The Goderich Star, 1906-07-27, Page 5iltrogr
4111iirwIPPPIRTrriffurrywrr'""""--lw-Fiw -
JULY 27, 1906•
Speciat Skirt Vaincs,
We ove special rtotice this wee% lo a 10 0 very stylish and
well roade,tadiesi SItitt$ jot Teeeivel In tweed eftexts asui
Plapt„ colorq. ,-,42d1W -.-Plotbsi. =di= weightS, SpeCial
,$$.50* $4.5Q and $5
Drolia Muslins and Shirt Waits
Han4$.6010 Dr0S$ MUslins aSqlegt from, former price fc to
Shirt Waists, $ t.a5 to $2.5o, now cc to tsc
.3tac a yard, now
Table cloths and Napkins
ffientifacturers', shipment, some slightly soiled and SOW 'Wet-
ted,* ail sizes, ranging in ptice $1.5o to $$ 4t. .30 per cent discount
Carpets and 'Floor Oilcloths
Sacrifice Midsummer Sale prices in Carpet Department,
40 pieces Of Tapestry Carpets 65 and 75c values at ' 50 and 55c
Floor Oilcloths s, it, II, 2 yards wide, 25c values, at per
square yard:, 20C
95C tt) $1.75
tbe Gobettch %tat.
'PELEPHorrix VALL 71.
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1906
Re The Power Scheme.
To the Editor of The Star,
Doan Su3,-A great number a the
electors of Godertch would like to
know if it is lawful for a Town Coun-
cillor to sit at the Council Board and
vote and work for a scheme In which
he is largely interested, in which the
large sum of one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars is to be expended.
We would like to know what was done
to chatige public opinion so suddenly'
in favor of voting for the scheme.
Now, I think, Sir, the power of ads -
representation and something More
than cold wat4i• was a big figure car-
rying the vote for this scheme. Our
town should own our own waterworks,
electric light. street cars and tele-
phones. In every town and city where
private pompanies run such things
we hear of strikes, law suits, often in
the calling out the police and military,
the ending up in destruction of proper-
ty, and often in bloodshed and murder
The "Round robin" goverutnent at Ot-
tawa ha sheen to blame for allowing so
-many trustsaind-combineasirriactivis
a combine government, but I have no
doubt that if Sir Wilfred Laurier can
secure the service of the Maitland
River Power and Light Company to
run the next Dominion elections, he
will certainly be again returnee to
W. G. SsIMI.
' Goderich, July 10th, 1906.
- -0-
The School For The Blind at Brant-
Tothe Editor of The Star.
DEAR SIR. -I ask your assistance to
enable me to get into communication
with the parents or guardians of all
the blind childten in °uteri°, under
the age of twenty-one years. The In.
stitution for the Education and In-
struction of the Blind, maintained by
the Ontario Legislature, admits as pu-
' pits "alt blind youths, of both sexes,
between the ages of seven and twenty-
one, not being defleient in intellect,
and free from disease or physical in-
firmity, being residents of the Pro-
vince of Ontario." It is not necessary
that the applicant , shall be totally
blind; the test is inability to "read
ordinary type and attend a school for
the seeing without serious injury to
the sight. The initial difficulty is to
locate the children who are eligible
for admission, and it will be helpful
in the futnre if your readers will send
me the moles and addresses of blind
children under seven, as well as of
those between seven and twenty-one.
Education Department Lays Down
Regulations as to Buildings and
Equipments of Rural Schools.
By the act of WOO, respecting the
Department of Education, the basis of
distribution of Legislative grants to
rural, public and separate schools has
been changed. After the present year,
the general and epeeist legislative
grants and the county equivalent to
the latter will be divided on the basis
of the salaries paid the teachers, the
W1,X XOPlarfo-
Ilqattifss Craprkw.-Attvotion
cancato the advt, in anothrr cabman
announcing the, estahlisinneut of the
Clintoallnsirwsa Collegti p Mr. era,
f3pottori, 1it has, ancersafully eetti-
dtleted at Pirrillinr instittition In Wing -
barn. MY. SOtt011 it Well and favor-
ahlv-known. and under his man_age.
nient,a Igleinees collegeat the nub
shokl proya a decided advantage to
yoimg people desiring a traioina
OM Linea Avert:lined,
A Oltat'lounAet,,,-.1Notball players
as a rule receive very little credit for
beinggenerous to their opponents.
But. the Ernce illicrald of a recent date
has AA instance Which we could net
allow to pass withont coraMenting up-
on. It appears that a yOung natin
damned Alex. llopper had t be MiSfor,
tome to break his leg whilst engaged
in a football contest between OWela
Sound anti 19.11dmay,the accident de.
pricing him of the privilege of wriftng
on his matriculation exarninatiogs.
The Mildmay team has, we understand.
offered to pay the expense of a special
exam. Thisitt Itself is very commend-
atory, especially when Hopper wee a
roember of the opposing teana.
To 01JR RE'ADIM1.-There are many
things happening which are of public
interest, but which newspapers never
get hold of, such, for instance, as fam-
ily reunions, farm sales, weddings, ac-
cidents and items of a similar nature.
Some of these, newspapers may get,
but there are others that do not get
into print, Now, if parties interested
would send these items to THE &rads,
the publishers would be at all times
pleased to give publicity. Write out
an account of them and sign your
name. Never nand if the item is not
well written. Write the facts and we
will do the rest. The nein° wUt not
be published, but is required as an evi-
dence that the item le genuine. You
could get a lot of items on a post card.
Try it, and help at the mune time
Huron's greatest newspaper.
SHOW oc Goon FELL° Wrin1P.-Rev.
Father West, who is well and favor-
ably known to the people of Goilerich,
and who is at present located in St.
character of the accOmmodacions and
the value of the equipment, after pro-
viding a einitrlum grant for eaeh
such school' which is equipped as
required by the regulations of the Edu-
cation Department. The scheme for
this distribution will he settled by the
close of the present year, and will be
simillie in character to that which has
proved so effective in the case of High
schools. It will, accordingly, provide
for the payment of a percentage of the
salary paid the teacher over the mini-
mum prescribed by the recent Public
Schools Amendment Act, a percentage
of_the value --of the-equipment-ovee th
minimum prescribed, and graded Hums
under each heading of the accommo-
The Education Department hae is-
sued a circular for the guidance of in-
spectors and rural school boards, mak-
ing regulations as to accommodations,
school buildings, svater supply, light-
ing, ventilation. etc.; and hiving down
a minimuni equipment which each
scltool must possees in order to qualify
for the grant and to secure the highest
New schools will all be built acettd-
ing to the details embodied in the cir-
cular, and the improvements necessary
to bring the old schools up to the re-
quired standard must be takert in
hand 88 8000 accessible, in most cases
during,the next six months, btu where
the board is too poor to comply at
once an extension of tirne may be
granted, in no ease longer than till the
summer o(1908.
Should you favor me by the publi-
cation of this letter, I would ask your
readers not to depend upon the par-
ents of the children with defective
sight to attend to this matter. If all
could witness the gain in health, hap-
piness, knowledge and self-reliance
that comes to those who, deprived by
their affliction of access to the pub-
lic schools, take advantage of the edu-
cational facilities afforded by this in-
stitution, none would grudge the time
and trouble required to widen the
scope of the school's influence. Send
me the names and addresses. and I
will by correspondence or visitation
do the rest.
Principal,O. I. 13.
Brantford, July 20, 1906.
Physically Exhausted.
Lacking in courage -out of joint
with everything -scarcely on speak-
ing tertns with fair health. Such low
spirits are pitiable. Your brain is
fagged, vitality so exhausted your
constitution is well nigh ruined. What
you need is Ferrozone, that great vi-
talizer and nutritive tonic. It's by
making flesh and blood, by infusing
Iron and oxygen into the system that
Ferrozone helps; it repairs weak spots,
instills new life into worn-out organs
--makes you feel like hew. Ferrozone
lifts age from the old and imparts re-
afliance and buoyancy to the depressed.
Be manly, ruddy colored -east aside
weakness and enter the happy life that
comes from using Ferrozone. Fifty
cents buys it box in any drug store.
Mitts Pearl Sterling. of. Clinton, is
suffering from blood poisoning, the
result of a mosquito bite.
Thomas, at the services in his church
on Sunday, July Stb, asked his con-
gregation to treat the Orangemen who
would visit the city on the 12th with
every kindness and courtesy, and the
members of that denomination acted
on the suggestion of their pastor, some
of them decorating their places of
business in honor of the gathering.
Such a token of good fellowship speaks
well for our Catholic friends, and is
evidence that the old hatred is fast
passing into oblivion. In Goderich
few years ago, when a great 121h of
July was about to be celebrated here,
Rev. Father West pursued the stone
liberal course, and his wise counsel
REA.0 THE BesT.-The local newS-
paper should be foam' in every Can-
adian home. No children H110011.1 grow
up ignorant who can be taught to ap-
preciate the home pay&r. It is stated
to be the stepping stone of Intelligence
in all those matters mkt to be found in
books. Give your children a copy of a
foreign paper which contains not it
word abottt any person, pine° or thing
which they saw or perhaps ever heard
of, and how could you expect them to
be interested. But let them have a
home paper like THE, STAlt and read
of people whom they meet and of
places with which they are familiar,
and soon an interest is awakened which
increases with every arrival of the
local paper. Titus a habit of reading
is formed. and those ehildren will read
the papers all their lives and become
intelligent. men and women, a credit to
their ancesters and strong in knowl-
edge (A the world as it is today.
BuTTgit Arth Eons,- We understand
there is a movement on foot by the
wholesale farm prodtute dealers to
place buyers on the various markets
and to on rake the price of butter and
eggs that will drive the hucksters out
of business. No doubt farmers will he
pleased to avail themselves of the
high prices, hut there Is another side
to the question. Should the le -esprit
buyers who are giving good satisfac-
tion be eompelled to cease business on
account of too high prices for profit,.
the wholesalers would then have the
producers at their mercy an regards
prices ; and our opinion iH ttiiit 811011111
thia oceur farm prndurts weluld be
paid for at mires dictated by a com-
bine. If more be paid for produeo in
the meantime than the state of the
market ,juatifies, it is done with the
evident intention of getting even at a
later date by reducing prices. If the
producers will itonsider the matter,
they will find it is to t heir best inter-
ests to stand by those who have served
them well.
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
(Inolph Herald, July 20.
Over sixty-five people came down
from Elmira Thursday on the first
train over this section of the Guelph
and Goderich railway. They included
many of the prominent citizens of
the town, and the majority are stay-
ing over for todav's celebration. The
run from Elmira was made in twenty-
nine minutes. Conductor Dazelle and
Engineer Davidson were in charge of
the train.
The ten o'clock train which left here
for Elmiraon the arrival of the To-
ronto train carried many Guelphites
LLS well as some of the officials of the
road, including Divisional Engineer
J. G. Macklin and the resident engin-
eer of Elmira, Mr. G. E. Hyde. The
train was in charge of Conductor Geo.
Cruikshank. The first freight train
over the line from Guelph, polled out
of Elmira shortly before 11 o'clock,
comprised of an engine, one car and
caboose. There were fifty tons of
merchandise on board, some of the
shippers being R. and J. 11. Simpson
Co., Bond Hardware Co., Hugh Walk-
er & Son, and others.
The steam shovel in' charge of A.
McNamara, was taken out to Elmira
today and will work in a pit ithout one
mile west of the town.
Work on the Concestoga river bridge
is golf* along satisfactorily and will
be completed in a few weeks.
The first and was turned on the
VValkerton-Lucknow railway on Tues-
The Simpson Co., wholesale grorers,
made the first shipment of goods from
Guelph to Elmira over the Guelph-
Godetich railwny Thursday morning.
The first freight train up carried con-
signments from their warehouses to
three Elmira merchants.
DAY. - But one cannot have a merry
lieart if he has a pain in the hack or a,
cold with a racking cough. To be
merry one must be well and free frorn
aches and pains. Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil will relieve all pains, rntiscular
or otherwise, and for the epeedy treat-
ment of colds and coughs it is a ttplen-
did medicine.
Shoes of Quality
Men's $3.5o and $4.430 Shoes.
We are after the men who want good
looking, durable and stylish Shoes
at moderate prices. We'll just 'put
it mildly and say that,
We have the best
and $4.00 Shoes the
country p
Try us on $3.00, U.50
You'll buy satisfact
ag Shoes.
inspector of
season end f
.prnment dead d
ioIng office a
,1 the oppointra ell
8,.e,prdenet$ Witi a
reeent depute
, waited on 11.0
l'r Wil. he Mid
nd Prof. MO
upon Ina Wink at,
Proper Medicine
For the Blood,
Tek *140041eit.
. NawaviassSesausul,
'Otte go hark to 14tulg's,=-Itatk to the 01 4
IIVIKte „the 'drab lpieWWC/0 nee as blue, flyspEpsiii
arto gesesty oo Moir/sees , , , . .
Noe •
Tfaet to Terget tte auiatair, Ott, voli tha
rattictiseactis •
Whialle or toot, the rumbling toxh end th
ear helfc slaw OW*
Id hke te go lark arming hi the eirOwto?
And drown ale siggithl_Of the PURI toWn Wan
eccse.etcloser wow,.
Mt Absolute Cure For
I mint tat SO hark to 'Irinkril--hark tu tho
kiteb too Lautl,
NVIcro it didn't Mica ;mice of horning to motto
\Chan the tamp °fa bond was rugged, but
toe rlaV Wel Oros said Mo.
And tao OYes at the man behind them locked
homestead frank 7)1 y011,
want to steal otr attwiegin as 1 did when
the MO sank low.
And dittiat the diesons that were; mine to
drcarn le the kag.v ;afterglow
I ewe; 10 .o 'back to 'fsindy,a--back three tee,
stretee of years,
want to go WW1* the boyhood troek
toed the doubts anti trans
It emus let it step back yowler to Um Golds
uttedMI an eadlezo chain!
Drives Away That Tired Feeling -
You Feel Brisk.
and he rire cat
acilr ottto, but abt the years -they're
What little et trtellgarnered, what little
tho won't:mediated)
1 woult barter it all, name over, to nye in its
sweet 00;114.
I want to go hull to lAindy's-arlaere the white
road winds away
)or valley and hill and dale and rill to the dui
ot distant gray;
1 want to get out lo the open, where a follow
hoe elbow roorn
Where he's never afraid to cross the street for
fear he (5111*04(4)11114 dooin.
Dock to the fragrant orchard and tho cool of
the grateful sod. -
For that was 05 near, I motion, as over rye
been to tied.
Stanley Township.
A GREAT BAnN.-In these days of
large and suceesful farming it is worth
whUe making mention of a barn be-
ing erected on the fano of MoThomas
Snowdon, this township, on the Sato
ble line, a few miles from Bayfield.
That Mr. Snowdon is a capable and
successful fahner will readily be un-
derstood from the dimensions of his
new building, but one should see bis
feral of over 500 acres and the splen-
did crops which mark it this season t,o
folly appreciate the scale on which he
pursues agriculture. The new barn is
being erected by day labor,aud asplen.
did job it is. The main building is 40
by 75 feet, with a straw shed 40
feet square, and underneath both
these is the basement built of stone
and cement 0 feet high, giving a com-
bined space for stabling, etc., of 92 by
121 feet. From the sills to the eaves
is a height of 24 feet, so that, the
building may well be termed a noon -
moth one, and as it is to he shingled
with Galt sure -grip metallic shingles,
the quality of the structure is easily
of the hest. When completed it will
cost, about $3.000, a pretty round sum
indeed, but one that Mr. Snowdon
feels will he fully justified in the years
to come. That the enterprising owner
may long be spared to enjoy it will be
the sincere wish of many friends and
4416 err Cal II. X
Bears the TheiTiti You Have Alwayillolla
TlYspeal intligtglent rarbiliS OE
gurattevotwg,zrau wtAkrisp,
By Mestat of itS Muscles, the IOWA
sliduld 041 -lithe food.^ehangieg nolia3
into liretkis--,Iniging 171 the ga.stric Nino
to dart digestions
If the, aelitadt. 19 Wealt..-then feed la
act properly dunned and raixed with
cnough gostrie joke. Then yen have
indigestion and then dyspepsia.
1111i "FRUIT Lours Wooers"
strengthen the stomach -just as juicy
beef and eggs and milk strengthen the
vested frame of a patient r,,etting over
FRUIT-A-TIVES contain the elements
that give new--olgor now energy -
10 the ;muscles lIntng the etoinaeli-
stimulate the digestive glands and
assure a Copious tiow of gastric juice
for each meal,
More than that, FRUIT-A.-TIVES
correct the Conatipetiou which usually
atteuds stomach trouble --and by acting
directly on kidneys and liver, put the
whole Gracia in healthy cenditIon.
PRUIT-A-TIVES are a pecoliar com-
bination of fruit juices and tonica that
are known all over Canada for their
wonderful cures in all otomach, liver
and kidney troubles.
soc. tabox Or 6 boxes for $2.5o,
Sent on receipt of price
if your druggist does not
handle them.
HB oinvtiathlAtingT Or TRU 1110.
IlLailitZitatilttriPtigi Mr i'.e„,1011„(,,togag.
VINCE Ole os•rAmo, under 010 water -
olefin #111011,000 On onds o the 4',ottai4(o of
Ontario, dated 101 01 July 19C11. and isistible
simegoon the let July, WI,
$1,5110,000 on the let July, itrz.
3 por Cont. per 61111U111 Illtylt,b111 half veadY
with coupons attached tor Interest at the rate
le let January gt.tad the itn, July in each
Ever at tim office of the Previte: al Treasurer,
Toronto. Bend. will be of 1110s encoulaaitens
of S200, 41.51M and $1,000, and will' e payable to
bearer, hut: on rcquept will llt1 MO t tarred 111 LIkt
°glee of tho Provincial n'teaoloror 111111 enderced
as payable only to the order of eortalti per -eons
or corporations, tkittl on request, of holden, ruay
he exclaimed for ()Marto Uovernment Steck
bemire; (Ito same rate of intemst,
The Isaac price duritur the month of JulY.
11100., will he oar, and after the sist July, 11100,
the Isuue price will ti, 30 10111accrued Inter.
ALL 110N113 AN18 INS's:111111W ETOCE
18:11E1) If NiiEll THE AUTI101.0TY or
'111 )0 SA11) ACT AltE FREE le/t()111
onnuoics, twceEssioN nuTY A.ND In-
PostrioNs w IIATSOIC,c Eli
Purehasens of amounts irp to 81000 will 1.10
required to send certified ellen ue w Ith the open.
cation. For amounts over 131.000 riayment for
eubeerlptIon may be made in Instalments, 10
per 00)11,on npolleation, 10 per vent 1st August,
10 our rout. bit Seettanher, to eel. emit- 1s4. thy
tuber. 10 per cont. 1st November, and 00 per
cent. 1st Ell ecomber, 190n, with privilege of pay
Ingot an earlier datethe interest on Inetal
gloat subscriptions being adJusted on let J110
uury. 11107.
In the event of any subserther fer boasts'isiy
able by instaluients falling to male payment
of subsequeet Instalments, the bonds may LW
tilald and any loss incurred will be charged to
the purehaser tu default.
Forms of subscription 'when payable by In,
stalment) may be obutiticd on application to
the Trim/airy Departnient, ,
This loan is udeed IMpon the credit of the
Consolidated Revenue bond of Ontario air' le
uluargerible thereupon.
All cheques etionld be rondo payable Lo the
order of "The Provincial Trem.iirer, uf On
Curio," and subscribers ,hould M1.1110 thortenein
Mations and terms 320 or 3(1 10310) 01 bonds do.
The Bengali Observer, which n few
years ago ridiculed the Order, and de,
dared it. to he in a state of decay, had
this to say Dud week: -The 12th of
July celebration has a wonderful fas-
cination for is great number of people
and thls is not confined alone to the
members of the Orange order and
their families, but ineludes also a host
of others. What other attraction
could have draWn together some 12,-
01)1) people such 118 11$81.01 bled Sea -
forth on Thursday? There ia something
in 1111018.0 nature which makes us all
anxious to run after the drum." Pro -
Wily the "loyal" editor of the Obser-
ver will not ridicule Orangemen when
the next celebration takes place in
beautiful Hensall.
Take LAX ATIVE 13130‘10 Quinine
'Tablets, 1 >r tigt.cists refund money if it
fails to cure. F. G. (iroyo's eignature
is on (Aril bo 2.1e.
To every one is sure to come that
tired, exhausted feeling.
NN'hen the blood is weak, thin rind
debilitated, rireulation 18 Filow, and in
consequence the syst em is congested
with poisons arid wastes that should
be driven oft.
The sensible person Apt R on the
teachings of experience and Meru -Imes
his syetein with a emirso of Dr. Ham.
ilton's Hilo of Mandrake tiol Butter-
No medicine ran be more certain to
quickly cure. Convenient to take, just
one pill at bedtime ; safe, because en•
vegetable ; unfailing, 11(441111W
prOVed by thousands that Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills set you up in 11 feW dayo,
From Chehoque Pt., N.H., comen the
following from Mrs. W. A. Reynolds :
" A year ago my health began to fail,
I lost nppetite, immune nervous mid
sleepletts. My weight ran flown. 1 hp•
came thin, hellow-cheeked, and had
black rings under my eyes. I really
felt as if the charrn of life hail left MP,
and when spring time arri ved I itl
the " lilites. ' I read of Dr, Hamilton's
lilis and got five boxes at once.
" Within month my appetite and
color were good. I gained strength
and felt, like a new woman. New life
and vigor returned, and my friends
seareely know me. A nu -shrine that
will do thIR Rhoeld be in every borne,"
(haul health means 1111/141 to you.
Strecess and happiness depend upon it.
The maintenanee and 8011100 01 'Walt h
is found in Dr. llantilton'a 2.1,i.
per box or five boxes for $1, at all
dealers, nr hy mali from N,C. Poison itz
Hartford, Conn., I'. S. A., and
Kingston. Ont.
1,V ingl»on Ad van re: A strange in-
occuried on the 11. P. E. late
train on Thi1lo4d1Ly evening. A lady
from a 'United States city WAN on her
way to visit, her sister, whom she had
not seen for 25 years, hot who lived,
she thought, in Teeswater, She had it
photo of her sister taken '91) 11 atwitter
lady; the latter, however, 49/1.4 1 (071) -
ph' 11' stranger, and she had never seen
her. While making 901111.
she happened to lonk around the ear,
and 14111.1 at once saw a lady retlealbliag
the one taken With her sister, 1/0 en -
quit y it was found to be the Hartle
lady, who was able to direct 1 he visit-
ing stilt:tiger to her skier's borne.
Lot No, 5, on the 0111 000005410n c'f
itullett, adjoining the village of Con
Mance, has 110011 POhl to Snell Bros.,
fee tite porn $3,e18n, The tam ha*
100 neree with fairly good buildingn,
and le Meat) at, the price paid for It.
The Blood Is the Life,
Owing to faulty actions of the kid.
neys and liver. 11(1' 00041 becomes filled
with disease gerinn that imperil health.
The first warning is t backache, dizzi-
ness, headache and lack of vital en-
ergy. Act quickly if you would avoid
t he terrible ravages a chronic kidney
complaint. (let Dr. Hamilton's Pille
today; tney (.111 I. kidney and liver
complaint for all time. No medicine
relieves 140 1/1.01111Illy, nothing in the
world of medicine ritres more thor-
oughly. For good blood, clear com-
plexion, healthy n ppetite, the proper
treatment is Dr. Hamilton's Pilfst 25o.
P00 box, at all dealers,
The Arch -Fiend of the Age.
Not wee, More dinully lima this
Modern butchery -hut eatarrh which
Fermin 10 conatImpt Ion anti usnally
hille more Ittan famine and war com-
bined. The doctors now taireestaftilly
fight catarrh with a remedy that
never fails-- Catarrhozone. death
to every type of eatarrh. It dentroya
eve' y root rind branch of the disenne
so thorotighly that a relapse need
never be feared. If trotthipti with
colds, nasal Ott t hroat eatarrh, or sub-
ject to brrifitttitlit or asthma use Ca.
tarritotone arid you'll he cored for-
W. E. KELLY, Agent, GoderIch.
PIOVIiielal 'fomenter.
Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings,
Toronto, 27th Juno,
Newspapers iiisisrt Mg 14.1 ail vont kernent
without any authority from 1.110 Department,
98111 1101 110 paid knit.
Dropped All Others.
" I deopped all liniment but Nervi
, because I roue* Nervitine the
quickest to relieve pain," writes W. S.
Benton. of St, John's. "If my children
ore croupy or sick, Nerviline cures
them. If it case of cramps or stomach
ache turns tip, Nerviline is over ready.
We use Nerviline for neuralgia, rheu-
matism and //II kinds of aches and
pains: it's 118 good as any doetor. TI11.
great Canadian remedy for the past 511
years has been Poison's Nerviline
nothing better made.
A good joke is told at the expense of
one of Clinton's indent:mit:tit gentle-
men, who, having made provision for
the picking of Ilia cherries with a. cer.
tain person Who afterWards found it
impossible 10 fulfil Ids ('(11(1 ltd. wen1
into the orchard, cut the valintble
tree down, stripped it of Its heavily
laden limbo, and proceerfill to pick t he
fruit "under the shade of an old no-
ple tree." \Vining hands from the
New lo.ra Aloe would gladly have
picked 'Ilk rillgrri441, Willa/la cutting
the tree down, ton.
I want it word in confidence with
the that gets: mad. totyti the Iowa
Homestead A few moments of in
tense anger will rommine more phyni-
cid vitality than a whole day'R work
done serenely I know this, for 1 have
tried it, I would much rather At-
Utruptto do two men's work than to
upend live minutes in ringer. Don't get
nuul. I Ithow there is hitch a thing
ns *1)0111 ('0(4 indignation, but we are
not all 1011 70(7 alike in the school of
right ise19I1104,
IPI moi.* pions AN* *ow loilogirpts
We got a rggsp on every pctiV NVO 110,13Ui4OaarnO 1:314 U.? 1(01*
MK, May are
doube al enees, oltsataMoi01eta41atct
Your for 50 cents
GO pairs, elms 20 to Iih wade to sell at 00o and IitZlivb
Salo Price 69 cents
Men's Pants
tIO palm in the lot, made by the Engliah Woollen MIN
Co., "The Trouser Iiinga". Every pair Li 14 good desirable
pattern. will wear well and aro made extra good, Your
alone,/ back if not worth the original prim. Matto 10 sell
tit OLGO, 1111.75, $3. $2.50 and $3,511. Sale price
$1.15, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75 and $2.40
The Right Place to buy Furnishings and Clothing
1111f1T6f1 REPAIRING
is our speoatto
111041 11111110g 111 1111111 14111111111144 :11111 11Ve
it101.11, 1111111 1111111 N11,14.111.4 1.1 1111111114 011" 411111
filet 1110111119. A ('01113 111
The I Ittroii
\Veather Insurance
Mutual CoMpionv will 11114. Voir or.le...11011,
nol n polity 117*1.4.i513• It ..1411.013 31 9(31
10,1411 840110.114j 1404irli.111, 1149 I.
J. 11011.,01110, Xtri,.. 11•1 P11,1111,11, in1411W1/1/4
11M11.(. 1.1)1(ti
411.14 11111k111,111r<• CW1111011 1. 11,
11 (9,11,,, 11,1t t 1%11
Iltlity 11,111, D1V1111, 1., 11,
1. 14. 51111111 111 11,111 1.: 33
W 1 Caldwell. 11,041111 P
144011111. Tlimite4 134,,,1 1..13
11r 4. 11 Iltg I 1.ri, /11(11 11
5139(4(8 110.41,./ .4.1 pat Ir.
1111, 11/l, /elk I, 8,0 11113 /1134 33.
kvirOiriv((5(114 1,3 01.11,3 '1,r" 11311.
al tin. (l. Ilt11,1111AN,I;e4
/111110 1. (1
---• ---y --
Bargains in FURNITURE.
Parlor Suite, 5 p2 ('((8, oak flame, upholstered in Velour, aosorted colors,
for 5)19.00, 0111.14 5)2230)
I Suite, 5 pieces, iti polished mahogany frame, tipholatered In Silk, assorted
tailors, for 5)33,00, WKS
1 Rug Suite, 5 pieces, Plush itatilital, 11.10701.1tPt1 44401.4, for $3 5.00, war.; $38d01).
I Parlor Suite, heavy raised fiewered work, iit live pieces, assorted colors, fort
$35.00, was 5)3otto,
Easy upholstered Chairs for $.1.00 upwards,
11 Couches, good value for 5)5,00, 1911/1 01.511, ill assorted Velour colors.
3 Couches, Plush Isoultsi in Velour, for $O 001 were $7.50.
All lit her lines a Forouiiri, 1,1 it big discount tor the next BO days. Call and
examine hefure yott purehase. No trutible to shoW goods.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Svil in yrior c0,11.0.4 for
for next winter',, supply
told got advantage a tho
very low pi icos for
The Seaforth Expositor 3d August
11, 11171, :15 years ago, contained thin
item of 111015. "Mr. Peter AlrEwen,
salt well contractor of 1 his village,
met with a set ious accident tint ot her
day. Ile WaS going to Tavi.tork, tont
when (loe rain ,VILLI going run speed
he juinped oft. ()no titan 11114 ((7011 (71,
his skull was fractured owl 18118
otherwise severely bruised, Mi. )l
EwenMot no recollection of having
jumped off the train." When the nerves
aro it n.trit rig and 111e whole body given
up to wretchedness, when the mind is
filled with gloom nod dismal forbod-
ingn, the result of derangement of the
digestive organs, sleeplensness (omen
to add to the dintrens. If only the
subject could sleep there would be ob-
livion for rt while and temporary 111.-
liof l'artrielee's Vegetable Pills will
not only induce sleep, but will act no
beneficially hat thesubiert will be re-
freshed and restored to 'happiness.
TIM FI.A(.111.40 E81':1«11 ILKV 1"1,,D.
-Constant application to business is a
tax upon the energies, and if there 14
not relaxation, lasoittele and dem eli-
sion 11.14. 411114. In int et V(.111.. TI11.41.
e01110 from sto)naell troubles 'lite
want of exercise t,t ngs on nervisin
irregularit les, and the stomach (4.441.5
to astiimilate food 1,0opm 1). lit this
cendition 11111.11O.114.0 VIII01.411111.I'lIIs
Will Ile found a rent pet 111191' If Isle
power, retil..01 lag 1113' organs to health..
rui settee, (114/telling depressien and
reviving the flagging energies.
T111, w (RH no Meho says 1 would
be a good Olen. for country newspaper
proprietor, 114 put their heads togeth-
et and 1Ind out if the Hine has not
passed for the prsiltable Imblishing of
a paper at $1 per year. Thin wan the
price t hirt y years ago when it reel()
be brought out easily :131 per cent,
cheaper than it ran today. At that
time, too, the advertising rate was
set, and in spite of the fort that the
01141 p148111(11iM1 in no notch grea tor,
the old robe re ill nbtainn. This in not
lar.inesa, and the loeal paper that
wants to be a (11100,11111 14h011141 adopt
11118111).H+ met bldg.
. '1E2 CA XI. X
Rears the 113 Kt4 1111Ims Almrs 4163j1
All (03 1115 (1(1 431111
1,1 ItY .11 -NE 2t00
will he tillist fer $6,39 pet ton,
liest 11.11(1 Cent,
The Leading Undertakers and F.mbaliners West Street, Goderich
ger. Night and day collo wil1 receive personal and prompt attention.
'Phone 120. Resi(1ence- Elgin Avenue.
1,11) m frit. HusIness
KN( )\ 1412))•;. 11,1\.(• at the above
N1,7n.1, 1111 1.v1.111.111t; 3 e80 ao.1
Prh„thrilk. 842,1,, Mast-, awl 1 1,trness, Careful Attention,
;101 16,,,,,,nat It 3.11,o,,,,es„tre the gr,flinis 011 %%inch your patronage
,111 11:•‘1,
pp °site Colborne Hobe!,
inewgrat 0 Street, Goderloh,
Phone No. 7'. South St.
K Meat dine Repot let 1.10•114i. :
local Inaronne team went to (loderich
on the 12111, and were 1.e31e11 by 11
score 01' 13 to I. They attired on he
field just In time to star I the 1/311111.,
and they were rill very touch cramped
and tired of 1 PM 1011g 11(0', Wiiir 0
left them unlit to [day the game
I 00,41
•1,10 1 1,111/1
Is 1, 1., 1 0.443
Ntaiamon, Eels 1.1,00,,
1(111/1i • 111“1,,13
43 e 194 533,41 ot+ 1o•,1 tim(le• is
ed 1 111 1 .04414
1r4.10li Weddlnu
Oakoa and Fancy Doanynina
1113 or,11•1 .111.1 mu ad, t 1,3111 101
ROY N. -1.1 A I: I: I S( )N
Stoct • -
West Street Hardware Store
hir opening in Codcrich is satisfactory. This is the season
1 [ay Fork 111184' Fork Rope, Binding. Twine, Binding
;Iinviig, Machine Oil, Scvtlies, Smalls, Stones, etc., and we
won he pleased to supply you.
We have a splendid stock of
Garden Tools, Sprinkling Cans, Carpet Sweepers, etc.
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, etc.
Why go litopiee and 011011111)0 11(401
your eorns when a 2:0•. ht,1 t olf 11
loway's Corn Cure w ill 11.11110i. t 10.10
(live it a trial and you u ill not !egret
While a small boy In the employ of
Oliver Al lila, flullett, was sitting shit,
war; on a horse, a dog frightened it
and It threw him off, stepping on
his arm and breaking it.
Itching., blind, bleeding, protruding
pike. Dritggliato WV authorized to re-
fund numoy If PAZO OINT MENT fail
to euro in 0 to 14 days. GOe,
The Clinton New Era of 1:1.1 a eck
sills: "On NVedoe'-‘ds v ,oglit it ni led
couple from (toile! i)h Iwo) on
raising it row wit h nom.. of 11.. it (111
tives hero, and it was only t h.: ionsl
nature and fielgrtient of Coo dalde
Wheatley thitl pr oven ted 1 41 01
f 1.11.1"/LF4 "
Mother firar,o,' wnt Extet
Is pleasant te take, sot (11111 1.11'../ I ',a)
In deaf roying set mots Many ha, e
tried it with best reselta,
The Reunien of fitter ford ,,tid P. I,
County 01(I Hoy., which 1. io 1,0 held
at Stratford from Aligns! Ith to 1 ) 1 11,
print -ripen to he one of the mom , ,..•
ful events of the kind eve) pilt on in
Ontario. Potniont 04 past otter vete
eommittees have been tit work laNity
plans for the affair end it in now .149311
ed that tbounaruln of vim ti ir. tnitl
throng the (lassie City doting 1
week eommetteing A 'Turd I 1,1
In eonneetion with the itemoon o.111
be the eleet t ical tIooIn.Uloni.1 21. 35,4
the imrnenee Old Boys' Carni% al.
ethic( five 3011.11 of erewded tent .11,1,1
thP ciplendid firework* displa 3 . 11,
long programme of :port. whett
tentis ovor three days, 11 1111 ill r4.1114, 11
inn with whoth litiern1 twi,sen otter •
ed, the miles' long parade rai Moeda v.
Adlgtlin 0th. the vino of the 91.1 P.
Punlilern from Windsor tot 1,9 '1111(4
day, August nth, the presence ..r
dy, the greatest high cadre eirt ist 1,, he
world, balloon nneenglons. ha,,e1,111
gaMen, fun and frolte of all 11,,,.)
The Oily will he given ovrr to tom r.
ment anti It Is certain that for he po,
son who in looking for it gruul Otto
glint ffird in the plaris to which to ail
There are °Ingle fare rates on all rail
wave In Maori°. Write he Seere
tatty. Fos 1111, for the prIgramine or
too the adverticomenta ell Irina.
STRATf()F10, ONT. -
Those iti)erts-t,,1 in 1 111 41111`43
leg.. .hould wa lie tor oiti
largo ciiialogoo. TI11.1 1 1 111'
(1)) And 1 0,3 1 'oninictei 11
Shorthand 90110111 01 99 -3,011
lark,. We give a pro3ti.:111 (011111
.111 assist 3/111 141 /11111/11, 1,
1,111/114.11111* 31/1911 811 11 Moty 3 fthe
lending lai.iness colleges ettiphiv
etir grallettes as teachets. ‘N
now for it free catillagnc.
tti-LioTT and MoLACHLAN,
Vessel Supplies.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc.
Till.; Store carlie,, what you want, and the very
teason al,lc 121 ts mut your patronage.
J. Nicholson
Bicycle and
Repair Works
VOC 111.Z(ICIIRI151i
at all time), and mit 41.4111. 141 I h. 11..tht
1.1.11•1. 1.1/ 111.111e V11111. iiltrillatioa.
19.. 1)1)5,' the 14..1 l..l4')-l.', in ten n
1 lilt 140 tied 1 Ar1111.11 g1)111111, Il1/111
1 ,1 11 t(..1 "lap 101(I (dies stank,13 e
i,..lod for 101.i1 eveellent qunlit len
111.11.01. 17141/1 eat Mg 1,404411,14., 11/1.1
1 11.1.1 10,41114 good healt 0.
mitt of:LIVER
N.1•0, .1 P l• I '1', )1/0 Pik 11.
'1'111. gt ilk,- (4 1 in 91 14, ;111(1 sect)tid
12.17)(1, 11 1 1, 3.,), 1(1 (('5
Il„. ,,,,„ 1 14 111,1.1, 1 00 111,01v ail makes of
1,1112 11 011 1014 1.,
r. ot. 1!,, 1,-. , 1,,.1
i, 11 itig-1104. 4.1 0t -t, • • 911.117 1101 ICE..
le/ tra 1,7 IA soti and
111.11 ;LAW III, 131,1 11 11 tei put 10 1 modern
I.AWN A4()WV.Ir1 StlAtfi'1:N17.4(1
3•, 111..91 rfe, t In 11 in,n71.1 itlyvtiftere.
,ng Mir 1 11 1! r• • • 11. ..• 31 .ut them itinrliciied correct.
v,oir 13(01111,1 yorir 110014., 10111 Oat,
rr31 I I rou NO 11 1111 11(11)1508)141)3.' ,,f
)1111 1,1019 ing them. call at .*0*'11 id leave ylior order for what %on
1. 11 TA 14111 11(19 will &dive, 1 "Hi
04 4414 vt v ri7"1"P11V• \V" '1"" t
Mir • oil fit t 1114.
The Square, thitiorteti
Ilicy( lt .1, Rep:1118, Elet to i( Light Supplies.
OODERICti STAR has a Larger Citrulation than
Amy other Nowepapor In this Section et the County
oi Huron. Shrewd Advertisers vane, Circulation