rote 11 votrPet,, 410,4 am -tenant -tit 114 I did 25 Yel1r4 hg,,, it wile sevel al engineering expetta and \II II It ttarler, as tooled by Marti 9 teeing fellows In the twenties terv 01'1- Mtn m to 44 hen 4 cow that pruditces 1.,r, mv name, and I still feel al enae In irtulllatikitr,t,attelnlizItIct,i,t„trli,11 ‘1.41:1),.11.1'cifittiv:00,8, 1f1:,1,1111,41,1,,,;.1 1 .3'1,,{10011o,U;).,Htl,,,for $31),.ipillattnitd Is:1r liudn,unium.,,nit ,.c..1, dere think it 11Pressar)- 10 put Mr Is- t:it,%aitii tad, the rock under the channel itd.50 ia worth 835. the row Imo priei dor., WO Ir,/111141$ 01 btliter allIttlariv it itil:::".:::iitri"..irr,'.VI:j,,Ii.t";',:kill'id 11::::rfi'r,,ith,flitt.):;if (1:11i'e 'in"titiadi 11:11:*p"..,rtaililh"caltili7aZi1in 11,4alt"'ttti inv ,..,411 ,1111-011111,t. \,..,,,y %%1111 eptilling worth 340.), anti lite oe nor 1.011 Illat.) ,-f t„0„ HIni nwn!, v..ilh fok., mo,frstvi (two 9114 10%,0.(1 ist Oita 111,• hart', rfoll, 111,1 Stri wore (reel her after pining 1,1 vio1,41 al 3Ii, rind I hold to that tormation calcieTt tilthrff1,en rIcAti 1), 11111 i est en ilit; $400 than 111. ran 11040 VIlit.trlii.:1;11t "(117. dilli-IllitlisigPtH4.kiert1:1 it';:t-'"Iiiieill'til 1111:1'1.1tr:'" 1 ih" 1"."duC" 2°I) tr)('‘Inds 01 \A lialc‘er 0111‘ 111. 8111(1 ,,f 4,. yt1111.11 has l' '4. I Ittl% 1. 11181 ,,v5r1loaril a 4,11):11- has priwill almost pupil -clot, t„ woitt5 There 14 11(1 more laistr conneeted le thie etralere 11 Mtiorl V.0.. ..,int I etoli tcrn with whom I 11101 0 411011 difference 1..,..i 1,,,.p. and prd a drop ‘,1 ,, it,.r s.„ , i‘kylatthi litt::.• ;Iiimo; 11,001101:it:it „7::. I titat‘ne pltricr: n1,1,1 HM11410 Rip 111,1 011 ,11110,111.01. wit i112 a hivhIN N.1(0,1 ill -1401W 1If the foind. \Mimi( experla leatifted 11,1 cot which better heti been credited. 1,e,, 0 epiatale to, a companion in arm,. I .11,1 11(...tikt,ri..gefrrf,irt:,idii the t hanticl down a. , 1,„1 ..iiik per point!. is the net .rire foe,' f,1 ffloithffli fil lee f lith vc,lertla v. In n.,1 1,.,,r ,Ip+tin..114 311 h., 0,141. 1,111 1 COSI' 01. 1111, 11'N \IA it, , rvatnery after the minting hag 114`t 11 ,,0110,10.0 tki10 11 ,101mAnd dec1111.0110n, , ,,,,0111 the P N.1,r,,,,li oil "5,119 .1(1 1. '01 - 11 0,1,5 e.,1,,D,1,,1 11,a1 ttit,it, nom, to It'1"i'llat I't'liriin inof is( heti' tlii:Ri tlkilew linn7r7a7,11 ;•iiet of feed for the 400 pound CON%8 \v,,v 1„711.4":Itni''i::11::,",.,1,‘rninli,lirin"IV:nlii .b1:.,".1 1 '1'1 w,ittlil littild a tunnel wide 51,,,..01, 1, , ,,..0111 01 Skim milb. 40 we have the I I, a ,1,,,,,1 lo ,,,,,, ,,r mir opponents at "'it 11' w""1" I "verile"r"'N' 111-11141 iii.,11•1, 11,1111.t1 Ill 111INP 11o. ‘‘,.i, .oi hri,,11-4.1 pOtIttil% of bultt-r at 20r is 5444. p I., e; hee we, ,,,,,,,,r,...1 1‘, n, ,41'1.,,,,110,1,1'0107:lit;,nti,t 1114 0,118 lit 111.• i 0 1. -1 '011 1,-,lint1,1 111Crefl,tir .1 10.11.191' as net Hetet Willing mitt tc WI!, ‘40... .,,I.t 'A, 1;0',... 5400 invested in thege cov.e. in four veer- 't • lee le ;id ever the ?Is) eininel cow; rry'''' ' t Six [me cent. interegt is 824, Every printed line reminds you of the days long slate departed; Here boyhoOd chum Is mentioned, there a schoolmate's name appep; And the eye grows moist in reading, white the soul grows heavy henrted O'er the changeg Time has wrought throughout the swiftly 'Meeting yetirg. Memoryel scroll hag deep impreggions Stamped upon (Is fare forever. Of sweet pleesuree which the butcy • city life can never give ; And. In Miley, you Are roaming through the Old town whenever Yon peruse the enisntry paper, printed where lised to live. -.Sunset Magazine. KNOWN BY WS WORKS. they passed an open gateway, a etthin the enclosure growled and ied up very perceptibly, whcieupon ef the party remarked: - doubt about his being a wateln dog ANOTHER BEAUTY RECIPE. A Milk Bath and flow It is to be Taken. Tap latest recipe fur the familiar treat- ment of the complexion by bathing .n milk comes from Paris. It use's that the face and nerk should flrel be carte fully cleaned with pieces of wadding soaked v;Ith a mixture of olive oil and cognac or olive oil and eau de cologne and the skin then dried and the milk bath applied. Let the milk dry un Itte face and then rub with lien ellces et a raw potato or a cucumber. Women sometimes find that the fuel, seems to burn the face at liege but two must persevere and the good effet la will soon be perceived. The treatment must be regular and continued for a twig owe if good results are wanted. The erternal milk treelment (eight b) be aremlipunied by certain internal IncludIng maiiv etassee ,1 mire milk during the day and large glase of hot water on geing to bed, and nnother on getting up. Take little meat: plenty of salad, but no wine. nu tea and no cake. flow can you our* hy dein t yeti see the hair spring." THE youNG RING OF SPAIN been bombarded for years past, and many of Ihe epistle -I Rent to him have emanated from wealthy wernen who brave labored under the notion Mel their riches might counter-hatanee their goneral unsuitability as wives for reign- ing monarchg. It Is understood that Me method ol dealing with such correspore denee al Madrid is to simply return Itio letters in plain envelopes, without rem- ment or remartc. which is severe for so courteous a nation as the Spanish. Very mony love -lettere sent in 1110 Pilnee_ggeg are written by cenoolboys. The Pelmets of Wein ree.eived gem( rine time, and no dente. ennIrary iremotrnal,r11-°,171"yoTealhir n0evernel-nrev tee. mir deal 0( attention of thig deeeription n1 1 man of the elentlee reached negleet of them has ehnneed the eon tail ber by sheer merit of their amusing ettaracter. One of the PrIncesgei youth- ful lovehe Med to seize up on every post. Olbie ortatilein, 011111 ng her hirtiltn4, Christmas. and St. Velenenee; Day to send her small Wig., whirl) were always necontpanied by lettera, and winch were invariably arecnowledged. The an- nottneement ,of "Princess May'a" en. gageMeht Was heievy blotv to Ibis young man -as, Indeed, It MUM have WEIIF, ONCE JOINED. By restoring land communication be- tween England and the Continent the tunnel will undo the work done by the sea some thousands of years ago. Where the English Outland now news was once solid lend, and England was joined io France, so solidly, apparently, as Frunce to Spain. Whether the sepa- ration wus effected by some tremen- dous eatuclysm oi• through centutiee of erogion by the waters is not known, though the scientists favor the letter them. iieologigtie speak. of the. wine retiree having OCCUVITtl nut very lung ago, which probably mean.s e'en a few htiodred thouband yeurs. Wher- ever, tbe disjuncture took place, by whatever R100115, 11 may be properly regarded- 1.14 the niost important nutur- al phenomenon since the Flood. As a pert of the mainland of Europe, there would have been no England, no Em- pire, perhaps no Atrierice, e knew It to -day. The WilVeN 11101 1110410 Eng- land an islund inade North Antericit an English continent. , DICIeENS ON THE SCHEME.. lese People. France is conetantly giving proofs ot her mastery over the Sahara. She hat won it by her new methods of desert trivet, which were adopted enly yours ugo, and proved succesgful trum the first. Her meharietee hovel wher- ever they, are sent. At irregular but frequent intervals they raise their nag over some new territory end attach it to one uf their organized eistrictse, The mehartstes are small troups ot mune! cavulry mounted un animuls specially trained fur fest truvel, so that they ma) go lightly laden. They depend on the oases to replenish stipplies. Then latebt journey le 0110 ot lila most nut. able of their uottievenrente. Starting (runt Timbuktu they marched north and northward Omit 350 Miles le 'Ittudeni, arriving there May 8, Cape Calvin and his men camped in tint town tor eight days. The natives had never eeen a Whitt: Mall before. Their tethers baw one specinien seventy. eight years ego, WI1011 Ilene CullIft crossed the desert. Lenz NVUS in Ituti nelghborifuuti about let enlyelve )(Mite ago, but pubsed around the place be - HE DID NoT DARE it..) ENTER rr. Capt. (envie' attached Taudeni to the Gut/eminent of 'Timbuktu and hie party returned tu the Niger. Thee had met opposaien, but were much fatigued by' the boat anti Lee- hardetting of a de- sert march nearly us long as the Ms- tunce between New York and Chicago. Isolated and mieerable as Tauden1 the place taut long been one of the mast notable in Me Sahara. It occu- pies a depression only about 400 feet above sea level. The waters corhe near the surface here and many wells are possible. This has made the settle- ment the cortvergiug point for all the caravan routes between Morocco and Timbuktu. It Is the ceetre of. the largest salt in- dustry la Africa. Here are apparently inexterteitible beds of pure rock salt, whieh the nattvee hew out he blocks three feet Men. weighing seventy pounds. Four of' tifese make a camel lead. The salt is token tu Timbuktu and dtitelbuted throUghout the whole western Soudan. It Is sold to the Tim- buktu merchants for a pittance, but in- creases In value with every day's Jour - nay of their camels to the south. Taudeni Is described by the people of Timbuktu as one of the most wretched of desert settlements. 'rue naUves are of mixed Arab and negro blood. They have had no government. Every Man Is a Ian unto himself. Often the miners stiffer front lack of food, as they are dependent on imports for bupplitte of a II kinds DO TIIF, HARD THING F1F1ST. lie who defers an unplensant does it twice. Anticipation of 11 moy be. come n continued torture. Is whte he done with it in the first place-, end then contemplation of it tieemneq pleaeure. The undone Intik, reining up- on your heed. weighs you down rind hold. you beck. The well-finlehee tine, beneath tour feet, rnIses yeti lip, find helm* von ferwerd. 140101.110W 11 seems that the hard thineg ere the Impoilate Maybe it le hProilifo, they are 1,1,11 and anmellmea left int done the. their important -0 re renloe.1, If you Wive not Mel with gm-5es, von think your entitle merit (1.1 net go (erten to groan and rail 4011141 tette nut pigt fenet eh/oil for the distaereenble parte of your work from von have ghrunle There you will find your point a: weekne4s. you rimy not nerve.) ?mesh el t• ot your lite. 110W IT WAS. "Did you hear Misa Firnaer gay that ahe had a speaking acquaintance e that millionaire?" melee Maud, re..rn- fully "N'eg." replied Mae. 1111 equA erorn. "It's the lira time 1 linen that she eve,' worked in a telephone ex- change." _ere ler