HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-27, Page 6,voxprzo xpo.poomoto. • No* ino gnats to Outt, .:Partleit ot ;Ifts Sad tad .watt ,141t, '14040.44, vdee. • Larry ,Iinatptiel noncluillerni, "Petoskey Ali bk teerit• by eine le etit okkt, as he tUdtlitA Ida Judd Weettly, s„*Thett Veal 'hive keettit hhaf'' eitelitirns nu Lord rtarkett, not a Anne 4440 itt the, exelantallen, ' • aut the Alla tOilit, ahaek Illa head s.,V40,,roltsla' 'LIMO tbe litegetiVe, *tele Lt etillflitig senile swept over his . loittlear legatee. em1101. keeellitPlY guessed it, YOP knew. Pathan* you Member, inY dear buYi Oat ot the wilOtes in 'Macbeth: referring to 'approach of Scotland's Iturdereue Icing, says 'I 'By the prick. Itt Of my thumbs. somethIng wicked, SAW WaY Cornea,' Well, I've had a little ol that aa/lla ,PrIrsking, anti I thought of Peteekey." We Met eley chance, the usual way; that Is, accidenteJly rim eaves the beg. • aro in the street, and he acted as if slarprieed te See ma, though I'm secretly ot the opinion he knew of our arrival -all the time. "lie tried to be friendly and all tliat, but I froze on the spot. Then he changed his taeldps and endeavoreet to tempt rne late a deal; My blood fairly belled. I was so deuded angry ut his miserable audectlee • "When"! Oung back his test otter In bis face, he Arils amazed at first, and then temper got the better of his judgment, so null to began to revile ate," "Then you -struck the beggar," aaid Larry, eagerli "How (lo )‚ u know that'?" demanded the other, evi a Pleased, senhe- "Oh, my dear boy, eradit me with common sense, at least. I saw you Caressing your right hand several limns, and, utile% 1 an mistaken, the skin is bruised on your kntickles. By • Jove! you ,struck a blow fog old Eng- , lehde Plympttin nu,slied, whether with . Pride or shame lt might be bard to say. "Perhaps It is Bat a tact 'that would redound to a man's credit to be engaged hi 4 street brawl, mad ardifestrIlY I have avoided such things to the best of my ability ; but there may arise occasions when one is irresistibly thrown Into seen an ugly affair against les will." "I quite agree with You, sir. Those ara bliVe hMird expressed by one in whose honor mad tnanhood 1 had every reason lo place the fullest eeeridellee," said Avis. quickly. • tier answer pleased him. "Thank you, moat heartily. As Larry seys, it was done in defense of old England, and I stand ready to talc° soca chancas every day in the Week if o foul-mouthed braggart, I care not what tration he represents told dis- graces, dares to detente a pure woman to ea, lace." Avis put out tier hand impulsively, feeling that In some way It 'Was because of her 'Lord liagIcett. had gotten into this' *Mae* , • 'Let 09 be.thenktul'Iliere are few, like him abrend;" she said. 'Why, of course, you underetand that never for a minute do I intend to • Intenate that thle eateally count repre- sents the better class of Hessian gentle- men. I have fined. with the Czar's officers, and fought at their side in days one by, so Mat 1 have many warm riends atneng the soldiers of Nicholas. • PO:lakes, LS In a Wass by himself. You will Mel his like in Germany, France, Americo. and even Englexid, I am -sorry to say -mea who, in 'their mud chase of the golden cad, will saerilice every- thing that mimes in their way, even linnten lite." • "WW1, when lie insulted ladles, you dreW the line. ,?Widit did he. say a" asked Lan% „mire te get at the singles keep's. • "Ile ekeore at me In ilus.slan as well as the -eireentstanees Would elbow." "Pray, what were those circum- etences demerided ate other. "I think I saw him eject a couple of teeth, ene there were other conditions that Might be called liTitatIng," re - Wetted Plympion, *You knocked Win down, egad- etneehed Petoskey nail, in the street ! 'IVO teeth gone -no wonder your knnekles Were hislised. That was a blow not Only for old Englund, but in mem- , Ory of ler. Jack -the Met we have been able to etrike. Well, it's a good thing Per the beast I wes not 'Present when he sneered et my fair countrywoman -for • I'M an adopted Piccadilly man, you know. By love, new, ho would hardly s tette come Out of it with only the loss ot two paltry front teeth, you know," and Leery clenched his hsts and looked as fiesta as a hyena. Some men are torn lucky. and evi- dently Petoskey teas one of that class. What a pity that :he might never know svhat he had naSeed, end how Ile came Within an ace Of ;flbeing annihilated. "Oh coulee, hefting sattsited my con- . selenee in the Mettler, I paid no ellen- thin to hts splut*erings, but, setibbling the name of Olin hotel on my card, I tossed It to heel f and Walked away." '"Does the Metal a duel?" asked Avls, leebeele. 'Ho sheliggedi hie broad shoulders °Thitt depellida elitteely upon our friend. the Mtnetenee caprice. You may be' Sere, f Challenged I will give °---111111 alt 1110 Ilinietten she warits--M- V40,00Adt lkall bi the land of the /Whig to ,atietittleteditte him." '111110Pe„eleteeng Mete of it," breathed Aides ' ,aft petriskely knows .yotit is _gooe for hi drop thes matters and eta lila' *hole Hite an attention to g deitiat," lemarked the oracle ; indeed, 'odd Dud same man tha Mod have gazed up n the aspect of Loxfs• WIdle lb smelt- ing, he WoOld dotibtlesie have hu.11ed . Oat tit Peking, eetight`the t tiOn ht tha heavy ns at gort ArIbur ab- out an bOutos delay, A *Artier Asy not alWaya be Inca- ' lured . ty, his4 stature Oe the deshIng ThilpittY MUStildhe that edOtels hie lip. There Ott hts(110 Settle etiet In a lees luck moul4, LitIV Must have in - Wiled %ha spleig of seine mighty Saxon takeastor whosokdreds wou him renown and fortune. , "Al 11.'011 tOSPet 110 WIII not be In a hurry, lor 1 'mid not aceomModatei hat 'WWI Mir lettee Mente over," ttald town, • 11 pleased him to. tO deSignato the tiosPerate- tototptialor they had In view, and yrt., liktaa aa well (Wonted 1.aPPtiertikte /the VOHS (ttiatiding etkeli enterleteendle any tillot living. Ha :kW eititletteertil lb -banish all gsruida of Ors Ogre, Petoskey, by do - ng the arrangements WO %Well be had dared, Nokih thn deli (151h' .rdet, roo Outing. Who had *greed to reliat/d guide TC14B)101,1 fO SOW% ISOM IIIKO the Ferbitiden Pere& e the tellterldeg night. v Ineleere lieene liteisiteiel. MK' le Om 4116014, they 'Ore ilSatline, et nenanatly mut ba tha tegula.` mum *mum1. saw pearled, and' a.vary , flar Sanas, istalir forgild 'then) liana Ur. . Larty bid *Uttered .so.M. Mutt on the e'Regge et 1110 eleanier, 4110 Wee on Piehl1 bettutto tt retreat, when Lila Aachen, laid H hand 00 atintlder and; th ta. voice pregnant with MYsteriews meaning, ',Nat, yet; tarry,' my boy; I We SOMething else to tell yOu-something 41d not Wielt Avie to hear, for reasent that, Will flotibtlesit Plain eautligh to yetr-tannething that nix giro you an electric she*, I believe. ,CHAPTER XXIV. When herre Iterated, heard Plymp- ton make -this Minnie he lerge4 and looked thes big non squarely in OW Mee. .e In a ilaell eigns ot drowsiness had been .effectually banished front his eyes, and it 14 eXtrentete datibtfill whether the littIe man ever Melted More wide awake, Of course, he Jumped to the conolu- sion thin the Other had picked up some bad news thet he did not Melt to men- tion before Mts. What on earth could it be? Larry recalled the anxious expression upon the face of his comrade as he entered. Then, after all, (.bat had not been caused by Ws encounter with Petoskey; at least something else had combined to affect him. Strange what ground the human mind may cover In. a few seconds of time. Larry thought of the papers, and wan- dered if anything could have happened to them. Such a 'misfortune would be little short of a disaster, and in spee of the Met of the British consulate In Sham - len, the foreign section of Canton, had been guarded by a force of blue -jackets. lie could not rest until he 'knew the truth. "Tell me -Is it about the papers?" he gasped. Then Plympton smiled. He understood the nature of the Uttle man's worry and seemed glad to re- assure him. "The papers are as safe as though they were in the Bank of England, de. pend on that." Larry had exalted ideas about the security of that dingy stone building known as the Old Lady of Thread• needle street in London, as, indeed, all Engilehmen and most traVelled &nee' leans have, and when assured in this happy vein he must believe. lie felt relieved. Other troubles there might be, but. wink the papers secure, he .could. afford to take them as they came, phlloso. ph teal ly. So Larry threw himself back upon the Munboo settee, and prepared to listen again while the other unfolded a second installment of his experiences in 'Fruth to tell, Larry's curiosity was fully aroused, for he could not even guess at the nature of the deselosure Plympton was about to make. Nor was there eny need of gUessing when the otheKseetned reedy to speak. "Go on with. your shock. my dear fel- low. I have braped myself 1.0 receiye it, you see. Has the Emperor been changed in his palace? Has Li Ilupg Chung married the Dowager Empress? Bly Jove I d'ye know, I'm ready to be - neve almost anything in this beastly country where just the thing you never expect bobs up serenely. "Thet's just it -the unexpected is constantly turning up In China," said Plympton, as he lighted a cigar In order to save himself from the vile odor of the paper cigarette Larry was getting In readiness to -consume. "Thanks -believe Will use a lights And now, proceed to relieve my dread- ful suspense," drawled the dude, draw- ing Ms legs up under him on the settee. Lord Hackett looked keenly at him, as though he would hazard a guess as to how the little man might take the news. "1 law are you, Larry ?" he asked, "Eh? By Jove now, that's a queer remark," "1 mean your nerves - are they steady ?" "Aw-1 see -you wish to make sure I don't faint. Hest easy, my dear man, It's the heart." "Well, steady yourself for stunning news." "Good Heavens you send a fluttah down to my very toes. It's cruel to keep a chap in this condition. Speak out, man -has Englund made an al- liance with the United States? Tell me what wonderful thing has happened." "I Mee reason to believe you made a mistake." Larry collapsed. "That Is beastly cruel In you, Lord Racked, seeing my condition, A joke is good enough in its way, but at such a time-- Well I've made a deuced Due of mistakes in my day, but they were of the head and not of the heart." "This is a mistake that may make some change In our plan of campaign," said Plympton, smiling. 'Mere was that in his manner to arouse Larry's suspicions. 11. was wonderful to see how like a flash he seemed to leap at conclusione. Inspiration gave Mtn a clew, and the rest sprang from his heart. "You almost terrify me I" he said. In a voteelliat trenlbled with eagerness. "Then yeti nut guess?" "Good Gods! is le-about-hlra The big Englishman nodded. "Dr. Jack, I mean," pursued the trembling dude. "Ile is, the party I had in mind, Larry." "You e1t0-1 tied friade-a intelette I" "Well, (1 !> not pasitive. Had t been sure, 1 could never have kept It from Ws wife, but 1 dared not arouse her hopes only to crush them leter ons 11 might be." Larry wee epparently paralyzed ; he eat them like ia intal of Stone, only Met his features were working spastlioill, catty. ' Still, he bad fair control over hia voice, If it did sound much like the SqUeak of a rat baek 01 (1)0 wainscot - Mg, "Am 1 awake of dreaming? ' I heard the Ileme cries of the Mack Plaga, and Ent Wang assured me this Wlia lh It' note of viettril when they slotted an enemy's head off with their unwieldy but keen etverthe Mae yet you tell inn --you give me hope to believe he yet lives?" Was Ids refrain. llyrimters 6110Wed 00 signs ot retreat. "I have twit assured WPM le tt III 081" ehance that sueh oh thing Is trite," "Heaven isepralsed 1 I Would giVe f have lo this 'World, and all 1 ever ex - peel to iota, If Oat 1(105 04 10t Ili>'no Werse trees". and Larry Uttered a heavy Shen; ."Ind, 6ta, 1 fear it Is only '4 chimera, tVliat they call an 11014 Woos at tait, a dream that rail never be tee, heat" "Cornet *range, yenta% There La S, 1 Ittkfiel4 More EMI halt * the% that it rimy lie eei. Ale \Vett With that Idea In Siete Larry intUid MS lost etter0, and *a he aiming tretl, OM Could einiMistin longer that he laelsed in ittlettgeg 'that Wthe tuniele ttha Ib. hails a Wadi. , YOU Will tit Prow your naturter, IlYzaPicfn t atn led to lutist, that this is not nova speculation onsc4or geirf-tned yo have newel eteble lOppeettOn then Pere sur- mise.'" loniallip looked a little surprised Inaude, 414 think Of it," said 4 tired Irian. "the phrase 'an rim iieWe atVittia Ma with nrsv alairsincance. ni 4 grave 1000 ine!ttoit 010irs hezt,t100100tu sulinfr rilfattle4ddiratIli. bfrtiet,lit fY OL" IP *11vh; 131t ih° °latter *444 4°Q r1Q"' Pintas to rite. with 'the sense eleePlY t . 1 tete Meet herrieel inivocate at tba<tagen nowt ,Q4 og, of eepagen, een.dke tte leeeted In tritrotelle he unwound, enseleered lehge OW °I line far Phe'gf srePlifele feeherhe; CallY Well eltd ,einelfortaiele, and yek.willi, "You shall •Itaitir. The news 1 1,14 frual 'Out .Much.powee-in the condition, of Per bleed, FOO Cheng, 1ettlInet MO ?leek whose Week} 'are ail 'right ON guess hew he tante by it, ail he Ailed eotulds bet evtiqrse Sprig te neerey .lentillteer .any eXplanfitieli, NO dellbt wound and which now StriRea slow ,and KalWang has 'Wane of 10.10WIng What lagging, Nothing the matter With the Is ring on within the 'Mole clock. only it La alrileat etia down end whe 0 red tape and myster,y abound. At lea% Iii,s agent, seemed to be Mors oughly conversant with 'the happenings there, and coolly informed me that a priSener Wns =lofty guarded in the Emperor's palace, Watched night and day, Med that it Vale belMved hp must he a fereigner. In My mind It was easy to put two and two together." "With what result?" cagerlx, orgectured that it was Dr, jack - Met he was being Itchl as a last resort. If Pethelsey Utterly failed to secant the papers Of the great railway concession, Lb e party of Me Dowager Empress wopld offer to release Evans for Me re- turn of the documents bearing the Sacred Seal of the Emperor." Larry followed each slowly-tzttered sword with the most eager attention, as though Um tate of empires hung upon the result of their Into, To.hte devoted MIMI. the Waste:lee to such a me man as Jack Evans was of more consequence than the vibe and fall dimany an em- pire. A new and almost overwhelming hope hail. been started into existence by the words which Lord Hackett had just let fall. Larry could as yet hardly grasp their full signMeance, and still his heart was throbbing with eagerness to penetrate the veil Of the future, so that their truth or error might be proved. "God grant that it may be so, and that we may nye to shake les fearless hand nein." "Amen," said Plympton. Then Larry, remembering something, looked curiously in the face of his com- panion. s "Upon my soul, you seem almost es eager to find dear old Jack alive as my- self 1" he crled. "Which seams odd to you in the light of the fact that I once conspired to make his wife a widow in the hope of winning her. I was a fool, my boy, a cursed fool, and I've long since come to my right senses. That passion for Avis died a natural -death when I came to know whae manner of man her hus- band really was. I regard her new as o sister whom I have sworn to de- fend; and if, by the grace of Heaven, we are lucky enough to find the doctor slill alive, and pluck him out of the clutches of his jailer, like a brand from the burning, there will no man rejoice more heartily at seeing him In his wife's arms than Plympton." "Gad, you prove Mat by risking your neck to dLscover the truth. Indeed, I am proud to know you, sir; proud to shake you by the hand; proud of the privilege Of calling you my friend." "Hear, hear I" laughed Piympton, to hide his emotion, for he was really affected by his own feelings and the blunt commendation of his comrade. Larry could not Mild, of sleep now. Ile sat there and plied the other with questions that would have taxed a Philadelphia lawyer to answer; but, atter all, Lord Hackett was able to Ore him but scani additional informa- tion, slime he had heard only the ntea- gre facts from Foo Chong, who evi- dently knew nothing more. This lack of conclusive intelligence did .not prevent these two sanguine friends from construoting many theories and plans which were rosy - tinted and glowed with newly -awakened hope. if It came to the worst, they might -surrender the papers in order to save the precious life Of the rpysterious prisoner of the Walled City, though they knew full well that Dr. lock, should the captive prove to be Avislost hus- band, would utterly refuse his libertey at such a cost, were the matter ever placed before him, which they did not intend it should be. At any rate, a new vigor had been given to their daring project; and while dreading lest it prove an illusive dream, both men secretly prayed that competent success might attend thls secret Invasion of the Forbidden City. (Tu be continued). A WOMAN'S INVENTION. How the Wife of an English Manufac. turer Discovered Blue Paper. "A woman," said a paper maker, "in- vented blue paper. It was by accident that 8110 dia it, though. Before her time all paper was White. "She was the wife of William Eastes, one of the leading paper makers of England in the eighteenth century. In passing through the paper plant one day she dropped a big blue bag into a vat of pulp. Bastes was a stern chap, and so, since no one had seen the acci- dent Mra. Eastes decided to say no- thing about it. "The patter In the vat, which should have ben white, came out Me. The workmen were myelliled, Eases en- raged, While Mrs. Eagles kept quiet. The upsbot was that the papee wns sent to London, merited "damaged," to be sold Inc whatever it would bring, *the selling ngent in London was siteewd. Ile saw that Lille blue tinted paper was attraetive. He declared it to be a wonderful new fevention, and he sold it off like hot cakes at double the white paper's price. "Eastee soon reeeived an order for More of the bine -paper-an order that he and Maim wasted several doya10 teeing vainly to Mi. "Then Mrs. Bastes came forward and tald the story of the blue Moth bag. There wa$ no dillictely after that 10 melting the blue paper, This paper'e price remained very high, Pastes having a monopoly in maktng it." e"--etea"-e A HUNDRED TONS OF WATER. e thiltdell is a coildition which has 11111Ch te de with our .liealth. A wet dletriet with a good deal of stilton water, making houses damp, Is a locality In which rheumatism and reastuttplion aro likely to prevail, Over England and Wales the average yearly rainfall Is about Ain.. to Scot- land ft esidelita 4e1ne end In Wand abut 38111. Peteibly the wettest perta of Britain aro Cumberland, ithere the rainfall may attain 1001n. per year. One Inch of rein oti one dere of ground means 4 hundred 1011S ,01 \voter. flPCllS WIIIOJIIg vp "Ea with me. I've teen working for a year now Mid 'anteing all the time, arid for that matter I can still eleilfel, tut reellY I need 'winding- 1 ant not 'all. rim down 111 the 0014111O1i aPeeptellee i1 Reit term but I need Winding, and 1 WM 04114' PP/, about to go away for that PurPOSe, Olt our vacation, if we glen mereelltee. a chance, wo rewind autonletlealley whet no effort whatever on our poet', and stilt with a delightful, and camulatively l/ghtful, consciousness of the rewinding ir we give oureelves a chance. , ne's7shaer4wayarCWItnihenttle‘ni"°ortal4e eciorinbeti8t10‘ thene-lf not a fatal, a Wadi. rpletaee; Any touch of business stops the rewind, ing instantly and also retards, it tee cantle little time after before the windeig eels In again, so Mat the man Whe.,,tleeS this conies ba k with Ids spring half wound. "I would not attempt to coutleetell, eras anon, for I am a modest, nen); lett 10 those ebout to start on their' V040011 1' would say; Sink the shop, and sitiet It entirely.. Cut it out utterly and PM, pletely. Be vase and get the full benent. Forget the desk the minute yeti tarn your back on it. Take all the reeleb Ing tension off the spring. "I am going myself to the rri0Untairiss to the shores of a lake, with forest elan tnounteins rising all around, where na- ture is at once restful and strong arid potent, and 1 shall give myself all to nature, let nature wind me UM" 1 . DISEASED KIDNEYS. Made Sound and Strong Through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "Two doctors told me that. I was in, curable, but thanks to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills 1 am a well woman to -day." This strong statement Wad made by Mrs. Ed. Rose, of St. Catharines, to. a reporter, who hearing of her retnarks able cure called to see her. "A feW years ago while living in Hamilton," continued Mrs. nose, "I was attabited with kidney trouble. The doctor lulled me into a state of false security, while the disease continued to make inroads. Finding that 1 was not getting better, t consulted a specialist, who (old pie that the trouble had developed into Bright's disease and that I was Incurable. 1 had dwindled to a mere shadow, and suffered from pain in the back, and often a diMculty In breathing. Inman- nia next came to add to my tortures and 1 passed dreary, sleepless night% and felt that I had not long to live. In this dispairing conditton my husband urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to please him 1 began to take them. After using several boxes I felt the pills were helping rae and I contin- ued taking them until I had used some twenty *boxes, when I was again restor- ed to perfeet health, and every symp- tom of the trouble had dikappeared.•Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills certainly brought me back from the shadow of the grave, and I have since enjoyed the best 's Of health." "Every drop of blood In the body is filtered by the kidneys, if the blood Is weak or watery the kidneys have no strength for their work and leave the blood unfiltered and foul. Then the kid- neys get clogged with painful, poison, Gus impurities, which brings aching backs and deadly Bright's diseallb. The only hope is to strike without delay at the root of the trouble in the blood with Dr. :,Willfams' Pink Pills. They make new blood. They flush the kidneys clean, heal their inflammation and give them strength fee their work. Common kidney pills only touch the symptoms -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure the cause. That is why they cure for good, and at the same time Improve the health in every other ways Bat you must get the genuine pills with the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pea - 00 the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or direct from the Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82'.50. WOMAN BIGAMIST. Had One Husband in England and One in the United States. Mrs. Mary Ann Williams McClement. Tibbils tried the novel idea of having a husband in the United States and another in England, but it did not work well, and all she has now is a divorce in England and a peculiar position in America. Mary Ann Williams was a widow when William McClement. a Scotch - man, married her in Manchester. She had a son, who emigrated to America4 and settled In Kansas. stsyear or so after her seeeed marriage she decided to go Is) Kansas and visit her son. There she met E. a Tibblts, a well-to,do Kansan, and beembe acquainted with ohm posing as the widow of Willicans. He proposed and she accepted. They were married and lied a honeymoon whist) lasted some months, Teen Mrs. Tibbits, asshe was, of course, nown, said she would luwe to visit Eng nd on business, but would be back six months or less. In England sh eturned to her home next husband. 'MeCiement. Thu.§ her Wan Wail worked out. Six months she would spend with him In England, arid --theasinee period with her °thee husband In Kansas. But alie English husband found some letters and other things, and began an inveetheation. The result teas the granting of a divorce here last weelt. Mrs. " What-her-legal-namomayebe" is not being prosecuted for bigamy, for ehe is with Mr. TIbbits in Ximsas, but the English Court MN now given litin a 'Abaco te really marry het. A MISERLY COUNTESS. Personates Maid to Got Poe Trelittilent In Public 110sa1tal. leVo yeare tom the eceentrie Coinitees Adele Batthatty died in the Merthatite Ileepital at Budapest, Alistria, she wee one s of the weeltliteet and Meet highly coneeted ettinieri Of the held bat after her husbantra death she be - Mite inter arid lived 111 annplete ree theleents When At became III be asstulied the allte et bee own Meld, eritl- °belied% ailifilestell to the Ilbspital. It Wag tully aflet her death that her identity ttitte revered, and that she had entailed over n1,150,000 worth of property hi her NW, hand's family. The validity of the will Wee atteeked by IKr neele0e-kin, Ptence (Mee-MIMI, COME, (I'Donliel ontI GaelaV TatImeey, on the groured,Ratt tvoinalt cannot gel Ite, fill entail telt a her own fatuity. The Cittle the idgliest taut Of anneal in Ele ,Coutitey the other day Set aside the ivill end ordered the estate to be divided truing the three elaltriatita, INVERTED, "DM Yull Outten tat the detid Man's Aldan Was tfl h the dist car - thee Miele the heeeeter 'afees Ire the filet tithe I Met Sete lithe CMOs fellow the eftftho Soo Witt loot wits% ototrAtto Stohlut iitqf Sunlight nip' omit fatilow irsctiois Is mil OF MAW POWER EXTRAO1WW4litte IFIS110141 Mt WAN Of4401$ 4$8104 11404001 RidsOti Odd* PrOreasion to • 'Throne Transept of Ohl • %me friends staying at 'Whitby, .04010:14, tuutO had an extraorditterY experience. They saw In broad day. 11/Alit O long procegihrn of mediaeval Menial and MA% beaded by a bishop in - ' hill Canonicals, wind idowly threllub th rhins ot Whitby Abbey. Ode of the party recently ,reeelVerl ;rem India A Mleket Ot powder, saki to haVo mysterious psychical powers. Ile exPeelmented with It, and eittW Of the dead,. The Whitby vision also followed after taking BOMe01 thla pieWdete The -three friends eaeh.took some of 11. 404 aillioSt iminedlate/Y one Of them, heard the words, 000 to the south teans another receiving the ine streati s : "At the abbey tomorrow 02500(1.as possible." Tim following extract front 4 letter written by one of the experimenters to Light deScribes what they saw at the Abbey :- "We entered the abbey just at mid- day, and went into the maned south• transept and stood facing the east. One of nay friends, at price saw a, long Precession co brawn -clad and cowled neouks, and smelt incense very d PHANTOM BISHOP. "Following these monist; I saw several white -robed) .priests, followed by the Whop in full canonicals and wearing his mitre. He was eoneucted to a sort of throne, placed for the time being With its back to the altar. "When he was seated, several nuns In white habits appeared from the south transept, one of which was taken be - fere the bishop, and knelt at Ws feet, when he laid his hands upon her head, and 1 beard the words, "the consecra- tion of the prioress at the midday Mess.' "During the ceremony there knelt in peewee an- old lady, dressed. in dall red - brown, and wearing a very peculiar white , head-dress; her hands were crossed on her breast. I could not re- member the date, but the word 'Agin- court,' was whispered to me from the unseen. I felt as it she had nothing to do with the ceremony, but. was there to ilss the approximate data -- by her head-dress. "As we left the abbey my other friend saw, dotted about in the grounds -where several very material claws were feeding -more monks in brown cowls and robes, who were wan- dering about, evidently engaged in con- templation or prayer. 'We, none of us, heard any names, but I should know that bishop again anywhere if he ever saw lit to reap- pear.' TRANCE DREAMS. Miss Annie Sansome, of Nottingham, England, a w11 -known psychic, had, else experimented with the powder. In the following letter to Light she 'de- scribes its effect on her "I seemed to go into a dazed condi- tion, and the room and articles around me went dim. Then I found myself In O large city, in a great crowd of people, and the thought caine to me, 'This Is London.' Then the vision changed, and I saw the spirit forms of a little boy and .girl, urchins of the street, first In rags and tatters, then in beautiful spirit robes, , showing that, though poor on the earth, they were rich In the spirit world;' that was the impression I received. "Then I saw my brother's wife,. who had died some time ago, and heard her name, 'Lizzie,' breathed quite audibly, "I got the picture of a coffin and of a death to occur in the future, particu- lars Of which I shall send you later if it happens as I saw it in vision. "My mother also tried the powder, but did not get any results. It only ap- pears to aot on those who feel some psychic devalopment. I did not feel any injurious effects from it, but a nice, soothing feeling that feels very much, like the trance Mate." FRENCH LABOR WAIL Effects of Industrial Agitations Benefit Large Firms. The labor conflict in France still con- tinues. The workmen declare that they are determined to struggle until the em- plOyers capitulate, while the employers apparently equally determined, declare they will not make ,nny concessions. Sotne ot the French industries are very math demoralized. The labor agitations In recent years are said to have had an important et. feet ln leadieg to a "concentration of industries." In 1896 there were 2,344,- 471 independent establishments in France; in 1901 the total number of such establishments was 2,245,356, a diminution in five years of nearly 100,- 000 estiablishments. The number now Is saki to be very much smaller. The Mall establishments are reported to have been the ones which have large ly gone out of business. During the peeled of 1896 to 1901 no less than 102,- 355 sthall firms disappeared, while es. tabilehments employing from 21 to 100 weitthen increased by 2,585, and the nuMber of large Items, employing more their 100- workmeh taeh, -Increased from 3,081 In 1896 lc, 4,628 in 1901. The present cigltatIon with a demand for shorter hours and increased wages is said tb have added greatly to this con- centration of business in certain lines to the lege firms. - PHOTOGRAPHING A BULLET. Dr. Rlegler, of Iludepeet, has mada a very curious experiMent 111 photogra- phy, and one that to realty peciple will appear niftiest incredible. He photo- graphed a Meld after it had 'been fired teems a rifle, and while It Will precetid- Mg with a velocity of 440 Metree- rather More than 4 quarter of 0 111110- 11. itOtonti. A regainr infantry rifle was the weapon selected for the purpose et condileting the expel iment. which was 10 cverY we& successful. a Perfect, re- prodaction lite bullet being the to - tut% A 1101 0' ut luit gallop, a SWal. lOW fit ila night, and oven St flash of lightning have succulubed to tho Ma. tographer's art, hut Ids last triumph ts atilt roam Marvellous. MothFar *Warr reetairreirtrotio Lires As SAW?, MSS 40 WIN 410 000* 41140001 filat tin iintereellOeit. iittrarematilieshe , *Ietem1VIroXisullitt Mos imovaior await. Low* Mar 4444 EttOo por in hut" Unmade: The *iced' ot Ilely Trty, %Mitt street, Leaden, E.ugland , re senile* infe entlx, said he could nut sea iibUfia LH the dellenieseat1011 Ot 1114 elionertatets" He tould not accept the ,Purften -idea a- %Weigh Which Wig all 1404 Of etei 5,1eltra MO, end seemed almost inhunaint. No wee •it the continental Sunda vat hed IQ dread, telt the saeular Sunday. The typo -of character formed hy The Paul= tor Pm nichmear end the :social excitements et the day was not, he said Jac math, the deeperAtely telekeel in the YaPidaWeals and libreleSe. Seelat Plea, etiree and geatlitione now -a -days tended IhOdelee ne1.40 Meets the Militant dee, Perate Wicket:111M 10e Wblell lierhape SOM0 other times might have ben net - ed, tho thotightlea$, lazy end fay°. Ions type .34 degenerate; :people Of lie dean Coredatione, eerileittteee Or Iseas eSta Pt purpose,. Those who indulged the Most in Sum day eeerelsee, and recreations were net always those who needed them the Meet, Eiiglhih People Were Often,' Wariltel REMUS/ Um continental Sundabi, „hut frwii hia Own observation that Sunday WM not nearly 60 had us sante Made, it out to he; the element Of reverence, ot Was elwaye present' No loss. could he greater to •any .peo. phi than the loss of the habit of public wership. The greet mint of a nation's worth Was the mark of worship. No Balla COUld giVO 111106elt pp JO 80100, tholightless, ,frivelOtte enneemente With - Mit "eattferlag terrible deterioration. NO enle'VERIF.INCS Dr. Leonhariles .eures any form of Piles. internal, Eaternal,Bleed- ing, telead, Itching, Suppurating, etc.,. are simply names et the etages througe whieli every case well pees if it coie Mmes. Pito are caused by congestion of bleed in the Meter bowel, and it taketi au In- ternal remedy to remove the .cause. Dr. Leonhardt's Hen-Rold is a tablet taken internally, and no ease of Piles has ever been found It failed to cure, Money batik if it, does Pal. s $1.00 at any dealers, or The Wilson - FA Co., Limited, Niagara Falls Ont.14 SAW am FIEIST. Visitor: "Willie, tell your mamma that I have come to call oo her. Willie: "Mamma's nots at home. Visitor (shocked): "Why, winie, -I'm sure I saw her loolting from the elation window as I came up the street. Willie (stoutly): "No, you didn't neither, That was Sts peeking through, the parlor blinds. Mom saw you coming teem up stairs. 'tt` • MUSKOKA THE BEAUTIFUL. Do you know the place? If not, your pleasure has suffered. Take a free trip, a mental little journey through Mus- koka by asking for that handsome Mus- koka Folder Issued by the Grand Trunk Hallway System, -it contains a large map, lots of views, and a fund of facts. Take the journey some evenin after supper -with your Wire an c ren. Then`slam the door on the doctor for 1906 by taking your family on a real journey through the Muskoka District this summer. Less than a day's jour- ney from principal American cities. The Ideal Family ilesort. For all particul- ars and handsome Illustrated publica- tion free, apply to I. D. McDonald, Nn - ion Station, Toronto, Ont. Old Flink : "I doubt lf ono man out of twenty can recall to inemery the language he used in 'proposing." Young Stewpid : "Probably not. But, the girl oan. Mine, did. When the breach of promise suit carne up she was able to repeat my proposal word for word:" The Crick In the Bads. -"One touch or nature makes the wh,ple world kin," sings the poet. But what about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago which is so common now? There is no poetry in that tonal, for it renders life miserable. Yet how delighted is the sense of relief when an application of Dr. Thomas' Cclectric 011 drives pain away. There is nothing equals it. Fellow JPassenger : "Pardon me, your necktie has been sticking out for some time. 1- refrained from telling YOU sooner because those young ladies seemed so much amused.' Farmer: "Thankee ; an' the oil from that lamp has been dropptn' on that light over- coat o' yourn for the last ten minutes, but everyone seemed so tickled that I hated to spoil the fun." Sunlight Soap b better than other soaps, but is best when rind in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. He : "Before you married me you used to say there wasn't another man like me in the world." She: "Yes; and now I shouldn't like to think there was." Much distress and sickness in child- ren is caused by worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by re. moving the cause. Give it, a trial and be convinced. Miss Country Maid: "I understand that in some hotels one often gees palms about the dining -rooms. What kind of palm is the most prominent?" Comfort by day and sound sleep by night fol- low the ustr of Weaver's Corate, for skin troubles, no matter how tormenting they be. Thh; Ghat - went soothes end cleanses. • - She: "What is meant by the pipe of peace?" He : "Can't imagine. Never yet smoked a pipe in the house but my wife made a fuss about IL" .1=1.••••• Biliousness Burdens Life. -The bilious man is nester a compabionable man because his ailment renders him morose and gloomy. The,. complaint is not slo dangermie as it is disagrdeable. Yet no one need suffer from It who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By tegulattrig the liver and obviating the effects of the bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. • LOWEST BIRTH RATE. The lowest birth rate to any first quar- ter of a year since civil registration was estebIlshed was recorded during the first three months of the present year, aeeording to the quarterly rettliel of Marriages, births and deaths in Eng- land and Wales. The eclual number of birtha dining this period was 237,390, itt the prepertIon of 27,4 annually per 1,000 of the population. in the ten preceding drat quarters the mean rate was 20,2. While the birth rate has falters so heav- gy, 11 19 a remarkable fact that, owing to an even greater decline to the death rate the natural increase of population In England elid Wale a during the quar- ter. was 40,434, •as compered with 94,- 034, as touipared with 40.158, -87,164 and 89,740 in lite first quarters of 1403, that, and 190,1 respectively. S f4ftg- VICTORIA WOMAN. ow le The time To insure your health by uSbIl 1 • • iman toPsits:OtCEti:41447111::tePI TtEieasA Japan. Noy ttale4 its whets, at afic, ritt and Ke pa At all areatirs. St. Louis, 1914. oziolgiett "it emelt Izsazi. »rmolgy,0000,107,4 **kw asseaem" 1 re: Lto A8.04s .antatiormo IRON mode on a WON ti Press (the °ail' 0110CanedCanada)One comtin tgation al a e, and is guaranteed true and strog We Carey 4 SOO ten stock In Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto wad totedion and Can stlelp onanary requirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 Meta g inch or 2ee inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 4, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. '1111,11 ones of material It most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factors', 3111,1 and Warebethie Buildings and is water and Wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers end Galvaoned Nails carried in stock. Send Spectleations to your merest ogles 'for catalogues and Priem. 'THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, MIMI, ON. 0110W0, 0111, 0111. IffitIOD,0111. MintliKO, VallgOuTer,LO. • 767 Oralg ip suss.: 11 Colborne st. OP Dundee et 70 Lombard at, 015 Roderic I Write year Marto offiee.-incati OlipICE AND WORKS-OSHAWA, Oat Largest Makers at Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag. .— . ' ' ' 11141t,writisrL' gar litrotgliall:2, milw"Ispeiag ' d Vat"' 11 D In Viestern Canada rzz:salis. &bout to WHO fla. Of Indian Bead: Pelee MK pile sera S IAgba writs tor DAP end full particulars. g. Pogootai. gs Wellesley Street, Threats, Came*. TOYS TEACH MUSIC. Novel Method of Teaching Music to tit- tle Children. Miss A. Seppings, L.R.A.M., gave an exhibition of her method of teaehiag music to little children at Cavendigh Rooms, Mortimer street, London, Eng- land, recently. She instructs by means of cubes, on which the various short -nates -are inscribed:. Miss Seppings tells the children that the. derni-seml-quaver has a head, one leg, and three feet, so that it can run very fast, and that the semi -quaver has only two feet, because it cloes not run as fast as the other. By shifting the cubes according to her direction the children see that it takes two demi-semi- quavers to equal one semi -quaver, and so on. "All, children love bricks," says Miss Seppings, "and It is therefore easy to interest them in music by this method. Children of four or flve can learn to read, play, And transcribe little pieces in one term." s "You always appear to be worried about your housekeeping," remarked the sympathetic friend. "But, really,'' replied the housekeeper, "there are only two occasions when I am really wor- ried. One is when I haven't a servant, and the other is when I have." Hollow'ay's Corn Cure .destroys ell kinds of corns and warts, root and branch.. Who, then would endhre them with such a cheap and effectual rem- edy within reach? Mr. Dlneout : "The waiter's." Dibbs (facetiously): "This is a pic- ture of my wife's first husband." Dobbs: "Great snakes I What a brainless -looking idiot 1 But sI didn't know your wife was married before she met you?" Dibbs : "She warn't. eThis Is a pieture of myself at the age of twenty." -- Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in -their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims re fore they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay In getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful Vapidity and never fails to effect a cue. Host (a trifle nervous about the effect of his guest's wooden leg upon the polished floor); "Hadn't you better come on the rug, major?You might, slip there, you know." The Major: "Oh, don't be afraid, my boy; _there's no danger. I have a nail in the end of The Wretched Condition of thousands is doe t,o the fact that they neglect the simplest ewe of their health. When 01 451* Condition "P0000900' ran bniiiryon Up and give you strength. Gregson (in alarm): "Great Scott 1 I've left my purse under my pillow." Fisher: "Oh, web, your servant is honest, isn't she?" Gregson: "That's Just it -shell take it, to my wife." To Prevent Is Better than to Repent. -A little medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known us ParMalea'S Vegetable Pills, administer- ed at the peeper time and with the di- rections adhered to often prevent a seri- ous attack of siekness and save money which would go to the doctor. fn pll inagularitles ol the digestive organ� they are an invaluable corrective and by cleansing the blood they clear the skirl of Imperfections. A gentleman courted a lady for tevonly-eight yeara, and then married her. She tutased out to be a. perfeet virago, but died two years after the wedding. "cev," said our friend, in a sell-cOlagrabuTatory tone, "see whatt I escaped by a long colirlehip." Wilson's FLY PADS The Colony of Victoria, Australia, Is still ca yotithial that,.lite first white weltait Who get toot upi0 its toil. Mrs. Stephen George lienly, flas only )ust died. She was both ot Stokeny, Yoh. Aare, .itt 2810, an4 wont, with lier Ines thenloWeSt04 AgStralia, Where at the ago Of lettente the. Married a Swan Inver phineer, aft,. I1etv. ion otter. Wardithay iiinved to TaStinetilai end thenee sailed in a Smolt VOSSoi which reached the bay at Parliand one SUM 'day' night 111 June, 100. hi the Men, light Mfg. Ilenty was carrikl'altore throUgh tub. :aid% Mal 'thus unloved, Ito diiiinotion of tieing Victoria's first *tete as her on, horn itt Auto% Iat7,.W141 lifet Vilide tale Althea ,ir :the taIdeitys ss tux int' trtilact ItILLS 1111001 ALL AVOW ,.P001( 1141rtttliONS. •addby.itfi pregeneet itatit OdistagasOrra and by asall,' Mt *Mt foist* fi Alf teals r Ittlden ARCIIDA, "Is this really a camel's hair brush, mamma?" "Yes, dear." "Funny I don't see how a camel can ever brush his hair with that thing." Food 'Products *eke plaice Mere msioyablo by making tInstoparabons easer. _Easier to.camy ; cosier to serve; and* right for calm as they come hom the ere. Liaby's cooks have int pick of the best meets obtainable -end they know bow lomat them al well as pet the. can make ono tomorrow at yolif table If you're rot wise to aLicele\rlsoon you by saving some greed Loaf. h 1. a revelation ia dm blending of good ineat end good spices. ILliddylacNelli Libby, Chicago THE OLD SORE that has been troubling you foo months or years can be healed painlessly and promptly hy Mission Ointment Bolls, Blood-Ea:Offing, Varicose Meets,. Ivy Poisoning yield rerullly to H. It don't cost mode —at stores 250 and 50o, or sent prepaid for Me) small size, 600 large. Name your nearest express office and PA - Mission Ointment & Chemical Co., Toronto, Canada. THU • COMM ell 1111 ellagie BevIs standard Publication for Cement and Concrete users. Covers entite Canadian field. 15c. Copy; 81 a year. Sample copy tree. Address, 73 Adelakle St, Toronto, Ont. airdimb. ifi4g and Sehnels. ten adss, eta. A KOWA 'Oar 01546N'. elk and mewl heads. 1311 prates, line wrest/ow ilestly sad quer leaned. Thoestureleof gni are la Canada. Wer tomb br_inall .m1 Clowanieellessirs. Taw reeeerabla Write twday for our gas atelier PRIin the N.H. {sherd al Tiedden* 44 et, °Mani, CAA For Sale. Choke 420 sores near Moose Jaw, Sask., 214 miles from Pasqua JunCtion t stable, shaelf and 140 acres in crop I yielded 42 bushels wheat per acne last ,ear; price $22,00 per sore. Many other farms tor sale in the famous Mose Jaw amis. L R. entsleN, Land Dame noon Jaw, Soak, DOMIINIoN HEINDERSON BEAR.INQS....tdo MOO Rejlefitifill TOOLtilittlat, , theat-CLASS 114011INISTS 786 King It. West, Toronto ......--, Work wanted tor Potter & John- ston nmehlites, and Brown & Sterne Orinding Machines. Prices low. Any kind of light machine built le Oder, mil LAMP OIL EcoNomv .Sarnia wig Primo) eiL --- White op real mead tee thajnote ieepenieve Oles Irmo distURNEtt 10 Used If Vied Mona WO LIC,11Yearkinee Cle rot: tioltEPTorrit•CILI:01 ) 0114114111 City Tay LAMP Lir boo Witutitrit Tit s