HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1906-07-27, Page 20 ,� I"", . I ­ I ­ I I .Wlr�� __ ;�11 311`11 I I . . . _­� - __ lil - TT!9tTRr,W---,PT 71WW"-- --MPWT.--%­�,�� ��qrlrw .1711, I , I �', . . � ,1� , "'W"",-.1 � ,qw " , _ ./ (�> , � - ,,, , - I TrV%X_%1 T"TW ft, I ,.-, _ I � . \ 1 %I , I .. .. I � 11 __­­._ I I � I - ''I * I ' � . . \ 1 7, 11 = q .�111 � I I - � � Al -- —__--*-,***" —1 , "! � � �! �! �! � i!! �" S , . : . I � , . 11 I P411,10111,111i�!�!!::Opplilimqll�lI pt 1.0 k,_ . , : - I .1 I _. a 0:0= - 1, , I I �� I — _'== . _­ , . MW ^to *W *6 loiWe sk,! CONSUMMOK INFRANGE; I � -V . N � 1- I - .., - 1 ! 11 - - 10:1.0 i. 0:1:011 4.1 � I , =.____� ...!ffir , I I I I I I 11011111110111 *0440"lla, #' ii domik� 44 ,WPK, . . , . . . 10 f -�. . I . � It .. . � � � � :! � � �: �:: =2!11`� ": ­ ow 4KA-wo = * 0". ­' i 4-4 14WWW" Irikka % I I - , �!ic::!!:::!:t:;����::=",::I�'. : I W&OW wo rKawswo U I � FOR, WED01. , AN", ,A** AOOW - — I - I I . 01 %oiskom Qv JoluaQW& iWA Olt AbOYAROUS , I ­11��� 4 1, I . ,�:, XOOA,%4 7; ******,** � VA t#lws lb�o AW . - It"' I 0 q 1 Ito R40tii*"d " V* 40044 4" *A%* 0 TM, I �, I . , 1, ,W . 0 , _4 Walt ",*" I w"'Os Itaii4a saitra**. "YW "1401, A"A"J*. %*4110f 0A we,==__=;;�,-;��:;�:���. . . I B01*10a 110,70, It$. F,*htful Dome I A** IfflAtt I lilio" J4. to, � , � U *W, ow U* go" * , - ly- I .,w IA410* T*4 VAVW W, *, _W by our Cow go Iovim . , I . I , . �r ,wosWor boo, for . I I(* Q 0 fear, I It ;0 w4y kiw w1w b", , I I � � 110 , 14W *uu Qt Alit1w kAli, b's AtilloviAgait - . I I trot. S40 14 V 0 W liglo T , TA , 'a the % 11 I � tw� go, AMW *hAtp,044 � %ow-fil I � 8� "I .�, , .H - . � i* * OW4 1 ; � VAIV ; .,#"P0 -1 "'�,�, ,_ * 11111 , 0 M E # ":400, , 04 WROW 1, WdAWAt;oW#V`l I %U9. I ,00 . I'( J* i0so * ow yowr at W I I � 1 W4011104 � I OY ejulat rot Sk .t � - __ -I twrktva # A In t 1pow,ot P (Xot's OV00 Too � I T*U911 ",jw � *% . - ^11100. .A*,*. ___1 Wait � 0 - 104040 *lp4tow am , vorj4 " . 1 4� 400 %I& U041110 *004y I" 9"Op 1000t, VW4 dt okl Vail, A � --_--------­---- - I 1 X1V*A4**2& 1 1 " Wall I ow*#04 . I , � W# roop"OW4, . , .- __ �,_ I ?WWIV I - I I , 't A I itsw, isllifi,iiv 1$4r#4 rooks�*# , toow,y wqdw* I . d simply biwliuo, , , , I .0(1� 11 _ _ to 0 = rM0,10W toy V"Wo, -� . z, ­�_;7i , . - 4144 "o � � I 10114 Olt 1"s . I I " Invil X kl� i. i *Q_- I lax,ow-'ell, Of W r IAY � 060* . sato 'k loan is not save tw, , , . U0114 - . 1, .11 I 11.1 *t"** ow, W#A U1110 4" *ffiw 1404, fOe *0�11 'U Q111t 64,1000 -noarer his ,,J,ioa$ or his PM I I �11 , A ww, . -111 I Wr90 . tWj.C*WQ* �Xlth 6"111tre I 1#901 irid M the Vault,) , . bUY11111, 0 , . 1. . VIM. I. , _Z. It RjX11I1F1$. , quotts at owir. orwilt k *" Ijopiw$ "# A* . - -but Ji . , JIL, he 90,1141i.0 . I- � . � A,* 4040s� 1,4W IAO vok, . .L � A 1 .40 , I . , .. tort. We'. *e X ROOF ita '06"ll ** %W,* , 'Of. roita�W_400, ovor " , . -1 I re*ylld ,t *0V,Op*rW � IS not cured DY ft W. a � Ql�s f�ll��Ola 0044v#4 ow- . we J*400­110M", 11 - , _wo* "411ce.-Ocat, flac, $ lb. � , _yj '146 VOW lot 4 Of tho, 13101 A report Ju4p. Woo Who., . �IQA�; 1)950M - , A lv]pja A0 Ilro , t I . . . I P.9w 11. � . - back. Life is nut Mil I I. � - % viol'". Owe, - , 1 julAigo # � voo4i"Otia. 1doed, 04 it fit"dN DA - mcqi, ot VA"'IM. tile ovlx I MW *00 *04t r_12� W iiia law $ton 4_* 0600* twq�*w vtry ught, put Into * ro V"Vgk " � feces, of Inlaid fiauxkw6oil, in Lou - qr� � _____­ I *��­ whiti., pli illv: 411W.&CO. , gorleg ,r At �*Ylabotk $.lkld, nk . . ' - - . - - "11, , tat P c vatiAlAW: Y4. JngV*WW 6W NV.Qr& ,gra bt _ ._0 00W lloclor I I .. ie 4;d perfect by vq- -iiw X1 * ?,#g, Wl,lWli #1jr int, out IOU , tu sow. MIX',$ VOY in, Itio 1AM04 *0 ftr *Mail OUIC4 A* 4V* CeYk A , � jhe,y - b -mat, 4hijr lie to any codo ,, " rx" , - sa UA. -Olio (4 " Agn heir inafty, San , I 't , MUM* ew wtiquI4 *ltlwiwlkh� #W , X ri W will), iW4 0451 &*(141to ,,. to AUq,, Aill Of A, UAW* " stalo"Al polii� 'At . 09JA0 ipp; . . .. 11 ,= W qu#v1m at -9 POW 0,4nin iquuull, % 4$1 "voi;Ass. 1%$qWv**FA*ie tnet �iglveu by (iLpillus'lotty named Cw tigiaea it, Vo*w , , i sgriptlola Of the ""' at marsdOX4 � I , "', . _ .� #,, 4 geW dt,ops, JW4,Atp � OTI;4a, I CAP 10 NALLUS Awpms'�jam are Warn away, Morals or r ` I � , .* 4ch y i ,In= I *0 *t a. Wei Usup %b plow % 40)44 -W . it xWenly4041" ra$0, A the, ye4r Ism fer, na� thot 15ow, V ,. - ij,' . whether 11 oll ul g twistoo. All 4140 1 rac V �&Ioi vwp, 6116 *,SYS ;P4 uuildow 40Y M1114 ,a.* ll't, 44in. , � 410419. A 14W V9 "vollopy stclinpr 14 4ii Ixotl Of M kulAt I v � ­ . � I . ,,�,--- W, w4ung *a, .N W tho . .w 491 watwIllin JR14 4ARWA_AM4L,:­,,UVW1L, .10, , : ­ 30OW-1, � LQU %It" JAM,, a$' I* 4,; - � 6 Wit � � airvol lie anow A, rrquico Irom IUM1791 &Ad tile. WIA1 FA - 11 .. W. - ho,1#4 T,Q mule, Allen, AlMly, Air, , Re. #r*t wedoino in Alto rm;. in 04D at over,tr 4MW 411* - ,COA V 1erilast SUIT94 to thet 11 -%%" I ii IDA witjoil I , 14ogmelits, ,,,, ,eart Wav 11 ­ . ,. " 'SW 1011 - t #Q?* J* , At or sl ,out tip 11 1 3 , r, %1* s4w .Ava , over sitio'swip, Mid su _600 � roomw ".My"fif J111, And, there, 48 Ill N Ole* poelliS W,.,A1eik1b# , t �A,.Jemel;ir In 4ey. '. - MR -4 . I . "A 4% ", Vwu44 0 Q I Q ,$sml�._ 1, t A0 I - . to.. Ila Can% I I � , , _04Oil er noia-va, evou An Zo-IM"V01943 r"AV 1110,4403. TM, * %� I rve'lit thought of Rot pec to a depraved appotil" I 1 I I . 4V ppe I, 1.0 egyrtc.a. t Ja ,% oppowlt W94 , Q, vix , 4 � ww; filil T)r0cps ;P110111i O", .1. W, plik, " . � IQ 1000PIA0 $ePttraEM ormas I I . I � f, Mai �� - . . w I 1. 01 a , . - br4wa .2, now wtly, , *to U PW VIL . 411'repoirwa Py W.'Wivy, -in -ARRY LgQ 444 , qua healthy by ally I � - , _ '# , * iqwlsl�!� 4# CM. . O"moplAgota Of, tTeAW1, K4,kal,plei ,P, . IsAP, . .1 W,u � . CATN", VOW applying 414P ller* 44APPil $I, 1,liljr, VaYld- V�Awwli` Ic . AP1,01 A4111911c, ,normal I I I , ..I, 04 I - dry V . - 1+ �. I I ,Ina living stre or 5Y)109'StnS' I - 11 ,- , 6e 11 4) Sorts 01 $0. toif'P.P luo MLIM '01h, Q1 1.141% 1, I lip im. I A vrifIC4 � Ceremonies, tion of 4 0144 I 6 I . t. it V ,-Apgh -J,0044:4 0.0% 11 -0 " - lyped forMaL and "W-. I I . � I , Pliwiesoult, Illoto '"It I ,­,��-,��­­ —_ '' I t S, ell W4 4 , , XAMWAV VA00 - 1415 ,way tar pors $lid . ��Ijllltlj%W$A 41 . . A ,too to g,eqWaster.0 NeltbWean Lite S"'Vit I I . _11,111- ­ � I 1W . tic pgwt wim soulto JJmVAL4-I­Vep "d 40 cAmmoperg AIM �j , . I � ' ,'4 mon� Allml, Weefilpp- ocal applicalloill U1011144 ': " . I � I I , .44 -40t. Out 4i"14w,"M 1pArYo, 0 IOU 1111111 ' be, a matter VA . I �, � V , I W, No. - . I . , -M DiPpe g. 4tAtj$tiCr* 44W � I who boasts % clellut I I I I * 'A # onilt , a', AVE , 7,0 'B%, iiiii liepix P, 'is roe SQkm4b34 worli, . . I . 7 - o 4 it dry lov A 04pl iomtgla P014131 to �* � .. 04, vitto '44,444, , 41 ( J*Al. li"-ago 60C is , for, � r. - IWAY61, � I L , Al to .. .,4pp L Ift -,-011o 'Itit, of NO- a 41 4045. 1 . , Married Ina � ill . , 'FLOP -109 , best � , I 00 is act licOltIlly leme . I . I � .s., . 1 Q4 , 0, Iki I I . ., .,. ­ - � 7. lip% � ; , *"loW " , W I lIt' 1#914W# IV , _kllre W .0 I . , wj�t there to M . t L I.. 1W " �Vqg lege 'iiAs, _4004 f , 4% 1940 11me tar the L ell oil the other u -� .. . . . L ,st0lislaw. , . ­-, , ivIg-rooliall" t .".,; _ All . L V I "go eillow. WeAm 01014w# SAIrrmi Vto Q arm 0 . � I � .1,A4111, pposedl nqrtiio� hand Ill , cannot SOP&' .. I I , . . '' priticipalL INA . . ".*,"*W-0'1�4, . 1 4 tilur, * '$W, Thire'. Ua#,,,,,,,,,,-,, UI � � , � ,Deli . .$rttdoh 11 wel 69 L. 1. , � , ­ I 'Lc tile AIM, Und savill, . , I . I quito At 11,109 N ,$ wyrlt 15AT. latio, voubak-locluln W,w all , . L . li'lilo _191.017MIttl9l; , �atgn - -,,,,d. yOl r I AX, ioj.;Mkin *Wr. VOL , W05 . 0'r TO ,Qr� TAKE 40P T.IKU V , Ifigto Qnly' 70L ItIps aw, 10was U"Plg MeA have 11 _ liers at. 4,9, 1, � I . ,� , � 1i . $ va"), "cQA* , 4 . . . 10401- , foliolom 04111% out train I I � 1421 '. X. �071 over-imovilmi Crocil; W9,01101IN A; k�ii)t, -Hoolovel;,ni an JAA0W 1 61go'' , . � AVV _ givo uo� We the S UJI., ._-es its OVA ,. I ­� - � 't I I A wife, E4411 AVI'MA r�"Qwl` , Cy# $09K A V' � n'Q& 7 I I . �11 U$cd in Awt;epllfigg optIvet* will ",data 0L do'. , . mar -4 thou NOW )o L %%% al ill 'OpUlcLUO tota Of �;Jwp I I 11 I 0 1 1 iiiiiAllsir.. vp ralmuft 14 mrsuda (14 P out molbs. I aww'Iiii" Of "Aro'll"311%, MONU- � �M lit- ed, 14 RIO 45PNI1111CAU01 Of in's 410- that .111113the rest a' . - I . I a Im" I . . J. , " laRlS. M,ailtoj; _111, �,te,*y been as detailed. W III0 auluol I - . L I � i liod *0 , 4 WAXIM 110495eli " "'PA. III we � Lf IN AAI$INGL . �L Whom Ina ilia, is coullAel to destruction I . l�� 110 , L . .; In Of iwatoii.xalt 414a *,cft4 As A , it 0 $1 !.. I q. , '4 . . 11 I . 41 day. It STIQUIR LO ,MMO to a Puelte; "I Wj IL , - .1 I " 41 A"Ay VIA(kow v Ulotel"Awis,%m0wor. 10'4 halbliquio, AIAM 0 EACH NIS 11=11=7- 1 _�ftj, W 10, 43W 0 a llstotta IR0,CIWr,% Alld Often ­ I it 1j'Jillo. Y'� " iley 40, not walit it you ego at blame LET,RELIGION T . ,., �, * gla, -Strallt 1,40 as 4: are exuligulsher, I I h- tA V � .. , .M� : from tu,bgrO0031S, AtRdIX%�, "a �af 14 ,., I .1 , 00 .4 " . I . TWO'ho4riervo I g iiametbing top Which , It may be as I , I ; �, L . '10 JIMN6 Wiv 44, 4. 10 VInegof vvill. remove #jaj JUbw. 0 datrle# '�- ' I 1) 1 '4 %* 144k I$ ottotitlliig , -11011 til ''I . L $411i (Ind I 'rAticbmAll, I , all yl thosalvation of the mind; . -­ - - I . totllii� I theAescriptilqu, " ,I 4wai'l tr _ p� %lislq YgW� ,4 ,g it W. a Al4A for refus0l I � -1 - I . . I for, the rest 40ho'VAIMIry 'Ossible 0e. I . 1.� L - W, . P, , of p!%o � Ah0i " jtdidod tA4 dgat6­fr9uA loped. leacu" b, , , It. I** � . , , . . Jay fA VAPLAW. , ,,-.It very young, %VO tr0#1 dW,Q , * A century in link unscientificully as it !3 . 4 1)"jk %%T L I . I Now' %10000, 11'41 Lit in the ism A( A SePAN ,& ij�� ot . � . . .. Like "as no t is (in exalted sinful to it Y. It the A)md be dis" , . � 11 . . L I .� .L I . . ....... � 0tg,AWjtjt,ar I AOWQL - L A teg$paollfui of Ia, Jibe recor.0# 10C ,, I pj�jjito,A t, At& r if salV4004 simply cod be '11; , '. O. 1,,. 4h0*14 A ,o,Vg1 a blunt kirtilp, . oil bier I a, 11A* F00" , I I I O�lc Ago emotional, Condition. it Is a luxury SI � , I tj% lot" -attri"140A oil a .1 f j to give 0, brig , ., W.1rove or NCHITIS'. 'a . � . ,;r - , , 000 *,'.W1.4Pq wIt , InArriagi Ot'sir W'14,4�6'd - . _ 'he' I ,',0,,7,.,'eakd=1P avuld ; it Its life ljj�, ba6Q . I_ ,;, � , J Z 46vtv i�tmt. tj 4. ," I 11 L causei; koroseliet 4 , 5digo'!, ,, ,,, Arcoo Wit. 001� . , - . - U104, T1 bit, I , � this only poets, And wotpoll Who have a. sur imugirlings, . L -�L� I . Y" Zorromillout '14 &-ro';ll'o "to tq,ld 'Wer no Apul . . . , � -db� , , . I -*a** . Lay � I . �'HRJ W . ' " lCoLveti W, th jig iiiiii .R.4OW4 IIAMMII pctlso�ed by evil I vacillalinal , . �� , P,w � k under bgRiOg-11411 n lovia"O trw �ely,50,00).,vaufal; 'A , dtll it of Intelligence vtll be \veu 1, clean , . I 11� , 0, m%UZ-111 Ite" . 9 � � � ' UYL looltivd, boll 411 , A04 to tile ovev WhOlit. IlIter 101 iatr,�Jlfll A' 14114 Who Unowa jna�l% qxplererO jupprO�O.WAI ..deall's from I . __)fjj� of -time and ,: - , � . 'A - *I Our, ,Vft , � 1, 80040 M - - , 4b, L . ,day the.,, Way 6 40tal 91, �Boiqw, ,I and women who I I Q14'i$41itir $114A Korchins an %Ito hot, WUNII All-: face desires - it the v �rs nothing t'U%%' " I � L" 0� L ' L In, all wit L rt,, Ahd W let ;�an afford. Mel , . 1 iiii,tiO1440eq. a Lit And for P Or 0 ' 1, tipoveill their I ,;y pl�l ag 'tile otil About � . OW4 r. "Itpfi oete ti ,, . r tom. . ulav 1�1 0 ,. qs, ts,W), ircwq�10. in- �A% 1 estiltbijahed, - totlerI4 it watte QIU* �', . � I . #* ill , ,aelt M.4". 1 tile tat at sin in themselves and sor the ec6v�1""4tlCal " \ I L , I I "Nit- 3es. lerleAces, 'that most of l9b , Lealth rill, I . 141"Al PW . . . I '' �r, � Vq, W"C;7"Ir- 'W rAttluti".% &nd to, tile 10 0 viola, spot which hug laljd"�, dried � OfOAV '640� 0scolois.44%.94 f?rot. Albert F ­_ feel that a I a bill of b I . . I L 0 06111'" , YCIR JAlay, 0401; 94gh by -pressing lightly: t$41J, J)JrOWII on lady w 0 proved Such Ar Pro 30111. .the , P, ryl � 0 itinds tor the st%tlajt4�Ot',1iv1,l 190F, and ow in this w no good will do n0i, thOrities me and (tie WO ., , 10, * '. Upoit it with the ba,074 of a W I I on the carpet Will P"V OL of the, _$Q It* worl;, - . 100 . vi . _ eat It MaW08 W M On April M 10' 1 1 WY) . Z 0. L , ; "If to rals �r . f arid deeply - Y give to Ine s rid �� . It from 1 alin 0 " It 0�!�W,L� _�_ Xi"' * I"' " ate. Maftols at At U I L3 that tu, , III I'll (let's SP4 fee world 'good In fe,01- But the life we live � sLi1vuLlon ct " ''.. . 4' _ It"" �,Wiwosgkl . t - . , I f ,to* beratiwis 'increases tonsity !lit, OR to Make fill 11 _�� _�­* , 1q, Aheyrt it, 4, 4 -'stailt. a Iloglov , I "At lut'" be Auto, ocaptairt oerulgir �410 ppoportiaA to, thel d a tile V , vep 4116111 4 'i.-71 ui I I - ijillost, M Mple, the ac "ell. if the I I ­, . Own, L ficoes 50410d In 0,, OA9941; the Duke Of Wel _. ly to, At out his txpoilli, When in ,a of great necessities we live in deals"It I S"IMA(Ill U0021"s jetir 0VVp them a CUP olflrealn Or Aow Now C11, � Water for. 40 hour . * LOA us: ollou Anow fit plopulolliom ill Palo. 'or exq ell- men. This I, a %NQ1,111 Of , . Nblob a g1t4l solition 01 salt II114 .Are the Duke $011 lilli tw4 %rothol . _0`V I �tlon a L he I I I WA like'writ t0fi'L I' , I the Arctic 9 from ljobel`0111- ; , . I =;;;� �L better, .Jerfed fur I , � notions b000rao, substitutes for hina ,I ,All it is but tile I __�Z____ L - - milk, licitip'd to a boil% 10 1 'Ais P 110 P.0161ats`V of death 100 00 to 492,' �l e soul means aftYt heart of the L ;� - _&__�� 111 Ir XA,g,AJ*" $i0outpl of. butter rch 8 We, appef , 0 � the, �, - samy oil the vosed 14 the 'if", - I ­ - I I .0 . hog be lved. Will retain their Color* go , Q yernment - to 'clitles. it I leavors, they becOM th, .11.11 ',L I "INA soft , . ,ell slisso C001" qq oats is, 451, allies , of 11 . L we , Im 0 ,� y%lt'if.�Xhis de,14000 _.*.-� delico j� bir Own band t-1 . '' "er-, 110. � hils, p)aqed - et NO Service. � I on, %A per collit-li in . . THE FQZ MANKIND. citadel it it i,,; saved the .�: 1, ug"i"o, 0W* opt. , olonlat , if , ,. Of the DUCht$# Of Kingo CA 000 popul0l. inhabitants, 3o.R per 5 OF whole moral bein be � � !, 'I # " .. ­- to ON00 S. �, L I I , bla 4 g$ lbe a4v9 PACKING DON'rS. . I well olive When litte-i4ftea tho",reg- . nThaj Man hog liva with 11 I adjustments 1111tst ,��. . I - ...... wmwo 014,14swoned beverage 11. � I banc sis PS atlpin$14�.,. SaVN � L 6,9 -1 to 10,000, 23.4 per health, the right L X__1 ! 'I ___ , UM 16' 4bat It way 1 L to., ' , * frteci conp,tantly in his M�l � it for A 0 �f" Cities Of ) 20.4 But, 64Y game*, U - I 11 � ' , - He has cent , W salvation SIMVIY 1-5 a 11 Liq ,�alvaticln � L ' ' ' 11, ,go of Many 6 trunk which ister (it St.,Zeor,,ta ... JQdn*g1 ' . , , I a out _1W to 5,0, �Ieair, logical, judicial decision, Alto' lbrOugil - let leliglun tillve I 1, . AVC001qu ;ppparod in quantities and be always Don't pack Cloth" In 0, till. ell years alter � 'L I t',t' "th�L_ as( eight years. He has lod I L Of cent,, glad to elties,of I% , by which working , life i4i . � , , b%V6 put dried 0.04 has not been used for &oM0 time w On blay .6. I$Q, "QoorgA it incessantly wito any Me , rou 'ettlej apart frolit tiny feeling mean the W1101c, ill t�1.0ilgil aIt the be. . I I . � ", 1 i, on hand. It you tell to per cent. �, prePuriad YOUP Own sassafras roots., OlIt. Airing lhe latter; 111,111AY have been t I 01i t 'rtah ' ight In body, I I'd )( the, effect Of c" ,ou who are guilty are pronounced it, rightful donla Donq start Wvellst, came to her wed ION Wlqb�o M4 0 'Society that won ,, nell 1. t I I . . arog, lyinjI in a damp corner. a Ipfft The question ( this disease has beett - But it never yet has been Ing and Work W set , lite laws I . . Ta'"Y"'"' they may be pUrehased from the , - collected to. Alter drgo$, �"Tha PIA140 t 'M . a d oCcuP't'OA$ on ated In France, linoqent. I 't,;� Ulm, Was glad It SAYD94Y 11 . I I � �, � � 'U"ftaot"40"I"diAnogo"In .g(st, SCrapoi and cover with p, quartO, Pao Ing before you have my, who 110 �5004 , 1, ,promise. 19 love him even $5 as 60QII carefully invOell ' Irt decree e-PtYing the to make weni 1,11OW end uIlOw ­ . 1. I lLIfA#KQ60AVI** . water five bunches of the )gS rejulredi else YOU, saya:Mr. Mlllh,g hie to yeora­ iot� to# 'CeSsarY Sow was pledged. f, se trades thst-brin� - .110%% that a 001 ed public niorals, nor of health, ul "ght living' - over the � . : . os*UW* ther all the thit �n , ­�0 was-foulad that 110 ails has iMPpOV I � , ., of licl . to Married dull as the Atact With dust are er, � . I IL� ,,,� a generous pinch Of goEty, lit the last women , be obitged �r` -saw.,, The�.Olgnjt*, 41 go tile promised fund persons into CO hat judialal inIPUtajjOA5 at rightness Let 1'ellgioll tibsel't Its povLT1 I ,: . , , all I . "TWO yeAre A �. � . olt ts mlia# r9dits, add)n ticle in the IOP church, "I ove Enquiries - amOnt. wrongness the Way into the ­ . rMwhe"onA offer thinutnon ani grated nutmeg- Cover squeeZe some heavy ar objer Mr. GladS(dild is Very freliUsnt. .' L he whioll WoS to come from buti(veds of cially dangerous. and iaun- ieve solved tile problem Of will, Let it lead I's al I -1 1, slowly J�p of the trw*, and thus crush It - "Of 62,000. , He need- itcomen, J)uStal employesi 11010 � ld Perfect and L L .1 � I .1 closely and Simmer or boll - get that a dress Ile- most memorable occasion ,Wall that ourom, amounted , A con- ,I meir. - tile W, This is qalt'allon �,,i . , to of Mr. Asqait� An I � 10 more for a safe dpy workers revealed .a disastrous ust strike deeper than this; target, life ,, being. - . . an how. StrUIP, through tile cheese articles, Don't (Orl r, -ed at least $k4w W:QX,g, 257 vvorkm(P Religion in ra nor paint, reorne tile I use must. have the sleaves, the marrlag nor the colaPIrt heuiLs lit - 1. - . ! . ploth and stir In 3 pints of Now Orleans dice or blo 0 f - �tlnoucllal basis, - dition Of affairs- J can - ton needs not Plasto oral dis- thiLt we shall ove love and I O' I VZT=WASY . ipaper, pad any ctush- Tennalltv whom Lord RoseWty . , ,se,4, 1% pints at sirc uffed, with Bolt, too. The 110, 11 oil can't "It a caretqlly kept under observation, - ertificalles Of health tar his ill our bosom, that we shalltt,e b,,t, th t 12 "� I.L I ___*_ .i-L ­_1_____ - _ Mello tined, honOY. A such as lace or chit- flalf6ur signed, I , ov man with any hope Alters, Joiners, floor-laY a simply needs tile making I 111 ! .1 I I — � I I dusta Of as es Return to the fire able Igimmirigs$ , 'll living under prav- Ages. , Ri toward the noblest all"t . I W W'T, ILI slid 6 whole Okov ed out with rolled, P e to . and ant POtgntlAlf .. �at a 04ess to put his, boAd Into his Slating at ,,rP1 uverculne all lt,at ilmd'ers I �. I'� I'� , . A' - . W I _fI. , V Tom I 1116i, ter to tallulati fon- should _bOL Staff so 01) the a, a RC helf an inch high � if u wear a desperate er% and packets 8 tee mot, vhole and perfect his entire nature, It we shall �­ I � . a t i a and allow to OIL �� W conditions, that Which is base, fect,oll, t1lat life sliall be , " " . X W I In Ito again Strain, 4 dd ,one heaping "ell- up lisslie-paper; otnerwi brought 0 DEST IN D8908 04 iind lugubrious lilt'- 'IOU ,,,,, Assume ticiaw the gain 'UIOSIS amoullwu 11 V�-tbQ heeling Of hate Man's Pel'ord de5igned, Me Perfectly. . - . �1 otlop r talfty from tuberi: which we .� , . N, , '' .A 'of ... I of tortar, one when freshness will be gone wilou the grlialigst,-frottl 1011ity and c6lifidencel, tit. Laundry WO*- degrading, I. ..... A "ghat its I realizing their .1 . I .11 ,., "W4174. * I � "' 'L and tile leading -olled PON"� and lia"I'lo"'OU51 L I . ''� i , hn Ail 6 spoonful (a crWil In. This wedding Was � more then litl per V. Ina most When we are at our best 'ers , 1. a a 0 L r -tight bottles. tsOrvv "I to IIJhL 044 1 a �91 Wo HAVE THEM NOT. erg, however were found to Ile out into the y . � : �`� �''IL "01*1 .old seal in Exit, sea with one table' the point Of view 91 decol'% - fullness of all conti 11 _1 . ill hill.5temmed 910 that the, oldest VaA%Slonor to �oted. in Soule neighbor, of the life arid love when largest possibilities - - . I �., : I at of allayed im a Pinch Of ba�, __+_ church rdaOhe4 by , -113eraler Biwa laughed and joked seriously Aff that which We admire eat and fulfliling their divine purpo,­ \ I I ­� spoollfil members it was only a � .� I TONSORIAL., � 1�1 was a hoods the mortality �J . �"­,�L` Ing Soda, and on(o teaspoonful of fiftoly IM ihe 1%,VQr­ with the mQn, W a told him Ike I RKERS the,, Soul,$ vision. Is - elm HrNR�y F. COPE- - , I . ;_­'_, . . I Drainge peel. Only Ali piMSONAL IPOINTERS- that of Kuss Evelyn Mill P i)loiulo be- or n of AMONG LAUNDRY WO � total - (f nobl"A. - !M_�_ I , '', .11 I Art, minced candied 1 — its ectress, who walked III , sink and a bore. HO hills & veil , 4SON. Torilioris' orlah. tile glasses two-thirds gull, as When lihing boW.09, - Of �iUmor that has doubtless - . ��L. "' �'�": L .. �9. 91111ra" Mat Z - ' i helped to add from tuberculosis reached'111' � ". tot OnT, , la, Interesting Gossip About Some '$Veil Ileath a continuous a' lidling tty I 11 0 allotojoOing. ate bjorl�. ,The M..Q t and.: I sp deadly IS the Ila I t involved the breaking of "'AnY P8 V rage Will IOUM hil beautiful crimson ram I% thousauds,of (toilers to his 11 . Ili .1air vot , stirred the Dave Pt a 75,per cent. ac isees, in their � !, _� 3% ot Itoxv shwTo mead In an '10*40 (it known people. "A year ago last winter he ke �, � ,,'� 14 , Alled ecite popular wedding waSthb,QuO last Mon' Of Indiscrimleale $atied linen Illat Young rules With which tile Pile, , , , , ton w IaJe 111F I � Ir " -with the I � , O 6. Ott W 0,3 y Keep ,the bt ed it May , So So LESSON ition of the law, hi'd 11odged 'L : . 64 INSL"y dar's Place- so that when need Mary, Hamilton, whan't)IOU; 'band, at travellers roarInT they, interpret' I ' � . �� , , . ving The Queen at Norway has a women succumb alter an average r" I . �', .. ,� 1� "'��`.., 41111. ­ - , &113 to used immediately Without he i tar the Mandoll.0, whieg she of Ludy a . , 11 18 to 22 idnielat referring to , ==:� . (011dnem I salads oi eager would-be 0-004- took �6t his trials efd tribulat ons, and they -ell lust 'ran' . .1 :.;� -, , " N13VOLENT IET113 process. street, MWOL 'Wit , . �n i5 years, While about the comma' bbinical interl)Ve, -- -- --- . . OF. to undergo Or COO141 to. plays exbeedingly Well- possession ( thought It tile best lake of the a � I 11 v I Ing Thus ra I—— )I file In Y - --- ­_. . � :� � 11 . 11, ,.N*l Ginger.,-MlY - 11 Olt. in with Much Sale ,rs a few years ago, — - the- So '. ­,�; �.. � Fruit Pun 9 % nil bbath� vas in perfect order, atidt # � n Yms. I I w [,_,rbade the al 1, Tile Paris balte , ----- - - --- - Sabbath ID I liju, 140. as, 0.0'r, La Sells Otero the faulOus Continen thing v when he told the a, lie Illit day. �!,�, 1. 1; OVELT OOD in a arge bowl one pe"d and ' ned to with hushe' 1� he relied upon the) termed cn� _gAnUAtion-tor-Atte-Improv - - - toLion Of t � and jai dancer who has several times de- everc how implick _or , Ing of a knot In a 1,ope on t Ir _7,_;., I � servi was liste __ --- It - ,,ft1i( - SSON, .e In , C A gi,d gether two orang0, I tward wag ji�jorls­ and INTr ArVIONAL LC ll� . �­ , ". , . tabor, '01OR , . , -the, last -flow -thousands Ile neede& sanitary conditions un N -This 1), equi- .1 :�r, I' � �.,. , Two eyo 'at *V 0 -the register. The '' L _ � ,, tile I -tro0urer, IUJ�Y 29.,' 'Y str"'14', 1"'r1g , _ , *I be te6tion. King E( ment of the It= - Aewlt*v in"00119 artlet sliced CUCU Ono cup- lighted L6ndon audiences, takes no 6. Could not ans"'e" - , a �. , ,.Mon$. �Spriftlde with the tWist%# 9t ecl 'is Bertilet'S ,unfailing good bUMOr as der which they have to work. It Is as 1018 N I ticulars three hail a cupful of the chances k! loss WOU90 - w graceful 6006. I ' L", `� � � : . wishl to . 0 � . � ell he used. it is to be an 110 , enthusiasm and M -Complete lvely th4t despite tile the O�jglnal Is vel . I �,._� � ;1, . . AgUlKon at . =; fill at sugar and Nialce, 11 on ankle as she executes Ili the, -0 Mr, well as his himself and his Plans serted authoritatkeetion of baserles and — valent to "had no Power'" of the - I � OVA 11 . . rr p grain.preserved glo Or Aettes, each of her teat, r L.ord Graham'.$ 0, POntut- � conflilence, In Government Inar the healing I *01 M I 11- .-, syru :Jjlj�g it dawn but difficult p1rot Los year I stood lit tile ga�ao. altar A — "N. syrup be -000- H. M. Pearson, that has helped him to F,umOu t 'Us the modern bYg 1010W , ': ,.'� ��,,- I *Oilcr ... - 7. Apparently I , I enict apparatus, 4/ Pharisee. dropsical man preceded the �If,al. ThIS . I I . 7*56u�'- 29 , su, I SPOnceir Churchill, leg. I out of 40o,000 bakers in palls, France, Lesson V. Imus Dines With A i' - . *" iiWAso **N�, . I �. __ gar and water add 'ane"CuPful 01 It it is said, being insured for StO It Must not be forgattbal in tW list a I, Epedition will undoubtedly . . . notes a desire un I) quite thick- financial difficult it. now begins, and As the gllp';Is settle L., __ �tore, end pour in two quarts Lord Allerton is a vast employer rt with Lady Bety ro- suffer with tuberculoses A - Luke 14. ��7 ­ I . to the MiA tile glass punch- labor. He learned employment by'first, Sig -no H e) Anst, toberculostS In Golden Tex I around the tables Je!ill" I I -1 11 I . . ginger ale. In himself. Born at of the famous Und notabl'"hat It at at least $1%5'_ Tile CamPi age I tin- 3 part of many of them to choosel .r,%,-.'.'11 OpHrV -clear Ice, being an employs tSCVY Marconi, the inventor of Wireless Able, PrOsent on investmel hich France has assumed such nations THE LESSON WORD S'tUDIES' on thl words of tbe'subi r I 0 a The . . , �N blowl place it block Of crystal that the Academy , " , '' �� . tfervescing pundh and otley, in Yorkshire, he left the nil! and Lady Sarah WDS011i � wit 00 Counting in the fine ice ship W parlance . I of rviedielne , the best places. doubtlel,s 5110hell 11�1__._ I I 188 E. I & 80 pour over It like 01 her,s tannery in Leeds,. thia' Canadian Government has donated. ,three -TfiO text I : �, _ I punch in for hie tat I graphY, Ing, *era both during tile Post , of the Revised Version , , "', . , at oha�. On top Of the a tannery bell,, was Shut up in, Malek known as the Arctic, was at Parts has Note. basis for these Word Sequent discourse were ;­,'.�'�;;, I 0.00 serve slices of tile pro- Housed at 6 e.m. by ill d UP married at St, 40oorge's, While the Only Silo is now . Ad was specially manths,ben discussing the necessity for is used a6 a I as the meal proceeded. the striol ! I 1, �,,,­.:�, the bowl fleet thin 1 _'"_�':j L��;�� LEADING UNDERTAKERS- as out the boy Went jhju the yard, worke Princess Ens at BAttenberg, f0morlY t46 Gauss' a -y-lleclaratibin of cases of Studies, ism. - in W A pa_b,(,--,,.t 6uch e in latiOn 10. I �� andled cherri it eight, then, after breakfast, time that I built to cprry tile GerMen expedition the C6mPuISO% xhor .� , ,,�', ­ ' � served ginger and c to hailf-pw . now Queen of Spain, signed -the regla.tOr , . tuberculosis by" the doctor$ in attend- jesus versus Pharisa join sense, but rather an I I'll �,­,��­�,, . AND EMBALMERS ' in halves. 905, at the Marti ance, but this, has met with a storm. of journey southward' toward Jeru�a , I - was on Dec. 7, 1 fit 0 0 tQ49 tW�h 1 ) saw Peary .. . ,.,�. � � I I , I =VtO, hose Wh( ded that there- , . 11.� . I Velvet MIIR Shorbet,--m-Scald Ono Pint walked some distance to school and Lady � rit I liolar waters. working al- a in almost constant conflict narrative form, en -Other Ph 11, . � , �, � �L l . , , I and ' Mrs. Philip Snowden, wife anirsecre - Viscount Lewlsba . a ttall 'Opposition, it being cont011 Jesus we Those that were bidd 10 , . . ,,� —, . . ONT of nlilk, add ons, OuPfill Of guger tary of the Labor member for Black � ,,best night and day ,4 year- and ptives woffld 01,4ri q. . Who, hcd� long since I I � _'6 :,�. � � ", �, S . his present en- by the large army of COUSUMP wltb,.Abr " 6 sees and lawyers, . , . Geor e ve - I I � j_ -Cited by JPsus as 1%'i l,�,""��_;'L__�, GODEWOR eloquent a Carrington. )sf,here of the St- befere, be deprived � . . ". �,�:,I, ��.� t. -,tir until dissolved " got away 'a cool' burn, England, is OAMOst as 9 ago. to raise NAAS 101 of�means'of stiPPOrt, fit , . S. Marriage teas which tile securing ill _--%!",.i ". West atrool I I k the freezer and pour the Milk Into nd, Whose passien. The elm( terpriao "alized"more, then ever , typical occasion on .. "i '�,.­'­ , . Pac -cold- I no one would then knowingly e P __�, ", .. . stand until ice brim lit of r0aael I - ost honOrtbie Places I i 1 114-c �ml, I ale zeal.tur progressive dealoorapy she try is fewl'but !h mmon. stuff that to In the Men, I, _ I .11 -_ - . tile can and 'et.ilign add the strained, - f am: ship to tell 8 Adt, the UnCuln .sSIjTd reputation as one of them, ' of the best And In ,treble. t I . ,:,;,� ,�.� , I � - fully shares, Mrs Snowden is already StOPIAS y He had I it has been suggested that school e . would be highly des .. ... . -1 I � say 5 minutes - , iated, the names wil be anaitte e l i i l, ­': ­; . . �, - where ')'Any for reasons that will be. re test, J . A,rctIc explorers, and this Idisease $110 somezie-a n -g -Greek, recline not. , ", � - � ",:� . � . � . Turn tile halldle no in the Lobby, I . gr a b t as drIan suffering from I I I , down ' " '1!t�,�., ., 1 I , ..1. I � � juice of 3 lemorls. a familiat, figure appree 190 , money was a OU . 1, e , a. I -Sit not . I 1, , . I I - St. Georifdrs on A ril so, t the quest for I I ,hooklet, ,reporting. the prolgr - s -- I , . I .. 1. , I - �5, �,: , . �� � . lit tile Sherbet is qui ' It was at � e Carry. a. - TrQuSers . ke It- Jesu. I art � to thlet;, then add I the -buy . 0 _L A4 their-.PhYs�. . liere states a rule exempit .1 , ­ I �. ll �,,�,,,,� ". Ion platul tile whites of two x , , that a lady of UA16 - topeful as , acher could separate the un ,at Don't Farpt - lie( ual As a rule, selt, 1'�� , 111-�,,�, , ,,ggs whipped OUR d by day she may be seen in watch I'., � aY Xplin',,her husband. Mr. 1i so that I in e,vieryday life even quite aP - � ,, - , - Wicel ularrie her Coach , I atg, .aandition, so - I I 4�,­ , I Iffis a -, .0flit."Of 'Iffowdbrety, Ily 'crippled And is both weddin ft the altar, . he I - ,�� I ..�,,­ . �_ ---ArY­--wIt`h -a P Snowden is ba� Alter tile "' �Oyt HENIS TEETH. , is -am things spirit I ,� , __ - maTL ad f, ,.�"Lt�.�., : � fiodq,�,, .... 4 1 it treeilag mixture lolloate, and to - � w-w6usi-Iklth MTJNTING F � . seel(ing ultimately ti�ings Shaine, while, I . '' �,,��,�:-��_��,, ,", . 11 I I - ar, Sbrinto the, " nervously and PUY'SicallY i mooi the-,orgof �W011t t a I ".. . " ­ a� lot, two hours to Me to live to see. That his Lie Q$ggd for ,,It is very difficlilt ,to convince the from the healilly. I ri, . t a L'�,;'�z,_,;�-,,__ ,�. � .. juek. and set OW the marriagO certillbate. th Ili the end brings ., ­:, ­�,,,7e, , . �ei - ". is -6 delicious his wife see oes not wear out his trail the bridegroom "You'll find him roun millions Cl tri is& humility wl w r . .. - �1' � ','.,,�,? , . , ` � _- -� .. . � ripen. The shorbot tiery spirit d d general p"ll cot the utility of polar , pApEf? HANDKERCHIEFS I onar. h � , . *�.__,��, �4,4�.. — 'r __ � I __ �J I'll : o to Callers oft a . . at the back," 6s tile ,rePLV.' The mys- exploration in Spite Of the liave also `i;een proposed for dis !. I " It 12. call flat illy -dend, nor thy broth- ;,"l."",-�:4 , _111a ,,coolness" $0 sory I. body, jenger Want to (tie fnews. 'actual wealth that the Arctic has $up' tion, but their use, Frendh Physic . R� nor rich neigh. ­�­_� , (_,­�---�-- . I "� , � � . warm atterneon ..with tile OCCOMPon miss Bertho, Krupp daughter Of the tified Mes: the unconcerned Ilkida- Idled to the world and the great gau's declare, would be .undesirable, if I I 1. ren, nor they Wa. I ,�, � illllp��i­:,, At of it piece of lingel cake, tile to' , There he found as Usual, getting all that polar research lass contributed to dangerous,' unless the -hayidkerchi bors--of oor fl­� `� I Ill.' � , r is jcnoOm as "Queen McKIM'S"- se the words of Jesus here', V� , �� 1, " � 06utiractors - ,, �a great gull-al"o , here she ,raom' In livery �" (I eted as prohibiting' '11 ��­,_.- , .�. - I - I ­ ... tinkling Of ChOPPe Essen, W I ", 2 ,,,5�'.4��_­ .Ad suil4lers frosted \vith a SP I Krupp" all round Ill.bestowed, for �is bride out to Matta were systematically d . ill "I � '�',`I­�';.' (' I i 0 W not . r9eady7lic, drive . nearly every branch a, science. Peary collected An , are not to be Interpr , erelse of 110131 - 1, .11" _�.,,_�i, �.,,�, . nuts mixed lrj� halt a cup of rice lives. Tito till, , Work- some afternoon calls. I invest- n d undler all conditions the ex � :, , jt ;�,. � ­, I Soup�-Pllt t town aloAe she has 40,11" Stan had to 'go ahead with his Work, . strayed. The Minister of Educatlo ' pitality toward friends And honored sc� . ,1 �,�'. ,,., -,! rets of sind dealers Rice or under an irapres ,quld raise d an order that Ines . WN n'd I I � j �,,� � I Matlafactu in M ft O will, a quart or more of in the Besides this, she rviany, men bla, Ing hip abney as just as Ile e r 011 is rather the forgetful, I , 1 ,L:",: ­­! *Ilklads *I Builid1_0 a- over the " jy� to tile men tolling,lor her a of their Choice L ' r1,eCon11'.1ypc=,.n,nt commission for - -i so quaintances. It - ,� . 11� 11 to itch as Lumber, 0oors. iiVator -, lot heat quick g gasworNs. ;�Always, telegraph',, that certain ladle be willing, but I'll, it in W Outfit. ,ear_ � .J, . � , " I Ij­. - - , tile maimed, thet , . ftl* cold and rinse in own! and general choose them and nitable, courage and jb� ness toward the''I . , I ., , r. 13,111ing p ratierles, 11111al ,,It took Indoi tection againa tuberculosis had lear All depends up("'- , I , %�, , r'. � Ctb, Shingles, 6��&r ,oint, then drain . 'on n the Sh �_ gaij�gj, which ]mug it , I , ;�, , .14gh and telephones, tecially selected do not go to tile lengths that one wen )rk all the harder whe that recent investigations had of laice, tile blind 8, � , . I 11 . �, . AUU the rice to two She has also ST rs ago. -His ch'Otco' Pluck to wc peots were blackest; And that in certain countries 60 to 80 - ars. ,� � � I I " ", _ , I niold water. or veal stores. about fourteen yea . warning tile heare :,lapts and guides Ilk - 'I �� , �� , � MUCII , k � . - -_ An uTl1- 1! � 1:1'' a car any In was Lai r�e Called' duly prov-14ed vv I � i �, ., , ,;.t(plat-owlilithea - -ppy ons�hajl quarts at Chicken liter, who are as d D the ObV.rch I I . ,financial Pros - � the spirit which pr I . 6� . Plane allid Mon, Wo in MIA I'll theoway clear tifrough his embarrass cent. of the cattle were affected � � � , ., ,.­ . � broth seasoned Willi an onion. allied troops as ill ex- tuberculosis, all Milk consumed in boa I I The extending of hospitably. �; , . � I 1-,�: I I 1.1� cotiod. . 1,01 and a ,,soup bag" Let cook until a body of tr 11 armed, George's. I made ment really was not visible 10 e � , ,��, �.. All these are we and ever thing, - WeA before the time Ing schools should be pasteurized, be . . I .... spirit will remember the untone ' I ,tL' . " '' L%. " ", , . AUStUtliblIed 1") I' , is tender, th�n pass the Whole Germany' V siciod lit the 01, Pieper till a few days Sf ASO N the selfish And in Addition 10 the sentinels W110 a license 'I- ed or sterilized. 'd tunate as well as the favored, the no- �� �. . ,". , ' L."� ., sUr title rice Reheat, add . 6n ion day . I ��L,� � _ I .hotnalto & L%Waon. I' ,tile argon played - to L.: I Arough a Very fine sieve. - Up and down the torrace of her ready he had CuIll an�ounced for 11% set The Tuberculosis Commission gieeted as well as the friend. , I ,l:��,� I Of salt three dashes Of march Pickets throughout jar punctually. cuspidor inven � comPensed it% . . lj,, ,- ,,�,'- � lady did ,lot arrive. Ing. � ,� I - I klriiI teaspoon I is castle, liters Are . near- been, examining 0 , 1 14. For thou $halt be rep 14, milk (or Itine, too. But Ili( I I , I � 11 4 , 4 . , _), � -�# , �1.1 . .1. , � . SAWILS ^P pe.ppor A PtIll at hotit can tile grounds, g later, the samo solemn .1young Mikicelson, who is now I nier. It is of chean const . the resurection of the just,: -This recom, , , ,, L ,. , little hv I . - Again, a few day. by M. Four I 1�'� 1. I I tie, stir In IWO , is a remark- - . _ Mon$ Low bettell" and, Mr. Edison is it lover of a good Prac A thilVdAlMa the Ing the threshold of the UnknPWn 0 the lion and needs po clearing or toue III ity is not emphasized by. ., " `�,, , 1, - ", , : . 'j'alco a Small A tile phonograph Was ("ce was onactled 'sit, unquench- of a cardb be Pease in etern 4 kindness L I �,�',�.. " , tablesPOOMS of but"er' tical joke. W110 slitul bridegroor� wanted It to be gone north of Behring SO by hand. it consists s mereli as 9. motive for ­ - : �-, !�� JJU 'I go quainIlly 1$f tile cooked asparagus . tile church oMcers p,luelil.a.,11,111 30 linde �`k�, � I I I , ; t111 -FIN , 1AAf&n08 but newly Invented tile great SO'er"I'st """ -bill now Able example Of is 'r ,r rendered water -proof, cent The thought is rather � I 1-. ��., �� v(,d in the vegettkille through, I unit Lawn Mo On 'doosn"a on earth. ,s should be'show" . ��,�, - , placed one in the -bedroom Of Wguest' were rightiv suspicious and be did not ,able enthusiasm. e d peat impregna er . , I ".11 - I . �.� , , , . S�10,e,l ,1,0,.vll properly In. vL,hj(,h I, I() bti ser cup. flis license. no doub , it lapsed. but has already had much Arctil; ex:1C.Y some pulverize antise that such Rindne-, I .,. , ': �.: ���%�, �� 1. , U 41111 '11 just as ilis.frtend was unrolling a voice ligth go hygroscopic and I of several makes fro ct compensation, leav- , I � .: (Fan I I 'elad - - This receptacle Is pro" without regard to be , �,, �, tureo. Course and Add tile tips to tile 6 I I I : . � 80111) Will serve eight A � ­; _� f�',' ­ I I — ,ht& quantity Of 'of I, --*no hour go" I� quite a collection of "Inools" � ell substances ssurc A L ,, I ' ­ I insured up to ,It dinner Or lun , 3�xcjltbned, "ElOveft O'clock perionce. in . O' Ing the question Of such, - I I .�� 1;­.L�l 1:`1 . (�hcoll, and Is Ono more.'* Slutlibal, did not descend Upon There rid banns cOrhPlel.0d , ukle supposed that the prominent ;land Willi a lid, which vises on pro� - any, to, the lito After tVis, 1�11A= the I '' I ­ - I I vilut bf pitioperty -ecipos. jar during that lapsed licenses 0 " I The and the solentifle society in Eng Scythes -feslArrection � . ,1, P. � � hip� inlad. the eyelids of the visil votee that . laith to him had small hand lover or toot pedal, And t I .1 � I 30,twusty, 2,001, $3)*48#9,1$'0`c' ,, flat's title I never Made -a aliftill"G90- specific reference to the I , ,­.� :1. , -11- , ,�, , , �;�� lBc(,,t and BL,linuda onion �, - At midnight a second 1. other day n ltcbnse lapsed wbidn. bore that had pinned thou -nothing objectionable is in eight, ly at the luSV, may be taken to imply 1% . I , � ,.. 1, �. 1�rj_QUItS --J,Bl , ,,Ice PrOI;sWj% alnutin, holill - -opare to dio. -known peees son. given hina all the - money he needgd, 0 an We handle'the fa he lust , , .., �, , � k'. 1. , o . - . #Alu ))1"t)WQIW � ,el two pooled D, _.pI f a ,,vefl I . dust can Come from it and flies can I - I , a � , , . � erled, ,,twelve o,clook - ,. .1 � . O.. -, I As when he landed In the United makes two -told resurrection that a' the 2, I �.;.� , " a4 Vrealdfiftt. x1ilpeet Iii 1. I. ., possible, 301TIVIG too Much (or the astonished the name () States enter it parfTnefit Of p several other preceding that of & Unjust. (COMPI . I . I I �,:L 'I; ' , VOL00, V10e.1)r0aldent, Bruooileld F. 00to"s As 111 A (q. jouspoon at salt Ali Thts wIls rushed (ram his room' Out. CONVIDeNTIAL WEDDING.' ,last spillig and found that the Arrange- The French State DO) - - 1. .. I a ly I I I : I � . 1 V1400r, lightly Willi salt guest, Who . d iade, for gietting Arth this strug 2. There- was belolv mra-" I Tim. 6, 17-19; 1 COr- 15- 23; and' . `,, , �; , � I", ecretary-Trolasur- two Inoderatc-sized olljolri) (Ind poll" et tile inventor, who Was ,,confidential wed. ,Ilints ha-ha 11 lie Charities, regarding ly the P a - , ­ - r I , . O.: V 0, UAYAW, 4 in a ,side lie in There Oro 111011Y I ,tile imprisonment of is as o. national and placed there purposely t ext Other Passages) - 1 are calledo when atilt I 9 I at ading of A 0 1 1 � I . AW, &olforth P. 6.. 3 - 00"011y- dver a little vittegar. I'(11 stand will laughter� Thet mys- dings," Us they ut,Wero 4efeated b.1 In the ley A, a 8 A tubercolos the est I � !:, , � " 1, - 0. Do.lo. CIIO- - Coca, three red convulsed orth of considering , , I , : ravitoelt wil, 1. 0,, thout oil hour A explatapd, and peace re. ceremony 18,k6pt unusually quiet, the Whaling fleet ry for social duty, ts� ab' sees, as a though" reading of !J, I . "I I joitt, Uarlock P. 04 cold piece I thioul in cold tery Was 900 Arit.t0a Confidential to It was positively necessa' lishment of special hospitals for tubet, verse suggests. �_+_ . .� �, . t" V11 0a. il. V Ljf, p, o.. J. G. burls Itnut tender, Plunge A1616*8- a Parts and a. And jesus, answering spoke --He l, , 1;i "; ". . 4*1110s. Brollwocil till) $Idlb; 0 rubbing stored. �ho is Mr- Blillieur's sometimes thay I es Of the lia onts, The, W . to huy & ship, and i, ret culas's patients, both In I Z " . L � Wilattuiup 1, o- water to vefflove ly), then Lord Rayleigh, at the most PIC110 ill" rold", bil es under .11 a Strange Ilind ;, L",,' , 1* 1 4. r ,.O,. J. Bean -,vill slip oft rMils, ,pectIva �, stranger A . throughout $he country, Where such Ile-' r,cogni,yed at Once the trap that- had 111,11tEASUM LOST TO j;EftMXNV , ,�. .- , . 1� __ �, _ I . 'Grlov* �,J I", O." W. obo=0, tile shing % in broillOV-111-law, 'is one as Senior cGerc1011 ')' ppo�ea is a proceeding Well - tients can be property treated and special been got for him in bringing this till- — me$* .1 . . 1% I boe�ohwoq 'era 6I tile day, W , about to raise the Molloy ech N man into his Presence On thO � ,% I -Experimen- � Irelliment given thorn. London Dealers BUY One 01 the . , � I woloo, . p. O... *aeb th& Inspoutor of cut bovl� In thin slices arid 'Ito Site( the sr"O"jit'll Penq protmor at such cir-1111 4ane t the till * illorrow ,gtl,lp% �N,hotl eQld put tact and flotion, A it Peter I . 11; 11�1� I 6000.i , , *1110 Ahoy occur. I � , bowl %,vill, tile draill(A NN,ratiliter ai Lthentleated In vom, however, 1$1 UR. All who beard his little sPe ark Sabbath day- . Alitt I a , I I . � I. A,Q tietrtat to 0. Holmosvilloo bee.lig into 90 is a ppotessor kidnapPell brldcol , ,dinner to NoidenskJold in New d With - - - in the Sobbath?- IFOMOUS collections. ' -no- , .1 11 , ZJM . J.W. V4 . '1111<10 will, it saltspoon of tat physics 6VCainbridi , bas been Usual, though be happened at gt� Will romeniber 110W smilingly an i 16 it laylirtul to'heal 0 dling akin to donsLet . 1 , .1, " IgnionidV010, r- 6nions. sill pappika., And of Natural Philosophy, And - technical lawyer's question Which There is sOmel ;. . , , $ � ;dU$AJU18& x 'co dosbos of ton yoatis scientific adviser George's not long ago. He wag a gen conce US A circles At a Pico(! 0( Aiwlo� � t3bilth. Bar- � tied to what, SIPM ould naturally answer ion in Berlin art ­ - � V* � , L . abi I WL. � at- live tonspoolt'l 01 ()It. tot. tile pot - those present W no' . _� 40#1, 4411j, And till ,' , I I . ott saitt.Onlil It liouse, bolore which Ile was tienian of Position, and lid w1s HE TOLD OF HIS PLANS, I EULOGY OF CLUB , The, emphasis Of the news that has leaked out, though .., I � V�Jity $rdlaer,q pour OVV,t love � 'O who hail nursed him a dish I in the negative, et appeared about it in thil " ., ­ 10ek can Pay Ossiess. Tn'_ , (I to Trinity :­" .�'. . i � 's Anil %ni., ,,%Drought ddlug. 11101 Royal society. He Is Marry a lady . I i senten . . . .1 1. , , ,�, In sotl1vtory In (lie 5. There was no cause nearly eye onlence, with What is it that will mand ce should be an tile WOr4 "law* thing has as Y I , I I , 'al -y to Coot Ale Wbolo� ThL Ito bond at Peells who throu 11 an Illnesi,Al . r1_ ; I . - Ss viliogov, also one a( tile lit practi- save social rank�. he ended 1 .�9 Glue. press. . 11, 114104ti 4414i "t their cards rece�vt Oil It W101. poons at el t Is"i a all What is it that will chOU0 I fish 7 fill." peace. -They Were not Messrs DUV0cft Brothers, the London ) . I ,�­, W. looa,tg, Clinton, or at me, add about two tabllis trade and has or Ins ghtiedime Millie 010 words, "'a I money to buy my 4. field their 1 o last few , , ,, , 'A' Inivo gone into W estate. Teri . .. I ! 1 *4 *t and Illix Again. SetwO (111 a b0d Of 1L log The gen leman- was dolerallned, . ifile, When I ge Glue, debate the question with urt, dealarst have within 111 ection of tbs. Vala,te clothing 15to"P ,illy comorted l"n . hit anxious, to entire cot P , � � . , . I : 11 00X :01 , I toce leaves carefully �vushod analiod. t ,vitham, in Essex, lfthl� a lady seconded his Plans (IdIntra oil ship,' What Is it that would make nO hit � . days 'bought t e � ; L , '. � '40tith. , � . 111000, near N leaked out, I had this advantage Of It It t ned by the late Herr I I . . I tea the day and the detalls' Otlikkelser With you should You sit dawn On - Imus', Ostia read the maWs works 01 art art . \ I . __ I I . I L - ­ __ huge dairy tarm,fron1whichbOIsUPPI le Praiseworthy Plan Heated him -41 a 11 ell Is . 6 , j , . I'll ,, ­— �, I viltell tie runs Ili, LOA' before the tuitt fixed tile bPldegvt)O gol tePut'11041% enthuslagra. that Were And filight Gauss you to have a illt It the hostility of the Oscar Hainailer, a collecti A, w I 11 . .. . . � I . . . . I I 11INTS FOR T"'; 110%'llp" tho, three Shops v -�, - faith as hwhild read � red to be the finest of , . deployed AVA109101 !U, tiv � I I ,; . ­ �, it, thin don, under the name at Lord 11010911's main telftilyes reet And, j�t tin . I and of Pill( , kinds were Glue. I I 1, ,:or i, -Cut clip -limbers ,� it Maddox St I �realv impressive. Soule t �, I PharlseeSi Many ancient is kind In Germany. Hlirr Hainsuor � ,,oulls. , 1hrou I a hatisti at thet I ;1 � I wits not always 1110- tile C Jurch, . ". CALL UP F, tie drove UP IV Ajj four-Allbs 6� An 499 9? lit% 0% - � I .1.1 tilt ekpect*� sent from abroadi, I that we should not eat? % I v,l,lts not only himself a great eonauls� -- -- I s n to tile soup Itl DOL'jtt�)Ireds' litilsburY es fix6d, 4A 1 it, 8211on to what is it I authorities read, CL Son or tin a%- --id 0 ifte vailed marAlostations 4A . _ to, ) is to�fty, Cab, Willi his e 1tqldrod wi Glue. , A. � . . . tureen, ,tdy, confident gpee&er h( I Renaissance arti I L this A log of moitlen ijto�jjj oparod to tilght, Aft nibiloy 'ho ­k6sca Z� the Miukelson 11 _ -Voll-UnPratected, cbtbrrm "d Pits Soup but was helped by the I . I I � W 4howo When CoOkin years ago ho stood at ant tridl) 11116 PTL I I 011061,111 . Nor wear- In .-feet? - . A , clove at garljo NOD bO jug't on thirty albletto Unple find a-bfbth%APrIuA by' An=101110- Shoos to,-eal* Ahe- of wells in . _ I � I � I . alod 8 the alit, qndj,� t 0 ­ . II-Irlith are IV advice Of Dr- 'W . XIT -- - bolk &hri, Id chew Olip $ell . I � . I , I .11 I - ii 0 t and What blue low I u. oermany, slid, perhaps, On the entire I I I � . ' � .­ fibb (ever US I . , I Tj : 6 or yard'so *i Iroduation at -I 11 I, ItaproviemeAt t b&Mt Wit :* "641% 4 I A. h1g Way "if we sho'.1d Chew Itmeraus, in Palestine- j1helm Rode, who is "I � .�' i101*6ps"I. I a gre I. by thosle Dar Of lite House of Common% ward', thrust 11101 ,. t - Glue. oul� cheW4 so, at the Word there are � very r,ionsidered the great n art ! I I : .. � 1. found . . llewl*elected member for LAILIA9681416, -Mtd- Y,oIr,­-tIa--1oI10-,r.U_-M ,r4 " , -SOLVagog, in AftlCa Or ts it wbich, . esl� authority 0 1 1. dock IVIII 'k , Ost exp Reps W . � 11 .� . � I I 4 who like a Oury 'disilies. � tilt ery likely make I the handling Of I . " -vemox C11 , . 1., Would V -F . 1 4W --d �$� _1 AT0110 than ask any , 61 a I 6v; him up� 'vel I . = bogalo-AlIM MY -I& itr"11111tal' cbAdljkftT �eft worii in, *ed the cablal, . 11 I I - - 1,10 bad be and Mvi t ft* fig in the Ill call skillool cilatinev%1. 'i .1 - , V V A*i#**ftUA M eat that ? wasiii0# It 10 wal" barrRk'4Mebl- l,11 h1n, dir.tttlent he lithtd, ps Jt14 ,hot haiall foi. a egnL But they have to do ,KV& Make �jj loose jeotlL for this aftnPle Whon Herr Hainatter died In 1994 his 1-444, 1 Ill � . r1lishing repos or poles nete,ssary . ��L "' _.-_­__.,._­;�...__1..1.: -, Z(oraer West StI quite mstored . 4 but Ile o ' " .j � t gj��ay, The lody with I& ' r qualities that make Glue, . .. �'r ­ - -1 _! P!!!!!IIe �� lttt Softie low exceedingly valuable , ,_ I - ­ _.­­. . I , 1, . ,tspoontul of bQra* be, -ou­ nut fillu tile Wr ock thol Vesity.- 14TIleft, It and the Vtt! ".I'll, 4�, 1 . , afilot a let Ing lat glNt cut j,cdlyii� he te,Vvri, qaektd P outs. e�Vo� , t ,nib I 1. .1 film Ixtid $40 Ill I .hly van, i4 NV01 tegorb '00 Oule"19 the . I ,S it) lbe Berlin Museurn. though the , L I I . I . I � . I I .1 A , I ., !a . been dj%olved� hAV' A, luviiiiii, out thivit tont tig," she said. "They'vid i3em blicemm, kike thein. 06 men, Of -- . . � I . 4 , � : " I I � I I . the� loast bit tablitloo, altor PoChe o, tile oxqul- �Wlii bo, no�vv,,ddl ibl't Val I � , , , 'k t'd2kNt the collection passed into the �4 1 1 ot,rW li�voty every,pulit I . him.', And"1110. 104 wtois in the field at oy- I . 05go$t6n, ut�gs widow. Dr. Bode , . . 0111tt'"' b"t AIW,1,3relli. 'oso .0 I thii 1016 Of the lause, 1 VithitA, the 404 "%'%Vov "ll gles, beard "41 'tilt . ullo, achl6veinerit, . � -1 I 0, . I .1 "I - Wheift ly � 4111111. , , , 4", , , , . at th - ' . ,ile ope that,this whole cot, I 1� � . ,, _ _ , old W betltMil oft thO 'Site emoilt ed. ai�legrli,L the last at, Color Mantle Movyld:10144%, � I Cbefi0fd I , ". catVVIs I This MO4 Tor 1. , 1. ft . . . 1whotd.,01, � slio dita Afterwards. Alloto aroijllj� 'tile exhibits Inelua tilled ,h ,W4 ti , -lit Moration." . 1, # il . 1. le�tjell would oventually PUS to I I , 1,10, �, - , 1 41 ,wrong alde first I.*,y stortkat 0, OUTI that of httts E. IS e loved kk I i . State, or lid presented by some wealthy . I . L , I r . . I . . I : t, - d*% golully Oil tile 1,191VII4 Nover pvt IdOwl', Log to toviloamov, wt-loc#ii two collctr- litey were 'Pstled, 11166 'Plim0t 'lit, , I #..�� . I . k I - ChAblislast, but apporently nobody felt I . " , , �4 0 floor, tot 110� 1061, hom 811110deb, a, . *hlfo. FOrtuti- oV6 d lit, StO provilsod Ild. I I Q .1 I . � . . b, cappf't on ft out 1,k tOr I Id it emilig,,Wlipill , ox kowAys. I 1. I -450,i.m at whieft I I I , I V, pet 'douIltitIa Allo,li,. atud%. 01A4 la lell.b1tilied 1. tolf to Iluother. , All arratir 'A . � .. w. Owner, and for ­ I I I . I 'It W0 it ralsed by 1, . I 1 14 V11 , , '41tv tilt lass pucket Allsolosed Alto AIM-, �lb, 'tk,AE�Sab i'lla � , w1lited 'to pay the $1, -1 , r+omw ill We ?I , , # � ,,,, " . _ AL ' � . ift 1411,011111ciLit LeCL OX IA'dU- taillft for ittle 1AW10get NVA1119h wat, W tovel idso 01 cottiprWA Air Is I 1, I �, ., obtem � ire easily algelIt wholl And tho 0� &t. "'A"101 X In in the . which IV U* AM POW into the flainds , I I ... of C i V& It ,�ott.otl PASS�d burligodly to his a ejer-si, IIIII60 Mllftll ', lImpalne15 . . ,0,%L - at. cllet$o 19 Rill Out., bo at St. P liped tht. -M I C of � . I I isstj, Dilvem, of 1-ondom I . L e0q,04 Ablit'l NNIII016 ebtkn 11"IcT, , oj&A�, " bUlt Iiii4o. by MIAWA$ tif M� . I �1 _ , -All klogis , I to wel" llol� it "Par Nvilillam Dull bno Imor"lag 00 It'. m(ty haver TkIML ThW,fty'LlIf the $bAilbern gtlitk$. "Whellit It'110 I'li'lids' I I I painifogg aild aoulpture In marbI6, . I � I I I gfalifa and. Will ,%,% -", 11,- k loollou trasnlva$ eat, bilk too i4how,ed 110 I t, "I � '0'0 , 'b*od - W ' Ty b(100M 1 faro r ,,e4dIAg ,Wn, .horjel��. V11 '11*06? witou 06 W 'Wto 0% the dililst , I bVotiite, terA colla, wood and 1volli. 1 t " ,��01 44 "outfit sance, to be, for came lot Ali q 1% T I ger Ot, Welt 116- I . � .. 1.� is fkbd toilivoideries, luinitiurd . � WOW, 1 4 IIA13 Vegetabje$, oir t14 ,,VbL0jA .1110 eonuUR I , 'Iftin . I 14p9strIl! t�liljh. 14at'li"Ailt . (to Imotiov. 31I colt, ph� Mt hpr_ am love a dillfi&t -4 6, IW,r Ah0b IS 6WUS On' - , II. I, , though 9PArKs r ,&lid st4lintd. glaS% 0,10tkgi, enamels " I 1� . It"t 1�,3 tolitid bo- SUM il I -'it A . lit lotimowa'. ,A(y Fiev-eal, 011"46 I I � I I I v - i wof"d to 115y lit It* I ali INO forgoltef& A *0110110 tolled at V069 dAmage'A I , I . lunilglited mdAIJ I . , � figh, I 113� yteqpj of a wits, %A ft,Wl . pplKelY sa(ij it sir NNI11100 'iP .At, deowi vomrv. IttkI rv� .11 � oft 111104 WIM 'tora. . I.. I !%rlpts fayence poltafy,% , medattit 4hd Church Plato figilro in tilt L . I %or, PA itt'la vs*uak T11,0=2�' kod 'Allil,6­01 1000, 04 111%44 00- av­ be've0m ,other woro tht 'golevviltiessrs, at I WMA AwillotIV4 boiller, letyttal 11, . .. I fit 0 Of thl Colloolitin, Willett, IA to .0 , , V- , " �Vl . . toLtal 11 , _411 . wit 00*1 ,edv -10 $41PIPIr oil ,%% Vow *aalea ally 1110111 116 Woulu jnll,Atih�ftunJlt%!__._­ , #4110'A. -_ I , '' . Jr. �, dlq�oivo III two 941101's ot wakil jlre�Sed tit, ik "Ll"IT*1 ox . Insvivill ­�, L � r , , Alclol". *)O*T* 44 got 2ow Am �� to 10'atJ bIjA stlyac Atillt- .9_ V AU441137 (11 Rom MIAN, M W. L' -01 cottow 040 , .1� I M S pril W.4 trwIth-to Onglarld, thid , ,�,,, , � L I I 't -Mar"- 111%,V-41110� MW Ir 0 ',�Jr I ' Will I)rObLaDlY Do plWd olft t%hiblitioth *, to—Ii , 4'. �, , ''Jil% iftilla' Q11 L'W6 "Yeeds, ofid RA L VAIL" . OF 10,11,100, ills ­- PaidI Nq oiu� '6'AVJ% tVMTnfl AlLrkl A04 Of lilt piolt"nix ost0WM.eW JK% Lit 60 1.111111110T, � � - t'jillet, pitim batorim .1 - , ­ - - _ , . � , L 1 $Jpol�l thillu. 11 . Al" 61hily 1% 'I"'inully .' *holit ato. I,= b#0n_*AgN'- . , by WV: ,"I akinvu ­ � , ,".. �, ...... 1�1 . Iti , , I I Jug IM cellutiv,iLut Nvlis ar , twilviti. AN les Itift huut* . I , W : - tiftla , JjlaIcn.iLldt _M,WW1 � wtuto ardo, pothott by, . "I'll � J14 . -WIAIK I I � AMOAP the '� I I � I flow 16 Colot, I L 40VA-V ­­Ilitlf, ,T1G9T,,,A- - � - 'holever M%likollij a.. atlotink :lly LAI)JIN LIP 1, I 11001 11114M,to MR,4- 1% Var" _ ,____MNW()IIA, W L I I . 1 4 L I , Aim -101- --- ... "ill l;,ly_ kV11tJIJ#AL *TJQ_111�, , I I . . . I , I �, I , Mi I fn eold Nvaler 11 6 ft A -A.J _ _ ,1�* a colt Atuplig. the thhotoetaw t0myt i -, L ' pattkilft-ga b)f' RL polifti"Idit i 4 , ��;1111 I . I IV, 11 - . . ,� - - -­ - ' 'G#6r#0'&J talk% bt 4% I .+—.W" L I , � I *%#ff, Do .."I"i "V401,14 Clialft4ebil . I I .-,f":�V­ % I Ir �Mds : , L 11 ) .0 _titwA , , 11-1-11TUAV III, with 111u,11110,111111, .Jetl� Willi jilt, fing. *t "'_ . . -*A**A WkAt -4 ' 41ti'i' ;Ji-yi- I 111S. tposo W IA ­ 1-1 �4L ­., 1144 I I 11 . . - _ �, _ L. �,__�Jt� W* ,.Of gfjj� .Pti�lt# , 4� R" 10 011 "Rino-mit. pmwoty Gulkrtl�msia W -, '. 134111 tind MAby I ­.. ", I tovill Alk ,OTX I . , I diult tie r4begilaft, r . ifingbA �Vltlk ,011 h � I I I), � Olt OL,� W, I � "I * " - . I I , ' , � I L V In i ; L I , IV wtq allonled 14 ultilam wii* Aht fd&t, iUP.,1XiN0CZNr 0"" ." � ty matly VhkAoWA 11111U,10,"o tilt , 11161 , *04*4 %#� . I .� tllv� ,-W, .1 I , 1. I 11), , IrItAd I #lUMIng, Ile tIld ,plit th,t t1dig Ift.nIS I I(*L $*"I, $A ',of % to I I finest Section vw Vito til!Iulptllrej wbitu.04�- - 11 lit , , I I oublo toustril � 4jA,kJfi1 I I'V01 t , L ltkC till'$ ImIlk)fIn ,0"Laq , I I . , RAM1100sit 1-1 . $0,11 lit tbilt , "Oftjog Lft'41ol - I , its Mikity Difteg' lot lut-sthollble . - '­;6&,811)�1 ,()J�JNlt),-4- pilt vlllwl� Olt I alL_r," it , t< ,11- Iff ". t Aftol V)0dQA;W1X;1LW­ 11,115 im . r � . . 140114i - ,., 1 4 L vor 'A "$ tel A I . L 01"t to ll or 1011 Of 00% txv= At. Ile In I I by. �Abilen%L -1jest -46, :P , I All - Sulvo J,i6*tt mile 8 � 1) ­ 04 i . � vahz , tIlluly. �Xjjhii a A %311,0 ijlX0 &, �,lwf%,Qo 1113,4 j�.o.tilt(iffl, um ift -MIL61. III I , . � I I � A(A- dfittioMqm -1, Always CAIV will "-Ht , . . drow. uella llobblfii " . ?� 101161, A pum 4114tatu"W, io -till," ii L rartigglo �Wvlaxjt W,9*rl11% I -ft-olov, An L110k 11011&A ' I .11 *�a -low 'I ossl!�tlxll, It, ritym I � I ' 0 *, 011 1, I 11 I , , Jublu.-P. vkiili6, mt& , , rww% Of the Nwii()Velltif�i ISUO 41 '10*$, * b%'%*tftC . f1ti,blifitV AAE01110 rolls I - L I � . . *f IV, Alit id futo a 001; - I 'b", wowil to, I - � ,, I �MW"04Ir , ',Wnio il0o "pmacr. � 11 iij,tde, 01 carmn" I I , L ....*'*­— .1 V gul*vIfilloos, slip% "' i, 4, ".W.JIl04L LL" L i . aft , I � I I Alft&ft Vlrt6l 010 96regna."hwol, j6u AWS' 4 14016 otlhtoM 0 , It r I . .Wtf t 0.1 I -11 '$l% 1"It" . I , -1, tioyii" fj(� iaSt'�d e*bat k10 b6 1011jedf, .. 1, , 'tm$ , , ,t" ,4WA &U, Whith Ift t . A AW itiffice bo� Ill , - .. - I I _' jllf #0 I I - �t L � I t i0c, ti 4od ifu pit 00, that Is to leq 4 , . UJS$1N0. J�ONWN4 � . . . L fiAlfia lin h("PJ3bIe,�$(Jf),tItjjJli"' . tkk*1110- %6,10 140., -MAJOW %4% - � ,. L I I � WS f� , 11% W�intie I Itn"t1kilit toli#,& I ,, 11 *ft *a W - ,. " � thifl* AWAt 441 JW> �: iidgl�,�,Wgtltkw w4i 1 , I , I . . I ow" hilt : Ilion thr" wo, $ 1W oa *4L 4" 6t . I 1.6 � I . I I tion )C4rnwhiay Iths.1 bit ild(lith I* . your *(ft*%." till 11jity et %trit, %4-% a the. 6wiawo th# "" ,i,IfI4 11 A 'J"M L t�djftfy *1' %11�'W& 111" ft L 1 . tvef:� V0., 46" � , _ "I' i , I.. W()CW ttWJj JIIlejie�j i1j; Xll�* ovee 1W . hLy, I in ALt AWN- vrif", . , ,� wit o "Wli 10W 1014 A6 Tor#41ft ' . _ Wa"�L I bom *11flt IP41,46 I :lh# boy t , '1- I' I L I I " , - it *V t,olp4 tw,� , 1. '41 ol to �qjf, th"itirt'Viti, i L I . . I . L I too 44 i , "k* , I "NA00 -,Ito# I fL IV, 4 ' Telf0b"t 0 % too ''d -gueL. "� yoJIj!d1,* Itowslib ihtk vftitr i"d ,Art lawts N* 0 .ling L, to . .. x1a.11 100101tt'd V00,q ot, ijalb b1A* 53f0 b*11 I)Oly 000V 01110dih ib .- . W 'I t4g tAk oht A lk IK". - . ii . . ly ok't*�M *1 1%,oxodlits of stl 11 ,-1 , �� At im llt� ,ldl, 1. *Wtil I #,Wjug 0Y.. 4161 Will 0 ri��JfRl to " 'Vf, *3 1tv Tbo � 1. I ON V* -0. AL I 0do" - V00 IAW* t* *g- .. I ,, AtIA, &Y I* VK0 A lylfig Atbout'llk 1ho j;��l* kftL # I Gr P LL, I AW AVA I nut�,* 11W - till � I I . r Iii'" I � ­_ �, .t 1'01,)CU U*60" ,,, %itit I s6V,P.'L%,sS it �Aj W�4khly -I* 'I L V At .If 1( MOP01W 1 _weft A* At, U410"d tit . , I., .I- � , ' ljiitj� A a 0 'IA IN 11 r ' � 11 � . ,,,h,k,,t jrejj�*,. I O 1051, I A L " , 04* t **400. , I I 0 , "Aill, mv ualr," 11014 tllft mr%41� 101*� 6 10 , . Jeom:6100= - shwitt W" ft 7�0, ��. � I I I I I iialtt 14t � Vou Illiglitt (tyy it * 14 � U, ON I I 4 _kJS�'�Jij vz�j tr"O&J, s,kin *6 WAVISL le 4 t ickpi -. �, " It 44 �11 . ,� 1. I LLL 1110 I � t ve I 11, I I .. ­­ �; fa A1146 610,,11 I . littM .t&tbblJ*Je , 1A L I L 11,41i I ..� . - I � 1 *Wwww.04 � .1 / I ­ -A.9, I At I � I., 11 - I ,0 L L I s .) L . 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